Jul 21, 1988 - mastocytoma cells greatly increase the contractile responses of dog bronchi to histamine (2). Because dog mastocytoma cells. (3), like mast ...
Mast Cell Tryptase Causes Airway Smooth Muscle Hyperresponsiveness in Dogs Kiyohisa Sekizawa, George H. Caughey, Stephen C. Lazarus, Warren M. Gold, and Jay A. Nadel Cardiovascular Research Institute and Departments of Medicine and Physiology, University of California, San Francisco, California 94143
Abstract Supernatants obtained by degranulation of dog mastocytoma cells greatly increased the sensitivity and the magnitude of the contractile response of isolated dog bronchial smooth muscle to histamine. The enhanced contractile response was reversed completely by Hi-receptor antagonists and was prevented by an inhibitor of tryptase (a major protease released with histamine from secretory granules of mast cells). The potentiation of histamine-induced contractions was reproduced by active tryptase in pure form. The contractions due to the combination of histamine and purified tryptase were abolished by the (a2+ channel blockers nifedipine and verapamil. The bronchoconstricting effects of KCI and serotonin, which, like histamine, contract airway smooth muscle by a mechanism predominantly involving membrane potential-dependent Ca2+ transport, were also potentiated by tryptase. However, the contractile effects of acetylcholine, which contracts dog airway smooth muscle by a mechanism independent of Ca2` channels, were unaffected by tryptase. These findings show a striking promotion of agonistinduced bronchial smooth muscle contraction by mast cell tryptase, via direct or indirect effects on (a2+ channels, and the findings therefore suggest a novel potential mechanism of hyperresponsiveness in dog bronchi.
Introduction Mast cells are believed to participate in asthma via release of preformed and newly formed mediators which contract smooth muscle. However, the bronchoconstrictor response to inhaled mast cell-derived mediators such as histamine is greater in asthmatic subjects than in normal individuals. Thus, a key ingredient for asthmatic responses to bronchoactive mediators is hyperresponsiveness, but its pathogenesis is not understood (1). The present study was stimulated by the observation that supernatants obtained by degranulation of dog mastocytoma cells greatly increase the contractile responses of dog bronchi to histamine (2). Because dog mastocytoma cells (3), like mast cells of human lung (4), release neutral serine proteases along with other preformed mediators during deDr. Sekizawa's current address is First Department of Internal Medicine, Tohoku University School of Medicine, Seiryo-Cho 1-1, Sendai 980, Japan. Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Nadel, Box 0130, Cardiovascular Research Institute, University of California, San Francisco, CA 94143. Receivedfor publication 1 April 1988 and in revisedform 21 July
1988. J. Clin. Invest. © The American Society for Clinical Investigation, Inc.
0021-9738/89/01/0175/05 $2.00 Volume 83, January 1989, 175-179
granulation, we investigated the possibility that mast cell proteases are responsible for the observed effects of degranulation supernatant. Our results suggest that the marked supernatantinduced increases in responsiveness to histamine are due to tryptase, a proteolytic enzyme of mast cells. The effects of tryptase also extend to other agonists which contract airway smooth muscle by mechanisms involving membrane potential-dependent Ca2" transport. Thus, tryptase may play an important role in hyperresponsiveness of dog bronchi to bronchoconstricting agonists.
Methods Production of mastocytoma degranulation supernatant. Mastocytoma tumors were isolated from cutaneous lesions of dogs. We used the BR line which has been established as a stable line by serial passage as subcutaneous nodules in nude mice (5). Disaggregated cells were activated with Ca2" ionophore A23 187 using a two-stage reaction, as described previously (6), so that ionophore would not be present in the supernatant added to the muscle bath. Replicate aliquots of cells (5. 108) were suspended in Ca2"-free, Mg2"-free Tyrode's buffer, pH 7.4, containing 25 mM Hepes and 0.1% bovine serum albumin at 40C. To inhibit the release of cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase products, the cells were preincubated with BW755C (10-4 M; 30 min) (7, 8). The cells were then incubated with Ca2+ ionophore (3. 10-6 M; 20 min) at 4°C, washed three times with Ca2+-free, Mg2+-free Tyrode's buffer at 4°C, and resuspended in 3 ml of complete Tyrode's buffer at 37°C. After incubation for 30 min, the reaction was stopped by reducing the temperature to 4°C, the tubes were centrifuged at 200 g for 10 min, and the supernatants were used for analysis of histamine and protease content and for studies in muscle baths. Supernatants were prepared in batches, and each series of experiments used supernatant from the same batch. Purification of tryptase. Tryptase was purified from BR dog mastocytoma cells as described previously (9). Tryptase activity in mastocytoma degranulation supernatants and in purified preparations was measured spectrophotometrically with the chromogenic substrate
benzoyl-L-val-gly-arg-4-nitroanilide (9).
Assay of histamine. Histamine in supernatants and muscle bath bathing fluid was measured spectrofluorometrically (10) using an automated analyzer (ALPKEM Corp., Clackamas, OR). Preparation of bronchi. Mongrel dogs were anesthetized by injection of pentobarbital (30 mg/kg). The thorax was opened, and the lungs and large airways were removed. Rings from intrapulmonary lobar and segmental bronchi were attached to strain gauges to record isometric tension, placed in chambers filled with Krebs-Henseleit solution (pH 7.4; 37°C), and aerated with 95% 02 and 5% CO2. Rings were stretched twice initially to a tension of 25 g, equilibrated for 1 h with a resting tension of 4 g, and incubated with indomethacin (10-6 M; 30 min), phentolamine (IO-' M; 15 min), and propranolol (106 M; 15 min) to eliminate the influence of prostaglandins and adrenergic
Bronchomotor responses to mastocytoma degranulation supernatant. To study the effect of mast cell-derived mediators on the contrac-
tile response of bronchial smooth muscle, supernatants were added to the muscle bath by removing 1.0 ml of Krebs-Henseleit solution from a 14-ml reservoir and replacing it with 1.0 ml of mastocytoma cell Tryptase Causes Bronchial Hyperresponsiveness to Histamine
supernatant (or dilution thereof). For each of several concentrations of supernatant, the active tension produced by a range of histamine concentrations (10-8 to IO-3 M) was recorded. The effects of histamine receptor antagonists on the contraction produced by 1.0 ml of supernatant were studied using a range ofconcentrations (I 0-9 to 10-5 M) of the HI-antagonists pyrilamine and diphenhydramine, and using a single concentration (10-5 M) of the H2-antagonist metiamide. Similarly, the effect of tryptase inhibition on supernatant-induced contraction was examined by preincubating supernatant for 30 min with aprotinin
(30 ,ug/ml).
Bronchomotor responses to purified tryptase. To conserve enzyme, studies with purified tryptase were performed in 5 ml reservoirs. To stabilize tryptase (9), heparin (50 ,ug/ml) was added to the bath 15 min before adding enzyme. Conditions were otherwise identical to those used in the supernatant muscle bath experiments. The tension produced by the combination of histamine and tryptase was measured in the presence of a range of histamine concentrations (10-8 to l0-3 M). To facilitate comparison of the effects of purified tryptase with those produced by supernatant, the concentration of pure enzyme (90 ng/ml) in the bath was chosen to match that in the 14-ml bath containing 1 ml of supernatant. In separate experiments, the relation of tryptase concentration (3-90 ng/ml) to the magnitude of the contractile response was measured in the presence of 10-6 M histamine. The effect of the Ca2+ channel blockers verapamil and nifedipine on tryptase (90 ng/ml) augmentation of smooth muscle contraction was measured in the presence of 10-5 M histamine. To examine the influence of tryptase on smooth muscle contraction by agonists other than histamine, bronchial rings were incubated as above with purified tryptase (90 ng/ml) and KCI (2 * IO-' M) or with tryptase and a range of concentrations of serotonin (10-8 to 10-3 M) or acetylcholine (10-8 to IO-, M). Data analysis. Data are expressed as means±SEM. Statistical analyses were performed by one-way analysis of variance or by an unpaired t test; significance was accepted as P < 0.05.
Active tension (g/g tissue weight)
60 -
Supernatant Supernatant Supernatant Supernatant plus pyrilamine alone preincubated preincubated without aprotinin with aprotinin
Figure 2. Effect of protease inhibitor and histamine H,-receptor antagonist on mastocytoma degranulation supernatant-induced contraction of dog bronchi. The active tension was recorded from bronchi in a 14-ml muscle bath containing 1 ml of dog mastocytoma degranulation supernatant. Supernatant was preincubated with 30 ,ug/ml aprotinin, an inhibitor of dog tryptase, before incubation with bronchi (five dogs). Control tissues were incubated with supernatant preincubated for 30 min without aprotinin (five dogs). In separate experiments (nine dogs), bronchi contracted with mastocytoma supernatant ("supernatant alone") were ihen exposed to the HI-receptor antagonist pyrilamine (10-5 M) to measure the response to H,-receptor blockade ("supernatant plus pyrilamine"). All data expressed as means±SEM.
Results Active tension (g/g tissue weight) 250
Supernatant Supernatant, Supernatant, Supernatant, Supernatant,
1:2 1:5 1:10 1:50 No supernatant
o-J 88
Histamine concentration (-log M) Figure 1. Effect of mastocytoma degranulation supernatant on concentration-response curves to histamine in dog bronchial smooth muscle (five dogs). The increase in contraction ("active tension") above resting tension was recorded from bronchi in a 14-ml muscle bath over a range of histamine concentrations at each of several concentrations of supernatant obtained by degranulation of dog mastocytoma cells. Depicted are the responses to histamine in the absence of supernatant (.), in the presence of 1 ml of supernatant (A), and in the presence of I ml of twofold diluted supernatant (A), fivefold diluted supernatant (n), 10-fold diluted supernatant (o), and 50-fold diluted supernatant (o). All data expressed as means±SEM. 176
Sekizawa et al.
Bronchomotor responses to mastocytoma degranulation supernatant. When muscle was preincubated with mastocytoma supernatant, the histamine response curve was shifted strikingly to the left, and the maximum tension achieved was greater than the response to exogenous histamine alone. These augmented contractile responses to histamine were dependent on the dilution of the added supernatant (Fig. 1). In these studies, the concentration of histamine in the muscle bath in the presence of 1 ml of undiluted supernatant was 3- 10-6 M. The supernatant-induced contractions were inhibited by the H1-receptor antagonists pyrilamine (l0-5 M; 0.7±0.5% of control; n = 9; P < 0.01) (Fig. 2) and diphenhydramine (IO-' M; 0.0±0.0% of control; n = 6; P < 0.01) with IC50's of 0.63±0.21* 10-6 M and 0.25±0.06- 10-6 M, respectively. In contrast, supernatant-induced contractions were increased by the H2-receptor antagonist metiamide (10-5 M; 125.3±7.3% of control; P < 0.05). These studies indicated that an ingredient of the mastocytoma supernatant potentiates histamine-induced contractions in a concentration-dependent manner via an H1-receptor. Because dog BR mastocytoma cells release the serine protease tryptase into degranulation supernatants (3), we tested the effects of the protease inhibitor aprotinin on supernatantinduced bronchial smooth muscle contraction. Aprotinin inhibits purified dog mastocytoma tryptase (9) but has no effect on purified chymase (11), the other major secretory seine protease of mast cell granules. Muscle bath fluid with 1 ml of undiluted supernatant contained 90 ng/ml ofactive tryptase in these experiments. In pilot studies we confirmed that aprotinin
Table L Effect of Tryptase on Agonist-induced Bronchial Smooth incubated with mastocytoma supernatant selectively inhibits Muscle Contraction the amidolytic activity of tryptase without affecting chymase (data not shown). Preincubation of supernatant with aprotinin Maximum tension EDso* markedly decreased bronchial smooth muscle contraction caused by supernatant compared to the responses after prein10-6 M g/g tissue weight cubation of supernatant without aprotinin (Fig. 2): 1 ml of 110.6±10.4 19.11±3.50 supernatant preincubated with aprotinin produced tension of Histamine Histamine only 14.2±3.2 g/g tissue weight compared to 99.3±14.7 g/g + tryptase 2.03±0.60 (P < 0.05)t 170.4±12.7 (P < 0.0 1)$ tissue weight produced by supernatant preincubated without Serotonin 79.5±6.9 2.16±0.40 aprotinin (P < 0.05). The response in the presence ofaprotinin Serotonin is similar to the tension expected from histamine alone in the + tryptase 99.7±2.8 (P < 0.05)$ 0.46±0.09 (P < 0.05)t muscle bath (- 15 g/g tissue weight, obtained by extrapolation of data from the histamine-response curve given in Fig. 1). 92.8±5.7 KC1 (20 mM) Not done These effects of aprotinin suggested that tryptase may be the 155.0±9.7 (P < 0.0 1)* Not done KCI + tryptase ingredient in mastocytoma supernatants which augments his157.7±3.6 Acetylcholine 10.89±2.48 tamine-induced bronchial smooth muscle contraction. Acetylcholine Bronchomotor responses to puriied tryptase. To establish + tryptase 11.00±3.90 (P > 0.05)t 160.3±3.8 (P > 0.05)t more definitively the role of tryptase suggested by the supernatant experiments, we studied the actions of highly purified * Estimated concentration of agonist producing half-maximum tentryptase in the muscle bath. Tryptase, in a concentration sion. matching that in the supernatant bath (90 ng/ml), did not * Agonist + tryptase compared with agonist alone. affect resting tension, and neither heparin alone nor the vehicle for tryptase alone had an effect on the histamine concentration-response curve (P > 0.5). However, tryptase caused a responses after tryptase were not mimicked by concentrations marked leftward shift ofthe histamine concentration-response of histamine as high as 10-3 M (Fig. 1), and tryptase alone did curve, decreasing the ED50 for histamine, and also increased not increase resting tension, as would be expected if significant the maximum tension after histamine (Fig. 3 and Table I). concentrations of histamine were released. These effects were similar to those produced by the supernaSerotonin and KCI, like histamine, contract dog airway tant containing identical tryptase activity. Smooth muscle smooth muscle predominantly via Ca2l transport through contractile responses at a fixed concentration of histamine voltage-dependent channels (13-15). We found that the re(10-6 M) increased with increasing concentrations of tryptase sponses of dog bronchi to serotonin and KCI, like those to in the bath (Fig. 4). histamine, were also potentiated by tryptase (Table I). Thus, in Because proteases may release mast cell histamine (12), we five dogs, the ED50 for serotonin was decreased by tryptase and studied the effect of tryptase on the histamine content in the the maximum contraction produced by serotonin was insmooth muscle chamber. Incubation of bronchial rings with creased. In five dogs, tryptase also markedly increased the actryptase (90 ng/ml) increased the histamine content in the tive tension produced by KC1 (2. 10-5 M; Table I). bathing medium slightly but not significantly (from In separate experiments in five dogs, the time course of 0.43±0.28* 10-8 M to 6.30±2.80. 10-8 M; n = 6, P > 0.05). tryptase potentiation of KCl-induced contraction was examThese concentrations of histamine did not contract bronchial ined. After incubation of muscle with tryptase (90 ng/ml), muscle in the bath (Fig. 1) and therefore can not explain the tryptase-induced muscle effects. Furthermore, the increased Active tension (g/g tissue weight) 100,
Active tension
(g/g tissue weight) 200
1 00
No Tryptase
00 4 3 7 8 6 5 Histamine concentration (-log M)
Figure 3. Effect of purified tryptase (90 ng/ml) on concentration-response curve to histamine in bronchial smooth muscle (five dogs). Histamine-induced active tension was measured in bronchial rings exposed (i) or unexposed (-) to tryptase. Data expressed as means±SEM.
No Tryptase
9 15
Tryptase concentration (ng/ml;
Figure 4. Effect of concentration of purified tryptase on histamineinduced contraction of bronchial rings (five dogs). Effect of histamine alone (10-6 M) is shown on the left; effect of histamine (10-6 M) plus different concentrations of tryptase is shown on the right; *P < 0.01 (compared to histamine alone). Data expressed as means±SEM.
Tryptase Causes Bronchial Hyperresponsiveness to Histamine
Active tension (% Control) 100 I
kk.- Ir
50 -&
Calcium-channel blocker concentration (- log M)
Figure 5. Effect of calcium channel blockers verapamil (o) and nifedipine on bronchial smooth muscle contraction induced by a combinations of tryptase (90 ng/ml) and histamine (l0-5 M) in bronchial smooth muscle in five dogs. Data expressed as percent of the tension produced in the absence of blockers (means±SEM).
responses to rechallenges with KCl (2. 1-O M) following washout of tryptase were significantly increased when measured after 20 min (I156.0±9.8 g/g tissue weight; P < 0.001), 1 h (164.3±10.0 g/g tissue weight; P < 0.001), and 2 h (138.2±8.6 g/g tissue weight; P < 0.01) compared to the tension (96.4±4.9 g/g tissue weight) developed in response to KCl in control tissues which had not been exposed to tryptase. Tension returned to the control state within 3 h (93.6±5.2 g/g tissue weight; P > 0.05). Thus, the effects of tryptase persisted after removal of enzyme from the bath, with a slow rate of return to the control level of responsiveness. Because acetylcholine contracts airway smooth muscle by mobilizing intracellular Ca2+ stores (13, 14), a mechanism that differs from that of histamine, serotonin and KC1 (14, 15), we studied the effect of tryptase (90 ng/ml) on the concentrationresponse curve to acetylcholine. In five dogs, the ED50 for acetylcholine and the maximum tension produced by acetylcholine were unaffected by tryptase (Table I). These findings demonstrate that the potentiating effects of tryptase extend to other agonists which contract smooth muscle by stimulating Ca2' transport via voltage-dependent channels, but do not extend to acetylcholine, which contracts smooth muscle by a different mechanism. To further investigate the possibility that tryptase-augmented muscle contraction is mediated via an influence on Ca2+ channels, we studied the effects of verapamil and nifedipine, which block that portion of Ca2 influx which is due to membrane depolarization in smooth muscle (16). We found that verapamil and nifedipine reverse the large contractions produced by the combination of tryptase (90 ng/ml) and histamine (l0-5 M) with IC50 values of 0.59±0.27 * 10-6 M and 0.12±0.04- 10-6 M, respectively, and that both Ca2' channel blockers reversed the contractions completely at concentrations of 10-5 M (Fig. 5).
Discussion The marked potentiation of histamine-induced bronchial contraction by mastocytoma degranulation supernatants demonstrates a novel and potentially important interaction between mast cell products and airway smooth muscle. The similar smooth muscle responses to tryptase-containing supernatant and to matching concentrations of pure tryptase suggest that the principal ingredient responsible for supernatant effects is tryptase. Because supernatant-augmented histamine contractions were abolished by an inhibitor of tryptase, it is likely that the effects require catalytically active enzyme. The persistent augmentation of KCl-induced contractions after removal of 178
Sekizawa et al.
tryptase from the muscle bath is consistent with a mechanism involving proteolytic cleavage rather than simple binding; the return to the control state indicates that the action of tryptase does not involve irreversible membrane damage. The observation that tryptase potentiates the contractile effects of histamine, serotonin, and KCI suggests that the enzyme exerts its effects at a point in the stimulus-contraction pathway shared by the three chemically distinct agonists. Because the smooth muscle effects of these three agonists depend on the movement of external Ca2" into the cell, and because Ca2" channel blockers abolish contractions induced by the combination of tryptase and histamine, we suggest that tryptase may affect airway smooth muscle responsiveness by modifying Ca2" channels. This hypothesis is supported by the failure of tryptase to augment the contractions produced by acetylcholine, a bronchoconstricting agonist whose smooth muscle effects are mediated by a mechanism independent of voltage-dependent Ca2" channels. Tryptase could affect the channel itself. Alternatively, it could cleave a regulatory protein on the cell surface. More studies are needed to investigate these possibilities and to determine the molecular basis of the action of tryptase on airway smooth muscle. The relevance in vivo of the levels of tryptase used in the muscle bath is difficult to establish with certainty. However, the highest concentration used (90 ng/ml) is within the range of those detected in the serum of patients with systemic anaphylaxis or mastocytosis (17). The predominance of tryptase in lung mast cells (18) adds to the likelihood that this enzyme may play an etiologic role in airway smooth muscle hyperresponsiveness. Human airways contain 33 ,ug of tryptase per cm3 in the submucosa of segmental bronchi, assuming a mast cell density of 3 . 106 cells per cm3 (19) and 11 Mug of tryptase per 106 cells (18). Therefore, the concentration of tryptase in human airway tissue is 2-3 orders of magnitude greater than the concentration used in these experiments. Several previous studies provide evidence of airway hyperresponsiveness in vivo in dogs inhaling 03 (20), leukotriene B4 (21), or allergen (22). These stimuli all result in the release of thromboxane, which in turn increases bronchomotor responses via vagal motor pathways (23). Effects of thromboxane and tryptase differ as follows: (a) thromboxane causes a small shift to the left in the response to electrical field stimulation (23), while tryptase causes a striking leftward shift and an increase in maximum tension in response to agonists (histamine, serotonin, KCl) that cause contraction via Ca2+ channels; (b) thromboxane acts through pre- or postsynaptic effects on motor nerves which then release acetylcholine, while our evidence suggests that tryptase may act on smooth muscle to affect voltage-dependent Ca2" channels. Thus, it seems that different mediators may alter dog airway smooth muscle responsiveness in at least two different ways: tryptase, released by activated mast cells, may potentiate muscle responses via direct or indirect effects on voltage-dependent Ca2' channels; other mediators, such as thromboxane, may cause changes in vagal nervous pathways. It is possible that one or both mechanisms may contribute to the hyperresponsiveness that plays such an important role in the pathogenesis of asthma.
Acknowledgments We thank P. D. Graf and M. Northfield for technical assistance. This study was supported in part by National Institutes of Health
Program Project Grant HL-24136; Dr. Caughey was supported by National Institutes of Health Clinical Investigator Award HL-01736.
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Tryptase Causes Bronchial Hyperresponsiveness to Histamine