Mar 7, 2013 ... “Soli Deo Gloria”. In this Issue ...... At the Taize service, which happens on the first
Wednesday of each month, you will hear short, repetitive yet.
March 2013
Valley Voice “Soli Deo Gloria” “Soli Deo Gloria.” These three La n words were used by many ar sts and especially composers of sacred music, among them Handel and Graupner, and, as we learned from concert pianist Sam Rotman at the Ke le Dinner on February 17, Johann Sebas an Bach. They mean, “To God alone be the glory.” These extraordinary talents knew their gi s came from God, and they offered the fruit of their talents to God. That is the purpose of the Church, as well: to give God all glory and honor. It is the purpose of Valley Presbyterian Church, as well. And while it is easily obscured by the humanity of we who make up the church ‐ with pe ness, poli cs, and personali es, to name a few things – we must always strive for more. Wouldn’t it be great if our lives were true art, offered to God as a sweet melody of joy in worship?
Rev. Lawrence R. DeLong, Pastor
PASTORAL CARE - March, 2013 Dear Friends, I write this before my last Sunday here, and the festivities and reception of the day, but this much I want to say now: After 13 years at Valley Presbyterian Church, the affection and support which so many of you have expressed through your letters and your gifts have been much appreciated. As Ruth and I enter this journey called retirement, I recall what one of you wrote me recently: “Retirement is truly a new beginning!” I know that we will find that to be true. I am also remembering words spoken by Dag Hammarskjold, the second Secretary General of the United Nations: “For all that has been, thanks. For all that shall be, yes.” My wish for you is an old one: that “the Lord will bless you and keep you, that the Lord will lift up the light of his countenance upon you and give you peace, now and evermore.” (Numbers 6:24) On the journey with Jesus,
Rev. John Dunham, Retired Associate Pastor for Pastoral Care
In this Issue page Adult Bible Study Associate Pastor for Pastoral Care Birthdays for March Calendar for March Coffee/Cookie Fellowship Concert-Shrine of the Ages Choir Congregational Meeting CWCC Diane Christopher Driver Education Class Easter Services Fellowship Breakfast Food Bank-Feinstein Challenge Friendship Kettle Dinner John Dunham John Dunham Sunday Events Larry DeLong Legacy Seminar Lent & Easter Book List Medical Minute Meeting Room changes Men's Weekday Bible Studies Mission-Hands of a Friend New Member list New Member photos News of Note One Great Hour of Sharing Parish Nurse News Patio Sale PCM—Prayer Vigil Promoted to Glory Read the Bible for Life Retreat—Peace & Justice Sermons for February Sharing Your Faith in Everyday Life Singles The Source Stephen Ministry-The Road of Life Stephen Ministry-Continuing Ed Town Hall Meeting Valley Readers VPC Scholarships Webmaster Retires-V. Davison Women's Ministries Worship Services—March Writing Group
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Our congregation gave a very generous gift of money to John at his retirement party. He and Ruth opened their gift later at home. Following is the heartfelt message on the card. Upon the occasion of his Honorable Retirement, February 28, 2013, this gift is presented to The Reverend John T. Dunham, Associate Pastor for Pastoral Care By the Congregation of Valley Presbyterian Church, and for all whose lives he has and will continue to touch.
No one could have more clearly embodied the love of Christ among the people of this congregation, and in deepest appreciation of your service to Jesus, we offer our continual thanks to you and to God for bringing a glimpse of God’s Kingdom to us for over thirteen blessed years.
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March 2013
Pastoral Care The Road of Life by Mar Long A er you have lost the love of your life, your best friend, and the one you pledged to love un l the end of me, And you are running over with tears, and wishing life would soon end for you, too, But – even filled with grief the road goes on. A er your spouse has just been diagnosed with health problems that will present great difficul es, And you have so many decisions to make and no one to listen to those possibili es But – there is no me to stop as the road goes on. The me has come to give up your home and find a place that will meet your new needs, The me has come to leave the home of your dreams, But – you can look forward to a caring surrounding as the road goes on. Your children love you but they live so far away ‐ they can visit but not o en Too many of your friends have died or moved to other places But – memories keep you with them as the road goes on. It's become too difficult to get to your church for worship or for the fellowship you love there, You miss hearing about the services and ac vi es you were once a part of But – there are ways to keep in touch as the road goes on. Health problems, advanced age, lead you to realize that your me on earth may be nearing,
Ques ons of death and what comes next are filling your mind But – you can find the answers and have peace in your heart as the road goes on. Things have changed; the money isn't stretching as far as it once seemed to do, The house needs repairs, and the upkeep is more than you can do without hiring help But – through all the worries the road goes on. The road does go on. You cannot just stop at the corner. You must keep going through the problems, through the heartache, through the rough spots. You need someone to walk this road with you. A Stephen Minister can do this. You do not have to walk the road alone. A Stephen Minister has been trained to walk through the ruts and the pot holes of life and can take you by the hand. This is the hand of Jesus and the love of Jesus walking beside you. A Stephen Minister can stay with you un l you can see your way down the road. You will find a caring person that meets with you ‐ one on one, confiden ally, and faithfully. The long road can become a path to wholeness. If you would like to have a Stephen Minister join you on your journey, phone Phil or Connie Conklin at 648 ‐7944, Mary Frances Horton at 648‐ 2637, or Barb Mengebier at 648‐ 4279.
Stay healthy during the Patio Sale. Here’s how: Let’s start with proper li ing: Bend to li an object; do not stoop over to pick it up. Keep your back straight by tucking in your chin. Li with the strong leg muscles, not the weaker back muscles. This will help you whether you are volunteering in the different departments or if you are buying a big item, or box of items, and are now ge ng it home. Second, be aware of dehydra on: This can happen quickly. Dehydra on can be caused by losing too much fluid, not drinking enough water or fluids, or both. Older adults and those with illnesses are at a higher risk for dehydra on. Call 911 if you have confusion, dizziness, and/or lethargy. This is severe dehydra on. Even when you are healthy, drink plenty of fluids/ water every day. Stay hydrated for the Pa o Sale. (Na onal Ins tutes of Health) Third, is stress: Stress causes 1 million people in the US to miss work each day. Don’t let stress take the fun out of volunteering at the Pa o Sale or going to the Pa o Sale. Take or do one thing at a me; meditate and pray when needed; be flexible if able when challenges arise; don’t try to do it all at once; take breaks; and get plenty of sleep the days before and during the sale.
See you at the Pa o Sale.
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Pastoral Care Parish Nurse News Are you walking? Walk to Jerusalem… check our map each week in the Fellowship Hall to see how we are doing.. This program has par cipants from VPC, Desert Hills Lutheran Church, and Lutheran Church of the Risen Savior. This walking program encourages exercise, prayer, and Bible reflec on, and its purpose is to increase physical, spiritual, and emo onal health. As we age, we normally lose some of our balance – do you want to improve your balance? Try a Chair Exercise Class right here at VPC. Our chair exercise classes are held on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 10 ‐11 a.m. Fee: $25/month if a ending three mes a week, $20/month if a ending twice a week. For further informa on or to register call Mia Cooper at 204‐ 5264. Parkinson’s exercise group meets Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9 – 10 a.m. Tai Chi has been recognized to improve balance, flexibility, and muscle strength. It is recognized by several organiza ons as an exercise program that can assist in fall preven on. Fee: $2 per class to instructor. Tai Chi classes are on Mondays at 2:30 p.m., and Wednesdays at 1:30 and 2:45 p.m. Call Roger Ederle at 399‐0166 for more informa on. Do you know what your blood pressure is? Blood pressure screening will be on Sunday, March 24, in the Sweet Family Room between the Worship services, 9:30 – 10:15 a.m. You may also have
your blood pressure checked on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 ‐ 11 a.m. with the Parish Nurse. The Faith and Health Commi ee will be handing out our new wallet‐size medical history record with every blood pressure screening. Alzheimer’s Support and Educa on program con nues on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month, 1 – 2:30 p.m. For more informa on/registra on, contact Debra Anderson at the Alzheimer’s Associa on, 520‐322‐6601. Healing Meals: Please contact the church or Chris Erickson if you know of someone who may need this meal. Men’s Prostate Wellness Group will meet on March 8, at 10 a.m. at Desert Hills Lutheran Church. The program will consist of ques ons, answers, and addressing member concerns. (Informa on: 399‐0154)
Medical Minute A leading cause of vision loss in older adults is age‐related macular degenera on. It gradually destroys the macula, the part of the eye that provides sharp, central vision needed for seeing objects clearly.
Stephen Ministry
Continuing Education March 8: Stephen Ministry welcomes the new trainees to con nuing educa on and peer groups as together we review how we supervise and help one another. March 22: Stephen Ministry celebrates the gradua on of the new class at an all‐day retreat where we will grow together spiritually.
The Patio Sale Approaches! It is coming fast – our annual Pa o Sale from which 100% of the net proceeds are distributed to chari es, organiza ons and missionaries outside of VPC.
The dates are... Thursday, March 14, ($5.00 Admission) 8 AM‐4 PM Friday, March 15, 8 AM‐4 PM Saturday, March 16, 8 AM‐Noon Come and shop, and invite your neighbors, friends and rela ves to visit. There is something for everyone!
Can’t make it to the sale? Prayer cards will be available beginning March 3. Please take one home and support our wonderful volunteers and customers in your prayers.
Who Benefits from our Sale? Everyone who par cipates. The Pa o Sale volunteers have fun and are rewarded with the feeling that they are doing something that benefits many, many others in need outside of the church walls. The many recipients of the net profits. These include, among others: Amado Community Food Bank, United Community Health Centers, and New Beginnings for Women and Children. Christ Presbyterian Church, Tucson. All items not sold during our Pa o Sale are transferred to the sale sponsored by Christ Presbyterian Church the following week.
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Christian Education Grow Your Soul! ‐ Now is the me to begin a new study of the Bible or join a discussion group ‐ ‐ ‐ Sunday Bible Study – Men’s & Women’s Bible Studies – Valley Readers – Valley Wri ng Group – Reading the Bible for Life — Fridays with Larry...
Read the Bible for Life Mondays, star ng March 18 10 a.m., Spiritual Life Center Many of us know the individual stories of the Bible, but together they tell a larger story: the story of God. In this 9‐week class taught by Diane Christopher and Bob Dahm, we will learn God’s story. We will explore the dynamics of listening, understanding, and responding to God’s story. We will consider how the various books of the Bible fit into the ongoing story of God and His people. And, we will examine the different types of literature found in the Bible so we can interpret the story. Eugene Peterson has said of the Bible: “We open this book and find that page a er page it takes us off guard, surprises us, and draws us into its reality, pulls us into par cipa on with God on his terms.” As we meet the living God in the pages of His Word, we will be changed by the encounter. So, join us as we learn to read the Bible for life.
Valley Voice
March 2013
The J.I.T. Principle When I a ended the University of Minnesota (oh, so long ago), I developed a friendship with a woman who was in many of my classes. One day as we were wai ng for a class to begin, she told me about an experience she had the night before. She was engaged and had her fiancé over for dinner. About 10 p.m., he decided to head back to his house. She asked him to call her when he got home, and as any good fiancé should do, he promised he would. Well, it should have taken him only 20 minutes to get home. It got to be 10:30; no phone call. 11 p.m. No phone call. Keep in mind, this was a me before cell phones. So at 11 p.m., she started calling his house. No answer. She called at 11:30. No answer. 11:45. No answer. She started to think the worst. What if he was in accident? What if he were killed? On and on her thoughts went, and she started to panic. She began to think how she didn’t want to live without him. She couldn’t live without him. And she started to cry. Well, at midnight, he called. He had stopped to talk with some friends, and had just walked in. She told him what had happened and how she began to think about life without him, and how she couldn’t do it. He said, “You couldn’t handle it because you didn’t need to handle it. If I were dead, God would have given you the ability to handle my death at that moment. God will not give you the strength or grace ahead of me.” God operates on the J.I.T. principle: Just In Time. God gives us what we need when we need it, not before. During this season of Lent, I encourage you to say the following litany during a morning or evening devo on. Perhaps say it with a family member or friend, or in your Bible study, or as a devo on at a commi ee mee ng. Leader: Then the Lord said to Moses, “I am going to rain bread from heaven for you, and each day the people shall go out and gather enough for that day.” (Exodus 16:4) People: Just in Time Leader: “O Lord, be gracious to us; we wait for you. Be our arm every morning.” (Isaiah 33:2) People: Just in Time Leader: “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies…are new every morning” (Lamenta ons 3:22‐23) People: Just in Time Leader: God is our “strength every morning, our salva on also in the me of distress” (Jeremiah 16:19) People: Just in Time Leader: Do not worry about what you will eat, drink, or wear. “Your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.” (Ma hew 6:31‐32) People: Just in Time We are indeed blessed,
A workbook is available for $10. Rev. Diane Christopher, Associate Pastor for Education & Outreach
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Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study
LENT AND EASTER BOOKS FOR STUDY AND REFLECTION VALLEY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH LIBRARY (These books can be found in the bookracks on the round library tables) Calmly plotting the resurrection: Lenten reflections for individuals and groups. Donna E. Schaper. (242 Sch1) Faces at the cross: a Lent and Easter collection of poetry and prose. J. Barrie Shepherd. (808.81 S7) First Easter: the true and unfamiliar story. Paul L. Maier (232 Ma28) The First Easter. Peter Marshall (252 M35) From Advent’s alleluia to Easter’s morning light. Ann Weems. (811 W41) Genesis of grace: a Lenten book of days. John Indermark. (222 In2) Jesus, the final days. Craig A. Evans & N.T. Wright. (232.96 Ev1)
Please join other adults for the Adult Sunday Morning Bible Study. They are using materials from “The Present Word.” All adults are welcome to join any or all of our classes. The class meets in Classroom 1 approximately 10 to 15 minutes after the close of the 8:30 a.m. worship service (for about 45 minutes). Please join the class as they discuss these passages and how to apply the Biblical truths to each of our lives.
Kneeling in Jerusalem. Ann Weems. (242 W415) The last week: what the Gospels really teach about Jesus’s final days in Jerusalem. Marcus J. Borg & John Dominic Crossan. (232.96 B64) Lent for everyone, Mark, year B. N.T. Wright. (242 W93) Living with the seven words: daily devotions for Lent. John Alexander McElroy. (242 Mc15) Parables and passion: Jesus’ stories for the days of Lent. Indermark. (242 In2)
The rising: living the mysteries of Lent, Easter, & Pentecost. Wendy M. Wright. (242 W92) Sensing the passion: reflections during Lent. Kevin Scully. (242 Scu4) Seven lasting words: Jesus speaks from the cross. Christopher R. Seitz. (231.96 Se4) The six miracles of Calvary: unveiling the story of the resurrection. William R. Nicholson. (232.4 Ni52) Twice seven words: a meditation on the words of Jesus Christ before his death and after his resurrection. Agnes Sanford. (242 Sa5) The way of the cross and resurrection: meditations for the Lenten season. John M. Drescher, ed. (242 Dr81) We have seen the Lord: the passion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. William Barclay. (223.9 B24)
VPC Scholarships Available A limited number of scholarships are provided to Green Valley area students. Applica ons are available in the church office and at the area high schools. Deadline for completed applica ons is April 1. Contact George Cur s for addi onal informa on at 625‐2394.
Driver Safety Class Would you like to refresh your driving skills or renew an insurance discount? The AARP Driver Safety Class is offered on March 5, star ng at 8:30 a.m. Classes are 4 hours long and training will be completed in one session. Fee is $12 for AARP members and $14 for non‐ members. Class size is limited to 25. If you have ques ons about the class, call instructor Dale Kimes at 520‐648‐1647. To register, call the church office (625‐5023).
Writing Group Meets March 6 VPC wri ng group meets on the first Wednesday of each month. Our next mee ng will be on Wednesday, March 6 from 10:00 to 11:30 in the Sweet Family Room. The topic will be “Stealing.” Write anything you would like on this topic. First mers are always welcome. We marvel at the growth of each member's wri ng, and at the gi we receive as we listen to each other read and receive posi ve feedback and support.
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March 2013
Men’s Weekday Bible Studies There are two church‐sponsored men’s groups that meet during the week that would be glad for you to join them. The first one meets on Tuesday mornings at 8 a.m. They are studying the book The Applause of Heaven, by Max Lucado. A group of six to ten men meet at the Old Chicago Deli in the Green Valley Mall for one hour. The group meets for fellowship, food, and study. Dave Tompkins is the leader (399‐3500). The second group, with about four to eight men, meets Wednesday mornings at 9 a.m. This group currently meets at the church for one hour in the Sweet Family Room. (Note: this is a loca on change due to the water damage in CR 5.) The group is self‐led but Larry Phillips (777‐8027) is the facilitator. They are discussing the book of Hebrews using the NavPress study guide. Lessons are self‐contained so feel free to join the group at any me.
WOMEN’S MINISTRIES Gathering, March 19, 11:30 a.m. The March Gathering will take place on March 19 at 11:30 with a luncheon prepared and served by Miriam Circle. Please make your reserva ons ($9.00) on either March 10 or 17. Our program will be presented by Jan DeWi . You will remember that she was going to give us a program called “The Secret Garden” at the January Gathering, but that had to be postponed due to the floods from the sprinkler system! Jan always does a wonderful program so plan to come and join us in March.
PRESBY GIFT FOR MARCH: Non-perishable food items for Youth on Their Own
You are invited to be a part of a
12-HOUR PRAYER VIGIL for Presbyterian Campus Ministry Thursday, March 7th!
We'll start at 6:00 am, with 15‐minute me increments. Please email
[email protected] with your name, your email address, and a few me slots that would work for you, in order of preference. We will email you back with a me confirma on. A few days beforehand, we will email everyone with their me and a list of suggested prayer requests, scripture passages, etc., for you to use if you would like.
Please consider taking out 15‐30 minutes out of your day to pray for the ministry of PCM! We hope you will join us and please let us know if you have any ques ons.
Thank you, Rev. Ellen Dawson, PCM 520‐623‐7575 (w) 520‐954‐5931 (c)
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CWCC: Creating a Welcoming Climate at Church The call to help Create a Welcoming Climate at Church went out and THINGS ARE HAPPENING. This ministry of hospitality, the CWCC team, is an intentional effort to help Valley Presbyterian become an even more warm and caring community for both visitors and members. Read on for information about the Welcome Centers and the brand new VISITORS’ CORNER. Visitors’ Corner: There is now a designated area for visitors in Fellowship Hall after church. Visitors will be invited to enjoy their coffee and cookies while they are hosted by members of the CWCC team, meeting other newcomers and getting answers to their questions. The CWCC team is helping the Welcome Centers expand their volunteer staff. In addition to the smiling, caring people who are behind the desk, a designated WELCOMER is now "socializing" outside the desk. It's someone who is available to help in any way possible to make our church even more welcoming. They spend time with visitors; will walk with members to help them find what they need; etc. If you would like more information on how you could get involved with this wonderful, caring ministry, you are encouraged to do any of the following:
Call Carol Bowley @ 647‐0960.... Contact any Welcome Center a er church…. Call the church office @ 625‐5023.
Valley Readers March 25, 1:30 p.m. “Curl up and get cozy in your favorite spot with a good mystery book – can it get any be er?” Each of us will tell about a favorite mystery book that we have enjoyed and would recommend for others to read. Please limit your discussion to about two minutes. We will meet in the Sweet Family Room on Monday, March 25, at 1:30 p.m. Do join us – all are welcome! If you have ques ons, please call Anne Morrison at 399‐0762.
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March 2013
DAILY PRAYER FOR HANDS OF A FRIEND For the Mission Committee by Martha Ashton Imagine the young mother with two small children who silently suffers the physical abuse of her troubled husband un l one day when he threatens her with a knife. She can no longer endure the emo onal pain of protec ng herself and children who are in harm’s way. But where can she go? Or picture the elderly wife and caregiver of a man in late stages of Alzheimer’s disease, who has become violent towards her. To whom can she turn for safety? One might think these are situa ons that only appear on television nightly news, but, unfortunately, there are all too many cases of domes c violence right here in Green Valley. It reaches across all income and educa onal levels. Hands of a Friend was founded to provide support for women and children who have nowhere else to go when faced with such dreadful circumstances. Genesis House is a secure shelter that offers hope to dozens of families each year. Since its founding, it has provided 35,000 bed units to clients as young as 3 days old and as old as eighty‐seven! Besides serving as a “safe haven,” the shelter provides instruc on in computers, household finance, and student tutoring. Counseling and financial support is also given to a large number of women who have located their own “safe haven” to live but s ll need emo onal and financial support to become self‐sufficient. Hands of a Friend does not accept any state or federal funding. It is a faith‐based non‐denomina onal organiza on that relies on monetary dona ons from local churches and clubs. Another important source of income are the proceeds from DaZees Consignment Shops in Green Valley, which are fully staffed by volunteers. On Wednesday, March 20, the Mission Commi ee will sponsor a field trip to DaZees, where CEO Patricia O’Berry will share with us the success stories of her mission as founder of Genesis House. We will also enjoy a tour of the clothing shops and the new addi on that recently opened to sell furniture and collec bles! Everyone is invited to join us on this visit! In daily prayer this month please remember Hands of a Friend, that lives might be restored and broken spirits may be mended through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen Matt. 25:40: Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers [sisters] of mine, you did for me.
Palm Sunday – March 24
ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING By Linda Raybern We are called to make God's community livable for all. On Palm Sunday, March 24, Valley Presbyterian Church will be joining with many other congregations like ours for One Great Hour of Sharing. Since 1949, OGHS has been sharing resources and changing lives of those who face extreme poverty, urban squalor, starvation, malnutrition, disease, and other catastrophic tragedies. Your gift will help Presbyterian Disaster Assistance and Presbyterian Hunger Program to help and work with other partners to alleviate hunger and its causes in the USA and internationally, by supplying the resources, materials, and help needed to overcome the obstacles faced by the disadvantaged. Efforts for those affected by Hurricane Sandy, as well as others around the globe who face so many challenges, will be able to reclaim and restore their lives with dignity. One Great Hour of Sharing will provide funds for the self-development of people to affirm and restore their lives with the strength needed to overcome the problems they face. In your simple act of giving to OGHS you will be giving the joy of hope as well as solutions to those who otherwise would not be able to overcome the obstacles before them. The prophet Isaiah reminds us that we are called to be "the repairer of the breach, the restorer of streets to live in" (Isa.58:12). On Palm Sunday, help bring God's compassion to others by sharing resources and changing lives with your act of giving.
March 2013
Kettle Dinner Sun., March 17, at 5 p.m.
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Men & Women are Invited to
FELLOWSHIP BREAKFAST Saturday, March 9, 8:00 am
Dinner: A delicious meal of Bar‐B‐Q Beef will be served promptly at 5:00 p.m.
Program: At 6:00 p.m. join us in the sanctuary for the: Sonoran Dogs Bluegrass Band. Originally known as the Crystal Ridge Bluegrass Band, they are an exci ng acous c group with great depth and experience in Bluegrass music. They were award winners in the 2008 Telluride Bluegrass Band Contest and a Tucson Area Music Awards (TAMMIES) winner for the best Bluegrass Band in 2004 & 2005. Their repertoire ranges from tradi onal bluegrass to new acous c music and includes a number of original composi ons. Tickets: ($11) will be on sale in the Fellowship Hall prior to and following both services on Sunday, March 3 and 10.
Volunteers The Ke le Dinner is usually in need of volunteers to help with serving, so if you are interested and can help, please sign up when you purchase your ckets.
Speaker: Bob Hibschman Join us for breakfast and fellowship. Bob will share with us his calling and some of his extensive involvement with Habitat for Humanity. Bob was a close friend of Habitat for Humanity founder Millard Fuller, and he traveled with construction crews for 15 years helping build more than 50 homes. A natural story teller, you’ll enjoy hearing Bob’s experiences. Tickets are still only $5 and will be available Sundays, February 24 and March 3, in Fellowship Hall, or call Dave Tompkins 399-3500 by March 7. If you still have a ticket from January, please exchange it at no cost for a new ticket.
Welcome, New Members Steve & Ann Ball 3771 Via del Trogon 648‐7334 A14‐CSEII GV 85622 Portage MI Don* & Ineke Cadora 630 W Placita Quieta 648‐0774 A10‐DHE GV 85622 Boulder CO Doug Crosby 3777 S Avenida de los Solmos 303‐1366 A11‐TS GV 85614 Portland ME Phyllis Days 2788 S Placita Rus ca 861‐9082 A12‐DHVA GV 85622 Oro Valley AZ Don & Joan Du De Voire 755 W Bella Vista Dr 393‐1649 A7 ‐ CVA GV 85614 Lincolnshire IL Ron & Ann Erickson 4133 S Golden Lynx Rd 399‐1925 A11‐TS GV 85614 Crosswell MI Curt & Julie Jackels 527 S Ramos Lane 952‐884‐2967 A19‐QC 5 GV 85614 Bloomington MN Bob & Cynthia Krantz 801 W Calle del Regalo 203‐8292 A18‐EE GV 85614 Yorkville IL Jace & Elvira Loewen 19001 S Richfield Ave Lot 50 625‐4928 A2‐GVRP GV 85614 Ladysmith BC Louise Mar n 1530 S Abrego Dr 548‐9212 A8‐DMII GV 85614 Stockton CA Larry & Mary Ann Root 512 N Aspenwood St 319‐361‐4706 A18‐LC GV 85614 Cedar Rapids IA Earl & Carol Yarborough 685 S Los Opalos 207‐6440 A7‐TAVI GV 85614 Tucson AZ New Member Photos on pages 12 and 13 by Georgia Puttock. *Not available for photo.
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March 2013
THE SOURCE Services of Worship At the Taize service, which happens on the first Wednesday of each month, you will hear short, repetitive yet beautiful chant-like hymns. These hymns are sung multiple times so that the message can be internalized. The music, lyrics, and scripture all combined with a candle-lit room create a very intimate setting where God is surely present. The Vespers service, which happens on the second Wednesday of each month, features a variety of music. A piano prelude precedes evening hymns and prayers. You will hear and sing along to beautiful hymns, and sometimes even hear some lighter jazz arrangements. On the third Wednesday of each month, there will be a service of “Hope and Healing.” It is during this service we pray for healing in our community, country, world, in our own lives, and in the lives of others. Hymns of hope and healing will be sung, and quiet meditative piano music will be played while participants may come forward to be anointed with oil and pray for the healing of others or themselves. The praise band will play on the fourth Wednesday of each month, and their upbeat and uplifting music is sure to get you moving and singing along!
News of Note by Kay Albrecht “A Chris an should be an Alleluia from head to foot.” ~ St. Augus ne The theme that resonates in the anthems chosen for the 2013 Favorite Anthems Concerts is: Rejoice! Give God Praise! Alleluia!!! As always, the selections for this year’s concerts have been chosen from anthems sung by the Sanctuary Choir throughout the year. There will be anthems from “special” seasons celebrating Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter, along with
others from Sundays that the church calendar calls “Ordinary Time.” The tenors and basses will be featured on a new anthem by Joseph M. Martin entitled, “Give Us a Song.” Below is an excerpt from that anthem, and an example of our message for this year’s concert. “Give us a song, Lord, make us one alleluia! Grant us a voice to sing Your praise. Lord, make us one, one heart that’s tuned for Your music. Make us an instrument of grace.
Give us a song, a theme filled with purpose. Let there be love in all we do. Teach us Your words. Let us sing peace to the na ons. Let us sing hymns of gra tude. Give us a song! Make us one alleluia! One great alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!” A CD of the 2013 Favorite Anthems Concert will be recorded and mastered by Gary Ray; it will be available to purchase by the end of March.
FAVORITE ANTHEMS CONCERTS CD available end of March How has your life been changed by Jesus? Tell someone about it!
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What do you hope for? This is what Easter is all about: hope. But not just any kind of hope…an everlas ng one. We invite you to Easter week to celebrate this hope.
Easter Week Services Maundy Thursday: the gi of love Thursday, March 28, 7 p.m. On this night, Jesus ate his last meal with his disciples and ins tuted the Lord’s Supper. We begin the service in joy and end with the stripping of the church as Jesus faces betrayal and the cross.
Good Friday: a companion for dark mes Friday, March 29, 12 noon. We return to a bare and undecorated church as we reflect on the death of Jesus on the cross.
Easter Morning: a promise of more Sunday, March 31 6:00 a.m. Sunrise Service 8:30 and 10:30 Tradi onal Service A er the darkness comes Easter! We begin the celebra on of the Resurrec on! Jesus is alive!
9:00a 10:00a 10:00a 11:00a 1:30p 2:30p 3:30p
6:00a 8:30a 10:30a 10:45a
Sunrise Service Service of Worship (+CC) Service of Worship (+CC) Children’s Program
Sanctuary Choir practice Childcare-Nursery Service of Worship Adult Bible Study Blood Pressure screen Childcare-Nursery Service of Worship Children’s Program
7:45a 8:15a 8:30a 9:45a 9:45a 10:15a 10:30a 10:45a
9:00a 9:00a 10:00a 10:00a 2:30p 3:30p 6:30p
24 Palm Sunday
Sanctuary Choir practice Childcare-Nursery Service of Worship Adult Bible Study Childcare-Nursery Service of Worship Children’s Program Sp Congregational mtg Friendship Kettle Dinner
7:45a 8:15a 8:30a 9:45a 10:15a 10:30a 10:45a 3:00p 5:00p
Parkinson’s exercise Chair exercise Read the Bible for Life An Mtg VPC Foundation Valley Readers Tai Chi class Adult Orff class
Parkinson’s exercise Mission Quilts Chair exercise Read the Bible for Life Tai Chi class Adult Orff class Ruth Circle
7:30a Patio Sale set up 12:30p Elizabeth Circle meeting & salad luncheon 3:30p Adult Orff class
Sanctuary Choir practice Childcare-Nursery Service of Worship Adult Bible Study Childcare-Nursery Service of Worship Children’s Program Patio Sale set up
Library Committee Parkinson’s exercise Mission Quilts Chair exercise Sharing Your Faith in Everyday Conversation 2:30p Tai Chi class 3:30p Adult Orff class
9:00a 9:00a 9:00a 10:00a 10:00a
7:45a 8:15a 8:30a 9:45a 10:15a 10:30a 10:45a 12:00p
Sanctuary Choir practice Childcare-Nursery Service of Worship Adult Bible Study Childcare-Nursery Service of Worship VPC Town Hall meeting
7:45a 8:15a 8:30a 9:45a 10:15a 10:30a 3:00p
New Members
8:00a 8:00a 9:30a 4:00p
8:00a 8:00a 9:30a 11:30a
7:30a 8:00a 8:00a 9:15a 9:30a 10:30a 1:30p
8:00a 8:00a 8:30a 8:30a 8:30a 9:00a 9:30a 10:00a 4:00p
Morning Prayer Men’s Study group Prayer Group Personnel committee
Morning Prayer Men’s Study group Prayer Group WM Gathering
Patio Sale set up Morning Prayer Men’s Study group Julia Circle Prayer Group Mission Committee La Posada Circle at La Joya
Morning Prayer Men’s Study group WM Coordinating team AARP Driver Education Peace & Justice Retreat NOC Leadership team Prayer Group Circle Bible Study Ldrs Kettle Dinner committee
Morning Prayer Crossroads Mission Men’s Bible Study Parkinson’s exercise Session Council comm Creative Hands Chair exercise The Source Session meeting
Patio Sale set up Morning Prayer Crossroads Mission Peace & Justice comm Miriam Circle Lois Circle Finance Committee The Source-Sanctuary Deacons meeting
8:00a Morning Prayer 9:00a Men’s Bible Study 9:00a Parkinson’s exercise 9:00a Worship committee 10:00a Chair exercise class 10:00a Nominating committee 1:30 & 2:45p Tai Chi class 5:00p The Source
8:00a 8:15a 9:00a 9:00a 9:00a 9:00a 10:00a 5:00p 7:00p
7:30a 8:00a 8:15a 10:30a 1:00p 1:15p 2:00p 5:00p 7:00p
8:00a Morning Prayer 9:00a Men’s Bible Study 9:00a Parkinson’s exercise 9:00a Parish Life committee 9:00a B Moore “Inheritance” 10:00a Chair exercise 10:00a Christian Ed committee 10:00a Stewardship committee 10:00a Valley Writing group 1:30p Membership comm 1:30 & 2:45p Tai Chi class 5:00p The Source
March 2013
Morning Prayer Alzheimer’s support Valley Ringers Sanctuary Choir practice Patio Sale Recognition Dinner
Patio Sale set up PATIO SALE OPENS($5) Morning Prayer Faith & Health comm Sanctuary Choir practice
Morning Prayer Pastoral Care Alzheimer’s support Valley Ringers Your God is Too Small Communion La Joya Communion Silver Spgs Sanctuary Choir practice
8:00a 1:00p 3:45p 7:00p
Morning Prayer Valley Ringers Sanctuary Choir practice Maundy Thursday Service of Worship
28 Maundy Thursday
8:00a 1:00p 1:00p 3:45p 5:30p
7:30a 8:00a 8:00a 8:30a 3:45p
8:00a 8:30a 1:00p 1:00p 2:00p 2:00p 3:00p 3:45p
Patio Sale set up Morning Prayer Grief Ministry team PATIO SALE OPEN VPC Foundation
Morning Prayer Parkinson’s exercise Stephen Min training SM Continuing Ed Chair exercise SM Peer Review Stephen Leaders Fridays with Larry
8:00a 9:00a 10:00a 12:00p
Morning Prayer Parkinson’s exercise Chair exercise Good Friday Service of Worship
29 Good Friday
8:00a Morning Prayer 9:00a Parkinson’s exercise 9:00a Stephen Ministry Retreat & Graduation 10:00a Chair exercise 1:00p Fridays with Larry
7:30a 8:00a 8:00a 8:00a 2:30p
8:00a 9:00a 9:00a 9:00a 10:00a 10:00a 11:00a 1:00p
7:30a Patio Sale set up 8:00a PATIO SALE OPEN
8:00a Fellowship Breakfast
10:00a Legacy Planning/ Financial Options Seminar 2:00p Memorial & Reception: Don Selbie (El Dorado Rm-La Posada)
Morning Prayer Ministry of Presence Parkinson’s exercise Stephen Min training Chair exercise Fridays with Larry
8:00a 8:00a 9:00a 9:00a 10:00a 1:00p
Sat 2
Fri 1 World Day of Prayer
Please watch church directory for room assignments while renovations are in progress, and please be sure to vacate meeting rooms as scheduled when other are waiting. Your patience is appreciated. Thank you.
March 2013
1 Teresina Bush Fran Eus s 2 Suzy Breedlove Nicole Raymond 3 Lillian Deyerberg 4 Karen Carmody Russ Denmark Punky Griggs Marcia Koshollek 5 Don Groendyk Jim Mills 6 Joyce Hutchison 7 Glenn Ham Nina Keck Joyce Rembold 8 Kay Henderson Richard Merrick 9 Gordon Early 10 R. Gayle Brown Jackie Denmark Judy Edwards Nancy Fiorito Priscilla Meye e Dale Pryor Helen Young 11 Carol Grimes Jerre James Rosie Sinclair 12 Becky Campbell
Valley Voice
Elaine Foster Marge Hawkins Sue Wilson 13 Cheryl Cooper Merri Howard Beth Ray Sandy Vold 14 Arlis Lundell 15 Marla Warfield 16 Fred McCormick Shirley Pascal Marty Quimby 17 Steve Kepler Larry Love 18 Larry Briggs Elaine Dunbar Dorothy Haas Mary Lee Haas Michael Heller John Hofman 19 Terry Diedrich Dot Hofman Don McBride Joann Meigs Ann Over Lillian Reber Yoko Rich Joan Richards Martha Sadler Dianne Steinacker 20 Phyllis Brockhaus 21 Richard Bushong Dick Davison
Page 17
Jean Stewart 22 Sue Bowers John Criswell Don Moses Ka e Sayre Marilyn Young 23 Joyce Boerman Ruth Moore Caryl Thomas 24 Larry DeLong 25 Margaret Hammel Bonnie Rudy Fred Steinbach 26 Darryl Haugen Marjorie Vallier 27 Anne Moore 28 Karen Brooks Katy Danhof Ferne Hampel Dick Johnston Fred Landenberger Carrie Malovich Tara Ross 29 Ed Farver Kevin Hawkins 30 Karen Bahnick Jack Claton Bill DeWi John Ezyk Shari Ezyk Lynne Szabo 31 Chris Fleischmann
Feinstein Challenge Participation at Green Valley-Sahuarita Food Bank Donations of food and monetary gifts are always needed and welcomed at our local food bank, but even more so from March 1 through April 30. Here is a simple way to increase your giving power. Green ValleySahuarita Food Bank is one of only two food banks that participate in the Feinstein Challenge from the membership of The Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona. * Each pound of food donated between March 1 and April 30 will count as a $1 donation. * Only donations received March 1 through April 30 can be reported to the Feinstein Challenge. * Checks must be made out to Green Valley -Sahuarita Food Bank. * Donations of food or cash or check may be mailed or dropped off Monday through Friday at the food bank, 250 East Continental, Ste. 101, Green Valley, AZ 85614, from 7:30 A.M. to 2 P.M. It will mean a lot if each of us will add a couple of extra food items on our shopping list for our neighbors at Green ValleySahuarita Food Bank. Currently they are in great need of canned tuna and chicken.
Page 18
Shrine of the Ages Choir At VPC Saturday, April 13, 2:00 p.m. The Northern Arizona University Shrine of the Ages Choir, celebra ng its 80th year in Flagstaff, will present a concert at Valley Presbyterian Church in Green Valley, AZ, on Saturday, April 13 at 2:00 pm. Founded in 1933 by Dr. Eldon Ardrey, the Shrine of the Ages Choir has brought tremendous recogni on to the mountain campus through its annual par cipa on in the Easter Sunrise Service at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. The service was broadcast na onally over NBC radio affiliate sta ons un l 1968, including broadcasts overseas to servicemen during World War II. The Shrine of the Ages Choir tours on a rota onal basis—within Arizona, around the region to California, New Mexico, and Nevada, and every three years interna onally to give NAU students a global perspec ve. Under the direc on of Dr. Edith A. Copley, Shrine will perform historic and contemporary choral works by Claude Le Jeune, Giuseppi Verdi, Eric William Barnum, Ola Gjeilo, Lukas Foss, Morten Lauridsen, and Moses Hogan. The Choir Conductor, Edith A. Copley, is a Regents’ Professor and Director of Choral Studies at Northern Arizona University where she also teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in conduc ng and graduate choral literature. NAU choral ensembles under her direc on have performed at state, regional and na onal ACDA and NAfME conferences, in Carnegie Hall, and toured interna onally to Western Europe, the Peoples Republic of China, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Shrine of the Ages Choir will tour Bulgaria and Istanbul in May 2014.
Please join us for this beautiful and inspiring concert. Tickets will not be needed. To assist the choir with tour expenses a freewill offering will be taken at intermission.
Peace & Justice Retreat— March 5 – 8:30 a.m. On Tuesday, March 5, you can communicate directly to Presbyterian Church (USA) General Assembly what you feel about being a “Peace Church.” We need all points of view as we each strive to be “in the body of Christ,” SEEKING TO BE FAITHFUL TOGETHER. All results will be passed on in the feedback forms requested by PC(USA). PC(USA) wants to have each of us represented. Please come and share your point of view. Cara Bissell will facilitate the process.
March 2013
Legacy Seminar There are a lot of things in our lives that we say we are going to do “some” day, but never seem to get around to it. We all need a little nudge once in a while. Well, have we got a deal for you! Are you sure your will is up to date? Is yours overdue for a review? Is your estate plan consistent with some of the newer Arizona laws? Do you even have a will or estate plan? We have a wonderful opportunity for you to hear an expert in estate planning and legacy creation who is coming to our church. On Saturday, March 2, John Turner of the Presbyterian USA Foundation comes to Valley Presbyterian to conduct a seminar for us, and he will also give a sermon from our pulpit on March 3. There are a number of ways you can create a legacy that will meet your needs and wishes. This seminar will explain and explore many of these ways. It is your chance to learn about some of the exciting options that you can put into place that will give you some peace in knowing that you are taking care of your family and also living a legacy that will carry on your wishes. You will learn that you can set-up a charitable gift annuity that can provide you or another beneficiary with dependable income for life. It is possible for you to leave gifts to your survivors, your church and your favorite charities with one of these plans. This is an important event that you won’t want to miss. Please join us on March 2 at 10 a.m. in the SLC for a discussion and update on this important part of your life’s plan.
March 2013
Valley Voice
Page 19
Associate Pastor for Pastoral Care
Valley Presbyterian Church is a member of Presbytery de Cristo in The Synod of the Southwest, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Pastoral Staff Rev. Lawrence R. DeLong, Pastor Rev. Diane Christopher, Associate Pastor for Education and Outreach Rev. Joe Hawkins, Pastor Emeritus Mary Beth McSwain, Hospital Visitor
Mission Statement To know Christ and make Him known through word and deed.
Join Us In Worship!
With John Dunham’s much‐lamented (but well‐earned!) re rement, VPC needs to make clear and inspired decisions about how we will serve our congrega on and our community in the years ahead. There are many op ons and many opinions: some are be er and more prac cable than others. According to our Form of Government, the calling of a pastor requires the consent of the congrega on. Only the members of VPC can decide whether to call another associate pastor and elec on of a Pastor Nomina ng Commi ee lies en rely in the hands, voices, and votes of the members of our church. So that they may be heard, the Session has planned two mee ngs in March: one, a “Town Hall” to be held on March 3 at 3 PM in the Sanctuary at which the recommenda ons of the Associate Pastor for Pastoral Care Task Force authorized by Session and the Session will be shared, the budgets presented at the Annual Mee ng on February 10 and their provision for the impact of a new pastor will be reviewed, and most importantly, the needs and voices of our members will be heard. This will be your opportunity to learn more and to ask ques ons, to voice concerns and bring up your perspec ves on this crucial aspect of VPC’s future. Next, on Sunday, March 17, again at 3 PM, a Special Congrega onal Mee ng has been called to vote on whether to proceed with searching for a new Associate Pastor for Pastoral Care or to seek other op ons. These are your chances to have your voice heard on the future of our ministry. Your Session prays for your careful considera on, and looks forward to hearing you!
Traditional Worship Service Childcare Provided
Sundays 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. The Source Worship Service
Wednesdays 5:00 p.m. Holy Communion Celebrated 1st Sunday each month
The Valley Voice newsletter is published the first day of each month for the members and friends of Valley Presbyterian Church, 2800 S Camino del Sol, Green Valley AZ 85622. Articles may be submitted for consideration to Georgia Puttock in the church office in writing before the 15th of the month by US mail, in print or by email to
[email protected]. It is helpful to have articles as email. Submitted articles may be edited for style and length.
Coffee/Cookie Fellowship We are excited to see so many folks enjoying the coffee/cookie fellowship, but are concerned that soon we may have to remove the “Cookie” part of the refreshments. It would be much appreciated if all who enjoy cookies after Sunday Services of Worship would help us out by donating some cookies once in a while. Even a small donation of money would help us pay for them. We want to continue to serve cookies and thank you for your help.
PROMOTED TO GLORY January 25 January 26 January 27 January 31 January 31 February 4 February 12 February 15 February 15
Lois Duyser Jim Cowie Erma Robinson Merriman Horton Kay Perry Jim Kuhns Don Selbie Bill Hennigar Fred Stoll
survived by Bruce Duyser survived by Shirley Cowie
survived by Bill Perry survived by Florence Kuhns survived by Jane Selbie survived by Sara Hennigar
Valley Presbyterian Church 2800 S Camino del Sol Green Valley AZ 85622 (520) 625-5023
Forwarding Service Requested Email:
[email protected] Website:
Sunday Services of Worship 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. Please Join Us!
Deacon’s Food Bank Score Card Feb. ’13 Cash (at Deacon’s Collection point)
Year To Date
Year To Date
214 pounds
111 pounds
Next Deacon’s Food Bank Collection: March 3, 7:30 – 10:30 a.m.
Vance Davidson retires as Webmaster After many years of long hours, hard work, extreme dedication, and endless amassing of information, our first and until now only Webmaster (keeper of the Valley Presbyterian Church webpage – has decided to hang up his Compact Flash cards and pass the baton. Vance has been a trooper, maintaining our church’s internet image with flair and style. We all owe him not just a debt of gratitude, but a hearty “Thank You!” and a handshake next time you see him. Vance, thanks for your service to Valley and to our Lord and Savior! And thanks, too, to Annabelle, for “loaning” him to us for so long! MEETING ROOM CHANGES: Any mee ngs that were scheduled in classroom 5 during March have been changed to other rooms. Please be sure to check the daily calendar displayed in the halls when you come in for your mee ng. The correct loca on will also be listed in the Sunday service bulle n. Sorry for the inconvenience.
SINGLES Please sign up for a Sunday, March 10, visit to the Pima Air & Space Museum. Carpool will leave VPC at 11:45 a.m. Singles who want to attend the Green Valley Band concert on Sunday, March 24, should purchase their ticket ($9) from band member Pat Frey. Concert will be given at Sahuarita High School Auditorium and doors open at 6:15 for the 7:00 p.m. performance. Reservation will be needed for Easter Sunday dinner at Arizona Family Restaurant on March 31 at 2:00 p.m. Please sign up at the Singles table in Fellowship Hall by Sunday, March 24.
March Traditional Services of Worship 3/3 3/10 3/17 3/24 3/28 3/29 3/31
John Turner, PCUSA Foundation Larry DeLong “Transitions” (Joshua 5:9-12) Diane Christopher “FOMO Christians” (Isaiah 43: 16-21) Palm Sunday Larry DeLong “Honor and Glory” Maundy Thursday Service at 7:00 p.m. (special choir music) Good Friday Service at 12:00 p.m. Easter Sunrise Service at 6:00 a.m. Diane Christopher “The Emptiness of Easter” (Luke 24:1-12) Easter 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. Larry DeLong “My Lord, What a Morning!” 20