Attempt to cough and sneeze into a tissue, then throw it away, and wash your hands thereafter. Please keep student home
Dear Jefferson Families, Our United Way drive was a HUGE success!!! As a school community we collected $9,141!! This is the highest donation we have ever raised!! Thank you for your support of this very worthy cause. As the weather turns cooler, please ensure your child is dressed appropriately. The students go outside for recess unless the temperature or wind chill are under 32 degrees. It’s helpful if coats, hats, scarves and gloves are labeled with a student’s name. This time of year, our Lost & Found tends to fill up quickly with items not labeled. There will be no school on Wednesday, October 18-20 for Fall Break. Enjoy this time with your family. Monday, October 30 is a professional day for our teachers. There will be no school on this day as well. Sincerely, Kim Rampey, Principal
Make sure to check out our posts on Facebook! Like our posts, share our post, tell your friends! We want to improve our social media presence and show all of our Facebook friends all of the great things going on at Jefferson!
"Mark your Calendars! Jefferson PTA’s First Fall Carnival Friday, October 27th Join us for an evening of Family Fun! More Details to come soon!"
Each month we will introduce you to a few of our Superstar staff members! This month is our amazing Kindergarten teachers! Pictured from left to right Mrs. Otto, Mrs. Jenkins, Mrs. Finch, Mrs. Hyde
Years Teaching: Years At Union: Other Places Taught: College:
Mrs. Finch 6 Certified 5 Non-Certified 6 Bixby University of Oklahoma
Years Teaching: Years At Union:
Mrs. Jenkins 7 7
Other Places Taught:
Only At Union
Oklahoma State University
Mrs. Hyde 10 7 Cornerstone Learning Center University of Tulsa Mrs. Otto 19 19 as a teacher K-12 as a student Only at Union Oklahoma Baptist Northeastern State Langston Oklahoma State– Masters
Our September Catch the Dream winner is Mrs. Otto. She was nominated by her student Mia Webster.
Dear Parents and Guardians School has gotten off to a great start! I started my bully prevention guidance lessons with Pre-K through 5th grades and will teach cyberbully prevention/cyber-safety lessons with kindergarten-5th grades on Oct. 14th during specials. The lessons for kindergarten through 5th grade all take place during students’ specials time, thanks to the collaboration of Jefferson’s wonderful specials teachers. The curriculum I use teaches students that any type of hurtful behavior is not o.k. and they practice how to handle situations appropriately when someone is being hurtful to them. This includes: when they should ignore and walk away; how to assertively but respectfully stand up for themselves; and what incidents need to be reported to an adult. Our staff’s philosophy is that “if it’s mean, intervene”, but we don’t always see or hear the hurtful behavior and can’t help students if they don’t report to our staff hurtful behavior that reoccurs in spite of their attempts to stop it- including bullying via technology like Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, texting, etc. that carries over into school. Please support us in our goal of keeping Jefferson a “Bully Free Zone!” Visit for more information and resources. For resources on cyber safety and cyber bullying prevention go to: or There are a lot of fun videos, games and books on these sites! Red Ribbon Week is October 23th through October 27th this year. I will teach developmentally appropriate drug prevention lessons to each grade level during the specials rotation and with Pre-K in their classroom. We will also have a “Bully Free! Drug Free! Assembly that week to wrap up all of these lessons and will have students from Union High School’s U-Hype crew dressed as Super Heroes join us again this year for a fun, interactive and educational skit. Here’s the schedule of each day’s theme for red ribbon week: Monday, Oct. 23rd- “Good Character, Good Choices- Drug & Bully Free!” Wear clothing with emojis or happy faces that match the red ribbons each student will receive! Tuesday, Oct. 24th- “My Future is Bright Drug and Bully Free!” Wear your favorite college shirt! Wed, Oct. 25th- “Staying Drug & Bully Free is No Sweat!” Wear your favorite sweats! Thursday, Oct. 26th- “Real Heroes Don’t Bully or Do Drugs!” Wear your favorite super hero shirt! (NO COSTUMES PLEASE) Friday, Oct. 27th- “Team Up Against Drugs and Bullying!” Wear your school spirit shirts or favorite team jerseys! The Gotcha Store is also open! Students in kindergarten- 5th grades earn “Gotchas” for being respectful, responsible and safe around the school and can spend them at our store to buy: school supplies, backpacks, stuffed animals, games, t-shirts, posters, and passes to participate in special activities and “Gotcha Gathering” event each quarter. Please consider donating new or gently used Union or sport team shirts, stuffed animals, toys and knick-knacks- we have a small budget (thanks to our wonderful PTA) but are always in need of donations. A special thank you to the Khechen and Frasier families for your continuous donations! Please feel free to contact me with questions or suggestions. Thank you! Bobbie Fields, LPC Jefferson School Counselor (918) 357-6677
Nurse Hamilton’s Fall Health Reminders Happy Fall Jefferson families! It has been an exciting first few months school! Here are a few reminders as we head into the fall season! Dress for the weather: Mornings at the bus stop are often cold while later it can be quite warm at recess. Dressing in layers will enable your child to be warm and comfortable with our ever changing Oklahoma Weather. Viruses and Germs Viruses and germs are everywhere. Please encourage your child to wash their hands often using soap and water. This can be done by applying the soap, using friction while scrubbing hands with water, and washing for at least 20 seconds, rinsing with water and drying hands thoroughly with a clean paper towel. Hand sanitizers can also be used but are not a substitute to washing your hands when they are soiled. We try to keep these hand sanitizers in each of our classrooms for the children to use. These strategies are effective in order to reduce the risks of getting sick and spreading germs. Attempt to cough and sneeze into a tissue, then throw it away, and wash your hands thereafter. Please keep student home for fever over 100 or vomiting to help control the spread of germs. Also if your child just doesn’t seem themselves, sleepy (due to illness) or coughing excessively. The weather is getting colder and with that comes cold and flu season. Here are a few tips on staying healthy:
Get a least 8 hours of sleep each night
Eat a good breakfast
Take medicine if needed for colds and other aches before school
Wear warm clothes/bring coats
Wash hands before eating, after using the bathroom, and after coughing or blowing your nose
Cough into your elbow or tissue (not your hands)
Health Event Calendar
October 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Vizavance (previously Prevent Blindness Oklahoma) will be conducting vision screening for our students. We will also be doing our annual hearing screening at this time. Parents, please contact PTA if you would like to volunteer to help monitor students who are waiting to be screened. If you do not want your child to participate in this please contact me.
* November 3rd - Hygiene class for 3rd and 4th grade presented by THD -Growth and Development for 5th Grade presented by THD, permission forms will go out the last week of October – Don’t Bug me Presentation by THD
A Healthy Body = A Healthy Mind Nurse Hamilton
[email protected] 918-357-6687
GYM NEWS Here at Thomas Jefferson I encourage your child to have fun and enjoy Physical Education. They are always encouraged to participate to the best of their ability in a wide variety of activities. At the elementary level, certain skills are taught so that students will be able to pursue competitive sports as well as lifetime sports. There are several reasons exercise should be a part of your everyday life. Some of the reasons might surprise you.
Fact of the month: Exercise is good for your lungs- Our lungs work like a large train station, sending oxygen into your blood and sending carbon dioxide produced when the blood comes back on its way out of your body. Exercise increases your body’s ability to use oxygen most efficiently. Increasing the speed at which a train or oxygenated blood moves. When you exercise, you will most likely start to find it easier to do everyday chores and movements that once left you feeling out of breath. An example would be climbing stairs or carrying something heavy. What are some of the different kind of exercises you can do? Walk Swim Yoga Dancing Baseball Softball Volleyball Basketball Tennis Bike Riding Skate Boarding Soccer Stretching Cheer Football Track Wrestling Martial Arts-Karate or Judo Roller Skating Running Name Four different types of exercise you like to do. Make sure you check out the Tower Garden in the Library we are growing different types of flowers. Last Jefferson Miler’ November 1 (3:10-3:40). Tulsa Zoo Run Saturday, October 7. OST-Drumtastic 3:30-4:30. Sincerely, Coach Irick (
[email protected])
Autumn has arrived and we’ve got the beat in music! Students are practicing moving to the steady beat. We pretended to be a car, ‘driving’ forward when the drum plays high and ‘reversing’ when the drum plays low. Everyone used their ‘rearview mirrors’ to avoid a car wreck and they were careful not to speed because they might get a ticket. The classes also practiced the beat by playing instruments and by passing stuffed animals during a circle game. Jefferson Jazz choir is having fun learning some patriotic songs for Veterans Day. We are excited to show everyone our brand new T-shirt design when we perform at the assembly on November 10th! Does your child know how to sing the “Jefferson Song” and the “I Am a Super Hero” song? Song lyrics are a great way to increase a student’s vocabulary. Some new words we’ve discussed are ‘strife’, ‘unity’, ‘dawn’, ‘twilight’, ‘broad’ and ‘streaming’.
Enjoy seeing the colorful leaves, drinking the delicious cider, and hugging your favorite little ‘pumpkin. Have a great fall, y’all! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Uncle Sam and Jefferson Jazz Choir want YOU to be a choir parent! If you can help once a week on Thursday morning, that would be fantastic. But, if you can only help occasionally, that would terrific, too. Helpers are needed for these projects: 1)Printing choir members’ names on an attendance chart 2) Measuring the heights of the children so they can be placed in height order 3) Printing choir names on a large index card cut in half for taking attendance. Please contact Ms. D. at
[email protected] or 918-812-4503. Thanks!
Support Reading at Home Parents play an important role in helping their child to learn to read. Recent studies show that the right kind of help and support from parents is beneficial to children. Here are some suggestions on how to encourage reading at home: *Take time to talk with your child. Before being able to read, children must know and use good basic vocabulary. Encourage your child to express opinions, ask questions, and make decisions. *Help your child enjoy books by providing books at home. Make a trip together to visit your local public library to find books on subjects that interest your child.
*Share books with your child. Reading to your child or reading together is an excellent way of helping to develop your child’s understanding, speech, listening, concentration, and observation skills, which are all important part of the reading process. *Set an example. If a child sees a parent enjoying reading books themselves and referring to books for information, a child is much more likely to think of books and reading as enjoyable and useful. Enjoy a book with your child today! Lisa Harper