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Employment Statistics: Class of 2011 – 88% of .... If your only network coming out of your MBA is your fellow business students, then we haven't done our job.



Core: 34.5 Electives: 23 The School of Business is AACSB accredited Admit Rate: 55% (class entering 2012) Field Study Consulting Project: 4.5 Length of Program: 4 semesters Entry to Program: Fall Format: Full-time / on campus Internships: Strongly suggested / support given by our Business Career Management Center

Career Management Assistance: 13-person Business Career Management Center with Executive Career Coaches Scholarships / Merit-Based Aid: 100% of our MBAs received some form of merit-based aid or scholarships Tuition and Fees: $45,000 estimated for class entering fall 2013 for complete 4 semester program Internship Statistics: Class of 2012 – 100% of those seeking accepted a summer internship Employment Statistics: Class of 2011 – 88% of those seeking had full-time employment within 4 months of graduation Admissions Notations: 2 years professional postundergraduate work experience strong preferred

Average GMAT class of 2014: 602 Areas of Concentration:

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The Full-Time MBA Is Your Two Year License to EXPLORE

Marketing Operations / Supply Chain

We often refer to our MBA program as a “two-year license to explore” and we design your experience with the inspiration, resources and infrastructure to help our students do just that.

Human Resources / Organizational Behavior

Whether you’re coming into the program with a plan in place, or you’re hoping to discover new territory that will ignite your passion, our program will test your theories and expand your idea of what’s possible.

Finance Custom Concentration

From the first day of class, we not only encourage students to think big and strive for something great, but to redefine what “big” means to you.

Bachelor’s degree with 3.0 GPA required to apply

Thinking about pursuing a position with a local distribution company? Why not think bigger and go after a position working for in their global distribution office? Have a goal of working for a regional financial services provider? What about working in corporate finance for Ford Motors in Michigan or as an analyst for Hershey’s South American division in Pennsylvania? Or how about MTV in New York or Rio Tinto in London?

No prerequisites

These are all recent employment offers to our MBA students.

Program Overview It’s a brave new world out there. That’s why earning your MBA at the David Eccles School of Business is a different sort of proposition. Our program focuses on industry-agnostic, fundamental business skills that prepare our graduates to be effective managers in any field. Take Ryan Murri, MBA 2011, who landed a dream job only one month after graduation with Stryker, a leading medical technology company based in Silicon Valley. “During job interviews, employers saw that I could take a product, develop a commercial strategy, work with a team and ultimately complete a project with superior performance. The most meaningful education I received at the School of Business was learning how to effectively and succinctly communicate information and value.” Beyond developing your core skills, you’ll have countless opportunities at the School of Business to expand your horizons and explore new directions and industries. The Full-Time MBA program grants students a two-year license to explore, so your primary job for these two years is to think big, expose yourself to new ideas and shake yourself out of your comfort zone. As a Full-Time MBA student, you’ll be part of a culture that pays more than lip service to entrepreneurship, innovation and technology commercialization. The University of Utah passed MIT to rank #1 in the nation for creating start-up businesses (22 new companies were launched from campus last year alone).

Opportunities abound for MBA students to take their education beyond the classroom. Murri, for example, worked with engineering students at the University of Utah’s Pierre Lassonde New Venture Development Center to develop a commercialization plan and financial strategy for a pioneering medical device. Murri’s story is only one of the hundreds of game-changing successes playing out at the School of Business each year. How do we do it? For starters, a brilliant faculty ranked 20th in the nation for research. A dedicated Business Career Management Center where professional career coaches help students to map a career path. An active and engaged alumni network helmed by people like Spencer P. Eccles, executive director of the Utah Governor’s Office of Economic Development, and Robert A. McDonald, president and CEO of Proctor & Gamble. A surrounding state ranked #1 in the nation for economic outlook. And, a targeted two-year curriculum that stresses analytical thinking, communication skills and professionalism.

We’ll help you flex your “think big” muscle and prepare to go after your dream career. Fully engage in our MBA program and you’ll experience a transformation that will change your view of the world, the scope of your options and your definition of success.

CUSTOMIZED Student Experience If you ask 80 MBA students about their career goals and interests, you’ll likely hear 80 different responses. In our program, we understand the value in letting students customize their academic experiences both inside and outside the classroom. Our students start taking electives as early as their second semester and are free to enroll in any business courses that fit their goals and interests. Under the leadership of Director Linda Wells, our students have redefined the boundaries of curriculum, creating unique opportunities for course credit including consulting projects for major companies, starting new campus organizations and even creating their own courses. Just last year, we had a group of eight students interested in the specialty area of industrial design. They pitched the idea to Linda Wells, who not only approved it, but helped arrange an independent study course with a renowned instructor from the Rhode Island School of Design. If students can envision a creative way to enhance their experience, we don’t ask if it is possible. We ask, “How can we help?”



Immerse Yourself in a FULL-TIME Experience and Earn Much More Than a Degree

The Four Pillars Engage Intellectually The MBA is an opportunity for exploration and transformation Strive for something great — Think Big Students are expected to invest

There are many types of MBA programs out there tempting you on a daily basis. Programs that promise easier MBAs… faster MBAs… less expensive MBAs… or worse yet “get an MBA without breaking a sweat”. What? We actually believe that the really amazing results – the confidence, networks and the innovative thinking – only happen when you start to really, really sweat. We embrace the sweat! Sweat is why the full-time MBA is still the gold standard when it comes landing a spot in the C-suite. Our commitment is to provide you with a peer group of like-minded, fully committed students that will form an amazing support system and inspiration network. We carefully select our students based on their desire to jump in with both feet, and the energy is contagious; pushing you to do more than you thought was possible.

in building their MBA community

Are you a fit for the Full-Time MBA? When reviewing MBA applications, we often ask whether the applicant is a good fit for our program? Do the applicant's goals match our program’s value proposition? Will the applicant add to the experience their fellow students will receive?

We also use them as guiding philosophies as we make choices and decisions about the direction of our full-time program. It’s our admissions compass, if you will. (Or, to be a bit more modern, our admissions GPS system.)

This “fit factor” — together with academic readiness, demonstrated leadership and professional experience — provide the basis for many of our admissions decisions.

These four pillars define who we are as a program.

And fit can also provide a good starting point for you to assess whether you’re a good match for our MBA. So what exactly does “a good fit” for the Full-Time MBA look like? To help you answer this question, we created the Four Pillars. This set of expectations and ideals was developed to help communicate our core program values to prospective and current students as well as staff and faculty at the David Eccles School of Business.

Leverage the University’s Nationally Ranked ENTREPRENEURIAL Programs The University of Utah is ranked No. 1 in the country for producing startup companies based on university research. Take a moment to take that in. Innovation isn’t just a buzz word at the University of Utah; it’s a way of thinking that forms the backbone of the many exceptional and differentiating opportunities provided to our MBA students.

If they inspire and motivate you… if you see your past and your future in their messaging, and most importantly, if they resonate with you… then it’s a good bet our program is a fit for you.

MBAs can participate in a variety of unique programs, such as the Lassonde Entrepreneur Center and the Technology Commercialization Office, getting real experience and insight into how ideas go from concepts and prototypes in the lab to commercialization in the market. Work with medical students and engineers in programs such as Bench to Bedside and Opportunity Quest. Tackle the idea end of the process with the Sorensen Innovation Center. There are over 20 unique programs offered to our MBAs interested in incorporating the start-up process into their MBA experience.

Read on to find out more about our full-time program. You’re sure to see the four pillars strategically woven into the fabric of our MBA program.

Finance-minded MBAs can hone their commercialization skills from the “invest side” of the equation as associates with the University Venture Fund (the largest student-run venture capital fund in the country) or the University Impact Fund, one of the first university programs focused on social investing. Students participating in these and many other University of Utah nationally recognized programs build a range of industry-agnostic skills including analytical thinking, how to conduct relevant market research, teamwork and the ability to communicate complex ideas. Participation in these programs provides an experience that can’t be duplicated in any other MBA program.



Total Credit Hours: 62



MBA At A Glance



Learn From Peers in an INTERDISCIPLINARY Environment With an average of 30 percent of our MBA students participating in dual-degree programs in engineering, law, or healthcare administration, our MBA program provides a unique collection of academic backgrounds in the classroom. Such a diverse cohort fosters a learning environment that creates divergent networks and a unique skill set that can lead to intriguing career opportunities. And the benefits of such a cross campus crowd don’t stop in the classroom. There are a variety of experiential programs that match MBA students with students from across campus. Working in teams with medical, biology or computer science students (to name just a few) creates experiences that directly translate into greater preparation to succeed in today’s competitive job market. For example, in addition to business students, the Entrepreneur Club is open to graduate students from across campus. This is exactly the mix of backgrounds and expertise that forms the building blocks of innovation. Likewise, the Sorensen Innovation Center, coordinated out of the School of Business, will encourage participation from across campus as this new center comes to life in 2013. If your only network coming out of your MBA is your fellow business students, then we haven’t done our job. The world is interdisciplinary and we believe this rich diversity best prepares our MBAs to differentiate themselves and provide immediate value to employers in a broad range of industries.

P R O G R A M O F S T U D Y / FA L L 2012 M BA 1 S CH EDU L E


Full-Time MBA Program of Study Total hours to complete the MBA degree = 62 credits (39 MBA Core Credits + 23 Elective Credits) MBA 1 Fall — 17.5 Credits

MBA 1 Spring — 14.5 Credits

WEEK ZERO: MGT 6050 (1.5) Foundations of Teams

ACCTG 6001 (1.5) Managerial Accounting

ACCTG 6000 (3) Financial Accounting

MGT 6053 (1.5) Advanced Writing for Business

FINAN 6025 (3) Managerial Economics

FINAN 6020 (3) Financial Management

MBA 6000 (1.0) Career Strategies

IS 6010 (1.5) Information Systems

OIS 6040 (1.5) Data Analysis & Decision Making I

OIS 6041 (1.5) Data Analysis & Decision Making II

OIS 6060 (1.5) Production Operations Management I

OIS 6061 (1.5) Production Operations Management II

MKTG 6090 (3) Marketing Management

DESB Elective (3)

MGT 6051 (3) Managing & Leading in Organizations

MBA 6000 (1.0) First Year Career Perspectives Course

MBA 2 Year - 30 credits / 5.5 Core / 4.5 Field Study / 20 Electives WEEK ZERO: MGT 6054 (1.5) Business Presentations


Fall: MGT 6071 (3) Competitive Strategy Fall or Spring: MBA 6800 & MBA 6810 Field Study (4.5)

Our MBA Leadership team knows what success looks like and is committed to delivering a world-class business school experience for our students.

Fall or Spring: MBA 6001/02 2nd Year Career Perspectives Course

MBA Program Director Linda Wells joined the Utah MBA program in 2011 after 10 years as the Director of Stanford’s Center for Entrepreneurial Studies. Linda leverages her extensive contact list of Bay Area businesspeople to help our students receive incomparable access to the leaders of today’s top companies.

20 electives are taken in the second year of the MBA

Likewise, Sarah Johnston, the Director of the Business Career Management Center, brings 20-plus years in corporate banking experience to our program, helping students gain insight and access to create opportunities equal to those in top-ranked MBA programs. Wells, Johnston, and the rest of our MBA leadership team consistently emphasize an entrepreneurial spirit as a cornerstone of our program. They understand that students who embrace the desire to think big and to create will leave their MBA experience prepared to accomplish great things.

ENGAGED PARTNERS in Your Career Management

The BCMC was restructured in 2011 and our graduates are already reaping the rewards. Early employment results for our MBA Class of 2012 show more than a $15,000 increase in average starting salaries and at least a 15% increase in offers from outside of Utah. The class of 2013 also saw great success in their search for internships, with 96% of students receiving internships offers and double digit increases in wages.

NETWORK — Leverage OUR Network Then Create YOUR Network Whether it be Robert McDonald, CEO of Proctor & Gamble; Jeff Atkin, Chairman and CEO of SkyWest Airlines; or myriad other MBA Alumni, being a part of the full-time program automatically enrolls you in a dynamic network of contacts across the nation. The David Eccles School of Business has strongholds of alumni in the Bay Area, Southern California, Texas, New York, Boston, Chicago, Cincinnati, and Seattle, as well as in China, London, and The Netherlands. The MBA Leadership Team is dedicated to connecting students with key contacts locally, nationally, and globally to help them refine and shape their careers. But wait. The question isn’t so much what alumni network can we provide for you… the question is how are we going to help you build your own powerful network? While the Eccles Alumni network provides exciting possibilities, it’s really just a springboard. The real value of an MBA is learning how to reach out and build something even more lasting – your own network tailored to your interests, experience, and career goals. For that reason, our program focuses on giving students a variety of tools to build this custom network. Tools such as learning the art of the informational interview or mastering the elevator pitch to turn even a brief encounter into a memorable impression. Specific programs such as ConnectU or our career leadership course role model this critical set of skills and provide the confidence necessary for success. We will provide the tools, coaching and support, but success will be determined only by the boundaries of your own drive to make your network dynamic, strong, and truly exceptional.

Fall 2012 MBA 1 Schedule

Our students are never alone in their career search, whether seeking an internship or preparing for life after graduation. The Business Career Management Center (BCMC) employs several Executive Career Coaches who are committed to supporting students in finding the career of their dreams. By offering feedback on resumes, coordinating mock interviews, and assisting with salary negotiations, the BCMC staff is partners with students from the first day of school until a job offer is accepted.



9:00 am




10:00 am

OIS 6040 (1st Session) OIS 6060 (2nd Session) (9:10-10:30) CRCC 115

OIS 6040 (1st Session) OIS 6060 (2nd Session) (9:10-10:30) CRCC 115

10:30 am

break (10:30-10:45)

break (10:30-10:45)

9:30 am

11:00 am 11:30 am 12:00 pm 12:30 pm 1:00 pm 1:30 pm 2:00 pm 2:30 pm 3:00 pm 3:30 pm 4:00 pm

MKTG 6090 (10:45-12:05) SFEBB 5130

ACCTG 6000 (10:45-12:05) SFEBB 5130

MKTG 6090 (10:45-12:05) SFEBB 5130


ACCTG 6000 (10:45-12:05) SFEBB 5130

EBIT BLOCK: (12:25-1:45) This block of time is held for a variety of MBA activities including student organizations, guest speakers and company information sessions. During the first 7 weeks, the Career Strategies Course (1.0) will be held on two days a week during this time block. FINAN 6025 (2:00-3:20) SFEBB 5130

MGT 6051-006 (2:00-5:00) CRCC 215

FINAN 6025 (2:00-3:20) SFEBB 5130

MGT 6051-006 (2:00-5:00) CRCC 215

4:30 pm 5:00 pm

Schedule is subject to change

REV 2/28/2012



Innovation vs. Entrepreneurship vs. Technology Commercialization “The best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas.” – Dr. Linus Pauling

Check out any MBA program these days and you’re likely to see the terms innovation, entrepreneurship and technology commercialization used in a variety of ways. No surprise there, given that the skills developed in each area — creativity, curiosity, communication, and the ability to see through failure to success — are so highly valued in the marketplace.

“There’s a way to do it better—find it.” – Thomas Edison

The University of Utah The state’s oldest and largest institution of higher education, the University of Utah is the flagship university of the state. The University offers more than 100 undergraduate and 90 graduate degree programs to over 31,000 students (23,500 undergraduate and 7,500 graduate). The University is noted for its high research profile, its diversity of ideas and people, its stunningly beautiful setting and the warmth, friendliness, and collegiality of its faculty, staff, and students. Research, discovery, and commercialization play a more prominent role at the University than ever before. Research and related funding for 2010 jumped 27 percent to over $450 million. In 2011, the University’s Technology Commercialization Office started 23 technology companies. This brings the total number of companies created at the University to 132 since 2005. The U is now the nation’s leader in launching start-up companies from research-based inventions two years running, having surpassed MIT in 2010. The University of Utah plays a significant role in the economic vitality of the state. One of the most effective recent partnerships developed is the

“The essential part of creativity is not being afraid to fail.” – Edwin H. Land

On the field, it was the inclusion of the University of Utah that facilitated the transformation of the Pac-10 into the new Pac-12 Conference in July 2011. The move both strengthens Utah’s athletic programs and profile and, at the same time, moves it to a more academically powerful collection of institutions.

in launching star

tion’s leader

t-up companies from research-bas ed inventions two years runnin g, having surpassed MIT in 20 10.

Innovation Innovation is the process of identifying or looking at a problem with an eye to producing new and creative solutions, prototypes or modifications.

Covering 1,534 acres on the east bench of the Salt Lake Valley, the University has one foot in downtown Salt Lake City, the other in the towering Wasatch Mountains just to the east of campus. The mix of the two divergent settings gives campus a unique perspective. For instance, the U’s on-campus housing was the former Athletes Village from the 2002 Olympic Winter Games. And when class is out, U students can be downtown at a Utah Jazz NBA basketball game or on the slopes of a world-famous ski resort in just minutes.

Skills gained by focusing on Innovation: Students develop a framework for a creative thought process, an ability to develop prototypes and the ability to conduct market and primary end user research. Concrete Upside: Creates an environment that may produce an idea idea worthy of launching a business. Creates an environment to establish and grow industry contacts. Opportunities for students wanting to flex the INNOVATION muscle during their MBA: • Sorenson Center for Innovation and Discovery • Entrepreneur Club • Innovation Speaker Series

But, The Greatest Snow on Earth™ has nothing on the title of The BestManaged State in the Nation. (The Pew Center on the States). Or how about these props? Utah ranks #1 in the country for economic outlook (AlecLaffer State Economic Competitiveness). In Salt Lake City and throughout the state of Utah, business is booming. The same work ethic and spirit of innovation that helped Utah’s pioneers settle the West is now helping Utah’s economy rebound faster than almost every other state in the nation. It’s not all work here, though. As the cultural hub of the Intermountain West, the Salt Lake area pulses with diverse live music and dynamic nightlife throughout the year, plus theater, dance and opera. Our dining scene is especially delicious, thanks in large part to a bounty of fresh ingredients grown locally. And don’t forget the annual Sundance Film Festival, arguably the most important festival of its kind on the planet, held each January in and around Salt Lake. With superlative recreation and scenery, plus significant business and cultural opportunities to boot, it’s little wonder Utah has also been named The Happiest State in the Nation (Gallup Poll).

Not sure of the differences? Our comparison chart shows you how we view these key areas, and outlines the programs we offer. Try one or try them all. The choice (and opportunity) is yours.


Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship is the process of launching a new business venture. This most commonly comes from an innovative idea, a new business model, or the motivation of “we can do it better”. Skills gained by focusing on Entrepreneurship: Business planning, presentation skills, market assessment, guerilla-level creativity, resilience, doing something with nothing, problem solving Concrete Upside: Starting a business during the program and/or gaining the ability to start or create as the need arises. Opportunities for students wanting to flex the ENTREPRENUERIAL muscle during their MBA: • Entrepreneur Club • Foundry • Utah Entrepreneur Series • Lassonde Entrepreneurial Center

vs. Technology Commercialization Technology Commercialization is the process of taking university technology and turning it into a viable product. Technology can be licensed or purchased by a start up or, more commonly, an already existing company. Skills gained by focusing on technology commercialization: Market research, business planning, the ability to communicate complex ideas and processes and concept analysis. Concrete Upside: Establish strong industry contacts, gain industry-specific knowledge (for example medical devices), understanding of patent law and intellectual property considerations. Opportunities for students wanting to flex their COMMERCIALIZATION muscle during their MBA: • Lassonde New Venture Development Center • Bio Innovate • TCO - Technology Commercialization Office

• Independent study courses

The Best Economic Outlook in the Nation Meets The Greatest Snow on Earth™ Sure, Salt Lake City is known around the globe for its jaw-dropping scenery and world-class outdoor recreation. Nine distinct ski & snowboard resorts tower dramatically above Salt Lake City, all within an hour’s drive of campus. Southern Utah’s five national parks beckon for easy weekend outings. Starting off the day with a few runs in the powder or hitting the trails for a mountain bike ride after class is standard procedure here at the David Eccles School of Business.

At the University of Utah MBA, we believe these terms are something more than interchangeable buzzwords, and we offer targeted programs in each area to help you develop specific skills.

“Creativity is thinking up new things. Innovation is doing new things.” – Theodore Levitt

The U is now the na

Utah Science Technology and Research initiative (USTAR), a long-term, state-funded investment to strengthen Utah’s knowledge economy. The goal is to create novel technologies which then leverage the assets of Utah’s research universities in creating and commercializing innovative technologies to generate more technology-based start-up firms, higher paying jobs, and additional business activity. University Health Care is the Intermountain West’s only academic health-care system, combining excellence in patient care, medical research, and teaching. The U’s Health Sciences has been recognized as a leading regional teaching institution and patient-care facility. University of Utah Health Care was ranked No.1 in the University Health System Consortium’s 2010 quality study.

But are these terms different? And if so, how do the differences affect you, your MBA education, and your career?

• Bench to Bedside Competition

The Entrepreneurial MBA Profile The Innovation MBA Profile On the Nightstand

David Eccles School of Business Alumni Clubs Access to an amazing group of alumni is one of the more significant benefits of our MBA program. Following is a list of our most active and engaged alumni groups around the nation. • • • • • • • • • • •

Bay Area Southern California Seattle Phoenix Salt Lake City Denver Dallas Chicago Cincinnati            Washington D.C. New York City





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On the Nightstand — “The Medici Effect” by Frans Johansson and “Design Driven Innovation: Changing the Rules of Competition by Radically Innovating What Things Mean” by Roberto Verganti Favorite Podcast — Tech Stars, Daily Life — has at least 4 prototypes in some stage of completion on his kitchen table at home Reality Check — At least 33 design failures are necessary to get to your next brilliant overnight success. Dog’s Name: “Proto”

The Technology Commercialization MBA Profile

“The Lean Start-Up” by Eric Ries and “The Art of the Start” by Guy Kawasaki. (Seriously, what aren’t they reading?) Favorite Podcast — Stanford’s eCorner, www. Daily Life — has thought of no fewer than 3 different ideas for new companies in the past week Reality Check — Fail fast – fail often Dog’s Name: “Risky”

On the Nightstand: “The Art and Science of Technology Transfer” and “Commercialization of Innovative Technologies: Bringing Good Ideas to the Marketplace.” Daily Life — Loves scouring patents and determining how to move new technology through the FDA approval process Reality Check — Brilliant doesn’t always equal commercially viable. Dog’s Name: “PI” (Principal Investigator)



Your Path to the Start-Up Sweet Spot





Welcome to UTAH. . . Enjoy your Adventures. Utah is a place of unfathomable natural beauty—with its unique natural formations, colorful history and culture and exciting recreation opportunities, it is an American state that contains the best elements of the great Mountain West and the Desert Southwest. From red rock splendor to mountain peaks with The Greatest Snow on Earth®, Utah is a four-season world-class destination. After you leave Utah, you will see the world through a new lens. No doubt you have experienced something new, stepped slightly outside of your



comfort zone, and challenged yourself enough to feel accomplished.

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For more information about Salt Lake City and Utah, visit:



“America’s Top States for Business 2012” CNBC, July



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Ratio of MBA students to BCMC Staff

Engaged Partners Throughout Your MBA Experience 1

WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO EXPLORE Whether you’re coming into the program with a plan in place, or you’re hoping to discover new territory that will ignite your passion, the staff at the Business Career Management Center will test your theories and expand your idea of what’s possible. BCMC programs that help you explore: • CareerLeader Assessment • Career Perspectives Course

WE GET YOU READY TO NETWORK AND INTERVIEW Before you venture into the world to network and interview with future employers, we provide you an array of workshops and courses to help ensure you are ready to showcase your best attributes. From basics such as delivering a proper handshake or delivering a crisp elevator pitch to something with countless intricacies such as the etiquette of conducting an interview over lunch, we help our students understand the all-too-important intangibles of the career search.

• Executive Speaker Series • Local Company Visits / Student Treks

• Resume and cover letter writing

• Career Fairs

• Elevator pitch

• Study Trips

• Workshops and conference preparation sessions

• Business Women's Roundtable




University of Utah MBA students are never alone in building a strategy for landing a great job after graduation. With the assistance of our Executive Career Coaches and our Career Action Groups, students will develop a custom strategy designed to get you from options to offer.


WE PREPARE YOU FOR SUCCESS For students who engage with the BCMC from day one, success isn’t a question, it’s a certainty. And believe it or not, managing multiple offers or negotiating salary can be tricky terrain even for veterans. Our staff stands beside you during this part of your journey, with expert guidance and advice on how to transition your MBA into the job of your dreams!

• Mock interviews

• Career Strategies Class

• Career Strategies Course

BCMC Director Sarah Johnston leads the executive coaching team and BCMC staff, and comes with extensive corporate experience as a Senior Vice President at Citibank-Morgan Stanley Smith Barney and elsewhere in corporate banking, business development and relationship management with Fortune 1000 companies. Johnston received her MBA at UCLA, and her BA from the University of North Carolina, where she was a Morehead Scholar.


• Executive Career Coaches

• Statistical information about standard salaries and industry offers

• Connect U

• Salary and offer negotiation • Benefit negotiation

WE PROVIDE ACCESS TO OPPORTUNITY& OPEN DOORS We know that one of the biggest keys to our students finding great jobs is networking, so one of the main priorities of the BCMC is generating opportunities to connect students with potential employers. Whether it’s a company information session or on-campus interviews, a career fair or an alumni networking event, the opportunities to network and start building relationships start on day one. We give you the skills and confidence, provide access to opportunity and then let you make the magic happen. • Connect U

• Internship search assistance

• Case Competitions

• Career Fairs

• Access to job postings

• Sponsor of the Annual MBA Consortium

• Customized student matching with partner companies

• Executive Career Coaches

• On-campus recruiters / interviewing

• Student Treks (local)

• Executive Speakers Series

• Study Trips (national and international)

• Dedicated staff focused on building relationships with significant local and national hiring companies

• Career Action Groups

• MBA national networking events (NSHMBA, Net Impact, Women MBAs to name a few)

• Alumni networking events

• Business Women's Roundtable

Our BCMC Partners Providing employment, internship or access to other opportunities for our Full-Time MBA students Accenture Adobe American Express ARUP Laboratories ATK Bard Access Systems Black Diamond Comcast Community Controls Convergys CR England Crescendo Ventures Deloitte & Touche

Delta Airlines Discover Financial Disney Interactive Studios Domo Dressler Investments E*Trade eBay Echelon Biosciences Energy & Geoscience Institute Enterprise Rent a Car Ernst & Young Fidelity Investments Flying J Ford Motor Company GE Capital

GE Healthcare General Mills GKN Aerospace Goldman-Sachs Google Grant Thornton Hershey’s Hunt Oil InContact Intermountain Healthcare Ivory Homes JC Penney Jet Blue JP Morgan & Chase Co Kimberly Clark

KPMG L-3 Communications Leucadia Financial Corporation L’Oreal Management & Training Corp Microsoft Myriad Genetics Natl Credit Union Admin Novell Omniture PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Proctor & Gamble Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield Rio Tinto

Rocky Mountain Power & PacifiCorp Savage Industries Sinclair Oil Specialized Stryker Target Corporation Tesoro Oil UBS Financial Services University of Utah Healthcare USTAR Wells Fargo Zagg Inc. Zions Bancorporation Zions Bank

For the full list of over 300 partner companies, please see our website at


Professional Work Experience Entering the Program

Average Starting Salary In-State Position

Average Starting Salary Out- of-State Position

Less than 1 Year



1 to 2 Years




The three most important factors influencing starting salary are under your control. Professional Work Experience Entering the Program

2 to 3 Years



More than 3 Years



Average Starting Salary In-State Position

Less than 1 Year


1 to 2 Years


2 to 3 Years


More than 3 Years


+Summer Internship

= What our most engaged MBAs are experiencing

+High Level of Engagement with BCMC


+Out of State Employment $60,000 $86,000 N/A $146,000



The David Eccles School of Business’s Business Career Management Center works to facilitate mutually beneficial connections between students alumni and corporate recruiters. A team of full-time professionals and career coaches is dedicated to helping students maximize their graduate school investment and succeed in today’s competitive job market by providing careerfocused resources and training that richly complement their classroom studies. At the same time, the BCMC works with corporations searching for qualified graduates and interns, and works to attract new companies for information sessions and interviews at the David Eccles School of Business.





Business Career Management Center (BCMC)

Full-Time Employment – 88% Average out-of-state starting salary – $81,90 0 (2012) High starting salary – $140,000 (20

High signing bonus –



Percent taking employme nt out of state – 36%

Data as of 4 months pos t-graduation – 2011 statistics will be updated fall 2012

Full-Time MBA Internship Statistics – Class of 2013 Internships acceptance rate – 100% Average salary (monthly) – $2,673 High starting salary – $6,700 Percent taking internships out of state – 25% Statistics based on those students seeking internships

The Business Career Management Center has executive career coaches whose only goals are to help you market yourself to potential employers and provide guidance to you in your job search. Our coaches have real-world experience that makes them an invaluable resource you don’t want to miss out on. Career coaches will help you define your career goals by providing a structure to your career planning process. We will encourage you, inspire commitment and monitor and validate your progress—we promote persistence. We are here to build a partnership with you so you can take advantage of your internal and external resources. We are future-focused, impartial, objective, positive and genuine. Lisa Buffmire has more than 20 years experience with Fortune 500 companies as an executive career and change-management consultant, coaching hundreds of professionals through career assessments, resume development, strategic job searches, interviewing practice and salary negotiations. Buffmire received her MBA and BFA from the University of Utah. Michael de Lisser has spent more than 15 years as a strategic leadership consultant, and he has coached more than 300 executives and managers in improving their leadership skills, developing career plans and preparing for presentations and interviews. De Lisser received his MA from the University of Utah, and his BA from the University of Rhode Island.



The Career Strategies course is an intensive seven-week course designed to define and develop your professional goals, help you build a personal action plan and refine the skills necessary for successful career management during and after your MBA. The following subjects are covered in this Career Strategies class:

Ruchi Watson was most recently a Senior Marketing Manager at Target in Minneapolis and prior to that a consultant for Bain & Company in NYC. Prior to business school she was Packaging Development Engineer at General Mills, also in Minneapolis. She has a Chemical Engineering degree from University of Illinois and an MBA from Kellogg. She will be working on experiential learning programs including Student Consulting Initiatives, the new Center for Consumer Decision Making, and Field Studies. In working with all of these programs, she will work towards an overarching strategy and structure for experiential learning and engagement with industry. She will coordinate with the Career Management staff to develop workshops and coaching for students interested in positions requiring case interviews.

CAREER PERSPECTIVES (2.0) MBA 6001/02 Our MBA students are required to enroll in two Career Perspectives courses to complete requirements for the FullTime MBA Program. Each Career Perspectives course is 1.0 credit hours for a total of 2.0 credit hours over the two-year program.

Requirements for each Career Perspectives Course:

• Tools and resources for conducting comprehensive research on companies and individuals, necessary for effective interviewing and networking. Includes suggestions on what type of information to research specific to industry, position and, in some cases, company.

• Attend at least five company information sessions (company information sessions are held on campus) • Attend at least three local company visits. Company visits are held at the company location and are typically held on Fridays

• Interview preparation including group, individual, phone, case study and other common interview formats. Includes mock interview preparation. • How to write an effective resume and cover letter, including strategies for adapting content and format for different industries and positions.

• Attend one study trip. Study trips are usually held over a three-day period over fall, winter or spring breaks. Students will be able to choose from a variety of trips and will be responsible to cover expenses associated with the trip.

• Internships search, strategy and support. Launch of Career Action Groups. • Success management, including salary and offer negotiations

Past trip destinations include San Francisco, Palo Alto, Seattle, Boulder and New York, with plans to add Chicago, San Diego, Austin and Boston this year. Trips are coordinated by student leadership, and city selection is influenced by student interest surveys.

• Review of the best websites, databases and resources for finding local and national job postings. Our Business Career Management Center uses Simplicity to post positions available to our MBA students.

Staff, current students, alumni, guest speakers and our career coaches also participate in conducting the class.

Tom Stringham is the executive director of the University Venture Fund (UVF), and is responsible for day-to-day management of the fund, which includes deal sourcing, due diligence oversight, student recruiting, financial management and monitoring the UVF portfolio of investments. He has more than 15 years of experience in financial services, including as Director of Investment Banking for the Western States operations of ROTH Capital Partners. Stringham is a Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Utah, and received his MBA from Harvard.

These courses will provide students with an in-depth look into a variety of industries and functions and give students a broad perspective on possible career choices.

• Mastering the art of networking, including conducting informational interviews, creating an effective LinkedIn profile, elevator pitches, and how to successfully participate at a career fair.

Our Career Strategies course is co-taught by Linda Wells, Director of the MBA program and Sarah Johnston, Director of the Business Career Management Center. See their biographies for more information about their backgrounds.

Melanie Robinson was worked in operations and management in both the public and private sector, most recently as COO at CalFinder, a Bay Area online-marketing firm, and previously as a senior operations planner at Utah Transit Authority. Robinson received her BA in Economics from Eckerd College and her MBA from Stanford University.


BCMC Curriculum (3.0 Core Course)

Student Organizations and Experiential Engagement Opportunities Technology Commercialization Office* ( Software Development Center (SDC) Energy Commercialization Center (ECC)* Startup Center for Students (StaC) Pierre Lassonde Entrepreneurship Center ( Lassonde New Venture Development Center* Bench to Bedside (B2B) Medical Device Competition* The Foundry Pierre Lassonde Center Social Entrepreneurship Program* Utah Entrepreneur Series Technology Titans Innovation Challenge Opportunity Quest Utah Entrepreneur Challenge (UEC) Beta Alpha Psi (BAP) Eccles Biz Partners Board Fellows Business Student Giving and Alumni Board Case Competition Club Connect U Eccles Outdoor Industry Association (EOIA)* Entrepreneur Club (E-Club)* Graduate Finance Club Future Healthcare Leaders of America (FHLA) Graduate Business Student Association (GBSA) Hispanic Business Student Association (HBSA) International Business Association (IBA) Graduate Investment Club National Association of Women in Business Net Impact Operations Management Club Out for Business Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) The Student Consulting Initiative Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) Sustainable Campus Initiative Fund (SCIF) TEK Information Systems Club University Impact Fund (UIF)* University Venture Fund (UVF)* Utah Real Estate Challenge (UREC) *Eccles Signature Program (see side for details)

Technology Commercialization Office (

Eccles Outdoor Industry Association (EOIA)

The Technology Commercialization Office is a nationally recognized leader in transforming new ideas into practical, commercially viable products and services. The TCO provides process support to companies and universities to help them successfully commercialize their intellectual property.

For those seeking a career in the outdoor recreation industry, the Eccles Outdoor Industry Association (EOIA) provides valuable opportunities to network and explore this growing sector of the economy, and Utah’s unique and robust outdoor sector. The club is a student-led organization that connects David Eccles School of Business students with outdoorindustry professionals, and is inclusive of all areas of the outdoor industry, including manufacturing, product innovation and design, retail, service and recreation tourism. While industry-specific, organization remains function-agnostic to appeal to students pursuing any area of business, including marketing, supply chain, manufacturing, finance and management, as well as those with a desire to innovate or design their way into the outdoor industry. The students involved get the platform to build an industry-specific network, a cornerstone of this niche area, and will gain insight into the skills and professional development necessary to market themselves in the outdoor-rec industry.

Energy Commercialization Center (ECC) The Energy Commercialization Center gets students involved addressing the issues of energy commercialization through work driving research and energy technologies toward the marketplace via rapid prototyping, pilot development and commercial-scale deployment of new technologies. The ECC introduces students to its “ecosystem” of industry experts, strategic alliances, research partners, venture capital groups and a large pool of vetted and “de-risked” energy technologies. Lassonde New Venture Development Center The Lassonde New Venture Development Center assists researchers with breakthrough technologies to determine the commercialization potential of those ideas while offering students a unique experience in new business development. The center is comprised of graduate students, selected through a competitive process, from engineering, science and business, who work through the school year on early-stage business development, market analysis and strategies to write business plans. They work as teams to evaluate and develop business opportunities for the technologies developed in University of Utah labs. Pierre Lassonde Center Social Entrepreneurship Program The Lassonde Center’s Social Entrepreneurship Program partners MBA students with social investment funds to help build and maintain companies working to spark development in economically troubled areas ranging from Africa to Asia to South America. Whether for-profit or non-profit, the companies gain the business savvy of graduate students, and the students gain experiences unparalleled in higher education, working on the ground on international projects. Bench to Bedside (B2B) Medical Device Competition The Bench to Bedside Medical Device Concept and Design Competition provides a competitive opportunity for students of medicine, engineering and business to develop a medical device or a novel improvement of an existing device. The competition creates an environment where young professionals in those fields can learn to work together in a team dynamic and learn the skills required to design, develop and commercialize new medical technology.

Entrepreneur Club (E-Club) The Entrepreneur Club, or E-Club, meets regularly to brainstorm business ideas, network and study entrepreneurship, with the members motivating each other as they pursue their respective ideas. Guest speakers help the club explore subjects like how to raise startup money, what a founding team should look like and what industries are ripe for new entrepreneurs to enter. The club is open to MBA and master’s students from across all disciplines, especially engineering and computer science, who are interested in applying their classroom learning to start-up scenarios and developing the skills to navigate the startup world. University Impact Fund (UIF) The University Impact Fund (UIF) brings university students, investors and social entrepreneurs together in a collaborative structure, partnering the UIF with leading social investment firms, impact investors, social entrepreneurs, innovative non-profit organizations and foundations to identify, assist and fund social enterprises with significant potential. UIF is an affiliate of the University Venture Fund (UVF), which is an $18M independent venture fund that leverages the skills of undergraduate and graduate students from universities across the nation. University Venture Fund (UVF) Founded in 2001, the University Venture Fund (UVF) is the largest student-run private equity fund in the United States. The fund is a collaborative effort among students, universities and the professional investment community. The students raise capital, perform due diligence on venture capital opportunities and make investments. In addition to being the largest fund of its kind, UVF is the first fund for which students raise all the capital and it is the first student-run fund that has a traditional limited-partner relationship with its investors.



Full-Time MBA Emplo yment Statistics – Class of 20 11

David Eccles School of Business SIGNATURE PROGRAMS



Executive Career Coaches


13 For those seeking a career either in utah or nationally, in the multifaceted outdoor industry, the Eccles Outdoor Industry Association (EOIA) will provide valuable opportunities to network and explore this growing sector of the economy. The association’s scope is inclusive of all areas of the outdoor industry, including manufacturing, product innovation and design, retail, service and recreation tourism.


The goal of this student-led organization is to remain function-agnostic to appeal to students pursuing any area of business, including marketing, supply chain, manufacturing, finance and management, as well as those with a desire to innovate or design their way into the outdoor industry. Primary association objectives include:

$646 billion in direct consumer spending each year

2) To provide a platform to build an industry-specific network both locally and nationally

The club will host monthly meetings featuring guest speakers from both the local and national outdoor recreation landscape. Organized treks to local companies in the Salt Lake area provide additional valuable networking opportunities. Plans for spring 2013 include the launch of a national outdoor industry-specific case competition that will be sponsored and promoted statewide by the EOIA. Additional social events showcasing the numerous recreational opportunities in Utah’s amazing desert and alpine landscapes round out the most significant benefits available to students in the EOIC. An advisory board featuring prominent members of the outdoor industry community will provide guidance and leadership in making this a valuable association for both students and companies in this industry. Follow association activity at

OUTDOOR PRODUCTS AND RECREATION INDUSTRY — ONE OF 8 ECONOMIC CLUSTERS FOR STATE OF UTAH Utah’s diverse environment has helped build many outdoor business clusters. The ski industry has spawned great ski companies including Goode, Voile, 4FRNT, Bluehouse and DPS. Many other winter businesses have moved their distribution centers to Utah. Among them are Salomon and Atomic in Ogden and Rossignol in Park City. The great climbing environment has brought Black Diamond, Petzl and Liberty Mountain to Utah. Specialized Bicycle and Quality Bicycle Products have large distribution centers in Utah. Many bicycle-accessory manufacturers like Lone Peak, Lizard Skins, ENVE wheels, Black Bottoms, Reynolds Cycling and Flat Attack all call Utah home. And believe it or not, Utah is home to even more outdoor start-up companies. Salt Lake City has been home to the Outdoor Industry Association summer and winter retail shows for 20 years. EOIA members will be eligible to attend private behind-the-scenes tours of the OR retail shows; providing networking opportunities with representatives of local, national and international companies. For more information: Governor’s office of Economic Development

MBA CLASS PROFILE Entering class size ng class size Admit rate Average age









21 months

42 months

Average GMAT



Average GMAT (with dual degrees students)



Average Undergraduate GPA



Average work experience (post bachelors)

More than 140 million Americans make outdoor recreation a priority in their daily lives Americans spend nearly as much on snow sports ($53 billion) as they do on Internet access ($54 billion). Americans spend more on bicycling gear and trips ($81 billion) than they do on airplane tickets and fees ($51 billion). The outdoor recreation economy grew approximately 5 percent annually between 2005 and 2011 – this during an economic recession when many sectors contracted.

UNDERGRADUATE MAJORS Other 8% Sciences 9% Liberal Arts 16%

Computer Science or Engineering 21% Business/ Economics 46%

All data taken from Outdoor Recreation Economy 2012:

6.1 million direct American jobs

1) To provide opportunities to understand the cultural and operational characteristics of the outdoor industry 3) To provide insight into the skills and professional development necessary to build a successful and sustainable career in this dynamic industry


100% of incoming

Many resources are available to help MBA students finance their graduate education.

Full-Time MBA students received some form

Merit-Based Aid The David Eccles School of Business provides merit-based financial aid opportunities for our exceptional students thanks to the generosity of individuals, corporate donors and the David Eccles School of Business.

of merit-based aid.

All admitted students are considered for merit-based support; no separate application process is necessary. Criteria for selection of awards include demonstrated excellence in academic or professional pursuits. Notification of merit-based financial aid is included with the admission decision.

Student Loans

Scholarships can be in the form of a tuition reduction or a combination of tuition reduction and monthly cash stipend.

There are many student loan programs available to help finance graduate education. Loan programs of particular interest to graduate students are: • Federal Stafford Subsidized Loan

The amount of a scholarship award depends on the competitiveness of the admitted applicant pool but scholarships awarded in 2012 ranged from $1,500 to $42,000 in total value. The School of Business is also able to award special scholarships for domestic applicants who do not qualify for Utah residency. Eligible students must be full-time, matriculated graduate students in good standing, with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0. Full-time student status means registration of at least 9 credit hours per semester.

• Federal Stafford Unsubsidized Loan • Graduate PLUS Loan • Private Education Loan Applicants can apply for most loans through the University of Utah Financial Aid and Scholarships Office. To begin the process of applying for federal assistance, fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). It is available online at

MBA Program Leadership Sarah Johnston Director of Business Career Management Center Since Sarah Johnston joined the David Eccles School of Business as Director of the Business Career Management (BMCM) in August, 2011, she and her team of full-time professionals and career coaches have created a culture of unique dedication to developing customized career plans for students at the university. Under her direction, the BCMC has developed highly effective approaches that guide corporate recruiters and students alike to achieve mutually beneficial career placement opportunities. Johnston’s primary objectives include satisfying the needs of corporations and entrepreneurial organizations already hiring candidates from the David Eccles School of Business, while attracting new companies to interview its students. In addition, she collaborates closely with administrators, faculty and students to ensure that the students are fully prepared, well-rounded candidates ready to assume challenging professional positions and internships. Before joining the David Eccles School of Business, Johnston was Senior Vice President at Citibank Morgan Stanley Smith Barney in Chicago, where she led a team in the commercial banking group. Prior to Citibank, she held positions with Merrill Lynch in middle market corporate banking, and with Harris Nesbitt, where she conducted business development and relationship management, primarily with Fortune 1000 companies. Johnston also spent two years in Zurich early in her career as an International Relationship Manager for Credit Suisse, working with US multinationals and their European subsidiaries. Her years of experience in corporate relations, team management and deal negotiation bode well for successful employment results for the David Eccles School of Business. Johnston received her MBA from UCLA and her BA from the University of North Carolina as a Morehead Scholar. She moved to Park City, Utah, with her husband and four daughters in August 2010.





What? We actually believe that the really amazing results – the confidence, networks and the innovative thinking – only happen when you start to really, really sweat. We embrace the sweat! Sweat is why the full-

time MBA is still the gold standard when it comes landing a spot in the C-suite. Our commitment is to provide you with a peer group of like-minded, fully committed students that will form an amazing support system and inspiration network. We carefully select our students based on their desire to jump in with both feet, and the energy is contagious; pushing you to do more than you thought was possible. That’s the FULL-TIME Experience.

Use the below chart to help you compare your MBA options: Criteria

Full-Time MBA

Full-Time MBA Program Detail

Key Messages

Full-time immersion program designed for students who are not consecutively employed; Exploration, customization, innovation, networking, building community, intellectual engagement with the world

Exploration, customization, transformation, innovation and entrepreneurial environment form the backbone of our Full-Time MBA. The Full-Time program encourages students to strive for something great and to engage intellectually with the world to find their passion. The Full-Time MBA is a two-year license to explore.

Time Commitment

4 semesters / 62 credit hours

Full-time immersion program designed for students who are not working.

Network Exposure

School of business network + cross-campus interdisciplinary network, the MBA network includes peers, staff, faculty and alumni, plus a diverse network from across campus.

The Full-Time MBA program allows the entire university population to become part of each student’s network. The program not only encourages networking with students in other disciplines, but has numerous sponsored extracurricular activities which facilitate creating these connections. Full-Time MBA students are provided opportunities to network with students in medicine (Bench to Bedside), engineering (Lassonde Entrepreneur Center and MBA cohort), computer science, biology, chemistry and various PhD programs, as well as professionals working as venture capitalists, and entrepreneurs (Sorenson Innovation Center).

Curriculum Focus

Flexible, Core – 60%, Electives – 40%, Field Study – Yes, Careers Class – Yes, Custom Focus - Yes

One of the hallmarks of the Full-Time MBA is the flexibility of the program, which enables students to customize their experience to match their individual career interests. The Field Study Consulting Team Project provides an opportunity for students to collaborate on a real world projects that align with their individual area of interest. As part of the Full-Time MBA core curriculum, students take a variety of career-oriented classes that allow them to explore different career options.

Custom Focused

MBA – strong focus on creating a custom experience

The Full-Time MBA encourages students to customize their MBA experience by supporting curriculum alternatives, such as independent studies, specific to their areas of interest.

Faculty Quality

School of business highly ranked faculty

Different graduate programs at a school of business often share faculty across a variety of programs and normally is not a differentiator

Extra-Curricular Focus


By design, almost 70% of the time and energy for our full-time MBAs is directed to activities and programs outside the classroom, with programs such as the Lassonde Entrepreneur Center, Technology Commercialization Office, University Venture Fund, University Impact Fund, Net Impact, Eccles Outdoor Industry Association, MBA networking conferences, study trips, and case competitions, just to name a few.

Student Clubs and Organizations Focus


The Full-Time MBA strongly urges involvement in student clubs and organizations as a pathway to creating networks and community with other students, in addition to developing marketable job skills and experience. We also encourage students to develop new clubs and organizations if their area of interest is not already supported with existing organizations.



This year, (for the class of 2014) we provided some form of financial assistance to 100% of our MBA students. The majority of assistance was provided through graduate assistantships or tuition discounts.

Career Management Support


One of the key advantages of a full-time program is extensive career management assistance. Our Business Career Management Center is proud to offer a 12:1 staff-to-student ratio of support; a level of support hard to find even in most full time programs. Career Action Groups, Executive Career Coaches, Career Perspectives Class, Career Leadership course, internship search assistance, pre-program assessment and preparation, interview preparation and resume assistance are just a few of the programs adding value to the MBA experience.

Out of State Opportunity Focus


Almost 30% of internship offers for our class of 2013 were from out-of-state companies. Salaries and internship wages associated with out-of-state offers are consistently 20% to 25% higher than for in-state opportunities. Students wanting to make Utah their post-graduation destination will also benefit from this out-of-state focus as they gain valuable perspective and insight from exposure to out-of-state industries and networks.

Access to Alumni

Yes – school of business alumni network

Full-time students typically have the opportunity for greater interaction with alumni due to travel and other time-intensive networking events.



Internships are one of the most critical elements for maximizing return on investment. Internships are also key in helping students find the industry or position that matches their goals and passions. On average, 95% of our MBA students participate in internships, many that are out of state. According to national statistics, almost 60% of all full-time offers for MBA students come from an internship experience.

International Exposure

Yes – internships and extracurricular activity trips

A wide variety of opportunities are available to MBA students wanting to gain international exposure during their graduate program. Last year, we saw our MBA students participate in the following types of international programs: exchange program with the IPADE MBA program in Mexico; international internships and a variety of international travel opportunities as offered as part of the University Impact Fund and Lassonde Social Entrepreneurship Program. 2013 plans include the addition of an international study trip to Costa Rica in March. Optional and student-funded.

Focus on Building Community

Strong community focus

The Full-Time MBA offers a strong focus on developing a thriving student community. Student and faculty dinners, student speaking series and MBA1 to MBA2 mentoring programs are just a few of the ways that we build community in the full-time program.

Required Work Experience for Admission

Preferred 2 years minimum

The amount of professional work experience coming into a full-time program significantly influences outcome in both job offers and salary. The average work experience of our 2012 incoming class was just over 4 years.

MBA Program Option (ü)

W HY F U L L - T I M E ?

W HY F U L L - T I M E ?

Why Full-Time?

There are many types of MBA programs out there tempting you on a daily basis. Programs that promise easier MBAs… faster MBAs… less expensive MBAs… or worse yet “get an MBA without breaking a sweat”.



Immerse Yourself in a FULL-TIME Experience and Earn Much More Than a Degree



Fall 2013 Application Deadlines*

Rolling Admissions: Applications will continue to be considered after Round 4 deadlines based on space availability.

Application instructions are applicable to the following David Eccles School of Business Graduate Programs:

REQUIREMENTS AT A GLANCE ( ü ) 1. School of Business online application 2. Application Fee

Full-Time MBA

3. GMAT or GRE test score

MBA / MS Engineering

4. Transcripts / 3.0 GPA

MBA / JD Law

5. Two letters of recommendation 6. Essays

MBA / Master of Healthcare Administration

7. Resume

Master of Healthcare Administration / MPA

8. TOEFL/IELTS test score (International applicants only)

Master of Healthcare Administration / MPH

9. Interview (by invitation only)

Master of Healthcare Administration / PMBA 1. School of Business online ApplicatioN

GMAT / GRE Minimums There are no GMAT or GRE minimum scores for application to our graduate programs. Applicants are encouraged to meet overall graduate program GMAT averages (590 - 630) but all application materials are evaluated to determine the strength of the application. Key evaluation points include GPA, GMAT / GRE, rigor of undergraduate upper division course work, demonstrated leadership potential, articulated desire to pursue the program (essay) and quality of recommendations.

David Eccles School of Business online application Find our online application at • Please see program websites for additional program requirements. • We recommend submitting this application at least 2 weeks prior to program deadlines. • The online application will ask for personal information such as your address, social security number, date of birth and questions used to determine residency status.

4. Transcripts / GPA (submitted within the online application) Transcripts The online application will require you to:

• Questions about residency status: If you would like more information about determining your residency status, please find resources at this website:

1. List all colleges and universities you have attended including the University of Utah, regardless of length of attendance.

Dual Degree Applicants Applicants to our dual-degree programs must complete a separate application for each degree program. The exception is the MBA / MHA degree program for which only one application is required. Each college will have different application requirements and deadlines. Admission decisions are made independently for each program. Two separate degrees are awarded.

2. Upload a copy of your unofficial transcripts from each institution, including the University of Utah. Unofficial transcripts must be submitted separately — notation of accepted transfer credit does not replace the need for an unofficial transcript from the institution where coursework was taken. 3. Upon admission, you will be asked to submit official transcripts to the University of Utah Graduate School for verification. Official transcripts from the University of Utah will not be needed at this stage of the process.

2. Application Fee When you are ready to submit your application, you will be directed through a payment process. The application fee may be paid via credit card or check. Please note that if you choose to pay by check, your application will not be reviewed until the payment is received. Fee for domestic applicants: $55 Fee for international applicants: $65 • Fall 2013 applications will be charged an additional $30 fee if submitted after March 31, 2013

3. GMAT or GRE test score An official GMAT or GRE test score is required for all graduate programs. On average, it takes 3 weeks for us to receive official GMAT scores and 3 weeks to receive official GRE scores. You are welcome to submit unofficial scores via e-mail, but applications will not be formally reviewed without official scores.

GPA A cumulative undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher is required for admission. If your cumulative undergraduate GPA is not at least 3.0, we can consider the GPA from your last 60 credit hours of undergraduate coursework or other degree earned 5. Two Letters of Recommendation (submitted within the online application) Two letters of recommendation are required to complete your application. Recommendations must be submitted electronically through the online application. You will be asked to enter the names and e-mail addresses for two recommenders. They will be automatically sent an e-mail explaining the request and providing instructions on how to submit their recommendations. A maximum of two recommendations will be accepted. Applicants are strongly advised to provide professional recommendations.

An additional $30 fee will be charged for any application submitted after March 31, 2013. "Final application deadline for the MBA program is June 15, 2013. No applications will be accepted after that time. All GMAT or GRE exams must have been taken by June 15th and the online application submitted in order to meet this deadlines.

Application Round

Application Deadline

Decision Notification

MBA Round 1 MBA Round 2 MBA Round 3 MBA Round 4

November 1, 2012 December 1, 2012 February 1, 2013 April 1, 2013

December 13, 2012 January 14, 2013 March 15, 2013 May 13, 2013

International Applicants

Last date to apply is February 1, 2013

March 15, 2013

If you need additional information on the application process, please contact us: Graduate Admissions 801-581-7785 [email protected]

6. Essays (submitted within the online application) All programs require essays as part of the online application. Please be sure to address essay questions in a business context and framework. See program websites for specific essay questions. PDF or word documents up to 600kb are acceptable formats. 7. Resume (submitted within the online application) As part of the online application, you are required to upload a current professional resume. PDF or word documents up to 600kb are acceptable formats. 8. TOEFL / IELTS (International Applicants Only) APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE REVIEWED OR CONSIDERED WITHOUT A MINIMUM TOEFL of 100 IBT or 600 PBT or IELTS of 7.0. Non–citizens of the United States must provide proof of English proficiency. The University of Utah will accept the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) for applicants whose first language is not English. No application will be considered without these test results. If you have recently graduated from an accredited college or university in the United States or if you have had your Permanent Resident card for at least 5 years, you may not need to send your English proficiency scores. Please contact the International Admissions Office for more information by email at [email protected] or by phone at 801-581-3091.

Visit Technology Venture Development at for more information about this national ranking. 9. Interviews Admission interviews are by invitation only, based on the admissions committee’s initial review of your application. Interview invitations are sent periodically throughout the application review process. Candidates chosen to interview will receive an e-mail with instructions on how to schedule an interview. Interviews may take place at the University of Utah campus or by Skype or phone. OTHER APPLICATION INFORMATION Application Deadlines Each program has specific application deadlines. Applicants are urged to get all application materials submitted at least 2 weeks prior to each deadline. Applicants meeting Scholarship Round / Round 1 deadlines receive first consideration for any scholarship or graduate assistantships. Applications are accepted after deadlines based on seat availability.

MBA Dual-Degrees


Who says you have to limit your career ambitions to a single focus? Certainly not the David Eccles School of Business. We understand that your professional goals may bridge academic disciplines and require expertise in multiple areas. That’s why the School of Business offers dual-degree options for our Full-Time MBA students. Whether you’re interested in pursuing an MBA with engineering, law or healthcare administration, combining studies strengthens your academic experience and boosts your professional expertise. Our MBA students find unique and challenging opportunities with the Technology Commercialization Office and the New Venture Development teams with the Lassonde Entrepreneur Center.

Combines a Full-Time MBA with a Master of Science in Engineering. The University of Utah is a worldwide hub of innovation and technology commercialization, and our MBA/MS Engineering graduate students bridge the gap between tech types and entrepreneurs.

MBA/MS Engineering

MBA/Juris Doctor Combines a Full-Time MBA with a Juris Doctor from the University of Utah’s S.J. Quinney College of Law. Outstanding opportunities exist for students interested in transactional law, and in particular specializations inside the world of technology commercialization, patent law and the legalities of protecting intellectual property. MBA/Master of Healthcare Administration This full-time option prepares students for administrative positions in hospitals, large clinics, extended care facilities, clinical and reference laboratories, as well as for positions in healthcare consulting and with vendors (such as those providing information technology to healthcare organizations).



Applying for the Program

Linda Wells Director, Full-Time MBA Program Linda at her home in Park City with Crystal and Bugsy

Linda Wells joins the David Eccles School of Business team fresh off a highly successful 10-plus-year stint serving as Executive Director of the Stanford Graduate Business School’s Center for Entrepreneurial Studies. At Stanford, she directed the creation and implementation of courses and programs, and provided counsel and resources to aspiring entrepreneurs. Under her dynamic leadership, the center provided students, faculty and business leaders in the community with opportunities to collaborate in the development of hands-on entrepreneurship-related education courses, evolving from infancy to its current stature as a mature, universally respected program. Prior to her leadership role at Stanford, she built her career as Director of Product Management at Informed Access Systems, a healthcare IT startup; and as a project engineer for DuPont. She holds an MBA from Stanford University and a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Georgia Tech University. Wells’ full-time position at the David Eccles School of Business signals the end to 12 years of commuting to Stanford from her home in Park City, Utah, where she and husband Doug are raising their two children.


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MBA Director Linda Wells on what the four pillars mean to her and why she chose them as values for our MBA program. engage ! ctually

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Couldn’t have said it better… Quote from Google recruiter Michael Junge about what makes a good candidate: “What traits do all good candidates possess? Can they be learned?” MJ: Almost everyone I’ve ever interacted with as a recruiter has had some combination of relevant skills and experiences. Being qualified is more or less an expectation. Otherwise, there’d be no reason to connect. Great candidates are passionate, eager to learn, responsive, and courteous. They’re excited to talk about what they do because they genuinely enjoy it and find it interesting. They go out of their way to develop and expand their skills, always looking to improve

and get better. They respond in a reasonable time frame, and they treat others with respect. Really smart candidates ask good questions, listen, and use that information to respond in a contextually relevant way. These are traits that can absolutely be developed and cultivated over time.

The 4 pillars in the real world.

MBA Admissions, [email protected], 801-581-7785 |