Mar 31, 2013 ... c. PresbyNews. March 2013. Volume 38 Number 3. Published at. 625 Florin
Road. Sacramento CA 95831. 916-428-3439
Sunday Services 9:00 and 11:00 Sunday School P – 5th Grade: 9 and 11 6th – 8th Grade: 9 am 9th – 12th Grade: 11 am Adult Class: 10 – 11
March 1-2 30 Hour Famine See page 9 March 3 Commitment Sunday See page 4
PresbyNews March 2013 Volume 38 Number 3
Published at 625 Florin Road Sacramento CA 95831 916-428-3439 Pastor Jeff Chapman Associate Pastors Jim Zazzera Patrick Vaughn Next PresbyNews Deadline March 20 FaithPresbyterianChuch
March 16 Peace Discernment Retreat See pages 2 and 8 April 27-28 Compassion Weekend 2013 See page 3 July 14 - 20 Mission Trip See pages 8 and 9 Month of July – But Signups Now! Westminster Woods Camp See pages 8 and 9
The PresbyNews is published monthly by a team of volunteer writers. Please send your submissions to Editor Suzy Hughes at
[email protected]
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Commitment Sunday is March 3rd
Please be with us in worship as we make pledges toward the expansion of Link Hall, an expansion which will enable us to further carry out the vital ministry of this church. Over $600,000 has already been pledged by a small group of individuals and families. Now is the opportunity for the rest of us to join them. Pledge cards will be made available in worship. What an exciting time to be a part of what God is doing here at Faith! See page 4 for more details.
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Church Updates and Opportunities Help needed:
Yav Pem Suab Academy is a Hmong charter school housed in the former Lisbon School, corner of South Land Park Drive and Windbridge. It is public school open to all and has a diverse population. This is the third year for the academy and already they have been recognized by SCUSD for achieving an academic rating above the state average. However, help is needed. Many of the children come from homes where no English is spoken. Faith members, Kent Kim, Larry Thomen and Ellie Boyce are volunteering their service there. Please feel free to talk with them. And do take a look at the school’s website: Contact the school at 433-5057. Principal Vince Xiong.
Thanks to you all…
Lena and I want to thank you all so much for the care, concern, and prayers you have been offering us and our family during the time of our daughter’s pregnancy and the birth of our new grandson, Jack Liam Gardiner. Though, as most of you know, Jack was born prematurely, he appears to be doing well, is gaining weight,Betty and is a delight to our daughter and Jim Park Anna and her husband Jeff. We treasure your continued prayers for Jack’s growth in strength and health; for Anna and Jeff that they can continue to bond with their new son; and for Lena and me that we can be loving and available grandparents. I am sure that many of you have much to teach us! Thanks again. Jim & Lena Zazzera
Peace Discernment Retreat at Faith on March 16
The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church initiated a church-wide discernment process to examine new directions for peacemaking and to encourage every Presbyterian to be challenged by the nonviolent witness of Jesus Christ. The Sacramento Presbytery is holding their retreat at our church (Link Hall) on Saturday, 3/16 from 10:00 to 3:00. All churches from our presbytery are invited. The retreat leader is Dr. Kathryn Poethig, Associate Professor of Global Studies, Cal State Monterey Bay and a Member of the Peace Discernment Steering Committee. See the article on page 8 for details. If you would like to attend, there are registration forms in the church office and attached to this edition of the news. The forms need to be returned to the presbytery by March 4.
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Presbyterian Women Presbyterian Women will be meeting Wednesday the 27th of March. Our program this month is Therapeutic Music. Sounds interesting!! Our speaker is one of the musicians who offer therapeutic music to healthcare environments throughout the region. The musicians actually bring the music to the bedsides of patients. The patient need not interact with the musicians and need not even to be conscious to benefit from the soothing effects of the music. Hope to see you here on March 27th. All women are invited.
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Compassion Weekend 2013
Save the dates April 27th and 28th for Compassion Weekend. In lieu of worship and classes on Sunday morning, we will be going to serve people and organizations in need throughout Sacramento. There will be choices for Saturday, for Sunday, and even a couple of projects during the week. You will get a chance to sign up for one or more ways you can show your love for others. We encourage you to try something different this year. There will be lots of new projects along with some tried and true from last year. Signups will begin at the end of March. If you know of any members of our congregation who could use a hand or if you want more information or have questions, call Janet Sather at 706-3494 or at
[email protected].
One Great Hour of Sharing
Catastrophic storms and wildfires throughout the United States. War and political uprising in the Middle East. Malnutrition and Starvation. Extreme poverty and urban squalor. Stories of disaster, hunger, poverty, and other tragedies filled our newspapers and television screens in 2012. With such stories, it is easy to become disheartened and experience compassion fatigue. In the midst of these times, the prophet Isaiah reminds us that we are called to be “the repairer of the breach, the restorer of streets to live in” (Isaiah 58: 12). We are called to make God’s community livable for all. Through abundant and generous gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS), Presbyterians have for many years faithfully heeded God’s call to serve people seeking to reclaim and restore their lives. Your gift to this special offering allows Presbyterian Disaster Assistance to restore communities around the world affected by disaster, including those now recovering from Hurricane Sandy. It helps the Presbyterian Hunger Program work with Presbyterians and other partners to alleviate hunger and eliminate its causes in this country and internationally and makes it possible for Self-Development of People to affirm the dignity of all by assisting in the empowerment of economically poor, oppressed, and disadvantaged people. “Sharing Brings Joy To Others, to God, and to Us.” Please give generously to the One Great Hour of Sharing on Easter Sunday, March 31, 2013.
Did You Know?
In March Did You Know? will be passed out during a worship service. It contains information about how many of our church community are involved in the world outside the walls of our church. You will see stay at home moms, volunteers at Casa Gardens, for Sac City library, for little league, or Sutter hospice. You will see who is a computer tech or teacher, or administrative assistant or notary public, or works at the Indian Museum. It is the hope of the Lay Ministry's team that you will be touched in new ways, that you find common ground to reach out to each other. If this begins a conversation among us about the ways we do God's work in the world, this activity will have a deeper meaning than ever anticipated.
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Summer is not as far away as you think!
Faith’s mission team is getting set for its annual summer mission trip. There’s still time for you to be a part of it. Our planning team hopes that you will seriously pray about and consider this trip. On July 14th - July 20th the mission team will be heading to Little Rock, Arkansas to see up close and personal how God is at work there fighting global hunger and poverty. Some of the main reasons for our decision on this particular trip are the opportunity to go to and serve in the national warehouse of the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (a place to which we have sent numerous kits and supplies over the years, not to mention supported financially through special giving); the chance to visit and serve at the national headquarters of Heifer International (another place with which Faith has had a long history); and our ability to work with local, Little Rock homeless shelters, soup kitchens and compassion centers. Over the past few years we have redesigned the purpose of the mission trip. We have aligned it more with our church’s mission statement: “A community loving Christ, building disciples, serving all.” It is clear to all who attend and support our team that it is not just what we do while we’re gone but what we learn, experience and bring back to our congregation and how it impacts our everyday lives. Why Little Rock? We are part of a larger body in the PCUSA that is committed to mission work together. We have supported these organizations for years and now is a great opportunity to see how they work in person.
Step of Faith Campaign Kicks Off
Our Step of Faith Campaign is a three-year effort to support the expansion of Link Hall to include a large kitchen, classrooms, storage space, an office work station, and a welcome center --- approximately 5,000 square feet of new space. The fundraising campaign kicked off in February. By June we hope to hire an architect, then go through the permit and approval process and start construction in January 2014. If all goes according to schedule, we hope to begin using our new facility by December 2014. On Sunday, Feb. 3 the Step of Faith team shared details about the campaign with the congregation. You received a packet of information, including a campaign prayer devotional. We hope you are using this 28-day devotional and committing at least 15 minutes (1% of your day) each day to seeking God’s guidance in this campaign and for the expansion of our church. On Sunday, March 3 during each service we will be joining together to make our financial commitments to the Step of Faith campaign. Feel free to ask the Step of Faith Executive Team anything that’s on your mind about the campaign: Pastor Jeff Chapman; Claire Pisor, Executive Director; Jim Hill, Campaign Director; Fred Noteware, Major Gifts Director; and DiAnne Brown, Leadership Director.
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A Case Study from Addisu Zekwos - Abaya ADP Manager By David Nash
Addisu Zekwos is the World Vision Abaya, Ethiopia Area Development Program manager, and he stays in Contact with us via email, updating the progress being made in the Abaya ADP. Recently Addisu sent me this synopsis of a case study of the effects on education of the new classroom environment that Faith is supporting. To help you understand the terminology, the term Kebele is a neighborhood in a Woreda or a village or city. The Woreda are in Kililochs or regions, of which there are nine, ethnically-based regions in Ethiopia. Think of it as: a Kebele is-the Pocket community, which is in a Woreda or a village (i.e. Sacramento), which is in a Kililoch-(i.e. California). Semero is a neighborhood (i.e. Kebele) in the Abaya Woreda, which is in the Oromia region of Ethiopia. The new classrooms that Addisu’s message relates to were sponsored in part by Faith church.
“Our school became school of choice and no anymore suffering...” By Addisu Zekwos
“Semero” Kebele is among Abaya Woreda’s rural Kebeles and Abaya ADP’s operation areas. In this Kebele, there are 367 RC [registered children] recruited so far. This Kebele is especially known by having less access to education due to inadequate and poor class rooms found in the old existing school. Thus, the teachers could register only limited number of students depending on accommodating capacity of class rooms available in the Kebele. With the purpose of resolving this existing challenge, community members of the Kebele built three class rooms using locally available Abaya children in front of a school built by materials. These rooms had its own Swedish Missionaries in the 1940's. draw backs in active learning of students. As it was observed during monitoring season conducted by the ADP team and other partners of the Woreda, the class rooms were usually full of dust in dry season. Due to this, the students didn’t attend their school optimistically even the teachers were not motivated to release their teaching skill to the maximum level. In rainy season, especially heavy rain, the wall and roof of the class rooms can easily pass the rain water and the rooms were being filled by flood to the extent that interrupts the class session. Almost immediately after the clean of the flood from the rooms, the smell was very hard to stay for minutes let alone to sit in the class rooms and attend the class attentively both for teachers and the students as it was bad smell of suffocation. RC Haymanot Gero of 7th grade student, with ID number of 1855511377, said that, “It was common that some community members who were passing around this school were not recognizing whether this was school compound or empty rooms functioning nothing to communities and so that they used to enter in to it and defecate. We were used to clean the defecation before start of our class every morning. In short, it was area of toilet for people who were coming from other neighbor Kebele” he added.
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It was during this time that the ADP intervened to mitigate the problem based on joint monitoring result. It was really seen that the case was very severe and children living in this Kebele couldn’t continue their education. The ADP planned to construct one additional block having four class rooms and to support equipments in FY’12. The program successfully executed construction of additional block with four class rooms and officially handed over the facilities to the government and the target community. Moreover, combined desks and black boards were also supported for schools to make the schools more children friendly and motivating for active learning. Presently, the block started rendering service in this new academic year (as of September 2012). As of the Woreda A new school block completed in 2012, partially funded by Faith education office report, 240 additional church. children were newly enrolled in the school. Students are now sitting in clean class rooms that are appetizing for active learning. Ato Bereket Bedhaso, the vice principal of the school, said that, “Currently, thanks to WVE Abaya ADP; our school became school of choice and other neighbor Kebele community members are sending their children to our school. There is no anymore suffering here after.”
In March, pray for the World Vision Abaya ADP staff and community: Pray for unity in the community as they prepare the soil for the Summer crops, and pray for abundant rain and bountiful crops this year that will help economic prosperity and sustainability. Pray for Christ to be at the center of the community and staff and all they do, and that God would work through them. Pray that the community would embrace the opportunities to learn through the World Vision staff and gather as a community to pray and worship God and His presence. Pray for continued support of child sponsors and churches and other stakeholders that provide funds for water, sanitation, health and education projects improving the quality of life in the community. Give thanksgiving for the accelerated progress being accomplished by the World Vision ADP staff, community service workers and the members of the community.
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Welcome to Our Newest Members!
Sally Ebersole
Sally spent 45 years in Fresno, CA. where she raised her family. Sally recently moved here to Sacramento to be near her daughter and two granddaughters. She is retired and loves to spend time with her grandchildren and she loves to knit. She knits caps for the homeless and has begun to serve here at Faith, working in the office as a volunteer office assistant. After looking for a Presbyterian church that would be close to home, Sally feels God led her here to Faith as it is only one mile away for her.
Tim Barkley
Tim grew up in Northern CA and spent many years in Marin County. He now works here in Sacramento doing sales and customer service. Tim has two sons, Andre (12) and Brighton (8). He loves riding his motorcycle, cooking, fishing and golf. He raced motorcycles for many years and was number one in California three years in a row. He was invited to Faith church by his wife, Kristi while they were dating and has really enjoyed being a part of this community.
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Peace Discernment Retreat Saturday, March 16, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Faith Presbyterian Church, 625 Florin Road, Sacramento Reminder for all churches to join the conversation taking place across the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) – Encountering the Gospel of Peace Anew: An Invitation to Discernment and Witness. We have been invited to consider new directions for peacemaking and to encourage every Presbyterian to be challenged by the nonviolent witness of Jesus Christ. The 219th General Assembly (2010) named a Peace Discernment Steering Committee and initiated a process of involving as many voices as possible. Our hope for the Sacramento Presbytery is to have a wide variety of people included in this conversation; you are encouraged to identify military and non-military people, college students, the elderly, and any voices in your congregation that need to be heard, and request their participation in this process. Our leader for the day is Kathryn Poethig who is a member of the national Peace Discernment Steering Committee. We are hoping to have a team from every church join in this time of reflection and sharing. At the end of the day we will share your thoughts (unnamed) with the national committee. Please complete the registration form attached at the end of this newsletter, or get a copy from the narthex, and mail it and your $7 (lunch) contribution to the Sacramento Presbytery – 9983 Folsom Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95827
Westminster Woods Summer Camp – Sign up Today!
This summer we are taking kids from Faith to camp. More information on camp will be coming out soon. Parents, look for a letter in the mail and announcements and information on Sunday mornings. For now, please save these dates: Incoming Grades 2-4 - Adventure Camp - July 14-17
Incoming Grades 4-6 - Sherwood Forest - July 14-20
Junior High (incoming 6-8) - Buccaneer Camp - July 7-13 High School (incoming 9-12) - High School Camp - July 7-13 Register on line at Speak confidentially to one of our pastors if you are in need of a scholarship. We have funds available.
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Youth Updates Youth Ministry March Update
Westminster Woods Calling! Munchies (Junior High Youth Group) 6th-8th Grade 7-8:30pm in Link Hall Meets every Tuesday No munchies 3/5 High School Ministry (9th-12th) 12:15-2pm in Link Hall High School ministry will meet every 1st and 3rd Sunday by 12:15 after the second service. Meet at the fountain. The date for this month is just 3/17 Life Groups: Sunday mornings Jr. High and H.S. Life Groups will continue to meet after the sermon, except on Communion Sunday (1st Sunday of the month).
It’s time to start signing up for summer camp. Come learn, grow, laugh, and play up at the woods. Register online at Faith Presbyterian’s week to go: July 7th-13th Questions? Email Jessica at
[email protected]
Thank You!
To everyone who supported the youth and World Vision in this year’s 30 Hour Famine! All of the money Faith’s youth raised will be sent to Ethiopia to aid in combating hunger, malnutrition, and disease to help give children a brighter future.
Like us on Facebook “Youth at Faith Pres” For More Information: Patrick Vaughn, Associate Pastor 916-428-3439 or
[email protected] Twitter: @PTVaughn Greg Rapier, Youth Elder
[email protected] Jessica Mendoza, Youth Ministry Intern
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G.E.T. FAITH@HOME God calls parents as well as other adults to be spiritual leaders with and for our children. Spiritual leaders guide, encourage and train children to follow Jesus as they follow Jesus.
14 days of Lent down, 26 days to go in March until Easter Sunday on the 31st. Feel you haven’t “done” Lent as a family this year and that it’s too late to start now? Wrong. Can you imagine it ever being too late for spiritual renewal, repentance and prayer? Celebration: Start with a celebration (a mini Fat Tuesday). “Resurrection Celebrations” are how “Seeking God’s Face” describes the Sundays in Lent. Sundays don’t count as part of the 40 days of Lent, but are special, the exception, and an opportunity to remember the richness and abundance of God’s grace and Jesus’ obedient sacrifice. Feast on Sunday! Eat rich foods! Play and enjoy each other. There are 4 Sundays in March before the big celebration--Easter! Rhythms: Use each “start-over” Sunday to reset your family rhythm for the coming week, planning as a family how you might sacrificially prepare to grow into a deeper relationship with Christ. Plan to carve out even just 5 minutes for family prayer. Begin a pattern of family devotions using “Seeking God’s Face” (SGF) daily or even weekly through the rest of Lent. Pick a memory verse of the week and practice it together (the Blessing from SGF is a great start). And remember, if you get out of rhythm, Sunday is just a few days away. You can start over… Most of you will have kids home from school during Holy Week-- March 24-31. Here’s a couple activities: -Coat Giveaway (worshipers laid down their coats on Palm Sunday for Jesus’ donkey to walk on; how about going through closets and donating coats and clothing to the needy.) -Watch the old classic “The Ten Commandments” then host your own Seder meal. -Listen and dance to Handel’s Messiah while spring cleaning (or volunteer to spring clean someone else’s home). -Take a Night Hike. The moon will be big and full that week, like it was when God rescued His people from slavery in Egypt; like it was when Jesus redeemed His people from the slavery to sin on the cross. Walk and talk about what a mighty God we have-Mighty to Save!
Congratulations to Faith Family Bowling Champs-Christopher Robinson, Molly Robinson, Bereket Chapman, Mallory Hubler, Jillian Hubler, Mark Hubler (team captain).
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God Is In Faith’s Nursery
Where is God on Sunday morning? Of course, God is everywhere. We know that God is enthroned in the praises of his people. (Psalm 22:3) When we gather to worship – God is with us. We know that God is there when we pray. Jesus said, “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” (Matthew 18:20) When we pray – God is with us. We know that God is there when his Word is read, preached, loved and obeyed. The Lord says, “I am watching over my word to perform it.” (Jeremiah 1:12) When the Bible speaks – God is with us. We know that God is everywhere. “Can a man hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him? declares the LORD. Do I not fill heaven and earth? declares the LORD.” (Jeremiah 23:24) No matter where we go – God is with us. But did you know that God is in our church nursery? “And Jesus took a child and put him in the midst of them, and taking him in his arms, he said to them, “Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me.” (Mark 9:36-37) When you welcome a child in the name of Jesus you welcome Jesus himself. When we minister to children – God is with us. We are currently seeking a few loving people to join us in this ministry to our little ones on Sunday mornings. It is truly a gift to offer even one hour, once a month to lead our children to know God Please contact Christine Mendoza if you can help us. We need help on Sunday mornings from 9:00-10:00 or 11:00-12:00 and on Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:00 p.m. You can contact Christine at
[email protected] or by phone at (916) 428-3439 If you wonder why so many people are blessed by serving in our church nursery.
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Now you know – God is there.
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Session February Highlights What is Session? Session is the governing body of our congregation. Made up of 17 members (pastors and elders) who are called by God and elected by the congregation, the Session is charged by God to oversee the ministry and mission of Faith Presbyterian Church. By God’s grace, Session works hard to make sure that we are becoming, day by day, the sort of church God wants us to become – A community loving Christ, building disciples, serving all. What has Session been up to lately? The following are some of the decisions which were made this month at Session and some of the areas of ministry which were celebrated. We hope you share in the enthusiasm of Session in all that God is doing in our midst. As a reminder, Session meetings are held the 2 nd Monday of each month at 7:00 here at church. Unless otherwise determined, they are open meetings and church members are always encouraged to come listen in. We’ll even share our snacks!
New Members Welcomed – Tim Barkley and Sally Ebersole came to meet with Session and share their confession of faith in Christ. Both were enthusiastically welcomed into membership and scheduled to be presented to the congregation on February 17th.
Link Hall Expansion Loan Increase – Finance elder Jennifer Smith requested Session consider increasing our current line of credit from the Synod of the Pacific from $400,000 to $850,000. We will not know how much of these funds will need to be drawn on until after the Step of Faith campaign is concluded, but Session is trying to be proactive in making sure funds will be available when construction begins. Any loan increase will ultimately be brought to the congregation for approval.
Session Prayerfully Considers Inactive Members – A number of names were brought to the Session for consideration to move to inactive status. Many of these people have moved in recent years. Session will vote to remove these individuals in March. If you ever have any questions for any of our elders, a complete list of names, areas of ministry, contact info, and even photos can be found on our web page under the “leadership” page.
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From the Deacons’ Desk By Bill Kirk
Two Nights, Two Skunks And The Boldness Of Noah Have you ever noticed there are literally hundreds of references to water in the Bible: The parting of the Red Sea, turning water to wine, the washing of feet, baptism in the river, Jesus walking on water, the woman at the well—you get the picture. Water seems to be everywhere in the Bible. I suppose it shouldn’t be all that surprising, what with three-quarters of the earth being covered with it. Then there was the Great Flood when all four quarters of the earth were covered. Let’s face it. If we get a bit concerned about reports the earth’s oceans are rising a few inches, think of the headline when water covered Everest over 29,000 feet above sea level! Some things are way beyond imagination. We’re talking epic proportions here! Which naturally brings me to skunks. Yep. That’s right. Skunks. OK. So, my transitions could use a little work. But think of it. Using what can only be described as his extraordinary negotiating skills, Noah managed to get two skunks onboard the Ark—and keep them INSIDE for over 40 days and 40 nights. And no one in the family was thrown overboard. "But wait! There's more! The 40 days and 40 nights don't begin to tell the story. According to Genesis Chapters 7 and 8, the elapsed time Noah, his family and all the animals were on the Ark was over a year. Is that impressive or what?" Covering the earth with water was indeed miraculous. But I can’t help but think hosting two skunks on a boat and living to tell about it was pretty amazing in its own right. As a matter of fact, in some small way I had my own epiphany about such acts of faith just last week…. Years ago, we converted our heating/cooling system to gas, which was supposedly cheaper and more efficient than our electric system. If memory serves, “brilliant” was the humblest of words I could find to describe my stroke of genius at the money we were going to save. In retrospect, there appears to have been one minor shortcut during the installation. But how was I to know there could possibly be a downside to running the gas pipe under the house and out through one of the crawl space vents rather than poking a hole through the stucco? Besides, the wire mesh patch job the installers did seemed secure at the time. Fast forward to one evening last week, my wife and I were tuned in to “Jeopardy” and “Wheel Of Fortune”— What? You thought we would be watching “Masterpiece Theatre”? Suddenly, we heard a strange bumping and scratching. The location of the sounds was rather non-specific except they seemed to be coming from under the family room. As it turns out, I should have been a bit more diligent about inspecting the aforementioned wire mesh patch which had apparently worked its way loose over the years. Somehow, an enterprising skunk had found its way under the house below the family room. There was also the slightest hint of something ominous in the air. If you have ever wondered how air tight the ductwork in your house is, wonder no more. It ain’t. And did I mention skunk mating season is in February and March? Fortunately, the gestation period in skunks is 60 days. So, time was on my side. The next three days and nights were a blur, mostly due to the tears in my eyes. I was Trapper Bill by night and a critter relocation specialist in rubber gloves and a HazMat suit by day. If you are wondering, my wife did mention Animal Control once or twice—OK it was several times. But why would any self-respecting Eagle Scout resort to such tactics. Besides, just think of the money I saved—a Scout is Thrifty and all that. Admittedly, buying febreeze by the gallon isn’t cheap and salvaging my Honda Accord after transporting skunks in my trunk is still a work in progress. But I really feel the skunks and I have cleared the air in our relationship. As for Noah, he has definitely moved up a notch or two in the “have faith” department. In case you are seeking prayerful guidance about the church expansion, Remember The Ark!
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March 2013 What we are studying this month:
Godly Play 3/3
Parable of The Great Pearl Matthew 13:45 3/10 Parable of The Sower Matthew 13:1-9 3/17 Parable of The Leaven Matthew 13:33 3/24 Jesus the King Matthew 21:1-11 3/31 Easter Sunday
Faith Quest 3/3
Communion Sunday
3/10 Lent: Spiritual Journaling Paul’s letter to Romans 8:31-39 3/17 Lent: Lectio Divina Isaiah 43:13 3/24 Lent: Drawing Meditation 3/31 Easter Sunday Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
Vacation Bible School
June 24 – 28, 2013 5 years old - Fifth Grade welcome! Needed: 30 youth and adult guides Sign up with Christine Mendoza
December 19, 2012
To our Family Promise Host Coordinators, Congregation Volunteers, Pastors, Rabbis, and Congregations: As 2012 comes to a close, the Board of Family Promise of Sacramento wanted to take a moment to thank you for what we have accomplished this year. In 2012, we successfully helped 21 families (49 family members) break the cycle of homelessness. This is our largest graduating class ever! Your efforts have resulted in 49 Sacramento homeless families transitioning to permanent housing. The stability and safety of permanent housing will provide these families with the foundation for a better future. Unfortunately, our work is not done. As homelessness in Sacramento continues to increase, we are seeing more and more children displaced. Our goal for 2013 is to transition at least 25 families from homelessness to the stability and safety of permanent housing. Your tireless dedication and generosity is crucial to the continued fulfillment of Our Vision: A nation in which every family has a home, a livelihood, and the chance to build a better future together. However, the year has not been without challenges. Across the nation, donations to not-forprofit organizations are down more than 50%. Close to home, this has affected most of the Family Promise affiliates and has resulted in the closure of the Reno Family Promise. Modesto Family Promise is also facing extreme financial difficulties. And yes, these fiscal realities have hit our Sacramento Family Promise hard. Since July, our donations have dropped from approximately $10,000 per month to $7,000. In 2012, our volunteer grant writer and now Board member, Chuck McIntyre, doubled the number of grants we were able to submit. While we received more grants this year, the amount of the grants was often less than 50% of what we received in previous years. Our Director, Marsha, became a management superstar successfully cutting our operating expenses to the absolute bare minimum. Late in the year, there was a bright spot; Faith Presbyterian donated a used van that will allow us to cut our transportation cost in the coming year from $3,800 a month to $1,600. In her “spare time,” Marsha was able to successfully organize a number of estate sales that have provided much needed funds to the organization. Despite Marsha’s and the Board’s increased efforts, revenue continued to fall short of the program’s expenses throughout the year. While we struggled to keep the program operating at full capacity, by the end of the summer the Board was forced to make some difficult decisions to strengthen the organization. We temporarily:
Eliminated the case worker position. Marsha, with the help of a fabulous volunteer, Kelly Latimer, assumed these responsibilities.
Limited the number of families in the program to two families. This allowed Marsha to juggle her Director responsibilities while assuming case worker responsibilities.
Selected only families who had their own transportation. This allowed us to cancel our transportation contract and save $3,800 per month while we planned for placing our “new van” into operation.
We also asked Marsha to help the Board come up with a plan for raising Family Promise’s visibility and donor base. The good news is that the strategy is starting to work! While our financial position is still difficult, we are current on our bills, donations from our holiday appeal are coming in and we hope to end the year in the black. If our end-of-the-year appeal is successful, our goal is to begin using our van for transporting Families, return to hosting four families, and hire a part-time case manager and two part-time drivers in the first quarter of 2013. Throughout the year, the Board has recognized that your flexibility has been key to building a stronger and more sustainable organization. Despite the challenges, the amazing support and generosity of our member Congregations and Our army of volunteers has kept the Board energized and optimistic. On behalf of every family that has benefitted from Family Promise, we want to thank every Congregation and every volunteer for their energy, commitment and financial support throughout the year. We look forward to continuing to serve our community until every family in Sacramento has a home, a livelihood, and the chance to build a better future together. All the best to you and your family for a wonderful holiday season and a blessed new year. Sincerely,
Kevin Donohue Kevin Donohue, Family Promise Board Chair
MARCH 2013 Sunday
24 9:00 AM Worship Service 10:15 AM Adult Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship Service 2:00 PM Family Ministry Bowling Night 8:00 PM AA Meeting
25 9:00 1:00 1:30 7:00
3 9:00 AM Worship Service 10:15 AM Adult Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship Service 8:00 PM AA Meeting
Tuesday 26 9:00 5:00 6:00 6:30 7:00 8:00
Bible Study Fellowship Womens' Life Group Worship Ministry Meeting Outreach Team Meeting Munchies Youth Group AA Meeting
4 9:00 AM BSF Leader's Meeting 9:00 AM Staff Meeting 1:00 PM Crafters' Club 1:30 PM Mens' Life Group 7:00 PM Local Mission Task Force Meeting 7:00 PM Women's AA Meeting
5 9:00 5:00 7:00 8:00
Bible Study Fellowship Womens' Life Group Munchies Youth Group AA Meeting
10 9:00 AM Worship Service 10:15 AM Adult Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship Service 12:30 PM Deacons' Meeting 12:30 PM Look @ Faith Luncheon 8:00 PM AA Meeting
11 9:00 1:00 1:30 7:00 7:00
12 9:00 5:00 7:00 8:00
17 9:00 AM Worship Service 10:15 AM Adult Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship Service 12:30 PM Worship Band Rehearsal 8:00 PM AA Meeting
18 9:00 9:00 1:00 1:30 7:00
BSF Leader's Meeting Staff Meeting Crafters' Club Mens' Life Group Women's AA Meeting
25 9:00 1:00 1:30 7:00
BSF Leader's Meeting Crafters' Club Mens' Life Group Women's AA Meeting
Passion/Palm Sunday 9:00 AM Worship Service 10:15 AM Adult Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship Service 8:00 PM AA Meeting 31
EASTER SUNDAY,ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING 7:00 AM Sunrise Service 9:00 AM Worship Service 10:15 AM Adult Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship Service 8:00 PM AA Meeting
1 9:00 1:00 1:30 7:00
BSF Leader's Meeting Crafters' Club Mens' Life Group Women's AA Meeting
BSF Leader's Meeting Crafters' Club Mens' Life Group Session Meeting Women's AA Meeting
BSF Leader's Meeting Crafters' Club Mens' Life Group Women's AA Meeting
Bible Study Fellowship Womens' Life Group Munchies Youth Group AA Meeting
Wednesday 27 10:30 AM PW Bible Study 11:30 AM PW Luncheon 6:00 PM Communications Meeting 6:30 PM Young Adults Life Group 7:00 PM Lent Worship Service 8:00 PM AA Meeting
Thursday 28 9:30 2:00 6:00 7:00 8:00
6 2:00 PM Group 6:30 PM Group 7:00 PM Service 8:00 PM
7 Adult Discussion 9:30 2:00 Young Adults Life 7:00 8:00 Lent Worship
13 9:00 AM Meeting 6:30 PM Group 7:00 PM Service 8:00 PM
14 9:30 2:00 Young Adults Life 7:00 8:00 Lent Worship
Women's Life Group Older Adult Life Group Children's Ministry Meeting Choir Rehearsal AA Meeting
Women's Life Group Older Adult Life Group Choir Rehearsal AA Meeting
Women's Life Group Older Adult Life Group Choir Rehearsal AA Meeting
Friday Saturday 1 8:00 PM AA Meeting
2 9:00 AM Brass Rehearsal
8 8:00 PM AA Meeting
9 9:00 AM Brass Rehearsal
15 8:00 PM AA Meeting
16 9:00 AM Brass Rehearsal 9:00 AM Peace & Discerment Retreat
AA Meeting PW Board
AA Meeting
19 9:00 5:00 7:00 8:00
Bible Study Fellowship Womens' Life Group Munchies Youth Group AA Meeting
20 21 6:30 PM Young Adults Life 9:30 AM Women's Life Group Group 2:00 PM Older Adult Life Group 7:00 PM Lent Worship 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal Service 8:00 PM AA Meeting 8:00 PM AA Meeting
22 8:00 PM AA Meeting
23 9:00 AM Brass Rehearsal
26 9:00 5:00 6:00 6:30 7:00 8:00
Bible Study Fellowship Womens' Life Group Worship Ministry Meeting Outreach Team Meeting Munchies Youth Group AA Meeting
27 10:30 AM PW Bible Study 11:30 AM PW Luncheon 6:00 PM Communications Meeting 6:30 PM Young Adults Life Group 8:00 PM AA Meeting
30 9:00 AM Brass Rehearsal
2 9:00 5:00 7:00 8:00
Bible Study Fellowship Womens' Life Group Munchies Youth Group AA Meeting
3 2:00 PM Adult Discussion Group 6:30 PM Young Adults Life Group 8:00 PM AA Meeting
9:30 AM 2:00 PM 5:30 PM Worship 8:00 PM 4 9:30 2:00 7:00 8:00
Women's Life Group Older Adult Life Group Maundy Thursday Dinner & AA Meeting
Women's Life Group Older Adult Life Group Choir Rehearsal AA Meeting
7:00 PM Good Friday 8:00 PM AA Meeting 5 8:00 PM AA Meeting
6 9:00 AM Brass Rehearsal
March 2013 Assistant Schedule Worship Service Acolyte Coffee Hosts Greeters
Media Center Offering Escort Ushers
Worship Assistant Worship Service Acolyte Coffee Hosts Greeters Offering Escort Media Center Ushers Worship Assistant Lockup Tellers
March 3 9:00 a.m. Bereket Chapman Elizabeth Williams and Ann Johnson Bob and Georgianne Becker
March 10 9:00 a.m. Cameron Cowling Terry and Jillian Smith Bob and Tanya Anderson
March 17 9:00 a.m. Marguax Warren Donna Touros and Lynn Weston John and Sally Ravas
March 31 Easter 9:00 a.m. Godebo Chapman Kerrilee Blunt and Janeil Hogue Andeen Lovett and Carol Aycock
Dave Anders and David Nash Jennifer Smith Jon Coupal and Alicia Harshfield
March 24 7:00 p.m. Bereket Chapman Chris Cowling and Maria Rodriguez Marianne Jenkins and Melodi Andersen Connor and Spencer Hankey Don Sperling Larry and Noreen Freund
Jon Coupal and David Nash Norma McKay Donna Touros and Virginia Escalante Virgie Cornelius
Don Sperling and Noel Chapman Don Sperling Wendy Benjamin and Tracy Cumming Pat Smith
Mike Nichols
Rudy Buehler
Jon Coupal
11:00 a.m. Matthew Sanchez Kevin and Jenine Menager Rick and Cynthia Crow Helen Christianson Joe Parente and Kevin Menager Jarvis and Glenda Arellano David Nash
11:00 a.m. Collin Reynolds Wilma Cornelius and Ruth Warner Melodi Andersen and Dawn Vollmar Dick McClure Ken Finch and Rick Hom Mike Nichols and Bimbo Akinsanya Julia Latimer
11:00 a.m. Mikey Rock Paul and Betty Keller Jim and Barbara Tracy Jarvis Arellano Kevin and Josh Clark Jeff Simington and Julia King Sheron Vollstedt
11:00 p.m. Emily Martin Lindsay Nevis and Susan Little Bill and Dee Nichols
Jim Tracy
Glen Halford
Bob Bagby
Helen Christianson Pat Smith and Rick Hom Dick and Betty McClure Nancy RemleyJohnson Tom Busch
11:00 a.m. Jonathan Little Matt Bailey and Lori Rapier Dick and Betty McClure Dick McClure Rick Hom
Bob Connett and Dick McClure
Jarvis Arellano and Kitty Tatro
Jim Tracy and Erwina Bush
Barbara Powell and Marvette Swayzer
Don Sperling and David Nash Jennifer Smith Kent Kim and Charlie Tucker
John Latimer and Lee Bush Kevin Menager Sam CadeauxTydings Norma McKay and Marilyn Becker