Jan 10, 2017 - member households, affordable credit ... Mobile App: Login on your Android phone or tablet, ... and make
Winter 2017
Clearer. Smarter. Brighter. Better. A Letter from David O. Brock, President/CEO As we enter into another new year, I would like to thank you for your membership in CCU and the trust you have placed in us to provide your financial services. As is typical at this time of year, I was reflecting a bit, and my mind turned to my experiences as a part of the credit union movement. As I look back over the credit unions that I have worked in and the positions I have held, what jumps out at me is the consistancy of purpose.
Credit unions are more than just providers of financial services. They are cooperatives that faithfully serve their members and the communities in which they are located, even as economic conditions and member needs change. We have stayed true to our purpose with the Brevard community for 64 years. Our purpose has never changed: Create value for both our members and our community. But while we are very capable money
managers, it’s not about the money. It’s about helping you succeed. We are a cooperative, owned jointly and equally by the members who use the services. This cooperative structure, and your equal voice in voting for the volunteer Board that represents you, should give you confidence that when you discuss your financial needs with one of our employees, the recommendations you receive are intended to be in your best interest. We are not here to maximize the income we can make from you. Rather, we are here to meet you where you are right now and help you to achieve a healthy outcome. At CCU, we believe that helping you achieve financial health also means reaching out to help educate and empower the community as a whole. Over the years, CCU has supported financial education for youth and adults. We provide free financial counseling and education for our members. We support groups and events that strive to ensure that all our neighbors are fed, educated, and healthy. This includes groups that help students who are facing tremendous challenges to stay in school, and even go on to college.
I think of what we create as a “virtuous cycle.” You participate in the credit union by using the products and services, and the cycle moves within the community in the form of more money retained in member households, affordable credit that benefits buyers and the local businesses that sell to them, and support of local charitable organizations. If this sounds like something straight out of It’s A Wonderful Life, that’s because it is. The credit union doesn’t store up money; it facilitates the movement of money throughout the community under a not-for-profit cooperative structure. I hope you will allow us to increase our service to you in 2017. If you have loans and accounts at other financial institutions, please give us a call or visit a branch so we can look for opportunities to help you save money on loans and credit cards, earn more on deposits, and pay fewer fees for checking. The more you allow us to do for you, the greater the benefit we can provide for you and others. I wish you a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2017.
David O. Brock, President/CEO
The 2017 Annual Meeting of the Members will be held on Thursday, March 16, 2017 at 7 p.m. at the Rockledge Branch.
One of the items of business is the election to fill the open positions on the Board of Directors. We have two seats expiring (seat #3 and seat #5). The Nominating Committee, made up of three members (1 Board Director and 2 non-Board members) has nominated Linda Dale, a current volunteer, to continue serving in Seat #3 and Dot Everhart, a current volunteer, to continue serving in Seat #5. Both nominees having been serving on the CCU Board of Directors and several CCU Committees with many years of experience.
Additional nominations for these open positions may be made by petition signed by at least one percent (1%) of the current credit union membership and a completed volunteer application must be filed. Service on the Board or Committee requires you to be a primary member. In order to be validated, the petitions and volunteer application must be submitted to Tina Webster, Executive Secretary of CCU, by close of business Wednesday, February 1, 2017. Petitions submitted after this date will not be accepted. Elections will not be conducted by ballot, and nominations from the floor will not be taken when there is only one nominee for each open position. Please plan to attend the 2017 Annual Meeting and help us to celebrate 64 years of service. There will be refreshments and prize giveaways. All members are welcome to attend!
CCU will mail 2016 tax forms (1099, etc) to all members and they will be available within eBranch Online Banking starting in January, 2017. Watch for announcements on ccuFlorida.org and within the eBranch.
® Visit VisitccuFlorida.org/mobile ccuFlorida.org/ebranch to learn to learn more more about: about: eBranch eBranch Services Services • Mobile • Mobile Deposits Deposits • CCU•Apps CCU•Apps FinanceWorks • FinanceWorks • Bill Pay • Bill • eStatements Pay • eStatements • Text Message • Text Message Banking •Banking eAlerts •• eAlerts Instant Loan • Instant Application Loan Application • Electronic• Wire Popmoney Transfer
Keep Your Car, Trade in Your Loan! AUTO
Apply in minutes! Online: Log in to eBranch Online Banking and select the Online Application link at the upper right of the screen.
Wrap Up Your Holiday Debt!
Mobile App: Use the “Apply for a Loan” link
Refinance the loan you have now with another lender to CCU and choose from two great offers:
By Phone: Speak to a Member Service Lender: 321.637.3211 (outside Brevard, 1.800.690.2338)
1. $200 Cash Back and 90 Days No Payments Refinance a loan balance of $10,000 or more and we’ll give you $200, plus you’ll have no payments for 90 days* - OR 2. No Payments AND No Interest for 90 Days Refinance a loan from another lender and have no payments AND no interest for 90 days1 (cash not available with this offer)
Transfer your balances to a low-rate CCU VISA® Platinum Credit Card with no annual fee! Get an ultra-low introductory rate AND get 1% cash back1 on balance transfers (with NO balance transfer fee)! • New Cardholders: as low as 3.99% APR for twelve months on purchases, balance transfers, and cash advances* • Current Cardholders: as low as 3.99% APR for twelve months on transferred balances* • After that, the rate will increase to non-discounted rate of between 10.99% to 17.99% APR
• Choice of monthly, bi-weekly, or weekly payments • Low credit union rates - even if you don’t have perfect credit2 • 24/7 Easy Application with fast, local decisions
Learn more and apply at ccuFlorida.org/200 *Minimum loan balance of $10,000 to receive cash. Limited time offer expires when withdrawn by CCU. Cash bonus will be deposited to the Share Savings Account associated with the loan account at loan closing. Existing CCU loans are not eligible. Rates subject to change. Payment can be deferred for 90 days, however, interest will accrue from date of contract. 1
The 0% interest is available for 90 days from loan issue date. Existing CCU loans are not eligible. $200 cash offer not available with this option. 2 Loan rates are based on credit history, loan terms and borrower qualifications. Contact CCU to determine your rate.
Prospective Members: A $5 membership fee is required to open a share account. A share account is required if approved for a loan.
*Introductory rate for 12 billing cycles, based on credit worthiness. Discounted rate on cash advances and purchases applies to new card holders only. When discounted period expires, the APR on the existing balance (and cash advances and purchases, if applicable) will increase to the non-discounted rate of between 10.99% to 17.99% APR on the first day of the next billing cycle. Rates subject to change. Subject to credit approval. Promotional rate not valid for existing CCU Credit Card balances. Offer ends when withdrawn by CCU. Offer may be withdrawn without notice. 1
Cash back amount will be 1% of the balance amount transferred to the CCU card, paid after the balance amount is added to the CCU card account. Does not apply to existing CCU balances. Payment will be made as a deposit to the cardholders CCU Savings or Checking account.
It’s that time again. April 18, 2017 is the deadline for making annual contributions to an Individual Retirement Account (IRA). CCU pays some of the highest interest rates in the area, and there are no annual fees. IRA’s only require a $10 minimum deposit to open and you can choose from the following: • IRA Share (Traditional, Roth, Coverdell): Features one rate for the entire amount and dividends are paid quarterly. • IRA Super Saver: Features a tiered-rate based on the balance and dividends are paid quarterly.
Contact Us Us or or Come Come See See Us: Us: Contact 321.690.2328 800.690.2338 800.690.2338 321.690.2328 Call Telli Telli for for automated automated account account information information Call 24/7/365 by by calling calling 321.631.4611 321.631.4611 or or 24/7/365 888.636.4611 888.636.4611 Branch Locations: Locations: Branch Rockledge -- 1030 1030 SS US US Highway Highway 11 Rockledge Port St. St. John John -- 6269 6269 N N US US Highway Highway 11 Port Palm Bay Bay -- 1325 1325 Palm Palm Bay Bay Rd. Rd. Palm Melbourne -- 333 333 E. E. NASA NASA Blvd. Blvd. Melbourne Viera -- 7380 7380 Murrell Murrell Rd., Rd., #102 #102 Viera Titusville -- 3125 3125 S. S. Washington Washington Ave. Ave. Titusville Indian Harbour Harbour -- 293 293 E. E. Eau Eau Gallie Gallie Blvd. Blvd. Indian Apply for for aa loan: loan: Apply Apply 24/7/365 24/7/365 by by calling calling Apply 321.637.3211, online online at at ccuFlorida.org, ccuFlorida.org, or or 321.637.3211, in person person during during branch branch hours. hours. in ATM Locations: Locations: At At every every CCU CCU branch branch and and ATM over 50,000 50,000 free free nationwide. nationwide. Find Find locations locations over at ccuFlorida.org. ccuFlorida.org. at
eBranch Services Services at at ccuFlorida.org ccuFlorida.org eBranch eBranch Online Online Banking: Banking: Log Log in in to to your your account account eBranch at ccuFlorida.org. ccuFlorida.org. at Mobile App: App: Login Login on on your your Android Android phone phone or or tablet, tablet, Mobile iPhone and and iPad. iPad. iPhone Mobile Deposit: Deposit: Register Register within within the the Mobile Mobile App App Mobile and make make deposits deposits using using your your smart smart phone. phone. and eStatements: Sign Sign up up in in the the eBranch. eBranch. They They are are eStatements: free! free! Text Message Message Banking: Banking: For For aa complete complete list list of of text text Text codes, visit visit ccuFlorida.org. ccuFlorida.org. codes, Bill Pay Pay & & Presentment: Presentment: Available Available in in the the eBranch eBranch Bill or Mobile Mobile App. App. or FinanceWorks: See See all all of of your your finances finances in in one one FinanceWorks: place, even even accounts accounts from from other other financial financial place, institutions. Learn Learn more more at at ccuFlorida.org. ccuFlorida.org. institutions.
• IRA Certificate of Deposit (CD): Features one rate for a specific CD term and dividends are paid quarterly. Requires $1,000 minimum deposit.
IRA’s have different requirements, contribution limits, and benefits so be sure to consult a tax professional for advice on which one is best for your needs. When opening your IRA or making a contribution to an existing CCU IRA, be sure to let the representative know what year the contribution is for. Visit www.irs.gov or consult with a tax professional for advice. Board of of Directors Directors Board Chairman -- Betty Betty A. A. Dunn Dunn Chairman Vice Chairman Chairman -- Dortha Dortha G. G. Everhart Everhart Vice Secretary/Treasurer -- Linda Linda P. P. Dale, Dale, CPA CPA Secretary/Treasurer Director and and Audit Audit Committee Committee Member Member -- Moses Moses L. L. Harvin Harvin Director Director and and Audit Audit Committee Committee Member Member -- Jim Jim Platman Platman Director
Dates & Events January 16: Closed - Martin Luther King Day February 20: Closed - President’s Day March 16: Annual Meeting
Senior Management Management Senior President/CEO -- David David O. O. Brock, Brock, CCUE, CCUE, CCE CCE President/CEO Senior Vice Vice President President -- Laurie Laurie Cappelli, Cappelli, CCUE, CCUE, CCE CCE Senior VP Organizational Organizational Development Development -- Lesli Lesli Dooley, Dooley, CCUE, CCUE, CCE CCE VP VP of of Commercial Commercial Services Services -- Jim Jim Chastain Chastain VP David Hill Hill VP of of Technology Technology -- David VP VP of of Accounting/Finance Accounting/Finance -- Margaret Margaret Hasenbeck Hasenbeck VP VP of of Marketing Marketing -- Meredith Meredith Gibson Gibson VP
Telli is Changing On January 10, 2017, CCU’s automated Telli is Changing! telephone teller system On January 10, 2017, the will be updated. Please automated telephone teller listen for the new prompts. system will be updated. Please
Federally insured by NCUA. Equal Housing Opportunity.
Federally insured by NCUA Equal Housing Opportunity
listen for the new prompts.