Math 31 (Elementary Algebra) - Santa Monica College

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Emphasis is on advanced algebraic factoring and simplification. Grading Procedure: The final ... Sullivan/Struve, Intermediate Algebra, 2 nd edition, Prentice Hall ...
Course Description: This course is equivalent to the second year of high school algebra. Topics will include rational, irrational and complex numbers; fundamental operations on algebraic expressions and functions; introduction to polynomial, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions, equations and graphs; circles and parabolas. Emphasis is on advanced algebraic factoring and simplification. Grading Procedure: The final grade in this course will be determined by points obtained on unit exams, problem sets, quizzes, and the final exam. There is NO extra credit. The grading scale is (on the total number of points) 90-100% for an A; 80-89% for a B; 70-79% for a C; 55-69% for a D; and 54% and below is a Fail. The points will be distributed as follows: • Unit exams – 100 points possible for each exam (about 60% of final grade) All exams, to be completed in a small bluebook, will be closed book. There is no makeup given on a missed exam; however, an exam may be taken earlier if student anticipates being absent on a scheduled exam date. If an exam (only one exam is allowed) should be missed, the percentage score from the final exam will be used in place of the missing score; any other exam missed after that will receive a score of zero.

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Quizzes – 4 to 8 points possible on each and will be given at instructor’s discretion. No makeup. Homework – 4 to 9 points possible for each problem set. The problem set will consists of all assignments for a chapter and will generally be turned in either on the day of the exam or a previously announced date. Not turning in homework could result in a student’s final grade being lowered by one grade. (Quizzes & homework will be approximately 10% of final grade)

Final exam – about 30% of final grade


Sullivan/Struve, Intermediate Algebra, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall, 2010 (beginning Fall 2012) Santa Monica College, Math 20 Supplement Package, 2012


Calculators will not be permitted on exams or quizzes.

Attendance: Because of the intense demands of this course, it is absolutely imperative that students are in class everyday that the class meets. If an absence is necessary, please send notification via email or voicemail. Three unexcused absences will put a student in jeopardy of being dropped from the class. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of withdrawal dates and to take the appropriate necessary steps. Honor Code: All students are expected to abide by the Code of Academic Conduct and Reporting Policy; that is, all students will turn in work (homework, exams, and quizzes) that is of their own doing. Any student caught cheating, in addition to receiving a grade of zero on his/her work, will be in danger of being dropped from the class as well as have a Dishonesty Report placed in his/her academic file. Hints for success in this class • Attend class regularly. Keep track of scores on homework, quizzes, & exams so that you will be aware of your approximate grade at all times. • Be an active participant in the class. Take good notes and ask questions. • Read the next section before coming to class. • Do homework as it is assigned. Try to be neat, accurate, and well organized. • Get to know others in the class. These friends make good study partners, someone to call when you are absent, or just someone who can provide moral support when you are experiencing difficulties. • Take advantage of instructor’s office hours as well as instructional assistants and tutors in the Math Lab (MC 84). • Don’t give up. It takes time for some concepts to make sense. The important thing is to hang in there, get help, and work on it until you get it right. • Prepare for your exams in a timely manner – do homework as it is scheduled so that you will have time before the exam to work on chapter reviews and/or reviews provided by your instructor.

Prerequisite Skills: To ensure that a student will have the most successful experience in this class, it will be assumed that the student can (prior to enrolling in Math 20) perform with reasonable accuracy all of the following: • Solve linear, quadratic, literal equations, systems of equations and linear inequalities by choosing an appropriate method • Graph linear equations and inequalities • Simplify exponential expressions • Factor general trinomials at an elementary level • State and apply quadratic formula • Add, subtract, multiply, and divide polynomials, square roots and exponential expressions • Simplify complex fractions, square roots and exponential expressions • Solve introductory level equations with rational expressions • Translate and solve algebraic word problems in a single variable • Given the description of a graph of a line, write the equation of that line • Define and use properties of equality and inequality • Recognize and use common mathematical language to describe mathematical processes in either written or verbal form • Apply units of measurements in the solution of algebraic applications as appropriate

Exit Skills: In order to pass this class and be prepared for the subsequent courses (Math 2, Math 21*, Math 26, Math 41, or Math 54*), students must be able to do all of the following: • Simplify advanced numerical and algebraic expressions involving multiple operations • Solve linear, quadratic, rational and absolute value inequalities, graph their solution sets, and express the answer in interval notation • Solve linear equations for a designated variable • Apply algorithms of completing the square, rationalizing the denominator, and long division and synthetic division of polynomials • Solve linear, quadratic form, simple cubic, radical, rational, absolute value, elementary exponential, and elementary logarithmic equations • Solve systems of linear equations in three variables using matrix row reduction • Graph the solution sets of systems of linear and quadratic inequalities • Perform operations on complex numbers • Perform operations on complex numbers • Perform operations on functions including composition of two functions and determine the domain of the resulting function • Use proper mathematical notation to evaluate functions and obtain their inverses • State and apply the fundamental properties of exponents and logarithms • Demonstrate knowledge of standard vocabulary associated with graphing, including but not limited to slopes of lines, intercepts, vertex of parabola, asymptotes, and interplay between graph and functional notation • Given its graph, determine whether a relation is a function and whether it is one-to-one, and determine its intercepts and domain and range • Graph using horizontal and vertical translations and determine the domain and range of linear, quadratic, simple cubic, radical, reciprocal, absolute value, exponential and logarithmic functions • Graph circles and parabolas using horizontal and vertical translation • Evaluate simple expressions involving summation notation • Set up and solve practical applications of the algebraic material * If it is definite the student will continue to either Math 21 or Math 54 and no further, then the student can choose to take Math 18 (Intermediate Algebra for Statistics & Finite Math) instead of Math 20.