married to George Cass; Anna Louise (Nina) married to. David Robertson, and
Edd, never married. David Irving Robertson and Anna Louise Jeffrey.
Martin Potulny, Ole Aafedt, Charles Aafedt and Mr. Stensfield formed the Fordville Farmers Elevator Company. The elevator was located on the site of the present Mobil bulk station. This elevator burned in 1930. The Fordville Potato Company was formed by Ira Aafedt, Albert Hamilton and Martin Potulny. This warehouse was discontinued in the 1950's. During the slack summer months, Martin maintained township roads and built and repaired many rural roads. Throughout the years, Martin had an extensive fanning operation. This is now being carried on by his children and grandchildren. Mrs. Potulny died in 1950, Mr. Potulny in 1966. They were members of St. Mark's Church in Conway. Submitted by Mrs. Victor (Rose) Potulny.
The grandparents of Nina Robertson were Ezekil Sanborn and Lorinda Sawyer. Her mother, Marilla S. Sanborn, born in Alexandria, N. H., Oct. 12, 1836, was married to John D. Jeffrey of Medford, Minn., born June 15, 1833, in England. Three children were born, Edith married to George Cass; Anna Louise (Nina) married to David Robertson, and Edd, never married. David Irving Robertson and Anna Louise Jeffrey were married Nov. 24, 1886, at Grand Forks. Anna L. Jeffrey was born Jan. 29,1863, in Medford, Minn. There, she received her elementary education. She attended Carlton Codege at Northfield, Minn., and after graduating in 1883 came to Medford Township. She was the first teacher in Medford School District No. 79. She later taught in the Fordvdle School District and also filed on a homestead. Mr. and Mrs. Robertson took an active part in the Ufe of the community. They were charter members of the First Presbyterian Church of Fordville. Nina was the first treasurer and served in that capacity for 20 years. David died July 21,1927, and Anna died Oct. 20,1929. A Happy Christmas Party The fodowing splendidly wntten account of a large Christmas gathering at the Dave Robertson farm home, west of Fordville, is furnished the Chronicle by a friend: "Santa Claus in his annualroundsnever fails to stop at the beautiful country home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Robertson. As usual, the relatives and a few friends of the Robertson and McKeith famdies gathered there this year to strengthen and renew the ties of esteem, friendship and good wid. The genial Dave, beaming behind a big, fat turkey, make an ideal host. The hostess is always at her best when sunounded by a bunch of happy young people. A unique feature of the elaborate dinner was that practicady everything was grown on their own farm, a demonstration of genuine North Dakota thrift and bounty. Cigars, nuts and candies were dispensed throughout the day with a lavish hand. Of the games played during the intervals, the fifty-mile automobile race proved especially interesting, in spite of delays caused by codisions, tire punctures and shortage of gasoline. Itwaseasdy wonbythe Metz touring car. "When the lamps were fit in the evening, a happy crowd gathered around the beauttful Christmas tree laden with gdts, tokens bearing the good wid of the givers to the hearts of the recipients. Gatherings of this kind, spreading their Christmas cheer, are remembered whde life lasts; they have an influence for good upon the fives of ad who partake of them, which nothing can efface, urging on to noble and unsedish deeds, to the upbudding of the human race. Blessed is the land that has many such homes." David and Nina Robertson had two sons, David Edward and James Jeffery. David was born in Medford Township Dec. 30, 1889, and grew up in that community where he continued to dve. On June 11, 1911, he married Mabel McKeith. Two sons were born to them, Darrel and Lloyd. Mabel died May 31, 1916. Darrel was born May 31,1912, died June 11,1947. In 1911 he married Alyce Berg, daughter of Oscar and Anna Marie Berg, Langdon. They had three sons, Clare in Maine, Lyle in California and Roger in Oregon. For many years he was in the garage business, then became manager of the Robertson Lumber Yard in Fordvdle.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Potulny. She was Anna Gorecki. Taken Nov. 1, 1910. ELDIN R. RIDGWAY Eldin R. Ridgway moved to Medford Township from Delaven, Minn., in 1881, with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thad Tatros, at the age of one year. He started farming as a young man in Medford Township. He married Alice McKeith, daughter of Dan McKeith, in June, 1903. Eight children were born, Hazel, Harcy, Guy, Walter, Claude, Alice, Daniel and Lucille. In 1906 they moved to Mountrail County and farmed there. They moved back to Medford Township in 1919 and farmed near Fordville. In 1928 Eldin started as a Raleigh salesman in parts of Walsh and Nelson Counties. He spent 29 years in that work. Mrs. Ridgway died in 1945 and Eldin Ridgway in 1960. Submitted by Mrs. L. A. Pfannsmith. DAVID AND ANNA LOUISE (NINA) ROBERTSON Janet Patterson, daughter of Jonah Patterson, was married to David Robertson, Edenbury, Scotland. Their son, David, mamed Lady Jean Boyle and lived in Limmerick, Ireland. One of their 12 children, David, was born May 5, 1857. When he was three years of age, the family moved to Brockville, Ont., where he grew to manhood. In Brockville he learned the blacksmith trade. In 1880, he came west to Dakota Territory and filed on a homestead in Medford Township. Returning the next year, he set up a shop which he conducted for many years. 768