Page 1 ... This course is a study of algebra and will provide the foundation for
applying algebraic skills to other mathematical and ... for the Course. Algebra for
College Students and help make and acceptable score on the colllege
Sebring High School Mathematics for College Readiness Course Syllabus Instructor: Mrs. Pat Caton Classroom: Room 228 Phone: 863-471-5500 ext.229 Course Description: This course is a study of algebra and will provide the foundation for applying algebraic skills to other mathematical and scientific fields. The purpose of this course is to continue the study of algebraic skills learned in ALgebra II. It will prepare students for the Course Algebra for College Students and help make and acceptable score on the colllege placement test. The following objectives will be included but the course will not be limited to: operations with the complex numbers, algebraic expressions, relations, functions, polynomials equations, exponents, logarithms, matrices, compund interest, measure of central tendency, linear equations, inequalitites, quadratic equations, factoring, algebraic fractions and conics. This course is targted for 11-12 grade students, whose test scores on the Postsecondary Educational Readiness Test (P.E.R.T.) are at or below the established cut scores for mathematics, indicating that they are not yet "college read'' in mathematics or simply need some additional instruction in content to prepare them for success in college level mathematics. Course Outline/Schedule: Students need to understand that the expectations for this course are sililar to those in a college math class. Students need to spend AT LEAST as much time doing homework as they spend in class every other day. Students need to also understand that this is a pacing guide. Assignments and sections can change if the teacher chooses to do so. Section P.1.--4 days Section P.2.--4 days Section P.3--1 days Section P.4--1 day Section P.5--1 day Section P.6--2 days Section 1.1--1 day Section 1.2--1 day Section 1.3--1 day
Section 1.4--1 day Section 1.5--2 days Section 1.6--2 days Section 1.7--1 days Section 2.1--1 day Section 2.2--2 days Section 2.3--2 days Section 2.4--1 day Section 2.5--2 days Section 2.6--1 day Section2.7--1 day Section 2..8--1 day Section 3.1--1 day Section 3.2--2 days Section 3.3--1 day Section 3.4--2 days Section 3.5--3 days Section 3.6--1 day Section 3.7--1 day Section 4.1--1 day Section 4.2--1 day Section 4.3 1 day Section 4.4--4 days Section 4.5--2 days Section 8.1-- 1 day Section 8.2--1 day Section 8.4--1 day Section 8.5--1 day Section 8.6--1 day Section 9.1--1 day Section 9.2--1 day Section9.3--1 day Section 9.4--2 days Section 9.5--2 days
Expected Learning Outcomes: After successfully completing this course, the student will be able to demonstrate the ability to: 1) Understand the structure and properties of the complex number system. 2) Understand arithmetic and geometric sequences and series.
3) Understand relations, functions, and graphs extended to polynomial, exponential, and logarithmic functions. 4) Understand varied solution strategies for linear equations, inequalitites, and systems of equations and inequalities. 5) Understand varied strategies , incuding the quadratic formula, for quadratic equations. 6) Understand conic sections and their applications. 7) Solve problems using probability, permutations, and combinations. Midterm and Final Exams: Midterm: 20% Final: 20% Course Requirements and Grading Scale: Grading: Tests--------------------------------------------------------------50% BellWork/ Homework----------------------------------------20% Class Work/ Quiz/ Projects/Activity----------------------30% Requirements Projects Classwork Homework Assignments
Tests and Quizzes
Grading Scale A B C
90-100 80-89 70-79 60-69 0-59
Behavioral Expectations and Repercussions: CLASSROOM RULES 1) Follow All Procedure 2) Be Punctual 3) Be Courteous CONSEQUENCES 1) Warning 2) Detention 3) Detention & Phone Call Home 4) Referral To Office Make-up Policy: Make -up tests must be made up during your study hall time or before school or at your lunch time. Make-up tests MUST be completed BEFORE the next test is given.
Homework Calendar Rubric Requirements: It is essential that the homework be labeled in such a manner: Name Page number(s) of the assignment Problems for that assignment 2 Points--Complete Assignments **Neat and easy to read. **Includes name and date of the assignment. **Mut be ready when due. ** Students are to attempt tp dp EVERY problem. 1 Point--Partial Credit ** Difficult to read. ** Missing name and date. Students did not attempt to do every problem. 0 Points--NO CREDIT--not assignment