Master in Mechatronic Systems

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The central idea of mechatronics consists in the simultaneous design of the ... know the basic building blocks of mechatronic systems, such as sensors.
MECHATRONIC SYSTEMS Master study program Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje Faculty of Mechanical Engineering – Skopje 1



Mechatronics - an interdisciplinary approach


Competences / Invest in knowledge


Where can you study mechatronics?




Mechatronic Design Studio


Development of Regional Interdisciplinary Mechatronic Studies

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Mechatronics – an interdisciplinary approach

Mechatronics is a new design methodology for coping with the high complexity of modern technological products. The strong linkage of the mechanical and electronic parts requires joint development approach, since it is no longer possible to develop the subsystems independently. The central idea of mechatronics consists in the simultaneous design of the mechanical, electrical and control elements. Typical example for mechatronic systems can be found in all technological fields, ranging from automotive and aerospace, to robotics, mobile phones and modern household appliances. The high degree of integration, the complex system behavior and increased need for shorter development times requires multidisciplinary know how and application of current development tools, in particularly simulation methods. Mechatronic system design is often based on the effective use of modern low cost, high performance sensors combined with the flexibility of powerful digital controllers. This also allows to easily adapt to changing requirements. The additional trend towards miniaturization furthermore increases the need for integrated design philosophy. Today’s industry requires engineers with sufficient know how and skills in mechanical as well as electrical engineering to truly enable them to successfully perform integrated product development processes in a team. 2



Competences The Master mechatronics program builds on the fundamentals of mechanical and electrical engineering, and focuses on the interaction of different physical domains within mechatronic systems. Students get to know the basic building blocks of mechatronic systems, such as sensors and actuators and learn about their effective interaction by modern control methods. The program prepares students for versatile interdisciplinary engineering functions in a broad range of industrial fields. These tasks include developing, calculating, planning, dimensioning and designing of new or improved technical products. The field of development and design of modern automated production lines is just one example where many engineering tasks require mechatronic skills. The students acquire technical competences and get familiar with methods which enable them to recognize and analyze corresponding problems, find creative and innovative solutions and develop competitive mechatronic products. They are involved in current mechatronic research and development projects which helps them to develop and extend their abilities to carry out and manage R&D projects in this field.

Invest in knowledge The ubiquitous and increasing trend towards technological products with high degree of complexity and integrated functionalities leads to a high demand for mechatronic engineers with substantial interdisciplinary know how. The increased use of mechatronic concepts in almost all industrial fields opens up a broad range of job chances for graduates of the MSc mechatronics program. Mechatronic engineers can be found in a variety of functions such as product development, production and fabrication technology, assembly automation, modernization of processes, maintenance, quality control and technical sales. 5

Where can you study mechatronics?

Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje is the oldest and largest University in Macedonia with more than 36 000 students currently enrolled. The University, as the most sophisticated center of education, culture, arts and sciences in Macedonia, accepts the ongoing changes imposed by the modern age and looks upon them as a civilizing mission of the European universities. Nowadays, even six decades after the foundation, this University sets the standards and traces the roads towards modern, progressive and innovative society.

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering – Skopje is focused on educating highly skilled engineers, continuously maintaining cooperation with numerous research, educational and industrial institutions from the country, region and the world. The Faculty offers different Bachelor, Master and PhD study programs covering wide range of engineering disciplines. The mechatronic systems students gain knowledge in few different engineering areas, get familiar with the interdisciplinary approach and work on practical projects.

Admission requirements Students graduated from technical faculties that have completed 240 ECTS or students graduated on Bachelor level programs before introducing ECTS could be enrolled in the master study program in Mechatronic systems. Contact: Karposh II bb; PO.Box 464 1000 Skopje, Macedonia tel. +389 2 3099 210 [email protected] 6



II Semester

I Semester Courses




Elective Block 1 Elective Block 2 Control of systems and processes Robot modeling and control Sensors and actuators

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Elective Block 3 Elective Block 4 Master thesis

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Elective Block 1: Advanced engineering mathematics; Optimization methods Elective Block 2: Industrial electronics and microcontrollers; Electronics Elective Block 3: Interdisciplinary project: System dynamics and control, Interdisciplinary project: Signals, measurements and data aquisition, Micro and Nano mechatronics, Design of mechatronic systems, Real time systems and HIL, Vibration control, Mechatronic systems in vehicles, Advanced rapid prototyping, Flexible automation and CIM, Advanced computer programming Elective Block 4: Courses from University list Note: students could elect 2 courses from any master program within the University. Classes would take place if only minimum of 5 students is admitted in a course. Otherwise the mentor system is applied.



Mechatronic Design Studio Modern well equipped Mechatronic Design Studios (MDS) have been established to provide the students with up to date technological infrastructure and motivating environment. The MDS offer the students possibility to work on research and develop innovative mechatronic systems. The research projects challenges are often derived from the local industry partners. 10

In the MDS students are offered big range of different sensors and actuators, mechatronic platform hardware for embedded and control applications, virtual instrumentation, data acquisition cards, sophisticated support laboratory equipment such as signal generators, oscilloscopes, multimeters, soldering stations etc. Licensed software for control design, real time simulation, embedded system modeling and rapid prototyping of mechatronic systems is also provided for the master students. 11

Development of Regional Interdisciplinary Mechatronic Studies DRIMS TEMPUS IV Project: 158644 - JPCR

The Mechatronic study program focuses on project oriented education and was developed in collaboration with few European Universities and many local and regional enterprises. The process of modernization of the curriculum was supported by the Tempus project: Development of Regional Interdisciplinary Mechatronic Studies – DRIMS where 4 Balkan Universities and 4 European Universities were involved. In the frame of the DRIMS project the capacities for education in the area of mechatronics were strengthened by library updating with the latest editions, preparing new teaching materials in line with the latest technology development and by obtaining of new modern hardware, software and lab equipment. The academic staff involved in the new mechatronic courses was trained at the European Universities to emphasize the project oriented approach, with the use of modern sophisticated equipment and modeling software. Based on the EU best practices strong industry-education network was created to support the promotion of mechatronics engineering in the region and to increase the employment opportunities of the young mechatronic graduates. Following the trends of European Universities and Bologna process, a strong university network in mechatronics was created in order to promote student mobility. We strongly believe that student mobility is one of the main principals for development of well-qualified, open-minded and internationally experienced young people as future professionals. 12

University Project Partners Aachen University of Applied Sciences, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics, Aachen, Germany Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Mechanics and Mechatronics, Vienna, Austria University of Bergamo, Department of Design and Technologies, Bergamo, Italy Technical University Sofia, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Sofia, Bulgaria University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius”, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Skopje, Macedonia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” in Bitola, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Bitola, Macedonia University of Prishtina, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Prishtina, Kosovo University of Montenegro, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Podgorica, Montenegro

Industry Project Partners APS-European Centre for Mechatronics, Aachen, Germany SPESIMA, Sofia, Bulgaria BRAKO, Veles, Macedonia IRING, Skopje, Macedonia MONTAVAR Metalac, Niksic, Montenegro WAS-IMPEX Podgorica, Montenegro

This brochure is printed in the frame of Tempus DRIMS project. The project has been funded with support from European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.