Masyarakat Penanggulangan Bencana Indonesia ... - PreventionWeb

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Masyarakat Penanggulangan Bencana Indonesia (MPBI),. Indonesian Society for Disaster Management, established on. 03.03.03 is a non-profit organisation ...
MPBI Activities: Communication and collaborations:  Regional collaboration: links DM practices in Indonesia with South East Asian initiatives including in CommunityBased Disaster Risk Reduction (CBDRR), policy reforms, and the promotion of humanitarian standards

Awareness raising and capacity development  Hosts national events in conjunction of the International Disaster Risk Reduction Days since 2003 

Various DM public campaigns since 2003

Publishes various DM guidelines including:  World Campaign: Disaster Risk Reduction Starts at School, 2007  Guidelines for Management of the Displaced, 2005  Hyogo Framework for Action, 2005  SPHERE, Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards, 2004  Guidelines: Standardised Procedures for Disaster Management,; Living With Risk; Community-Based Disaster Management  Disaster Management Guidelines: a Model,2004  Local DM Ordinances Model, 2006  Local DM Action Plan Models, 2007  Contingency Planning Conduct various training including:  SPHERE TOT and basic trainings  Dm Basic training and TOTs  DM Thematic training

 Information centre: establishes an information centre for certain disasters e.g. the Merapi volcanic eruption and Yogyakarta earthquake

Masyarakat Penanggulangan Bencana Indonesia (MPBI), Indonesian Society for Disaster Management, established on 03.03.03 is a non-profit organisation envisioned to be an association of disaster management (DM) practitioners, scientists, and enthusiasts from government, international / national organizations and other DM entities in Indonesia. As an association and a network of DM organizations MPBI delves more at the upper stream of conceptual, policies, strategies and capacity building rather than frontline implementation in the field. MPBI is a member of the Asian Disaster Reduction and Response Network/ADRRN

MPBI Vision: an Indonesian society attaining their well being through, inter alia, effective management of disaster risks MPBI Mission: acting as critical partner to all DM practitioners, MPBI promote an implementation of professional DM which practices are in harmony with the concepts and is based on ethical considerations MPBI Purposes:  To support the attainment of a well off Indonesian society through disaster risk reduction  To be a critical partner to various proponents towards a professional DM  To promote DM practices and to participate in the DM problem solving MPBI Programmes: Program 1 Education, research and implementation Program 2 Problem solving Program 3 Communication and cooperation Program 4 Public information Program 5 Organisational strengthening

 Interagency cooperation: implements various DM projects with international organisations including OXFAM GB, Care International Indonesia, UN-OCHA, UNDP, IFRC, UNESCO, UNICEF, HIVOS, USAID, CORDAID, World Vision Indonesia, Save the Children, AusAID, etc.  Experience exchange: conducts thematic public events regarding various DM aspects and themes DM Practice Development  Legislation: mobilises the CSOs to promote the academic concept of the DM legislation to the parliament and the government, monitors its deliberations and negotiations as well as provides technical references leading to the ratification of the DM Law No 27/2007. To this date continues to be involved in the formulation of derivative policies and its implementation at the sectors and localities  Policies: introduces the concept of ”Living with Risk” to propel the National Action Plan on DRR. To this date it continues to be the driver of the integration of DRR in development planning at national and local levels.  National Platform: facilitates the formation of the national platform particularly regarding CSOs’ participation.  Standards: introduces and conduct training on Humanitarian Charter and SPHERE Minimum Standards  CBDRM: conducts annual national symposium on CBDRM since 2005.

Expert consultancy and advisory


Joining MPBI

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To be a member:  Fill up membership form  Pay Rp. 390.000,-/year

Members Assembly is the highest authority Presidium (Governing Board) is the implementing body Secretary General’s Office for the daily management


Ms. Henny Vidiarina STh (Chair), has extensive experience in humanitarian field, community empowerment, and advocacy, currently a Senior Advisor to the Tsunami Early Warning System Project of GTZ-IS Dr. Puji Pujiono MSW, holds doctoral degree in public administration on disaster management and masters in social work, emergency response regional expert , disaster management expert of ASEAN, and is currently serving as an Early Recovery Advisor of UNDP Geneva

Dr. Ir. Eko Teguh Paripurno MSc, holds doctoral in Vulcanology, UPN Yogyakarta instructor, Head of Dream, expert advisor to the parliament, CBDRM expert.

Alvin Hidayat, holds degree in Social Development Management, currently a post-tsunami recovery consultant in Nangroe Aceh Darussalam

Hening Parlan S.Sos, activist in journalism and environmental movement, motor of the DM Bill advocacy, former MPBI Secretary General currently Director of the Humanitarian Forum Indonesia Suratman M Hum, legal aid legislation practitioner, provided technical advices to the parliament’s deliberation of the DM Law, currently serves as Expert Advisor to the 8th Commission (People’s Welfare) of the Indonesian House of Representatives Faisal Djalal MBA, Management consultant, expert in capacity building, MPBI founder and former member of governing board, concurrently MPBI Secretary General


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Secretary General: Faisal Djalal MBA Deputy Secretary General: H. Iskandar leman Secretary: Titi Moektijasih Treasurer: Retno Winahyu M.Sc


MPBI membership is on personal basis Members pay admission fee and annual dues, have privilege and benefits to MPBI activities and products Organisations may enroll to be affiliated organisations upon the approval of MPBI Governing Board

To be an affiliated organisation:  Submit a statement endorsing MPBI constitution and the intent the be an affiliated organisation  Enter into an affiliation agreement with the MPBI Governing Board


Supporting MPBI Please contact the Secretariat if you wish to explore collaboration and/or intend to provide support or donation



Bank Transfer: Bank NIAGA cabang Fedex No. Rek. 025-01-00220-00-8 Beneficiary: Perkumpulan Masyarakat Penanggulangan Bencana Indonesia Direct payment: MPBI Secretariat Jl. Kebon Sirih No. 5 G Jakarta 10260 Telp. 021-3147321; Fax. 021-3103535


Indonesian for Disaster Management

Masyarakat Penanggulangan Bencana Indonesia



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Sense of safety from disaster risk is part of basic rights

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Kantor Sekretariat: Jl. Kebon Sirih No. 5 G Jakarta 10340 Indonesia Telp. 021-3147321 Fax. 021-3103535 Email: [email protected]