... You have two options for tickets: Option 1: Tickets are $11.50/seat. Option 2:
Friday eNews
We think. We design. We create. We innovate.
We are #cwthinkers
Mar. 10, 2017
Dear CW Families, We had a lot of fun at CW this week! Lot’s of things were happening in classrooms and around the school to push our students to be visible thinkers! Thanks to the parents who came to our PTO meeting and experienced a breakoutEDU! Our kids have so much fun with those and it was great seeing parents participate! I wish all of our CW families have a great weekend and hopefully some quality family time! David
CW News • Reproductive Health: Just a reminder that the Optional Parent meeting will be
IXL and Moby Max March Madness Challenge
Monday, March 13th at 5:00 p.m. We have moved the location to room C-3.
• PTO Variety Show: The PTO currently does not have anyone to volunteer to lead and run the Variety Show. Without a parent lead, we will not be able to have the Variety Show. If you are interested, please email Melissa Bunnell at
[email protected]
• CW Family Game Night: One of our 5th grade students has taken the lead on bring a Game Night to CW! He has worked hard at publicizing and getting everything up and running! Please see the attached flyer for details. The Family Game Night will be on Monday, March 20th from 6-8 pm. If you can come, please RSVP to Mr. Kornoely (teacher at Pine Ridge) at
[email protected]
• CW Whitecaps: Every year, our 6th grade Choir sings the national anthem at West Michigan Whitecaps baseball game. Please see the attached flyer for more information.
• 5th Grade Musical: Our 5th graders have been hard at work beginning to prepare for this year’s 5th grade musical. This year, our 5th graders will takes on a journey to Summer Camp! Information about this event and the t-shirt order is attached.
• 1/2 Day: I wanted to remind all of our families about the
upcoming 1/2 day on Friday, March 17th. Our teachers will be engaging in professional development during that time. Dismissal is at 11:55 a.m.
You might have heard from your child about this March Madness Challenge happening right now at CW. Starting March 7 through March 30, each team at CW is trying win both the IXL and Moby Max Championship. The team that completes the most problems in IXL will win a team pizza party. The team that completes the most lessons in Moby Max will also win a pizza party! It has been fun seeing students get excited about this challenge! Good luck to all the teams!
Tweets of the Week David Simpson, Ph.D. @davidsimpson512 Strong Schools Strong Communities - Forest Hills Public Schools - Info on this Important Enhancement Millage https://www.fhps.net/strong-schools-
CENTRAL WOODLANDS WEEKLY CALENDAR March 13 - 17, 2017 Monday, Mar. 13 -Hanson & May Team to GR Ford Museum board bus at 9:00 am & return to CW by 1:30 pm; sack lunch -ReproducCve Health Parent InformaConal MeeCng, C-3, 5:00 pm Tuesday, Mar. 14 -5th Grade to Planetarium & Gr Museum, board buses at 9:00 am & return to CW at 1:30 pm; sack lunch -6th STEAM Club, A-2, 12:40 pm Wednesday, Mar. 15 Thursday, Mar. 16 -Elsholz & Jasperse Team to GR Ford Museum, board bus @ 9:00 am & return to CW by 1:30 pm; sack lunch Friday, Mar. 17
K-12 Half-Day of School AM/Teacher CollaboraMon PM
Are you Going?
Central Woodlands Family Game Night!!!
What: A time to gather around a table and play board Games and card games with family and friends! Who: CW Families ages 5-99 (Limited seating, so sign up soon!) Where: CW Media Center When: March 20 From: 6-8pm
How much:
We will provide the games and space. you provide the players! We will teach you how to play the latest and greatest designer board games!
Games you should Try: Ticket to Ride! Birds, Bugs, & Beans! Love Letter! TSURO! King of Tokyo! Sushi Go! Machi Koro! Sleeping queens! Rat-a-Tat Cat! Rhino Hero! *Don’t forget to RSVP ages and number attending to:
[email protected]
March, 2017 Greetings Central Woodlands Families! On Sunday, April 23, we have a very FUN event that we’d love all of our families to participate in. It’s the CW night at the Whitecaps! And to make it even sweeter, the 6th Grade Choir will be singing the National Anthem to start off the game! Come out and be social with your kids’ friends and their families, and let’s make this a night that they will never forget. Game time is 1:00 vs. Lake County. Let’s hope we have great weather! You have two options for tickets: Option 1: Tickets are $11.50/seat Option 2: $15.50/seat with hot dog and soda. Please fill out the form below, and return it with payment to Central Woodlands PTO by WEDNESDAY, March 22. STUDENT NAME:______________________________________ Teacher’s name: (for ticket delivery)______________________
Total number of tickets ordered:______________________CIRCLE: Tickets only or Tickets/hotdogs/soda X $11.50 or $15.50 (please indicate which package)
Total Payment Amount:________________________________ (Please make checks payable to Central Woodlands PTO.) Check #_______________