Materials and processes for energy: communicating current research and technological developments Energy Book Series – 2013 Edition
Badajoz (Spain), 12 April 2013
Dear Dr. Ljubivoje Popovic, I am pleased to inform you that your chapter titled "Influence of surrounding metal installations on the parameters of electric-power lines passing through urban and suburban areas" has been accepted for publication in the first number of the Energy Book Series titled "Materials and processes for energy: communicating current research and technological developments", a divulgation/educationally-oriented publication on Energy and Materials. As an active member of the research community in this area (European Transactions on Electrical Power. 2012, 22(2):206-215; IET Generation Transmission & Distribution. 2012, 6:3; Electric Power Systems Research. 2011. 81(2):393–399), we appreciate the time you spent preparing this chapter based on your research and/or knowledge with a more pedagogical approach. Please note that before the publisher can legally proceed with the typesetting of your chapter, a signed copy of the Copyright Transfer Agreement has to be filled and sent (you can download this form from For any tables, models, graphs, or other materials directly extracted from previously published materials, you must have written permission from the publisher of that material for reprint use. A copy of that permission should also be sent together with the Copyright Transfer Agreement. Please, also bear in mind that a copy of the Publication Charges Form must also be filled and sent (you can download this form from: These forms have to be sent by fax to the number +34 924 26 30 53, or by email to
[email protected] or
[email protected], or by post (see address at the bottom of this page) for the attention of A. Solano, Editorial Assistant, no later than 6 May 2013. If you could not submit the forms in due time for whatever reasons, please let us know to take this into account. A paperback copy of the volume in which your chapter will be published will be posted to you at no additional charge as soon as the book is released (expected by late summer 2013). Please note that in order to increase the visibility and citations of the works published in this educationallyoriented book series, the ebook will be made freely available to readers on the book website, and the book will be submitted to be indexed by the major citation indexes. Thank you very much for your contribution to this first number of the Energy Book Series. Best regards,
A. Méndez-Vilas Editor for "Materials and processes for energy: communicating current research and technological developments" Web: or e-mail:
[email protected] or
[email protected]
Formatex Research Centre, C/Zurbaran, 1, 2 Floor, office 1, 06002 Badajoz, Spain Phone: +34 924 258 615; Fax: +34 924 263 053; e-mail:
[email protected] or
[email protected]