Mar 25, 2008 ... OVAs & movies including Chrono Crusade, Blue Seed, Golden Boy, Azumanga.
Daioh, Godannar, Full Metal Alchemist and Maburaho. Recent ...
OTAKUTHON 2008 ANNOUNCES GUEST OF HONOUR TIFFANY GRANT AND FIRST ROUND OF GUESTS MONTREAL, QUEBEC, CANADA (March 25, 2008) - Otakuthon, Montreal's fan-run anime convention, is pleased to announce that voice actress Tiffany Grant will be one of its Guests of Honour this year. In addition to Tiffany Grant, Otakuthon would also like to announce its Industry Guest of Honour: Matt Greenfield, co-founder & senior VP of ADV Films. Other special guests that will be attending Otakuthon this year: the comedy improv group “The 404s”, J-rock bands “–Neurose?-” and “Disorder”, master cosplayers “Kaijugal” and “Sarcasm-hime”, and the cosplay group “Ontario Anime Society”. About Tiffany Grant: Very excited to make her first trip to Montréal, Québec, Tiffany Grant is best known as Asuka from Neon Genesis Evangelion. The first voice actor hired by ADV in February 1994, she has voiced characters in over 940 TV episodes, OVAs & movies including Chrono Crusade, Blue Seed, Golden Boy, Azumanga Daioh, Godannar, Full Metal Alchemist and Maburaho. Recent projects include Gurren Lagann, The Wallflower, Kurau: Phantom Memory, Magikano, Mushi Shi and Hell Girl. Tiffany has many years of experience in theatre and commercials as well as an incurable Hello Kitty addiction! About Matt Greenfield: As the co-founder and Senior VP of ADV Films, North America’s largest anime distributor, Matt Greenfield is easily one of the busiest men in anime today. He also considers himself one of the luckiest. Raised on a steady diet of science fiction novels, giant monster movies and animated series like Astroboy and Speed Racer, Greenfield’s career never lost touch with his youthful interests. Now married to voice actor Tiffany Grant, recent and current projects include directing the English language version of Kurau: Phantom Memory, The Wallflower and Gurren Lagann and contributing to the production of the live-action Evangelion feature film.
About Otakuthon: Otakuthon is a fan-run, bilingual anime convention started by the Otaku Anime club of Concordia University. The first of its kind in Montréal, Otakuthon has taken place twice at Concordia University and featured several special guests as well as many activities and events related to anime, manga, video games, artwork, and Japanese culture. The next edition will be held on July 26 – 27, 2008 at the Palais des congrès de Montréal. For more information about Otakuthon, visit their website at More information about the Palais des congrès de Montréal can be found at
-30For further information, contact Tony Fernandez, Programming Coordinator,
[email protected].