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Drought prone districts of Purulia, Bankura, Paschim Medinipur, Parts or' Birbhum and Burdwan are fall under red and lateritic areas of West Bengal. Screening ...
ISSN NO 2320-5407




Journal of Advanced

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Research (2013), Volume 1, Issue 9,182-185




* G.K.Mallickl, M.Mondal\

S.Ghoshl, K.Janal and R. Mandal''

I. Rice Research Station, Nutanchati, Bankura - 722 10 I, West Bengal, India. 2. Seed Testing Laboratory, Burdwan, West Bengal, India. 3. State Agricultural Research Institute, 230-A, NSC Bose Road, Kolkata- 40, West Bengal, India.

Manuscript Info


Manuscript History:

A Multilocational field experiment was conducted for three consecutive years (2006 - 2008) to test the yield performance of lET 17509 before release as "Puspa" in 2011 by SVRC, West Bengal, along with five promising lines of rice and two checks Annada and Provat in red and lateritic areas of west Bengal. lET 17509 showed consistently better performance over the best check variety Annada. It gave 21.59% more yield than Annada in 3 years pooled data basis. This is to be noted that lET 17509 was developed at Rice Research Station, Bankura, West Bengal, India .

Received. 07 October 2013 FII1JI ACCepted 22 October 2013 Published Onhne: November 2013

Key words: RICe vanety, Puspa, lET Red and Latennc areas


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Introduction Yield stability depends upon complex characteristics, both genetic and environmental. Well defined parameters are there to find out genetic stability of a variety but cultural manipulation may induce to a certain extent of yield stability by partly eliminating the environmental constraints under stress condition. State, National and International level multi-location variety trials gave the rice scientists an opportunity to screen the entries under natural conditions. By this process rice scientists identified different varieties suitable for different regions e.g. Vivek Dhan 82 for the Indian Himalaya (Sharma et. al. 2003), Santosh for lowland of Bihar (Thakur et al. 2003), Rajendra Mahsuri - I, for shallow lowland of Bihar (Sahai et. at. 2004), Sahyadri for Western India (lngale et. Al. 2004) etc. Drought prone districts of Purulia, Bankura, Paschim Medinipur, Parts or' Birbhum and Burdwan are fall under red and lateritic areas of West Bengal. Screening of suitable variety is one of the major steps that plays a very important part in increasing yield. The recent investigation was undertaken to screen the entries of rice suitable for cultivation in upland of red and laterite areas of west Bengal.


and Methods


The field experiment was conducted in consecutive three years 2006 to 2008 in different farms of West Bengal and one fanner's field. Six promising early entries namely lET 17035, lET 17037, lET 17509, lET 18755, lET 19586 and lET 19589 were tested using Annada and Provat as check. During kharif2006 they were tested in three farms (Rice Research Station Farm, Bankura, Model Farm, Joyrambati, Bankura, Kashipur S.A.R.F., Purulia and one farmer's field (Village Moldanga. Block Garhbeta - I, Dist: Paschirn Medinipur). During kharif 2007 they were tested in four farms (Rice Research Station's Farm, Bankura, Dryland Research Station Farm, Susunia, Bankura, Model Farm, Joyrambati, Bankura and Kanksa Farm, Kanksa, Burdwan) and during kharif2008 in three farms (Rice Research Station Farm. Bankura, Model Farm, Joyrambati, Bankura and District Seed Farm, Susunia, Bankura). Fertilizer dose (N:P:K) used in all the location at the rate of 60: 30 : 30. During transplanting row to row 20 cm and hill to hill 15 cm distance was maintained. Observation of yield parameter was taken by following "standard procedures. As all the promising rice cultures were in early duration group (lOO-lIS days), Annada and Provat used as checks.


International Journal of Advanced Research (2013), Volume I, Issue 9, 182-185

ISSN NO 2320-5407

Result and Discussion The yield data of six promising rice cultures lET 17035, lET 17037, lET 17509, lET 18755, lET 19586 and lET 19589 along with two checks Annada and Provat presented in Table I, Table 2, Table 3 and Table 4. The data showed that none of the entries except lET: 7509, showed better yield performance than the best check Annada for consecutive three years (2006, 2007 and 2008). The yield of lET 17509 was found to be signi ficantly higher than the best check variety Armada for the consecutive three years (2006, 2007 and 2008). On three years pooled yield data basis lET 17509 gave 21.59% more yield than the best check Annada. In upland of red and laterite areas of west Bengal Annada is the most popular among the farmers. The new rice culture lET 17509 (CNB 1259-5-2-1) developed at Rice Research Station, Bankura, West Bengal, will be helpful to farmer's to achieve overall increase in rice yield. It was released by the SVRC, West Bengal. in 2011 and started to become popular among the farmers (Mallick et. al. 2012, Mallick et. al. 2013). Table 1: Yield performance of lET 17509 in Multilocational adaptive trial during klzarij2006 Entry

SI No_


2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Designation Rice Research Station Farm, Bankura

IET 17035 IET 17037 lET 17509 IET 18755 IET 19586 lET 19589 Armada Provat

CNB 1253-2-5 CNB 1253-4-15 CNB 1259-5-2-1 HKR 01-44 OR 1752-3 R 1218-598-1-281-1 Check Variety Check Variety

3150 3360 3570 3220 3000 3250 2980 3018

Yield (k!!:ha-I) "> S.A.R.F. Model Farm, Joyrambati, Kashipur Purulia Bankura

3330 3150 3550 2780 3240 3050 3400 3245

3035 2833 3090 2600 3025 2875 2650 2800

Moldanga, Garhbeta Paschim Medinipur (farmer's field 3530 3650 3700 3250 3345 3075 3500 3350

Mean yield (kg ha-I)

3261 3248 * 3477 2962 3152 3062 3132 3103 232 4.98

CD at 0.5% CV% * Superior to Armada Table 2: Yield performance oflET 17509 in MultiIocational adaptive trial during klzarij2007 SI No.


2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Designation Rice Research Station Farm, Bankura

lET 17035 lET 17037 lET 17509 lET 18755 lET 19586 lET 19589 Armada Provat

CD at 0.5% CV% * Superior to Annada

CNB 1253-2-5 CNB 1253-4-15 CNB 1259-5-2-1 HKR 01-44 OR 1752-3 R 1218-598-1-281-1 Check Check

3650 3500 4618 3500 4250 4500 3500 3915

Yield (kg ha-I) Dryland Model Research Farm, Joyrambati, Station Farm, Bankura Susunia, Bankura 3100 3200 2700 3200 4300 4400 5200 2700 2700 3600 4500 4000 4700 2800 2400 3100

Kanksa Farm, Burdwan

4600 4117 4866 4566 4517 4616 4316 3817

Mean yield (kg ha-I)

3638 3379 * 4546 3991 3979 4404 3829 3308 599.6 9.85



ISSN NO 2320-5407

Table 3: Yield performance SI No.

I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Journal of Advanced Research (2013), Yolume

of lET 17509 in Multilocational




lET 17035 lET 17037 lET 17509 lET 18755 lET 19586 lET 19589 Armada Provat

CNB 1253-2-5 CNB 1253-4-15 CNB 1259-5-2-1 HKR 01-44 OR 1752-3 R 1218-598-1-281-1 Check Check

Rice Research Station Farm, Bankura 3150 3480 4800 4100 3600 3350 ..• 3750 3250

trial during

Yield (~ ha-I) Model Farm, Joyrambati, Bankura

I, Issue 9,182-185


District Seed Farm, Susunia, Bankura

4000 3300 5500 4300 3500 3000 3500 3000

3360 3575 4550 3980 3350 3500 3870 3450

CD at 0.5% CY%

Mean yield (kg ha-I)

3503 3452 * 4950 4127 3483 . , 3283 3707 3233 529.14 8.12

* Superior to Armada

Table 4: Percent SI No.

I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

yield increase


lET 17035 lET 17037 lET 17509 lET 18755 lET 19586 lET 19589 Armada Provat

or decrease


CNB 1253-2-5 CNB 1253-4-15 CNB 1259-5-2-1 HKR 01-44 OR 1752-3 R 1218-598-1-281-1 Check Check

over best check variety


Average Mean Yield (kg ha-I) Year wise 2006



3261 3248 3477 2962 3152 3062 3132 3103

3638 3379 4546 3991 3979 4404 3829 3308

3503 3452 4950 4127 3483 3283 3707 3233

(3 years pooled data basis) 3 years pooled Mean (kg ha-I) 3467 3360 4324 3693 3538 3583 3556 3215

0/0 increase or decrease over best check Annada

- 2.5 - 5.5 + 21.59

+ 3.85 - 0.05

+ 0.76 - 9.58

ACknowledgements The authors would like to thanks Dr. P. K. Maity, Chief Agronomist, FCRS, Burdwan; Mr. S. R. Patra, Joint Director of Agriculture (Research); Or. P. Bhattacharyay, Director of Agriculture, Writers' Building, Klokata1 for their valuable guidance and encouragement during the period of this research programme.

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17509 in Farmers'

field of Upland situation in West

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of a newly


ISSN NO 2320-5407

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a potentially


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rice variety for Medium and

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