Satuan Acara Perkuliahan (SAP). Prodi Pendidikan Agama ... Mata kuliah
Bahasa Inggris diberikan guna membekali mahasiswa ketrampilan dan
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Satuan Acara Perkuliahan (SAP) Prodi Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI)
Mata Kuliah Komponen Fakultas Jurusan Program
: Bahasa Inggris : MKU : Dakwah/Tarbiyah : Semua Jurusan : S1
Deskripsi Mata Kuliah : Mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris diberikan guna membekali mahasiswa ketrampilan dan kecakapan komunikasi dalam fungsinya sebagai bahasa dunia dalam menemukan informasi yang bersifat global. Mata kuliah ini menekankan kepada aspek membaca, memahami serta mengkomunikasikan kembali secara lisan maupun secara tertulis. Kompetensi : Mahasiswa diharapkan memiliki ketrampilan membaca dan menulis secara efektif. Strategi Perkuliahan : Perkuliahan dilaksanakan melalui penugasan dan latihan. Penugasan difokuskan kepada pencarian teks-teks berbahasa Inggris, sedangkan latihan difokuskan kepada latihan membaca dan menulis. Topik Inti : 1. Nouns : a. Singular and plural nouns b. Countable and uncountable nouns c. Abstract and concrete nouns 2. Articles : a. Definite and indefinite articles b. Quantities c. Reading 3. The Use of linking Be a. Singular and plural b. Present, past and past participle tenses c. Reading 4. Lingking Verbs a. Appear, look, seem, feel, smel, sound, taste b. Become, get, go, turn c. Keep, remain, stay d. Reading 5. Types of Verbs a. Transitive and intransitive verbs b. Regular and irregular verbs c. Infinitive, preterite, past participle verbs d. Reading
Satuan Acara Perkuliahan (SAP) Prodi Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI)
6. Pronouns a. Personal Pronouns b. Possessive pronouns c. Reflexive pronouns d. Reading 7. Five Basic Tenses a. Simple present tense b. Present tense c. Simple past tense d. Reading 8. Five Basic Tenses (Continued) a. Present continuouse tense b. Present perfect tense c. Reading 9. Adverbs and Their Formations a. Adverb of manner b. Adverb of place c. Adverb of time d. Reading 10. Adverbs (continued) a. Adverb of frequency b. Adverb of degree c. Adverb of modality d. Reading 11. Auxiliary Verbs a. Formal auxiliary verbs b. National auxiliary verbs c. Reading 12. Conjunction a. And…. Too b. And…. Either c. Reading 13. Conjunction (continued) a. And so…., and neither b. Both…. And, either…., or, neither…., nor c. Reading 14. Passive Voice a. Simple present tense b. Simple past tense c. Present continuous tense d. Reading 15. Passive Voice (continued) a. Present future tense b. Present perfect tense c. Reading
Satuan Acara Perkuliahan (SAP) Prodi Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI)
16. Degrees of Comparisons a. Positive degree b. Comparative degree c. Superlative degree d. Reading 17. Degrees of Comparison (continued) a. Like, the same as, different from b. The same….as, as….as c. Reading 18. Dervative Words a. Noun suffixes : ness, ity, ment, ion, etc. b. Adjective suffixes : full, ish, y, ly, etc. c. Verb suffixes : miss, dis, etc. d. Reading 19. Question Tags a. Negative sentence b. Positive sentence c. reading 20. Question Tags (continued) a. Sentence with proper verb b. Sentence with auxiliary verb c. reading 21. Sentence a. Independent and dependent clause b. Simple, compound, complex and compund-complex sentence c. Reading 22. Sentence a. Positive, negative and interro gative sentences b. Reading 23. Adverbial Clauses a. Types of adverbial alauses b. Verbis in time clauses : future and past time c. Conditional clauses with unless d. Reading 24. Adverbial Clauses (continued) a. Conditional clauses beginning with were, had, should b. Real conditiona : future and general time c. Unreal conditions d. Reading 25. Adverbial Clauses (continued) Mixed time in unreal conditions Unreal conditions in sentence with but, or, atherwise Unreal conditions Reading 26. Adverbial Clauses (continued) a. Adverbial clauses of manner
Satuan Acara Perkuliahan (SAP) Prodi Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI)
b. Phrasal conjunction in adverbial clauses c. Using adverbial clauses for summarizing d. Reading 27. Adjective Clauses a. Recognation and functuation of adjective clauses b. Case of relative pronouns, introducting adjective clauses c. reading 28. Adjective Clauses (continued) a. Relative pronouns as objects of prepositions b. Relative pronouns patterning like some of wich c. reading 29. Adjective Clauses (continued) a. Number of the verb after a phrase beginning with one of the b. Adjective clause used in definition c. Using adjective clauses for summarizing 30. Noun Clauses a. Sequience of tenses in noun clauses b. Noun clause object from statements, questions, exlamations c. Noun clauses with infinitive abridgment 31. Noun Clauses (continued) a. Noun clauses afgter wish: referring to present and past time b. That clause after verbs of urgency c. Changing famous statements to indirect speech d. reading 32. Participal Phrases a. Forms of participles b. Punctuation and position of participal phrases c. Participal phrases in two-part object of verbs d. Reading 33. Participal Phrases (continued) a. Participal phrases to express means of manner b. Participal phrases as alternatives for adverbial phrases c. Reading 34. Participal Phrases (continued) a. Instructions with Have + Past Participle b. Using participal phrases for summarizing c. reading 35. Gerund Phrases a. Forms of gerunds b. Gerund phrase as a subject c. reading 36. Gerund Phrases (continued) a. Gerund phrases object of verb and prepositions b. Gerund phrases as compliment c. Reading
Satuan Acara Perkuliahan (SAP) Prodi Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI)
37. Gerund phrases (continued) a. The + gerund + of phrase b. Adjective – from – adverbs in gerund phrases c. Using gerund phrases for summarizing 38. Infinitive Phrases a. Forms of invinitive b. For, Of, To subjects of invinitive phrases c. reading 39. Invinitive Phrases (continued) a. Anticipatory It with invinitive phrases subjects b. Invinitive phrases as subjets and objetcs c. Invinitive versus gerund subjetcs and objetcs d. reading 40. Invinitive Phrases 9continued) a. To-less invinitives or Ing participles in two-part objects b. To substitution c. Invinitive phrases after too, enough d. Using invinitive phrases for summarizing 41. Absolute Constructions a. Absolute constructions with and without participles b. Position of absolute constructions c. With absolute constructions d. Absolute constructions used in proffesional writing 42. Abstract Noun Phrass a. Forms af abstract nouns b. Subject and objects in abstract noun phrases c. Special ‘complement’ of noun in abstract noun phrases d. Reading 43. Abstract Noun Phrases (continued) a. Adjectives-from-adverbs in abstract noun phrases b. Abstract noun phrases as alternatives for dependent clauses c. Using abstract noun phrases for summarizing 44. Appositive Phrases a. Position of appositive phrases b. Changing adjective alauses to appositive phrases c. ‘Complements’ of appositive nouns and adjectives d. using appositive phrases for summarizing Referensi: 1. Alexander. L.G. Firs Things Firs : An Integrated Course for Begginers 2. _______, Practic and progres : An Integrated Course for-pre intermediat Student. 3. ___________, Developing Skills : An Integratyed Course for intermediat Student. 4. ________________, Fluency in English : An Integrated Course for Advance. 5. Marcela, Frank. Modern English: A Particial reference Guide. 6. Bates, Jefferson. Writing with Precision. 7. Kron, Robert. English Sentence Structure.