Sciknow Publications Ltd.
JAERD 2014, 2(3):110-122 DOI: 10.12966/jaerd.08.06.2014
Journal of Agriculture Economics and Rural Development ©Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)
Marketing Proclivity, Constraints and Opportunities in the Sorghum Based Stockfeed Value Chain in Lusitu, Zambia Lighton Dube1,*, Joseph P. Musara2, Joyce Bediako2, Vincent T. Munyati3 1
Faculty of Commerce and Law, Zimbabwe Open University, National Office, P.O Box MP 111, Mt Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Africa University, P. O Box 1320, Mutare, Zimbabwe 3 Department of Agricultural Economics, Education and Extension, Bindura University of Science Education, P. Bag 1020, Bindura, Zimbabwe. 2
*Corresponding author (Email:
[email protected])
Abstract - This study unpacks marketing proclivity, constraints and opportunities that exist for farmers in the sorghum based stockfeed value chain (VC) in Lusitu, Zambia. The objectives were to examine factors that influence the farmer’s decision to market their produce and to analyse the marketing constraints and opportunities faced by farmers in the sorghum based stockfeed VC. The study used a combination of data collection mechanisms including questionnaires, semi structured interviews and focus group discussions. Friedman ranking test was used to determine marketing constraints and opportunities. Logit regression modelling determined the factors that influence the farmer’s proclivity to market produce. The major marketing constraints were identified as inefficient extension services and unreliable product markets. Of the 10 variables that had been hypothesised to have an influence on sorghum grain marketing decision, 6 had the expected significant (p