Master of Arts

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whole diet and dietary protein to those of bone coliagm and carbonate, pp. 1-S. In Lambert, J.8, and G- Gnipe (eds.) Pmhisto* Human Bune: Archaeology at Ifie ...
Buriala From a Hi8toifc Hudron Bay Company C ~ m e t e ~ at Fort Frances Ontario : a caae rtudy in appiied foianric oetwlogy


Tanya Rochelle Peckmann

A Thesir Submitted to the Department of Anthropology in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementr for the Degr- of

Master of Arts

Ospartment of AnthropoIogy University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba

October 1987


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A ThedsiPracücum submltted to the Faculg of Girduate S t d k o f The Univcnity

of MMtoba in partid fiiltiumeot of the rquiqimenb of the degree


Tanya Rochelle PecIririnir 1997 (c)

Pemissioo hm b e n grantd to the U b y ofThe Univenlty of W t o b a to lend or wll copies of this thcdrlpcacticum, to the Nationai L i b r ~ of g Canada to microiilm tbir thais and to kud or seM copies ofthe film, and to Maertaâonr Abstractr International to pobhb an abtract OC tht UiesWprneticum. Tbe aathor rww o t h a publication rights, and neither rür thmb/pmcticum aor extensive extrac& h m it may be printeâ or othenriPa repmduced wlthoat the author's wtitten permbion.

The excavation of WKi-2, Fort Frances. Ontario, was an emergency situation arising from the construction of a new parking lot for Baise Cascade Canada Ltd. (now Stone Consolidate Ltd.) who unexpectediy encountered 13 burials of human origin. The osteological and isotopic data are used to estimate racial afin@, age at deaîh, sex, stature, and pathological conditions of these individuals for the eventual repatriation of the remains.


I would Iike to thank my advisor, Dr. William Wade, for his incredible support,

encouragement, and mostly for his fnendship throughout the past three years. His dedication to both this project and the field of physical anthropology has truly been an inspiration. Friday afternoons will never be the same. I would also like to thank my cornmittee members Dr. John Conroy and Dr. Chris Meikiejohn for their patience and endless help, as each week this project seemed to be once again delayed due to reasons of divine intervention.

l wish to express my gratitude towards the Manitou Rapids Resewe, Rainy River Band, for their cooperation in allowing me to carry out this research. I would also like to thank C.S. 'Paddy" Reid of the Ontario Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation, for giving me permission to transport this material to the University of Manitoba, and along with Dr. William Wade, Dr. Raymond Wiest, and Dr. Greg Monks for their support in helping me to secure funding for this research. This thesis would not have been possible without the generous financial support from Stone Consolidateci Ltd. I would like to thank Mr. Greg Rogozinski for always sounding interested in my "thesis updates", although I am sure he has learned more about historic osteoiogy than he ever expected to in one lifetime. I would also like to thank Dr. L Nom and Thetesa Schober of the University of

Florida, Department of Anthropology, Stable Isotope Laboratory, Dr. N. Summer of the Department of Geology, M a s Spectrometry Laboratory, University of Florida, and Denise Ens, Department of Anthropology, University of Manitoba, for their gracious assistance with processing the isotopic data required for this research. iii

My appreciation is also be extended to Dave Cote of the Manitoba X-Ray Clinic for allowing me to use his facilities. To my long time friend, David Hunter, thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to process my radiographs. You have

always been a true friend. There are many other people in my life, for without their support this thesis would not have been completed. The most important of whom are my parents. You have always been there for me, both financially and emotionally, never questioning my goals, but sometimes, I am sure, wondering y&y I would want to sit in a lab with a bunch of

skeletons. Thank you for ahnays having faith in al1 of rny drearns. I would also like to thank my 'Sn sister, Tnrdy, and the "chosen onen, Efana.

Friends like you corne along but once in a lifetime. To Tanya 2 and Carla, I don7 think Kingston Crescent will ever forget us! To Dama play-that-ABBA-song-again", thank you for ahuays being there and listening. It has meant the world to me. To al1 my fnends at lakehead University, thanks for adopting me as one of your own. For my conference buddy Denise, a heartfelt thank you for showing me ?fie way" in anthropology. Your

unyielding help and friendship will never be forgotten. A huge thanks must also be extended to Gerhard, for helping shed some Iight on the historical section of this project. Last but definitely not least, I would like to thank my favorite computer engineer and technical editor, Fred, for al1 those endless hours of 4ixingWmy computer and introducing me to Klik and mushraom soup. Your love and support has meant a great





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TABLEOFCONfPCrS................ ......................................................... .......................... v DEMCATION .............*............*.....,......*........ ............................................................. X


..........................,,.......................................... ............................. 1 . ... . 2 ..................., , , .............................................................. 6 .................................... I O .......................................................................................... O ............................................................................ 1 9 ................................ 9 ....................................................................... 9 3.12 FROMCRANlALMûRPHOCûûY.....................................................................1 9 3-13 BY CRANIAL MSCRlMlNANTFLJNCTlONANALYSE ........................................ O 3-14 FROM DENTITION.....................*......1 3.15 FROMTHE POST-CRANIALSKELFrON................ ...,, .......................2 2 3.2 ESnMATlONOF SEX,................................ ............. 3 3.21 FROM THE PELVIS*. ........................,,............................................. ........3 3.22 FROM THE S K U U...................................,.................................................... 2 5 3.23 FROM LONG BONES................................... ................................................. 2 7 3.3 ESTIMATION OF AGE ............................... . , ....................................................8 3.31 R O M THE STERNAL RIB END.. ............................................................ ............2 8 3.32 FROM THE PUBlC SYMPHYSIS................................................................ 2 8 3.33 FROM THE DENTITION.............,., ........................................................2 9 3.34 FRW THE AURlCUCAR SURFACEOF=THE OS COXAE*........................................ 2 9 3.35 8Y RADlOGRAPHlCTECHNW E S ................... . ,,..,........ , . , ..., 3 O 3.36 FROM THE POST-CRANIAL ELEMENTS (EXCLUDING THE PELVIS).................3 0 3.37 FROM THECRANlALSmûN...................................................................... 3 1 3.4 ESTlMAflON OF STATüRE................................................................................. 3 2 3.41 FROMCOMPLETELONGBONES ..............,. .......................................... 3 2 3.42 FROM FRAOMENTARYLWG80NES........................,............ ............................3 3 3.5 ANALYSES OFMETAND PATHOLOGIES...................................................................3 4 3.51 PATHOLOGIESFRûM BONEMATERIAL.....................................,................3 4 3.52 PATHOLOGIESFROM RADKxjRAPHG.............,.. ......................................... 3 4 3.6 ISOiOPICANALYSIS................................................................................................ 3 5 4.0 BURIAL ANALYSES..................,,.,.......................................................................... 3 9 4.1 BURIAL 1....................,,.,...... .......................................................................... 4 O 4.1 1 STATüS............... .,. .......................................................................... 4 O 4-12 AGE ......i.......*..*....r..r.....ri...... 4O 4.13 SEX ......................... .,... ......................................................................... O 4.14 RACE...................... ........., ......................................................................... 4 1 4.15 AOMTlONAL OBSERVATONS OF fûlENTlA& FORENSICSlGNlFlCANCE....*...... 41 1.0 INTROûüCtlON.. 1.1 RESEARCH . ûBJECllVES..............O.... 12 HISTORICALBACKGROUND 20 OSEOLOG1CALANALYSES 2.1 BURIAL SUMMARIES 3.0 M€IMODS OF I D E N T I F I C A ~ 3.1 ESTiMAllONOF RACE 3.11 FRûM THE CRANIAL SKEtETON

. .

4.151 BIOLOOICAL................................................................................................ 4 1 4.152 CULTURAL.................................................................................................. 4 1

4.2 BURIAL 2............................................................................................................... -42 ........................................... ............................................... 2 4.21 STATUS 4.22 AG€ ................................................................................................................... 4 2 4.23 SEX.................... ..........................................................................4 2 4.24 RACE 43 425 ADûmûML ûBSERVAfK)F(S Of POTENMLFORENSICÇIGNIFiCANCE...........4 3 4251 BIOLOGICAL........................................, .. 3 4.252 CULTURAL 45 4.3 BURIAL 3 46 4.31 STATUS............................................................................................................. 4 6 4.32 AGE .......................................... 46 ........................................................... ....................................................4 7 4.33 s a * 4.34 RACE.................rr......*........., ........................................................................ *47 4.35 AM)mONAL OBSERVATlONS OF:POTEMiAlFORENSICSIGNIFICANCE..........-4 7 4.351 BIOLûGICAL.............................................................................................. 4 7 4.352 CULTURAL ....o......t.,........*........................................................4 8 4.4 BURIAL 4............................ ........................................................................4 9 4.41 STATUS..~..*...............r..*.**..~..~.~..*.....*...~....~................*..*~**...*~......~................ ..4 9 4-42 AGE ....r............r..*..*........l.i.. 49 4.43 s a.......................................................................................................... * 5O 4.44 RACE........................................................................................................... * 5 O 4-45 ADDITIONAL OBSERVATIONSOF POTENTIALM E N S I C IMPUCATiONS ..........5 O 4.451 BIOLOGICAL.......... . . , .....................................................-...................... 5 O 4.452 CULTURAL............................................................................................... 5O ..................................................................5 1 4.5 BURIAL 5.................. ..,... 4-51 STATUS-..*...... ..5 1 ...,.rr.....r...r..*.r.....****......r.......r..r...,.i.r.r..r....rrr.ri....iii..rr.........r.. 4.52 AGEr*.. 5 i 4.53 Sa