Oct 23, 2002 - Many-body perturbation theory for spin-forbidden two-photon spectroscopy of f-element compounds and its application to Eu2¿ in CaF2.
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 66, 155108 共2002兲
Many-body perturbation theory for spin-forbidden two-photon spectroscopy of f-element compounds and its application to Eu2¿ in CaF2 C. K. Duan* and M. F. Reid Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
G. W. Burdick Department of Physics, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan 49104 共Received 25 March 2002; published 23 October 2002兲 Predictions of the two-photon transition intensities for Eu2⫹ in CaF2 generally give poor agreement with experiment because the low-lying excited states make a straightforward application of perturbation theory unreliable. In this work we explicitly include the effective Coulomb interaction and the crystal-field interaction for the excited configuration in the zeroth-order Hamiltonian, and treat the spin-orbit interaction as a perturbation. We obtain a good agreement with measured multiplet to multiplet two-photon absorption intensities. The linewidths of the two-photon absorption peaks, which vary dramatically, are explained by selection rules for nonradiative relaxation. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.66.155108
PACS number共s兲: 78.40.⫺q, 78.20.⫺e, 78.55.Hx, 33.50.⫺j
Two-photon laser spectroscopy has been an important complementary technique to linear spectroscopy of solids, as it has a different parity selection rule, allows access to higher energy states, and has a greater variety of possible polarizations than linear spectroscopy.1 Extensive measurements of two-photon absorption 共TPA兲 intensities in rare-earth compounds by Dagenais et al.2 and Downer and co-workers3– 6 could not be explained by the early lowest-order theory developed by Axe7 in 1964: the angular-momentum selection rule ⌬J⭐2 predicted by Axe’s theory was completely violated as there are intense transitions with ⌬L and ⌬J as large as six, and line strengths and polarization anisotropies were not correctly calculated. There are many theoretical developments that address this puzzle, which will be described in more detail below. These methods account for most of the discrepancies between the predictions of Axe’s theory and measurements for Gd3⫹ in LaF3 , 4 but poorly predict the relative intensities for Eu2⫹ in CaF2 . 6 These discrepancies are sometimes referred to as ‘‘the weakness of the third-order spin-orbit contributions.’’1 In addition to the intensity anomalies, the drastic variations of linewidths of TPA peaks are also puzzling. The starting point of TPA theory is usually the secondorder term of time-dependent perturbation theory. This term involves a summation over all possible intermediate states of the product of two one-photon transition matrix elements weighted by an energy denominator. The states involved are exact eigenstates of the full static Hamiltonian for the system when time-dependent perturbations are turned off. Usually approximations of the full static Hamiltonian and truncation to the summation are necessary. Time-independent perturbation theory is often adopted.8 Axe’s theory is zeroth order in time-independent perturbation theory in the sense that the splitting within f N or the intermediate configurations is not considered. For the TPA to 6 P 7/2 , 6 P 5/2 and 6 P 3/2 of Gd3⫹ in LaF3 using a single linearly polarized beam,2 Axe’s theory predicted 69:29:1, in contrast to the measured ratio 0163-1829/2002/66共15兲/155108共12兲/$20.00
320:5.4:1. Judd and Pooler introduced a first-order spin-orbit perturbation to the intermediate states and predicted an intensity ratio 470:3.4:1,9 which is close to the measured ratio. In addition, their calculations also accounted for the polarization dependence of the TPA measured by Downer and Bivas.4 Downer and Bivas’s measurements also showed the complete violation of orbit and total angular-momentum selection rules, which are explained by extending Judd-Pooler approach to include perturbations due to the effect of the crystal-field interaction on 5d orbitals in the intermediate states. Note that the ‘‘third-order’’ and ‘‘fourth-order’’ in many theoretical work on two-photon transitions1,4,5,10,11 are ‘‘first order’’ and ‘‘second order’’ here, respectively in the sense of time-independent perturbation. The general expressions of the Judd-Pooler-Downer theory 共often referred to as JPD theory in the literature兲 for orbit- and spin-forbidden transition were given by Ceulemans and Vandenberghe.10 Calculations have been carried out for Tb3⫹ in a cubic lattice,11 Sm2⫹ in SrF2 , 12,13 Eu2⫹ in CaF2 and SrF2 共Ref. 6兲 and KMgF3 , 14 and Cm3⫹15 and Eu3⫹16 in LuPO4 , in addition to Gd3⫹ in LaF3 . However, application of JPD theory to Eu2⫹ in CaF2 is less successful.6 The predicted intensity ratios for the linearly polarized transitions 8 S 7/2→ 6 P 7/2 and 6 D 7/2 relative to 6 D 9/2 are larger than the measured ratios by factors of more than 100 and 10 times, respectively. This has been referred to as ‘‘the weakness of the third-order spinorbit contributions.’’1 For transitions to the 6 I multiplets the calculated intensities are 5–10 times smaller than the measured intensities. Downer et al. reasoned that a significant part of the discrepancy results from a breakdown of closure approximation, i.e., the approximation that the 4 f 6 5d configuration is degenerate. For the Eu2⫹ ion in CaF2 and SrF2 , the lowest energy levels of the 4 f 6 5d configuration are only about 25 000 cm⫺1 above the 8 S 7/2 ground state of the 4 f 7 configuration, and in fact are below the 6 P levels of 4 f 7 . However, Downer et al. were unable to improve their calculation significantly by relaxing the closure approximation. With a reasonable choice of spin-orbital interaction strength,
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the 8 S 7/2→ 6 P 7/2 absorption rates for the circularly polarized beam and the 8 S 7/2→ 6 P 5/2 absorption rates are greatly reduced, but the linearly polarized absorption of 6 P 7/2 decreases by only a factor of 4 –5. Therefore, this does not solve the ‘‘the weakness of the third-order spin-orbit contributions,’’ and even makes the relative strength between linearly and circularly polarized transitions to 7 P 7/2 worse. Such a situation also occurs in Eu2⫹ -doped KMgF3 , where the crystal-field interactions are much weaker, showing that the puzzle is not closely related to the strength of the crystal field. There are some other attempts to simulate the TPA intensities in rare-earth ions. Burdick and Reid applied manybody perturbation theory 共MBPT兲 techniques to develop a consistent approach to include various perturbations.17 These calculations are roughly equivalent to the Judd-Pooler calculations if both the spin-orbit interaction and Coulomb interaction are included to infinite order.18 The Burdick-Reid approach fails to converge for Eu2⫹ in CaF2 because the Coulomb interaction is larger than the energy denominators for the low-lying 4 f 6 5d excited configuration. Instead of using perturbation theory, Burdick et al.19 did a calculation of the TPA of Eu2⫹ :CaF2 by explicitly summing over all the intermediate free ion states of 4 f 6 5d. This gave good agreement with measurements for 6 P and 6 D levels, but the intensities for the TPA to 6 I states are forbidden by orbital angular-momentum selection rules under such an approximation. It is now possible to explicitly calculate the energy levels of the 4 f 6 5d excited states, including the Coulomb interaction, spin-orbit interaction and crystal-field interaction.20 We are carrying out a detailed TPA calculation for Eu2⫹ in CaF2 by summing over all of these states.21 However, with such a complex and time-consuming calculation, the results are difficult to interpret and the effect of changes to the parameters are difficult to determine. Furthermore, including more intermediate states such as 4 f 6 ng would greatly increase the computational time, and so this is impractical. Besides the puzzle of the TPA intensities, the variation of the TPA linewidth and the mechanism of relaxation are also puzzling for Eu2⫹ in CaF2 : Some absorption lines of the 6 I energy levels are much narrower than other lines, and the absorption line of 6 D 1/2 is almost an order of magnitude narrower than other neighboring 6 D lines. In this paper we show that it is possible to explain the TPA intensities with a relatively simple perturbation calculation, similar to the JPD theory. We do this by a careful choice of the zero-order Hamiltonian. The strongest interactions, the 5d crystal-field interaction and the part of the Coulomb interaction that splits states with different spins, are included in the zero-order Hamiltonian. The spin-orbit interaction is treated as a perturbation. The special properties of the halffilled 4 f 7 shell are also exploited to simplify the calculation. We present the method using many-body perturbation theory and group theory, with details for the case of an ion site with O h symmetry. The application to Eu2⫹ in CaF2 predicts relative multiplet to multiplet transition intensities comparable to observations, and demonstrates the dependence of the intensities on 5d / 4 f . The TPA linewidths of Eu2⫹ :CaF2 are also
analyzed qualitatively by exploring the selection rules for the nonradiative relaxation of the 4 f 7 states to 4 f 6 5d states. II. EFFECTIVE TWO-PHOTON TRANSITION OPERATORS SUITABLE FOR ORBIT- OR SPINFORBIDDEN TRANSITIONS
For ions with a half-filled, or nearly half-filled, f shell, there is a large gap between the ground multiplets ( 8 S 7/2 for f 7 and 7 F 0-6 for f 6 and f 8 ) of maximum spin and the excited states of reduced spin. The measured TPA is between energy levels of the ground multiplet and energy levels of the excited multiplets with spin of one electron flipped. The twophoton transitions are parity allowed because there are two odd-parity electric-dipole operators involved, connecting the initial and final states to intermediate states of opposite parity. These opposite-parity states may include d and g-electron excited states, d-electron core excitations, and continuum d and g states, as well as ligand states with d- and g-electron character. However, as the n f N⫺1 (n⫹1)d states have the lowest energies, they may be expected to dominate. The transitions are spin forbidden, so that the mixing of states by the spin-orbit interaction plays an essential role. Some of the transitions are also orbit forbidden (⌬L⬎2) and therefore the crystal-field interactions, especially the strong d-electron crystal-field interaction, are also important. The Coulomb interaction does not provide any relaxation of the spin- or orbit-forbidden selection rules, and therefore was not included in the JPD theory.22 However, the splitting caused by the Coulomb interaction will significantly affect the calculation due to a modification of the energy denominator 共i.e., it causes a breakdown of the closure approximation兲 and thus must also be considered. For the trivalent ions, the Coulomb interaction may be treated as a perturbation, but for the divalent ions we wish to consider here, the usual perturbation expansion will diverge. The perturbation expansion of the d-electron crystal-field interactions converges slowly because the magnitudes of those interactions are comparable to the n f -(n⫹1)d splitting. In contrast to previous work, for the calculations considered below we include the most important parts of the Coulomb interaction, i.e., the spin-flip energy for f and d electrons, and the d-electron crystal-field interaction into the zeroth-order Hamiltonian: H 0⫽
兺i ⑀ i a †i a i .
Here a † and a are creation and annihilation operators, respectively, and ⑀ i is the one-particle energy for energy level i. A schematic diagram of the ‘‘one-particle’’ energy levels in a cubic site is shown in Fig. 1. Notice that the spin directions indicated are only in the sense of parallel and antiparallel to the total spin of the maximum-spin states, and have nothing to do with the particular frame chosen. In the particular case here, the lowest 4 f 6 5d level is lower than the sextet states of 4 f 7 due to crystal-field splitting, which is reflected by e ↑ being lower than 4 f ↓ . The other interactions
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 66, 155108 共2002兲
eigenvectors are appropriately normalized projections of the exact eigenvectors. The effective operator is usually expanded order by order in the perturbation V, and is represented by diagrams. The matrix element of T TPA between a basis function 兩 I 典 0 in the ground-state model space and a basis function 兩 F 典 0 in the excited-state model space can be calculated from those diagrams. Since the two model-space bases have well-defined spins and the electric dipole moment operator does not change the spin, the zeroth-order term of T TPA is zero. In first order, only V so⫽V so共 f f 兲 ⫹V so共 dd 兲
contributes. Three first-order terms have nonzero contributions: FIG. 1. Schematic diagram for one-particle energy levels in a cubic site. ⑀ f d is the difference between the average energy of the n f orbitals and the (n⫹1)d orbitals. U f and U d are the exchange splittings for f and d orbitals, respectively, which are assumed to be isotropic. 10D q is the splitting of (n⫹1)d orbitals in a cubic site. The spin-orbit splitting and the crystal-field splitting for n f are neglected.
兺 S,Q
0 具 F 兩 D•e兩 S 典 0 0 具 S 兩 D•e兩 Q I 典 0 0 具 Q I 兩 V so兩 I 典 0 0 兲 关共 E I0 ⫹E F0 兲 /2⫺E 0S 兴共 E I0 ⫺E Q I
兺 S ,S 2
not included in H 0 , the spin-orbit interactions V so( f f ) and V so(dd), the crystal-field interactions V c ( f f ), and the re⬘ , are considered as permaining Coulomb interactions V Coul turbations, i.e., V⫽V so共 f f 兲 ⫹V so共 dd 兲 ⫹V c 共 f f 兲 ⫹V ⬘ Coul .
For Eu2⫹ the 4 f 7 ground states can be written as 4 f 7↑ and the ground-state model space is chosen to contain only this set of states. The excited states of interest for the TPA are written as 4 f 5↑ (4 f ↑ 4 f ↓ ) and the excited-state model space is chosen to contain only these states. For ions with f 6 and f 8 ground configurations, the ground and excited states may be written as f 6↑ , f 6↑ ( f ↑ f ↓ ) and f 4↑ ( f ↑ f ↓ ), f 4↑ ( f ↑ f ↓ ) 2 , respectively. According to MBPT, an effective operator T TPA that acts between the ground-state model space and the excited-state model space eigenvectors to give the exact transition matrix elements can be constructed, provided that the model space
兺 Q ,S F
0 具 F 兩 D•e兩 S 2 典 0 0 具 S 2 兩 V so兩 S 1 典 0 0 具 S 1 兩 D•e兩 I 典 0 关共 E I0 ⫹E F0 兲 /2⫺E S0 2 兴关共 E I0 ⫹E F0 兲 /2⫺E S0 1 兴
0 具 F 兩 V so兩 Q F 典 0 0 具 Q F 兩 D•e兩 S 典 0 0 具 S 兩 D•e兩 I 典 0 . 0 兲关共 E I0 ⫹E F0 兲 /2⫺E 0S 兴 共 E F0 ⫺E Q F
In the expression, 兩 S 典 0 , 兩 S 1 典 0 , and 兩 S 2 典 0 are eigenvectors of H 0 , which are limited to the f N⫺1 d and f N⫺1 g configurations due to the parity and angular-momentum selection rules of the electric dipole operator D•e. 兩 Q 典 I ( 兩 Q 典 F ) must be in the spaces orthogonal to the ground-state model space and the excited-state model space, respectively. In the particular cases considered here, 兩 Q 典 I is in the excited-state model space and 兩 Q 典 F is in the ground-state model space. E 0 are the eigenvalues of H 0 for the corresponding bases denoted by the subscripts. There are two nonzero diagrams for each of the three terms, which are shown in Fig. 2. MBPT tells us that the Pauli exclusion principle can be relaxed if it is done consistently, and the three disconnected diagrams cancel under this
FIG. 2. First-order diagrams for two-photon transitions. f 1 , f 2 , f 3 , f ⬘1 , f ⬘2 , and f ⬘3 are f shell orbitals, and m, m 1 and m 2 are orbitals with even parity. f 1 and f 2 are always parallel and antiparallel, respectively, to the total spin S max of the maximum spin states of the half-filled shell. f 1⬘ and f 2⬘ are both parallel or both antiparallel to S max . The spin directions of the other orbitals are uniquely determined in each diagram by the fact that the spin of the outgoing particles cannot be changed by D vertices and is changed by a V so vertex. The one-particle energy depends on the spin direction of the orbital. 155108-3
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choice. The cancelation can easily be verified for the three disconnected diagrams: the matrix elements are the same and the three factors from the denominators add up to zero. Group theory and tensor techniques are widely used in spectroscopy to clarify selection rules and to simplify calculations. Eigenstates and 共transition兲 operators can be expanded in terms of basis states and basis operators that have well-defined transformation properties under symmetry operations. Basis states and operators are labeled by irreducible representations 共irreps兲 of a group chain that characterize the system. We choose the group chain for the ion site as O s3 ⫻O l3 傻O 3j 傻G傻C 1 , where G is the site symmetry. We denote the partner for this group chain as s•l ⫾ ab, where s is an irrep of O s3 共with positive parity兲, l ⫾ is an irrep of O l3 whose parity is denoted as a supscript, and ab are labels for the O 3j 傻G傻C 1 group chain, with being an irrep of G and a and b being multiplicity labels. In the following we will often abbreviate ab to a single label c and describe the labels of states or operators as s•l ⫾ c. Parity supscripts will also be neglected in most cases unless this causes ambiguities. For example, bases for f 共d兲 orbitals will be labeled as 兩 1/2•3c f 典 ( 兩 1/2•2c d 典 ) and a component of dipole moment operator will be labeled as D 0•1c . The labels of irreps and multiplicities for point groups in this paper will follow Butler’s convention.23 D•e can be expanded in terms of the electric dipole operator components D 0.1c as D•e⫽
兺c D 0•1c e 0•1c .
共 2a 兲 ⫽
兩 i 典具 i 兩
⫻ 1/2•2c d 1
1 d ⫺ 共 ⑀ f d ⫹U d /2兲 ⫺h cf
⫻具 1/2•2c d 2 兩 V so兩 1/2•2c d 3 典
⫻ 1/2•2c d 3
1 d ⫺ 共 ⑀ f d ⫺U d /2兲 ⫺h cf
冏 冏
1/2•2c d 2
1/2•2c d 4
⫻具 1/2•2c d 4 兩 D•e兩 1/2•3c f 2 典 .
冔 冔 共9兲
In the above expressions, the intermediate one-particle orbitals can only be in (n⫹1)d orbital space, and therefore the projection operator for this space, 兺 c d 兩 1/2•2c d i 典具 1/2•2c d i 兩 , i
has been inserted wherever appropriate. The expressions for the other two connected diagrams 共1a兲 and 共3a兲 can be derived in a similar manner. As both V so and the denominators are invariant under transformations of the site symmetry group G, the effective operator T T PA must transform the same way as the two dipole moments do under group G. We shall make use of this property, the double tensor W 1•Kc K and the polarization factor (ee) Dc D defined below to simplify the calculation in the following. W 1•Kc K can be written in terms of 2 jm’s (•••) and vector coupling coefficients 具 •••,••• 兩 ••• 典 共Ref. 23兲 as † ˜a 1/2•3 兲 1•Kc K W 1•Kc K ⫽⫺ 共 a 1/2•3
共8兲 ⫽⫺
where 兩 i 典 and ⑀ i are normalized eigenvectors and eigenvalues of an arbitrary Hamiltonian operator h respectively, and ⑀ is an arbitrary constant. The three connected diagrams can be evaluated with MBPT diagram rules. We notice that the denominators in Eqs. 共4兲–共6兲 are slightly different from those of the thirdorder terms in an effective Hamiltonian. We will give the expression only for diagrams 共2a兲. For 共2a兲, m 1 and m 2 can be either d or g orbitals, with spins parallel and antiparallel to the initial maximum spin states, respectively. Here we will limit them to (n⫹1)d orbitals, which are the most important contributions to T TPA . The energies for m 1 and m 2 are ⑀ f d ⬘ 1 and ⑀ f d ⫹U d /2⫹ ⑀ m⬘ 2 , respectively. Here ⑀ m⬘ ⫺U d /2⫹ ⑀ m (m⫽m 1 or m 2 ) is the crystal-field energy determined by the d , which are ⫺6D q and 4D q for crystal-field Hamiltonian h cf e and t 2 one-particle energy levels, respectively, for Eu2⫹ in CaF2 . By using the denominator rules required by Eq. 共5兲 and then using Eq. 共8兲 to replace the summation over energy ⬘ 兴 , 共2a兲 can be denominators, 兺 m 兩 m 典具 m 兩 / 关 ⫺( ⑀ f d ⫾U d /2)⫺ ⑀ m written as
† a 1/2•3c a 1/2•3c f
⫻ 具 1/2•3c f 1 兩 D•e兩 1/2•2c d 1 典
In order to evaluate the three connected diagrams, we use the general relation
兺i ⑀ ⫺ ⑀ i ⫽ ⑀ ⫺h ,
c f ,c d ,c d ,c d ,c d ,c f 1 1 2 3 4 2
c 1 ,c 2
† a 1/2•3c a 1/2•3c 2 共 1/2•3 c * 2兲 1
⫻具 1/2•3c 1 ,1/2•3c * 2 兩 1•Kc K 典 .
The polarization factor (ee) Dc D is defined as
共 ee兲 Dc D ⫽
c 1 ,c 2
具 Dc D 兩 1c 1 ,1c 2 典 e 1c 1 e 1c 2 .
T TPA can be written in terms of W 1•Kc K and (ee) Dc D as
Ka K ,Da D ,
w Ka K ,Da D ,
where the coefficient
兺b W 1•KKa
K b
共 ee兲 Da D b ,
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 66, 155108 共2002兲
w Ka K ,Da D ; ⫽
i 兺 w Ka i⫽1
K ,Da D ,
␣ Ka 共 ⑀ 兲 ⫽
is the sum of the corresponding coefficients from the three connected diagrams. We shall also make use of the following expansion for denominators:
1 5d ⑀ ⫺h cf
␣ Ka 共 ⑀ 兲 U 0•KKa00 共 5d,5d 兲 , 兺 Ka
K K ,Da D
兩K兩 兩 兩 1/2
1/2•2a 1
冏 冏 1
5d ⑀ ⫺h cf
1/2•2a 2
共 1/2•2 a 1 兲
0•K ⫹ a 0,
1/2•2 a 2 兲 .
共16兲 In the following we shall use the reduced matrix elements 共RME’s兲 具 f s f •l f a f f 兩兩 T S•La 兩兩 i s i •l i a i i 典 m , which can be calculated from 具 f s f •l f 兩兩 T S•L 兩兩 i s i •l i 典 with the WignerEkart theorem. Here m is the multiplicity of f in the coupling of and i . With Eq. 共15兲 and some complex but straightforward recoupling manipulations, the three coeffii cients w Ka ,Da , can be written as
⌬,a f ,•••,a f , f ,•••, f ,s 1 ,•••,s 4 1 2 1 2
⫻共 1/2•2 a 1* * ,
where ␣ Ka can be written by using 2 jm(•••), 3 jms (•••, •••,•••) and the dimension of an irrep 兩 兩 as23
1 w Ka
兺 ,a ,a
␣ ⌬a ⌬ 共 ⫺ ⑀ f d ⫺U d /2兲 / 共 ⫺U f 兲
⫻具 1•Ka K K 兩 1/2•3a f 1 f 1 ,1/2•3a *f *f 典 s 3 具 Da D K 兩 D 1 a D 1 D 1 ,D 2 a D 2 D 2 典 s* 2
⫻ 具 D 1 共 D 2 f 2 兲 s 2 d ;s 1 f 1 兩 共 D 1 D 2 兲 s 4 K , f 2 ;s 3 f 1 典 兩 K 兩 ⫺1/2兵 K 其兵 f 1 *f K 其 s 3 2
⫻ 共 1/2•3 a *f *f 兲 具 1/2•3 a f 1 f 1 兩兩 D 0•1 2
⫻ 兩 1/2•2 兩 ⫺1/2具 1/2•2 a d 1 d 兩兩 U 0•⌬
a⌬ 0
⫻ 兩 1/2•2 兩 ⫺1/2具 1/2•2 a d 2 d 兩兩 D 0•1
K K ,Da D
⌬ 1 ,⌬ 2 ,a f ,•••,a f , f ,•••, f s 1 ,•••,s 4 1 2 1 2
兩兩 1/2•2 a d 1 d 典 s 1
兩兩 1/2•2 a d 2 d 典
1•1 a V 0 so
⫻ 兩 1/2•3 兩 ⫺1/2具 1/2•3 a f 3 f 2 兩兩 V so
2 w Ka
兩兩 1/2•3 a f 3 f 2 典 s 2
兩兩 1/2•3 a f 2 f 2 典 ,
␣ ⌬ 1 a ⌬ 共 ⫺ ⑀ f d ⫺U d /2兲 ␣ ⌬ 2 a ⌬ 共 ⫺ ⑀ f d ⫹U d /2兲 1
⫻具 1•Ka K K 兩 1/2•3a f 1 f 1 ,1/2•3a *f *f 典 s 3 具 Da D K 兩 D 1 a D 1 D 1 ,D 2 a D 2 D 2 典 s* 2
⫻ 具 D 1 共 D 2 f 2 兲 s 2 d ;s 1 f 1 兩 共 D 1 D 2 兲 s 4 K , f 2 ;s 3 f 1 典 兩 K 兩 ⫺1/2 ⫻ 兵 K 其兵 f 1 *f K 其 s 3 共 1/2•3 a *f *f 兲 具 1/2•3 a f 1 f 1 兩兩 D 0•1 2
⫻ 兩 1/2•2 兩 ⫺1/2具 1/2•2 a d 1 d 兩兩 U 0•⌬ 1 1•1 a V
⫻ 具 1/2•2 a d 2 d 兩兩 V so
⫻ 具 1/2•2 a d 3 d 兩兩 U 0•⌬ 2 ⫻ 具 1/2•2 a d 4 d 兩兩 D 0•1
兩兩 1/2•2 a d 1 d 典 s 1
兩兩 1/2•2 a d 2 d 典 兩 1/2•2 兩 ⫺1/2
兩兩 1/2•2 a d 3 d 典 兩 1/2•2 兩 ⫺1/2 0
兩兩 1/2•2 a d 4 d 典 兩 1/2•2 兩 ⫺1/2
兩兩 1/2•3 a f 2 f 2 典 s2 ,
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 66, 155108 共2002兲
K K ,Da D
⌬,a f ,•••,a f , f ,•••, f s 1 ,•••,s 4 1 2 1 2
␣ ⌬a ⌬ 共 ⫺ ⑀ f d ⫹U d /2兲 / 共 U f 兲
⫻具 1•Ka K K 兩 1/2•3a f 1 f 1 ,1/2•3a *f *f 典 s 3 具 Da D K 兩 D 1 a D 1 D 1 ,D 2 a D 2 D 2 典 s* 2
⫻ 具 D 1 共 D 2 f 2 兲 s 2 d ;s 1 f 1 兩 共 D 1 D 2 兲 s 4 K , f 2 ;s 3 f 1 典 兩 K 兩
1•1 a V 0 so
⫻ 兵 K 其兵 f 1 *f K 其 s 3 共 1/2•3 a *f *f 兲 具 1/2•3 a f 1 f 1 兩兩 V so 2
⫻ 具 1/2•3 a f 3 f 1 兩兩 D 0•1
⫻ 具 1/2•2 a d 1 d 兩兩 U 0•⌬
a⌬ 0
⫻ 具 1/2•2 a d 2 d 兩兩 D 0•1
兩兩 1/2•2 a d 1 d 典 s 1 兩 1/2•2 兩 ⫺1/2
兩兩 1/2•2 a d 2 d 典 兩 1/2•2 兩 ⫺1/2
兩兩 1/2•3 a f 2 f 2 典 s 2 .
In the above equations, the a’s are branching multiplicities for O s3 ⫻O l3 傻G, the ’s are irreps for group G, s’s are coupling multiplicities for group G, 具 D 1 ( D 2 f 2 ) ••• 兩 ( D 1 D 2 )••• 典 is a recoupling coefficient for irreps of G, 兵 K 其 and 兵 f 1 *f 2 K 其 are 2 j and 3 j phases, and 兩 兩 is the dimension of irrep . All the factors determined solely by group theory are tabulated by Butler,23 and can also be calculated with RACAH.24 The effective T TPA operator can be used to calculate twophoton transition line strengths once the model-space eigenvectors are known. It is important to realize that our expressions for T TPA are only valid when the bra and ket are in the excited- and ground-state model spaces, respectively, necessarily making the T TPA operator not Hermitian. We denote the model space eigenvectors as 兩 b 典 , where is the irrep for group G, b distinguishes the partners of , and is a label to distinguish those states with the given symmetry labels ( and b here兲. The line strength for the TPA 兩 f f 典 ← 兩 i i 典 is I共 f f , i i 兲⫽ ⫽
b f ,b i
兩 具 f f b f 兩 T T PA 兩兩 i i b i 典 兩 2
P D 1 d 1 ,D 2 d 2 ;
具 f f 兩兩 T D 1 d 1 兩兩 i i 典具 f f 兩兩 T D 2 d 2 兩兩 i i 典 * 兩兩
In this paper, we calculate only the total line strengths between two multiplets ( i J i ) to ( f J f ), where are extra labels to distinguish multiplets with the same J label. This can be written as I共 f J f , iJ i 兲⫽
D 1 d 1 D 2 d 2 Ja
⫽ T Dd
1 1
2 2
w S•L Ja , Dd W S•L Ja .
Ja ⬘ ⫽ T Dd
w SLJa,Dd W S•LJ , 兺 SL
In CaF2 Eu2⫹ occupies Ca2⫹ site with O h symmetry, with eight nearest F⫺ ’s on the corners of a cube. The singleparticle 4 f and 5d energy levels are shown in Fig. 1. The TPA amplitude is calculated from Eq. 共13兲, which requires various physical parameters as inputs. The average change in energies due to the exchange interaction when the spin of one of the 4 f 7 electrons is flipped is U f , and when the spin of the 5d electron of 4 f 6 5d is flipped is U d . These may be calculated as
Ja ⬘ Ja ⬘ 兩兩 i J i 典具 f J f 兩兩 T D2d 兩兩 i J i 典 * 具 f J f 兩兩 T D1d 1 2
兺b 共 ee兲 D d b共 ee兲 D* d b ,
P D 1 d 1 ,D 2 d 2 ;
P D 1 d 1 ,D 2 d 2 ; ⫽
兩兩 1/2•3 a f 3 f 1 典 兩 1/2•3 兩 ⫺1/2
63 200 E 1⫺ E ⫽38 000 cm⫺1 , 8 3 2
3 4 10 U d ⫽ G 1 共 4 f ,5d 兲 ⫹ G 3 共 4 f ,5d 兲 ⫹ G 5 共 4 f ,5d 兲 5 15 33
where E 1 and E 2 are Racah parameters, which are linear combination of 4 f -4 f Coulomb radial integrals F K (4 f ,4f )
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 66, 155108 共2002兲
MANY-BODY PERTURBATION THEORY FOR SPIN- . . . TABLE I. The polarization vectors and polarization factors for the three laser beams used in the measurements of Downer et al. 共Ref. 6兲. Label 100 111 circular
Polarization vector
P A 1g
P Eg
P T 2g
z (x⫹y⫹z)/ 冑3 i(x⫹y)/2⫾z/ 冑2
1/3 1/3 0
2/3 0 3/8
0 2/3 5/8
(K⫽2,4,6), 25 and G K (4 f ,5d) (K⫽1,3,5) are 4 f -5d Coulomb exchange radial integrals. The F K (4 f ,4f ) values used here are the same as those used by Downer et al.6 The G K (4 f ,5d) values can be determined from modified free-ion calculations.26 The comparison of theoretical and experimental exchange splitting of 4 f N⫺1 5d configuration for trivalent heavy lanthanides20 indicates that the calculated values need to be scaled down roughly by a factor of 2/3, and this reduction is partly due to nephaluxic effects.20 This would give U d ⬇7500 cm⫺1 . The drastic broadening of TPA peaks can be better explained by a value of U d ⬇6500 cm⫺1 共see Sec. IV兲. So we shall use U d ⬇6500 cm⫺1 in our calculations. The crystal-field interaction splits the 5d orbitals into two energy levels, namely, e and t 2 , by 10D q . From the onephoton spectra of Eu2⫹ :CaF2 we obtain experimental values ⑀ f d ⫽21 000 cm⫺1 and 10D q ⫽16 000 cm⫺1 . The ␣ coefficients of Eq. 共16兲 are functions of these energy parameters. Only two of the ␣ ’s are nonzero, i.e., ␣ 0 which multiplies U 0•000 and ␣ 4 which multiplies U 0•440 . We obtain
␣ 0共 ⑀ 兲 ⫽
冊 冊
3 2 2 ⫹ , 5 ⑀ ⫺ ⑀ e g ⑀ ⫺ ⑀ t 2g
1 1 ␣ 4共 ⑀ 兲 ⫽ ⫺ , 冑15 ⑀ ⫺ ⑀ e g ⑀ ⫺ ⑀ t 2g
where ⑀ e g ⫽⫺6D q and ⑀ t 2g ⫽4D q are the one-particle energy levels 共relative to the barycenter兲 of the 5d orbitals. The polarization dependence is greatly simplified for a site of O h symmetry. There are only three polarization factors, which can be fully distinguished by the irreps ⫽A 1g , E g , and T 2g . Three independent polarization measurements fully characterize the polarization dependence of single-beam twophoton transitions of sites with O h symmetry.6 The multiplet to multiplet transition line strength for this symmetry simplifies to I共 f J f , iJ i 兲⫽
兺 P
J 兩 具 f J f 兩兩 T a 兩兩 i J i 典 兩 2
where J ⫽ T a
w SLJa W S•LJ . 兺 SL
The eigenvectors for states in 4 f 7 configuration can be calculated by fitting the experimental energy levels with a well-established phenomenological Hamiltonian.27 The model-space eigenvectors required by our calculation can then be obtained by projecting the phenomenological eigenvectors into the corresponding model space. The model space for the initial states contains only 8 S 7/2 multiplet and the model space eigenvectors can be determined solely by symmetry considerations. The model space for the final states contains all sextet terms and the model space eigenvectors will be a mixture of all sextet bases. We shall calculate the line strength between multiplets by neglect the J mixing caused by crystal field. We denote the free-ion model space multiplet eigenvector dominated by 2S⫹1 L J as 关 2S⫹1 L 兴 J . Neglecting components with less than 1% contributions, the multiplets concerned are obtained by using the free-ion parameters for Eu2⫹ :CaF2 given by Downer et al.6 as follows:
The polarization factors P defined by Eq. 共21兲 for the crystal orientations used by Downer et al.6 are given in Table I.
关 S L 兴 J ⫽ S L J for 8 S 7/2 and all 6 I J ,
关 6 P 兴 7/2⫽0.9326 P 7/2⫺0.3636 D 7/2 ,
关 6 P 兴 5/2⫽0.9346 P 5/2⫺0.3576 D 5/2 ,
关 6 P 兴 3/2⫽0.9646 P 3/2⫺0.2686 D 3/2 ,
关 6 D 兴 9/2⫽0.9836 D 9/2⫺0.1806 F 9/2 ,
关 6 D 兴 7/2⫽0.9196 D 7/2⫹0.3466 P 7/2⫺0.1876 F 7/2 ,
关 6 D 兴 5/2⫽0.9196 D 5/2⫹0.3596 P 5/2⫺0.1616 F 5/2 ,
关 6 D 兴 3/2⫽0.9566 D 3/2⫹0.2676 P 3/2⫺0.1186 F 3/2 ,
关 6 D 兴 1/2⫽0.9986 D 1/2⫺0.0636 F 1/2 .
Note that the eigenfunctions have been renormalized because we have omitted all multiplets other than sextets. It can be seen from the multiplet model space wave functions and the angular-momentum selection rules that only W 1•1 , W 1•2 , W 1•3 , and W 1•6 in Eq. 共13兲 contribute to the TPA intensities for these transitions. The expressions for the corresponding coefficients in terms of energy level parameters and the values for the case of Eu2⫹ in CaF2 are given in Table II. The RME’s of W 1•K between sextets and octets are given by
具 6 L 兩兩 W 1•K 兩兩 8 S 典 ⫽ 共 ⫺1 兲 K⫹1 ␦ LK 2 关 2 共 2K⫹1 兲兴 1/2, 共40兲 from which we can calculate the RME’s between two multiplets. The RME’s used in our calculations are given in Table III. It can be seen from the wave functions for each multiplet and the comparable magnitude of w 1.•••KJa ⬘ that the intensities for final states 6 I J (J⫽7/2, . . . ,17/2) and 6 D J (J ⫽3/2, . . . ,9/2) arise mainly from the contributions from W 1.6Ja ⬘ and W 1.2Ja ⬘ respectively and depend on ⫽ 5d / 4 f (normally⬍1) weakly. In contrast, the intensities for 6 P J depend strongly on the ratio . The calculated intensities for the three polarizations and the corresponding
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 66, 155108 共2002兲
TABLE II. The nonzero coefficients of those W 1KJa ⬘ , i. e., w 1•KJa ⬘ , that contribute to the measured TPA intensities of Eu2⫹ in CaF2 . 1 ␣ K ⫽ ␣ K (⫺ ⑀ f d ⫺U d /2), ␣ K2 ⫽ ␣ K (⫺ ⑀ f d ⫹U d /2), and ␣ ⫽⫺1/U f . Their values for Eu2⫹ in CaF2 are ␣ 10 ⫽⫺14.44/(105 cm⫺1 ), ␣ 14 ⫽ ⫺15.76/(105 cm⫺1 ), ␣ 20 ⫽⫺24.56/(105 cm⫺1 ), ␣ 24 ⫽⫺41.10/(105 cm⫺1 ), ␣ ⫽⫺2.632/105 cm⫺1 , and ⫽ 5d / 4 f . The unit is 具 f 兩 r 兩 d 典 2 for the second column and 4 f 具 f 兩 r 兩 d 典 2 /(105 cm⫺1 ) 2 for the third column. a⬘
A 1g
T 2g
4 f 共 ␣ 10 ⫺ ␣ 20 兲 ␣ ⫹
⫺ 1•1
5d ␣ 10 ␣ 20 ⫹
5d ␣ 10 ␣ 20 ⫺
T 2g
T 2g
冑105 350
冑14 8820
T 2g
冋 冋
冑6 126
共 ␣ 14 ⫺ ␣ 24 兲 ␣
共 ␣ 10 ␣ 24 ⫹ ␣ 14 ␣ 20 兲 ⫺ 378 ␣ 14 ␣ 24 37
冑6 1 2 共␣ ⫺␣4兲 ␣ 189 4 11
4 f 共 ␣ 10 ⫹ ␣ 20 兲 ⫹ 4 f 共 ␣ 10 ⫹ ␣ 20 兲 ⫺
册 册
冑6 189
共 ␣ 14 ⫹ ␣ 24 兲 ␣ ⫺
4 f 共 ␣ 10 ⫺ ␣ 20 兲 ⫹
5d ␣ 10 ␣ 20 ⫹
冑6 756
5d 共 ␣ 10 ␣ 20 兲 ⫺
冑6 126
冑6 1 2 共␣ ⫺␣4兲 ␣ 189 4
A 1g
⫺11冑5630 4 f 共 ␣ 14 ⫺ ␣ 24 兲 ␣ ⫺
T 2g
T 2g
T 2g
T 2g
4 f 共 ␣ 14 ⫺ ␣ 24 兲 ␣ ⫹
冑715 4620
冑715 3465
冑385 154 21
册 0.538
冑2 冑6 共 ␣ 10 ␣ 24 ⫹ ␣ 14 ␣ 20 兲 ⫺2 ␣ 14 ␣ 24 140 5d 9
冑35 2940
冑35 5880
冋 冋
5d 共 ␣ 10 ␣ 24 ⫹ ␣ 14 ␣ 20 兲 ⫺2 5d 共 ␣ 10 ␣ 24 ⫹ ␣ 14 ␣ 20 兲 ⫺2
冑6 9
冑6 9
␣ 14 ␣ 24 ␣ 14 ␣ 24
册 册
2.18⫺6.13 ⫺0.474⫹1.22 ⫺0.237⫹0.610
5d 共 ␣ 10 ␣ 24 ⫺ ␣ 14 ␣ 20 兲
5d 共 ␣ 10 ␣ 24 ⫺ ␣ 14 ␣ 20 兲
4 f 共 ␣ 14 ⫹ ␣ 24 兲 ␣ ⫺
4 f 共 ␣ 14 ⫹ ␣ 24 兲 ␣ ⫺
冑110 308
冑6 1 2 1 2 124 1 2 共 ␣ ␣ ⫹ ␣ 4 ␣ 0 兲 ⫺ 1701 ␣ 4 ␣ 4 1134 0 4
4 f 共 ␣ 14 ⫺ ␣ 24 兲 ␣ ⫹
共 ␣ 10 ␣ 24 ⫹ ␣ 14 ␣ 20 兲 ⫺43/567␣ 14 ␣ 24
5d 共 ␣ 10 ␣ 24 ⫺ ␣ 14 ␣ 20 兲
冑5 ⫹1 关共 ␣ 10 ␣ 24 ⫹ ␣ 14 ␣ 20 兲 ⫺2 冑69 ␣ 14 ␣ 24 兴 2520 5d
共 ␣ 14 ⫺ ␣ 24 兲 ␣
T 2g
冑6 1 2 冑7 共 ␣ 1 ␣ 2 ⫺ ␣ 14 ␣ 20 兲 共␣ ⫹␣4兲 ␣⫹ 126 4 2940 5d 0 4
册 3.31⫺6.04
共 ␣ 10 ␣ 24 ⫹ ␣ 14 ␣ 20 兲 ⫺ 189 ␣ 14 ␣ 24
4 f 共 ␣ 10 ⫺ ␣ 20 兲 ⫺
2 5d 共 ␣ 10 ␣ 20 ⫺ 27 ␣ 14 ␣ 24 兲
5d 共 ␣ 10 ␣ 24 ⫺ ␣ 14 ␣ 20 兲
4 f 共 ␣ 10 ⫺ ␣ 20 兲 ⫺
冋 冋 冋 冋
4 f 共 ␣ 10 ⫺ ␣ 20 兲 ⫹
⫺9 ⫺
Eu2⫹ : CaF2
expressions for site symmetry O h
冑10 15
冑10 15
共 ␣ 10 ␣ 24 ⫺ ␣ 14 ␣ 20 兲 5d
5d 共 ␣ 10 ␣ 24 ⫺ ␣ 14 ␣ 20 兲
关 4 f 共 ␣ 14 ⫹ ␣ 24 兲 ␣ ⫺ 冑10/15 5d 共 ␣ 10 ␣ 24 ⫺ ␣ 14 ␣ 20 兲兴
18.2⫺4.65 ⫺9.63⫹2.46 ⫺14.6⫹3.72
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 66, 155108 共2002兲
TABLE III. Reduced matrix elements for the coupled double tensors W 1•KQ between pure SL multiplets L J and 8 S 7/2 .
具 6 P J 兩兩 W 1.10 兩兩 8 S 27 典
具 6 D J 兩兩 W 1.22 兩兩 8 S 27 典 具
D J 兩兩 W 1.23 兩兩 8 S 7 典 2
具 6 F J 兩兩 W 1.34 兩兩 8 S 27 典 J
具 6 I J 兩兩 W 1.65 兩兩 8 S 27 典 具 6 I J 兩兩 W 1.66 兩兩 8 S 27 典
冑17 2 3冑 7
具 6 F J 兩兩 W 1.32 兩兩 8 S 27 典 具 6 F J 兩兩 W 1.33 兩兩 8 S 27 典
冑110 21 11 ⫺2 冑 21 10 5 冑3 7 5 ⫺5 冑 21 冑1957
冑157 39 ⫺冑 7 冑137
冑23 5 2冑 7 2
具 6 P J 兩兩 W 1.12 兩兩 8 S 27 典
冑21 ⫺4
冑212 2 3冑 7 7/2
冑39 2
7 冑3
2 冑3 7
5 冑11 7 11/2
15 7 9/2
冑395 10 5 冑3 7
12 冑2 7
experimental data for multiplet to multiplet TPA intensities with ⫽0.60 are plotted in Fig. 3. The calculated intensities have been scaled to match the measured intensities for 6 D 9/2 . The overall agreement between the calculated and the measured relative TPA line strengths is very good, except that for 关 6 D 兴 1/2 , where the calculated intensities is negligible because we do not consider the ‘‘J mixing’’ of wave functions in our model. The most significant J mixing in 关 6 D 兴 1/2 will be 6 I 7/2 and 6 D 7/2 due to crystal-field interactions. A few
冑2221 4 10 冑3 7 22 ⫺2 冑 21 ⫺2
2 冑66 7 13/2
冑132 冑170 21
22 冑273
2 冑110 7
3 冑38 7
percent of 6 I 7/2 and/or 6 D 7/2 mixed in 关 6 D 兴 1/2 could explain the measured intensities. The calculated intensities for 关 6 P 兴 3/2 are very small, and the TPA transitions have not been observed. The calculated intensities for 关 6 P 兴 7/2 and 关 6 P 兴 5/2 are greatly improved and are in good agreement with the measurements. The predictions of JPD theory for a linearly polarized transition to 关 6 P 兴 7/2 are larger than measurements by two orders of magnitude, and for other observable transitions to the 关 6 P 兴 multiplets and the 关 6 D 兴 multiplet are larger
FIG. 3. Relative TPA cross sections for Eu2⫹ :CaF2 for the three different polarizations used by Downer et al. 共Ref. 6兲. For each column, the first three bars 共with solid borders兲 are calculated and the other three bars 共with dashed borders兲 are taken from Downer et al. 共Ref. 6兲 共the measured intensities are in arbitrary units and have been scaled to match the calculated intensities for 关 6 D 兴 9/2). The intensities for 关 6 P 兴 3/2 are too small to measure, and the calculated intensities for 关 6 D 兴 1/2 are negligibly small, and so these results do not appear in the figure.
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 66, 155108 共2002兲
than measurements by one order of magnitude. For the 关 6 I 兴 multiplets, the agreement between our calculations and the measurements is also much better than predictions of JPD theory. Another important aspect is the polarization dependence of the TPA. For the 关 6 P 兴 7/2 multiplet, the calculated intensity for circular polarization is only one-sixth of that for the linear polarization, in good agreement with the measurements. For the 关 6 I 兴 multiplets and the 关 6 D 兴 multiplets, the absorption of the 共111兲 beam is calculated to be only slight weaker than or equal to that of 共100兲, and is about two-thirds of that of the circular polarization. However, the experimental intensities for 共111兲 are significantly smaller. The relative TPA intensities change very little with a larger U d 共i.e., using the calculated value 7500 cm⫺1 ) if a slightly larger ⫽ 5d / 4 f 共i.e., 0.65兲 is used. The transition intensities for individual lines can also be calculated by using Eq. 共20兲, provided that the wave functions for stark levels are known. However, it is well-known that for ions with a half-filled shell, the correlation crystal field is important in fitting the crystal-field energy levels, and the wave function depends strongly on the correlation crystal field21 and the fitting of energy levels is not a easy task. Our method could also be extended to include g orbitals in intermediate states and the ligand polarization proposed by Reid and Richardson.28 2¿
4f 2U d Sf"sd⫹ Sf"Lf. 7 6
Here E av is the barycenter energy of the ( 7 F, 2 e) states, which does not contribute to the splitting. The second term represents the exchange interaction between 4 f 6 and 5d, which splits ( 7 F, 2 e) into an octet and a sextet. The third term represents the spin-orbit interaction of the 4 f electrons, which is smaller in magnitude than the second term 共the
J⫽S⫹L f .
具 2S⫹1 F J 兩 H eff 共 7 F, 2 e 兲 兩 2S ⬘ ⫹1 F J ⬘ 典
再 冋 冉冉
S⫽S f ⫹Sd ,
S is the angular momentum for the total spin. S commutes with the second term of effective Hamiltonian 共41兲, which gives the majority of the splitting. J is an angular-momentum operator that commutes with H eff . Note that J is different from the total angular-momentum operator of 4 f 6 5d system in that it does not include the orbital angular momentum of the 5d electrons, which can be considered to be quenched by the crystal-field splitting. S2 , Lf2 , and J commute and there兩 2S⫹1 F J 典 (J fore have common eigenfunctions ⫽1/2, . . . ,11/2 for S⫽5/2 and J⫽1/2, . . . ,13/2 for S ⫽7/2), which can be chosen as bases for ( 7 F, 2 e). The matrix elements of the effective Hamiltonian 共41兲 can be written as
For the TPA in Eu :CaF2 , typical linewidths for tran6 P multiplets 共energy E sitions to the ⫺1 6 the I multiplets (E ⫽27550–28000 cm ), ⫽30700–31800 cm⫺1 ), and the 6 D multiplets (E ⫽33850–34950 cm⫺1 ) are approximately 2, 30, and 60 cm⫺1 , respectively. Surprisingly, there are some sharp peaks in the 6 I region and the 6 D 1/2 peak, in the middle of the 6 D region, has a linewidth of approximately 8 cm ⫺1 . Downer et al.6 explained the general trend of the linewidths in terms of the nonradiative relaxation of 4 f 7 states to those 4 f 6 5d states: the lowest 4 f 6 5d states are octets and relaxation from the 6 P multiplets to these octets is spin forbidden and consequently the lines are sharp; there are some sextet 4 f 6 5d energy levels low enough that the 6 I multiplets can relax to them, and therefore the lines are much broader; the 6 D multiplets have even more sextets available to relax to and so the lines are even broader. However the exceptions were not explained. In the following we use various selection rules to explain the linewidths. We can write an approximate effective Hamiltonian for the 4 f 6 5d states ( 7 F, 2 e) as follows: H eff共 7 F, 2 e 兲 ⫽E av⫺
spin-orbit interaction of 5d cannot split the 2 e states, and is not included兲. The part of the direct Coulomb interaction that shifts ( 7 F, 2 e) as a whole can be absorbed into E av . The remaining Coulomb interaction between 4 f 6 and 5d and the 4 f crystal-field interactions are neglected. In order to solve Hamiltonian 共41兲, we shall define two angular-momentum operators, i.e.,
Ud ⫽ ␦ JJ ⬘ ␦ SS ⬘ 关 51⫺4S 共 S⫹1 兲兴 28 2⫺
⫺ ␦ S,S ⬘ ⫾1
2S⫹1 共 2J⫹1 兲 2 7 ⫺2 48
4f 共 2J⫹1 兲 24
冑 冉 1⫺
2J⫹1 14
冊冎 2
. 共44兲
Since there is only one state with J⫽13/2, one of the the eigenvectors for the effective Hamiltonian is 8 F 13/2 , with an eigenvalue E av⫺3U d /7⫹3 4 f /2. The other eigenvectors and eigenvalues are obtained by diagonalizing 2⫻2 matrices. Since the exchange interaction is much larger than the spinorbit interaction, the matrices are approximately diagonal and so the eigenvectors are approximately 2S⫹1 F J and the corresponding eigenvalues are approximately the diagonal matrix elements 具 2S⫹1 F J 兩 H eff ( 7 F, 2 e) 兩 2S⫹1 F J 典 , with only small corrections from off-diagonal matrix elements. The vibronic crystal-field Hamiltonian responsible for nonradiative relaxation that links 4 f 7 states with 4 f 6 5d states annihilates 共creates兲 a 5d electron and creates 共annihilates兲 an 4 f electron. Hence it can be written in second quantized form as
H int⫽
b kq 共 a f ⫹ (1/2•3) a (1/2•2) ⫹c.c., 兲 (0•k)k 兺 d q k,q
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 66, 155108 共2002兲
where b kq (k⫽1,3,5, q⫽⫺k,⫺k⫹1•••k) are odd-parity dynamic crystal-field parameters, and the complex conjugate 共c.c.兲 is required to make H int hermitian. The dynamic crystal-field interaction is spin independent and of odd parity. Therefore, the spins of the creation and annihilation operators must couple to give a spin scalar (S⫽0) and the orbital angular momentum of a 4 f electron (3) and of a 5d electron (2) must couple to give an odd total orbital angular momentum k. Since the orbital angular momentum of the 5d electron is considered to be quenched, the angular-momentum operator defined by Eq. 共43兲 has a total spin 0 coupled with the f electron orbit angular momentum 3, and so the resulting quantum number for the operator J in Eq. 共43兲 can only be 3. This is clearer if we rewrite H int in the following form:
H int⫽
((( b kq 共 a ⫹ 兺 f ad兲q k,q
1 2
• 21 )0•3)3•2)k
Now we consider the 4 f 7 states. Neglecting the ‘‘J mixing’’ caused by the crystal-field interaction and the ‘‘S mixing’’ caused by the spin-orbit interaction, the 4 f 7 states can be written as 2S f ⫹1 L f J f . Since 4 f 7 contains no 5d electrons the quantum number for S in Eq. 共42兲 is just S f and the quantum number for J in Eq. 共43兲 is just J f . The nonradiative relaxation of 兩 4 f 72S f ⫹1 L f J f 典 to 兩 4 f 6 5d 2S⫹1 F J 典 due to H int will therefore obey the following selection rules: S f ⫽S,
兩 3⫺J f 兩 ⭐J⭐ 兩 3⫹J f 兩 .
共48兲 7
A schematic diagram of the energy levels of 4 f and 4 f 5d is given in Fig. 4. Note that the J label for 4 f 6 5d is the quantum number for J defined by Eq. 共43兲, rather than the usual total angular momentum. The states of ( 7 F, 2 e), characterized by quantum numbers S and J, are shifted and split by previously neglected interactions by a few hundred wave numbers. This is indicated by the shaded areas in the figure. In the figure we have used U d ⬇6500 cm⫺1 and 4 f ⫽1200 cm⫺1 . This U d value is necessary to have the sextet states low enough to explain the nonradiative relaxation. Now we can explain the various linewidths for the TPA spectra. The narrow linewidth of the 6 P J states can be explained by spin selection rules because there are only octet states of 4 f 6 5d for them to relax to. The broadening of some of the 6 I states is due to spin-allowed nonradiative relaxation of them to the sextet 4 f 6 5d states below. The selection rule for J indicates that the 6 I J f states of 4 f 7 can only relax rapidly to 6 F J states of 4 f 6 5d with J⭓J f ⫺3. Since only states of J ⭐7/2 are close in energy to the 6 I J f states 共see Fig. 4兲, the 6 I J f states with J f ⭓15/2 cannot relax efficiently, so these lines are sharp. For 6 D J f the only nearby 4 f 6 5d states have J⫽11/2 and 9/2 and so the 6 D 1/2 state cannot relax efficiently, giving a sharp line. Note that even the ‘‘sharp’’ 6 I
FIG. 4. Schematic diagram of the energy levels of 4 f 7 and 4 f 5d. Note that the J label for 4 f 6 5d is the quantum number for the J defined by Eq. 共43兲, rather than the usual total angular momentum. The states of ( 7 F, 2 e), characterized by quantum number S and J are further shifted and split by a few hundred wave numbers by interactions not included in the Hamiltonian 关Eq. 共41兲兴. This is indicated by the shaded areas in the figure. In the figure we have used U d ⬇6500 cm⫺1 and 4 f ⫽1200 cm⫺1 . 6
and 6 D lines are broader than the 6 P lines, due to the ‘‘J-mixing’’ breaking down the selection rules.
A simple method to calculate the spin-forbidden twophoton transition rates for f N (N⫽6, 7, and 8) ions in crystals based on many-body perturbation theory and group theory has been developed. This theory includes the excitedstate crystal-field interactions and the dominant part of Coulomb splitting in the zeroth-order Hamiltonian. A particular case of this method, the TPA of a f N ion in an O h site, is treated in detail, and a comparison with experimental data is made for Eu2⫹ (4 f 7 ) in CaF2 . The theory reproduces the measurements very well. The dependence of two-photon transition intensities on the spin-orbit interaction parameters is made clear with this method. This solves the so-called ‘‘unusual weakness of third-order spin-orbit contributions.’’6 This method could be extended to include other intermediate states and ligand polarizations. It is expected that the method herein can also solve the puzzling problems of the spin and orbit-forbidden two-photon transitions in other cases such as Sm 2⫹ in SrF 2 and Eu2⫹ in KMgF 3 . 14 Nonradiative relaxation mechanisms have also been considered. The unusually small linewidths for some TPA peaks have been explained by angular-momentum selection rules for nonradiative relaxation based on a simple effective Hamiltonian.
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 66, 155108 共2002兲
C. K. DUAN, M. F. REID, AND G. W. BURDICK *Permanent address: Department of Mathematics and Physics,
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