Markham the committee adjourned their meeting at 12:55. Voted Unan. Page 2 of 2. March 14 School Committee Workshop.pdf.
School Committee Workshop March 14, 2015
Present: - Callanan, Morgan, Cook, Kenney, Markham, Danehy, Zrike, Smith, Pfifferling, Majeski 1. Chairman Callanan called the workshop to order at 9:09 a.m. 2. Review & Discussion of Fy2016 Proposed Budget: Dr. Zrike, Asst. Supt. Smith and Business Admin. Pfifferling reviewed the proposed FY16 School Department Budget. a. The committee reviewed the major changes within the proposed budget and discussed/commented: . All Day Kindergarten – to date there are 220 students enrolled – two classes at Greenwood, five at Dolbeare and six at Woodville. The committee discussed the space issue/potential future student enrollment within the Walton District, necessary furniture/supplies for the ADK program. . Curriculum/ Adoption – Dr. Smith updated the committee on new math curriculum. She spoke about the three-tier quotes, which include professional development. If professional development is taken out of the quote, the price may come down to the amount of $200,000. The money could be put into a Math Coach. Phonics Curriculum - $36,000 (K-1) – the K-3 total would be $86,000. The committee then discussed curriculum in general. . ELA – Dr. Zrike considered the system to be in good shape re. ELA. . Science – Waiting for new standards to come out, will be looking at science curriculum in two years. . Technology - $87,550 – looking at library system to be consolidated into one system. Ms. Danehy asked about capitol for technology. Also, how does the administration feel technology is doing, based on our commitment. Dr. Zrike noted that replacement is important. There are presently three tech. specialists but we need someone who is a director of digital learning. We are lean in the IT department, they are doing infrastructure work. Dr. Smith mentioned the staff is looking forward to time during the day to interact with a specialist. Dr. Zrike noted that the system needs someone headed in this area. Mr. Markham felt the system needs talent and resources for the staff and students. . Substitutes – discussion regarding split jobs. . Library/Media Centers – Mr. Markham noted the committee has
been discussing this for two years and it is still not on the table. He suggested that a para would come in a lot less than a media specialist. . Galvin Custodial Request – It is a concern with the size of the building and especially when the new section is open in the spring. . SPED – Dr. Zrike noted he has asked the SPED Director to come in with her staffing needs. . Transportation- range is between 212k AND 309k. . The committee reviewed the 15 year history of the budget . All non-opening will be posted by April 1st; half-day K have to reapply, Asst. Principal, retirements. . New positions – Math Coach, Asst. Principal of Student Services. 3. Adjournment – On a motion by Ms.Morgan, and seconded by Mr. Markham the committee adjourned their meeting at 12:55. Voted Unan.