Manual for Laboratory, PLC Connection.

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Version 2: Chapter 6, Get started at some programming samples, insertion of ..... EXERCISE 4, OPERATOR HAND PADS, EMERGENCY STOP AND GUARD.
Manual for Laboratory, PLC Connection.

Dublin Institute of Technology Kevin Street Dublin 8

Manual for Laboratory PLC, HMI and SCADA Version 2.0

Revision: Version 2:

Chapter 6, Get started at some programming samples, insertion of Module 9 Counters and incrementing the other Modules as a result, January 2003. Chapter 12, Analogue to Digital was added to cover A/D conversion is based on the Mitsubishi manual FX2N 4AD. Chapter 12, Conveyor Rig I/O list and photograph.

Lecturer: Dr. John McGrory School of Control Systems and Electrical Engineering, Dublin Institute of Technology, Room 10, Kevin Street, Dublin 8. Phone: +353-(0)1-402-2848 E-Mail: [email protected] Web Site:

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Manual for Laboratory, PLC Connection.

Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................................2 CHAPTER 1, HOW TO GET STARTED..........................................................................................5 STEP 1: HOW TO START THE PROGRAMMING TOOL ON THE PC ...........................................................5 STEP 2: HOW TO START A NEW PROJECT .........................................................................................6 STEP 3: HOW START PROGRAMMING ...............................................................................................8 STEP 4: CONVERT THE PROGRAM ...................................................................................................8 STEP 5: STOP THE PLC.................................................................................................................9 STEP 6: UP LOADING THE PROGRAM TO THE PLC........................................................................... 10 STEP 7: SWITCH THE PLC TO RUN MODE ..................................................................................... 12 STEP 8: MONITOR THE PLC ......................................................................................................... 12 CHAPTER 2, STAGES IN DEVELOPING A PLC SYSTEM .......................................................... 13 CHAPTER 3, SOME OF THE MAIN SECTIONS OF THE PLC DEVELOPER SCREEN................ 14 LADDER FUNCTION KEYS: ............................................................................................................ 14 TOGGLE BETWEEN LADDER LOGIC AND LIST OF INSTRUCTIONS ........................................................ 15 READ AND WRITE MODE ............................................................................................................... 16 MONITORING .............................................................................................................................. 16 PROJECT DATA LIST .................................................................................................................... 17 DOCUMENTATION, COMMENTS, STATEMENTS AND NOTES ............................................................... 18 PLC STATUS DIAGNOSTIC ........................................................................................................... 20 CHAPTER 4, DOWN LOAD FROM THE PLC............................................................................... 21 CHAPTER 5, GX DEVELOPER SUB SCREENS .......................................................................... 22 PROJECT SUBMENU .................................................................................................................... 22 EDIT SUBMENU ........................................................................................................................... 23 FIND/REPLACE SUBMENU ............................................................................................................ 23 CONVERT SUBMENU .................................................................................................................... 24 VIEW SUBMENU .......................................................................................................................... 24 ONLINE SUBMENU ....................................................................................................................... 24 DIAGNOSTICS SUBMENU .............................................................................................................. 25 TOOLS SUBMENU ........................................................................................................................ 25 CHAPTER 6, GET STARTED AT SOME PROGRAMMING SAMPLES ....................................... 26 DON’T FORGET THE FOLLOWING.................................................................................................... 26 MODULE 1, ON/OFF INPUT AND OUTPUT ....................................................................................... 27 MODULE 2, IN SERIES INPUT AND OUTPUT (AND) .......................................................................... 28 MODULE 3, IN PARALLEL INPUT AND OUTPUT (OR)......................................................................... 28 MODULE 4, UNIVERSAL STARTING HANDLE .................................................................................... 30 MODULE 5, INTERLOCKS .............................................................................................................. 31 MODULE 6, INTERNAL FLAGS ........................................................................................................ 32 MODULE 7, SET/RESET AND PULSE.......................................................................................... 33 MODULE 8, TIMERS ..................................................................................................................... 34 Operation of delay ON timer .................................................................................................. 35 Operation of delay OFF timer ................................................................................................ 35 MODULE 9, COUNTERS ................................................................................................................ 36 MODULE 10, INTERLOCKS II THE EXCLUSIVE OR ⊕......................................................................... 37 MODULE 11, MULTIPLE BRANCH OUTPUTS ..................................................................................... 38 MODULE 12, SPECIAL RELAYS...................................................................................................... 39 M8013, 1 second clock pulse................................................................................................. 39 M8014, 1 minute clock pulse ................................................................................................. 39

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Manual for Laboratory, PLC Connection. MODULE 13, DANGER, FORCE ON/OFF ......................................................................................... 40 MODULE 14, MASTER CONTROL AND MASTER CONTROL RESET ...................................................... 41 CHAPTER 7, QUESTIONS TO GIVE YOU EXPERIENCE ........................................................... 42 EXERCISE 1, DOOR BELL ............................................................................................................. 42 EXERCISE 2, MOTOR START/STOP................................................................................................ 43 EXERCISE 3, OPERATOR HAND PADS ............................................................................................ 44 EXERCISE 4, OPERATOR HAND PADS, EMERGENCY STOP AND GUARD ............................................. 45 EXERCISE 5, PUMPING TANK ........................................................................................................ 46 EXERCISE 6, LABEL STAMPING ..................................................................................................... 47 EXERCISE 7, MOTOR JOGGING ..................................................................................................... 48 EXERCISE 8, ALARM SENSOR ....................................................................................................... 49 EXERCISE 9, CONVEYOR DELAY ................................................................................................... 50 EXERCISE 10, W ASHING MACHINE ................................................................................................ 51 EXERCISE 11, TRAFFIC LIGHTS I ................................................................................................... 52 EXERCISE 12, TRAFFIC LIGHTS II .................................................................................................. 53 EXERCISE 13, CONVEYOR BOTTLE COUNTER ................................................................................. 54 EXERCISE 14, 24 HOUR CLOCK USING COUNTERS AND SPECIAL RELAYS .......................................... 55 EXERCISE 15, CONVEYOR TIMER .................................................................................................. 56 EXERCISE 16, ORANGE CONCENTRATE PLANT ............................................................................... 57 CHAPTER 8, HOW THE PLC IS WIRED UP TO THE OUTSIDE WORLD.................................... 58 CHAPTER 9, HMI, MMI AND OMI................................................................................................ 59 STEP 2: START A NEW PROJECT ................................................................................................... 63 STEP 3: GETTING STARTED.......................................................................................................... 64 STEP 4: MORE INVOLVED HMI, DISPLAY ANALOGUE DATA .............................................................. 69 STEP 5: BAR CHARTS .................................................................................................................. 70 STEP 6: FORCE OUTPUTS ............................................................................................................ 73 CHAPTER 10, OPC SERVER ...................................................................................................... 78 STEP 1: STEP 2: STEP 3: STEP 4: STEP 5: STEP 6: STEP 7:

LOAD UP THE SOFTWARE ............................................................................................... 78 ADD A CHANNEL ........................................................................................................... 79 ADD A DEVICE .............................................................................................................. 80 ADD A GROUP .............................................................................................................. 83 ADD A TAG ................................................................................................................... 84 RUN OPC CLIENT ......................................................................................................... 86 GENESIS ...................................................................................................................... 87

CHAPTER 11, SCADA ................................................................................................................ 90 W HAT DOES A SCADA PACKAGE DO? ........................................................................................... 90 STEP1: GETTING STARTED .......................................................................................................... 90 STEP2: GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION........................................................................................... 91 STEP3: DYNAMICS ...................................................................................................................... 93 STEP4: STANDARD GAUGES ........................................................................................................ 97 STEP5: CHECK BOXES ................................................................................................................ 98 STEP6: GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION........................................................................................... 99 STEP7: DIGITAL DISPLAY ........................................................................................................... 100 STEP8: DATE AND TIME DISPLAY................................................................................................. 101 STEP9: BUTTONS ...................................................................................................................... 102 STEP10: SYMBOL LIBRARY ........................................................................................................ 103 STEP12: MULTI FUNCTION ......................................................................................................... 105 STEP13: ARITHMETIC ................................................................................................................ 106 GOOD W ORKING PRACTICE ....................................................................................................... 110 Consistency ........................................................................................................................ 110 Storyboard .......................................................................................................................... 111

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Manual for Laboratory, PLC Connection. EXERCISE LABORATORY 1 ......................................................................................................... 112 EXERCISE LABORATORY 2 ......................................................................................................... 113 EXERCISE LABORATORY 3 ......................................................................................................... 114 EXERCISE LABORATORY 4 ......................................................................................................... 115 CHAPTER 12, ANALOGUE TO DIGITAL PLC MODULES ........................................................ 116 CHAPTER 13, LABORATORY CONVEYOR RIG ...................................................................... 122

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Chapter 1, How to get started Step 1: How to start the programming tool on the PC Direct the mouse screen pointer to the “Start” icon at the bottom of the screen in the windows menu bar. Press the “Start” icon once with the left mouse key as shown in the diagram below.

A pop up menu should have been displayed as shown above. Now select the program icon from the popped up menu.

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Direct the mouse pointer down to the MELSOFT Application icon, continuing on to the GX Developer, where you click the mouse left button while hovering over the GX Developer icon. A screen similar to the diagram below will be loaded.

Step 2: How to start a new project At the top left of the screen close to the blue bar, select the Project text button and the menu below will be displayed. Select a “New Project”.

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When the New Project Icon is selected you will be asked to select the PLC to which the software is connected. The room K044 the PC is connected to the FXO(S) PLC so this option should be chosen. Make sure “Ladder” is chosen under the program type area.

Then click OK and the following screen will be displayed.

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Step 3: How start programming The operator of the system can then construct the ladder logic they wish to be loaded on to the PLC. See the end of this document for more information.

Ladder Logic Step 4: Convert the program Once the ladder logic is constructed it needs to be converted. When the code is converted the ladder rung numbers appear automatically. If there are any ladder construction faults in the code the software will give a warning at this time. Note however that the ladder logic may be wrong but its construction may be correct and thus no errors appear. If the converting is not completed when changing from this screen the last converted ladder logic will be reloaded and all new changes will be lost.


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Step 5: Stop the PLC On the PLC where the programming lead is attached there is a ‘Run/Stop’ switch. The when ever you are going to change the program you need to switch the PLC into Stop mode and the green run light will be turned off.

Input Terminals Input LED Indicators

The Switch for Run/Stop

Power, Run/Stop and CPU LEDs

Output LED Indicators Output Terminals

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Step 6: Up Loading the program to the PLC The converted program can now be transferred to the PLC by clicking on the ‘Online’ option on the main bar at the top and click on to ‘Write to PLC’.

When the ‘Write to PLC’ is clicked you should see the dialogue box as shown below.

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Before you click ‘Execute’ make sure all the boxes are checked (or use Select All). As you become expert and aware of the software limitations you can select only the items you wish to change.

Make sure to click all the boxes When ‘Execute’ is pressed your program will then be written to the PLC.

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Step 7: Switch the PLC to RUN mode See step 5 above and return the switch to the Run position. Step 8: Monitor the PLC It is standard practice to make sure the newly uploaded program is working correctly before leaving the PLC. By selecting ‘Online’ and then ‘Monitor’ the operator is able to start the monitoring of the PLC. The operator will see the ladder logic and at the contacts and coils a blue bar will be in place if the status is on and blank if the status is off. Remember to turn off the monitoring if you wish to alter the code.

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Chapter 2, Stages in Developing a PLC System All projects will follow the same seven steps so it is worth your while noting them in your head. 1. List the Inputs and Outputs and include a descriptive text of what they are. 2. Construct the ladder logic of the system using the developer software. 3. Convert the ladder logic. 4. Switch the PLC into Stop Mode. 5. Up load the program to the PLC 6. Switch the PLC into Run Mode. 7. Set the development software to monitor and make sure program is working before leaving it.

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Chapter 3, Some of the main sections of the PLC developer screen. Ladder Function Keys:

These buttons allow the ladder logic to be constructed The buttons highlighted in the diagram above allow for the logic block used in the ladder logic to be constructed. From left to right we have 1. Normally Open Contact 2. Branched (parallel) Normally Open Contact 3. Normally Closed Contact 4. Branched (parallel) Normally Closed Contact 5. Action (Output) 6. Instruction such as timer, counter etc 7. Insert vertical line 8. Insert horizontal line 9. Remove vertical line 10. Remove horizontal line

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Toggle between Ladder Logic and List of Instructions If the operator wishes to view the list of instruction used to construct the current logic then the button shown can be used to toggle between them.

Toggle between Ladder Logic and List of instructions

The diagram below shows the instruction list for ladder logic.

List of instructions and not Ladder Logic

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Read and write mode If the operator wishes to put some of the ladder logic routine into read mode it will prevent the code from being changed accidentally. The code can be put back into the run mode if desired for changes to be made.

Read and write modes can be selected using these buttons Monitoring The development software can be used for monitoring the operation of the PLC. The operator can connect on to the PLC and monitor the PLCs logic. For technical reasons the operator cannot make changes to the logic while the system is in run mode and/or being monitored.

Monitor of the PLC current status can be selected using these buttons Dr. J.McGrory, DIT Kevin Street. Version 2.0, File: plc_manual_laboratory V02

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Project Data List The project data list can be used for toggling between a wider logic screen and the project data list. This list contains key components in relation to the project:

Project Data List 1. 2.

Program This is where the ladder logic stored. The main program to run is usually called main and any other subroutines would be given relevant names. Device Comment At the beginning of the project’s design it is usual practice to complete a list of the inputs and outputs that are going to be required on the project. The operator can then type in at this location at the start and avoid having to insert them directly into the ladder logic which can be time consuming.

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Documentation, Comments, Statements and Notes A good system is one that works and a great system is one that works and is well documented. The documentation of your code should be short, sweet and understandable. When using the PLC developer software the operator can view the device name and comments associated with them. The operator can also add Statements and Notes associated with the ladder logic they are designing so any person viewing the program can see what they have done and why!

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In the screen shot below the green text in the ladder logic is the statement entered so an understanding of why the code was constructed and some of its dangers or benefits could also be included.

Statement for the ladder run below it

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PLC Status Diagnostic If the operator wishes to view current status of the PLC without having to look at it (perhaps it is in a control panel) the PLC diagnostic screen can be utilised. By selecting ‘Diagnostic’ from the top menu you will see the screen as detailed below.

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Chapter 4, Down Load from the PLC In some cases the ladder logic code may not be available on the computer system the GX Developer is located. (Although we recommend backups of all work are saved onto floppy drives or better regularly). In these extreme cases it is possible for the ladder logic to be read from the PLC. At this stage it is important to note that all the comments and text will not be retrieved as they were never uploaded to the PLC in the first place to save space and improve speed. By switching the PLC to Stop and the using the ‘Online’ and ‘Read from PLC’ we can then ask the existing code on the PLC to be downloaded to the development software. Remember only the Address, Data and ladder rungs are available.

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Chapter 5, GX Developer Sub Screens Project Submenu

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Edit Submenu

Find/Replace Submenu

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Convert Submenu

View Submenu

Online Submenu

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Diagnostics Submenu

Tools Submenu

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Chapter 6, Get started at some programming samples Don’t forget the following When the ladder logic is completed remember to complete the following: 1. Convert the program, (Choose “Convert” from the top menu bar and drill down) 2. Switch the PLC to STOP mode (Actually on the PLC itself) 3. Write the program to the PLC (Choose “Online” from the top menu bar and drill down to “Write to PLC”) 4. If you wish to monitor the PLC (Choose “Online from the top menu bar and drill down to “Monitor” then drill across to “Start Monitor”)

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Module 1, On/Off Input and Output The first PLC program is stated below with a ladder logic and electrical equivalent. It is one input switch X001 and one output switch Y001. X007


Switch 1


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Module 2, In Series Input and Output (AND) The second PLC program is stated below with a ladder logic and electrical equivalent. This has three input switches X001, X002 and X003 wired in series and one output switch Y001. Note all three switches need to be closed if the system is to work. X001 X002 X003


Switch Switch Switch 1 2 3



Module 3, In Parallel Input and Output (OR)

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The first PLC program is stated below with a ladder logic and electrical equivalent. This has three input switches X001, X002 and X003 wired in parallel and one output switch Y001. Note only one of the three switches needs to be closed if the system is to work. X001




Switch 1


Switch 2


Switch 3

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Module 4, Universal Starting handle The fourth PLC program is stated below with a ladder logic and electrical equivalent. The circuit is set up so when X001 is closed electricity goes through X002 and on to power the light. At this stage the relay is activated closing the Normally Open contact as Y001. Note that Y001 is both input and an output. With contact Y001 now closed the circuit stays lit until the Normally closed contact X002 is opened. This would be the same as pressing in a start button allowing the system to start and then stopping the system by pressing a stop switch. X001




Switch 1

Switch 2


Ground Relay


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Module 5, Interlocks On some occasions it is necessary to provide a link between two processes in order that they are related in some say, this is call Interlock. In the example below you can see the first rung of the ladder. X001 closes and assuming activity Y002 is not activated then the contact Y002 stays normally closed and Y001 is activated. When this happens the normally closed contact Y001 in the second rung of the ladder opens ensuring Y002 does not start at the same time. (Remember a rung on a ladder diagram moves from the left vertical rail to the right vertical rail and not the branches that don’t make it fully across) The same can be said for the second ladder rung. X002 closes and assuming activity Y001 is not activated then the contact Y001 stays normally closed and Y002 is activated. When this happens the normally closed contact Y002 in the first rung of the ladder opens ensuring Y001 does not start at the same time. X001









Relay 2


Ground Relay 1

Relay 1 Switch 2

Relay 1


Ground Relay 2

Relay 2

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Module 6, Internal Flags As well as inputs and outputs, the PLC will need to hold internal signals for data such as "ready to run" or "system healthy" and so on. It would be wasteful to allocate real outputs for these signals, so the PLC is provided with areas of internal data storage for this purpose. Depending on the manufacturer and the background of the user, these areas for holding data are known, by names which are associated with hard-wired relays e.g. auxiliary coils and internal relays, or with microprocessors e.g. working areas, internal operation flags or just simply flags. Internal flags are used in exactly the same way as inputs and output. Just as inputs are identified by an X reference and outputs by a Y, INTERNAL FLAGS are identified by an M. In the example below; When X001 is closed M1 is activated which closes the normally open contact M1 and activates Y001.



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Module 7, SET/RESET and PULSE The SET and RESET commands allows you to “Latch” and “Delatch” any ladder rung. The PULSE facility enables a short pulse to be generated within the PLC which is often used to carry out the RESET command. A control procedure requires that an output Y5 is “Latched” and “delatched”. Input X1 is used to set “Latch-on” output Y5. Input X2 when activated makes the PLC send a pulse to an internal flag M1. The internal flag M1 is then used to RESET output Y0

X001 SET Y005 X002 PLS M1 M1 RST Y005

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Module 8, Timers A PLC must be able to control systems which have a time component in their operation. For example a traffic light system or even a duty/stand-by cycle changer. Time is a major aspect of control systems and the following text should be covered. The FX0(S) has 56 timers which have the identification code of T0 to T55. All the timers function with 100msec clock pulses, but timers T32 to T55 can also be set to 10msec pulses. The longest period which can be pre-set to is: K32767 X100Msec =3276.7 seconds = 54 minutes, 36 seconds. The timer number Txx where xx is the timers no. and the timer duration Kxx where xx is the number of pulses. X001 T1 K120

In the example above Timer No.1 has a pre set value of K120. One clock pulse K is equal to 100msec so 120 x 100msec is equal to 12000msec which is equal to 12 seconds. A timer falls in to two categories. 1. Delay ON timer 2. Delay OFF timer

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Operation of delay ON timer The timer set up below starts counting when X001 is on and after 12 seconds have elapsed the normally open contact of T1 closes activating Y1. Note that the time is a non-retentive timer. If X001 is released before the 12 seconds is completed then the timer resets its self.

X001 T1 K120 T1 Y1

Operation of delay OFF timer The timer set up below starts counting when X001 is on and after 12 seconds have elapsed the normally closed contact of T1 opens deactivating Y1. Note that the time is a non-retentive timer. If X001 is released before the 12 seconds is completed then the timer resets its self.

X001 T1 K120 T1 Y1

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Module 9, Counters A powerful feature of PLC’s is there ability to count. In simple terms it is a pulse counter. The construction of the counter system has a similar format to that of the timers, however, the K value is not multiplied by anything (i.e. the K for timers means multiply by 10ms or 100ms depending on the system being used). The Counter Identifier identifies the counter chosen. This can be assigned to device comment in the same way as the inputs, timers, outputs and internal flags. In this example C12 is used. The second number is the quantity of pulses before the C12 counter activates. In this case K7 is shown meaning that after 7 pluses the counter C12 will be activated. The memory storage of the value in the counter is retentive (i.e. it retains the value until reset or the PLC is switched into the stop mode.

Counter Identifier C12 K7 Quantity before activation

In the ladder logic shown below the button X006 is used to pulse the C12 timer. After 7 pulses the C12 timer will switch to the activate state. The only way to deactivate this timer is to reset the C12 timer using the RST C12 instruction. You can see that this reset instruction is connected to the X007 switch. An important note to keep in mind is that if during counting the X007 is pressed it will reset the C12 counter erasing what number was being stored at the time. X007 RST C12 X006 C12 K7

C12 Y3

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Module 10, Interlocks II the Exclusive OR ⊕ In some cases the OR gate needs to be refined to give a more definitive output. Assume that you have two outputs and you have two inputs and you have been asked to design a system to let one or the other operate but not both at the same time. In the example given below if the normally open X007 contact on the top is closed the second normally closed X007 will open stopping the lower rung being activated thus stopping Y001 from starting. Thus Y000 is the only one to start. Alternatively, if the normally open X004 contact on the top is closed the second normally closed X004 will open stopping the lower rung being activated thus stopping Y000 from starting. Thus Y001 is the only one to start.


X004 Y000


X007 Y001

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Module 11, Multiple branch outputs On occasion it is necessary to have multiple outputs from a single input. To achieve this a layout similar to the ladder logic shown below should be used. In this example X007 would switch Y000, Y001, Y002 and Y003 at the same time.

X007 Y000 Y001 Y002 Y003

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Module 12, Special Relays As we have seen the FX0(s) has “flags” (auxiliary relays) available for the programmer to use. These flags can hold the status of part of a programme without using up a scarce output. There are also special “flags” which can be equally as useful especially when used with counters or outputs that need to pulse. They are the M8013 and M8014 devices M8013, 1 second clock pulse This contact will close in 1 second cycles, therefore any output controlled by M8013 will pulse on for 0.5 seconds and off for 0.5 seconds. M8013 Y000

1 0 0s






M8014, 1 minute clock pulse This contact will close in 60 second (1 minute) cycles, therefore any output controlled by M8014 will pulse on for 30 seconds and off for 30 seconds. M8014 Y000

1 0 0s




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Module 13, Danger, Force On/Off In the PLC there is a facility to force a coil on or off. This forces the Output to the on or off status without a need for the complete logic protection sequence it in the ladder logic being used. The PLC can be in Run or Stop mode which makes this facility a potential hazard. By entering “Online” then down to “Debug” and then on to “Device Test” you enter the lower screen below. It now allows you enter a coil and force it on or off.

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Module 14, Master Control and Master Control Reset The master control and master control reset is used to switch on and odd levels of instruction within an sequential programme. The levels used in the MC instruction start from 0 and can go up to 8. In our following example programme there is only level of master control so n = 0. If there was another level of master control the same programme we would use n=1 for it and so on. The symbol for Master Control is

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Chapter 7, Questions to give you experience Exercise 1, Door Bell Design a small direct circuit used in a door bell application. The doorbell is only to rung when the push button is pressed. Use an I/O list, sketch the ladder logic and written description. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Exercise 2, Motor Start/Stop Design a small PLC circuit to start a motor using a start button and keep the motor running until the stop button is pressed. Use an I/O list, sketch the ladder logic and written description. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Exercise 3, Operator Hand Pads On some machines the operator could be duped into placing their hands in danger during the operation of the equipment.

You have been asked to develop a specification for Operator Hand Pads that allow the operator of a 100-ton press close the die tool only when both his hands are free from the tool. Use an I/O list, sketch the ladder logic and written description. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Exercise 4, Operator Hand Pads, Emergency Stop and Guard As in question 3 above some machines the operator could be duped into placing their hands in danger during the operation of the equipment.

You have been asked to develop a specification for Operator Hand Pads that allow the operator of a 100-ton press close the die tool only when both his hands are free from the tool. The press on your instructions is now fitted with an emergency stop and safety guard which need to be taken into consideration. Use an I/O list, sketch the ladder logic and written description. (Should the emergency stop be hardwired or soft wired?) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Exercise 5, Pumping Tank In the diagram below you can see pump system feeding a tank. You have been asked to develop a specification to allow the pump start when a low level probe X001 is activated and stop the pump when the high level probe X002 is activated. You can assume that the pump is on/off and a stop/start arrangement is required Use an I/O list, sketch the ladder logic and written description.


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Exercise 6, Label Stamping In the diagram below you can see a product running on a conveyor. The conveyor drive motor, Optical sensors and label stamping cylinder can be assumed on/off control. You have been asked to develop a specification to allow the conveyor start and stop with two buttons and only label the product when it presents its self at the position correct sensor and up right sensor together. Assume Optical sensor No2 is the correct position sensor and Optical sensor No1 is the up right sensor.

Label Stamping cylinder Product Optical Sensor No 1

Optical Sensor No 2

Conveyor Conveyor Drive Motor Use an I/O list, sketch the ladder logic and written description. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Exercise 7, Motor Jogging During a factory maintenance shut-down conveyor motors which locate components are checked for correct position. Design a specification to jog the motor forward and reverse. Assume that the motor has a forward controller and reverse controller. Place interlocks in the programme which will prevent the motor from being jogged in two directions at the same time. Use an I/O list, sketch the ladder logic and written description.

Conveyor Conveyor Drive Motor


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Exercise 8, Alarm Sensor A movement sensor is to be used to switch on a security light. The light will stay on for 20 seconds and then go off. The sensor is to be connected to input X1, it will only give a momentary pulse as it detects movement. The security light is connected to Y2 and is controlled by T1 which is programmed as a delay off timer. Design a system using the PLC to control the above circuit. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Exercise 9, Conveyor Delay A process has been developed which requires the conveyor to stop for 7 seconds when the container hits the LED proximity sensor (i.e. the first sensor on the rig). Using the conveyor rig design and implement you system. Use an I/O list, sketch the ladder logic and written description. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Exercise 10, Washing Machine A customer has asked your company to renovate an old machine and replace the spin cycle timers and relays with a PLC control. It is your task to create a programme which will carry out the specified time sequenced operation and to test it out using your laboratory rig. Specification Pressing a push button starts the spin cycle. The motor will spin the drum slowly for 15 seconds sat the end of this period the drum will spin quickly for 30 seconds, then decelerate and turn slowly for 10 seconds before coming to a halt. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Exercise 11, Traffic Lights I You have been asked to develop and implement a traffic lights sequence using the following outputs. Red Light is Yellow Light is Green Light is

Y003 Y004 Y005

Specification Red is on for 10 seconds, Amber is on for 5 seconds and Green is on for 15 seconds and then the cycle starts again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Exercise 12, Traffic Lights II You have been asked to develop and implement a traffic lights sequence using the following outputs. Red Light is Yellow Light is Green Light is

Y003 Y004 Y005

Specification Red is on for 10 seconds, Amber on for 5 seconds and Green is on for 15 seconds and then the cycle starts again. When a push button is pressed the sequence changes to Blue on for 12 seconds, Amber and Green is on for 15 seconds and then the cycle starts again and after one cycle the lights revert back to the original operation.


Relay From Y1

Relay From Y2

Relay From Y3


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Exercise 13, Conveyor Bottle counter You have been asked to develop a system to package bottles to the following specification. Steel trays travel down the conveyor. When the tray is sensed by the first proximity sensor the conveyor should stop and the red light should be switched on (highlighting a danger and the same signal is use to initiate a pick and place machine). The separate pick and place machine then loads the bottles into the tray one by one. As each bottle is loaded the signal X007 (green push button) emulates a bottle detect and counter (Say push the button six times to fill the tray). When the tray is full the red light should be turned off and the conveyor started moving the tray away and delivering another tray to the loading system.



Use an I/O list, sketch the ladder logic and written description.

Conveyor Conveyor Drive Motor ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Exercise 14, 24 Hour Clock using Counters and special relays You have been asked to develop a system to package bottles to the following specification. A twenty 24 hour clock is to be designed using M8013 and M8014 special relays. Construct the ladder logic so when viewed in monitor mode the counter registers show the hours, minutes and seconds that have elapsed.

Use an I/O list, sketch the ladder logic and written description. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Exercise 15, Conveyor Timer You have been asked to develop a system to package bottles to the following specification. Steel trays travel down the conveyor. When the tray is sensed by the first proximity sensor the conveyor should stop and the red light should be switched on. A process unknown to you will be performed on the tray for 12 seconds. After this time red light should be turned off and the conveyor started moving the tray away and delivering another tray to the loading system. Use an I/O list, sketch the ladder logic and written description. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Exercise 16, Orange Concentrate Plant You have been asked to develop a system to manufacture orange juice from concentrate. Tank 1 contains water and Tank 2 contains concentrated orange juice. Both tanks have low level probes which should stop the respective pumps when the tank is empty (indicated by the loss of signal of the low level probe) Both pumps are to be automated so they can only work together (at the same time) and never alone or the resultant product would be too strong or weak. Tank 3 contains the diluted orange juice and has a low level probe and a high level probe. When the high level is actuated both pumps feeding Tank 3 should stop. The conveyor should be connected to a stop/start switch arrangement. When a container is present the conveyor should stop and Pump 3 should operate for 10 seconds then stop and allow the conveyor move the container on. Use an I/O list, sketch the ladder logic and written description. Low Level Probe

Tank 1

Low Level Probe

Pump 1

Tank 2

Pump 2

Low Level Probe High Level Probe

Tank 3 Pump 3


Conveyor Conveyor Drive Motor


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Chapter 8, How the PLC is wired up to the outside world The PLC has particular wiring arrangements. The diagram below highlights how the system is wired up. As you can see the inputs are driven from a 24V supply directly into the contact terminals. This could be in some cases 12V, 110V or 220V on other similar product manufactures equipment. It is important to isolate the inputs using a fuse or better to avoid the PLC getting damaged. However the Outputs are only ‘Volt Free Contacts’ so a relay is needed to complete the control action and in this case up to 220V can be wired in but usually for safety 24V should be used.

X001 X000


Address Data X000 0 X001






Switch wired in from a 24V supply


Outputs must be isolated from the PLC using a relay to protect the PLC

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Chapter 9, HMI, MMI and OMI As you have seen from the laboratory session so far the PLC is a very powerful piece of equipment. The PLC itself however has a downfall. It displays very little information on the operation it’s controlling. Without the monitoring software running on a PC or Laptop we would have to depend on the Input and Output LED’s which tell us only if the signal is on or off (analogue values are non existent) but nothing specific about the process itself.

Input LED’s

Output LED’s

One way of overcoming this is by using the operator panel usually called any of the three titles below. HMI Human Machine Interface MMI Man Machine Interface OMI Operator Machine Interface A digital image of the E200 HMI as used in the Laboratory is shown below. Don’t worry about all the different names as they all in essence mean the same thing. The HMI is a component to assist the processing automation system that allows the operator view the process and interact with it. Some of the standard features of the HMI is as follows; • • • • • •

Viewing and changing of I/O Displaying of analogue values Alarms Bar Graphs Information text Full graphical screens (similar to monitors) are being used in industry.

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To design a good system it’s always a good idea to construct a storyboard from which the system will be developed. It is important to note at this point that the HMI and the PLC are both connected to the one port at the back of the computer. It is therefore impossible to have the PLC in monitoring mode and upload the E-Designer files at the same time. You will see an error appear stating that the port is being used by another package.

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It would be advisable to set up a simple ladder logic code running on the PLC before running the E-Designer Software. In this case X007 the green button starts the conveyor Y001. X006 the red button stops the conveyor. Of course the universal starting switch will keep the conveyor running for us. X004 will be used for the Counter C1. Every time the X004 button is pressed it will increment the C1 counter by one. If you wish to put in a reset for the counter that is up to you but not needed for this example.

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Step 1: How to load the E-Designer Programme From the main desktop screen press the “Start” button using the mouse pointer and progress up to “Program” then across to “E-Designer” and finally to the “EDesigner” icon.

From there the following screen should be loaded on to the computer screen

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Step 2: Start a new project From the “file” menu on the top bar choose “New” and click on the text.

The following screen will be displayed and you will be able to choose the model of the HMI unit installed in the Laboratory Remember the Terminal is a E200 6.0x and the Controller system is a FX0(S)CPU.

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When the above is completed you will then be shown the screen below:

Step 3: Getting Started Instead of jumping in and programming loads of screens let’s take a little time to explore the functions available to us using the HMI If you double click on the “Main” block in the middle of the screen the following screen will appear.

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The screen displays an emulation of what the user will see when their code is uploaded to the HMI.

Start by clicking the large white area and type in Main Conveyor. If the program was now uploaded the text Main Conveyor would be displayed. But let’s add a little to system before we do that. Click on the Main Conveyor and move the cursor to the end of the “r” and press return. Type in something like “Conveyor” followed by a space and using the small O/I box in the Icon selection set as shown to the right and the following screen appears.

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Enter in something like Y1 (Which we know is the conveyor running signal, on the PLC’s provided) and when it is at off we want the Stopped word to appear and when it is on we want the Running words to appear. Then press Apply and OK.

You can then see the software would have placed in a piece of text as shown below.

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Transfer the code to the HMI unit by choosing “Transfer” from the top menu and “Project” from the sub menu.

The following screen will appear and allow you send your programme up to the HMI

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When “Send” is pressed the you will be asked to confirm if you want to upload and when yes is pressed the code is then transferred across to the HMI

At the same time you will see the HMI screen change indicating that the code is changing. When this is completed you will see. Main Conveyor Conveyor Off If you now start the conveyor by pressing the green button the following text is displayed: Main Conveyor Conveyor On This simple program shows us two important things about HMI’s. 1. We can add descriptive text about processes for the operator to see. 2. We can have a dynamic changing of text linked to a changing process.

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Step 4: More involved HMI, Display Analogue Data It is not only possible to have a descriptive text and dynamic changing of text in two states, but we can also display data contained within registers such as the Timer or Counter. If we return to the Main screen on the E-Developer and continue to a new line we can add a little more text. Type in Counter and after that press the 0.3 Icon from the right menu and the following will be displayed

Type in C1 (at the beginning of this section I asked you to upload a simple ladder logic program to the PLC, C1 was the counter, a number between 1 and 20 linked to X004) and leave the rest the same as shown.

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Transfer the code to the HMI unit by choosing “Transfer” from the top menu and “Project” from the sub menu. Now your system will operate as before and you will see. Main Conveyor Conveyor Off Counter 0 As you start the system you will then be able to have the conveyor change from Off to On using X007 and X006 and increment the counter by pressing X004. Step 5: Bar Charts If you wish to place a bar chart it can also be completed using the HMI. This would be used where a number is just not enough. Consider the following example. A tank of liquid ranges between 0 and 10 meters in height. By just stating that the height is 2 to an unfamiliar operator would mean nothing but when the graph shows 2 out of 10 it would mean more. Return to the E-Designer Main screen and at the end of the counter number information press return. Then click on the “--#” icon.

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When the dialogue box appears put C1 in the Analogue Signal section and click on Calc.. to fill in the upper and lower values for this case choose lower 0 and upper 20 as that is what we have put in the PLC ladder logic. Of course this could be changed showing a scale if that is necessary.

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You will see a “#-------------------------“ appears on the HMI. As shown below.

Transfer the code to the HMI unit by choosing “Transfer” from the top menu and “Project” from the sub menu. Now your system will operate as before and you will see. Main Conveyor Conveyor Off Counter 10 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX As you start the system you will then be able to have the conveyor change from Off to On using X007 and X006 and increment the counter by pressing X004. As you get closer to the 10 the more panels will be darkened.

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As a way of reminding you, this simple program shows us three important things about HMI’s. 1. We can add descriptive text about processes for the operator to see. 2. We can have a dynamic changing of text linked to a changing process. 3. We can have Graphical features. Step 6: Force Outputs The particular screen used in the laboratory has five Text spaces, Five LEDS and Five Buttons. If we want to edit any of these Items all we have to do is double click on the element needed. If it is the Text then you can fill in what you want the operator to see. If you wish to use the LEDS for something then you can assign them. The five buttons below the screen can be used to force Outputs. If you double click on any of the buttons a dialogue box appears asking you do you want this to be a local or global key. A Global Key would be something that will appear on every screen designed and using a Local Key would mean it is only for this screen. For our case choose Local Key.

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The screen dialogue box can be filled in as shown below. Button 1 is Unused Button 2 is The same as pressing X7 Button 1 is The same as pressing X4 Button 1 is The same as Forcing On Y1 Button 1 is Unused

IMPORTANT: I cannot stress enough the danger of using Button 4 to Force On/Off the Y1 coil to drive the conveyor as the system has now no protection in place. Transfer the code to the HMI unit by choosing “Transfer” from the top menu and “Project” from the sub menu. Now your system will operate as before and you will see. Main Conveyor Conveyor Off Counter 10 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

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Reminding you again, this simple program shows us four important things about HMI’s. 1. We can add descriptive text about processes for the operator to see. 2. We can have a dynamic changing of text linked to a changing process. 3. We can have Graphical features 4. We have a way of providing output control. Step 7: Now connecting this together, Storyboard As you have experienced the above features of a HMI allow for interaction of the operator and the previous inaccessible PLC. But to use this tool effectively some planning is needed. I would suggest making a storyboard of how you feel the system should be designed and them implement and test it. In this way the operator can drill through relevant screens, making the best of the limited space (screen size, buttons and LED’s) on the HMI. Firstly identify the locations on the HMI you wish to use. For this illustration I assume the following:

Screen Title

Main Screen
















Button: Button: Button: Button: Button:

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The detail of the screens can now be written in typed text as shown in the sample below. You fill in the detail you wish to enter into the HMI. Using this method it is possible to develop a system that flows, allowing the operator access the information in a meaning full way (a fully documented way as well) and avoid any possible pitfalls or delays when coding. The testing of this is following the story board and seeing if it works

Block 1

Block 2

Screen Title:

Main Screen

Screen Title:

Main Screen

Main Screen:

Conveyor System

Main Screen:

Conveyor System




Return to Main Menu


Return to Main Menu






Link to Main Screen Block 1


Link to Main Screen Block 1












Link to Alarms Block 2


Link to HVAC 1 Block 6












Links to Trends Block 3


Links to HVAC 2 Block 8














Links to HVAC 3 Block 11














Links to HVAC 4 Block 14

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When each screen is developed it can be arranged using the Block Manager which allows the flow from one block to another using arrows. The following screen shows what a fully implemented system would look like before it is up loaded to the HMI

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Chapter 10, OPC Server For the data from the PLC to be accessed by the SCADA system it is necessary to employ the features of an OPC Server. OPC stands for OLE for Process control and OLE stands for Object Linking and Embedding. In simple terms the address and data table in the PLC is copied. How to set up the OPC server Step 1: Load up the software In a similar fashion to the MELSOFT and the E-Designer we also load up the OPC server by clicking on Start – Programs – Kepware and then on the Kepware serverEX text. The screen shown below will appear.

You can see that every event is date and time stamped so the operator is kept full aware of what is happening at all times.

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Step 2: Add a Channel The channel refers to the communication link from the PC to the PLC.

You will need to enter in all the details about the serial port, baud rate and so on.

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The channel name will appear in the dialogue box on the left of the screen showing that it is available.

Step 3: Add a Device Then you will be asked to confirm the type of device running on the Channel (in our case it is a Mitsubishi FX, other units available by using the scroll down menu).

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You will be asked to call it a name so you could identify it over the network. For example this could be PLC_MMC1_Building_1.

As the FX PLC we use has a number of different models FX0S, FX1N etc. you need to confirm the exact Device model.

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The timeouts and number of fails in the communications should also be entered so the SCADA system can be alerted of any error when they happen.

If finishes up with a device summary and finish ends this part.

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Step 4: Add a Group You can see as we perform changes to the program it lists the date and time of each event with a brief summary of it.

Now if we choose a Tag Group to keep respective tags together. An example of this would be Air Handling Unit 1 controls should be kept together and so should Air Handling Unit 2 and Air Handling Unit 3.

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For us we will enter a group called K044 which is of course the laboratory you are in at the moment.

Step 5: Add a Tag The tag group is similar to a folder but we need now to select tags on the PLC. We type in a Name we wish to use, the PLC address and a brief description of what it does. Remember when we up loaded a program to the PLC and read it back from the PLC it lost all its statements and notes. All that came back was the Address and the ladder logic nothing else. The same happens here. So this tag entry is where we fill in this detail again.

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Once entered the following line appears on the OPC server giving the Tag Name, Address, Data type, DDE Scan cycle, Scaling if any and lastly the description.

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Step 6: Run OPC Client Now the hard work is done and we can start the OPC client running by choosing the Hammer from the Icon menu.

A new screen appear which shows the KEPware Server on the left and all the channel and device and group items. Click on the DeviceK044 and you will then see the I/O entered into it

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You can now see the data stored at the address which in this case is a 0 or a 1.

Step 7: Genesis This information can now be accessed through the SCADA package Genesis using the OPC Universal Tag and Browser.

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Chapter 11, SCADA The lecture notes need to be viewed in relation to the following. What does a SCADA package do? Most SCADA packages have the following: • Graphical representation of the process to be controlled • Trend data against itself or time or another data source • Alarm if a condition has been achieved. • Data logging • Historical information Step1: Getting Started Click on “Start”, “Programs”, “ICONICS Genesis32” and ”Graphwor32”

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Step2: Graphical representation The following screen appears. This screen is the configuration screen for the graphical side to this package.

Let’s start with a simple screen to let the as shown below. It looks complex but its only make up of a number of components connected together.

Batch Display CompA


Batch Start/Stop ?

Tank Level ????????

Discharge Pump

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In the sketch below you can see some of the components used to construct the screen. The elbow is drawn once and copied and rotated. The same is for the pipe and switches and valve. In fact these objects can be imported from the symbol library in the package and if you develop a great drawing you could save it to the library as well. The graphical display is only limited by your imagination.

Batch Display CompA


Batch Start/Stop ? Batch Start/Stop ?

Tank Level ????????

Discharge Pump

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Step3: Dynamics You can uses the dynamics feature of the SCADA package to make objects move, flash change color, rotate and change size etc. If you take the sample of the mixer shown in the sample “batch” it is simply made up of four separate images which are displayed in an animated sequence.

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Toggle between the two displays

Slide 1

Slide 2

Slide 3

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Slide 4

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Any image or component in the process can be made dynamic. By choosing the “Dynamics” menu from the top bar and choosing “Action” you have a choice of different aspects that can be used.

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Let’s take a simple example. If you draw the following components and select all you will be automatically shown the following icons

Selector, Analogue and Animator By clicking on each one you will be given a number of screens which can be used to put dynamics on to the screen.

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Step4: Standard Gauges Within the Genesis SCADA package there are standard gauges that you can use. These gauges are features that only need the I/O data tag and give you various options on how the gauge will look. Because they are standard modules the code to display them was only written once and each instance of the gauge is a clone of the original thus saving space compared to a personalized gauge designed by the programmer.

Selection of options




Dr. J.McGrory, DIT Kevin Street. Version 2.0, File: plc_manual_laboratory V02

I/O Tag

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Step5: Check Boxes Instead of having a button you may wish to use the check box function. It could be printing out reports or ticking that an alarm has been accepted.

Toggle between the two displays

Actions that will happen Check Box

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Step6: Graphical representation Graphical Features The highlighted section below is used to align selected items.

Features to help line up selected items If you wish to change the order in which items appear you can use the highlighted section below.

Select the order in which items appear Front, Back. Layered If you wish to rotate items you can using the highlighted section below.

Rotate Dr. J.McGrory, DIT Kevin Street. Version 2.0, File: plc_manual_laboratory V02

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Step7: Digital Display By choosing the icon as shown below you can place a Digital display on the screen. The Property Inspector on the right asks for the colors, fonts and title of the digital display. The Property Inspector on the left is involved with the OPC tag (i.e. it’s reference to the OPC server data). Note both screens cannot be seen at the same time, although shown below but are accessed via the toggle taps at the top of the box.

Toggle between the two displays

Digital Display

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Step8: Date and Time display If the designer wishes to display the date and time on a graphical screen all they need to do is press the clock icon as shown and the dialogue boxes appear allowing most variation of the date and time to be displayed.

Toggle between the two displays

Digital Display

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Step9: Buttons Buttons in a good SCADA system can be used for many things. In this package the list of what can be done is displayed when you choose the down scroll arrow on the action.

As you choose a certain aspect the dialogue box changes to allow

Toggle between the two displays

Digital Display

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Step10: Symbol Library The Genesis SCADA package has a symbol library where you can store standard images of pumps, pipes etc and use them when ever you want. You can also use the existing images for your own screens.

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Step11: Trending

Toggle between the ten displays Trending Chart

Choice of Chart

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Step12: Multi function On occasion it is necessary to have a number of different things happen an element in the SCADA package. In the example given below we started with a rectangle, then added a size change, then flash on/off and finally pick. All of these were added to the rectangle and could be added to almost any item developed on the SCADA system.

Started as a Rectangle Then Size changes was added Then Flash on/off was added Then Pick was added

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Step13: Arithmetic If your are able to get the height in a tank and wish to display the volume, it is possible by using the arithmetic feature.


Dr. J.McGrory, DIT Kevin Street. Version 2.0, File: plc_manual_laboratory V02

Volume would be height x area

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Joining the screens together As explained in the buttons section above it is possible to link to another screen by pressing on a button and loading up another screen. This is a very powerful tool as it allows the system to be much more than one screen to having many screens. Remember all the Genesis files have a .gdf extension. The screen displayed below is VBATanks.gdf. The Bean Factory button on the top right is linked to the VBABeanRoaster.gdf which is shown on the next page

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Another very good example of using the buttons or other diagrams is the Notebook1.gdf example. The folder tabs are used to load up the screens from No1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and also back to No.1 if available.

No 1 No 2

No 3

No 4

No 5

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Good Working Practice Consistency It would be a good idea to set up a template at the beginning of the systems development so consistency of the end product is evident. On the example screen below you can see a line and under the line you have the date, the DIT logo and buttons to take you to the common screens. Windows applications have been consistent from product to product and once you have been trained or familiar with one you can then use all of them.

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Storyboard Another good design tool when using SCADA systems is the use of storyboards showing where one screen would be linking on to another. Using the folder example you can see how it works. It identifies what is going to be displayed on each screen and how it links from one to the other.

No 1 No 2

No 3

No 4

No 5

Dr. J.McGrory, DIT Kevin Street. Version 2.0, File: plc_manual_laboratory V02

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Manual for Laboratory, PLC Connection.

Exercise Laboratory 1

Batch Display CompA


Batch Start/Stop ?

Tank Level ????????

Discharge Pump

Construct a graphical user interface as shown above.

Aim: Procedure: 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Start the Genesis GraphWorks module. Move the mouse arrow to the windows start button and press with the left button. Go into programs, Iconics Genesis 32, Graphworks and finally Graphworks32. Press OK on the Licence and note the time on when the package expires. Set the background to white. Using the symbol library given, start constructing the screen as shown above. Remember to save the screen as you go along. Make sure you use the zoom-in and zoom-out command to ensure that all the images are joined together. The button, switches and level indicators and be put into the mimic using the bottom icon bar of the Graph works package. The text can also be put on to the mimic using the icon bar provided. When the graphics are in place and completed you may begin to add animation. Use the top tool menu and choose Dynamics and then Actions. Ensure that the Dynamic actions are linked to the OPC Server as demonstrated by the instructor. Use the tools, Runtime menu to start the system mimic and use the configure to return to the GraphWorks editor.

Dr. J.McGrory, DIT Kevin Street. Version 2.0, File: plc_manual_laboratory V02

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Manual for Laboratory, PLC Connection.

Exercise Laboratory 2 Batch Display

Batch Display CompA






Batch Start/Stop ?

Batch Start/Stop ?

Tank Level

Tank Level



Discharge Pump

Discharge Pump

Demonstrate the ability to convert from one graphical user interface to another as shown above and introduce the standard gauges.


Procedure: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Start the Genesis GraphWorks module. Move the mouse arrow to the windows start button and press with the left button. Go into programs, Iconics Genesis 32, Graphworks and finally Graphworks32. Begin a new file using, FILE – NEW . Change the background to white. Load up the batch file as before. Add in a button and call it Batch 2. Now make changes to the file and save the file as Batch 1. Make more changes to the Batch file and call it Batch 2. Enter Batch 1 again and ensure the button when clicked loads up batch 2. Save Batch 1 again. Enter Batch 2 again and ensure the button when clicked loads up batch 1. Runtime should interchange between the files. Check out the features of GENESIS like Dials and gauges and switches.

Dr. J.McGrory, DIT Kevin Street. Version 2.0, File: plc_manual_laboratory V02

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Exercise Laboratory 3 Produce a dynamic animated image.


Toggle between the two displays

Slide 1

Slide 2

Slide 3

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Slide 4

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Manual for Laboratory, PLC Connection.

Exercise Laboratory 4 Aim:

Calculate the volume in a tank knowing the height.


Dr. J.McGrory, DIT Kevin Street. Version 2.0, File: plc_manual_laboratory V02

Volume would be height x area

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Manual for Laboratory, PLC Connection.

Chapter 12, Analogue to Digital PLC Modules The following pages are copies of the FX2N 4-AD manual from Mitsubishi.

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Chapter 13, Laboratory Conveyor Rig The Input/Output List for the Laboratory Conveyor Rig is given below: Input/Output List Address Description X0 Box Detect Sensor X1 Long Box Detect Sensor X2 Box at Kicker Sensor X3 Option Switch at bottom of Operator Control Station X4 Black Push Button on Operator Control Station X5 Option Switch at top of Operator Control Station X6 Red Push Button on Operator Control Station (Normally Closed) X7 Green Button on Operator Control Station (Normally Closed) Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5

Kicker Conveyor Belt Blue Lamp Red Lamp Yellow Lamp Green Lamp Y1 Conveyor

X2 Box at Kicker Sensor Y0 Kicker

Y4 Yellow Y3 Red Y5 Green

X1 LONG Box Detect Sensor Y2 Blue

X0 Box Detect Sensor X5 Option Switch X4 Black P.B.


X6 Red P.B. X7 Green P.B.


Operator Control Station

X3 Option Switch

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