Market Value Creations (Kreasi Pemasaran)

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utility vehicle (SUV) market, AMC began development of a new model, that later came out as the Jeep Grand Cherokee. Pertemuan_1 Market Value Creations ...
Dr. I Gusti Bagus Rai Utama, SE., MA.

Pertemuan_1 Market Value Creations

Persaingan semakin ketat  Konsumen semakin pintar  Orientasi Kepuasan Pelanggan  Mempertahankan Loyalitas Pelanggan  Kelangsungan Hidup Perusahaan 

Pertemuan_1 Market Value Creations

Pertemuan_1 Market Value Creations

product lifecycle management (PLM) adalah proses pengelolaan seluruh siklus produk dari awal, mulai dari desain dan manufaktur sampai dengan pelayanan konsumen dan pembuangan produk tersebut

The inspiration for the burgeoning business process now known as PLM came from American Motors Corporation (AMC).  The automaker was looking for a way to speed up its product development process to compete better against its larger competitors in 1985, according to François Castaing, Vice President for Product Engineering and Development.  After introducing its compact Jeep Cherokee (XJ), the vehicle that launched the modern sport utility vehicle (SUV) market, AMC began development of a new model, that later came out as the Jeep Grand Cherokee. 

Pertemuan_1 Market Value Creations

The first part in its quest for faster product development was computer-aided design (CAD) software system that make engineers more productive.[4] The second part in this effort was the new communication system that allowed conflicts to be resolved faster,

Pertemuan_1 Market Value Creations

Reduced time to market Increase full price sales Improved product quality and reliability Reduced prototyping costs More accurate and timely request for quote generation  Ability to quickly identify potential sales opportunities and revenue contributions  Savings through the re-use of original data  A framework for product optimization  Reduced waste  Seasonal fluctuation management  Improved forecasting to reduce material costs  Maximize supply chain collaboration     

Pertemuan_1 Market Value Creations

Systems Engineering (SE) Product and Portfolio Management (PPM)  Product Design (PD)  Manufacturing Process Management (MPM)  Product Data Management (PDM)  

Pertemuan_1 Market Value Creations

Systems engineering is focused on meeting all requirements, primary meeting customer needs, and coordinating the systems design process by involving all relevant disciplines.  An important aspect for life cycle management is a subset within Systems Engineering called Reliability Engineering. 

Pertemuan_1 Market Value Creations

Product and portfolio management is focused on managing resource allocation, tracking progress vs. plan for new product development projects that are in process (or in a holding status). Portfolio management is a tool that assists management in tracking progress on new products and making trade-off decisions when allocating scarce resources.

Pertemuan_1 Market Value Creations

 Product design is

the process of creating a new product to be sold by a business to its customers. Pertemuan_1 Market Value Creations

 Manufacturing

process management is a collection of technologies and methods used to define how products are to be manufactured.

Pertemuan_1 Market Value Creations

Product data management is focused on capturing and maintaining information on products and/or services through their development and useful life.  Change management is an important part of PDM/PLM. 

Pertemuan_1 Market Value Creations

Conceive Specification Concept design

Design Detailed design Validation and analysis (simulation) Tool design

Realize Plan manufacturing Manufacture Build/Assemble Test (quality check) Service Sell and deliver Use Maintain and support Dispose

Pertemuan_1 Market Value Creations

 Imagine, specify, plan,

innovate Bayangkan, tentukan, rencana, berinovasi

Pertemuan_1 Market Value Creations

 Describe, define, develop, test,

analyze and validate Jelaskan, mendefinisikan, mengembangkan, menguji, menganalisis dan memvalidasi

Pertemuan_1 Market Value Creations

 Manufacture, make, build,

procure, produce, sell and deliver Memproduksi, membuat, membangun, pengadaan, memproduksi, menjual dan mendistribusikan

Pertemuan_1 Market Value Creations

 Use, operate, maintain, support,

sustain, phase-out, retire, recycle and disposal Gunakan, mengoperasikan, memelihara, dukungan, mempertahankan, fase-out, pensiun, mendaur ulang dan pembuangan Pertemuan_1 Market Value Creations

 Communicate,

manage and collaborate Berkomunikasi, mengelola dan berkolaborasi Pertemuan_1 Market Value Creations

 Buat sebuah

Contoh Produk Baru: Suami atau Istri buatan

design Produk apa saja yang belum ada di pasaran saat ini, dan berikan penjelasannya!

Pertemuan_1 Market Value Creations