Jan 1, 2015 - IBIS 40 Laser cut Trainer kit. Hangar 9 .... January 1st. Unfortunately, Mother Nature did not see it that
January 2015
MARCS SPARKS Monthly News Madison Area Radio Control Society Madison, Wisconsin AMA Charter #665
Next Club Events
MARCS Meeting Thursday, January 8th, 7:00 p.m. Spartan Pizza, 5813 Main St., McFarland, WI 53558 (6088388511).
The MARCS’ meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month at:
MADISON LABOR TEMPLE 1602 South Park St. Madison, WI. 7:00pm Room 201B
Dawn Patrol Breakfast Thursday, January 15th, 8:30 a.m. at Elie’s Restaurant on Monona Drive.
MARCS Meeting Thursday, February 5th, 7:00 p.m. at the Madison Labor Temple.
Visitors are always welcome. We think we have a great Hobby and we invite you to come and see, and consider joining us.
Next Meeting Program
Club Officers
Show and Tell
Dave Rush
[email protected]
If you are willing to share an RC Topic at a meeting, please email me at
[email protected] and let me know.
Vice President
Dan Sutter
Brad Witt
Raffle Prizes for Next Meeting: IBIS 40 Laser cut Trainer kit Hangar 9 Digital Mini Tach Choice of servo Hobby Horse License Plate Holder
[email protected]
[email protected]
Chris Hinrichs
[email protected]
Flight Instruction
Rich Johnston
Otto Oie
Safety Officer
Lester Thorp
Jim O’Keane
For the latest info, check the club website www.marcswi.org.
January 2015
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE by Dave Rush Wishing you all a happy and safe Holiday Season!!! Remember our January meeting is on the 8th and at Spartan Pizza 5813 Main St., McFarland, WI 53558. Please see the articles below on the New Year’s Day Fly and the Old Field Work Day. Due to illness, my December 23rd meeting with the Park Superintendent was cancelled. I will email after we meet so you know what is going on and where we are at. There is a link at the MARCS website to a video of the proposed site as well as the diagram of what we hope to do. I do have a concern for our club as I have heard rumblings of people deciding to not join the club this year. If this is due to not having a flying space yet, I am concerned as a drop off in numbers may have a negative impact on the City’s perception of justifying the space for us to fly. Please consider staying with the club, we need lots of members. If we are fortunate enough to get permission to develop this space, there will be lots of work to do and more workers will help us get flying sooner!
DECEMBER 4th GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING MINUTES by Brad Witt Welcome 7:10 President Dave Rush New Members: Joel Redman, and Angelo from Rockford. Minutes of November 2014 meeting approved by Motion of Bob Stowell and second by Ray Walsh. Welcome new officer Brad Witt Secretary and Eric Anderson Board. Met with Park Secretary and will meet at EOM and need time line and a tree removal map for the wetland. Jim O’Keane will put picture of proposed field on website and youtube video link. Possible dog park between us and the interstate in the future. Field lock will be replaced and removed January 2nd. New Year's EMail to members for event if conditions good, possible Green Lantern basement use and fly off ice and Dave will check, if field used no facilities or heat or food. SWAP meet will be discussed in January.
January 2015
DECEMBER 4th GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING MINUTES continued Sun Prairie HS ElectricFly December 7th 8AMnoon 6 oz or less. Jim B from Hobby Horse donated a Champ and Horizon has a dealsee show and tell. January meeting will be on Thursday, January 8th at Spartan Pizza 5813 Main St McFarland 8388511. Take Farwell east from Hwy 51 to Main St. Show & Tell: See separate section below. Raffle winners: Bob King Airplane, Dan Sutter Servo, Ed McDonald Servo.
Illustrations of the proposed new field
Airplane raffle prize
January 2015
Show and Tell at the December meeting
Dave Rush: Horizon Hobby Sport Cub S 24.3" 2 oz RTF $129 BNF $99 not counting $15 coupon at store. One cell 150 has panic/safe system.
Wendell Hottman: Rearwin Speedster 6000 36" easy built kit 8.5 oz 2 cell battery. motor, esc and kit from Dave Rush. Rubber kit with added epower & ailerons. Nelson litefilm covering with super 'Phatic Glue from Deluxe Materials from England available at Hobby Horse.
Field Work Day Thanks to the following people who helped out at the field work day! Hopefully you all signed in!! Harley N, Brad W, Lindley W, Justin B, Bill M, Wendell H, Fred S., Chris H., Ed B, Ed M, Dick B, Bill K., John T, Paul O, Scott S, Hubi S, Todd G, Roger Z, Eric A, Mark F, Mike A., Lester T, Gary G and Alex M. A special thanks to Eric Anderson who got the equipment so we could actually move the sheds!
January 2015
New Years Day Fly Dave Rush ● ● ● ● ●
When: 8:30 AM (sharp!) until 10:30 AM, January 1st 2015 Where: Sun Prairie High School Field House, 888 Grove St, Sun Prairie, WI 53590 What: Electric or rubber powered models, under 6 oz. Who: MARCS members only RSVP:
[email protected]
So I have been watching the weather hoping that we might get one of these nice 40 degree days on January 1st. Unfortunately, Mother Nature did not see it that way and is calling for a high of 16 and 10 mph wind. With no shelter no thanks! I decided to contact the school district office in Sun Prairie figuring, if I didn't ask, they couldn't say no. I explained our situation and that many of us were helping kids learn to fly. Wahoo! They have given me permission to have an indoor fly on New Years Day from 8:30 AM until 10:30 AM! I figured to stop at 10:30 so people can get to Badger game parties or home to watch the game. As it is vacation, the alarms will be on and so entering the building will be a little tricky as there is only a 30 second window when we go in and when we exit, we have to use the same door or we will setoff the school alarm. I know that many of you do not have any indoor planes to fly, but I have 3 champs, a Super Cub S and a variety of other planes that I will let people fly. I am also going to try to zap out one or two aerobatic foamies for those of you that want to do some tricks! We might even do a little streamer combat depending on how many people respond. I know we won't have the traditional Chili, but I thought afterwards we could maybe go somewhere for lunch. The Nitty Gritty is close, but that may be packed for the Badger Game. If you wish to charge batteries, remember to bring your charger (and power supply) as well as a power strip since the number of outlets is limited. I will open the door at 8:30 so please be on time. If you are late you will have to call my cell phone, so please be on time! Please email me at
[email protected] if you think you might attend on New Year’s Day. No charge for the New Years Day Event. We enter at door 16 which is on the back side of the building. Turn in at the stoplight, go to the back of the building and turn left when you come to the T. Door 16 is back there kind of hidden. Park back there as well. Remember 6 oz max. auw. Also no food or drink in the field house. Come watch if you don't want to fly.
Additional Indoor Flying Dates ● Sunday, December 28th from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. ● Sunday, January 4th 7:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. Remember 6 oz max. auw. and $10.00 donation for the school aviation club plane(s).
January 2015
Alan Scidmore March 11, 1927 December 17, 2014
Al was one of the charter members of our MARCS Club as well as being a very influential leader and educator with the glider flyers of the club. I have been reading emails from the glider group and it is very obvious that Al gave selflessly of his time and energy getting others involved in the hobby and challenging them to fly better. I have put my remembrance of Al as well as a note from John Lusk with the background and thoughts about Alan. From Dave Rush I still remember the first time I talked with him at MARCS very early after I had started flying. I had purchased a foam glider from Diamond Hobby at Toledo. Not scale but looked kind of like my Ka8. I had it there for show and tell and was talking about my test flight and how I didn't have a high start or anyone to tow me so I put 25 #64 rubber bands together with 10' of kite string attached to that so I could fly it He grinned at me with approval. I can still see the smile on his face as I was talking with him and getting suggestions about my new glider later with him at the meeting. From John Lusk Al and I started flying gliders in the early 70's along with 1/2A pattern aircraft which morphed into 1/2A pylon racing. Al and I and a few other club members, Ralph B. and Frank and others, raced each other. Al made a set of rules for for 1/2A racing and we started the WILLI circuit (Wisconsin and Illinois) and we had races all over Wisconsin and at Rockford IL. In the mid to late 70's we started flying sailplanes and hit all the contests in WI and IL. At one of our first contests we didn't place too well. Al said, “We can beat those turkeys”, and we did. Al brought home more than his fair share of trophies. Al along with Carl Mohs and some other MARCS members went to the AMA NATS a number of times and Al brought home a few more trophies. For the last 8 to 10 years he didn't go to many contests, but was happy designing and building DLG gliders which we flew at the Town of Westport soccer field. At the end of the 2013 season Al was full of health but started going downhill over the late winter and spring. He will be missed.
January 2015
Dawn Patrol Breakfast Thursday January 15th 8:30 am Elie’s Restaurant 4102 Monona Drive Monona, Wisconsin The purpose of the gathering is social only. Now that it is colder and windier many people are not flying and this is a way to keep in touch with each other. No RSVP is needed. Simply show up at the time and place above. For those of you not familiar with the restaurant it is in the Lake Edge Shopping Center on the corner of Monona Drive and Buckeye Road. This is the same restaurant as last year. Hope to see you there.
Dr. Roger Zimmerman
Buy, Sell, or Trade: No advertisements this month
Please note, ads in MARCS SPARKS are free, and for members only.
DUES AND EARLY PAYMENT DISCOUNT REMINDER: Dues may be paid anytime. Soon is great! Helps your club plan and function. Don’t forget adult dues for new or renewing members are only $55 if paid before the first of the year. That’s a $5 savings. Editor
January 2015
Board of Directors Meetings
These meetings are held on the same evening as the monthly General Membership meeting, at 6:30 p.m. just before the General Meeting.
Annual Membership Dues
Board of Directors meeting: 6:30~7:00pm General Membership meeting: 7:00~9:00pm
Both meetings are held in room: 201B. Club members are welcome to come and observe the meeting. A Club member may have the floor by being recognized by the Chairperson. Input and/or opinions must be brief and to the point, as the overall meeting time is limited.
January Meeting Agenda: ● ● ● ●
New Field update Ideas for meeting programs Fundraisers Swap Meet
Regular membership Junior membership Park Pilot membership Family membership Flying Associate Membership
$60.00 $25.00 $25.00 $20.00 $20.00
NonFlying Associate membership $10.00 All applicants for a MARCS membership must show proof of their AMA membership at that time. For more information on joining MARCS, please contact our club treasurer at a club meeting or email him at:
[email protected].
MARCS Event Schedule
New Years Day Fly
Sun Prairie High School See article above
January Club Meeting
January 8, 2015, 7:00 p.m. Spartan Pizza, 5813 Main St., McFarland, WI 53558. (6088388511)
Dawn Patrol Breakfast
January 15, 2015, 8:30 a.m. at Elie’s Restaurant in Monona
February Club Meeting
February 5th, 7:00 p.m., at the Madison Labor Temple
Submit Your Articles Our newsletter can always be improved by your articles and advertisements. Have you been up to something fun related to R/C? Like to share with other members? Have pictures to share, something to sell, or that you are looking to buy? Please send items to
[email protected].