March 2014 -

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Jun 7, 2016 - renseignements à : [email protected]. Telephone No. - No de téléphone. 613-938-5940. Fax No. – No

Parks Canada Agency Bid Receiving Unit 111 Water Street East Cornwall, ON – K6H 6S3


Sable Island National Park Reserve sea-based cargo delivery operations Solicitation No. - No de l’invitation

BID FAX : 1-877-558-2349



June 7, 2016

GETS Reference No. – No de référence de SEAG


Client Reference No. – No de référence du client

Solicitation Closes L’invitation prend fin –

Proposal to: Parks Canada Agency We hereby offer to sell to Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada, in accordance with the terms and conditions set out herein, referred or attached hereto, the supplies and services listed herein or on any attached sheets at the price(s) set out therefore.

at – à 2 :00 p.m. on – le June 17, 2016

Time Zone Fuseau horaire Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)

Address Inquiries to: - Adresser toute demande de renseignements à :

Proposition à : l’Agence Parcs Canada Nous offrons par la présente de vendre à sa Majesté la Reine du chef du Canada, aux conditions énoncées ou incluses par référence dans la présente et aux annexes ci-jointes, les articles et les services énumérés ici et sur toute feuille ciannexée, au(x) prix indiqué(s).

[email protected] Telephone No. - No de téléphone


Fax No. – No de FAX:

Destination of Goods, Services, and Construction: Destinations des biens, services et construction :

Sable Island, Nova Scotia

Vendor/Firm Name and Address Raison sociale et adresse du fournisseur/de l’entrepreneur :

Vendor/Firm Name and Address Raison sociale et adresse du fournisseur/de l’entrepreneur

Telephone No. - No de téléphone : Facsimile No. - N° de télécopieur : Email : Name and title of person authorized to sign on behalf of the Vendor/Firm (type or print) Nom et titre de la personne autorisée à signer au nom du fournisseur/ de l’entrepreneur (taper ou écrire en caractères d’imprimerie)

Name/Nom Signature


Title/Titre Date

THE PURPOSE OF THIS DOCUMENT IS TO SHARE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS AS WELL AS INFORMATION WITH ALL POTENTIAL BIDDERS. QUESTION: Can you please explain the requirement for a lift of 14,000 lbs…and a ramp capable of 14,000 lbs…in our load/unload procedure we are able to negate these large loads by breaking them up…..need to understand the use of the 14000 lb ramp on the landing craft….our unload procedure does not have the skidsteer making contact with the ramp of the landing craft…we would use our A frame and skid sleds to make it up the beach..


As stated in: Annex A, statement of Work Section 6, Description of Cargo to be delivered "vehicles ranging in size from ATVs to UTVs to SUVs to a full size crew cab truck" And, "From time to time there are vehicles going back and forth in the same season for service on the mainland" Our truck and skidsteer weigh in excess of 10000 lbs each and we require the option of sending them back and forth between the mainland and Sable Island. All the vehicles and machinery on Sable Island come here by landing craft and at some time or another will require replacement or service on the mainland. The vehicles themselves ARE the cargo.