Examiner is required to set 10 questions covering whole syllabus of the paper
and the ... M.A. (Previous) .... Question paper will be set in Sanskrit & English.
SCHEME OF EXAMINATION MASTER OF ARTS (SANSKRIT) 2011 Note: 1. Examiner is required to set 10 questions covering whole syllabus of the paper and the candidates are required to attempt any 5 questions in all. All questions carry equal marks. 2. Internal assessment marks shall be given on the basis of marks secured by the candidate in the Descriptive Examination to be conducted by the respective study centre. Study centres are required to keep the record of the descriptive examination with them for inspection by the University. The marks of Internal Assessment must be submitted to the University before the termination of the University Examination in the concerned subjects. In the event of non receipt of the Internal Assessment Marks, the theory marks secured by the candidate shall be proportionately enhanced.
M.A. (Previous) Paper
Vedic Literature-I (Sahitya)
Sanskrit Vyakaran
Bhartiya Darshan
Laukik Sanskrit – Sahitya
Bhasha Vigyan
M.A. (Final) Note: Select any one of the following group
Group-C Paper
Sanskriti & Dharamshastra
Drama & Prose
Kavya & Kavya Shastra
Kavya Shastra
Adhunik Sanskrit Sahitya
Internal 30
Group-D Paper
Sanskriti & Dharamshastra
Samhita & Grhyasutra
Vedic Ritual & Text
Vedic Text & Grammar
Tradition of Vedic Literature & Interpretation
M.A. (PREVIOUS) VEDIC SAHITYA PAPER CODE DEMSK-101 External: 70 Internal: 30 Note: 1. Examiner is required to set 10 questions covering whole syllabus of the paper and the candidates are required to attempt any 5 questions in all. All questions carry equal marks. 2. Internal assessment marks shall be given on the basis of marks secured by the candidate in the Descriptive Examination to be conducted by the respective study centre. Study centres are required to keep the record of the descriptive examination with them for inspection by the University. The marks of Internal Assessment must be submitted to the University before the termination of the University Examination in the concerned subjects. In the event of non receipt of the Internal Assessment Marks, the theory marks secured by the candidate shall be proportionately enhanced.
?kVd&I ÍXosn 14 vfXu (1-1)_ bUnz (2-12)_ iq#”k (10-90)_ fgj.;xHkZ (10-121)_ uklnh; (10-129)_ fo”.kq (1-54)_ lfork (4-54)_ vf'oukS (7-71)A ?kVd&II ‘kqDy;tqonZs ,oe~ vFkoZons 14 ;tqosZn & vè;k; & 23 (1&16 eU=k)] vè;k; & 36 vFkoZosn & es/ktuu (1-1)] vika Hks”kte~ (1-6) iztkfHk jkK% laoj.ke~ (3-4)_ czãp;Z (11-5)_ Hkwfe (12-1-1&25 eU=k) ?kVd&III czkã.k ,oa mifu”kn 14 czkã.k ,srjs;czkã.k & vè;k;% 33 (‘kqu%'ksik[;ku) ‘kriFk&czkã.k & 1-4-5-8&12 (okÄ~eul~ vk[;ku) mifu”kn~ 1- dBksifu”kn~] 2- rSfÙkjh;ksifu”kn~ (f'k{kkoYyh) ?kVd&IV osnkÄõlkfgR;e 14 (d) fu#Dr (vè;k; 1&2) ([k) fiÄõy NUn% lw=k (oSfnd NUn vè;k;&2] 3) ?kVd&V oSfnd O;kdj.k ,oa O;k[;ki¼fr 14 (d) oSfndO;k[;ki¼fr (izkphu ,oe~ vokZphu) vuq'kaflr xzUFk 1. ,srjs;czkã.k] lk;.k Hkk”; lfgr] lEiknd ,oa vuqoknd] MkW- lq/kdj ekyoh;] rkjk fizfVax oDlZ] okjk.klhA 2. ‘kriFkczkã.ke~] ukx ifCy’klZ] tokgj uxj] fnYyhA 3. ,dkn’kksifu”kn~ Hkk”;&lR;ozr fl¼kUrkyadkj] xzsVj dSyk’k] ubZ fnYyhA 4. fu#Dr] dfiynso ‘kkL=kh] lkfgR; Hk.Mkj] lqHkk”k cktkj] esjBA 5. fiÄõyiz.khre~ NUn% ‘kkL=ke~] xq#dqy egkfo|ky;] >Ttj] gfj;k.kkA 6. Nirukta Mimamsa, Shiv Narayan Shastri. 7. Philosophy of the Upnishads, S. Radhakrishanan 8. Constructive Survey of Upanishadic Philosophy, R.D. Ranade
SANSKRIT GRAMMAR PAPER CODE DEMSK-102 External: 70 Internal: 30 Note: 1. The examiner is required to set question paper as per the guidelines/instructions given in the syllabi of the paper. The students are required to attempt the questions accordingly. 2. Internal assessment marks shall be given on the basis of marks secured by the candidate in the Descriptive Examination to be conducted by the respective study centre. Study centres are required to keep the record of the descriptive examination with them for inspection by the University. The marks of Internal Assessment must be submitted to the University before the termination of the University Examination in the concerned subjects. In the event of non receipt of the Internal Assessment Marks, the theory marks secured by the candidate shall be proportionately enhanced.
;wfuV&I y?kqfl¼kUr&dkSeqnh (laKk izdj.k] L=khizR;; izdj.k] lekl izdj.k) ;wfuV&II y?kqfl¼kUr&dkSeqnh (laf/] lqcUr] izdj.k) ;wfuV&III y?kqfl¼kUr&dkSenq h (frÄUr izdj.k) Hokfnx.k (lEiw.kZ)] vnkfnx.k (vn~] bu~] vl~] nqg~] b.k~ /krq,¡)] tqgksR;kfnx.k (gq] Hkh] Mqnk×k)] fnokfnx.k (fno] ‘kks] tu~)] Lokfnx.k (“kq×k] Lr`×k)] rqnkfnx.k (rqn~] HkzLt~] eqp~)] #/kfnx.k (#/~_ r‘g~] Hkqt~)] rukfnx.k (ru~] d‘)] pqjkfnx.k (pqj] dFk] x.k)A ;wfuV&IV y?kqfl¼kUr&dkSeqnh (d‘nUr vkSj rf¼r izdj.k) d‘nUr (lEiw.kZ)] rf¼r (viR;kf/dkj] jÙkQk|FkZd] pkrqjkFkZd] ‘kSf”kd] eRoFkhZ; izkfXn’kh;] izkfxoh;A ;wfuV&V fl¼kUr&dkSeqnh (dkjd izdj.k) Guide Line Question paper will be set in Sanskrit & English. (i) Explanation of four sutras out of eight carrying 6 marks from each unit. (ii) Formation of three words out of six carrying 8 marks from each unit. Note: Question/questions worth 14 marks is/are required to be answered in Sanskrit.
14 vad 14 vad 14 vad
14 vad
14 vad
6 × 5 = 30 8 × 5 = 40
Hkkjrh; n'kZu (f}rh;&i=k) PAPER CODE- DEMSK-103 External: 70 Internal: 30 Note: 1. The examiner is required to set question paper as per the guidelines/instructions given in the syllabi of the paper. The students are required to attempt the questions accordingly. 2. Internal assessment marks shall be given on the basis of marks secured by the candidate in the Descriptive Examination to be conducted by the respective study centre. Study centres are required to keep the record of the descriptive examination with them for inspection by the University. The marks of Internal Assessment must be submitted to the University before the termination of the University Examination in the concerned subjects. In the event of non receipt of the Internal Assessment Marks, the theory marks secured by the candidate shall be proportionately enhanced.
bdkbZ&,d rdZlaxzg vad % 14 bdkbZ&nks lka[;dkfjdk (1 ls 21 dkfjdk) vad % 14 bdkbZ&rhu lka[;dkfjdk (22 ls vUr rd) vad % 14 bdkbZ&pkj vFkZlxa gz vad % 14 bdkbZ&ikap osnkUrlkj vad % 14 funsZ'k% 1- izFke bdkbZ ls pkj O;k[;k,a iwNh tk,axh ftuesa ls nks djuh gkaxs hA 2- f}rh; vkSj r‘Ùkh; bdkbZ ls pkj dkfjdkvksa dh O;k[;k rFkk nks iz’u iwNs tk;sxa s ftlesa ls nks dkfjdkvksa dh O;k[;k rFkk ,d iz’u dk mÙkj nsuk gksxkA 3- prqFkZ bdkbZ esa ls nks iz’u iwNs tk,axs ftuesa ls ,d dk mÙkj nsuk gksxkA 4- i×te bdkbZ ls pkj O;k[;k,a iwNh tk,axh ftuesa ls nks djuh gksaxhA uksV% 14 vad dk mÙkj laLo‘Qr Hkk”kk ds ekè;e ls fy[kuk vfuok;Z gSA
ykSfdd laLÑr lkfgR;e~ PAPER CODE: MEMSK 104 External: 70 Internal: 30 Note: 1. The examiner is required to set question paper as per the guidelines/instructions given in the syllabi of the paper. The students are required to attempt the questions accordingly. 2. Internal assessment marks shall be given on the basis of marks secured by the candidate in the Descriptive Examination to be conducted by the respective study centre. Study centres are required to keep the record of the descriptive examination with them for inspection by the University. The marks of Internal Assessment must be submitted to the University before the termination of the University Examination in the concerned subjects. In the event of non receipt of the Internal Assessment Marks, the theory marks secured by the candidate shall be proportionately enhanced. Guidelines: Unit I Explanations of two verses out of four carrying 7 marks each. 7 ×2 = 14 Unit II Explanations of two passages out of four carrying 7 marks each. 7 ×2 = 14 Unit III Explanations of two verses out of four carrying 7 marks each. 7 ×2 = 14 Unit IV One critical question out of two based on text carrying 14 marks should be asked. 14 Unit V Four Alankaras out of eight with definitions & examples only. 14 Note: One question with 14 marks is required to answered in Sanskrit. Unit 1 Meghduta of Kalidasa Unit 2 Harshchrita of Bana Bhatta, Ucchvasa-I. Unit 3 Mricchakatikam (Only Shlokas) Unit 4 Sahitydarpana of Visvanatha, Pariccheda I, II, III (up to Karika 29)
BHASHA VIGYAN PAPER CODE: MEMSK 105 External: 70 Internal: 30 Note: 1. The examiner is required to set question paper as per the guidelines/instructions given in the syllabi of the paper. The students are required to attempt the questions accordingly. 2. Internal assessment marks shall be given on the basis of marks secured by the candidate in the Descriptive Examination to be conducted by the respective study centre. Study centres are required to keep the record of the descriptive examination with them for inspection by the University. The marks of Internal Assessment must be submitted to the University before the termination of the University Examination in the concerned subjects. In the event of non receipt of the Internal Assessment Marks, the theory marks secured by the candidate shall be proportionately enhanced. Guidelines: i. Question paper will set in Sanskrit and English ii. Candidates are required to answer one question out of two from each unit carrying 14 marks each. iii. One question worth 14 marks is requires to be answered in Sanskrit. Unit-I 14 Marks i. Definition, Scope and Branches of Linguistics.
(Hkk"kk foKku dh ifjHkk"kk] {ks=k rFkk 'kk[kk,a) ii. Definition and Categories of Language
(Hkk"kk dh ifjHkk"kk rFkk izdkj) iii. Origin and Development of Language
(Hkk"kk dk mn~Hko rFkk fodkl) Unit-II i. Phonetics
14 Marks
(èofufoKku) ii. Morphology
(infoKku) Unit-III i. Syntax
14 Marks
(èofufoKku) ii. Semantics
(infoKku) Unit-IV i. Morphological and Geographical division of the Language of the World
14 Marks
(fo'o dh Hkk"kkvksa dk vkÑfrewyd rFkk ikfjokfjd oxhZdj.k) ii. Indo-European Family
(Hkkjksih; ifjokj) Unit-V i. History of Linguistic Studies
(Hkk"kk'kkL=k dk bfrgkl) ii. Paleography
(f'kykys[k foKku)
14 Marks
laLÑfr ,oa 'kkL=k PAPER CODE: MEMSK 201 External: 70 Internal: 30 Note: 1. The examiner is required to set question paper as per the guidelines/instructions given in the syllabi of the paper. The students are required to attempt the questions accordingly. 2. Internal assessment marks shall be given on the basis of marks secured by the candidate in the Descriptive Examination to be conducted by the respective study centre. Study centres are required to keep the record of the descriptive examination with them for inspection by the University. The marks of Internal Assessment must be submitted to the University before the termination of the University Examination in the concerned subjects. In the event of non receipt of the Internal Assessment Marks, the theory marks secured by the candidate shall be proportionately enhanced.
bdkbZ&I euqLe‘fr (vè;k; 1&2) bdkbZ&II ;kKoYD; Le‘fr (O;ogkjkè;k;) 1- lk/kj.k O;ogkj ekf=kd izdj.k 2- vlk/kj.k O;ogkj ekf=kd izdj.k 3- Í.knku izdj.k 4- ys[kk izdj.k 5- nk;foHkkx izdj.k 6- okD;ik#”; izdj.k 7- n.Mik#”; izdj.k bdkbZ&III dkSfVY; vFkZ’kkL=k (izFke Hkkx] dsoy izFke] f}rh; vf/dj.k) bdkbZ&IV jkek;.k vkSj egkHkkjr 1- jkek;.k rFkk egkHkkjr ds laLdj.k 2- jkek;.k rFkk egkHkkjr ds vk[;ku 3- jkek;.k rFkk egkHkkjr esa lekt 4- jkek;.k rFkk egkHkkjr dk lkaLd‘frd egÙo 5- vius vuqorhZ lkfgR; ds izsj.kkÐksr ds :i esa jkek;.k rFkk egkHkkjr
14 14
bdkbZ&V iqjk.k 1- iqjk.k dh ifjHkk”kk 2- egkiqjk.k ,oa miiqjk.k3- iqjk.kksa esa of.kZr l‘f”Vfo|k 4- iqjk.kksa esa vk[;ku 5- iqjk.kksa dk lkaLd‘frd egÙofn’kkfuns'k% lHkh iz’ui=k laLd‘r vkSj vaxzsth esa gksaxsA bZdkbZ&I, II & III 1- izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls fn, x, pkj i|ksa@lw=kksa esa ls nks dh O;k[;k iwNh tk;sxhA izR;sd ds 3½ vad gksaxsA 2- izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls fn, nks vkykspukRed iz’uksa esa ls ,d dk mÙkj nsuk gksxkA izR;sd ds 7 vad gksaxsA bZdkbZ&IV 1- fn, x, nks iz’uksa esa ls ,d vkykspukRed iz’u dk mÙkj nsuk gksxkA bZdkbZ&V 1- fn, x, nks esa ls ,d vkykspukRed iz’u dk mÙkj nsuk gksxkA uksV% 14 vad okys mÙkj laLd‘r esa fy[kus vfuok;Z gSaA
3.5 × 2 × 3 = 21 7 × 1 × 3 = 21
14 × 1 = 14
14 × 1 = 14
DRAMA & PROSE PAPER CODE: DEMSK 202 Full Marks: 100 Note: 1. Examiner is required to set 10 questions covering whole syllabus of the paper and the candidates are required to attempt any 5 questions in all. All questions carry equal marks. 2. Internal assessment marks shall be given on the basis of marks secured by the candidate in the Descriptive Examination to be conducted by the respective study centre. Study centres are required to keep the record of the descriptive examination with them for inspection by the University. The marks of Internal Assessment must be submitted to the University before the termination of the University Examination in the concerned subjects. In the event of non receipt of the Internal Assessment Marks, the theory marks secured by the candidate shall be proportionately enhanced. Unit-1 Kadambari (Mahashweta vratanta) 14 Unit-2 Shivrajvijya (1-3) Uchvaasa 14 Unit-3 Uttarramcharita (Bhavbhooti) 14 Unit-4 Ratnavali (Sri Harsha) 14 Unit-5 Karnabhara (Bhasa) 14
KAVYA AND KAVYA SHASTRA PAPER CODE: DEMSK 203 Note: 1. Examiner is required to set 10 questions covering whole syllabus of the paper and the candidates are required to attempt any 5 questions in all. All questions carry equal marks.
2. Internal assessment marks shall be given on the basis of marks secured by the candidate in the Descriptive Examination to be conducted by the respective study centre. Study centres are required to keep the record of the descriptive examination with them for inspection by the University. The marks of Internal Assessment must be submitted to the University before the termination of the University Examination in the concerned subjects. In the event of non receipt of the Internal Assessment Marks, the theory marks secured by the candidate shall be proportionately enhanced. Unit 1 Naisadhiyacaritam of Sri Harsa-Conto-I (1-10,15-26,31-50,55-56,65-81,98-102,108-144) Unit 2 Vikramankadeva of Caritam of Bilhana Canto-I Unit 3 Visvagunadarsacampu of Venkatadhyari upto Jagannathkshetravarnanam. Unit 4 Ayath-Collection of Radhavallabha Tripathi (a) Bhatt Mathuranath Shastri (b) Janaki Vallabh Shastri (C) Jagannath Pathak (d) ‘Abhiraj’ Rajendra Mishra (e) Radhavallabha Tripathi. Unit 5 Origin and Development of Various forms of Mahakavya, Champu, Gadya etc., with their definitions given by Bhamaha, Dandi and Visvanatha.
dkO; 'kkL=k PAPER CODE: DEMSK 204 External: 70 Internal: 30 Note: 1. Examiner is required to set 10 questions covering whole syllabus of the paper and the candidates are required to attempt any 5 questions in all. All questions carry equal marks. 2. Internal assessment marks shall be given on the basis of marks secured by the candidate in the Descriptive Examination to be conducted by the respective study centre. Study centres are required to keep the record of the descriptive examination with them for inspection by the University. The marks of Internal Assessment must be submitted to the University before the termination of the University Examination in the concerned subjects. In the event of non receipt of the Internal Assessment Marks, the theory marks secured by the candidate shall be proportionately enhanced.
?kVd&I ?kVd&II ?kVd&III ?kVd&IV
dkO; ehekalk (1&5 vè;k;) n’k:id (izFke ,oa r‘rh; izdk’k) dkO; izdk’k& mYykl 1 ls 3_ 4 (jlizdj.k)_ 5_ 7 (jlnks”k) dkO;izdk’k (uoe&n’ke mYykl) vyadkj&vuqizkl] ‘ys”k] oØksfDr] miek] :id] mRizs{kk] leklksfDr] n`”VkUr] vFkkZUrjU;kl] fun’kZuk] foHkkouk] fo’ks”kksfDr] viÉqfr] ladj] lal‘f”VA
14 14 14 14
?kVd&V èoU;kyksd (izFke m|ksr) vuq’kaflr xzUFk& 1- dkO;ehekalk & jkt’ks[kjA 2- n’k:id & O;k0 Hkksyk’kadj O;kl] pkS[kEck fo|kHkou] okjk.klhA 3- n’k:id & O;k0 MkW0 Jh fuokl ‘kkL=khA 4- dkO;izdk’k] lEik0 Jhfuokl ‘kkL=kh] lkfgR; Hk.Mkj] esjBA 5- dkO;izdk’k] O;k[;kdkj & vkpk;Z fo’os’oj] Kkue.My fy0] okjk.klhA 6- èoU;kyksd] O;k[;kdkj & Jh d‘“.k dqekjA 7- èoU;kyksd] O;k[;kdkj & vkpk;Z fo’os’ojA
vk/qfud laLÑr lkfgR; PAPER CODE: DEMSK 205 External 70 Internal 30 Note: 1. The examiner is required to set question paper as per the guidelines/instructions given in the syllabi of the paper. The students are required to attempt the questions accordingly. 2. Internal assessment marks shall be given on the basis of marks secured by the candidate in the Descriptive Examination to be conducted by the respective study centre. Study centres are required to keep the record of the descriptive examination with them for inspection by the University. The marks of Internal Assessment must be submitted to the University before the termination of the University Examination in the concerned subjects. In the event of non receipt of the Internal Assessment Marks, the theory marks secured by the candidate shall be proportionately enhanced. Unit I
iqjks/kl% LoIu%] ek;kifr% (f'koçlkn Hkkj}kt) Unit II }k lqi.kkZ & (jke th mikè;k;) Unit III vfHkuo laLÑr dFkk (MkWú ukjk;.k 'kkL=kh dkM+j) Unit IV n;kuUn fnfXot; (ea/kkozrkpk;Z) & (1&2 lxZ) Unit V vk/qfud laLÑr dfo ifjp;
14 14 14 14 14
(vfEcdknr O;kl] cPpwyky voLFkh] f'koçlkn Hkkj}kt] jketh mikè;k;] ukjk;.k 'kkL=kh] es/ozrkpk;Z] jk/kkoYyHk f=kikBh] jktsUnz feJ] gfj ukjk;.k nhf{kr] jkedj.k 'kekZ)
lafgrk ,oa x`álw=k
PAPER CODE: DEMSK 206 External: 70 Internal: 30 Note: 1. The examiner is required to set question paper as per the guidelines/instructions given in the syllabi of the paper. The students are required to attempt the questions accordingly. 2. Internal assessment marks shall be given on the basis of marks secured by the candidate in the Descriptive Examination to be conducted by the respective study centre. Study centres are required to keep the record of the descriptive
examination with them for inspection by the University. The marks of Internal Assessment must be submitted to the University before the termination of the University Examination in the concerned subjects. In the event of non receipt of the Internal Assessment Marks, the theory marks secured by the candidate shall be proportionately enhanced.
vFkoZons &lwÙkQ (Atharvaveda Hymns) (,dd&1) Unit – I 1- #f/jÏko fuorZue~ (1-17)] 2- egn~czã (1-32)] 3- ije/ke (osulwÙkQe~) (2-1)] 4- Ñfeuk’kue~ (2-32)] 5- nh?kkZ;q izkfIr (3-11)] 6- czãkSnue~ (4-34)] 7- okftuhoku~ Í”kHk% (4-38) Unit – II (,dd&2) 8- czãxoh (5-18)] 9- rDeuk’kue~ (5-22)] 10- vfj”V{k;.ke~ (Omens) (6-27)] 11- vHk;;kpue~ (Driving away posts) (6-50)] 12- dsoyifr (ifro’khdj.k) (7-38&39)] 13- czãpkfjlwÙkQe~ (11-5) Unit – III (,dd&3) 14- jksfgr lwDre~ (13-1] 1-10)] 15- lw;kZlwÙkQe~ (14-1] 1&16)] 16- fo”kklfg (17-1)] 17- jkf=k lwDre~] (19-50)] 18- nq%LoIuuk’kue~ (19-57)] 19- dqUrkilwDre~ (20-127) Unit – IV (,dd&4) vk’oyk;u x‘álw=ke~ (Asvalayana Grhyasutra) vè;k; 1&2 Unit – V (,dd&5) ikjLdj x‘álw=ke~ (Paraskara Grhyasutra) vè;k; 1 dk.M 2 Guidelines: Questions Paper should be set in Sanskrit & English Unit I, II & III (i) Explanations of three mantras out of five carrying 3.5 marks each should be asked from each unit (ii) One critical question out of three carrying 10.5 marks sould be asked (Covering all three units) Unit IV & V (iii) Explanations of two sutras out of four carrying 3.5 marks each should be asked from each unit. (iv) One critical question out of two carrying 7 marks each should be asked from each unit.
deZdk.M ,oa ikB
3.5×3×3 =31.5 10.5×1=10.5 3.5×2×2=14 7×2=14
PAPER CODE: DEMSK 207 External 70 Internal 30 Note: 1. The examiner is required to set question paper as per the guidelines/instructions given in the syllabi of the paper. The students are required to attempt the questions accordingly. 2. Internal assessment marks shall be given on the basis of marks secured by the candidate in the Descriptive Examination to be conducted by the respective study centre. Study centres are required to keep the record of the descriptive examination with them for inspection by the University. The marks of Internal Assessment must be submitted to the University before the termination of the University Examination in the concerned subjects. In the event of non receipt of the Internal Assessment Marks, the theory marks secured by the candidate shall be proportionately enhanced.
bdkbZ&I bdkbZ&II bdkbZ&III
'kriFk czkã.k (Satapath Brahmana) Kanda V. oktis; 'kriFk czkã.k (Satapath Brahmana) Kanda V. jktlw; 'kriFk czkã.k (Satapath Brahmana) Kanda V. pjdlkS=kkeuh
bdkbZ&IV bdkbZ&V
vk'oyk;u JkSrlw=k (Asvalayana Srautasutra) vè;k;&2 (vXU;k/ku. vfXugks=k] fi.M fir‘;K ,oa) dkR;k;ua JkSrlw=k (Katyayana Srautasutra) vè;k;&2&3 (n'kZi.w keklsfgV%)
Guidelines: Questions Paper should be set in Sanskrit & English Unit I, II & III (i) Explanations of three mantras out of five carrying 3.5 marks each should be asked from each unit (ii) One critical question out of three carrying 10.5 marks sould be asked (Covering all three units) Unit IV & V (iii) Explanations of six sutras out of ten from each unit carrying 3.5 marks each. (iv) One critical question out of two carrying 7 marks. Note : Questions / questions worth 14 marks is / are required to be answered in Sanskrit.
oSfnd xzUFk rFkk O;kdj.k
3.5×3=10.5 10.5×3=31.5 3.5×6=21.0 7×1=7
PAPER ODE: DEMSK 208 External 70 Internal 30 Note: 1. The examiner is required to set question paper as per the guidelines/instructions given in the syllabi of the paper. The students are required to attempt the questions accordingly. 2. Internal assessment marks shall be given on the basis of marks secured by the candidate in the Descriptive Examination to be conducted by the respective study centre. Study centres are required to keep the record of the descriptive examination with them for inspection by the University. The marks of Internal Assessment must be submitted to the University before the termination of the University Examination in the concerned subjects. In the event of non receipt of the Internal Assessment Marks, the theory marks secured by the candidate shall be proportionately enhanced. Unit–I
(,dd&1) & ÍXosn lwÙkQ (Rigveda Hymns)
Hkwfedk 1- vfXuek#r~ (1-19) 2- lw;Z (1-50) 3- vkfiz;% (1-142) 4- fo”.kq (1-154) 5- czã.kLifr (2-23) 6- fe=k (3-59) 7- c‘gLifr (4-50) Unit–II (,dd&2) & ÍXosn lwÙkQ (Rgveda Hymns) 8- e#r~ (5-57) 9- itZU; (5-83) 10- iw”k.k~ (6-53) 11- okLrksLifr (7-25) 12- o#.k (7-88) 13- ljLorh (7-95) 14- uklnh; (10-129) Unit–III (,dd&3) ,srjs; czkã.k v- 38&39 (Aitareya Brahmana, Chapters - 38-39) Unit–IV (,dd&4) oSfnd O;kdj.k (Vedic Grammar) 1- ÍXosn izkfr’kk[;e~ (laKk ifjHkk”kk iVye~) 2- ikf.kuh; f’k{kk
(,dd&5) n;kuUn ÍXosnkfn Hkk”; Hkwfedk (Rgvedadibhasyabhumika of Dayananda) 1- osnksRifÙk fo”k;% 2- osnkuke~ fuR;Rofopkj% 3- l‘f”Vfo|kfo”k;% 4- ukSfoekukfn fo|kfo”k;% Guidelines: Question Paper should be set in Sanskrit & English Unit I, II & III (i) Explanations of three mantras/passages out of five carrying 3.5 marks each should be asked from each unit. 3.5×3×3 = 31.5 (ii) One critical question out of three carrying 9.5 marks should be asked (covering all three units). 9.5×1 = 9.5 Unit IV (i) Explanations of five sutras out of ten from both the text (5 each) carrying 3 marks each. 3×5 = 15 Unit V (ii) One explanation out of two and one question out of two carrying 7 marks each. 7×2 = 14 Note: Question/questions worth 14 marks is/are required to be answered in Sanskrit.
TRADITION OF VEDIC LITERATURE & INTERPRETATION PAPER CODE: DEMSK 209 External 70 Internal 30 Note: 1. The examiner is required to set question paper as per the guidelines/instructions given in the syllabi of the paper. The students are required to attempt the questions accordingly. 2. Internal assessment marks shall be given on the basis of marks secured by the candidate in the Descriptive Examination to be conducted by the respective study centre. Study centres are required to keep the record of the descriptive examination with them for inspection by the University. The marks of Internal Assessment must be submitted to the University before the termination of the University Examination in the concerned subjects. In the event of non receipt of the Internal Assessment Marks, the theory marks secured by the candidate shall be proportionately enhanced. Unit-I
(Samhita) Rigveda, Atharvaveda, Samaveda, Yajurveda, Contents, 14 Marks Recensions, Textual Differences, Recitation. Unit-II (Brahamanas, Aranyakas, Upanishads) Their compositions, Contents styles. 14 Marks (Vedangas) Their significance, contents, styles. Unit-III (Survey of Vedic Studies) 14 Marks History of Traditional Interpretation: Brhaddevata, Sarvanukramani, Kalpasutras, Nirukta, Commentary of Skanda, Mahesvara, Madhava & Sayana etc. Unit-IV Survey of Modern Interpretation. 14 Marks 1. Western Scholars: Wilson, Roth, Whitney, Max Mueller, Oldenberg, Grassman, Hillebrandt Luders, Weber, Calanld, Renou & Gonda, etc. 2. Indian Scholars: Dayananda, Aurovindo, Madhusudana Ojha & Sripada Damodara Satavalekara etc. Unit-V New Trends in Vedic Studies: Relevance in Modern Times 14 Marks