royalty-free license to publish or reproduce the published form ... disperse at temperatures that are significantly above the melting temperature of the fuel plate. .... (6) where xv is vapor quality (fraction) and p v is the vapor density. As gases
that are also hazardous wastes under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act ... particular, the mixed wastes are hazardous because they are corrosive ...... 1.43. 38.25. 16.72. 11.86. 0.33. 44.76. 16.99. >163.55. Metal. Sulfide. Ppt.,g .... The D
Dec 14, 2012 - 2: Functional nanoparticles reacting on changing ...... Depending on the applied image filter, the algorithm can privilege ..... RTD techniques are used in the offshore oil industry to study the gas, oil and water feeds to three- .....
Sep 3, 2013 - composition of a nucleus does not change over time, it is considered to be a stable isotope. Unstable, or radioactive, isotopes 'decay' over time.
diaphragmatic activity in technetium 99m sestamibi myocardial perfusion scan. ...... range of applications in biomedicine, such as target drug delivery, hyperthermia, ...... thoracic cavities, and at spinal and paraspinal sites. some protocols have .
Nov 1, 2004 - University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California USA. 2 ... Jet-Initiated Fast Plasma Shutdown for Disruption Mitigation in DIII-D.
Sep 24, 2014 - 1954, completed sixty years of service this year. The year ... Next month, at Indira Gandhi Centre for At
service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not ... E-mail: [email protected]. R. L. Kress ... good tracking widi a large-capacity actuator. The most ... flexible beam with an end mass and a rotational inertia with.
MEASTRI hydrogen implantation code and a cloud-in-cell type sheath code. Time dependent erosion calculations have been made for the TFTR bumper limiter,.
â¢Guest, Oak Ridge Associated Universities, +Kyushu University, Japan, "Nagasaki University,. MASTER y\. DISTRIBUTION OF TMtS DOCUMENT !S UNLIMITED ...
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EFFECT OF POWDER SAMPLE GRANULARITY ON FLUORESCENT INTENSITY AND ON THERMAL PARAMETERS IN X-RAY DIFFRACTION RIETVELD ANALYSIS C. J. Sparks, R. Kumar,* R D. Specht, P. Zschack,* G. E. Ice, T. Shiraishi,+ and K. Hisatsune* Oak Ridge National Laboratory P.O. Box 2008 Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-6118 INTRODUCTION The effect of sample granularity on diffracted x-ray intensity was evaluated by measuring the 28 dependence of x-ray fluorescence from various samples. Measurements were made in the symmetric geometry on samples ranging from single crystals to highly absorbing coarse powders. A characteristic shape for the absorption correction was observed. A demonstration of the sensitivity of Rietveld refined site occupation parameters is made on CuAu and CU5QAU44N15 alloys refined with and without granularity corrections. These alloys provide a good example of the effect of granularity due to their large linear x-ray absorption coefficients. Sample granularity and refined thermal parameters obtained from the Rietveld analysis were found to be correlated. Without a granularity correction, the refined thermal parameters are too low and can actually become negative in an attempt to compensate for granularity. A general shape for granularity correction can be included in refinement procedures. If no granularity correction is included, data should be restricted to above 30° 26, and thermal parameters should be ignored unless extreme precautions are taken to produce