Instructor: Anna Puskás ... Calculus, Early Transcendentals (7th edition) by
James Stewart (ISBN code ... To learn a subject like this well, it is essential to
solve exercises. This is ... of only six weeks, that is necessarily fast-paced. ... A
solution to an exercise consists of more than the correct result: to receive full
credit, show all.
Math S1201 - Calculus III Summer 2013
Instructor: Oce: Oce hours: Help room: Teaching Assistants:
Classroom: Lectures: email: Call number:
Rob Castellano
Vladislav Petkov
(We 10 - 13, 14 - 17, Th 10 - 14)
(We 12 - 14, Th 13 - 18, Fr 13 - 16)
Anna Puskás
417 Mathematics Building
408 Maths (212-854-5881) Mo, We 8 - 9
Mo, Tu, We, Th 6:15 - 7:05, 7:15 - 8:00
[email protected]
Mathematics 406
Textbook Calculus, Early Transcendentals (
edition) by James Stewart (ISBN code 9780538497909); the
course will cover approximately chapters
12 − 14
of this book. The ISBN code given above (and on
Courseworks) corresponds to a package that includes the book itself, access to an electronic copy, and WebAssign. We shall not use WebAssign in this course. Students are encouraged to read the relevant section of the book before coming to class. It is also a good idea to make your own notes in class and use them in addition to the textbook.
Grading The grade is determined by the homeworks (18%), a midterm exam (34%) and a nal exam (48%).
Exams The exams will contain problems similar to the ones on the homework sets, questions about denitions, theorems and proofs discussed in the lecture. Makeup exams will not be given; excepting the
Midterm Thursday, July , in class Final Thursday, August 15 , 6:15-9:15pm 207 Mathematics
case of a medical or family emergency documented by a note from a doctor or a dean. 25th (date may change in view of the drop date) th
To learn a subject like this well, it is essential to solve exercises. This is especially true for course of only six weeks, that is necessarily fast-paced. Hence any eort you put into the homework will be rewarded when you study for the exams. Homework exercises will be assigned in most lectures; there will be ten assignments.
Homework is due on Tuesdays and Thursdays before class
the drop-o box near 408 Mathematics. (For explicit dates, and the problems assigned each week see the Assignments section on Courseworks.) Please ALWAYS staple the homework you hand in. A portion of the homework will be graded each week; the result will count towards your grade as indicated above. No late homework is accepted, but I will drop your lowest homework score. A solution to an exercise consists of more than the correct result: to receive full credit, show all relevant work. Make a serious eort to present your thoughts clearly (and legibly). You can learn a lot from fellow students, so feel free to discuss the material and the homework exercises with each other.
However, please observe the following rules:
always attempt to solve an exercise on your
own rst; list your collaborators; NEVER exchange written work. You can also get help with your homework in the Help Room.
Students with disabilities
Students with disabilities requiring special accommodation should contact the Oce of Disability Services (ODS) promptly to discuss appropriate arrangements.
Tentative Schedule of Topics
July 8
Introduction, Three-Dimensional Coordinate Systems, Vectors
(12.1), (12.2)
July 9
Vectors, The Dot Product
(12.2), (12.3)
July 10
The Dot Product, The Cross Product
(12.3), (12.4)
July 11
The Cross Product
July 15
Equations of Lines and Planes
July 16
Curves Dened By Parametric Equations
July 17
Parametric Curves in Two and Three Dimensions
(10.1), (13.1)
July 18
Derivatives (and Integrals) of Vector Functions, Arc Length
(13.2), (13.3)
July 22
Arc Length, Curvature
July 23
Conic Sections
July 24
Cylinders and Quadric Surfaces
July 25
July 29
Functions of Several Variables
July 30
Limits and Continuity
July 31
Partial Derivatives
August 1
Partial Derivatives, Tangent Planes and Linear Approximations
(14.3), (14.4)
August 5
Tangent Planes and Linear Approximations
August 6
The Chain Rule
August 7
Directional Derivatives and the Gradient Vector
August 8
Maximum and Minimum Values
August 12
Maximum and Minimum Values
August 13
Lagrange Multipliers
August 14
Review Session
August 15