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sample size, sampling dates, how the study was performed, the salient results ... Key words (five to seven) are separated by commas and are more general than ...
MANUSCRIPT PREPARATION GUIDELESS FOR SUPPLEMENT OF REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA TROPICAL Send the manuscript to [email protected] Page charges: There is no compulsory page fee for the first ten printed pages. Additional pages will be charged $50 each. A document that corresponds to the maximum length published free of charge typically has about 5 000 words, two figures and two small tables. It presents original information on biology and/or conservation of tropical organisms Taxonomic authority (Author, year) for each taxon appears only the first time the taxon is mentioned in text (never in the title). Genera of binomials are written in full only the first time they are used, in the Abstract, main text, Resumen and key words. •

Sections: Title

The title is short and includes in parentheses Order and Family. The address for correspondence is short but complete; if there are several, they must be numbered. Include valid e-mails for all coauthors. Do not include phone/fax numbers. Abstract: The Abstract (350-450 words) must describe the importance of the problem being addressed, sample size, sampling dates, how the study was performed, the salient results and what the authors concluded. It must be a single paragraph. Key words: x, y. Key words (five to seven) are separated by commas and are more general than title or abstract words. Introductory section: The Introduction summarizes recent findings and ends with the objective of the study It does not have an “Introduction” heading. Level One Heading MATERIALS AND METHODS Level Two Heading: main text Present only the information required to repeat the study. Previously published methods are referenced and briefly described. Do not include a map for one location study area; instead, provide its geographic coordinates. A map is appropriate for studies with many collecting or sampling locations/ stations.. Voucher specimens should be deposited in at least one institution and the details given under Materials and Methods.

When they can affect the results, equipment specifications should include model number and manufacturer. Chemicals only manufacturer. Mathematical formulas include a description of each component. Acronyms are spelled in full the first time. Use the international System of Units ( and their abreviations, except that decimals are indicated with a period, thousands and millions with a space. eg. 12 523 235.15 When not followed by units, integers from zero to ten are written in full (one, two etc., not 1, 2 etc.). RESULTS Level Two Heading: main text. Systematic manuscripts present the species name, synonyms, Material examined, diagnosis, and distribution. Quantitative data are evaluated with appropriate statistical tests, which are cited only after each result and in parentheses. Example: “(Spearman; p< 0.05)”. Tables and figures Fig. 1. Title. Isolated figures have been avoided by grouping related photographs and illustrations (See Figures Guide in our website). Symbols and scales appear as a caption in the figure (never as a footnote). Labels are at least 5mm from the image border. Labels: Helvetica 10 points. TABLE 1 Title Very long or very short tables have been avoided (half a page is good size), and no vertical or horizontal lines have been used in them. All symbols and abbreviations appear only in the footnotes. No bold font, or words fully written in upper case are used. Tables and figures are cited in the main text as: (Table 1) or (Fig. 1) DISCUSSION Level Two Heading: main text. The section compares your results and with previously published data. No tables or figures are included here. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Only persons who gave very significant assistance are mentioned. “Dr.”, “Prof.”, “Mrs.”, among others, are not used, only names. RESUMEN The Spanish Resumen starts with the Spanish title of the article. The Resumen contains the same information and sections as the Abstract. Palabras clave: x, y. The Palabras clave include the same key words but written in Spanish


Present the list of references and citations within the text in APA 6th Edition format. Citations in the text :

One author: In-Text Example ... Cortés (1995), or …(Cortés, 1995). Two authors: In-Text Example ... Connell & Sutherland (1987), or …(Connell & Sutherland, 1987). For 3-5 authors: Cite all authors the first time. In subsequent citations include only the surname of the first author followed by et al. (not italicised and with a full stop after “al”) and the year. In-Text Example First time: … Solís, Nuñez, Soto, Abarca, & Méndez (2001), or … (Solís, Nuñez, Soto, Abarca, & Méndez, 2001). Subsequent citations: … Solís et al. (2001), o …(Solís et al., 2001). For 6 or more authors: With six or more authors, cite only the surname of the first author, followed by “et al.” In-Text Example …Cortés et al. (1998), o …(Cortés et al., 2001). Other situations of citations in the text Arrange two or more works by the same author by year of publication. Give author’s surname once; for each subsequent work, give only the date: (Menge, 1993a, 1993b, 2001, 2010) Citations in the text are ordered chronologically. Separate the citations with semicolons: (Dexter, 1974; Alongi, 1990).

• INSTRUCTIONS FOR REFERENCES SECTION journal article: One author: Author's Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Year). Article title. Journal Title, Volume Number (Issue Number or Supplement), Page Numbers. Leibold, M. A. (1995). The niche concept revisited: mechanistic models and community context. Ecology, 76, 1371-1382. Two authors: Separated the authors by ampersand: & Cortés, J., Vargas-Castillo, R., & Nivia-Ruiz, J. (2012). Marine biodiversity of Bahía Culebra, Guanacaste, Costa Rica: Published records. Revista de Biología Tropical, 60(Suppl. 2), 39– 71. For 3 to 7 authors: Separated the authors by comma, and the last author by comma and ampersand: Menge, B. A., Daley, B. A., Wheeler, P. A., Dahlhoff, E., & Strub, P. T. (1997). Benthic-pelagic links and rocky intertidal communities: bottom-up effects on top-down control? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 94, 14530-14535. For more than 7 authors: When a reference has more than seven authors spell out the first six and the final author’s name separating them with an ellipse. Menge, B. A., Lubchenco, J., Bracken, M. E. S., Chan, F., Foley, M. M., Freidenburg, T. L., …Webster, M. S. (2003). Coastal oceanography sets the pace of rocky intertidal community dynamics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 100, 12229-12234. Book: Author's Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Year). Title of book (edition). Place of Publication: Publisher. Moore, P. D., & Chapman, S. B. (1986). Methods in plant ecology (2º ed.), Oxford, Inglaterra: Blackwell. Underwood, A. J. (1997). Experiments in Ecology: Their logical design and interpretation using analysis of variance. Cambridge, Reino Unido: Cambridge University Press. Edited book: The author or authors edited the book (Ed.) or (Eds.). Carter, M. R. (Ed.). (1993). Soil sampling and methods of analysis. Florida, EEUU: Canadian Society of Soil Science-Lewis Publishers.

Chapter of an edited book Chapter Author's Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Year). Title of essay. In Editor First Initial. Middle Initial. Last Name (Ed.), Title of edited book (pp. Page Numbers of Chapter). Place of Publication: Publisher. Hendershot, W. H., Lalande, H., & Duquette, M. (1993). Soil reaction and exchangeable acidity. En M.R. Carter (Ed.). Soil sampling and methods of analysis (pp. 141-145). Florida, EEUU: Canadian Society of Soil Science-Lewis Publishers. Thesis: Author's Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Year). Title of thesis (Type of thesis). Place of Publication: University. Miller, A. C. (1974). A Comparison of Gastropod Diversity and Trophic Structure in the Rocky Intertidal Zone of the Temperate and Tropical West America (Doctoral thesis). Oregon, EEUU: University of Oregon. Márquez, C. (1994). Historia natural de Anolis aquaticus Taylor 1956 (Sauria, Polychridae) en la Quebrada La Palma, Puriscal San José, Costa Rica (Tesis de Maestría). San José, Costa Rica: Universidad de Costa Rica. Type thesis is Master`s thesis or Doctoral thesis. In the previous example the title is in italic, but the name of a species appears that should be in italics; but in this case it is put without italics to distinguish it from the rest of the title. This also applies to book titles that contain some species. Conference proceedings: Published conference proceedings may be cited either like chapters in edited books (first example) or like journal articles (second example). This will depend on whether the publication is treated as a series (e.g. has an ISBN and an editor) or as a periodical (i.e. it is published annually). Stiles, F. G. (1985). Cambios altitudinales y estacionales en la avifauna de la vertiente atlántica de Costa Rica. En F. G. Stiles & P. Aguilar (Eds.). Primer Simposio de Ornitología Neotropical Arequipa PE 14-15 oct. 1983 (pp. 95-103). Lima, Perú: Asociación Peruana para Conservación de la Naturaleza. Web Sites: Organization or Author's Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Publication Year). Title of document. Retrieved from URL California Department of Fish and Game. (2008). California Marine Life Protection Act. California Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento, California, USA. Recuperado de h California Department of Fish and Game. (2008). California Marine Life Protection Act. California Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento, California, USA. Retrieved from h