The industrial organisation and the structural change in the characteristics ...
analysis of the structure of tourism related industries and be able to reduce the ...
Marketing management Industrial Organisation of Tourism: Objective, Evaluation and programme of the course Prof. Dr. Peter F. Keller 2012/13
Objective of the course
The course wants to give an insight into the supply of goods and services in the demand driven tourism sector. The industrial organisation and the structural change in the characteristics tourism related industries will be presented. Business strategies for surviving in the competitive tourism environment and corresponding business model are presented and discussed. The students should know the characteristics of tourism related industries. They should understand the innovation and cooperation processes which induce structural change. Furthermore, they should master the analysis of the structure of tourism related industries and be able to reduce the complex reality of companies by designing a business model. The course will be interactive since front teaching will be enriched by discussion of business cases.
Duties of the students
Students should know and be able to apply to tourism related industries and companies the following notions and concepts : -
The new understanding of tourism productivity, the distinction between progressive and stagnant services, the forms of external and internal growth, the analysis of tourism related industries and companies ; the importance of entrepreneurship in the field of tourism, the notion of independent innovator, the specific innovation process in the field of tourism, the role of cooperation, merger and aquisition in the field of tourism ; The role of tour operators, the function of GDS, the business models in the field of civil passenger aviation, the function of the rent a car industry ; The key factors of success of the family hotel industry, the problems of adapting personal to occupancy rate in the field of accommodation, the innovations in the field of fractional ownership ; The characteristics of the cruise ship industry, the role of the ecosystem in the field of cable cars, the key success factors in the cable car industry. Written exam
There will be a written exam with five questions. They will be based on the slides and the explanations of the professor. The reader with texts from the professor gives in-depth information.
A reader with articles for in-depth studies will be provided by the professor.
Chapter 1: The characteristics of tourism related industries and companies The heterogeneity of the demand driven supply, The service and experience dimension, The dual market structure, The productivity problem, Ways to analyse industries and companies Chapter 2: Entrepreneurship, innovation process and cooperation in the field of tourism Entrepreneurship as scarce resource, Innovation as driver of growth in market economies, The characteristics of the innovation process in tourism, Co-operation for implementing innovation in tourism, Promotion of innovation and cooperation as a tool of tourism policy Chapter 3 : Structural change in the outgoing industry Uncertainties in the tour operating sector, GDS as a mature BtoB distribution system, Civil passenger aviation as key industry of global tourism, The difficulties to differentiate car rental services Chapter 4 : Structural change in the incoming industry The hospitality industry as core business of tourism, The problems of the small family hotels in the resorts, The strong hotel chain in cities and emerging countries, The booming leisure real estate in developed, countries, The innovative catering industry Chapter 5: Special interest industries The booming cruise ship industry , The stagnating skiing industry, The railway system as tourism resource Cases : The merger TUI-First Choice, The empire of Expedia, Swiss International Airlines, McDonalds Franchising, Fractional ownership Hapimag, Easy Cruise, Dolomiti Superski, Golden Eagle Express
Biosketch of the teacher
Dr. Peter F. Keller is honorary professor at the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Lausanne (Switzerland). He is visiting professor at the Universities of Lugano, St. Gallen and Chur in Switzerland. He is President of the International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism (AIEST). He is policy adviser for the Center for Entrepreneurship, SME’s and Local Development of OECD and the World Tourism Organization UNWTO. He is also member of the Board of Directors of Switzerland’s National Tourism Office “Switzerland Tourism”. He gives advice to Regional Cantonal) governments of Switzerland. He is member of scientific boards of tourism related institutions. He is invited as guest speaker at different international tourism conferences. Professional career Prof. Keller was for over three decades until 2008 responsible for tourism promotion and tourism policy at Switzerland’s Federal Administration. He was member of the Executive Board of Switzerland’s Tourism
Industry Association. He chaired from 1982 to 1988 and from 1999 to 2007 the Tourism Committee of OECD. He was President of the Commission for Europe of the World Tourism Organization from 1991 to 2005.
Academic career Prof. Keller was for 20 years Director of the Tourism Institute of the Faculty of Business and Economics HEC at the University of Lausanne. He was visiting professor and guest lecturer at different universities of such as Angers (France), Innsbruck (Austria), Poznan (Poland) and Toulouse (France). He was mandated by the Swiss government to conduct special studies on various topics over the years. He was on call as a scientific expert for a number of leading international organizations UNWTO, OECD, UNESCO, UNPAN, Council of Europe. Prof. Keller was organizer and scientific counsellor for Conference cycles such as from 1999-2007 the Summits of Tourism, Chamonix-Mont-Blanc (France) or since 1998 of UNWTO’s World Conferences on Mountain and Snow Tourism, (Principality of Andorra). He chaired and organized more than 40 international conferences on tourism subjects. Winner of Switzerland’s Tourism Price Milestone 2009, Honorary member of Switzerland’s Hotel and Restaurant Association 2008
Bergamo, November 2012