throughout the semester. I recommend purchasing a 1” 3-ring binder and dividers
to keep you organized. MAT 121-51794 Intermediate Algebra. Spring 2011.
MAT 121-51794 Intermediate Algebra Spring 2011 TR 7:30 a.m.- 9:10 a.m. in CM-465 Instructor: Dr. April D. Strom
Office Phone: 480.425.6746
Office Number: CM-419
[email protected] Website: MyMathLab Website:
MyMathLab Course ID: strom75188
Prerequisites: Grade of "C" or better in MAT090, MAT091, MAT092, MAT093, or equivalent, or a satisfactory score on the District placement exam. Students who do NOT meet the prerequisite will be dropped from the course. Course Description: Quadratic, rational, radical, exponential, and logarithmic functions and equations; graphs of quadratic, exponential, and logarithmic functions; equations quadratic in form; operations on rational expressions, radical expressions, and complex numbers; rational exponents; applications. Required Course Materials: 1. Text & MyMathLab: Mathematics In Action: Algebraic, Graphic and Trigonometric Problem Solving (3rd Edition) by Consortium for Foundation Mathematics. In addition to purchasing a copy of the textbook, you must also purchase access to MyMathLab. It is a requirement of the course! Homework will be assigned through MyMathLab. You may purchase MyMathLab in the following ways: 1. Purchase a new (not used!) copy of the textbook from SCC Bookstore. The new textbook will come packaged with an access code to MyMathLab, which you will use to activate your MyMathLab account. Cost is approximately $99.25 + tax. 2. Purchase a used copy of the textbook (from any bookstore or online store). Used books will NOT come packaged with MyMathLab. Therefore, if you purchase a used book you will also need to purchase access to MyMathLab. You can do this directly through Pearson at Cost for used books will vary. Cost for MyMathLab through Pearson is approximately $75 + tax. 2. Calculator: A graphing calculator is required for this class. I recommend that you purchase a TI83 or TI-84 since I will be using this calculator model during classroom demonstrations. Calculators such as TI-89, TI-92, TI-Voyage 200, HP-48, HP-48G, and Casio 9970 that perform symbolic manipulation will not be permitted. Also, you may not use any cell phones or PDAs during class. 3. Portfolio: You will be required to maintain a portfolio using a binder of your course materials throughout the semester. I recommend purchasing a 1” 3-ring binder and dividers to keep you organized. 1
Office Hours: You can always come to my office during office hours to discuss mathematics. If the scheduled office hours do not work with your schedule, please let me know and we can arrange an appointment that fits your schedule. If you make an appointment to meet with me outside of my scheduled office hours, please call or email to cancel if you are unable to keep the appointment. Day
12:45 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Office (CM-419)
7:00 a.m. – 7:30 a.m. 9:15 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.
Office (CM-419)
12:45 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Office (CM-419)
7:00 a.m. – 7:30 a.m. 9:15 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.
Office (CM-419)
By appointment only
Office (CM-419)
Course Structure: Your past experiences in mathematics have probably been different than what you are about to experience in this course. Class sessions will involve collaborative learning, whole class discussions, direct instruction and student presentations. Each class session will require that you participate in a small group setting. Course Goals: 1. To develop confidence in one’s ability to comprehend and apply mathematics. 2. To develop productive study habits. 3. To strengthen patterns of logical thinking. 4. To diminish fears and feelings of inadequacy about mathematics and courses dependent upon mathematics. 5. To learn the language of mathematics. 6. To develop increased mathematical maturity. 7. To communicate and work with others. 8. To be able to demonstrate the course competencies listed below. 9. To achieve these goals, you are expected to be attentive and involved in each class and to participate in group work, collaborative learning, writing, and other methods of learning. Course Competencies: 1. Use function notation. 2. Solve quadratic equations by factoring, completing the square, and the quadratic formula. 3. Solve equations quadratic in form. 4. Solve rational and radical equations. 5. Perform operations on complex numbers. 6. Perform operations on radical and rational expressions. 7. Simplify radical and rational expressions. 8. Simplify expressions involving rational exponents. 9. Graph quadratic, exponential, and logarithmic functions. 10. Identify the domain of quadratic, rational, radical, exponential, and logarithmic functions. 11. Rewrite logarithmic expressions using the properties of logarithms. 12. Evaluate formulas involving exponential or logarithmic expressions. 13. Model and solve real-world problems using quadratic, rational, radical, exponential, and logarithmic equations.
Grading Policy: Your grade is NOT a commodity; it has not been purchased with your tuition. You have the right to be graded fairly, but you do NOT have the right to any specific grade. Your grade is not a reflection of you as a person. Your grade is not a measurement of effort. Your grade is an evaluation of PERFORMANCE. This means it is dependent upon how well you demonstrate your comprehension of the subject through application and completion of the items listed above in this syllabus. Assignments
Percent Allocation, x
Attendance & Participation
A: 90% ≤ x ≤ 100%
Online & Written Homework
B: 80% ≤ x < 90%
Portfolio & Class Preparedness
C: 70% ≤ x < 80%
Written Quests & Projects
D: 60% ≤ x < 70%
Midterm Exam
F: 0% ≤ x < 60%
Final Exam
1. Attendance & Participation: In order to receive your attendance points, you must attend (and be present for the entire session) for both lecture and lab each week. If you arrive late or leave early, you may not receive attendance credit. It is in your best interest to attend every class session to stay current with the course material and homework assignments. If you must miss class, please contact me via email and/or another student from our class to get the homework assignment and other handouts that may have been distributed. Note: All absences are unexcused (unofficial), except for absences related to religious holidays, SCC official business, jury duty or death in the family. The instructor reserves the right to require appropriate documentation for any type of excused absences. If you have more than 3 unofficial absences you may be withdrawn from the course and receive a W or Z for the grade. In addition to attending class, you are also expected to participate in any course activities planned for the class session. Participation is defined as contributing to mathematical discussions relative to your assignments, completing mathematical assignments, and presenting your mathematical thinking to the class. Failure to actively participate during class may result in a loss of participation points allotted for each class session. Examples of non-participation include, but are not limited to, working on non-mathematical content or assignments from other courses, text messaging during class, or engaging excessively in discussions with students on topics not related to mathematics. 2. Online & Written Homework: Most homework for the course will be completed online using MyMathLab, which accompanies the textbook. (See page 1 of this syllabus for information on how to purchase the textbook and MyMathLab). To Create your MyMathLab Account: 1. Go to the MyMathLab login page: 2. On the right hand side of screen, click on Register located under “Students.” 3. Select “Get access to a new course”, then click Next. 4. Enter your CourseID (strom75188), then click Find Course. 5. If you already have an Access Code that accompanied your textbook, select “Access Code” then enter in your code. If you do NOT have an Access Code, you must purchase 3
one using a credit card. Select “Buy Now”, then follow the steps to purchase your Access Code (Note: This is approximately $75). To Log into your MyMathLab Account: 1. Go to the MyMathLab login page: 2. On the right hand side of screen, click on Log In located under “Returning Users.” 3. Enter your login name and password. While most of your homework will be online, there will be assignments that require you to complete written work. It is your responsibility to complete the homework assignments each week (deadlines are listed in MyMathLab and in the Course Calendar). You should plan to spend approximately 6-10 hours each week completing the assignments and reviewing course material. Each homework assignment must be completed by the specified deadlines in MyMathLab or you will incur a 10% deduction for each day that the assignment is late. There are no exceptions to this policy. 3. Portfolio: Being successful in mathematics means being organized! Therefore, you will be required to keep a binder of all your written notes, homework (except online material), quests, class handouts, etc. that you complete throughout the semester. You should purchase dividers to help keep you organized. This portfolio will be randomly checked throughout the semester. 4. Written/Online Quests & Projects: Written/online quests will be given every 2 weeks (see Course Calendar for dates) and you will have approximately 20-30 minutes to complete the quest (some quests vary in length and will be given additional time if necessary). If you miss a quest, please contact me immediately. You will be allowed to make-up the quest provided that you have (a) contacted me via email, phone or in person on or before the day of the quest, (b) received approval by me to make-up the quest on or before the day of the quest, (c) agreed to the 20% penalty for make-ups and (d) completed the make-up quest within 48 hours of the scheduled time for the original quest date. If ALL of these conditions have not been met, you will receive a zero for the quest grade. Individual/group projects will also be completed during the semester. More details will be given in class. 5. Midterm Exam: An in-class midterm will be completed during the 8th week of the semester (see Course Calendar for date). This midterm is required and will focus on the material covered during the first half of the semester. 6. Final Exam: All students will be required to take the final exam during the scheduled time. This exam will be cumulative and will cover all material learned during the entire semester. See final exam scheduled date in the course calendar. Tutoring Options: 1. Math/Science Tutoring Center. The Math/Science Tutoring Center, located in CM-441A, is a free, drop-in tutoring service for mathematics and science students. Information can be found online at 2. MAT 108—Tutored Mathematics. You can enroll in a “Tutored Mathematics” course here at SCC. The course is designed for students having trouble in mathematics (i.e. students who have repeated courses, students who have been away from math for any length of time, and/or students who just want structured tutoring). Let me know if you would like more information about this non-threatening course. Information can be found online at 4
Cell Phone/Technology Policy: Upon entering class all cell phones, iPods and other similar technical devices need to be turned off or set to vibrate. If there is a true emergency call you are expecting, let me know before class. You may forfeit your attendance points if your cell phone goes off during class. Furthermore, text messaging during class time will not be tolerated. The instructor will take appropriate action if you send or receive text messages during class. Texting is disruptive to me and the other students in class! Disabilities: If you have a disability, please notify your instructors and the Disability Resources & Services office (480.423.6517), located in the SC-Building, Room 144, as soon as possible so that accommodations can be made. If you have or think you have a disability, including a learning disability, please make an appointment with an advisor at the DRS office as soon as possible. They can assist you with appropriate accommodations for you in your classes. Disclaimer: It is the student’s responsibility for all information contained in this syllabus. Any changes to the syllabus and course calendar will be announced in class. Students are responsible for these changes whether in attendance or not. It is also the student’s responsibility for reviewing the college policies included in the college catalog and the student handbook.