March 2018 - HSE

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Mar 1, 2018 - beyond. I am proud to contribute to research that protects respiratory health at work, now and in the futu
March 2018

HSE Annual Science Review 2018





The vital interface between HSE science and policy


HSE’s shared research programme


The HSE Science and Evidence Cycle in action: Hydrogen


Events and achievements

HSE Science has hosted a number of important visitors this year. Also, the value of our science expertise has been recognised by others and staff have been presented with various awards and honours.


Meet the staff

We employ over 850 scientists, engineers, analysts and medical staff, many hold PhDs or Masters level qualifications and Chartered status within their professional bodies. This section introduces some of our specialist staff.


Case studies: Helping Great Britain Work Well Tackling ill health: These case studies illustrate how our science is contributing to action to improve health outcomes. Keeping pace with change: A selection of case studies which show how our science is being used to anticipate and tackle new health and safety challenges. Acting together: A series of case studies which demonstrate how our science and evidence is being used to promote broader ownership of health and safety in Great Britain. Managing risk well: Our science is being used to simplify risk management and help businesses to grow: the case studies in this section show how. Supporting small employers: These case studies demonstrate how we are supporting simple advice for SMEs so they know what they have to do. Sharing our success: The case studies in this strategy theme show how our specialists are using science to promote the benefits of Great Britain’s world-class health and safety system.

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References and further reading

HSE scientists produce over 100 publications a year. We are committed to making research findings ‘open access’ – accessible online at no cost to the user. We ensure open access to research papers in peer-reviewed journals and journal-like conference proceedings (provided the publisher gives this option) describing research led by our scientists.

HSE Annual Science Review 2018


WELCOME TO OUR third Annual Science Review, which this year has a focus on our work in the field of energy. It complements our new Foresight Review1, which has the same theme. When our research facility was originally established in 1911 by Winston Churchill, its remit was exclusively based on the health and safety risks resulting from a carbon based economy - specifically coal. It’s interesting to note that today our work in the energy sector is increasingly about understanding and effectively managing the risks arising in a de-carbonised economy: wind turbines, batteries, nuclear, and the development of a hydrogen gas grid. I’m particularly proud of our work on the hydrogen economy where we anticipated the need to understand this area in more detail over 12 years ago. This has enabled us to remain at the cutting edge of this topic, providing practical advice in advance of the use of hydrogenbased technologies to enable their healthy and safe deployment. We also demonstrate how this work exemplifies the science and evidence cycle within our Science and Evidence Strategy2 . Evidence and how it is applied to underpin our regulatory and policy interventions has been a key driver

for the work that I have taken forward with Clive Fleming, our Head of Policy Profession in HSE. It is critical that the interface between the policymakers and the scientists, engineers and analysts works well, and that evidence and the uncertainty around it is effectively communicated: our joint work has helped share best practice around the organisation. We can’t develop all of our evidence needs on our own, and therefore it is essential that we build effective and long-lasting partnership with other organisations. This year saw the signing of the formal agreement to establish the Thomas Ashton Institute for Risk and Regulatory Research between ourselves and the University of Manchester3. Work is already being delivered which draws on our combined knowledge and experience to deliver research, teaching and regulatory insights to address complex interdisciplinary problems. Last year, we introduced the idea of ‘Shared Research’, where our intention was to open up themes within our Science Hub programmes where other bodies could work with us to fund and develop solutions to problems shared by HSE (as the regulator) and industry. I am pleased that in

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this review we describe some of the Shared Research now in progress. In addition, the value of our new approach is demonstrated by the pipeline of ideas which includes the handling of metal powder waste from additive manufacturing, the health and safety opportunities resulting from wearable technologies and issues around flammable mists from high flash-point fluids. (Further details can be found at shared-research-programme.htm). Our review provides case studies of work we have delivered for both HSE and external organisations supporting the delivery of the Helping Great Britain Work Well4 strategy. None of this work would be possible without our science, engineering and evidence experts. Their outputs, their knowledge and their impact on the global scale is evidenced by the record of achievements and accolades highlighted in the review. Their knowledge is not only being used to help Great Britain work well, but increasingly through our international work, they are enabling a healthier and safer working world. Professor Andrew Curran Chief Scientific Adviser and Director of Research

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

The vital interface between HSE science and policy

THIS ANNUAL SCIENCE Review showcases the high quality of science, evidence and analysis that underpins HSE’s risk-based regulatory regime. To be an effective regulator, HSE has to balance its approaches to informing, directing, advising, and enforcing through a variety of activities. For this we need capacity to advance knowledge; to develop and use robust evidence and analysis; to challenge thinking; and to review effectiveness. In simple terms, policy provides the route map to tackling issues. HSE is particularly well placed in terms of the three components of effective policy - “politics”, “evidence” and “delivery”. Unlike most regulators and arms-length bodies, HSE leads on policy development, which draws directly on front line delivery expertise and intelligence; and we are also unusual in having our own world class science and insight capabilities.

The challenge is to ensure we bring these components together to best effect to respond to new risk management and regulatory issues with effective, innovative and proportionate approaches. Many of the articles in this Review relate to new and emerging technologies and the changing world of work, and it is important to understand the risks these may pose and how they can be effectively controlled, or how they themselves can contribute to improved health and safety in the workplace. Good policy development can support approaches to change that are proportionate, relevant, persuasive, and effective. For example, work described in these pages is: to help understand changing workplace exposures; to provide robust evidence to those negotiating alternatives to unduly prescriptive standards; to

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understand how best to influence duty holder behaviors in the changing world of work; to inform possible legislative changes to allow different modes of safe gas transmission; to change administrative processes for Appointed Doctors; and to support our position as a model modern regulator by further focusing our inspection activity where it matters most. We work well together and it is important we maintain this engagement as a conscious collaboration. Clive Fleming Head of HSE Policy Profession

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

HSE’s Shared Research programme

MANY OF THE research questions that HSE needs to answer address issues that are equally important for industry and other regulators both nationally and internationally. This means that we do not always have to act alone to identify and take forward the key research questions. In addition, we believe that the impacts on health and safety of our research will be increased if we have worked in partnership to develop the key research questions. Therefore, we have developed a new model which enables others to invest in solving these problems with us. This ‘Shared Research’ approach is enabling us to work with others to develop and sponsor significant programmes of work that are led by our researchers. For example, we have Shared Research Programmes on:

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the integrity of engineered composite repairs (see details opposite); improving public safety when using escalators by studying human behaviour and coordination in combination with design features; evaluating the effectiveness of slip resistant footwear to protect healthcare workers.

Shared Research sponsors act as our partners: providing their insights; helping to scope and shape the focus of the research activity; and gaining ongoing access to emerging findings. Ultimately the aim is to generate knowledge to better manage health and safety challenges.

However, there is a need to understand the long-term integrity of composite repairs and their performance under conditions such as fire impingement.

We will be further developing this approach in the coming year and opening up new Shared Research opportunities. For more details see shared-research-programme.htm

Integrity of Engineered Composite Repairs Composite materials, ‘composites’ combine component materials with different properties. Composites can deliver significant improvements over traditional materials in properties such as strength, weight, and cost. Examples are glass fibre or carbon fibre reinforced epoxy. Composite repairs are increasingly used on offshore oil rigs and onshore chemical plant, for instance composite wrap repairs to offshore pipework. These repairs offer the benefit of significant reductions in associated downtime.

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This Shared Research programme was developed through consultative workshops with stakeholders from offshore and onshore industry as well as installers of composite repairs. These workshops agreed the key scientific and engineering research questions - both technological, such as experimental mechanical engineering and fire research needs, and human and organisational performance. A key aim is to develop agreed good practice for use of engineered composite repairs for safety-related equipment in order to support improvements in safe, reliable and efficient operations. Carlos Sanchez, a member of the research team (pictured) says, ‘It is a privilege to work with world leading companies on key industrial challenges. It is rewarding to know that the work we are doing will inform decision making to enable the reliable and safe use of new composite technologies.’

HSE’s Shared Research project sponsors The Integrity of Engineered Composite Repairs project has 11 industry sponsors: Shell UK, National Grid, Conoco Phillips, Sellafield, TAQA, SGN, Nexen, EDF Energy, Total, Marathon Oil, Centrica. Additionally, the project has in-kind support from Belzona, Clock Spring, Henkel, ICR Integrity, IMG Composites, Metalyte Pipeworks Ltd, Neptune Research and Team Furmanite.

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

The HSE science and evidence cycle in action2 : Enabling the ‘hydrogen economy’ for effective use of renewable energy sources

We catalyse engagement by others and improve performance Significant engagement by scientists with stakeholders eg: ›› Support to IGEM (Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers) committees on decarbonising, reutilising and feeding hydrogen into the UK gas grid. ›› Adviser to the ‘Professional Engineering Group on Hydrogen’ comprising the Institutions of Mechanical, Chemical and Electrical Engineers, IGEM and a representative from BEIS (Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy). ›› Advisory role to Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council’s Hydrogen and Fuel Cells ‘Supergen’ project. ›› Strategic partner in the International Association of Hydrogen Safety and founding member of the HySafe Network of Evidence shaping thinking around hydrogen safety. Subtask leader in the International Energy Agency’s Hydrogen Safety Task Group. Members of International Standards Committees. We protect workers and safeguard the public ›› Advice to industry to introduce hydrogen vehicle refuelling stations – eg Advanced Manufacturing Centre, Sheffield and Transport for London Buses, Lea Green. ›› Leading role in OFGEM ‘HYDEPLOY‘ project. See case study on page 22. ›› Key review on ‘Injecting hydrogen into the gas network’. ›› Partner in OFGEM-funded ‘H21 Leeds City Gate’ project.

We catalyse engagement by others and improve performance

We anticipate new challenges through foresight and synthesis of existing evidence

We protect workers and safeguard the public

We provide evidence to ensure risks resulting from work activities are effectively controlled

We underpin operational and policy activities


Bespoke training for commercial organisations, academia and international summer school activities.

We underpin policy and operational activities HSE scientists engage with our policymakers and inspectors to ensure that regulatory decisions on enabling the safe development of the hydrogen economy are informed by best available evidence. For instance: ›› Played a key role in developing national and international safety standards for hydrogen vehicle refuelling stations. ›› Produced influential position paper on hazards of liquid hydrogen. Additionally, HSE scientists are supporting the BEIS Heat Strategy and the Office of Low Emission Vehicles.

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We anticipate new challenges through foresight and synthesis of existing evidence: Through collaborative research and evidence synthesis our scientists have actively shared and shaped new knowledge into UK and international standards We provide evidence to ensure risks from work activities are effectively controlled ›› HSE scientists use unique experimental facilities and expertise, working closely with industry and other research institutes, to produce evidence for new and developing hydrogen technologies. They have authored or coauthored over 60 peer reviewed journal and conference papers on hydrogen safety. ›› Breakthrough project to understand complex behaviour of liquid hydrogen spills interacting with condensed phase air/oxygen. ›› Lead international effort through HYSAFE to understand spontaneous ignition of hydrogen – an unexplained phenomena for many years. ›› Key roles in major international projects on permitting guidance for small stationary applications; refuelling stations; indoor refuelling of forklift trucks; packaged refuelling etc.

Further Information See case study on page 22 and on p19 of the 2016 Science Review5. Examples of our scientific publications are references6–13.

Events and achievements

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

Events and Achievements



HSE Science has hosted a number of important visitors and events in 2017:


Early in the year, health and safety managers from the HS2 project visited HSE’s laboratory at Buxton for a day of talks and tours that demonstrated the laboratory’s breadth of expertise in health and safety in the construction and rail industries.


Dr Kazunobu Kojima, from the World Health Organization’s health emergency and preparedness programme, visited Buxton to meet with HSE’s microbiology specialist inspectors and microbiology team. He was particularly interested in HSE’s guidance on management, design and operation of microbiological containment laboratories, and thoughts on a new strategy for the WHO Laboratory Biosafety Manual.


The Chief Executive and Directors of INERIS (France’s national competence centre for industrial safety and environmental protection) visited HSE’s Buxton laboratory in April. HSE and INERIS signed a Memorandum of Understanding on scientific collaboration between our organisations which will focus on science, knowledge sharing, and staff training and development.

Karen Bufton, David Fishwick, Martin Temple CBE and Dame Judith Hackitt


In April, HSE’s Chief Medical Adviser, David Fishwick, joined Karen Bufton (President of BOHS), Martin Temple CBE (Chair of HSE), and Dame Judith Hackitt (Chair of EEF) to launch the next phase of the British Occupational Hygiene Society (BOHS) ‘Breathe freely campaign’ aimed at the prevention of occupational lung disease in the manufacturing sector.

various government departments, including the Ministry of Defence, the Defence, Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL), HM Treasury and HM Revenues & Customs, attended the event. The team also delivered a series of workshops on behalf of the ‘Civil Service Live’ event to help teams and departments anticipate and keep pace with future challenges.


The HSE Foresight Team’s Stephen Kinghorn-Perry attended all of HSE’s Helping Great Britain Work Well (HGBWW) 4 events. He spoke about the future world of work focusing on

HSE’s Foresight Team hosted the cross-government Community of Practice for Knowledge Management summer conference. Knowledge management specialists from

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HSE Annual Science Review 2018


Stephen Kinghorn-Perry speaking at an HSE HGBWW event

the trends and drivers, demographics and new technologies that could impact on the workplace of the future.


PEROSH, The Partnership for European Research in Occupational Health and Safety Biennial Research Exchange Event was held in Germany. Three sessions on respiratory health and on musculoskeletal disorders were chaired by the HSE deputy Chief Medical Adviser, the HSE Hub Lead for ‘The Right Evidence for the Future’ and the HSE Head of Science Impact and Quality. For highlights of the event see14 .

The Thomas Ashton Institute for Risk and Regulatory Research3, a collaborative partnership between HSE and The University of Manchester was formally launched in November by Dame Nancy Rothwell (President and Vice Chancellor of the University) and Richard Judge (HSE Chief Executive). It will act as a hub for risk and regulatory excellence, for health and safety practitioners globally, through its educational activities and acting as an authoritative source of health and safety knowledge and expertise. It builds on existing collaborative work, such as a joint project for Cabinet Office to understand and increase citizen behaviour change through government initiatives such new pension and welfare processes. The Institute aims to take the lessons learned from four decades of incident investigations and research and make them accessible to industry, helping new technologies and industries to fruition safely and more quickly by addressing safety, health and regulatory barriers before they emerge.

Top row left to right: Luke Georghiou (Deputy President & Deputy Vice-Chancellor), Andrew Curran (HSE Chief Scientific Adviser and co-director of Thomas Ashton institute), Neil K Bourne (co-director of Thomas Ashton institute), Martin Schröder (Vice-President and Dean). Bottom row left to right: Dame Nancy Rothwell (President and ViceChancellor of the University of Manchester) and Richard Judge (HSE Chief Executive)

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HSE Annual Science Review 2018


HSE nurse Lisa Bradshaw demonstrates spirometry at the Go Home Healthy event


HSE scientists together with the Chief Medical Adviser and Chief Scientific Adviser participated in the launch of HSE’s Go Home Healthy Campaign15 in November. Our scientists engaged with delegates from industry, unions, occupational health providers and other stakeholders, to show how HSE science is helping workers to Go Home Healthy‑.

HSE’s Workplace Healthy Lungs Summit 2017 was held in London in November. Workplace lung disease is one of the key topics in HSE’s Health and Work Strategy16. The Summit described what industry and stakeholders can do to tackle workplace lung disease, what HSE is doing about it, and what science and evidence can tell us. Delegates included: employers, health and safety professionals, occupational health advisors and consultants, trade and sector bodies, unions, academics and professionals working on workplace lung disease and manufacturers of respiratory risk solutions and services. Key industry sectors were represented.

Awards, honours and achievements The value of our scientific expertise has been recognised by others who have presented staff with various awards and honours.

John Cocker


HSE fellow John Cocker has been awarded the 2017 Herbert E Stokinger award by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienist for his ‘significant contribution in the broad field of industrial and environmental toxicology’.

HSE’s Deputy Chief Medical Adviser Chris Barber speaking at the HSE’s Workplace Healthy Lungs Summit


Specialist Inspector Robert Williams has been named as Young Occupational Hygienist of the Year by the BOHS.

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Kate Jones


The BOHS Trevor Ogden Award (named after an eminent HSE colleague) honours exceptional voluntary contribution to the Society. The 2017 award was presented to Kate Jones, biological monitoring specialist, in recognition of the key role she plays as Chair of the BOHS Conference Committee.

HSE Annual Science Review 2018



David Fishwick, Penny Barker, David Fox, Steve Naylor and Alison Codling, occupational health specialists, have been awarded the Esso Prize for their 2016 paper in Occupational Medicine on Health Surveillance for Occupational Asthma in the UK17. (See case study on page 26 of 2016 Review5)

HSE’s Statistics and Epidemiology Team was shortlisted for the Royal Statistical Society’s ‘Excellence in Official Statistics’ award (see page 31).


The paper by Paul Pitts, noise and vibration specialist, and Paul Brereton, specialist inspector, on The Development and Use of Tools to Support Workplace Hand-Arm


HSE’s Statutory and Commercial Land Use Planning Team was short-listed in the ‘Stakeholder Engagement in Planning’ category of The Planning Awards 2017. The team was recognised for its development of HSE’s online Land-Use Planning Tool and accompanying Preapplication Consultancy Service.


Laurence Cusco, chemical engineering expert, chaired the annual IChemE ‘Hazards 27 conference’ having been elected chair for a 3-year term.

Zoe Chaplin


Zoe Chaplin, risk assessment specialist, won the poster prize at the Hazards 27 conference for her work on ‘Modelling flammable chemical major hazards using DRIFT3 dispersion model18’.


Laurence Cusco

Stuart Hawksworth, Head of HSE’s Centre for Energy and Major Hazards, has received an Appreciation Award from the International Energy Agency (IEA) Hydrogen Technology Collaboration Programme, ‘In recognition of your valuable technical contributions to the success of IEA hydrogen task 37 safety holder workshop’ hosted at HSE Buxton.

Paul Pitts (left) and Paul Brereton

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Vibration Exposure Evaluation19 has been selected by Springer-Nature for their ‘Change the World’ collection of ‘ground-breaking scientific findings that could help humanity’.


Julie Bell, human factors specialist, has been made a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors, CIEHF.

HSE Annual Science Review 2018


Jackie Morton, biological monitoring specialist, has been made a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry.


HSE’s Chief Medical Adviser, David Fishwick, has been made Honorary Professor in Population Health, Health Services Research and Primary Care within the University of Manchester.


Peter Baldwin, occupational hygiene practitioner, has been elected Chair of the Workplace Health Without Borders charity in the UK.


Liz Leese (see page 17) has been awarded a PhD from Sheffield Hallam University. Her examiners noted that Liz had 5 peer reviewed published papers which they considered ‘outstanding’.


Ju Lynne Saw, process safety specialist, has been invited by IChemE to join the editorial board of the Process Safety and Environmental Protection journal, representing the topic area of incident investigations and case histories.


Nicola Stacey, foresight specialist, has been invited to join the editorial board of the Safety and Reliability journal


The Energy and Major Hazards team has been short listed for the Safety Category in the 2017 Energy Institute Awards for their Energy Technologies Institute High Hydrogen project, looking at safe use of hydrogen rich fuels in gas turbines and engines.


Jonathan Buston, Hazardous Materials Specialist, and Mike Wardman, Risk Assessment and Process Safety, have been awarded a certificate by the editor in chief of the Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, for their co-authored 2013 paper with Bologna University on a systematic HAZID tool for atypical major hazards scenarios 20 - one of the journal’s 5th most highly cited papers in subsequent years (see page 34).


Phoebe Smith, a psychologist and human factors specialist, has been awarded an Honorary Professorship by Sheffield Hallam University in recognition of joint work in patient safety training for healthcare professionals. Phoebe Smith

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Meet the staff

Meet the staff

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

Jim Stancliffe

Jonathan Buston chemist

JIM IS CURRENTLY acting head of the Energy Division’s Governance, Strategy and Divisional Support Unit. After postgraduate research in atmospheric physics, he joined HSE 20 years ago as a scientist to carry out aerosol monitoring research. He worked closely with HSE inspectors and took up the opportunity to train as an inspector subsequently working in the services, engineering and construction sectors.

JONATHAN IS A member of the Hazardous Materials and Explosives Team at HSE’s Buxton laboratory he leads our battery safety research work. He is a Chartered Chemist and joined HSE in 2010 to carry out reactive chemistry and risk assessment work. He was previously a chemist for a commercial research company.

He then moved to major hazards work joining the gas and pipelines unit in an operational policy role where he took responsibility for re-writing part of HSE’s onshore pipeline risk reduction strategy. This involved commissioning science and engineering research and analysing and evaluating the evidence to help formulate policy. Jim says that throughout his career his scientific background has helped in his ability to analyse and evaluate evidence and develop regulatory and policy options that preserve HSE’s reputation for regulatory excellence.

In his current role Jim worked closely with HSE scientists on the carbon capture and storage portfolio (see page 28). His scientific background enabled him to work directly with the scientists and engineers, developing a good working relationship, and mutual understanding, essential for getting the evidential outcome that HSE needed to make sound, defensible policy decisions. Jim says, ‘My science background has enabled me to move around HSE and experience different facets of HSE’s work. What I really enjoy about working in Energy Division is the constantly changing technological and policy landscape and the challenges and opportunities that creates for me, my team and HSE’.

Batteries are all around us in energy storage installations, electric vehicles, phones, tablets and laptops. Under normal working conditions these batteries are stable. However, if subjected to some form of abnormal abuse such as an impact, falling from a height, extreme environment changes or overcharging, these devices may be rendered unstable, can change rapidly and, in the worst cases, vent violently with flame. Jonathan designed and operates HSE’s bespoke battery testing facility at our Buxton laboratory. In the battery abuse testing facility lithium ion cells and modules are taken outside their normal operating conditions to enable us to understand the consequences. Interaction with a wide range of crossgovernment and industry stakeholders is an important part of Jonathan’s job. He is the primary point of contact

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on electrical storage, which helps to keep him up to date with research developments, the scale of energy storage deployment within the UK and to understand the challenges facing the industry (see page 24). He works closely with European Union colleagues and was on the Institute of Engineering and Technology committee that developed the current energy storage code of practice. He enjoys his job, as he says, “I get to destroy batteries!” and his children are impressed with his tablet destroying skills.

Meet the staff

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

Ruth Wiggins Physician

Jim Stewart Computational Fluid Dynamicist

RUTH JOINED HSE in February 2014. Her background is in respiratory medicine, and after graduating from the University of Edinburgh medical school in 2008 she spent five years working as a junior doctor in Greater Manchester.

JIM JOINED THE Fluid Dynamics Team at HSE’s Buxton laboratory in 2015. Before joining HSE, Jim worked as a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) consultant in London. He has a degree in Mathematics from the University of Leeds and an MSc in Theoretical and Applied Fluid Dynamics from the University of Manchester.

Ruth splits her time between research in HSE’s Centre for Workplace Health and seeing patients in clinic at the Northern General Hospital in Sheffield. Her research has taken her all over Great Britain collecting respiratory symptom and lung function data from volunteer woodworkers, foundry workers, and laboratory workers (see page 40). At hospital she regularly treats patients with occupational respiratory conditions including occupational asthma, silicosis, asbestos-related lung disease, extrinsic allergic alveolitis, and lung cancer. Whilst working for HSE Ruth has undertaken a PhD, which focusses on identifying and reducing risk factors for occupational asthma and has had opportunities to collaborate with research institutes such as the National Lung Institute at the Royal Brompton Hospital and with the National Centre for Research and Working Environment in Copenhagen.

She has presented her research at international meetings and is currently involved in updating the new national guidelines on occupational asthma. Ruth has recently been elected to the British Thoracic Society Specialist Advisory Group.

Jim’s role at HSE involves the provision of mathematical modelling expertise for a range of projects. His work feeds into HSE incident investigation work on Major Hazard installations, and scientific research and support for HSE, other regulators and industry. Jim is also responsible for mathematical model development and model reviews.

Ruth says, ‘Working for HSE has shown me the importance of protecting all aspects of health at work, and the vital role clinical staff have in doing that. I am very lucky to work with a fantastic team of doctors, nurses, occupational health scientists, hygienists, statisticians, and psychologists from across HSE and beyond. I am proud to contribute to research that protects respiratory health at work, now and in the future’.

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Jim’s recent work includes CFD modelling of fires in mechanically-ventilated compartments, aimed at improving understanding of complex fire behaviour for scenarios relevant to fire safety in nuclear power plants. He presented the work at an international conference21. Jim has been involved in assessing the capabilities and performance of models for simulating vented hydrogen deflagrations (a type of explosion) in collaboration with other institutions which has resulted in a number of publications 22 . Currently, Jim is working on developing an outflow model for HSE use in risk assessments and reviewing hazardous substance consent applications. These projects highlight the variety of the work undertaken in HSE’s Fluid Dynamics Team. Jim says, ‘I enjoy the diverse nature of the work I do. One piece of work can contribute to understanding issues affecting safety at work; another can lead to the publication of scientific research. Every project presents a different challenge’

Meet the staff

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

Anton Gordon / Trystan Lang Interactive media specialist / Multi-media editor

ANTON AND TRYSTAN ARE members of the Advanced Imaging Solutions (AIS) team at HSE’s Buxton laboratory.

what can be technically complicated cases. The type of data that Trystan gathers from incident scenes include CCTV images, other video evidence, photographic images and laser scans which can be used to produce a 3D image of an incident site.

Anton joined HSE in 2009 straight from university where he completed his degree in Design and Visual Arts. His current work involves graphic design, video-editing, virtual reality (VR) and editing 3D animations. Much of Anton’s time at HSE has been spent on developing interactive 3D packages in support of our incident investigation work using data generated by colleagues (including Trystan) and manufacturers. Anton has supported major incident investigations such as the Buncefield fire and Gleision Colliery mining fatalities. He is also responsible for developing resources and materials for HSE’s training courses ( The use of VR as a tool for delivering regulatory inspector training has been explored by Anton and colleagues in the AIS team over the last year. Anton is currently evaluating the technical aspects of an offshore training package for operational colleagues in HSE’s Energy Division; this uses VR headsets to allow trainees to experience and familiarise themselves

Trystan, Anton and the team have access to state of the art technology including high-speed and thermal cameras. These are currently used to capture images as part of HSE’s research on propane releases, ethanol pool fires and in some of our work for industry, including manufacturers, on fires in the aircraft industry.

Trystan Lang (left) and Anton Gordon (right)

with realistic workplace conditions in advance of a first visit offshore. Anton says ‘It’s great being able to call upon the latest multimedia technologies and use them to help make complex topics more understandable’. Trystan has worked in HSE since 2013. Prior to HSE he was responsible for camera operation, vision mixing and directing at an independent television channel.

Drawing on his university degree training in digital film and 3D animation, Trystan’s major role is in the collection of data that is used to produce 3D animations for regulatory inspectors to use in court following incidents including fatalities. These animations are very often a key part of the evidence at inquest or prosecution and the use of this technology has allowed courts to more easily understand the facts in

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Trystan’s work is very varied and can take him to any part of GB at a moment’s notice, he comments ‘As the job is very reactive, when you arrive at the start of the day you never know where you will be by the end. You could still be right at your desk, on the wider laboratory site or at an incident anywhere across GB’. For HSE 3D graphics of the Smiler ride, see com/watch?v=KPFjJxqYJ3I

Meet the staff

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

Liz Leese Analytical scientist

LIZ IS PART OF THE Biological Monitoring Team at HSE’s Buxton laboratory. She joined HSE in October 2005 after completing a forensic science degree. She specialises in the determination of trace elements and metals in a variety of biological samples to help monitor and control occupational exposure to chemical substances in the workplace.

Ian Burley Specialist electrical engineer

Liz has just completed her PhD, which focused on the development of new analytical techniques for elements and metals of carcinogenic occupational concern (such as arsenic, chromium and silica).

IAN JOINED HSE in 1998 as a specialist electrical engineer following a career in electrical power systems control and protection with an equipment manufacturer and latterly with National Grid

Liz’s current research projects are varied - one project involves investigating a worker’s exhaled breath (in the form of a liquid condensate (water) sample) to determine workplace exposure to respirable crystalline silica. This exposure is associated with lung disease and biological monitoring is currently unavailable. Liz is developing a new and challenging analytical method to detect possible particles of crystalline silica in breath samples. Liz has presented this research at several national and international conferences and published her findings in the scientific literature.

For HSE, Ian has applied his knowledge and experience to a range of work places ranging from maggot farms and the Olympic Stadium to the Houses of Parliament. He has also been involved in several of HSE’s high profile cases including the recent ‘Hague’ case that resulted in a Court of Appeal judgement which affirmed and cemented the legal powers of HSE’s inspectors.

Liz says, ‘The variety of work and projects with novel research makes my work at HSE interesting and enjoyable as is knowing how important biological monitoring is and my contribution in helping to reduce the risk of ill health to workers’.

Ian is based in Leeds and is HSE’s lead specialist inspector on electrical energy issues. This includes renewable energy and electrical energy storage. He is also the lead inspector contact for electrical safety issues with the Energy Networks Association, the trade body for the electricity distribution and transmission industry, with whom Ian has collaborated on the development of a seminar on ‘Asset Management Safety’ for 100 employees from across the energy industry.

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Ian’s career in HSE has exposed him to the work of standards committees, in particular those for distribution equipment and electrical energy storage. Ian says, ‘The energy storage market is a rapidly developing area. Storage, in the many different forms proposed, can provide considerable flexibility and security for electricity supply to consumers. Safety is a critical aspect of all these changes and one which has to embrace new working practice risks and find sensible solutions to deliver efficiency for consumers’.

Meet the staff

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

Charlotte Aitchison Regulatory scientist

CHARLOTTE JOINED HSE 2 years ago as a regulatory scientist in HSE’s Chemicals Regulation Division. She conducts environmental fate, exposure and risk assessments of chemicals so that HSE can meet its obligations under EU and UK

Nikki Bell Occupational psychologist

legislation. As part of the UK competent authority for biocides, Charlotte contributes to UK authorisation dossiers for biocidal active substances and products from an environmental fate and behaviour perspective. Before joining HSE, Charlotte worked in HM Courts and Tribunals Service and although she enjoyed her work in this part of the civil service, she was keen to use and expand her existing scientific knowledge and joined HSE as an opportunity ‘to get back into science’. As part of her professional development Charlotte is undertaking a part time Master’s degree. A module with significant relevance to her current role is chemical risk assessment, which has helped her to develop knowledge in the scientific principles behind hazard and risk assessments. This has allowed her to get a better understanding of the work she conducts every day in a practical environment. Charlotte says, ‘I am fortunate to have the support of my team and HSE enabling me to both successfully complete my Master’s degree as well as continue to develop as a member of the Environmental Fate Team’.

NIKKI IS A CHARTERED occupational psychologist and technical team lead for work psychologists at HSE’s Buxton laboratory. Before joining HSE in 2008, she worked for the Ministry of Defence and was involved in occupational health and employee motivation research projects. Since joining HSE, Nikki has led research projects covering a broad range of industries. Her main areas of work are behaviour change, safety culture, leadership and worker engagement. Her research projects have provided an evidencebased understanding of the factors influencing health and safety practices and behaviours. For example, the factors influencing dutyholders’ decisions about noise controls and assessing workplace respiratory protective equipment programmes. Nikki led the development and evaluation of the Leadership and Worker Involvement Toolkit hosted on HSE’s Website23 – this is designed to help small and medium-sized construction enterprises learn how to improve their health and safety performance. Nikki also works with companies to improve health and safety performance with a focus on culture change (see page 35)

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Whilst most of her work focusses on health and safety improvements, Nikki is also applying her expertise in behaviour change to wider government matters. Through the Thomas Ashton Institute of Risk and Regulatory Research in collaboration with the University of Manchester, Nikki recently completed a project looking at mitigating behavioural risks during transformation. Nikki disseminated the findings at crossgovernment transformation events and is collaborating with different government departments as they use the key output from this work - a tool to proactively identify and mitigate behavioural risks. Nikki says, ‘I enjoy the diverse and multidisciplinary nature of my work and feel proud that I have helped to make a difference to peoples’ working lives’.

Meet the staff

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

Dane Woolford Mechanical engineer

Sam Hall Physicist

DANE HAS WORKED in the mechanical engineering team at HSE’s Buxton laboratory for 5 years. Before joining HSE he worked as a contract joiner in the maintenance operative team at the laboratory. His current engineering role involves assisting in investigations where his work ranges from examining small tools like bottle jacks to heavy plant vehicles and roller-coasters. Dane has always been interested in how machines and components within a machine should work, and whilst working within HSE his interests have grown to include why they have failed. He is interested in why and how engineering principles have an impact on the everyday objects we use and how engineering can have a huge impact on keeping us safe and healthy whilst using these objects.

PRIOR TO COMING to HSE, Sam was a physics teacher in a secondary school. After 3 years of teaching, Sam realised it was not the career for her and she joined HSE in 2014 as a member of the Measurement and Control Team at HSE’s Buxton laboratory.

Dane has been keen to expand on his professional development whilst in HSE. He has completed a National Diploma in engineering at Stockport College as a day

release applicant and has recently started a Higher National Diploma (HND) to increase his knowledge of mathematics, mechanical principles and computer-aided design. With his increased knowledge and experience Dane is now managing some investigation work and associated reporting, including incidents involving scaffolding and uncontrolled loads falling from height. Dane says he is determined to work hard to progress his career through the educational opportunities that HSE can provide.

Sam’s role within the team is to undertake research on the assessment and control of inhalation and dermal exposures to chemical and biological hazards in both traditional and new and emerging technologies. The work involves investigating and evaluating the control measures used to protect workers from exposures in different work scenarios, including laboratory-based research and worksite-based studies. Sam’s recent work has included the assessment of exposure to metal powders in additive manufacturing (see page 26). Her work in this new technological area has also included exposure risks to polymer-based materials when using desk-top 3D printers. Sam has also been involved in collaborative work with the NHS

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on assessing the effectiveness of PPE ensembles when assessing patients with suspected highly infectious diseases (see page 37). Sam has no regrets at all about her career change. She loves the variety, challenges and opportunities the work at HSE brings, especially the fact that the work is not done in isolation but in close collaboration with industry, and that the industry base is broad and varied and not just limited to one particular sector. But Sam has not completely forgotten her previous occupation and plays an active role in encouraging young people into science as a career through the STEM Ambassadors Programme ( uk/stem-ambassadors).

Meet the staff

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

The Explosive Atmospheres Team Helping industry innovate safely THE EXPLOSIVES ATMOSPHERES Team can trace its provenance back to the very earliest years of the Safety in Mines Research Board, the precursor to HSE’s present day Buxton laboratory. Many of GB’s major industrial accidents have involved explosions due to the ignition of an explosive atmosphere and it is important, therefore, to understand the factors leading to explosions and what practical means can be applied to prevent or mitigate against them. Thankfully, incident investigation now forms only a fraction of the team’s workload, though terrible recent incidents such as the four fatalities at Bosley Mill wood treatment factory (2015) and two fatalities in a spraying booth at Harford Attachments (2015) demonstrate the continuing need for the skills and expertise of this team in understanding the causes of such explosions. Some 60-70 % of the team’s work is done for, or in collaboration with, industry. In the words of Phil Hooker, the team lead, they see their role now as ‘‘helping industry innovate safely’’. The ten team members come from different scientific disciplines, including chemists and mechanical, electronics and chemical engineers. Some hold higher degrees and all bring a wide range of skills, expertise and experience to the team.

Explosive Atmospheres Team from left to right: (back) Paul Holbrow, Phil Hooker, Louise O’Sullivan; (middle) Darrell Bennett, Edwina de Lewandowicz, Rhiannon Williams; (front) David Hedley, Jonathan Hall, Wayne Rattigan

using the supply, and how the potential fire and explosion hazards might be changed both in the domestic setting and the wider industrial network (See Hydeploy on page 22). Understanding how adding hydrogen into the gas supply to gas turbines for power generation might introduce additional safety requirements.

Work is both experimental and consultancy based and can involve one industrial customer, for example testing the effectiveness of flange guards at avoiding the formation of flammable mists in the event of high pressure liquid leaks, through to large scale experimental work with energy sector consortia on the hydrogen economy.

The team are actively engaged on several pieces of work associated with enabling the hydrogen economy and de-carbonising heat energy usage in the UK, including: Understanding how to put hydrogen safely into the UK gas system, the effect this could have on components within the supply system and the appliances

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Closing the knowledge gaps on the potential hazards associated with the use of liquid hydrogen in the energy sector. The team also represent HSE on UK and European Standards Committees related to the Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations (DSEAR see page 33), such as test methods for flammability characteristics of gases, vapours and dusts.

Case studies Keeping pace with change

Acting together

Managing risk well

Supporting small employers

Tackling ill health

Sharing our success

Case studies | Keeping pace with change

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

Supporting the safe introduction of blended hydrogen in the National Gas grid

THE UK GOVERNMENT has committed to reducing carbon dioxide emissions that contribute to climate change. Hydrogen is a “vector” that can be used to store energy produced in low carbon ways. One option for transporting hydrogen to energy users is to use the existing UK gas grid as its use for natural gas declines. As part of the HyDeploy Consortium HSE scientists are anticipating and tackling

the new health and safety challenges of this technology. The objective of HyDeploy is to demonstrate that natural gas containing significant levels of hydrogen can be distributed and utilised safely and efficiently in a representative section of the UK network (at Keele University). This is the first time hydrogen has been injected into the UK live gas distribution system.

Before any changes can be made to existing Regulations that govern duties on the safe conveyance of gas, policy development by HSE needs scientific assurance that changes in source of supply will not reduce standards of safety. HSE scientists therefore have a key role in establishing a scientific evidence base to support the safety case for carrying out the live trial. Work is being done on: appliance safety and performance; engineering materials; gas analysis and detection; changes in leakage, fire and explosion behaviour. In addition, HSE scientists have provided input to the design of the hydrogen injection system, and helped the site hosts and gas distribution networks to evaluate their procedures to ensure safety during the trial. Our analysts are examining the potential financial impacts that may follow from a change in the Regulations.

What were the benefits? The first stage of the project provided robust evidence to the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (OFGEM) to enable the project to progress. The project will provide comprehensive data for all stakeholders planning to deliver or utilise hydrogen / natural gas blends using the gas grid to do so safely. ‘This is an extremely exciting time for the energy industry’, said Martin Alderson, Asset Management Director for Northern Gas Distribution Networks. ‘We believe this project will prove blended hydrogen gas can be distributed and used safely and efficiently in the existing gas network, an essential pre-requisite for the wider deployment of clean, cost-effective hydrogen in the UK gas grid.” For more information about HyDeploy see Gas NIC submission: National Grid Gas Distribution – HyDeploy24 .

External funding source Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (OFGEM)

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Case studies | Keeping pace with change

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

Ensuring that siting of liquefied natural gas (LNG) facilities is informed by robust scientific models

What were the benefits? The updated LNG Model Evaluation Protocol (MEP) and accompanying validation database helps to ensure that LNG vapour dispersion models are evaluated using robust data. The work assists PHMSA, the US regulator, in verifying that hazard assessments for LNG siting studies are based on robust scientific evidence.

IN THE USA, as part of the permissioning process for siting of LNG facilities, the regulator, US Pipelines and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), requires the dutyholder to assess the hazards posed by various accident scenarios involving spills of LNG. The extent of the flammable vapour cloud resulting from these accident scenarios is predicted using dispersion models. Before use, the models must be deemed acceptable following the LNG Model Evaluation Protocol (MEP).

HSE specialists produced the original version of the LNG MEP under contract to the US Fire Protection Research Foundation. PHMSA commissioned HSE specialists to update the LNG MEP and its database to provide more comprehensive guidance and updated data. The work was disseminated at a PHMSA public workshop and at an educational training session run by the National Fire Protection Association.

This work is just one element of a wider programme of research on LNG hazards, anticipating and tackling the new health and safety challenges that come with technological change, which has been ongoing at HSE for several years. Other related work to improve risk management and safety includes:

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Assessment of severe vapour cloud explosion incidents; Modelling of the ‘Phoenix’ largescale LNG pool fire tests and related experiments at HSE, under contract to Shell Research Ltd.; Experimental and modelling work on small-scale LNG spills.

For further details see Review of recent LNG research at HSL and possible future R&D topics 25, the research reports Evaluating vapor dispersion models for safety analysis of LNG facilities 26 and Guide to the LNG model validation database version 1227. The information was presented at a workshop and conference Vapor Dispersion Model Evaluation Protocol (MEP) Update28, and LNG Model Evaluation Protocol (MEP) and Validation Database Update29.

External funding source US Pipelines and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

Case studies | Keeping pace with change

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

Enabling safe implementation of new battery energy storage applications

Design & Testing

Design & Testing



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Our scientists are engaging with industry and the public sector – the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), the Ministry for Housing, Construction and Local Government, the Fire and Rescue Service, Innovate UK and HSE - to raise the profile of these scientific evidence needs. For instance, our specialists facilitated a cross-government workshop hosted with BEIS on safety aspects of electrical energy storage, and have presented at events by Renewables UK, The Energy Institute, The Electricity Storage Network, The International Flow Battery Forum, and The Lloyds Foundation and to the HSE Board. Our specialists have also undertaken analysis and experimental research for a range of sectors including power, aerospace and automotive industries.

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Transport & Installation

What were the benefits? The engagement by our scientists with the energy industry, regulators, Innovate UK and first responders is identifying the scientific evidence needed to enable the safe and healthy implementation of new battery storage technologies. For more information about battery energy storage challenges see ‘The Faraday Challenge’ uk/2017/07/24/the-faradaychallenge-part-of-the-industrialstrategy-challenge-fund/

USE: Normal Maintenance & Abuse

END-LIFE: Decomissioning Recycling & Repurposing



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HSE scientists are working to enable safe and healthy implementation of new battery energy storage applications across their lifecycle: for instance, use includes normal, maintenance and ‘abuse’ such as off-design modification and arson. Robust scientific analysis of potential hazards and risks is essential. Worstcredible event risk assessment and effective mitigation is needed by industry including fire suppression and emergency response systems to protect the public. Equally, industry needs to implement effective _ occupational health control + measures. Regulators need to ensure that regulatory frameworks keep pace with technological change.


REVOLUTIONIZING ENERGY storage is a key challenge to harnessing the UK’s growing renewable energy generation. Energy generated during windy or sunny days needs to be stored to make it available when needed. New battery energy storage applications are coming on-line such as the storage plant near Sheffield. Battery storage is also important for decarbonising transport, both on board vehicles and to give fast turnaround at vehicle charging stations. The importance of battery storage has been underscored by the launch of the Government’s ‘Faraday Challenge’ as a key part of the UK Industrial Strategy.

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External funding source HSE and Industry


Transport & 24 / 63 Installation

USE: Normal Maintenance & Abuse

END-LIFE: Decomissioning Recycling &

Case studies | Keeping pace with change

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

Enhancing the safety of liquified natural gas (LNG) terminals

WE NEED TO anticipate and tackle the new health and safety challenges that come with social, economic and technological change. The growth in the production of natural gas in the US has led to the construction of new LNG export terminals. The predicted increase of these installations has raised concern of the possibility of vapour cloud explosions, due to the presence of flammable materials in the refrigerant system.

The US National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) safety standard NFPA 59A covers the production, storage and handling of liquid natural gas (LNG). HSE Scientists conducted a study to determine if LNG export terminals complying with the requirements in NFPA 59A would have enough safety measures in place to prevent the occurrence of very large vapour cloud explosions.

The study was completed using the ‘Bow Tie Technique’; this is a tool commonly used in the major hazards industry to identify the safety barriers in place against specific hazard scenarios and any additional barriers required. This is a novel application of the Bow Tie Technique, which allows an easy understanding of the standard’s strengths and weaknesses from a barrier-based perspective and, consequently, a quick identification of any areas that may need additional effort for future editions of the standard.

What were the benefits? The novel application of the Bow Tie Technique was successfully used to review the requirements prescribed by the NFPA 59A safety standard, reducing the risk of vapour cloud explosions. For more information see Novel application of the bow tie technique for the analysis of the NFPA 59A standard 30.

The study identified that the standard requires plant areas involving LNG to have more safeguards in place than other plant areas involving refrigerant products.

External funding source US Pipelines and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

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Case studies | Keeping pace with change

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

Improving the safe use of metal powders in additive manufacturing

ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING (AM) refers to processes used to create threedimensional objects. Layers are added to the object one at a time through fusion of the metal powder beads using a laser of electron beam under the control of computer aided design software. Additive metal manufacturing is commonly referred to as 3-D metal printing.

What were the benefits? The results of this multi-disciplinary, multi-organisation research will help to guide the industry to select appropriate control measures. This will reduce dependency on respiratory protective equipment as a pre-cautionary control measure. The findings are to be included in a good practice guidance being prepared by the Manufacturing Technology Centre and its partners, to share this knowledge across the Additive Manufacturing industry.

There is evidence that occupational exposure to some metals causes cancers, respiratory disease and other organ toxicities. However, the risk to health from metal powders in AM is not known as this is new technology. HSE scientists are collaborating with the Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) (whose role is to investigate the effective and safe use of new manufacturing technologies) and its engineering industry partners.

For further details see An assessment of occupational exposure to metal powders used for additive manufacturing (AM) 31.

Three different AM sites were visited and airborne and surface exposure to metals was assessed. This included biological monitoring in urine to assess internal exposure to these metals. Overall good systems were in place to minimise exposure and no operators were exposed internally to metals above concentrations in the general population. The risk for emission of

metal powder during operation of the 3D printers was low but some manual handling and cleaning tasks could be modified to further minimise the risk of operator exposure. The industry has developed containment equipment to reduce the need for manual processing of metal powders and further refinement of some equipment will also help to reduce this risk.

External funding source The Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) Coventry

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Case studies | Keeping pace with change

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

Understanding health and extended working lives in the transport sector

To improve our understanding about health and extended working lives, HSE undertook a collaborative project with Manchester Institute for Collaborative Research on Ageing and the Centre for Ageing Better. In consultation with relevant Unions and Trade Associations, a study was designed and carried out to explore views about work and health as drivers continue to work into older age. Heavy Goods Vehicle drivers aged fifty or over, and those who manage older drivers, were interviewed. They provided accounts of their work involving high mental and physical demands. Long unsociable, and often irregular hours were identified as a particular problem. They reported musculoskeletal disorders, and issues with stress, tiredness, fatigue, and increase in body weight. It was also acknowledged that loneliness might be an issue.

OVER THIRTY PERCENT of the UK workforce is now aged over fifty and the proportion of older workers in the workplace is continuing to increase. Evidence on the health of those working into older age in the

UK is relatively scarce. One sector in which the average age of the workforce is increasing is Logistics and Transport; stakeholders are keen to understand more about supporting the health of these older workers.

Participants reported that some aspects of work had improved for example vehicles becoming easier to drive. However, other aspects had deteriorated, longer hours and increased volumes of traffic on the roads, which can contribute to stress and fatigue for some drivers.

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What were the benefits? The new knowledge from this work is being disseminated to key industry stakeholders in order to inform interventions and guidelines that reduce health risks for older workers, and enable them to remain working into older age. The economic and Social Research Council has confirmed funding to extend this work and improve our understanding of the health implications of working into older age. For further information see Live long at work and prosper: facts about an ageing workforce32 , Occupational Health and Extended Working Lives in the Transport Sector33 and Working beyond 65: the health and safety impact34 .

External funding source HSE and Alliance Manchester Business School, Manchester Institute for Collaborative Research on Ageing, and Centre for Ageing Better

Case studies | Acting together

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

Carbon capture and storage (CCS): research to enable safe introduction

CCS IS A TECHNOLOGY that is being developed to help reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from fossilfuels in order to tackle climate change. CCS involves the capture of CO2 produced by burning fossil fuels, and its transportation by pipeline to storage in secure geological formations deep underground. To enable safe introduction of this innovative technology, it is necessary to understand the potential health and safety risks and how to effectively control them. Over the past decade, HSE’s specialists have worked in collaboration with industry and other researchers, both nationally and internationally, to identify the potential risks relating to CCS. Work has focused, in particular, on the risks associated with the transportation of compressed (“densephase”) CO2 by pipeline from its point of capture to the place where it is stored. The research involved a combination of laboratoryscale and field-scale experiments, modelling and other analyses.

What were the benefits? This scientific work has produced valuable insights into how releases of CO2 from CCS pipelines would behave.

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External funding source HSE, Industry and the EU

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It has produced a base of robust scientific evidence that has resulted in good practice guidelines and decision support tools that can assist risk assessment and effective risk management by industry. This scientific evidence will help enable the safe introduction of this new technology. It will also help reduce the costs of any future development of industrial-scale CCS by contributing to the assessment and control of risks early in the design and deployment of the technology. This means that the UK is now much better placed to proceed with health and safety included as an integral part of the deployment of innovative CCS technology. For more information see the HSE research report Overview of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Projects at HSE’s Buxton Laboratory35 and HSE: Innovation in Regulation36 .

Case studies | Acting together

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

Safety of a new wind turbine manufacturing facility

SIEMENS PLC HAVE A wind turbine blade manufacturing facility in Denmark and are opening one in the UK. A priority for Siemens is to ensure that any potential health and safety issues are identified and addressed in advance. Concerns had been raised about static shocks and potential exposures to dust and solvents in the manufacturing processes at their facility in Denmark. HSE specialists were approached to identify improvements that could be implemented at the UK facility.

What were the benefits? The work identified simple procedures to reduce static build-up and improvements to the existing dust control. Siemens used the information to inform their risk assessments and risk profiling in the UK and other international manufacturing facilities. This assisted Siemens to develop their health and safety plan, particularly dust control, for the new UK manufacturing facility.

Two HSE specialists visited the Danish facility to observe the production processes and controls in place. They surveyed electrostatic hazards and exposures to dust and solvents. Based on the measurement results control improvements were identified. Static Investigation: The discharges measured could produce unpleasant static shocks, but existing procedures precluded life-threatening shocks. Some good practices to avoid electrostatic shock hazards were in place but also some production areas were identified where static could be reduced.

Dust Control: Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) was fitted to most tools and a spray booth. Workers were being protected from dust, however, whilst the spray booth cleared rapidly, the on-tool LEV was not effective at capturing dust. Reasons for the poor control were identified and improvements suggested.

The respiratory protective equipment in use would protect against the dust. However, under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health, improved engineering controls, such as LEV or enclosing the process is preferable. The findings were presented to Siemens health and safety managers in the UK and internationally.

For further information on the control of dust in the workplace see Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (6th edition); The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 200237 and Dust in the workplace general principles of protection38.

External funding source Siemens plc

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Case studies | Acting together

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

Enabling safety excellence in energy: the future of gas

THE UK ENERGY SECTOR is rapidly changing as technologies across the power, heat and transport sectors evolve to reduce carbon emissions. Enabling the safe introduction of these new technologies is important to meet emission reduction targets. In February 2018, HSE hosted the inaugural ‘Safety Excellence in Energy: The Future of Gas’ event to bring together industry, researchers and standards makers to focus on meeting the technical and scientific challenges - ensuring that safety scenarios are understood and potential risks are effectively controlled.

presentations by HSE’s technical specialists who shared their expertise gained from working with industry on: managing risks related to energy storage, integrating renewables, hydrogen, bio-syngas production from biomass, and the safety aspects of introducing alternative gasses into the UK’s gas grid.

There were over 150 delegates at the event including: energy sector specialists responsible for technological innovation; risk management professionals; process safety engineers, directors of gas suppliers and distributors; equipment manufacturers; and senior gas engineers.

What were the benefits? Through bringing together industry, researchers, standards makers and regulators, this HSE event has strengthened knowledge and awareness of the technical challenges needed to enable the safe introduction of innovative energy supplies that reduce carbon emissions. For more information see

Whilst the future of gas in the emerging low carbon energy system is starting to become clear but complex, three key technological themes that the UK needs to address are: transitioning to low carbon and decarbonised gas; asset management and operability during the transition and beyond; and the importance of ‘power to gas’ technologies. This event combined key note speakers who gave the latest thinking within industry and government, and

Stuart Hawksworth, Head of HSE’s Centre for Energy and Major Hazards

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Case studies | Acting together

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

Communicating health and safety statistics for Great Britain

HIGH QUALITY SCIENCE, evidence and analysis underpin HSE’s risk-based, goal setting regime for regulating health and safety at work. HSE’s official statistics are an important part of the overall evidence base on health and safety at work, for instance informing HSE’s recently launched Health and Work Strategy with its priorities of occupational lung disease, musculoskeletal disorders and work-related stress. In 2016 HSE statisticians re-designed their main publications to bring them up to date with the very best practice for communicating statistics to stakeholders and the wider public.

The HSE team used new behavioural insight from the wider government statistics profession to redesign the annual Health and Safety Statistics release to better serve stakeholders and decision makers and increase its impact.

and at a glance. These sat alongside an improved graphical style that supported statistical storytelling while also making technical elements, such as uncertainty around estimates, more understandable to a broader audience.

The summary booklet incorporated a number of improvements that made it more accessible. It organised information by topic area rather than data source, which allowed multiple sources to work together and tell more complete statistical stories. Figureled ‘headlines’ meant that the key statistics were communicated clearly

In addition, enhancements to the supporting tables promoted exploration of HSE data through tools which allow users to pick the elements that are of interest to them. For instance our new interactive maps of mesothelioma cases in GB shows geographical shifts in cases which HSE is now explaining.

What were the benefits? The statistics release was shortlisted for the Royal Statistical Society’s ‘Excellence in Official Statistics’ award, the judges noting that it was “a good example of improved dissemination and communication, making robust statistics accessible for a wide range of decision makers. The summary document was very clear, with a good mix of graphics and text.” The summary booklet is published at statistics/overall/hssh1617.pdf Our new interactive maps of mesothelioma cases in GB are available at To view all the statistics HSE publish, please see: www.

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Case studies | Acting together

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

Understanding the dangers to workers’ health from exposures to low levels of benzene

IT IS IMPORTANT internationally to have a robust scientific evidence base to understand the risk of exposure to chemicals. Human exposure to benzene has been associated with a range of acute and long-term adverse health effects and diseases, including cancer and aplastic anaemia. Exposure can occur occupationally for instance at chemical and petrochemical plants and foundries.

Printers, rubber workers, shoe makers, laboratory technicians and firefighters can also be occupationally exposed to benzene. Exposure can also occur through the environment (primarily via petroleum products and tobacco smoke).

HSE specialists were commissioned to scrutinise this suggestion. We reanalysed the dataset used in proposing the new metabolic pathway. There were a number of features of the data that made it, in our opinion, unsuitable for the purposes of proposing such a pathway:

It has been suggested in the scientific literature that low level benzene exposure could be more harmful than previously thought due to a new, unidentified, metabolic pathway.

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the pooling of data from factories with very different exposures was inappropriate; the very wide range of benzene exposures encountered (up to 90 ppm, compared to a GB exposure limit of 1 ppm); at low benzene exposure levels the measurement of non-specific metabolites, that could have been produced from sources other than benzene, cannot be used reliably; the relative proportion of each metabolite in the post shift urine was constant over the exposure range 0.1 to 10 ppm (benzene in air), in contrast to the previously reported work.

What were the benefits? The work has highlighted issues with the appropriateness of the dataset for commenting on low dose exposures to benzene and the use of a purely statistical approach to the analysis without considering the biological plausibility. Our work has been published and submitted to the International Agency for Research on Cancer and was considered in its review of benzene (October 2017). For more information see Evidence for non-linear metabolism at low benzene exposures? a reanalysis of data 39.

External funding source Concawe (the scientific division of the European Petroleum Refiners Association)

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Case studies | Acting together

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

Improving control of the risks from explosive atmospheres

What were the benefits? Our scientists’ research has produced robust methods for Hazardous Area Classification that are enabling industry to better control the risks from flammable atmospheres. Our scientists also support industry through commercial services: training courses, risk assessment advice, and the ‘Quadvent’ tool for flammable gas area classification. A video of HSE experimental research to support a fatal incident investigation involving acetylene transport in a van is at: www.

EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERES IN the workplace can be caused by flammable gases, mists or vapours or by combustible dusts. Explosions can cause fatalities and serious injuries. Under the UK Dangerous Substances and Explosive Regulations (DSEAR), employers must assess and eliminate risks or, where this is not possible, control and mitigate them. Hazardous Area Classification (HAC) must be done to decide where ignition sources must be avoided, suitable equipment and systems installed, and suitable work clothing provided.

Robust HAC for explosive atmospheres is important so that employers focus their resources on areas of significant risk. Over the last decade, HSE scientists have played a lead role in enabling this for flammable atmospheres. Initial research formed the basis for changes to two key industry area classification codes: EI15 4th Edition (2015) and IGEM/ SR/25 Edition 2(2010). Subsequent research addressed the lack of scientifically-based advice or standards on HAC for explosive gas atmospheres: the UK recently voted

against the associated standard (BS EN 60079-10-1). The new approach developed by HSE scientists provides a scientifically based alternative. HSE scientists also provide a commercial service for industry: advice on how to do DSEAR risk assessments; training courses on HAC and DSEAR compliance; and the ‘Quadvent’ software tool version of HSE’s approach for gas atmospheres. Additionally, HSE

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For more information please see the HSE publication Area classification for secondary releases from low pressure natural gas systems40, and the journal publication41. This work was presented at Hazards XXIII New Methods for Hazardous Area Classification for Explosive Gas Atmospheres42 . DSEAR Assessment Support and Training information is available at

scientists provide specialist support for our investigation of incidents involving explosive atmospheres.

External funding source Research: Industry HSE Training, Advice and the Quadvent tool: Commercial Service

Case studies | Managing risk well

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

Development of a ‘creeping change’ hazard identification methodology: CCHAZID

CREEPING CHANGES ARE a safety risk that has only relatively recently been highlighted as a significant contributor to major incidents. Creeping change is the accumulation of small changes which often go unnoticed, but can add up to a significant change. They are gradual, unseen and not planned, and because of this can be difficult to monitor. For example this was highlighted in the enquiry into the RAF Nimrod Aircraft that exploded over Afghanistan in 2006. The increase in the number of fuel leaks on the

aircraft, that took place over 23 years, became accepted as ‘the norm’, leading to devastating consequences (The Nimrod Review43). Creeping change, or “the normalisation of deviance”, also played a part in the tragic Space Shuttle Columbia and Kings Cross Fire disasters.

As the UK’s industrial assets age, the threat from creeping changes is likely to increase. One of the recommendations from HSE’s “Key Programme 4 (KP4)”, on Ageing and Life Extension in the offshore oil and gas industry, was to use audits to identify and manage creeping change. HSE’ specialists developed the Creeping Change Hazard Identification (CCHAZID) which uses a similar approach to that used in a conventional Hazard Identification (HAZID) study. Keywords are used with a team of people from a wide range of appropriate disciplines (including operations and maintenance personnel) to trigger discussions and brainstorm any potential issues with a “fresh pair of eyes”. The ultimate aim of the CCHAZID is to identify weak or overlooked areas, which can then be addressed.

What were the benefits? The innovative CCHAZID tool has been shared with industry to support them in managing the risks to workers, public, environment and business, from unidentified creeping changes that may have developed within their ageing plant. It is applicable not only to the high hazard industries, but to anywhere where there is a reliance on ageing equipment. Industry Guidance prepared by HSE scientists has been published by the Energy Institute. For further information on creeping change see What to do about creeping change?44 , Guidance on applying a creeping change hazard identification (CCHAZID) methodology45 and Development of a creeping change HAZID methodology46 .

This new technique was piloted at three CCHAZID workshops hosted by Centrica.

External funding source Energy Institute

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Case studies | Managing risk well

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

Enhancing EDF energy’s health and safety culture in coal and gas operations

AS PART OF ITS zero harm programme, EDF Energy commissioned HSE psychologists to assess the safety culture in a way that is objective, repeatable, allows internal and external benchmarking and provides a plan for continuous improvement.

What were the benefits? “The process applied and the level of professionalism in doing so made the culture survey a positive engagement for the business, it has established a benchmark for the business and helped to define priority areas for action, which have been incorporated into site 2017 health and safety improvement plans….. Furthermore, the engagement with the workforce in this process has helped to secure their buy in to the improvement actions.” [Doug Smart, EDF Energy]

HSE’s psychologists provided expert support to assess the current health and safety culture and to identify priority areas for improvement. The assessment was based on the HSE’s model of safety culture excellence, which ranges from ‘Adhoc’ through to ‘Excellence’. This was an evidencedriven assessment following the HSE Achieving Safety Culture Excellence Now and Tomorrow (ASCENT) process. This involved:



Surveying staff perceptions using the HSE Safety Climate Tool (SCT) and providing expert interpretation of the results to identify priority areas. A review of a sample of key health and safety documents across the coal and gas sites.



Facilitating nine engagement workshops to explore priority areas (from the SCT) in depth, and to encourage staff involvement in improvement actions. Interviewing five senior managers and seven members operating in a health and safety/quality assurance role and training/ competence role to learn about how the current health and safety systems work in practice.



Producing an evidence-based assessment of the current health and safety culture, including priority actions for improvement. Facilitating workshops to develop targeted actions to improve the health and safety culture.

The sites have embedded these actions into their health and safety plans and will monitor progress.

For further information on our Safety Climate Tool see www., what-we-do/safety-culturestages, The development of HSL’s Safety Climate Tool: a revision of the Health and Safety Climate Survey Tool47 and Developing a benchmarking service for HSL Safety Climate Tool48.

External funding source EDF Energy

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Case studies | Managing risk well

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

Scientific investigation into the double fatality at the balcony rail collapse in Cadogan Square, London

TWO WORKMEN WERE killed and six others injured when a balcony rail collapsed during delivery of a large sofa to a property in Cadogan Square, London. According to witness statements, during the delivery, the sofa was hoisted using ropes to the

first floor balcony. As the 115kg sofa was being lifted onto the balcony, the balcony rail collapsed. The incident investigation was led by the Metropolitan Police Service, working alongside HSE.

HSE engineers, metallurgists and imaging specialists gathered evidence at the incident site and undertook forensic analysis at HSE’s laboratory facilities in Buxton. The main areas of their investigation included the determination of the balcony rail material composition and the identification of weld repairs and cracks. The age of the balcony and whether it was fit for purpose were considered. The imaging specialists created a 3D animation of the incident, based upon laser scans taken of the scene. This demonstrated how easily available specialist lifting equipment could have been used to safely hoist the sofa within the limited space. The company Director had earlier declined the supply of the correct lifting equipment on cost grounds.

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What were the benefits? HSE imaging specialists provided high quality evidence to the investigation teams for presentation at court. This investigation resulted in a prosecution with the company Director being jailed for 14 months and the company fined £1.2m. For HSE 3D graphics of the scene, see watch?v=vPBIrRHaeLE&feature= For more information see the HSE Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER) 49

Case studies | Managing risk well

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

Protecting healthcare workers from Ebola and other serious infectious diseases

DURING THE 2014-15 West Africa Ebola disease crisis, four UK hospital infectious disease units (IDU) prepared to receive patients with Ebola and other high consequence infectious diseases (HCID). To protect healthcare staff from infection, personal protective equipment (PPE) ensembles and safe removal procedures were established. However, there was some variation in PPE and procedures between IDUs, and the evidence base to assess efficacy was limited. We collaborated with Sheffield Teaching Hospitals (STH), one of the IDUs, to undertake research to test PPE. We modified a clinical training mannequin, ‘Violet’ - Visualising Infection with

Optimised Light for Education and Training, to emit simulated body fluids typical of HCID symptoms - cough, sweat, diarrhoea, vomit - each tagged with a different colour fluorescent tracer. We developed a scenario to simulate patient clinical examination in which PPE-trained volunteer doctors and nurses from all four IDUs became heavily contaminated. Under UV light, contamination was body-mapped before and after PPE removal. The results provided evidence to assess different PPE ensembles and agree a unified ensemble and procedure adopted by all IDUs. We recognised that no hood available was suitable, so we developed a bespoke one with a local company (KIT Design, Sheffield).

What were the benefits? This novel collaborative research with Sheffield Teaching Hospitals provided an evidence base to support changes to PPE. The unified PPE, including the newly developed hood, also protects against airborne infection, increasing effectiveness in reducing risk of serious illness for workers. The training system we developed will help healthcare workers adopt safe working practices and increase staff confidence in using and safely removing PPE.

For further information see our publications: Use of UV fluorescence based simulation in evaluation of personal protective equipment worn for first assessment and care of a patient with suspected high consequence infectious disease50, Evidence based evaluation of category 4 PPE protection for IDU staff. “Don’t panic! ”51, and Practical aspects of infection control: Use of UV fluorescence-based simulation for PPE assessment and training for high risk pathogens 52 .

External funding source HSE/NHS

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Case studies | Managing risk well

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

Supporting the safe deployment of new power engineering technologies

What were the benefits? This pilot study showed that two hazard identification techniques developed in the process industries worked credibly in power engineering applications. The findings were shared through an article in ‘Loss Prevention Bulletin’ Hazard identification – can power engineers learn from the process industries 53 highlighting the potential for such techniques to help power engineers deploy new power technologies safely and efficiently.

EXCITING NEW POWER network technologies are emerging as the UK energy landscape changes. Traditionally, power generation was centralised at power plants with electricity flowing to transmission and distribution. Today, energy storage technologies are beginning to be deployed in the distribution system to balance supply and demand for solar, wind and biomass energy. Distribution of electricity generated at commercial and residential sites means power flows are dynamic, not one way.

One approach to help power engineers introduce and deploy new power technologies safely and efficiently is the use of the hazard identification techniques developed in the process industries. These techniques are successfully applied to process plant for which mature standards exist, but add greater value when considering innovative designs needing assessment from first principles.

HSE specialists carried out a pilot study to trial the application of two techniques to electricity power networks: Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) study and ‘Bow Tie’ analysis. Our specialists worked with a distribution network operator’s engineers and managers considered existing low voltage assets. The pilot yielded relatively few safety actions as the existing designs meet established industry standards. While

both techniques worked credibly, Bow-Tie was more efficient and participants valued the way it could visualise ‘hidden’ barriers to unsafe operation and make linkages to management systems delivering or maintaining their integrity.

External funding source An electricity distribution network operator

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Case studies | Supporting small employers

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

Assessing risks for farmers from toxic gases associated with animal slurries

STORED ANIMAL MANURES – slurries – generate toxic gases including hydrogen sulphide (H2S). In confined spaces near to slurry stores, or when mixing slurry ahead of field application, farmers can be exposed to a build-up of H2S. This has a rapid effect on breathing, and can be fatal. Incidents occur regularly on farms in Great Britain.

What were the benefits? The combination of laboratory scale experiments and followup farm visits has provided HSE policymakers with the robust evidence needed to advise farmers of the dangers of handling slurries, and circumstances where enhanced precautions are needed. Based on this evidence HSE Guidance is being updated to support farmers in managing the risks effectively.

In laboratory scale experiments, our scientists measured H2S in the head space above slurry in tubs before and after stirring, and with and without added gypsum powder. Gypsum can enter slurry with animal bedding and provide nutrients for H2S-generating bacteria. Before stirring, H2S levels were minimal. After stirring, levels reached 1618 and 330 ppm with and without gypsum respectively. The lower value can cause serious respiratory effects and the higher level is potentially fatal.

For more information see Gypsum in animal slurry systems enhances generations of hydrogen sulphide and increases occupational exposure hazard 54 , Preventing asphyxiation of farm workers 55, Workplace risks from bacterially derived toxic gases 56 and the HSE research report The influence of gypsum in animal slurry systems on the generation of hydrogen sulphide57.

We conducted farm visits to assess H2S levels during slurry mixing. In some situations, very high levels (>1000ppm) of H2S were detected during mixing, in particular in underground stores with slatted floors, inside buildings.

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Case studies | Supporting small employers

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

Engaging small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in research to understand asthma risk in British woodworkers

THE BRITISH WOODWORKING industry has changed over recent decades, with a shift towards working in small or medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Wood dust is one of the leading causes of occupational asthma in the UK, and has been associated with

other occupational lung diseases. Evidence has suggested that workrelated respiratory symptoms, asthma, and abnormal lung function can occur at levels of wood dust exposure lower than the current UK workplace exposure limit.

HSE’s Health Strategic Research Programme has provided opportunities to engage SMEs in research into respiratory disease. HSE specialists did a systematic review of the existing evidence. Building on the knowledge gaps identified our specialists undertook a study looking at the risk of respiratory symptoms, asthma, and abnormal lung function in British woodworkers. Working with industry representatives including the British Woodworking Federation, we recruited SMEs from the furniture, manufacturing, and boat building industries. Questionnaire data, lung function measurements, and blood tests were taken from over 250 workers across 14 different sites. Individual workers received detailed health feedback, educating them on respiratory symptoms and asthma and alerting them early to existing respiratory disease. Feedback from occupational hygienists encouraged improvement in health and safety practices.

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What were the benefits? This research with SMEs has described respiratory symptoms, asthma, and lung function in the British wood and boat building industry for the first time in 40 years. This evidence is being used by HSE and European policy makers to review the occupational exposure limits for wood dust. This scientific evidence base is enabling HSE to work alongside SMEs in the woodworking industry to support reducing the risks to workers health. For further information see Asthma in furniture and wood processing workers: a systematic reviewr 58 and the HSE research report Pilot project to research the need to update HSE on the occupational health risks in the woodworking industry59.

Case studies | Supporting small employers

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

How much occupational ill health is caused by long-term pesticide use?

THERE ARE CONCERNS that some pesticides may have levels of human toxicity that cause health problems in workers who apply pesticides. Health specialists at HSE’s laboratory are carrying out long-term volunteer studies to understand the potential for chronic health problems.

Working closely with HSE policymakers, our researchers established a second long-term health study in 2013: the Prospective Investigation of Pesticide Applicators’ Health - ‘PIPAH’. This study is collecting more detailed information such as pesticide

exposure to specific products used and potential confounding factors such as smoking and diet. Our researchers, working continually with trade bodies, have recruited over 5,700 volunteers, 52% of whom are self-employed.

The Pesticide User’s Health Study (PUHS) has been underway since the 1990’s. In 2013, HSE’s researchers reported that certified pesticide workers who were often exposed to pesticide concentrate were four times more likely to report ‘ill health’ associated with pesticide use than those exposed to diluted products; additionally, workers exposed for over 15 years were more likely to report ‘ill health’ than those in jobs lasting less than 5 years. This research is ongoing and the volunteers’ NHS records will be used to build evidence on long-term health outcomes.

What were the benefits? Volunteer studies with registered pesticide workers are essential to develop the evidence base on potential chronic health problems. This evidence is being used to ensure that any risks are understood and can be effectively controlled. Additionally, the engagement between HSE’s researchers and pesticides workers, including at Trade Shows and through regular ‘PIPAH’ newsletters, is helping raise awareness of the importance of adopting good practice to reduce exposure. For further information on the PIPAH and PUHS studies including our newsletters, see HSE’s webpages 60, 61. For scientific details see our reports and papers 62–68.

External funding source HSE and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)

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Case studies | Supporting small employers

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

Reducing exposure to allergens in bakeries by modifying dough-improver constituents

OCCUPATIONAL ASTHMA is a significant health issue in the bakery industry and is caused by inhalation of allergens in wheat flour dust and ingredients like fungal and bacterial enzymes and soya flour added to improve the properties of dough. Reducing employee exposure to flour dust requires control measures and small bakeries particularly require simple measures to address this problem. To this end, HSE scientists worked with the Association of Bakery Ingredient Manufacturers (ABIM) to investigate altering the ingredient mixture in a doughimprover, to reduce flour dustiness and allergen levels at source. To quantify dustiness, HSE’s researchers used an EU standardised ‘rotating drum’ test and quantified three different size fractions of the dust to assess whether particles were likely to enter the lung. They also quantified the content of specific allergens. AIBM provided the research team with technical advice and with individual components and modified mixtures of an improver.

What were the benefits? This research showed the potential to reduce baker’s exposure to allergens by simple alterations in the composition of a doughimprover. It demonstrated that cost effective control measures can be developed to help small bakeries: these need to be part of a wider solution in conjunction with measures such as engineering controls, staff training, and the provision of health surveillance. For further information on this research see Reducing dust and allergen exposure in bakeries 69 and for a review of bakery asthma by HSE’s Workplace Health Excellence Committee see Risks of Bakery Work 70.

The study found that ‘free flow’ agents such as calcium silicate and emulsifiers as well as inorganic calcium salts added to the improver significantly increased dustiness and

the emission of airborne allergens. However, a small increase in the content of organic oil in the improver significantly reduced dustiness and lowered allergen levels.

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Case studies | Tackling ill health

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

Identifying the causes of occupational hypersensitivity pneumonitis lung disease

HSE’S HEALTH AND Work Strategy prioritises tackling occupational lung disease. An estimated 12,000 deaths each year are linked to past occupational exposures.

What were the benefits? This study demonstrated that over the last twenty years, exposure to metalworking fluids (MWF) has become the most frequently reported causative agent for cases of occupational hypersensitivity pneumonitis reported to the SWORD surveillance scheme in the UK.

Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) is a common form of allergic lung disease. There is clear evidence that health outcomes can be improved if a cause can be identified, and further exposure avoided. Understanding the common sources of workplace exposure is therefore important.

To increase awareness of the common occupational causes of this disease, the research findings were presented at a British Thoracic Society Research Meeting and published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.

The aim of this study was to explore the most commonly suspected causes of occupational HP (OHP) reported to the UK Surveillance of Work-related and Occupational Respiratory Disease (SWORD) surveillance scheme and to consider whether these had changed over time. HSE’s Centre for Workplace Health worked with the Centre for Occupational and Environmental Health at Manchester University. All cases of occupational HP that had been reported to the SWORD scheme between January 1996 and December 2015 were classified into one of ten categories by suspected cause. Cases were grouped

For more information see Epidemiology of occupational hypersensitivity pneumonitis; reports from the SWORD scheme in the UK 1996-201571.

into time periods. The estimated annual incidence was calculated using the estimated number of reported cases and the working population of the UK at that time.

Between 1996 and 2015, there were 202 actual cases of OHP reported to SWORD, equating to an estimated 818 cases, when adjusting for the sampling ratio.

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See HSE’s new 3D lung animation at com/watch?v= -BAKbB3pyqo.

Case studies | Tackling ill health

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

Understanding and identifying faults with disposable respirators in the marketplace

HSE ESTIMATES THAT there are currently around 12,000 deaths per year in the UK from occupational respiratory disease linked to past occupational exposures. Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) is widely used in a wide range of different industries as control measures to protect workers. One of the most commonly used types of RPE is the filtering face piece

(FFP), also known as a disposable dust mask. The highest-performing FFP is the FFP3, which is expected to reduce workplace exposure by a factor of 20, if used and fitted correctly. This class of RPE is used in workplaces to protect against a variety of hazards including asbestos and biological agents such as pandemic flu. It is essential that these respirators perform effectively.

HSE scientists carried out market surveillance testing of samples of ten different FFP3 respirator models from ten different manufacturers, with the aim of determining whether each sample met a range of health and safety performance requirements. Twelve samples of each model were examined and only five of the ten models passed all tests with no faults or failures on any of them. Two models had an isolated fault on a single sample, one of which was very serious, rendering the respirator ineffective. One model had multiple minor faults, and two models had multiple serious faults.

What were the benefits? Of the sample respirators studied, 50% of the models had at least one fault on at least one sample. These findings will help to direct efforts to improve the effectiveness of respiratory protective equipment (RPE) in the workplace. The results have also reinforced the need for pre-use checking of RPE, even if it is fresh out of the box. The correct use of effective RPE in the workplace will reduce the risk of developing occupational respiratory disease. For more information see the HSE research report Market surveillance of FFP3 disposable respirators72 .

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Case studies | Tackling ill health

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

Improving in-cab filtration to protect workers from lung disease

IN-CAB AIR FILTRATION systems are installed on plant vehicles used in a range of industries where drivers can potentially breathe in hazardous airborne dust, for example farming, waste management and quarrying. However, there is a lack of information on the efficacy of these systems and the level of knowledge by manufacturers and within the industries using the vehicles.

psychologists carried out a study using the quarry sector as an example. Interviews were held with vehicle and filter manufacturers and a wide range of quarry staff, from vehicle drivers to site health and safety managers. A new scientific method was developed to evaluate filtration system efficiency whilst a vehicle is driven: measurements were taken and contextual information gathered at a number of quarries.

The team found: penetration of dust into vehicle cabs; some vehicle cab filters of low efficiency; and that staff had variable knowledge about the effectiveness of in-cab filtration and the level of protection it afforded. For instance, cab doors and windows were frequently opened by drivers to aid communication, removing any exposure protection.

To develop this evidence, a team of HSE filtration and ventilation specialists, occupational hygienists, and work

Dirty air

Schematic of cab inlet airflow

What were the benefits? This research identified practical steps that industry can take to improve protection of workers from hazardous dust exposures in industry sectors that use plant vehicles. Improved understanding of good practice for in-cab air filtration systems is needed by vehicle designers and manufacturers and within the sectors using the vehicles – including the importance of filter maintenance and ensuring that drivers are made aware of the actions they need to take. HSE is using this evidence to inform partnership working with industry and unions. For more information see Incab filtration as an exposure control measure73.

Dirty air

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Case studies | Tackling ill health

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

Developing our working relationship with Appointed Doctors

HSE RELIES HEAVILY on a national network of doctors to carry out health assessments of workers under certain regulations. This includes workers exposed to asbestos, lead and ionising radiation. These doctors, the Appointed Doctors (ADs), are senior primary care or occupational physicians. A smaller number of Approved Medical Examiners of Divers (AMEDS) carry out similar health assessments for all working divers in Great Britain. The Centre for Workplace health (CWH) has worked hard in the last 18 months to develop our professional relationships with these doctors, given their important “eyes and ears” function in the real world of work. Their experience is invaluable to capture, specifically as HSE is focussing on Health and Work as an important theme within Helping GB Work Well. In order to increase our engagement with these doctors, we have developed specific training courses, and now actively invite dialogue relating to their HSE work, and also in relation to the wider health at work agenda. Examples of the latter include asbestos and silica exposure related health issues. Their field intelligence has helped CWH understand better some of the practical barriers to consider when preventing ill health due to work.

What were the benefits? This evolving relationship with ADs has benefited the regulator, as it has increasingly easy access to real world intelligence and advice about ill health caused by work, and some of the barriers that need to be overcome in order to prevent these conditions. We have also been able to offer bespoke training courses for these doctors, allowing the regulator to direct their work in order to achieve mutually agreeable health outcomes. For further information on how HSE appoints doctors see www.

HSE has also recently and successfully, streamlined the administrative processes required to ensure that ADs are qualified to carry out this work, and that it is completed professionally. Specifically, for example, HSE has now adopted a risk-based approach, developing an audit tool for ADs to assess their own medical records. These outputs can be used by ADs to support their own General Medical Council revalidation processes.

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‘The ‘open-door’ AD/AMED contact with the HSE’s Principal Medical Adviser is invaluable in discussing, often complex, health and work related issues. Having visited the workplace personally or having been given detailed descriptions of work practices or health related issues by employees, greater insight can be gained particularly in regards to remote or less accessible roles such as those of commercial divers, radiation workers or asbestos operatives.’ Helen S Bryden (AD, AMED and Occupational Physician)

Case studies | Sharing our success

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

Improving regulatory compliance: tools to target HSE risk-based inspection

INITIALLY, UNDER HSE’S “Going to the Right Places” programme to improve regulatory compliance, HSE’s data analytics specialists have developed a tool called Find-It to target inspection efforts more explicitly on higher-risk sectors, poor performers and serious regulatory breaches. Find-It uses innovative techniques to match and link disparate data and provide a combined view of dutyholder performance. It helps inspectors target regulatory activity to where it is most needed and reduce burdens on compliant businesses. Find-It has been successfully used in HSE since 2012 and interest in the approach has been growing from other UK regulators.

New work sets out to investigate whether routine data held by HSE, including data on past inspection history, past health and safety performance and contextual business data, could be used to predict the outcome of a subsequent HSE inspection visit in terms of whether a material breach of health and

safety law was identified during the visit. A modeling tool was developed that assigned assigned risk scores to duty-holders indicating the likelihood they would be observed to be non-compliant when subsequently inspected.

What were the benefits? The findings of the research suggest that the methodology developed has the potential to be used in conjunction with HSE’s existing approaches to targeting its proactive inspection activities. This will ensure HSE is focusing its activity on those businesses which need intervention and further help ensuring that the regulatory burden placed on workplaces that are largely compliant with health and safety legislation is kept to a minimum. Improving overall regulatory compliance. For further information please see the journal publication: Using novel geographical information systems techniques to address regulatory challenges - from nuclear siting to regulation of major hazards and targeting inspection74 , the article Making greater use of data75, and the HSE information on innovation in regulation76.

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Case studies | Sharing our success

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

Supporting WHO guidelines for protecting workers from potential risks of manufactured nanomaterials

What were the benefits? We have shared our latest scientific knowledge and thinking on assessment and characterisation of nanoparticles to support the development of the WHO’s new nanomaterial guidelines. These guidelines provide recommendations on protecting workers, especially in low and middle-income countries. WHO has stated that: ‘These guidelines significantly contribute to actions at the workplace … on the Global Plan Action for worker’s health’.

NANOTECHNOLOGIES INVOLVE the creation and/or manipulation of materials at the scale of atoms and molecules. Examples are: nano-silver as an anti-microbial in medical and textile applications; and carbon nanotubes, which are widely used for their mechanical strength and lightweight, heat-dissipation and electrical conductivity properties in applications such as electronics and energy storage. New nanotechnologies are being developed rapidly with potential benefits in a wide range of applications.

As with any potential worker exposure to chemicals, it is important to ensure that any potential health risks are effectively controlled. Nanomaterial exposure can potentially occur through inhalation, skin contact and ingestion during activities such as bagging, transferring and mixing of powders, spraying of liquid, and machining. There is a growing body of literature indicating a potential health risk of certain types of nanomaterials. HSE’s scientific expert in nanotechnology health protection, Dr Delphine Bard, was

The WHO guidelines on protecting workers from potential risks of manufactured nanomaterials are available to download at: http:// health/publications/ manufactured-nanomaterials/en/

selected in 2013 by the World Health Organisation, WHO, to provide support and expertise in the development of new ‘Guidelines on Protecting Workers from Potential Risks of Manufactured Nanomaterials. Delphine has been involved in collaborative European research projects on nanomaterial and ultrafine exposure assessments and characterisation for over 10 years.

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For further information on collaborative nanotechnology research by HSE see: Workplace Air Measurements77, Inter-comparison of personal monitors78, and Dustiness of nanomaterial in powder form79.

Case studies | Sharing our success

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

Shoreham Airshow incident: identifying improvements to future risk management of airshows

THE CIVIL AVIATION Authority (CAA) requires all airshows to assess the risks from air displays in order to ensure public safety.

The review identified that the risk assessment had not properly followed CAA guidance, a number of foreseeable hazards had not been identified, and that there was little evidence that achievable mitigation measures were considered and implemented following the risk assessment process.

A vintage jet aircraft crashed onto a road killing 11 people and injuring 16 others at the Shoreham Airshow on 22 August 2015. The Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB) asked HSE specialists to review the air display risk assessment undertaken prior to the Shoreham Airshow to determine whether the assessment was fit for purpose. This review was to help inform the AAIB investigation into the incident.

The review identified that additional clarity in guidance could assist those carrying out future air display risk assessments.

HSE specialists assessed how the Shoreham risk assessment compared to CAA airshow risk management guidance, HSE guidance on risk assessment good practice, and literature and standards on risk assessment and risk management. We used risk assessments from previous Shoreham Airshows to assess how the risk profiles for the show had developed over time.

What were the benefits? The AAIB identified recommendations from the review by HSE specialists to improve the future risk management of airshows to prevent a similar incident occurring again. Our reports were included as annexes of the final AAIB Shoreham Investigation report. This report is publically available, which allows lessons to be learned from the incident. For more information see Aircraft Accident Report AAR1/2017-GBXFI80, and AAIB investigation to Hawker Hunter T7, G-BXFISpecial Bulletin S1/201681

External funding source Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB)

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Case studies | Sharing our success

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

Nuclear reactors: ageing behaviour of advanced gas-cooled reactor graphite cores

NUCLEAR REACTORS GENERATE over a fifth of the electricity consumed in the UK. The majority of this capacity is generated from 14 Advanced Gas-cooled Reactors (AGR). The AGR uses a core made of graphite bricks cooled by carbon dioxide to keep the nuclear reaction needed to generate electricity under control. This design is unique to the UK. Over time the graphite bricks, which cannot be repaired or replaced, are damaged by use. The mechanisms of this, shrinkage of the graphite creating internal stresses and eventually leading to cracking, were well understood by the designers. However, better information on damage progression has been obtained from operating reactors and, coupled with the retro-fitting of new safety equipment, has allowed the reactors to safely operate beyond their original design life. The licensee has to produce a safety case that demonstrates they understand the condition of the graphite core and the damage progression and to demonstrate that the reactor can operate safely. The Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) has the role of assessing this safety case.

What were the benefits? Through this work the regulator, ONR, has an independent and impartial modelling capability for estimating the viable life expectancy of the UK’s nuclear reactors. This allows a robust challenge to the licensees’ analysis supporting their safety case claims. The benefit to the public is that they can be confident that the economic benefits of an important energy asset can be maximised whilst maintaining safety standards.

How can you ensure the safe operation of nuclear reactors when it is too dangerous to physically check their cores? HSE’s statistical modellers, are collaborating with the School of Metallurgy and Materials, University of Birmingham and the Nuclear Graphite Research Group, University of Manchester. The team have developed the only independent model for simulating the behaviour of the bricks and their structural integrity, which assists the ONR in fulfilling its vital safeguarding role. Over the past decade, the

team have conducted a broad programme of independent peer reviewed research covering:

›› ›› ››

the statistical modelling of data obtained from working reactors; computer simulations based on engineering models; mechanical testing.

Through our research a better understanding of damage mechanisms, the behaviour of components in the graphite core and ultimately the viable life expectancy of the UK’s nuclear reactors has been obtained.

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For more information please see Calibration of dimensional change in finite element models using AGR moderator brick measurements 82 , A numerical study of internal brick stresses in AGR moderator bricks 83, A core-monitoring based methodology for predictions of graphite weight loss in AGR moderator bricks 84 and Saving the world one equation at a time85.

Funding Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR)

References and publications

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

References and publications

References 1 HSE Foresight Report 2017-18 2 Science and Evidence Strategy 2016-2020, HSE, 2017 http://www.hse. 3 For information about the Thomas Ashton Institute for Risk and Regulatory Research see 4 Helping Great Britain work well 5 Annual Science Review 2016 science-review-2016.pdf 6 Hodges, J.P. et al Injecting hydrogen into the gas network - a literature search. HSE Books, 2015, RR1047 http://www. 7 Pritchard, D., Royle, M. & Willoughby, D. Installation permitting guidance for hydrogen and fuel cell stationary applications: UK version. HSE Books, 2009, RR715 http://www. 8 Pritchard, D. & Rattigan, W. Hazards of liquid hydrogen: Position paper. HSE Books, 2010, RR769 http://www.

9 Hawksworth, S. Safety of combined cycle gas turbine and gas engine systems operating on hydrogen rich syngas and biogas. 8th International Seminar on Fire & Explosion Hazards, Heifei, China, 25-28 April 2016 http://

13 Astbury, G. & Hawksworth, S. Spontaneous ignition of hydrogen leaks: a review of postulated mechanisms. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2007, 32(13), 2178-2185 https://doi. org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2007.04.005

10 Hedley, D. Large scale passive ventilation trials of hydrogen. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39(35), 2032520330 ijhydene.2014.05.120

14 2nd PEROSH Research Exchange Meeting on 14th September 2017 http://

11 Hall, J., Hooker, P. & Willoughby, D. Ignited releases of liquid hydrogen: safety considerations of thermal and overpressure effects. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39(35), 20547-20553 http://dx.doi. org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2014.05.141 12 Shirvill, L. C. et al Safety studies on high-pressure hydrogen vehicle refuelling stations: Releases into a simulated high-pressure dispensing area. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2012, 37(8), 6949-6964 http://dx.doi. org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2012.01.030

15 Go Home Healthy http://www. 16 HSE’s Health and Work strategy strategiesandplans/health-and-workstrategy/health-and-work-strategy.pdf 17 Fishwick, D., et al Health surveillance for occupational asthma in the UK. Occupational Medicine, 2016, 66(5), 365-370 http://dx.doi. org/10.1093/occmed/kqw028 18 Chaplin, Z., Modelling flammable chemical major hazards using DRIFT 3 dispersion model. IChemE Hazards 27, Birmingham, UK, 1012 May 2017, Posters 2 http://www. Subject%20Groups/Safety_Loss_ Prevention/Hazards%20Archive/ XXVII/XXVII-Poster-02.pdf

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19 Pitts, P. & Brereton, P. The development and use of tools to support workplace hand-arm vibration exposure evaluation. Acoustics Australia, 2016, 44(1), 113-120 http:// 20 Paltrinieri, N., et al Dynamic Procedure for Atypical Scenarios Identification (DyPASI): a new systematic HAZID tool. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2013, 26(4), 683-695 http://dx.doi. org/10.1016/j.jlp.2013.01.006 21 Stewart, J.R. & Kelsey, A. Numerical simulations of mechanicallyventilated multi-compartment fires. 15th International Post-Conference Seminar on Fire Safety in Nuclear Power Plants and Installations, October 4-5th 2017, Bruges, Belgium. 22 Tolias, I.C., et al Numerical simulations of vented hydrogen deflagrations in a medium-scale enclosure, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries https://doi. org/10.1016/j.jlp.2017.10.014 (in press) 23 Leadership and worker involvement toolkit: reducing harm by learning from the best in the construction industry. HSE, uk/construction/lwit/index.htm

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

24 Gas NIC submission: National Grid Gas Distribution – HyDeploy. Ofgem, 2016, https://www.ofgem. gas-nic-submission-nationalgrid-gas-distribution-hydeploy 25 Gant, S. Review of recent LNG research at HSL and possible future R&D topics. PHMSA Pipeline Safety and Research Development Forum, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, 1617 November 2016 http://primis. 26 Ivings al Evaluating vapor dispersion models for safety analysis of LNG facilities. Final report for the Fire Protection Research Foundation, Quincy, Massachusetts, USA, September 2016 https:// News-and-Research/Resources/ Research-Foundation/ResearchFoundation-reports/Hazardousmaterials/RFLNGDispersionModelMEP. ashx?la=en&hash=4DD6B6CD4F96 D63158BA27C45E1CF12C1BD88E08

27 Stewart J.R. Guide to the LNG model validation database version 12. Final report for the Fire Protection Research Foundation, Quincy, Massachusetts, USA, September 2016 News-and-Research/Resources/ Research-Foundation/ResearchFoundation-reports/Hazardousmaterials/RFLNGDatabaseGuidev12. ashx?la=en&hash=A2A845EF2E442 FC0E6DD6922A7AC60540F4837A8 28 Gant S.E. Vapor Dispersion Model Evaluation Protocol (MEP) Update. Pipelines and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) Public Workshop on Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Regulations, Washington DC, USA, 18-19 May 2016 meetings/FilGet.mtg?fil=782 29 Gorham D. & Stewart J.R. LNG Model Evaluation Protocol (MEP) and Validation Database Update. NFPA Conference & Expo, Boston, USA, 4-7 June 2017 media/BB51173392704BCFA6E106CC 629B08E3.pdf

30 Garcia, M., Wardman, M. & Wilday, A. J. Novel application of the bow tie technique for the analysis of the NFPA 59A standard. IChemE Hazards 27, Birmingham, UK, 10-12 May 2017, Paper 45 http://www.icheme. org/communities/special-interestgroups/safety%20and%20loss%20 prevention/resources/hazards%20 archive/hazards%2027.aspx 31 Hall, S. An assessment of occupational exposure to metal powders used for additive manufacturing (AM). OH2017, Harrogate. UK, 24-27 April 2017 http://www.oh-2018. com/oh2017-presentations/ 32 Beers, H. Live long at work and prosper: facts about an ageing workforce. The National Food and Drink Manufacturing Conference 2017, Thame, UK, 10th October 2017 IOSH%20events/Food%20and%20 drink%20highlights%202017 33 Beers, H. Occupational Health and Extended Working Lives in the Transport Sector, HSE, 2018 (in press) http://

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34 Beers, H. Working beyond 65: the health and safety impact. Safety and Health Practitioner, 2014, 11 https:// 35 Gant S.E. Overview of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Projects at HSE’s Buxton Laboratory. HSE, 2017, RR1121 uk/research/rrpdf/rr1121.pdf 36 HSE: Innovation in Regulation HSE, innovation-in-regulation.htm 37 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (6th ed) : The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (as amended). Approved Code of Practice and Guidance. HSE Books, 2013, L5, ISBN 9780717665822. http://www. 38 Dust in the workplace - general principles of protection . Guidance Note EH44, Fourth edition. HSE Books, 2013 uk/pubns/books/eh44.htm 39 McNally, K. et al Evidence for nonlinear metabolism at low benzene exposures? a reanalysis of data. Chemico-Biological Interactions, 2017, 278, 256-268 https://doi. org/10.1016/j.cbi.2017.09.002

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

40 Ivings, M.J. et al. Area classification for secondary releases from low pressure natural gas systems. HSE Books, 2008, RR630 http://www.hse. 41 Webber, D.M., Ivings, M.J., & Santon, R.C. Ventilation Theory and Dispersion Modelling Applied to Hazardous Area Classification. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2011, 24(5), 612-621 http:// 42 Santon, R.,et al. New Methods for Hazardous Area Classification for Explosive Gas Atmospheres. IChemE Hazards XXIII, Southport, UK, 1215 Nov. 2012, 339-346. http://www. Documents/Subject%20Groups/ Safety_Loss_Prevention/Hazards%20 Archive/XXIII/XXIII-Paper-44.pdf 43 The Nimrod Review. https:// publications/the-nimrod-review 44 Goff, R. What to do about creeping change? The Chemical Engineer, 2017, 917 https://www. what-to-do-about-creeping-change/

45 Goff, R. & Holroyd, J. Guidance on applying a creeping change hazard identification (CCHAZID) methodology. Energy Institute, 2017. ISBN 9780852938362 http://publishing. risk-assessment/guidance-onapplying-a-creeping-change-hazardidentification-cchazid-methodology

48 Healey, N. et al Developing a benchmarking service for HSL Safety Climate Tool. IChemE Hazards XXIII, Southport, UK, 12-15 November 2012, 222-229 https:// Documents/Subject%20Groups/ Safety_Loss_Prevention/Hazards%20 Archive/XXIII/XXIII-Paper-30.pdf

46 Goff, R. & Holroyd, J. Development of a creeping change HAZID methodology. IChemE Hazards 27, Birmingham, UK, 10-12 May 2017, Paper 61 media/Documents/Conferences/ Hazards%2027/Presentations/ Friday/1405%20GOFF.pdf

49 Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998. Approved Code of Practice and Guidance. L113, HSE, 2014, 2nd ed , 978-0717665860

47 Sugden, C., et al The development of HSL’s Safety Climate Tool: a revision of the Health and Safety Climate Survey Tool. Contemporary Ergonomics, 2009, 242-252 https:// Bust/p/book/9780415804332

50 Hall S, et al Use of UV fluorescence based simulation in evaluation of personal protective equipment worn for first assessment and care of a patient with suspected high consequence infectious disease. Journal of Hospital Infection jhin.2018.01.002 (in press) 51 Hall, S. Evidence based evaluation of category 4 PPE protection for IDU staff. “Don’t panic!” Practical aspects of infection control, The Workstation, Sheffield, UK, 19th20th June 2017 https://www.ips.

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52 Bozena, P. et al . Use of UV fluorescence-based simulation for PPE assessment and training for high risk pathogens. Federation of Infection Societies Conference Birmingham, 30th Nov - 2nd Dec 2017. http:// event.federationinfectionsocieties. com/abstracts/ 53 Clay, M. F. Hazard identification - can power engineers learn from the process industries. Loss Prevention Bulletin, 2017, 253 23-26 http://www.icheme. org/lpb/free%20downloads.aspx 54 Crook, B. et al Gypsum in animal slurry systems enhances generations of hydrogen sulphide and increases occupational exposure hazard. Science in the Total Environment, 2017, 609, 1381-1389 https://doi. org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.08.014 55 Health and Safety Laboratory Preventing asphyxiation of farm workers linked to cattle slurry and use of gypsum powder in cattle bedding. PEROSH Newsletter, 2015, 8-9 wp-content/uploads/2015/09/ Newsletter-Perosh-Sept-2015.pdf

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

56 Crook B, & Gyte A. Workplace risks from bacterially derived toxic gases. Journal of Infectious Disease and Therapy, 2017, 5, 344 http://dx.doi. org/10.4172/2332-0877.1000344

63 Brown, T., Harding, A-H, & Frost, G. The Pesticide Users’ Health Study – an analysis of mortality (1987-2005) HSE, 2013, RR958 http://www.hse.

69 Mason, H., et al Reducing dust and allergen exposure in bakeries Allergy and Immunology, 2017, 1(4), 194-206 http://dx.doi. org/10.3934/Allergy.2017.4.194

57 Smith I, Frost G & Beswick A. The influence of gypsum in animal slurry systems on the generation of hydrogen sulphide. HSE Books, 2015, RR1041. uk/research/rrpdf/rr1041.pdf

64 Holmes, E. The Pesticide Users’ Health Study. Survey of pesticide usage. HSE Books, 2013, RR957 http://www.

70 HSE Workplace Health Expert Committee (WHEC) Risks of bakery work: the adverse effects of working in high temperatures and of occupational asthma. Evidence Review Paper. HSE, 2017 https:// ti/f/21250/654565.1/PDF/-/WHEC_Risks_ of_Bakery_work_28th_March_2017.pdf

58 Wiggans, R. et al Asthma in furniture and wood processing workers: a systematic review. Occupational Medicine, 2016, 66 (3), 193-201 http:// 59 Simpson A. et al. Pilot project to research the need to update HSE on the occupational health risks in the woodworking industry. HSE Books, 2014, RR1011 http://www.hse. 60 PIPAH Study: What is the PIPAH study? HSL resources/major-projects/pipah 61 Pesticide Users’ Health Study. HSL resources/major-projects/puhs 62 Frost, G. The Pesticides Users Health Study. An analysis of cancer incidence. HSE Books, 2013, RR956 http://www.

65 Frost, G., Brown, T. & Harding, A.H. Mortality and cancer incidence among British agricultural pesticide users. Occupational Medicine, 2011, 61(5), 303-310 http://dx.doi. org/10.1093/occmed/kqr067 66 Harding, al .Prospective investigation of pesticide applicators’ health (PIPAH) study: a cohort study of professional pesticide users in Great Britain. BMJ Open, 2017, 7 (10), e018212 http://dx.doi. org/10.1136/bmjopen-2017-018212 67 Fox, D., Harding, A-H, & Frost, G. The PIPAH Study – Baseline Cohort Profile 2014. HSE Books, 2018, (in press) research/rrhtm/index.htm 68 Fox, D., Harding, A-H, & Frost, G. The PIPAH Study – background, rationale and design. HSE Books, 2018 (in press) uk/research/rrhtm/index.htm

71 Barber, C. et al Epidemiology of occupational hypersensitivity pneumonitis; reports from the SWORD scheme in the UK 1996-2015. Occupational & Environmental Medicine, 2017, 74(7), 528-530 http:// 72 Mogridge, R & Baxter, N. Market surveillance of FFP3 disposable respirators. HSE Books, 2016, RR1087 research/rrpdf/rr1087.pdf 73 Cab filtration as an exposure control measure on vehicles in the quarry industry. HSE (in press) http://

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74 Balmforth, H., et al Using novel geographical information systems techniques to address regulatory challenges - from nuclear siting to regulation of major hazards and targeting inspection. Policy and Practice in Health and Safety, 2015, 13 (1), 31-46 .1080/14774003.2015.11667810 75 Balmforth, H, Making greater use of data. Safety and Health Practitioner, 2015, 38-40 https://www.shponline. 76 Health and Safety Executive: Innovation in regulation. HSE, 2017 uploads/system/uploads/ attachment_data/file/602832/ hse-innovation-in-regulation.pdf 77 Brouwer, D. et al Workplace air measurements and likelihood of exposure to manufactured nano-objects. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2013, 15(11), UNSP 2090 http://dx.doi. org/10.1007/s11051-013-2090-7 78 Todea, A-M et al Intercomparison of personal monitors for nanoparticles exposure at workplaces and in the environment. Science in the Total Environment, 2017, 605-606, 929-945 https://doi. org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.06.041

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

79 Dazon, C., Dustiness de nanomateriaux en poudre: proposition d’un nouvel indice relatif a la metrique surface (Dustiness of nanomaterial in powder form: proposal of a new surface-based dustiness index). Auteurs (2018) Congres François sur les Aerosols 2018 30-31 http://www. dustiness-of-nanomaterial-in-powderform-proposal-of-a-new-surfacebased-dustiness-index/tex_id/26 80 Aircraft Accident Report AAR1/2017G-BXFI, 22 August 2015. Air Accidents Investigation Branch, 2017 https://www. 81 AAIB investigation to Hawker Hunter T7, G-BXFI- Special Bulletin S1/2016. Air Accidents Investigation Branch, aaib-investigation-to-hawker-huntert7-g-bxfi-special-bulletin-s1-2016 82 McNally, K., et al Calibration of dimensional change in finite element models using AGR moderator brick measurements. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2014, 451 (1-3), 179-188 http://dx.doi. org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2014.03.015


83 McNally, K. et al A numerical study of internal brick stresses in AGR moderator bricks. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2016, 309, 277-293 nucengdes.2016.09.007 84 McNally, K. et al A core-monitoring based methodology for predictions of graphite weight loss in AGR moderator bricks. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2017, 314, 56-66 http://dx.doi. org/10.1016/j.nucengdes.2016.12.032 85 Warren, N. Saving the world one equation at a time. Civil Service Quarterly, 2015 https://quarterly.

HSE scientists are committed to making research findings accessible online at no cost to the user. We ensure open access to research papers in peer-reviewed journals and journal-like conference proceedings (provided the publisher gives this option) describing research for HSE led by our scientists. 2017 publications by our scientists are listed below. This covers: publications in peer-reviewed journals; papers in conference proceedings; research reports; conference abstracts; and articles in trade and professional magazines. For a full list of details from previous years see uk/resources/publications. HSE also commissions reports from researchers in other institutes, for a full list of research reports published by HSE see uk/research/rrhtm/index.htm

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Publications in peerreviewed journals Andersen, L. et al Job satisfaction is more than a fruit basket, health checks and free exercise: crosssectional sectional study among 10,000 wage earners. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 2017, 45(5), 476-484, http://dx.doi. org/10.1177/1403494817698891 Atkinson, G. Development of heavy vapour clouds in very low wind speeds. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2017, 48, 162-172, http://dx.doi. org/10.1016/j.jlp.2017.04.011 Atkinson, G. Buncefield: lessons learned on emergency preparedness. Loss Prevention Bulletin, 254, http:// Documents/LPB/LPB254pg23.pdf Atkinson, G. et al A review of very large vapour cloud explosions: cloud formation and explosion severity. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2017, 48, 367-375, http://dx.doi. org/10.1016/j.jlp.2017.03.021

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

Barber, C. et al Epidemiology of occupational hypersensitivity pneumonitis; reports from the SWORD scheme in the UK 1996-2015. Occupational & Environmental Medicine, 2017, 74(7), 528-530, http:// Beattie, H. et al The use of biomonitoring to assess exposure in the electroplating industry. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, 2017, 27(1), 47-55, Bevan, R. et al Human biomonitoring data collection from occupational exposure to pesticides. External Scientific Report, 2017, 14(3), 1185E, http://dx.doi. org/10.2903/sp.efsa.2017.EN-1185 Bodel, W., Atkin, C. and Marsden, B. Time of flight measurements of unirradiated and irradiated nuclear graphite under cyclic compressive load. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2017, 487, 50-67, http://dx.doi. org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2016.12.044

Bowen, J. et al Managing asbestoscontaining materials in the built environment: report of a Health and Safety Executive and Government Office for Science workshop. Annals of Work Exposures and Health, 2017, 61(1), 16-21, https:// Brooks, A. et al Reflections on bird and mammal risk assessment for plant protection products in the European Union: past, present, and future. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2017, 36(3), 565-575, Butler, O. et al Atomic spectrometry update - a review of advances in environmental analysis. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2017, 32(1), 11-57, http://dx.doi. org/10.1039/C6JA90058E Carder, M et al. Chest physicianreported, work-related, long-latency respiratory disease in Great Britain. European Respiratory Journal, 2017, 50(6), 1700961, https://doi. org/10.1183/13993003.00961-2017

Clay, M. F. Hazard identification - can power engineers learn from the process industries. Loss Prevention Bulletin, 2017, 253, 23-26, Documents/LPB/LPB253pg23.pdf Cocker , J. Biological monitoring without limits. Annals of Work Exposures and Health, 2017, 61(4), 401-405 http:// Connolly, A. et al Exposure assessment using human biomonitoring for glyphosate and fluroxypyr users in amenity horticulture. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 2017, 220(6), 1064-1073, https:// Crook B, and Gyte A. Workplace risks from bacterially derived toxic gases. Journal of Infectious Disease and Therapy, 2017, 5, 344 http://dx.doi. org/10.4172/2332-0877.1000344 Crook, B. et al Gypsum in animal slurry systems enhances generations of hydrogen sulphide and increases occupational exposure hazard. Science in the Total Environment, 2017, 609, 1381-1389, https://doi. org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.08.014

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Crook, B. and Senior, H. Wildlife as source of human Escherichia Coli O157 infection. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2017, 23 (12), 2122, http:// Cullinan, P. et al Occupational lung disease: from old and novel exposures to effective preventive strategies. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 2017, 5(5), 445-455, http://dx.doi. org/10.1016/S2213-2600(16)30424-6 Curran, A. and Fishwick, D. Developing the evidence base for a new health and work strategy for Great Britain. Occupational Medicine, 2017, 67(3), 172-173, https:// De Matteis, S. et al Occupational self-coding and automatic recording (OSCAR): a novel web-based tool to collect and code lifetime job histories in large populationbased studies. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, 2017, 43(2), 181-186, http://

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

Fahad, M. et al Finite element modelling of multilayer advanced gas-cooled reactor bricks and creep interaction. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2017, 324, 390-401, https://doi. org/10.1016/j.nucengdes.2017.09.014 Flint, S., et al Its not an obvious issue is it? Office-based employees’ perceptions of prolonged sitting at work - a qualitative study. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2017, 59 (12), 1161-1165, http://dx.doi. org/10.1097/JOM.0000000000001130 Fuster, B et al Guidelines and recommendations for indoor use of fuel cells and hydrogen systems. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42(11), 7600-7607, http://dx.doi. org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2016.05.266 Gagliardi, D. et al The perspective of European researchers of national occupational safety and health institutes for contributing to a European research agenda: a modified Delphi study. BMJ Open, 2017, 7(6), e015336, http://dx.doi. org/10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015336

Galea, K. et al Biological monitoring of pesticides exposure in residents living near agricultural land. Outlooks on Pest Management, 2017, 28(2), 5254, Hall, J. et al Flammability profiles associated with high-pressure hydrogen jets released in close proximity to surfaces. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42(11), 7413-7421, http://dx.doi. org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2016.05.113 Harding, A-H. et al Prospective investigation of pesticide applicators’ health (PIPAH) study : a cohort study of professional pesticide users in Great Britain. BMJ Open, 2017, 7(10), e018212, http://dx.doi. org/10.1136/bmjopen-2017-018212 Harris, E. et al. Mortality from multiple sclerosis in British military personnel. Occupational Medicine, 2017, 67(6), 448-452 https://doi. org/10.1093/occmed/kqx083 Holtermann, A et al A practical guidance for assessments of sedentary behaviour at work: a PEROSH initiative. Applied Ergonomics, 2017, 63, 41-52, http://

Hooker, P. et al Experimental studies on vented deflagrations in a low strength enclosure. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42(11), 7565-7576, http://dx.doi. org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2016.06.223 Hooker, P. et al Hydrogen jet fires in a passively ventilated enclosure. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42(11), 7577-7588, http:// Jones, K. et al Exposure to diisocyanates and their corresponding diamines in seven different workplaces. Annals of Work Exposures and Health, 2017, 61(3), 383-393, https:// Kenny, L., Thorpe, A. and Stacey, P. A collection of experimental data for aerosol monitoring cyclones. Aerosol Science and Technology, 2017, 51(10), 1190-1200, http://dx.doi. org/10.1080/02786826.2017.1341620 Leese, E et al Exhaled breath condensate: a novel matrix for biological monitoring to assess occupational exposure to respirable crystalline silica. Annals of Work Exposures and Health, 2017, 61(7), 902-906, https://doi. org/10.1093/annweh/wxx047

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Leese, E. et al The simultaneous detection of trivalent and hexavalent chromium in exhaled breath condensate: a feasibility study comparing workers and controls. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 2017, 220 (2, Part B), 415-423, http://doi. org/10.1016/j.ijheh.2016.12.003 Leese, E. et al The investigation of unexpected arsenic compounds observed in routing biological monitoring urinary speciation analysis. Toxics, 2017, 5(2), 12, http:// Mason, H. and Willerton, L. Airborne exposure to laboratory animal allergens. AIMS Allergy and Immunology, 2017, 1(2), 78-88, http:// Mason, H et al Quantifying dustiness, specific allergens, and endotoxin in bulk soya imports. Environments, 2017, 4(4), 76, http://dx.doi. org/10.3390/environments4040076 Mason, H., et al Reducing dust and allergen exposure in bakeries Allergy and Immunology, 2017, 1(4), 194-206, http://dx.doi. org/10.3934/Allergy.2017.4.194

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

McNally, K. et al A core-monitoring based methodology for predictions of graphite weight loss in AGR moderator bricks. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2017, 314, 56-66, http://doi. org/10.1016/j.nucengdes.2016.12.032

Poole, C. J. M. and Basu, S. Systematic review: occupational illness in the waste and recycling sector. Occupational Medicine, 2017, 67 (8), 626-636 http://dx.doi. org/10.1093/occmed/kqx153

McNally, K. et al Evidence for nonlinear metabolism at low benzene exposures? a reanalysis of data. Chemico-Biological Interactions, 2017, 278, 256-268, https://doi. org/10.1016/j.cbi.2017.09.002

Sams, C. Urinary naphthol as a biomarker of exposure: results from an oral exposure to carbaryl and workers occupationally exposed to naphthalene. Toxics, 2017, 5(1), 3, http://

Morton, J., Tan, E. and Suvarna, K. Multi-elemental analysis of human lung samples using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, 2017, 43, 63-71, http://

Stacey, P., Mader, K. and Sammon, C. Feasibility of the quantification of respirable crystalline silica by mass on aerosol sampling filters using Raman microscopy. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2017, 48(5), 720-725,

Parker, R. et al Measuring wildland fire fighter performance with wearable technology. Applied Ergonomics, 2017, 59 (A), 34-44, http://doi. org/10.1016/j.apergo.2016.08.018

Stephens, R. et al Does familial risk for alcohol use disorder predict alcohol hangover? Psychopharmacology, 2017, 234(12), 1795-1802, http://dx.doi. org/10.1007/s00213-017-4585-x

Poole, J. The Stockholm Workshop Scale 30 years on - is it still fit for purpose? Occupational Medicine, 2017, 67 (3), 236-237, http://dx.doi. org/10.1093/occmed/kqx016

Todea, A. et al Inter-comparison of personal monitors for nanoparticles exposure at workplaces and in the environment. Science in the Total Environment, 2017, 605-606, 929-945, https://doi. org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.06.041

Vaughan, J. and RajanSithamparanadarajah, B. An assessment of the robustness of COSHH-Essentials (C-E) target airborne concentration ranges 15 years on, and their usefulness for determining control measures. Annals of Work Exposures and Health, 2017, 61(3), 270-283, http://

Conference presentations

Wiggans, R. and Barber, C. Metalworking fluids: a new cause of occupational non-asthmatic eosinophilic bronchitis. Thorax, 2017, 72(6), 579-580, http://dx.doi. org/10.1136/thoraxjnl-2016-208827

Bell, J. and Williams, J. Evaluation and consolidation of the HEART human reliability assessment principles. International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics: AHFE 2017: Advances in Human Error, Reliability, Resilience and Performance, Los Angeles, California, USA, 17-21 July 2017, 3-12, http://doi. org/10.1007/978-3-319-60645-3_1

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Atkinson, G. Gravity-driven flammable vapour clouds. IChemE Hazards 27, Birmingham, UK, 10-12 May 2017, Paper 3, Documents/Subject%20Groups/ Safety_Loss_Prevention/Hazards%20 Archive/XXVII/XXVII-Paper-03.pdf

Blanc-Vannet, P et al Fire tests carried out in FCH JU Firecomp project, recommendations and applications to safety of gas storage systems. ICHS 2017: The 7th International Conference on Hydrogen Safety, Hamburg, Germany, 11-13 Sept 2017

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

Butler, C. and Bell, J. Worker fatigue risk management in practice: benefits and challenges. IChemE Hazards 27, Birmingham, UK, 10-12 May 2017, Paper 28, Documents/Subject%20Groups/ Safety_Loss_Prevention/Hazards%20 Archive/XXVII/XXVII-Paper-28.pdf

Goff, R. and Holroyd, J. Development of a creeping change HAZID methodology. IChemE Hazards 27, Birmingham, UK, 10-12 May 2017, Paper 61, media/Documents/Conferences/ Hazards%2027/Presentations/ Friday/1405%20GOFF.pdf

Chambers, C., Hookham, S. and Clay, M. F. EU type certification of non-standard electronic initiations systems used in blasting at mines and quarries. 43rd Annual Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique, Florida, USA, 29th Jan - 1 Feb 2017

McKenna, B. et al Jack Rabbit II 2015 trials: preliminary comparison of the experimental results against Drift and Phast dispersion model predictions. IChemE Hazards 27, Birmingham, UK, 10-12 May 2017, Paper 4

Coldrick, S. How do we demonstrate that a consequence model is fitfor-purpose? IChemE Hazards 27, Birmingham, UK, 10-12 May 2017, Paper 1, http://www.icheme. org/~/media/Documents/ Subject%20Groups/Safety_Loss_ Prevention/Hazards%20Archive/ XXVII/XXVII-Paper-01.pdf Garcia, M., Wardman, M. and Wilday, A. J. Novel application of the bow tie technique for the analysis of the NFPA 59A standard. IChemE Hazards 27, Birmingham, UK, 10-12 May 2017, Paper 45

Naylor, S. The causes of serious injuries to crew on UK commercial fishing vessels: an investigation combining free-text and coded data. International Journal of Population Data Science: Proceedings of the IPDLN Conference (August 2016), 2017, 1(1),024, http:// Potter, R. and Holroyd, J. Offshore critical barrier identification: management of their continuing suitability and their verification. IChemE Hazards 27, Birmingham, UK, 10-12 May 2017, Paper 40, Documents/Subject%20Groups/ Safety_Loss_Prevention/Hazards%20 Archive/XXVII/XXVII-Paper-40.pdf

Skjold, T. et al, ID225, Blind-prediction: estimating the consequences of vented hydrogen deflagrations for homogeneous mixtures in a 20-foot ISO container. International Conference on Hydrogen Safety: ICHS 2017, Hamburg, Germany, 11-13 Sept 2017 Thorpe, A. and Pabby, S. Effectiveness of oil mist detectors in relation to oil mist droplet size and concentration. IChemE Hazards 27 Birmingham, UK, 10-12 May 2017, Paper 21, Documents/Subject%20Groups/ Safety_Loss_Prevention/Hazards%20 Archive/XXVII/XXVII-Paper-21.pdf Tolias, I., et al ID233, Best practice in numerical simulation and CFD benchmarking. Results from the Susana Project. International Conference on Hydrogen Safety 2017. ICHS 2017, Hamburg, Germany, 11-13 Sept 2017 Wardman, M., Wilday, J. and Cusco, L. Development of the Singapore QRA Guidelines. IChemE Hazards 27 Birmingham, UK, 10-12 May 2017, Paper 54, media/Documents/Conferences/ Hazards%2027/Presentations/ Friday/1055%20WARDMAN.pdf

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Published conference abstracts and posters Atkinson, R. Control of respirable crystalline silica in construction work. OH2017, Harrogate. UK, 24-27 April 2017, Session-8b-Atkinson-26.04.17-11.20.pdf Barber, C., Late breaking abstract - Farmer’s lung disease in a cohort of British Agricultural Workers. ERS : European Respiratory Society International Congress 2017, 9-13 September 2017, 1216 Baldwin, P., Crook, B. and Hall, S. Improving international health risk control. OH2017, Harrogate, UK, 24-27 April 2017, http://www. Baldwin, P. and Jones, K. Methods to assess diesel engine emission (DEEE) exposure. IPXII : Inhaled Particles XII, Glasgow, UK, 2527 September 2017, https://ipxii. sites/47/2017/10/Peter-E-J-Baldwin-.pdf

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

Bradshaw, L. P225 Personal perception and impact of work aggravated asthma. Thorax, 2017, 72, A206, thoraxjnl-2017-210983.367

Clayton, M. Improving the quality of respiratory fit testing. OH2017, Harrogate. UK, 24-27 April 2017, http:// Session-15a-Clayton-NEW-1.pdf

Chaplin, Z. et al Modelling flammable chemical major hazards using DRIFT 3 dispersion model. IChemE Hazards 27, Birmingham, UK, 10-12 May 2017, Posters 2, Documents/Subject%20Groups/ Safety_Loss_Prevention/Hazards%20 Archive/XXVII/XXVII-Poster-02.pdf

Cummings, K. et al Occupational contribution to idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine: ATS 2017, American Thoracic Society 2017 International Conference, Washington, USA, 1924 May 2017, May 2017, A7009

Chen, Y., Fishwick, D. and Curran, A. 0433 Towards an ideal national work-related ill health surveillance system in Great Britain. Occupational & Environmental Medicine: Eliminating Occupational Disease: Translating Research into Action, EPIOCH 2017 28-31 August 2017, Edinburgh, UK, Aug. 2017, A137, http://dx.doi. org/10.1136/oemed-2017-104636.358 Clayton, M. Future RPE standards - changes and challenges. OH2017, Harrogate, UK, 24-27 April 2017, http://www.oh-2018. com/files/2017/05/Session-4bClayton-25.04.17-14.00-NEW.pdf

De Matteis, S. et al 0024 The occupations at increased COPD risk in the large population-based UK biobank cohort. Occupational & Environmental Medicine: Eliminating Occupational Disease: Translating Research into Action, EPIOCH 2017 28-31 August 2017, Edinburgh, UK, Aug. 2017, 74(Suppl 1), A114, http://dx.doi. org/10.1136/oemed-2017-104636.14 Gibson, M. Asbestos analysts inspection programme 2014/2015. OH2017, Harrogate. UK, 24-27 April 2017, Session-7a-Gibson-26.04.17-09.45.pdf

Griffin, P. Fit testing guidance. OH2017, Harrogate, UK, 24-27 April 2017, http:// Session-4b-Griffin-25.04.17-2pm.pdf

Smith, G. Galvanising: health risks and assessment. OH2017, Harrogate. UK, 24-27 April 2017,

Hall, S. An assessment of occupational exposure to metal powders used for additive manufacturing (AM). OH2017, Harrogate. UK, 24-27 April 2017

Stacey, P. How much wood is in that dust? the determination of wood in construction dusts. OH2017, Harrogate. UK, 24-27 April 2017,

Hutchings, S. et al 0365 Estimation of the burden of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease due to occupation in Great Britain. Occupational & Environmental Medicine: Eliminating Occupational Disease: Translating Research into Action, EPIOCH 2017 28-31 August 2017, Edinburgh, UK, Aug. 2017, 74(Suppl 1), A5, http://dx.doi. org/10.1136/oemed-2017-104636.300 Keen, C., Beattie, H. and Gyte, A. Dust exposure associated with industrial cleaning activities. OH2017, Harrogate. UK, 24-27 April 2017, Rajan, B. Applying exposure intelligence - new ways of thinking for a better return on investment. OH2017, Harrogate. UK, 24-27 April 2017, http://www.oh-2018. com/oh2017-presentations/

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Stacey, P. A miniature sampler for in-mask workplace measurements: first pilot test and site visit experiences. OH2017, Harrogate. UK, 24-27 April 2017, http://www.oh-2018. com/oh2017-presentations/ Wiggans, R. et al S105 Respiratory symptoms, lung function and sensitisation across different exposure groups of British woodworkers. Thorax. Winter BTS 2017, Queen Elizabeth II Centre, London, UK, 6-8 Dec 2017, A63-A64, http://dx.doi. org/10.1136/thoraxjnl-2017-210983.111

HSE Annual Science Review 2018

Trade and professional

Book chapters

Bishop, B. Editorial: Building a culture of evaluation. The Evaluator, 2017, 3-4

BELL, N., Factors influencing the implementation of RPE programs in the workplace. In: Handbook of Respiratory Protection: Safeguarding against current and emerging hazards, edited by L. Racz, D. Yamamoto, & R. Eninger, CRC Press, 2017, Chapter 8.

Clayton, M. Focus on PPE: breathe easy with RPE. Health and Safety at Work, 2017, https://www. Codling, A. and Fox, D. Current practices in noise health surveillance. Occupational Health at Work, 2017, 14(2), 31-35 Coldrick, S. Development of a model evaluation protocol for hydrogen applications. FABIG Newsletter, 70, 2017, 26-31

Reports written for other organisations WHO guidelines on protecting workers from potential risks of manufactured nanomaterial. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2017, ISBN 9789241550048 tream/10665/259671/1/9789241550048eng.pdf Pitts, P., et al Hand-arm vibration: exposure to isolated and repeated shock vibrations - Review of the International Expert Workshop 2015 in Beijing (IFA Report 5/2017e). Berlin, Germany, DGUV, 2017, ISBN 978-3864231988 http://www.dguv. de/medien/ifa/en/pub/rep/ pdf/reports-2017/rep0517e.pdf

Goff, R. What to do about creeping change? The Chemical Engineer, 2017, 917

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Annual Science Review 2018 Our scientists, engineers, physicians and analysts use their extensive expertise, knowledge and capability to make a positive impact on the working world. This review uses case studies to describe the contribution their work makes to helping Great Britain work well.