9 Sep 2013 ... Keegan and Green, Global Marketing, 7th Edition ... evaluating the merits of
international market entry decision and appropriate modes of ...
Marketing 376 Global Marketing Strategy Fall 2013 M & W 1200-1350, GMCS 309; Instructor: Dr. Massoud Saghafi, professor of international marketing, office: SS 3133, Email:
[email protected]; office hours: M & W 1600-1700 and by Appointment. Text:
Keegan and Green, Global Marketing, 7th Edition
Available at CalCopy on August 28
Tests: 1 2&3 Projects 1 2 Participation
% of Final Grade 60% 10% 25% each
30% 10% 20% 10%
Course Objectives The objectives of this course are (1) to provide a broad understanding of marketing discipline in an international setting and to mentor students in thinking globally, (2) to teach a systematic approach in evaluating the merits of international market entry decision and appropriate modes of market entry, (3) to analyze environmental factors that affect international marketing mix variables and (4) to enable students in designing and implementing a viable international marketing strategy.
Students Learning Outcome Students who successfully complete this course will be able to: 1. Identify the differences between marketing at home and marketing in an international environment. 2. Adapt existing business knowledge to satisfy international market entry requirements. 3. Assess and contrast cultural, economic, political, technology and legal differences between home and global markets and across potentially viable international markets. 4. Adapt existing marketing strategy to comply with international market conditions. 5. Conduct international market segmentation, targeting and product positioning in target markets. 6. Decide on pricing, promotion, advertising, distribution, product and other relevant marketing factors that will allow for success in international markets and for stronger competitive positioning in the global marketplace. 7. Develop a set of criteria to continuously monitor international marketing opportunities, to measure marketing success and to determine strategic adjustments.
Course Structure This is a four-unit course. Students should expect 1/3 more work in this course compared with a three-unit course and should plan accordingly. The course requires both individual (70%) and team (30%) efforts. Cases and short readings will be analyzed in teams composed of five students with diverse backgrounds (will be further explained in class). Please team-up quickly. Each team must deliver a one-page case analysis/team summarizing teams’ recommendation (no contribution to grade). Assigned cases and short readings are for class discussion only. Projects will be conducted in (same) teams and require data collection as will be further explained in class. Two projects will be assigned as noted in the approximate organization. Tests will be a combination of multiple-choice (70% weight) and essay (30% weight). Dates & coverage of each test is provided in the syllabus. Please bring a calculator, a scantron form #882 and a dictionary (if needed) to each test. There will be no make-up tests. Missing a test for any reason except for SDSU exceptions, will result in a grade of F for that test. In case of an emergency approved by the student's advisor, a grade of incomplete (I) will be assigned. Participation includes in-class discussion, contribution and being prepared for case discussion. Participation scores will be assigned at the end of the semester based on my judgment. Be prepared to discuss the current global affairs in every meeting. You may not sleep in class! You may not use mobile phones in class to make (receive) calls (or text). Laptops may be used only for MKT376 class purposes. Any of those violations may result in being excused from class & will significantly reduce the student’s participation score. If you need a short personal break to refresh, to communicate on the phone or for any other reason, please take a break. Assignments are due in the first ten minutes of the class meeting. Late delivery for any reason will result in a ten-point downgrade per meeting for that assignment. No handwritten deliverable will be accepted. Grading Each assignment will be graded separately on a 0-100 scale. The following will be used to determine the letter grade for each assignment: A: >91, A-: 90-91, B+: 88-89, B: 82-87, B-: 80-81, C+: 77-79, C: 72-76, C-: 66-71, D: 60-65, D-: 50-59, F: below 50 (= “0” points). Test scores and grades will not be "curved."
Guidelines for Deliverables A. The One-Page Case Write-ups Use item 1 below to prepare. Names of all team members must appear on the top of the page. B. Projects 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Use font 12, one inch margin on all sides and double-space the text. Maximum 10 pages excluding the cover page, tables, charts, graphs, figures, citations. All attachments (item 2 above) should be placed at the end of the paper in an appendix. Use headings (introduction, result, Russia, culture…) when writing projects. Each team delivers only one hard copy of the project. Everything must be typed. Cover page should identify the project title, students’ names and the date.
Approximate Course Organization1 Meeting
Aug 26, 28
Orientation & Introduction to International Marketing, State of US & its Competitors in Global Markets, Competitiveness of Nations
Sep 04, 09
International Marketing Philosophies Internal ingredients for success in international markets Due: List of teams members (one copy per team), Project 1 will be assigned
Sep 11
Library resources for International Marketing Research (Ms. Brittany Cronin)
Sep 16
Case 1 Discussion (PCI): each team must turn in a one-page case analysis summary
Ch l Ch 16
Sep 18 Test 1: all materials to this point ______________________________________________________________________________ Sep 23, 25, 30 International Economics & Financial Environments: Exchange Rates, WTO, NAFTA & EU
Ch 2, 3
Oct 02, 07
Ch 5
International Political, Legal and Public Policy Environments
Oct 09, 14, 16 Cultural Environment
Ch 4
Oct 21, 23
Global Market Segmentation, Positioning & Entry Methods Project 1 Due on Oct 23
Ch 7, 9
Oct 28
Test 2: ALL material after test 1
Oct 30 Nov 04, 06
International Branding and Product Strategy, IPLC
Nov 13
Case 2 Discussion (TBA): a one- page summary of case analysis is due per team
Nov 18, 20
International Pricing Strategy
Ch 11
Nov 25, 27 Dec 02
International Distribution Strategy
Ch 12
Dec 04, 09
International Advertising Strategy Project 2 due on Dec 04
Ch 13
Dec 09, 10
Grade status consultation (additional office hours will be announced)
Dec 11
Test 3, ALL material after test 2.
Any changes will be announced at least two weeks in advance.
Ch 10
List of Student Team Members Due: September 09, 2013 Name
1. First
2. First
3. First
4. First
5. First
Undergrad Major
In which How to contact you (email) country did you grow up?