dukung & daya tampung ekologi; g y. p g g ;. • Terpeliharanya interdependensi,
diversitas, harmoni. & resilience antar komponen dlm matrix ekonomi- sosial- ...
[email protected];
[email protected] Jakarta, 311007-100809
EVOLUSI ILMU EKONOMI 1. Makna “ilmu ekonomi”: kebutuhan-resources; 2. Makna “ekonomi SDA: dibedakan resources yg renewable/non-renewable; 3. Makna “ekonomi lingkungan”: hukum thermop , daya y dukung/tampung g p g lingk.; g ; dinamika,, polusi, 4. Makna “ekonomi ekologi”: hukum ekologi, arus sirkuler ekonomi & ekologi ekologi, masalah externalitas, “market failures; 5 Perkembangan multi 5. multi-disiplin disiplin ke “inter inter-disiplin disiplin” dan “trans-disiplin”
KONSEP SUSTAINABILITAS PEMBANGUNAN Mencakup 3 dimensi: • Sustainabilitas ekonomi: p pertumbuhan,, stabilitas,, efisiensi dan equitable; • Sustainabilitas sosial: naiknya human development index dalam kohesi sosial melalui pemberdayaan sosial dgn good governance: pemerintah-bisnismadani; • Sustainabilitas S i bili lilingkungan:utuh k hb berfungsi f i eko-sistem k i penopang kehidupan dalam ambang batas daya dukung g & daya y tampung p g ekologi; g; • Terpeliharanya interdependensi, diversitas, harmoni & resilience antar komponen dlm matrix ekonomisosial-ekologi
PEMBANGUNAN EKONOMI 1. Growth: National Income growth; 2 Efficiency: Output per resource use; output 2. per man-hour kerja; output-per unit modal; 3 Stabilitas: dO/O = dM/M laju inflasi 3. inflasi, kebijakan fiskal dan moneter; 4 Masalah negara berkembang: under 4. underdevelopment trap, arus-sirkuler kemiskinan, 5 Masalah global in 5. in-equity: equity: 20% penduduk negara maju kuasai 80% resources; 80% penduduk negara berkembang kuasai 20% resources;
PEMBANGUNAN SOSIAL 1. Human Dev. Index & Millennium Dev. Goals sebagai sasaran utk dicapai; 2. Kemiskinan = non-accesibilitas pada d development l t opportunities t iti ((pendidikan, didik kkredit, dit skill, kerja, modal, kesehatan, pemukiman,dll) 3. Unemployment dP/P = dN/N 4. Empowerment p buka aksesibilitas;; 5. Kohesi sosial: social inclusion dengan pengembangan social capital;
PEMBANGUNAN EKOLOGI 1. Hukum Ekologi: Interdependensi; Diversitas; Resilience; Equilibirum; Sustainabilitas; 2. Konsep daya-dukung & tampung ekologi; 3. Jejak (foot-print) ekologi; 4. Polluters’ Pay Principle; 5. Precautionary Principle; 6 Valuasi ekological services (Contingent 6. Valuation, Opportunity Costs, Hedonic Pricing, Travel Costs Costs, “Munawir Munawir LP3ES Pricing”; Pricing ;
• Ekonomi: Ek i
T Tujuan j
D Dampak k
D Dampak k
• Sosial:
• Lingkungan: Dampak
RUANG LINGKUP STUDI 1. Transdisiplin: ambil ilmu dari disiplin utk dilebur dalam konsep & methodologi bagi SD; 2. Berpola lintas a)sektor, b) waktu, c) pelaku; 3 Koreksi “market 3. market failure failure”, “governance governance failure” failure & “policy failure” dgn intervensi dlm proses; 4 Internalisasi biaya-manfaat sosial & lingkungan 4. dalam perhitungan ekonomi; 5 Pembangunan dilaksanakan oleh kesetaraan segi5. segi tiga Pemerintah-Bisnis-Madani; 6. Perhitungkan daya dukung & daya tampung lingkungan menopang keberlanjutan fungsi ekologi;
MEMAHAMI ILMU LINGKUNGAN 1. 2. 3. 4 4. 5. 5 6. 7. 8 8.
Ilmu zat dan materi; Daya y energi, g , listrik dan magnet; g ; Laut, udara, bumi dan siklus kimia; Ilmu alam hayati hayati, bio bio-diversitas. diversitas Komunitas biologi, eko-sistem; T t Tata-guna l h lahan, h hutan, t ruang; Daerah aliran sungai, dinamika air; Energi, transportasi, industri, perkotaan; Polusi limbah Polusi, limbah, bahan-beracun-berbahaya; bahan beracun berbahaya;
PARADIGMA PEMBANGUNAN BERKELANJUTAN 1. Dari antropo-centris ke eko-sentris; 2. Harmoni dalam jejaring kehidupan ekonomi, sosial dan lingkungan; 3. Perilaku manusia selaku khalifah di muka bumi 4 Koreksi market 4. market-failures failures sosial & ekologi dalam ekonomi; 5 Bervisi jangka panjang dalam menangani 5. program jangka pendek; 6 Transparan, 6. T countable t bl dan d credible; dibl
TINGKATAN PENDIDIKAN 1. Tingkat TK: bina manusia bersosial; 2 Tingkat SD: bina karakter dan peri-laku; 2. peri laku; 3. Tingkat SMP: bina jati-diri, salurkan gejolak remaja ke alam dan kehidupan sosial; 4. Tingkat SMA: pematangan diri mau jadi apa; 5. Penduduk perlu hayati ilmu dedaktika; 6. Guru p perlu inspiratif p menggugah gg g wawasan;; 7. Sekolah = ruang didik kurikuler, masyarakat = ruang didik ekstra ekstra-kurikuler kurikuler & bercengkrama; 8. Rumah = jangkar anak yg memasyarakat;
Pengalaman Penerapan Pendidikan Adil Gender untuk Perempuan M Marginal i l di Jakarta J k t KAPAL Perempuan P (Lingkaran Pendidikan Alternatif Perempuan), 10 Agustus 2009
Sistematika Presentasi 1. Latar Belakang Pengembangan Program 2. Pendidikan Adil Gender (PAG) sebagai 3. 4 4. 5. 6 6. 7. 8. 8.
Intervensi Penghapusan Kemiskinan Siklus PAG Prinsip--Prinsip PAG Prinsip Tahapan Penerapan PAG Kebutuhan Keb t h n Pengembangan Pengemb ng n PAG Hambatan dan Tantangan Pembelajaran
Latar Belakang
• Meningkatnya feminisasi kemiskinan:
– Antara Januari – Juni 2007, jumlah buruh migran perempuan mencapai 80% dari total buruh migran Indonesia (sumber: Badan Nasional Penempatan dan Perlindungan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia/BNP2TKI, 2007); – Jumlah perempuan yang bekerja tidak dibayar lebih tinggi (35.2%) dari jumlah lakilaki-laki (8.6%) (sumber: BPS 2007).
• Rendahnya pendidikan perempuan Indonesia:
– Sampai p Agustus g 2008,, ada sekitar 6.6 juta j perempuan p p usia 15 tahun ke atas yang buta aksara (65% dari 10.16 juta penduduk Indonesia usia 15 tahun ke atas yang buta aksara) (sumber: Departemen Pendidikan Nasional 2008); – Pada 2007, ada sekitar 10.64% perempuan usia 10 tahun ke atas yang tidak atau belum pernah sekolah Æ 2x lebih besar dari persentase lakilakilaki (4.45%) (sumber: Departemen Pendidikan Nasional 2008)
• Rendahnya kepemimpinan perempuan
– Keterwakilan perempuan di DPR RI (hasil PEMILU 2004) mencapai 11.7%; (sumber: Suara Merdeka, 22/12/2008); – Keterwakilan perempuan di DPRD Propinsi sebesar 10%, sedangkan di DPRD Kabupaten/Kota sebesar 8% (sumber: KPU 2005); – Kekerasan terhadap perempuan mencapai 54,425 kasus yang terlaporkan pada 2008 (meningkat 213% dari 2007: 25,522 kasus) (sumber: KOMNAS Perempuan 2008).
PAG Sebagai Intervensi • PAG merupakan model pembelajaran yang mengintegrasikan:
– Peningkatan kesadaran kritis perempuan – Peningkatan kepemimpinan perempuan – Pengorganisasian perempuan – Peningkatan keahlian hidup perempuan
Siklus PAG Kesetaraan dan Kesejahteraan Perempuan
Kesadaran Kritis Perempuan
Pusat Pendidikan, Kepemimpinan, Penyediaan sumber dana alternatif
Kepemimpinan Perempuan
Pengorganisasian Perempuan
Prinsip-Prinsip PAG Prinsip1. Berakar pada paham dan politik feminis 1. 2 2.
3 3. 4 4.
yang mendasarkan diri pada pengenalan sebabsebab b b-sebab b b struktural t kt l d darii subsub b-ordinasi, di i penindasan, dan perbudakan perempuan; P j Perjuangan untuk t k merebut b t kkembali b li otonomi perempuan dan mematahkan kediaman yang dipaksakan struktur2 yang patriarkat; Pengalaman perempuan adalah sumber pengetahuan; Ada aksi transformatif yang didasari oleh kesadaran kritis
Tahapan p Penerapan p PAG 1 Pengembangan tim pendidikan 1. 2. Membangun kepercayaan dengan 3. 4. 5.
komunitas Pemetaan masalah dan kebutuhan k komunitas it kh khususnya perempuan Identifikasi kebutuhan PAG Pengembangan modul bersama komunitas
Lanjutan 6 6. 7. 8 8. 9.
Membahas b h modul d l melalui l l workshop k h Melakukan proses pembelajaran yg sistematis Membentuk Sekolah Perempuan Pelaksanaan proses fasilitasi Sekolah Perempuan di Gang Pelangi (Jakarta Selatan) d Kampung Jati (Jakarta dan ( k Timur)) 10. Melakukan evaluasi PAG partisipatif 11 Melakukan evaluasi modul melalui workshop 11. 12. Mereplikasi Modul PAG untuk perempuan miskin desa
Kebutuhan Pengembangan PAG • Modul Modul--Modul • Tim Fasilitator • Tempat Belajar • Alat dan Bahan Belajar
Modul--modul Modul 1. Modul Persiapan Sosial 2. Modul Gender 3. Modul Seksualitas dan Kesehatan 4. 5.
Reproduksi Perempuan Modul Membangun Organisasi Perempuan Modul Penguatan Ekonomi Perempuan
Metode Belajar j • • • • • • • • •
S Sungai Kehidupan hd Silsilah keluarga dari garis ibu Diorama Role play Menggambar Menonton film Menyanyi Analisa lagu Menggunakan media gambar, boneka, dll.
Hambatan dan Tantangan 1. Pendidikan feminis sebagai pendidikan yang
menggugat konstruksi relasi sosial yang tidak seimbang antara lakilaki-laki dan perempuan pada tingkat tertentu membuat perempuan itu sendiri gamang karena secara langsung akan mempertanyakan norma yang selama ini dianut dan diyakininya 2. Mengerasnya g y penguatan p g identitas kedaerahan dan agama di setiap wilayah mempersulit proses pengorganisasian dan pendidikan perempuan Æ Isu kristenisasi 3. Pendekatan pengorganisasian yang berbeda dengan organisasi lain yang melakukan kegiatan di komunitas membuat warga bingung 4. Konflik kepentingan dalam pengorganisasian
Pembelajaran • Aspek Politik Gerakan:
– Program pendidikan perempuan yang dikembangkan KAPAL saat ini telah mengisi gap/kesenjangan antara pendidikan didik dan d pengorganisasian i i perempuan khususnya ibuibu-ibu rumah tangga yang dianggap tidak strategis oleh banyak kelompok; – Penting untuk menemukan kelompok yang paling strategis untuk diorganisir yaitu mereka yang paling marginal g sehingga gg pengorganisasian p g g akan efektif; – Perempuan selalu berada pada kegamangan terus menerus sehingga dibutuhkan strategi pengorganisasian p g g yang y g tepat p dan isu yang y g paling p g strategis untuk terus menghidupkan semangat perjuangan perempuan melalui organisasi/kelompok belajar; j ; – Penting untuk mengembangkan kelompok pendukung bagi organisasi/kelompok belajar perempuan.
• Aspek Proses Belajar: – Live in ((hidup p sebagai g bagian g dari komunitas) menjadi syarat utama untuk p kepercayaan p y komunitas;; mendapatkan – Fasilitator pendidikan, terutama dari kalangan komunitas, yang memiliki komitmen dan konsisten memungkinkan PAG berhasil; – Monitoring dan evaluasi yang terencana sangat membantu dalam pengembangan PAG.
T i Terima Kasih K ih
Tor International Conference on Education for Sustainable Development ‘Lesson Learned form the Fields’
Education for Sustainable Development in South Korea
11. August. 2009
Prof. Yeo-Chang YOUN, Dr. MiSun PARK Seoul National Seou at o a U University e s ty
Research method Analyzing secondary data about ESD in Korea Analyzing secondary data about ESD in Korea
Main materials Articles from the scientific journal, ‘the Environmental Education’ with the keyword ‘sustainable development’ Research reports about ESD in Korea D Documents about the center for ESD in Korea t b t th t f ESD i K
Outline of Presentation History of research on ESD in Korea Characteristics of ESD in Korea Types of ESD in Korea: formal and non‐formal The awareness of SD and ESD in Korea Evaluation of ESD in schools Evaluation of ESD policies Evaluation of ESD policies ESD centers in Korea 3
History of Research on ESD in Korea 1993 Symposium for environmental policy to achieve ESSD (Environmentally Sound and Sustainable Development ) (Korea Environment Institute) 1997 Seminar on environmental education for sustainable development in some countries (The Korean Society for Environmental Education) 2002 Research on development of strategies to foster environmental education for national sustainable development (Seok‐Jin Choe) 2004 International seminar on alternatives to develop formal environmental education for sustainable society (Cheongju National University of Education and The Korean Society f E i for Environmental Education) t l Ed ti ) 2005 Research on development of national strategies for ESD. Korean National Commission on Sustainable Development (Sun Kyung Lee et al.) ( ) 4
Characteristics of ESD in Korea
Environmental perspectives
Human rights, Peace and human security gender equality, cultural diversity and i t intercultural understanding lt l d t di Health and HIV/AIDS Governance
Natural resources (water, energy, agriculture) Rural transformation Sustainable urbanization Disaster prevention and mitigation
Poverty reduction Corporate responsibility and accountability and accountability Market economy
Additional/ emphatic subjects in Korea
Solution of conflicts Unification Partnership g Communication technologies
Biodiversity Transportation Disaster prevention and reduction Living environment Living environment
Sustainable production and consumption Gap between rich and poor
SOURCE: Sun‐Kyung Lee et al. (2005) Research on development of national strategies for ESD. Korean National y g ( ) p g Commission on Sustainable Development.
Types of ESD in Korea
Formal learning (Schools)
Non‐formal N f l learning ( NGOs, Enterprises)
Formal ESD ESD in curriculum Interdisciplinary and cross‐curricular learning – Interdisciplinary and cross curricular learning human rights, peace, unification, human rights peace unification environment etc.
Types of ESD yp subjects, cross‐curriculum activities
School Projects 1. 2 2. 3. 4.
Environmental Conservation Model Schools School forest movements School forest movements Associated School projects by UNESCO Alternative schools
SOURCE: Sun‐Kyung SOURCE: Sun Kyung Lee et al. (2005) Research on development of national strategies for ESD. Korean National Lee et al (2005) Research on development of national strategies for ESD Korean National Commission on Sustainable Development.
Non‐formal ESD 1. Local agenda 21 2. ESD in NGOs i •
Environmental Education
Human Rights Education Human Rights Education
Unification Education
Peace Education
3. Night schools (Yahak) 4. Lifelong learning centers and lifelong learning cities 5. ESD in enterprises – education for sustainable management SOURCE: Sun‐Kyung Lee et al. (2005) Research on development of national strategies for ESD. Korean National l ( ) h d l f l f l Commission on Sustainable Development.
The awareness of SD & ESD Survey on the college students’ awareness of SD & ESD Total respondents : 317 students Total respondents : 317 students 65.9% respondents have heard the term of SD through school lectures at the middle and high schools middle and high schools 82.9% respondents considered SD as balance between environmental protection and economic development Environmental conservation (64.3%) and reduction of the gap between rich o e ta co se at o (6 .3%) a d educt o o t e gap bet ee c and poor is urgent subject to be solved. 67.8% respondents through ESD should include life styles.
SOURCE: Sun‐Kyung Lee et al. (2005) Research on development of national strategies for ESD. Korean National l ( ) h d l f l f l Commission on Sustainable Development, p.42‐46.
The awareness of SD & ESD Survey on the teachers’ awareness of SD & ESD Total respondents: 625 teachers Total respondents: 625 teachers 68.2% of respondents have not heard the term of SD. Source of the term of SD is mass media (40 0%) and books (32 3%) Source of the term of SD is mass media (40.0%) and books (32.3%) 21.2% of respondents considered the concept of SD as continuous economic development and increase of income. Over 40% of respondent have dealt with themes of ESD in subjects Over 40% of respondent have dealt with themes of ESD in subjects. 50.5% of respondents thought the lack of professionalism in implementing ESD. 30.2% of respondents needed teacher training courses and they throught ESD 30.2% of respondents needed teacher training courses and they throught ESD should be included in curricula. SOURCE: Sun Kyung Lee et al. (2005) Research on development of national strategies for ESD. Korean National SOURCE: Sun‐Kyung Lee et al (2005) Research on development of national strategies for ESD Korean National Commission on Sustainable Development, p.42‐46.
Evaluation ESD in schools Participants in evaluation: 99 teachers from 6 middle schools Evaluation instruments E l ti i t t Policies of formal curricula and educational cooperation Policies and process to support social sustainability Policies and process to support economic sustainability Policies and process to support ecological sustainability Policies and process to support democratic sustainability
Results of Evaluation R l fE l i Æ The level of policies and process to support ecological sustainability is low comparing with other policies and process. Especially the level at organizing local projects and participating in solving Especially the level at organizing local projects and participating in solving problems of local communities is low.
Jeong Ae, Woo Sook Nam, 2007. Collection of learned papers by the Korean Society for Jeong‐Ae Woo & Young & Young‐Sook Nam 2007 Collection of learned papers by the Korean Society for Environmental Education, 2007. December, p.130‐134
Evaluation of ESD Policies Evaluation of ESD policies by 16 cities and provinces Values in ESD Values in ESD Various education included respect for human rights and cultural diversity. Over 50% the surveyed cities and provinces didn’t dealt with respect for biodiversity as the core content. Most education policies didn’t include respect for future generation p p g
Roles of ESD Capacity building, ownership promoting, future directivity considering are emphasized. p Policies on promoting values, fostering the change of life styles, considering long term and learning decision making actions were rare.
Contents of ESD The contents about consideration for future generation, climate change and reduction of poverty were not balanced. SOURCE: So‐Young Chang, Seung‐Hyun Ji & Young‐Sook Nam , 2007. Education Policy Analysis in 16 cities and provinces for ESD, the collection of learned papers by the Korean Society for Environmental Education, 2007 provinces for ESD the collection of learned papers by the Korean Society for Environmental Education 2007 December: 70‐74.
ESD center • Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development (RCE on ESD) : a network of existing formal, non‐formal and informal education organizations, mobilized to deliver education for sustainable development (ESD) to local and regional communities
• Core elements of an RCE Governance, collaboration, research & development and transformative education
• Sixty‐two Regional Centres of Expertise (RCE) have acknowledged by UN University
SOURCE: http://www.ias.unu.edu/sub_page.aspx?catID=108&ddlID=183
RCE on ESD in Korea Roles of RCE in Korea To raise public understanding and increase support for SD To promote the concept among civil servants and opinion leaders
ESD programme from Korean RCE ESD programme from Korean RCE Incheon RCE (since January 2007) Expert Training Course for Sustainable Society (target: teachers) Tongyoung RCE (since October 2005 ) Lifelong Education for Sustainability (target: residents in the islands) ESD English camp (target: students) Bridge to the world (target: students)
SOURCE: Incheon RCE http://www.icrce.org, Tongyoung RCE http://www.tyrce.or.kr
Comments and suggestions Korean ESD needs … Increase of expert training courses for ESD Development of ESD materials Implementation of education including respect for future generation Emphasis on change of life styles in ESD Increase of ESD initiatives
Thank You http://forest-cc.snu.ac.kr p
Education for S t i bl Sustainable Development in Japan Ko Nomura, Nagoya University (Japan)
Outline Historical development | Major actors at the national level |
Government/ Non-government Non government
Policy Frameworks | Overview of ESD in practice (by sector) |
Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Non-formal Education z + International efforts z
Historical Development (1) |
2002 z Japanese proposal to start ‘UN UN Decade of ESD ESD’(DESD) (DESD) at the Johannesburg Summit (MoE+MoFA+JFJ) • DESD adopted at the 57th UN General Assembly
2003 z UNU (United Nations University) started ESD program with support from the Japanese government (MoE) 2004 z Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD) on Environmental Education (MoFA/ annually from this year) 2005 z DESD started z Certification of 1st RCE (UNU/IAS…funded by MoE) z Inter-ministerial Meeting on the UNDESD started
Historical Development (2) |
2006 z z z z
2007 z
Japan s Implementation Plan for the DESD Japan’s MoE Program to Promote DESD started (3yrs) MEXT’s funding scheme for HE:‘EE for Sustainable Societies’ as a part of ‘GP’ Societies GP (mentioned later) started Fundamental Law of Education revised (MEXT) Diet Members Caucus for ESD Promotion Launched
2008 z z z z
ESD Roundtable Meetings started Courses of Study Revised (MEXT) A Vision of Environmental Leadership Initiatives for Asian Sustainability drafted (ELIAS (ELIAS…MoE) MoE) Official launch of ProSPER.Net (UNU-IAS…MoE)
Actors(1): Government |
Major Actors: MoE (Env), MEXT (Edu), MoFA
Inter-ministerial meeting on UNDESD (11 members) z z
Cabinet Secretariat; MoE; MEXT; MoFA; Cabinet Office; M. of Internal Affairs and Communication; M. of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; M. of Economy, Trade and Industry; M. of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism • Observers: M M. of Justice; M M. of Health Health, Labour and Welfare
Others z z
Japanese p National Commission for UNESCO ((MEXT)) Diet Members Caucus for ESD Promotion
Actors (2): Non Non-government government |
ESD-J (Japan Council on the UNDESD) z
NGO (Membership: 82 groups; 154 individuals) • Japan Forum for Johannesburg (2001~2002) • Heavily funded by the government (e.g. MoE)
Asia/Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO (ACCU) z
Funded by MEXT
United Nations University (UNU) z
Funded by MoE
Government (particularly MoE & MEXT) has taken strong initiatives in the field of ESD in Japan
Policy Frameworks(1) |
Enactment of EE Law (2003) z z
Basic Promotional Plan for Education (2008) z z
‘Law Law for Enhancing Motivation on Environmental Conservation & Promoting of Environmental Education’ Originated from a different context, but it facilitated interministerial actions on ESD Based on the revision of Fundamental Law of Education in 2006 SD as important principle of education in Japan; ESD as a policy that should be pursued over the next 5 years
Revision of Courses of Study z
SD ish elements enhanced (e.g. SD-ish (e g environment)
Policy Frameworks (2) National DESD Implementation Plan…3 focal areas 1 Awareness raising/ Information dissemination 1. z
Community-level y efforts z z z z
3 3.
Pamphlets, etc MoE program to promote ESD (mentioned later) Cabinet secretariat programs for community development and nature education in rural areas M of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery…urban-rulal children exchange program M of Economy, Trade and Industry’s ‘community 3R policies’
Higher education z
MEXT, MoE (Mentioned later)
Overview ((1)) Primary y & Secondary y Levels |
Periods for Integrated Study (2002~) z
ESD-ish ESD ish elements (EE (EE, int’l int l understanding understanding, health and welfare, etc) can be taught inter-disciplinarily, often with emphasis on ‘experiential learning’ EEÆ ESD
Promote UNESCO’s Associated Schools Project j • International understanding and EE • E.g. Omose Elementary School in Miyagi learn with local communities and partners in the US about the natural environment
Others z
Experiential learning promotion schools (with M of Agriculture/ 5 schools in each prefecture); etc
Overview (2): Tertiary level |
HESD & MEXT’s GP z z
Forum of Universities on ESD Many of them are the recipients of MEXT’s ‘Distinctive University Education Support Program’ (Good Practice [[GP])….‘EE ]) for Sustainable Societies’ Community development Environmental Leadership Initiatives for Asian Sustainability (MoE) Model programs, programs Multi-stakeholder Multi stakeholder consortium consortium, international networking
Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science (IR3S)
Overview (3): Non-formal Sector |
MoE Program to Promote DESD z
14 communities have been selected • Participatory Learning • Each community set up multi-stakeholder ESD Council (NGOs, schools governments schools, governments, etc)→ human resources development
To create models for ESD at the local level • community development (depopulation/ aging) + environmental conservation agriculture conservation, agriculture, business (e (e.g. g eco eco-tourism), tourism) etc
ESD-J z z z z
International Network Project Team Regional Network Project Team (meetings, workshops) Communication Project Team (reports, websites, etc) Policy Advocacy Team
Overview(4):International efforts, etc |
As of March 2009 2009, 62 regions around the world have been registered as RCE.
Network of Graduate Schools
Asia Good ESD Practice Research Project • 06 ~08: Collection of Good Practices, information dissemination and publication of ESD manuals • Emphasis on ‘local knowledge’
Funds-in-Trust for ESD to UNESCO, etc
Conclusion |
Government Initiatives z
DESD P Proposal, l P Policy li F Frameworks, k ffunding, di etc t • Not starting something new…re-orienting existing efforts
Community level & Multi-stakeholders & Experiential learning…interdisciplinary nature of ESD z z
MoE (DESD Program Program, ELIAS, ELIAS UNU UNU’s s RCE) MEXT (GP) • Experiences of pollution problems, counter-efforts to neoliberal economic development, development etc?
Environmental Education
nurturing professionals
nurturing professionals
Oleh: l h P a m u d j i A,
Pusat Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Pendidik dan T Tenaga Kependidikan K didik (VEDCA) Direktorat Jenderal Peningkatan Mutu Penddik dan Tenaga Kependidikan DEPDIKNAS
LATAR BELAKANG LATAR BELAKANG g p j g p y g Mengapa terjadi berbagai peristiwa yang memilukan bagi sebagian penduduk di planet bumi? y y y y y
Perang…. Bencana alam….. Kelaparan Kelaparan…. Penyakit menular…. Krisis ekonomi….
Semua peristiwa itu menunjukkan keadaan dunia yang tidak berkelanjutan… tidak sustainable
LATAR BELAKANG LATAR BELAKANG y Tahun 2004 pemimpin‐pemimpin dunia
mendatangani deklarasi dalam Sidang Umum d d kl d l d Perserikatan Bangsa Bangsa (PBB) y Tahun 2005‐2014 merupakan dekade Pendidikan
untuk Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (ESD, Education for Sustainable Development) y UNESCO, memperoleh mandat untuk
mengkoordinasi reformasi pendidikan yang mengintegrasikan demensi lngkungan, sosial dan i ik d i l k i l d ekonomi dengan memberi pehatian pada demokrasi dan keadilan dalam sistem pendidikan
Definisi Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (Sustainable Development): “Pembangunan yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan sekarang tanpa mengurangi kemampuan generasi k k masa depan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya” (Bruntland Report, 1987:8) (Bruntland Report, 1987:8).
Definisi ESD adalah proses belajar untuk membuat keputusan yang memperhatikan masa depan jangka panjang dalam dimensi ekonomi, ekologi dan pembangunan yang adil bagi semua masyarakat; (UNESCO)
ESD sosial
The Atkinson Sustainability Compass ( (Kompas Keberlanjutan Atkinson))
NATURE (ALAM) M j b d l ( i t h h t dll) •Manajemen sumberdaya alam (air,tanah, hutan, dll) •Tata guna lahan •Polusi dan kualitas lingkungan •Kebijakan lingkungan, hukum & peraturan •Keanekaragaman hayati (margasatwa, tumbuhan) •Layanan Layanan ekosistm (air bersih, pelepasan oksigen, penyerapan CO2) •Lingkungan dalam ruangan EKONOMI •Pembelian sumberdaya •Pola konsumsi (energi, bahan mentah, air, dll) •Biaya Bi fi k l fiskal •Tingkat penyerapan tenaga kerja p dan tunjangan j g •Upah •Transportasi (perjalanan orang) •Biaya hidup & inflasi
SOSIAL •Kohesi sosial dari kelompok‐kelompok k l l dan d •Tatakelola transparansi •Layanan publik (limbah, air, listrik, ) y ,p , ) •Layanan sosial ((kesehatan, pendidikan, etc) •Keragaman etnik dan jender •Hubungan dan struktur family dan tim •Keragaman identitas dan pemeliharaan budaya, •Keragaman, identitas, dan budaya Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) WELBEING (KESEJAHTERAAN)
•Kualitas hidup (keseimbangan) •Kesehatan mental dan fisik •Rasa aman •Suasana kerja/hidup •Pendidikan/latihan •Hubungan g •Terpenuhinga kebutuhan spiritual •Kebaha‐giaan
Visi “ Visi dari ESD adalah dunia dimana setiap orang mempunyai kesempatan untuk mendapatkan manfaat dari : pendidikan , mempelajari nilai‐nilai, tingkah laku, dan gaya hidup yang dibutuhkan untuk masa depan yang berkelanjutan dan transformasi sosial yang positif.” (UNESCO)
Misi y Peserta didik dapat belajar bagaimana memperoleh
dan mengadaptasi pengetahuan dan tingkah laku mereka terhadap perubahan untuk memberi sumbangan terhadap masa depan yang berkelanjutan dan bertanggungjawab atas perbuatannya dengan memperhatikan eksistensi orang lain y “untuk mengembangkan kemitraan dan sinergi dengan berbagai pihak melalui berbagai bentuk g g p g pembelajaran untuk memperkuat kemampuan individu mendapatkan informasi, mengambil keputusan untuk mesa depan kita bersama.
TUJUAN ESD y Untuk menjamin setiap oprang mendapatkan k d k
kecakapan hidup di masyarakat yang diperpleh dari p pembelajaran sepamnjkang hayat j p j g y y Untulk menjamin pembangunan ekonomi berjalan
dalam jangka panjang bertumpu pada pembangunan manusia, modal sosial dan lingkungan y Untuk menjamin kesempatan setiap orang yang
mengalami ketidak beruntungan/kesulitan sosial (cacat fisik/psikis) untuk memperoleh pendidikan dan berperanserta dLm masyarakat
DIMENSI ESD y 1. Kesadaran lingkungan y 2. Kompetensi ber‐ekonomi dalam perspektif
sepajang hayat y 3. Modal manusia dan sosial y 4. Pendidikan inklusif
Program PBB untuk ESD (UN Agenda 21) 1. Memperbaiki pendidikan dasar b iki didik d 2. Reorientasi pendidikan dengan perhatian pada
pembangunan berkelanjutan 3. Mengembangkan kesadaran dan pengertian publik 4. Memberikan pelatihan untuk semua sektor termasuk perdagangan, industri, dan pemerintahan
Strategi pelaksanaan: y ….strategi yang digunakan adalah menyisipkan ESD ke
dalam sistem pendidikan formal ( dalam semua mata peljaran yang relevan) dan pendidikan non formal dan informal... y Cara ini dapat memberikan kepada orang pengetahuan dan keteraampilan mengenai pembangunan berkenajutan , membuat mereka lebih kompeten dan percaya diri dan meningkatkan kesempatan mereka untuk berbuat dalam mencapai hidup yang sehat dan produktif dalam harmoni dengan alam selaras dengan nilai‐nilai sosial , kesetaraan jender dan keragaman budaya
Menyisipkan ESD ke dalam Kurikulum y Prasyarat: bagi guru 1. Guru menyadari peran pentingnya untuk keberhasilan
pelaksanaan ESD yang efektif 2. Guru memahami sifat ESD yang multi disiplin 3. Guru menghindari pembebanan kurikulum yang terlalu berat ((overload) dengan ) g menyisipkan y p ESD hanya y ke dalam satu atau dua mata pelajaran 4. Guru terbuka terhadap berbagai strategi belajar yang dapat p mengimplementasikan g p ESD dengan g efektif baik di tingkat kelas atau sekolah 5. Guru menghargai pentingnya kemitraan multi stakeholder, bekerjassama untuk mengatasi masalah bersama
Menyisipkan ESD ke dalam kurikulum y Lima komponen pendidikan yang berorientasi
kepada ESD 1. Pengetahuan tentang prinsip‐prinsip ESD 2. Isu‐isu yang mengancam keberlanjutan dari planet 3. Keterampilan yang menjadikan orang mampu terus menerus belajar setelah mereka menjadi lulusan, j j , memiliki nafkah yang berkelanjutan, dan hidup dalam suasana berkelanjutan 4. Perspektif untuk memperhatikan isu dari berbagai p p g macam sudut pandang stakeholders 5. Nilai‐nilai untuk memahami pandangan anda dan orang lain tentang uniad
P t k ik l Pemetaan kurikulum y Perhatikan dengan seksama silabus kurikulum yang
ada dan aktivitas‐aktivitas sekolah untuk mengidentifikasi apakah tema tema dan isu isu ESD mengidentifikasi apakah tema‐tema dan isu‐isu ESD sudah disisipkan y Selanjutnya, identifikasi bagian‐bagian potensial dari kurikulum yang ada dimana kita dapat menyisipkan tambahan pengetahuan, isu‐isu, perspektif, keterampilan atau nilai nilai yang berhubungan keterampilan atau nilai‐nilai yang berhubungan dengan sustainability y Laksanakan kurikulum berbasis pada nilai‐nilai lokal sehingga nilai‐nilai itu dapat menyisip kan ESD hi il i il i i d i i k ESD secara otomatis ke dalam kurikulum y Perhatikan sikap‐sikap siswa terhadap isu‐isu ESD
Implementasi ESD p y Empat model pembelajaran ESD 1. Pembelajaran berbasis nilai, melalui proses refleksi,
inkuiri, berpikir kiritis dan lateral 2. Pembelajaran untuk transformasi: mengembangkan visi
ESD dan melakukan transformasi berpikir untuk ESD d l k k f i b iki k perubahan 3 Pendekatan sekolah seutuhnya: bertujuan untuk 3.
mengembangkan budaya sekolah secara utuh yang memiliki komitmen terhadap ESD dari pada p p memfokuskan ESD hanya dalam kurikulum 4. Pembelajaran berbasis masyarakat dengan memandang
Situasi ESD kini Situasi ESD kini y Reorientasi terhadap ESD mengalami kemajuan
terutama dalam muatan kurikulumnya, tapi kurang dalam hal metode pembelajaran dan penilainnya; y ESD kebanyakan diajarkan secara lintas‐disiplin y j p
(dalam imu pengetahuan alam –atau dalam seni dan humaniora); y Riset tentang ESD perlu dilakukan lebih banyak
y g g khususnya mengenai indikator untuk mengevaluasi tantangan‐tantangan ESD, sumbangan ESD, skill, kompetensi, nilai dan sasaran ESD.
Reorientasi yang diperlukan y Memperkuat kaitan antara ESD dengan EFA (education for all,
y y
pendidikan untuk semua) dengan pendekatan secara sistematis dan koheren ; d k h Reorientasi pendidikan dan sistem pelatihan (pre‐service and in‐service) untuk memperhatikan masalah keberlanjutan; Mengembangkan dan memperkuat mekanisme yang memperkuat kerjasama regional dan internasional untuk ESD yang menghargai perbedaan budaya; Mendorong diintegrasikannya isu‐isu pembanguan berkelanjutan dengan menggunakan pendekatan terintegrasi dan sistemik dalam pendidikan formal maupun informal pada semua tingkatan; ti k t Menghargai dan mengakui arti penting sumbangan pengetahuan tradisional dan kearifan dan budaya lokal dalam mempromosikan ESD; and ik ESD d ESD mempromosikan kesetaraan gender
Thank You nurturing professionals
UPAYA YANG DILAKUKAN UNTUK PENCAPAIAN Pendidikan untuk Pembangunan Berkelanjutan 2005-2014
Ed Education ti for f Sustainable S t i bl D Development l tC Conference f Bogor 10-12 August 2009
G Green M Monster JJakarta k The Earth Charter Youth Group in Indonesia is called ECYG-Jakarta Green Monster. They joined the UNESCO Earth Charter Youth network in February 2009. The mission of ECYG - Jakarta Green Monster is to create a sustainable, healthy environment in the capital while promoting wetland conservation and encouraging public participation in environmental conservation.
http://ecyg wikispaces com/Indonesia JGM http://ecyg.wikispaces.com/Indonesia_JGM
1. 2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Penjelasan Dasawarsa EfSD PBB 2005-2014 A it Apa itu pembangunan b b berkelanjutan? k l j t ? Tiga pilar pembangunan berkelanjutan Mengapa fokus pada pendidikan untuk pembangunan berkelanjutan? Pendidikan untuk pembangunan berkelanjutan-penjelasan Delapan tema utama pendidikan untuk pembangunan berkelanjutan dalam bidang pendidikan Peran UNESCO dalam implementasi dasawarsa EfSD 2005-2010 Kemajuan dan peningkatan pendidikan dasar Reorientasi pendidikan Websites for UNESCO ESD-relevant projects and initiatives
PP 19/2005 Penjelasan Pasal 6. Ayat (1) butir b Kelompok mata pelajaran kewarganegaraan dan kepribadian pada SD/MI/SDLB/Paket A, SMP/MTs/SMPLB/Paket B, SMA/ MA/SMALB/ Paket C, SMK/MAK, atau bentuk lain yang sederajat dimaksudkan untuk peningkatan kesadaran dan wawasan peserta didik akan status, hak, dan kewajibannya dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa, dan bernegara, serta peningkatan kkualitas alitas dirin dirinya a sebagai man manusia. sia Kesadaran dan wawasan dalam bermasyarakat, berbangsa, dan bernegara mencakup upaya pendidikan untuk pembentukan pribadi yang unggul secara individual, dan pembudayaan serta pembentukan masyarakat madani. Kesadaran dan wawasan termasuk wawasan kebangsaan, jiwa dan patriotisme bela negara, penghargaan terhadap hak asasi manusia, kemajemukan bangsa, pelestarian lingkungan hidup kesetaraan gender hidup, gender, demokrasi demokrasi, tanggung jawab sosial sosial, ketaatan pada hukum, ketaatan membayar pajak, dan sikap serta perilaku anti korupsi, kolusi, dan nepotisme.
Websites for UNESCO ESD-relevant projects and initiatives Downloaded from www.unesco.org/education/asp on 06/08/2009
Baltic Sea Project http://www.bspinfo.lt Carbo-schools http://www.carboschools.org Education for Rural Livelihoods and Food Sovereignty www.sazaniassociates.org.uk/globallearnerszone Earth Science for Society - an International Year for Planet Earth http://www.esfs.org Eco-schools http://www.eco-schools.org G Great t Volga V l River Ri Route R t Project P j t http://whc.unesco.org/en/activities/483 and www.gvrr.unesco.ru/?lang=E Sandwatch Project www.sandwatch.org g Teaching and Learning for a Sustainable Future http://www.unesco.org/education/tlsf/index.htm Earth Charter Initiative (Green Monster Jakarta) http://www earthcharter org http://www.earthcharter.org UNEP “Ozzy School” learning tools about the ozone layer http://www.ozzyozone.org
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai UNESCO dan dasawarsa Pendidikan untuk Pembangunan Berkelanjutan: http://www.unescobkk.org/education/ESD/ http://www unesco org/education/dESD http://www.unesco.org/education/dESD http://www.unesco.org/education/tlsf/index.htm
Matur Nuwun Trina Supit Education Consultant UNESCO Office Office, Jakarta
LATAR BELAKANG • Sumber Daya Alam merupakan anugerah Allah Yang Maha Kuasa mempunyai kedudukan dan peranan penting bagi kehidupan manusia. • Sumber daya alam sebagai komponen lingkungan hidup yang perlu dijaga kelestariannya. • Pemanfatan sumber daya alam perlu dilakukan secara bijaksana bij k d dengan memperhitungkan hi k kebutuhan masa kini dan masa mendatang.
Pendidikan Pelestarian Alam dan Li k Lingkungan Hid Hidup (PALH) • PALH merupakan suatau upaya mendidik generasi bangsa untuk mencintai dan sadar akan lingkungan hidup yang seimbang • Maka perlu pembelajaran untuk memiliki pemahaman dasar tentang bagaimana sistem alam bekerja dan dampak kegiatan alam pada manusia melalui PALH
PALH SEBAGAI MUATAN LOKAL DI ACEH • KTSP yang telah diterapkan di seluruh Indonesia memuat 3 komponen dalam kurikulumnya yaitu komponen mata pelajaran, muatan lokal dan pengembangan diri. • Tahun ajaran 2009/2010 di Aceh sudah diterapkan PALH sebagai muatan lokal di Aceh • Bersama dengan FFI telah menggagas sebuah k konsep penyadartahuan d h kkoservasii terhadap h d peserta didik.
• Gagagan tersebut kemudian dilanjutkan dengan penyusunan buku panduan guru dan siswa PALH untuk SMA. • Materi pembelajaran yang termaktup adalah mengenal kondisi lingkungan disekitar kita, pengelolaan sampah,air, menjaga hutan untuk kehidupan, bumi semakin panas, menuju sekolah hijau hijau,dan dan merancang kegiatan berwawasan lingkungan disekolah.
Menuju Aceh Hijau dengan PALH • Pemerintah Aceh telah menerbitkan Qanun Q nomor 21 tahun 2002 tentang pengelolaan sumber daya alam. • Pasal P l 11 menyebutkan b k P Pengelolaan l l S Sumber b Daya Alam untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat dan mutu kehidupan manusia harus dilaksanakan dengan memperhatikan daya dukung untuk menjamin kesinambungan persediaannya di d dengan ttetap t memelihara lih d dan meningkatkan kualitas keanekaragaman dan nilainya a ya
Pasal 12 • Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam yang tidak dapat diperbaharui (non renoweble) harus dilakukansecara efisien sehingga dapat memungkinkan ketersediaannya dan upaya memanfaatkan berlangsung dalam waktu relatif lebih lama.
Education for Sustainable Development RCE Bogor
Hartrisari.H. (
[email protected])
Regional Centre of Expertise (RCE) under the network of UNU IAS An RCE is a network of existing g formal,, non-formal and informal education organizations, mobilized to deliver ESD to local and regional communities A network of RCEs worldwide will constitute the Global Learning Space for Sustainable Development RCEs aspire to achieve the goals of UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD, 2005-2014), by translating its global objectives into the context of the local communities in which they operate
35 RCEs around The World (2007) L Launching hi off RCE Bogor B : February F b 6, 6 2007
Greater Sudbury
Tongyeong Jordan Okayama
Grand Rapids
Greater Sendai Yokohama
Cebu Ghana
Greater Nairobi
Penang g
Bogor Kwa-Zulu Natal
Pacific Island Countries Curitiba-Parana
Makana & Rural Eastern Cape
50 RCEs around The World (2009)
An RCE should have four elements : 1. Governance, addressing issues of RCE management and leadership 2. Collaboration addressing the engagement of actors from all levels of formal, non-formal and informal education in RCE activities 3. Research and Development addressing the role of research and its inclusion in RCE activities, as well as contributing to the design of strategies for collaborative activities, including those with other RCEs 4. Transformative Education contributing to the transformation of the current education and training systems to satisfy ambitions of the region regarding sustainable living and livelihood
Regional Centers of Expertise on ESD
Veertical links
Formal education (Research centers) Universities Universities
Secondary Schools Primary Schools
Secondary Schools Primary Schools
Non-formal education K Knowledge-related l d l d institutions
(Science) museums B t i l gardens Botanical d Nature parks Lateral links
Local Governments Community leaders Media Local businesses L l NGOs Local NGO
Horizontal links
Local NGOs
Background of RCE Bogor development 1. 2. 3 3. 4. 5. 6 6. 7. 8.
Venue of UNU Staff to SEAMEO BIOTROP ( February 2006) BOD Participation in Yokohama Conference (April 2006) Participation in Reorienting Teacher’s Forum on ESD (August 2006) Preparing and submitting proposal (October 2006) Participation in “World Innovation Forum” (October 2006) S i Seminar and d Stakeholders St k h ld meeting ti (November (N b 2006) Acceptance Letter from UNU Rector (December 2006) Launching of RCE Bogor (February 6, 2007)
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The Region : -
Bogor city located 80 km south of Jakarta It is famous for its Botanical garden (87 hectares) Total area of Bogor : 355,922 hectares Total population : around 3 million Considered as a buffer for metropolitan area of Jakarta - Economy is based on industrial manufacturing, tourism, agriculture, transport and communication.
The Challenge of the Region
Poverty alleviation Promoting ESD Rapidly increasing population and limited job opportunities are forcing the conversion of forest to agricultural land
Integrated planning programs by the government, private sector and civil society organizations may increase job opportunities and ameliorate social problems
RCE Bogor is hosted by SEAMEO BIOTROP since 6 February 2007
RCE Bogor stakeholders : 1. 2. 3. 4 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Lecturer and students from various Universities School Teachers (primary, junior and high schools) Private sectors R Researchers h ffrom diff differentt Centres C t NGOs Government official Informal education organization g Local media (newspaper, radio)
Among RCEs : 1. Annual report activities 2. Quarterly report jurnal p program p g between several RCEs 3. Cooperation
Regional Centers of Expertise on ESD
Veertical links
Formal education (Research centers) Universities Universities
Secondary Schools Primary Schools
Secondary Schools Primary Schools
Non-formal education K Knowledge-related l d l d institutions
(Science) museums B t i l gardens Botanical d Nature parks Lateral links
Local Governments Community leaders Media Local businesses L l NGOs Local NGO
Horizontal links
Local NGOs
1. Link with Schools (Formal Education) 2 Research program on related area 2. 3. Network with other institutions 4. Training g courses,, Workshops, p , Seminars 5. Community involvement 6. Collaboration among RCEs
+ stakeholders’ meeting and socialization
1. Link with Schools 1 (Formal Education)
2008 - 2009 1. Biology competition (in English) for highschool students (organized by SEAMEO BIOTROP and biology and English teachers) 2. “SAVE THE EARTH” drawing competition for primary school students (organized by SEAMEO BIOTROP, primary school teachers and PT Elex Media Komputindo) 3 Active participation in developing the teaching 3. material for biology subject for highschool teachers Coordinated by B Bogor - Biology Bi l Hi Highschools h h l T Teachers h A Association i ti 4. Collaboration with Bakosurtanal for conducting training for highschool students and teachers
“Best Practices”
2. Research programmes on related areas : (According to the thrust of SEAMEO BIOTROP ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Conservation of Wildlife Plant Taxonomy Technology and Tree Breeding Pest est and a d Disease sease Management a age e t Costal Zone Management Forestry
3. Network with other institutions on relevant topics
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 6. 7.
IndoBIC (Indonesian Biotechnology Information Centre) Ministry y of Men Power and Transmigration g Agency for Mapping and Survey (BAKOSURTANAL) Depdiknas and KLH Bogor Agricultural University RRI (radio station) Small scale enterprises
4. Series of Workshop, Seminars, Trainings
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5. Community Involvement : Training on Organic Farming
6. Collaboration among RCEs RCE Bogor has participated on the Asian Young Leaders’ Climate Forum at CIFOR, Bogor (December 3-7) organized by British Council (Cooperation RCE Bogor - RCE East Midland, UK )
6. Stakeholders’ Meeting “WORKING TOGETHER”
Visit to herbal and mushroom enterprise
RCE Bogor, RCE Okayama, RCE Trang initiate a program for primary students : exchanging experiences in ESD Idea : learning from others experiences Collaboration among RCEs : April 2008
Access to Quality Basic Education, cooperate with D dik Depdiknas and d th the M Municipality i i lit off B Bogor Access to education for 3-5 years children of the poor family
“ kknowledge l d center t “
Challenge and Constraints 1. EfSD is interdiciplinary and interconnection between institutions (education, research, government, private sector, NGOs and community). 2. It is not simple to involve all stake holders with different backgrounds and interests, particularly when resources (time, fund and people) are limiting.
Thank you
Development p of Environmental Education and Education for Sustainable Development Program Hanns Seidel Foundation Nila Puspita Program Coordinator
About HSF • Political Foundation founded in 1967 and based in M i h G Munich, Germany • Non profit, financed by state and represented in more than 60 countries with different activities depending on requests t off the th respective ti countries ti • Committed to promote the values of humanism through educational activities • Founded in 1993 in Indonesia, with one off pillars is to promote Environmental Education for Sustainable Development • Partnership P t hi with ith NGO NGOs, governmentt and d iinternational t ti l institutions such as ASEAN Secretariat, UNEP ROAP and ASEF designing and implementing the joint programs
EE Contributes to Sustainable D Development; l t Challenges and Opportunities • Environmental awareness is generated through educational process both in formal and non formal sectors • In term of formal education, education EE for SD is not an independent subject in schools • It should be taught integrated into the existing subjects bj t • Teachers’ skills need to be strengthened • High g number u be o of teachers eac e s a and d sc schools oo s in Indonesia do es a • In term of non formal education, NGO experts skills need to be strengthened to reach out non formal sectors
National EE and ESD A ti iti Activities • Development of teaching materials in the form of module d l (“Ai (“Air”, ” “Water”, “W ” “Biodiversity”, “Bi di i ” “Land “L d and dS Soil” il” and “Education for Sustainable Development”) • Training of teachers on the use of the modules in schools • Training of trainers on the use of the modules in communityy (non ( formal sector)) • Seminars and workshops to gain support from authorities to implement EE in schools • Trainings of trainers on ESD Skills • Strengthening skills of teachers of participating schools of the national green school program since 2006 in cooperation with MoE
Thematic Modules
Where we are after 10 years Type of Modules
Number of Printed Copies
Location of Training
No. and type of activities and number of P ti i Participants t
Water, launched in 2001
North Sumatra, Banten, Jakarta, Central Java, Yogyakarta, East Java, North Sulawesi and North Flores Provinces
9 trainings and 6 seminars with 358 teachers and 300 authorities
Air, launched in 2003
Banten, Jakarta, Central Java, Yogyakarta, East Java, Bali Provinces
7 tranings with 314 teachers
Biodiversity,launch ed in 2003
Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, Yogyakarta, East Java, Bali and North Flores Provinces
9 trainings with 401 teacher
Soil and Land Land, launched in 2008
4 000 4,000
Banten, West Java, Banten Java Yogyakarta Yogyakarta, East Java, North Sulawesi Provinces
5 trainings with 265 teachers
ESD, launched in 2005
Yogyakarta, West Java, Central Java, Yogyakarta, East Java, Bali, North Sulawesi and North Flores Provinces
9 trainings with 365 teachers
Number of Conducted Trainings from 1999-2008
14 Tr rainings
Number r of Conducted
16 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Water
Biodivers ity
Soil and Land
Number of Trained Trainers on HSF Modules from 1999 - 2008
Number of Trained Tra ainers
700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Water
Biodiversity Modules
Soil and Land
National ESD Skills Training • More clear p picture regarding g g relationship p of EE and ESD and how EE can best compliment ESD, and vs. • Increase their knowledge and understanding of ESD theory and practice • Have first-hand experience in practical application of ESD methodologies • Learn L about b t and dd develop l ESD diff diffusion i strategies t t i ffor their specific organization and/or community g g on agent g of chance; teachers, NGOs, • Targeting government officials and lecturers– basic in 2007 in Ubud-Bali, and advanced in 2008 in Bandung • Noted trainer in the region, Robert Steel
ASEAN EE for Sustainable Development Leadership Training Program • Endorsed by ASEAN Environment Ministers as one of five priority activities for the initial implementation of AEEAP 2008-2012. • Key target groups i.e. government officials, MPs and other elected officials, media and communications professionals youth, professionals, youth woman, woman etc etc. • ASEAN Working Group on EE has discussed on its concept paper developed by Philippines and possible f di – taking funding t ki iinto t accountt experiences i off AP Leadership Program of HSF-UNEP ROAP-Tongji University
AP Leadership Program on Environment f Sustainable for S t i bl D Development l t •
• • • •
Improve the all-round thinking and decision-making abilities of the young and emerging leaders in government organizations organizations, NGOs NGOs, international organizations and private enterprises in the AsiaPacific region. Direct them to take the balance between environment and sustainable development into account in decision making making, and fosters their insights so as to be able to coordinate factors of human, environment and sustainable development in dealing with complex practical problems. D i Designed d 3 kkey di dimension, i h human, environment i t and d social i l dimensions Annually held since 2004 and more than 150 participants from about p g 40 countries have benefited from the program HSF cooperation with UNEP ROAP and Tongji Shanghai-based University – the 6th batch will be in November 14-21, 2009, application on line at www.rrcap.unep.org/leadership Trainers from AP Regional University Consortium Consortium, comprising of Tongji University, UNU-IAS, AIT, University of Wollongong, University of New South Wales, Yale University, Griffith University
EE for Sustainable Development in R i Region • Development of ASEAN Environmental Education Action Pl (AEEAP) 2000 Plan 2000-2005 2005 • Implementation of the AEEAP nationally i.e. EE Policy in Indonesia, Laos PDR, Vietnam, Thailand and Cambodia t together th with ith UNEP, UNEP regionally i ll ii.e. establishment t bli h t off AEEI http://aeeid.aseansec.org, ASEAN Youth http://youth4sd.asean.org, etc. • Donors Roundtable Meeting of implementation of the AEEAP and Mid-Term Review • Development of ASEAN EEAP for Sustainable Development 2008 2008-2014 2014 • Implementation of the AEEAP 2008-2014 regionally i.e. ASEAN Leadership program, Mid-term review UN Decade of ESD in Bonn Bonn, co-hosted by ASEAN Sec Sec., UNEP and HSF, etc.
EE for Sustainable Development in R i Region • ASEAN State of Environment Report p – the 4th will be endorsed in 2009 • ASEAN Environmentally Sustainable City Award – refining the existing indicators for the upcoming award in 2010 • Asia Pacific Leadership Program on EE for S t i bl D Sustainable Development l t – the th 6th batch b t h will ill b be in Nov. 14-21, 2009 in Shanghai • Asia-Europe s a u ope Environment o e t Forum o u – tthe e recent ece t one is on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in conjunction with upcoming COP15 in Copenhagen 2009
Environmental awareness contributes to sustainable development • Implementing EE for SD in formal and non formal sectors • Strengthening skills of teachers’ and NGOs experts in delivering EE for SD • Strengthening leadership of trainers on EE and ESD • Disseminating modules on EE for SD as learning materials in formal and non formal sectors • Gaining support from authorities in charge for the implementation of EE for SD in schools • Facilitating F ilit ti national ti l EE ffor SD iinitiatives iti ti • Facilitating capacity building of national representatives on regional EE for SD initiatives
National Planned Future Activities • C Cultural-based l lb d approach h off EE ffor SD training for local community • Religious-based approach of EE for SD training for Moslem mass organization • Producing g teaching g materials of EE for SD,, targeting on Senior High Schools • Capacity building for trainers focusing on methodology of teaching • Training of teachers and NGOs experts • Revision of the existing modules
ESD Training for NGOs, BIMA, 2006
ESD Training for Teachers in UKSW, S l ti Salatiga, 2008
ESD Training of Trainers Trainers, 2008
Regional Leadership Program
Hanns Seidel Foundation Menara Cakrawala 9th Floor Jl. MH Thamrin No. 9 Jakarta 10340, Indonesia Telp. +62 21 3902369 Fax. +62 21 3902381, email:
[email protected] Website: www.hsfindo.org
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