On-water camp: This camp will comprise of 2-3 rows per day, daily video review, technical presentations, and on-site the
March 14th to 18th, 2011
Brock University Rowing presents a NEW HIGH PERFORMANCE OPPORTUNITY for Secondary School Rowers
March Break Rowing Camp Feature Coaches
A rowing camp for Secondary School athletes preparing for the spring secondary school racing season and want a jump-start to their season!
Peter Somerwil, Head Coach Brock Rowing. Any Secondary School student World Champion Rower and multiple award winning with at least 1 season of on-water coach. rowing experience (spring, sumRon ‘Swede’ Burak, Lightweight Women’s Varsity Coach for Brock. Olympian and Championship rower. Ontario University Athletics Rowing Women’s Coach of the Year 2009.
mer, or fall) is invited to sign-up for Brock University Rowing’s newest high performance opportunity—a March Break training camp.
On-water camp: This camp will comprise of 2-3 rows per day, daily video review, technical presentations, and on-site therapy.
On-land camp: Don’t be discouraged by frozen water. The on-land camp is deThe camp is scheduled from signed as a high-performance asMonday March 14th Steffan Wagner, Heavysessment and tune-up opportunity. weight Men’s Varsity Coach to Friday March 18th, 2011. The camp will comprise of a physfor Brock. Ontario Universiical (optional blood lactate testing) Brock Lightweight Men’s 4+, ty Athletics Men’s Rowing undefeated since 2009. and technical assessment, strength The camp is planned to take place Coach of the Year 2008. snacks each camper will receive a on-water at Martindale Pond from conditioning modules, intense core Michelle Head, Brock VarsiDVD with their camp video, traintraining, video review and on-site ty Graduate. Canadian and the Brock University Boathouse, ing t-shirt and weekend BBQ. therapy. Get ready for a tough unless the water is still iced over. Ontario University Rowing With expertise from Brock’s Varcamp and the best preparation Champion, 9 x Canadian If the water is iced, then the camp Henley Champion, 5 x sity coaching staff, as well as interbefore hitting the water. will be land-based at Brock UniverCSSRA Champion, as coxaction with Brock’s Varisty athsity in the Leo LeBlanc Rowing On-water or On-land each camp swain and rower. letes this camp will get you ready Centre and classrooms on-campus. will have a coach to athlete ratio of for a great year of rowing! 1:6. As well as in-between row
Jake Martens, Fastest Time Trial Canadian University Championships
How to REGISTER for the camp! 1. To register and pay for the Brock University March Break Rowing Camp visit: www.RegattaCentral.com Click on: camps & clinics tab Find: Brock Rowing Camps
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2. If a camper wishes to complete the blood lactate testing and/or the BodPod testing component of the camp (recommended for accurate physical assessment), the letters of consent below must be printed and filled out by a parent/guardian. The letter(s) of consent, filled out, must accompany the camper on the first day of camp for the camper to participate in the physical assessment. 1 of 4
Informed consent form (page 1 of 2) This is an informed consent form for your son/daughter completing a physical assessment at the Brock University March Break Rowing Camp. There are two consents below and on the next page, you can choose to consent to either one, both, or neither. Informed consent for participation in a BodPod Scanning. The BodPod is a non-invasive body composition machine used to measure body fat %, avg. calories consumed/day, and lung-capacity. The Brock University Rowing team uses this machine regularly to help athletes set and monitor nutritional goals. Potential issues - The BodPod measurement takes place in a small ‘pod’ that the participant sits in (with a window), some find the enclosed space uncomfortable. The BodPod requires the participant to wear a unisuit to take accurate measurements. Confidentiality - The BodPod stores data for retrieval at a later date. It is owned by the Dept. of Kinesiology of Brock University. The database can be accessed by the Professor who runs the lab and any assistant. The results will be printed and reviewed with a Brock University Coach. No other printed record will be made. Results will not be used in any other way. Results will remain confidential between the reviewing coach and the camper. The printed record will be put into the campers end of week folder to take home. Voluntary participation - Participation in the BodPod measurement is completely voluntary. If you wish, you may decline to participate. Further, you may decide to withdraw from the BodPod after this form is submitted at any time without penalty. Contact Information - If you have any questions, contact Peter Somerwil at 905-688-5550 x 4105. Informed consent for the BodPod measurement. I ________________________ have read the above information and understand any risks involved in partici Parent/Guardian name
pation in the BodPod. I give permission for _______________________ to participate in the BodPod meas Camp participant’s name
urement at the Brock University March Break Rowing Camp 2011. ___________________________ Parent/Gurdian Signature
___________________ Date
If participating, form is due on the first day of camp. 2 of 4
Informed consent form (page 2 of 2) Informed consent for participation in a Blood Lactate Test. Blood Lactate measurement is used by sport scientists, coaches and athletes to accurately determine Heart Rate training zones, recovery, and ergometer training intensities. Lactate is a metabolic product that can be measured by taking a drop of blood at a finger tip the same way diabetics monitor their blood sugar level. The blood lactate level increases with exercise intensity and shows clearly the transition from aerobic to anaerobic activity. Since the measurement is completely individual it gives a precise method for testing and monitoring training intensity and recovery. Blood Lactate Testing is used by Rowing Canada High Performace, RowOntario, and Brock University Rowing (for its high performance athletes) to help determine training intensities. The test is comprised of 4 ergometer bouts of 7 minutes at increasing intensities. Immediately after each ergometer test a small (micor) blood sample is taken and analysed (much like in a diabetic’s blood sugar test). Potential riskes - A blood lactate test requires a small (micro) sample of blood to be taken immediately after each erg test is completed. The potential for blood infection from breaking the skin is present in a lactate test. To mitigate this risk the testing area is controlled and monitored, a new sterilized needle is used for every sample. Confidentiality - Results from the lactate test will be reviewed by a the lab technician and a Brock University Coach with the camper. Results will not be used in any other way. Results will remain confidential between the reviewing coach, lab technician, and the camper. The results will be included in the campers end of week folder to take home. Voluntary participation - Participation in the Blood Lactate Test is completely voluntary. If you wish, you may decline to participate. Further, you may decide to withdraw from the Blood Lactate Test after this form is submitted at any time without penalty. To help determine training intensities previous ergometer tests and training can be substituted for the Blood Lactate Test, but will be less accurate. Contact Information - If you have any questions, contact Peter Somerwil at 905-688-5550 x 4105. Informed consent for the Blood Lactate Test. I ________________________ have read the above information and understand any risks involved in partici Parent/Guardian name
pation in the Blood Lactate Test. I give permission for _______________________ to participate in the Camp participant’s name
Blood Lactate Test at the Brock University March Break Rowing Camp 2011. ___________________________ Parent/Gurdian Signature
___________________ Date
If participating, form is due on the first day of camp. 3 of 4
Friday, March 11th campers and parents will be notified through email and by Parent/Guardian phone # provided, whether the camp is on-water or on-land.
Lunch is not provided, campers are expected to bring a lunch. Two snacks are provided (1 in the morning, 1 in the afternoon).
Don’t forget your letter(s) of consent if you wish to participate in the BodPod or Blood Lactate Testing.
Rowing splash jacket Pogies Sunglasses Mittens/Gloves Toque (2) Long-sleeve training top (3) Short-sleeve training top (3) Long tights (3) Unisuit (1) Waterbottle (1) Warm off water clothing Towel Change of shoes Lunch
This list is a suggestion. Rowing in the spring can be cold, but once you get moving on-water an athlete usually doesn’t feel the cold because of their body heat. Dry clothing is a must to stay warm, because we row multiple times a day, lots of clothing is suggested!
Long-sleeve training top (1) Short-sleeve training top (3) Short tights or Unisuits (3) Waterbottle (1) Casual clothing for presentations Towel and soap
Lunch Training shoes
This list is a suggestion. Rowing at an indoor camp can get intense. Cleanliness is a priority to avoid illness. There are change rooms and showering facilities, as well as day-lockers (must bring own lock).
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