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1 The supply of mathematics and science teachers : a survey of students in ..... Kerala and Lakshadweep on the...mathematics at secondary level : report.



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The supply of mathematics and science teachers : a survey of students in training.-- London: Methuen, 1956. vi,34p 370.7 ASS. 40478


Supply, recruitment and training of science and mathematics teachers.-- Paris: OECD, [?] 46p. 370.71 ORG. 31176


Pound, Linda Supporting mathematical development in the early years.-Buckingham: Open University Press, 1999. xx,116. ISBN : 0-335-19887-2. 372.7044 POU. 119476


Rao, K. Sudha Influence of continuous evaluation on learning.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1986. xii,286p. 371.26 SUD. F16296


Duggal, Janak Play-way activities in grades I and II.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1977. vii,85p. 372.1332 DUG. F13459


Curriculum for pupils of twelve of fifteen years (Advanced division), reprint No. 4 : Mathematics.-- London: Univ of London Press Ltd., 1931. 8p. 375 SCO. 126


Leadership role of state : Supervisors of mathematics.-Washington: U.S. Deptt. of Health Education & Welfare, 1962. 107p. 379.15 DEP. F2286


United States. Department of Health, Education & Welfare Mathematics and science education in U. S. public schools -- Washington: United States Deptt. of Health, Education & Welfare, 1958. 97p. 375.5 UNI. 39124


Place of mathematics in secondary education.-- New York: Columbia Univ, 1940. 253p. 375.51 NAT. 23589


Guide for instruction in mathematics : Secondary school grades 7-12.-- Minnesota: State of Minnesota Deptt. of Education, 1953. 296p. 375.51 MIN. 36325


Population education in mathematics : Same sample lessons for the secondary level.-- Bangkok: UNESCO, 1984. 23p. 301.3207 UNE. F15556


International Bureau of Education Teaching of mathematics in secondary school : comparative study.-- Paris: Unesco, 1956. 249. 379.206 INT. 90146


Technical terms in Hindi: Mathematics - II.-- New Delhi: Ministry of Education, 1959. xiv,44p. 491.4303 IND. 49768


India. Ministry of Education Provisional list of technical terms in hindi: mathematics - II.-- New Delhi: Ministry of Education, 1956. 43p. 491.43003 IND. 35493


Provisional list of technical terms in Hindi: MathematicsII.-- New Delhi: Ministry of Education, 1956. 43p. 491.4332 IND. 10541


Provisional list of technical terms in Hindi: Mathematics II.-- New Delhi: Ministry of Education, 1956. 43p. 491.4332 IND. 10542


Technical terms in Hindi for secondary education: Mathematics.-- New Delhi: Ministry of Education, Government of India, 1955. ii,49p. 491.4332 IND. 86368


Primary school syllabus: Science and Mathematics.-- Tininad : Republic of Tininad and Tobago, Ministry of Education, 1988. 36p. 372.0430972983 REP. F17605


Standards in C.E. and G.C.E.: English and Mathematics.-London: Her Majesty's Stationary Office, 1967. 51p. 373.942 GRE. 31846


Freeman, J.B. Assignments in mathematics.-- Bombay: Asia Pub. House, 1966. 372.7 FRE. 19392



Freeman, J.B. Assignments in mathematics.-- Bombay: Asia Pub. House, 1966. 372.7 FRE. 65082


Fehr, Howard F. Teaching modern mathematics in the elementary school.-London: Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 1967. 448p. 372.7 FEH. 56043


Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary school mathematics : Primer.-- London: Addison Wesley Pub. Co. Inc., 1963. 72p. 372.7 EIC. 38717


Dwyer, Robert C. Teaching children through natural mathematics.-- New York : Parker Pub. Co. Inc., 1960. 212p. 372.7 DWY. 74914


Bunker, A.R. Understanding and teaching mathematics in the primary schools.-- Sydney: Angus and Robertson, 1969. 180p. 372.7 BUN. 76558


Blaney, Rosemarie B. Teaching new Mathematics in the elementary schools.-- New Jersey: Teacher Practical Press, 1964. 64p. 372.7 BLA. 41651


Blaney, Rosemarie B. Teaching new Mathematics in the elementary schools.-- New York: Teachers Practical Press, 1964. 64p. 372.7 BLA. F12341


Adams, L.D. Background to primary school Mathematics.-- London: Oxford Univ. Press, 1953. 189p. 372.7 ADA. 23379


Introduction to mathematics in Primary schools.-- Paris: Unesco, 1950. 247p. 372.7 UNE. 41647


Introduction to Mathematics in Primary Schools.-- Paris: Unesco, 1950. 247p. 372.7 UNE.


Skemp, Richard R. Mathematics in the primary school.-- London: Routledge,


1989. 225p. ISBN : 0-415-02519-2. 372.7 SKE. 112220 32

Teaching of Mathematics.-- Madras: S.I.T.U. Council Educational Research, 1962. 140p. 372.7 SIT. 41640


Mathematical Association, London Teaching of mathematics in primary schools.-- London: G. Bell & Sons, 1958. 121p. 372.7 MAT. 38750


Magne, Olof Experiment on preschool geometry.-- Sweden: Didakometry School of Education, 1989. 82p. 372.7 MAG. F17895


Kapur, J.N. Suggested experiments in elementary school Mathematics.-New Delhi: Arya Book Depot, 1967. 107p. 372.7 KAP. 53397


Hirschi, L. Edwin Building mathematics concepts in grades kindergarten through eight.-- Pennsylvania: International Text Book, 1970. 281p. 372.7 HIR. 73348


Certificate of secondary education trial examinations: Experimental examination-Mathematics.-- London: Her Majesty's Stationery office, 1964. 35p. 371.271:51 GRE. 78730


Certificate of secondary education trial examinations: Experimental examination-Mathematics.-- London: Her Majesty's Stationery office, 1964. 35p. 371.271:51 GRE. 40905


Certificate of Sedondary education: Experiment ExaminationsMathematics(2).-- London: Her Mejesty's Stationery office., 1965. 74. 371.271:510 GRE. 38825


Certificate of Sedondary education: Experiment ExaminationsMathematics(2).-- London: Her Mejesty's Stationery office, 1965. 74. 371.271:510 GRE. 78734


Report of the second workshop of paper setters in physics,

Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics & practical Examiners.-Delhi: N.C.E.R.T, [n.d.] Various Page. 371.2706 RAJ. F3168 42

Grossnickle, Foster E. Discovering meanings in elementary school mathematics.-New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1963. 468p. 372.5 GRO. 33162


Grossnickle, Foster E. Discovering meanings in elementary school mathematics.-New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1963. 468p. 372.5 GRO. 2367


Gay, John New mathematics and an old culture: A study of learning among the kpelle of liberia.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1967. 100p. 370.9666 GAY. 64416


Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary school mathematics: getting ready-5.-- London: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1964. 48p. 372.7 EIC. 38718


Report of training programme held on behalf of Ordinance Factory Schools at Regional College of Education, Bhubaneswar from 9th July to 18th July, 1992.-Bhubaneswar: Regional College of Education (NCERT), 1992. 178p. 371. UNE. 19362


Perspectives on teacher education : teacher education in science, mathematics and technical/vocational subjects : report of a Round Table on the Teacher Education convened by the Commonwealth of Learning in Vancouver, June 15-19, 1992.-- Vancouver: The Commonwealth of Learning, 1993. v,193p. ISBN : 1-895369-20-7. 370.71 ROU


Gupta, K M Learning achievement of primary school children in reading and mathematics : baseline assessment study of five districts of Chhatisgarh region of Madhya Pradesh, India.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1995. 246p. 372.19 GUP


Wesley, Scott Job analysis of the knowledge important for newly licensed teachers of mathematics.-- Princeton: Educational Testing Service, 1992. Various pagenations. 379.157 WES


Sierpinska, Anna Understanding in mathematics.-- London: The Falmer Press, 1994. xv,189p. ISBN : 0-7507-0334-2. 370.7 SIE. 116581


Jangira, N.K. Learning achievement of primary school children in reading and mathematics : baseline assessment study of four districts of Assam, India.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1994. 132p. 372.19 JAN. F143


Yadav, S.K. Learning achievement of primary school children in reading and mathematics : baseline assessment study of eight districts of Malwa region of Madhya Pradesh, India. -- New Delhi: NCERT, 1994. 157p. 372.19 YAD. F241


Magne, Olof Mathematics and quality of life : a new theme in special teacher education.-- Malmo, Sweden: School of Education, Lund University, 1994. 33p. 371.9263 MAG


Bhoodev Singh Teaching-learning strategies and mathematical creativity. -- Delhi: Mittal Publications, 1988. xxi,194p. ISBN : 81-7099-084-x. 371.3 BHO. 111477


Surja Kumari Determinants of underachievement in mathematics for girls (including socially handicapped girls).-- New Delhi: N.C.E.R.T. 78p. 371.28 SUR. F15904


Baroddy, Arthur J. Childrens mathematical thinking: a developmental framework for presschool, primary , and special education teachers.-- New York: Teachers College, Columbia University, 1987. xv,294p. ISBN : 0-8077-2837-3. 372.7 BAR. 118889


Teaching activities in environmental education.-- Ohio: Ohio State Univ, 1974. 192p. 301.3107 WHE. F14135


Report of the mathematics reforms committee.-- New Delhi: University Grant Commission, 1966. v,24p. 370.6 CEN. F10239


All India survey of achievement in mathematics: A summary report.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1969. 32p. 370.183 NAT. F7440


Research in science and mathematics education.-- New Delhi: NCERT, [n.d.] iv,122p. 507.2 WAN. F15050


Enrichment training course for resource persons in mathematics at upper primary level.-- New Delhi: NCERT,DESM, 1990. 125p. 372.7 ENR (N-R). F19277


Enrichment training course for resource persons in mathematics at upper primary level (held on November 1115, 1991).-- New Delhi: Deptt of Edu. in Sc and Math., NCERT, 1991. 203+5p. 372.7 ENR. 19279


Enrichment training course for resource persons in mathematics at upper primary level (held on Sept. 17-21, 1990-91).-- New Delhi: Deptt. of Edu. in Sc. and Math., NCERT, 1991. Various pagenations. 372.7 ENR. 19278


Shukla, Snehlata Attainments of primary school children in various states. -- New Delhi: N.C.E.R.T., 1994. 301p.,Appedices A-1 to F 10p. 372.1264 ATT. F20628


Mathematics, education and philosophy: an international perspective.-- London: The Falmer Press, 1994. x,250p. ISBN : 0-7507-0290-7. 370.7 MAT. 116582


Constructing mathematical knowledge: epistemology and mathematics education.-- London: The Falmer Press, 1994. xviii. ISBN : 0-7507-0354-7. 370.7 CON. 116583


Partnerships in maths: parents and schools - The IMPACT project.-- London: The Falmer Press, 1993. 255p. ISBN : 0-75070-154-4. 371.100941 PAR.

116587 68

Training of elementary teacher educators in teaching mathematics and use of mathematics kit supplied under O.B. Scheme; organised at Guwahati from 21-27 March, 1995 -- Bhubaneswar: Deptt. of Education, Regional College of Education, N.C.E.R.T., 1995. ix,64p. 370.7122 TRA. F20673


Study of neuropsychological processes and logicomathematical structure among dyscalculics : ERIC (NCERT) project report 1990.-- Mysore: Regional College of Education, 1990. 49+[viii]p. 371.9044 STU. F18147


Mathematics for tomorrows's young children.-- Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996. xi,327p. ISBN : 0-7923-3998-3. 372.7 MAT. 118091


Learning mathematics in elementary and middle schools.-New Jersey: Merrill, 2000. xiv,417p. ISBN : 0-13011681-5. 372.7 LEA.


Glover, James T. Vedic mathematics for schools.-- Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 2000. xii,133p. ISBN : 81-208-1318-9. 372.7 GLO. 120624


Glover, James T. Vedic mathematics for schools.-- Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 2000. xvii,282p. ISBN : 81-208-1670-6. 372.7 GLO. 120655 Cooke, Heather Primary Mathematics.-- London: Paul Chapman Publishing, 2000. x,192p. ISBN : 0-7619-7118-1. 372.7 COO. 120743



Haylock, Derek Mathematics explained for primary teachers.-- London: Paul Chapman Publishing, 2001. x,306p. ISBN : 0-7619-6951-9. 372.7 HAY. 120902


Gupta, K.M. Learning achievement of primary school children in reading and mathematics : baseline assessment study of five districts of Chhatisgarh region of Madhya Pradesh

India.-- New Delhi: NCERT,DTEE, 1995. 372.1209543 GUP (N-R). F22871



Profeedings of the CASTME-UNESCO-HBCSE international conference, Goa, India, February 20-23, 2001 Science, technology and mathematics education for human development.-- Mumbai: Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, 2002. vi,442p; vii,451p. 507 SCI. F23250


Raju, B.S.P. Training programme for teacher educators of Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Lakshadweep on the...mathematics at secondary level : report.-- Mysore: NCERT,RIE, 2003. 30p. 370.76 RAJ (N-R). F23278


Jangira, N.K. Learning achievement of primary school children in reading and mathematics.-- New Delhi: NCERT,DTEE, 1994. 129p. 372.19 JAN (N-R). F22875


Gupta, K.M. Learning achievement of primary school children in reading and mathematics : Baseline assessment study of five districts of Chhatisgarh region of Madhya Pradesh India.-- New Delhi: NCERT,DTEE, 1995. 246p. 372.1209543 GUP (N-R). F22083


Commonwealth of Learning Perspectives on teacher education : teacher education in science, mathematics and technical/vocational subjects : report of a Round Table on the Teacher Education convened by the Commonwealth of Learning in Vancouver, June 15-19, 1992.-- Vancouver: The Commonwealth of Learning, 1993. v,193p. ISBN : 1-895369-20-7. 370.71 COM. F19406


Yadav, S.K. Learning achievement of primary school children in reading and mathematics: baseline assessment study of eight districts of Malwa region of Madhya Pradesh , India -- New Delhi: NCERT, Deptt. of teacher Education and Special Education, 1994. 156p. 370.241 YAD (N-R). F22869


Ediger, Marlow Teaching mathematics in elementary schools.-- New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House, 2003. 295p. ISBN : 81-7141-687-X. 372.7 EDI.

123151 84

Kasinath, H.M. A study of sequence of logical thinking operations in mathematics among disadvantaged children.-- Dharwad: Department of Education, Karnatak University, 2003. xii,271p. 372.7 KAS (ERIC). F23248


Ravindra, G. Self instructional materials in mathematics for primary school teacher.-- Mysore: RIE (NCERT), 2003. 217p. 371.39 RAV (N-R). F23309


Training package for teaching mathematics at secondary level : report.-- RIE ,Bhubaneswar: NCERT,DESM, 1997. vi,266p. 371.906 TRA (N-R). F21285


Training package for teaching mathematics at secondary level : Report.-- Bhubaneswar: NCERT,RIE, 1997. vi,265p. 371.906 TRA (N-R). F21428


Preparing ASEAN for the Information Century : A Comparative study of policies and programmes on computers in science and mathematics education.-- Bangkok: UNESCO, 1991. ix,169p. 507 PRE. F19216


Jangira, N.K. Learning achievement of primary school children in reading and mathematics: Baseline Assessment study of Four Districts of Assam India.-- New Delhi: DTESE (NCERT) , 1994. 130p. 372.19 JAN. F20443


Rao, K. Sudha Influence of continuous evaluation on learning.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1986. xii,286p. 371.26 RAO. F21386


Chakravarti,K.K. Workshop for development of self- Learning materials on specific topics in mathematics at higher secondary level: report.-- Bhubneswar: NCERT, RIE Deptt. of science and mathematics, 1991. viii,109p. 371.3078 CHA (N-R). F21121


Gupta, K M Learning achievement of primary school children in reading and mathematics : baseline assessment study of

five districts of Chhatisgarh region of Madhya Pradesh, India.-- New Delhi: NCERT,DTEE, 1995. 246p. 372.19 GUP (N-R). F20459 93

Yadav , D.D. Learning achievement of primary school chidren in reading and mathematics : baseline assessment study of six districts of Bundelkhand region of Madhya Pradexh India.New Delhi: NCERT,DTEE, 1994. 155p. 372.19 YAD (N-R). F20442


Commonwealth of Learning Perspectives on teacher education : teacher education in science, mathematics and technical/vocational subjects : report of a Round Table on the Teacher Education convened by the Commonwealth of Learning in Vancouver, June 15-19, 1992.-- Vancouver: The Commonwealth of Learning, 1992. v,193p. ISBN : 1-895369-20-7. 370.71 COM. F23735


National Council for Teacher Education Exemplar modules in mathematics for elementary teacher educators.-- New Delhi: NCTE-COMSEC, 1999. x,254p. 372.7 NAT. F21823


Shukla, Snehlata Attainments of primary school children in various states. -- New Delhi: N.C.E.R.T., 1994. 301,Appedices A-1 to F10p. 372.1264 ATT. F20626


Shukla, Snehlata Attainments of primary school children in various states. -- New Delhi: N.C.E.R.T., 1994. 301,Appedices A-1 to F10p. 372.1264 ATT. F20627


Enrichment training course for recource persons in mathematics.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1991. 203p. 372.7 ENR. F19279


Enrichment training course for recorce Persons in mathmatics at upper primary level November 11-15, 1991 Recource material-111.-- New Delhi: Development of education in science and mathematics, NCERT, 1995. 203p. 372.7 ENR


Enrichment training course for resource persons in mathematics at upper primary level:Septumber 17-21, 199091.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1991. Various paginatin. 372.7 ENR (NAT).

F19278 101

NCERT Science & mathematics education in indian school. 33862


N.C.E.R.T. Science and mathematics education in indian schools. 90043


N.C.E.R.T. Science and mathematics education in indian schools. 90075


N.C.E.R.T. Science and mathematics education in indian schools. 90074


Unesco Science and mathematics education in schools in India. 90001


Trimble & others Basic mathematics for general education. 7658


Kesavan, Shubha Workshop for development of modules on strategies to overcome difficulty areas in secondary school Mathematics and English of Kerala.-- Mysore: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2007. 139p. 373.095483 KES (NAT). F25848


New Maxico Education Mathematics. 44935


Tasks in primary Mathematics teacher education: purpose, use and exemplars.-- New York: Springer, 2009. 309p. ISBN : 0387-09668-1. 372.7 TAS. 128625


Educational Media Council Educational media index: Mathematics.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1964. 67,s.1-s.32p. 370.5 EDU. 6643


Norfolk City Schools Curriculum guide for mathematics: secondary school program.-- [s.l]: Norfolk City Schools, 1953. 119p. 375.51 NOR. 36200


NCERT Setting better question papers: report of the training course for paper setters of Bihar, Delhi, M.P. & Punjab

in Biology, Chemistry, Physics & Mathematics.-- New Delhi : NCERT, 1966. various pagination. 371.3707606 NAT. F3157 113

Yadav, S.K. Learning achievement of primary school children in reading and mathematics: baseline assessment study of eight Districts of Malwa region of Madhya Pradesh India.New Delhi: DTESE (NCERT), 1994. 155p. 372.19 YAD. F20441


Unesco Population education in mathematics: some sample lessons. -- Bangkok: Unesco, 1980. 36p. 304.6071 UNE. AE202


RIE, NCERT Workshop for key resources persons involved in training of SC/ST science & mathematics teachers at the elementary level: report of the programme held at RIE, Bhubaneswar, Feb 20-27.-- Bhubaneswar: RIE, NCERT, 1993. v,140p. 372.35 RIE(N-R). F21165


Barker, Stephen F. Philosophy of mathematics / Stephen F. Barker.-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1964. xiv,111p (Foundation of philosophy series) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics-philosophy I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 60861 510.01 BRO

Brumfiel, Charles F. Introduction to the theory of arithmetic / Charles F. Brumfiel and Eugene F. Karause.-London, Addision-Wesley, 1970. x,344p 1.Mathematics I. Karause, Eugene F. II. Title. Accn Nos : 70941 510.01 CSA

Csaszas, Alcos Foundations of general topology / Alcos Csaszas and K. Csaszar.-- Oxford: Pergamon, 1963. 380p 1.Mathematics I. Csaszas, K. II. Title. Accn Nos : 65577

510.01 EXN

Exner, Robert M. Logic in elementary mathematics / Robert M. Exner and Myron E. Rosskopf.-- New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc, 1959. xi,274p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Rosskopf, Myron E. II. Title. Accn Nos : 54674

510.01 EXN

Exner, Robert M. Logic in elementary mathematics / Robert M. Exner and Myron F. Rosskopf.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1959. ix,273p 1.Mathematics I. Rosskopf, Myron F. II. Title. Accn Nos : 8648

510.01 FEL

Felix, Lucienne Modern aspect of mathematics / Lucienne Felix, tr. by Julius H. Hlavaty and Fancille H. Hlavaty.-- New York: Science Editions, 1961. xiii,194p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - philosophy and theory I. Hlavaty, Julius H. II. Hlavaty, Fancille H. III. Title. Accn Nos : 54685 510.01 GEM

Gemignani, Michael C. Basic concepts of mathematics and logic / Michael C. Gemignani.-- London: AddisonWesley Publishing Company, Inc, 1968. 278p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 67982 510.01 HAL

Halmos, Paul R. Naive set theory / Paul R. Halmos.-Toranto: D. Van Norstand, 1963. 104p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 67305 510.01 KAP

Kapur, J.N. Spirit of mathematics / J.N. Kapur.-- New Delhi: Arya Book Depot, 1966. 96p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53693

510.01 KIL

Kilmister, C.W. Language logic and mathematics / C.W. Kilmister.-- London: English University Press, 1967. 124p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 67448

510.01 KNE

Kneebone, G.T. Mathematical logic and the foundations of mathematics: an Introductory survey / G.T. Kneebone.-- London: D. Van Nostrand, 1963. 435p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3258

510.01 KOR

Korner, Stephan Philosophy of mathematics: An Introduction / Stephan Korner.-- New York: Harper Torch Books, 1962. 198p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 60833 510.01 LUK

Lukasiewicz, Jan Elements of mathematical logic / Jan Lukasiewicz and trans. by Olgierd Wajtasiewicz.-- Oxford: Pergamon, 1966. 127vp 1.Mathematics I. Wajtasiewicz, Olgierd. II. Title. Accn Nos : 53396 510.01 MAR

Marks, Robert W. Space, time and the new mathematics / Edited by Robert W. Marks.-- New York: Bentam books, 1964. 295p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 16944 510.01 MES

Meschkowski, Herbert Evaluation of mathematical thought / Herbert Meschkowski, tr. by Jane H. Gayl.-San Francisco: Holden-Day, 1965. 157p (Mathesis series) (ed. by Kenneth O. May) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - philosophy and theory I. Gayl, Jane H. II. May, Kenneth O. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 53340

510.01 MES

Meschkowski, Herbert Evolution of mathematical thought / Herbert Meschkowski and tr. by Jane H. Goyl.-- San Francisco: Holden-day, 1965. 157p 1.Mathematics I. Goyl, Jane H. II. Title. Accn Nos : 68147 510.01 MES

Meschkowski, Herbert Evolution of mathematical thought / Herbert Meschkowski and tr. by Jane H. Goyl.-- San Francisco: Holden-day, 1965. 157p. Include Index and Bibliography 1.Mathematics I. Goyl, Jane H. II. Title. Accn Nos : 53304 510.01 RUS Russell, Bertrand Principles of mathematics / Bertrand Russell.-- London: George Allen and Unwin, [n.d.] xviii,534p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 60070 510.01 RUS

Russell, Bertrand Principles of mathematics / Bertrand Russell.--2nd ed-- London: Greoge Allen and Unwin, 1964. xxxix,534p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53230 510.01 SUP

Suppes, Patrick First course in mathematical logic / Patrick Suppes and Shirley Hill.-- New York: Blaisdell, 1964. 273p 1.Mathematics I. Hill, Shirley. II. Title. Accn Nos : 53746

510.01 SUP

Suppes, Patrick First course in mathematical logic / Patrick Suppes and Shirley Hill.-- Toranto: Blaisdell, 1964. 271p 1.Mathematics I. Hill, Shirley. II. Title. Accn Nos : 62081 510.01 VAN

Vance, Elbridge P.

Fundamentals of mathematics / Elbridge P. Vance.-- Reading: Addison-Wisley Publishing Company Inc, 1963. x,469p (Addison-Wesley series in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 65072 510.01 WIL

Willoughby, Stephen S. Contemporary teaching of secondary school mathematics / Stephen S. Willoughby.-- New York: John Wiley, 1967. vii,430p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 62928 510.011 TEA(NAT)

Teaching mathematical expressions in economics textbook at higher secondary stage: report of the research study.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2009. 57p. 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Teaching Higher secondary school Accn Nos : F28062 510.0184 GOD

Goddard, L.S. Mathematical techniques of operational research / L.S. Goddard.-- Oxford: Pergamon, 1963. x,230p (Pure and applied mathematics) ( 38) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3241 510.0184 KEM

Kemeny, John G. Mathematical models in the social siences / John G. Kemeny and J. Laurie Snele.-Boston: Ginn and Company, 1962. vii,145p 1.Mathematics I. Snele, J. Laurie. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42830 510.0184 KEM

Kemeny, John G. Mathematical models in the social sciences / John G. Kemeny and J. Laurie Snell.-- New York: Blaisdell, 1962. 145p 1.Mathematics I. Snell, J. Laurie. II. Title. Accn Nos : 54185 510.019


Hadamard, Jacques Psychology of invention in the mathematical field / Jacques Hadamard.-- New York: Dover, 1945. xiii,145p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F3610 510.021 BIG

Bigsbee, Earle M. Five place mathematics tables with explanation of tables / Earle M. Bigsbee.-New Jersey: Little field, Adams, 1960. 186p (Littlefield quality paper backs) (ed. by W. Littlefield) 1.Mathematics I. Littlefield, W. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3261 510.021 BRO

Guide book to mathematics for technologists and engineers / I.N. Bronstitein...[et al.]-- Oxford: Pergamon, 1964. 718p 1.Mathematics I. Bronstitein, I.N. II. Semendyayev, K.A. III. Jaworowski, Jan. IV. Bleicher, Michael N. Accn Nos : 68121 510.021 BUR

Burington, Richard Stevens Hand book of mathematical tables and formulas, part 1 / Richard Stevens Burington. --4th ed-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1965. xi,423p 1.Mathematical statisticsHand book of I. Title. Accn Nos : 42756 510.0212 AND

Anderson, R.L. Tables of orthogonal polynomial values extended to N=104 / R.L. Anderson and E.E. Houseman.-- [s.n.]: [s.l.], [n.d.] 671p (Research bulletin) (297) 1.Mathematics I. Houseman, E.E. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 42793 510.0212 BIG

Bigsbee, Earle M. Five place mathematics tables with explanation of tables / Earle M. Bigsbee.-New Jersey: Little field, Adams, 1960. 186p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 36773 510.0212 BRI

Mathematical functions integrals functions

tables: Ciruclars hyper bolic exponential and sine and cosine factorial functions and allied hermitian probability functions

/ British Associations for the Advancement of Science.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1951. xxxvii,72p 1.Mathematics I. British Associations for the Advancement of Science. 510.0212 BRI

Mathematical tables: Ciruclars hyper bolic functions exponential and sine and cosine integrals factorial functions and allied functions hermitian probability functions / British Associations for the Advancement of Science.--3rd ed.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1951. xl,72p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. British Associations for the Advancement of Science. Accn Nos : 42836 510.0212 BRO

Brownlee, John Texts for computers: Log T from x=1 to 50.9 by intervals of 01 / John Brownlee, ed. by Karl Pearson.--Vol. 9-- London: Cambridge University Press, 1923. 22p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics statistics I. Pearson, Karl. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42798 510.0212 BUR

Burington, Richard Stevens Handbook of mathematical tables and formulas / Richard Stevens Burington.-Ohio: Handbook Publishers, 1958. v,296p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42792 510.0212 CAS

Castle, Frank Logarithmic and other tables for schools / Frank Castle.-- London: Macmillan, 1961. 40p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42823 510.0212 COM

Comrie, L.J. Chamber's six figure mathematical tables: Logarithmic values / L.J. Comrie.-Edinburgh: W & R Chambers, 1961. xxii,576p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 7601 510.0212 COM

Comrie, L.J. Tracts for computers no. XXII: Table of tan -1 and log (I + x2) / L.J. Comrie and ed. by E.S. Pearson.-- Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press, 1950. 18p 1.Mathematics I. Pearson, E.S. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42834 510.0212 CUT

Cutler, Ann Trachtenberg speed system of basic mathematics / Ann Cutler and Rudolph McShane. -- [s.l.]: Souvenir, 1962. 270p 1.Mathematics I. McShane, Rudolph. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3253

510.0212 DWI

Dwight, Herbert Bristol Tables of integrals and other mathmatical data / Herbert Bristol Dwight.--4th ed-- New York: Macmillan, 1961. x, 336p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42794 510.0212 DWI (R-T)

Dwight, Herbert Bristol Tables of integrals and other mathematical data / Herbert Bristol Dwight.--4th ed-- New York: Macmillan Company, 1961. 335p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42795 510.0212 FLE

Index of mathematical tables / A. Fletcher...[et al.]--2nd ed-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1962. iv,609-994p 1.Mathematics I. Fletcher, A. II. Miller, J.C.P. III. Rosenhead L. IV. Comrie, L.J. Accn Nos : 42800 510.0212 FLE

Index of mathematical tables: Introduction part 1 index according to functions / A Fletcher...[et al.]--2nd ed-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1962. xi,608p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Fletcher, A. II. Miller, J.C.P. III. Rosenhead, L. IV. Comrie, L.J. Accn Nos : 42799 510.0212 GRE

Interpolation and allied tables / Nautical Almanac Office.-- London: Her Majesty's

Stationery Office, 1961. 80p 1.Mathematics I. Nautical Almanac Office, Great Britain. Accn Nos : 42898 510.0212 HOD

Mathematical tables from handbook of chemistry and physics / ed. by Charles D. Hodgman.--10th ed-- Ohio: Chemical Rubber Publishing, 1954. 412p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - table 3.Mathematical table I. Hodgman, Charles D. Accn Nos : 3245

510.0212 HOD

Mathematical tables from handbook of chemistry and physics / ed. by Charles D. Hodgman.--10th ed-- Ohio: Chemical Rubber Pub Co, 1957. ix,411p 1.Mathematics I. Hodgman, Charles D. Accn Nos : 3246 510.0212 LAR

Larson, Harold D. Rinehart mathematical tables, formulas and curves / Harold D. Larson.--3rd ed-- New York: Rinehart, 1950. viii,204p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42826 510.0212 MAR (R-M)

Marsaglia, George Tables of the distribution of quadratic forms of ranks two and three / George Marsaglia.-- [s.l.]: Mathematics Research Laboratory, 1960. 62p (Mathematical note) (213) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 15731 510.0212 MAR (R-M)

510.0212 PEA

Marsaglia, George Tables of the distribution of quadratic forms of banks two and three / George Marsaglia.-- New York: Mathematics research laboratory, 1960. 62P. I. Title.

Tables of the incomplete beta-function / Karl Pearson.-- Cambridge: University Press, 1956. lix, 494p 1.Mathematics 2.Dissertation I. Pearson, Karl.

510.0212 PEA

Person, karl Tables of the incomplete T-function / Edioted by Karl Person.-- Cambridge: University Press, 1965. xxxi, 164p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 11966 510.0212 PEA

Tables of the incomplete beta-function / Karl Pearson.-- Cambridge: University Press, 1956. lix, 494p 1.Mathematics 2.Dissertation I. Pearson, Karl. Accn Nos : 11967

510.0212 PEI

Peirce, B.O. Short table of integrals / B.O. Peirce and rev. by Ronald M. Foster.-- New York: Blaisdell, 1963. vii,189p 1.Mathematics I. Foster, Ronald M. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3286 510.0212 PRY

Chamber's seven figure mathematical tables consisting of logarithms of numbers 1 to 100,000 trigonometrical and other tables / compiled by James Pryde.-- London: W. & R. Chambers, [n.d.] xxv,312p 1.Mathematics I. Pryde, James. Accn Nos : 42882 510.0212 PRY

Chamber's seven figure mathematical tables: Consisting of logarithms of numbers 1 to 100,000 trigonometrical and other tables / comp. by James Pryde.-- London: W & R Chambers, [n.d.] xxv,312p 1.Mathematics I. Pryde, James. Accn Nos : 42824 510.0212 TIP

Tracts for computers no. XV: Random sampling numbers / ed. by E.S. Pearson and L.H.C. Tippett.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1959. xxv 1.Mathematics I. Pearson, E.S. II. Tippett, L.H.C. Accn Nos : 42894 510.0212


Table of exponential function / National Bureau of Standard Computation Laboratory. -- Washington, DC: United States Govt. Printing Office, 1961. x,537p (National bureau of standards applied mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. National Bureau of Standard Computation Laboratory. II. Series. Accn Nos : 42837 510.022 ELL

Ellerby, G. Graphs and calculus / G. Ellerby.-- New York: Pergamon Press, 1964. vii,173p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 68124 510.02462 JAG

Jaggi, V.P. Advanced engineering mathematics / V.P. Jaggi and A.B. Mathur.-- Delhi: Khanna Publishers, 1985. 1159,xlviii 1.Mathematics I. Mathur, A.B. II. Title. Accn Nos : 100513 510.02462 SPI

Spiegel, Murray R. Schaum's outline of theory and problems of advanced mathematics for engineer and scientists / Murray R. Spiegel and A.N. Pettitt.-- Singapore: MaGraw-Hill, 1983. 407p (Schaum's outline series) 1.Engineering mathematics 2.Mathematics for engineersSchaum's outl I. Pettitt, A.N. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 96779 510.02462 STR

Stroud, K.A. Engineering mathematics: Programmes and problems / K.A. Stroud.--2nd ed-- London: The Macmillan, 1983. xix,894p - ISBN 0-333-33337-3 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - engineers I. Title. Accn Nos : 105579 510.025 NAT

Evaluation in mathematics: Twenty-sixth year book / The Publisher.-- Washington: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1961. 216p (Mathematics evaluation) 1.Mathematics I. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Washington. II. Series. Accn Nos : F5645

510.025 NAT

Growth of mathematical ideas grades K-12; twenty-fourth yearbook / The Publisher.-Washington: The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1959. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Washington. Accn Nos : F5642 510.025 NAT

Insights into modern mathematics: Twentythird yearbook / The Publisher.-Washington: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1960. viii,440p 1.Mathematics I. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Washington. Accn Nos : F5641 510.025 NAT Instruction in arithmetic: Twenty-fifth year book / The Publisher.-- Washington: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1961. viii,366p 1.Mathematics I. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Washington. Accn Nos : F5647 510.025 NAT

Instruction in arithmetic: Twenty-fifth year book / The Publisher.-- Washington: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1960. 366p 1.Mathematics I. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Washington. Accn Nos : F5648 510.025 NAT (R-M)

Enrichment mathematics for the grades : Twenty- Seventh yearbook / National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.-Washington: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1963. ix,368p. Accn Nos : F5646 510.03 BAK(R-D)

Baker, C. C. T. Dictionary of mathematics / C. C. T. Baker. -- London: George Newnes, 1961. 338p. Includes appendix 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 69018 510.03 DIC

Dictionary of Mathematics / ed. by John Daintith and John O E Clark.--3rd ed.--

Hyderabad: Universities Press, 2000. iv,241p ISBN 81-7371-300-6 1.Mathematics 2.Dictionary I. Daintith, John. II. Clark, John O E. Accn Nos : 120528 510.03 FRE

The international dictionary of applied mathematics / ed by W. F. Freiberger.-New York: D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc, 1960. 1173p 1.Mathematics I. Freiberger, W. F. Accn Nos : 53634

510.03 HER

Herland, Leo Dictionary of mathematical sciences / Leo Herland.-- New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing, 1965. 349p. V.II : English-German With a Supplement of New Words 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - English Dictionary - German I. Title. Accn Nos : 74594 510.03 JAM

James, Glenn Mathematics dictionary / Glenn James & Robert C. James.--3rd ed-- New Jersey: D Van Nostrand Company, 1949. vii, 446p 1.Mathematics I. James, Robert C. II. Title. Accn Nos : F6031 510.03 JAM

Mathematics dictionary / ed by Glenn James and Robert C. James.--Multilingual ed-Princeton: D. Van Nostrand Company, Lnc, 1959. 546p 1.Mathematics I. James, Glenin. II. James, Robert C. Accn Nos : 64950 510.03 JAM

Mathematics dictionary / ed. by Glenn James and Robert C. James.-- Princeton: D. Van Nostrand, 1963. 546p 1.Mathematics I. James, Glenn. II. James, Robert C. Accn Nos : 86322

510.03 MAT

Mathematics dictionary / ed. by Glenn James and Robert C. James.-- Princeton: D.Van Nostrand, 1967. 546p. 1.Mathematics I. James, Glenn. II. James, Robert C. Accn Nos : 54689 510.04 NAT

Handbook for teachers: Mathematics for primary schools class 1 / The Publisher.-New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1970. vi,101p 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F8032 510.06 MAR

Marjoram, D.T.E. Exercise in modern mathematics / D.T.E. Marjoram.-- Oxford: Pergamon, 1964. xiii,288p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42876 510.07 AIY

Aiyangar, N. Kuppuswami Teaching of mathematics in the new education / N. Kuppuswami Aiyangar.-- Delhi: Universal, [n.d.] 341p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 15619 510.07 BAD

Baderia, G. S. Sadharan ganit shikshan (HIN) / G. S. Baderia & S. K. Mangal.-- New Delhi: Arya Book Depot, 1972. 252p. Part 2 1.Mathematics I. Mangal, S. K. II. Title. Accn Nos : 74859 510.07 BAD

Baderia, G. S. Sadharan ganit shikshan (HIN) / G. S. Baderia & S. K. Mangal.-- New Delhi: Arya Book Depot, 1972. 252p. Part 2 1.Mathematics I. Mangal, S. K. II. Title. Accn Nos : 74863 510.07 BAD

Baderia, G. S. Sadharan ganit shikshan (HIN) / G. S.

Baderia & S. K. Mangal.-- New Delhi: Arya Book Depot, 1972. 252p. Part 2 1.Mathematics I. Mangal, S. K. II. Title. Accn Nos : 74861 510.07 BAD

Baderia, G. S. Sadharan ganit shikshan (HIN) / G. S. Baderia & S. K. Mangal.-- New Delhi: Arya Book Depot, 1972. 252p. Part 2 1.Mathematics I. Mangal, S. K. II. Title. Accn Nos : 74854

510.07 BAD

Baderia, G. S. Sadharan ganit shikshan (HIN) / G. S. Baderia & S. K. Mangal.-- New Delhi: Arya Book Depot, 1972. 252p. Part 2 1.Mathematics I. Mangal, S. K. II. Title. Accn Nos : 74860 510.07 BAD

Baderia, G. S. Sadharan ganit shikshan (HIN) / G. S. Baderia & S. K. Mangal.-- New Delhi: Arya Book Depot, 1972. 252p. Part 2 1.Mathematics I. Mangal, S. K. II. Title. Accn Nos : 74856 510.07 BAD

Baderia, G. S. Sadharan ganit shikshan (HIN) / G. S. Baderia & S. K. Mangal.-- New Delhi: Arya Book Depot, 1972. 252p. Part 2 1.Mathematics I. Mangal, S. K. II. Title. Accn Nos : 74862 510.07 BAD

Baderiya, G. S. Sadharan ganit shikshan (HIN) / G. S. Baderiya & S. K. Mangal.-- New Delhi: Arya Book Depot, 1972. 252p. Part 2 1.Mathematics I. Mangal, S. K. II. Title. Accn Nos : 74857 510.07


Baderia, G. S. Sadharan ganit shikshan (HIN) / G. S. Baderia & S. K. Mangal.-- New Delhi: Arya Book Depot, 1972. 252p. Part 2 1.Mathematics I. Mangal, G. S. II. Title. Accn Nos : 74855 510.07 BAD

Baderia, G. S. Sadhran ganit shikshan (HIN) / G. S. Baderia & S. K. Mangal.-- New Delhi: Arya Book Depot, 1972. 252p. Part 2 1.Mathematics I. Mangal, S. K. II. Title. Accn Nos : 74858 510.07 BRU

Brueckner, Leo J. Developing mathematical understandings in the upper grades / Leo J. Brueckner, Foster E. Grossnickle, John Reckzeh.-Philadelphia: John C. Winston, 1957. v,567p 1.Mathematics I. Grossnickle, Foster E. II. Reckzeh, John. III. Title. Accn Nos : 42827 510.07 BUF

Buffie, Edward G. Mathematics: strategies of teaching / Edward G. Buffie, Ronald C. Welch and Donald D. Paige.-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1968. viii, 229p. (Modern elementary methods series) 1.Mathematics I. Welch, Ronald C. II. Paige, Donald D. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 73921 510.07 BUT

Butler, Charles H. Teaching of secondary of mathematics / Charles H. Butler and F. Lynwood Wren.--3rd ed-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1960. 624p (McGraw Hill series in education) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Wren, F. Lynwood. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 17513 510.07 BUT

Butler, Charles H. Teaching of secondary mathematics: Curriculam and methods in education / Charles H. Butler and F. Lynwood Wren.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1960. ix,629p (Mcgraw hill series in education) 1.Mathematics I. Wren, F. Lynwood. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 42832

510.07 BUT

Butler, Charles H. Teaching of secondary mathematics / Charles H. Butler and F. Lynwood Wren.--4th ed-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1951. 572p 1.Mathematics I. Wren, F. Lynwood. II. Title. Accn Nos : 53694 510.07 CHA

Chapman-Taylor, Ray Discovering number with children / Ray Chapman-Taylor.-- London: George Allen and Unwin, 1967. 171p (Education for development: The teacher's bookshelf) (ed. by G.N. Brown) 1.Mathematics I. Brown, G.E. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 56992 510.07 CHR

Christian, Robert R. Introduction to logic and sets / Robert R. Christian.-- Boston: Ginn and Company, 1958. vi,69p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 19830 510.07 CLA

Clarkson, Donald R. Donald R. Clarkson and Rabert R. Hansen.-America: Shoe String, 1964. vii,217p 1.Mathematics I. Hansen, Robert R. II. Title.

510.07 CLA

Clarkson, Donald R. Understanding today's mathematics.-America: Shoe String, 1964. vii,217p 1.Mathematics I. Hansen, Robert R. II. Title. Accn Nos : F5760 510.07 COG

Modern mathematical mathods and models methods and models: Mathematical models / E.J. Cogan...[et al.]-- [s.l.]: Dartmouth College Writing Group, 1958. iv,107p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Cogan, E.J. II. Norman, R.Z. III. Kemeny, J.G. IV. Snell, J.L. Accn Nos : 42833 510.07 COL

Program for college preparatory mathematics: Report of the commission on mathematics / The Publisher.-- New York: College Entrance Examination Board, 1959.

x,62p 1.Mathematics I. College Entrance Examination Board, New York. Accn Nos : F5444 510.07 COP

Copeland, Richard W. Mathematics and the elementary teacher / Richard W. Copeland.-- Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1967. xvii,355p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - elementary I. Title. Accn Nos : 67955

510.07 COR

Corle, Clyde G. Teaching mathematics in the elementary school / Clyde G. Corle.-- New York: Ronald, 1964. viii,384p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F5684 510.07 DAU

D' Augustine, Charles H. Multiple methods of teaching mathematics in the elementary school / Charles H. D' Augustine.-- New York: Harper and Row, 1968. 397p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 62884 510.07 DAW

Dawes, Cynthia G. Early maths / Cynthia G. Dawes.-- London: Longman, 1977. vii,92p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 81742 510.07 DOW

Downeej, L. W. Prathmik schoolon mein ankganit ki shiksha (HIN) / L. W. Downeej; Edited by F. Smitheej. -- Jahandhar: Asian Publishers, 1969. 482p. 1.Mathematics I. F. Smitheej. II. Title. Accn Nos : F8476 510.07 DUB

Dubisch, Roy Teaching of mathematics from algebra through first year calculus / Roy Dubisch.-New York: John Wiley, 1963. xi,123p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - calculus I. Title.

Accn Nos : 53642 510.07 DWI

Dwight, Leslie Modern mathematics for the elementary teacher / Leslie Dwight.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1967. 588p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F6523 510.07 DWI

Dwight, Leslie A. Modern mathematics for the elementary teacher / Leslie A. Dwight.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1966. 598p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53306 510.07 EIC

Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary mathematics workbook 5 / Robert E. Eicholz and Rhones O'Daffer.--2nd ed-U.S.A.: Addison-Wesley, 1968. 112p 1.Mathematics I. O'Daffer, Rhones. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42817 510.07 EIC

Elementary mathematics workbook / Eicholz...[et al.]--Teachers ed-America: Addison-Wesley, 1965. 95p 1.Mathematics I. Eicholz. II. Draffer,O. III. Brumfiel. IV. Shanks. Accn Nos : 42815 510.07 EIC

Elementary mathematics workbook 5 / Robert E. Eicholz...[et al.]-- [s.l.]: AddisonWesley, 1965. 96p 1.Mathematics I. Eicholz, Robert E. II. O'Daffer, Phares G. III. Brumfiel, Charles F. IV. Shanks, Merrill E. Accn Nos : 42816 510.07 GAR

Garstens, Helen L. Mathematics for elementary school teachers / Helen L. Garstens and Stanley B. Jackson.-New York: Macmillan, 1967. xii,500p 1.Mathematics I. Jackson, Stenley B. II. Title. Accn Nos : 53210 510.07 GAR

Garstens, Helen L.

Mathematics for elementary school teachers / Helen L. Garstens and Stanley B. Juckson.-New York: Macmillan, 1967. xii,501p 1.Mathematics I. Juckson, Stanley B. II. Title. Accn Nos : 63028 510.07 GAY

Gay, John New mathematics and an old culture: A study of learning among the kpelle of liberia / John Gay and Michael Cole.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1967. x,100p 1.Mathematics - study and teachingGay, JohnCole I. Cole, Michael. II. Title. Accn Nos : F6554 510.07 GAY

Gay, John New Mathematics and old culture: A study of learning among the kpelle of liberia / John Gay and Michael Cole.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1967. 100p 1.Mathematics I. Cole, Michael. II. Title. Accn Nos : 52789 510.07 GRE

Mathematics for the majority: A programme in mathematics for the young school leaver / The School Council.-- London: Her Majesty's Office, 1967. v,45p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - school I. The School Council, Great Britain. Accn Nos : 42855 510.07 GRO

Grossnickle, Foster E. Discovering meaning in elementary school mathematics / Foster E. Grossnickle and Leo J. Brueckner.--4th ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965. ix,468p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching (elementary school) I. Brueckner, Leo J. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42766 510.07 GRO

Grossnickle, Foster E. Discovering measuring in elementary school methematics / Foster E. Grossnickle and Leo J. Brueckner.--2nd ed-- New York: Halt, Rinehart and Winsten, 1963. ix,451p 1.Mathematics I. Brueckner, Leo J. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42765

510.07 HEN

Henderson, Kennath B. Using mathematics / Kennath B. Henderson and Robert E. Pingry.-- London: McGraw Hill, 1956. xi,433p 1.Mathematics I. Pingry, Robert E. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3304 510.07 HOL

Holmes, Emma E. Mathematics instruction for children / Emma E. Holmes.-- Belmont: Wadsworth, 1968. x,454p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 70720 510.07 HOO

Hooda, R.C. Effect of mastery learning strategy (MLS) on pupil achievement - (Summary) / R.C. Hooda.-- Indore: Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, 1983. 22p. Mimeographed material 1.Mathematics 2.Eric 3.Mathematics - Study and teaching 4.Academic achievement 5.Teachers, Training of 6.Student teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : F15261 510.07 HOO

Hooda, R.C. Effect of mastery learning strategy (MLS) on pupil achievement / R.C. Hooda.-- Indore: Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, 1983. various pagination. Mimeographed 1.Mathematics 2.Eric 3.Mathematics - study and teaching 4.Academic achievement 5.Teachers, Training of 6.Student teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : F15260 510.07 HOW

Haward, Charles F. Basic procedures in teaching arithmetics / Charles F. Haward and Enoch Dumas.-- Boston: D.C. Heath & Company, 1963. viii,450p 1.Mathematics I. Dumas, Enoch. II. Title. Accn Nos : F5556 510.07 HUS

International study of achievement in mathematics: A comparison of twelve countries / ed. by Torsten Husen.-Stockholm: Almqvist Wiksell, 1967.

304p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Husen, Torsten. Accn Nos : 53799 510.07 HUS

International study of achievement in methematics, a comparison of twelve countries / ed. by Torsten Husen.-Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1967. 366p. Vol. II 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Husen, Torsten. Accn Nos : 63800

510.07 INC

Teaching of mathematics / Incorporated Association of Assistant Masters in Secondary Schools.-- Cambridge: The University Press, 1957. ix,231p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Incorporated Association of Assistant Masters in Secondary Schools. Accn Nos : F246 510.07 INC

Teaching of mathematics / Incorporated Association of Assistant Masters in Secondary Schools.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1957. ix,231p 1.Mathematics I. Incorporated Association of Assistant Masters in Secondary Schools. Accn Nos : 8794 510.07 INC

Teaching of mathematics / Incorporated Association of Assistant Masters in Secondary Schools.-- Cambridge: The University Press, 1957. ix,231p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Incorporated Association of Assistant Masters in Secondary Schools. Accn Nos : 3287 510.07 INT

New trends in mathematics teaching / International Commission of Mathematical Instruction.-- Paris: Unesco, 1967. 423 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Unesco. II. International Commission of Mathematical Instruction. Accn Nos : 60265 510.07 INT

New trends in mathematics teaching / International Commission of Mathematical

Instruction.-- Paris: Unesco, 1967. 438p (Teaching of basic sciences). Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Unesco. II. International Commission of Mathematical Instruction. III. Series. Accn Nos : 59199

510.07 INT

New trends in mathematics teaching / International Commission of Mathematical Instruction.-- Paris: Unesco, 1967. 437p (Teaching of basic sciences). Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Unesco. II. International Commission of Mathematical Instruction. III. Series. Accn Nos : 10521 510.07 INT

New trends in mathematics teaching / International Commission of Mathematical Instruction.-- Paris: Unesco, 1970. 476p (Teaching of basic sciences). Vol.2 1.Mathematics I. Unesco. II. International Commission of Mathematical Instruction. III. Series. Accn Nos : 74313 510.07 INT

New trends in mathematics teaching / International Commission of Mathematics Education.-- Paris: Unesco, 1972. 143p (The teaching of basic science). Vol. 3 ISBN 92-3-101016-6 1.Mathematics I. Unesco. II. International Commission of Mathematics Education. III. Series. Accn Nos : 78057 510.07 INT

International Commission of Mathematical Instruction New trends in mathematics teaching: tendances nouvilees de'l enseignement des mathematiques / International Commission of Mathematical Instruction.-- Paris: Unesco, 1966. 438p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 64974 510.07 INV

Investigations into assessment in mathematics education / ed by Mogens Niss.-Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993. 270p.

Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 0-7923-2095-6 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical analysis 3.Mathematics - Study and teaching I. Niss, Mogens. II. Guzman, Miguel de. III. The International Commission on Mathematical Instruction. Accn Nos : 118779 510.07 JOH

Johnson, Donovan A. New mathematics in our schools / Donovan A. Johnson and Robert Rahtz.-- New York: Macmillan, 1966. viii,192p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Rahtz, Robert. II. Title. Accn Nos : 8541 510.07 JOH Johnson, Donovan A. New mathematics in our school / Donovan A. Johnson and Robert Rahtz.-- New York: The Macmillan, 1966. viii,192p. Macmillan guidebook for parents 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Rahtz, Robert. II. Title. Accn Nos : 86516 510.07 JOH

Johnson, Donovan A. New mathematics in our schools / Donovan A. Johnson and Robert Rahtz.-- New York: Macmillan, 1966. 192p 1.Mathematics I. Rahtz, Robert. II. Title. Accn Nos : 59727 510.07 JOH

Johnson, Donovan A. New mathematics in our schools / Donovan A. Johnson and Robert Rahtz.-- New York: Macmillan, 1966. 192p (Macmillan guide book for parents) 1.Mathematics I. Rahtz, Robert. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 59726 510.07 KAP

Kapur, J.N. Essays on mathematics education / J.N. Kapur.-- Delhi: Ram Chand, 1966. 170p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 42805 510.07 KAP

Kapur, J.N.

Some aspects of mathematics education in India / J.N. Kapur.-- New Delhi: Arya Book Depot, 1967. 178p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 53398 510.07 KAP

Kapur, J.N. Suggested experiments in elementary school mathematics / J.N. Kapur.-- New Delhi: Arya, 1967. iii,107p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching (elementary school) I. Title. Accn Nos : 60851 510.07 KHI

Khinchin, A. Ya Teaching of mathematics / A. Ya Khinchin and B.V. Gnedenko.-- London: English University Press, 1968. xx,167p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Gnedenko, B.V. II. Title. Accn Nos : 69149 510.07 KRA

Kramer, Klaos Teaching of elementary school mathematics / Klaos Kramer.-- Boston: Allyn and Boscon, 1966. vii,425p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 63188 510.07 KRU

Krulik, Stephen Multy-sensory techniques in mathematics / Stephen Krulik and Irwin Kaufman, ed. by Robert L. Schain.-- New Jersey: Teachers Practical Press, 1963. 64p (Prentice-Hall education series) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching 3.Teaching I. Kaufman, Irwin. II. Sachin, Robert L. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 50037 510.07 LAN

New approachs to mathematics teaching / ed. by F.W. Land.-- London: Macmillan, 1963. x,152p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Land, F.W. Accn Nos : 3305 510.07


Lee, Doris M. Background to mathematical development / Doris M. Lee.-- London: Olbbourne, 1962. 227p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 30097 510.07 LEE

Lee, Doris M. Background to mathematical development / Doris M. Lee.-- London: Oldbourne Book, 1962. 227p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 86776

510.07 MAN

Manfield, D.E. Back ground to set and group theory: including applications in the teaching of mathematics / D.E. Manfield and M. Bruckheimer.-- London: Chatto and Windus, 1965. 252p. 1.Mathematics I. Bruckheimer, M. II. Title. Accn Nos : 66153 510.07 MAN

Mansfield, D.E. Background to set and group theory / D.E. Mansfield and M. Bruckheimer.-- London: Chatto and Windus, 1965. 252p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Bruckheimer, M. II. Title. Accn Nos : 19736 510.07 MAN

Mangal, S. K. Sadharan ganit shikshan (HIN) / S. K. Mangal.-- New Delhi: Arya Book Depot, 1971. 262p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 74850 510.07 MAN

Mangal, S. K. Sadharan ganit shikshan (HIN) / S. K. Mangal.-- New Delhi: Arya Book Depot, 1971. 260p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 74853 510.07 MAN

Mangal, S. K. Sadharan ganit shikshan (HIN) / S. K. Mangal.-- New Delhi: Arya Book Depot, 1971. 260p.

1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 74849 510.07 MAN

Mangal, S. K. Sadharan ganit shikshan (HIN) / S. K. Mangal.-- New Delhi: Arya Book Depot, 1971. 260p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 74851 510.07 MAN

Mangal, S. K. Sadharan ganit shikshan (HIN) / S. K. Mangal.-- New Delhi: Arya Book Depot, 1971. 260p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 74852 510.07 MAR

Marks, John L. Teaching elementary school mathematics for understanding / John L. Marks, C. Richard Purdy and Leicien B. Kinney.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1965. 500p 1.Mathematics I. Purdy, C. Richard. II. Kinney, Leicien B. III. Title. Accn Nos : 53695 510.07 MCI

Jerrya, Micintosh Perpective on Secondary mathematics / Mcintosh jerrya I. Title.

510.07 MCI

Perspectives on secondary mathematics education / ed. by Jerry A. McIntosh.-Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1971. 259p 1.Mathematics I. McIntosh, Jerry A. Accn Nos : 76557 510.07 MES

Meserve, Bruce E. Mathematics for secondary school teachers / Bruce E. Meserve and Max A. Sobel.-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1962. xi,367p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics teachers 3.Mathematics - study and teaching (secondary school) I. Sobel, Max A. II. Title. Accn Nos : 5908 510.07 MES

Meserve, Bruce E. Mathematics for secondary school teachers / Bruce E. Meserve and Max A. Sobel.-- New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1962.

xi,367p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching (elementary school) I. Sobel, Max A. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3285 510.07 NAT

Emerging practice in mathematics education / National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.-- Washington: N.P.T.M., 1954. xiii,432p 1.Mathematics I. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Accn Nos : F4382

510.07 NAT

Handbook for teachers: Mathematics for primary schools class 2 / The Publisher.-New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1970. vi,130p 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F8035 510.07 NAT

Handbook for teachers: Mathematics for primary schools class 2 / The Publisher.-New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1970. vi,129p 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F8037 510.07 NAT

Handbook for teachers: Mathematics for primary schools class 2 / The Publisher.-New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1970. vi,102p 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F8033 510.07 NAT

Handbook for teachers, class-1 / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1970. vi,101p 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F8034 510.07 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Handbook for teachers: mathematics for primary schools class 2 / National Council of

Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1970. vi, 130p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F8036 510.07 NAT

Arora, Manmohan Singh Mathematics for primary schools / Manmohan Singh Arora, R.C. Saxena and Ishwar Chandra. -- New Delhi: NCERT, 1978. 75p. Book 1 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Saxena, R.C. II. Ishwar Chandra. III. NCERT. IV. National Council of Educational Research and Training. V. Title. Accn Nos : F13418 510.07 NAT

Revolution in school mathematics: A challenge for administrators and teachers / The publisher.-- Washington, DC: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1961. v,90p 1.Mathematics I. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Accn Nos : F5643 510.07 NAT

Teaching mathematics in the elementary school: What's needed what's happening / National Education Association.-Washington, DC: National Association of Elementry School Principles, 1970. 120p 1.Mathematics I. National Education Association. Accn Nos : F12374 510.07 NAT

Teaching mathematics in the elementary school / The publisher.-- Washington, DC-bNational Association of Elementary School Principals, 1970. 121p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching (elementary school) I. National Association of Elementary School Principals. Accn Nos : F7973 510.07 NAT (NAT)

Study of students' performance in mathematics in relation to teaching techniques / Project Coordinator Til Prasad Sarma.-Ajmer: RIE, NCERT, 2005. 36P. 1.Mathematics- Study & Teaching I. Sarma, Til Prasad. Accn Nos : F25690 510.07 NIC

Nichols, Eugene D. Mathematics for the elementary school

teacher / Eugene D. Nichols and Robert L. Swain.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1971. xii,518p 1.Mathematics I. Swain, Robert L. II. Title. Accn Nos : 75949 510.07 NUF

Into secondary school: A short survey of the aims of the nuffield mathematics project as it affects secondary or middle-school children / Nuffield Mathematics Project.-Chambers: Nuffield Foundation, 1970. 16p ISBN 55-077-042-9 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching (Secondary school) I. Nuffield Mathematics Project. Accn Nos : F8541 510.07 NUF

Problems-green set with 53 cards / Nuffield Foundation.-- [s.l.]: W. & R. Chambers, 1969. 52p 1.Mathematics I. Nuffield Foundation, London. Accn Nos : F8785 510.07 NUF

Problems - red / Nuffield Foundation.-London: W & R Chambers, 1970. 79p ISBN 0-560-77017-8 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Nuffield Foundation. Accn Nos : F8784 510.07 OHM

Ohmer, Merlin M. Modern mathematics for elementary school teachers / Merlin M. Ohmer and Clayton V. Aucoin.-- Massachusetts: Blaisdell, 1966. ix,291p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Aucoin, Clayton V. II. Title. Accn Nos : 53302 510.07 OSB

Extending mathematics understanding / Roger Osborn...[et al.]--2nd ed-- Columbus: Charles E. Merrill, 1963. viii,278p 1.Mathematics I. Osborn, Roger. II. Devault, M. Vere. III. Boyd, Claude C. IV. Houston, W. Robert. Accn Nos : 42831 510.07 PAS

Paswan, N.K.

Modern Methods of Teaching Mathematics / N.K.Paswan.-- New Delhi: Cyber tech Publications, 2006. 302p. 1.Mathematics-Study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 125517 510.07 RAP

Rappaport, David Understanding and teaching elementary school mathematics / David Rappaport.-- New York: John Wiley, 1966. 227p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 54678

510.07 RAP

Rappaport, David Understanding and teaching: Elementary school mathematics / David Rappaport.-- New York: John Wiley, 1966. 227p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 59542 510.07 SAA

Saad, L.G. Understanding in mathematics / L.G. Saad and W.O. Storer.-- Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1960. vii,182p (Educational monographs) (3) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Storer, W.O. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 42825 510.07 SAL

Salkind, Charles T. Context problem book: problems from the annual high school contests of the mathematical association of America / compiled by Charles T. Salkind.-- New York: Random House, 1961. vi, 154p. (monograph project of the school mathematics study group) 1.Mathmatics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 20316 510.07 SEA

Seagrove, Bryan Mathematics with a purpose: a guide to running a maths workshop / Bryan Seagrove and John Ward.-- London: University of London Press, 1968. 157p. 1.Mathematics I. Ward, John. II. Title. Accn Nos : 77368

510.07 SER

Teaching school mathematics / ed. by W. Servais and T. Varga.-- Middlesex: Penguin, 1971. 308p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Servais, W. II. Varga, T. Accn Nos : 74157 510.07 SID

Sidhu, Kulbir Singh Teaching of mathematics / Kulbir Singh Sidhu.-- Delhi: Sterling, 1967. x,315p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 63121

510.07 SIN

Singh, Manpal Modern teaching of Mathematics / Manpal Singh.-- New Delhi: Anmol Publications, 2004. vii,390p. ISBN 81-261-2104-1 1.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 124936 510.07 SPE

Spencer, Peter Lincoln Building mathematical concepts in the elementary school / Peter Lincoln Spencer and Masquerite Brydegaard.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1952. 372p 1.Mathematics I. Brydegaard, Marquerite. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45152 510.07 STA

Starr, John W. Teaching of mathematics in the elementary school / John W. Starr.-- Pennsylvania: International Text Book, 1969. xii,378p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 72813 510.07 TEA

Teaching of Mathematics: new trends and Innovations / edited by M. Mustafa.-- New Delhi: Deep and Deep, 2004. ix,295 ISBN 81-7629-619-8 1.Mathematics I. Mustafa, M. Accn Nos : 124465 510.07 THW

Thawaites, Bryan

On teaching mathematics: A report on some present-day problems in the teaching of mathematics / Bryan Thawaites.-- Oxford: Pergamon, 1961. xxiv,116p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 15743 510.07 TOD

Todd, Audrey Maths club / Audrey Todd.-- London: Hamish Hamilton, 1968. 166p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 69333

510.07 UNI

United States Department of Health, Education & Welfare Mathematics and science education in U. S. public schools / United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare.-- Washington: United States Deptt. of Health, Education & Welfare, 1958. 94p (Circular- 533) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F2383 510.07 WIL

Willoughby, Stephen S. Contemporary teaching of secondary school mathematics / Stephen S. Willoughby.-- New York: John Wiley, 1967. vii,430p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching (secondary school) I. Title. Accn Nos : 58934 510.07 WIL

Willoughby, Stephen S. Contemporary teaching of secondary school mathematics / Stephen S. Willoughby.-- New York: John Wiley, 1967. vii,430p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching (secondary school) I. Title. Accn Nos : 54665 510.071 COP

Copeland, Richard W. Mathematics and the elementary teachers / Richard W. Copeland.-- London: W.B. Saunders, [n.d.] vii,355p (This text is publication in the saunder science teaching series) (ed. by Nathan S. Washton) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and

teaching (Elementary) I. Washton, Nathan S. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66807 510.0712 FRI

Friel, Susan Navigating through algebra in grades 6-8 / Susan Friel, Sid Rachlin and Dot Doyle.-Reston: NCTM, 2004. vi,90p(Inclues one CD-ROM) (Principles and standards for school mathematics navigations series) ISBN 0-87353-501-4 1.Algebra-Study and teaching(Middle School). I. Rachlin, Sid. II. Doyle, Dot. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 125263 510.0712 ORG

Synopses for modern secondary school mathematics / The publisher.-- [s.l.]: Organisation for European Economic Cooperation, 1958. 304p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching (secondary school) I. Organisation for European Economic Co-operation. Accn Nos : 3252 510.0712 SHA

Shanti Narayan Revision paper in mathematics ( for secondary school) / Shanti Narayan.-- New Delhi: S. Chand, 1976. 254p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 83073 510.072 BUS

Advances in mathematics / ed. by Herbert Busemann.-- New York: Academic Press, 1965. xi,450p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical research I. Busemann, Herbert. Accn Nos : 52550 510.076 DUB (Q.B)

Dubey, Manoj Question bank in mathematics for class X / Manoj Dubey and R.S.Tomar.--5th ed.-- New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, 2006. ix,486p. (Tata McGraw-Hill question bank series) ISBN 0-07-060408-8 1.Mathematics- Questions & Answer I. Tomar, R.S. II. Title (Series).

Accn Nos : F25962 510.076 DUB (Q.B)

Dubey, Manoj Question bank in mathematics for class XII(Parts-A,B & C) / Manoj Dubey.--2nd ed.-New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, 2006. xii,580p. (Tata McGraw-Hill question bank series) ISBN 0-07-060416-9 1.Mathematics- Questions & Answer I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F25963

510.076 FRE

Freeman, J.B. Assignments in mathematics / J.B. Freeman. -- Bombay: Asia, 1966. viii,251p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53689 510.076 HUS

International study of achievement in mathematics: A comparison of twelve countries / ed. by Torsten Husen.-Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1967. 368p. Vol. II 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics workbooks 3.Mathematical problems I. Husen, Torsten. Accn Nos : 66174 510.076 HUS

International study of achievement in mathematics: A comparison of twelve countries / ed. by Torsten Husen.-Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1967. 304p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical workbooks 3.Mathematical problems I. Husen, Torsten. Accn Nos : 66173 510.076 HUS

International study of achievement in mathematics: A comparison of twelve countries / ed. by Torsten Husen.-Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1967. 304p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical workbooks 3.Mathematical problems I. Husen, Torstem. Accn Nos : 71337 510.076 HUS

International study of achievement in

mathematics: A comparison of twelve countries / ed. by Torsten Husen.-Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1967. 368p. Vol. II 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical workbooks 3.Mathematical problems I. Husen, Torsten. Accn Nos : 71338 510.076 HUS

International study of achievement in mathematics: A comparison of twelve countries / ed. by Torsten Husen.-Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1967. 368p. Vol. II 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics workbooks 3.Mathematical problems I. Husen, Torsten.

510.076 HUS

International study of achievement in mathematics: A comparison of twelve countries / ed. by Torsten Husen.-Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1967. 368p. Vol. II 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics workbooks 3.Mathematical problems I. Husen, Torsten. Accn Nos : 53800 510.076 KRA

Krantz, Steven G Techniques of problem solving / Steven G. Krantz.-- Hyderabad: Universities Press, 1998. xiii,465p ISBN 81-7371-116-X 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - problems, exercises I. Title. Accn Nos : 120131 510.076 NAT

Evaluation in mathematics / The publisher.-Washington, DC: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1965. iii,216p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical workbooks 3.Mathematical problems I. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

510.076 SHA

Sharma, J.M. Introducing new type tests in mathematics / J.M. Sharma.-- New Delhi: Arya Book Depot, 1966. ii,124p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical workbooks 3.Mathematical problems I. Title. Accn Nos : 3271 510.076 SHA

Sharma, J.M.

Introducing new type tests in mathematics / J.M. Sharma.-- New Delhi: Arya Book Depot, 1966. ii,124p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical workbooks 3.Mathematical test items 4.Mathematical problems I. Title. Accn Nos : 53400

510.076 SHA

Sharma, J.M. Introducing new type tests in mathematics / J.M. Sharma.-- New Delhi: Arya Book Depot, 1966. ii,112p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching - test items I. Title. Accn Nos : 53692 510.077 JOH

John, Clark Second book of sets / John Clark, illus. by R. Paul Hoye.-- London: Longman, 1967. various pages (Discovery programmes) (ed. by Jonh Leadham) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and leading 3.Mathematics - programmed learning I. Hoye, R. Paul. II. Leadham, John. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F10886 510.077 MAL

O'Malley, Richard H. Enrichment topics in basic mathematics / Richard H. O'Malley.-- Massachusetts: Addison Wesley, 1963. v,321p (A programmed text) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F6048 510.077 NEL

Nelson, Charles W. Programmed supplement: Exploring modern mathematics / Charles W. Nelson, Jameson, Keedy and Johnson.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, [n.d.] various pagination. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Keedy. II. Jameson. III. Johnson. IV. Title. Accn Nos : 42820 510.077 NEL

Nelson, Charles W. Programmed supplement: exploring modern Mathematics / Charles W. Nelson...[ et al.]-New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. various pagination. V.1. 1.Mathematics I. Keedy. II. Jameson. III. Johnson. IV. Title. Accn Nos : 112641 510.077


O'Malley, Richard H. Basic mathematics: A problem - solving approach / Richard H. O'Malley.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1963. 199p. Book 4 and book 2 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : F5705 510.077 OMA

510.077 OMA

510.077 OMA

O'Malley, Richard H. Basic mathematics: A problem - solving approach / Richard H. O'Malley.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1963. vii,199p. Book 1 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Title.

O'Malley, Richard H. Basic mathematics: A problem solving approach / Richard H. O'Malley.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1963. iii,121p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Title.

O'Malley, Richard H. Basic mathematics: A problem solving approach / Richard H. O'Malley.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1963. iii,121p. Vol. 2 Book 2 A programmed text 1.Mathematics I. Title.

510.077 SPO

Spooner, George Mathematics enrichment program B. / George Spooner.-- New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1962. viii,212p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - programmed teaching and learning I. Title. Accn Nos : F11447 510.077 SUL

Programmed Math for Adults : A Sullivan Associates Program / Sullivan Associates Program.-- New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1965. 47p. Book 5 Division 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : 85579 510.077 SUL

Programmed Math for Adults / Sullivan Associates Program.-- New York: McGraw-

hill book company, 1965. 48p. Book 4 Multiplication 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : 85582 510.077 SUL

Sullivan, Marjorie Doyle Programmed math for adult: Basic addition / Marjorie Doyle Sullivan.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1965. 96p. Book 1 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 6685

510.077 SUL

Sullivan, Marjorie Doyle Programmed math for adult : advanced addition / Marjorie Doyle Sullivan.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1965. 96p. Book 2 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 85550 510.077 SUL

Sullivan, Marjorie Doyle Programmed math for adult: Subtraction / Marjorie Doyle Sullivan.-- New York: McGrawHill, 1965. 96p. Book 3 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 42838 510.077 SUL

Sullivan, Marjorie Doyle Programmed math for adult: Subtraction / Marjorie Doyle Sullivan.-- New York: McGrawHill, 1965. 96p. Book 3 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 6686 510.077 SUL


Sullivan, Marjorie Doyle Programmed math for adult: Division / Marjorie Doyle Sullivan.-- New York: McGrawHill, 1965. 96p. Book 5 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Title.


Sullivan, Marjorie Doyle Programmed math for adults: Division / Marjorie Doyle Sullivan.-- New York: McGrawHill, 1965. 96p. Book 5 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 8427 510.077 SUL

Sullivan, Marjorie Doyle Programmed math for adults: Advanced addition / Marjorie Doyle Sullivan.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1965. 48p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 8426 510.077 SUL

Sullivan, Marjorie Doyle Programmed math for adults / Marjorie Doyle Sullivan.-- New Ylrk: McGraw Hill, 1965. 48p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42839 510.077 SUL

Sullivan, Marjorie Doyle Programmed math for adults, multiplication / Marjorie Doyle Sullivan.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1965. 48p. Vol. 4 1.Mathematics I. Title.

510.078 BRO

Analysis of research in the teaching of mathematics / Kenneth E. Brown...[et al.]-- Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, 1963. 69p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics apparatus and instruments 3.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Brown, Kenneth E. II. Kinsella, John J. III. Fehr, Howard. IV. Myers, Sheldon. V. Weaver, Fred. Accn Nos : F2310 510.078 KEL

Kelman, Peter Computers in teaching mathematics / Peter Kelman...[et al.]-- Massachusetts: AddisonWesley Publishing Co., 1983. 308p (International educations series) (ed. by Richards Hannus) ISBN 0-201-10565-9 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics study and teaching I. Bardige, Art. II. Choate, Jonathan. III. Hanify, George. IV. Richards,

John. V. Roberts, Nancy. VI. Hannus, Richards. VII. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 100699 510.078 UNI

United States Research problems in mathematics education. -- USA: Health education and welfare, 1960. 130p. Reports from a conference on psychology problems and research method 1.Mathematics:Research problems I. Title. Accn Nos : F2285

510.08 DEW

Battelle Rencontres 1967 lectures in mathematics and physics / ed. by Cecile M Dewitt and John A Wheeler.-- New York: W.A. Banjamin, 1968. xvii,557p 1.Mathematics I. Dewitt, Cecile M. II. Wheeler, John A. Accn Nos : 68517 510.08 ENG

Ven Engen, Hency Response verification book / Hency Ven Engen and Maurice L. Harting.-- Chicago: Scott, Foreman, 1962. 202p 1.Mathematics I. Harting, Maurice L. II. Title. Accn Nos : F2340 510.08 ENG

Response verification book: Seeing through mathematics / Van Engen...[et al.]-Chicago: Scott, Foreman, 1963. 528p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Engen, Van. II. Hartung, Maurice L. III. Trimble, Harold C. IV. Berger, Emil J. V. Cleveland, Ray W. Accn Nos : F2341 510.08 ENG

Eugen, Henry Van Seeing through mathematics / Henry Van Engen and Maurice L. Hartung.-- Chicago: Scott, Foresman, 1963. 285p (Teaching guide) (TSM Book 1). Book 1 1.Mathematics I. Hartung, Maurice L. II. Title (Series).

510.08 ENG

Engen, Henry Van Seeing through mathematics, Book 1 / Henry Van Engen and Maurice L. Hartung.-- Chicago: Scott, Foresman, 1963. 288p. (Teaching guide). Including index 1.Mathematics I. Hartung, Maurice L. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F2362

510.08 ENG

Teaching guide: Seeing through mathematics(Book No. 2) / Henry Van Engen...[et al.]-- Chicago: Scott, Foresman, 1964. 528p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Engen, Henry Van. II. Hartung, Mauric L. III. Trimble Harold L. IV. berger, Emil J. V. Cleveland, Ray W. Accn Nos : F2361 510.08 JAM

James, E.J. Mathematical topics for modern school: Mathematics at work the bus service / E.J. James.-- Oxford: Oxford, 1959. 16p. Book 2 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42846 510.08 LAS

Recent Soviet contributions to mathematics / ed. by J.P. LaSalle and S. Lefschetz.-New York: The Macmillan, 1963. viii,324p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Russia I. Lasalle, J.P. II. Lefschetz, S. Accn Nos : 3259 510.08 MID

Midonick, Henrietta Treasury of mathematics / Henrietta Midonick.-- London: Peter Own, 1965. ix,815p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3257 510.08


Mathematical way of thinking / ed. by Jasmes R. Newman.-- New York: Simon and Schuster, 1956. 1422-2021p 1.Mathematics I. Newman, Jasmes R. Accn Nos : 3215 510.08 NEW

Newman, James R. World of mathematics / James R. Newman.-New York: Simon and Schuster, 1956. xviii,724p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 87370

510.08 NEW

Newman, James R. World of mathematics / James R. Newman.-New York: Simon and Schuster, 1956. 725-1414p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 87371 510.08 NEW

Newman, James R. World of mathematics / James R. Newman.-New York: Simon and Schuster, 1956. vii,2024-2535p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 87372 510.08 RAM

Ramsey, Frank Plumpton Foundation of mathematics and other logical essays / Frank Plumpton Ramsey, ed. by R.B. Braithwaite.-- Patterson: Littlefield, Adams & Co., 1960. 292p (International library of psychology philosophy and scientific method) (ed. by C.K. Ogden) 1.Mathematics I. Braithwaite, R.B. II. Ogden, C.K. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3250 510.08 RAM

Ramsey, Frank Plumpton Foundations of mathematics / Frank Plumpton Ramsey.-- New Jersey: Little Field, 1960. xvii,287p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3247 510.08 RAM

Ramsey, Frank Plumpton

Foundations of mathematics / Frank Plumpton Ramsey.-- New Jersey: Littlefield, 1960. xvii,287p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3248 510.08 RAM

Ramsey, Frank Plumpton Foundations of Mathematics and other Logical Essays / Frank Plumpton Ramsey.-- New Jersey: Littlefield, Adams & Co., 1960. xviii,292p. (International Library of Psychology Philosophy and scientifi). Edited by C.K. Ogden 1.Mathematics I. Braithwaite, R.B., ed. II. Moore, G.E. III. Ogden, C.K. IV. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3244

510.09 BEL

Bell, E.T. Mathematics: queen and servant of science / E.T. Bell.-- London: G. Bell, 1961. viii,437p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 36894 510.09 EVE

Eves, Howard Introduction to the history of mathematics / Howard Eves.--rev. ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1964. xvi,439p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - history I. Title.

Accn Nos : 105 510.09 EVE

Howard, Eves Introduction to the history of mathematics / Howard Eves.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. xv,422p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F2338 510.09 EVE

Eves, Howard Introduction to the history of mathematics / Howard Eves.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1960. xv,422p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F4519 510.09 LAS

Lasserre, Francois Birth of mathematics in the age of plato / Francois Lasserre.-- London: Hunte Hinson,

1964. 189p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3260 510.09 MES

Meschkowski, Herbert Ways of thought of great mathematics: Counter examples in analysis / Herbert Meschkowski, Bernard R. Gelbaum and John M.H. Olmsted.-- San Francisco: Holden-Day, 1964. viii,110p (The mathesis series) (ed. by Kenneth O. May) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - history I. Gelbaum, Bernard R. II. Olmsted, John M.H. III. May, Kenneth O. IV. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 15527 510.09 MID

Midonick, Henrieta Treasury of mathematics / Henrieta Midonick.-- New York: Pengain Book, 1965. 405p. Vol.1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 73496 510.09 MUI

Muir, Jane Of man and numbers / Jane, Muir.-- New York: Doddmead, 1961. 243p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3255 510.09 NEU

Neugebauer, O. Exact sciences in antiquity / O. Neugebauer.--2nd ed-- New York: Harper, 1962. vii,240p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3256 510.09 NEW

Newman, James R. World of mathematics: A small library of the literature of mathematics from a'h-mose' the scribe / James R. Newman.-- New York: Simon and Schuster, 1956. 1414p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - history I. Title. Accn Nos : F5630 510.09 NEW

Newman, James R. World of mathematics / James R. Newman.-New York: Simon and Schuster, 1956. vii,1416-2121p.

Vol. 3 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F5631 510.09 NEW

Newman, James R. World of mathematics / James R. Newman.-New York: Simon and Schuster, 1956. xviii,724p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - history I. Title. Accn Nos : F5629

510.09 SMI

Smith, David Eugene History of mathematics: special topics of elementary mathematics / David Eugene Smith. -- Boston: Ginn & Co., 1953. xii,725p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 86891 510.09 TUR

Turnbull, H.W. Great mathematicians / H.W. Turnbull.-London: Methuen, 1962. xv,141p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3243 510.09 WAE

Waerden, B.L. Vander Science awakening / B.L. Vander Waerden.-New York: Oxford University Press, 1961. 291p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42810 510.0947 LAS

Recent Soviet contributions to mathematics / ed. by J.P. LaSalle and S. Lefschetz.-New York: The Macmillan, 1963. viii,324p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Russia I. LaSalle, J.P. II. Lefschetz, S. Accn Nos : 56375 510.0954 GUP

Gupt, Radhacharan Pracheen Bharatiya ganit ki Aitihasik va sanskritik jhalkiyan (HIN) / Radhacharan Gupt.-- New Delhi: Rashtriya Shaikshik

Anusandhan Aur Prashikshan Parishad, 1997. 149p. 1.Mathamatics 2.Ganit Adhyayan Aur Adhyapan I. Title. Accn Nos : F21185 510.0954 UNI

University Grants Commission Mathematics in India meeting the challenge. --Proceedings of the conference on mathematics education and research--India: Bangalore: June 4-15, 1973: University Grants Commission-- New Delhi: University Grants Commission, 1974. 1.Mathematics - India Accn Nos : F10220

510.0954 UNI

University Grants Commission Mathenatics in India meeting the challenge. --Mathematics education and research--India: Bangalore: June4-15,1973: University Grants Commission-- New delhi: University Grants Commission, 1974. 1.Education - India

510.1 ALL

Allendoerfer, C.B. Principles of mathematics / C.B. Allendoerfer and C.O. Oakley.-- New York: McGraw Hill Book Co Inc, 1955. 448v 1.Mathematics I. Oakley, C.O. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3238 510.1 ALL

Allendoerfer, Corl B. Principles of mathematics / Corl B. Allendoerfer and Eletus O. Oakley.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1963. xi,535p 1.Mathematics I. Oakley, Eletus O. II. Title.

Accn Nos : 109 510.1 ALL

Allendoerfer, C.B. Principles of mathematics / C.B. Allendoerfer and C.O. Oakley.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1955. xv,448p 1.Mathematics I. Oakley, C.O. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42886 510.1 ALL

Allendoerfer, Carl B. Principles of mathematics / Carl B.

Allendoerfer and Cletus O. Oakley.--2nd ed-New York: McGraw Hill Book Co, 1963. xi,540p 1.Mathematics I. Oakley, Cletus O. II. Title. Accn Nos : 16174 510.1 BEC

Beck, Anatole Excursions into mathematics / Anatole Beck, Michael N Bleicher and Donald W Crowe.-Millennium edition-- Hyderabad: Universities Press, 2000. xxv,499p ISBN 81-7371-441-X 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 123216 510.1 BET

Beth, Evert W. Foundations of mathematics: A study in the philosophy of science / Evert W. Beth.--2nd rev ed-- Amsterdam: North Holland, 1965. xxviii,741p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42848 510.1 BLA

Black, Max Nature of Mathematics: a critical study / Max Black.-- New Jersey: Littlefield Adams, 1959. xiii,219p (International library of psychology philosphy and scientific method) (ed. by C.K. Ogden) 1.Mathematics I. Ogden, C.K. II. Title (Series).

Accn Nos : 28 510.1 BLA

Black, Max Nature of mathematics: A critical survey / Max Black.-- Peterson: Littlefield, Adams, 1959. 219p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - philosophy and theory I. Title. Accn Nos : 42891 510.1 BLA

Black, Max Nature of mathematics: a critical survey / Max Black.-- London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1958. xiv,219p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - philosophy I. Title. Accn Nos : 3242

510.1 CUR

Curry, Waskell B. Foundations of mathematical logic / Waskell B. Curry.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1963. x,391p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45040 510.1 FRE

Contribution to mathematical phychology / ed. by Norman Frederiksen and Harold Gulliksen.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1964. vii,189p 1.Mathematics I. Frederiksen, Norman. II. Gulliksen, Harold. Accn Nos : 45023 510.1 JOH

Johnson, Donovan A. Logic and reasoning in mathematics / Donovan A. Johnson.-- St. Louis: Webster, 1963. 64p (Exploring mathematics on your own) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - philosophy I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 42897 510.1 LOV

Lovell, K. Growth of basic mathematical and scientific concepts in children / K. Lovell.-- London: University of London Press, 1962. various pagination 1.Mathematics 2.Natural sciences I. Title.

Accn Nos : 565 510.1 LUC

handbook of mathematical psychology / ed. by R. Duncan Luce, Robert R. Bush and Eugene Galanter.-- New York: John Wiley, 1963. 491p. Vol. I 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - philosophy and theory I. Luce, R. Duncan. II. Bush, Robert R. III. Galander, Eugene. Accn Nos : 3274 510.1 MES

Meschkowski, Herbert Evolution of mathematical thought / Herbert Meschkowski, tr. by Jane H. Gayl.-- San Francisco: Holden-Day, 1965. 157p (Mathesis series) (ed. by Kenneth O. May) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - philosophy and theory I. Gayl, Jane H. II. May, Kenneth O. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 42878

510.1 NAR

Narlikar, Jayant V Fun and fundamentals of mathematics / Jayant V Narlikar and Mangala Narlikar.-Universities Press: Hyderabad, 2003. vi,194p ISBN 81-7371-398-7 1.Mathematics I. Narlikar, Mangala. II. Title. Accn Nos : 123178

510.1 POI

Poincare, Henri Science and method / Henri Poincare, tr. by Francis Maitland.-- New York: Dover Publications, Inc., n.d. 288p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - philosophy 3.Mathematical physics I. Maitland, Francis. II. Title. Accn Nos : F16145 510.1 PRE

Narain, Prem Elements of mathematics / Prem Narain.--2nd ed-- New Delhi: Sultan Chand & Sons, 1983. Various pagination 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - philosophy and theory I. Title. Accn Nos : 96122 510.1 QUI

Quine, Willard Van Orman Mathematical logic / Willard Van Orman Quine.--rev. ed-- New York: Harper Torchbooks the Science Library, 1962. xii,345p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 21500 510.1 RAO

Rao, G.Shanker Mathematical foundations of computer science / G.Shanker Rao.-- New Delhi: I.K. International publishing, 2006. v,434p. Includes bibliographies ISBN 81-88237-49-3 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 126451 510.1


Richardson, Moses Fundamentals of mathematics / Moses Richardson.--3rd ed-- New York: Macmillan, 1966. xx,603p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45033 510.1 RUS

Russell, Bertrand Introduction to mathematical philosophy / Bertrand Russell.--10th ed-- London: George Allen and Unwin, 1960. xii,206p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3307

510.1 SHA

Shanmugasundaram, N. Natural lands conventions and research / N. Shanmugasundaram.-- S.N.: Sivakami, 1966. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F16201 510.1 SHA

Sundaram, N. Shanmuga Philosophy of mathematics and mathematics logic / N. Shanmuga Sundaram.-- [s.l.]: [s.n.], [n.d.] iii,178p 1.Mathematics - philosophyPhilosophy of I. Title. Accn Nos : F16199 510.1 UND

Understanding mathematics / K B Sinha...[et al.].-- Hyderabad: Universities Press, 2000. x,226p ISBN 81-7371-355-3 1.Mathematics - Philosophy I. Sinha, K B. Accn Nos : 123179 510.1 WAI

Waismann, Friedrich Introduction to mathematical thinking: the formation of concepts in modern mathematics / Friedrich Waismann.-- New York: Harper Torch Books, 1959. x, 259p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45032 510.1 WAI

Waismann, Friedrich Introduction to mathematical thinking: the formation of concepts in modern mathematics

/ Friedrich Waismann.-- New York: Dover Publications, 2003. x, 260p. Includes index ISBN 0-486-42804-4 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics-philosophy 3.Number concept I. Menger, Karl. II. Title. Accn Nos : 127752 510.1 WIL

Wilder, Raymond L. Introduction to foundations of mathematics / Raymond L. Wilder.-- New York: John Wiley, 1952. xiv,303p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 10106 510.1 WIL

Wilder, Raymond L. Introduction to the foundation of mathematics / Raymond L. Wilder.-- New Jersey: John Wiley, 1992. xiv,305p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 5592 510.10954 MAT

Mathematics, astronomy and biology in Indian tradition / The Publishers.--2nd ed.-- New Delhi: ICPR, 2000. v,128p. Includes bibliographical references ISBN 81-215-0688-3 I. Chattopadhyaya, D.P. II. Bhargava, Pushpa M. III. Chakrabarti, Chandana. Accn Nos : 127435 510.1212 KEN

Kendall, M.G. Tables of random sampling numbers / M.G. Kendall and B. Babington Smith.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1961. 60p 1.Mathematics I. Smith, B. Babington. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42896 510.14 SHA

Shanmugasundaram, N. Mathematical semantics, philosophy, and science: Philosophy of mathematics and mathematic logic / The publisher.-- [s.l.]: N. Shanmugasundaram, 1984. 156p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F16200 510.14


Mathematicsl linguistics mathematical language and interaction with mathematical education: Proceedings / ed. by D.K. Sinha.-- Calcutta: Jadavpur University, 1984. 187p. Seminar-cum-workshop on mathematical linguistics mathematical language and interaction with mathematical education 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical languages and communication I. Sinha, D.K. Accn Nos : F15536

510.14 Pracheen Bharatiya ganit (HIN) / B. L. Upadhyaya, B. L. Upadhyaya.-- New Delhi: Vigyan Bharati, 1978. 388p. 1.Mathematics 2.Ganit - Shabdawali 3.Jyotish - Shabdawali I. Title. Accn Nos : 91983 UPA

510:150 LUC

Luchins, Abraham S. Logical foundation of mathematics for behavioral scientist / Abraham S. Luchins and Edith H. Luchins.-- New York: Holt Rinehart and Winston, 1965. xii,431p 1.Mathematics I. Luchins, Edith H. II. Title. Accn Nos : 70451 510.150 LUC

Luchins, Abraham S. Logical foundations of mathematics for behavioral scientists / Abraham S. Luchins and Edith H. Luchins.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965. xii,436p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics, phychology I. Luchins, Edith H. II. Title. Accn Nos : 61272 510:150 LUC

Luchins, Abraham S. Logical foundations of mathematics for behavioral scientists / Abraham S. Luchins and Edith H. Luchins.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Wiston, 1965. xii,436p 1.Mathematics I. Luchins, Edith H. II. Title.

Accn Nos : 64419 510.190954 SRI

Srivastava, J.P. A Study of learning outcomes (in terms of objectives) in mathematics / J.P. Srivastava. -- Meerut: Department od Education, 1992. 172p. Includes appendexes and bibliographical references 1.Mathematics 2.Learning ability - Research report 3.mathematics - Study and teaching Psychological aspects I. Gupta, Subodh Bala. II. Title. Accn Nos : F18780

510.190954 SRI

Srivastava, J.P. A Study of learning outcomes (In terms of objectives) in mathematics / J.P. Srivastava. -- New Delhi: N.C.E.R.T., 1992. 172p. Includes bibliographical references 1.Mathematics 2.Eric 3.Learning ability Research report 4.Mathematics - Study & teaching - Pychological aspects I. Gupta, Subhodh Bala. II. National council of Educational Research & Training. III. Title.

510.2 HOW

Howe, George Mathematics for the practical man / George Howe.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1958. viii,150p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45025 510.2 KAS

Kasner, Edward Mathematics and the imagination / Edward Kasner and James Newman.-- New York: Simon and Schuster, 1940. 380p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Newman, James. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45043 510.2 LAL

Lal, Mayashankar Saral beej aur rekhaganit (HIN) / Mayashankar Lal.--4th ed.-- Lucknow: Hindustani Book Depot, N. D. 66p. Part 1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 28456

510.2 NAT

Ganit: prayogik sanskaran (HIN) / SCERT.-Chhattisgarh: SCERT, 2008. 153p. Class-V 1.Mathematics I. Srivastava, Sudhir. Accn Nos : F26369 510.2 WAL

Walker, Helen M. Mathematics essential for elementary statistics: a self-teaching manual / Helen M. Walker.--rev. ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1951. xiii,382p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical statistics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3309 510.2 WAL

Walker, Helen M. Mathematics essential for elementary stastistics / Helen M. Walker.-- New York: Halt, Rinehart and Winsten, 1951. xiii,337p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3308 510.2 WAL

Walker, Helen M. Mathematics essential for elementary statistics: a self teaching manual / Helen M. Walker.--rev ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1951. xiii,382p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3310 510.2 WAL

Walkeer, Helen M. Mathematics essential for elementary statistics: a self teaching manual / Helen M. Walker.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1951. viii, 382p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45035 510.2 WAL

Walker, Helen M. Mathematics essential for elementary statistics: A self teaching manual / Helen M. Walker.--rev ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1951. xiii,382p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 34407 510.2 WAL

Walker, Helen M.

Mathematics essential for elementary statistics: a self teaching manual / Helen M. Walker.--rev ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1951. xiii,382p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3313 510.2 WAL

Walker, Helen M. Mathematics essential for elementary statistics: a self teaching manual / Helen M. Walker.--rev. ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1951. xiii,382p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3314 510.212 COM

Barlow's tables of dquares cubes square roots cube roots and reciprocals of all integers up to 12,500 / ed. by L.J. Comrie.--4th ed -- London: F & F.N. Spon, 1960. 258p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - barlow's tables I. Comrie, L.J. Accn Nos : 42888 510.212 COM

Barlow's tables of squares cubes, square roots cube roots and reciprocals of all integers upto 12500 / ed. by L.J. Comrie. --4th ed-- London: E & F N Spon, 1960. xii,258p 1.Mathematics I. Comrie, L.J. Accn Nos : 3311 510.212 COM

Barlow's tables of squares cubes, square roots cube roots and receprocals of all integers upto 12500 / ed. by L.J. Comrie. --4th ed-- London: E & F N Spon, 1960. xii,258p 1.Mathematics I. Comrie, L.J. Accn Nos : 42887 510.212 COM

Barlow's tables of squares cubes, square roots cube roots and receprocals of all integers upto 12500 / ed. by L.J. Comrie. --4th ed-- London: E & F N Spon, 1960. xii,258p 1.Mathematics I. Comrie, L.J. Accn Nos : 42884 510.212 COM

Barlow's tables of seuares, cubes, square roots, cube roots and reciprocals / ed. by L.J. Comrie.--4th ed-- London: E & F.N.

Spon, 1960. xii,258p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical tables 3.Mathematical statistics I. Comrie, L.J. Accn Nos : 42889 510.212 COM

Barlow's tables of squares cubes, square roots cube roots and reciprocals of all integers upto 12500 / ed. by L.J. Comrie. -- London: E & F N Spon, 1960. xii,258p. 4th ed 1.Mathematics I. Comrie, L.J. Accn Nos : 3312

510.212 RAN

Corporation, R. Million random digits with 100,000 normal deviates / R. Corporation.-- Glencoe: The Free Press Publishers, 1955. xxv,200p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3138 510.228 KAP

Kapur, J.N. Insight into mathematical modelling / J.N. Kapur.-- India: Indian National Science Academy, 1983. 110p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical models I. Title. Accn Nos : F17195 510.24 AME

Intermediate mathematics / V.N. Ames...[et al.]-- Toranto: The Copp Clark, 1952. 341p (Copp Clark intermediate mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Ames, V.N. II. McIntyre, J.V. III. Sulton, W.D. IV. Webster, J.C. V. Series. Accn Nos : 42872 510.24 AME

Intermediate mathematics / V.N. Ames...[et al.]-- Toranto: Cappclarck, 1953. vii,399p 1.Mathematics I. Ames, V.N. II. Intyne, J.V. III. Sutton, W.D. IV. Webster, J.C. Accn Nos : 42689 510.24 ANT

Anton, Howard

Mathematics with applications for the management life and social science / Howard Anton and Bernard Kalman.-- New York: Academic Press, 1982. 793p 1.Mathematics I. Kalman, Bernard. II. Title. Accn Nos : 96034 510.24 BIR

Birehenhall, Chris Mathematics for modern economics / Chris Birehenhall and Poul Grout.-- New Delhi: Heritage, 1985. viii,409p 1.Mathematics I. Grout, Poul. II. Title. Accn Nos : 102011 510.24 CAL

Calter, Paul Technical mathematics / Paul Calter.-America: McGraw-Hill, [n.d.] xvi,412p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 96786 510.24 COO

Co-operation between science teachers and mathematics teachers / edited by George Steiner.-- Bielefeld: Institute for didaktit der Mathematik, 1979. 587p. 1.Mathematics I. Steiner, George. Accn Nos : 94235 510.24 COR

Corn, Juliana Technical mathematics through application / Juliana Corn and Tony Behr.-- New York: Sunrise, 1982. ix,581p 1.Mathematics I. Behr, Tony. II. Title. Accn Nos : 98369 510.24 GUR

Guru, S. Kumar Text book of engineering mathematics / S. Kumar Guru.-- Delhi: College Book Store, 1977. 182p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 83905 510.24 KON

Kosniowski, Czes Essential maths on the bbe and electron computers / Czes Kosniowski.-- London: Sunshine, 1984. vii,203p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 105413

510.24 MAR

Maria, N.L. Elementary engineering mathematics / N.L. Maria.-- Ambala: S. Nagin, [n.d.] xii,519p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 7934 510.24 PAR

Parthasarathy, Harish Handbook of problems in Engineering mathematics and Physics / Harish Parthasarathy.-- New Delhi: I.K. International, 2005. ix,816p. ISBN 81-88237-23-x 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 124561 510.24 PAT

Pathak, N.K. Engineering mathematics for technical students / N.K. Pathak.-- Calcutta: Academic Publisher, 1966. x,394p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 88063 510.24 STR

Stroud, K.A. Engineerging mathematics / K.A. Stroud.-2nd ed-- London: Macmillan, 1982. xvi,890p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 95904 510.240537 WES

Westlake, John H. Applied mathematics for electronics / John H. Westlake and Gordon Noden.-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1968. xv,607p (Prentice Hall series in technical mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Noden, Gordon. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 76883 510.2430131 SIN

Studies in environmental mathematics: Perspectives and approaches / ed. by D.K. Sinha and A. Misra.-- New Delhi: South Asian Publishers, 1983. 150p (Mathematics of mathematical sciences) (ed. by D.K. Sinha) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical environment I. Sinha, D.K. II. Misra, A. III. Series. Accn Nos : 96326 510.2430131 STU

Studies in environmental mathematics:

perspectives and approaches / ed. by D.K. Sinha and A. Misra.-- New Delhi: South Asian Publishers, 1983. xii,150p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical environment I. Sinha, D.K. Accn Nos : 123209 510.24574 SAU

Saunders, Leonard Mathematics and statistics: for use in the biological and pharmaceutical sciences / Leonard Saunders and Robert Fleming.--2nd ed. -- London: The Pharmaceutical Press, 1957. x, 309p. ISBN 0-85369-077-4 1.Mathematics I. Fleming, Robert. II. Title. Accn Nos : 76805 510.246 DOB

Dobinson, John Mathematics for technology / John Dobinson. -- Middlesex: Penguin Books, 1972. 326p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics - technologyMathematics f I. Title. Accn Nos : 101599 510.246 DOB

Dobinson, John Mathematics for technology: 2 / John Dobinson.-- England: Penguin Books, 1985. 326p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 101600 510.2462 BER

Berman, G.N. Problem book in mathematical analysis / G.N. Berman.-- Moscow: Mir Publishers, 1987. 483p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - problems, exercises, etc 3.Mathematical analysis 4.Engineering mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 108421 510.2462 DAS

Dass, H.K. Engineering mathematics / H.K. Dass.--5th ed-- New Delhi: S. Chand, 1992. 912p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 112013 510.2462 GRE

Grewal, B.S. Higher engineering mathematics / B.S. Grewal and G.S. Grewal.--2nd ed-- Delhi:

Khanna, 1992. 1084p 1.Mathematics I. Grewal, G.S. II. Title. Accn Nos : 113228 510.2462 GUR

Guru Text book of engineering mathematics / Guru and S. Kumar.-- Jullundur: New India Publishing House, 1977. 340p (Simple unique). vol.II 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics 3.Engineering mathematics I. Kumar, S. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 83906

510.2462 KRE

Kreyszig, Erwin Advanced engineering Mathematics / Erwin Kreyszig.--5th ed-- New Delhi: Wiley Eastern, 1983. xvii,988,A-75,I-17p. Includes bibliographical references, answers to problems, appendices and index ISBN 81-224-0016-7 1.Mathematics 2.Engineering mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 115162 510.2462 MAH (H)

Mahajan, Om Prakash Workshop calculation and science (HIN) / Om Prakash Mahajan.--2nd ed.-- Delhi: Hind Pustak Bhandar, 1979. 246p. 1.Methematics 2.Abhiyantrik Ganit I. Title. Accn Nos : 100996 510.2462 MAH (H)

Mahajan, Om Prakash Workshop calculation and science (HIN) / Om Prakash Mahajan.--2nd ed.-- Delhi: Hindi Pustak Sadan, 1979. 252p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 101075 510.2462 WAR

Wartikar, P.N. Elements of applied mathematics / P.N. Wartikar and J.N. Wartikar.--6th rev. ed-Pune: Pune Vidarthi Griha Prakashan, 1985. 924p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - text books I. Wartikar, J.N. II. Title. Accn Nos : 102549 510.2462


Wartikar, P.N. Textbook of applied mathematics / P.N. Wartikar and J.N. Wartikar.-- Punjab: Pune Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan, 1984. 716p 1.Mathematics 2.Applied mathematics I. Wartikar, J.N. II. Title. Accn Nos : 102550 510.24658 CHO

Chottiner, Shorman Mathematics for modern management / Shorman Chottiner.-- New York: Harper and Row, 1978. xvi,576p ISBN 0-06-041265-8 1.Business Mathematics 2.Management mathematics0-06-041265-8 I. Title. Accn Nos : 83532 510.25 HAN (H-B)

Handbook of mathematics / I.N.Bronshtein...{}.--5th ed.-- New York: Springer Publications, 2005. xl,1158p. Includes Index with 745 figures and 142 tables ISBN 978-3-540-72121-5 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics- Handbooks I. Bronshtein, I.N II. Semendyayev, K.A III. Musiol, G. Accn Nos : 127486 510.25 NAT (R-H)

National Council of Educational Research and Training Handbook for designing Mathematics laboratory in schools / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2005. 186 p. ISBN 81-7450-331-5 1.Mathematics I. Singh, Hukum. II. Title. Accn Nos : F26267 510.26 PET

Intermediate mathematics / P.A. Petrie...[et al.]-- Toronto: The Copp Clark, 1954. viii,418p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics in higher secondary school I. Petrie, P.A. II. Darbyshire, W. III. Levitt, J.R. IV. McClean, W.B. Accn Nos : 3317 510.26 PET

Intermediate mathematics / P.A. Petric...[et al.-- Toronto: The Copp Clark, 1953. viii,365p 1.Mathematics I. Petric, P.A. II. Baker,

V.E. III. Darbyshire, W. IV. Levitt, J.R. V. MacLean, W.B. Accn Nos : 3316 510.28 GUP

Gupta, H.N. Slide rule: A programmed learning manual on the use of slide rule / H.N. Gupta, ed. by S.S. Kulkarni.-- New Delhi: National Institute of Education, 1969. 34p (Programmed learning series) 1.Mathematics 2.Slide rule - programmed institution I. Kulkarni, S.S. II. NCERT. III. National Council of Educational Research and Training. IV. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F14660

510.28 KIE

Kiely, Edmond R. Surveying instruments: Their history and classroom use / Edmond R. Kiely.-- New York: N.C.T.M., 1947. xii,397p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 6187 510.28 MAR

Marks, Robert W. Simplifying the slide rule / Robert W. Marks.-- New York: Bantam Books, 1964. 139p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 15347 510.285404 KOS

Kosniowski, Cze S. Fun mathematics on your microcomputer / Cze S. Kosniowski.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983. 194p ISBN 0-521-2745-6 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical recreations 3.Computer - assisted instructions 4.Mathematics - computer assisted instructions I. Title. Accn Nos : 94620 510.28542 KOS

Kosniowski, Czes Essential maths on the bbc and electron computers: basic routines for programming / Czes Kosniowski.-- London: Sunshine Book, 1984. viii,212p. ISBN 0 946408 34 3 1.Mathematics 2.Electron - Computer Programming I. Title.

Accn Nos : 105143 510.285424 CZE

Kosniowski, Czes Mathematics on the commodore 64:Essential routines for programming / Czes Kosniowski.-London: Sunshine Book, 1984. 159p. ISBN 0 946408 14 9 1.Mathematics-Study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 103959

510.285424 KON

Kosniowski, Czes Mathematics on the sinclair QL; essential routines for programming / Czes Kosniowski.-London: Sunshine Books, 1984. xi,211p ISBN 0-946408-43-2 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 103964 510:294.1 Tirthaji, M.B.K. Vedic mathematics of 'Sixteen simple mathematical formulae from the vedas' / M.B.K. Tirthaji.-- Delhi: Motilal Banarsidas, 1965. 367p. ISBN 0-8426-0967-9 1.Mathematics 2.Vedas and mathematics I. Ed. by V.S. Agrawala. II. Title. Accn Nos : 79529 510:294.1 TIR

510.3 BOL(R-D)

Tirthaji,M.B.K. Vedic mathematics of 'Sixteen simple mathematical formulae from the vedas' / M.B.K. Tirthaji.-- Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1965. 367p. ISBN 0-8426-0967-9 1.Mathematics 2.Vedas and mathematics I. Ed. by V.S. Agrawala. II. Title.

Bolt, Brain Mathematical dictionary for schools / Brain Bolt.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. 160p ISBN 0-521-55657-0

1.Dictionary - Mathematics I. Hobbs, David. II. Title. Accn Nos : 120976 510.3 BOL (R-D)

Bolt, Brian Mathematical dictionary for schools / Brian Bolt and David Hobbs.-- New Delhi: Cambridge House, 2005. 160p. ISBN 81-7596-152-X 1.Dictionary-Mathematics I. Hobbs, David. II. Title. Accn Nos : 126236

510.3 CLA(R-D)

Clapham, Christopher Concise Oxford dictionary of mathematics / Christopher Clapham.-- New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2005. 302p ISBN 019566992-4 1.Mathematics-Dictionary I. Title. Accn Nos : 125423 510.3 ENC (R-E)

Encyclopeadia of Mathematics.-- New Delhi: Cyber Tech Publications, 2003. 3v. vi,384p. V.1. ISBN 81-7884-087-1 1.Mathematics - Encyclopedia I. Gupta, R.K. Accn Nos : 122000 Vol.1 510.3 ENC (R-E)

Encyclopeadia of Mathematics.-- New Delhi: Cyber Tech Publications, 2003. 3v. vi,385-795p. V.2. ISBN 81-7884-087-1 1.Mathematics - Encyclopedia I. Gupta, R.K. Accn Nos : 122001 Vol.2 510.3 ENC (R-E)

Encyclopeadia of Mathematics.-- New Delhi: Cyber Tech Publications, 2003. 3v. vi,796-1145p. V.3. ISBN 81-7884-087-1 1.Mathematics - Encyclopedia I. Gupta, R.K. Accn Nos : 122002 Vol.3 510.3 GIB

The Facts on file dictionary of Mathematics / edited by Carol Gibson.-- New York:

Facts on file, 1981. 216p ISBN 0-87196-512-7 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Dictionaries I. Gibson, Carol. Accn Nos : 98234 510.3 MAR

Growth of mathematics / ed. by Robert W. Marks.-- New York: Bantam Books, 1964. 217p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Robert W. Marks. Accn Nos : 42941

510.3 MIL

Millington, T. Alaric Dictionary of mathematics / T. Alaric Millington and William Millington.-- London: Cassell, 1960. x,259p (Cassell teachincal book) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - dictionary 3.Dictionaries, mathematics I. Millington, William. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 42867 510.3 MIL

Millington, T. Alaric Dictionary of Mathematics / T.Alaric Millington, William Millington.-- London: Cassell, 1966. x,259p 1.Mathematics - Dictionaries I. Millington, William. II. Title. Accn Nos : 11185 510.3 NEW

Newman, James R. World of mathematics / James R. Newman.-New York: Simon and Schuster, 1956. vii,1416-2021p. Vol. 3: Part II 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45026 510.3 NEW

Newman, James R. World of mathematics : a small library of the literature of mathematics / James R. Newman.-- New York: Simon and Schuster, 1956. 724p. V.1; V.2; V.4; (two copies) 1.Mathematics - Encyclopaedias I. Title. Accn Nos : 11842; 11841; F5632;11843

510.3 SUD

Sudhir Kumar Basic facts on mathematics / Sudhir Kumar. -- New Delhi: Anmol Publications, 1995. 297p ISBN 81-7488-081-X 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 117253 510.3 UNI (R-E)

Universal encyclopedia of mathematics / foreword by James R. Newman.-- London: George Allen & Unwin, 1964. 715p 1.Mathematics - Encyclopaedias I. Newman, James R. Accn Nos : 11321 ; 63296 510.3 WEI (R-E) Weisstein, Eric W. CRC concise encyclopedia of Mathematics / Eric W. Weisstein.--2nd ed.-- London: Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2003. vii,3242p ISBN 1-58488-347-2 1.Mathematics - Encyclopedia I. Title. Accn Nos : 121927 510.321 ENC

Encyclopaedia of Mathematics: an updated and annotated translation of the Soviet `mathematical encyclopaedia' / ed. by M. Hazewinkel.-- Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1988. Includes bibliographical references V.1. A-B; x,488p; V.2. C; ix,508p V.3. D-FEY; ix,491p; V.4. FIB-H; ix,516p V.5. I-LIT; ix,534p; V.6. LOB-OPT; ix,546p ISBN 1-55608-010-7 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics Encyclopaedias I. Hazewinkel, M. Accn Nos : 118339; 118340; 118341; 118342; 118343; 118344 510.321 ENC

Encyclopaedia of mathematics / ed by M. Hazewinkel.-- Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991,1992. V.7. Orbit - Rayleigh equation V.8. Reaction-diffusion equation - Stirling interpolation formula ISBN 1-55608-010-7 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Dictionaries I. Hazewinkel, M. II. Vinogradov, I.M. Accn Nos : 118843; 118844 510.321 ENC (R-E)

Encyclopaedia of mathematics: an updated and annotated translation of the Soviet `mathematical encyclopaedia' / ed. by M. Hazewinkel.-- Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic

Publishers, 1988. Includes bibliographical references V.9. Sto-Zye; ix,536p V.10. Index; ix,732p ISBN 1-55608-010-7 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Dictionaries I. Hazewinkel, M. Accn Nos : 118584; 118585 510:330 LEU

Leuven, Edwin P. Van General trade mathematics / Edwin P. Van Leuven.--2nd ed-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1952. viii,553p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 5857

510.330 MAH

Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Mathematics and statistics (Commerce) Part2 , standard XI / Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education.-Pune: MSBS&HSE, 2009. 139p. Textbook 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F26588 510.330 MAH

Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Mathematics and statistics (Commerce) Part1 , standard XI / Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education.-Pune: MSBS&HSE, 2009. 202p. Textbook 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F26587 510.330 MAH

Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Mathematics and statistics (Arts & Science) Part- 2 , standard XI / Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education.-- Pune: MSBS&HSE, 2009. 162p. Textbook 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F26586 510.330 MAH

Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Mathematics and statistics (Arts & Science)

Part- 1 , standard Board of Secondary Education.-- Pune: 214p. Textbook 1.Mathematics I. Accn Nos : F26585

XI / Maharashtra State and Higher Secondary MSBS&HSE, 2009.


510:330 MON

Monga, G.S. Mathematics and statistics for economics / G.S. Monga.--3rd rev ed-- New Delhi: Vikas, 1977. xiv,623p ISBN 0-7069-0588-1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 81260 510:330 QUI

Quincey, R.W. Using mathematics in economics / R.W. Quincey and F. Neal.-- London: Butterworths, 1973. 248p. Include Index ISBN 0 408 70531 0 1.Mathematical - Economics I. Neal, F. II. Title. Accn Nos : 79514 510.378 RIE(N-R)

RIE, NCERT Workshop for developing of self-learning materials on specific topics in mathematics at higher secondary level: report of the programme held at RIE, Bhubaneswar, March 2328, 1992 / RIE, NCERT.-- Bhubaneswar: RIE, NCERT, 1992. x,94p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F21176 510.4 DEM

Demidovich, B.P. Computational mathematics / B.P. Demidovich and I.A. Maron.-- Haryana: Mir Publishers, 1976. 639p 1.Mathematics I. Maron, I.A. II. Title. Accn Nos : 92685 510.4 FLE

Fletcher, Basil A. Education and crisis / Basil A. Fletcher.-London: University of London Press, 1946. 112p (Educational issue of today) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical education I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 7325

510.48 RAM

Ramsey, Frank Plumpton Foundations of mathematics and others logical essays / Frank Plumpton Ramsey, ed. by R.B. Braithwaite.-- New Jersey: Littlefield, Adams & Co, 1960. xviii,292p (International library of psychology, philosophy and scientific method) (ed. by C.K. Ogden) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - essays I. Braithwaite, R.B. II. Ogden, C.K. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3249

510.5 BAS

Basic statistics of North Eastern region 1992.-- Shillong: North Eastern Council Secretariat, 1992. 277p. 1.Mathematics- North eastern region Accn Nos : F19407 510.5 TRA

Training of key persons of Meghalaya in remedial teaching of mathematics at elementary level, held at P.G.T. College, Shillong from 7-11th March, 1995.-Shillong: Field Office, NCERT, 1995. 106p. (Memeographed document) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Study and teaching (Elementary) 3.Mathematics teachers - Training - India I. Pandey, M.M. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training.

510:519 BAS

Bashaw, W.L. Mathematics for statistics / W.L. Bashaw.-New York: John Wiley, 1969. xvi,328p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 70378 510.519 BAS

Bashaw, W.L. Mathematics for statistics / W.L. Bashaw.-New York: John Wiley, 1969. xvi,320p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - statistics I. Title. Accn Nos : 73230 510.52


McMackin, Frank.J. Mathematics of the shops / Frank J. McMackin.-- New York: D. Van Nostrand, 1947. 410p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 9231 510.58 NAT

Arithmetic in general education: Yearbook / National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.-- New York: Bureau of Publications, 1941. xii,335p. Vol. 16 1.Mathematics I. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Accn Nos : 42938 510.58 NAT

Arithmetic in general education, sixteenth yearbook / National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.-- New York: Bureau of Publications, Columbia University, 1941. xi,335p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - yearbooks I. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Accn Nos : 42937 510.58 NAT

Learning of mathematics: Its theory and practice / The Publisher.-- Washington: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1953. ix,355p 1.Mathematics - theoryLearning of m Accn Nos : 3206 510.58 NAT

Multi sensory aids in the teaching of mathematics: Yearbook / National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.-- New York: Bureau of Publications, 1945. xv,455p. Vol. 18 1.Mathematics I. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Accn Nos : 9260 510.58 NAT

Multi-sensory aids in the teaching of mathematics / National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.-- New York: Columbia University Press, 1945. 455p 1.Mathematics I. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Accn Nos : 42939

510.6 NAT

National Workshop Issues in vedic mathematics / National Workshop.-- Delhi: Motilal Banarsidas, 1991. 137p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 112743 510.6 ORG

New thinking in school mathematics / Organization for European Economic Cooperation.-- Paris: Office for Scientific and Technical Personnel, 1961. 246p 1.Mathematics I. Organization for European Economic Co-operation, Paris. Accn Nos : 42879 510.6 SPE

Mathematics in commonwealth schools: Report, 1968 / The Publishers.-- London: Commonwealth Secretariat the University of the West Indies, 1969. v,198p 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : F10571 510.62 KRE

Kreyszig, Erwin Advanced engineering mathematics / Erwin Kreyszig.--2nd ed-- New Delhi: Wiley Eastern Limited, 1967. xvii,898p ISBN 0-85226-485-2 1.Mathematics 2.Engineering, mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 79524 510.62 VAL

Volsov, V.M. Advanced mathamatics for engineering: special course / V.M. Volsov.-- Moscow: Mir Publishers, 1975. 781p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 79506 510:620 BER

Bermant, A.F. Mathematical analysis: A brief course for engineering students / A.F.Bermant and I.G. Aramanovich.-- Mascow: Mir Publishers, 1975. 781p 1.Mathematics I. Aramanovich, I.G. II. Title. Accn Nos : 79508 510.620 JEF

Alan, Jeffrey

Mathematics for engineers and scientists / Alan Jeffrey.-- London: The English Language Book Society, 1971. 765p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics for engineers & scientists 3.Engineering mathematics 4.Scientists, mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 80892 510:620 PHI

Shop mathematics: Problems books / The publisher.-- Philadephia: Philadelphia Public School, 1959. ix,54p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Philadelphia Public School. Accn Nos : F11565 510.620 PHI

Shop mathematics (tentative) / Philadelphia Public School.-- Philadelphia: Board of Public Education Department, 1958. 131p 1.Mathematics I. Philadelphia Public School. Accn Nos : F11566 510.621 EVA

Evans, Paul L. Mathematics for electronics technicians / Paul L. Evans.-- New York: John Wiley, 1966. vii,392p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F11074 510.63 COL

Report of the commission on mathematics / The publisher.-- New York: College Extrance Examination Board, 1959. viii,231p 1.Mathematics I. College Extrance Examination Board. Accn Nos : 45050 510.658 BAT

Battersby, Albert Mathematics in management / Albert Battersby.-- Middlesex: Penguin Books, 1975. 255p 1.Mathematics 2.Management - mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 81091 510:658 BAT

Battersby, Albert Mathematics in management / Albert Battersby.-- Harmondworth: Penguin Books, 1966. 256p

1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 79535 510.7 Sinha, Kripanath Some indigenous techniques in improving the basic mathematical skills of secondary school children / Kripanath Sinha.-- Calcutta: Chatterjee, 1987. 128p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching (Secondary) I. ERIC. II. Title. Accn Nos : F16530

510.7:371.3358 LOS Study guides for television programs: Exploring mathematics grade six.-- Los Angles: Division of Audio-Visual Education, 1965. x,144p 1.Mathematics 2.Audio - visual aids Television - Mathematics Accn Nos : F10537 510.7 AIY

Aiyangar, N. Kuppuswami Teaching of mathematics in the new edition / N. Kuppuswami Aiyangar.--4th rev ed-Delhi: Universal Publication Stationary Company, n.d 340p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 39172 510.7 AIY

Aiyangar, N. Kuppuswami Teaching of mathematics in the new education with an appendix on mathematics in the Gandhi scheme of education / N. Kuppuswami Aiyangar.--4th rev. ed-- Delhi: Universal, 1935. 344p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45015 510.7 AIY

Aiyangar, N. Kuppaswami Teaching of mathematics in the new education with an appendix on mathematics in the Gandhi scheme of education / N. Kuppaswami Aiyangar.--4th rev ed-- Delhi: A Universal Publication, 1964. 344p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 8502

510.7 ARK

Curriculum guide for the teaching of mathematics / The publisber.-- Arkansas: Little Rock Public Schools, 1957. iv,123p 1.Mathematics I. Little Rock Public Schools, Arkansas. Accn Nos : 44892 510.7 ARY

Pattammal, V.G. Application of calculus in economics mathematics in vocational education / V.G. Pattammal and C.B. Arya.-- New Delhi: Central Board of Secondary Education, 1980. 77p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching 3.Calculus I. Arya, C.B. II. Title. Accn Nos : F15056 510.7 AVI

Avital, H. Objectives for mathematics learning: Some ideas for the teachers / H. Avital, M. Shmuel and Sara J. Shettleworth.-- Toranto: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, 1968. 57p (Bulletin) (3) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Shmuel, M. II. Shettleworth, Sara J. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F14961 510.7 BAL

Ball, W.W. Rouse Mathematical recreation and essays / W.W. Rouse Ball, rev. by H.S.M. Coxetor.-London: Macmillan, 1963. xvi,418p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Coxetor, H.S.M. II. Title. Accn Nos : 87167 510.7 BAL

Ball, W.W. Rouse Mathematical recreations and essays / W.W. Rouse Ball and rev. by H.S.M. Coxeter.-London: Macmillan, 1956. xvi,418p 1.Mathematics I. Coxeter, H.S.M. II. Title. Accn Nos : 6043 510.7 BAR

Barnett, Carne S. Teaching kids math / Crane S. Barnett and Sharon Young.-- New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1982. xi,163p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching (elementary) I. Young, Sharon. II. Title. Accn Nos : 93236

510.7 BEB

Beberman, Mox Emerging program of secondary school mathematics / Mox Beberman.-- London: Harvard University Press, 1962. 44p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F11543 510.7 BER

Berkeley, Edmund C. Guide to mathematics for the intelligent non-mathematician / Edmund C. Berkeley.-London: Souvenir, 1966. 352p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 65428 510.7 BER (CH)

Bernardino,Vitaliano...[et all] Philippine life arithmetic / V. Bernardino, M.C.Pascual.-- Philippines: Bookman, 1955. 447p. Includes Bibliography 1.Childer Litrature I. Pascual, M.C. II. Title. Accn Nos : F11368 510.7 BET

Betz, William Teachers manual to accompany everyday junior mathematics book one / William Betz.-Boston: Ginn & Co, 1944. 57p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 18362 510.7 BHI

Bhimasankaran, C.V. Mathematics education / C.V. Bhimasankaran. -- Bombay: Book Field Centre, n.d xxxii,642p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 94304 510.7 BHO

Bhoodev Singh Teaching-learning strategies and mathematical creativity / Bhoodev Singh forword by R A Sharma.-- Delhi: Mittal Publications, 1988. xxi,194p. Includes bibliographical references and index : pp.167-194 ISBN 81-7099-084-X 1.Mathematics 2.Eric 3.Mathematics - study and teaching 4.Creativity 5.Teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : F17177

510.7 BIR

Birtwistle, Claude Help your child with the new maths / Claude Birtwistle.-- Kingswood: Elliot Righ Way Books, n.d 189p (Mathematics-study and teaching) ISBN 0-7160-0675-8 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 106664 510.7 BRA

Braille Mathematics Code for India Manual / The Publisher.-- Bombay: National Institute for the Visually Handicaped, [n.d.]; 123p 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : F18134 510.7 BRA

Braille Mathematics Code for India Manual / The Publisher.-- Bombay: National Institute for the Visually Handicaped, [n.d.] 116p 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : F18135 510.7 BRA

Braille Mathematics Code for India Manual / The Publisher.-- Bombay: National Institute for Visually Handicaped, [n.d.] 123p 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : F18136 510.7 BRI

Britan, Paul Mastermaths 2 teachers resources / Paul Britan.-- Oxford: Oxford, 1984. 64p. V.2. ISBN 0-19-8347-499 1.Mathematics 2.Teachers, mathematics 3.Mathematics - Study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 109651 510.7 BRI

Briten, Paul Mastermaths 3, teacher's resources / Paul Briten.-- Oxford: Oxford, 1984. 72p. V.3. ISBN 0-19-8347650 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics teachers 3.Mathematics - Study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 109652 510.7 BRI

Briten, Paul

Mastermaths 4: teacher's resources / Paul Briten.-- Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1984. 86p ISBN 0-19-834766-9 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 109653 510.7 BRI

Briten, Paul Masterrmaths-1 teacher's resources / Paul Briten.-- Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1984. 72p ISBN 0-19-8347480 1.Mathematics - Study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 109650 510.7 BRO

Brown, Kenneth E. Analysis of research in the teaching of mathematics / Kenneth E. Brown and Theodore L. Abelle.-- Washington: U.S. Government Printing, 1965. vi,99p 1.Mathematics I. Abelle, Theodore L. II. Title. Accn Nos : F11686 510.7 BRO

Brown, Claude H. Teaching of secondary mathematics / Claude H. Brown.-- New York: Harper and Brothers, 1953. ix,388p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 6025 510.7 BRO

Brown, Claude H. Teaching of secondary mathematics / Claude H. Brown.-- New York: Harper and Brothers, 1953. ix,388p (Harper series on teaching) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 5903 510.7 BRO (R-SM)

Development in mathematical education: Working with a less-able 3rd year seconday class / W.M.Brookes.-- Wimborne: W.M.Brookes, 1970. Various pagination Accn Nos : F13801 510.7 BRO-T

Brown, Claude H. Teaching of secondary mathematics / Claude

H. Brown.-- New York: Harper, 1953. 387p (Harper's series on teaching) by Ernest E. Bayles) 1.Mathematics I. Bayles, Ernest E. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 5902


510.7 BRU

Brueckner, Leo J. Developing mathematical understandings in the upper grades / Leo J. Brueckner, Foster E. Grossnickle and John Reckzeh.-Philadelphia: John Winston, 1957. v,567p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Grossnickle, Foster E. II. Reckzeh, John. III. Title. Accn Nos : 53274 510.7 BRU Brueckner, Leo J. Developing mathematical understandings in the upper grades / Leo J. Brueckner, Foster E. Grossnickle and John Reckzeh.-Philadelphia: John C. Winston, 1957. v,567p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Grossnickle, Foster E. II. Reckzeh John. III. Title. Accn Nos : 34409 510.7 BUT

Butler, Charles H. Teaching of secondary mathematics / Charles H. Butler and F. Lynwood Wren.--2nd ed-- New York: Mcgraw Hill, 1951. xiv, 550p. (Mcgraw hill series in education) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Study and teaching (secondary education) I. Wren, F. Lynwood. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45013 510.7 BUT

Butler, Charles H. Teaching of secondary mathematics / Charles H. Butler and F. Lynwood Wren.--3rd ed-- New York: McGraw Hill Book Company, 1960. ix,624p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching (Secondary Education) I. Wren, F. Lynwood. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3318 510.7 BUT

Butler, Charles H. Teaching of secondary mathematics / Charles H. Butler and F. Lynwood Wren.--2nd ed-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1951. xiv,550p (McGraw Hill series in education)

1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching (Secondary Education) I. Wren, F. Lynwood. II. Title (Series). 510.7 BUT

Butler, Charles H. Teaching of secondary mathematics: Curriculum and methods in education / Charles H. Butler and F. Lynwood Wren.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1960. ix,624p (McGraw Hill series in education) 1.Mathematics I. Wren, F. Lynwood. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45034

510.7 BUT

Butler, Charles H. Teaching of secondary mathematics / Charles H. Butler and F. Lynwood Wren.--2nd ed-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1951. xiv,550p 1.Mathematics I. Wren, F. Lynwood. II. Title. Accn Nos : 6313 510.7 BUT

Butler, Charles H. Teaching of secondary mathematics / Charles H. Butler and F. Lynwood Wren.--2nd ed-- New York: Mcgraw Hill, 1951. xiv, 550p (Mcgraw hill series in education) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Study and teaching (secondary education) I. Wren, F. Lynwood. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45014 510.7 CAL

Mathematics courses / Berkeley High School.-California: Berkeley Unified School, 1957. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Berkeley High School, California. Accn Nos : 44928 510.7 CHA

Chakrabarti, S.B. Biology mathematics interrelation / S.B. Chakrabarti.-- New Delhi: Central Board of Secondary Education, 1980. v,66p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : F15048

510.7 CHA

Channon, J.B. General mathematics / J.B. Channon and A. McLeish Smith.-- London: Longmans, 1958. xiii,388p 1.Mathematics I. Smith, A. McLeish. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42916 510.7 CHA

Chauhan, C.P.S. Nature of mathematical ability / C.P.S. Chauhan.-- Varanasi: Vishwavidyalaya Prakashan, 1984. 97p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical ability 3.Mathematics Research I. Title. Accn Nos : 100265 510.7 CHA

Chauhan, C.P.S. Nature of mathematical ability / C.P.S. Chauhan.-- Varanasi: Vishwavidyalaya Prakashan, 1984. xiii,97p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - philosophy 3.Mathematics - study and teaching 4.Mathematical ability - testing I. Title. Accn Nos : F16173 510.7 CHA

Chauhan, C.P.S. Nature of mathematical ability / C.P.S. Chauhan.-- Varanasi: Vishwa Vidyalaya, 1984. 97p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 100266 510.7 CHA

Chadha, B.N. Teaching of mathematics / B.N.Chadha.-Jallundur: Hans raj, 1956. 330p. I. Title. Accn Nos : 3319 510.7 CLA

Clayton, H.W. Natural approach to mathematics / H.W. Clayton and D.N. Straker.-- Oxford: Pergamon, 1965. 168p. Part 2 1.Mathematics I. Straker, D.N. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45021 510.7 CLA

Clayton, H.W. Natural approach to mathematics / H.W.

Clayton and D.N. Straker.-- Oxford: Pergamon, 1965. viii,159p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Straker, D.N. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3396 510.7 COM

Mathematics in general education: A report of the committee on the function of mathematics in general education / Commission on Secondary School Curriculum. -- New York: Appleton-Century Crofts, 1940. xiv,423p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Commission on Secondary School Curriculum. Accn Nos : 45298 510.7 COM

Mathematics in general education: A report of the committee on the function of mathematics in general education for the commission on secondary school curriculam / Commission on Secondary School Curriculum.-- New York: Appleton-Century Crofts, 1940. xiv,423p 1.Mathematics I. Commission on Secondary School Curriculam. Accn Nos : 13850 510.7 CON

510.7 CON (N-R)

Content enrichment in mathematics teaching for the SC/ST key persons of Meghalaya related to elementary education, held at S.C.E.R.T., Shillong from 12th-16th March, 1993 / M.M. Pandey, Programme Director.-Shillong: Field Office, NCERT, 1993. 86p. (Memeographed document) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Study and teaching (Elementary) 3.Mathematics teachers - Training - India I. Pandey, M.M. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training.

Content enrichment in mathematics teaching for the SC/ST key persons of Meghalaya related to elementary education, held at S.C.E.R.T., Shillong from 12th-16th March, 1993 / M.M. Pandey, Programme Director.-Shillong: NCERT, Office of the field adviser, 1993. 86p. (Memeographed document) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Study and teaching (Elementary) 3.Mathematics teachers - Training - India I. Pandey, M.M. II. NCERT.

Accn Nos : F20658 510.7 CRU

Cruikshank, Douglas Young children learning mathematics / Douglas Cruikshank, David Fitzgerald and Linda R. Jenson.-- Boston: Allyn and bacon, 1980. xi,348p ISBN 0-205-06752-2 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Fitzgerald, David. II. Jenson, Linda R. III. Title. Accn Nos : 92324

510.7 CUL

Cultural perspectives on the mathematics classroom / ed by Stephen Lerman.-Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publisher, 1994. 213p (Mathematics education library). V.14. ISBN 0-7923-2931-7 1.Mathematics 2.Educational sociology I. Lerman, Stephen. II. Series. Accn Nos : 115921 510.7 CUN

Cundy, H. Martyn Caribbean mathematics project: Training the teacher as the agent of reform / H. Martyn Cundy.-- Paris: Unesco, 1977. (Experiments and innovations in education). (32) ISBN 92-3-101503-6 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics teachers, training of - Caribbean area 3.Mathematics study and teaching - Caribbean area 4.International - Education I. Unesco. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F16935 510.7 DAV

Davis, Robert B. Discovery in mathematics: a text for teachers / Robert B. Davis.-- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1964. 274p. 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics teachers I. Title. Accn Nos : 66494 510.7 DEV

Developing problem solving strategies among high school students in learning mathematics in Pasumpon Muthuramalinga Thevar District / S Mohan, Principal

Investigator and P Paul Devanesan.-Karaikudi: Alagappa University, Deptt of Education, 1993. 137p. Memeographed ERIC research project 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics-study and teaching 3.ERIC I. Mohan, S. II. Devanesan, P Paul. III. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : 19918 510.7 DHA

Dhakad, Parshuram Ganit shikshan vidhiyan (HIN) / Parshuram Dhakad and Shilpa Trivedi.-- Jaipur: Sahityagaar, 2009. 274p. 1.Mathematics I. Trivedi, Shilpa. II. Title. Accn Nos : 128003 510.7 DUB

Dubisch, Roy Teaching of mathematics: From intermediate algebra through first year calculus / Roy Dubisch.-- New York: John Wiley, 1963. various pagination 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : F3626 510.7 DUB

Dubisch, Roy Teaching of mathematics / Roy Dubisch.-New York: John Wiley, 1963. xi,124p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 9756 510.7 EDI

Ediger, Marlow Teaching mathematics successfully / Marlow Ediger and Digumarti Bhaskara Rao.-- New Delhi: Discovery Publishing, 2000. ii,269p. Includes bibliographical references ISBN 81-7141-552-0 1.Mathematics - Teaching methods I. Title. Accn Nos : 120329 510.7 EDU

Key topics in mathematics for the primary teacher / Educational Research Council of Greates Cleveland.-- Chicago: Science Research Associate, 1962. 87p 1.Mathematics I. Educational Research Council of Greates Cleveland. Accn Nos : F4691 510.7 EIC

Eicholz, Robert E.

Elementary school mathematics / Robert E. Eicholz and Pharas G.O. Doffer.-- America: Addison-Wesley, 1965. 48p 1.Mathematics I. Doffer, Pharas G.O. II. Title. Accn Nos : 17022 510.7 EIC

Elementary school mathematics / Robert E. Eicholz...[et al.]-- California: AddisonWesley, 1965. 332p. Book-4 1.Mathematics I. Eicholz, Robert E. II. O' Daffer, Phares G. III. Brumfiel, Charles F. IV. Shanks, Merrill E. V. Fujimoto, Donald. VI. McGlynn, Walter. Accn Nos : 45437 510.7 ENT

Mathematics: Teacher's guide / Entebbe Mathematics Workshop.--Secondary ed: U.S.A., Educational Services Incorporated, 1964. vii,207p 1.Mathematics I. Entebbe Mathematics Workshop. Accn Nos : F6695 510.7 ENT

Mathematics: Teachers guide / Entebbe Mathematics Workshop.--Preliminary ed-U.S.A.: Educational Services in Corporated, 1964. xi,191-362p 1.Mathematics I. Entebbe Mathematics Worshop. Accn Nos : F6677 510.7 EQU

Equity in mathematics education: influences of feminism and culture / ed. by Pat Rogers and Gabriele Kaiser.-- London: The Falmer Press, 1995. ix,278p. Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 0-7507-0400-4 1.Mathematics 2.Women in mathematics I. Kaiser, Gabriele. II. Rogers, Pat. Accn Nos : 116585 510.7 FAT

Fatima, Roohi Teaching aids in mathematics ; A handbook for elementary teacher / Roohi Fatima.-- New Delhi: Knishka Publishers, Distributors, 2008. 228p. (Teaching Aids in Mathematics) ISBN 978-81-8457-026-7

1.Mathematic, Mathematics teaching - Aids & device, Teaching material I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 127342 510.7 FEH

Fehr Howard F. Secondary mathematics:A functional approach for teachers / Howard F. Fehr.-- Boston: D.C. Health & com., 1951. xi,431p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F4554

510.7 FEH

Fehr, Howard F. Teaching high school mathematics / Howard F. Fehr.-- [s.l.]: [s.n.], [n.d.] 32p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 20518 510.7 FEH

510.7 FEH

Fehr, Howard F. Teaching high-school mathematics / Howard F. Fehr.-- [s.l.]: [s.n.], [n.d.] 32p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Fehr, Howard F. Teaching high school mathematics / Howard F. Fehr.-- Washington: National Educational Association, 1967. 33p (What research says to the teacher) (9) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series).

510.7 FLE

Some lessons in mathematics / ed. by T.J. Fletcher.-- Cambridge: The University Press, 1964. xiii,367p 1.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Fletcher, T.J. Accn Nos : 10052 510.7 FLE

Some lessons in mathematics / ed. by T. J. Fletcher.-- Cambridge: The University Press, 1964. xiii,365p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Fletcher, T.J. Accn Nos : 2015

510.7 FLE

Fleming, C.M. Teaching the elements of mathematics / Fleming, C.M.-- London: Ginn and Company, 1961. 256p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 42866 510.7 FRE

Freudenthal, Hans Mathematics as an educational task / Hans Freudenthal.-- Holland: D. Reidel, 1993. ix,680p ISBN 90-277-0322-1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 95829 510.7 FRE Freudenthal, Hans Mathematics as on educational task / Hans Freudenthal.-- Halland: D. Pxidel, 1973. ix,680p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 83069 510.7 GOD

Godfrey, Charles Teaching of elementary mathematics / Charles Godfrey and A.W. Siddons.--2nd ed-Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1957. xi,322p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Siddons, A.W. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42930 510.7 GOV

Teaching of mathematics: Some investigations / The publisher.-- Allahabad: Govt. Central Pedogogical Institute, 1953. 37p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Govt. Central Pedogogical Institute. Accn Nos : 42870 510.7 GRE

Great Britain. Mathematical Association Experiments in the teaching of sixth from mathematics to non specialists no.1 / Mathematical Association, Great Britain.-Great Britain: G. Bell and Sons, [n.d.] 12p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 36011 510.7 GRE

Mathematics in primary schools: Curriculum bulletin no. 1 / The publisher.-- London:

Her Majesty's Stationary Office, 1965. 159p (Schools council for the curriculum and examinations) 1.Mathematics I. Great Britain, Her Majesty's Stationary Office. II. Series. Accn Nos : 11006 510.7 GRE

Mathematics in primary schools / School Council for the Curriculum and Examinations.--2nd ed-- London: Her Magesty's Stationery Office, 1966. xv,165p (Curriculum Bulletin) (-1) 1.Mathematics I. Great Britain School Council for the Curriculum and Examinations. II. Series. Accn Nos : 8540 510.7 GRE

Great Britain. Her Majesty's Stationary Office Mathematics in primary schools: curriculum bulletin no. 1 / Her Majesty's Stationary Office.-- London: Her Majesty's Stationary Office, 1965. 159p (Schools council for the curriculum and examinations) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 24104 510.7 GRE

Teaching mathematics in secondary schools / Ministry of Education.-- London: Her Majesty's Stationary Office, 1958. viii,154p (Panphlet) (36) 1.Mathematics I. Ministry of Education, London. II. Series. Accn Nos : 6927 510.7 GRE

Teaching mathematics in secondary schools / Ministry of Education.-- London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1961. viii,153p (Pamphlet) (36) 1.Mathematics I. Ministry of Education, Great Britain. II. Series. Accn Nos : 5648 510.7 GRE

Teaching mathematics in secondary schools / Ministry of Education.-- London: Her Majesty's Stationary Office, 1961. 154p (Pamphlet) (36) 1.Mathematics I. Ministry of Education, London. II. Series. Accn Nos : 42854 510.7 GRE

Teaching mathematics in secondary schools:

Ministry of education, pamphlet No. 36 / Ministry of Education.-- London: Her Majesty's Stationary Office, 1961. viii,154p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Ministry of Education, Great Britain. Accn Nos : 5891 510.7 GUN

Gunderson, Agnes G. Learning to use Arithmmetic / Agnes G. Gunderson and George E. Hollister.-- U.S.A.: D.C. Heath and Company, 1954. 97p. 1.Mathematics I. Hollister, George E. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45296 510.7 GUP Gupta, Bhagwan Swaroop Khel - khel mein ganit (HIN) / Bhagwan Swaroop Gupta & Shailendra Bhushan.-- Delhi: Satsahitya Prakashan, 1995. 98p. ISBN 81-85830-29-0 1.Mathematics 2.Ganit - Pthan Aur Pathan I. Shailendra Bhushan. II. Title. Accn Nos : 117524 510.7 HAL

Halls, W.D. Europian curriculam studies / W.D. Halls and Dorean Humphreys.-- Starburg: Council of Cultural Cooperation, 1968. 98p 1.Mathematics I. Dorean, Humphreys. II. Title. Accn Nos : F9107 510.7 HAR

Hart, K.M. Maths break through: Teachers' resours book / K.M. Hart.-- London: John Murray, 1989. 91p ISBN 0-7195-4462-9 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 108067 510.7 HAT

Hatfield, Larry L. II, computer-extended problem solving and enquiry / Larry L. Hatfield.--rev.ed.-Ohio: ERIC Information Analysis Center for science, mathematics, 1973. 35P. (Computers in mathematics education resource series) 1.Mathematics-study and teaching 2.Computer assisted instruction I. ERIC. II. Title (Series).

Accn Nos : F13264 510.7 HED

Heddens, James W. Today's mathematics: A guide to concepts and methods in elementary school mathematics / James W. Heddens.-- Chicago: Science Research Associate, 1964. 487p. Includes Index 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching (Elementary) I. Title. Accn Nos : F13835

510.7 HLA

Mathematics / ed. by Julius H. Hlavaty.-Washington: National Education Association, 1959. 48p 1.Mathematics I. Hlavaty, Julius H. Accn Nos : 17153 510.7 HOG

Hogben, Lancelot Mathematics for the million: A popular self education / Lancelot Hogben, illus. by J.F. Horrabin.--new ed-- London: George Allen & Unwin, 1957. 694p 1.Mathematics I. Horrabin, J.F. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42787 510.7 HOW

Howson, Geoffrey History of mathematics education in England / Geoffrey Howson.-- London: Cambridge University Press, n.d. x,294p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching - England - history I. Title. Accn Nos : 94618 510.7 HOW

Howes, Virgil M. Individualizing instruction in science and mathematics / Virgil M. Howes.-- London: The Macmillan, 1970. viii,204p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 75210 510.7 IND

Guide for mathematics in the elementary school grades, 7 and 8 / The Publisher.--

Evansville: School Corporation, 1960. x,90p 1.Mathematics I. Evansville School Corporation. Accn Nos : F11959 510.7 IND

Guide for mathematics in the secondary school / The Publisher.-- Indiana: Evansville School Corporation, 1960. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Evansville School Corporation, Indiana. Accn Nos : F12114

510.7 IND

Report on regional confrence on development of integreted curriculum in mathematics for developing countries of Asia,Dec.1520,1975 / Indian National Science Academy. -- New Delhi: INSA, [n.d.] ix,204p. 1.Mathematics-corriculum and teaching I. Indian National Science Academy. Accn Nos : F15938 510.7 INT

FEA study of Mathematics II: context and outcomes of school mathematics / ed. by D.F. Robitaille and R.A. Garden.-Oxford: Pergamon PRess, 1989. xix,248p (International studies in educational achievement) ISBN 0-08-036762-3 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Study and teaching 3.Second international mathematics study I. Robitaille, D.F. II. Garden, R.A. III. Series. Accn Nos : 108063 510.7 INT

International comporisons in mathematics education / Gabriele Kaiser, Educardo Luna and Ian Huntley.-- London: Falmer Press, 1999. ix,269p. Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 0-7507-0902-2 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Study and teaching - Comparative studies I. Kaiser, Gabriele. II. Luna Eduardo. III. Huntley, Ian. Accn Nos : 119157

510.7 INT

International handbook of mathematics education / ed by Alan J. Bishop...[]-- Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996. (Kluwer international handbooks of education; no.V.4). Includes bibliographical references and index Part-1 Part-2 ISBN 0-7923-3533-3 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Study and teaching I. Bishop, Alan J. II. Clements, Ken. III. Keitel, Christine. IV. Kilpatrick, Jeremy. V. Laborde, Colette. VI. Series. Accn Nos : 118092; 118093 510.7 INT

International Commission on Mathematical Instruction New trends in mathematics teaching / International Commission on Mathematical Instruction.-- Paris: Unesco, 1979. 280p (Teaching of basic sciences). V. 4 ISBN 92-3-101546-X 1.Mathematics 2.Unesco 3.Series 4.Mathematics - Study and teaching I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 83820 510.7 JAM

James, Anice Techniques of teaching mathematics / Anice James; Foreward by T.Venka Reddy.-- New Delhi: Neelkamal Publications, 2006. xx,307p. ISBN 81-8316-061-1 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics- Study and teaching I. Reddu, T. Venka. II. Title. Accn Nos : 126429 510.7 JAW

Jaworski, Barbara Investigating mathematics teaching: a constructivist enquiry / Barbara Jaworski.-London: The Falmer Press, 1994. xvii,231p (Studies in mathematics education series; no.5). Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 0-7507-0373-3 1.Mathematics I. Ernest, Paul. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 116584 510.7 KAP

Kapur, J.N.

Essays on mathematics education / J.N. Kapur.-- Delhi: Ram Chand, [n.d.] 170p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 56526 510.7 KAP

Kapur, J.N. Excellence in teaching / J.N. Kapur.-- New Delhi: Mathematical Science Trust Society, 1982. 58p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 106426

510.7 KAP

Kapur, J.N. Suggested experiments in school mathematics: experiments 101 to 300 / J.N. Kapur.-- New Delhi: Arya Book Depot, 1969. xii,231p. V. 2 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 84999 510.7 KAP

Kapur, J.N. Suggested experiments in school mathematics: experiments 301-500 / J.N. Kapur.-- New Delhi: Arya Book Depot, 1971. xiii,257p. V. 3 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 85000 510.7 KAP

Kapur, J.N. Suggested experiments in school mathematics: experiments 1-100 / J.N. Kapur. -- New Delhi: Arya Book, 1969. xiii,144p. V. 1 1.Mathematics - Study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 84998 510.7 KAU

Kaul, P. Geometry achievement: A spatial perspective / P. Kaul.-- New Delhi: Commonwealth Publishers, 1995. xiii,164p ISBN 81-7169-330-X

1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching 3.Geometry - study and teaching 4.ERIC I. Title. Accn Nos : F20604 510.7 KAU

Kaul, P. Geometry achievement: A spatial perspective / P.Kaul.-- New Delhi: Commonwealth Publishers, 1995. xv,164p. Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 81-7169-330-x, Hb 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Study and teaching 3.Geometry - Study and teaching 4.ERIC I. Title.

510.7 KEE

Keedy, Mervin L. Exploring mader mathematics / Mervin L. Keedy, Richard E. Jameson and Patricia L. Johnson.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. xxvii,205p. Book 2 1.Mathematics I. Jameson, Richard E. II. Johnson, Patricia L. III. Title. Accn Nos : 34411 510.7 KEE

Keedy, Meruin L. Exploring modern mathematics: Elementary algebra / Meruin L. Keedy, Richard E. Jameson and Patricia L. Johnson.--Teachers edition-New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, [n.d.] xxv,534p. Vol. 3 1.Mathematics I. Jameson, Richard E. II. Johnson, Patricia L. III. Title. Accn Nos : 34412 510.7 KEE

Keedy, Mervin L. Exploring modern mathematics book 1 / Mervin L. Keedy, Richard E. Jameson and Patricia L. Johnson.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1964. xxix,413p 1.Mathematics I. Jameson, Richard E. II. Johnson, Patricia L. III. Title. Accn Nos : 34410 510.7 KEN

Kenwrick, Evelyn N. Number in the nursery and infant school / Evelyn N. Kenwrick.-- London: Routledge Kegan Poul, 1957. xi,247p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Accn Nos : 21556 510.7 KIN

Kingston, J. Maurice Mathematics for teachers of the middle grades / J. Maurice Kingston.-- New York: John Wiley, 1966. 322p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42871 510.7 KIN

Kingston, J. Mourice Mathematics for teachers of the middle grades / J. Mourice Kingston.-- New York: John Wiley, 1966. 322p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45016 510.7 KIN

Kinney, Lucien Blair Teaching mathematics in the secondary school / Lucien Blair Kinney and C. Richard Purdy.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1952. xvi,381p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching (secondary education) I. Purdy, C. Richard. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45019 510.7 KIN

Kinney, Lucien Blair Teaching mathematics in the secondary school / Lucien Blair Kinney and C. Richard Purdy.-- New York: Rinehart, 1954. xvi,381p 1.Mathematics I. Purdy, C. Richard. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45020 510.7 KIN

Kinney, Lucien Blais Teaching mathematics in the secondary school / Lucien Blais and C. Richard Purdy.-New York: Rinehart, 1952. xvi,381p 1.Mathematics I. Purdy, C. Richard. II. Title. Accn Nos : 9496 510.7 KIN

Kineey, Lucien Blair Teaching mathematics in the secondary school / Lucien Blair Kinney and C. Richard Purdy.-- New York: Rinehart, 1954. xv,381p 1.Mathematics I. Purdy, C. Richard. II. Title. Accn Nos : 8187 510.7


Kirkby, Dave More investigations for national curriculum levels 2-5: spectrum maths / Dave Kirkby.-London: Collins Educational, 1991. ISBN 0-00-312528-9 1.Mathematics 2.Spectrum mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 113161 510.7 KIR

Kirkby, Dave Starting investigations for national curriculum levels 1-3 / Dave Kirkby.-London: Collins Educational, 1991. 80p (Spectrum maths) ISBN 0-00-312527-0 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 113160 510.7 KRU

Krulik, Stephen Multi-sensory techinques in mathematics teaching / Stephen Krulik and Irwin Kaufman. -- New York: Teacher Practical Press, 1963. 58p 1.Mathematics I. Kaufman, Irwin. II. Title. Accn Nos : 7246 510.7 LEE

Lee, Doris M. Background to mathematical development / Doris M. Lee.-- London: Oldbourne, 1962. 227p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 38025 510.7 LOV

Lovell, K. Growth of basic mathematical and scientific concepts in children / K. Lovell and Barbel Inhelder.--2nd ed-- London: University of London Press, 1962. 153p 1.Mathematics I. Inhelder, Barbel. II. Title. Accn Nos : 14017 510.7 LOV

Lovell, Kenneth Mathematics education reports: Intelectual growth and understanding mathematics / Kenneth Lovell.-- Columbus: ERIC Information Analysis Centre for Science and Mathematics Education, 1971. 21p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching 3.Age and intelligence 4.Mathematics - research 5.Personality and intelligence I. ERIC. II. Title. Accn Nos : F13277

510.7 LUM

Lumb, David Teaching mathematics 5 to 11 / David Lumb. -- London: Croom Helm, 1987. 147p (Croom Helm teaching 5-13 series/ ed. by Colin Richards) ISBN 0-7099-4118-8 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Study and teaching I. Richards, Colin. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 107317

510.7 MAN

Manual of mathematics teaching aids for primary schools / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1990. 157p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. III. National Council of Educational Research and Training, New Delhi. Accn Nos : F18224 510.7 MAN

Manual of mathematics teaching aids for primary schools / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1990. 157p 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F18225 510.7 MAN

Mangal, S.K. Sadharan ganit- shikshan (HIN) / S.K. Mangal.-- New Delhi: Arya Book Depot, 1984. 264p. 1.Mathamatics 2.Ganit Adhyapan I. Title. Accn Nos : 101978 510.7 MAN(NAT)

Manual of mathematics teaching aids for primary schools / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1990. 157p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. III. National Council of Educational Research and Training, New Delhi.

510.7 MAR

Marjoram, D.T.E. Modern mathematics in secondary schools / D.T.E. Marjoram.-- London: Pergamon, 1964. vii,249p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 8828 510.7 MAR

Marjoram, D.T.E. Modern mathematics in secondary schools / D.T.E. Marjoram.-- New York: Pergamon, 1964. xi,249p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42844

510.7 MAR

Marjeram, D.T.E. Modern mathematics in secondary schools / D.T.E. Marjeram.-- Oxford: Pergamon, 1964. xv,251p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 54927 510.7 MAT

Mathur, Rajeshwar N. Mastery assessments for mathematics units class-xi / Rajeshwar N. Mathur and Rajendra P. Gupta.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1984. various pagination 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching 3.Educational - tests and measurements 4.Individualized instruction I. Gupta, Rajendra P. II. ERIC. III. NCERT. IV. National Council of Educational Research and Training. V. Title. Accn Nos : F17188 510.7 MAT

510.7 MAT

Mathur, Rajeshwar N. Mastery assessments for mathematics units class XIth / Rajeshwar N. Mathur.-- New Delhi: N.C.E.R.R.; Department of Science & Mathematics, 1984. Various pagination 1.Mathematics 2.Eric 3.Mathematics - Study and teaching 4.Educational tests and measurement I. Gupta, Rajendra P. II. National Council of Educational Research & Training. III. Title.

Mathematics as a service subject / ed by A.G. Howson...[]-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988. iv,89p (ICMI study series).

Includes bibliographical references ISBN 0-521-35703-9 1.Mathematics 2.Applied mathematics I. Howson, A.G. II. Kahane, J.P. III. Lauginie, P. IV. Turckheim, E. de. V. Series. Accn Nos : 118049 510.7 MAT

Mathematics form 2 / Mauritius Institute of Education.-- [s.l.]: Editions de L'Ocean Indien, 1989. 182p 1.Mathematics I. Mauritius Institute of Education. Accn Nos : F18805

510.7 MAT

Mathematics form 3 / Mauritius Institute of Education.-- [s.l.]: Editions de L'Ocean Indien, 1990. ix,242p 1.Mathematics I. Mauritius Institute of Education. Accn Nos : F18759 510.7 MAT

Mathematics in the secondary technical school / Mathematical Association.-- London: G. Bell, 1949. 20p 1.Mathematics I. Mathematical Association. Accn Nos : 42865 510.7 MAT

Mathematics part 1 / Mauritius Institute of Education.-- [S.l.]: Edition de L'Ocean Indien, 1988. 230p 1.Mauritius - education 2.Mathematics study and teaching - MauritiusMathematics p I. Mauritius Institute of Education. Accn Nos : F18760 510.7 MAT

Use of visual methods in teaching mathematics: A report / Mathematical Association.-- London: G. Bell, 1958. 15p 1.Mathematics I. Mathematical Association. Accn Nos : 19411 510.7 MCI

McIntosh, Jerry A. Mathematics education reports: A survey of dectorol programs in mathematics education / Jerry A. McIntosh and F.Joe Crosswhite.-Ohio: The Ohio State University, 1974.

45p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching research I. Crosswhite, F. Joe. II. Title. Accn Nos : F13263 510.7 MER(CH)

Merton, Elda L. We begin numbers / Elda L. Merton and Leo J. Brueckner.--Teachers ed-- Philadelphia: John Winston, 1959. 192p 1.Mathematics I. Brueckner, Leo J. II. Title. Accn Nos : 17135

510.7 MIS

Mishra, L Teaching of mathematics / L.Mishra.-- New Delhi: A.P.H. Publishing Corporation, 2008. 228p. Includes bibliographies 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics- Study & Teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 127343 510.7 MOM

Basic concepts of mathematics.--Preliminary ed-- Chicago: Science Research Association, 1965. 288p. Vol. IV 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Mombasa Mathematics Workshop. Accn Nos : F4424 510.7 MOR

Morris Robbert Ed. Studies in mathematics education: The mathematical education of primary school teachers / Ed. by Robert Morris.-- Paris: Unesco, 1984. 258p.( Vol. 3) ISBN 92-3-102141-9 1.Mathematics - study and teaching92-3102141-9 I. Unesco. II. Title. Accn Nos : F15717 510.7 MOR

Morgan, Olive I. Teaching of mathematics in the secondary modern school / Olive I. Morgan.-- Sydney: George G. Harrap, 1959. 143p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42863

510.7 MUR

Murdoch, J.H. Teaching of mathematics in post-primary schools / J.H. Murdoch.-- New Zealand: New Zealand Council for Education and Research, 1950. 183p (Studies in education) (2) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3386 510.7 NAT

Emerging practices in mathematics education / The publisher.-- Washington: National Council of Teacher of Mathematics, 1954. 434p 1.Mathematics I. National Council of Teacher of Mathematics. Accn Nos : 8805 510.7 NAT

Emerging practices in mathematics education: Twenty second year book / The publisher.-Washington: aNational Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1954. 434p 1.Mathematics I. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Accn Nos : 8780 510.7 NAT

Learning of mathematics: Its theory and practice yearbook / The Publisher.-Washington, DC: The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1955. ix,353p. Vol. 21 1.Mathematics I. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Accn Nos : 3362 510.7 NAT

Learning of mathematics: Its theory and practice yearbook / The Publisher.-Washington, DC: The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1953. ix,355p. Vol. 21 1.Mathematics I. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Accn Nos : 9651 510.7 NAT

Learning of mathematics: Its theory and practice, yearbook / The publisher.-Washington: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Inc, 1953. ix,355p. Vol. 21 1.Mathematics I. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Accn Nos : 5984

510.7 NAT

Mathematics in modern life / National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.-- New York: Bureau of Publications, 1931. ix,195p. (sixth yearbook) 1.Mathematics I. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Accn Nos : 3357 510.7 NAT

Proceedings of the National Conference on school Mathematics / National Conference on school mathematics.-- Kanpur: Mathematical Association of India, n.d. 149p. 1.MATHEMATICS I. Kapur, J.N.,ed. Accn Nos : F17198 510.7 NAT

NCERT Teacher's guide in mathematics for Class-ix / NCERT.-- New Delhi: The Author, 1993. Various Pagination 1.Mathematics- Study and teacahing I. Title.

510.7 NAT

National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education Teaching primary mathematics: strategy and evaluation / National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education; ed. by J.A. Glenn.-- London: Harper and Row, 1977. 110p. 1.Mathematics I. Glenn, J.A. II. Title. Accn Nos : 82585 510.7 NAT-E

Emerging practices in mathematics education: Twenty-second yearbook / The Publisher.-Washington: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1954. xiv,434p 1.Mathematics I. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Washington. Accn Nos : 45039 510.7 NAT(N-R)

Teachers' guide in mathematics for class XI / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: NCERT,DESM, 1991. ii,559p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. NCERT. Accn Nos : F18543 510.7 NAT(N-R)

Teachers' guide in mathematics for class XI / Deptt of Education in Science and

Mathematics, NCERT.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1991. 559p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Study and Teaching I. NCERT. Accn Nos : F18544 510.7 NAT (N-R)

Teachers' guide in mathematics for class IX / The Publishers.-- New Delhi: NCERT, DESM, 1991. 1.1 to18.13p,Appendices I-III. Memeographed publication 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Study and Teaching I. NCERT. Accn Nos : F18553 ; F18554

510.7 NEW

General mathematics for the 9th year / The Publisher.-- New York: Board of Education, 1954. vii,55p 1.Mathematics I. Board of Education of the city, New York. Accn Nos : 17891 510.7 NEW

Teaching guide for tenth year mathematics curriculum research report / The Publisher.-- New York: Board of Education, [n.d.] various pagination 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : F11567 510.7 NIC

Nichols, Eugene D. Elementary mathematics: Patterns and structure / Eugene D. Nochols, Frances Flournoy, Robert Kolin and Leonard Simon.-Teachers ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1966. 224p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Flournoy, Frances. II. Kolin, Robert. III. Simon, Leonard. IV. Title. Accn Nos : 8530 510.7 NIC

Nickson, Marilyn Teaching and learning methematics: a guide to recent research and its applications / Marilyn Nickson.--2nd ed.-- London: Continuum, 2004. ix,226p. Including index ISBN 0-8264-7237-0 1.Mathematic's 2.Mathematic's- Study and

Teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 125037 510.7 NUR

Nurturing and identifying talants in mathematics science and technology / The Publisher.-- Bang Kok: Unesco, 1991. 26p 1.Mathematics I. Unesco. Accn Nos : F19220 510.7 OKL

Improvement Prepared Oklahoma Oklahoma Accn Nos : 49786

of the teaching of Mathematics / a Mathematics Workshop of state university.-- Oklahoma: state dapartment, 1957.

510.7 ORG

New thinking in school mathematics / The Publisher.-- [S.l.]: Organisation for European Economic Co-operation, 1958. 246p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching Accn Nos : F4709 510.7 ORI (N-R)

Report of the orientation programme for resource persons in mathematics at secondary level (From 21.3.94 to 28.3.94) : Venue - SCERT, Aizawl, Mizoram / Programme director P.S. Tripathi.-Bhubaneswar: NCERT,RIE, 1994. various pagings. Memeographed 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Study and teaching 3.Mathematics teachers - Inservice training I. Tripathi, P.S. II. NCERT. III. Regional College of Education. Accn Nos : F20491; F20492 510.7 OSB

Osburn, Worth J. Coorrective arithmetic / Worth J. Osburn.-New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1924. xi,182p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45046 510.7 OSB

Osborn, Jesse How run litters, adventures with numbers / Jesse Osborn and Adeline Riefling, illus. by Roberta Paflin.-- Saint Louis: Webster, 1953. 344p 1.Mathematics I. Riefling, Adeline. II. Paflin, Roberta. III. Title. Accn Nos : 17619 510.7 PEM

Pemberton, John E. How to find out in mathematics: A guide to

sources of mathematical information arranged according to the Dewey decimal classification / John E. Pemberton.-- Oxford: Pergamon, 1963. x,157p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 85926 510.7 PIL

Pilot project on concept learning in science and mathematics of Southeast Asian children / The Publisher.-- Malaysia: South East Asian Ministers of Education Organization, 1974. iv,212p 1.Mathematics 2.Science - study and teaching 3.Mathematics - study and teaching 4.Learning, psychology of 5.Cognitive development

510.7 PIL (Rep)

Pilot project on concept learning in science and mathematics of Southeast Asian children: report on phase one.-Malaysia: South East Asian Ministers of Education Organization, 1974. vi,212p. Includes bibliography 1.Mathematics 2.Science - Study and teaching 3.Mathematics - Study and teaching 4.Learning, psychology of 5.Cognitive development Accn Nos : F17911 510.7 PIN

Pinner, Sister Mary Timothy In-service education in primary mathematics / Sister Mary Timothy Pinner and Hilary Shuard.-- Philadelphia: Open University Press, 1985. 198p ISBN 0-335-15023-3 1.Mathematics I. Shuard, Hilary. II. Title. Accn Nos : 101408 510.7 POP

Popularization of Mathematics / ed by A.G. Howson and J.P. Kahane.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990. xi,210p (ICMI study series). Includes bibliographical references ISBN 0-521-40867-9 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Study and teaching I. Howson, A.G. II. Kahane, J.P. III. Series. Accn Nos : 118050 510.7 POS

Posamentier, Alfred S. Teaching secondary school mathematics: techniques and enrichment units / Alfred

S.Posamentier and Jay Stepelman.--3rd-Columbus: Merill Publishing, 1990. ix,478p. ISBN 0-675-21209-x 1.Mathematics - Study and teaching I. Stepelman, Jay. II. Title. Accn Nos : 110830 510.7 RAN

Rani, T. Swarupa Teaching of mathematics modern methods / T. Swarupa Rani.-- New Delhi: A.P. H. Publishing Corporation, 2007. iv,140p. ISBN 978-81-313-0214-9 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics teacher 3.Mathematics- study & teacher I. Title. Accn Nos : 127410 510.7 RAV (N-R) Ravindra, G. Gender difference in mathematical abilities / G. Ravindra , D. Basavayya and B.C. Basti. -- Mysore: NCERT,RIE, 2003. 69p. 1.Mathematics I. Basavayya, D. and Basti, B.C. II. NCERT. III. Title. Accn Nos : F23784 510.7 REE

Reeve, Willam David Mathematics for the secondary school:Its content and methods of teaching and learning / William David Reeve.-- New York: Holt,Rinehart and Winston, 1960. ix,547p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 9466 510.7 ROB

Studies in mathmatics education / ed. by Morris Robert.-- Paris: Unesco, 1989. 258p. Vol. 7 1.Mathematics I. Robert, Morris. II. Unesco. Accn Nos : F13897 510.7 RUS

Russel, John Teaching of Mathematics / John Russel.-Delhi: Campus books, 2004. v,294p. ISBN 81-8030-060-9 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 124369 510.7 SCH

Junior high school mathematics units: / School Mathematics Study Group.-- New

York: National Science Foundation, 1959. 101p. Vol. II Geometry commentary for teachers 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. Accn Nos : F6689 510.7 SCH

Junior high school mathematics units: Geometry / School Mathematics Study Group. -- New York: National Science Foundation, 1959. 100p. Vol. II Geometry 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. Accn Nos : F6690 510.7 SCH

Mathematics for high school: Intermediate mathematics / School Mathematics Study Group.-- New Haven: Yale University Press, 1961. 8-10p (Student's text). Part I 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : F11828 510.7 SCH

Mathematics for high school intermediate mathematics, Part II / School Mathematics Study Group.-- London: Yale University, 1961. Sec. 15-7v (Student text) 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : F7127 510.7 SCH

Mathematics for high school: Intermediate mathematics / School Mathematics Study Group.--rev. ed-- New Haven: Yale University Press, 1961. 545-856p. Part II 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. Accn Nos : F4796 510.7 SCH

Mathematics for the elementary school / School Mathematics Study Group.--rev. ed, 1962. 130p. Grade 6 (part 2) 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. Accn Nos : 12104 510.7


Mathematics for the elementary school grade 6 / School Mathematics Study Group.--arev. ed-- Stanford: Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University, [n.d.] 310p (Teacher's commentry). Part 1 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : F12103 510.7 SCH

Mathematics for the elementary school grade-4 / School Mathematics Study Group.--rev. ed -- London: National Science Foundation, 1962. 130p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. Accn Nos : F11282 510.7 SCH Mathematics for the elementary school grade 6( part 2) / School Mathematics Study Group.--rev.ed.-- New Haven: Yale University Press, 1962. 311-658p. (Teachers commentary) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching (Elementary School) 3.Mathematics in elementary school I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : F12104 510.7 SCH

Orientation confrences for S M S G elementary school experimental centers / School Mathematics Study Group.-- Chicago: Yale University Press, 1960. 119p 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. Accn Nos : F11821 510.7 SCH

Scheid, Francis Schaums outline of theory and problems of numerical analysis / Francis Scheid.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1968. 419p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 80896 510.7 SCO

Mathematics in secondary schools / Scottish Education Department.-- Edinburgh: His Majesty's Stationary Office, 1950. 29p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - school I. Scottish Education Department. Accn Nos : 42864 510.7


Sealey, L.G.W. Mathematics in the junior school / L.G.W. Sealey.-- Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1960. 103p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 8141 510.7 SEM

Report of the seminar on the teaching of mathematics in secondary schools / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: Ministry of Education, 1958. 92p. Seminar on the Teaching of mathematics in Secondary Schools, Ahmedabad 1957 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : 21207 510.7 SHA

Hooda, R. C. Development of a mathetics programme on Algebric expressions with rational co efficients for seventh grade learners / R. C. Hooda and Meena Sharma.-- Rohtak: Department of education, 1987. 86p. 1.Mathematics I. Sharma, Meena. II. Title. Accn Nos : F16930 510.7 SHA

Sharma, J.M. Introducing new type tests in mathematics / J.M. Sharma.-- New Delhi: Arya Book Depot, 1977. 124p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 84996 510.7 SHA

Sharma, R.C. Metric system in secondary schools: A handbook for teachers and textbook writers / R.C. Sharma.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1965. 104p 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. III. Title. Accn Nos : F2232 510.7 SHA

Shah, Gunvant B. New Dimensions in the teaching of mathematics / Gunvant B. Shah.-- Baroda: Faculty of Education and Psychology, 1964. iii,79p. Centre for advanced study in education:Curriculam monograph: C-2 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F3251

510.7 SID

Sidhu, Kulbir Singh Teaching of mathematics / Kulbir Singh Sidhu.--1st ed.-- Delhi: Sterling, 1967. xii,315p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 67191 510.7 SIL

Silbert, Jerry Direct instruction Mathematics / Jerry Silbert, Douglas Carnine and Marcy Stein.-Columbus: Merrill Publishing Co., 1990. xvii,508p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Study and teaching I. Carnine, Douglas. II. Stein, Marcy. III. Title. Accn Nos : 110829 510.7 SKE

Skemp, Richard R. Understanding mathematics / Richard R. Skemp.-- London: University of London Press, 1964. 309p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3320 510.7 SKE

Skemp, Richard R. Understanding mathematics / Richard R. Skemp.-- London: University of London Press, 1965. 358p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45045 510.7 SKE

Skemp, Richard R. Understanding mathematics / Richard R. Skemp.-- London: University of London Press, 1964. 309p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 56379 510.7 SKO

Skovsmose, Ole Towards a philosophy of critical mathematics education / Ole Skovsmose.-Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994. x,246p (Mathematics education library). V.15. ISBN 0-7923-2932-5 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 115922

510.7 SMI

Smith, David Eugene Source book in mathematics / David Eugene Smith.-- New York: Dover Publications, 1959. xiii,701p. Includes index ISBN 0-486-64690-4 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 127756 510.7 SOU

Guidelines for planning computer centress in universities and college / The publisher. -- Atlanta: Southern Regional Education Board, 1963. ix,21p 1.Mathematics I. Southern Regional Education Board. Accn Nos : F10789 510.7 SPE

Spencer, Peter Lincoln Building mathematical competence in the elementary school / Peter Lincoln Spencer and Marguerite Brydegaard.--rev. ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1966. xii, 403p. 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Elementary I. Brydegaard, Marguerite. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45024 510.7 SPE

Spencere, Peter Lincon Building mathematical competence in the elementary school / Peter Lincon Spencer and Marguerite Brydegaard.--rev ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1966. xii,403p 1.Mathematics I. Brydegaard, Marguerite. II. Title. Accn Nos : F6528 510.7 SPE

Spencer, Peter Lincon Building mathematical competence in the elementary / Peter Lincon Spencer and Marguerite Brydengaard.--rev ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1966. xii,403p 1.Mathematics I. Brydegaard, Marguerite. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42880 510.7 SRI

Srinivasan, P.K. Resource material for mathematics club activities / P.K. Srinivasan.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1995. 185p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Study and

teaching I. National Council of Educational Research and Training. II. Central Institute of Educational Technology. III. Title. Accn Nos : F20682 ; F20683 510.7 STU

Studies in mathematics education: Teaching of geometry / ed. by Robert Morris.-- Paris: Unesco, 1986. 196p ISBN 92-3-102373-X 1.Mathematics 2.Unesco 3.Geometry - study and teaching I. Morris, Robert. II. Unesco.

510.7 STU

Studies in mathematics education: the education of secondary school teachers of mathematics / ed. by Robert Morris.-Paris: Unesco, 1985. 175p. ISBN 92-3-102142-7 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics- Study and teaching I. Morris, Robert. II. Unesco. Accn Nos : 103220 510.7 STU

Studies in mathematics education / ed. by Robert Morrin.-- Paris: Unesco, 1980. ix,129p (Teaching of basic sciences) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Morrin, Robert. II. Unesco. III. Series. Accn Nos : F17918 510.7 STU

Studies in mathematics education / ed. by Robert Morris.-- Paris: Unesco, 1980. 128p. Vol. 1 ISBN 92-3-101779-9 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Morris, Robert. II. Unesco. Accn Nos : 85543 510.7 STU

Studies in mathematics education: The mathematical education of primary-school teachers / ed. by Robert Morris.-- Paris: Unesco, 1984. 258p (Teaching of basic sciences mathematics) ISBN 92-3-102141-9 1.Mathematics I. Morris, Robert. II. Unesco. III. Series. Accn Nos : 99689

510.7 STU

Studies in mathematics education / edited by Robert Morris.-- Paris: Unesco, 1981. 178p. Vol. 2 ISBN 92-3-101905-8 1.Mathematics I. Morris, Robert. II. Unesco. Accn Nos : 91331 510.7 STU

Studies in mathematics education:The teaching of statistics / edited by robert morris.-Paris: unesco, 1989. 258p.(vol.7) (Teaching of basic sciences mathematics) I. Series. Accn Nos : F18397 510.7 STU (UN)

Studies in mathematics education / ed. by Robert Morris.-- Paris: Unesco, 1986. 197. Vol. 5 ISBN 92-3-101779-9 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Morris, Robert. II. Unesco. Accn Nos : 103268 510.7 SUL

Sullivan, Marjorie Doyle Programmed math for adult: Basic addition / Marjorie Doyle Sullivan.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1965. 32p. Problem Book One 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 54336 510.7 SUL

Sullivan, Marjorie Doyle Programmed math for adults / Marjorie Doyle Sullivan.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1965. 16p. Book 2: Problem 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 54337 510.7 SUL

Sullivan, Marjorie Doyle Programmed math for adults / Marjorie Doyle Sullivan.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1966. 16p. Vol. 4 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 54339 510.7 SUL

Programmed math for adults: Progress tests

for book 1-5 / Sullivan Associated Program.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1966. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Sullivan Associates Program. Accn Nos : 54343 510.7 SUM

Sumner, W.L. Teaching of arithmetic and elementary mathematics / W.L. Sumner.-- Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1955. vii,268p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching (elementary school) 3.Arithmetic study and teaching (elementary school) I. Title. Accn Nos : 45047 510.7 SUR

Status of woman through teaching of mathematics: A teacher's handbook / ed. by Surja Kumari.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1984. xiii,46p 1.OPERATIONS RESEARCH I. Surja Kumari. II. NCERT. III. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F16906 510.7 SUY

Suydam, Marilyn N. Mathematics education report: Research in elementary school mathematics - 1970 annotated list of research references / Marilyn N. suydam.-- Columbus: ERIC Information Analyis Centre, 1971. 46p. 1.Mathematics- study and teaching research I. ERIC. II. Title. Accn Nos : F13281 510.7 SUY

Suydam, Marilyn N. Mathematics education reports, teaching mathematics to disadvantaged pupils: A summary of research / Marilyn N. Suydam.-Columbus: ERIC Inf. Analysis Centre, 1971. 65p. 1.Mathematics-study and teachingresearch:Handicapped children-education research I. ERIC. II. Title. Accn Nos : F13278 510.7 SWE

Swenson, Esther J. Teaching arithmetic to children / Esther J. Swenson.-- New York: Macmillan, 1964. 482p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Accn Nos : 9967 510.7 SWE

Swenson, Esther Teaching arithmetic to children / Esther Swenson.-- New York: Macmillan, 1964. 474p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 38026 510.7 TAY

Taylor, E.H. Arithmetic for teacher-training classes / E.H. Taylor and C.N. Mills.--4th ed-- New York: Henry Holt, 1955. 438p 1.Mathematics I. Mills, C.N. II. Title. Accn Nos : 18778 510.7 TEA

The Publisher IGNOU: AMT-01 Teaching of primary school mathematics / Indira Gandhi National Open University School of Sciences.-- New Delhi: Indira Gandhi National Open University, 2005. 17p. Project Guide 1.Mathmatics 2.IGNOU I. Title. Accn Nos : 125147 510.7 TEA

IGNOU:AMT-01 Teaching of primary school mathematics / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: IGNOU, 2005. 66p. Block-1: Aspects of Teaching Mathematics ISBN 81-7263-999-6 1.Mathematics 2.IGNOU Accn Nos : 125148 510.7 TEA

IGNOU :AMT-01 Teaching of primary school mathematics / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: IGNOU, 2005. 68p. Block-2 Numbers-1 ISBN 81-7263-910-4 1.Mathematics 2.IGNOU Accn Nos : 125149 510.7 TEA

IGNOU: AMT-01 Teaching of primary school mathematics / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: IGNOU, 2005. 36p. Block-3 Numbers-II ISBN 81-7263-936-8 1.Mathmatics 2.IGNOU Accn Nos : 125150

510.7 TEA

IGNOU: AMT-01 Teaching of primary school mathematics Block-4 / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: IGNOU, 2005. 80p. Block-4 Fractions ISBN 81-7263-836-1 1.Mathmatics 2.IGNOU Accn Nos : 125151 510.7 TEA

IGNOU: AMT-1 Teaching of primary school mathematics / Tne Publisher.-- New Delhi: IGNOU, 2005. 91p. Block-5 Measurement ISBN 81-7263-940-6 1.Mathmatics 2.IGNOU Accn Nos : 125152 510.7 TEA

Teaching of mathematics in primary schools / The publisher.-- London: G. Bell and Sons, 1958. 121p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching Accn Nos : 42868 510.7 TEA (N-R)

Teacher's training materials in plus two mathematics / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: NCERT,DESM, 1990. 160p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching 3.Education - secondary 4.Teacher's training - institutional materials I. NCERT. Accn Nos : F18241 510.7 TEX

Mathematics: A handbook for teachers grades 1 6 / The publisher.-- Texas: Fort Worth Public Schools, 1955. 56p 1.Mathematics I. Fort Worth Public Schools, Texas. Accn Nos : 36255 510.7 TRA

Training cum workshop of SC/ST key persons of Tripura in remedial teaching of mathematics at elementary level held at S.I.E., Agartala from 14-18th December, 1993 / M.M. Pandey, Programme Director.-Laitumkhrah (Shillong): NCERT, 1993. 83p. (Memeographed document) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Study and teaching (Elementary) 3.Mathematics teachers - Training - India I. Pandey, M.M. II. National Council of Educational Research

and Training. 510.7 TRA (N-R)

Training cum workshop of SC/ST key persons of Tripura in remedial teaching of mathematics at elementary level held at Agartala from 14-18th December, 1993 / M.M. Pandey, Programme Director.-Laitumkhrah (Shillong): NCERT, Office of the field adviser, 1993. 83p. (Memeographed document) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Study and teaching (Elementary) 3.Mathematics teachers - Training - India I. Pandey, M.M. II. NCERT. Accn Nos : F20659

510.7 TRA (N-R)

Training of key persons of Meghalaya in remedial teaching of mathematics at elementary level, held at P.G.T. College, Shillong from 7-11th March, 1995.-Shillong: NCERT,Office of the field Adviser, 1995. 106p. (Memeographed document) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Study and teaching (Elementary) 3.Mathematics teachers - Training - India I. Pandey, M.M. II. NCERT. Accn Nos : F20660 510.7 TUR

Turner, Ethel M. Teaching aids for elementary mathematics / Ethel M. Turner.-- New York: Holt, Rinehort and Winston Co., 1966. 149p 1.Mathematics - study and teaching (Elementary) 2.Teaching - aids and services I. Title. Accn Nos : 8930 510.7 TUR

Turner, Ethel M. Teaching aids for elementary methematics / Ethel M. Turner.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1966. x,149p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F6562 510.7 UNE

Mathematics teaching at first level-education in Asia: Final report / The publisher.-Japan: National Institute for Educational Research, 1969. 90p.

Educational research workshop on mathematics teaching at first level-education in Asia, First 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : F14548 510.7 UNE

Second educational research workshop on mathematics teaching of first level education in Asia: Final report / Unesco. -- Japan: National Institute for Educational Research, 1970. 84p 1.Mathematics 2.Educational research Asia I. Unesco, Paris. Accn Nos : F14547

510.7 UNE

UNESCO Studies in mathematics education: out of school mathematics education / UNESCO; edited by Robert Morris.-- Paris: Unesco, 1987. 135p. 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Study and teaching I. Morris, Robert. II. Title. Accn Nos : 106220 510.7 UNE

Teaching of mathematics in secondary schools / The publisher.-- Paris: Unesco, 1956. 249p 1.Mathematics I. Unesco, Paris. Accn Nos : 30148 510.7 UNI

Schult, Veryl Inservice mathematics education: Promising practices for elementary and secondary school teachers / Veryl Schult and Theodore L. Abell.-- Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1964. vi,129p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Abell, Theodore L. II. Title. Accn Nos : F10574 510.7 UNI

Mathematics for the junior high school / University of Maryland Mathematics Project.-- Maryland: College of Education, University of Maryland, 1959. 318p 1.Mathematics I. University of Maryland Mathematics Project. Accn Nos : F12111 510.7 UNI

Mathematics for the junior high school: Teacher's guide / University of Maryland

Mathematics Project.-- Maryland: College of Education, University of Maryland, 1960. 155-281p. Vol. II, Part II 1.Mathematics I. University of Maryland Mathematics Project. Accn Nos : F12113 510.7 UNI

Mathematics for the junior high school / University of Maryland Mathematics Project.-- Maryland: College of Education, University of Maryland, 1961. 351p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. University of Maryland Mathematics Project. Accn Nos : F4545 510.7 VIR

Mathematics in grades one through twelve - a tentative guide to curriculum development / The publisher.-- Richmond: Commonwealth of Virginia, 1953. ix,300p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Commonwealth of Virginia. Accn Nos : 47625 510.7 WAL

Walbesser, Henry H. Mathematics education reports: A survey of research on behavioral objectives and learning hierarchies / Henry H. Walbesser and Theodor A. Eisenberg.-- Ohio: The Ohio University, 1972. 78p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching research 3.Teaching - research 4.Learning, psychology of I. Eisenberg, Theodor A. II. Title. Accn Nos : F13276 510.7 WAN

Research in science and mathematics education / ed. by V.N. Wanchoo and T.N. Raina.-New Delhi: NCERT, 1976. iv,121p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching research 3.Science - study and teaching research I. Wanchoo, V.N. II. Raina, T.N. III. NCERT. IV. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F15483 510.7 WAT

Watson, F.R. Developments in mathematics teaching / F.R. Watson.-- London: Open Book Publishing Ltd., 1976.

140p (The changing class room series) (ed. by John Eggleston) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Eggleston, John. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 85525 510.7 WIL

Willoughby, Stephen S. Contemporary teaching of secondary school mathematics / Stephen S. Willoughby.-- New York: John Wiley, [n.d]. 430p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 56429

510.7 WIL

Willis, Benjamin C. Supplement to teaching guide for mathematics: A tentative program for grades 4, 5, 6 / Benjamin C. Willis.-- Chicago: Chicago Public Schools, 1960. xx,359p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F11191 510.7 WIL

Willis, Benjamin C. Teaching guide for mathematics / Benjamin C. Willis.-- Chicago: Chicago Public School, 1957. 78p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 44929 510.7 WIS

Mathematics curriculum guide grades 7-8 / The Publisher.-- Wisconsin: Wisconsin, Whitefish bay, 1958. 16p 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : 36265 510.7 WOO

Woodman, Anne Mathematics through art and design 6-13 / Anne Woodman and Eric Albany.-- London: Collins Educational, 1988. vi,122p ISBN 0-00-312572-6 1.Mathematics I. Albany, Eric. II. Title. Accn Nos : 115172 510.7 WOR

Report of the Workshop on Mathematics for Key Persons at Secondary Level : Orientation

course for state resource persons of Orissa, Arunachal Pradesh...from 14-11-92 to 21-11-92 / P S Tripathi, Programme Director.-- Bhubaneswar: Regional College of Education (NCERT), 1992. 162p. Workshop on mathematics for key persons at secondary level, Regional College Of Education, Bhubaneswar 1992 Memeographed publication 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics-Study and Teaching 3.Mathematics Teachers, Training of I. Tripathi, P S. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training.

510.7 WOR (N-R)

Workshop on mathematics for key persons at secondary level : orientation course for state resource persons of Orissa, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya and Manipur / The Publishers.-- Bhubaneswar: NCERT, RIE Deptt. of Science, 1992. 162p. Report 1.Mathematics- study and teaching 2.Mathematics teachers, training of I. NCERT. II. Tripathi,P. S. Accn Nos : F19354 510.7 WOR (N-R)

Workshop on mathematics for key persons at secondary level : orientation course for state resource persons of Orissa, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya and Manipur / The Publishers.-- Bhubaneswar: NCERT, RIE Deptt. of Science, 1992. 162p. Report 1.Mathematics- study and teaching 2.Mathematics teachers, training of I. NCERT. II. Tripathi,P. S. Accn Nos : F19353 510.7 YAG

Yaglom, A.M. Challenging mathematical prodblems with elementary solutions:Combinatorial analysis and probability theory / A.M.Yaglom and I.M.Yaglom.-- London: Holden-day, 1964. 231p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Basil Gordon. II. Translated byJames McCawley. III. Title. Accn Nos : 34408 510.7019 SKE

Skemp, Richard R.

Psychology of learning mathematics / Richard R.Skemp.--2nd-- London: Penguin Books, 1986. 295p. Include index 1.Mathematics - Psychological aspects I. Title. Accn Nos : 111263 510.70954 CON

Mathematics in India meeting the challenge: Proceedings / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: University Grant Commission, 1974. 71p 1.Mathematics I. Conference on mathematics education and research, Bangalore June 4-15, 1973. Accn Nos : F9315 510.7095413 CRI

Critical analysis of common errors in mathematics of class ' X ' students in the examination conducted by the board of secondary education, Orissa abd developing remedial teaching / The Publishers.-Bhubaneswar: NCERT, RIE, 1997. 45p. 1.Mathematics 2.Regional Institute of Education I. NCERT. II. Prog. coordinator Dash, P. C. Accn Nos : F21414 510.7095413 CRI (N-R) Critical analysis of common errors in mathematics of class 'X' students in the examination conducted by the board of secondary education, Orissa, and developing remedial teaching materials / programme coordinator Purna Chandra Dash. -- Bhubaneswar: NCERT , RIE, 1997. x,45p. Phase-I from 3-7 March, 1997 & Phase-II from 1-5 December, 1997 1.Mathematics I. Dash, Purna Chandra. II. Regional Institute of Education. Accn Nos : F21397 ; F21398 510.7095414 STU

Study of effectiveness of mastery learning approach in teaching mathematics at the secondary level of education...-- West Bengal: Madan Mohan Chel, 1997. 29p. 1.Mathematics- teaching of Accn Nos : F21394 510.70954163 RAS

Rastogi, Satish Mathematical weakness: causes & remedy / Satish Rastogi.-- New Delhi: Mittal

Publications, 1991. xix, 291p. Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 81-7099-338-5 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Remedial teaching 3.Mathemathical ability - Testing 4.Mathematical - Study and teaching Arunachal Pradesh I. Jalauddin, A.K. II. Title. Accn Nos : 117658

510.709729 CUN

Cundy, H. Martyn Caribbean mathematics project: training the teacher as the agent of reform / H. Marytn Cundy.-- Paris: Unesco, 1977. 72p. (Experiments and innovations in education No.32:International bureau of education) ISBN 92-3-101503-6 1.Mathematics I. Unesco. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 80482 510.71 ACT

Action research in primary mathematics: a collection of action research studies conducted by Sri lankan teachers and guided by Sri lankan educationists.-- Sri Lanka: Cambridge Education, 2004. 157p. 1.Mathematics 2.Primary mathematics Accn Nos : F25852 510.71 ART

Artzt, Alice F. Becoming a reffective Mathematics teacher: a guide for observations and self-assessment / Alice F. Artzt and Eleanor Armour Thomas.-Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2002. xxi,238p ISBN 0-8058-3037-5 1.Mathematics - Study and teaching I. Thomas, Eleanor Armour. II. Title. Accn Nos : 121224 510.71 CAS

Cases of assessment in mathematics education : an ICMT study / Ed by Mogens Niss.-Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publisher, 1993. 220p -

ISBN 0-7923-2089-1 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics-study and teaching-evaluation-case studies 3.International commission on mathematical instruction I. Niss, Mogens. Accn Nos : 115918 510.71 CHA

Chambers, Paul Teaching mathematics: developing as a reflective secondary teacher / Paul Chambers. -- New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2008. xvi, 248p. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 81-321-0526-8 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Teaching 3.Adolescence education I. Title. Accn Nos : AE65 510.71 COR

Teaching mathematics / ed. by Michael Cornelius.-- New York: Nichols Publishing Company, 1982. 245p 1.Mathematics I. Cornelius, Michael. Accn Nos : 93295 510.71 DAV

Davis, Robert B. Learning mathematics: the science approach to mathematics education / Robert B. Davis.-London: Routledge, 1984. viii,392p (Routledge curriculum policy and research series/ ed. by William Reid) ISBN 0-415-03941-X 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Study and teaching 3.Cognition in children I. Reid, William. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 110286 510.71 DAV

Davis, Robert B. Learning mathematics: The cognitive science approach to mathematics education / Robert B. Davis.-- New Jersey: Ablex, 1984. Various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 101893 510.71 DID

Didactics of mathematics as a scientific discipline / ed by Rolf Biehler...[]. -- Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publisher, 1994. ix,467p (Mathematics education library). V.13. ISBN 0-7923-2613-X 1.Mathematics I. Biehler, Rolf. II. Series. Accn Nos : 115920

510.71 ENC (R-E)

Encyclopedia of mathematics education / ed. by Louise S. Grinstein and Sally I. Lipsey.-- New York: Routledge Falmer, 2001. xxviii,879p. Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 0-8153-1647-X 1.Mathematics - Encyclopedias I. Grinstein, Louise S. II. Lipsey, Sally I. Accn Nos : 120856

510.71 GRE

Great Britain Mathematics in primary schools / Great Britain.-- London: Her Majesty's Stationary Office, 1972. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 78740 510.71 GRE

Mathematics in primary schools / The Publisher.--4th ed-- London: Her Majesty's Stationary Office, 1972. 164p (School council curriculum bulletin) (1) 1.Mathematics I. Series. Accn Nos : F9425 510.71 HOW

Howson, Geoffrey Curriculum development in mathematics / Geoffrey Howson, Christine Keitel and Jeremy Kilpatrick.-- Cambridge: Cambridge, 1981. 288p 1.Mathematics I. Keitel, Christine. II. Kilpatrick, Jeremy. III. Title. Accn Nos : 92135 510.71 IEA

IEA study of Mathematics 1: analysis of mathematics curricula / ed by Kenneth J Travers and Ian Westbury.-- Oxford: Pergamon Press (For the IAE Achievement), 1989. xxv, 239p (International studies in educational achievement; V.1.) Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 0-08-036468-3 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Study and teaching 3.International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement I. Travers, Kenneth J. II. Westbury, Ian. III. Series.

Accn Nos : 114989 510.71 IEA

IEA study of Mathematics III: student growth and classroom processes / ed by Leigh Burstein...[].-- Oxford: Pergamon Press (for Int. Assn for Evaluation of Educational Achievement, 1993. xlix,iii,351p (International studies in educational achievement; V. III). Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 0-08-041371-4 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Study and teaching I. Burstein, Leigh. II. International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement. III. Series. Accn Nos : 114988 510.71 INF

Influence of computers and informatics on mathematics and its teaching / edited by Bernard Cornu and Anthony Ralston.-Paris: UNESCO, 1992. 133p. (Science and technology education; 44). Includes index 1.Methods instruction and study 2.Education - Computer science 3.Education - Study and teaching I. Cornu, Bernard. II. Ralston, Anthony. III. Series. Accn Nos : F20807 510.71 MAT

Mathematical knowledge: its growth through teaching / ed by Alan J Bishop, Stieg Mellin-Olsen and Joop Van Dormolen.-Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publisher, 1991. 221p (Mathematics education library; v.10.) ISBN 0-7923-1344-5 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics-study and teaching I. Bishop, Alan J. II. Mellin-Olsen, Stieg. III. Dormolen, Joop Van. IV. Series. Accn Nos : 115919 510.71 ORT

Orton, Anthony Learning mathematics: Issue, theory and class room practice / Anthony Orton.-London: Cassell, 1987. 179p ISBN 0-304-31369-6 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 106261 510.71041 MEN

Mentoring in mathematics teaching / ed. by Barbara Jaworski and Anne Watson.-London: The Falmer Press, 1994. xiii,146p. Includes bibliographical references and index -

ISBN 0-75070-258-3 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Study and teaching I. Jaworski, Barbara. II. Watson, Anne. III. The Mathematical Association. Accn Nos : 116586 510.71041 MER

Merttens, Ruth Sharing maths cultures: IMPACT: inventing maths for parents and children and teachers / Ruth Merttens and Jeff Vass.-- Hampshire: The Falmer Press, 1990. viii,195p. Includes notes and bibliographical references ISBN 1-85000-875-2 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Study and teaching I. Vass, Jeff. II. Title. Accn Nos : 116588 510.711 RID

Rider, Paul R. First-year mathematics for colleges / Paul R. Rider.--2nd ed-- New York: Macmillan, 1962. xvi,667p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45041 510.711 SIS

Sisam, Charles H. College mathematics: a general introduction / Charles H. Sisam.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1946. 561p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45022 510.712 Brown, Claude H. Teaching of secondary mathematics / Claude H. Brown.-- New York: Harper, 1953. 387p (Harper's series on teaching) (ed. by Ernest E. Bayles) 1.Mathematics I. Bayles, Ernest E. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 34413 510.712 ACT

Activities for junior high school and middle school mathematics / comp. by Kenneth E. Easterday.-- Reston: NCTM, 1999. viii,391p. Vol 2 ISBN 0-87353-465-4 1.Mathematics- Study and teaching 2.Teaching- Aids and Divices I. Easterday, Kenneth E. II. Simpson, F. Morgan. III. Smith, Tommy. Accn Nos : 125259 510.712 MES

Meserve, Bruce E.

Mathematics for secondary school teachers / Bruce E. Meserve and Max A. Sobel.-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1962. xi,367p 1.Mathematics I. Sobel, Max A. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45018 510.71241 CHA

Challenges and responses in mathematics / edited by Bill Brookes...[et. al].-- New York: Cambridge University Press, 1987. 96p. ISBN 0-521-33556-6 1.Mathematics I. Brookes, Bill. II. Goldsmith, Colin. III. Hersee, John. IV. Howson, Geoffrey. V. Howson, Geoffrey. Accn Nos : 107924

510.71241 COS

Costello, John Teaching and learning mathematics 11-16 / John Costello.-- London: Routledge, 1991. viii,191p. Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 0-415-05832-5 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 113970 510.71273 MAT

Mathematics teacher resource handbook : a practical guide for K-12 Mathematics curriculum / the publishers.-California: Corwin Press, 1993. vi,459p ISBN 0-8039-6372-6 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching (Elementary) - United States handbooks, manuals, etc 3.Mathematics - study and teaching (Secondary) - United States handbooks, manuals, etc 4.Curriculum development - United States - handbooks, manuals, etc. Accn Nos : 117694 510.7152 ANN

Proceedings of seventh annual conference of association of mathematics teachers of India and 2nd annual conference / Annual conference of association.-- Calcutta: Association for improvement of mathematics teaching, 1973. 48p. Conference held in Calcutta on Dec.30, 1972 to Jan.1, 1973 1.Mathematics-conference Accn Nos : F14874

510.717 SEM

Mathematics: A report / The Publisher.-Bhubneswar: Regional College of Education, 1971. 100p. Seminar on secondary school, Bhubeneswar 1971 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : F9305 510.72 BUT

Butler, Charles H. Teaching of secondary mathematics / Charles H. Butler and F. Lynwood Wrem.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1941. 572p 1.Mathematics I. Wren, F. Lynwood. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42849

510.72 CLE

Clements, M.A. Mathematics education research past, present and future / M.A. Clements and Nerida F. Ellerton.-- Bangkok: UNESCO, 1996. viii,245p 1.Mathematics I. Ellerton, Nerida F. II. Title. Accn Nos : 121466 510.76 AUR

Aural tests in mathematics.-- London: John Murray, 1989. various pagination. Book 1 ISBN 0-7195-4588-9 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : 107892 510.76 BAR

Morton, Robert Lee Work book for modern mathematics through discovery / Robert Lee Morton and Merle Gray. --Teacher's ed-- New Jersey: Silver Burdett Co, 1966. 80p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Gray, Merle. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42861 510.76 BAR

Barren, Daniel J. Work book for modern mathematics through discovery / Daniel J. Barren and William T. Finn.--Teachers ed-- New Jersey: Silver Burdett Co, 1966. 80p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Finn, William T. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42860 510.76


Barren, Daniel J. Work book for modern mathematics through discovery / Daniel J. Barren and William J. Finn.-- New Jersey: Silver Burdett, 1960. 80p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Finn, William T. II. Title. Accn Nos : 19708 510.76 BAR

Barren, Daniel J. Work book for modern mathematics through discovery / Daniel J. Barren and William T. Finn.-- New Jersey: Silver Burdett, 1966. 80p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Finn, William T. II. Title. Accn Nos : 19243 510.76 BIZ

Bizony, M.T. Mathematics (ordinary level): General certificate of education model answers / M.T. Bizony.-- Sussex: The Artunis Press, 1961. 102p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 8379 510.76 COL

Menu collection:problems adapted from mathematics teaching in the middle school / ed. by C. Patrick Collier.-- Reston: NCTM, 2000. xii,92p ISBN 0-87353-490-5 1.Mathematics-Problems,excercise etc 2.Mathematics-Study and teaching(Middle School) 3.Mathematics teaching in the middle school I. Collier,C. Patrick. Accn Nos : 125260 510.76 COO

Cook, L.H. Longley Work this one out / L.H. Longley Cook.-London: Ernest Benn, 1960. 95p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 8770 510.76 DHA

Dharmadhikari, S.K. Question bank in mathematics / S.K. Dharmadhikari and R.S. Poddar.-- Bombay: Jeevandeep, 1977. 135p. 1.Mathematics I. Poddar, R.S. II. Title. Accn Nos : 81353 510.76 EDG


General mathematics workbook / Edgerton and Carpenter.-- Boston: Allin and Bacon, 1954. ii,165p 1.Mathematics I. Carpenter. II. Title. Accn Nos : 15124 510.76 EIC

Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary mathematics workbook / Robert E. Eicholz, Phares G. O'Daffer, Charles, Brumfiel and Merrils E. Shanks.-Philippines: Addison Wesley, 1965. 96p. Vol. 3 1.Mathematics I. O'Daffer, Phares G. II. Brumfiel, Charles. III. Shanks, Merrils E. IV. Title. Accn Nos : 42859 510.76 EIC

Elementary mathematics work book / Robert E. Echolz...[et al.]-- Philippines: AddisonWesley, 1968. 96p. Vol. 4 1.Mathematics I. Echolz, Robert E. II. O'Daffer, Phares G. III. Brumfiel, Charles F. IV. Shanks, Merrill L. Accn Nos : 16870 510.76 EIC

Elementary mathematics work book / Robert E. Echolz...[et al.]--Teachers ed-Philippines: Addison-Wesley, 1965. 96p. Vol. 6 1.Mathematics I. Echolz, Robert E. II. O'Daffer, Phares G. III. Brumfiel, Charles F. IV. Shanks, Merrill L. Accn Nos : 17221 510.76 EIC

Elementary mathematics work book / Robert E. Echolz...[et al.]--Teachers ed-Philippines: Addison-Wesley, 1965. 96p. Vol. 4 1.Mathematics I. Echolz, Robert E. II. O'Daffer, Phares G. III. Brumfiel, Charles F. IV. Shanks, Merrill L. Accn Nos : 42858 510.76 EIC

Elementary mathematics work book / Robert E. Echolz...[et al.]--2nd ed-- Philippines: Addison-Wesley, 1968. 111p. Vol. 5 1.Mathematics I. Echolz, Robert E.

II. O'Daffer, Phares G. III. Brumfiel, Charles F. IV. Shanks, Merrill L. Accn Nos : 42735 510.76 EIC

Elementary mathematics work book / Robert E. Eicholz...[et al.]-- Philippines: AddisonWesley, 1965. 96p. Vol. 4 1.Mathematics I. Eicholz, Robert E. II. O'Daffer, Phares G. III. Brumfiel, Charles F. IV. Shanks, Merrill L. Accn Nos : 42857

510.76 GOE

Goel, R.P. Arun's objective and short answer type questions in mathematics / R.P. Goel.--10th rev ed-- Delhi: Young Man, 1985. 372p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - problems, exercise, etc. 3.Multiple-choice examination 4.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 102548 510.76 KAP

Kapur, J.N. Suggested experiments in school mathematics / J.N. Kapur.-- New Delhi: Arya Book Depot, 1988. 231p. V.2. Experiments 101-300 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 107340 510.76 KAP

Kapur, J.N. Suggested experiments in school mathematics / J.N. Kapur.--3rd ed-- New Delhi: Arya Book Depot, 1988. ix,143p. V.1. Experiments 1-100 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 107339 510.76 KAP

Kapur, J.N. Suggested experiments in school mathematics / J.N. Kapur.-- New Delhi: Arya Book Depot, 1989. 257p. V.3. Experiments 301-500 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 107341 510.76


Kapoor, J. N. Vidyalay ganit ke liye sau prayog (HIN) / J. N. Kapoor.--3rd ed.-- New Delhi: Arya Book Depot, 1989. 184p. 1.Mathematics 2.Ganit - Adhyayan Vidyalay I. Title. Accn Nos : 107336 510.76 KHA

Khanna, M.L. Mathematics for I.I.T. / M.L. Khanna and J.N. Sharma.--83rd rev and enl ed-- Meerut: Jai Prakash Nath Publications, 1996. 1106p 1.Mathematics I. Sharma, J.N. II. Title. Accn Nos : 117775

510.76 KON

Kondratyeva, L.A. Questions and problems in high-school mathematics / L.A. Kondratyeva and V.S. Solomonik.-- Mascow: Mir Publishers, 1987. 268p 1.Mathematics I. Solomonik, V.S. II. Title. Accn Nos : 105730 510.76 KUR

Hungarian problem book: Based on the Eotvos competitions, 1894-1905 / ed. by G. Hajos and G. Neukomm, comp. by Jossef Kurschak, tr. by Elvira Rapaport.-- New York: Random House, 1963. v,111p 1.Mathematics I. Hajos, G. II. Neukomm, G. III. Kurschak, Jossef. IV. Rapaport, Elvira. Accn Nos : 42808 510.76 KUR

Hungarian problem book: Based on the Eotvos competitions, 1906-1928 / ed. by G. Hajos and G. Neukomm, comp. by Jossef Kurschak, tr. by Elvira Rapaport.-- New York: Random House, 1963. v,120p 1.Mathematics I. Hajos, G. II. Neukomm, G. III. Kurschak, Jossef. IV. Rapaport, Elvira. Accn Nos : 15887 510.76 KUR

Hungarian problem book / comp. by Jozsef Kurschak, ed. by G. Hajos and tr. by Elvira Rapaport.-- New York: Randm House, 1963. 119p (New Mathematical Library) 1.Mathematics I. Kurschak, Jozsef. II. Hajos, G. III. Rapaport, Elvira. IV. Series.

Accn Nos : 42754 510.76 NAG

Nag, Keshab Chandra Higher mathematics / Keshab Chandra Nag and Keshab Basu.--3rd rev ed according to the new syllabus-- Calcutta: Calcutta Book House, 1989. First paper : Algebra, Trigonometry, Analytical Geometry, Solid Geometry and Mensuration Second paper : Differential Calculus, Ingegral Calculus, Differential Equations and Application of Calculus 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Study and teaching I. Basu, Keshab. II. Title. Accn Nos : 117246 ; 117247 510.76 OBJ

Objective-based test items in mathematics for class IX and techniques of farming good question papers / ed. by S.C. Das.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1982. xiv,200p 1.Mathematics I. Das, S.C. II. NCERT. III. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F15288 510.76 OBJ

Objective-based test items in mathematics and techniques of farming good question papers / ed. by S.C. Das.--rev. ed-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1987. xii,212p 1.Mathematics I. Das, S.C. II. NCERT. III. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F17809 510.76 OBJ

Objective -based text items in mathematics and techniques of framing good question papers / ed. by S.C. Das.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1987. xii,211p 1.Mathematics I. Das, S.C. II. NCERT. III. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F17810 510.76 PRE

Pre-calculus problem solver.-- New Jersey: Research and Education Association, 1984. xiii, 946p. ISBN 0-87891-556-7 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : 112238

510.76 PRO

Problem book of mathematics / Asha Rani Singal...[].-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1993. vi,166p. For Class VII (two copies) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics-textbooks I. Singal, Asha Rani. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training.

510.76 PRO

Problem book of mathematics class VII / Asha Rani Singal...{}.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1993. VI,166P. 1.Mathematics I. Singal, Asha Rani. II. Mahendra Shanker. III. Lal, Sunder. Accn Nos : F19903 510.76 PRO

Problem solving: the school mathematics project: Cambridge University Press., 1994. 106p ISBN 0-521-38844-9 1.Mathematics I. Dolan, Stan. Accn Nos : 120997 510.76 PRO

Dolan, Stan Sixteen - nineteen problem solving (the school mathematics project) / Stan Dolan...[et al.]-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991. 106p ISBN 0-521-38844-9 1.Mathematics - Study and teaching 2.Mathematics - problems, exercises, etc. 3.School mathematics project I. Everton, Tim. II. Haydock, Ron. III. Patton, Tom. IV. Searle, Jeff. V. Title. Accn Nos : 117872 510.76 RAM (R-M)

Ramanujan, Srinivasa Notebooks of Srinivasa Ramanujan / Srinivasa Ramanujan.-- Bombay: Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, 1957. 393p. Notebook.2. 1.Mathematics- Problems, Excecises etc I. Title. Accn Nos : 106130 510.76 RAM (R-M)

Ramanujan, Srinivasa Notebooks of Srinivasa Ramanujan / Srinivasa Ramanujan.-- Bombay: Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, 1957. 351p.

Notebook.1 1.Mathematics- Problems, Excecises etc I. Title. Accn Nos : 106129 510.76 RAM (R-M)

Ramanujan, Srinivasa Srinivasa Ramanujan: the lost notebook and other unpublished papers / Srinivasa Ramanujan.-- New Delhi: Narosa Publishing, 1988. xi,419p. Includes index 1.Mathematics-Problems I. Title. Accn Nos : 105442

510.76 RAO

Rao, A.R. Brain sharpeners / A.R. Rao.-- Ahmedabad: Community Science Centre, 1979. 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - problems, exercise, etc. I. Title. Accn Nos : F14719 510.76 SAD

Sadler,A.J. Understanding pure mathematics / A.J.Sadler and D.W.S.Thorning.-- Oxford: Oxford university press, 1987. v,599p. 1.Mathematics-examinations, Questions I. Thorning, D.W.S II. Title. Accn Nos : F19137 510.76 SAL

Salkind, Charles T. Contest problem book: Problems from the annual high school contest of the mathematical association of America / Charles T. Salkind.-- New York: Random house, 1961. 154p. 1.Mathematics I. ill. by Florencew. Cochrane. II. Title. Accn Nos : F12278 ; F1730 510.76 SAL

Salkind Charles T. Contest problem book:Problems from the annual high school contests of the mathematical association of America / Charles T. Salkind.-- New york: Random house, 1961. 154p. 1.Mathematics I. Florence W. Cochrane. II. Title. Accn Nos : F12277

510.76 SAL

Salkind Charles T. Contest problem book: problems from the annual high school contests of the mathematical association of America / Charles T. Salkind.-- New york: Random house, 1961. 153p. 1.Mathematics I. Florence W. Cochrane. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3203 510.76 SHA

Sharma, J.M. Introducing new type tests in mathematics / J.M. Sharma.-- New Delhi: Arya Book Depot, 1966. 124p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42869 510.76 SHA

Sharda, M. Study of achievement and its relation to certain bio-data factors of students in class VII in selected schools of Mysore city / M. Sharada, C. Seshadri.-- Mysore: Regional College of Education, 1982. 86p. Includes bibliographical references 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Study & teaching 3.Dissertation I. Seshadri, C. II. Title. Accn Nos : F18698 510.76 THY

Thyer, Dennis Mathematical enrichment exercises : a teacher's guide / Dennis Thyer.-- London: Cassell, 1993. xii,180p ISBN 0-304-32605-4 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching 3.Mathematics - problms, excercises, etc. I. Title. Accn Nos : 117710 510.76 VER

Verma, V.K. Understanding senior school mathematics through problem (with hint and answer) / V.K. Verma and C.P. Gupta.-- New Delhi: R. Chand & Co., 1983. ix,398p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - problems, exercise, etc. I. Gupta, C.P. II. Title. Accn Nos : 96322 510.77 ARM

Armstrong, Ethel G. Introduction to multiplication: A self instructional program / Ethel G. Armstrong,

Douglas Porter and Herbert F. Spitzer.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1964. 113p 1.Mathematics I. Porter, Douglas. II. Spitzer, Herbert F. III. Title. Accn Nos : 8751 510.77 EIG

Modern mathematics: A programmed textbook / Lewis O. Eogin...[et al.]-- USA: Science Research Associates, 1962. 126p (SRA series of matrials of instruction in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Eogin, Lewis O. II. Kaplan, Jerome D. III. Emerson, Ruth. IV. Krouse, Harold M. V. Series. Accn Nos : F11621 510.77 FLE

Flexer, Roberta J. Experiments and square roots / Roberta J. Flexer and Abraham S. Flexer.-- New York: Harper and Row, 1967. 99p (Programmed reviews of mathematics) (4) 1.Mathematics I. Flexer, Abraham S. II. Title (Series).

510.77 MUR

Murphy, Daniel P. Programmed course in seventh grudemath tests / Daniel P. Murphy.-- [s.n.]: [s.l.], [n.d.] 30p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 36545 510.77 SHA

Shah, Gunvant B. Programme on addition and substraction of directed numbers / Gunvant B. Shah.-- New Delhi: National Institute of Education, 1969. 31p (Programmed learning series) (3) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F14652 510.78 AND

Andersen, Christian Introduction to alcoh 60 / Christian Andersen.-- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1964. 57p (Addison-wesley series in computer science and inf. processing) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66493 510.78 BRO

Computer programming and formal systems / ed.

by P. Braffort and D. Hirschberg.-Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1967. 161p 1.Mathematics I. Braffort, P. II. Hirschberg, D. Accn Nos : 56413 510.78 CHU

Computers in mathematical research / ed. by Churchhouse and J.C. Herc.-- Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1968. 185p 1.Mathematics I. Churchhouse. II. Herc, J.C. Accn Nos : 59866

510.78 CRO

Crowder, Norman A. Arithmetic of computers an introduction to binary and octal mathematics / Norman A. Crowder.-- New York: Doubleday, 1960. viii,472p (A tutor text) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F3377 510.78 DAL

Dale, Ella Machine intelligence 2 / Ella Dale and Donald Michie.-- Edinburgh and London: Oliver & Boyd, 1968. ix,252p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 68718 510.78 ENT

Entwisle, Doris R. Auto-primer in computer programming for the IBM 1620 in fortran / Doris R. Entwisle.-New York: Blaisdell, 1963. 345p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42900 510.78 GAL

Galler, Bernard A. Language of computers / Bernard A. Galler. -- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1962. x,244p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F6161 510.78 GEO

George, F.H. Computer arithmetic / F.H. George.-London: Pergamon press, 1966. xiii,277p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 52764

510.78 GLE

Glenn, William H. Computing devices / William H. Glenn and Donovan A. Johnson.-- St. Louis: Webster, 1961. 55p (Exploring mathematics on your own) 1.Mathematics I. Johnson, Donovan A. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 42895 510.78 GRE

Gregory, Robert H. Automatic data processing system: Principles and procedures / Robert H. Gregory and Richard L. Van Horn.-- California: Woodsworth Publishing Co, 1960. xi,705p 1.Mathematics I. Horn, Richard L. Van. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45017 510.78 GRU

Gruenberger, Fred Computing: second course / Fred Gruenberger edited by Gerald T. Curtis.-- San Francisco: Canfield, 1971. xi, 255p. 1.Mathematics I. Curtis, Gerald T. II. Title. Accn Nos : 76667 510.78 GUT

Gutenmacher, L. Thinking machines / L. Gutenmacher.-Moscow: Foreign Language, [n.d.] 173p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3349 510.78 HAR

Harling, Paul Calculated to please 1: calculator activities for the national curriculum / Paul Harling.-- London: Collins Educational, 1989. 40 titles ISBN 0-00-312574-2 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 115166 510.78 HAR

Harling, Paul Calculated to please 2: calculator activities for the national curriculum / Paul Harling.-- London: Collins Educational, 1989. 42 titles ISBN 0-00-322291-8 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 115167 510.78 HAR

Harling, Paul Calculated to please 3: calculator

activities for the national curriculum / Paul Harling.-- London: Unwin Hyman, 1990. 48 titles ISBN 0-0444-8143-8 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 115165 510.78 HAS

Hossitt, Anthony Computer programme and computer systems / Anthony Hossitt.-- New York: Academic Press, 1967. xii,374p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 63289

510.78 HAT

Hatfield, Larry L. Computer assisted mathematic program: First course / Larry L. Hatfield.-- Glenview: Scott, Foresman, 1969. 242p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F13808 510.78 HAT

Hatfield, Larry L. Computer assisted mathematics program (first course) / Larry L. Hatfield.-Atlanta: Scott, Foresman & com., 1968. 278p. First course 1.Mathematics-study and teaching I. Edit. II. Title. Accn Nos : F13807 510.78 HOA

Hoare, Charles Slide rule / Charles Hoare.-- London: Technical Press, 1953. 104p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42851 510.78 IND

Research and academic activities / The publisher.-- Kanpur: Indian Institute of Technology, 1973. 110p 1.Mathematics I. Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. Accn Nos : F9485 510.78 JOS

Joslin, Edward O. Computer selection / Edward O. Joslin.--

Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1968. 172p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 64699 510.78 KAT

Katzman, Pomela W. Computer assisted mathematics program geometry / Pomela W. Katzman.-- Atlanta: Scott, Foresman and Co., 1970. viii,206p 1.Mathematics 2.Geometry - study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : F13811

510.78 KAT

Eatcman, Pamela W. Computer assisted mathematics program geometry: Teacher's commentary answers included / Pamela W. Katcman.-- Philippines: Scott, Foresman, 1972. 172p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F13812 510.78 KIE

Kieren, Thomas E. Computer assisted mathematics program: Intermediate mathematics / Thomas E. Kieren. -- Atlanta: Scott, Foresman, 1970. 214p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F13804 510.78 KIE

Computer assisted mathematics program: Intermediate mathematics / ed. by Thomas E. Kieren...[et al.]-- Atlanta: Scott, Foresman and Co., 1969. viii,198p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Kieren, Thomas E. II. Johnson, David C. III. Hatfield, Larry L. IV. Katzman, Pamela W. V. Lafrenz, Dale E. VI. Walter, John W. Accn Nos : F13803 510.78 KOH

Kohl, Herbert R. Writing maths and games room / Herbert R. Kohl.-1974. xi,200p. ISBN 0-416-83-940-1 1.Mathematics 2.English Compositions and sciences

in the open class London: Methuene,

language 3.Mathematics -

Study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 83322 510.78 KOV

Kovach, Ladis D. Computer-oriented mathematics: An introduction to numerical methods / Ladis D. Kovach.-- San Francisco: Holden-day, 1964. 98p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45028 510.78 KUO

Kuo, Shan S. Numerical methods and computers / Shan S. Kuo.-- London: Addison-wesley Publishing Company, 1965. x,355p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 65181 510.78 KUO

Kuo, Shan S. Numerical methods and computers / Shan S. Kuo.-- London: Addison-Wesley, 1965. x,335p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 66329 510.78 LAF

Lafrenz, Dale E. Computer assisted mathematics program algebra / Dele E. Lafrenz.-- Atlanta: Scott, Foresman and Co., 1969. 174p 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : F13810 510.78 LEC

Lecht, Charles Philip Management of computer programming projects / Charles Philip Lecht.-- New York: American Management Association, 1967. 224p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 59990 510.78 LEE

Leeson, Daniel N. Basic programming concepts and the IBM 1620 computer / Daniel N. Leeson and Donald L. Dimitry.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1966. xv,368p 1.Mathematics I. Dimitry, Donald L. II. Title. Accn Nos : 58746 510.78 LIU

Liu, C.L.

Introduction to combinatorial mathematics / C.L. Liu.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1968. 393p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 71481 510.78 MCC

McCracken, Danniel D. Numerical methods and fortran programming: Applications in engineering and science / Danniel D. McCracken and William S. Dorn.-New York: Wiley, 1966. xii,457p 1.Mathematics I. Dorn, William S. II. Title. Accn Nos : 62447

510.78 MCM

Mcmackin, Frank J. Mathematics of the shops / Frank J. Mcmackin and John H. Shaver.--IInd ed.-Printiceton: D. Van Nostrand, 1947. 468p 1.Mathematics I. Shaver, John H. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42877 510.78 NET

Nett, Roger Introduction to electronic data processing / Roger Nett and Stanley A. Hetzler.-U.S.A.: The Free Press of Glencoe, 1959. 287p. 1.Mathematics I. Hetzler, Stanley A. II. Title. Accn Nos : 37121 510.78 NET

Nett, Roger Introduction to Electronic data processing / Roger Nett and Stanley A. Hetzler.-U.S.A.: The Free Press of Glencoe, 1959. 287p. 1.Mathematics I. Hetzler, Stanley A. II. Title. Accn Nos : F5726 510.78 NEU

Neumann, John Von Computer and the brain / John Von Neumann. -- New Haven: Yale University Press, 1958. 82p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F3576 510.78 NUF

Computation and structure / Nuffield Foundation.-- London: Nuffield

Foundation, 1967. v,103p 1.Mathematics I. Nuffield Foundation. Accn Nos : 73932 510.78 NUF

Computation and structure / Nuffield Foundation.-- London: W & R Chambers and John Murray, 1969. 67p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Nuffield Foundation. Accn Nos : 73933

510.78 NUF

Desk calculators / The Publisher.-- London: Nuffield Foundation, 1958. 6p 1.Mathematics I. Nuffield Foundation, Mathematics Project London. Accn Nos : F8546 510.78 PAP

Papert, Seymour Mindstorms:children,computers and powerful ideas / Seymour Papert.-- Sussex: Harvester press, 1980. viii,230p. ISBN 0 85527 163 9 1.Mathematics-Computer instruction I. Title. Accn Nos : 95896 510.78 PLU

Plumb, S.C. Introduction to Fortran: a program for self instruction / S.C. Plumb.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1964. 203p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 85515 510.78 RAL

Mathematical methods for digital computers / ed. by Anthony Ralston and Herbert S. Wilf.-- New York: John Wiley, 1967. 287p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Ralston, Anthony. II. Wilf, Herbert S. Accn Nos : 53882 510.78 RAL

Mathematical methods for digital computers /

ed. by Anthony Ralston and Herbert S. Wilf.-- New York: John Wiley, 1966. 293p 1.Mathematics I. Ralston, Anthony. II. Wilf, Herbert S. Accn Nos : 53881 510.78 RED

Redish, K.A. Introduction to computational methods / K.A. Redish.-- New York: John Wiley, 1973. 211p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F5917

510.78 SAC

Sackman, Harold Computers, system science and evolving society: The challenge of man machine digital systems / Harold Sackman.-- London: John Wiley, 1967. xviii,638p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 57632 510.78 SCH

Scheid, Francis Schaum's outline of theory and problems of introduction to computer science / Francis Scheid.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1970. 281p (Schaum's outline series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 74370 510.78 SEB

Sebestyen, George S. Decision-making processes in pattern recognition / George S. Sebestyen.-- New York: Macmillan, 1962. 162p (ACM monograph series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 69897 510.78 SEC

Emerging concepts in computer graphics / ed. by Don Secrest and Jurg Nievergelt.-- New York: W.A. Benjamin, 1968. ix,418p. Conference on emerging concepts in computer graphics, Illinois 1967 1.Computer graphicsEmerging conc I. Secrest, Don. II. Nievergelt, Jurg. Accn Nos : 72498 510.78


Swallow, Kenneth P. Elements of computer programming / Kenneth P. Swallow and Wilson T. Price.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965. 353p 1.Mathematics I. Price, Wilson T. II. Title. Accn Nos : 53215 510.78 TEA

Teague, Robert Computing problems for fortran solution / Robert Teague.-- New York: Canfield, 1972. 244p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 76675

510.78 WAL

Walther, John W. Computer assisted mathematics program: Second course / John W. Walther.-- GLenview: Scott, Foresman, 1969. 174p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F13805 510.78 WAL

Walther, John W. Computer assisted mathematics programe: Second course / John W. Walther.-- Atlanta: Scott, Foresman, 1969. 246p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F13806 510.78 WEI

Weinberg, Gerald M. Psychology of computer programming / Gerald M. Weinberg.-- New York: Van Nostrand Rinehold, 1971. xv, 288p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 76543 510.78014 GAL

Galler, B.A. View of programming languages / B.A. Galler and A.J. Perlis.-- Massachusetts: AddisonWesley, 1970. vi,277p (Addison-wesley series in computer science and information processing) 1.Mathematics I. Perlis, A.J. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 74610 510.780212 FIE

Fieller, E.C.

Correlated random normal deviates / E.C. Fieller, T. Lewis and E.S. Pearson.-Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1957. 60p. 1.Mathematics I. Lewis, T. II. Pearson, E.S. III. Title. Accn Nos : 45055 510.780212 PAI

Pairman, Eleanor Tables of the digamma and trigamma functions / Eleanor Pairman.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1954. 9vp (Tracts for computers) (ed. by E.S. Pearson) (1) 1.Mathematics I. Pearson, E.S. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45052 510.780212 PEA

Pearson, E.S. Tracts for computers: No. XV / E.S. Pearson.-- [s.l.]: [s.n.], [n.d.] various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45054 510.78042 PEA

Tracts for computers / ed. by Karl Pearson.-London: Cambridge University Press, 1972. 15p. Vol. 8 1.Mathematics I. Pearson, Karl. Accn Nos : 45053 510.78042 WOL

Wold, Herman Random normal deviates / Herman Wold.-Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1955. xiii,51p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45051 510.782 PET

Peterson, Gerald R. Basic analog computation / Gerald R. Peterson.-- New York: Macmillan, 1967. 124p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 59281 510.782 ROB

Roberts, Eugene Programmed sequence on the slide rule / Eugene Roberts.-- Sanfrancisco: W.H. Freeman, 1962. 64p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45037

510.782 RUM

Rummer, Dale I. Introduction to analog computer programming / Dale I. Rummer.--Preliminary ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1967. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 62683 510.782 SAF

Saffold, Robert Tutor text the slide rule / Robert Saffold and Ann Smalley.-- New York: Daubleday, 1962. viii,468p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Smalley, Ann. II. Title. Accn Nos : F3386 510.782 SNO

Snodgrass, Burns Teach yourself the slide rule / Burns Snodgrass.-- London: English University Press, 1962. 207p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45300 510.782 WEL

Welbourne, D. Analogue computing methods / D. Welbourne. -- Oxford: Pergamon, 1965. x,140p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 71571 510.7823 ASI

Asimov, Isaac Easy introduction to the slide rule / Isaac Asimov.-- London: Ronald Whiting and Wheaton, 1965. 187p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 75148 510.7823 KEL

Kells, Lyman M. Log log duplex decitring slide rules, no. 4081: Manual / Lyman M. Kells, Willis F. Kern and James R. Bland.-- New York: Keuffel & Esser, 1955. 126p 1.Mathematics I. Kern, Willis F. II. Bland, James R. III. Title. Accn Nos : 42875 510.7823 MAC

Machouing, Paul E. Manual for the slide rule / Paul E.

Machouing.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1950. 78p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45036 510.7823 MIT

Mittlestadt, W.S. Basic slide rule self - instruction York: McGraw-Hill, vii, 161p. 1.Mathematics I. Accn Nos : 37931

operation: a program for / W.S. Mittlestadt.-- New [n.d.] Title.

510.783 DAV

Davison, J.F. Programming for digital computers: Putting computers to profitable use / J.F. Davison.-London: Business Publication, 1961. 175p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 41019 510.783 DAV

Davison, J.F. Programming for digital computer: Using computers to advantage / J.F. Davison.-London: Business Publications, 1962. xi,175p 1.ComputersProgramming f I. Title. Accn Nos : 42948 510.783 GLE

Glenn, William H. Calculating devices / William, H. Glenn and Donovan A. Johnson.-- London: John Murray, [n.d.] 55p 1.Mathematics I. Johnson, Donvon A. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3346 510.783 HAR

Hart, John F. Computer approximations / John F. Hart, E.W. Cheney, Charles L. Lawson and Hans J. Maehly.-- New York: John Wiley, 1968. 343p (SIAM series in aplied mathematics) (ed. by R.F. Drenick) 1.Mathematics I. Cheney, E.W. II. Lawson, Charles L. III. Maehly, Hans J. IV. Drenick, R.F. V. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 67081

510.783 HEM

Hemmerle, William J. Statistical computations on a digital computer / William J. Hemmerle.-Massachusetts: Blaisdell, 1967. x,230p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 67734 510.783 KAP

Kapoor, L. Haridas Kapoor's Interest calculator / L. Haridas Kapoor.--16th rev. & enlarged ed-- Delhi: Messrs H.P.J. Kapoor, 1966. 190p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42947 510.783 ORG

Organick, Eliott Fortron IV Primer / Eliott Organick.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1966. 263p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 59159 510.783 STA

Statistical computing:Existing methods and recent developments / edited by Debasis Kundu and Ayanendranath Basu.-- New Delhi: Narosa Publishing, 2006. xviii,410p. Includes index ISBN 81-7319-595-1 1.Mathematics I. Kundu, Debasis. II. Basu, Ayanendranath. Accn Nos : 126210 510.783 WIL

Wilkes, Maurice V. Preparation of programs for an electronic digital computer / Maurice V. Wilkes, David J. Wheeler and Stanley Gill.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1957. xiv,238p (Addison-wesley mathematics series) (ed. by Eric Reissner) 1.Mathematics I. Wheeler, David J. II. Gill, Stanley. III. Reissner, Eric. IV. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 42950 510.7834 ADL

Adler, Irving Thinking machines / Irving Adler and Ruth Adler.-- London: Dennis Dobson, 1961. 189p (The new mathematics) (ed. by Irving Adler) 1.Mathematics I. Adler, Ruth. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3348

510.7834 ALT

Advances in computers / ed. by Franz L. Alt and Morris Rubinoff.-- New York: Academic Press, 1963. 312p. Vol.4 1.Mathematics I. Alt, Franz L. II. Rubinoff, Morris. Accn Nos : 59284 510.7834 AND

Andree, Richard V. Computer programming and related mathematics / Richard V. Andree.-- New York: John Wiley, 1967. 284p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 73918 510.7834 BAR

Computer organization: Proceedings / ed. by Alan A. Barnum and Morris A. Knapp.-Washington: Sparton Book, 1963. v,242p. Workshop on computer organizatin, 1962 1.Mathematics I. Barnum, Alan A. II. Knapp, Morris A. Accn Nos : 59782 510.7834 BAR

Bartee, Thomas C. Digital computer fundamentals / Thomas C. Bartee.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1960. ix,342p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F3500 510.7834 BAR

Future of the computer utility / C.C. Barnett...[et al.]-- New York: American Management Association, 1967. 158p 1.ComputersFuture of the I. Barnett, C.C. II. Anderson, B.R. III. Bancroft, W.N. IV. Brady, R.T. V. Hansen, D.L. VI. Simmons, H. Accn Nos : 61519 510.7834 BER

Berkeley, Edmund Callis Giant brains or machines that think / Edmund Callis Berkeley.-- New York: Science Editions, 1961. xvi,264p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 59566 510.7834 BUR

Digital computer principles / Burroughs Corporation.-- New York: McGraw Hill,

1962. ix,507p 1.Mathematics I. Burroughs Corporation. Accn Nos : 3356 510.7834 COL

Colman, Harry L. Computer language: An autoinstructional introduction to fortran / Harry L. Colman and Clarence Smallwood.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1962. 196p 1.Mathematics I. Smallwood, Clarence. II. Title. Accn Nos : F3590

510.7834 DAV

Davisson, William I. Information processing applications in the social and behavioral sciences / William I. Davisson.-- New York: Appliton-Century Crofts, 1970. 276p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 73938 510.7834 FIN

University education in computing science / ed. by Aaron Finerman.-- New York: Academic Press, 1968. 237p 1.Mathematics I. Finerman, Aaron. Accn Nos : 60118 510.7834 FIS

Fisher, F. Peter Computer programming systems / F. Peter Fisher and George F. Swindle.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1964. xi,643p 1.Mathematics I. Swindle, George F. II. Title. Accn Nos : 71400 510.7834 GEO

George, F.H. Introduction to digital computing / F.H. George.-- Oxford: Pergamon, 1966. xiii,274p (Pergamon programmed texts) (ed. by F.H. George) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 71572 510.7834 GER

Germain, Clarence B. Programming the IBM 1620 / Clarence B. Germain.-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1962. 187p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42899

510.7834 GOL

Golde, Hellmut Fortran II and IV for engineers and scientists / Hellmut Golde.-- New York: Macmillan, 1966. 224p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 62685 510.7834 GRE

Green, Bert F. Digital computers in research: an introduction for behavioural and social scientists / Bert F. Green.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1963. xii,333p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 86807 510.7834 HAL

Halstead, Maurice H. Machine-indepedent computer programming / Maurice H. Halstead.-- Washington: Spartan Books, 1962. xiii,267p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 59783 510.7834 HUS

Huskey,Harry D. computer handbook / Ed. by Harry D. Huskey and Granino A. Korn.--1st ed.-- New York: Mcgraw-hill book, 1962. various pagination 1.Mathematics-computer handbok I. Title. Accn Nos : F3662 510.7834 HUS (R-H)

Computer handbook / edited by Harry D Huskey. -- New York: Mcgraw-Hill Book Company, Inc, 1962. xv, various pages. Includes index 1.Mathematics I. Huskey, Harry D. Accn Nos : F3520 510.7834 IRE

Computer education: Report of an interdepartmental working group / Department of Education and Science, Scottish Education Department and Ministry of Education for Northern Ireland.-London: Her Majesty's Stationary Office, 1967. vi,49p 1.Mathematics I. Department of Education and Science. II. Scottish Education Department. III. Ministry of Education for Northern Ireland. Accn Nos : 45132

510.7834 LEE

Lee, John A.N. Anatomy of a compiler / John A.N. Lee.-New York: Reinhold, 1967. xi,275p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 62686 510.7834 LEE

Leeds, Herbert D. Computer programming fundamentals / Herbert D. Leeds and Gerald M. Weinberg.--2nd ed-New York: MaGraw-Hill, 1966. xvi,459p 1.Mathematics I. Weinberg, Gerald M. II. Title. Accn Nos : F3595 510.7834 MCC

McCormick, Edward Mack Digital computer primer / Edward Mack McCormick.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1959. viii,214p (McGraw-Hill series in information processing and computer's) 1.ComputersDigital compu I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F3522 510.7834 MCC

McCracken, D.D. Digital computer programming / D.D. McCracken.-- New York: John Wiley, 1963. vii,253p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F3518 510.7834 NEU

Neumann, John Von Computer and the brain / John Von Neumann. -- New Haven: Yale University, 1959. xiv,82p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 34417 510.7834 PAR

Parton, K.C. Digital computer / K.C. Parton.-- Oxford: Pergamon, 1964. 125p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42915 510.7834 RAJ

Rajaraman, V. Computer programming in fortran IV / V. Rajaraman.-- New Delhi: Prentice Hall, 1971. 230p ISBN 0-87692-007-5 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 73950 510.7834


Programming systems and languages / ed. by Saul Rosen.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967. xv,734p (McGraw-Hill computer science series) (ed. by Richard W. Hamming and Edward A. Feigenbaum) 1.Mathematics I. Rosen, Saul. II. Hamming, Richard W. III. Feigenbaum, Edward A. IV. Series. Accn Nos : 73591 510.7834 SCH

Schmidt, Richard N. Introduction to computer science and data processing / Richard N. Schmidt and William E. Meyers.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965. 380p 1.Mathematics I. Meyers, William E. II. Title. Accn Nos : 62682 510.7834 SIS

Sisson, Roger L. Manager's guide to computer processing / Roger L. Sisson and Richard G. Canning.-- New York: John Wiley, 1967. 124p 1.Mathematics I. Canning, Richard G. II. Title. Accn Nos : 62621 510.7834 SMI

Smith, Paul T. How to live with mathematical guide Smith.-- New York: Association, 1965. 205p. 1.Mathematics I. Accn Nos : 61530

your computer: for managers / Paul T. American Management


510.7834 STA

Stagg, Glenn W. Computer methods in power system analysis / Glenn W. Stagg and Ahmed H. El-Abiad.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1968. vi,427p (McGraw-Hill series in electronic system) 1.Mathematics I. El-Abiad, Ahmed H. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 71344 510.7834 STA

Stark, Peter A. Digital computer programming / Peter A. Stark.-- New York: The Macmillan, 1967. xv,525p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 58753 510.7834 STE

Stein, Marvin L.

Introduction to machine arithmetic / Marvin L. Stein.-- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1971. 295p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 75182 510.7834 SWA

Swallow, Kenneth P. Elements of computer programming / Kenneth P. Swallow and Wilson T. Price.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1967. xiii,353p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics apparatus and instruments I. Price, Wilson T. II. Title. Accn Nos : 59280

510.7834 UNE

Use of analog and digital computers in hundrology: Proceedings of the Tucson symposium / The publisher.-- Paris: Unesco, 1969. xii,343p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Unesco, Paris. Accn Nos : 70407 510.7834 UTT

Uttal, William R. Real-time computers: Technique and applications in the psychological sciences / William R. Uttal, ed. by Wayne Holtzman.-New York: Harper and Row, 1968. xiv,338p 1.Mathematics I. Holtzman, Wayne. II. Title. Accn Nos : 64314 510.7834 VAZ

Vazsonyi, Andrew Problem solving by digital computers with PL/I programming / Andrew Vazsonyi.-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1970. xii,530p (Prentice-Hall series in automatic computation) (ed. by George Forsythe) 1.Mathematics I. Forsythe, George. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 75699 510.7834 WOO

Wooldridge, R. Introduction to computing / R. Wooldrigde. -- London: Oxford, 1962. 217p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F5890

510.7834018 BOR

Bork, Alfred M. Using the IBM 1130 / Alfred M. Bork.-California: Addison-Wesley, 1968. 198p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 65307 510.7837 HUS

Computer handbook / ed. by Harry D. Huskey and Granino A. Korn.--1st ed-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1962. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Huskey, Harry D. II. Korn, Granino A.

510.8 BAS

Bass, Doris Mathematical activities / Doris Bass.-London: Cassel, 1956. 83p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45071 510.8 BET

Betz, William Everyday junior mathematics 1 / William Betz.-- Boston: Ginn and Company, 1951. xii,483p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45049 510.8 BET

Betz, William Everyday junior mathematics / William Betz. -- Boston: Ginn and Company, 1952. xii,404p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45147 510.8 CHA

Channon, J.B. General mathematics / J.B. Channon and A. McLeish Smith.-- London: Longmans, Green, 1956. xi,273p 1.Mathematics I. Smith, A. McLeish. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45029 510.8 CHA

Channon, J.B. General mathematics / J.B. Channon and A. McLeish Smith.-- London: Longmans, 1959.

xv,392p. Vol. 4 1.Mathematics I. Smith, A. McLeish. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45031 510.8 CHA

Channon, J.B. General mathematics / J.B. Channon and A. McLeish Smith.--4th ed-- London: Longmans, 1960. xiii,323p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Smith, A. McLeish. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45030

510.8 EDG

Edgerton, Edward I. Second course in the new mathematics / Edward I. Edgerton and Perry A. Carpenter.-Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1958. vii,393p 1.Mathematics I. Carpenter, Perry A. II. Title. Accn Nos : 16001 510.8 EDG

Edgerton, Edward I. Third course in the New Mathematics / Edward I. Edgerton and Perry A. Carpenter.-Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1958. v,490+4p. (General Mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Carpenter, Perry A. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 42942 510.8 FAD

Fantasia mathematica / ed. by Clifton Fadiman.-- New York: Simon and Shuster, 1958. xix,298p 1.Mathematics I. Fadiman, Clifton. Accn Nos : 42945 510.8 FUN

Function spaces and applications / edited by David E. Edmunds [et al...]-- New Delhi: Narosa Publishing House, 2000. 278 p. ISBN 81-7319-335-5 1.Mathematics I. Edmunds, David E. Accn Nos : F25959 510.8 GAG

Function mathematics / William A. Gager...[et al.]-- New York: Charles Scribner's Sons,

1956. xiv,578p (Functional mathematics series). Vol. 4 1.Mathematics I. Gager, William A. II. Rowman, Luther L. III. Shuster, Carl N. IV. Kokomoor, Franklin W. V. Series. 510.8 GAG

Functional mathematics / William A. Gager...[et al.]-- New York: Charles Scriber's Sons, 1953. xv,447p (Functional mathematics series). Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Gager, William A. II. Mahood, Mildred H. III. Shuster, Carl N. IV. Kokomoor, Franklin W. V. Series. Accn Nos : 45070 510.8 GAG

Functional mathematics / William A. Gager...[et al.]-- New York: Charles Scriber's Sons, 1955. xiii,481p (Functional mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Gager, William A. II. Mahood, Mildred H. III. Shuster, Carl N. IV. Kokomoor, Franklin W. V. Series. Accn Nos : 12071 510.8 GAG

Functional mathematics / William A. Gager...[et al.]-- New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1953. xiv,434p (Functional mathematics series). Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Gager, William A. II. Mahood, Mildred H. III. Shuster, Carl N. IV. Kokomoor, Franklin W. V. Series. Accn Nos : 45077 510.8 HAM

Hamilton, E.R. Spending a holiday / E.R. Hamilton and C.H.J. Smith.-- London: University of London Press, 1954. 144p 1.Mathematics I. Smith, C.H.J. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42920 510.8 HAR

Hart Mathematics in action: Teachers manual / Hart and Jahn.--3rd ed-- Boston: D.C. Heath, 1952. 29p. Book 1 1.Mathematics I. Jahn. II. Title. Accn Nos : 19094 510.8


Hart, Walter W. Mathematics in action / Walter W. Hart and Lora D. Jahn.--3rd ed-- Boston: D.C. Heath, 1952. 324p 1.Mathematics I. Jahn, Lora D. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45069 510.8 HAR

Hart, Walter W. Mathematics in action / Walter W. Hart and Lora D. Jain.--3rd ed-- Boston: D.C. Heath, 1952. viii,354p. Vol. 3 1.Mathematics I. Jain, Lora D. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42935 510.8 HAR

Hart, Walter W. Mathematics in action 1 / Walter W. Hart and Lora D. John.-- Boston: D.C. Heath, 1952. x,291p 1.Mathematics I. John, Lora D. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42934 510.8 HEA

Heath, H.F. Desk book of everyday tables and mathematical information / H.F. Heath.-Sydney: Angus and Robertson, [n.d.] 40p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42901 510.8 HEA

Heath, H.F. Modern mathematics for primary schools / H.F. Heath.-- Sydney: Angus and Robertson, 1952. 158p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42918 510.8 HEA

Heath, H.F. Modern mathematics for primary schools / H.F. Heath.-- Sydney: Halstead Press, 1953. 32p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42913 510.8 HEN

Henderson, Kenneth B. Using mathematics / Kenneth B. Henderson and Robert E. Pingry.-- New York: McGrawHill, 1956. xii,436p 1.Mathematics I. Pingry, Robert E. II. Title.

Accn Nos : 42911 510.8 HIL

Hill, T.H. Ward Mathematics for modern schools / T.H. Ward Hill.-- London: George G. Harrap, 1957. 272p. Book 1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3325 510.8 HIL

Hill, T.H. Ward Mathematics for modern schools / T.H. Ward Hill.-- London: George G. Harrap, 1958. 203p. Vol. 4 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42919 510.8 JAM

James, E.J. Mathematical topics for modern schools / E.J. James.-- New York: Oxford University Press, 1959. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 44906 510.8 JAM

James, E.J. Mathematical topics for modern schools / E.J. James.-- New York: Oxford Univerisity Press, 1959. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3347 510.8 JAM

James, E.J. Mathematics topics for modern schools / E.J. James.-- New York: Oxford University Press, 1959. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42922 510.8 KNI

Knight, F.B. Mathematics and life / F.B. Knight, J.W. Studebaker and Gladys Tate.-- Chicago: Scott, Foresman, 1948. 480p. Book 1 1.Mathematics I. Studebaker, J.W. II. Tate, Gladys. III. Title. Accn Nos : 42936 510.8 KRI

Krishnamurthy, E.V. Numerical algorithms: computations in

science and engineering / E.V. Krishnamurthy and S.K. Sen.-- New Delhi: Affiliated EastWest, 1986. xxii,629p. 1.Mathematics I. Sen, S.K. II. Title. Accn Nos : 103626 510.8 LEE

Lee, N.W. Selected papers of norbert wiener / N.W. Lee, N. Levinson and Wit Martin.-- America: M.I.T, 1964. 453p 1.Mathematics I. Levinson, N. II. Martin, Wit. III. Title. Accn Nos : 42769

510.8 MOR

Moritz, Robert Edouard On mathematics: A collection of wilty profound, amusing passages about mathematics and mathematicians / Edouard Robert Moritz.-New York: Daver, 1942. vii,385p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 54686 510.8 SHA

Shalders, E.G. Grade examples in mathematics for national certificate students / E.G. Shalders.-London: Blackie & Sons Co, 1958. 89p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45406 510.8 SHA

Shalders, E.G. Grade examples in mathematics for national certificate students / E.G. Shalders.-London: Blackie & Son Company, 1958. 87p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42921 510.8 SHA

Shalders, E.G. Graded examples in mathematics for national certificate students with hints and solutions / E.G. Shalders.-- London: Blackie, 1958. 87p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45405 510.8 SWA

Swaine, K.B. Exercises in elementary mathematics book I

/ K.B. Swaine.--New rev. ed-- London: George G. Harrap, 1958. 186p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3329 510.8 TAN

Taylor, Jenny Measuring and recording / Jenny Taylor and Terry Ingleby.-- Great Britain: Jorrold & Sons, 1963. 25p 1.Mathematics I. Ingleby, Terry. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45065

510.8 WAL

Walker, Jean Now for number / Jean Walker.-- Edinburgh: T & A Constable House, [n.d.] various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3324 510.8 WEB

Webb. H. Direct mathematics / H. Webb.-- London: Thomas Nelson, 1954. 119p. Book 1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 5534 510.81 WAR

Ware, Willis H. Digital computer technology and design / Willis H. Ware.-- New York: John Wiley and Sons, [n.d.] various pagination. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 62506 510.83 COM

Barlow's tables of squares, cubles, square roots, cube roots and reciprocals / ed. by L.J. Comrie.-- London: E & F.N. Spon, 1962. 258p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - inventory and storage I. Comrie, L.J. Accn Nos : 86085 510.83 GIL

Graphs: Columnar, straght line, locus, curved and complex / ed. by R.J. Gillings.--

London: George G. Harrap, [n.d.] 76p 1.Mathematics I. Gillings, R.J. Accn Nos : 443 510.83 PEA

Pearson, E.S. Biometrika tables for statisticians / E.S. Pearson, H.O. Hartley.-- Cambridge: University Press, 1958. xiv, 240p. V.1 Includes index of the tables 1.Mathematics I. Hartley, H.O. II. Title. Accn Nos : 11965

510.83 SUN

Suneja, L.R. Suneja's exchange tables / L.R. Suneja.-New Delhi: Suneja Book Centre, 1957. 25p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45066 510.88 LAF

Lafrenz, Dale E. Computer assisted mathematics program / Dale E. Lafrenz.-- London: Foresman, 1969. 154p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F13809 510.9 ASH

Ashurst, F. Gareth Founders of modern mathematics / F. Gareth Ashurst.-- London: Frederick Muller, 1982. 145p ISBN 0-584-10380-8 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 93451 510.9 BAL

Ball, W.W. Rouse Primer of the history of mathematics / W.W. Rouse Ball.-- New York: Macmillan, [n.d.] iv,148p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3351 510.9 BOY

Boyer, Lee Emerson Introduction to mathematics: A historical development / Lee Emerson Boyer.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1955. xvi,528p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Accn Nos : 7628 510.9 BRA

Braj Mohan Ganit ka itihas (HIN) / Braj Mohan.-Lucknow: Hindi Smiti Suchna Vibhag, 1965. 500p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 89058 510.9 EVA

Eves, Howard Introduction to the history of mathematics / Howard Eves.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1962. xv,422p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 8800 510.9 EVE

Eves, Howard Introduction to the history of mathematics / Howard Eves.--4th ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1976. xv,588p. 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - History 3.Mathematics - Problems, Exercises, etc. I. Title. Accn Nos : 99778 510.9 EVE

Eves, Howard Introduction to the history of mathematics / Howard Eves.--rev. ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1964. xvi,439p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - history I. Title. Accn Nos : 45048 510.9 EVE

Eves, Howard Introduction to the history of mathematics / Howard Eves.--rev. ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1964. xvi,439p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 5916 510.9 GUL

Gullberg, Jan Mathematics: from the birth of Numbers / Jan Gullberg.-- New York: W.W. Norton, 1997. xxiii, 1093p. Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 0-393-04002-X 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 120974 510.9


Hiland, Asder Hairiss Ganit ki Kahani (HIN) / Asder Hairiss Hiland; Translated by Ramchandra Tiwari.-Delhi: Kendriya Hindi Nideshalay Shiksha Mantralay, N. D. 48p. (Aur Kaise: Sachitra vigyan: 17) 1.Mathematics I. Tiwari, Ramchandra. II. Title Accn Nos : F9587 510.9 HIS

History of the mathematical sciences / ed. by Ivor Grattan-Guinness.-- New Delhi: Hindustan Book Agency, 2004. viii,236p ISBN 81-85931-45-3 1.Mathematics I. Yadav, B.S. Accn Nos : 123214 510.9 HIS

History of the mathematical sciences / ed. by Ivor Grattan-Guinness.-- New Delhi: Hindustan Book Agency, 2005. viii,236p ISBN 81-85931-45-3 1.Mathematics I. Yadav, B.S. Accn Nos : 124378 510.9 HOG

Hogben, Lancelot Mathematics in the making / Lancelot Hogben, ed. by M.H. Chandler.-- London: Macdonald, 1960. 320p 1.Mathematics I. Chandler, M.H. II. Title. Accn Nos : 15482 510.9 HOG

Hogben, Lancelot Mathematics in the making / Lancelot Hogben, ed. by M.H. Chandler.-- London: Macdonald, 1960. 320p 1.Mathematics I. Chandler, M.H. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45064 510.9 HOO

Hooper, Alfred Makes of mathematics / Alfred Hooper.-London: Faber and Faber, 1961. ix,402p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42912 510.9 HOW

Highland, Esther Harris How and why wonder book of mathematics / Esther Harris Highland, Harold Joseph Highland and Walter Ferguson.-- New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1961.


48p 1.Mathematics I. Highland, Harold Joseph. II. Ferguson, Walter. III. Title. Accn Nos : 18795 510.9 HOW

Highland, Esther Harris How and why wonder book of mathematics / Esther Harris Highland, Harold Joseph and illus. by Walter Ferguson.-- New York: Wonder Books, 1961. 48p 1.Mathematics I. Highland, Harold Joseph. II. Ferguson, Walter. III. Title. Accn Nos : 6757

510.9 KLI

Kline, Morris Mathematics in western culture / Morris Kline.-- New York: Penguin Books, 1954. 543p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - history I. Title. Accn Nos : 101603 510.9 KLI

Kline, Morris Mathematics in western culture / Morris Kline.-- New York: Oxford University Press, 1953. xiii,485p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 15268 510.9 MAR

Growth of mathematics from counting to calculus / ed. by Robert W. Marks.-- New York: Bantam Books, [n.d.] 217p 1.Mathematics I. Marks, Robert W. Accn Nos : 34433 510.9 SCH

Our mathematical heritage: Essays on the nature and cultural significance of mathematics / ed. by William L. Schaaf.-New rev ed-- New York: Collier Books, 1963. 284p 1.Mathematics I. Schaaf, William L. Accn Nos : 8283 510.9 SHA

Shaw, Alan Story of Mathematics / Alan Shaw and Keri Fuge, illus. by Paul Sellers.-- London:

Edward Arnold, 1963. 64p 1.Mathematics I. Fuge, Keri. II. Sellers, Paul. III. Title. Accn Nos : 112645 510.9 SHA

Shaw, Alan Story of mathematics / Alan Shaw, Keri Fuge, illus. by Paul Sellers.-- London: Edward Arnold, 1963. 64p 1.Mathematics I. Fuge, Keri. II. Sellers, Paul. III. Title. Accn Nos : 18906

510.9 SMI

Smith, David Eugene History of mathematics / David Eugene Smith.-- New York: Dover Publications, Inc, 1951. xii, 596p. V.1(General survey of the history of elementary mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 86454 510.9 SMI

Smith, David Eugene History of mathematics / David Eugene Smith.-- Boston: Ginn and Company, 1951. xii,571p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 10389 510.9 SMI

Smith, David Eugene History of mathematics: special topics of elementary mathematics / David Eugene Smith. -- New York: Dover, 1953. xii,725p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3339 510.9 SMI

Smith, David Eugene History of mathematics / David Eugene Smith.-- Boston: Ginn and Company, 1951. xii,596p. Vol. 1: General Survey of the History of Elementary Mathematics 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42932 510.9


Smith, David Eugene History of Mathematics / David Eugene Smith.-- New York: Dover Publications, 1958. xii,703p. Vol.II ISBN 0-486-20430-8 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 127746 510.9 SMI

Smith, David Eugene Number stories of long ago / David Eugene Smith.-- Washington: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1955. 136,13p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42946 510.9 STR

Struik, Dirk J. Concise history of mathematics / Dirk J. Struik.-- London: G. Bell, 1959. xix,299p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3338 510.9 WIL

William, E. Ewart Stories of mathematics / E. Ewart William. -- London: Evans Brothers & Company, 1963. 78p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 15548 510.9 YAG

Yaglom, A.M. Challenging mathematical problems with elementary solutions / A.M. Yaglom...[et al.]-- San Francisco: Holden-Day, 1967. ix,214p. (Holden-day series in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Yaglom, I.M. II. McCawley, James. III. Gordon, Basil. IV. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 63018 510.904 TEM

Temple, George 100 years of mathematics / George Temple.-London: Duckworth, 1981. 316p ISBN 0-7156-1130-5 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 99879 510.947 LAS

Recent soviet contributions to mathematics / J.P. La Salle and S. Lefschetz.-- New York: Macmillan, 1963.

324p 1.Mathematics I. La Salle, J.P. II. Lefschetz, S. Accn Nos : 45073 510.954 ARY

Aryabhatiya of aryabhata with the commentary of bhaskara I and somesvara / ed. by Kripa Shankar Shukla.-- New Delhi: Indian National Science Academy, 1976. 382p (Aryabhatiya critical edition series) 1.Mathematics I. Shukla, Kripa Shankar. II. Series. Accn Nos : F18317

510.954 BHA

Bhaskaracharya Bhartiya ganit (HIN) / Bhaskaracharya.-New Delhi: Praveen Prakashan, 2004. 263p. ISBN 81-7783-083-X 1.Mathamatic 2.Ganit - Bharat I. Title. Accn Nos : 124505 510.954 DAT

Datta, Bibhutibhushan History of hindu mathematics / Bibhutibhushan Datta and Avadesh Narayan Singh.-- Delhi: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan, 2001. 2v. ISBN 81-85-6050-8 1.Mathematics - India 2.Mathematics I. Singh, Avadesh Narayan. II. Title. Accn Nos : 124672 ; 124673 510.954 JAG

Jaggi, O.P. Indian astronomy and mathematics / O.P. Jaggi.-- Delhi: Atma Ram & Sons, 1986. 272p (History of science, technology and medicine in India). Vol. VI 1.Mathematics 2.Astronomy - history India 3.Mathematics - history - India I. Title Accn Nos : 103680 510.954 KAP

Kapoor, S Learn and teach Vedic Mathematics / S.K.Kapoor.-- New Delhi: Lotus Press, 2004. xviii,308p. ISBN 81-89093-9 1.Mathmatics I. Title. Accn Nos : 124377


510.954 KAY

Kay, G.R. Bakhshali manuscript: early hindu mathematics / G.R. Kay.-- New Delhi: Cosmo Publication, 1981. various paginations. Part I & II 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 92395 510.954 KAY

Kay, G.R. Bakhshali manuscript: early hindu mathematics / G.R. Kay.-- New Delhi: Cosmo, 1981. 158-237p. Part III 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics, Hindu I. Title. Accn Nos : 92396 510.954 LIL

LILAVATI of Bhaskaracarya with Kriyakramakari of Sankara and Narayana / Edited by K.V. Sharma.-- Hoshiarpur: Vishveshvaranand Vedic Research Institute, 1975. xxx,496p. (Vishveshvaranand Indological series 66) I. Sharma, K.V. II. Series. Accn Nos : 80491 510.954 MUR

Murthy, T.S. Bhanu Modern introduction to ancient indian Mathematics / T.S. Bhanu Murthy.-- New Delhi: Wiley Eastern Limited, 1992. xii,214p ISBN 81-224-0371-9 1.Mathematics - India I. Title. Accn Nos : 112627 510.954 MUR

Murthy, T.S. Bhanu Modern introduction to ancient Indian Mathematics / T.S. Bhanu Murthy.-- New Delhi: Wiley Eastern, 1992. xii,211p ISBN 81-224-0371-9 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 112628 510.954 NAT

Position of mathematics in India / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1965. iii,80p 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : 33907 510.954 NAT

Natioanl Council of Educational Research and Training

Position of mathematics in India / National Council of Educational Research and Training. -- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1965. iii, 80p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 90045 510.954 NIC

Nicholas, A.P. Application of the vedic mathematics sutra: vertically and cross wise / A.P. Nicholas, Kenneth William and J. Pickles.-- Roorkee: Spiritual Study Group, 1984. viii,226p 1.Mathematics I. William, Kenneth. II. Pickles, J. III. Title. Accn Nos : 110502 510.954 NIC

Nicholas, A.P. Introductory lectures on vedic mathematics / A.P. Nicholas, Kenneth William and J. Pickles.-- Roorkee: Spiritual Study Group, 1984. 163p 1.Mathematics I. William, Kenneth. II. Pickles, J. III. Title. Accn Nos : 110499 510.954 PUR

Puri, Narendra Pracheen vaidik ganit: Solah vaidik sutron se ganitiya samasyaon ke jaduee hal (HIN) / Narendra Puri.--2nd ed.-- Rurki: Spiritual Science Series, N. D. 128p. Part 1 1.Mathematic 2.Ganit Hindu I. Title. Accn Nos : 110504 510.954 PUR(CH)

Puri, Narinder Ancient vedic mathematics: magic speed answers to all mathematical problems using sixteen simple sutras from the Vedas / Narinder Puri.-- Roorkee: Spiritual Science Series, 1986. 93p (Spritual science series). Pushp-I 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics, Hindu 3.Vedic mathematics, Hindu I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 110503 510.954 PUR (CH)

Puri, Narindra Ancient vedic mathmetics / Narindra Puri.-Roorkee: Spiritual science series, n.d. 94p. 1.Mathmatics I. Title.

510.954 UPA

Upadhyaya, B. L. Pracheen Bhartiya ganit (HIN) / B. L. Upadhyaya.-- New Delhi: Vigyan Bharti, 1996. 402p. 1.Mathematics 2.Ganit - Pracheen Bharat I. Title. Accn Nos : 118184 510.954 WIL

Williams, Kenneth Discover vedic mathematics / Kenneth Williams.-- Roorkee: Spiritual Study Group, 1984. 175p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 110501 510.954 WIL

William, Kenneth R. Triples: application of pythagorean tristes using vedic mathematics / Kenneth R. William. -- Roorkee: Spiritual Study Group, 1985. 184p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 110500 510.954034 RAO

Rao, S. Balachandra Indian mathematics and astronomy: some landmarks / S. Balachandra Rao.--2nd rev ed-Bangalore: Jana Deep Publications, 1994. xii,261p. Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 81-900962-0-6 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - India 3.Astronomy - India I. Title. Accn Nos : 118892 510.954830902 JOS

Joseph, George Gheverghese Passage to infinity: medieval Indian mathematics from Kerala and its impact / George Gheverghese Joseph.-- New Delhi: Sage publications, 2009. 220p. ISBN 81-321-0168-0 1.Mathematics - India - Kerala - History 2.Mathematics, Medieval 3.Astronomy I. Title. Accn Nos : 128501 510.9548322 KER

Kerala mathematics: history and its possible transmission to Europe / edited by George Gheveghese Joseph.-- Delhi: B.R. publishing, 2009. 328p.

ISBN 81-7646-662X 1.Mathematics-India- Kerala 2.Astronomy I. Joseph, George Gheveghese. Accn Nos : 128104 510 ABE

Niels, De Oeuvres completes / De Niels and Henrik Abel.-- Christiania: Imprimeries De Grondahl, 1965. viii,621p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Abel, Henrik. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3154

510 ABE

Niels, De Oeuvres completes / De Niels and Henrik Abel.-- Christiania: Imprimerie De Grondahl, 1965. 338p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Abel, Henrik. II. Title. Accn Nos : 43030 510 ADL

Adler, Irving Giant colour book of mathematics: exploring the world of numbers and space / Irving Adler, illus. by Lowell Hess.-- London: Paul Hamlyn, 1960. 90p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Hess, Lowell. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3110 510 ADL

Adler, Irving Giant colour book of mathematics: Exploring the world of numbers and space / Irving Adler, illus. by Lowell Hess.-- London: Paul Hamlyn, 1960. 90p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Hess, Lowell. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3111 510 ADL

Adler, Irving Giant colour book of mathematics: Exploring the world of numbers and space / Irving Adler, illus. by Lowell Hess.-- London: Paul Hamlyn, 1960. 90p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Hess,

Lowell. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45168 510 ADL

Adler, Irving Learning with Colour MATHEMATICS : Exploring the world of numbers and space / Irving Adler.-- London: Paul Hamlyn, 1967. 92p. Includes Index 1.Mathematics I. Hess, Lowell,ill. II. Title. Accn Nos : 18742

510 ADL

Adler, Irving Mathematics: the story of numbers symbols, and space / Irving Adler; illusrated by Hess Lowell.-- New York: Golden Press Inc, 1958. 54p (The Golden library of knowledge) (ed. by Herbert S. Zim) 1.Mathematics I. Lowell, Hess. II. Zim, Herbert S. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 20246 510 ADL

Adler, Irving Mathematics: the story of numbers, symbols and space / Irving Adler.-- New York: Golden Press, 1958. 56p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3066 510 ADL

Adler, Irving New Mathematics / Irving Adler.-- New York: New American Library, 1959. 192p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 7430 510 ADL

Adler, Irving New mathematics / Irving Adler and Ruth Adler.-- New York: New American Library Books, 1962. 192p 1.Mathematics I. Adler, Ruth. II. Title. Accn Nos : 39904 510 ADL

Adler, Irving New mathematics / Irving Adler.--5th ed--

New York: Johnday, 1958. 187p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42567 510 AGA

Agarwal, R.P. Resonance of Ramanujan's mathematics / R.P. Agarwal.-- New Delhi: New Age International, 1996. 2v. iv,259p. V.I. V.II. ISBN 81-224-0990-3 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Ramanujan I. Title. Accn Nos : 118737; 118738

510 AGG

Aggarwal, B.M. Business mathematics for I.C.W.A. (inter) / B.M. Aggarwal and Arun Prabhakar.-- New Delhi: Sultan Chand, 1986. 1001p. 1.Mathematics I. Prabhakar, Arun. II. Title. Accn Nos : 104814 510 AGG

Aggarwal, R.S. Mathematics for M.B.A.: (fully solved) / R.S. Aggarwal.-- New Delhi: S.Chand & Co., 1995. 735p. ISBN 81-219-0845-0 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F26538 510 AGG

Aggarwal, R S Senior secondary school mathematics for class XI / R S Aggarwal.-- New Delhi: Bharti Bhawan Publishers, 1990. viii,Various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F24117 510 AID

Aldridge, Bill G. Mathematics for physical science / Bill G. Aldridge.-- Ohio: Charles E. Merrill, 1968. various pagination (Merrill physical science series) (ed. by Robert J. Foster, Walter A. Gong) 1.Mathematics I. Foster, Robert J. II. Gong, Walter A. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 70646 510 AID

Aldridge, Bill G.

Mathematics for physical science / Bill G. Aldridge.-- Ohio: Charles E. Merrill, 1968. vi,137p. (Merrill physical science series) (ed. by Robert J. Foster, Walter A. Gong) 1.Mathematics I. Foster, Robert J. II. Gong, Walter A. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 70464 510 AIK

Aiken, Daymond J. Modern mathematics: topics and problems / Daymond J. Aiken and Charles A. Beseman.-New York: McGraw Hill Book Company, 1959. iv,140p 1.Science 2.Mathematics I. Beseman, Charles A. II. Title. Accn Nos : 39980 510 AIK

Aiken, Daymond J. Modern mathematics: Topics and problems, book 1 / Daymond J. Aiken and Charles A. Baseman.--Teachers ed-- Toranto: McGraw-Hill Book Co, 1959. 172p 1.Mathematics I. Baseman, Charles A. II. Title. Accn Nos : 9688 510 AIK

Aiken, Daymond J. Modern mathematics: Topics and problems / Daymond J. Aiken and Charles A. Beseman.-New York: McGraw Hill, 1959. iv,140p 1.Mathematics I. Beseman, Charles A. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42809 510 AJM

Ajmer, Madhyamik Shiksha Board Ganit - II kaksha -10 (HIN) / Madhyamik Shiksha Board, Ajmer; edited by Yagadutt Sharma.-- Ajmer: Madhyamik Shiksha Board Ajmer, 2005. 260p. 1.Mathematics - Text I. Sharma, Yagadutt. II. Title. Accn Nos : 125829 510 AJM

Ajmer, Madhyamik Shiksha Board Ganit - II Kaksha -9 (HIN) / Madhyamik Shiksha Board, Ajmer.-- Ajmer: Madhyamik Shiksha Board Ajmer, 2005. 260p. 1.Mathematics - Text I. Title. Accn Nos : 125574

510 AKR (NAT)

Akre Ravindra Under-Achievement in mathmatics: A study to prevent wastage of talent,attitude,Intelligence,ses,achievement / Rabindra Akre.-- Sagar,(M.P): Krishna Computers, 2004. 170p. ISBN 81-902099-3-0 1.Mathmatics- Study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : F23978

510 ALE

Mathematics: Its concent, methods and meaning / ed. by Aleksandrou...[et al.]-Cambridge: The M.I.T. Press, 1963. xiii,377p 1.Mathematics I. Aleksandrou. II. Kolmogorov, A.N. III. Lavrenter, M.A. IV. Gould, S.H. Accn Nos : 70040 510 ALE

Mathematics; its contant, methods, and meaning / ed. by A.D. Aleksandrou, A.N. Kolmogorou and M.A. Laurenteu.-Cambridge: The M.I.T. Press, 1963. xi,356p. Vol. 3 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics teachers training of I. Aleksandrou, A.D. II. Kolmogorou, A.N. III. Laurenteu, M.A. Accn Nos : 70041 510 ALE

Mathematics; its content, methods, and meaning / ed. by A.D. Aleksandrou, A.N. Kolmogorow and M.A. Lavren.-- Cambridge: The M.I.T. Press, 1965. xi,355p. Vol. 3 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics teachers training of I. Aleksandrou, A.D. II. Kolmogorow, A.N. III. Lavren, M.A. Accn Nos : 59125 510 ALE

Mathematics: Its content, methods and meaning / ed. by A.D. Aleksandrov, A.N. Kolmogorov, M.A. Lavrentico, tr. by S.H. Gould and T. Bertha.-- Cambridge: MIT Press, 1968.

xi,358p 1.Mathematics I. Aleksandrov, A.D. II. Kolmogorov, A.N. III. Lavrentico, M.A. IV. Gould, S.H. V. Bertha, T. Accn Nos : 70039 510 ALE

Mathematics: Its content, methods and meaning / ed. by A.D. Aleksandrov.-- Cambridge: MIT Press, 1965. xi,359p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : 59123

510 ALE

Mathematics; its content, methods, and meaning / ed. by A.D. Aleksandrou, A.N. Kolmogorow and M.A. Lavren .-- Cambridge: The M.I.T. Press, 1965. xi,377p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics teachers training of I. Aleksandrou, A.D. II. Kolmogorow, A.N. III. Lavren, M.A. Accn Nos : 59124 510 ALL

Allendoerfer, C.B. Fundamental of freshman mathematics / C.B. Allendoerfer and C.O. Oakley.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1959. xiii,475p 1.Mathematics I. Oakley, C.O. II. Title. Accn Nos : 69889 510 ALL

Allendoerfer, C.B. Fundamentals of freshman mathematics / C.B. Allendoerfer and C.O. Oakley.--International student edition-- New York: McGraw-Hill Book, 1959. xiii,475p. 1.Mathematics I. Oakley, C.O. II. Title. Accn Nos : 69890 510 ALL

Mathematics for high school intermediate mathematics: Teachers commentary / Frank B. Allen...[et al.]-- New Haven: Yale University Press, 1961. 544p 1.Mathematics I. Allen, Frank B. II. Douglas, C. Edwin. III. Richmend, Donald E. IV. Rickart, Charles E. V. Swain, Henry. VI. Walker, Robert J.

Accn Nos : F4795 510 ALL

Allendoerfer, Carl B. Mathematics for parents / Carl B. Allendoerfer.-- London: Macmillan, 1965. vi,167p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 39891 510 ALL

Allendoerfer, Carl B. Mathematics for parents / Carl B. Allendoerfer.-- New York: Macmillan, 1965. vi,167p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53745 510 ALL

Allendoerfer, Carl B. Principles of mathematics / Carl B. Allendoerfer and Cletus O. Oakley.--2nd ed, 1963. xi,540p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Oakley, Cletus O. II. Title. Accn Nos : 32103 510 ALL

Allendoerfer, Carl B. Principles of mathematics / Carl B. Allendoerfer and Cletus O. Oakley.-- Tokyo: McGraw-Hill, 1963. xi,540 1.Mathematics I. Oakley, Cletus O. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42578 510 ALL

Allendoerfer, Carl B. Principles of mathematics / Carl B. Allendoerfer and Cletus O. Oakley.--2nd ed-Tokyo: McGraw Hill Book Co, 1963. xi,540p 1.Mathematics I. Oakley, Cletus O. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42579 510 ALL

Allendoerfer, Carl B. Principles of mathematics / Carl B. Allendoerfer and Cletus O. Oakley.--2nd ed-Tokyo: McGraw Hill Book Co, 1963. xi,540p 1.Mathematics I. Oakley, Cletus O. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42577 510 ALL

Allen, Edwin Brown

Vital mathematics / Edwin Brown Allen, Dis Maly, and S. Herbert Starkey.-- New York: Macmillan Co., 1960. vii,456;xxiip 1.Science 2.Mathematics I. Maly, Dis. II. Starkey, S. Herbert. III. Title. Accn Nos : 42592 510 ALT

Althoen, Steven C. Finite mathematics / Steven C. Althoen and Robert J. Bumcrot.-- New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1978. xii,590p ISBN 0-393-09046-9 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - 1961 I. Bumcrot, Robert J. II. Title. Accn Nos : 93427 510 AMB

Ambasht, Naval Kishor Ganit margdarshika: Anaupcharik shiksha ke anudeshkon ke liye (HIN) / Naval Kishor Ambasht.-- New Delhi: Rashtriya Shaikshik Anusandhan Parishad, 2001. 59p. 1.Mathematics 2.Ganit I. Title. Accn Nos : F23888 510 AMB (NAT)

Ambasht, Naval Kishor Ganit margdarshika: anaupcharik shiksha ke anudeshkon ke liye (HIN) / Naval Kishor Ambasht.-- New Delhi: Rashtriya Shaikshik Anusandhan Parishad, 2001. 59p. 1.Mathematics I. Rashtriya Shaikshik Anusandhan Parishad. II. Title. Accn Nos : F22514 510 AND

Marie, Anderson First course in modern mathematics / Marie Anderson.-- London: Heinemann Educational Book, 1966. vi,150p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

510 AND

Anderson,Marie First course in modern mathematics / Marie Anderson.-- London: Heinemann educational books, 1966. viii,150p. ( Volume one ) 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 6831 510 AND

Andreescu, Titu

Mathematical Olympiad treasures / Titu Andreescu and Bogdan Enescu.-- New York: Springer, 2004. 234p ISBN 978-81-8128-3 1.Mathematics I. Enescu, Bogdan. II. Title. Accn Nos : 127639 510 AND

Anderson, Raymond W. Ramping through mathematics / Raymond W. Anderson, illus. by Harry Zarchy.-- London: Faber & Faber, [n.d.] 166p 1.Mathematics I. Zarchy, Harry. II. Title. Accn Nos : 18911

510 AND

Anderson, Raymond W. Romping through mathematics / Raymond W. Anderson, illus. by Harry Zarchy.-- London: Faber & Faber, [n.d.] 165p 1.Mathematics I. Zarchy, Harry. II. Title. Accn Nos : 18910 510 AND

Anderson, Raymond W. Romping through mathematics / Raymond W. Anderson, illus. by Harry Zarchy.-- London: Faber & Faber, [n.d.] 166p. 1.Mathematics I. Zarchy, Harry. II. Title. Accn Nos : 18912 510 ANT

Problems in elementary mathematics for home study / N. Antonov...[et al.]-- Moscow: Mir Publishers, 1979. 406p 1.Mathematics I. Antonov, N. II. Vygodsky, M. III. Nikitin, V. IV. Sankin, A. Accn Nos : 79503 510 ARO

Arora, Prem Nath Fundamentals of mathematics / Prem Nath Arora.--3rd rev. ed-- New Delhi: Sultan Chand & Sons, 1984. x,484p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 96120 510 ARO

Arora, Prem Nath Mathematics / Prem Nath Arora.--5th ed-New Delhi: Sood Litho Press, 1984.

511p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 96107 510 ARO

Arora, Mnamohan Singh Mathematics for middle schools / Manmohan Singh Arora, R. M. Bhagwat and S. D. Chopra. -- New Delhi: NCERT, 1977. xxii,206p.( including index). Book-1 ( text for class VI ) 1.Mathematics I. Bhagwar, R. M. II. Chopra, S. D. III. NCERT. IV. Title. Accn Nos : F24345

510 ARO

Textbook of mathematics for class 11-12 / ed. by Manmohan Singh Arora.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1978. xv,144p. Book 3 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - textbooks schools - India I. Arora, Manmohan Singh. II. NCERT. III. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F13156 510 ARO

Textbook of mathematics for classes XI-XII / ed. by Manmohan Singh Arora.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1978. xv,144p. Book III 1.Mathematics - textbooks - school IndiaTextbook of m I. Arora, Manmohan Singh. II. NCERT. III. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F13157 510 ARO

Textbook of mathematics for class XI-XII / ed. by Manmohan Singh Arora.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1978. xv,183p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics - textbookTextbook of m I. Arora, Manmohan Singh. II. NCERT. III. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F13428 510 ARO (U)

Arora,Manmohan Singh Hisab Kitab 1: Chathi Jamat ke liye nisab ki kitab / Manmohan Singh Arora, R.M.Bhagwat,

S.D.Chopra.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1977. viii, 272p. 1.Mathematics Textbook 2.Ncert-Texbook I. Bhagwat, R.M. II. Chopra, S.D III. Title. Accn Nos : F17711 510 ARO (U)

Arora, Manmohan Singh Hisab:Middle school ke liye:Kitab II Hissa II / Manmohan Singh Arora and Inderbir Singh Passi.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1984. vi,231P. 1.History textbook-Class II I. Passi, Inderbir Singh. II. Title. Accn Nos : F17712

510 ARO (U)

Arora, Manmohan Singh Hisab:Middle school ke liye:Kitab II Hissa II / Manmohan Singh Arora and Inderbir Singh Passi.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1984. vi,231P. 1.History textbook-Class II I. Passi, Inderbir Singh. II. Title. Accn Nos : F17429 510 ARO (U)

Arora, Manmohan Singh Hisab:Middle school ke liye:Kitab II Hissa II / Manmohan Singh Arora and Inderbir Singh Passi.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1988. vi,231P. 1.History textbook-Class II I. Passi, Inderbir Singh. II. Title.

510 ATH

Athen, Habil Hermann Die elemente der mathematik / Habil Hermann Athen (and other).-- Paderborn: Herstellung Eduard Schoningh, 1961. 344p. 1.Mathematics I. Aymanns, Annaliese. II. Koch, Albert. III. Title. Accn Nos : F1355 510 AUS

Topological dynamics / ed. by Joseph Auslander and Walter H. Gottschalk.-- New York: W.A. Benjamin, 1968. xiv,522p 1.Mathematics I. Auslander, Joseph. II. Gottschalk, Walter H. Accn Nos : 69270 510


Ayres, Frank Theory and problems of first year college mathematics / Frank Ayres.-- New York: Schaum's, 1958. 440p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 30301 510 BAK

Baker, C.C.T. Introduction to mathematics / C.C.T. Baker. -- London: Newnes, 1966. ix,143p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 59633

510 BAK

Baker, C.C.T. Introduction to mathematics / C.C.T. Baker. -- London: Newnes, 1966. ix,143p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 75070 510 BAK

Bakst, Aaron Mathematics: its magic and mastery / Aaron Bakst.--2nd ed.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1952. xiv,790p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42565 510 BAK

Bakst, Aaron Mathematics: Its magic and mastery / Aaron Bakst.--2nd ed-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1952. xiv,790p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42759 510 BAR

Barkan, Herbert Introduction to mathematics with applications / Herbert Barkan and Carl Konove.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand Co., 1965. xiii,365p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Konove, Carl. II. Title. Accn Nos : 53630 510 BAR

Barkan, Herbert Introduction to mathematics with

applications / Herbert Barkan and Carl Konove.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1965. xiii,365p 1.Mathematics I. Konove, Carl. II. Title. Accn Nos : 52758 510 BAR

Bartoo, G.C. Number adventures / B.C. Bartoo, Ann Pearson and Jesse Asborn.-- Saint Louis: Webster, 1949. 124p 1.Mathematics I. Pearson, Ann. II. Osborn, Jesse. III. Title. Accn Nos : 35921

510 BAR

Bartoo, G.C. Number adventures / G.C. Bartoo and Bess Stinson.-- Saint Louis: Webster, 1949. 125p 1.Mathematics I. Stinson, Bess. II. Title. Accn Nos : 36431 510 BAR

Bartoo, G.C Number adventures-4 / G.C. Bartoo, Bess Stinson and Jesse Osborn.-- Britain: Webstser Publishing, [n.d]. 124p. Includes index 1.Mathematics I. Stinson, Bess. II. Osborn, Jesse. III. Title. Accn Nos : 19785 510 BAR

Bartoo, G.C. Number adventures 5 / G.C. Bartoo, Ann Pearson and Jesse Osborn.-- Saint Louis: Webster, 1949. 124p 1.Mathematics I. Pearson, Ann. II. Osborn, Jesse. III. Title. Accn Nos : 19823 510 BAR

Bartoo, G.C. Number adventures - 7 / G.C. Bartoo, Grace I. Gish and Jesse Osborn.-- Saint Louis: Webster, 1949. 124p. 1.Mathematics I. Gish, Grace I. II. Osborn, Jesse. III. Title. Accn Nos : 17217 510


Baxter, Simon Pure Mathematics / Simon Baxter.-Cambridge: Cambridge university Press, 1997. vi,761p ISBN 0-521-63512-8 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 120996 510 BEA

Beard, Norman World of number / Norman Beard.-- London: Longmans, Green, 1967. various pagination (Discovery programmes) (ed. by John Leedham) 1.Mathematics I. Leedham, John. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F10891 510 BEB

Beberman, Max High school mathematics: Equations and inequations / Max Beberman, ed. by Herbert E. Vaughan.--rev. ed-- Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1962. Various pagination. Unit 3 1.Mathematics I. Vaughan, Herbert E. II. Title. Accn Nos : F11761 510 BEB

Beberman, Max High school mathematics: Geometry / Max Beberman and Herberte Vaughan.-- Urbana: University of Illinois, 1960. xiii,453p 1.Mathematics I. Vaughan, Herberte. II. Title. Accn Nos : F11760 510 BEB

Beberman, Max High school mathematics / Max Beberman, Herbert E. Vaughan.-- Boston: D.C. Heath, 1964. 598p. with index 1.Mathematics I. Vaughan, Herbert E. II. Title. Accn Nos : 39913 ; F10786 510 BEB

Beberman, Max High school mathematics: plane geometry with appendices on logic and solid geometry course-2 / Max Beberman and Herbert E. Vaughan.-- Boston: D.C. Heath, 1965. vii,547+58p 1.Mathematics I. Vaughan, Herbert E.

II. Title. Accn Nos : 3086 510 BEB

Beberman, Max High school mathematics: Plane geometry with appendices on logic and solid geometry, course 2 / Max Beberman and Herbert E. Vaughan.-- Boston: D.C. Heath, 1965. 582p 1.Mathematics I. Vaughan, Herbert E. II. Title. Accn Nos : F10775

510 BEB

Beberman, Max Higher school mathematics unit 2: Complex numbers / Max Beberman and Herbert E. Vaughen.-- Boston: D.C. Heath, 1963. 134p 1.Mathematics I. Vaughan, Herbert E. II. Title. Accn Nos : F7562 510 BEL

Bell, E.T. Development of mathematics / E.T. Bell.-2nd ed-- New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc, 1945. xi,637p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 73914 510 BER

Berman, G.N. Collection of problems on a course of mathematical analysis / G.N. Berman, tr. by D.E. Brown and Ian N. Sneddon.-- London: Pergamon, 1965. x,590p 1.Mathematics I. Brown, D.E. II. Sneddon, Ian N. III. Title. Accn Nos : 68119 510 BER

510 BER

Beberman, Max High school mathematics / Max Beberman.-Boston: D.C. Heath, 1964. 600p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Bergamini, David Mathematics / David Bergamini, ed. by Rene

Dubos and Henry Margenau.-- Netherland: TimeLife International, 1965. 200p 1.Mathematics I. Dubos, Rene. II. Margenau, Henry. III. Title. Accn Nos : 65965 510 BER

Berberian, Sterling K. Notes on spectral theory / Sterling K. Berberian.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1966. 121p (Van nostrand mathematical studies) (ed. by Paul R. Halmos) (5) 1.Mathematics I. Halmos, Paul R. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 87380

510 BER

Bernstein, Allen L. Trouble shooting mathematics skills / Allen L. Bernstein and David W. Wells.-- New York: Holt Rinehart & Winston, 1963. vii,358p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Wells, David W. II. Title. Accn Nos : 34391 510 BER

Bernstein, Allen L. Trouble shooting mathematics skills / Allen L. Bernstein and David W. Wells.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. viii,358p 1.Mathematics I. Wells, David W. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3064 510 BER

Bernstein, Allen L. Trouble shooting mathematics skills / Allen L. Bernstein.--Teacher's ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. 358p 1.Mathematics I. Wells, David W. II. Title. Accn Nos : 57925 510 BES

Besic ankganit bhag 2: class 2 ke liye (HIN) / edited by Siksha- nideshak.-- Lucknow: Vedant Printing Press, 1961. 80p. 1.Mathematics- arithmetics I. Sikshanideshak. Accn Nos : F1245 510 BET

Betz, William Everyday junior mathematics / William Betz.

-- Boston: Ginn and Company, 1951. xii,564p. Vol. 3 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42933 510 BET

Betz, William Junior mathematics for today / William Betz.-- Boston: Ginn and Co, 1936. iii,59p (Teacher's manual to accompany). Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 18059

510 BEW

Philosophy of mathematics: Selected readings / ed. by Paul Benacerraf and Hilary Putnam.--2nd ed-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, n.d viii,600p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - philosophy I. Benacerraf, Paul. II. Putnam, Hilary. Accn Nos : 104851 510 BEZ

Bezuszka, Stanley Contemporary progress in mathematics Part-I / Stanley Bezuszka.-- Massachusetts: Boston College, 1962. various pages (Boston College mathematics series) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F10783 510 BEZ

Bezuszka, Stanley General contemporary mathematics / Stanley Bezuszka.-- Massachusetts: Boston College, 1963. 162p (Boston college mathematical series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F10784 510 BEZ

Bezuszka, Stanley S.J. Sets operations and patterns: a course of basic mathematics / Stanley S.J. Bezuszka.-Boston: Boston College Press, 1958. 225p. (Boston College mathematical series) Part 1 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F10917 510 BEZ

Bezuszka, Stanley

Sets operations and patterns: A course of basic mathematics first course / Stanley Bezuszka.-- Mass: Boston College Press, 1959. xiv,226-496p (Boston college mathematical series). Part 2 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F10918 510 BHA

Bhaskar, Acharya Acharya Bhaskar: Bhaskracharya ek adhyayan (HIN) / Acharya Bhaskar; edited by Ramajanma Mishra.-- Delhi: Chaukhamba Orientalia, 1979. 192p. (Chaukhamba Prachyavidya: 13) 1.Mathematics 2.Ganit I. Mishra, Ramajanma. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 92257

510 BHA

Bhagvat, R.M Dainik Jeevan mein ganit (HIN) / R.M. Bhagvat; translated by Pradeep Kumar Mukharjee.-- New Delhi: National Book Trust, 1999. 73p. (Lokopayogi Vigyan) ISBN 81-237-2552-3 1.Mathematics I. Mukharjee, Pradeep kumar. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 123905 510 BHA

Bhatnagar, P.L. Introductory lessons in modern mathematical concepts / P.L. Bhatnagar.-- New Delhi: Affiliated East West, 1971. xiv,332p 1.Mathematics I. Title. DLDI

510 BHA

Bhatnagar, P.L. Introductory lessons in modern mathematical concepts / P.L. Bhatnagar.-- New Delhi: Affiliated East West, 1971. xiv,332p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 75136 510 BHO

Bhowal, M.K. Fundamentals of business mathematics / M.K. Bhowal.-- New Delhi: Asian books, 2007. 478p ISBN 81-8412-043-5 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 127749 510


Bochner, Salomon Role of mathematics in the rise of science / Salomon Bochner.-- New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1966. x,386p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3065 510 BOC

Bochner, Saloman Role of mathematics in the rise of science / Saloman Bochner.-- New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1966. 386p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 87359

510 BOE

Boehm, George A.W. New world of math / George A.W. Boehm.-New York: Dial Press, 1959. 128p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42585 510 BOE

Boehm, George A.W. New world of math / George A.W. Boehm.-New York: The Dial Press, 1959. 128p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 39885 510 BOE

Boehm, George A.W. New world of mathematics / Groege A.W. Boehm.-- London: Faber & Faber, 1959. 128p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3119 510 BON

Bonnick, Allan Automotive science and mathematics / Allan Bonnick.-- Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2008. 241p. ISBN 0-7506-8522-1 1.Automotive science 2.Automotive mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 128596 510 BOO

Boon, F.C. Companion to school mathematics / F.C. Boon.-- London: Longmans, 1960. 302p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 39859

510 BOS

Bostock, L. Pure mathematics. 1 / L. Bostock and S. Chandler.-- Great Britain: Stanley Thornes, 1979. ii,635p 1.Mathematics I. Chandler, S. II. Title. Accn Nos : 102322 510 BOS

Bostock, L. Pure mathematics I / L. Bostock and S. Chandler.-- Chettenham: Stanley Thornes, 1978. 744p ISBN 0-85950-0926 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Chandler, S. II. Title. Accn Nos : 102323 510 BOU

Bourbaki, Nicolas Elements of mathematics general topology / Nicolas Bourbaki.-- London: Addison-Wesley, 1966. iv,363p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53413 510 BOU

Bourbaki, Nicolas Elements of mathematics general topology / Nicolas Bourbaki.-- London: Addison-Wesley, 1966. iv,363p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53414 510 BOU

Bourbaki, Nicolas Elements of mathematics: theory of sets / Nicolas Bourbaki.-- Paris: Addison-Wesley, 1968. viii,413p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 69028 510 BOU

Bourbaki, Nicolas Elements of mathematics: theory of sets / Nicolas Bourbaki.-- Reading: Addison-Wesley, 1968. viii,414p. (Adiwes international series in mathematics) (ed. by A.J. Lahwater) 1.Mathematics I. Lohwater, A.J. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 71186 510


Bowers, Henry Arithmetical excursions: an enrichment of elementary mathematics / Henry Bowers and Joan E. Bowers.-- New York: Dover, 1961. 320p 1.Mathematics I. Bowers, Joan E. II. Title. Accn Nos : 39868 510 BOW

Bowers, Henry Arithmetical exeursions: An enrichment of elementary mathematics / Henry Bowers and Joan E. Bowers.-- New York: Dover Publications, Inc, 1961. xi,320p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics (Elementary) I. Bowers, Joan E. II. Title. Accn Nos : F10654 510 BOW

Bowman, Margaret E. Romance in arithmetic; A history of our currency weights and measures and calendar / Margaret E. Bowman.-- London: University of London Press, 1950. 160p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 39860 510 BOY

Boyer, Lee Emerson Introduction to mathematics: A historical development / Lee Emerson Boyer.--rev. ed-New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1955. xvi,528p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42564 510 BRA

Combinatorial mathematics / B. Brainerd...[et al.]-- London: Frederick Warne Co, 1967. 323p 1.Mathematics I. Brainerd, B. II. Clarke, D.A. III. Liebovitz, M.J. IV. Ross, R.A. Accn Nos : 66147 510 BRA

Differential calculus / B. Brainerd...[et al.]-- London: Frederick Warne & Co, 1966. xii,373p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Brainerd, B. II. Clarke, D.A. III. Liebovitz, M.J. IV. Ross, R.A. V. Scroggie, G.A. Accn Nos : 66146 510 BRA

Function / B. Brainerd...[et al.]-- London: Frederick Warne Co. Ltd., 1966.

455p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Brainerd, B. II. Clarke, D.A. III. Leibovitz, M.J. IV. Ross, R.A. V. Scroggie, U.A. Accn Nos : 66145 510 BRA

Vectors and matrices / B. Brainerd...[et al.]-- London: Federick Warne & Co, 1966. xi,425p. Vol. 4 1.Mathematics I. Brainerd, B. II. Clarke, D.A. III. Liebovitz, M.J. IV. Ross, R.A. V. Scroggie, G.A. Accn Nos : 66148

510 BRI

Briten, Paul Mastermaths - 2 / Paul Briten.-- Oxford: Oxford University, 1985. 96p. V. 2 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Text books (Primary) I. Title. Accn Nos : 105206 510 BRI

Briten, Paul Mastermaths - 3 / Paul Briten.-- Oxford: Oxford University press, 1984. 96p. V. 3 ISBN 0-19-834745-6 1.Mathematics 2.Study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 105207 510 BRI

Briten, Paul Mastermaths - 4 / Paul Briten.-- Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985. 96p. 1.Mathematics - Textbooks (Primary) I. Title. Accn Nos : 105208 510 BRI

Bridgess, M. Philbrick Problems and exercises in basic mathematics / M. Philbrick Bridgess.-- London: Addison-Wesley, 1964. viii,184p (Addison-wesley series in science and mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66471 510


Britton, Jack R Topics in contemporary mathematics / Jack R.Britton and Ignacio Bello.-- London: Harper, 1984. xi,651p. include index 1.Mathematics I. Bello, Ignacio. II. Title. Accn Nos : 102314 510 BRO

Brown, Kenneth E. General mathematics / Kenneth E. Brosn, Daniel W. Snader and Leonard Simon.-Illinois: Laid Law Brothers, Publishers, 1964. 512p (The Laidlaw mathematics series). Book-1 1.Mathematics I. Snader, Daniel W. II. Simon, Leonard. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F5854 510 BRO

Brown, Kenneth E. General mathematics / Kenneth E. Brown, Leonard Simon and Daniel W. Snader.-- New Jersey: Laidlaw Brothers, 1963. 640p (The Laidlaw mathematics series). Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Simon, Leonard. II. Snader, Daniel W. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F5855 510 BRO

Brown, Kenneth E. General mathematics: Manual tests answers / Kenneth E. Brown, Daniel W. Snader and Leonard Simon.-- New Jersey: Laidlaw Brothers, [n.d.] 60p (The Laidlaw mathematics series). Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Snader, Daniel. II. Simon, Leonard. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F5866 510 BRO

Brown, Kenneth E. General mathematics: Manual tests answers book two / Kenneth E. Brown.-- [s.l.]: Laidlaw Brothers, [n.d.] 96p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F5867 510 BRO

Mathematics first course / John A. Brown...[et al.]-- Englewood: Prentice Hall, 1960. 323p 1.Mathematics I. Brown, John A. II. Gordey, Bona Lunn. III. Sward, Dorothy. IV. Mayor, John R. Accn Nos : F4852 510


Mathematics second course / John A. Brown...[et al.]--2nd ed-- New Jersey: Printice Hall, 1962. v,365p 1.Mathematics I. Brown, John A. II. Gordey, Bona Lann. III. Sward, Dorothy. IV. Mayor, John R. Accn Nos : 3067 510 BRO

Mathematics second course / John A. Brown...[et al.]-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1960. 365p 1.Mathematics I. Brown, John A. II. Gordey, Bona Lunn. III. Sward, Dorothy. IV. Mayor, John R. Accn Nos : F4442

510 BRU

Brumfiel, Charles F. Elementary mathematics for teachers / Charles F. Brumfiel and Eugene F. Krause.-London: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1969. x,431p 1.Mathematics I. Krause, Eugene F. II. Title. Accn Nos : 75185 510 BRU

Brumfiel, Charles F. Fundamental concepts of elementary mathematics / Clarles F. Brumfiel, Robert T. Eicholz and Merrill E. Shanks.-Massachusett: Addison-Wesley, 1962. xi,340p (Addison-Wesley world student series) 1.Mathematics I. Eicholz, Robert E. II. Shanks, Merrill E. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 53431 510 BRU

Brumfiel, Charles F. Fundamental concepts of elementary mathematics / Clarles F. Brumfiel, Robert T. Eicholz and Merrill E. Shanks.-Massachusett: Addison-Wesley, 1962. xi,340p (Addison-Wesley world student series) 1.Mathematics I. Eicholz, Robert E. II. Shanks, Merrill E. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 39858 510 BRU

Brumfiel, Charles F. Fundamental concepts of elementary mathematics / Clarles F. Brumfiel, Robert T. Eicholz and Merrill E. Shanks.--

Massachusett: Addison-Wesley, 1962. xi,340p (Addison-Wesley world student series) 1.Mathematics I. Eicholz, Robert E. II. Shanks, Merrill E. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66470 510 BRU

Brumfiel, Charles F. Introduction to mathematics / Charles F. Brumfiel, Robert E. Eicholz and Merrill E. Shanks.-- London: Addison-Wesley, 1961. vii,76p 1.Mathematics I. Eicholz, Robert E. II. Shanks, Merrill E. III. Title. Accn Nos : 42568

510 BRU

Brueckner, Leo J. Making number discoveries / Leo J. Brueckner.-- New York: Holt Rinehart and Winston, 1959. 346p. 1.Mathmatics I. Title. Accn Nos : F10496 510 BRU

Bruckheimer, M. Mathematics for technology: a new approach / M. Bruckheimer, N.W. Gowar and R.E. Scraton.-- London: Chatto and Windus, 1968. xiv,558p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Gowar, N.W. II. Scraton, R.E. III. Title. Accn Nos : 73925 510 BRU

Bruckheiner, M. Mathematics for technology: A new approach / M. Bruckheiner, N.W. Gowar and R.E. Scraton.-- London: Chatto, 1968. xiv,558p 1.Mathematics I. Gowar, N.W. II. Scraton, R.E. III. Title. Accn Nos : 59845 510 BRU

Bruckheimeir, M. Mathematics for technology: A new approach / M. Bruckheimeir, N.W. Gowar and R.E. Scraton.-- London: Chatto & Windus, 1968. xiv,558p 1.Mathematics I. Gowar, N.W. II. Scraton, R.E. III. Title. Accn Nos : 64033 510


Budden, F.J. Mathematics through geometry / F.J. Budden and C.P. Wormell.-- Oxford: Pergamon, 1964. ix,230p 1.Mathematics I. Wormell, C.P. II. Title. Accn Nos : 39890 510 BUR

Burington, Richard Stevens Handbook of mathematical tables and formulas / Richard Stevens Burington.-- New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co, 1965. xi,423p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 62436

510 BUS

Advances in mathematics / ed. by Herbert Busemann.-- New York: Academic Press Ltd, 1967. 59p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Busemann, Herbert. Accn Nos : 59287 510 BUS

Bush, George C. Basic concepts of mathematics / George C. Bush and Phillip E. Obreanu.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965. x,387p 1.Mathematics I. Obreanu, Phillip E. II. Title. Accn Nos : 53213 510 BUS

Bush, George C. Basic concepts of mathematics / George C. Bush and Phillip E. Obreanu.-- New York: Holt Rinehart and Winston, 1965. x,387p 1.Mathematics I. Obreanu, Phillip E. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3087 510 BUS

Osborn, Jesse Busy beavers adventures with numbers / Jesse Osborn, Adeline Riefling and illus. by Christine Chisbolm.-- Saint Louis: Webster, 1953. 312p 1.Mathematics I. Riefling, Adeline. II. Chisholm, Christine. III. Title. Accn Nos : 42718

510 BUS

Bush, Grace A. Foundations of mathematics with application to the social and management science / Grace A. Bush and John E. Young.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1968. viii,466p. 1.Mathematics I. Young, John E. II. Title. Accn Nos : 69594 510 BYR

Byrne, J. Richard Modern elementary mathematics / J. Richard Byrne.-- London: McGrow Hill, [n.d.] 444p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 54675 510 CAM

Campbell, Hugh G. Finite mathematics and calculus: applications in business and the social and life sciences / Hugh G. Campbell and Robert E. Spencer.-- New York: Macmillan, 1977. xi, 714p. ISBN 0-02-318600-3 1.Mathematics I. Spencer, Robert E. II. Title. Accn Nos : 80884 510 CAM

Cameron, A.J. Mathematical enterprises for schools / A.J. Cameron.-- Oxford: Pergamon, 1966. v,190p (Commonwealth and international library, mathematics division) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 64232 510 CAM

Cameron, A.J. Mathematical enterprises for schools / A.J. Cameron.-- Oxford: Pergamon, 1966. v,190p (Commonwealth and international library, mathematics division) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series).

510 CAM

Cameron, A.J. Mathematical enterprises for schools / A.J. Cameron.-- Oxford: Pergamon, 1966. v,190p (Commonwealth and international library, mathematics division) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 65580 510 CAM

School mathematics projects 5 / The Publisher.-- London: Cambridge University

Press, 1969. 345p 1.Mathematics 510 CAM

Campbell, Howard E. Structure of arithmetic / Howard E. Campbell.-- New York: Meredith Corporation, 1970. ix,224p. (Appleton century mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 72852 510 CAR

Carter, Hobart C. Modern basic mathematics / Hobart C. Carter.-- London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1965. xi,466p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 39888 510 CAR

Carter, Hobart C. Modern basic mathematics / Hobart C. Carter.-- London: Methuen & Co. Ltd, 1965. xi,466p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 54667 510 CAR

Carter, Hobart C. Modern basic mathematics / Hobart C. Carter.-- London: Methuen, 1965. 465p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42589 510 CAR

Carpenter Putting arithmetic to work: Teachers guide and resource book / Carpenter and Cuthberston.-- New York: Macmillan, 1957. 200p 1.Mathematics I. Cuthberston. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45062 510 CAR

Teachers guide and resource book for: Jean in arithmetic / Dale Carpenter...[et al.]-New York: The Macmillan Company, 1957. 193p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching 3.Mathematics teachers - Training of I. Carpenter, DaleMc. II. Meen, George. III. Anderson, G. IV. Anderson, G. Lester. V. Sauer, Edith M. Accn Nos : 42699 510 CAS

Castle, Fran K. Elementary practical mathematics for technical students / Frank K. Castle.--

London: Macmillan, 1957. 436p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 8747 510 CEN

Mathematics / Central Board of Secondary Education.-- New Delhi: Central Board of Secondary Education, n.d 80p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Central Board of Secondary Education. Accn Nos : F15041

510 CHA

Chakravarti, Jadav Chandra Additional mathematics (school final); arithmetic, algebra, geometry, plane solid, trigonometry / Jadav Chandra Chakravarti.-Calcutta: A.C. Chakravarti, 1959. iii,137p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F10371 510 CHA

Chance, J. Basic mathematics of technology / J. Chance and G.F. Sims.-- London: University of London Press, 1950. viii,264p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Sims, G.F. II. Title. Accn Nos : 39918 510 CHA

Challenge and thrill of pre-college Mathematics / V. Krishnamurthy...[].-- New Delhi: New Age International Publishers, 2000. xi,692p. Includes index ISBN 81-224-0980-6 1.Mathematics I. Krishnamurthy, V. II. Pranesachar, C.R. III. Ranganathan, K.N. IV. Venkatachala, B.J. Accn Nos : 120663 510 CHA

Chandrupatla, Tirupathi R. Finite element analysis: for engineering and technology / Tirupathi R. Chandrupatla.-Hyderabad: Universities Press, 2004. xiv,253p (includes one CD-ROM) ISBN 81-7371-427-4 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 122999

510 CHA

Chaturvedi, Aditya Ganit kaksha - XI (HIN) / Aditya Chaturvedi.--2006-- Raypur: Chhattisgarh Pathya Pustak Nigam, 2006. 540p. 1.Mathematics - Text book I. Title. Accn Nos : F25569 510 CHA

Chatwal, Ravi Text book of Mathematics for class X / Ravi Chatwal.-- New Delhi: Evergreen Publications, 2003. 248p. ISBN 81-7313-122-8 1.Mathematics-Text book I. Title. Accn Nos : F24750 510 CHE

Chetwynd, A. Discrete Mathematics / A. Chetwynd and P. Diggle.-- Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2001. vi,209p (Modular Mathematics series) ISBN 0-340-61047-6 1.Mathematics I. Diggle, P. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 120992 510 CHH

State Council of Educatinal Research and Training bharati, angrejee evam ganit, Class 1 (HIN) / SCERT.-- Raipur: Chhattisgarh Text Book Corporation, 2007. 212p. Textbook 1.English 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F25790 510 CHH

State Council of Educatinal Research and Training Mathematics, Class- 10 / SCERT.-- Raipur: Chhattisgarh Text Book Corporation, 2006. 160p. Textbook 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F25523 510 CHH

Chhatttisgarh Pathayapustak Nigam Samikit pathayapustak bhag 2 ganit evam paryavaran adhyayan kaksha-3 (HIN) / Chhattisgarh Pathayapustak Nigam.-- Raipur: Chhattisgarh Pathayapustak Nigam, 2006. 175p. 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Text I. Title. Accn Nos : F25527 510 CHH


State Council of Educatinal Research and Training Learning is fun & mathematics, Class- 2 / SCERT.-- Raipur: Chhattisgarh Text Book Corporation, 2006. 214p. Textbook 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F25498 510 CHH (T-B)

State Council of Educatinal Research and Training Mahematics, Class 7 / SCERT.-- Raipur: Chhattisgarh Text Book Corporation, 2006. 181p. Textbook 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F25509

510 CHH (T-B)

State Council of Educatinal Research and Training Mathematics, Class 6 / SCERT.-- Raipur: Chhattisgarh Text Book Corporation, 2006. 176p. Textbook 1.Mathematics - Textbook I. Title. Accn Nos : F25507 510 CHH (T-B)

State Council of Educatinal Research and Training Mathematics (class-8) / SCERT.-- Raipur (C.G.): Chhattisgarh text book corporation, 2006. 152p. Textbook 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F25514 510 CHH (T-B)

State Council of Educatinal Research and Training Mathematics, Class- 9 / SCERT.-- Raipur: Chhattisgarh Text Book Corporation, 2006. 204p. Textbook 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F25520 510 CHH (T-B)

State Council of Educatinal Research and Training Mathematics environmental studies: interated textbook (class-5) / SCERT.-Raipur (C.G.): Chhattisgarh text book corporation, 2006. 268p. Textbook

1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F25503 510 CHH (T-B)

State Council of Educatinal Research and Training Mathematics environmental studies: integrated textbook (Class- 3) / SCERT.-Raipur: Chhattisgarh Text Book Corporation, 2006. 252p. Textbook 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F25499

510 CHI

Children reading mathematics / edited by Hilary Shuard and Andrew Rothery.-London: John Murray, 1984. 170p. ISBN 0-7195-4093-3 1.Mathematics I. Shuard, Hilary. II. Rothery, Andrew. Accn Nos : 107891 510 CHO

Chopra, S.D. Mathematics for middle schools part II / S.D. Chopra and K.C. Madan, ed. by Rajendra P. Gupta and Mahendra Shanker.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1980. 324p. Book-III 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - textbooks middle schools I. Madan, K.C. II. Gupta, Rajendra P. III. Shanker, Mahendra. IV. NCERT. V. National Council of Educational Research and Training. VI. Title. Accn Nos : F13948 510 CHU

Churchill, Ruel V. Operational mathematics / Ruel V. Churchill.--2nd ed-- New York: MgGraw-Hill Book Co, 1958. ix,337p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 66804 510 CIN

Cincinnati Public School Mathematics...grads - 7, 8 / Cincinnati Public School.-- [s.l.]: Cincinnati Public School, [n.d.]

x,298p (Curriculum bulletin) (1) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 39983 510 CLA

Clawson, Calvin C. Mathematical mysteries: the beauty and magic of numbers / Calvin C. Clawson.-- New Delhi: Viva Books, 2004. x,313p ISBN 81-7649-831-9 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 123785

510 CLA

Clawson, Calvin C. Mathematical sorcery: revealing the secrets of numbers / Calvin C. Clawson.-- New Delhi: Viva Books, 2004. ix,294p ISBN 81-7649-830-0 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 123787 510 CLA

Clarke, R. Blamire Mathematical test papers for upper forms / R. Blamire Clarke.-- London: University of London Press Ltd, 1966. 53p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - text and measurement I. Title. Accn Nos : 6819 510 CLA

Clawson, Calvin C. Mathematical traveler: exploring the grand history of numbers / Calvin C. Clawson.-- New Delhi: Viva Books, 2004. x,307p ISBN 81-7649-832-7 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 123786 510 CLA

Clark, Stuart S. Mathematics program of the denver public school / Stuart S. Clark.-- Colorado: Denver Public School, 1957. xx, various pages 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 47620

510 CLA

Clayton, H.W. Natural approach to mathematics part 3 / H.W. Clayton and D.N. Straker.--Clayton, H.W. -- Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1966. vii,216p 1.MathematicsNatural appro I. Straker, D.N. II. Title. Accn Nos : 39922 510 CLA

Clayton, H.W. Natural approach to mathematics part one / H.W. Clayton.-- Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1966. viii,18p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42560 510 CLA

Clayton, H.W. Natural approach to mathematics part-2 / H.W. Clayton and D.N. Straker.-- Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1965. viii,188p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Straker, D.N. II. Title. Accn Nos : 53423 510 CLA

Clayton , H.W. Natural approch to mathmatics / H.W. Clayton.-- London: Pergaman press, 1965. 168p. 1.Mathmatics I. Title. Accn Nos : 19405 510 CLA

Clarke, L. Harwood Ordinary level mathematics / L. Harwood Clarke.--2nd ed-- London: Heinemann, 1960. xiv,435p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 39877 510 CLI

Clifford, William Kingdon Common sense of the exact sciences / William Kingdon Clifford.-- New York: Daver Publications, 1955. lxvi,249 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 30323 510 COC

Cockcroft, W.H. Your child and mathematics / W.H. Cockcroft.-- London: W & R Chambers, 1968. 28p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Accn Nos : 73935 510 COC

Cockcroft, W.H. Your child and mathematics / W.H. Cockcroft.-- London: W & R Chambers and John Murray, 1968. 28p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F8548 510 COE

Coeley, Hollis R. Introduction to mathematics / Hallis R. Coeley and David Gans.--2nd ed-- Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1949. 710p 1.Mathematics I. Gans, David. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42562 510 COL

Colerus, Egmont From simple numbers to the calculus: Mathematics for every man / Egmont Colerus.-London: Heinemann, 1960. xi,255p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics 3.Calculus I. Title. Accn Nos : 30064 510 COL

Colerus, Egmont Mathematics for everyman / Egmont Colerus, tr. by B.C. Brooks and H.F. Brooks.-- New York: Emerson Books, Inc, 1958. xi,255p 1.Mathematics I. Brooks, B.C. II. Brooks, H.F. III. Title. Accn Nos : 42561 510 COL

Mathematics handbook grades five and six / The Department of Instruction.-Colorado: Denver Public Schools, 1954. 162p 1.Mathematics I. The Department of Instruction, Colorado. Accn Nos : 18110 510 COL

Mathematics handbook kindergarten through grade four / Denver Public Schools.-Colorado: Denver Public Schools, 1953. 240p 1.Mathematics I. Denver Public Schools, Colorado.

Accn Nos : 479 510 COL

Clark, Stuart S. Mathematics program of the Denuer, Public

School grade four and five / Stuart S. Clark and Ruth H. Tuttle.-- Colorado: Denuer Public Schools, 1957. various pages 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Tuttle, Ruth H. II. Title. Accn Nos : 49837 510 COL

Mathematics program of the Denver Public Schools Kindergarten through twelth grade (grade Two and three) / ed. by Stuart S. Clark and Ruth H. Tuttle.-- Colorado: Denver Public Schools, 1958. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Clark, Stuart S. II. Tuttle, Ruth H. Accn Nos : 17906 510 COL(R-HB)

Colorado, Denver Public School Mathematics handbook kindergarten through grade four / Denver Public Schools Govt of Colorado.-- Colorado: Denver Public Schools, 1953. 245p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 20653 510 COM

Appendices; report of the commission on mathematics / Commision on Mathematics.-New York: College Entrance Examination Board, 1959. 231p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Commission on Mathematics. Accn Nos : F11656 510 CON

Concept of sunya / ed. by A.K. Bag and S.R. Sarma.-- New Delhi: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, 2003. 287p 1.Mathematics I. Bag. A.K. II. Sarma, S.R. Accn Nos : 123361 510 CON

Banks, John Houston Teacher's question - and answer book on arithmatic / John Houston Banks and Arville Wheeler.-- London: Arthur C. Croft Publications, 1960. 65p 1.Mathematics I. Wheeler, Arville. II. Title. Accn Nos : F2126 510 COO

Codey, Hollis R. Introduction to mathematics / Hollis, R. Codey, David Gans, Morris Kline and Howard E.

Wahlert.-- Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1937. xviii,634p 1.Mathematics I. Gans, David. II. Kline, Morris. III. Wahlert, Howard E. IV. Title. Accn Nos : 42553 510 COO

Cooke, Heather Mathematics for primary and early years:Developing subject knowledge / Heather Cooke.--2nd ed.-- New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2007. viii, 222p. Includes index ISBN 978-1-4129-46 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 127347 510 COP

Copeland, Richard W. How children learn mathematics: teaching implications of plaqut's research / Richard W. Copeland.-- New York: Macmillan, 1979. 419p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 84306 510 COP

Copeland, Richard W. Mathematics and the elementary teacher / Richard W. Copeland.-- London: W.B. Sunders, 1967. xvii,355p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 71487 510 COR (R-H)

Korn, Granino A Mathematical handbook for scientists and engineers: Definitions, Theorims and Formultas for reference and Review / Granino A. Korn.-- New York: McGraw- Hill, 1961. xvii,1130p. Includes index I. Title. Accn Nos : 62394 510 COU

Coursey, R.C. Controlled programme learning / R.C. Coursey.-- California: McMillan, [n.d.] v,180p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 69424 510 COU

Courant, Richard What is mathematics? An elementary approached to be ideas and methods / Richard

Courant and Herbert Robbins.-- London: Oxford University Press, 1958. xix,521p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Robbins, Herbert. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42566 510 CRO

Crowhurst, Norman H. Basic mathematics / Norman H. Crowhurst.-New York: John F. Rider Pub., 1961. Various pagination 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 39866

510 CRO

Crowhurst, Norman H. Basic mathematics / Norman H. Crowhurst.-New York: John F. Rider Publisher Inc, 1961. 1-143p. Vol. 1 - Arithmetic, as an outgrowth of learning to count 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 39916 510 CRO

Crouch, Ralph Mathematics for elementary teachers / Ralph Crouch and George Baldwin.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1964. ix,352p 1.Mathematics I. Baldwin, George. II. Title. Accn Nos : 53645 510 CUL

Culberston, James T. Mathematics and logic for digital devices / James T. Culbertson.-- New York: D. Van Nostrand, 1958. x,224p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42944 510 CUN

Cundy, H. Martyn Mathematical models / H. Martyn Cundy and A.P. Rollett.--2nd ed-- Oxford: Clarendon, 1961. 286p 1.Mathematics I. Rollett, A.P. II. Title. Accn Nos : 39897 510 CUN

Cundy, H. Martyn

Mathematical models / H. Martyn Cundy and A.P. Rollett.--2nd-- Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1961. 286p 1.Mathematics I. Rollett, A.P. II. Title. Accn Nos : 52397 510 CUR

Currier, Clinton Harvey Course in general mathematics / Clinton Harvey Currier, Enery Ernes Watson and James Sutherland Frame.--rev. ed-- New York: Macmillan, 1955. ix,382p 1.Mathematics I. Watson, Enery Ernes. II. Frame, James Sutherland. III. Title. Accn Nos : 39898

510 CUR

Curry, Haskell B. Foundations of mathematical logic / Haskell B. Curry.-- New York: McGraw Hill, [n.d.] xii,407p. (McGraw Hill series in higher mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 60843 510 CUT

Trachtenberg speed system of basic mathematics / tr. by Ann Cutler and Rudolph Mcshane.-- Bombay: Asia, 1960. 270p 1.Mathematics I. Cutler, Ann. II. Mcshane, Rudolph. Accn Nos : 39895 510 CUT

Trachtenberg speed system of basic mathematics / ed. by Ann Cutler.-London: Pan Book, 1966. 251p 1.Mathematics I. Cutler, Ann. Accn Nos : F14507 510 DAS

Das, Nanda ram Textbook of degree Mathematics / Nanda Ram Das and Pranjal Rajkhowa.-- New Delhi: Asian Books, 2007. Various pagination. Including bibliographical references and index ISBN 81-8412-038-9 1.Mathematics I. Rajkhowa, Pranjal. II. Title. Accn Nos : 127754 510 DAU

Dausch, Vernon L. Number sciences: An introduction to

equation solving / Vernon L. Dausch and Martin F. Hubley.-- New York: Macmillan, 1963. v,69p (Understanding modern mathematics, a series of programmed text) 1.Mathematics I. Hubley, Martin F. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 42688 510 DAV

Davis, Nettie Stewart Applied mathematics for girls / Nettie Stewart Davis.-- Milwaukee: The Bruce, 1949. xii,273p. Answers to problems 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 39919

510 DAV

Davis, Robert B. Explorations in mathematics student discussion guide to accompany explorations in mathematics: A text for teachers / Robert B. Davis.-- London: Addison-Wesley, 1966. 168p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 54933 510 DAV

Davis, Morton Mathematically speaking / Morton Davis.-New York: Harcourt Brace Javanovich, 1980. xii,484p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 100790 510 DAV

Davidson, John Teach your self mathematics / John Davidson.-- London: The English Universities Press, 1956. xi,239p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 39905 510 DEA

Deans, Edwina Elementary school mathematics: New direction / Edwina Deans.-- Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Press, 1963. vi,116p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : F4529 510 DEA

Deans, Edwina

Elementary school mathematics / Edwina Deans.-- Washington: U.S. Department of Health Education and Welfare, 1963. vi,116p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F4532 510 DEM

Demidovich, B. Problems in mathematical analysis / B. Demidovich and tr. by G. Yan Kovsky.-Moscow: Peace Publishers, [n.d.] 496p 1.Mathematics I. Kovsky, G. Yan. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3076

510 DEM

de Mestre, Neville Sixty tasks from the A.C.T. maths centre / Neville de Mestre and Bea Duncan.-Canberra: Curriculum Development Centre, 1980. 88p ISBN 0-642-96206-5 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Duncan, Bea. II. Title. Accn Nos : F17567 510 DEN

Denise, H. Calcul : Cours elementaire premiere annee / H. Denise and O. Rosier.-- n.s.: Delagrave, n.d. 128p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F3290 510 DEN

Denbow, Carl H. Foundations of mathematics / Carl H. Denbow and Victor Goedicke.-- New York: Herper & Brothers Publishers, 1959. xviii,620p (Herper's mathematics series) (ed. by Charles A. Hutchinson) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Goedicke, Victor. II. Hutchinson, Charles A. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 39914 510 DEN

Accn Nos : 438

Mathematics handbook grades seven and eight / The publisher.-- Denver: Denver Public Schools, 1954. 192p 1.Mathematics I. Denver Public Schools.

510 DEO

Deo, V.M. Textbook of mathematics and statistics(Standard VIII) / V.M. Deo and R.R. Mahajan.--2nd ed-- Bombay: Kitab Mahal, 1977. 267p 1.Mathematics I. Mahajan, R.R. II. Title. Accn Nos : 81628 510 DES

Deshmukh, Veena Mathematics learning and temperament / Veena Deshmukh.-- Orissa: Orissa Institute of educational research, 1997. xi,283p. I. Title. Accn Nos : F21122

510 DEV

Devlin, Keith Sets, functions and logic: an introduction to abstract mathematics / Keith, Devlin.--3rd ed.-- London: Chapman & Hall, 2003. x,143p (Chapman & Hall mathematics) ISBN 1-58488-449-5 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 123849 510 DEV (NAT)

Development of activity based teaching learning materials in mathematics at upper primary level / Programme coordinator L.K.Bhopa.-- Bhubaneswar: Regional Institute of education, 2007. 100p. 1.Mathematics- Upper primary school 2.Teaching mathematics I. Bhopa, L.K Accn Nos : F25915 510 DHA

Dharmadhikari, S.K. Elementary mathmatical technique / S.K. Dharmadhikari.-- Bombay: Himalaya, 1978. 196p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 83277 510 DHA

Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh School Shiksha Borad Meri pustak gaint kaksha - 3 (HIN) / Himachal Pradesh School Shiksha Board Dharamshala.--7th ed.-- Dharamshala: Himachal Pradesh School Shiksha Board, 2009. 228p. 1.Mathematics - Textbook I. Title. Accn Nos : F28502

510 DIN

Dinkines, Flora Abstract mathematical system part III of elementary concepts of modern mathematics / Flora Dinkines.-- New York: Appleton-CenturyCrofts, 1961. viii,97p (The Appleton-Century mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 42662 510 DIS

Discrete Mathematics / N Ch S N Iyengar...[et al.].-- New Delhi: Vikas Publising House, 2003. xiv,376p ISBN 81-259-1362-9 1.Mathematics I. Iyengar, N Ch S N. Accn Nos : 123215 510 DIS

Dossey, John A. Discrete mathematics / John A. Dossey [et al.]-- London: Scott, Foresman and Co., 1986. 482p ISBN 0-673-18191-X 1.Mathematics I. Otto, Albert D. II. Spence, Lawrence E. III. Eynden, Charles Vanden. IV. Title. Accn Nos : 108760 510 DOD

Dodes, Irving Allen Finite mathematics liberal arts approach / Irving Allen Dodes.-- New York: McGraw Hill Book Company, 1970. 403p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 73915 510 DOR

Dorofeev, G Elementary mathematics: selected topics and problems solving / G. Dorofeev.-- New Delhi: CBS Publishers and Distributors, 2000. 488p 1.Mathematics I. Potapov, M. II. Rozov, N. III. Title. Accn Nos : 121370 510 DOU

Douglass, Harl R. Everyman mathematics / Harl R. Douglass, Lucien B. Kinney and Vincent Ruble.--rev. ed -- New York: Honry Holt and Company, 1953. viii,504p 1.Mathematics I. Kinney, Lucien B. II. Ruble, Vincent. III. Title. Accn Nos : 42720 510


Dowdy, S.M. Mathematics art and science / S.M. Dowdy.-New York: John Wiley, 1971. xviii,282p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 75186 510 DUB

Mathematics I / ed. by Roy Dubisch...[et al.]-- New York: John Wiley, 1969. x,529p 1.Mathematics I. Dubisch, Roy. II. Rucker, Isabelle P. III. Hood, Vernon R. IV. Yarnelle, John E. Accn Nos : 73988

510 DUR

Durrell, Clement V. Certificate mathematics / Clement V. Durrell.-- London: G. Bell & Sons, 1958. 310p. Vol. 4 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3198 510 DUR

Durel, Clement V. Certificate mathematics / Clement V. Durell.-- London: G. Bell, 1960. xl,288p. Vol. III B 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3266 510 DUR

Durell, Clement V. Certificate mathematics / Clement V. Durell.-- London: G. Bell, 1960. 320p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3197 510 DUR

Durell, Clement V. Certificate mathematics / Clement V. Durell.-- London: G. Bell, 1959. 320p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3195 510 DUR

Durell, Clement V. General mathematics / Clement V. Durell.-London: G Bell and Sons Ltd, 1959. xi,296p. Vol. 4 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title.

Accn Nos : 3265 510 DUR

Durrell, Clement V. General mathematics / Clement V. Durrell.-London: G. Bell and Sons, 1959. xxxi,321p. Vol. II 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3194 510 DUR

Durell, Clement V. General mathematics / Clement V. Durell.-London: G. Bell, 1961. xv,310p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3193 510 DUR

Durell, Clement V. General mathematics / Clement V. Durell.-London: G. Bell, 1959. xxxii,330p. Vol. 3 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3196 510 DWI

Dwight, Leslie A. Modern mathematics for the elementary teacher / Leslie A. Dwight.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1966. ix,598p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 86907 510 EDU

Educational Research Council of Greater Cleveland GCMP greater cleveland mathematics program: administrator's guide / Educational Research Council of Greater Cleveland.-- Chicago: Science Research Association, 1963. 40p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F13836 510 EDU

Mathematics: Teacher's guide / Educational Services Incorporated Watertown.-Chicago: Science Research Association Inc, 1964. 299p 1.Mathematics I. Educational Services Incorporated Watertown, Massachusetts. Accn Nos : F11714 510 EDU

Understanding number combinations / The Publisher.-- New York: Treasure Book, 1966. 64p 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : 35249

510 EDW

Edwards, William Herbert Precision shop mathematics / William Herbert Edwards.-- Boston: D.C. Heath, 1947. vi,314p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42715 510 EIC

Eicholz, Robert E. Basic modern mathematics / Robert E. Eicholz and Phares O'Daffer.-- Paloalto: Addison-wesley Publishing Co. Inc, 1965. 376p 1.Mathematics I. O'Daffer, Phares. II. Title. Accn Nos : F13814 510 EIC

Eicholz, Robert E. Basic modern mathematics: Second course / Robert E. Eicholz and Phares G. O'Daffer.-Clifornia: Addison-Wesley, 1965. 380p 1.Science I. O'Daffer, Phares G. II. Title. Accn Nos : F13815 510 EIC

Eicholz, Robert E. Basic modern mathematics: Second course / Robert E. Eicholz and Phares G. O'Daffer.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1965. 380p 1.Mathematics I. O'Daffer, Phares G. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42791 510 EIC

Eicholz Basic modern mathematics: Teacher's edition / Eicholz, Brumfiel and Shanks.-California: Addison-Wesley, 1965. 375p 1.Mathematics I. Brumfiel. II. Shanks. III. Title. Accn Nos : 42737 510 EIC

Eicholz, Robert E. Basic modern mathematics: first course / Rober E. Eicholz, Phares G. O'Daffer, Charles F. Brumfiel and Merrill E. Shanks.-California: Addison-Wisley, 1965. 376p 1.Mathematics I. O;Daffer, Phares G. II. Brumfiel, Charles F. III. Shanks, Merrill E. IV. Title. Accn Nos : 57402

510 EIC

Eicholz Basic modern mathematics: Teacher's edition / Eicholz and Brumfiel.-- California: Addison Wesley, 1965. 428p 1.Mathematics I. Brumfiel. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42738 510 EIC

Eicholz, Robert E. ,O'Daffer Phares G. Basic modern mathematics / Robert E. Eicholz &Phares G. O'Daffer.-- California: Addison Wesley Publishing, 1965. 380p. second course 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 57403 510 EIC

Eicholz, Robert E. Besic modern mathematics: Teachers edition to accompany / Robert E. Eicholz and Phares G. O' Doffer.-- London: Addison-Wesley, 1965. 400p 1.Mathemtics I. O'Doffer, Phares G. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42739 510 EIC

Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary mathematics work book / Robert Eicholz and Phares G. O'Daffer.--Teachers ed -- California: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1965. 96p. Book-6 1.Mathematics I. O'Daffer, Phares G. II. Title.

510 EIC

Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary mathematics work book / Robert E. Eicholz and Phares G. O'Daffer.--2nd ed-New York: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co, 1968. 96p. Vol. 4 1.Mathematics I. O'Daffer, Phares G. II. Title. Accn Nos : 75190 510 EIC

Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary mathematics workbook / Robert E. Eicholz and Phares O'Daffer.-- Phillipines: Addison-Wesley, 1965. 96p. Vol. 5 1.Mathematics I. O'Daffer, Phares. II. Title.

510 EIC

510 EIC

510 EIC

510 EIC

510 EIC

Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary mathematics workbook / Robert E. Eicholz and Phares O'Daffer.-- Phillipines: Addison-Wesley, 1965. 96p. Vol. 5 1.Mathematics I. O'Daffer, Phares. II. Title.

Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary mathematics workbook / Robert E. Eicholz and Phares O'Daffer.-- Phillipines: Addison-Wesley, 1965. 96p. Vol. 5 1.Mathematics I. O'Daffer, Phares. II. Title.

Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary mathematics workbook / Robert E. Eicholz and Phares O'Daffer.-- Phillipines: Addison-Wesley, 1965. 96p. Vol. 5 1.Mathematics I. O'Daffer, Phares. II. Title.

Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary mathematics workbook / Robert E. Eicholz, Phares G. O'Daffer.-- California: Addison-Wesley, 1965. 96p. Book 3 1.Mathematics I. O'Daffer, Phares G. II. Title.

Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary mathematics workbook / Robert E. Eicholz and Phares G. O'Daffer.-Philippines: Addison-Wesley, 1968. 112p 1.Mathematics I. O'Daffer, Phares G. II. Title. Accn Nos : F95193 510


Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary mathematics work book / Robert E. Eicholz and Phares G. O'Daffer.--Teacher's ed-- Philippines: Addison-Wesley, 1965. 96p. Vol. 3 1.Mathematics I. O'Daffer, Phares G. II. Title.

510 EIC

Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary mathematics workbook. 2 / Robert E. Eicholz.--2nd ed-- Canada: Addison Wesley, 1968. 96p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 75189

510 EIC

Elementary mathematics workbook / Robert E. Eicholz...[et al.]-- Philippines: AddisonWesley, 1965. 96p. Vol. 6 1.Mathematics I. Eicholz, Robert E. II. O'Daffer, Phares G. III. Brumfiel, Charles F. IV. Shank, Merrill E. Accn Nos : 35341 510 EIC

Elementary mathematics workbook / Robert E. Eicholz...[et al.]--2nd ed-- Philippines: Addison-Wesley, 1968. iii. Vol. 5 1.Mathematics I. Eicholz, Robert E. II. O'Daffer, Phares G. III. Brumfiel, Charles. IV. Shanks, Merril E. Accn Nos : 75191 510 EIC

Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary mathematics workbook 6 / Robert E. Eicholz and Phares G. O'Daffer.--Ed. 2-Philippines: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1968. 112p. Consulting Authors Charles F. Brumfiel and Merrill E. Shanks 1.Mathematics I. O'Daffer, Phares G. II. Title. Accn Nos : 75192 510 EIC

Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary mathematics workbook / Robert E. Eicholz and Phares O'Daffer.-- California: Addison-Wesley, 1965. 96p. V. 5

1.Mathematics I. O'Daffer, Phares. II. Title. Accn Nos : F57025 510 EIC

Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary schol mathematics, primer / Robert E. Eicholz, Emerson Martin, Charles F. Brumfiel and Merrill E. Shanks.--Teacher's ed -- Masschusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1965. 96p (Addison-wesley elementary school mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Matrin, Emerson. II. Brumfiel, Charles F. III. Shanks, Merrill E. IV. Title (Series).

510 EIC

Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary school mathematics book 6 / Robert E. Eicholz and Emerson Martin.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Pub. Co, 1965. 312p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics (Elementary) I. Martin, Emerson. II. Title. Accn Nos : F5701 510 EIC

Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary school mathematics book 1 / Robert E. Eicholz and Emerson Martin.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Pub. Co, 1965. 312p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics (Elementary) I. Martin, Emerson. II. Title. Accn Nos : F5702 510 EIC

Martin, Emerson Elementary school mathematics primer / Robert E. Eicholz and Emerson Martin.-Eicholz, Robert E.-- Massachusetts: AddisonWesley Pub. Co, 1965. 96p (Elementary school mathematics series) 1.Mathematics (Elementary)Elementary sc I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 17210 510 EIC

Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary school mathematics / Robert E. Eicholz and Phares G. O'Daffer.--Teachers edition-- London: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc, 1965. 406p (Elementary school mathematics series for Kindergarten through grade 6). Vol. 3 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics (Elementary)

I. O'Daffer, Phares G. II. Title 510 EIC


Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary school mathematics / Robert E. Eicholz and Phares G. O'Daffer.--Teachers edition-- London: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., 1965. 406p (Elementary school mathematics series for Kindergarten through grade 6). Vol. 3 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics (Elementary) I. O'Daffer, Phares G. II. Title (Series).

510 EIC

Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary school mathematics / Robert E. Eicholz and Phares G. O'Daffer.--Teachers edition-- London: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., 1965. 406p (Elementary school mathematics series for Kindergarten through grade 6). Vol. 3 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics (Elementary) I. O'Daffer, Phares G. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F5703 510 EIC

Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary school mathematics / Robert E. Eicholz and Emerson Martin.--Teachers edition -- California: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1965. 244p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics (Elementary) I. Martin, Emerson. II. Title. Accn Nos : 86615 510 EIC

510 EIC

Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary school mathematics book 2 / Robert E. Eicholz and Emerson Martin.-Teachers ed-- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Pub Co, 1963. 240p (Elementary school mathematics series). Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Martin, Emerson. II. Title (Series).

Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary school mathematics book 2 / Robert E. Eicholz and Emerson Martin.-Teacher's ed-- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley

Pub Co, 1963. 240p (Elementary school mathematics series). Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Martin, Emerson. II. Title (Series). 510 EIC

510 EIC

Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary school mathematics book 2 / Robert E. Eicholz and Emerson Martin.-Teacher's ed-- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Pub Co, 1963. 240p (Elementary school mathematics series). Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Martin, Emerson. II. Title (Series).

Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary school mathematics: Getting ready / Robert E. Elcholz and Phares G. O'Daffer.--Teachers ed-- New York: AddisonWesley Publishing, 1965. 48p. Vol. 5 1.Mathematics I. O'Daffer, Phares G. II. Title.

510 EIC

Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary school mathematics / Robert E. Eicholz and Phares G. O'Daffer.--2nd teachers ed., Nancy T. Hildebrand-- California: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co, 1968. xviii,413p (Addison-Wesley mathematics series for grade K-8). Book-6 1.Mathematics I. O'Daffer, Phares G. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 65048 510 EIC

Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary school mathematics / Robert E. Eicholz and Phares G. O'Daffer, Charles F. Brumfiel and Merrill E. Shanks.--2nd teachers ed., Nancy T. Hildebrand-- California: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co, 1968. xx,414p (Addison-Wesley mathematics series for grades K-8). Book-5 1.Mathematics I. O'Daffer, Phares G. II. Brumfiel, Charles E. III. Shanks, Merrill E. IV. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 65042 510 EIC

Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary school mathematics / Robert E.

Eicholz, Phares G. O'Daffer and Charles F. Brumfiel.-- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1964. 332p. Vol. 6 1.Mathematics I. O'Daffer, Phares G. II. Brumfiel, Charles F. III. Title. 510 EIC

510 EIC

510 EIC

510 EIC

510 EIC

510 EIC

Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary school mathematics / Robert E. Eicholz, Phares G. O'Daffer and Charles F. Brumfiel.-- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1964. 332p 1.Mathematics I. O'Daffer, Phares G. II. Brumfiel, Charles F. III. Title.

Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary school mathematics / Robert E. Eicholz, Phares G. O'Daffer and Charles F. Brumfiel.-- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1964. 332p 1.Mathematics I. O'Daffer, Phares G. II. Brumfiel, Charles F. III. Title.

Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary school mathematics / Robert E. Eicholz, Phares G. O'Daffer and Charles F. Brumfiel.-- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1964. 332p 1.Mathematics I. O'Daffer, Phares G. II. Brumfiel, Charles F. III. Title.

Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary school mathematics / Robert E. Eicholz, Phares G. O'Daffer and Charles F. Brumfiel.-- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1964. 332p 1.Mathematics I. O'Daffer, Phares G. II. Brumfiel, Charles F. III. Title.

Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary school mathematics / Robert E. Eicholz, Phares G. O'Daffer and Charles F. Brumfiel.-- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1964. 332p 1.Mathematics I. O'Daffer, Phares G. II. Brumfiel, Charles F. III. Title.

Eicholz, Robert E.

Elementary school mathematics / Robert E. Eicholz and Emerson Martin.-- California: Addison-Wesley, 1965. 244p. Book 1 1.Mathematics I. Martin, Emerson. II. Title. Accn Nos : 65038 510 EIC

Eicholz, Rober E. Elementary school mathematics / Robert E. Eicholz and Phares G. O'Daffer.--2nd ed-Menlo Park: Addison-Wesley, 1968. 348p 1.Mathematics I. O'Daffer, Phares G. II. Title. Accn Nos : 75195

510 EIC

Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary school mathematics / Robert E. Eicholz and Emerson Martin, illus. by Alelaide Kelley.-- Massachusetts: AddisonWesley, 1963. 72p 1.Mathematics I. Martin, Emerson. II. Kelley, Adelaide. III. Title. Accn Nos : F12138 510 EIC

Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary school mathematics / Robert E. Eicholz.--2nd ed-- Canada: Addison-Wesley, 1968. 75p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 38154 510 EIC

Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary school mathematics / Robert E. Eicholz.-- America: Addison-Wesley, 1965. 48p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

510 EIC

Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary school mathematics / Robert E. Eicholz and Phares G. O'Daffer.-California: Addison-Wesley, 1965. 450p. Book 6 1.Mathematics I. O'Daffer, Phares G. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42741 510 EIC

Eicholz, Robert E.

Elementary school mathematics / Robert E. Eicholz and Phares G. O'Daffer.--Teacher's ed -- California: Addison-Wesley, 1965. 444p. Vol. 4 1.Mathematics I. O'Daffer, Phares G. II. Title. 510 EIC

Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary school mathematics / Robert E. Eicholz and Phares G. O'Daffer.--Teacher's ed -- California: Addison-Wesley, 1965. 451p. Vol. 5 1.Mathematics I. O'Daffer, Phares G. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42740 510 EIC

Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary school mathematics / Robert E. Eicholz and Phares G. Daffer.--2nd ed-London: Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1968. 347p 1.Mathematics I. Daffer, Phares G. II. Title. Accn Nos : 75196 510 EIC

Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary school mathematics / Robert E. Eicholz, Phares G. O'Daffer and coll. by Nancy T. Hilderbrand.-- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Pub Co, 1968. xx,412p. Book 4 1.Mathematics I. O'Daffer, Phares G. II. Hilderbrand, Nancy T. III. Title. Accn Nos : 65041 510 EIC

Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary school mathematics / Robert E. Eicholz and Phares G. O'Daffer.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1965. 48p 1.Mathematics I. O'Daffer, Phares G. II. Title. Accn Nos : 18429 510 EIC

Eicholz Elementary school mathematics: Teachers edition / Eicholz and Brumfiel.-California: Addison-Wesley, 1965. 442p 1.Mathematics I. Brumfiel. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42742 510 EIC

Elementary school mathematics: Teacher's

edition to accompany / Robert E. Eicholz...[et al.]-- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1963. 240p. Book 2 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - elementary I. Eicholz, Robert E. II. Martin, Emerson. III. Brumfiel, Charles F. IV. Shanks, Merrill E. Accn Nos : 42743 510 EIC

Elementary school mathematics / Robert E. Eicholz...[et al.]-- California: AddisonWesley, 1963. 332p. Book 3 1.Mathematics I. Eicholz, Robert E. II. O'Daffer, Phares G. III. Brumfiel, Charles F. IV. Shanks, Merrill E. Accn Nos : F5711 510 EIC

Elementary school mathematics / Robert E. Eicholz...[et al.]--2nd ed-- California: Addison-Wesely, 1968. 330p. Vol. 3 1.Mathematics I. Eicholz, Robert E. II. O'Daffer, Phares G. III. Brumfiel, Charles F. IV. Shanks, Merrill E. Accn Nos : 75193 510 EIC

Eicholz, Robert E. Elementary school mathematics book 3 / Robert E. Eicholz...[et al.]--2nd ed.-California: Addison-Wesely, 1968. xxii,393p. 1.Mathematics I. O'Daffer, Phares G. II. Brumfiel, Charles F. III. Shanks, Merrill E. IV. Title. Accn Nos : 65040 510 EIC

Eicholz, Robert E. Modern general mathematics / Robert E. Eicholz and Phares G. O'Daffer.-California: Addison-Wesley, 1965. 396p 1.Mathematics I. O'Daffer, Phares G. II. Title. Accn Nos : 15858 510 EIC

Eicholz, Robert E. Teachers' edition to accompany modern general mathematics / Robert E. Eicholz and Phares G. O'Daffer.-- Massachusetts: AddisonWesley, 1965. 447p 1.Mathematics I. O'Daffer, Phares G. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42736

510 EIG

Eigen, Lewis D. Modern mathematics a programmed textbook / Lewis D. Eigen and Jerome D. Kalpan and Ruth Emerson.-- Chicago: Science Research Association, 1962. 131p 1.Mathematics I. Kalpan, Jerome D. II. Emerson, Ruth. III. Title. Accn Nos : F11766 510 ENC

Seventh grade mathematics: Teachers manual / The Publisher.-- U.S.A.: Encyelopaedia Britanica Press, 1962. 42p 1.Mathematics I. Encyelopaedia Britanica, U.S.A. Accn Nos : 17124 510 ENG

Seeing through mathematics / Henry Van Engen...[et al.]-- New Jersey: Scott, Foresman, 1962. 508p 1.Mathematics I. Engen, Henry Van. II. Hartung, Maurice L. III. Trimble, Harold C. IV. Berger, Emil J. V. Cleveland, Raw W. Accn Nos : F2360 510 ENT

Basic concept of mathematics: An introduction text for teachers / The Publisher.-Massachusetts: Educational Services, 1963. various pagination (Entebbe mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Series. Accn Nos : F10782 510 ENT

Basic concepts of mathematics; An introduction text for teachers / Entebbe Mathematics Workshop.--Preliminary ed-Massachusetts: Educational Services Incorporated, 1964. 209p 1.Mathematics I. Entebbe Mathematics Workshop. Accn Nos : F6691 510 ENT

Basic concepts of mathematics: An introductory text for teachers / Entebbe Mathematics Workshop.-- New Jersey: Silver Burdett, 1965. 187p. Vol. 3 1.Mathematics I. Entebbe Mathematics Workshop. Accn Nos : F6693

510 ENT

Basic concepts of mathematics: An introductory text for teachers / Entabbe. -- n.s., 1963. 1.Mathematics I. Entebbe. Accn Nos : F10766 510 ENT

Entebbe mathematics teachers handbook / Entebbe Mathematics Workshop.--Preliminary ed-- Chicago: Educational Service Incorporated, 1963. ix,121p 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : F10768

510 ENT

Entebee mathematics series primary four / The Publisher.--Preliminary ed-Massachusetts: Education Services, 1965. 251p (Entebee mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Series. Accn Nos : F12704 510 ENT

Geometry: student text / The Publisher.-Preliminary edition-- Newton: African Education Program, 1965. ix, 244p. (Entebbe mathematics series). secondary C one the first year of a four year course; Prepared at 1965 Mombasa Mathematics Workshop 1.Mathematics I. Series. Accn Nos : F12705 510 ENT

Mathematics / Entebbe Mathematics Workshop.-New Jersey: Silver Burdett Co, 1965. 103p (Entebbe mathematics series) (3). Vol. 1 1.Science I. Entebbe Mathematics Workshop. II. Series. Accn Nos : F10765 510 ENT

Mathematics primary 3: Pupil book / Entebbe Mathematics Workshop.-- Massachusetts: Educational Series Corporated, 1965. 103p 1.Mathematics I. Entebbe Mathematics Workshop. Accn Nos : F12703 510 ENT

Mathematics primary one / Entebbe Mathematics Workshops.-- U.S.A.: Educational Services

Incorporated, 1964. x,71p 1.Mathematics I. Entebbe Mathematics Workshops. Accn Nos : F10909 510 ENT

Mathematics primary two / Entebbe Mathematics Workshop.-- Massachusetts: Educational Services, 1964. Various pagination (Entebbe Mathematics series). Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Entebbe Mathematics Workshop. II. Series. Accn Nos : F11883

510 ENT

Mathematics primary two.-- Massachusetts: Educational Services, 1964. 171p (Entebbe mathematics series). Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Entebbe Mathematics Workshop. II. Series. Accn Nos : F11870 510 ENT

Mathematics Primary Three / Entebbe Mathematics Workshop.--Preliminary edition -- New Jersey: Silver Burdett Co, 1965. 362p (Entebbe mathematics series) (3). Vol. 2 Teachers Guide 1.Science I. Entebbe Mathematics Workshop. II. Series. Accn Nos : F12706 510 ENT

Mathematics primary one: Teachers Guide Vol 2 / Entebbe Mathematics Workshops.-Preliminary Rev. Ed.-- U.S.A.: Educational Services Incorporated, 1964. 141-280p. Vol 2 1.Mathematics I. Entebbe Mathematics Workshops. Accn Nos : F10682 510 ENT

Mathematics primary 2: Pupil book Vol 1 / Entebbe Mathematics Workshop.--Preliminary edition-- Massachusetts: Educational Series Corporated, 1964. v,70p. Volume 1 1.Mathematics I. Entebbe Mathematics Workshop. Accn Nos : F10676 510 ENT

Mathematics: Primary one , ( Pupil book Vol. 2 ) / Entebbe Mathematics Workshops.--

Preliminary Rev. Ed.-- U.S.A.: Educational Services Incorporated, 1964. 74-144p. Vol 2 ( Unit 10 ) 1.Mathematics I. Entebbe Mathematics Workshops. Accn Nos : F10680 510 ENT

Mathematics: Pupil book / Educational Services Incorporated.--Preliminary ed-Chicago: Science Research Association, 1965. 104-187p (Entebbe mathematics series). Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Educational Services Incorporated, Massachusetts. II. Series. Accn Nos : F10781 510 ENT

Mathematics: Pupil book / Educational Services Incorporated.--Preliminary ed-Chicago: Science Research Association, 1964. xv,70p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Educational Services Incorporated, Massachusetts.

510 ENT

Mathematics secondary one: Introduction to algebra and to the language of geometry / Entebbe Mathematics Workshop.-- Mass: Educational Servies Incorporated, 1963. 4-12p (Student-text). Vol.1 1.Mathematics I. Entebbe Mathematics Workshop. II. Series. Accn Nos : F10678 510 ENT

Mathematics secondary two: Unit 3,4 and 5 Teacher's guide Vol. 3 / Entebbe Mathematics Workshop.--Preliminary ed-Massachusetts: Educational Services, 1964. 139-286p (Entebbe Mathematics Series). Vol. 3 1.Mathematics I. Entebbe Mathematics Workshop. II. Series. Accn Nos : F12011 510 ENT

Mathematics secondary one: Introduction to algebra and to the language of geometry: Teacher's guide / Entebbe Mathematics Workshop.--Preliminary ed.-Massachusetts: Educational Services, 1963. various pagination. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Entebbe Mathematics Workshop. Accn Nos : F10699 510


Mathematics, secondary four geometry: Teachers / Educational Services Incorporated.-- Chicago: Science Research Association, 1966. xiv,174p (Entebbe mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Educational Services Incorporated, Massachusetts. II. Series. Accn Nos : F10764 510 ENT

Mathematics secondary three: Algebra teachers guide / Entebbe Mathematics Workshop.-New Jersey: Silver Burdett, 1965. xiv,204p (Entebbe mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Entebbe Mathematics Workshop. II. Series. Accn Nos : F10694

510 ENT

Mathematics secondary one: Introduction to algebra and to the language of geometry / Entebbe Mathematics Workshop.-Watertown: African Education Study, 1963. 48p (Teacher' guide) 1.Mathematics I. Entebbe Mathematics Workshop, Watertown. II. Series. Accn Nos : F10700 510 ENT

Mathematics secondary one: Introduction to algebra and to the language of geometry / Entebbe Mathematics Workshop.-Massachusetts: African Education Study Educational Services Incorporated, 1962. 32+37p (Student text) (24iv). Vol. 3 1.Mathematics I. Entebbe Mathematics Workshop. II. Series. Accn Nos : F10679 510 ENT

Mathematics secondary one: Introduction to algebra and to the language of geometry: Teacher's guide / Entebbe Mathematics Workshop.--Preliminary ed.-Massachusetts: Educational Services, 1963. various pagination. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Entebbe Mathematics Workshop. Accn Nos : F10698 510 ENT

Mathematics secondary one: Introduction to algebra and to the language of geometry: Teacher's guide / Entebbe Mathematics Workshop.--Preliminary ed.-Massachusetts: Educational Services, 1963.

various pagination. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Entebbe Mathematics Workshop. Accn Nos : F11973 510 ENT

Mathematics secondary two: Unit 2 Geometry Vol 2 / Entebbe Mathematics Workshop.-Preliminary ed-- Massachusetts: Educational Services, 1964. 83-180p (Entebbe Mathematics Series). Student Text Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Entebbe Mathematics Workshop. II. Series. Accn Nos : F10769

510 ENT

Mathematics secondary two: Unit 2 ;Geometry / Entebbe Mathematics Workshop.-Preliminary ed.-- Massachusetts,USA: Educational Services, 1964. 83-180p ( including glossary ) (Entebbe Mathematics Series). Student Text Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Entebbe Mathematics Workshop. II. Series. Accn Nos : F12010 510 ENT

Mathematics: Student text / Educational Services Incorporated.--Preliminary ed-Chicago: Science Research Association, 1965. ix,192p (Entebbe mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Educational Services Incorporated, Massachusetts. II. Series. Accn Nos : F10696 510 ENT

Mathematics: Student text / Educational Service Incorporated.--Preliminary ed-Chicago: Science Research Association Inc, 1964. 83-135p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Educational Services Incorporated, Massachusetts. Accn Nos : 12010 510 ENT

Mathematics: Student text / Educational Services Incorporated.--Preliminary ed-Chicago: Science Research Associate, 1964. 181-292p. Vol. 3 1.Mathematics I. Educational Services Incorporated, Massachusetts.

510 ENT

Mathematics: Student text / The Publisher.-Preliminary ed-- U.S.A.: Educational Services Incorporated Massachusetts, 1964. 83-135p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics

510 ENT

Mathematics:Student text; Secondary three.-Preliminary edition-- Watertown: Educational Services, 1965. 277p. Prepared at the 1964 Entebbe Mathematics Workshop 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra I. Entebbe Mathematics Workshop. Accn Nos : F10695

510 ENT

Mathematics:Student text; Secondary Two.-Preliminary edition-- Massachusetts: Educational Services Incorporated, 1964. 181-353p. Vol.3 Prepared at the 1964 Entebbe Mathematics Workshop 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra I. Entebbe Mathematics Workshop. Accn Nos : F10770 510 ENT

Mathematics:Student text; Secondary Two.-Preliminary edition-- Massachusetts: Educational Services Incorporated, 1964. 181-353p. Vol.1 Prepared at the 1964 Entebbe Mathematics Workshop 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra I. Entebbe Mathematics Workshop. Accn Nos : F6696 510 ENT

Mathematics, teacher's guide / Entebbe Mathematics Workshops.--Preliminary ed-New Jersey: Silver Burdett Co, 1965. xiii,189p (Entebbe mathematics series). Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Entebbe Mathematics Workshops. II. Series. Accn Nos : F10683 510 ENT

Mathematics: Teacher's guide / Educational Services Incorporated Watlertown.-Chicago: Science Research Association, 1964. xv,139p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Educational Services Incorporated Watertown, Massachusetts. Accn Nos : F10681

510 ENT

Mathematics: Teacher's guide / Educational Services Incorporated.--Preliminary ed-Chicago: Science Research Association Inc, 1963. various pagination. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Educational Services Incorporated, Massachusetts.

510 ENT

Mathematics: Teacher's guide / Educational Services Incorporated.--Preliminary ed-Chicago: Science Research Association, Inc, 1964. xv,139p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Educational Services Incorporated, Massachusetts. Accn Nos : F11734 510 ENT

Mathematics: Teacher's guide / Educational Services Incorporated.--Preliminary ed-Chicago: Science Research Association, 1965. xii,190-362p (Entebbe mathematics series). Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Educational Services Incorporated, Massachusetts. II. Series. Accn Nos : F10684 510 ENT

Mathematics: Teacher guide / The Publisher.-Prelimonery ed-- U.S.A.: Educational Services Incorporated, 1964. 137p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics

510 ENT

Mathematics teachers' guide secondary two / Entebbe Mathematics Workshop.--Preliminary ed-- Massachusetts: Educational Services, Inc, 1964. ix,78p (Entebbe mathematics series). Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Entebbe Mathematics Workshop. II. Series. Accn Nos : F10691 510 ENT

510 ENT

Mathematics:Teachers Guide;secondary three / Entebbe mathematics workshop.--Preliminary -- Watertown: Educational Services, 1964. 152p. 1.Mathematics 2.Geometry I. Entebbe mathematics workshop.

Mathematics:Teachers Guide;secondary three / Entebbe mathematics workshop.--Preliminary

-- Watertown: Educational Services, 1964. 152p. 1.Mathematics 2.Geometry I. Entebbe mathematics workshop. Accn Nos : F10771 510 ENT

Primary four: pupil / Educational Services Incorporated.--Preliminary ed-- Chicago: Science Research Association, 1966. iv,251p (Entebbe mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Educational Services Incorporated, Massachusetts. II. Series. Accn Nos : F10685

510 ENT

Primary four: Teacher / Educational Services Incorporated.-- Chicago: Science Research Association, 1966. xvi,349p (Entebbe mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Educational Services Incorporated, Massachusetts. II. Series. Accn Nos : F10686 510 ENT

Secondary C one : Algebra student text / Entebbe.--Preliminary ed-- Chicago: Science Research Associates, 1965. xi,353p (Entebbe Mathematics series). Mombasa Mathematics Workshop 1.Mathematics I. Series. Accn Nos : F11659 510 ENT

Secondary C one algebra, teacher's guide.-Preliminary ed-- Chicago: Science Research Associates, 1965. xv,248p. (Entebbe Mathematics series). Mombasa Mathematics Workshop 1.Mathematics I. Series. Accn Nos : F10690

510 ENT

510 ENT

Secondary C one algebra, teacher's guide.-Preliminary ed-- Chicago: Science Research Associates, 1965. xv,248p. (Entebbe Mathematics series). Mombasa Mathematics Workshop 1.Mathematics I. Series.

Secondary C one geometry: Student / Educational Services Incorporated Newton. --Preliminary ed-- Chicago: Science

Research Association Inc, 1966. xv,240p 1.Mathematics I. Educational Services Incorporated Newton, Massachusetts. Accn Nos : 12705 510 ENT

Secondary C one geometry: Student / Educational Services Incorporated Newton. --Preliminary ed-- Chicago: Science Research Association Inc, 1966. xv,240p 1.Mathematics I. Educational Services Incorporated Newton, Massachusetts. Accn Nos : 10687

510 ENT

Secondary C One : Geometry student text.-Preliminary Ed.-- Newton: African education program, 1965. ix,244p. (ENTEBBE MATHEMATICS SERIES) 1.Mathematics I. Series. Accn Nos : F10687 510 ENT

Secondary for algebra: Student / Educational Services Incorporated.--Preliminary ed-Chicago: Science Research Association Inc, 1966. viii,166p 1.Mathematics I. Educational Services Incorporated, Massachusetts.

510 ENT

Secondary foru Algebra : Student Text / Mombasa Mathematics Workshop.--Preliminary edition-- Newton: Educational services Incorporated, 1965. vii,166p. (ENTEBBE Mathematics Series) 1.Mathematics I. Series. Accn Nos : F10697 510 ENT

Secondary four algebra: Teacher's guide / Educational Services Incorporated.-Preliminary ed-- Chicago: Science Research Associates Inc, 1966. xiv,145p (Entebee mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Educational Services Incorporated, Massachusetts. II. Series. Accn Nos : F10763 510 ENT

Secondry C one geometry: Teachers / Educational Services Incorporated Newton. -- Chicago: Science Research Association,

1965. xi,76p 1.Mathematics I. Educational Services Incorporated Newton, Massachusetts. Accn Nos : F10688 510 ENT

Supplement to basic concepts of mathematics / Enteble Mathematics Workshop.-Preliminary ed-- Chicago: Science Research Associate, 1963. 105p 1.Mathematics I. Enteble Mathematics Workshop, Massachusetts.

510 EVA

Evans, Paul Mathematics for electronics technicians / Paul Evans.-- New York: John Wiley, 1966. vii,392p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 12593 510 EVE

Eves, Howard Foundations and Fundamental concepts of mathematics / Howard Eves and Carroll V. Newsom.--rev. edition-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965. xv,398p. Includes Index 1.Mathematics I. Newsom, Carroll V. II. Title. Accn Nos : 87378 510 EVE

Eves, Howard Introduction to the foundations and fundamental concepts of mathematics / Howard Eves and Carroll V. Newsom.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965. xv,398p. 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Newsom, Carroll V. II. Title. Accn Nos : 66102 510 EVE

Eves, Howard Introduction to the foundations to the foundations and fundamental concepts of mathematics / Howard Eves and Carroll V. Newsom.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1964. xv,363p 1.Mathematics I. Newsom, Carroll V.

II. Title. Accn Nos : 34395 510 EVE

Eves, Howard Introduction to the foundations and fundamental concepts of mathematics / Howard Eves and Carroll V. Newson.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1961. xi,363p 1.Mathematics I. Newson, Carroll V. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3279

510 FEH

Fehr, Howard F. Mathematics at work / Howard F. Fehr and Veryl Schult.--2nd ed-- Boston: D.C. Heath, 1962. vii,408p. Book 1 1.Mathematics I. Schult, Veryl. II. Title. Accn Nos : F5383 510 FEH

Fehr, Howard F. Mathematics at work / Howard F. Fehr and Veryt Schult.--2nd ed-- Boston: D.C. Heath, 1962. vii,408p (Essential mathematics series). Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Schult, Veryt. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F5302 510 FEH

Fehr, Howard F. Mathematics in life book 2 / Howard F. Fehr and Veryl Schult.--2nd ed-- Boston: D.C. Heath & Co, 1962. vii,443p. Vol.2 1.Mathematics I. Schult, Veryl. II. Title. Accn Nos : F5301 510 FEH

Fehr, Howard F. Mathematics in life / Howard F. Fehr and Veryl Schult.-- Boston: D. C. Heath, 1962. vii,448p 1.Mathematics I. Schult, Veryl. II. Title. Accn Nos : F11218 510


Fehr, Howard F. Mathematics in life book 2 / Howard F. Fehr and Veryl Schult.--2nd ed-- Boston: D.C. Heath & Co, 1962. vii,448+53p 1.Mathematics I. Schult, Veryl. II. Title. Accn Nos : 5301 510 FEL

Felker, C.A. Shop mathematics / C.A. Felker.-- America: Bruce, 1955. xi,391p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 9625

510 FIL

Filippone, Samuel R. Elementary mathematics: A fundamentals and technique approach / Samuel R. Filippone and Michael Z. Williams.-- Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1967. xii,370p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Williams, Michael Z. II. Title. Accn Nos : 82525 510 FIN

Fine, Nathan J. Introduction to modern mathematics / Nathan J. Fine.-- London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1963. xv,509p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 54666 510 FIS

Fischler, Abrahamn S. Modern junior high school science / Abraham S. Fischler.-- New York: Bureav of Publication Columbia University, 1961. x,127p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics 3.Mathematics study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : F11776 510 FLE

510 FLE

Flexer, Roberta J. Fractions / Roberta J. Flexer and Abraham S. Flexer.-- New York: Harper & Row, 1967. 87p (Programmed reviews of mathematics) (1) 1.Mathematics I. Flexer, Abraham S. II. Title (Series).

Flexer, Roberta J. Introduction to statistics / Roberta J.

Flexer and Abraham S. Flexer.-- New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1967. various pagination (Programmed reviews of mathematics). Fractions 1 1.Mathematics I. Flexer, Abraham S. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 63713 510 FLE

Flexer, Roberta Loagarithms / Roberta J. Flexer, Abraham S. Flexer.-- New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1967. 135p (Programmed Reviews of Mathematics) (5) 1.Mathematics I. Flexer, Abraham S. II. Title

510 FLO

Flournoy, Frances Elementary mathematics: Patterns and structure / Frances Flournoy, Eugene D. Nicholas, Robert Kalin and Leonard Simon.-Teachers ed-- [s.l.]: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1966. xxxii,224p 1.Mathematics I. Nicholas, Eugene D. II. Kalin, Robert. III. Simon, Leonard. IV. Title. Accn Nos : 42729 510 FLO

Flournoy, Frances Elementary mathematics:pattern and structure / Frances Flournoy.-- [s.l.]: [s.n.], [n.d.] 224p. unit 1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 60420 510 FLO

Flournoy, Frances Elementary mathematics; patterns and structure / Frances Flournoy...[et al.]-- New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1966. xxxiii,222p. 1.Mathematics I. Nichols, Eugne D. II. Kalin, Robert. III. Simon, Leonard. IV. Title. Accn Nos : 53307 510 FLO

Elementary mathematics patterns and structure / France Flournoy...[et al.]--1st rev. ed -- Boston: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1968. 222p


1.Mathematics I. Flournoy, France. II. Nichols, Eugene D. III. Kolin, Robert. IV. Simon, Leonard. Accn Nos : 60421 510 FLO

Flournoy, Frances Elementary Mathematics: patterns and structure / Frances Flournoy... [et al.]-Teachers ed-- [s.l.]: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1966. 224p 1.Mathematics I. Nicholas, Eugene D. II. Kalin, Robert. III. Simon, Leonard. IV. Title. Accn Nos : 112642

510 flo

Nichols, Eugene D. Elementary mathematics; pattern and structure / Eugene D. Nichols, Frances Flournoy, Robert Kolin and Leonard Simon.-Teachers ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc, 1966. xxxviii,224p 1.Mathematics I. Flournoy, Frances. II. Kolin, Robert. III. Simon, Leonard. IV. Title. Accn Nos : 8546 510 FOM

Fomin, Dmitri Mathematical circles / Dmitri Fomin, Sergey Genkin an IIia.-- Hyderabad: Universities Press, 1996. ix,272p. Includes bibliographical references ISBN 81-7371-115-1 1.Mathematics I. Genkin, Sergey. II. Itenberg, IIia. III. Title. Accn Nos : 127643 510 FOX

Fox, R.W. Certificate mathematics / R.W. Fox.-London: Edward Arnold (Publishers) Ltd, 1966. lix,382+47p. Book-III 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3275 510 FOX

Fox, R.W. Certificate mathematics: with answers / R.W. Fox.-- London: Edward Arnold, 1966. xvii,301p. Book I 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Accn Nos : 3147 510 FOX

Fox, R.W. Certificate mathematics BOOK II / R.W. Fox. -- London: Edward Arnold (Publishers) Ltd, 1965. xlix,332+30p. Book-II 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3148

510 FRA

Frasier, George Willard Explorating together / George Willard Fransier, Helen Dalman Mac Cracken and Donald Gilmore Decker.-- New York: L.W. Single, 1955. 312p 1.Mathematics I. Mac Cracken, Helen Dalman. II. Decker, Donald Gilmore. III. Title. Accn Nos : 8866 510 FRA

Frankel, Abraham A. Foundations of set theory / Abraham A. Frankel and Yehoshua Bar-Hillel.-Amsterdam: North-Holland & Pub. Co, 1958. x,415p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Bar-Hillel, Yehoshua. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3218 510 FRY

Fry, Edward D. Teaching machine and programmed insturction and introduction / Edward D. Fry.-- London: McGraw Hill, [n.d.] 240p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 43182 510 FUC

Fuchs, Walter R. Mathematics for the modern mind / Walter R. Fuchs, tr. by H.A. Holstein.-- New York: Macmillan Co, 1967. 286p 1.Mathematics I. Holstein, H.A. II. Title. Accn Nos : 66565 510


Fuchs, Walter R. Mathematics for the modern mind / Walter R. Fuchs and tr. by H.A. Holstein.-- New York: Macmillan, 1967. 286p 1.Mathematics I. Holstein, H.A. II. Title. Accn Nos : 63029 510 FUJ

Fujii, John N. Introduction to the elements of mathematics / John N. Fujii.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1961. xi,312p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42797

510 FUJ

Fuji, John N. Introduction to the elements of mathematics / John N. Fuji.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1961. xi,312p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3160 510 FUJ

Fuji, John N. Introduction to the elements of mathematics / John N. Fuji.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1961. xi,312p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3161 510 FUJ

Fujii, John N. Introduction to the elements of mathematics / John N. Fujii.-- New York: John Wiley, 1961. xi,312p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53440 510 GAG

Gager, William A. Functional mathematics / William A. Gager. -- New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1956. xiv,578p (Functional mathematics series). Book-4 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3345 510 GAG

Functional mathematics / William A. Gager...[et al.]-- New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1953.

xiv,434p (Functional mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Gager, William A. II. Mahood, Mildred H. III. Shuster, Carl N. IV. Kokomoor, Franklin W. V. Series. Accn Nos : 7826 510 GAG

Functional mathematics / William A. Gager...[et al.]-- New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1953. xv,447p (Functional mathematics series). Book-2 1.Mathematics I. Gager, William A. II. Shuster, Carl N. III. Kokomoor, Franklin W. IV. Series. Accn Nos : 8543

510 GAG

Functional mathematics / William A. Garge...[et al.]-- New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1955. xiii,481p (Functional Mathematics Series). Book-3 1.Mathematics I. Garge, William A. II. Lyle, Lilla C. III. Shuster, Carl N. IV. Kokomoor, Franklin W. V. Series. Accn Nos : 30116 510 GAG

Gager, William A. Functional mathematics Book 4 / William A. Gager [et all].-- New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1956. xiv,578p (Functional mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Bowman,Luther J. II. Shuster, Carl N. III. Kokomoor, Franklin W. IV. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 7737 510 GAN

Gaint kaksha -10 ke liye pathyapustak (HIN) / Asha Rani Singal...[et al.]-Uttarachal: Vidhalaya Shiksha, 2006. 368p. 1.Mathematics I. Singal, Asha Rani...[et al.] Accn Nos : 126632 510 GAN

Ganit - I kaksha - 9 / complied by Nand Kishor Soni.-- Ajmer: Madhyamik Shiksha Board, Ajmer, 2005. 288p. 1.Mathematics I. Soni, Nand Kishor. Accn Nos : 125573 510 GAN

Ganit kaksha -9 (HIN).-- Chhattisgrah:

Chhattisgrah Madhyamik Shiksha Mandal, 2006. 198p. 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : F25558 DLDI 510 GEN

General Mathematics guide.-- California: Pasadena City Schools, 1958. 110p. 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : F10730

510 GLO

Glover, J.T. Vadic mathmatics for school:book 1 / J.T.Glover.-- Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1997. 100+31p. ISBN 81-208-1318-9 1.Mathematics- Vedic- class1 2.MathematicsStudy and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : F24004 510 GOK

Gokhro, D.C. Ganit -1: kaksha 10 (HIN) / D.C. Gokhro.-Ajmer: Madhyamik Shiksha Board, 2005. 224p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 125828 510 GOO

Goodman, A. W. Finite mathematics with applications / A.W. Goodman and J. S. Ratti.--3rd-- New York: Macmillan Publishing Co.l, 1971. xiv,584p. Includes indexes ISBN 0-02-344760-5 1.Mathematics I. Ratti, J. S. II. Title. Accn Nos : 91679 510 GOV

Govorov, V. Problems in Mathematics: with hints and solutions / V. Govorov.-- New Delhi: CBS Publishers and Distributors, 1998. 392p ISBN 81-239-0487-8 1.Mathematics I. Dybov, P. II. Title. Accn Nos : 121369

510 GRA

Graw E. Menle Modern mathematics through discovery / E. Menle Graw and Antionetterk Sinard.-- New Jersey: Silver Burdett, [n.d.] 86p 1.Mathematics I. Sinard, Antionetterk. II. Title. Accn Nos : 13666 510 GRA

Gray, Marle Modern mathematics through discovery / Marle Gray.-- [s.l.]: Silver Burdett, [n.d.] 78p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45290 510 GRE

Greenberg, Daniel A. Mathematics for introductory science courses: Calculus and vectors / Daniel A. Greenberg.-- New York: W.A. Benjamin, 1965. xiv,214p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 52391 510 GRE

Teaching mathematics in secondary schools / Ministry of Education: Great Britain, Hermajestry Stationary Office., [n.d.] 154p 1.Mathematics I. Ministry of Education, Great Britain. Accn Nos : 32025 510 GRO

Grossnickle, Froster E. Discovery meanings in elementary school mathematics / Froster E. Grassnickle.-- New York: Holt Rinehart and Winston, 1959. x,465p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42767 510 GRO

Grossnickle, Foster E. Fundamental mathematics for adults / Foster E. Grossnickle.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1964. vii,318p (Holt adult basic education program advanced series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 53742 510 GRO

Investigatig mathematics / Foster E. Grossnickle...[et al.]-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1962.

v,455p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - research I. Grossnickle, Foster E. II. Brueckner, Leo J. III. Metron, Elda L. IV. Reckzeh, John. Accn Nos : 3144 510 GRO

Grossnickle, Foster E Investigating mathematics / Foster E. Grossnickle, Leo J. Brueckner and Elda L. Merton.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1962. v,455p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Leo J. Brueckner. II. Elda L. Merton. III. Title. Accn Nos : 5974

510 GRO

Grossnickle, Foster E. Investigating mathematics / Foster E. Crossnickle, Leo J. Brueckner, Elda L. Meston and John Reckzeh.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc, n.d 455-61p 1.Mathematics I. Brueckner, Leo J. II. Meston, Elda L. III. Reckzeh, John. IV. Title. Accn Nos : 3219 510 GRO

Investigating mathematics / Foster E. Grossnickle...[et al.]-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1962. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Grossnickle, Foster E. II. Brueckner, Leo J. III. Merton, Elda L. IV. Reckzeh, John. Accn Nos : 53297 510 GRO

Grossnickle, Foster E. Moving in to mathematics / Foster E. Grossnickle.-- New York: Halt Rinehart and Winston, 1962. 457p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 8618 510 GRO

Grossnickle, Foster E. Moving into mathematics / Foster E. Grossnickle...[et al.]-- New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1962. vii,468p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Brueckner, Leo J. II. Merton, Elda L. III. Peckzeh, John. IV. Title.

Accn Nos : 53300 510 GRO

Moving into mathematics / Foster E. Grossnickle...[et al.]-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1962. vii,467p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Grossnickle, Foster E. II. Brueckner, Leo J. III. Merton, Eida L. IV. Reckzeh, John. Accn Nos : 3145

510 GRO

Moving into mathematics / Foster E. Grossnickle...[et al.]--Teacher's ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Grossnickle, Foster E. II. Brueckner, Leo J. III. Merton, Elda L. IV. Reckzeh, John. Accn Nos : 3273 510 GRO

Moving into mathematics / Foster E. Grossnickle...[et al.]-- New York: Holt, Rinehart Winston, 1962. vii,468p 1.Mathematics I. Grossnickle, Foster E. II. Brueckner, Leo J. III. Merton, Elda L. IV. Reckzeh, John. Accn Nos : F4574 510 GRO

Groza, Vivian Shaw Survey of mathematics: Elementary concepts and their historical development / Vivian Shaw Groza.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1968. xvi,327p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 68377 510 GRO (R-E)

Investigating mathematics / Foster E. Grossnickle...[et al.]-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1962. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Grossnickle, Foster E. II. Brueckner, Leo J. III. Merton, Elda L. IV. Reckzeh, John. Accn Nos : 53227 510


Gupta, R.G. Composite mathematics for middle school / R.G. Gupta, S. Chary and H.L. Juneja.-- New Delhi: Arya Book Depot, 1987. 251p. Part 4 1.Mathematics I. Chary, S. II. Juneja, H.L. III. Title. Accn Nos : F19004

510 GUP

Gupta, R.G. Composite mathematics for middle schools / R.G. Gupta, S. Chary and H.L. Juneja.-- New Delhi: Arya Book Depot, 1983. 320p. Part VIII 1.Mathematics I. Chary, S. II. Juneja, H.L. III. Title. Accn Nos : F19006 510 GUP

Gupta, R.G. Composite mathematics for middle schools Part VII / R.G. Gupta, S. Chary and H.L. Juneja.-- New Delhi: Arya Book Depot, 1988. 260p. Part VII 1.Mathematics I. Chary, S. II. Juneja, H.L. III. Title. Accn Nos : F19005 510 GUP

Gupta, Bhagwan Swaroop Khel- khel mein ganit (HIN) / Bhagwan Swaroop Gupta & Shalendra Bhushan.-- Delhi: Satsahitya Prakashan, 1997. 106p. ISBN 81- 85830-29 - 0 1.Mathematics I. Bhushan, Shalendra. II. Title. Accn Nos : 118320 510 GUP

Gupta, V.P. Let's learn mathematics: Textbook for class 3 / V.P. Gupta, Rameshwar Dayal and K. Ramachandran.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1987. 212p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - textbook (Primary) I. Rameshwar Dayal. II. Ramachandran, K. III. NCERT. IV. National Council of Educational Research and Training. V. Title. Accn Nos : F16625 510 GUP

Gupta, V.P. Let's learn mathematics: A textbook for class IV / V.P. Gupta and K. Ramachandran.-New Delhi: NCERT, 1988. 256p

1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - textbooks (Primary) I. Ramachandran, K. II. NCERT. III. National Council of Educational Research and Training. IV. Title. Accn Nos : F17137 510 GUP

Gupta, R. Practical mathematics for cost accountants / R. Gupta and rev. by B.C. Bhattacharyya.-Calcutta: Academic Publishers, 1965. x,405p 1.Mathematics I. Bhattacharyya, B.C. II. Title. Accn Nos : 87985

510 GUP (NAT)

Gupta, V.P. Let's learn mathematics : book one for class I / V.P. Gupta.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 2002. v,147p ISBN 81-7450-001-4 1.Mathematics I. Chandra, Ishwar. II. Title. Accn Nos : F22553 510 GUP (NAT)

Gupta, V.P. Let's learn mathematics : book Three for class III / V.P. Gupta and Ishwar Chandra.-New Delhi: NCERT, 2002. v,244p ISBN 81-7450-028-6 1.Mathematics I. Chandra, Ishwar. II. Title. Accn Nos : F22550 510 GUP (NAT)

Gupta, V.P. Let's learn Mathematics : book two for class II / V.P. Gupta.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 2003. 168p. class 2. ISBN 81-7450-102-9 1.Mathematics 2.National Council of Educational Research and Training I. Title. Accn Nos : F23227 copy.1 ; F23228 copy.2 510 GUP (NAT)

Gupta, V.P. Let's learn mathematics : book one for class I / V.P. Gupta.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 2002.

v,147p ISBN 81-7450-001-4 1.Mathematics I. Chandra, Ishwar. II. Title. Accn Nos : F22899 copy.1 ; F22900 copy.2 510 GUP (NAT)

Gupta, V.P. Let's learn mathematics : book Three for class III / V.P. Gupta and Ishwar Chandra.-New Delhi: NCERT, 2002. v,244p ISBN 81-7450-028-6 1.Mathematics I. Chandra, Ishwar. II. Title. Accn Nos : F22925 copy.1 ; F22926 copy.2

510 GUP (NAT)

Gupta, V.P. Let's learn mathematics : book Four for class IV / V.P. Gupta and Ishwar Chandra.-New Delhi: NCERT, 2003. 216p ISBN 81-7450-112-6 1.Mathematics I. Chandra, Ishwar. II. Title. Accn Nos : F22947 copy.1 ; F22948 copy.2 510 GUP(NAT)

Gupt, Radhacharan Madhyakalin bhartiya ganit ki aitihasik va sanskritik jhalkiyan (HIN) / Radhacharan Gupt.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research & Training, 1997. 95p. (Padhein aur sikhein yojana) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F20966 510 GUP(NAT)

Gupt, Radhacharan Madhyakalin bhartiya ganit ki aitihasik va sanskritik jhalkiyan (HIN) / Radhacharan Gupt.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research & Training, 1997. 95p. (Padhein aur sikhein yojana) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F20965 510 HAA

Haag, Vincent H. Introduction to college mathematics / Vincent H. Haag and Donald W. Westorn.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1968. x,676p 1.Mathematics I. Westorn, Donald W. II. Title. Accn Nos : 60404

510 HAA

Haag, Vincent H. Introduction to college mathematics / Vincent H. Haag and Donald W. Western.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1968. x,676p 1.Mathematics I. Western, Donald W. II. Title. Accn Nos : 68378 510 HAC

Hackworth, Robert D. Mathematical systems finite and infinite / Robert D. Hackworth.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1969. xiii,314p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 73852 510 HAF

Hafstrom,John E. Basic concepts in modern mathematics / John E. Hafstrom.-- Massachusetts: Addisonwesley, 1961. 195p. (Addison wesley series in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 53447 510 HAM

Hamilton, E.R. Earning a living / E.R. Hamilton and C.H.J. Smith.-- London: University of London Press, 1953. 142p 1.Mathematics I. Smith, C.H.J. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3152 510 HAM

Hamilton, Walter T. Mathematical analysis; a modern approach / Walter T. Hamilton.-- New York: Harper & Brothers, Publishers, 1956. xiii,379p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3236 510 HAM

Hamming, Richard W. Methods of mathematics:applied to calculus, probability, and statistics / Richard W. Hamming.-- New York: Dover Publications, 2004. xviii,857p. Includes index ISBN 0-486-43945-3 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 127750 510


Hamilton, E.R. Running a home / E.R. Hamilton and C.H.J. Smith.-- London: University of London Press, 1953. 160p 1.Mathematics I. Smith, C.H.J. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3151 510 HAN

Hanxleden Eberhard V. Lehrbuch Der Mathematik / Eberhard V. Hanxloden &Rudolf Hentze.-- Berlin: Frieder Vieweg&sohn, 1960. viii,372p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F1315

510 HAP

Happy counting book / The Publisher.-Japan: Frabel-Kan, 1966. various pagination 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : 17023 510 HAR

Hardy, G.H. Course in pure mathematics / G.H. Hardy.-10th ed.-- London: English Language Book Society, 1963. xii,509p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 66498 510 HAR

Hardy, G.H. Course of the pure mathematics / G.H. Hardy.-- London: Cambridge University Press, 1961. 505p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 66374 510 HAR

Exploring university mathematics 1: Lectures given at Bedford College, London / P. Chadwick...[et al.]-- Oxford: Pergamon, 1967. x,120p 1.Mathematics I. Chadwick, P. II. Cohn, J.H.E. III. Eggleston, H.G. IV. Ellis, J.R. V. Kneebone, G.T. VI. Levison, M. VII. Hardiman, N.J. Accn Nos : 67478 510 HAR

Exploring university mathematics 1: Lectures given at Bedford College, London / P. Chadwick...[et al.]-- Oxford: Pergamon,

1968. x,115p 1.Mathematics I. Chadwick, P. II. Cohn, J.H.E. III. Eggleston, H.G. IV. Ellis, J.R. V. Kneebone, G.T. VI. Levison, M. VII. Hardiman, N.J. Accn Nos : 67479 510 HAR

Hardy, F. Lane Finite mathematics / F. Lane Hardy.-- New York: Harper and Row, Publishers, 1977. xiv,448p ISBN 0-06-042642-X 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 83508

510 HAR

Hart-Davis, Adam Mathematical eye / Adam Hart-Davis; illustrated by Jane Cope.-- London: Unwin Hyman, 1989. 122p ISBN 0-4448-0431 1.Mathematics I. Cope, Jane. II. Title. Accn Nos : 115164 510 HAR

Hart, Walter W. Mathematics in daily use / Walter W. Hart, Veryl Schutt and Lee Irvin.--4th ed-Boston: D.C. Heath & Company, 1966. xi,372p 1.Mathematics I. Schutt, Veryl. II. Irvin, Lee. III. Title. Accn Nos : F5806 510 HAR

Hart, Walter Mathematics in daily use / Walter Hart and Veryl Schult and Lee Irvin.--3rd ed-Boston: D.C. Heath, 1958. ix,369+43p 1.Mathematics I. Schult, Veryl. II. Irvin, Lee. III. Title. Accn Nos : 87413 510 HAR

Haridas, S. Vedic Mathematics / S. Haridas.-- Mumbai: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, 2000. xxi,171p (Bhavan's Book University). Pt.1 1.Mathematics I. Ramakrishnan, S. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 120903 510 HAT

Hattangadi, A A

Explorations in Mathematics / A A Hattangadi.-- Hyderabad: University Press, 2001. xviii,222p ISBN 81-7371-387-1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 123222 510 HAW

Hawkins, George E. Mathematics and life / George E. Hawkins and Gladys Tate.-- Chicago: Scott, Foresman, 1948. 592p. Book-3 1.Mathematics I. Tate, Gladys. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45146 510 HEA

Heath, G.H. Awake to mathematics / G.H. Heath.-Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1965. 128p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42788 510 HEA

Heath, G.H. Awake to mathematics / G.H. Heath.-Oxford: Pergamon, 1966. 96p. Book 2 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42733 510 HEA

Heafford, Philip Math entertainer / Philip Heafford.-- New York: Emerson Book, 1959. 176p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Accn Nos : 29 510 HEI

Heimen, Ralph T. New mathematics for parents / Ralph T. Heimen and Miriam S. Newman.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965. 128p 1.Mathematics I. Newman, Miriam S. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42466 510 HEI

Heimer, Ralph T. New mathematics for parents / Ralph T. Heimer and Miriam S. Newman.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965.

128p 1.Mathematics I. Newman, Miriam S. II. Title. Accn Nos : 60402 510 HEI

Heimer, Ralph T. New mathematics for parents / Ralph T. Heimer and Mirian S. Newman.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965. 127p 1.Mathematics I. Newman, Mirian S. II. Title. Accn Nos : 18077

510 HEI

Heimer, Ralph T. New mathematics for parents / Ralph T. Heimer and Miriam S. Newman.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965. 127p 1.Mathematics I. Newman, Miriam S. II. Title. Accn Nos : 8616 510 HEI

Heimer, Ralph T. New mathematics for parents / Ralph T. Heimer and Miriam S. Newman.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965. 127p 1.Mathematics I. Newman, Miriam S. II. Title. Accn Nos : 69656 510 HEM

Hemmerling, Edwin M. Elementary mathematics: Arithmetic algebra and geometry / Edwin M. Hemmerling.--2nd-London: McGraw-Hill, 1965. xiv,361p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 62343 510 HEN

Retracing elementary mathematics / Leon Henkin...[et al.]-- New York: The Macmillan Company, 1962. xviii,418p (Series of mathematics texts) (Carl B. Allendoerfer) 1.Mathematics I. Henkin, Leon. II. Smith, W. Norman. III. Varineau, Verne J. IV. Walsh, Michael J. V. Allendoerfer, Carl B. VI. Series. Accn Nos : 3163

510 HEN

Henderson, Kenneth B. Using mathematics / Kenneth B. Henderson and Robert E. Pingery.-- New York: McGrawHill, 1961. xii,468p 1.Mathematics I. Pingery, Robert E. II. Title. Accn Nos : F5827 510 HEN

Henderson, Kennath B. Using mathematics / Kennath B. Henderson and Robert E. Pingry.-- London: McGraw Hill, 1956. xii,484p 1.Mathematics I. Pingry, Robert E. II. Title. Accn Nos : F5828 510 HER

Heritage, Raymond S. Learning mathematics book one / Raymond S. Heritage.-- London: Penguin Books, 1966. 273p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 57180 510 HER

Heritage, Raymond S. Learning mathematics 2 / Raymond S. Heritage.-- Great Britain: Penguin Book, 1966. 231p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 57182 510 HER

Heritage, Raymond S. Learning mathematics / Raymond S. Heritage. -- England: Penguin Books, 1967. 234p. (Shropshire mathematics experiment). Book 2 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 57181 510 HES

Hesse, K.A. Four rules of number / K. A. Hesse.-London: Longmans, 1956. 70p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 18866 510 HEY

Meyer, Jorome S. Fun with mathematics / Jorome S. Meyer.-New York: The World Publishing Company, 1952. x,176p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3221

510 HIG

Highland, Esther Harris How and why wonder book of mathematics / Esther Harris Highland and Harold Joseph Highland; illusrated by Walter Ferguson.-New York: Grosset & Dunlop, 1961. 47p 1.Mathematics I. Highland, Harold Joseph. II. Ferguson, Walter. III. Title. Accn Nos : 37820

510 HIL

Hiland, Asder Hairiss Ganit ki kahani (HIN) / Asder Hairiss Hiland; translated by Ramchandra Tiwari.-Delhi: Kendriya Hindi Nedeshalay Shiksha Mantralay, [n.d.] 48p. (Aur Kaise: Sachitra Vigyan) 1.Mathematics I. Tiwari, Ramchandra. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 79170 510 HIL

Hilton, Peter Mathematical vistas: from a room with many windows / Peter Hilton, Derek Holton and Jean Pedersen.-- New York: Springer, 2002. xiv,335p (Undergraduate texts in mathematics) ISBN 0-387-95064-8 1.Mathematics I. Holton, Derek. II. Pedersen, Jean. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 121503 510 HIL

Hilton, Peter Mathematical vistas: from a room with many windows / Peter Hilton, Derek Holton and Jean Pedersen.-- New York: Springer, 2002. xiv,335p (Undergraduate texts in mathematics) ISBN 0-387-95064-8 1.Mathematics I. Holton, Derek. II. Pedersen, Jean. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 128556 510 HIL

Hill, T.H. Ward Mathematics for modern schools / T.H. Ward Hill.-- London: George G. Harrap, 1949. 185p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Accn Nos : 42914 510 HIL

Hill, T.H. Ward Mathematics for modern schools / T.H. Ward Hill.-- London: George G. Harrap, 1959. 321p. Book 2 with many Illustrations and diagrams 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3164 510 HIL

Hill, Ward T.H. Mathematics for the Layman / Ward T.H. Hill.-- New York: Philosophical Library, 1958. 343p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3143 510 HIL

Hillebrand, Francis B. Methods of applied mathematics / Francis B. Hillebrand.--2nd ed-- New Delhi: PenticeHall, 1968. ix,362p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 64030 510 HIM

Himachal Pradesh School Shiksha Borad, Dharamshala Meri pustak gaint kaksha - 5 (HIN) / Himachal Pradesh School Shiksha Board Dharamshala.-- Dharamshala: Himachal Pradesh School Shiksha Board, 2010. iv, 228p. 1.Mathematics - Textbook - Himachal Pradesh I. Title. Accn Nos : F28516 510 HIM

Himachal Pradesh School Shiksha Borad Meri pustak ganit: kaksha - 4 (HIN) / Himachal Pradesh School Shiksha Board.--7th ed.-- Dharamshala: Himachal Pradesh School Shiksha Board, 2010. 258p. 1.Mathematics - Textbook - Himachal Pradesh I. Title. Accn Nos : F28507 510 HIM

Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education My book mathematics: class - 5 / Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education.-Dharamshala: Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education, 2008. 228p. 1.Mathematics - Textbook - Himachal Pradesh I. Title. Accn Nos : F28512

510 HIS (U)

Hisab:Middle school ke liye:Kitab II Hissa II / S.D.Chopra...[].-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1984. vi,231P. 1.History textbook-Class II I. Chopra, S.D II. Arora, Manmohan Singh. III. Madan, K.C Accn Nos : F17430 510 HIS (U)

Hisab:Middle school ke liye:Kitab II Hissa II / S.D.Chopra...[].-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1984. vi,454P. 1.Mathematics-Textbook I. Chopra, S.D II. Arora, Manmohan Singh. III. Madan, K.C Accn Nos : F17713 510 HOD

Hodson, J.D. Elementary pure mathematics / J.D. Hodson. -- London: Macmillan, 1960. xii,312p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3150 510 HOF

Hoffman, Stephen P. Basic analysis / Stephen P. Hoffman.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1961. xii,459p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F6736 510 HOF

Suggested materials and equipment for the mathematics program in Colordo School / Ruth Irene Hoffman...[et al.]-- Denver: Colorodo State Department of Education, 1960. viii,56p 1.Mathematics I. Hoffman, Ruth Irene. II. Mansfield, Rodney F. III. Rowe, Mary. IV. Hess, Ray H. Accn Nos : 49847 510 HOG

Hogben, Lancelot Man must measure / Lancelot Hogben.-- Great Britain: Rothbone, 1955. 69p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 18745 510 HOG

Hogben, Lancelot Mathematics for the million / Lancelot Hogben; illusrated by J.F. Horrabin.--3rd ed -- New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1951.

xiv,697p 1.Mathematics I. Horrabin, J.F. II. Title. Accn Nos : 39892 510 HOG

Hogben, Loncelot Mathematics for the million: A popular self educator / Loncelot Hogben.--23rd ed-London: George Allen & Unwin, 1963. 694p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42779

510 HOG

Hogben, Lancelot Mathematics for the million / Lancelot Hogben and illus. by J.E. Horrabin.-- New York: W.W. Norton, 1938. xii,647p 1.Mathematics I. Horrabin, J.F. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3240 510 HOG

Hogben, Lancelot Wonderful world of mathematics / Lancelot Hogben.-- London: Macdonald, 1955. 96p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 77346 510 HOL

Holt, Michael Mathematics in a changing world / Michael Holt and D.T.E. Margoram.-- London: Heinemann Educational Book Ltd, 1973. vii,293p ISBN 0-435-50404-5 1.Mathematics I. Margoram, D.T.E. II. Title. Accn Nos : 78065 510 HOO

Hooper, Alfred Makers of mathematics / Alfred Hooper.-London: Faber and Faber Ltd, n.d ix,402p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3276 510 HOO

Hooke, Robert Math and after math / Robert Hooke.-- New York: Walker and Company, 1965.

233p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 52751 510 HOP

Hopkins, C.H. Examination study in mathematics / C.H.Hopkins.-- London: John Murray, 1984. 92p. ISBN 0-7195-4184-0 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 104847

510 HOP

Hopkins, C.H. Revision study in mathematics / C.H.Hopkins.-- London: John Murray, 1985. 155p. ISBN 0-7195-4186-7 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 104853 510 HOR

Horner, Donald R. Survey of college mathematics / Donald R. Horner.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1967. ix,308p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 57222 510 HOR

Horner, Donald R. Survey of college mathematics / Donald R. Horner.-- New York: Holt-Rinehart and Winston, 1967. ix,304p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 57927 510 HOW

Howe, George Mathematics for the practical man / George Howe.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1960. 150p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53739 510 HOW

Howe, George Mathematics for the practical man / George Howe.-- Toronto: D. Van Nostrand, 1960. 150p

1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 8593 510 HOW

Howe, George Mathematics for the practical man / George Howe.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1960. 150p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3149

510 HU

Hu, Sze-Tsen Introduction to contemporary mathematics / Sze-Tsen Hu.-- San Francisco: Holden-Day, Inc, 1966. viii,202p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 63286 510 HUB

Hubler, Clark Working with children in science / Clark Hubler.-- Boston: Houghton Mifflin, [n.d.] 420p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 20227 510 HUD

Hudson, Frank M. Introduction to mathematics / Frank M. Hudson and Donald W. Adlong.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1970. 479p 1.Mathematics I. Adlong, Donald W. II. Title. Accn Nos : 72905 510 HUN

Hungarian problem book III: based on the eotvos competitions 1929-1943 / tr. and ed. by Andy Liu.-- Alberta: The Mathematical Association of America, 2001. xviii,142p ISBN 0-88385-644-1 1.Mathematics I. Liu, Andy. Accn Nos : 121390 510 HUS(NAT)

Mathematics : A textbook for class XI / Izhar

Husain...[et al].-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1994. Part-I (viii,136p) Part-II (137-280p) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Husain, Izhar. II. Tewari, U B. III. Rangachari, M S. IV. Joshi, D D. V. Kannan, V. VI. Deokinandan, B. VII. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F20407

510 ILL

Beberman, Max High school mathematics: Unit 4 Ordered pair and graphs / Max Beberman, ed. by Herbert E. Vaughan.--Rev. Ed.-- Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1962. Various pagination. Unit 4 1.Mathematics I. Vaughan, Herbert E. II. Title. Accn Nos : F11899 510 ILL

High school mathematics / The Publisher.-Urbano: University of Illions Press, 1960. various pagination 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : 12009 510 ILL

Beberman, Max High school mathematics : Unit 5 Relations and Functions / Max Beberman.-- Urbana: University of Illions Press, 1960. various pagination. Unit 5 1.Mathematics I. Vaughan, Herbert E. ,Ed. II. Title. Accn Nos : F12009 510 ILL

Illinois Committee on School Mathematics High school mathematics: unit 5 relations and functions / Illinois Committee on School Mathematics.-- Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1960. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F7557

510 IND

Arithmetic in intermediate grades: Bulletin no 40 / The Publisher.-- Indiana, Indiana Public School, 1957. 158p 1.Mathematics I. Indiana Public School, Indiana.

Accn Nos : 482 510 IND

Arithmetic in kindergarten and grades 1, 2 and 3 / The Publisher.-- Indianapolis: Indianapolis Public Schools, 1957. ix,223p (Indianapolis public schools) ( 39) 1.Mathematics I. Series.

Accn Nos : 471 510 IND

Arithmetics in kindergarten and grades 1,2,3 / The Publisher.-- Indiana: Indiana Public School, [n.d.] various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Indiana Public School, Indiana.

Accn Nos : 480 510 IND

Mathematics in senior high school: A tentative guide for teachers / The Publisher.-- Indianapolis, Indianapolis Public Schools, 1957. 47p (Indianapolis public schools bulletin) (42) 1.Mathematics I. Indianapolis Public Schools, Indianapolis. II. Series. Accn Nos : 49803 510 IND

Mathematics in senior high school / The Publisher.-- Indiana: Indianapolis Public Schools, 1957. ix,47p 1.Mathematics I. Indianapolis Public Schools, Indiana. Accn Nos : 47622 510 IRW

Irwin, J.R. Essential of applied mathematics / J.R. Irwin.-- London: Edward Arnold, 1979. vii,308p ISBN 0-7131-0306-X 1.Mathematics, applied0-7131-0306-X I. Title. Accn Nos : 99964 510 IRW

Irving, J.R.

Essentials of pure mathematics / J.R. Irwin.--Irwin, J.R.-- London: Edward Arnold, 1981. viii,391p ISBN 0-7131-0551-8 1.MathematicsIrving, J.R.L I. Title. Accn Nos : 99875 510 ISH

Chandra, Ishwar Analysis of errors in mathematics / Ishwar Chandra.-- New Delhi: NCERT, [n.d.] various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F6805

510 ISH

Ishwar Chandra Mathematics: A textbook for class VI / Ishwar Chandra, Mahendra Shanker and Surga Kumari.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1987. xvi,296p 1.Mathematics I. Shanker, Mahendra. II. Surja Kumari. III. NCERT. IV. National Council of Educational Research and Training. V. Title. Accn Nos : F16630 510 ISH

Ishwar Chandra Mathematics: A textbook for class 6 / Ishwar Chandra and Mahendra Shanker.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1987. xvi,296p 1.Mathematics I. Mahendra Shanker. II. NCERT. III. National Council of Educational Research and Training. IV. Title. Accn Nos : F16631 510 IZH

Mathematics; a text book for class XI Part-II / Izhar Husain...[et al.]-- New Delhi: National Council of Education Research and Training, 1988. 425p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - textbooks I. Husain, Izhar. II. Tewari, U.B. III. Rangachari, M.S. IV. Joshi, D.D. V. Kannan, V. VI. Deokinandan, B. VII. NCERT. VIII. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F17771 510 IZH

Husain, Izhar

Mathematics: A textbook for class XI, part 1 / Izhar Husain, U.B. Tewari, D.D. Joshi and M.S. Rangachari.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1988. xvi,147p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - textbooks (secondary) I. Tewari, U.B. II. Joshi, D.D. III. Rangachari, M.S. IV. NCERT. V. National Council of Educational Research and Training. VI. Title. Accn Nos : F17087

510 IZH

Mathematics: A textbook for class 11 / Izhar Husain...[et al.]-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1988. v,150-425p. Part-II 1.Mathematics I. Izhar Husain. II. Tiwari, V.B. III. Joshi, D.D. IV. Rangachari, M.S. V. NCERT. VI. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F17770 510 IZH

Husain, Izhar Mathematics: A textbook for class XI, part 111 / Izhar Husain, U.B. Tewari, D.D. Joshi and M.S. Rangachari.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1994. xvi,433p. 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - textbooks (secondary) I. Tewari, U.B. II. Joshi, D.D. III. Rangachari, M.S. IV. NCERT. V. National Council of Educational Research and Training. VI. Title. Accn Nos : F20478 510 JAC

Jachowski, Alphonse J. Funfamental of modern mathematics / Alphonse J. Jachowski and John B. Sbrega.-New York: Prentice Hall, 1970. xvii,420p 1.Mathematics I. Sbrega, John B. II. Title. Accn Nos : 73796 510 JAC

Jacobs, Harold R. Mathematics a human endeavor: a textbook for those who think they don't like the

subject / Harold R. Jacobs.-- Sanfrancisco: W.H. Freeman, 1970. xvii, 520p. ISBN 0-7167-0439-0 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 75164 510 JAC

Jacobs, Harold R. Mathematics a human endeavor: a textbook for those who think they don't like the subject / Harold R. Jacobs.-- San Francisco: W.H. Freeman, 1970. xvii,529p ISBN 0-7167-0439-0 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 75705 510 JAC

Jacobs, Harold R. Mathematics a human endeavor: A textbook for those who think they don't like the subject / Harold R. Jacobs.-- Sanfrancisco: W.H. Freeman, 1970. xvii,520p ISBN 0-7167-0439-0 1.Mathematics I. Title.

510 JAE

Jaeger, Chester George Introductory college mathematics / Chester George Jaeger and Harold Maile Bacon.--2nd ed -- New York: Harper, 1962. xvii,423p (Harper's mathematics series) (ed. by Charles A. Hutchinson) 1.Mathematics I. Bacon, Harold Maile. II. Hutchinson, Clarles A. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 34403 510 JAG

Jagjit Singh Research work- mathematics formulae from symmetry inductive- deductive approach: algebra of seires & general calender (this research started on 13th January, 1981) / Jagjit Singh.-- Phagwara: [s.n.], 2006. 128p. Part I & II 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F25421 510 JAG

Jagadguru Vedic mathematics or sixteen simple mathematical formulae from the vedas / Jagadguru.-- Varanasi: Banaras Hindu University Press, [n.d.] xxi,365p

1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3225 510 JAI

Jain, R.K. Advanced engineering mathematics / R.K. Jain and S.R.K. Iyengar.--3rd ed.-- New Delhi: Narosa publishing, 2009. various pagination ISBN 81-7319-730-7 1.Engineering mathematics I. Iyengar, S.R.K. II. Title. Accn Nos : 128586

510 JAI

Jaipur. Rajasthan Rajaya Pathauapustak Mandal Ganit class 7 ( Hin. ) / Rajasthan Rajaya Pathayapustak Mandal, Jaipur.-- Jaipur: RaajasthanRajaya Pathayapustak Mandal, 2004. 260p. 1.Mathematics-Textbook I. Title.

510 JAI

Jain, D. R. Naveen ganit (HIN) / D. R. Jain.-- Delhi: Dhanpat Ray & Sons, N. D. 260p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 25683 510 JAI

Basant Ram Naveen ganit (HIN).-- Delhi: Dhanpat Ray & Sons, N. D. 260p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 27667 510 JAM

Jamison, Robert V. Introduction to computer science mathematics / Robert V. Jamison.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1973. viii,273p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 78237 510 JAM

James, Anice Teaching of mathematics / Anice James and P.S.Balasubramanian.-- New Delhi: Neelkamal Publications, 2006. xvi,388p. ISBN 81-8316-022-0 1.Mathematics I. Balasubramanian, P.S.

II. Title. Accn Nos : 126430 510 JOH

Johnson, James F. Applied mathematics / James F. Johnson.-Milwauker: Bruce, 1956. vii,437p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 10901 510 JOH

Johnson, James F. Applied mathematics / James F. Johnson.-Milwaukee: The Bruce, 1946. vii,437p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 18877 510 JOH

Johnson, Richard E. Introduction to mathematical analysis / Richard E. Johnson, Neal H. McCoy and Anne F. O' Neill.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1962. xiii,476p 1.Mathematics I. McCoy, Neal H. II. O' Neill, Anne F. III. Title. Accn Nos : 3146 510 JOH

Johnson, Donovan A. Invitation to mathematics / Donovan A. Johnson and William H. Glenn.-- London: John Murray, [n.d.] Various pagination (Exploring mathematics on your own) 1.Mathematics I. Glenn, William H. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3432 510 JOH

Johnson, A Donevan New mathematics in our schools / A. Donevan Johnson and Robert Ragtz.-- New York: Macmillan Company, 1969. viii,192p 1.Mathematics I. Ragtz, Robert. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42503 510 JOH

Johnson, A Donevan New mathematics in our schools / A. Donevan Johnson and Robert Ragtz.-- New York: Macmillan Company, 1969. viii,192p 1.Mathematics I. Ragtz, Robert. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42703 510


Johnson, Donovan A. World of statistics / Donovan A. Johnson and William H. Glenn.-- London: John Murray, 1964. 64p (Exploring mathematics on your own) (5). Book 5 1.Mathematics I. Glenn, William H. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 42731

510 JON

Jones, Burton W. Elementary concept of mathematics / Burton W. Jones.--2nd ed-- New York: The Macmillan, 1963. xvii,350p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53348 510 JON

Jones, Burton W. Elementary concepts of mathematics / Burton W. Jones.--2nd ed-- New York: The Macmillan, 1963. xvii,350p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F4802 510 JON

Jones, Burton W. Elementary concepts of mathematics / Burton W. Jones.-- New York: The Macmillan, 1947. xiii,294p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3142 510 JON

Jones, Burton W. Elementary concepts of mathematics / Burton W. Jones.-- New York: The Macmillan, 1947. xiii,299p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42796 510 JON

Jonas, Arthur New ways in math / Arthur Jonas.-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1962. 70p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics research

I. Title. 510 JON

Jonas, Arthur New ways in maths / Arthur Jonas.-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1962. 70p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics research I. Title. Accn Nos : 8140; 3141

510 JOS

Joseph, Margaret Basic general mathemat / Margaret Joseph, Mildred Kliffer and John R. Mayor.-- New Jersey: Printice hall, 1958. vi,458p 1.Mathematics I. Kliffer, Mildred. II. Mayor, John R. III. Title. Accn Nos : F4075 510 JOS

Joseph, Margaret Basic general mathemat / Margaret Joseph, Mildred Kliffer and John R. Mayor.-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1958. vi,458p 1.Mathematics I. Kliffer, Mildred. II. Mayor, John R. III. Title. Accn Nos : 3220 510 JOS

Mathematics: A text for class 12 / D.D. Joshi...[et al.]-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1989. xii,263p. Part-I 1.Mathematics I. Joshi, D.D. II. Rao, K.V. III. Rangachari, M.S. IV. Tiwari, V.B. V. NCERT. VI. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F17773 510 JOS

Mathematics: A textbook for XII / D.D. Joshi...[et al.]-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1989. vii,262p 1.Mathematics I. Joshi, D.D. II. Rao, K.V. III. Tewari, U.B. IV. Kannan, V. V. Tikekar, V.S. VI. Rangachari, M.S. VII. NCERT. VIII. National Council of Educational Research and Training.

Accn Nos : F17772 510 KAM

Kamp, Peter Van De Elements of astromechanics / Peter Van De Kamp.-- San Francisco: W.H. Freeman, 1964. 140p (A series of books in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 42802

510 KAM

Kamke, E. Theory of sets / E. Kamke and Frederick Bagemihl.-- New York: Dover, 1950. vii,144p 1.Mathematics I. Bagemihl, Frederick. II. Title. Accn Nos : 66160 510 KAP

Kapur, J.N. Fascinating world of geometry / J.N. Kapur. -- New Delhi: MAthematical Science Trust Society, 1989. xvi,232p (Fascinating world of mathematics sciences). V.IX. 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 110712 510 KAP

Kapur, J.N. Fascinating world of mathematics sciences: applications of Mathematics / J.N. Kapur.-New Delhi: Mathematical Science Trust Society, 1989. xvi,232p (Fascinating world of mathematics sciences). V.3. 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Study and teaching I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 109706 510 KAP

Kapur, J.N. Fascinating world of mathematical sciences / J.N. Kapur.-- New Delhi: Mathematical Sciences Trust Society, 1991. xvi,256p (Culture history excitement education and relevance of mathem).

V.X. 1.Mathematics I. Title Accn Nos : 110713


510 KAP

Kapur, J.N. Fascinating world of mathematical sciences: applications of Mathematics-I / J.N. Kapur.-New Delhi: Mathematical Sciences Trust Society, 1989. 272p. V.2. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 109705

510 KAP

Kapur, J.N. Fascinating world of mathematical science / J.N. Kapur.-- New Delhi: Mathematical sciences trust society, 1990. viii,232p. (Biography and history of mathematics). V.VII 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 110710 DLDI 510 KAP

Kapur, J.N. Fascinating world of mathematical sciences / J.N. Kapur.-- N.Delhi: Mathematical sciences trust society, 1990. xvi,232p. (Mathematical education- II). V.5. 1.Mathematics - Study & teaching 2.Mathematicians - Biography I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 110708 DLDI 510 KAP

Kapur J.N. Fascinating world of mathematical sciences,V. 4 / J.N. Kapur.-- N.Delhi: Mathematical sciences trust society, 1989. xvi,256p. V.4. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 109707 510 KAP

Kapur, J.N. Fascinating world of mathematical sciences / J.N. Kapur.-- N.Delhi: Mathematical

sciences trust society, 1990. xvi,280p. (Mathematics education-III). V.VI. 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 110709 510 KAP

Kapur, J.N. Fasinating world of mathematical science: the nature of Mathematics / J.N. Kapur.-- New Delhi: Mathematical Sciences Trust Society, 1989. xiv,262p. V,1. 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Study and teaching 3.Mathematician - Biography 4.Mathematical models I. Title. Accn Nos : 109704 510 KAP

Kapur, J.N. Fasinating world of mathematical sciences / J.N. Kapur.-- New Delhi: Mathematical Science Trust Society, 1990. xvi,248p (Reviews of books and articles on mathematical sciences). V.VIII. 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 110711 510 KAP

Kapur, J.N. Insight in to mathematics / J.N. Kapur.-New Delhi: NCERT, 1968. v,83p. Vol. 1 1.MathematicsInsight in to I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. III. Title. Accn Nos : F7179 510 KAP

510 KAP

Kapur, J.N. Insight in to mathematics / J.N. Kapur and K. Kapur.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1969. 112p 1.Mathematics I. Kapur, K. II. NCERT. III. National Council of Educational Research and Training. IV. Title.

Kapur J.N. Insight into mathematics 1 / J.N. Kapur & K.Kapur.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1969]. 112p. 1.Mathematics I. Kapur, K. II. Title. Accn Nos : F7449 510


Kapur, J.N. Insight into mathematics: teacher's guide / J.N. Kapur.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1968. 87p. Book 1; Includes appendix 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F7178 510 KAP

Kapur, J.N. Mathematical modelling / J.N. Kapur.-- New Delhi: New Age Internatiional Publishers, 1998. xi,259p ISBN 81-224-0006-X 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 121435 510 KAP

Kapur, J.N. Mathematics education / J.N. Kapur.-- New Delhi: Mathematical Science Trust Society, 1978. xvi,232p (Fascinating world of mathematics sciences). Vol. 2 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching 3.Mathematicians - biography 4.Mathematical models I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 11078 510 KAP

Kapur, J.N. Reflections of a mathematician / J.N. Kapur.-- New Delhi: Arya Book Depot, 1972. viii,402p. 1.Mathematics - Address, essays, lectures I. Title. Accn Nos : 84997 510 KAP

Kapur, J.N. Reflections of a mathematics / J.N. Kapur. --2nd ed-- New Delhi: Arya Book Depot, 1988. 402p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 107338 510 KAP

Kapur, J.N. Some aspects of mathematics education in India / J.N. Kapur.--3rd-- New Delhi: Arya Book Depot, 1989. 178p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53399 510 KAP

Kapur, J.N.

Spirit of mathematics / J.N. Kapur.-- New Delhi: Arya Book Depot, 1966. 96p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42790 510 KAP

Kapoor, D.C. Textbook of mathematics for student of premedical class / D.C. Kapoor.-- New Delhi: S. Chand, 1964. ii,266p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 52445

510 KAP

Kaplan, Jerome Your child and the new mathematics / Jerome Kaplan.-- New Jersey: Silver Burdett, 1967. 309p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42789 510 KAP (NAT)

Kapoor, V.K. Mathematics for class IX / V.K. Kapoor.-New Delhi: Scholar Publishing House, 1995. viii,435p ISBN 81-7172-283-0 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F20513 510 KAR

Karr, Hazel Flint Resource unit for teachers in secondary schools in the science mathematics core area / Hazel Flint Karr.-- Oregon: Portland Public School, [n.d.] 20p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 44926 510 KAS

Kasner, Edward Mathematics and the imagination / Edward Kasner and James Newman.-- New York: Simon and Schuster, 1956. 380v 1.Mathematics I. Newman, James. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42768 510 KAS

Kasner, Edward Mathematics and the imagination / Edward

Kasner and Jamen Newman.-- London: G. Bell, 1961. xiiv,380p 1.Mathematics I. Newman, Jamen. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42772 510 KAS

Kusner, Edward Mathematics and the imagination / Edward Kusner and James Newman.-- London: G. Bell, [n.d.] 30p 1.Mathematics I. Newman, James. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3199

510 KAT

Kattsoff, Louis O. Finite mathematics with applications in the social and management sciences / Louis O. Kattsoff and Albert J. Simone.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1965. xiv,407p 1.Mathematics I. Simone, Albert J. II. Title. Accn Nos : 66803 510 KAT

Kattsoff Louis O. Foundation of contemporary mathematics with applications in the social and management sciences / Louis O. Kattsoff and Albert J. Simone.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1967. xiv,553p 1.Mathematics I. Simone, Albert J. II. Title. Accn Nos : 53780 510 KEE

Keedy, Mervin L. Exploring modern mathematics: Elementary algebra / Mervin L. Keedy, Richard E. Jameson and Patricia L. Johnson.--Teachers ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1964. 534p. Vol. 3 1.Mathematics I. Jameson, Richard E. II. Johnson, Patricia L. III. Title. Accn Nos : 42727 510 KEE

Keedy, Mervin L. Exploring modern mathematics: Elementary algebra / Mervin L. Keedy, Richard E. Jameson and Patricia L. Johnson.--Teachers ed-- New

York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. ix,438p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Jameson, Richard E. II. Johnson, Patricia L. III. Title. Accn Nos : F3660 510 KEE

Keedy, Mervin L. Exploring modern mathematics: Elementary algebra / Mervin L. Keedy, Richard E. Jameson and Patricia L. Johnson.--Teachers ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. 438p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Jameson, Richard E. II. Johnson, Patricia L. III. Title. Accn Nos : 42730 510 KEE

Keedy, Mervin L. Exploring modern mathematics: Elementary algebra / Mervin L. Keedy, Richard E. Jameson and Patricia L. Johnson.--Teachers ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. 438p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Jameson, Richard E. II. Johnson, Patricia L. III. Title. Accn Nos : 42728 510 KEE

Keedy, Mervin L. Exploring modern mathematics: Elementary algebra / Mervin L. Keedy, Richard E. Jameson and Patricia L. Johnson.--Teachers ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1964. xxv,534p. Vol. 3 1.Mathematics I. Jameson, Richard E. II. Johnson, Patricia L. III. Title. Accn Nos : 42726 510 KEE

Keedy, Mervin L. Exploring modern mathematics book 1 / Mervin L. Keedy, Richard E. Jameson and Patricia L. Johnson.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1964. xxix,413p 1.Mathematics I. Jameson, Richard E. II. Johnson, Patricia L. III. Title. Accn Nos : 87376 510 KEE

Keedy, Mervin L. Exploring modern mathematics / Mervin L. Keedy, Richard E. Jameson and Patricia L. Johnson.-- New York: Holt Rinehart and

Winston, 1963. x,438p 1.Mathematics I. Jameson, Richard E. II. Johnson, Patricia L. III. Title. Accn Nos : F3661 510 KEE

Keedy, Mervin L. Modern introduction to basic mathematics / Mervin L. Keedy.-- Massachusetts: AddisonWesley, 1963. x,326p (Addison-Wesley series in science and mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3264

510 KEE

Keedy, Mervin L. Modern Introduction to basic mathematics / Mervin L. Keedy.-- London: Addison-Wesley, 1965. x,326p. (Addison-Wesley series in science and mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66805 510 KEE

Keedy, Mervin L. Modern introduction to basic mathematics / Mervin L. Keedy.-- Massachusetts: AddisonWesley, 1963. 326p (Addison-wesley series in the science and mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66496 510 KEE

Keedy, Mervin L. Modern introduction to basic mathematics / Mervin L. Keedy.-- Massachusetts: AddisonWesley, 1963. 326p (Addison-wesley series in science and mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 53731 510 KEE

Keedy, Mervin L. Modern introduction to basic mathematics / Mervin L. Keedy.-- Massachusetts: AddisonWesley, 1963. 326p (Addison-wesley series in science and mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3280 510


Finite mathematical structures / John G. Kemeny...[et al.]--5th ed-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1959. xi,487p 1.Mathematics I. Kemeny, John G. II. Mirkil, Hazleton. III. Smell, J, Lourie. IV. Thompson, Gerald L. Accn Nos : 53638 510 KEM

Kemeny, John G. Introduction to finite mathematics / John G. Kemeny, J. Laurie Snell and Gerald L. Thompson.--2nd ed-- New Jersey: Printice Hall, 1966. xiv,465p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Snell, J. Laurie. II. Thompson, Gerald L. III. Title. Accn Nos : 42770 510 KEM

Kemeny, John G. Introduction to finite mathematics / John G. Kemeny, J. Laurie Snell and Gerald L. Thompson.--2nd ed-- New Jersey: PrenticeHall, 1966. xiv,465p (Prentice hall mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Snell, J. Laurie. II. Thompson, Gerald L. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 87382 510 KEN

Mathematics: A curriculum guide in mathematics grade three / The Publisher.-Kentucky: Division of Curriculum Louisville Public School, 1954. 136p 1.Mathematics I. Louisville Public School, Kentucky. Accn Nos : 36247 510 KEN

Mathematics: A curriculum guide in mathematics, grade one / The Publisher.-Kentucky: Louisville Public Schools, 1954. 192p 1.Mathematics I. Louisville Public Schools, Kentucky. Accn Nos : 49851 510 KEN

Mathematics: Let's figure it out / The Publisher.--Rev. ed-- Kentucky: Division of Curriculum Louisville Public Schools, 1957. 138p. Part 2 1.Mathematics I. Louisville Public Schools, Kentucky. Accn Nos : 36235

510 KEN

Mathematics number experiences in the kindergarten / The Publisher.-- Kentucky: Louisville Public School, 1954. 33p 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : 90136 510 KER

Kershner, R.B. Anatomy of mathematics / R.B. Kershner and L.R. Wilcox.-- New York: The Ronald, 1950. xi,416p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Wilcox, L.R. II. Title. Accn Nos : F5298

510 KHU

Khurgin, Ya. Did you say mathematics / Ya. Khurgin.-Mascow: Mir, 1974. 360p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 105729 510 KIN

Kinney, Lucien B. General mathematics: A problems solving / Lucien B. Kinney, Vincent Ruble and Gerald W. Brown.--Teachers ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Wiston, 1967. 501p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics 2.General mathematics I. Ruble, Vincent. II. Brown, Gerald W. III. Title. Accn Nos : 52881 510 KIN

Kinney, Lucien B. General mathematics: A problem solving approach / Lucien B. Kinney, Vincent, Ruble and Gerald W. Brown.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1968. x,518p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Ruble, Vincent. II. Brown, Gerald W. III. Title. Accn Nos : 60405 510 KIN

Kinney, Lucien B. Holt general mathematics / Lucien B. Kinney, Vincent Ruble and M. Russell Blythe. -- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc, 1960. 1.Mathematics I. Ruble, Vincent.

II. Blythe, M. Russell. III. Title. Accn Nos : 7263 510 KIN

King, W.R. New certificate mathematics / W.R. King and R.P. Goel.--2nd rev. ed-- New Delhi: Pitamber, 1986. iii,259p. Part 2 1.Mathematics I. Goel, R.P. II. Title. Accn Nos : F18883

510 KIN

King, W.R. New certificate mathematics / W.R. King and R.P. Goel.--2nd rev. ed-- New Delhi: Pitamber, 1986. 327p. Part 1 1.Mathematics I. Goel, R.P. II. Title. Accn Nos : F18882 510 KIR

Kirkby Dave More data handling for national curriculum levels 2-5 / Dave Kirkby.-- London: Collins Educational, 1990. 40 titles (Spectrum maths series) ISBN 0-00-312540-8 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 115171 510 KIR

Kirkby, Dave More games for national curriculum levels 2 5 / Dave Kirkby.-- London: Collins Educational, 1989. 40 titles (Spectrum maths series) ISBN 0-00-312555-6 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 115168 510 KIR

Kirkby, Dave Starting data handling for national curriculum levels 1-3 / Dave Kirkby.-London: Collins Educational, 1992. 40 titles (Spectrum maths series) ISBN 0-00-312540-8 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 115169

510 KIR

Kirkby, Dave Starting games for national curriculum levels 1-3 / Dave Kirkby.-- London: Collins Educational, 1989. 40 titles (Spectrum maths series) ISBN 0-00-312554-8 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 115170 510 KLI

Kline, Morris Mathematicals for liberal arts / Morris Kline.-- London: Addison Wesley, 1967. xvii,577p. (Addison Wesley series in introductory mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 67043 510 KLI

Kline, Morris Mathematics and the physical world / Morris Kline.-- London: John Murray, 1960. x,482p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 7374 510 KLI

Kline, Morris Mathematics and the physical world / Morris Kline.-- London: John Murray, 1960. x,482p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42509 510 KLI

Kline, Morris Mathematics for liberal arts / Morris Kline.-- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1967. xiii,577p (Addison wesley series in introductory mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 54939 510 KLM

Kline, Morris Mathematics and the physical world / Morris Kline: New York, Thomas Y. Crowell., 1959. xii,482p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3217 510 KNI

Knight, R.D. New mathematics / R.D. Knight.-- London: John Murray, 1965. viii,174p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - textbooks (secondary) I. Title. Accn Nos : F16738

510 KNI

Knight, R.D. New mathematics / R.D. Knight.-- London: John Murray, 1960. viii,214p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 30320 510 KNI

Knight, F.B. Self help mathematics workbook / F.B. Knight, J.W. Studebaker and Gladys Tate.-Chicago: Scott, Foresman, 1950. 168p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Studebaker, J.W. II. Tate, Gladys. III. Title. Accn Nos : 42818 510 KOR

Korn, Granino A. Manual of mathematics / Granino A. Korn and Theresa M. Korn.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1967. 391p 1.Mathematics I. Korn, Theresa M. II. Title. Accn Nos : 66322 510 KOR

Korevaar, Jacob Mathematical methods: linear algebra, normal spaces, distributions and integration / Jacob Korevaar.-- New York: Academic Press, 1968. xi,505p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 67481 510 KOR

Korevaar, Jacob Mathematics methods / Jacob Korevaar.-- New York: Academic Press, 1968. x,505p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 63300 510 KOS

Koshy, Thomas Finite mathematics and calculus with applications / Thomas Koshy.-- California: Goodyear Publishing, 1979. xiv,578p ISBN 0-87620-3217 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - 1961 3.Calculus I. Title. Accn Nos : 84986 510


Kovach, Ladis D. Introduction to modern elementary mathematics / Ladis D. Kovach.-- San Francisco: Holden-Day, 1966. 256p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 63013 510 KRA

Kramer, Edna E. Main stream of mathematics / Edna E. Kramer.-- New York: Oxford, 1955. xii,321p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3213

510 KRA

Kramer, Edna E. Main stream of mathematics / Edna E. Kramer.-- New York: Oxford University Press, 1951. xii,34p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3192 510 KRA

Krantz, Steven G. A primer of Mathematical writing / Steven G. Krantz.-- Hyderabad: Universities Press, 1997. xv,223p. Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 81-7371-127-5 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 127638 510 KRE

Kreyszig, Erwin Advanced engineering mathematics / Erwin Kreyszig.--2nd ed-- New York: John Wiley, 1968. xvii,398p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 60941 510 KRI

Krishnamoorthi, V. Ancillary mathematics / V. Krishnamoorthi, T. Raghavan and P.N. Ramachandran.-- Madras: Rochouse & Sons, 1968. 359p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Raghavan, T. II. Ramachandran, P.N. III. Title. Accn Nos : 88968

510 KRI

Krishnamoorthi, V. Ancillary mathematics / V. Krishamoorthi.-Madras: Reehouse and Sons, 1969. 350p. Vol.2 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 88969 510 KRU

Kruglak, Haym Basic Mathematics for the physical sciences / Haym Kruglak and John T. Moore.-- New York: Mcgraw hill book co., n.d. vii,354p 1.Mathematics I. Moore, John T. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42501 510 KRU

Haym, Kruglak Basic mathematics for the physical sciences / Kruglak Haym and John T. Moore.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1963. xii,354p 1.Mathematics I. Moore, John T. II. Title. Accn Nos : 54894 510 KUD

Kudryavtsav, V.A. Brief course of higher mathematics / V.A. Kudryavtsav, B.P. Demidovich, translated by Leonid Lavant.-- Moscow: Mir Publishers, 1981. 693p 1.Mathematics I. Demidovich, B.P. II. Lavant, Leonid. III. Title. Accn Nos : 92228 510 KUY

Kuyk, Willam Complementarity in mathematics / Willam Kuyk.-- Holland: D. Reidel, 1977. 186p (Mathematics and its applications) (ed. by M. Hazewinkel) ISBN 90-277-0814-2 1.Mathematics - philosophy 2.Mathematics History90-277-0814-2 I. Hazewinkel, M. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 83223 510 LAB

Larbarre, A.E. Elementary mathematical analysis / A.E. Larbarre.-- Landon: Addison-Wesley, 1961. xii,701p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 54169 510


Laffer, Walter B. Mathematics for general education / Walter B. Laffer.-- California: Dickenson, 1968. x,203p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 70718 510 LAN

Lankford, Francis G. Basic ideas of Mathematics / Francis G. Lankford [et al].-- Toronto: W.J. Gage limited, n.d. vii,504p. 1.Mathematics I. Clark, John R. II. Steeves, William A. III. Title. Accn Nos : F10573

510 LAN

Lankford, Francis G. Essential mathematics / Francis G. Lankford, James F. Ulrich and John R. Clurk. -- New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1961. viii,536p 1.Mathematics I. Ulrich, James F. II. Clurk, John R. III. Title. Accn Nos : F7486 510 LAN

Land, Frank Language of mathematics / Frank Land.-Lond: John Murray, 1964. 289p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 9719 510 LAN

Land, Frunk Language of mathematics: Exercises / Frunk Land.-- London: John Murray, 1961. 63p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 6181 510 LAN

Langdon, Nigel Way with maths / Snape.-- New York: Press, 1984. 48p. ISBN 0 521 27833 1.Mathematics I. Accn Nos : 107914 510 LAS

Nigel Langdon and Charles Cambridge University

3 Snape, Charles. II. Title.

Lasserre, Francois Birth of mathematics in the age of Plato / Francois Lasserre.-- London: Hutchinson, 1964.

190p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3200 510 LAS

Lasley, Sidney J. New applied mathematics / sidney J. Lasley and Myrtle F. Mudd.--4th ed-- New York: Prentice-Hall, 1952. xii,386p 1.Mathematics I. Mudd, Myrtle F. II. Title. Accn Nos : F1755

510 LAS

Lasley, Sidney J. New applied mathematics / Sidney J. Lasley and Myrtle F. Mudd.--5th ed-- Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1958. 457p 1.Mathematics I. Mudd, Myrtle F. II. Title. Accn Nos : F4099 510 LAW

Law, Martin IGCSE Mathematics revision guide / Martin Law.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. vi,186p. Cambridge International examinations ISBN 0 521 53902 1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 126234 510 LEA

IGNOU: LMT-01 Learning Mathematics Block-1 / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: IGNOU, 2004. 59p. Block-1 Approaches to Learning ISBN 81-7605-916-1 1.Mathematics 2.IGNOU Accn Nos : 125153 510 LEA

IGNOU: LMT-01 Learning Mathematics Block-2 / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: IGNOU, 2004. 80p. Block-2 Encouraging learning in the classroom ISBN 81-7605-978-1 1.Mathematics 2.IGNOU Accn Nos : 125154 510


IGNOU: LMT-01 Learning Mathematics Block-3 / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: IGNOU, 2004. 45p. Block-3 Data and Chance ISBN 81-7605-994-3 1.Mathematics 2.IGNOU Accn Nos : 125155 510 LEA

IGNOU: LMT-01 Learning Mathematics Block-4 / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: IGNOU, 2004. 54p. Block-4 On Spatial Learning ISBN 81-266-0209-0 1.Mathematics 2.IGNOU Accn Nos : 125156

510 LEA

IGNOU: LMT-01 Learning Mathematics Block-5 / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: IGNOU, 2004. 79p. Block-5 Exploring Numbers ISBN 81-266-0215-5 1.Mathematics 2.IGNOU Accn Nos : 125157 510 LEA

IGNOU: LMT-01 Learning Mathematics Block-6 / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: IGNOU, 2004. 46p. Block-6 Thinking Mathematically ISBN 81-266-0273-2 1.Mathmatics 2.IGNOU Accn Nos : 125158 510 LEA

Learning to count / The Publishers.-- Tokyo: Froebel-Kan, 1966. various pagination 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : 16983 510 LEB

Leblanc, John F. Experiences in discovery: Enrichment materials for elementary mathematics level D / John F. Leblanc.-- New Jersey: Silver Burdett, 1967. 94p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42732 510 LEV

Levin, Morcia new mathematics practice workbook: Sets and addition / Morcia Levin and Jeanne Bendick.-New York: Treasure Books, [n.d.]

63p 1.Mathematics I. Bendick, Jeanne. II. Title. Accn Nos : 17295 510 LEV

Levin, Morcia New mathematics sets and multiplication: Practice workbook / Morcia Levin and Jeanne Bendick.-- New York: Treasure Book, [n.d.] 63p 1.Mathematics I. Bendick, Jeanne. II. Title. Accn Nos : 17216

510 LEV (C-H)

Levin , Marcia New Mathmatics sets and division / Marcia Levin.-- New York: Treasure books, 1966. 64p. Practice Workbook 1.Children Litrature I. Title. Accn Nos : 17317 510 LEW

Lewis, W.D. Mathematics makes sense: an introduction to propositional algebra / W.D. Lewis.-- New York: Arco, 1966. 234p. 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 75072 510 LIP

Lipschutz, Seymour Discrete mathematics / Seymour Lipschutz, M.A. Lipson and Varsha H. Patil.--3rd ed.-New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill, 2010. various pagination (Schaum's outlines) ISBN 0-07-066912-0 1.Mathematics 2.Finite mathematical system I. Lipson, M.A. II. Patil, Varsha H. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 128600 510 LIP

Lipschutz, Seymour Theory and problems of finite mathematics / Seymour Lipschutz.-- New York: Schaum Publishing Company, 1966. 339p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 58252 510


Lister, Frederick M. Freshman mathematics for university students / Frederick M. Lister and Shelmon T. Rio.-- America: Prentice-Hall, 1966. vii,443p 1.Mathematics I. Rio, Shelmon T. II. Title. Accn Nos : 53129 510 LOF

Loffler, Eugen Der Mathematik Unterricht / Dugen Loffler. -- [s.l.]: Ernst Klett Verlag, 1957. 88p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 69455

510 LOF

Loffler, Eugen Der Mathematik Unterricht / Dugen Loffler. -- [s.l.]: Ernst Klett Verlag, 1957. 88p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title.

510 LOF

Loffler, Eugen Der mathematikunterricht: Affine geometrie / Eugen Loffler.-- [s.l.]: Ernst Klett Verlag Stuttgart, 1966. 100p. Vol. 5 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical geometries I. Title. Accn Nos : 69459 510 LOF

Loffler, Eugen Der mathematikunterricht: Logische probleme in mathematikunterricht / Eugen Loffler.-[s.l.]: Ernst Klett Verlat, 1956. 92p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 69457 510 LOF

Loffler, Eugen Der mathematikunterricht: Vektormethode / Eugen Loffler.-- [s.l.]: Ernst Klett Verlag, 1956. 92p. Vol. 3 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 69454 510 LOF

Loffler, Eugen Der mathematikunterricht: Vektormethode /

Eugen Loffler.-- [s.l.]: Ernst Klett Verlag, 1966. 98p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 69458 510 LOF

Loffler, Eugen Der Mathematikunterricht / Dugen Loffler.-[s.l.]: Ernst Klett Verlag, 1958. 88p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 69456

510 LOF

Loffler, Eugen Der Mathematikunterricht / Dugen Loffler.-[s.l.]: Ernst Klett Verlag, 1966. 107p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title.

510 LOS

Instructional guide: Basic mathematics grade 10 to 12 / Los Angeles City School.-- Los Angeles: Los Angeles City School, 1966. 32p 1.Mathematics I. Los Angeles City School. Accn Nos : F10908 510 LOU

Mathematics : a Curriculum guide / Louisville Public School.-- [s.n.]: Divison of Curriculum Lauisville, 1954. 115p 1.Mathematics I. Louisville Public School.

Accn Nos : 465 510 LOV

Lovasz, L. Discrete mathematics: elementary and beyond / L. Lovasz, J. Pelikan and K. Vesztergombi. -- New Delhi: Springer, 2004. ix,290p ISBN 81-8128-065-2 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 123782 510 LUC

Lucas, James S. Developing pre-number ideas: Teacher edition's / James S. Lucas and Evelyn Neufeld.-- America: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, n.d. 108p 1.Mathematics I. Newfeld, Evelyn.

II. Title. Accn Nos : 45297 510 LYN

Lyng, Merwin J Applied technical mathematics / Merwin J Lyng, L J Meconi and Earl J Zwick.-Dubuque: Wm C Brown Publishers, 1992. xvi, 857p ISBN 0-697-08543-0 1.Mathematics I. Meconi, L J. II. Earl J Zwick. III. McPeek, Earl. IV. Title. Accn Nos : 113028

510 LYN

Lyng, Merwin J. Career mathematics: Industry and the trades / Merwin J. Lyng, L.J. Meconi and Earl J. Zwick.-- Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1974. ix,436p 1.Mathematics 2.Business, mathematics 3.Industrial management - mathematical models 4.Industrial, mathematics I. Meconi, L.J. II. Zwick, Earl J. III. Title. Accn Nos : 82524 510 MAB

Mabbett, A.J. Mathematics for economists / A.J. Mabbett. -- Hampshire: Macmillan, 1986. vii,275p (Macmillan work out series) ISBN 0-333-38817-8 1.Economics, Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 117091 510 MAC

Macdonald, P. Mathematics and statistics for scientists and engineers / P. Macdonald.--Students paperback edition-- London: D. Van Nostrand Company Ltd, 1966. xii,299p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 73924 510 MAH

Mahla, Narendra Singh Ganit ka adhar evam vigyan mein bhumika (HIN) / Narendra Singh Mahla.-- Jaipur: Raj Publishing, 2003. 217p. ISBN 81-87248-68-8 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 122927

510 MAI

Mainardi, Pompey First course in mathematics / Pompey Mainardi, Carl Konove and Edward G. Baker.-3rd ed-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1958. x,385p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Konove, Carl. II. Baker, Edward G. III. Title. Accn Nos : 3306 510 MAI

Mathematiques / R.Maillard. and Caralp E.-Saint- Germain: Classiques, 1958. 421p. Accn Nos : F3303

510 MAI Mathematiques / Echord,R Accn Nos : F3282 510 MAL

Malhotra, A.M. Business mathematics / A.M. Malhotra.-Delhi: CBS, 1983. iv,448p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 96593 510 MAL

Marllory, Virgil S. Fundamental mathematics / Virgil S. Marllory and Kenneth C. Skeen.-- America: Prentice Hall, 1953. 126p 1.Mathematics I. Skeen, Kenneth C. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42835 510 MAL

Malhotra, O.P. Pure mathematics: (New 12 Year Course) / O.P. Malhotra and S.K. Gupta.--4th-- New Delhi: S. Chand & Co., 1983. V.2,xx,608p. Vol. II 1.Mathematics I. Gupta, S.K. II. Title. Accn Nos : 95961 510 MAN

Mancil, Julian N. Contemporary mathematics / Julian N. Mancil.-- Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1966. 590p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 63187

510 MAN

Manipur, Board of Secondary Education Essence of mathematics class - VII / Board of Secondary Education, Manipur.-- Manipur: Board of Secondary Education Manipur, 2010. 311p. 1.Mathematics - Textbook - Manipur I. Title. Accn Nos : F28602 510 MAN

Manipur, Board of Secondary Education Essence of Mathematics class - I / Board of Secondary Education, Manipur.-- Manipur: Board of Secondary Education Manipur, 2010. 311p. 1.Mathematics - Textbook - Manipur I. Title. Accn Nos : F28580 510 MAN

Manipur, Board of Secondary Education Essence of Mathematics class - II / Board of Secondary Education, Manipur.-- Manipur: Board of Secondary Education Manipur, 2011. 186p. 1.Mathematics - Textbook - Manipur I. Title. Accn Nos : F28581 510 MAN

Manipur, Board of Secondary Education Essence of Mathematics class - VIII / Board of Secondary Education, Manipur.-- Manipur: Board of Secondary Education Manipur, 2011. 281p. 1.Mathematics - Textbook - Manipur I. Title. Accn Nos : F28607 510 MAN

Manipur, Board of Secondary Education Essence of Mathematics class - IV / Board of Secondary Education, Manipur.-- Manipur: Board of Secondary Education Manipur, 2011. 222p. 1.Mathematics - Textbook - Manipur I. Title. Accn Nos : F28590 510 MAN

Manipur, Board of Secondary Education Essence of Mathematics: class - III / Board of Secondary Education, Manipur.-- Manipur: Board of Secondary Education, 2011. 201p. 1.Mathematics - Textbook - Manipur I. Title. Accn Nos : F28585 510


Manipur, Board of Secondary Education Higher mathematics: class - X / Board of Secondary Education, Manipur.-- Manipur: Board of Secondary Education, 2008. iv, 174p. 1.Mathematic - Textbook - Manipur I. Title. Accn Nos : F28626 510 MAN

Manual of mathematics teaching aids for primary schools / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1990. v,157p 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F18223 510 MAN

Mansfield, D.E. Mathematics: a new approach / D.E. Mansfield and D. Thompson.-- London: Chatto and Windus, 1964. 111p. Vol. 3 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Thompson, D. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3205 510 MAN

Mansfield, D.E. Mathematics; a new approach / D.E. Mansfield and D. Thompson.-- London: Chatto and Windus, 1963. 109p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Thompson, D. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3209 510 MAN

Mansfield, D.E. Mathematics: new approach / D.E. Mansfield and D. Thompson.-- London: Chatto and Windus, 1964. 155p. 1.Mathematics I. Thompson, D. II. Title. Accn Nos : 66149 510 MAR

Course of study: Mathematics ninth grade / The Publisher.-- Maryland: Maryland Public School, 1955. 113p 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : F10555 510 MAR

Course of study: Mathematics, seventh grade / The Publisher.-- Maryland: Maryland Public Schools, 1955. 151p

1.Mathematics Accn Nos : F10836 510 MAR

Marjoram, D.T.E. Exercises in modern mathematics / D.T.E. Marjoram.-- Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1964. 249v 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 15404 510 MAR

Marjoram, D.T.E. Exercises in modern mathematics / D.T.E. Marjoram.-- Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1964. 250p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3208 510 MAR

Marjoram, D.T.E. Exercises in modern mathematics / D.T.E. Marjoram.-- Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1964. 249p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 5675 510 MAR

Marjoram, D.T.E. Exercises in modern mathematics / D.T.E. Marjoram.-- Oxford: Pergamon, 1964. xiii,249p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Accn Nos : 37 510 MAR

Marks, John L. Exploring mathematics ideas / John L. Marks, James R. Smart and William A. Brownell.-- Boston: Ginn and Company, 1961. 96p 1.Mathematics I. Smart, James R. II. Brownell, William A. III. Title. Accn Nos : F2388 510 MAR

Margaris, Angelo First order mathematical logic / Angelo Margaris.-- London: Blaisdell, 1967. ix,207p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 63703 510 MAR

Marsh, L.G. Let's explore mathematics book 1 / L.G. Marsh; illustrated by Charis Hoggett.-- New York: Arco Pub. Co., 1966. 94p

1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Hoggett, Charis. II. Title. Accn Nos : 75075 510 MAR

Marsh, L.G. Let's explore mathematics book 3 / L.G. Marsh; illustrated by Chris Hoggett.-- New York: Arco Publishing Co Inc, 1966. 112p. Vol. III 1.Mathematics I. Hoggett, Chris. II. Title. Accn Nos : 75077

510 MAR

Marsh, L.G. Let's explore mathematics / L.G. Marsh; edited by Chris Hoggett.-- New York: Acro, 1969. 96p. Book 4 1.Mathematics I. Hoggett, Chris. II. Title. Accn Nos : 75078 510 MAR

Marsh, L.G. Let's explore mathematics / L.G. Marsh, Chris Hoggett and Alison Prince.-- New York: Arco, 1966. 112p. Book 2 1.Mathematics I. Hoggett, Chris. II. Prince, Alison. III. Title. Accn Nos : 75076 510 MAR

Mathematics for the junior high school 1 / The Publisher.-- Maryland: College of Education Mary Land, 1961. 350p 1.Mathematics I. Maryland Mathematics Project, New York.

510 MAR

Mathematics for the junior high shcool / The Publisher.-- New York: Maryland Mathematics Project, 1959. vi,234p 1.Mathematics I. Maryland Mathematics Project, New York. Accn Nos : F2160 DLDI 510


Mathematics for the junior high school Second book / University of Maryland Mathematics Project.-- Maryland: College of Education, University of Maryland, 1961. vi,351p. Second Book 1.Mathematics I. University of Maryland Mathematics Project. Accn Nos : F10926

510 MAR

Mathematics for the junior high school Second book / University of Maryland Mathematics Project.-- Maryland: College of Education, University of Maryland, 1961. vi,351p. Second book 1.Mathematics I. University of Maryland Mathematics Project.

510 MAR

Mathematics for the junior high school First book / University of Maryland Mathematics Project.-- Maryland: College of Education, University of Maryland, 1959. vii,290p. First book 1.Mathematics I. University of Maryland Mathematics Project. Accn Nos : F4544 510 MAR

Mathematics fot the junior high school teacher's / Maryland Mathematics Project. -- Maryland: University of Maryland, 1959. viii,222p 1.Mathematics I. Maryland Mathematics Project. Accn Nos : F11830 510 MAR

Marjoram, D.T.E. Modern mathematics in secondary schools / D.T.E. Marjoram.-- Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1964. 251p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 15054 510


Marjoram, D.T.E. Modern mathematics in secondary schools / D.T.E. Marjoram.-- Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1964. 251p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 64842 510 MAR

Maria, May Hickey Structure of arithmetic and algebra / May Hickey Maria.-- New York: John Wilsey, 1961. 294p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 54679

510 MAR

Marston, Howard Work text in modern mathematics / Howard Marston.-- New York: Harper and Row, 1962. vi,151p 1.Mathematics 2.Modern Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 12345 510 MAR

Marston, Howard Worktext in modern mathematics / Howard Marston.-- New York: Harper & Row publishers, 1962. vii,152p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F3374 510 MAR (R)

Martin, Hope Math of food: integrating math in the real world / Hope Martin and Susan Guengerich.-Portland: J. Weston Walch, 1999. 74p. ISBN 0-8251-3861-2 1.Mathematics I. Guengerich, Susan. II. Title. Accn Nos : 128226 510 MAR (R)

Martin, Hope Math of homes and other buildings: integrating math in the real world / Hope Martin and Susan Guengerich.-- Portland: J. Weston Walch, 1999. 73p. ISBN 0-8251-3860-4 1.Mathematics I. Guengerich, Susan. II. Title. Accn Nos : 128225 510 MAR


Martin, Hope Math of sports: integrating math in the world / Hope Martin and Susan Guengerich.-Portland: J. Weston Walch, 2000. 73p. ISBN 0-8251-3920-1 1.Mathematics I. Guengerich, Susan. II. Title. Accn Nos : 128227 510 MAS

Massey, H.S.W. Ancillary Mathematics / H.S.W. Massey and H. Kestelman.--2nd-- London: ISAAC PITMAN & SONS, 1964. xviii,1053 1.Mathematics I. Kestelman, H. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42505 510 MAS

Massey, H.S.W. Ancillary mathematics / H.S.W. Massey and H. Kestelman.--2nd ed-- London: Sir Isaac Pitman, 1964. xiii,1053p 1.Mathematics I. Kestelman, H. II. Title.

510 MAS

Massey, H.S.W. Ancillary mathematics / H.S.W. Massey and H. Kestelman.--2nd ed-- London: Sir Isaac Pitman, 1964. xvi,1053p 1.Mathematics I. Kestelman, H. II. Title. Accn Nos : 56373 510 MAS

Mason, John Thanking mathematically / John Mason.-Tokyo: Addison Wesley, 1987. ix,207p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 106317 510 MAT

Mathur, A.B. Complete course in I.S.C. Mathematics / A.B. Mathur and H.S. Singha.--2nd-- New Delhi: Pitambar Publishing Co., 1981. v.2. iv,357p. Vol. II 1.Mathematics I. Singha, H.S. II. Title. Accn Nos : F18885 510 MAT

Mathur, A.B. Complete course in I.S.C. Mathematics / A.B. Mathur , V.P. Jaggi and J.N. Rampal.-New Delhi: Pitambar Publishing Co., 1981. v.3. l,402p.

Vol. III 1.Mathematics I. Jaggi, V.P. II. Rampal, J.N. III. Title. Accn Nos : F18886 510 MAT

Einfuhrung in Die Vektorrechhung I: Grundlagen 1 / Kurt Schonwald.-Stuttgart: Ernst Klett Verlag, 1965. 56p. (Mathematische Arbeitshefte; 1) 1.Mathematics I. Schonwald, Kurt. II. Series. Accn Nos : 69460

510 MAT

Einfuhrung in Die Vektorrechnung II: Grundlagen 2 / Kurt Schonwald.-Stuttgart: Ernst Klett Verlag, 1965. 56p. (Mathematische Arbeitshefte;) 1.Mathematics I. Schonwald, Kurt. II. Series. Accn Nos : 69461 510 MAT

Joint school projects mathematics / Mathematical Association of Ghana.-London: Longmans Green, 1967. 124p. Part 4A 1.Mathematics I. Mathematical Association of Ghana. Accn Nos : 75715 510 MAT

Joint schools project mathematics work book / Mathematical Association.-- London: Longmans Green & Company, 1969. 72p 1.Mathematics I. Mathematical Association. Accn Nos : 75713 510 MAT

Joint schools projects mathematics / Mathematics Association.-- London: Longman Green, 1969. 203p 1.Mathematics I. Mathematics Association, London. Accn Nos : 75716 510 MAT

Joint schools project mathematics: Workbook 1 / The Publisher.-- London: Longmans Green, 1969.

79p 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : 75712 510 MAT

Mathematical conversations: selections from the mathematical intelligencer / comp. by Robin Wilson and Jeremy Gray.-- New York: Springer, 2001. vii,488p ISBN 0-387-98686-3 1.Mathematics I. Wilson, Robin. II. Gray, Jeremy. Accn Nos : 123517

510 MAT

Singh, Ajit Iqbal Mathematics: A textbook for class 10 part 2 / Ajit Iqbal Singh, G.P. Dikshit, Ishwar Chandra and K.V. Rao.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1989. 125-310p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - textbooks I. Dikshit, G.P. II. Ishwar Chandra. III. Rao, K.V. IV. NCERT. V. National Council of Educational Research and Training. VI. Title. Accn Nos : F18014 510 MAT

Mathematics: A textbook for secondary schools, part I / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1985. xi,292p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. III. National Council of Educational Research and Training, New Delhi. Accn Nos : F15971 510 MAT

Singh, Ajit Iqbal Mathematics: A textbook for class 10 part 1 / Ajit Iqbal Singh, G.P. Dixit, K.V. Rao and Ram Autar.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1989. xii,123p 1.Mathematics 2.Methematics - textbooks (Secondary) I. Dikshit, G.P. II. Rao, K.V. III. Ram Autar. IV. NCERT. V. National Council of Educational Research and Training. VI. Title. Accn Nos : F17529 510 MAT

Mathematics: A textbook for class X, part 2 / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1989. iv,126-310p

1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics textbook I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. III. National Council of Educational Research and Training, New Delhi. Accn Nos : F18013 510 MAT

Mathematics: A textbook for class XII / K.V. Joshi...[et al.]-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1989. 265-675p. Part II 1.Mathematics I. Joshi, K.V. II. Rao, K.V. III. Kannan, V. IV. Tewari, U.B. V. NCERT. VI. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F18011 510 MAT

Mathematics: A textbook for class XII / D.D. Joshi...[et al.]-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1994. viii,267-549p. Part II 1.Mathematics I. Tiwari, U.B. II. Rao, K.V. III. Kannan,V. IV. NCERT. V. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F20405 510 MAT

Mathematics : a textbook for class XI / Izhar Husain...[et al].-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1994. Part-I (viii,136p) Part-II (137-280p) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Husain, Izhar. II. Tewari, U B. III. Rangachari, M S. IV. Joshi, D D. V. Kannan, V. VI. Deokinandan, B. VII. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : 204010 510 MAT

510 MAT

Mathematics : a textbook for class XII / D D Joshi...[et al].-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1994. Part-II (267-549p) Part-III (551-730,viiip) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Joshi, D D. II. U B Tewari. III. Rao, K V. IV. Kannan, V K. V. Rangachari, M S. VI. Tikekar, V G. VII. Husain, S Izhar. VIII. National Council of Educational Research and Training.

Izhar Husain Mathematics : A textbook for class XI / Izhar Husain...[et al.]--Ist rev ed-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1995. Part III pp. 281-433 1.Mathematics I. National Council of

Educational Research and Training. II. Title. Accn Nos : F20477 510 MAT

Husain, Izhar Mathematics: A textbook for class XI, part 1 / Izhar Husain, U.B. Tewari, D.D. Joshi and M.S. Rangachari.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1988. xvi,147p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - textbooks (secondary) I. Tewari, U.B. II. Joshi, D.D. III. Rangachari, M.S. IV. NCERT. V. National Council of Educational Research and Training. VI. Title. Accn Nos : F20409

510 MAT

Husain, Izhar Mathematics: A textbook for class XI, part 111 / Izhar Husain, U.B. Tewari, D.D. Joshi and M.S. Rangachari.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1994. xvi,277p. 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - textbooks (secondary) I. Tewari, U.B. II. Joshi, D.D. III. Rangachari, M.S. IV. NCERT. V. National Council of Educational Research and Training. VI. Title. Accn Nos : F20408 510 MAT

Knight, F.B. Mathematics and life book 2 / F.B. Knight, J.W. Studebaker and Gladys Tate.-- Chicago: Scott, Foresman & Co, 1948. 511p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Studebaker, J.W. II. Tate, Gladys. III. Title. Accn Nos : 42716 510 MAT

Manipur, Board of Secondary Education Mathematics: class - X / Board of Secondary Education, Manipur.-- Manipur: Board of Secondary Education, 2011. 303p. 1.Mathematics - Textbook - Manipur I. Title. Accn Nos : F28631 510 MAT

Mathematics for junior high school supplementary units: school mathematics study group.--rev.ed.-- Washington: Veryl Schult, 1960.

119p. 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : F4423 510 MAT

Mathematics for primary schools / ed. by Ishwar Chandra.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1985. iv,137-280p. Book 4 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics textbooks (Primary) I. Ishwar Chandra. II. NCERT. III. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F17518

510 MAT

Mathematics: Higher secondary- Second year / E. Chandrasekaran...( Chennai: Tamil Nadu Textbook Corporation, 2005. Vol.1.(296)p. 1.Mathematics I. Chandrasekaran, E. II. Selvaraj, C. III. Kennedy, Felbin C. Accn Nos : F25251 510 MAT

Mathematics in the 21st century / edited by K.K.Dewan and M.Mustafa.-- New Delhi: Deep and Deep Publications, 2004. vii,227p. ISBN 81-7629-542-6 1.Mathematics I. Dewan, K.K. II. Mustafa, M. Accn Nos : 124379 510 MAT

Mathematics:pupils workbook / The Publishers. -- Ocean Inidan: MIE Curriculum Development Centre, 1984. 112p. standard 1 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : F21282 510 MAT

Mathematics through activity.-- New Delhi: Bharat Gyan Vigyan samithi, 1994. 21p (Joy of learning) 1.Mathematics I. Ramanujam, R. II. Series. Accn Nos : 121405 510 MAT

Freudenthal, Ernst Neue behandlung der kurven zweiter ordnung aurch invarianten / Ernst Freudenthal and Werner Heinrich.-- Hamsbert: [s.n.], [n.d.]

84p (Mathematische orbeitshefte) 1.Mathematics I. Heinrich, Werner. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 69467 510 MAT

Mathur, A.B. Senior school mathematics / A.B. Mathur and H.S. Singha.--5th ed-- New Delhi: Pitamber Publishing Company, 1988. 427p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Singha, H.S. II. Title. Accn Nos : F18884

510 MAT(NAT)

Math-Magic:Textbook in Mathematics for class 1 / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 2006. Various paginations ISBN 81-7450-476-1 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : F25197 510 MAT(NAT)

Math-Magic:Textbook in Mathematics for class 111 / NCERT.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 2006. 201p. ISBN 81-7450-510-5 1.Textbook-Mathematics Accn Nos : F25201 510 MAT (NAT)

Mathematics : a textbook for class VI / Asha Rani Singal...[].-- New Delhi: NCERT, 2002. v,317p ISBN 81-7450-011-1 I. Singal, Asha Rani. II. Deokinandan, B. III. Shanker, Mahendra. Accn Nos : F22540 510 MAT (NAT)

Mathematics:a textbook for class VII / Asha Rani Singal...[et al.].-- New Delhi: NCERT, 2003. 327p ISBN 81-7450-136-3 1.Mathematics 2.National Council of Educational Research and Training I. Singal, Asha Rani. II. NCERT. Accn Nos : F22998; F23474; F23475 510 MAT (NAT)

Mathematics : a textbook for class VI / Asha

Rani Singal...[et al.].-- New Delhi: NCERT, 2002. v,317p ISBN 81-7450-011-1 1.Mathematics I. Singal, Asha Rani. II. Deokinandan, B. III. Shanker, Mahendra. Accn Nos : F23234; F22972; F22971 510 MAT (NAT)

Mathematics:a textbook for class XII / Anup Rajput...[et al].-- New Delhi: NCERT, 2003. 532p. Part - I (Semester III) ISBN 81-7450-180-0 1.Mathematics 2.NCERT I. Rajput, Anup. II. Singh, Hukum. Accn Nos : F23147 ; F23148 510 MAT (NAT)

Mathematics:a textbookfor class X / Asha Rani Singal...[et al.].-- New Delhi: NCERT, 2003. 308p ISBN 81-7450-154-1 1.Mathematics 2.NCERT I. Dikshit, G.P. Accn Nos : F23037 copy.1 ; F23038 copy.2 510 MAT (NAT)

Mathematics:a textbook for class XII / Anup Rajput...[et al].-- New Delhi: NCERT, 2003. 1002p. Part - II (Semester IV) ISBN 81-7450-180-0 1.Mathematics 2.NCERT I. Rajput, Anup. II. Singh, Hukum. Accn Nos : F23578 ; F23579 510 MAT( NAT)

Mathematics: A textbook for class XII / K.V. Joshi...[et al.]-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1989. 551-730p. Part IIl 1.Mathematics I. Joshi, K.V. II. Rao, K.V. III. Kannan, V. IV. Tewari, U.B. V. NCERT. VI. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F20404 510 MAT(NAT)

Husain, Izhar Mathematics: A textbook for class XI, part 1 / Izhar Husain, U.B. Tewari, D.D. Joshi and M.S. Rangachari.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1988. xvi,147p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - textbooks (secondary) I. Tewari, U.B. II. Joshi, D.D. III. Rangachari, M.S. IV. NCERT. V. National Council of Educational Research and Training.

VI. Title. Accn Nos : F20410 510 MAT (NAT)

Mathematics : textbook for class XI / Anup Rajput...[et al].-- New Delhi: NCERT, 2002. xiv,414p ISBN 81-7450-051-0 I. Jain, P.K. II. Hukum Singh. Accn Nos : F22566 pt.1

510 MAT (NAT)

Mathematics : textbook for class IX / Asha Rani Singal...[et al.], ed. by G.P. Dikshit, B. Deokinandan, Mahendra Shanker. -- New Delhi: NCERT, 2002. xi,347p ISBN 81-7450-026-X I. Singal, Asha Rani. II. Dikshit, G.P. III. Deokinandan, B. IV. Mahendra Shanker. Accn Nos : F22574 510 MAT (NAT)

Mathematics: textbook for class XI / Anup Rajput...[et al.]; edited by P.K. Jain and Hukum Singh.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2002. 414p. Part - 1 Semester - I ISBN 81-7450-051-0 1.Mathematics I. Jain, P.K II. Singh, Hukum. Accn Nos : F23105 ; F23106 510 MAT (NAT)

Mathematics : textbook for class XI / Anup Rajput...[et al.].-- New Delhi: NCERT, 2002. 414p. Part.II ISBN 81-7450-051-0 1.National Council of Educational Research and Training I. Rajput, Anup. II. Jain, P.K. Accn Nos : F23113 copy.1 ; F23114 copy.2 510 MAT (NAT)

Mathematics:textbook for class IX / Asha Rani Singal...[et al.].-- New Delhi: NCERT, 2002. 347p -

ISBN 81-7450-026-X 1.Mathematics I. Singal, Asha Rani. II. Dikshit, G.P. Accn Nos : F23003 copy.1 ; F23004 copy.2 510 MAT (NAT)

Mathematics:textbook for class VIII / Asha Rani Singal...[et al.].-- New Delhi: NCERT, 2004. ix,322p ISBN 81--7450-264I. Singal, Asha Rani. Accn Nos : F23404

510 MAT (NAT)

Mathematics:textbook for class VIII / Asha Rani Singal...[et al.].-- New Delhi: NCERT, 2004. ix,322p ISBN 81--7450-264I. Singal, Asha Rani. Accn Nos : F23676 510 MAT (NAT)

Mathematics:Textbook for class VI / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 2006. iv,423p. ISBN 81-7450-482-6 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics-Textbook Accn Nos : F25211 510 MAT (NAT)

Mathematics:Textbook for class XI / NCERT.-New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2006. x,456p. 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : F25320 510 MAT (NAT)

Mathematics:textbook for class IX / edited by Shveta Uppal.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 2006. 350p ISBN 81-7450-489-3 1.Mathematics I. Uppal, Shveta. Accn Nos : F25289 510 MAT (NAT)

National Council of Educational Research and Training Mathematics:Textbook for class VI / National Council of Educational Research and

Training.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1987. xvi,296p. 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Textbook I. Title. Accn Nos : F25283 510 MAX

Maxwell, E.A. Gateway to abstract mathematics / E.A. Maxwell.-- Cambridge: The University Press, 1965. 139p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3224

510 MAY

May, Kenneth O. Elements of modern mathematics / Kenneth O. May.-- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1959. xvi,607p (Addison-Wesley Series in mathematics) (ed. by Eric Reissner) 1.Mathematics I. Reissner, Eric. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 53444 510 MAY

May, Kenneth O. Elements of modern mathematics / Kenneth O. May.-- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1962. xvi,607p (Addison-wesley series in mathematics) (ed. by Eric Reissner) 1.Mathematics I. Reissner, Eric. II. Title (Series).

510 MCI

Perspectivs on secondary mathematics education / ed. by Jerry A. McIntosh.-New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, [n.d.] 259p 1.Mathematics I. Mclntosh, Jerry A. Accn Nos : 75653 510 MCL

Mclellan, Clara Bill Let's figure it out / Clara Bill Mclellan. -- [s.n.]: Divison of Curriculum Louisville, 1957. 149p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 36216 510 MCM

Mcmeen, George H. Fundamentals of mathematics: a discovery approach / George H. Mcmeen and James W.

Goodfellow.--revised ed-- New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1971. 262p 1.Mathematics I. Goodfellow, James W. II. Title. Accn Nos : 74691 510 MCQ

McQuarrie, Donald A. Mathematical methods for scientists and engineers / Donald A. McQuarrie.-California: University Science Books, 2003. xiii,1161p ISBN 1-891389-29-7 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 123516

510 MCS

McSwain, E.T. Mathematics 7 / E.T. McSwain, Kenneth E. Brown and Bernard H. Gundlach.-- New Jersey: Laidlaw Brothers, 1965. 384p 1.Mathematics I. Brown, Kenneth E. II. Gundlach, Bernard H. III. Cooke , Ralph J., Ed. IV. Title. Accn Nos : F5860 510 MCS

Mathematics 8 / E.T. McSwami...[et al.]-Illinois: Laidlaw, 1965. 384p 1.Mathematics I. McSwami, E.T. II. Brown, Kenneth E. III. Gundlach, Bernord H. IV. Cooke, Ralph J. Accn Nos : F5761 510 MEM

Basic concepts of mathematics / Mombasa Mathematical Workshop.-- Chicago: American Education Programme, 1966. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Mombasa Mathematical Workshop. Accn Nos : F10722 510 MEN

Menninger, K.W. Mathematics in your world / K.W. Menninger, tr. by P.S. Morrell, illus. by Wolfgang Menninger.-- New York: The Viking, 1961. viii,291p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Morrell, P.S. II. Menninger, Wolfgang. III. Title. Accn Nos : F5635 510 MEN

Menninger, Karl

Mathematics in your world / Karl Menninger. -- London: G. Bell, 1966. vii,239p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 75719 510 MEN

Menninger, Karl Mathematics in your world / Karl Menninger, illus. by Wolfgang Menninger, trans. by P.S. Morrell and J.E. Blaney.-- London: G. Bell, 1961. viii,244p 1.Mathematics I. Menninger, Wolfgang. II. Morrell, P.S. III. Blaney, J.E. IV. Title. Accn Nos : 42786

510 MEN

Mathematics in your world / K.W. Menninger...[et al.]-- New York: The Viking Press, 1962. viii,291p 1.Mathematics I. Menninger, K.W. II. Menninger, Wolfgang. III. Morrell, P.S. IV. Blamey, J.E.

510 MEN

Mathematics in your world / K.W. Menninger.-New York: The Viking Press, 1962. viii,291p. Includes Index 1.Mathematics I. Morrell, P.S. II. Blamey, J.E. Accn Nos : F5634 510 MER

Merrill, Charles E. Discovering number concepts / Charles E. Merrill.-- New York: Treasure Book, 1966. 64p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 17223 510 MER

Merrill, Charles E. Discovering number concepts / Charles E. Merrill.-- New York: Treasure Books, 1966. 64p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 18329 510 MES

Meserve, Bruce E. Contemporary mathematics / Bruce E. Meserve, Max A. Sobel and John A. Dossey.-4th ed-- Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1987.

xi,619,A.1-A.60,I.1-I.11p. Includes index ISBN 0-13-170127-4 Mathematics. 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics-1961 I. Sobel, Max A. II. Dossey, John A. III. Title. Accn Nos : 114416 510 MES

Meserve, Bruce E. Introduction to mathematics / Bruce E. Meserve and Max A. Sobel.--2nd ed-- Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1969. 420v 1.Mathematics I. Sobel, Max A. II. Title. Accn Nos : 70474

510 MEY

Meyer, Jerome S. Fun with mathematics / Jerome S. Meyer, illus. by Cleveland.-- New York: Heworld Publishing Co, 1952. 176p 1.Mathematics I. Cleveland. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42750 510 MEY

Meyer, Jerome S. Fun with the new math / Jerome S. Meyer and Stuart Hanlon.-- Greenwich: Fawcett Publication, 1965. 127p 1.Mathematics I. Hanlon, Stuart. II. Title. Accn Nos : 7471 510 MEY

Meyer, Herman Precalculus mathematics / Herman Meyer.-Princeton: D. Van Nostrand Co Inc, n.d 365p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53631 510 MIC

Miles, H.G. Worked examples in workshop mathematics / H.G. Miles and L.W.F. Elen.-- London: Cleaver Hume, 1960. 128p 1.Mathematics I. Elen, L.W.F. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3210 510 MID

Treasury of mathematics / The Publisher.-London: Peter Owen, 1965. 820v 1.Mathematics

Accn Nos : 12323 510 MIL

Miller, Leslie H. Fundamental mathematics: A text and workbook / Leslie H. Miller.-- New York: Henry Holt, 1957. 323p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42724 510 MIN

Guide to number experience, bulletin no 54 / The Publisher.-- Minnesota: St. Paul, 1955. 75p 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : 36215 510 MIT

Joint schools project mathematics / ed. by M. Mitchelmore and B. Roynor.-- London: Longman, 1967. ix,173p 1.Mathematics I. Mitchelmore, M. II. Roynor, B. Accn Nos : 75714 510 MIT

Mitchell, Benjamin E. New look at elementary methematics / Haskell Cohen and Benjamin E. Mitchell.-Englewood: Prentice-Hall Inc, 1965. 354p 1.Mathematics I. Cohen, Haskell. II. Title. Accn Nos : 43045 510 MIT

Mittal, Harish Textbook of discrete mathematics / Harish Mittal , Vinay Kumar Goyal and Deepak Kumar Goyal.-- New Delhi: I.K. International publishing, 2010. 412p. ISBN 93-80026-76-3 1.Mathematics, Discrete I. Goyal, Vinay Kumar. II. Goyal, Deepak Kumar. III. Title. Accn Nos : 128599 510 MOI

Moise, Edwin E. Number systems of elementary mathematics / Edwin E. Moise.-- Massachusetts: AddisonWesley, 1966. viii,246p (Addison-wesley series in science and mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 39996 510


Secondary C one / Mombasa Mathematical Workshop.-- Chicago: Science Research Association, 1965. 350p 1.Mathematics I. Mombasa Mathematical Workshop. Accn Nos : F10689 510 MOO

Moore, Charles G. Basic concepts of mathematics / Charlees G. Moore and Charles E. Little.-- New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co, n.d 462p 1.Mathematics I. Little, Charles E. II. Title. Accn Nos : 58951

510 MOO

Moore, Charles G. Basic concepts of mathematics / Charles G. Moore and Charles E. Little.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1967. viii,462p. 1.Mathematics I. Little, Charles E. II. Title. Accn Nos : 67254 510 MOO

Moore, Charles G. Basic concepts of mathematics / Charles G. Moore and Charles E. Little.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1967. 462p 1.Mathematics I. Little, Charles E. II. Title. Accn Nos : 57775 510 MOO

Moorman, R.H. Fundamental concepts of mathematics / R.H. Moorman.--2nd ed-- Minnesota: Burgess Publishing Co, 1957. 92p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 86016 510 MOO

Moore, E.T. Mathematics / E.T. Moore.-- London: English University Press Ltd, 1960. 239p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42777 510 MOR

Morris, Dennis E. Advancing in mathematics / Dennis E. Morris and Henry D. Topfer.-- [s.l.]: Science

Research Associates, 1963. 313p 1.Mathematics I. Topfer, Henry D. II. Title. Accn Nos : F13840 510 MOR

Morris, Dennis E. Advancing in mathematics / Dennis E. Morris and Henry D. Topfer.-- [s.l.]: Science Research Associates, 1964. 313p 1.Mathematics - textbooksAdvancing in I. Topfer, Henry D. II. Title. Accn Nos : F13841

510 MOR

Moritz, Robert Edourd Mathematics and mathematicians / Robert Edourd Moritz.-- New York: Dover Publications Inc, 1914. 410v 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42776 510 MOR

Morris, Jack Mathematics level 1 / Jack Morris.-- New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co, 1978. viii,95p ISBN 0-442-30231-2 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 84467 510 MOR

Morris, Jack Mathematics level II / Jack Morris.-- New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co, 1979. xii,119p ISBN 0-442-30227-4 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 84468 510 MOR

Morton, Robert Lee Modern mathematics through discovery 1 / Robert Lee Morton.-- Atlanta: Silver Burdett, 1968. 259p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42697 510 MOR

Modern mathematics through discovery / Robert Lee Morton...[et al.]-- New Jersey: Silver Burdett, 1968.

256p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Morton, Robert Lee. II. Gray, Merle. III. Rosskoff, Myron F. IV. Trafton, Paul R. Accn Nos : 86614 510 MOR

Modern mathematics through discovery / Robert Lee Morton...[et al.]-- New Jersey: Silver Burdett, 1968. 260p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Morton, Robert Lee. II. Gray, Merle. III. Rosskopf, Myron F. IV. Trafton, Paul R. Accn Nos : 42821

510 MOR

Modern mathematics through discovery / Robert Lee Morton...[et al.]-- New Jersey: Silver Burdett, 1968. 256p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Morton, Robert Lee. II. Gray, Merle. III. Rosskopf, Myron F. IV. Trafton, Paul R. Accn Nos : 39999 DLDI 510 MOR

Moritz, Robert Edouard On mathematics and mathematicians / Robert Edouard Moritz.-- New York: Dover, 1942. vii, 410p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 39998 510 MOT

Mott-Smith, Geoffrey Mathematical puzzles for beginners and enthusiasts / Geoffrey Mott-Smith.-- New York: Dover Publications, 1954. viii,248p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F3384 510 MUL

Mulholland, H. Applied mathematics for advanced level / H. Mulholland and J.H.G. Phillips.--2nd ed-London: Butterworths, 1984. 497p ISBN 0-408-01445-8 1.Mathematics I. Phillips, J.H.G. II. Title. Accn Nos : 101765 510 MUN

Munroe, M. Evans

Ideas in mathematics / M. Evans Munroe.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1968. vii,264p (Addison-wesley series interoductory mathematics) (ed. by Richard S. Pieters) 1.Mathematics I. Pieters, Richard S. II. Title Accn Nos : 65183 510 MUR

Murphy, Daniel P. Seventh grade mathematics: A programmed course section one / Daniel P. Murphy.-- Sri Lanka: Encyclopaedia Britannica Films Inc, 1962. 111p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 17037 510 MUR

Murphy, Daniel P. Seventh grade mathematics: A programmed course section-2 / Daniel P. Murphy.-U.S.A.: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1962. 220-332p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 17036 510 MUR

Murphy, Daniel P. Seventh grade mathematics / Daniel P. Murphy.-- [s.l.]: Encyclopedia Britannica Press, 1962. 444-635p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 17038 510 MUR

Murphy, D.P. Seventh grade mathematics: A programmed / D.P. Murphy.-- [s.l.]: [s.n.], 1962. 70p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 17121 510 MUR

Murphy, Daniel P. Seventh grade mathematics / Daniel P. Murphy.-- U.S.A.: Encyclopeadis Britinica Films, 1962. 747-855p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 17039 510 NAG

Nagaland Board of School Education Mathematics: textbook and laboratory manual for class - 9 / Nagaland Board of School Education.-- New Delhi: Evergreen


Publication, New Delhi. xiv, 320p. 1.Mathematics - Textbook - Nagaland I. Title. 510 NAG

Nagaland Board of School Education Mathematics: textbook and laboratory manual for class - 9 / Nagaland Board of School Education.-- New Delhi: Evergreen Publication, New Delhi. xiv, 320p. 1.Mathematics - Textbook - Nagaland I. Title. Accn Nos : F28655

510 NAH

Nahikian, Howard M. Tapics in modern mathematics / Howard M. Nahikian.-- New York: Macmillan, 1966. 261p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42771 510 NAH

Nahin, Paul J. When least is besty / Paul J. Nahin.-Hyderabad: Universities Press, 2005. xviii,370p ISBN 81-7371-5106 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 125427 510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Aau hisab sikhein part-5: panchveen (V) jama'at ke liye (URDU) / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2003. 268p. ISBN 81-7450-346-3 1.Mathematics, Urdu- Textbooks I. Title. Accn Nos : F26794 510 NAT

Administrator's handbook on mathematics / National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.-- Chicago: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1964. 64p 1.Mathematics I. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Accn Nos : F11615 510 NAT

Arithmetic algebra: Mathematics for middle

schools / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1969. 255p. Part 3 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F7369 510 NAT

Arithmetic algebra: Mathematics for middle school / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1967. 157p. Part I 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F13591 510 NAT

Arithmetic algebra: Mathematics for middle schools / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1968. viii,191p. Part 2 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F13593 510 NAT

Arithmetic algebra: Mathematics for middle schools / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1969. 241p. Part III 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F13594 510 NAT

Arithmetic algebra, part 2 / The Publisher.-New Delhi: NCERT, 1969. viii,191p 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra 3.Mathematics for middle schools I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. III. National Council of Educational Research and Training, New Delhi. Accn Nos : F13592 510 NAT

Evaluation in mathematics: Twenty-sixth year book / The Publisher.-- Washington: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1961. iii, 216p (Mathematics evaluation) 1.Mathematics I. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Washington.

II. Series. Accn Nos : F5644 510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Ganit ka jaadu: chothee kaksha ke liye ganit ki padyapustak (HIN) / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2007. 170 p. Pustak 4 ISBN 81-7450-717-5 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F26026

510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Ganit ka jaadu: dusari kaksha ke liye ganit ki padyapustak (HIN) / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2007. 128 p. Pustak 2 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F26024 510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Ganit ka jaadu: panchvi kaksha ke liye padyapustak (HIN) / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2008. 199p. ISBN 81-7450-830-0 1.Mathematics - textbook I. Title. Accn Nos : F26725 510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Ganit ka jaadu: peheli kaksha ke liye ganit ki padyapustak (HIN) / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2006. 151 p. bhag-1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F26023 510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and

Training Ganit ka jaadu: teesari kaksha ke liye ganit ki padyapustak (HIN) / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2006. 201 p. Pustak 3 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F26025

510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Ganit: kaksha 10 ke liye padyapustak (HIN) / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2007. 402 p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F26102 510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Ganit: kaksha 6 ke liye padyapustak (HIN) / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2007. 343 p. ISBN 81-7450-495-6 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F26034 510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Ganit: kaksha 7 ke liye padyapustak (HIN) / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2007. 330 p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F26057 510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Ganit: kaksha 8 ke liye pathyapustak (HIN) / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2008.

288 p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F26066 510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Ganit: kaksha 9 ke liye pathyapustak (HIN) / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2007. 628 p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F26091

510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Ganit: kaksha XI ke liye pathyapustak (HIN) / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- 2006: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2006. 490 p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F26146 510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Ganit: kaksha XII ke liye pathyapustak (HIN) / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2007. 302 p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F26172 510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Ganit: kaksha XII ke liye pathyapustak (HIN) / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2007. 628 p. Bhag II 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F26173 510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Ganit prashna pradarshika kaksha - 12 (HIN) / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: National Council

of Educational Research and Training, 2010. iv, 340p. ISBN 93-5007-040-6 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F28158 510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Ganit prayogshala pustika madhyamik star (HIN) / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2009. xiv, 203p. ISBN 93-5007-019-2 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F28156 510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Handbook for designing mathematics laboratory in schools / National Council of Educational Research and Training, Hukum Singh, Ram Avtar and V.P. Singh.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2005. viii, 185p. ISBN 81-7450-331-5 1.Mathematics I. Hukum Singh. II. Avtar, Ram. III. Singh, V.P. IV. Title. Accn Nos : F28155 510 NAT

Handbook for teachers: Class 1 / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1970. vi,102p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. III. National Council of Educational Research and Training, New Delhi. Accn Nos : F15258 510 NAT

Insight into mathematics / The Publisher.-New Delhi: NCERT, 1975. 165p. Book 5 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics textbooks (Primary) I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. III. National Council of Educational Research and Training, New Delhi. Accn Nos : F14567 510 NAT

Insight into mathematics 1 / The Publisher.-New Delhi: NCERT, [n.d.]

200p 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. III. National Council of Educational Research and Training, New Delhi. Accn Nos : F89870 510 NAT

Insight into mathematics / The Publisher.-New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1972. 173p. Vol.2 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F8986

510/ NAT.

Insight into mathematics / The Publisher.-New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1972. 173p. Vol.2 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F8985 510 NAT

Insight into mathematics / The Publisher.-New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1972. 173p. BOOK 2 Vol.2 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F8987 510 NAT

Insights into modern mathematics / The Publisher.-- Washington: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1957. 440p 1.Mathematics

510 NAT

Insights into modern mathematics / The Publisher.-- Washington: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1957. 440p. Twenty third year book 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : F4643 510 NAT

Instruction in arithmetic / The Publisher.-Washington: National Council of Teachers, 1960. 366p

1.Mathematics I. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Washington. 510 NAT

Instruction in arithmetic: Twenty-fifth year book / The Publisher.-- Washington: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1960. 366p 1.Mathematics I. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Washington.

510 NAT

Instruction in arithmetic: Twenty-fifth year book / The Publisher.-- Washington: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1960. 366p 1.Mathematics I. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Washington. Accn Nos : F4693 510 NAT

Learning of mathematics: Its theory and practice (21st yearbook) / National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.-Washington, DC: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1953. xi,355p 1.Science 2.Mathematics I. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Accn Nos : F6039 510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Math-Magic: Book 1 textbook in Mathematics for class I / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 2007. 149 p. ISBN 81-7450-476-1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F26010 510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Math-Magic: Book 2 textbook in Mathematics for class II / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 2007.

128 p. ISBN 81-7450-679-9 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F26011 510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Math-Magic: Book 3 textbook in Mathematics for class III / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 2008. 201 p. ISBN 81-7450-510-5 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F26012

510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Math-Magic: Book 4 textbook in Mathematics for class IV / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 2007. 170 p. ISBN 81-7450-698-5 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F26013 510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Math-Magic: Book 4 textbook in Mathematics for class IV / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 2007. 170 p. ISBN 81-7450-698-5 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F26209 510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Math-Magic: Book 5 textbook in Mathematics for class V / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 2008. 201 p. ISBN 81-7450-828-7 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F26014 510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Math-Magic: textbook in Mathematics for

class - I / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2006. 149p. ISBN 81-7450-476-1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F25264 510 NAT

Mathematics / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1967. 43p. Part I 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F14860 510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Mathematics : a texbook for class XI / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1988. 147p. Part -1 1.Mathematics - Textbooks I. Title. Accn Nos : F17088 510 NAT

Singh, Ajit Iqbal Mathematics: A textbook for class 10, part I / Ajit Iqbal Singh.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1989. vii,123p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - textbooks I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. III. Title. Accn Nos : F17768 510 NAT

Mathematics: A textbook for secondary schools / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1976. xi,197p. Part 2 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F12594 510 NAT

Mathematics: A textbook for secondary schools for class IX / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1975. xvii,368p.

Part-I 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F9931 510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Mathematics:a textbook for class IX / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 2007. 350 p. ISBN 81-7450-489-3 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F26080

510 NAT

Mathematics exemplar problems / NCERT.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 2008. Class IX 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : F26476 510 NAT

Mathematics exemplar problems: textbook for Class IX / NCERT.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 2008. 1.Mathematics

510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Mathematics exemplar problems class XI / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2009. iv, 333p. ISBN 81-7450-944-4 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F26728 510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Mathematics exemplar problems: class -IV / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2010. 166p. ISBN 3-500-7-025-3 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F28160 510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Mathematics for junior high school, student

- text, Part II / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1961. Various Pagination. V.1. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3168 510 NAT

Mathematics for junior high school / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1961. 258-462p (School mathematics study group) (4) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. III. National Council of Educational Research and Training, New Delhi. IV. Series. Accn Nos : 3174 510 NAT

Mathematics for junior high school: teacher's commentary, part II / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: NCERT, [n.d.] 462p (Teacher's commentary) (unit 4). Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. III. National Council of Educational Research and Training, New Delhi. IV. Series. Accn Nos : 3176 510 NAT

Mathematics for junior high school / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1961. ix,346p (School mathematics study group) (1). Vol.1 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. III. Series. Accn Nos : 3165 510 NAT

Mathematics for junior high school / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, [n.d.] 623p (Student text) (2) 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. III. Series. Accn Nos : 3169 510 NAT

Mathematics for junior high school / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, [n.d.] 281-578p.

Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Traning. Accn Nos : 3182 510 NAT

Mathematics for junior high school / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, [n.d.] 220p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Traning. Accn Nos : 3184

510 NAT

Mathematics for junior high school / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, [n.d.] 217p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Traning. Accn Nos : 3185 510 NAT

Mathematics for junior high school / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, [n.d.] 279p 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : 3177 510 NAT

Mathematics for junior high school / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, [n.d.] 588p 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : 3180 510 NAT

Mathematics for junior high school / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, [n.d.] ix,219-409p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : 15719

510 NAT

Mathematics for junior high school / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, [n.d.] 347-623p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : 3170

510 NAT

Mathematics for junior high school / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1961. ix,200-410p (School mathematics study group) (8). Vol.2 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. III. Series. Accn Nos : 3186 510 NAT

Mathematics for junior high school / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1961. ix,217p (School mathematics study group) (7). Vol.2 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. III. Series. Accn Nos : 3183 510 NAT

Mathematics for junior high school / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1961. ix,279p. Vol.2 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : 3178 510 NAT

Mathematics for junior high school / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1961.

258-462p (School mathematics study group) (4). Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. III. Series. Accn Nos : 3175 510 NAT

Mathematics for junior high school / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1961. ix,346p (School mathematics study group)(1). Vol.1 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. III. Series. Accn Nos : 3166

510 NAT

Mathematics for junior high school.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1961. ix,346p (School mathematics study group) (1). Vol.1 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. III. Series.

510 NAT

Mathematics for junior high school / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1961. ix,220-410p (School mathematics study group) (8). Vol.2 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. III. Series. Accn Nos : 3187 510 NAT

Mathematics for junior high school: teacher's commentary ,Part I / National Council of educational Reaseach and Training.-N.Delhi: NCERT, n.d. 255p.( Vol. I) (Unit 3). School mathematics study group 1.Mathematics I. Series. Accn Nos : 3171 510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Mathematics: part I textbook for class XII / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2007.

285 p. ISBN 81-7450-629-2 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F26199 510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Mathematics: part II textbook for class XII / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 2007. 612 p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F26200

510 NAT

Mathematics: Text material / The Publisher.-New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, [n.d.] 80-143p. Part II 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F14861 510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Mathematics: textbok for class XI / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2007. 465 p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F26119 510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Mathematics: textbook for class VIII / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 2008. 276 p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F26073 510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Mathematics: textbookfor class X / National Council of Educational Research and Training. -- New Delhi: NCERT, 2006. 364 p. ISBN 81-7450-634-9 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Accn Nos : F26110 510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Mathematics: textbook for class VII / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 2007. 312 p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F26048

510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Mathematics: textbook for class VI / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 2007. 320 p. ISBN 81-7450-482-6 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F26041 510 NAT

Problem book of Mathematics: class IX / edited by Ishwar Chandra.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1993. 126p. 1.Mathematics- textbooks I. Chandra, Ishwar.

510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Problem book of Mathematics: class IX / National Council of Educational Research; edited by Ishwar Chandra.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1993. 126p. 1.Mathematics- textbooks I. Chandra, Ishwar. II. Title. Accn Nos : F19902 510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Resource material for mathematics club activities / National Council of Educational Research and Training and P.K. Srinivasan.-New Delhi: National Council of Educational

Research and Training, 2010. 184p. ISBN 93-5007-011-6 1.Mathematics I. Srinivasan, P.K II. Title. Accn Nos : F28150 510 NAT

Revolution in school mathematics: A challenge for administrators and teachers / The publisher.-- Washington, DC: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1961. v,90p 1.Mathematics I. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Accn Nos : F11637

510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Riyazi: dasveen jama'at ki darsi kitab (URDU) / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2009. 402p. ISBN 81-7450-737-x 1.Mathmatics, Urdu I. Title. Accn Nos : F28470 510 NAT

National Council Of Educational Research and Training Riyazi: dasveen (X) jama'at ki darsi kitab (URDU) / National Council Of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: National Council Of Educational Research and Training, 2005. 350p. ISBN 81-7450-345-5 1.Mathematics- textbooks, Urdu I. Title. Accn Nos : F26783 510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Riyazi: giyarhveen (XI) jama'at ke liye nisabi kitab (URDU) / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2006. 560p. ISBN 81-7450-589-X 1.Mathematics-textbook I. Title. Accn Nos : F26784 510


National Council of Educational Research and Training Riyazi ka jadoo (math- magic) part- 2: dusri jama'at ke liye riyazi ki darsi kitab (URDU) / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2007. 128p. ISBN 81-7450-747-7 1.Mathematics, Urdu I. Title. Accn Nos : F28474

510 NAT

National Council Of Educational Research and Training Riyazi ka jadu: chauthi (IV) jama'at ki darsi kitab (URDU) / National Council Of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: National Council Of Educational Research and Training, 2009. 170p. ISBN 81-7450-746-9 1.Mathematics- textbook I. Title. Accn Nos : F26815 510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Riyazi part-1& 2: barhveen jama'at ki nisabi kitab (URDU) / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2005. 383p. ISBN 81-7450-000-0 1.Mathematics, Urdu I. Title. Accn Nos : F26820 ; F26821 510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Riyazi part 1: gyarhveen (XI) jama'at ke liye nisabi kitab (URDU) / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2005. 173p. ISBN 81-7450-428-1 1.Mathematics-textbook I. Title. Accn Nos : F26817

510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Riyazi part- III: giyarhveen jama'at ki nisabi kitab (URDU) / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2005. 335p. ISBN 81-7450-443-5 1.Mathematics, Urdu I. Title. Accn Nos : F26818

510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Riyazi part- IV: giyrahveen (IX) jama'at ki nisabi kitab (URDU) / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2005. 140p. ISBN 81-7450-444-3 1.Mathematics, Urdu I. Title. Accn Nos : F26819 510 NAT

Textbook of mathematics for classes 11-12 / ed. by Manmohan Singh Arora.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1978. xv,144p. Vol. 3 1.Mathematics I. Arora, Manmohan Singh. II. NCERT. III. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F13430 510 NAT

Workshop calculations through practical problems / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1967. 75p (Instructional materials series) (3) 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. III. Series. Accn Nos : F8439 510 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Workshop for development of self- learning materials on specific topics in mathematics

at higher secondary level / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-Bhubaneswar: Regional Institute of Education, 1992. 191p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F21173 510 NAT (NAT)

Math-magic: Textbook in mathematics for class lll / edited by Shiv Kumar.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 2006. 201p. ISBN 81-7450-510-5 1.Textbook-Mathematics class lll I. Shiv Kumar. Accn Nos : F25265 510 NAT (R)

Revolution in shcool mathematics / The Publisher.-- Washington: NCTM, 1963. vii,87p 1.Mathematics I. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Washington. Accn Nos : 11637 510 NEI

Neill, Hugh Advanced level mathematics:pure mathematics 2 & 3 / Hugh Neill and Douglas Quadling.-Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. 331p ISBN 0-521-53012-1 1.Mathematics I. Quadling, Douglas. II. Title. Accn Nos : 125420 510 NEI

Neill, Hugh Advanced level mathematics:pure mathematics 1 / Hugh Neill and Douglas Quadling.-Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. 316p ISBN 0-521-53011-3 1.Mathematics I. Quadling, Douglas. II. Title. Accn Nos : 125421 510 NEL

Keedy Exploring modern mathematics / Keedy, Jameson and Johnson.--Rev. ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1968. 138p (Programed supplement) (ed. by Charles W. Nelson). Book. 1 1.Mathematics I. Jameson. II. Johnson. III. Nelson, Charles W. IV. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 60415

510 NEL

Nelson, Gilbert D. General mathematics for the shop / Gilbert D. Nelson and Franck C. Moove.-- New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1951. vii,434p 1.Mathematics I. Moove, Franck C. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42807 510 NEL

Nelson, G.D. Making mathematics work / G.D. Nelson and H.E. Grime.-- U.S.A.: Houghton Mifflin, 1950. 595p 1.Mathematics I. Grime, H.E. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3191 510 NEW

Experimental course in mathematics for the ninth year / The publisher.-- New York: New York State Education Department, 1965. vii,344p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - research I. New York State Education Department. Accn Nos : F11834 510 NEW

General mathematics: 10th year / The Publisher.-- New York: Board of Educationcal of New York, 1954. 94p 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : 44939 510 NEW

New Yark Board of Education Materials for the development of a program in mathematics grade - 6.7 / New York Board of Education.-- New York: Board of Education, [n.d.] 80p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 49899 510 NEW

510 NEW

Mathematical way of thinking / ed. by Jasmes R. Newman.-- New York: Simon and Schuster, 1956. 1422-2021p 1.Mathematics I. Newman, Jasmes R.

Mathematics 1-2 / Board of Education of the City of New York.-- New York: Board of Education, 1955. 1.Mathematics I. Board of Education of the City of New York. Accn Nos : 36320

510 NEW

Mathematics 10th year / The publisher.-- New York: Board of Education, [n.d.] 146p (Curriculam bulletin 1964-65) (6) 1.Mathematics I. Board of Education, New York. II. Series. Accn Nos : F10583 510 NEW

New York, Board of education Mathematics 11th Year / New York, Board of education.-- New York: Board of Education, 1964. iii,196p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F10536 510 NEW

Mathematics 9th year / Board of Education.-New York: Board of Education, [n.d.] 133p. Part I 1.Mathematics I. New York Board of Education. Accn Nos : F10533 510 NEW

Mathematics for boys and girls: Handbook for teachers / State Education Department.-New York: University of the State, 1958. 154p 1.Mathematics I. State Education Department, New York. Accn Nos : 19224 510 NEW

Mathematics in theory and practices / ed. by W. W. Sawyer.-- London: Odhmams Press, [n.d.] 384p. Include Index 1.Mathematics I. Bowman, F.E. II. Johnson, C.L. III. Wesley, R. Accn Nos : 3291 510 NEW

510 NEW

Mathematics in theory and practices / ed. by W. W. Sawyer.-- London: Odhmams Press, [n.d.] 384p. Include Index 1.Mathematics I. Bowman, F.E. II. Johnson, C.L. III. Wesley, R.

Mathematics K-6: A proposed program / The Publisher.-- New York: University of the State of New York, 1963.

ix,47p 1.Mathematics I. New. Accn Nos : F10895 510 NEW

Niven, Ivan Numbers: Rational and irrational / Ivan Niven.-- New York: The L.W. Singer Company, 1961. viii,136p (New mathematical library) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F1726

510 NEW (R-M)

Mathematical papers of ISAAC Newton 1683-1684 / edited by D.T.Whiteside.-- Cambridge: University press, 1972. 627p. Includes index ISBN 0 521 08262 5 I. Whiteside, D.T. Accn Nos : 76921 510 NIC

Nichols, Eugene D. Elementary mathematics; pattern and structure / Eugene D. Nichols, Frances Flournoy, Robert Kolin and Leonard Simon.-Teachers ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc, 1966. xxxviii,439p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Flournoy, Frances. II. Kolin, Robert. III. Simon, Leonard. IV. Title. Accn Nos : 42725 510 NIE

Nielson, Kaj L. Mathematics for practical use / Kaj L. Nielson.-- New York: Barners & Noble, 1962. xiii,237p (Everyday handbook) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics workbook I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 19528 510 NOR

Norris, Willa What good is math / Willa Norris and Wallace Manheimer.-- Illinois: Science Research Associates, [n.d.] 48p (SRA guidance services series) (ed. by Helen Spencer) (144) 1.Mathematics I. Manheimer, Wallace.

II. Spencer, Helen. III. Title


Accn Nos : 6385 510 NUF

Beginings / The Publisher.-- London: Nuffield Foundation Mathematics Project, [n.d.] 101p 1.Mathematics I. Nuffield Foundation Mathematics Project, London. Accn Nos : F6453

510 NUF

Beginnings / Nuffield Foundation.-Edinburgh: W & R Chambers, 1971. 101p ISBN 0-550-77009-7 1.Mathematics I. Nuffield Foundation, London. Accn Nos : F8884 510 NUF

Benginnings / Nuffield Foundation.-Edinburgh: W & R Chambers, 1967. 101p ISBN 0-550-77009 1.Mathematics I. Nuffield Foundation. Accn Nos : F8883 510 NUF

Checking up 1 / Nuffield Foundation.-London: John Murray, 1970. 50p ISBN 0-7195-2004-5 1.Mathematics I. Nuffield Foundation, Mathematics Project. Accn Nos : F8533 510 NUF

Computation and structure / Nuffield Mathemtics Project.-- London: W & R Chambers, 1968. 82p. Vol. 3 1.Mathematics 2.Computers 3.Mathematics I. Nuffield Mathematics Project. Accn Nos : F8535 510 NUF

Computation and structure / Nuffield Foundation.-- London: Chambers, 1969. 67p -

ISBN 550-77-005-4 1.Mathematics I. Nuffield Foundation, Mathematics Project. Accn Nos : F8536 510 NUF

Computation and structure / Nuffield Foundation.-- London: Chambers, n.d 103p 1.Mathematics I. Nuffield Foundation, Mathematics Project. Accn Nos : F6456

510 NUF

Computation and structure / The Publisher.-London: Nuffield Foundation Mathematics Project, 1971. 103p ISBN 0-550-77003-X 1.Mathematics I. Nuffield Foundation Mathematics Project, London. Accn Nos : F8534 510 NUF

Environmental geometry / Nuffield Mathematics Project.-- Great Britain: John Murray, 1969. vii,52p 1.Mathematics I. Nuffield Mathematics Project, London.

510 NUF

Environmental geometry / Nuffield Mathematics Project.-- Great Britain: John Murray, 1969. vii,56p. 1.Mathematics 2.Geometry I. Nuffield Mathematics Project, London. Accn Nos : F8538 510 NUF

Graphs leading to algebra / Nuffield Mathematics Project.-- London: Nuffield Foundation Mathematics Project, 1969. 55p ISBN 550-77007-0 1.Mathematics I. Nuffield Foundation Mathematics Project, London. Accn Nos : F8539 510 NUF

Ido, and understand / Nuffield Foundation, Mathematics Project.-- London: W & R.

Chambers, 1967. 62p ISBN 0-550-77001-1 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Nuffield Foundation, Mathematics Project. Accn Nos : F8540 510 NUF

Nuffield Foundation Into secondary school: a short survey of the aims of the nuffield mathematics project as it affects secondary-or-middle-school children / Nuffield Foundation.-- London: Chambers, 1970.16p ISBN 550-77042-9 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 73934

510 NUF

Mathematics begins / Nuffield Foundation.-London: Chambers, 1970. 61p ISBN 0-550-77002-X 1.Mathematics I. Nuffield Foundation, Mathematics Project. Accn Nos : F8805 510 NUF

Mathematics begins / Nuffield Foundation.-London: Chambers, n.d 61p 1.Mathematics I. Nuffield Foundation, Mathematics Project. Accn Nos : 73929 510 NUF

Mathematics begins / Nuffield Foundation.-London: W & R Chambers and John Murray, [n.d.] 61p 1.Mathematics I. Nuffield Foundation. Accn Nos : F6455 510 NUF

Pictorial representation / Nuffield Foundation.-- London: Chambers, 1970. 39p ISBN 0-550-77006-2 1.Mathematics I. Nuffield Foundation, Mathematics Project. Accn Nos : F8542 510 NUF

Problems-purple set / The Publisher.-London: Nuffield Foundation Mathematics Project, 1971. 106p ISBN 0-550-77019-7 1.Mathematics I. Nuffield Foundation Mathematics Project, London.

Accn Nos : F8583 510 NUF

Shape and size / The publisher.-- London: Nuffield Mathematics Project, 1967. 101p 1.Mathematics I. Nuffield Foundation, Mathematics Project. Accn Nos : F6454 510 NUF

Shape and size / Nuffield Foundation.-London: W & R Chambers, 1968. 82p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Nuffield Foundation, Mathematics Project London. Accn Nos : F8544 510 NUF

Shepe and size / The Publisher.-- London: Nuffield Foundation Mathematics Project, 1968. 65p 1.Mathematics I. Nuffield Foundation Mathematics Project, London. Accn Nos : F8545 510 NUF

Story so far / Nuffield Foundation.-[s.l.]: W and R Chambers, 1969. 36p 1.Mathematics I. Nuffield Foundation, London. Accn Nos : F8537 510 OBS

Obson, Jesse Ronge riders / Jesse Obson and Adeline Riefling.-- Atlanta: Webster, 1953. 312p 1.Mathematics I. Riefling, Adeline. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42719 510.ODI Odifreddi, Piergiorgio The Mathematical century / Piergiorgio Odifreddi.-- Hyderabad: Universities Press, 2004. xvi,204p. Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 81-7371-542-4 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 127637 510 OGI

Ogilvy, C. Stanley Through the mathescope / C. Stanley Ogilvy.

-- New York: Oxford University Press, 1956. 163 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3204 510 OHM

Ohmer, Merlin M. Elementary contemporary mathematics / Merlin M. Ohmer, Cleyton V. Aucoin and Marion J. Cortez.-- New York: Blaisdell, 1964. xii,380p 1.Mathematics I. Aucoin, Clayton V. II. Cortez, Marion J. III. Title. Accn Nos : 9647

510 OHM

Ohmer, Merlin M. Elementary contemporary mathematics / Merlin M. Ohmer, Clayton V. Aucoin and Marion J. Cortez.-- New York: Blaisdell, 1964. xii,380p (Balisdell book in the pure and applied science) (ed. by John Kemeny C.) 1.Mathematics I. Aucoin, Clayton V. II. Cortez, Marion J. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 53347 510 OHM

Ohmar, Merlin M. Mathematics for a liberal education / Merlin M. Ohmar.-- London: Addison-Wesley, 1971. vi,350p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 74569 510 OHM

Ohmer, Merlin M. Modern mathematics for elementary school teachers / Merlin M. Ohmer and Clayton V. Aucoin.-- Massachusetts: Blaisell, 1966. ix,291p (Balisdell book in pure and applied mathematics) (ed. by Seymour Schuster) 1.Mathematics I. Aucoin, Clayton V. II. Schuster, Seymour. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 42773 510 OLI

Olivo, C. Thomas Basic mathematics simplified / C. Thomas Olivo.-- New York: Delmar, 1954. 68p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 6040 510


Olivo, C. Thomas Basic mathematics simplified / C. Thomas Olivo.--4th ed-- New York: Delmar, 1953. vii,421p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 7002 510 ORE

Resource unit of teachers in secondary schools in the science mathematics core area grad-9 / The Publisher.-- Oregon: Portland Public Schools, [n.d.] 19p (Curriculum Publication) (m-iv) 1.Mathematics I. Portland Public Schools, Oregon. II. Series. Accn Nos : 44927

510 ORG

Synopses for modern secondary school mathematics / Organisation for European Economic Co-operation.-- Paris: Scientific and Teachnical Press, [n.d.] 309p 1.Mathematics I. Organisation for European Economic Co-operation.

510 ORG

Synopses for modern secondary school mathematics / Organisation for European Economic Co-operation.-- Paris: Scientific and Teachnical Press, [n.d.] 310p 1.Mathematics I. Organisation for European Economic Co-operation. Accn Nos : F4462 510 OSB

Osborn, Jesse Air plane aces adventures with numbers / Jesse Osborn, Addine Riepling, illus. by Christine Chisholm.-- Saint Louis: Webster, 1953. 344p 1.Mathematics I. Reifling, Addine. II. Chisholm, Christine. III. Title. Accn Nos : 42714 510 OSB

Osborn, Jesse Air plane aces adventures with numbers / Jesse Osborn and Christine Chisbolm.-- Saint Louis: Webster, 1948. 342p 1.Mathematics I. Chisholm, Christine. II. Title. Accn Nos : 18363

510 OUT

New mathematics using number problems / Out Standing Mathematics Education.-- New York: Treasube Book, 1966. 64p 1.Mathematics I. Out Standing Mathematics Education, New York. Accn Nos : 17272 510 OWE

Owen, George E. Fundamentals of scientific mathematics / George E. Owen.-- New York: Harper Torch Books, 1961. x274p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42774 510 PAL

Palekar, N.M. Elements of modern mathematics / N.M. Palekar.-- Allahabad: Kitab Mahal, 1973. 258p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 81625 510 PAL

Paling, D. Finding out about shapes / D. Paling and J.L. Fox.-- London: Oxford, 1969. 1.Mathematics I. Fox, J.L. II. Title. Accn Nos : 75098 510 PAL

Paling, D. Measures and measuriing / D. Paling and J.L. Fox.-- London: Oxford, 1970. 58p 1.Mathematics I. Fox, J.L. II. Title. Accn Nos : 75097 510 PAL

Paling, D. Numbers and number system / D. Paling and J.L. Fox.-- London: Oxford University Press, 1968. 58p 1.Mathematics I. Fox, J.L. II. Title. Accn Nos : 75100 510 PAL

Paling, D. Operations with sets and numbers / D. Paling and J.L. Fox.-- London: Oxford, 1968. 43p 1.Mathematics I. Fox, J.L. II. Title. Accn Nos : 75099 510


Palmer, Claude Irwin Practical mathematics, Part III: Geometry with applications / Claude Irwin Palmer and Samuel Fletcher Bibb.--5th ed-- New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1950. xii,200p 1.Mathematics I. Bibb, Samuel Fletcher. II. Title. Accn Nos : 9739 510 PAL

Palmer, Claude Irwin Practical mathematics / Claude Irwin Palmer, Samuel Fletcher Bibb.--4th ed-- New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc, 1952. 1.Mathematics I. Bibb, Samuel Fletcher. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3126 510 PAL

Palmer, Claude Irwin Practical mathematics, Part IV: Trigonometry and logarithms / Claude Irwin Palmer, Samuel Fletcher Bibb.--5th ed-- New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc, 1951. xii,193p 1.Mathematics I. Bibb, Samuel Fletcher. II. Title. Accn Nos : 30152 510 PAL

Plamer, Claude Irwin Practical mathematics: Arithmetics with application, part 1 / Claude Irwin Palmer and Samuel Fletcher Bibb.--5th ed-- New York: McGraw Hill Book Company, 1949. xii,179p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical workbook I. Bibb, Samuel Fletcher. II. Title. Accn Nos : 9721 510 PAL

Palmer, Claude Irwin Practical mathematics: Algebra with applications, part 2 / Claude Irwin Palmer and Samuel Fletcher Bibb.--5th ed.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1950. xiii,252p 1.Mathematics 2.Practical mathematics I. Bibb, Samuel Fletcher. II. Title. Accn Nos : 30153 510 PAL

Palmer, Claude Irwin Practical Mathematics: essentials of Arithmetic, Geometry, Algerbra / Claude Irwin Palmer and Samuel Fletcher Bibb.--4th-- New York: Mcgraw-hill book Co., 1952. xii,769p. Includes Index

1.Mathematics I. Bibb, Samuel Fletcher. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3216 510 PAL

Paling, D. Working with numbers / D. Paling and J.L. Fox.-- London: Oxford University Press, 1970. 44p (The new mathematics for primary teachers) 1.Mathematics I. Fox, J.L. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 75096

510 PAP

Euclide, Voici Mathematics Moderne 3 / Voici Euclide.-Paris: Marcel Didier, 1967. xxxii,451p. 1.Mathematics I. Papy, Frederoque. II. Title. Accn Nos : 69469 510 PAP

Papy, Frederique Modern mathematics / Frederique Papy; translated by Frank Gorner.-- London: Collier Macmillan Limited, 1968. xvii, 459p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Gorner, Frank. II. Title. Accn Nos : 73857 510 PAP

Papy Modern mathematics / Papy, Fredrique Papy, tr. by Frank Gornor.-- London: CollierMacmillan Limited, 1968. xvii,459p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Papy, Fredrique. II. Gornor, Frank. III. Title. Accn Nos : 70935 510 PAP

Papy Modern mathematics / Papy, Frederique Papy and Frank Gorner.-- London: CollierMacmillan, 1968. xvi,451p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Papy, Frederique. II. Gorner, Frank. III. Title. Accn Nos : 69564

510 PAP

Papy, Frederique Modern mathematics: real numbers and the vector plane / Frederique Papy; translated by Julius H. Hlavaty.-- London: CollierMacmillan Limited, 1969. xvii,434p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Papy, Frederique, lavaty, Julius H. II. Title. Accn Nos : 73851

510 PAP

Papy Modern mathematics: real numbers and the vector plane / Papy and Jullius H. Hlavaty.-London: Collier-Macmillan, 1969. xvi,434p. V. 2 1.Mathematics I. Hlavaty, Jullius H. II. Title. Accn Nos : 70936 510 PED

Pedoe, Dan Gentle art of mathematics / Dan Pedoe.-New York: The Macmillan, 1960. 143p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 5906 510 PEM

Pemberton, John E. How to find out in mathematics: A guide to sources of mathematical information arranged according to the dewey decimal classfication / John E. Pemberton.-- Oxford: Pergamon, 1963. xi,158p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 64841 510 PER

Person. Russel V. Essentials of Mathematics / Russell V. Person.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1961. x,646p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42508 510 PER

Person, Russell V.

Essentials of mathematics / Russell V. Person.--2nd ed-- New York: John Wiley, 1968. x,721p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 72333 510 PER

Perelman, Y. E. Madhur ganitam: Kahaniyan aur paheliyan (HIN) / Y. E. Perelman.-- Delhi: Yugbodh Prakashan, 1992. 192p. 1.Mathematics 2.Ganit - Paheliyan I. Title. Accn Nos : F19673

510 PER

Perry, O.W. Mathematics for O level: A one year course / O.W. Perry and Jene Naish.-- London: Macdonald, 1965. 211p 1.Mathematics I. Naish, Jene. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42775 510 PER

Perry, O.W. Mathematics for O level: a one year course, Pt. 2 / O.W. Perry and June Naish.-- London: Macdonald, 1965. vi,195p 1.Mathematics I. Naish, June. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3222 510 PET

Peters, M. Going places with mathematics / M. Peters. --2nd ed-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1962. x,358p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F11538 510 PET

Peters, Max Mathematics a modern approach / Max Peters and William L. Schaaf.--2nd ed-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1968. 520p (Programme in modern mathematics). Vol. 2 1.Mathematics 2.Modern mathematics I. Schaaf, William L. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 67340 510 PET

Peters, Max Mathematics a modern approach / Max Peters and William L. Schaaf.-- New Jersey: D. Van

Nostrand, 1965. xiv,504p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Schaaf, William L. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3212 510 PET

Peter, Max Mathematics: a modern approach 1 / Max Peter and William L. Schaaf.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1965. xiv,554p. (DVN programme in modern mathemattics) 1.Mathematics I. Schaaf, William L. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 67338

510 PET

Peter, Max Mathematics: a modern approach 2 / Max Peter and William L. Schaaf.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1965. xiv,504p. (DVN programme in modern mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Schaaf, William L. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 67339 510 PET

Peters, Max Mathematics: A modern approach 1 / Max Peters and William L. Schaaf.-- London: D. Van Nostrand Co., 1965. xiv,554p. 1.Mathematics I. Schaaf, William L. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42502 510 PHI

General mathematics, grade 3,4 / The publisher.-- Philadelphia: Philadelphia Public School, 1959. xv,130p 1.Mathematics 2.General Mathematics I. Philadelphia Public School. Accn Nos : F11742 510 PHI

Guide to mathematics: Grades seven and eight / School District of Philadelphia.-Pennsylvania: Public School, 1957. viii,144p 1.Mathematics I. School District of Philadelphia. Accn Nos : 44937 510 PHI

Phillips, H.M.

Mathematics for ready references / H.M. Phillips.-- U.S.A.: Frederick J., 1950. 228p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42784 510 PHI

When you buy problems fo the consumer: General mathematics / The publisher.-Philadelphia: Philadelphia Public School, 1958. ix,113p. Vol. 3 1.Mathematics 2.General mathematics I. Philadelphia Public Schools. Accn Nos : 44938

510 PIM

Pimentel, Ric Checkpoint Math 11-14 / Ric Pimentel and Terry Wall.-- London: Hodder and Stoughton, 2004. vi,171p. University of cambridge International examinations ISBN 0 340 812958 1.Mathematics I. Wall, Terry. II. Title. Accn Nos : 126237 510 PIM

Pimentel, Ric Checkpoint maths 11-14 / Ric Pimentel and Terry Wall.-- London: Hodder and Stoughton, 2004. 154p. University of Cambridge International examinations ISBN 0 340 81294 X 1.Mathematics I. Wall, Terry. II. Title. Accn Nos : 126238 510 PIM

Pimentel, Ric Core mathematics for IGCSE / Ric Pimentel and Terry Wall.-- London: John Murray Publishers, 2002. vii,392. Includes index ISBN 0 7195 7495 1 1.Mathematics I. Wall, Terry. II. Title. Accn Nos : 126235 510 PIM

Pimentel, Ric IGCSE Mathematics / Ric Pimentel and Terry Wall.-- London: John Murray, 2004. v,449p. ISBN 0 7195 7458 7 1.Mathematics I. Wall, Terry. II. Title.

Accn Nos : 126233 510 PIM

Pimental, Ric IGCSE Mathmatics / Ric Pimentel and Terry Wall.--Rep.ed.-- London: John Murray, 2004. iv,449p. 1.Mathmatics I. Title. Accn Nos : 124326 510 PLU

Plumpton, C. Sixth form pure mathematics / C. Plumpton and W.A. Tomkys.-- Oxford: Pergamon, 1962. x,480p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Tomkys, W.A. II. Title. Accn Nos : 66567 510 POL

Pollock, Seton Basic colour-factor guide: A 20th century structural approach to mathematics teaching / Seton Pollock.-- London: Heinemann, 1965. xii,246p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 62798 510 POL

Polya, George Mathematical discovery on understanding, learning, and teaching problem solving / George Polya.-- New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1962. xv,216p. Vol. 1 1.Science 2.Mathematic - study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 39801 510 POL

Polya, George Mathematical discovery: On understanding, learning, and teaching problem solving / George Polya.-- New York: John Wiley, 1965. xx,,191p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Accn Nos : 596 510 POL

Polya, George Mathematical discovery: On understanding, learning and teaching problem solving / George Polya.-- London: John Wiley, 1962. xv,216p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 21908 510


Pradhan, H.C. Compendium of errors: in middle school Mathematics / H.C. Pradhan and A.T.Mavalankar.-- Bombay: Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, 1994. 92p. 1.Mathematics I. Mavalankar, A.T. II. Title. Accn Nos : 123406 510 PRA

Prasolov, V V Essays on numbers and figures / V V Prasolov.-- Hyderabad: Universities Press, 1999. 75p ISBN 81-7371-419-3 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 123217 510 PRI

Vernon, H. Basic skills in mathematics / H. Vernon and Lloyd A. Knowler.-- Boston: Ginn and Company, 1952. viii,249p 1.Mathematics I. Knowler, Lloyd A. II. Title. Accn Nos : 8347 510 PRO

Protter, Murray H. Modern mathematical analysis / Murray H. Protter and Charles B. Morrey.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1964. x,790p 1.Mathematics I. Morrey, Charles B. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3211 510 PRO

510 PRO(NAT)

Problem book of mathematics / Coordinated and ed. by Ishwar Chandra.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1993. xxi,128p. For Class IX (two copies) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics-textbooks I. Ishwar Chandra. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training.

Problem book of mathematics / Coordinated and ed. by Ishwar Chandra.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1993. xxi,128p. For Class IX (two copies) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics-textbooks I. Ishwar Chandra. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F19901

510 PRY

Pryde, James A. Chamber's seven - figure mathematical tables / James A. Pryde.--College ed-- New Delhi: Allied, [n.d.] 312p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 69808 510 PUB

Mathematics: Grade 8 / The Publisher.-Maryland: Montgomery County Public School, 1955. 167p. Bulletin 137 1.Mathematics I. Montgomery County Public School, Maryland. Accn Nos : F10556

510 RAI

Raina, A.K. Test your mathematics / A.K. Raina.--2nd rev ed-- New Delhi: Ambar Parkashan, 1988. 169p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F18992 510 RAJ

Rajya Shaikshik Anusandhan Prashikshan Parishad Ganit: kaksha 6 (HIN) / Rajya Shaikshik Anusandhan Prashikshan Parishad.-Chhattisgarh: Rajya Shaikshik Anusandhan Prashikshan Parishad, 2007. 217p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F25793 510 RAJ

Rajya Shaikshik Anusandhan Prashikshan Parishad Ganit: kaksha 6 ke liye padyapustak (HIN) / Rajya Shaikshik Anusandhan Prashikshan Parishad.-- Raipur: Rajya Shaikshik Anusandhan Prashikshan Parishad, 2007. 218p. 1.Mathematics pathyapustak - Chhattisgarh I. Title. Accn Nos : F25540 510 RAJ

Rajya Shaikshik Anusandhan aur Prashikshan Parishad Ganit: paryavaran adhyayan kaksha -4 (HIN) / Rajya Shaikshik Anusandhan aur Prashikshan Parishad.-- Raipur: Chhattisgarh Pathyapustak Nigam, 2006. 142p. 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Accn Nos : F25531 510 RAJ

Rajya Shaiksha Anusandhan aur Prashikshan Parishad Ganit paryavaran adhayan kaksha -3 (HIN) / Rajya Shaiksha Anusandhan aur Prashikshan Parishad.-- Chhattisgrah: Rajya Shaiksha Anusandhan aur Prashikshan Parishad, 2006. 134p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F25529

510 RAJ

Rajan, S. General mathematics / S. Rajan.-- Madras: National, 1962. 152p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 49283 510 RAJ

Rajagopalan, T.S. Higher secondary school mathematics / T.S. Rajagopalan.-- Bombay: Orient longmans, 1960. 286,xxi p. (composite course) standard ten 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 49281 510 RAJ

Raja Sekharam, K. Text book of composite mathematics class VIII / K. Raja Sekharam.-- Hyderabad: Saraswati Book Depot, 1966. 260p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 19109 510 RAJ (N-R)

Raju, B.S.P. Identification of hardsports in mathematics at +2 level and suggestions on learning...Kerala and Andhra Pradesh : report / B.S.P. Raju.-- New Delhi: NCERT,RIE, 2002. 61p. 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. Title. Accn Nos : F23290 510 RAM

Ramsey, Frank Plunton Foundation of mathematics and other logical essays / Frank Plumpton Ramsey, ed. by R.B. Braithwaite.-- New Jersey: Little Fieldm

Adams Co, 1960. xvi,292p (International library of psychology, phisolophy and scientific method) (ed. by C.K. Ogden) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - essays I. Braithwaite, R.B. II. Ogden, C.K. III. Title 510 RAM

Ramachandran, K. Let's learn mathematics: A textbook for class 1 / K. Ramachandran and V.P. Gupta.-New Delhi: NCERT, 1987. 128p. Book 1 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - textbooks (Primary) I. Gupta, V.P. II. NCERT. III. National Council of Educational Research and Training. IV. Title. Accn Nos : F16618 510 RAM

Ramachandran, K. Let's learn mathematics / K. Ramachandran and V.P. Gupta.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1987. 128p. Book 1 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - textbooks I. Gupta V.P. II. NCERT. III. National Council of Educational Research and Training. IV. Title. Accn Nos : F16619 510 RAN

Million Random Digits: With 100,000 Normal Deviates / Rand Corporation.-- U.S.A.: Free Press, 1955. xxv,200p. 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : 42511 510 RAN

Randolph, John F. primier of college mathematics / John F. Randolph.-- New York: Macmillan Co, 1958. 544p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42778 510 RAO

Rao, Digumarti Bhaskara Achievement in mathematics / Digumarti Bhaskara Rao and Digumarti Pushpa Latha.-New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House, 1995. vii,115p ISBN 81-7141-278-5 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Study and teaching I. Latha, Digumarti Pushpa. II. Title. Accn Nos : 117256 510 RAO

Rao, Devineni Jagan Mohan


Master book of mathematics quiz / Devineni Jagan Mohan Rao; Foreward by C.Ramaiah.-- New Delhi: Neelkamal Publications, 2006. viii,423p. ISBN 81-86804-75-7 1.Mathematics I. Ramaiah, C. II. Title. Accn Nos : 126428 510 RAS

Rasmussen, Lore Annotated discovery sheets sections L - X: mathematics laboratory materials / Lore Rasmussen.-- Chicago: Learning Materials, [n.d,]. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F12135 510 REA (U)

Arora, Manmohan Singh Riyazi:(Primary schoolon ke lie pehli kitab) / Manmohan Singh Arora, R.C.Sexsena and Ishwar Chand.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1988. 76P. 1.Mathematics-Primay School I. Sexsena, R.C. II. Chand, Ishwar. III. Title. Accn Nos : F17494 510 REA (U)

Arora, Manmohan Singh Riyazi:(Primary schoolon ke lie pehli kitab) / Manmohan Singh Arora, R.C.Sexsena and Ishwar Chand.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1988. 76P. 1.Mathematics-Primay School I. Sexsena, R.C. II. Chand, Ishwar. III. Title. Accn Nos : F17704 510 REA (U)

Arora, Manmohan Singh Riyazi:(Primary schoolon ke lie pehli kitab) / Manmohan Singh Arora, R.C.Sexsena and Ishwar Chand.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1988. 76P. 1.Mathematics-Primay School I. Sexsena, R.C. II. Chand, Ishwar. III. Title. Accn Nos : F17493 510.REE Reeves, Noelene Children learn to measure area: Measurement the study of area / Noelene Reeves, Sue Crone and Wally Green.-- Australia: Curriculum Development Centre, 1981. 115p ISBN 0-642-96223-7 1.Mathematics 2.Area measurement 3.Australia - curriculum development I. Crone, Sue. II. Green, Wally. III. Title.

Accn Nos : F17568 510 REE

Reeve, William D. Practical mathematics refresher / William D. Reeve.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1955. 374p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42722 510 REE

Rees, Paul K. Principles of mathematics / Paul K. Rees.-New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc, 1965. xiii,383p (Prentice Hall Mathematics series) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 42506 510 REI

Reiman, Istvan International Mathematical Olympiad Vol.1. 1959-1975 / Istvan Reiman.-- London: Anthem Press, 2005. 212p. ISBN 1 84331 198 4 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 126297 510 REI

Reiman, Istvan International Mathematical Olympiad Vol.2. 1976-1990 / Istvan Reiman.-- London: Anthem Press, 2005. 194p. ISBN 1 84331 200 X 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 126298 510 REI

Reiman, Istvan International Mathematical Olympiad Vol.3. 1991-2004 / Istvan Reiman.-- London: Anthem Press, 2005. 182p. ISBN 1 84331 204 2 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 126299 510 REI

Reid, Constance Introduction of higher mathematics / Constance Reid.-- New York: Thomas Y. Crawell, 1934. vii,181p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 11007 510 REI

Reid, Constance

Introduction to higher mathematics for the general reader / Constance Reid.-- New York: Thomas Y Crowell, 1962. 184p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 123 510 REN

Renyi, Alfred Dialogues on mathematics / Alfred Renyi.-San Francisco: Holden Day, 1967. 100p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 64138

510 REN

Renyi, Alfred Dialogues on mathematics / Alfred Renyi.-San Francisco: Holden-Day, 1967. 100p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 63010 510 RIC

Richardson M. Fundamental of mathematics / M. Richardson. -- New York: Macmillan, 1941. xviii,445p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53743 510 RIC

Richardson, Moses Fundamentals of mathematics / Moses Richardson.--3rd ed-- New York: The Macmillan, 1966. xx,608p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 22360 510 RIC

Richman, Fred Mathematics for the liberal arts student / Fred Richman.-- California: Books Cale, 1967. 187p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 70731 510 RIC

Rice, Harold S. Technical mathematics / Harold S. Rice.-2nd ed.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1963. 626p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 54211

510 RIE(N-R)

RIE Workshop for development of self- learning materials on specific topics in mathematics at higher secondary level: report / RIE & National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- Bhubaneswar: RIE, 1992. 92p. 1.Mathematics - Report I. National Council of Educational Research and Training. II. Title. Accn Nos : F21174

510 RIE(N-R)

RIE, NCERT Workshop for development of self-learning materials on specific topics in mathematics at higher secondary level: report of the programme held at RIE, Bhubaneswar, Dec. 1623, 1991 / RIE, NCERT.-- Bhubaneswar: RIE, NCERT, 1991. viii,109p. 1.Mathematics - Higher secondary 2.Mathematics - Report I. Title. Accn Nos : F21163 510 RIE(Rep)

RIE Orientation programme for key persons of Assam and Meghalaya teaching mathematics at the secondary level: report of the programme held at Govt. P.G.T. College, Shillong / RIE. -- Bhubaneswar: Regional Institute of Education, 1993. viii,92p. September 14-21, 1993 1.Mathematics - Report I. Title. Accn Nos : F21113 ; F21115 510 RIE (Rep)

510 RIN

RIE Orientationa programme for key persons of Assam and Meghalaya teaching mathematics at the secondary level: report of the programme held at Govt. P.G.T. College, Shillong / RIE. -- Bhubaneswar: Regional Institute of Education, 1993. viii,92p. September 14-21, 1993 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Riner, John

Basic topics in mathematics / Riner John.-America: Prentice Hall, 1963. 280p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 178 510 RIT

Ritchie, Rabert W. New directions in mathematics / Rabert W. Ritchie.-- New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Englowood, 1964. 124p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F5612

510 ROB

Robertson, Fred Manual of mathematics for student of agriculture / Fred Robertson.--rev. ed-- New York: The Deyden, 1956. iv,374p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : F6345 510 ROB

Robertson, Freed Manual of mathematics for student of Agriculture / Freed Robertson.-- New York: Dryden, 1956. 375p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42753 510 ROS

Rose, W.N. Mathematics for engineers, part II / W.N. Rose.--5th ed-- London: English Language Book Society, 1960. xii,403p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 71374 510 ROS

Rosskopf, Myron F. Modern mathematics / Myron F. Rosskopf.-Atlanta: Silver Burdett, 1961. 415p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42734 510 ROS

Modern mathematics for junior high school / Myron F. Rosskopf...[et al.]-- New Jersey: Silver Burdett Company, 1961.

vii,424p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics in high school I. Rosskopf, Myron F. II. Morton, Robert L. III. Hooten, Joseph R. IV. Sitomer, Harry. Accn Nos : 3190 510 ROS

Modern mathematics for junior high school / Myron F. Rosskorf...[et al.]-- Chicago: Silver Burdett, 1961. vii,415p 1.Mathematics I. Rosskorf, Myron F. II. Morton, Rabert L. III. Hooten, Joseph R. IV. Sitomer, Harry. Accn Nos : 3189

510 ROS

Modern mathematics for junior high school / Myron F. Rosskoff...[et al.]-- New Jersey: Silver Burdett, 1961. vii,503p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Rosskoff, Myron F. II. Morton, Robert L. III. Hooten, Joseph. IV. Sitomer, Harry. Accn Nos : 3272 510 ROS

Rosskopf, Myron F. Modern mathematics: Geometry / Myron F. Rosskopf.-- Atlanta: Silver Burdett, 1966. 557p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 12215 510 ROS

Modern mathematics through discovery book-2 / Myron F. Rosskope...[et al.]-Morristown: Silver Burdett, 1964. 448p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Rosskope, Myron F. II. Morton, Robert Lee. III. Moredock, H. Stewart. IV. Gilbert, Clenn A. Accn Nos : F5625 510 ROS

Rosskope, Myron F. Modern mathematics : Through discovery Book 1 / Myron F. Rosskope [et al].--Teacher Ed.-New Jersey: Silver Burdett Company, 1964. 440p. Book 1 1.Mathematics I. Morton, Robert Lee. II. Moredock, H. Stewart. III. Gilbert, Glenn A. IV. Title.

Accn Nos : F5624 510 ROS

Rosenthal, Evelyn B. Understanding the new maths / Evelyn B. Rosenthal.-- London: Souvenir Press, 1965. 240p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3202 510 ROS

Rasenthal, Evelyen B. Understanding the new maths / Evelyen B. Rasenthal.-- London: Souvenir, 1965. 239p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3201

510 ROU

Mathematics applied to physics / ed. by E. Roubine.-- Heidelburg: Springer-Verlag Berlin, 1970. xxiii,610p 1.Mathematics I. Roubine, E. Accn Nos : 70772 510 ROY

Roy, Knight Mathematics for the foundation course in science / Knight Roy.-- Great Britain: Open University Press, 1971. vi,66p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 77112 510 RUC

Ruchlis, Hy Story of Mathematics : Geometry for the young scientist / Hy Ruchlis and Jack Engelhardt.-- N.Y.: Harvey House, Publishers, 1958. 149p. 1.Mathematics I. Engelhardt, Jack. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42510 510 RUC

510 RUC

Ruchlis, H.Y. Story of mathematics / H.Y. Ruchlis.-- New York: Harvey House, 1958. 147p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Ruchlis, H.Y. Story of mathematics / H.Y. Ruchlis.-- New York: Harvey House, 1958. 147p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42710

510 RUS

Russell, David Mathematics: ideas and uses / David Russell.-- New York: D. Van Nostrand Company, 1979. x, 412p. ISBN 0-442-27202-2 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 90936 510 SAA

Saaty, T.L. Lectures on modern mathematics / ed. by T.L. Saaty.-- London: John Wiley & sons, 1965. 175p (Vol. 1 ) 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 66165 510 SAA

Saad, L.G. Understanding in mathematics / L.G. Saad.-London: Oliver and Boyd, 1960. 177p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 86487 510 SAC

Sackett, Dodley Disciplane of numbers / Dodley Sackett.-London: Ginn, 1966. 127p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 74977 510 SAC

Sackett, A.K. Mathematics in the junior high school / A.K. Sackett.-- [s.n.]: William and Shriner, [n.d.] various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Accn Nos : 483 510 SAL (U)

Salvi, Dalip M Sifar ki kahani / Dalip M Salvi; Translated by Talat Aziz.-- New Delhi: NCPUL, 1999. 24P. 1.Mathematics I. Aziz, Talat. II. Title. Accn Nos : 125337 510 SAM

Samikit pathayapustak bhag 2 ganit evam paryavaran adhyayan kaksha-5 (HIN).-Raipur: Chhattishgarh Pathayapustak Nigam, 2006. 175p. 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Text Accn Nos : F25535

510 SAM

Samrat, M.S. Teaching mathematics / M.S. Samrat.-Ajmer: REI (NCERT), 1980. 69p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics-study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : F21322 510 SAM

Samar, M.S. Teaching of mathematics / M.S. Samar.-Ajmer: NCERT; Regional College of Education, 1980. 69p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. III. Title. Accn Nos : F15482 510 SAR

Sarna, C.S. Mathematics for secondary schools part I / C.S. Sarna, R.G. Gupta and P.K. Garg.-- New Delhi: Arya Book Depot, 1988. 328p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics in secondary school I. Gupta, R.G. II. Garg, P.K. III. Title. Accn Nos : F19008 510 SAS

Sastry, S.S. Pre engineering mathematics: a manual for IIT-JEE / S.S. Sastry.--2nd ed-- New Delhi: Prentice-Hall, 1990. xii,583p ISBN 0-87692-645-6 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 109709 510 SAW

Sawyer, W.W. Mathematics delight / W.W. Sawyer.-Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1943. 238p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - popular work I. Title. Accn Nos : 101604 510 SAW

Sawyer, W.W. Prelude to mathematics / W.W. Sawyer.-Maryland: Penguin Books, 1955. 214p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F4448 510 SAW

Sawyer, W.W. Prelude to mathematics / W.W. Sawyer.--

Maryland: Penguin Books, 1955. 214p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 73497 510 SAW

Sawyer, W.W. Search for pattern / W.W. Sawyer.-Middlesex: Penguin Book Ltd, 1970. 349p (Introducing mathematics) (3) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 73500

510 SAW

Sawyer, W.W. What is calculus about / W.W. Sawyer.-America: L.W. Singer, 1961. 118p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F1727 510 SAX

Saxena, R.C. Assignment in mathematics for secondary schools / R.C. Saxena.-- Delhi: Central Institute of Education, [n.d.] 48p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42749 510 SAX

Saxelby, F.M. Course in practical mathematics / F.M. Saxelby.-- London: Longmans Green, 1944. 493p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42721 510 SAX

Saxena, R.C. Mathematics for primary schools 4 / R.C. Saxena.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1983. ix,151p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F15270 510 SAX (U)

Sexsena, R.C. Riyazi-V(Primary schoolon ke liye) / R.C.Sexsena, Ishwar Chand and S.K.Singh Gotum.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1988. 213P. 1.Mathematics-Primay School I. Chand,

Ishwar. II. Gotum, G.K.Singh. III. Title. Accn Nos : F17495 510 SAX (U)

Sexsena, R.C. Riyazi-V(Primary schoolon ke liye) / R.C.Sexsena, Ishwar Chand and S.K.Singh Gotum.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1988. 137P. 1.Mathematics-Primay School I. Chand, Ishwar. II. Gotum, G.K.Singh. III. Title. Accn Nos : F17442 ; F17703

510 SCH

Additional mathematics book part.2 (Metric) / School Mathematics Project.-- London: The University Press, 1970. viii,193-434p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical workbook I. School Mathematics Project. Accn Nos : F8523 510 SCH

Additional mathematics book: Metric, part 1 / School Mathematics Study Project.-Cambridge: The University Press, 1970. viii,192p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. School Mathematics Study Project. Accn Nos : F8522 510 SCH

Advanced mathematics / The School Mathematics Project.-- Cambridge: The University Press, 1970. 1044p ISBN 0-521-08107-6 1.Mathematics 2.Advanced mathematics I. School Mathematics Project. Accn Nos : F8528 510 SCH

Advanced mathematics / School Mathematics Project.-- Great Britain: Cambridge University Press, 1970. 300p 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Project, London. Accn Nos : F8526 510 SCH

Advanced mathematics answer and hints for book 3 and 4 / School Mathematics Project.

-- Great Britain: Cambridge University Press, 1970. vii,267p 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Project. Accn Nos : F8531 510 SCH

Advanced mathematics / School Mathematics Project.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1970. xiv,1382p. Vol. 4(Metric ) ISBN 0-521-08108-4 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Project. Accn Nos : F8529 510 SCH

Schaaf, William L. Basic concept of elementary mathematics / William L. Schaaf.-- New York: John Wiley, 1962. xvii,386p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - elementary I. Title. Accn Nos : 42757 510 SCH

Schaaf, William L. Basic concepts of elementary mathematics / William L. Schaaf.-- New York: John Wiley, 1961. xvii,386p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42758 510 SCH

Schaaf, William L. Basic concepts of elementary mathematics / William L. Schaaf.-- New York: John Willey, 1962. xvii,386p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F2303 510 SCH

Schaaf, William L. Basic concepts of elementary mathematics / William L. Schaaf.--2nd ed-- New York: John Wiley, 1965. xix,384p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3207 510 SCH

Elementary tables / School Mathematics Project.--2nd ed-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1971.

22p 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Project. Accn Nos : F8525 510 SCH

Scheid, Francis J. Elements of finite mathematics / Francis J. Scheid.-- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1962. vii,279p (Addison-wesley series in introductory methematics) (ed. by Richards S. Pieters) 1.Mathematics I. Richard, S. Pieters. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 54170

510 SCH

Geometry 1 symmetry and trigonometry / The School Mathematics Project.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, n.d. vi,104p (Individualised mathematics) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - 1961 3.National extension college I. The School Mathematics Project. II. Series. Accn Nos : 104855 510 SCH

Intermediate mathematics Part I / School Mathematics Study Group.-- London: Yale University Press, 1961. sec 8-10v (Student text) (17). Part I 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : F5503 510 SCH

Intermediate mathematics Part II / The Publisher.-- London: Yale University Press, 1961. Sec 15-7v. Part II 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : F5504 510 SCH

International mathematics / School Mathematics Study Group.-- New Haven: Yale University Press, [n.d.] 544p (Teacher's commentary) (unit no. 19) . Part I 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : 33265

510 SCH

Introduction to secondary school mathematics: Part 1 / School Mathematics Study Group.-2nd rev ed-- U.S.A.: Board of Trustees of the Leland Standford Junior University, 1962. 237p. Vol. II 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. Accn Nos : F4665

510 SCH

Introduction to secondary school mathematics: Teacher's commentary / School Mathematics Study Group.--rev ed-- New Haven: Yale University Press, 1962. 298p (Teacher's commentary) (42). Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : 32098 510 SCH

Introduction to secondary school mathematics: Student text, part 1 / School Mathematics Study Group.--rev ed-- New Haven: Yale University Press, 1963. 183p (Student text) (37). Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : F6441 510 SCH

Introduction to secondary school mathematics: Student text, Part II / School Mathematics Study Group.-- New Haven: Yale University Press, 1963. 239-413p (Student text) (41). Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : F6445 510 SCH

Introduction to secondary school mathematics: Student text, Part 1 / School Mathematics Study Group.-- New Haven: Yale University Press, 1961. ix,279p (Student text) (5). Vol. 2

1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : 42747 510 SCH

Introduction to secondary school mathematics: Teacher's commentary / School Mathematics Study Group.--rev. ed-- New Haven: Yale University Press, 1964. 279p (Teacher's commentary) (unit 37). Vol. 1 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : F6447

510 SCH

Introduction to secondary school mathematics: Student's text, part 1 / School Mathematics Study Group.-- New Haven: Yale University Press, 1962. 183p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - secondary I. School Mathematics Study Group. Accn Nos : F5522 510 SCH

Introduction to secondary school mathematics: Student's text, part II / School Mathematics Study Group.--rev. ed-- New Haven: Yale University Press, 1963. 185-396p (Student's text) (unit 38). Vol. 1 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - secondary I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : F6442 510 SCH

Introduction to secondary school mathematics: Commentary for teacher, part 1 / School Mathematics Study Group.--2nd rev ed-U.S.A.: Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University, 1962. 153p. Vol. II 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - secondary I. School Mathematics Study Group. Accn Nos : F1744 510 SCH

Introduction to secondary school mathematics, part 1 / School Mathematics Study Group.-2nd rev. ed-- U.S.A.: Leland Stanford Junior University, 1962. 237p.

Vol. II 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - secondary I. School Mathematics Study Group. Accn Nos : F4664 510 SCH

Introduction to secondary school mathematics / School Mathematics Study Group.-- New Haven: Yale University Press, 1983. 298p (Teacher's commentary) (unit no. 42) . Vol. II 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series.

510 SCH

Introduction to secondary school mathematics / School Mathematics Study Group.--2nd rev. ed-- New York: National Science Foundation, 1962. 239-413p. Vol. 2: Part II 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. Accn Nos : F1747 510 SCH

Introduction to secondary school mathematics / School Mathematics Study Group.--Rev. ed -- New Haven: Yale University Press, 1962. 237p (Student's text) (unit no. 40). Vol. 2: Part I 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : F6446 510 SCH

Introduction to secondary school mathematics / School Mathematics Study Group.--Rev. ed -- New Haven: Yale University Press, 1962. 185-396p (Student's text) (unit no. 38). Vol. 1: Part II 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : F5523 510 SCH

Introduction to secondary school mathematics / School Mathematics Study Group.--2nd rev. ed-- New York: National Science Foundation, 1962. 139-279p. Vol. 1: Part II 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group.

Accn Nos : F1743 510 SCH

Introduction to secondary school mathematics / School Mathematics Study Group.--2nd rev. ed-- New York: National Science Foundation, 1962. 138p. Vol. 1: Part I 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. Accn Nos : F1742

510 SCH

Introduction to secondary school mathematics / School Mathematics Study Group.--2nd ed -- New York: National Science Foundation, 1962. 298p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. Accn Nos : F1745 510 SCH

Introduction to secondary school mathematics / School Mathematics Study Group.--2nd ed -- New Yokr: National Science Foundation, 1962. 237p. Vol. 2: Part I 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. Accn Nos : F1746 510 SCH

Introduction to secondary school mathematics commentary for teachers / School Mathematics Study Group.--2nd ed-- New York: National Science Foundation, 1962. 138p. Vol.1 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. Accn Nos : F10609 510 SCH


Introduction to secoundary school mathematics / The Publisher.-- America: School Mathemtics Group Study, 1962. 181p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics


Introduction to secondary school mathematics. Volume1 (part 1).--2nd rev.-- U.S.A.: Leland stanford Junior University, 1962. 183p. 1.Mathematics 2.secondary school I. school Mathematics study group. Accn Nos : F11827 510 SCH

Introduction to secondary school mathematics:Teachers commentary / school mathematics study group.--rev.ed.-- New Heaven&London: Yale university press, 1962. 280p.(Vol. 1). Unit no. 39 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : F5524 510 SCH

Introduction to secondary school mathematics:Teachers commentary / School mathematics study group.--rev.ed.-- New Heaven&London: Yale university press, 1963. 299p.(Vol. 2). Unit no. 42 1.mathematics Accn Nos : 6443 510 SCH

Junior high school mathematics units: Geometry / School Mathematics Study Group. -- New York: National Science Foundation, 1959. 100p. Vol. II 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. Accn Nos : F1738 510 SCH

Junior high school system / School New Haven: Yale 137p 1.Mathematics I. Group. Accn Nos : F1736 510 SCH

mathematics units: Number Mathematics Study Group.-University, 1959. School Mathematics Study

Schaof, William L. Mathematics for everyday use / William L. Schaof.-- New York: Barnes and Noble, 1959. xx,359p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F86774 510 SCH

Schaaf, William

Mathematics for everyday use / William Schaaf.-- New York: Barnes & Noble, 1959. xx,362p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. 510 SCH

Schaaf, William Mathematics for everyday use / William Schaaf.-- New York: Barnes & Noble,Inc., 1959. xx,362p. Everyday handbooks 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 86744

510 SCH

Mathematics for high school: Geometry with coordinates (Part I) / The ublisher.-[s.l.]: School Mathematics Study Group, 1962. x362p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. School Mathematics Study Group. Accn Nos : F7128 510 SCH

Mathematics for high school: Geometry with coordinates, part 2 / School Mathematics Study Group.--rev. ed-- U.S.A.: Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University, 1962. 363-666p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - geometry I. School Mathematics Study Group. Accn Nos : F7125 510 SCH

Mathematics for high school: Geometry with coordinator / The Publisher.-- America: School Mathematics Study Group, 1963. 667-992p. Part 3 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group, America. Accn Nos : F7126 510 SCH

Mathematics for junior high school: Student text, Part 1 / School Mathematics Study Group.-- London: Yale University Press, 1961. ix,346p (Student text) (1). Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series.

Accn Nos : 33273 510 SCH

Mathematics for junior high school volume 2 Part I / School Mathematics Study Group.-London: Yale University Press, n.d 217p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. Accn Nos : F5487

510 SCH

School Mathematics Study Group Mathematics for junior high school volume 2 part II / School Mathematics Study Group.-London: Yale University Press, 1961. sec 13-8 (Student text) (6). Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 38742 510 SCH

Mathematics for junior high school volume-2 Part II / School Mathematics Study Group. -- London: Yale University Press, 1960. 282-588p.v (Student text) (6). Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : 33278 510 SCH

Mathematics for junior high school volume-2 part I / School Mathematics Study Group.-London: Yale University Press, 1961. 410p (Teacher's commentary) (8). Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : 42744 510 SCH

Mathematics for junior high school, part-1 / School Mathematics Study Group.-- New Heaven: Yale University Press, 1961. xi217p (Teachers' commentary) (unit 7) 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : 42745 510


Mathematics for junior high school: Student's text, part 1 / School Mathematics Study Group.-- New Haven: Yale University Press, 1961. various pagination (Student's text) (unit 1) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - school I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : 42748

510 SCH

Mathematics for junior high school, student text / School mathematics Study Group.-New Heaven: Yale University, 1961. xi,278p. Vol. 2: Part I 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. Accn Nos : 33274 510 SCH

Mathematics for junior high shcool / School Mathematics Study Group.-- London: Yale University Press, 1960. 460p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. Accn Nos : 33263 510 SCH

School Mathematics Study Group Mathematics for junior high school / School Mathematics Study Group.-- New Haven: Yale University Press, 1961. 347-623p (Students text) (Unit no.2). Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 38743 510 SCH

Mathematics for junior high school / School Mathematic Study Group.-- New Haven: Yale University Press, 1961. ix,255p (Teacher's commentary) (unit no. 3). Vol. 1: Part I 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series.

Accn Nos : 42746 510 SCH

Mathematics for junior high school / School Mathematics Study Group.-- New Haven: Yale University Press, 1961. ix,255p (Teachers commentary) (unit no.3) . Vol. 1: Part I 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : F5488

510 SCH

Mathematics for junior high school / School Mathematics Study Group.-- London: Yale University Press, 1961. ix,255p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. Accn Nos : F10773 510 SCH

Mathematics for junior high school / School Mathematics Study Group.-- London: Yale University Press, 1961. ix,219-409p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. Accn Nos : F5489 510 SCH

Mathematics for junior high school / School Mathematics Study Group.-- London: Yale University Press, 1960. 281-588p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. Accn Nos : F10839 510 SCH

Mathematics for junior high school: Supplementry units / School Mathematics Study Group.--rev. ed-- New Haven: Yale University Press, 1960. 118p 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. Accn Nos : F10523

510 SCH

School Mathematics Study Group Mathematics for junior high school / School Mathematics Study Group.-- New Haven: Yale University, 1961. 462p (Teacher's commentry) (4). Vol. 1: Part II 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 38744 510 SCH

Mathematics for junior high school: Student's text, part II / School Mathematics Study Group.-- New Heven: Yale University Press, 1960. 623p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Groups. Accn Nos : F5486 510 SCH

Mathematics for junior high school, Volume2 (part 2).-- U.S.A.: Yale University, 1960. 282-588p. student 's text (Unit No.6) 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group.

510 SCH

Mathematics for junior high school volume-2 Part II / School Mathematics Study Group. -- London: Yale University Press, 1960. 282-588p.v (Student text) (6). Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : 33275 510 SCH

Mathematics for the elementary school books part II / School Mathematics Study Group. -- London: Yale University Press, 1965. 750p (Schoom mathematics study group) ( 59). Part II 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : F5475 510 SCH

Mathematics for the elementary school grade 4 Part II / School Mathematics Study Group. -- London: Yale University Press, 1962. 934p (Teacher's commentary) (28). Part II 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : F5482 510 SCH

Mathematics for the elementary school book I

/ School Mathematics Study Group.-London: Yale University Press, 1964. 185p (Teacher's commentary) (52). Vol. I 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : F5480 510 SCH

Mathematics for the elementary school grade-4 Part I / School Mathematics Study Group.-London: Yale University Press, 1962. 491p (Teachers commentary). Part I 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : 33257 510 SCH

Mathematics for the elementary school grade-4 Part II / School Mathematics Study Group. -- London: Yale University Press, 1962. 510p (Teacher's commentary) (26). Part II 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : 33266 510 SCH

Mathematics for the elementary school book 2 / School Mathematics Study Group.-London: Yale University Press, 1964. 256p (Student's text) (54). Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : F5479 510 SCH

Mathematics for the elementary school grade 5 / School Mathematics Study Group.--Rev. ed -- London: Yale University Press, 1962. 455-928p. (Teacher's commentary) (32). Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : 33258 510 SCH

Mathematics for the elementary school grade-4 Part I / School Mathematics Study Group.-London: Yale University Press, 1961. 866p (Teacher's commentary) (32). Part II 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : 32100 510


Mathematics for the elementary school, student's text / School Mathematics Study Group.--rev. ed-- New Heaven: Yale University Pres, 1965. 185p (Student text) (Unit-52). Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : F5484

510 SCH

Mathematics for the elementary school grade 6 part 1 / School Mathematics Study Group.-New Haven: Yale University Press, 1962. x,508p (Teachers commentary) (unit 35) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching (Elementary School) 3.Mathematics in elementary school I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : 33259 510 SCH

Mathematics for the elementary school book 3 part II / School Mathematics Study Group. -- London: Yale University Press, [n.d.] 451p (Student's text) (57). Book-3 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics in the elementary school I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : 33272 510 SCH

Mathematics for the elementary school grade 5, part 1, Social Mathametics Study Group. -- New Heaven: Yale University Press, [n.d.] viii,256p (Teachers commentary) (31) 1.Mathematics I. Social Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : 33260 510 SCH

Mathematics for the elementary school / School Mathematics Study Group.-- New Haven: Yale University Press, 1965. 234p (Student's text) (unit 56). Book-3 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series.

Accn Nos : 33270 510 SCH

Mathematics for the elementary school group-5 / School Mathematics Study Group.-- New Haven: Yale University Press, 1962. 256p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. Accn Nos : 33267

510 SCH

Mathematics for the elementary school Grade 6 / School Mathematics Study Group.-London: Yale University Press, 1962. 307-607p. Part II 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. Accn Nos : 33269 510 SCH

Mathematics for the elementary school grade-6 / School Mathematics Study Group.-- New Haven: Yale University, 1962. 306p (Student text) (33). Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : 33268 510 SCH

Mathematics for the elementary school, book / School Mathematics Group.--Rev. ed-- New Haven: Yale University Press, 1965. vii,109p (Tearchers commentry) (51) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics in elementary school I. School Mathematics Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : F5477 510 SCH

Mathematics for the elementary school / School Mathematics Study Group, Yale University.-- New Heven: Yale University Press, 1965. vi,256p (Student text) (54) 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group, Yale University New Heven. II. Series. Accn Nos : F5481 510 SCH

Mathematics for the elementary school Grade

5,(part 2):Student text / School Mathematics study Group.--rev.ed.-- New Heaven,London: Yale University press, 1962. 257-588p. Unit No. 30 1.Mathematics 2.Elemantary school Accn Nos : F5483 510 SCH

Mathematics for the elementary school grade-4 / School Mathematics Study Group.-London: Yale University Press, 1962. 491p (Teachers commentary). Part I 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : F5485 510 SCH

Mathematics junior high school supplementary units / School Mathematics Study Group.-Rev. ed-- New York: National Science Foundation, 1960. 62p (Commentary for teachers) 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : F12012 510 SCH

Money management / School Mathematics Project.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981. 58p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - 1961 I. School Mathematics Project. Accn Nos : 91870 510 SCH

School Mathematics Project Nucleus / School Mathematics Project.-Cambridge: Cambridge University Pres, 1981. 121p ISBN 0-521-28206-3 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 91868 510 SCH

Project book C / School Mathematics Project. -- Cambridge: The University Press, 1971. viii,177p 1.Mathematics - projectProject book I. School Mathematics Project. Accn Nos : F8502 510 SCH

Project (Metric) book B / School Mathematics Project.-- Cambridge: The University Press, 1972. vi,153p 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Project.

Accn Nos : F8500 510 SCH

School mathematic project: Pattern and design / School Mathematic Project.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981. 57p ISBN 0-521-28204-7 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematic Project. Accn Nos : 100382 510 SCH

School mathematics project: teachers guide for 500 K.E. / School Mathematics Project. -- Cambridge: The University Press, 1970. various pagination 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. School Mathematics Project. Accn Nos : F8507 510 SCH

School mathematics project teacher's guide / School Mathematics Project.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1971. 227p. Book-4 ISBN 0-521-07210-7 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Project. Accn Nos : F8517 510 SCH

School mathematics project; teacher's guide for book-2 / The publisher.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1968. vii,232p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching Accn Nos : F8513 510 SCH

School mathematics project: Advanced tables / The Publisher.--2nd ed-- Cambridge: University Press, 1971. 59p 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : F8532 510 SCH

School mathematics project book 7 / The Publisher.-- Cambridge: University Press, 1964. 295p 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : F14188 510 SCH

School mathematics project book 3 / The Publisher.-- Cambridge: University Press, 1971.

291p. Vol. 3 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : F8514 510 SCH

School mathematics project book 2 / The Publisher.-- Cambridge: University Press, 1970. 294p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : F8512

510 SCH

School mathematics project: Teacher's guide for additional mathematics book part 1 and 2 / The Publisher.-- Cambridge: University Press, 1970. 191p. Vol. I & II 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : F8524 510 SCH

School mathematics project: Teacher's guide for book B / The Publisher.-- Cambridge: University Press, 1971. 338p Accn Nos : F8501 510 SCH

The school mathematics project book D / The Publisher.-- Cambridge: University Press, 1971. 168p. Vol. D ISBN 0-521-07589-0 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : F8504 510 SCH

School mathematics project / The Publisher.-Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1970. viii,375p. Vol. 3 T 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : F8520 510 SCH

School mathematics project / The Publisher.-Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1971.

ix,144p. Book A 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : F8498 510 SCH

School mathematics project: Advanced mathematics answeres and hints for book 1 and 2 (metric) / The Publisher.-Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1971. ix,394p ISBN 0-521-07678-1 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : F8530

510 SCH

School mathematics project book F / ed. by A.J. Dawkins...[et al.]-- London: Cambridge University Press, 1970. v,165p ISBN 0-521-08015-0 1.Mathematics I. Dawkilns, A.J. II. Harris, Joyee. III. Hobbs, D.A. IV. Lewis, K. V. Strong, R.W. VI. Wilson, Thelma. Accn Nos : F8508 510 SCH

School mathematics project: Teachers guide for book 3T (metric) / The Publisher.-Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1971. v,346p ISBN 0-521-08207-2 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : F8521 510 SCH

School mathematics project teacher's guide / The Publishers.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1970. 203p. Book-1 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : F8511 510 SCH

School mathematics project: Advanced mathematics / The Publsihers.-Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1970. xiii,305-735p. Book-2 ISBN 0-521-07677-3 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : F8527

510 SCH

School mathematics project / ed. by P.G. Bowie.-- Cambridge: The University Press, 1971. vii,302p 1.Mathematics I. Bowie, P.G. Accn Nos : F8516 510 SCH

School mathematics project Book 1 / The Publisher.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1971. xi,280p. Includes Index ISBN 0 521 07668 4 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : F8510 510 SCH

School mathematics projects 5 / The Publisher.-- London: Cambridge University Press, 1969. 345p. Book 5 (Metric) 1.Mathematics

510 SCH

School mathematics projects 5 / The Publisher.-- London: Cambridge University Press, 1969. 345p. Book 5 (metric ) 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : F8518 510 SCH

The school mathematics project, book E / The Publisher.-- Cambridge: University Press, 1971. 168p. Vol. E ISBN 0-521-07862-8 1.Mathematics-School project book E Accn Nos : F8506 510 SCH

Statistics, School Mathematics Project.-Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981. 54p ISBN 0-521-28205-5 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Project. Accn Nos : 91869 510 SCH

Luce, R.D. Studies in mathematics volume I some basic mathematical concepts / R.D. Luce.-- New

Delhi: General Electric Co, 1959. 166p 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Title. Accn Nos : 17283 510 SCH

Teacher's guide for book C / School Mathematics Study Project.-- Cambridge: The University Press, 1971. 401p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - handbook I. School Mathematics Study Project. Accn Nos : F8503

510 SCH

Teacher's guide for book-3 / School Mathematics Project.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1970. 263p 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Project. Accn Nos : F8515 510 SCH

Teacher's guide for book-D / School Mathematics Project.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1970. ix,168p 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Project. Accn Nos : F8505 510 SCH

Teacher's guide for book-5 / School Mathematics Project.-- Cambridge: Cambridge Univesity Press, 1970. v,201p 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Project. Accn Nos : F8519 510 SCH

Teachers guide for book A / The School Mathematics Project.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1970. xi,144p 1.Mathematics I. The School Mathematics Project. Accn Nos : F8499 510 SCH

Teachers guide for book F / School Mathematics Project.-- Great Britain:

Combrigde University Press, 1971. ix 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Project. Accn Nos : F8509

NCERT, New Delhi

CLASS NO. WISE CHECK LIST -------------------------


510 SCI

Scientific American Mathematics in the modern world / Scientific American.-- San Francisco: W.H. Freeman and Company, 1968. vi,409p 1.Science 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 75160 510 SCO

Scottish Mathematics Group Madern mathematics for schools / Scottish Mathematics Group.--rev. ed-- Glasgow: Blackie, 1969. 210p. Book-1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 75117 510 SCO

Modern mathematics for schools / Scottish Mathematics Group.--2nd ed-- Glasgow: Blackie, 1971. 233p 1.Mathematics I. Scottish Mathematics Group. Accn Nos : F8718 510 SCO

Modern mathematics for schools / Scottish Mathematics Group.-- Glasgow: Blackie, 1967. 273p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Scottish Mathematics Group. Accn Nos : F6448 510 SCO

Modern mathematics for schools / Scottish Mathematics Group.-- Edinburgh: Chambers, 1971. xii,243p. Vol. 7 1.Mathematics 2.Modern mathematics I. Scottish Mathematics Group. Accn Nos : F8725

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510 SCO

Modern mathematics for schools / Scottish Mathematics Group.-- Edinburgh: Chambers, 1968. x,214p. Vol. 6 1.Mathematics 2.Modern mathematics schools I. Scottish Mathematics Group. Accn Nos : F8724 510 SCO

Schottish Mathematics Group Modern mathematics for schools / Scottish Mathematics Group.-- Glasgow: Blackie, 1968. 214p. Book 6 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - school I. Title. Accn Nos : 75122 510 SCO

Schottish Mathematics Group Modern mathematics for schools / Scottish Mathematics Group.-- Glasgow: Blackie, 1969. 243p. Book 7 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - school I. Title. Accn Nos : 75123 510 SCO

Scotish Mathematics Group, London Modern mathematics for school / Scotish Mathematics Group.-- London: Blackie, 1969. 291p. Vol. 4 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 75120 510 SCO

Modern mathematics for schools / Scottish Mathematics Group.--Teacher's ed-Glasgow: Blackie, 1971. 266p. Book-9 1.Mathematics I. Scottish Mathematics Group. Accn Nos : F8975 510 SCO

Modern mathematics for schools / Scottish

Page : 481 Date :

Mathematics Group.--Teacher's ed-Glasgow: Blackie, 1969. xi,292p. Book-4 1.Mathematics I. Scottish Mathematics Group. Accn Nos : F8876 510 SCO

Modern mathematics for schools / Scottish Mathematics Group.--Teacher's ed-Glasgow: Blackie, 1966. 260p. Book-3 1.Mathematics I. Scottish Mathematics Group. Accn Nos : F6451

510 SCO

Scottish Mathematics Group Modern mathematics for shcool / Scottish Mathematics Group.-- Glasgow: Blackie, 1970. viii,227p. Book-2 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 75118 510 SCO

Schottish Mathematics Group Modern mathematics for schools / Scottish Mathematics Group.-- Glasgow: Blackie, 1969. 273p. Book-5 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 75121 510 SCO

Schottish Mathematics Group Modern mathematics for schools / Scottish Mathematics Group.-- London: Blackie, 1969. 279p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 75124 510 SCO

Modern mathematics for schools / Scottish Mathematics Group.-- London: Blackie, 1971. 279p. Vol. 8 1.Mathematics I. Scottish Mathematics Group. Accn Nos : F8875 510 SCO

Modern mathematics for schools / Scottish Mathematics Group.-- London: Blackie, 1967.

223p 1.Mathematics I. Scottish Mathematics Group. Accn Nos : F6449 510 SCO

Schottish Mathematics Group Modern mathematics for schools / Scottish Mathematics Group.-- London: Blackie, 1969. 237p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 75119

510 SCO

Modern mathematics for schools / Scottish Mathematics Group.-- London: Blakie, 1966. x,260p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Scottish Mathematics Group. Accn Nos : F8723 510 SCO

Modern mathematics for schools / Scottish Mathematics Group.-- London: Blackie, 1971. viii,227p. Book 2 1.Mathematics I. Scottish Mathematics Group. Accn Nos : F8573 510 SCO

Modern mathematics for school (Book 4) / Scottish mathematics group.-- Glasgow and London: Blackie, 1967. 292p. Book 4 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra 3.Geometry Accn Nos : F6452 510 SCO

Schottish Mathematics Group Modern mathematics schools / Scottish Mathematics Group.-- Glasgow: Blackie, 1969. 266p. Book 9 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - school I. Title. Accn Nos : 75125 510 SEA

Mathematics for today / Seattle Public Schools: Seattle Public Schools., 1958.

30p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Seattle Public Schools. Accn Nos : 42819 510 SEL

Seltzer, Morton Bases and numerals: an introduction to numeration / Morton Seltzer.-- New York: Macmillan, 1963. vi, 85p. (Understanding Modern Mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F10788

510 SER

Serjeant, F.I. Number in everyday life / F.I. Serjeant and E. Stockbridge, illus. by J. Armstrong.-[s.l.]: Pitman, 1955. various pagination. Book-1 1.Mathematics I. Stockbridge, E. II. Armstrong, J. III. Title. Accn Nos : 42781 510 SHA

Shanti Narayan Course of mathematical analysis / Shanti Narayan.-- Delhi: S. Chand & Co, 1966. 436p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics 3.Mathematical analysis I. Title. Accn Nos : 60935 510 SHA

Shaw, H.A. Discovering mathmatics: A course for secondary schools / H.A. Shaw, F.E. Wright and illus. by A.G. Standley.-- London: Edward Arnold, 1960. 224p 1.Mathematics I. Wright, F.E. II. Standley, A.G. III. Title. Accn Nos : 6189 510 SHA

Shakuntala Devi Figuring: the joy of numbers / Shakuntala Devi.-- Delhi: Clarion Books, 1978.157p. 1.Mathematical-Calculations 2.Recreations. I. Title. Accn Nos : 83393 510


Sharma, Brham Ganit jagat ki sair (HIN) / Brhamdev Sharma.-- New Delhi: Prachi Prakashan, 1977. 248p. Part 2 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F15001 510 SHA

Sharma, Sanjay Mathematical modeling of productioninventory systems / Sanjay Sharma.-- New Delhi: Asian Books, 2004. 125p. Includes bibliographical references ISBN 81-86299-70-X 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 127751 510 SHA

Shah, Madhuri R. Modern school mathematics / Madhuri R. Shah.-- Bombay: A.R. Sheth, 1971. 100p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematis - school I. Title. Accn Nos : F9218 510 SHA

Shaw, Alan Story of mathematics / Alan Shaw and Keri Fuge.-- London: Edward Arnold, 1963. 63p 1.Mathematics I. Fuge, Keri. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42785 510 SHA (NAT)

Sharma, Rameshwar Dayal Let's learn:book five for class V / Rameshwar Dayal Sharma.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 2003. v,268p ISBN 81-7450-251-3 I. Title. Accn Nos : F23432 ; F23433 510 SHA (NAT)

Sharma, Rameshwar Dayal Let's learn mathematics: Book five for class v. / Rameshwar Dayal Sharma.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 2003. v,268p. Hukum singh ISBN 81-7450-251-3 1.Textbook-Classv-Study and teaching I. ed. by Hukum singh. II. Title. Accn Nos : F24021 510 SHI

Shirali, Shailesh Mathematical marvels: adventures in problem

solving / Shailesh Shirali.-- Hyderabad: University Press, 2002. ix,318p ISBN 81-7371-413-4 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 123218 510 SIL

Morton, Robert Leo Modern mathematics through discovery grade 6 / Robert Leo Morton...[et al.]-- New Jersey: Silver Burdett Co, 1966. 376p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Rosskopf, Myron F. II. Moredock, H. Stewart. III. Gray, Morice. IV. Sage, Edward E. V. Collins, Wagner G. VI. Title. Accn Nos : 3234 510 SIL

Modern mathematics through discovery book I grade 7 / The Publisher.--Teachers ed-Morristown: Silver Burdett Co, 1966. 423p. Vol. I 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : 14400 510 SIL

Modern mathematics through discovery book II grade 8 / The Publisher.--Teachers ed-Morristow: Silver Burdett Co, 1966. 424p. Vol. II 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : 3227 510 SIL

Modern mathematics through discovery book I grade 7 / Myron F. Rosskopf...[et al.]-Morristown: Silver Burdett, 1966. 424p. Vol. I 1.Mathematics I. Rosskopf, Myuron F. II. Mortin, Robert Lee. III. Moredock, H. Stewart. IV. Gilbert, Clenn A. Accn Nos : 3226 510 SIL

Modern mathematics through discovery / The publisher.--Teachers ed-- New Jersey: Silver Burdett, 1966. 964p. Vol. 5 1.Mathematics 2.Modern mathematics Accn Nos : 3233 510 SIL

Modern mathematics through discovery, grade 4

/ Robert Lee Morton...[et al.]-- New Jersey: Silver Burdett, 1966. 360p 1.Mathematics 2.Modern mathematics I. Morton, Robert Lee. II. Rosskopf, Myron F. III. Moredock, H. Stewart. IV. Gray, Morle. V. Sage, Edward E. VI. Collins, Wagner G. Accn Nos : 3231 510 SIL

Modern mathematics through discovery / The Publisher.--Teacher's ed-- New Jersey: Silver Burdett, 1966. various pagination. Vol. 4 1.Mathematics - researchModern mathem Accn Nos : 3230

510 SIL

Modern mathematics through discovery grade 5 / Robert Lee Morton...[et al.]-- New Jersey: Silver Burdett, 1966. 376p 1.Mathematics I. Morton, Robert Lee. II. Rosskopf, Myron F. III. Moredock, H. Stewart. IV. Gray, Merle. V. Sage, Edward E. VI. Collins, Wagner G. Accn Nos : 3232 510 SIL

Modern mathematics through discovery grade 8 / Myron F. Rosskopf...[et al.]-- New Jersey: Silver Burdett, 1966. 424p. Book 2 1.Mathematics I. Rosskopf, Myron F. II. Morton, Robert Lee. III. Moredock, H. Stewart. IV. Gilbert, Glenn A. Accn Nos : 86609 510 SIL

Modern mathematics through discovery grade-3 / Robert Lee Morton...[et al.]-Philippines: Silver Burdett, 1966. various paginations 1.Mathematics I. Morton, Robert Lee. II. Rosskof, Myron F. III. Moredock, H. Stewart. IV. Gray Merle. Accn Nos : 3229 510 SIL

Modern mathematics through discovery 6 / The publisher.--Teachers ed-- New Jersey: Silver Burdett, 1966. 63T,376p. Includes Index 1.Mathematics 2.Modern mathematics Accn Nos : 3235

510 SIL

Modern mathematics through discovery 3 / The publisher.--Teachers ed-- New Jersey: Silver Burdett, 1966. 56T,360p. Includes Index 1.Mathematics 2.Modern mathematics Accn Nos : 3228 510 SIN

Singh, Jagjit Mathematical ideas their nature and use / Jagjit Singh.-- London: Scientific Book, 1959. viii,312p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 85303 510 SIN

Singal, Asha Rani Mathematics: A textbook for class 7, part 1 / Asha Rani Singal, D.K. Sinha, J.D. Gupta and J.N. Kapur.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1988. xi,201p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - textbooks (middle) I. D.K. Sinha. II. Gupta, J.D. III. Kapur, J.N. IV. NCERT. V. National Council of Educational Research and Training. VI. Title. Accn Nos : F17140 510 SKE

Skeen, Kenneth C. Introduction to mathematics for college students / Kenneth C. Skeen and Charles W. Wheeler.-- California: Addison-Wesley, 1968. viii,424p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Wheeler, Charles W. II. Title. Accn Nos : 64694 510 SKE

Skeen, Kenneth C. Introduction to mathematics for college students / Kenneth C. Skeen and Charles W. Wheeler.-- Calfornia: Addison-Wesley, 1968. viii,424p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - college I. Wheeler, Charles W. II. Title. Accn Nos : 67346 510 SKE

Skemp, Richard R. Understanding mathematics book 2 / Richard R. Skemp.-- London: University of London Press, 1965. 358p. Book-2 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 56380 510


Slade, Samuel Mathematics: For technical and vocational schools / Samuel Slade and Louis Margolis.-New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1955. ix,574p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - vocational education I. Mardolis, Louis. II. Title. Accn Nos : 34416 510 SLA

Slade, Samuel Mathematics for technical and vocational schools / Samuel Slade and Louis Margolis.-4th ed-- New York: John Wiley, 1955. 574p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching (vocational school) I. Margolis, Louis. II. Title. Accn Nos : 36892 510 SLA

Slade, Samuel Mathematics for technical and vocational schools / Samuel Slade and Louis Margolis.-4th ed-- New York: John Wiley, 1955. ix,574p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - vocational technical I. Margolis, Loius. II. Title. Accn Nos : 6074 510 SLO

Slovan, Robert W. Introduction to modern mathematics / Robert W. Slovan.-- America: Prentice-Hall, 1961. 73p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42847 510 SMI

Smith, Paul K. College mathematics for freshmen / Paul K. Smith and Henry F. Schroeder.--2nd ed-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1959. x,314p 1.Mathematics I. Schroeder, Henry F. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42782 510 SMI

Smirnov, V.I. Course of high mathematics / V.I. Smirnov, D.E. Brown and I.N.Sneddon.-- Oxford: Pergamon, 1964. x,700p (Adiwes International series in mathematics) (ed. by A.J. Lohwater). Vol. 3: Part II 1.Mathematics I. Brown, D.E. II. Sneddon, I.N. III. Lohwater, A.J. IV. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 56369 510


Smirnoy, V.I. Course of higher mathematics / V.I. Smirnoy, tr. by D.E. Brown and I.N. Seneddon. -- London: Pergamon Press, 1964. ix,543p (Adiwes International series in mathematics) (ed. by A.J. Lohwater). Vol. 57 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Brown, D.E. II. Seneddon, I.N. III. Lohwater, A.J. IV. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 56370

510 SMI

Smirnov, V.I. Course of higher mathematics / V.I. Smirnov, tr. by D.E. Brown and I. N. Sneddon. -- Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1964. ix,324p (Adiwes international series in mathematics). Vol. 3 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - higher I. Brown, D.E. II. Sneddon, I.N. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66664 510 SMI

Smirnov, V.I. Course of higher mathematics / V.I. Smirnov, tr. by D.E. Brown and I.N. Snedden. -- Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1964. ix,324p (Adiwes international series in mathematics) (ed. by A.J. Lohwater). Vol. 3 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics, higher I. Brown, D.E. II. Snedden, I.N. III. Lohwater, A.J. IV. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 56368 510 SMI

Smirnov, V.I. Course of higher mathematics / V.I. Smirnov, tr. by D.E. Brown and I.N. Snedden. -- Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1964. xviii,811p (Adiwes international series in mathematics) (ed. by A.J. Lohwater). Vol. 4 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics, higher I. Brown, D.E. II. Snedden, I.N. III. Lohwater, A.J. IV. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 56371 510


Smirnov, V.I. Course of higher mathematics / V.I. Smirnov, tr. by D.E. Brown and I.N. Sneddon. -- Oxford: Pergamon, 1964. 811p. Vol. 4 1.Mathematics 2.Mathemtics, higher 3.Higher mathematics I. Brown, D.E. II. Sneddon, I.N. III. Title. Accn Nos : 66666

510 SMI

Smirnov, V.I. Course of higher mathematics / V.I. Smirnov, D.E. Brown and I.N. Sneddon.-Oxford: Pergamon, 1964. 543p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics 2.Hither mathematics 3.Mathematics, higher I. Brown, D.E. II. Sneddon, I.N. III. Title. Accn Nos : 66662 510 SMI

Samirnov, V.I. Course of higher mathematics / V.I. Samrinov, tr. by D.E. Brown and I.N. Sneddon. -- Oxford: Pergamon, 1964. 630p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics 2.Higher mathematics 3.Mathematics, higher I. Brown, D.E. II. Sneddon, I.N. III. Title. Accn Nos : 66663 510 SMI

Smirnov, V.I. Course of higher mathematics / V.I. Smirnov, tr. by D.E. Brown.-- Oxford: Pergamon, 1964. xiv,635p (Adiwes international series in mathematics) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Brown, D.E. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66667 510 SMI

Smirnov, V.I. Course of higher mathematics / V.I. Smirnov, tr. by D.E. Brown and I.N. Sneddon. -- Oxford: Pergamon, 1964.

xiv,630p. (Adiwes international series in mathematics). Vol. II 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - curriculum I. Brown D.E. II. Sneddon, I.N. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 56367 510 SMI

Smirnov, V.I. Course of higher mathematics / V.I. Smirnov, D.E. Brown and I.N. Sneddon.-Oxford: Pergamon, 1961. x,700p. Vol. 3 1.Mathematics I. Brown, D.E. II. Sneddon, I.N. III. Title. Accn Nos : 66665 510 SMI

Smirnov, V.I. Courses of higher mathematics / V.I. Smirnov, tr. by D.E. Brown, ed. by I.N. Snedden.-- Oxford: Pergamon, 1964. xiii,545p 1.Mathematics I. Brown, D.E. II. Snedden, I.N. III. Title. Accn Nos : 3290 510 SMI

Smith, Seaton E. Explorations in elementary mathematics / Seaton E. Smith.-- Englewood: Prentice Hall, 1966. xv,280p (Teacher mathematics reference series) (ed. by Bruce E. Meserve) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. E. Meserve, Bruce. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 63178 510 SMI

Smith, Alton H. Fundamental concepts of analysis / Alton H. Smith and Walter A. Albrecht.-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1966. ix,190 (Prentice hall mathematics series) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical analysis I. Albrecht, Walter A. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3299 510 SMI

Smith, David P. Mathematics review exercises / David P. Smith and Leslie T. Fagan.-- Boston: Ginn, 1949. 315p 1.Mathematics I. Fagan, Leslie T. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3284

510 SMI

Smith, Percey F. Mathematics tables and formulas / Percey F. Smith and William Raymond Longley.-- New York: John Wiley, 1929. v,65p 1.Mathematics I. Longley, William Raymond. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42883 510 SMI

Smith, Percey F. Mathematics tables and formulas / Percey F. Smith and William Raymond Longley.-- New York: John Wiley, 1929. v,65p 1.Mathematics I. Longley, William Raymond. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3262 510 SMI

Smith, George O. Mathematics: The language of science / George O. Smith and illus. by R.C. Prochaska. -- New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1961. 71p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - language I. Prochaska, R.C. II. Title. Accn Nos : 17178 510 SMI

Smith, David Eugene Source book in mathematics.-- New York: Dover, 1929. xiii,701p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3294 510 SMI

Smith, David Eugene Source book in mathematics.-- New York: Dover publication, 1929. xiii,701p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42845 510 SOL

Soloman, Charles Mathematics / Charles Solomon; illustrated by Kenneth Ody.-- London: Paul Hamlyn, 1969. 160p. 1.Mathematics I. Ody, Kenneth. II. Title. Accn Nos : 75112 510 SOM

Sominski, I.S. Method of mathematical induction / I.S. Sominski and Halina Moss.-- New York: Blaisdell Publishing Company, 1961.

vii,45p 1.Mathematics I. Moss, Halina. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42892 510 SON

Sondheimer, Ernst Numbers and infinity: a historical account of mathematical concepts / Ernst Sondheimer and Alan Rogerson.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981. 172p. 1.Mathematics I. Rogerson, Alan. II. Title. Accn Nos : 93416

510 SPA

Sparks, Fred W. Survey of basic mathematics: A text and workbook for college students / Fred W. Sparks.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1960. 257p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 45422 510 SPE

Spencer, Peter Lincoln Building mathematical complete in the elementary school / Peter Lincoln Spencer.-New York: Holt Rinehart and Winston, [n.d.] vii,396p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45027 510 SPE

Sperling, Abraham Mathematics made simple / Abraham Sperling. -- London: W.H. Allen, 1967. 273p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 52178 510 SPE

Sperling, Abraham Mathematics made simple / Abraham Sperling and Monroe Stuart.-- London: W.H. Allen, 1967. xi,273p (Made simple books) 1.Mathematics I. Stuart, Monroe. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 56659 510 SRI

Srinivasan, P.K. Higher secondary general mathematics / P.K.

Srinivasan.--4th ed-- Bangalore: Sudarsanam, 1963. 139p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 35863 510 STA

State Council of Educational Research & Training Ganit, Class-8 (HIN) / SCERT.-- Raipur: State Council of Educational Research & Training, 2007. 214p. Textbook 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F25796

510 STA

State Council of Educational Research and Training Ganit class - 8 (HIN) / State Council of Educational Research and Training.-Chhattisgrah: State Council of Educational Research and Training, 2007. 166p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F25564 510 STA

Starr, A.T. Mathematics / A.T. Starr.-- London: Sir Isaac Pitman, 1957. 547p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53528 510 STA

Staynor, E.V. Modern school arithmetics: Revised decimal money and metric weight and measures / E.V. Staynor.-- Bombay: Orient Longmans, 1962. viii,117p. Book III 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 42853 510 STE

Stewart, Jan Concept of modern mathematics / Jan Stewart.-- New Zealand: Penguin Book, 1981. 337p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 101601 510 STE


Mathematical snapshots / H.Steinhaus.--rev ed-- New York: Oxford University, 1960. 328p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42803 510 STE

Step in understanding mathematics: teacher's resource book / edited by J.D. Collins...[et al.]-- London: John Murray, 1989. xi,266p. Vol. 1 ISBN 0-7195-4455-6 1.Mathematics I. Collins, J.D. II. Brown, I.A. III. Cox, C.J. IV. Magson J.R. V. Tonkin, M.C. Accn Nos : 107893 510 STO

Stone, Richard Mathematics in the social science and other essays / Richard Stone.-- London: Chapman and Hall, 1966. xiii,291p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3277 510 STR

Strouts, Faye A. Mathemathcs / Faye A. Strouts.-- New York: John Wiley, 1969. ix,437p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 73989 510 SUP

Suppes, Patrick Sets and number / Patrick Suppes.-Syracuse: The L.W. Singer Company, 1965. xi,220p (Singer school mathematics series) . Vol. 2 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - textbook I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F13824 510 SUP

Suppes, Patrick Sets and numbers / Patrick Suppes, Dolly Kyser and Catherine Braithwaite.-- Syracuse: The LW Singer Co., 1966. ix,405p (Singer mathematics program) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - text book I. Kyser, Dolly. II. Braithwaite, Catherine. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F13832 510


Suppes, Patrick Sets and numbers / Patrick Suppes, Dolly Kyser and Catherine Braithwaite.-- Syracuse: The LW Singer Co., 1966. ix,405p (Singer mathematics program) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - text book I. Kyser, Dolly. II. Braithwaite, Catherine. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F13830

510 SUP

Suppes, Patrick Sets and numbers / Patrick Suppes and Shirley Hill.--Teacher's edition-- Blaisdell Publishing Co., 1962. 20p (Sets and numbers is in the Blaisdell school mathematical series) (ed. by E.K. Robert). Book 1 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - text book I. Hill, Shirley. II. Robert, E.K. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F13820 510 SUP

Suppes, Patrick Sets and numbers / Patrick Suppes, illus, by Garth Bell, ed. by Robert E.K. Rourke.-Syracuse: LW Singer Co., 1965. 320p (Sets and numbers is in the singer school mathematics) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - text book I. Bell, Garth. II. Rourke, Robert E.K. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F13823 510 SUP

Suppes, Patrick Sets and numbers / Patrick Suppes.-Teachers edition-- Syracuse: LW Singer Co., 1965. 320p (Sets and numbers is in the singer school mathematics) (ed. by Robert E.K. Rourte) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - text books I. Rourte, Robert E.K. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F13822 510


Sets and numbers / Patrick Suppes...[et al.]-- Syracuse: The L.W. Singer, 1966. xii, 355p (Singer mathematics program). Vol. 3 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - textbooks I. Suppes, Patrick. II. Braithwaite, Coherine. III. Kyser, Dolly. IV. Schroeder, Marlene. V. Series. Accn Nos : F13826

510 SUP

Suppes, Patrick Sets and numbers-1 / Patrick Suppes.-USA: L.W.Singer com., 1965. 288p. (Singer school mathematics series). Book-1 1.Mathematics-text book I. Ed. by Robert E.K.Rourke. II. ill. by Garth Bell. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F13821 510 SUP

Suppes, Patrick Sets and numbers 2 / Patrick Suppes.-Atlanta: L.W. Singer, 1966. 316p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F13825 510 SUP

Suppes, Patrick Sets and numbers 4 / Patrick Suppes.-Syracuse: L.W. Singer Co, 1966. 331p (Singer mathematics program) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - textbook I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F13827 510 SUP

Suppes, Patrick ,& others Sets and numbers 4:Teacher's edition / Patrick Suppes.-- Chicago: L.W. Singer, 1966. 396p. (Singer mathematics program) 1.Mathematics I. Dolly Kyser, Catherine Braithw. II. Ed. by Gussie phillips. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F13828 510 SUP

Patrics, Suppes

Sets and numbers 6 / Patrick Suppes.-Syracuse: L.W. Singer Co, 1966. 337p (Singer mathematics program) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - textbook I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F13831 510 SUT

Sutton, O.G. Mathematics in action / O.G. Sutton.-London: G. Bell, 1960. viii,236p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 39871

510 SUT

Sutton, O.G. Mathematics in action / O.G. Sutton.--2nd ed-- London: E.L.B.S., 1962. viii,236p (E.L.B.S. science today series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 42761 510 SUT

Sutton, O.G. Mathematics in action / O.G. Sutton.--2nd ed-- London: G. Bell, 1957. viii,236p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 3298 510 SUV

Suvarov, I. Higher mathematics: Textbook for technical schools / I. Suvarov, ed. by George Yankovsky, tr. by M.V. Oak.-- The Netherlands: Scientific Publishers, [n.d.] 312p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Oak, M.V. II. Yankovsky, George. III. Title. Accn Nos : 42804 510 SUY

Suydam, Marilyn N. Mathematics education reports: research on mathematics education (k-12)... (ENG) / Marilyn N. Suydam and J.F. Weaver.-- Ohio: ERIC Information Analysis Center for Science, Mathematics, 1974. 79p. 1.Mathematics 2.Report I. Weaver, J.F. II. Title. Accn Nos : F13304

510 SWA

Swain, Robert L. Understanding arithmetic / Robert L. Swain, rev. by Eugene D. Nichols.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965. xiii,361p 1.Mathematics 2.Arithmetic, mathematical I. Nichols, Eugene D. II. Title. Accn Nos : 5639 510 TEA

History of numeration, unit one / The publisher.-- [s.l.]: Teaching Meterials Corporation, [n.d.] various pagination 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - history I. Teaching Meterials Corporation. Accn Nos : F3564 510 TEA

Multiplication and division facts: Activity book / Teaching Machines Incorporation.-3rd ed-- New Mexico: Teaching Machines, Inc., n.d Various pagination 1.Mathematics 2.Elementary arithmetic series 3.Arithmatic - programmed instruction 4.Mathematics - programmed instruction I. Teaching Machines Incorporation, New Mexico. Accn Nos : 86245 510 TEA

Teacher's training materials in plus / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1990. 160p 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F18242 510 TEA

Teaching guide mathematics: kindergarten through grade 9 (HIN).--2nd ed.-California: San Francisco, 1951. 218p. 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : 19210 510 TEW

Tewari, P.K. Textbook of mathematics / P.K. Tewari.-New Delhi: R. Chand & Co, 1981. 581p 1.Mathematics I. Gupta, C.P. II. Kansal, J.P. III. Title. Accn Nos : 96089 510


Textbook of mathematics / P.K. Tiwari...[et al.]--4th ed-- New Delhi: R. Chand, 1982. ii,701p 1.Mathematics I. Tiwari, P.K. II. Gupta, C.P. III. Kansal, J.P. IV. Saxena, H.C. V. Bajpai, A.C. Accn Nos : 96088 510 TEX

Mathematics program / Education Agency.-Texas: Texas Association of School Administration, 1958. 22p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Education Agency, Texas. Accn Nos : 44936

510 THE

Theodore, Chris A. Applied mathematics: An introduction; mathematical anslysis for management / Chris A. Theodore.-- Homewood: Richard D. Irwin, 1965. 701p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical analysis I. Title. Accn Nos : 53441 510 THO

Thomas, Henry Mastering mathematics / Henry Thomas.-Delhi: Shubhi Publications, 2000. iv,348p ISBN 81-87-226-52-8 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 120337 510 TIM

Bergamini, David Mathematics / David Bergamini.--Ed. 2nd-Hong Kong: Time Life Books, 1985. 199p (Life science library) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 104165 510 TIN

Tintner, Gerhard Mathematics and statistics for economists / Gerhard Tintner.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965. xiv,363p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical statistics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3300 510 TIW

Tiwari, Ramchandra

Ganit ki kahani (HIN) / Ramchandra Tiwari & Shriprakash Tiwari.-- New Delhi: Vigyan Bharati, N. D. 48p. 1.Mathematics I. Tiwari, Shriprakash. II. Title. Accn Nos : F19623 510 TOF

Toft, Louis Practical mathematics / Louis Toft and A.D.D. McKay.--3rd ed-- London: Sir Isaac Pitmans, 1951. vii,504p. Vol. I 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical models I. McKay, A.D.D. II. Title. Accn Nos : 30003 510 TOU

Toulmin, Stephen Philosophy of science: An introduction / Stephen Toulmin.-- London: Hutchinson, 1962. viii,176p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - philosophy I. Title. Accn Nos : 55210 510 TOW

Towards gender equity in mathematics education : an ICMI study / ed by Gila Hanna.-- Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996. xii,304p (New ICMI studies series; no.V.3) . Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 0-7923-3922-3 1.Mathematics 2.Women in mathematics I. Hanna, Gila. II. Series. Accn Nos : 118090 510 TRA

Tranter, C.J. Advanced level mathematics: pure and applied / C.J. Tranter and C.G. Lamble.-London: English University Press, 1966. 582p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Lamble, C.G. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3292 510 TRA

Tranter, C.J. Advanced level mathematics: pure and applied / C.J. Tranter and G.G. Lambe.-London: English University Press, 1966. x,582p (Physical science texts) (ed. by Graham Sutton)

1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Lambe, G.G. II. Sutton, Graham. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3297 510 TRA

Tarasov, N.P. Course of advanced matheamtics for technical schools / N.P. Tarasov.-- Paris: Pergamon, 1961. 453p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 56703

510 TRA

Trafton Experiences in discovery, enrichment materials for elementary mathematics, level C / Trafton.--Teachers ed-- New Jersey: Silver Burdett, 1967. 94p 1.Mathematics 2.Elementary mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42813 510 TRI

Trimble, H.C. Basic mathematics for general education / H.C. Trimble, L.C. Peck and F.C. Bolser.--2nd ed-- New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc, 1959. xiv,363p (Prentice-Hall mathematics series) (ed. by Albert A. Bennett) 1.Mathematics I. Peck, L.C. II. Bolser, F.C. III. Bennett, Albert A. IV. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 42829 510 TRI

Trinble, Harold C. Basic mathematics for general education / Harold C. Trinble, E.W. Hamilton and Ina Mae Silvey.-- New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1963. xi,332p (Prentice-Hall mathematics series) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Hamilton, E.W. II. Silvey, Ina Mae. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3281 510 TRI

Trinble, Harold C. Basic mathematics for general education / Harold C. Trinble, E.W. Hamilton and Ina Mae Silvey.-- New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1963. xi,332p (Prentice-Hall mathematics series)

1.Mathematics I. Hamilton, E.W. II. Ina Mae Silvey. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 8855 510 TRI

Trimble, H.C. Basic mathematics for general education / H.C. Trimble, L.C. Peck and F.C. Balser.--2nd ed-- U.S.A.: Prentice-Hall, 1955. 363p 1.Mathematics I. Peck, L.C. II. Balser, F.C. III. Title. Accn Nos : 3239

510 TRI

Trimble, H.C. Basic mathematics for general education / H.C. Trimble and L.C. Peck and F.C. Balser.-2nd ed-- U.S.A.: Prentice-Hall, 1955. 363p 1.Mathematics I. Peck, L.C. II. Balser, F.C. III. Title. Accn Nos : 42828 510 TRI

Trimble, Harold C. Basic mathematics for general education / Harold C. Trimble and E.M. Hamilton.--3rd ed -- U.S.A.: Prentice-Hall, 1963. 332p. Prentice-Hall mathematics series 1.Mathematics I. Hamilton, E.W. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3301 510 TUL

Tulock, Mary K. Mathematics grade-7-12 / Mary K. Tulock.-Hartford: State Department of Education, [n.d.] 30p (Curriculum bulletin series) (IX) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 49784 510 TUR

Turner, Ethel M. Teaching aids for elementary mathematics / Ethel M. Turner.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1966. x,149p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Elementary I. Title. Accn Nos : 18747 510


Ulam, S.M. Problems in modern mathematics / S.M. Ulam. -- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1964. xiv,150p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 67437 510 UNI

High school mathematics / The Publisher.-Urbana: Univesity of Illinois Press, 1962. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. University of Illinios, Urbana. Accn Nos : F11994

510 UNI

High school mathematics / The Publisher.-Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1961. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. University of Illinios, Urbana. Accn Nos : F11995 510 UNI

High school mathematics / The Publisher.-Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1961. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. University of Illinios, Urbana.

510 UNI

High school mathematics / The Publisher.-Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1960. various pagination. Unit 1.(The arithmetic of the real number) 1.Mathematics I. University of Illinios, Urbana. II. Herbert E. Vaughan. Accn Nos : F12102 510 UNI

Underwood, Ralph S. Living mathematics / Ralph S. Underwood and Fred W. Sparks.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1949. 365p 1.Mathematics I. Sparks, Fred W. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3283 510 UPA

Upadhyaya, Lalit Narayan Ganit ke chutkule (HIN) / Lalit Narayan

Upadhyaya.-- Delhi: Prabhat Prakashan, 1988. 40p. 1.Mathematics 2.Ganit I. Title. Accn Nos : F19562 510 UPA

Updhyaya, Lalit Narayan Ganit ke jadoo (HIN) / Lalit Narayan Upadhyaya.-- Delhi: Prabhat Prakashan, 1989. 32p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F19563

510 UPA

Upadhyaya, B. L. Pracheen Bharatiya ganit (HIN) / B. L. Upadhyaya.-- New Delhi: Vigyan Bharati, 1971. 388p. 1.Mathematics 2.Ganit Pracheen Bharatiya 3.Jyotish 4.Bhashavigyan I. Title. Accn Nos : 96140 510 VAI

Vaidya, A.M. Mathematics: A textbook for class IV, part I / A.M. Vaidya, J.D. Gupta, Ram Autar and U.N. Singh.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1988. xii,121p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - textbook I. Gupta, J.D. II. Ram Autar. III. Singh, U.N. IV. NCERT. V. National Council of Educational Research and Training. VI. Title. Accn Nos : F17081 510 VAN

Vance, Elbridge P. Introduction to modern mathematics / Elbridge P. Vance.-- London: Addison-Wesley, 1963. 527p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 67137 510 VAN

Vance, Elbridge P. Introduction to modern mathematics / Elbridge P. Vance.-- London: Addison-Wesley, 1963. 527p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53329 510 VAN

Vance, Elbridge P. Introduction to modern mathematics /

Elbridge P. Vance.-- London: Addison-Wesley, 1966. ix,534p. Includes Index 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 66806 510 VED (CD-FORM)

Vedic Mathematics-1-3: Is this a magic or mathematics? / Jagadguru Swami Sri Bharati Krisna Tirthaji Maharaja.-- New Delhi: BPB Multimedia, 2003. Non-Book Material. PC CD-ROM 1.Vedic mathematics-India 2.Mathematics Magic-India I. Maharaja, J.S.S.B.K.T. II. Glover, James. Accn Nos : 126218 ; 126219 ; 126220 510 VER

Mathematics curriculum guide grades 1-4 / The Publisher.-- Vermont: Division of Instruction Vermont, 1962. vi,129p 1.Mathematics I. State Department of Education, Vermont. Accn Nos : F2162 510 VER

Vergara, William C. Mathematics in everyday things / William C. Vergara.-- New York: Harper, 1959. 301p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 57412 510 VER

Vergera, William C. Mathematics in everyday things / William C. Vergara.-- New York: Harper, 1959. 301p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42806 510 VOL

Volpel, Marvin C. Concepts and methods of arithmetic / Marvin C. Volpel.-- New York: Dover, 1964. x,352p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42801 510 VYA (H)

Vyas, M. L. Vaidik ganit shastra (HIN) / M. L. Vyas.-Jaipur: Mangal Prakashan, 1984. 80p. 1.Mathematics 2.Ganit Shastra 3.Vaidik I. Title. Accn Nos : 101318 510


Vygodsky, M. Mathematical handbook: elementary mathematics / M. Vygodskey; translated by Yankovsky.-- Moscow: Mir Publishing, 1972. 422p. 1.Mathematics I. Yankovsky. II. Title. Accn Nos : 79505 510 WAD

Wade, Thomas L. Fundamental mathematics / Thomas L. Wade and Howard E. Taylor.--3rd ed-- New York: McGraw Hill Book Co, 1967. xviii,518p 1.Mathematics I. Taylor, Howard E. II. Title. Accn Nos : 66325 510 WAD

Wade, Thomas L. Fundamental mathematics / Thomas L. Wade.-New York: McGraw Hill, 1956. xiv,309p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

510 WAD

Wade, Thomas L. Fundamental mathematics / Thomas L. Wade and Howard E. Taylor.--3rd ed-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1967. xviii,518p 1.Mathematics I. Taylor, Howard E. II. Title. Accn Nos : 52036 510 WAD

Wade,Thomas L. Fundamental mathematics / Thomas L. Wade.-New York: McGraw Hill Book, 1956. xiv,380p. 1.Mathematics I. Howard E. Tylor. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3282 510 WAN

Wanchoo, U.N. Mathematics and science education in Indian School / U.N. Wanchoo.-- Delhi: India Science Teacher's Association, [n.d.] 136p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45299 510 WAR

Word, Morgan Modern elementary mathematics / Morgan Word.-- London: Addison-Wesley, 1964. 420p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Accn Nos : 66469 510 WAR

Ward, Morgan Modern elementary mathematics / Morgan Ward and Clarence Ethel Hardgrove.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1964. xii,420p 1.Mathematics I. Hardgrove, Clarence Ethel. II. Title. Accn Nos : 53437

510 WAR

Ward, Morgan Modern elementary mathematics / Morgan Ward and Clearence Ethel Hardgrove.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1964. xii,420p (Addison-wesley series in science and mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Hardgrove, Clearence Ethel. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 42591 510 WAR

Ward, Morgan Modern elementary mathematics / Morgan Ward and Clarence Ethel Hardgrove.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1964. xii,420p (Addison-wesley series in science and mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Hardgrove, Clarence Ethel. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 53740 510 WAS

Washington, Allyn J. Basic technical mathematical / Allyn J. Washington.-- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1964. xi,401p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 54171 510 WAS

Washington, Allyn J. Essentials of basic mathematics / Allyn J. Washington, Harry R. Boyd and Samul H. Plotkin.-- London: Addison-Wesley, 1967. vi,289p 1.Mathematics I. Boyd, Harry R. II. Plotkin, Samul H. III. Title. Accn Nos : 52995 510


Wanamaker, Pearl A. Planning for effective education: Working with number's, grades 1-8 / Pearl A. Wanamaker.-- Washington, DC: State Superindent of Public Instruction, 1954. 56p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 44930 510 WEA

Weaver, Jefferson Hane Math explorer:A journey through the beauty of Mathematics / Jefferson Hane Weaver.-Hyderabad: Universities Press, 2007. 288p. Includes index ISBN 81-7371-563-7 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 127641 510 WEB

Webber, G. Cuthbert Basic concepts of mathematics / G. Cuthbert Webber and John A. Brown.-- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1963. viii,328p 1.Mathematics I. Brown, John A. II. Title. Accn Nos : 53443 510 WES

Mathematics for all: A popular approach to mathematics in everyday life / ed. by G.C.T. Bowen...[et al.]-- London: Odhams, 1954. 447p 1.Mathematics I. Bowen, G.C.T. II. Wesley, R. III. Richards, A.G.G. IV. I.R. Vesselo. Accn Nos : 42841 510 WES

West Bengal Board of Primary Education Naba ganit mukul: class - II / West Bengal Board of Primary Education.-- West Bengal: Directorate of School Education, 2010. 146p. 1.Mathematics - Textbook - West Bengal I. Title. Accn Nos : F28568 510 WHE

Wheeler, Ruric E. Mathematics: an everyday language / Ruric E. Wheeler and Ed R. Wheeler.-- New York: John Wiley, 1979. xi,483p. 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Study and teaching I. Wheeler, Ed R. II. Title. Accn Nos : 84277 510 WIE

Wiebe, Arthur J.

Foundation of mathematics / Arthur J. Wiebe.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1962. x,373p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 7910 510 WIE

Wiebe, Arthur J. Foundation of mathematics / Arthur J. Wiebe.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart Winston, 1962. x,373p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53295

510 WIE

Wiebe, Arthur J. Foundations of mathematics / Arthur J. Wiebe.--rev. ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1968. ix,502p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 60408 510 WIE

Wiebe, Arthur J. Foundations of mathematics / Arthur J. Wiebe.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart Winston, 1962. x,373p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3302 510 WIL

Wilcox, Marie S. Basic modern mathematics / Marie S. Wilcox. -- London: Addison-Wisley, 1964. 392p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53629 510 WIL

Willis, Benjamin C. Curriculum guide for high school mathematics regular program / Benjamin C. Willis.-- Chicago: Board of Education, 1964. 116p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F10924 510 WIL

Wilson, Jack D. Elementary mathematics; a modern approach / Jack D. Wilson.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967.

ix,389p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - elementary I. Title. Accn Nos : 63665 510 WIL

Wilson, Jack D. Elementary mathematics: A modern approach / Jack D. Wilson.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1967. 389p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53922

510 WIL

Wilder, Raymond L. Foundations of mathematics / Raymond C. Wilder.-- New York: John Wiley, 1952. 305p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42763 510 WIL

Raymond L. Wilder Introduction to the foundations of mathematics / Raymond L. Wilder.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1952. xiv,305p 1.Science 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3263 510 WIL

Wilder, Raymond L. Introduction to the foundations of mathematics / Raymond L. Wilder.-- New York: John Willey, 1952. xiv,303p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42762 510 WIL

Wilder, Raymond L. Introduction to the foundation of mathematics / Raymond L. Wilder.-- New York: John Wiley, 1952. xiv,305p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42764 510 WIL

Wilder, Raymond L. Introduction to the foundation of mathematics / Raymond L. Wilder.--2nd ed-New York: John Willey, 1965.

xvi,327p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53795 510 WIL

Wilcox, Marie S. Mathematics a modern approach / Marie S. Wilcox.-- London: Addision-Wesley, 1963. 383p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F5706

510 WIL

Wilcox, Marie S. Mathematics: A modern approach / Marie S. Wilcox and John E. Yarnelle.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1967. xiii,384p 1.Mathematics I. Yarnelle, John E. II. Title. Accn Nos : 65180 510 WIL

Wilcox, Marie S. Mathematics a modern approach / Marie S. Wilcox and John E. Yarnelle.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1963. xiii,383p (Addison-wesley science and mathematics education series) 1.Mathematics I. Yarnelle, John E. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 53445 510 WIL

Mathematics: Alphabet of science / The Publisher.--2nd ed-- New York: John Wiley, 1972. xvi,457p 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : 76588 510 WIS

Free and inexpensive materials for general mathematics, curriculum bulletin No.2 / The Publisher.-- Wisconsin: Milwaukee Public School, 1959. 19p. Vol.9 1.Mathematics I. Milwaukee Public School, Winconsin. Accn Nos : 18709

510 WIS

Wisconsin Cooperative Educational Planning Program General mathematics in high school / Wisconsin Cooperative Educational Planning Program.-- Wisconsin: Wisconsin Cooperative Educational Planning Program, 1951. 68p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 50105

510 WOL

Wolef, Peter Break through in mathematics / Peter Wolef. -- New York: The New American Library, 1963. xii,285p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42873 510 WOR

World of Mathematics / edited by James R. Newman.-- New York: Dover Publications, 2000. 2024-2469p. Vol.4 ISBN 0-486-41152-4 1.Mathematics I. Newman, James R. Accn Nos : 127755 510 WOR

World of Mathematics / edited by James Newman.-- New York: Dover Publications, 2000. 726-1414p. Vol.2 ISBN 0-486-41150-8 1.Mathematics I. Newman, James. Accn Nos : 127758 510 WRE

Wren, F. Lynwood Basic mathematical concepts / Lynwood F. Wren.-- New Year: McGraw-Hill, 1965. viii,396p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - research I. Title. Accn Nos : 5757 510 XAG

Challenging mathematical problems with elementary solutions / A.M. Yaglom...[et

al.]-- San Francisco: Holden-day, 1964. viii,231p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Yaglom, A.M. II. Yaglom, I.M. III. Macawley, James. IV. Gordon, Basil. Accn Nos : 66101 510 YAK (R-H)

Handbook for engineers / edited by K.P. Yakovlev.-- Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1965. ix, 631p. Vol.1 : Mathematics and physics Includes index 1.Mathematics 2.Engineers - Handbooks I. Yakovlev, K.P. II. G.O. Harding. III. Sutherland W.A. IV. Pilling, H.V. Accn Nos : 42874 510 YAM

Yamane, Taro Mathematics for economists: An elementary survey / Taro Yamane.-- New Delhi: PrenticeHall of India (Pvt) Ltd., 1965. xv;554p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 34418 510 YAM

Yamane, Taro Mathematics for economics: elementary survey / Taro Yamane.-- New Delhi: Prentice Hall, 1968. 705p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 79522 510 YAM

Yamane, Taro Mathematics for economists: an elementary survey / Taro Yamane.-- New Delhi: Prentice Hall, 1965. xv,254p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3237 510 YEO

Yeo, Deirdre Mathematics module 1 / Deirdre Yeo.-Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997. viii,183p. Includes index ISBN 0-521-59517-7 I. Title. Accn Nos : 120977 510 YEO

Yeo, Deirdre Mathematics module 2 / Deirdre Yeo and Stephen Webb.-- Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press, 1997. v,134p. Includes index ISBN 0-521-59516-9 I. Webb, Stephen. II. Title. Accn Nos : 120978 510 YOU

Youse, Bevan K. Mathematics induction / Bevan K. Youse.-New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1964. 55p. (Emory university series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 42755

510 YOU

Young, Frederick H. Nature of mathematics / Frederick H. Young. -- New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1968. 407p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 63701 510 YOU

Young, Frederick H. Nature of mathematics / Frederick H. Young. -- New York: John Wiley, [n.d.] xi,407p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 63667 510 ZIL

Zill, Dennis G. Advanced engineering mathematics / Dennis G. Zill and Michael R. Cullen.--3rd ed.-- New Delhi: Narosa Publishing House, 2009. xxxiii, 929p. Includes appendices and index ISBN 81-7319-783-3 1.Engineering mathematics I. Cullen, Michael R. II. Title. Accn Nos : 128590 510 ZIL

Zill, Dennis G. Advanced engineering mathematics / Dennis G. Zill; Michael R. Cullen.--3rd ed.-- New Delhi: Narosa Publishing House, 2006. xxxiii, 929p. Includes appendices and index ISBN 81-7319-783-3 1.Engineering mathematics I. Cullen, Michael R. II. Title.


Shipp, Donald E. Developing arithmetic concepts and skills / Donald E. Shipp and Sam Adams.-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc, 1964. 403p 1.Mathematics I. Adams, Sam. II. Title. Accn Nos : 56456

511.01 PET

Peterson, John A. Theory of arithmetic / John A. Peterson and Joseph Hashisaki.-- New York: John Wiley, 1963. xiv,303p 1.Mathematics I. Hashisaki, Joseph. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3335 511.016 BAK

Baker, C.C.T. O'level tests in arithmetic / C.C.T. Baker. -- London: Methuen & Company, 1956. 122p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45407 511.022 BUS

Buswell, Guy T. Living arithmetic grade five / Guy T. Buswell, William A. Brownell and Lenore John, illus. by Herbert Paus.--rev. ed-- Boston: Ginn and Company, 1947. 311p 1.Mathematics I. Brownell, William A. II. John, Lenore. III. Paus, Herbert. IV. Title. Accn Nos : 3334 511.022 BUS

Buswell, Guy T. Living arithmetic grade four / Guy T. Buswell, William A. Brownell and Lenore John, illus. by Herbert Paus.--rev. ed-- Boston: Ginn and Company, 1947. 307p 1.Mathematics I. Brownell, William A. II. John, Lenore. III. Paus, Herbert.

IV. Title. Accn Nos : 3401 511.022 BUS

Buswell, Guy T. Living arithmetic grade-3 / Guy T. Buswell, William A. Brownell and Lenore John, illus. by Kayren Draper and Florence Heyn.--rev. ed -- Boston: Ginn and Company, 1947. 314p 1.Mathematics I. Brownell, William A. II. John, Lenore. III. Draper, Kayren. IV. Heyn, Florence. V. Title. Accn Nos : 3333

511.022 CAR

Carpenter, Dale Arithmetic / Dale Carpenter, George Drake, illus. by Robert Meyers.-- New York: Macmillan Company, 1953. 372p (The world of numbers) (8) 1.Mathematics I. Drake, George. II. Meyers, Robert. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3341 511.022 CAR

Carpenter, Dale World of numbers / Dale Carpenter and G. Lester Adderson.-- New York: Macmillan, 1950. 315p 1.Mathematics I. Adderson, G. Lester. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3342 511.022 CAR

Carpenter, Dale World of numbers: Arithmetic 5 / Dale Carpenter, Edith M. Sauer, G. Lester, G. Anderson, illus. by Eleanor Dart and Anne Fleur.-- New York: Macmillan, 1950. 315p 1.Mathematics I. Sauer, Edith M. II. Anderson, G. Lester. III. Dart, Eleanor. IV. Fleur, Anne. V. Title. Accn Nos : 3340 511.022 MOR

Making sure of arithmetic / Robert Lee Morton...[et al.]-- New York: Silver Burdett Co, 1952. 344p 1.Mathematics I. Gray, Merle. II. Springstun, Elizabeth. III. Schaaf, William L.

Accn Nos : 45098 511.022 MOR

Making sure of arithmetic / Robert Lee Morton...[et al.]-- New York: Silver Burdett, 1953. various pagination (Teacher's guide for gurade three) 1.Mathematics I. Morton, Robert Lee. II. Gray, Merle. III. Springstun, Elizabeth. IV. Schaaf, William L. V. Series. Accn Nos : 42926

511.022 MOR

Morton,robert lee Making sure of arithmetic / Robert Lee Morton...[et al.]-- New York: Silver Burdett Co, 1952. 370p 1.Mathematics I. Gray, Merle. II. Springstun, Elizabeth. III. Schaaf, William L. IV. Title.

511.022 OSB

Osborn, Jesse Exploring arithmetic / Jesse Osborn, Adeline Riefling and Herbert F. Spitzer, illus. by Jim Hicks.-- St. Louis: Webster, 1957. 352p 1.Mathematics I. Riefling, Adeline. II. Spitzer, Herbert F. III. Hicks, Jim. IV. Title. Accn Nos : 45080 511.022 SCH

Schonell, F.J. Right from the start arithmetic / F.J. Schonell and S.H. Cracknell.-- London: Oliver and Boyd, 1952. 127p 1.Mathematics I. Cracknell, S.H. II. Title. Accn Nos : 18053 511.022 TAY

Taylor, Richard V. Golden mean arithmetic / Richard V. Taylor and James Burley.-- Exeter: A. Wheaton, 1953. 80p. Book 1 1.Mathematics I. Burley, James. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42927

511.024 BAG

Baggaley, Andrew R. Mathematics for introductory statistics: a program review / Andrew R. Baggaley.-- New York: John Wiley, 1969. xiv,171p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 70373 511.024 BAT

Bate, W.G. Every life arithmetic / W.G. Bate.-London: Sir Isaac Pitman, 1957. 81p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 17493 511.024 OSB

Osborn, Jerse Exploring arithmetic / Jerse Osborn, Adeline Riefling and Herbert F. Spitzer, illus. by Winnie Fitch.-- St. Louis: Webster, 1957. 354p 1.Mathematics I. Riefling, Adeline. II. Spitzer, Herbert F. III. Fitch, Winnie. IV. Title. Accn Nos : 45081 511.024 OSB

Osborn, Jesse Exploring arithmetic / Jesse Osborn, Adeline Riefling and Herbert F. Spitzer.-St. Louis: Webster, 1957. 354p 1.Mathematics I. Riefling, Adeline. II. Spitzer, Herbert F. III. Title. Accn Nos : 45079 511.024 OSB

Exploring arithmetic / Jesse Osborn...[et al.]-- St. Louis: Webster, 1957. 352p 1.Mathematics I. Osborn, Jesse. II. Riefling, Adeline. III. Spitzer, Herbert F. IV. Hicks, Jim. V. Obata. Accn Nos : 45082 511.028 MOR

Making sure of arithmetic / Robert Lee Morton...[et al.]-- New York: Silver Burdett, 1952. 268p (Teacher's guide for grade eight) 1.Mathematics I. Morton, Robert Lee. II. Gray, Merle. III. Springstun, Elizabeth. IV. Schaaf, William. V. Series. Accn Nos : 3371

511.07 ADA

Adams, L.J. Arithmetic for college students / L.J. Adams.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1961. vi,262p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3390 511.07 BOD

Le calcul quotidien / Collection Bodard.-Paris: Fernand Nathan, [n.d.] 47p 1.Mathematics I. Collection Bodard. Accn Nos : F3315

511.07 BRA

Brandicourt Le chemin du calcul / Brandicourt.-Paris: Editions Bourelles, [n.d.] 79p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F3276 511.07 BRU

Brueckner, Leo J. How to make Arithmetic meaningful / Leo J. Brueckner and Foster E. Grossnickle.-Philadelphia: John C. Winston, [n.d.] 513p 1.Mathematics I. Grossnickle, Foster E. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3353 511.07 BRU

Bruckner, Leo J. Moving ahead in arithmetic: Teacher edition / Leo J. Brucekner, Elda L. Merton and Foster E. Grassnickle.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc, 1963. xvii,388p 1.Mathematics I. Merton, Elda L. II. Grossnickle, Foster E. III. Title. Accn Nos : 45084 511.07 BRU

Brueckner, Leo J. Moving ahead in arithmetic / Leo J. Brueckner, Elda L. Merton and Foster E. Grossnickle.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. 393p 1.Mathematics I. Merton, Elda L. II. Grossnickle, Foster E. III. Title. Accn Nos : 45083

511.07 BRU

Brueckner, Leo J. Moving ahead in arithmetic / Leo J. Brueckner, Elda L. Merton and Foster E. Grossnickle.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. 386p. Book 6 1.Mathematics I. Merton, Elda L. II. Grossnickle, Foster E. III. Title. Accn Nos : 45085

511.07 BRU

Brueckner, Leo J. Moving ahead in arithmetic / Leo J. Brueckner, Elda L. Merton and Foster E. Grossnickle.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. 410p 1.Mathematics I. Merton, Elda L. II. Grossnickle, Foster E. III. Title. Accn Nos : 45086 511.07 BRU

Brueckner, Leo J. Reaching number goals / Leo J. Brueckner, Elda L. Merton and Foster E. Grossnickle.-New York: The John C. Winston, 1961. 410p 1.Mathematics I. Merton, Elda L. II. Grossnickle, Foster E. III. Title. Accn Nos : F4521 511.07 BRU

Brueckner, Leo J. Winston arithmetic practice 8 / Leo J. Brueckner, Foster E. Grossnickle and Elda L. Merton.-- Philadelphia: John C. Winston, 1957. 144p 1.Mathematics I. Grossnickle, Foster E. II. Merton, Elda L. III. Title. Accn Nos : 45448 511.07 BRU

Brueckner, Leo J. Winston arithmetic practice 5 / Leo J. Brueckner, Elda L. Morton, Foster E. Grossnickle.-- Philadelphia: John C. Winston, 1957. 144p 1.Mathematics I. Morton, Elda L.

II. Grossnickle, Foster E. III. Title. Accn Nos : 17231 511.07 BRU

Brueckner, Leo J. Winston arithmetic practice 3 / Leo J. Brueckner, Elda L. Merton and Foster E. Grossnickle.-- Philadelphia: John C. Winston, 1957. 144p 1.Mathematics I. Merton, Elda L. II. Grossnickle, Foster E. III. Title. Accn Nos : 45208

511.07 BRU

Brueckner, Leo J. Winston arithmetic practice 6 / Leo J. Brueckner, Elda L. Morton and Foster E. Grossnickle.-- Philadelphia: John C Winston, [n.d.] 144p 1.Mathematics I. Morton, Elda L. II. Grossnickle, Foster E. III. Title. Accn Nos : 45207 511.07 BRU

Brueckner, Leo J. Winston arithmetic practice / Leo J. Brueckner, Elda L. Merton and Foster E. Grossnickle.-- Philadelphia: John C. Winston, 1957. 144p. Vol. 6 1.Mathematics I. Merton, Elda J. II. Grossnickle, Foster E. III. Title. Accn Nos : 17286 511.07 BRU

Brueckner, Leo J. Winston arithmetic practice / Leo J. Brueckner, Foster E. Grossnickle and Elda L. Merton.-- Philadelphia: John C Winston Co, 1957. 144p. Vol. 7 1.Mathematics I. Grossnickle, Foster E. II. Merton, Elda L. III. Title. Accn Nos : 49291 511.07 CAS

Meeting individual differences in arithmetic / The Casis School Faculty, ed. by Frances Flournoy and Henry Otto.-- Austin: The

University of Taxas, 1959. 184p (Bureau of laboratory schools publication) (11) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Flournoy, Frances. II. Otto, Henry. III. The Casis School Faculty, Austin. IV. Series. Accn Nos : 47617 511.07 CUI

Cuisenaire, G. Numbers in colour: A new method of teaching the processes of arithmetic to all levels of the primary school / G. Cuisenaire and C. Gattegno.--3rd ed-- Landon: Heinemann, 1959. 63p 1.Mathematics I. Gattegno, C. II. Title. Accn Nos : 8367 511.07 CUI

Cuisenaire, G. Numbers in colour: A new method of teaching the processes of arithmetic to all levels of the primary school / G. Cuisenaire and C. Gattegno.--3rd ed-- London: Heinemon, 1960. 63p 1.Mathematics I. Gattegno, C. II. Title. Accn Nos : 46722 511.07 DOW

Downes, L.W. Teaching of arithmetic in tropical primary schools / L.W. Downes and D. Paling, ed. by F. Smithies.-- London: Oxford University Press, 1958. 500p. Vol.5 1.Mathematics I. Paling, D. II. Smithies, F. III. Title. Accn Nos : 45220 511.07 DOW

Downes, L.W. Teaching of arithmetic in topical primary schools / L.W. Downes, D. Paling, ed. by F. Smithies.-- London: Oxford University Press, 1958. 500p (Unesco handbooks on the teaching of science in tropical countries). Vol. V 1.Mathematics I. Paling, D. II. Smithies, F. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 42981 511.07 DUR

Durell, Thomas J. Arithmetic for today / Thomas J. Durell, Adaline P. Hagaman and James H. Smith.-- New York: Charles E. Merrill, 1951.

152p 1.Mathematics I. Hagaman, Adaline P. II. Smith, James H. III. Title. 511.07 DUT

Dutton, Wilbur H. Arithmetic for teachers / Wilbur H. Dutton and L.J. Adams.-- Englewood Cliffs: PrenticeHall, 1961. 370p 1.Mathematics I. Adams, L.J. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3366

511.07 DUT

Dutton, Wilbur H. Evoluating pupils' understanding of arithmetic / Wilbur H. Dutton.-- Englewood: Prentice-Hall, 1964. 153p 1.Mathematics 2.Arithmetic - study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 45230 511.07 ERI

Course of study in elementary arithmetic grade 3 through 6 / ERIC.-- [s.n.]: [s.l.], [n.d.] 65p 1.Mathematics I. ERIC. Accn Nos : 45210 511.07 FRA

Francis, E. Carey Highway arithmetics / E. Carey Francis.-London: Longmans, Green and Co, 1952. various pages. Vol. 1-7 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 18499 511.07 GAG

Gagg, J.C. Teaching primary arithmetic / J.C. Gagg.-London: Newness Educational Publishing, 1956. 94p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 45236 511.07 GOU

Gould, Alan J. Let's be practical / Alan J. Gould.--

London: W.R. Chambers, [n.d.] 39p (Teacher's book) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45237 511.07 GUI

Gottegne, C. Arithmetic with numbers in colour / C. Gottegne.-- Melbourne: William Heinemann, 1957. 79p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 18726

511.07 HAL

Hollister, George E. Teaching arithmatic in grade I and II / George E. Hallister and Agnes G. Gunderson.-Great Britain: D.C. Heath Company, 1954. 129p 1.Mathematics I. Gunderson, Agnes G. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45134 511.07 HIC

Hickerson, J. Allen Guiding childern's arithmetic experiences / J. Allen Hickerson.-- Englewood: PrenticeHall, 1952. 322p (Prentice-hall education) (ed. by Harold Spears) 1.Mathematics I. Spears, Harold. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45306 511.07 HIC

Hickerson, J. Allen Guiding childern's arithmetic experiences / J. Allen Hickerson.-- New York: Prenticehall, 1952. 322p (Prentice-hall education series) (ed. by Harold Spears) 1.Mathematics I. Spears, Harold. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45222 511.07 HOW

Howard, Charles F. Basic procedures in teaching arithmetic / Charles F. Howard and Enoch Dumas.-- Boston: D.C. Heath, 1963. 450p 1.Mathematics I. Dumas, Enoch. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42979

511.07 HOW

Haward, Charles F. Basic procedures in teaching arithmetics / Charles F. Haward and Enoch Dumas.-- Boston: D.C. Heath & Company, 1963. viii,450p 1.Mathematics I. Dumas, Enoch. II. Title. Accn Nos : F5353 511.07 KEI

Keith, Alexander Principles of arithmetic / Alexander Keith and James Robertson.-- London: Blackie, 1957. ix,278p 1.Mathematics I. Robertson, James. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42967 511.07 KLA

Klapper, Paul Teaching of arithmetic / Paul Klapper.-New York: Appleton-Century-Croft, [n.d.] xiii,525p (Appleton series in special methods) (ed. by Paul Klapper and Raleigh Schorling) 1.Mathematics I. Schorling, Raleigh. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3389 511.07 LAY

Lay, L. Clark Study of arithmetic / L. Clark Lay.-- New York: Macmillan, 1966. xv, 590p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45186 511.07 LAY

Lay, L. Clark Study of arithmetic / L. Clark Lay.-- New York: Macmillan, 1966. 590p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45187 511.07 MAR

Marks, John L. Teaching arithmetic for understanding / John L. Marks, C. Richard Purdy, Lucien B. Kinney.-- New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc, 1958. xiv,429p (McGraw-Hill series in education) (ed. by Harold Benjamin) 1.Mathematics I. Purdy, C. Richard. II. Kinney, Lucien B. III. Benjamin, Harold. IV. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3384 511.07


Marks, John L. Teaching arithmetic for understanding / John L. Marks, C. Richard Purdy and Lucien B. Kinney.-- New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1958. 429p (McGraw-hill series in education) (ed. by Benjamin) 1.Mathematics I. Purdy, C. Richard. II. Kinney, Lucien B. III. Benjamin. IV. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 42993

511.07 MCS

McSwain, E.T. Understanding and teaching arithmetic in the elementary school / E.T. McSwain and Ralph J. Cooke.-- New York: Henry Holt and, 1958. 420p 1.Mathematics I. Cooke, Ralph J. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45180 511.07 MIN

Guide to teaching arithmetic: Kindergarton grade 7 / Minneapolis Public School.-Minnesota: Vocation High School, 1955. v,238p 1.Mathematics I. Minneapolis Public School.

Accn Nos : 441 511.07 MOR

Morgenthaler, H. La Dernicre etape: Arithmetique pour les classes de fin detudes / H. Morgenthaler.-Paris: Libraireistra, [n.d.] 138p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F3344 511.07 MOR

Morgenthaler, Collection H. Les etapes du cours moyen / Collection H. Morgenthaler, L. Bouteiller Ch. Huntzinger and J. Fenger.-- Paris: Librairie Ista, [n.d.] 61p 1.Mathematics I. Bouteiller, L. II. Huntzinger, Ch. III. Fenger, J. IV. Title. Accn Nos : F3338 511.07 MOR

Morgenthaler, Collection H.

Les etapes du cours moyen / Collection H. Morgenthaler, L. Bouteiller Ch. Huntzinger and J. Fenger.-- Paris: Librairie Ista, [n.d.] 80p. 1.Mathematics I. Bouteiller, L. II. Huntzinger, Ch. III. Fenger, J. IV. Title. Accn Nos : F3339 511.07 MOR

Making sure of arithmetic workbook grade 8 / Robert Lee Morton...[et al.]-- New Jersey: Silver Burdett, 1953. 128p 1.Mathematics I. Morton, Robert Lee. II. Gray, Merle. III. Springstun, Elizabeth. IV. Schaaf, William L. V. Paige, Joseph. Accn Nos : 45201 511.07 MOR

Making sure of arithmetic workbook grade 8 / Robert Lee Morton...[et al.]-- New Jersey: Silver Burdett, 1953. 128p 1.Mathematics I. Morton, Robert Lee. II. Gray, Merle. III. Springstun, Elizabeth. IV. Schaaf, William L. V. Paige, Joseph.

Accn Nos : 440 511.07 MOR

Making sure of arithmetic: Workbook for grade 6 / Robert Lee Morton...[et al.]-- New York: Silver Burdett, 1953. 128p 1.Mathematics I. Morton, Robert Lee. II. Gray, Marle. III. Springstun, Elizabeth. IV. Schaaf, William L. V. Stain, Gracia. Accn Nos : 45450 511.07 MOR

Morton, Robert Lee Teaching arithmetic in the elementary school intermediate grades / Robert Lee Morton.-- New York: Silver Burdett, 1938. xii,837p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42995 511.07 MOR

Morton, Robert Lee Teaching children arithmetic / Robert Lee Morton.-- New York: Silver Burdett, 1953. 566p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45153 511.07 MOR

Morton, Robert Lee Teaching children arithmetic: Primary,

intermediate upper grades / Robert Lee Morton.-- New Jersey: Silver Burdett Co, 1953. xvii,566p (Teaching achievement in the elementary school) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45140 511.07 NAT

Arithmetic in general education: the final report of the National Council Committee on arithmetic / National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.-- New York: Bureau of Publications, 1941. xi,335p 1.Mathematics I. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Accn Nos : 3431 511.07 NAT

Arithmetic in general education: The final report of the National Council Committee on arithmetic / National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.-- New York: Bureau of Publications, 1941. xii,335p 1.Mathematics I. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Accn Nos : 42980 511.07 NAT (R-YB)

National Society for the Study of Education Fiftieth yearbook / National Society for the Study of Education; edited by Nelson B. Henry.-- Chicago: NSSE, 1951. Various pagination. Part- II teaching of arithmetic ; Including Index I. Henry, Nelson B. II. Title. Accn Nos : 10852 511.07 NEW

Practice work book of arithmetic grade 2 / The publisher.-- New York: Treasure Books, 1961. 64p 1.Mathematics I. Educational Board, New York. Accn Nos : 45289 511.07 NEW

Practice work book of arithmetic / Teachers Associated.-- New York: Treasure Books, 1962. 63p 1.Mathematics I. Teachers Associated, New York. Accn Nos : 45058

511.07 NEW

Practice workbook of arithmetic, grade 3 / Educational Board: Treasure Book., 1962. 64p 1.Mathematics I. Educational Board, New York. Accn Nos : 45209 511.07 NEW

Practice workbook of arithmetic / Teachers Associated.-- New York: Treasure Books, 1962. 63p 1.Mathematics I. Teachers Associated, New York. Accn Nos : 45202

511.07 NIC

Nichols, Eugene D. Arithmetic of directed numbers / Eugene D. Nichols, Robert Kolin and Henry Garland.-New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1962. iv,407p 1.Mathematics I. Kolin, Robert. II. Garland, Henry. III. Title. Accn Nos : 45445 511.07 POT

Potter, F.F. Teaching of arithmetic / F.F. Potter.-London: Sir Isaac Pitman, 1957. 461p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45164 511.07 RAN

Randall, Joseph H. Learning to use arithmetic / Joseph H. Randall, illus. by Robert Maclean, Nino Carbe and Alice Golden.-- Boston: D.C. Heath, 1958. xi,330p 1.Mathematics I. Maclean, Robert. II. Carbe, Nino. III. Golden, Alice. IV. Title. Accn Nos : 45447 511.07 RAN

Randall, Joseph H. Learning to use arithmetic / Joseph H. Randall, illus. by Robert Maclean, Nino Carbe and Allice Golden.-- Boston: D.C. Heath, 1958. 330p. Vol. 3 1.Mathematics I. Maclean, Robert. II. Carbe, Nino. III. Golden, Alice. IV. Title.

Accn Nos : 18198 511.07 RAU

Raum, Otto F. Arithmetic in Africa / Otto F. Raum, J.A. Lauwfrys.-- London: Evans, [n.d.] 94p 1.Mathematics I. Lauwfrys, J.A. II. Title. Accn Nos : 18415 511.07 RAU

Raum, Otto F. Arithmetic in Africa / Otto F. Raum and J.A. Lauwfrys.-- London: Evans, [n.d.] 94p 1.Mathematics I. Lauwfrys, J.A. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45167 511.07 SCH

Schonell, Fred J. Diagnosis and remedial teaching in arithmatic / Fred J. Schonell and F. Fleanor Schonell.-- Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, n.d ix,181p 1.Mathematics I. Schonell, F. Fleanor. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45218 511.07 SCH

Schonell, Freed J. Diagnosis and remedial teaching in arithmetic / Freed J. Schonell.-- London: Oliver and Boyd, 1957. vi,202p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3388 511.07 SCH

Schonell, Fred J. Practice in basic arithmetic: Teacher's handbook / Fred J. Schonell.-- London: Oliver and Boyd, 1954. 45p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45231 511.07 SHI

Shipp, Donald E. Developing arithmetic concepts and skills / Donald E. Shipp and Sam Adams.-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1964. 402p 1.Mathematics I. Adams, San. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45221 511.07 SPI

Spitzer, Herbert F. Teaching of arithmetic / Herbert F. Spitzer.--2nd ed-- U.S.A.: Houghton Mifflin,

1954. 412p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45217 511.07 STO

Stokes, C. Newton Teaching the meanings of arithmetic / C. Newton Stokes.-- New York: Appleton-CenturyCrofts, 1951. xi, 525p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45099

511.07 SWE

Swenson, Esther J. Teaching arithmatic to children / Esther J. Swenson.-- New York: Macmillan Co, 1964. 482p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 45444 511.07 TAY

Taylor, E.H. Arithmetic for teacher-training classes / E.H. Taylor and C.N. Mills.--4th ed-- New York: Henry Holt, 1955. 438p 1.Mathematics I. Mills, C.N. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3354 511.07 TAY

Taylor, E.H. Arithmetic for teacher training classes / E.H. Taylor and C.N. Mills.--4th ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1961. ix,438p 1.Mathematics I. Mills, C.N. II. Title. Accn Nos : 30316 511.07 TAY

Taylor, Richard V. Golden mean arithmetics junior / Richard V. Taylor and James Burley.-- Exeter: A. Wheaton, 1954. 80p. Book-4 1.Mathematics I. Burley, James. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45145 511.07 THO

Thorpe, Cleata B. Teaching elementary arithmetic / Cleata B. Thorpe.-- New York: Harper, 1962. ix,412p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Accn Nos : 3376

511.07 WEB

Weber, Rose Making arithmetic plain: book II / Rose Weber and Ruth Weber.-- Wichita: McCormickMathers Publishing, 1949. 144p. 1.Mathematics I. Weber, Ruth. II. Title. Accn Nos : 50108 511.07 WHF

Wheat, Harry Grove How to teach arithmetic / Harry Grove Wheat.-- New York: Row, Peterson, 1956. 438p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45219 511.07 WIL

Wilson, Guy M. Teaching the new arithmetic / Guy M. Wilson.--2nd ed-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1951. xi,475p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42850 511.07 WRE

Wren, F. Lynwood Learning to the arithmetic: Teachers edition / F. Lynwood Wren.-- American: D.C. Heath, 1959. 144p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45442 511.07 WRI

Wrightstone, J. Wayne Learning to use arithmetic / J. Wayne Wrightstone and Lillian K. Fishbein.-America: D.C. Heath, 1958. 144p 1.Mathematics I. Fishbein, Lillian K. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45204 511.072 WAS

What does research say about arithmetic / The publisher.-- Washington: Department of National Education Association, 1957. 36p 1.Mathematics I. Department of National Education Association, Washington. Accn Nos : 3433 511.076 STE

Stein, Edwin I Answer book for refresher arithmetic / Edwin I Stein.-- Boston: Allyn and Bacon,

1948. 72p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45141 511.077 RAO

Rao, M. Nagabhushan Accurate arithmetic / M. Nagabhushan Rao, G.B. Krishnamurty and S. Thaigarajan.-India: Indian Associaiton of Programming Learning, 1969. 31p 1.Mathematics I. Krishnamurty, G.B. II. Thaigarajan, S. III. Title. Accn Nos : F14655

511.08 AMB

Ambrose, Mary N. Looking at numbers / Mary N. Ambrose.-Philadelphia: John C. Winston, 1958. 63p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 35781 511.08 AMB

Ambrose, Marry N. Looking of numbers: Teachers edition / Marry N. Ambrose.-- Philadelphia: John C. Winston, 1958. 64p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 17743 511.08 BEA

Becon arithmetic / The Publisher.-- London: Ginn and Company, 1958. various pagination 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : 43040 511.08 BRU

Brueckner, Leo J. Knowing about numbers / Leo J. Brueckner, Foster E. Grossnickle and Elda L. Merton.-Chicago: John C. Winston Company, 1952. 389p 1.Mathematics I. Grossnickle, Foster E. II. Merton, Elda L. III. Title. Accn Nos : 19794 511.08 BRU

Brueckner, Leo J. Moving ahead in arithmetic / Leo J. Brueckner, Elda L. Merton and Foster E. Grossnickle.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart, [n.d.]

378p. Book 4 1.Mathematics I. Merton, Elda L. II. Grossnickle, Foster E. III. Title. Accn Nos : 45224 511.08 BRU

Brueckner, Leo J. Moving ahead in arithmetic / Leo J. Brueckner, Elda L. Merton and Foster E. Grossnickle.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. 378p. Vol. 6 1.Mathematics I. Merton, Elda L. II. Grossnickle, Foster E. III. Title. Accn Nos : 42978 511.08 BRU

Brueckner, Leo J. Moving ahead in arithmetic / Leo J. Brueckner, Elda L. Merton and Foster E. Grossnickle.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. 344p. Vol. 3 1.Mathematics I. Merton, Elda L. II. Grossnickle, Foster E. III. Title. Accn Nos : 45213 511.08 BRU

Brueckner, Leo J. Moving ahead in arithmetic / Leo J. Brueckner, Elda L. Merton and Foster E. Grossnickle.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. 378p 1.Mathematics I. Merton, Elda L. II. Grossnickle, Foster E. III. Title. Accn Nos : 45181 511.08 BRU

Brueckner, Leo J. New discovering numbers / Leo J. Brueckner, Elda L. Merton and Foster E. Grossnickle.-Teachers ed-- Philadelphia: John C. Winston, 1959. 374p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - history I. Merton, Elda L. II. Grossnickle, Foster E. III. Title. Accn Nos : 19798 511.08 BRU

Brueckner, Leo J. New discovering numbers / Leo J. Brueckner, Elda M. Merton and Foster E. Grossnickle.-Chicago: John C. Winston, 1959. 343p.

1.Mathematics I. Merton, Elda M. II. Grossnickle, Foster E. III. Title. Accn Nos : 45214 511.08 BRU

Bruckner, Leo J. New exploring numbers: Teachers edition / Leo J. lBruckner, Elda L. Merton and Eoster E. Grossnickler.-- Chicago: John C. Winston, 1956. vi,370p 1.Mathematics I. Merton, Elda L. II. Grossnickler, Foster E. III. Title. Accn Nos : 19799

511.08 BRU

Bruckner, Leo J. New exploring numbers: Teachers edition / Leo J. Bruckner, Elda L. Merton and Foster E. Grossnickle.-- Chicago: John C. Winston, 1956. vi,390p 1.Mathematics I. Merton, Elda L. II. Grossnickle, Foster E. III. Title. Accn Nos : 42999 511.08 BRU

Brueckner, Leo J. New exploring numbers / Leo J. Brueckner, Elda L. Merton and Foster E. Grossnickle.-Philadelphia: John C. Winston Co, 1959. 376p (Winston arithmetics). Vol. 5 1.Mathematics I. Merton, Elda L. II. Grossnickle, Foster E. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 19125 511.08 BRU

Brueckner, Leo J. New knowing about numbers / Leo J. Brueckner, Grossnickl Foster E. and Merton Elda L.-- Chicago: John C. Winston, 1959. vi,410p 1.Mathematics I. Grossnickle, Foster E. II. Merton, Elda L. III. Title. Accn Nos : 45095 511.08 BRU

Brueckner, Leo J. New learning numbers / Leo J. Brueckner, Elda J. Merton and Foster E. Grossnickle.-Chicago: John C. Winston, 1959. 343p 1.Mathematics I. Merton, Elda J. II. Grossnickle, Foster E. III. Title.

Accn Nos : 45135 511.08 BRU

Brueckner, Leo J. New thinking with numbers / Leo J. Brueckner, Foster E. Grossnickle and Elde L. Merton.-- Philadelphia: John C. Winston, 1959. 394p 1.Mathematics I. Grossnickle, Foster E. II. Merton, Elde L. III. Title. Accn Nos : 10625

511.08 BRU

Bruckner, Leo J. New thinking with numbers / Leo J. Bruckner, Easter E. Grossnicke and Elda L. Merton.-- Chicago: John and Winston, 1959. iv,389p 1.Mathematics I. Grossnicke, Easter E. II. Merton Elda L. III. Title. Accn Nos : 45096 511.08 BRU

Brueckner, Leo J. New understanding numbers / Leo J. Brueckner, Elda L. Merton and Foster E. Grossnickle.-- Philadelphia: John C. Winston Co, 1959. 378p (Winston arithmetics). Vol. 6 1.Mathematics I. Merton, Elda L. II. Grossnickle, Foster E. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 42940 511.08 BRU

Brueckner, Leo J. Understanding numbers / Leo J. Brueckner, Elda L. Merton and Foster E. Grossnickle.-Teacher's ed-- Philadelphia: The John C. Winston, 1956. vi,392p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Merton, Elda L. II. Grossnickle, Foster E. III. Title. Accn Nos : 42998 511.08 BUS

Buswell, Guy T. Arithmetic we need / Guy T. Buswell, William A. Brownell and Irene Sauble.-Boston: Ginn and Company, 1963.

343p 1.Mathematics I. Brownell, William A. II. Sauble, Irene. III. Title. Accn Nos : F2476 511.08 BUS

Buswell, Guy T. Arithmetic we need / Guy T. Buswell, William A. Brownell and Irene Sauble.-Boston: Ginn and Company, 1963. 343p 1.Mathematics I. Brownell, William A. II. Sauble, Irene. III. Title. Accn Nos : F2474

511.08 BUS

Buswell, Guy T. Arithmetic we need / Guy T. Buswell, William A. Brownell and Irene Saubel.-Boston: Ginn and Co, 1963. 360p 1.Mathematics I. Brownell, William A. II. Saubel, Irene. III. Title. Accn Nos : F2461 511.08 BUS

Buswell, Guy T. Arithmetic we need / Guy T. Buswell, William A. Brownell and Irene Saubee.-Boston: Ginn and Co, 1963. 360p 1.Mathematics I. Brownell, William A. II. Saubee, Irene. III. Title. Accn Nos : F2462 511.08 BUS

Buswell, Guy T. Arithmetic we need / Guy T. Buswell, William A. Brownell and Irene Shauble.-Boston: Ginn and Co, 1963. 360p 1.Mathematics I. Brownell, William A. II. Shauble, Irene. III. Title. Accn Nos : F2464 511.08 BUS

Buswell, Guy T. Arithmetic we need / Guy T. Buswell, William A. Brownell and Irene Sauble.-enlarged ed-- Boston: Ginn and Co, 1963. 244p 1.Mathematics I. Brownell, William A. II. Sauble, Irene. III. Title. Accn Nos : F2475 511.08


Buswell, Guy T. Arithmetic we need / Guy T. Buswell, William A. Brownell and Irene Sauble.-Boston: Ginn and Co, 1959. 332p 1.Mathematics I. Brownell, William A. II. Sauble, Irene. III. Title. Accn Nos : 18361 511.08 BUS

Buswell, Guy T. Arithmetic we need / Guy T. Buswell, William A. Brownell & Irene Sauble.-Boston: Ginn & Company, 1963. 360p. Enlarged edition 1.Mathematics I. Brownell, William A. II. Sauble, Irene. III. Title. Accn Nos : F2456 511.08 BUS

Buswell, Guy T. Arithmetic we need: Enlarged edition / Goy T. Buswell, William A. Brownell and Irene Sauble.-- Boston: Ginn and Company, 1955. 356p 1.Mathematics I. Brownell, William A. II. Sauble, Irene. III. Title. Accn Nos : F2478 511.08 BUS

Buswell Workbook for arithmetic we need / Buswell, Brownell and Sauble.-- America: Ginn and Company, [n.d.] 128p 1.Mathematics I. Brawnell. II. Sauble. III. Title. Accn Nos : 19035 511.08 CAR

Carpenter, Dale Answer for arithmetic 8: The world of numbers / Dale Carpenter and George E. Drake. -- New York: The Macmillan, [n.d.] 48p 1.Mathematics I. Drake, George E. II. Title. Accn Nos : 4123 511.08 CAR

Carpenter, Dale Answer for arithmetics / Dale Carpenter and Glester Anderson.-- New York: Macmillan Co, [n.d.] 38p (The world of numbers). Vol. 4 1.Mathematics I. Anderson, Glester. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 43105

511.08 CAR

Carpenter, Dale Answers for arithmetic 6: The world of numbers / Dale Carpenter and Dorothy Leavitt Pepper.-- New York: The Macmillan, [n.d.] 38p 1.Mathematics I. Pepper, Dorothy Leavitt. II. Title. Accn Nos : 90148 511.08 CAR

Carpenter, Dale Applying arithmetic / Dale Carpenter and George F. Drake.-- New York: Macmillan, 1957. 378p. 1.Mathematics I. Drake, George F. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45185 511.08 CAR

Carpenter, Dale Find out about numbers / Dale Carpenter and Mac Knight Clark.-- New York: The Macmillan, 1957. 112p 1.Mathematics I. Clark, Mac Knight. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45284 511.08 CAR

Carpenter, Dale How many? / Dale Carpenter and Knight Clark.-- New York: The Macmillan, 1957. 104p 1.Mathematics I. Clark, Knight. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45288 511.08 CAR

Ideas in arithmetic / Dale Carpenter...[et al.]-- New York: The Macmillan, 1960. 330p 1.Mathematics I. Carpenter, Dale. II. McMeen, George H. III. Anderson, G. Lester. IV. Sauer, Edith M. Accn Nos : 3391 511.08 CAR

Carpenter, Dale Making arithmetic clear / Dale Carpenter and Dorothy Leavitt Pepper.-- New York: Macmillan Co, [n.d.] 330p (The world numbers). Vol. 6 1.Mathematics I. Pepper, Dorothy Leavitt. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45163 511.08 CAR

Carpenter, Dale

Making arithmetic clear / Dale Carpenter.-New York: Macmillan, 1957. 326p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 8500 511.08 CAR

Carpenter, Dale More about numbers / Dale Carpenter, MaeKnight Clark and Esther J. Swenson.-- New York: The Macmillan, 1957. 128p. 1.Mathematics I. Clark, MaeKnight. II. Swenson, Esther J. III. Title. Accn Nos : 45283

511.08 CAR

Carpenter, Dale Putting arithmetic to work / Dale Carpenter and Elizabeth Cuthberton.-- New Yok: Macmillan, 1957. 346p. (The world of numbers). Vol. 7 1.Mathematics I. Cuthberton, Elizabeth. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 6906 511.08 CAR

Carpenter,Dale Putting arithmetic to work / Dale Carpenter and Elizabeth Cuthbertson.-- New York: Macmillan, 1957. 346p. (The world of numbers) 1.Mathematics 2.arithmetics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45241 511.08 CAR

Carpenter, Dale Step by step in arithmetic / Dall Carpenter and G. Lester.-- New York: Macmillan Co, 1957. 330p (The world of numbers). Vol. 4 1.Mathematics I. Anderson, G. Lester. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3321 511.08 GUN

Gunderson, Anges G. Learning to use arithmetic / Anges G. Gunderson.--Teachers' ed-- Boston: D.C. Heath, 1953. various pagination. Book 1 1.Mathematics I. Hollister, George E.

II. Beverley. III. Fitzpatrick, Patrick. IV. Title. Accn Nos : 45203 511.08 GUN

Gunderson, Agnes G. Learning to use arithmetic / Agnes G. Gunderson and George E. Hollister.--Teachers' ed-- Boston: D.C. Heath, 1953. various pagination. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Hollister, George E. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45234

511.08 GUN

Gunderson, Agnes G. Learning to use arithmetic / Agnes G. Gunderson, illus. by Robert Maclean.-America: D.C. Heath, 1958. 144p 1.Mathematics I. Maclean, Robert. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45150 511.08 GUN

Learning to use arithmetic / Agnes G. Gunderson...[et al.]-- Boston: D.C. Heath, 1958. 330p. Vol. 4 1.Mathematics I. Gunderson, Agnes G. II. Wren, F. Lynwood. III. Wrightstone, J. Wayne. IV. Urbancek, Joseph J. V. Randall, Joseph H. Accn Nos : 42997 511.08 GUN

Learning to use arithmetic / Agnes G. Gunderson...[et al.]--Teachers ed-Boston: D.C. Heath, 1958. xi,330p. Book 4 1.Mathematics I. Wren, F. Lynwood. II. Wrightstone, J. Wayne. III. Urbancek, Joseph J. IV. Randall, Joseph H. Accn Nos : 45215 511.08 HAR

Hartung, Maurice L. Seeing through arithmetic / Maurice L. Hartung, Henry Engen and Knowles, Lois.-Chicago: Scott, Foresman, 1980. 144p 1.Mathematics 2.Arithmetic, mathematics

I. Engen, Henry. II. Knowles, Lois. III. Title. Accn Nos : F2352 511.08 HAR

Hartung, Maurice L. Seeing through arithmetic. 5 / Maurice L. Hartung, Henry Van Engen and Lois Knowles.-Chicago: Scott, Foresman, 1961. 600p 1.Mathematics I. Engen, Henry Van. II. Knowles, Lois. III. Title. Accn Nos : F2358

511.08 HAR

Hartung, Maurice L. Seeing through arithmetic. 4 / Maurice L. Hartung, Henry Van Engen and Lois Knowles.-Chicago: Scott, Foresman, 1963. 256p 1.Mathematics I. Engen, Henry Van. II. Knowles, Lois. III. Title. Accn Nos : F12281 511.08 HAR

Hartung, Maurice L. Seeing through arithmetic 4 / Maurice L. Hartung, Henry Van Engen and Lois Knowles.-Teachers ed-- Chicago: Scott,Foresman, 1961. 552p 1.Mathematics I. Engen, Henry Van. II. Knowles, Lois. III. Title. Accn Nos : F2357 511.08 HAR

Hartung, Maurice L. Seeing through arithmetic 6 / Maurice L. Hartung, Henry Van Engen and Lois Knowles.-Teachers ed-- Chicago: Scott, Foresman and Co, 1961. 624p 1.Mathematics I. Engen, Henry Van. II. Knowles, Lois. III. Title. Accn Nos : F2359 511.08 HAR

Hartung, Maurice L. Seeing through arithmetic: Teaching guide B / Maurice L. Hartung.-- New Jersey: Scott, Foresman, 1961. 182p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F2351

511.08 HAR

Seeing through arithmetic / Maurice L. Hartung...[et al.]-- Chicago: Scott, Foresman, 1961. 560p. Book 3 1.Mathematics I. Hartung, Maurice L. II. Engen, Henry Van. III. Knowles, Lois. IV. Mahoney, Catharine. Accn Nos : F2356

511.08 HAR

Hartung, Maurice L. Teaching guide: A special book / Maurice L. Hartung, Henry Van Engen and Lois Knowles.-Chicago: Scott, Foresman, 1961. 79p (Seeing through arithmetic) 1.Mathematics I. Engen, Henry Van. II. Knowles, Lois. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F2350 511.08 HAR

Temporary teaching guide: Seeing through arithmetic / Maurice L. Hartung...[et al.]-- Chicago: Scott, Foresman, 1963. 132p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Hartung, Maurice L. II. Engen, Henry Van. III. Gibb, E. Glenadine. IV. Stochl, James E. V. Knowles, Lois. Accn Nos : 45427 511.08 JAM

James, W.H. Progress primary arithmetics, book I: Introduction to arithmetic / W.H. James.-London: Blackie, 1950. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 43038 511.08 MER

Merton, Elda L. Moving ahead in arithmetic / Elda L. Merton and Leo J. Brueckner.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. 176p. Book 2 1.Mathematics I. Brueckner, Leo J. II. Title.

Accn Nos : 46716 511.08 OSB

Osborn, Jesse Home run hitters / Jesse Osborn, Adeline Riefling, illus. by Roberta Paflin.-- Saint Louis: Webster, 1953. 344p (Adventures with numbers) 1.Mathematics I. Riefling, Adeling. II. Paflin, Roberta. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45151

511.08 OSB

Osborn, Jesse Range riders: Adventures with numbers / Jesse Osborn and Adeline Riefling.-Atlanta: Webster, 1953. x,312p 1.Mathematics I. Riefling, Adeline. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42812 511.08 OSB

Osborn, Jesse Straight shooters / Jesse Osborn, Adeline Riefling and illus. by Sally Camana.-- Saint Louis: Webster, 1953. 344p (Adventures with numbers) 1.Mathematics I. Reifling, Adeline. II. Camana, Sally. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45305 511.08 OSB

Osborn, Jesse Straight shooters / Jesse Osborn, Adeline Riefling, illus. by Sally Camana.-- Saint Louis: Webster, 1953. 344p (Adventures with numbers) 1.Mathematics I. Riefling, Adeline. II. Camana, Sally. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45133 511.08 POT

Accn Nos : 435 511.08

Potter, F.F. Arithmatic for infants / F.F. Potter.-London: Sir Isaac Pitman, 1949. various pagination (Pupil's Book) (1-3) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series).


Potter, F.F. Mechanical tests in common-sense arithmetic / F.F. Potter.-- London: Sir Isaac Pitman, [n.d.] various pagination (Pupil's Book). Book 1-5A 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 4124 511.08 SCH

Schonell, Fred J. Practice in basic arithmetic / Fred J. Schonell.-- Edinburgh: Oiver and Boyd, [n.d.] various pagination. Book 1-3 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42992

511.08 SCH

Schonell, F.J. Right from the start arithmetic / F.J. Schonell and S.H. Cracknell.-- Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1954. various pagination. Book 2-3 1.Mathematics I. Cracknell, S.H. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42971 511.08 SCH

Schonell, F.J. Right from the start, arithmetic / F.J. Schonell and S.H. Cracknell.-- Edinburgh: Oiver and Boyd, 1954. 127p. Book 1 1.Mathematics I. Cracknell, S.H. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3387 511.08 SER

Serjeant, F.I. Number in everyday life / F.I. Serjeant, E. Stockbridge, illus. by J Armstrong.-London: Pitman, 1962. various pagination. Book 1 1.Mathematics I. Stockbridge, E. II. Armstrong J. III. Title. Accn Nos : 44990 511.08 STE

Step by step arithmetic / The Publisher.-Glasgow: Gilmour and Dean, 1953. various pagination. Book 3-5 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : 42972 511.08


Step by step arithmetics / The Publisher.-Glasgow: Gilmous and Dean, 1952. various pagination. Book 1-2 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : 86656 511.08 STE

Step by step arithmetics / The Publisher.-Glasgow: Gilmour and Dean, 1952. various pagination. Book 2 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : 86657

511.08 TAY

Taylor, A. New Nation arithmetic / A. Taylor, illus. by D. Carabine.-- London: Thomas Nelson, [n.d.] Various pagination. Vol. 1-3 1.Mathematics I. Carabine, D. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42990 511.08 WIL

Williamson, R.S. Vital primary arithmetic / R.S. Williamson. -- London: Macmillan, 1949. 96p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 43039 511.09 SMI

Smith, David Eugene Numbers and numerals, David Eugene Smith and Jekuthiel Ginsburg.-- Washington: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1956. vi,52p (Monograph) (1) 1.Mathematics I. Ginsburg, Jekuthiel. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45144 511.1 ARC

Archer, Allene Number principles and patterns / Allene Archer.-- Atlanta: Ginn and Company, 1961. 67p (Ginn arithmetic enrichment program) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 10897 511.1 BAS

Introduction to binary arithmetic / The

publisher.-- New York: Basic Systems, 1965. 78p 1.Mathematics I. Basic Systems Program. Accn Nos : 19829 511.1 BAS

Introduction to binary arithmetic / Basic Systems Program.-- New York: Basic System Inc, 1965. 78p 1.Mathematics I. Basic Systems Program. Accn Nos : 42985

511.1 BAS

Introduction to binary arithmetic / Basic Systems Program.-- New York: Basic Systems, 1965. 78p 1.Mathematics I. Basic systems program. Accn Nos : 15484 511.1 BAS

Introduction to binary arithmetic / Basic Systems Program.-- New York: Basic Systems, 1965. 78p 1.Mathematics I. Basic Systems Program. Accn Nos : 10941 511.1 BAS

Introduction to binary arithmetic / Basic Systems Program.-- New York: Basic systems, 1965. 78p 1.Mathematics I. Basic Systems Program. Accn Nos : 85573 511.1 BAS

Introduction to binary arithmetic / Basic Systems Program.-- New York: Basic Systems, 1965. 78p 1.Mathematics I. Basic Systems Program. Accn Nos : 44958 511.1 BAS

Introduction to binary arithmetic / Basic Systems Program.-- New York: Basic Systems, 1965. 78p 1.Mathematics I. Basic Systems Program. Accn Nos : 45440

511.1 BAS

Introducton to binary arithmetic / Basic Systems Program.-- New York: Basic Systems, 1965. 78p 1.Mathematics I. Basic Systems Program. Accn Nos : 10940 511.1 BYR

Byrne, J. Richard Number systems: A elementary approach / J. Richard Byrne.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1967. xiii,291p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 56417

511.1 CRO

Crowder, Norman A. Arithmetic of computers / Norman A. Crowder.-- London: English University Press, 1960. vi,470p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3369 511.1 GIL

Gillie, Angelo C. Binary arithmetic and boolean algebra / Angelo C. Gillie.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1965. viii,248p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 56428 511.1 JOH

Johnson, Donovan A. Understanding numeration systems / Donovan A. Johnson and William H. Glenn.-- St. Louis: Webster, 1960. 56p (Exploring mathematics on your own) 1.Mathematics I. Glenn, William H. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 10900 511.1 KLO

Klose, Orval M. Number of systems and opertions of arithmetic / Orval M. Klose.-- Oxford: Pergamon, 1966. xi,265p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 63442 511.1 OGI

Ogilvy, C. Stanley Excursions in number theory / C. Stanley

Ogilvy and John T. Anderson.-- New York: Oxford, 1966. 168p 1.Mathematics I. Anderson, John T. II. Title. Accn Nos : 56622 511.1 OGI

Ogilvy, C. Stanley Excursions in number theory / C. Stanley Ogilvy and John T. Anderson.-- New York: Oxford, 1966. 168p 1.Mathematics I. Anderson, John T. II. Title. Accn Nos : 68376

511.1 PET

Pettafrezzo, Anthony J. Elementary mathematics number system and algebra / Anthony J. Pettafrezzo and Donald W. Hight.-- Illinois: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1970. x,500p 1.Mathematics I. Hight, Donald W. II. Title. Accn Nos : 75183 511.1 REI

Reid, Constance From zero to infinity / Constance Reid.-2nd rev. ed-- New York: Thomas Y. Growell, 1955. 161p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3380 511.1 REI

Reid, Constance From zero to infinity / Constance Reid.-2nd rev. ed-- New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1955. 161p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45142 511.1 SHA

Sharma, J.M. New look at numbers / J.M. Sharma and William R. Ostan.-- New Delhi: Arya Book Depot, 1968. viii,228p 1.Mathematics I. Ostan, William R. II. Title. Accn Nos : 67190

511.1 SPO

Spooner, George A. Introduction to number systems / George A. Spooner and Richard L. Mentzer.-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1968. x,339p 1.Mathematics I. Mentzer, Richard L. II. Title. Accn Nos : 64446 511.107 BYR

Byrne, J. Richard Number systems: An elementary approach / J. Richard Byrne.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967. 291p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 54676 511.107 ZOL

Zoll, Edward J. Modern systems: An introduction to structures in mathematics / Edward J. Zoll.-New York: Macmillan, [n.d.] iv,108p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F5534 511.1077 SEL

Seltzer, Morton Factors and primes: An introduction to number theory / Morton Seltzer and Edward J. Zoll.-- New York: The Macmillan, 1963. v,45p (Understanding modern mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Zoll, Edward J. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45439 511.1077 ZOL

Zoll, Edward J. Modular systems: an introduction to structure in mathematics / Edward J. Zoll and Ramon Gordon.-- New York: Macmillan, 1965. 54p (Understanding modern mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Gordon, Ramon. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45169 511.1077 ZOL


Zoll, Edward J. Modular systems: An introduction to structure in mathematics / Edward J. Zoll and Ramon Gordon.-- New York: Macmillan, 1965. 54p (Understanding modern mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Gordon, Ramon. II. Title (Series).


Armstrong, Ethel G. Introduction to multiplication / Ethel G. Armstrong, Douglas Porter and Herbert F. Spitzer.-- St. Louis: Webster, 1964. iv,52p 1.Mathematics I. Porter, Douglas. II. Spitzer, Herbert F. III. Title. Accn Nos : 87646 511.2 DRO

Drobot, Stefan Real numbers / Stefan Drobot.-- London: Prentice, 1964. 102p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 10994

511.2 GAU

Gaultier, M. Le calcul concret cours moyen / M. Gaultier.-- Paris: Librairie Classique Eugene, n.d. 255p. 1.Mathemetics I. Title. Accn Nos : F3284 511.2 GAU

Gaultier, M. Le calcul concret cours elementaire / M. Gaultier.-- Paris: Librairie classique eugene, n.d. 160p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F3285 511.2 GAU

Gaultier, M. Le calcul concret: premier livre / M. Gaultier.-- Paris: Librairie classique eugene, 1956. 64p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F3286 511.2 GLE

Glenn, William H. Number patterns / William H. Glenn and Donovan A. Johnson.-- Atlanta: Webster, 1960. 47p (Exploring mathematics on your own) 1.Mathematics I. Johnson, Donovan A. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 10898 511.2 NIC

Nichols, Eugene Arithmetic of programmed unit Kolin and Henry

D. directed numbers: A / Eugene D. Nichols, Robert Garland.-- New York: Holt,

Rinehart and Winston, 1962. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Kolin, Robert. II. Garland, Henry. III. Title. 511.2 WRI

Wright, G.G. Neill Teaching of Arabic numerals: An abridgment of the writing of Arabic numerals / G.G. Neill Wright.-- London: University of London Press, 1954. vi,45p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45143

511.2018 GLE

Glenn, William H. Short cuts in computing / William H. Glenn and Donovan A. Johnson.-- St. Louis: Webster, 1961. 46p (Exploring mathematics on your own) 1.Mathematics I. Johnson, Donovan A. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 10899 511.22 STE

Steiner, Charlotte Ten in a family / Charlotte Steiner.-- New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1960. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45175 511.24 CAR

Carpenter, Dale World of number (arithmetic) / Dale Carpenter and Dorothy Leavitt Pepper.-- New York: Macmillan, 1950. 313p 1.Mathematics I. Pepper, Dorothy Leavitt. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3395 511.27 WIL

Williams, Dorothy Realistic approach to number teaching / Dorothy Williams.-- London: Oxford University Press, 1951. 95p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 1586 511.3 BAU

Baum, John D.

Sets I / John D. Baum and Richard J. Paul. -- St. Louis: McGraw-Hill, 1964. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Paul, Richard J. II. Title. Accn Nos : 54322 511.3 BAU

Baum, John D. Sets I / John D. Baum and Richard J. Paul. -- St. Louis: McGraw Hill, 1964. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Paul, Richard J. II. Title. Accn Nos : 54321

511.3 BAU

Baum, John D. Sets II / John D. Baum and Richard J. Paul. -- St. Louis: McGraw Hill, 1965. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Paul, Richard J. II. Title. Accn Nos : 54323 511.3 BAU

Baum, John D. Sets II / John D. Baum and Richard J. Paul. -- St. Louis: McGraw-Hill, 1965. various pagination (Teacher's edition) 1.Mathematics I. Paul, Richard J. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 54324 511.3 CAN

Cangelosi, Vincent E. Compound statements and mathematical logic / Vincent E. Cangelosi.-- Columbus: Charles E. Merrill Books, 1967. xii,114p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 72275 511.3 CAR

Carleson, Lennart Selected problems on exceptional sets / Lennart Carleson, Paul R. Halmas and Fredrick W. Gehring.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand Company, 1967. v,151p (Van Nostrand mathematical studies) (ed. by Poul R. Halmas, Fredrick W. Gehring) 1.Mathematics I. Halmas, Paul R. II. Gehring, Fredrick W. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 64108

511.3 COP

Copi, Irving M. Symbolic logic / Irving M. Copi.--3rd ed-New York: Macmillan, n.d xvi,389p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 58546 511.3 CRO

What is the mathematical logic / J.N. Crossley...[et al.]-- London: Oxford University Press, 1972. 77p 1.Mathematics I. Crossley, J.N. II. Ash, C.J. III. Brickhill, C.J. IV. Stillwell, J.O. V. William, N.H. Accn Nos : 79519 511.3 FRU

Fruchter, Benjamin Introduction to factor analysis / Benjamin Fruchter.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand Company, 1954. vii,273p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42970 511.3 HAM

Hamilton, A.G. Logic for Mathematicians / A.G. Hamilton.-Rev. ed.-- New York: Cambridge University Press, 1988. vii,224p. 1.Logic Symbolic and mathematical I. Title. Accn Nos : 107923 511.3 HOF

Hofstadter, Douglas R. Godel, Escher, Bach: an eternal golden braid / Douglas R. Hofstadter.-- New York: Penguin Book, 1979. xxi, 777p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 93945 511.3 LEV

Levin, Marcia New mathematics sets and subtraction practice work book / Marcia Levin and Jeanne Bendick.-- New York: Treasure Books, 1966. 63p 1.Mathematics I. Bendick, Jeanne. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45449 511.3 LIP

Lipschutz, Seymour Schaum's outline of theory and problems of set theory and related topics / Seymour

Lipschutz.-- New York: Schaum, 1964. 233p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 20171 511.3 MEN

Mendelson, Elliott Introduction to mathematical logic / Elliott Mendelson.-- Princeton: D. Van Nostrand Co. Inc, 1964. 300p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 15020

511.3 MEN

Mendelson, Elliott Introduction to mathematical logic / Elliott Mendelson.--4 th ed.-- Florida: Chapman and Hall, 2001. x,440p. ISBN 0-412-80830-7 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 123847 511.3 NGU

Nguyen, Hung T. First course in fuzzy logic / Hung T. Nguyen and Elbert A. Walker.--2nd ed.-London: Chapman & Hall, 1999. 373p ISBN 0-8493-1659-6 1.Neural networks (computer science) I. Walker, Elbert A. II. Title. Accn Nos : 123848 511.3 NIC

511.3 NIC

Nichols Arithmetic of directed numbers: A programmed unit / Nichols, Kalin and Garland. -- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1962. iv,398p 1.Mathematics I. Kalin. II. Garland. III. Title.

Nichols, Eugene D. Introduction to sets: A programmed unit / Eugene D. Nichols, Robert Kolin and Henry Garland.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1962. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Kolin, Robert. II. Garland, Henry. III. Title.

Accn Nos : 63401 511.3 ORE

Primary number guide / The Publisher.-Portland: Portland Public Schools, 1955. vi,143p 1.Mathematics I. Portland Public Schools.

Accn Nos : 487 511.3 QUI

Quine, Willard Van Orman Mathematical logic / Willard Van Orman Quine.--rev ed-- New York: Harper & Row, 1951. 346p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 60834

511.3 ROS

Rosser, Mike Basic mathematics for economists / Mike Rosser.--2nd ed.-- London: Routledge, 2003. x,530p. Includes index ISBN 0-415-26784-6 1.Mathematical logic 2.Mathematical economics I. Title. Accn Nos : 127662 511.3 RUC

Rucker, Rudy Infinity and the mind: The science and philosophy of the infinite / Rudy Rucker.-Great Britain: Harvester, 1982. 342p ISBN 0-7108-0461-X 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 97282 511.3 SAS

Sastry, V.S.S. Origami fun and mathematics / V.S.S. Sastry.-- Noida: Vigyan Prasar, 2007. vii,89p ISBN 81-7480-125-1 1.Mathematical fun I. Title. Accn Nos : 127656 511.3 SHA

Shanti Narayan Statements and sets: a problem-oriented approach / Shanti Narayan and Nilima.-- New Delhi: S. Chand & Company, 1976. 124p. 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Set theory I. Nilima. II. Title. Accn Nos : 85013 511.3


Smullyan, Raymond Forever undecided: A puzzel guide to Godel / Raymond Smullyan.-- Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987. xii,257p ISBN 0-19-282196-2 1.Mathematics 2.Godel's theorem 3.Logic symbolic & mathematical I. Title. Accn Nos : F19116

511.3 SUP

Suppes, Patrick Axiomatic set theory / Patrick Suppes.-New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1960. various pagination (The university series in undergraduate mathematics) (ed. by John L. Kelley and Paul R. Halmos) 1.Mathematics 2.Set theory, mathematics I. Kelley, John L. II. Halmos, Paul R. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66169 511.3 SUP

Suppes, Patrick Axiomatic set theory / Patrick Suppes.-New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1960. various pagination (The university series in undergraduate mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 19372 511.32/511.33 GRA

Gray, James F. Sets relations and functions / James F. Gray.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965. ix,143p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 10479 511.32 CLA

Clark, John First book of sets / John Clark.-- London: Longmans, Green, 1965. various pagination (Discovery programmes) (ed. by John Leedham) 1.Mathematics I. Leedham, John. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F10887

511.32 FLE

Flegg, H. Groham Boolean algebra anadaits application / H. Groham Flegg.-- London: Blackie, 1964. ix,259p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 15539 511.32 FLE

Flegg, H. Graham Boolean algebra and its application: Including boolean matrix algebra / H. Graham Flegg.-- London: Blackie, 1964. xv,261p 1.Algebra, booleanBoolean algeb I. Title. Accn Nos : 10610

511.32 FLE

Flegg, H. Graham Boolean algebra and its applications / H. Graham Flegg.-- London: Blackie, 1964. xv,261p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 15538 511.32 HOE

Heilwell, Melvin F. Introduction to boolean algebra and logic design / Melvin F. Heilwell.-- New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1964. 306p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 20269 511.32 MEC

Language of sets / The publisher.-- New York: Basic System Inc, 1963. 245p (A basic system program series) (ed. by Francis Mechner and Donald A. Cook) 1.Mathematics I. Mechner, Francis. II. Cook, Donald A. III. Basic System Inc. IV. Series. Accn Nos : F11193 511.32 MEN

Mendelson, Elliott Theory and problems of boolean algebra and switching circuits / Elliott Mendelson.-- New York: McGraw Hill Book, 1987. 212p. (Schaum's outline series) 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra, boolean I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 107838 511.32 SOU

South, G.F. Boolean algebra and its uses / G.F. South.

-- New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1974. v,100p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 79511 511.32 WHI

Whitesitt, J. Eldon Boolean algebra: And its applications / J. Eldon Whitesitt.-- Massachusetts: AddisonWesley, 1962. x,182p (Addison-wesley series in the engineering sciences) 1.Algebra, booleanBoolean algeb I. Title (Series).

511.32 WHI

Whitesitt, J.Eldon Boolean algebra:And its application / J.Eldon Whitesitt.-- London: Addison-wesley publishing, 1961. vii182p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 10388 511.322 DEK

Deka, Ram Chandra Elemenrary introduction to Fuzzy Sets and certain related topics / Ram Chandra Deka.-Guwahati: R C Deka, Pragiyotish College, 1990. 42p 1.Mathematics 2.Fuzzy Sets 3.Set Theory I. Title.

511.322 DEK

Deka, Ram Chandra Elementary Introducation to Fuzzy Sets and Certain Related Topics / Ram Chandra Deka.-Guwahati: R. C. Deka, 1990. 41p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F19365 511.33 SEL

Selby, Samuel Sets relations functions an introduction / Samuel Selby and Leonard Sweet.-- New York: McGraw Hill Book Co, 1963. x,233p 1.Mathematics I. Sweet, Leonard. II. Title. Accn Nos : F5005 511.4 CHE

Cheney, E.W. Introduction to approximation theory / E.W.

Cheney.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1966. xii,289p (International series in pure and applied mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 56624 511.4 LIE

511.4 LIE

Lieberman, Joseph Estimation / Joseph Lieberman.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1963. various pagination (Program unit in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series).

Liberman , Joseph Estimation: a prigrammed unit in mathematics / Joseph Lieberman.-- New york: Mc Graw Hill Book co., 1963. 1.Mathematics I. Title.

511.4 LIE

Lieberman, Joseph Estimation: a programmed unit in mathematics / Joseph Lieberman.-- New York: Webester Publishing, 1963. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 54331 511.4 LIF

Lieberman, Joseph Estimation / Joseph Lieberman.-- St. Louis: Webster Publishing Company, 1963. Various pagination (A Programmed unit a mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series).

511.4 NAC

Nachbin, Leopoldo Elements of approximation theory / Leopoldo Nachbin.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1967. xii,119p (Van Nostrand mathematical studies) (14) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 64112 511.43 JAE

Jaech, John L. Statistical analysis of measurement errors / John L. Jaech.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1985. xxiii, 293p 1.Mathematics 2.Errors, theory of

3.Mensuration 4.Estimation theory I. Title. Accn Nos : 106907 511.5 ASH

Ashcroft, T.W. Maths and graphs / T.W. Ashcroft.-London: Heinemann Education Book, 1965. 61p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 6827 511.5 BOL

Bollobas, Bela Modern graph theory / Bela Bollobas.-- New York: Springer, 2005. 394p. ISBN 81-8128-309-0 1.Graph theory I. Title. Accn Nos : 128598 511.5 CHA

Chartrand, Gary Graphs & digraphs / Gary Chartrand; Linda Lesniak and Ping Zhang.--5th ed.-- London: Taylor & Francis Group, 2011. xii, 586p. 1.Mathematics - Graphs I. Lesniak, Linda. II. Zhang, Ping. III. Title. Accn Nos : 128981 511.5 HAR

Harris, Roy Graphs / Roy Harris.-- London: Methuen, 1967. 54p (Methuen's clearway programmed books) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 54230 511.5 ORE

Ore, Oystein Graphs and their uses / Oystein Ore.-- New York: The L.W. Singer, 1963. aviii,131p (New mathematical library) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F11010 511.5 ORE

Ore, Oystein Graphs and their uses / Oystein Ore.-- New York: The L.W. Singer, 1963. viii,131p (New mathematical library) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45264 511.5 ORE

Ore, Oystein Graphs and their uses / Oystein Ore.-- New York: The L.W. Singer, 1963. viii,131p (New mathematical library) 1.Mathematics I. ill. by Kessler, Ruth. II. Title (Series).

Accn Nos : F11009 511.5 PER

Perfect graphs / edited by Gorge L. Ramirez Alfonsin and Bruce A. Reed.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2001. xxii,362p (Wiley-Interscience series in discrete mathematics and optimization). Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 0-471-48970-0 1.Perfect graphs I. Alfonsin, Jorge L. Ramirez. II. Reed, Bruce A. III. Series. Accn Nos : 127233

511.5 WIL

Wilson, Robin J. Introduction to graph theory / Robin J. Wilson.--3rd ed.-- England: Longman, 1985. viii,166p. ISBN 0-470-20616-0 1.Graph theory I. Title. Accn Nos : 104849 511.6 BOS

Bose, R.C. Introduction to combinatorial theory / R.C. Bose and B. Manvel.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1984. ix, 237p (Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics) 1.Mathematics 2.Combinatorial analysis 3.Manvel, B. (Bennet) I. Manvel, B. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 103108 511.6 SYM

Combinatorial mathematics, optimal designs and their applications / ed. by J. Srivastava.-- Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1980. viii,391p (Annals of discrete mathematics) (6) 1.Mathematics I. Srivastava, J. II. Series. Accn Nos : 93444 511.6 TUC

Tucker, Alan Applied combinatorics / Alan Tucker.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1980. ix,385p 1.Mathematics 2.Combinatorial analysis 3.Graph theory I. Title. Accn Nos : 90720

511.64 TEM

Combinatorics: Proceedings / ed. by H.N.V. Temperley.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, n.d. 190p (London mathematical society lecture note series) (52). British Combinatorial Conference, Swan sea 1981 8th 1.Mathematics 2.Combinatorial analysis congress I. Temperley, H.N.V. II. Series. Accn Nos : 93415

511.6507 MCG

Mcguire, Christine Science education information report / Christine Mcguire.-- Columbus: Ohio State University, 1973. 27p (Occasional Paper series) (8) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F13235 511.7 HIL

Hildebrand, F.B. Introduction to numerical analysis / F.B. Hildebrand.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1956. x,511p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F8079 511.7 LIE

511.7 LIE

511.7 LIE

Lieberman, Joseph Estimation / Joseph Lieberman.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1963. various pagination (Program unit in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series).

Lieberman, Joseph Estimation / Joseph Lieberman.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1963. various pagination (Program unit in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series).

Lieberman, Joseph Estimation / Joseph Lieberman.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1963. various pagination (Program unit in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series).

511.7 LIE

511.7 LIE

511.7 LIE

511.7 LIE

511.7 LIE

511.7 LIE

511.7 LIE

Lieberman, Joseph Estimation / Joseph Lieberman.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1963. various pagination (Program unit in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series).

Lieberman, Joseph Estimation / Joseph Lieberman.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1963. various pagination (Program unit in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series).

Lieberman, Joseph Estimation / Joseph Lieberman.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1963. various pagination (Program unit in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series).

Lieberman, Joseph Mayan numerals / Joseph Lieberman.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1963. various pagination (Program unit in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series).

Lieberman, Joseph Mayan numerals / Joseph Lieberman.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1963. various pagination (Program unit in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series).

Lieberman, Joseph Mayan numerals / Joseph Lieberman.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1963. various pagination (Program unit in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series).

Lieberman, Joseph Mayan numerals / Joseph Lieberman.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1963. various pagination (Program unit in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series).

511.7 LIE

511.7 LIE

511.7 LIE

511.7 LIE

511.7 LIE

511.7 LIE

511.7 LIE

Lieberman, Joseph Mayan numerals / Joseph Lieberman.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1963. various pagination (Program unit in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series).

Lieberman, Joseph Mayan numerals / Joseph Lieberman.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1963. various pagination (Program unit in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series).

Lieberman, Joseph Mayan numerals / Joseph Lieberman.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1963. various pagination (Program unit in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series).

Lieberman, Joseph Mayan numerals / Joseph Lieberman.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1963. various pagination (Program unit in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series).

Lieberman, Joseph Mayan numerals / Joseph Lieberman.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1963. various pagination (Program unit in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series).

Lieberman, Joseph Mayan numerals / Joseph Lieberman.-- New York: McGraw Hill Book, 1963. (Program unit in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series).

Lieberman, Joseph Mayan numerals / Joseph Lieberman.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1963. various pagination (Program unit in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series).

511.7 MAT

Mathews, John H Numerical methods for Mathematics, Science, and Engineering / John H Mathews.--2nd ed-New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India, 1992. x,646p ISBN 81-203-0845-X 1.Mathematics 2.Numerical analysis I. Title. Accn Nos : 114850

511.7 MCC

McCracken, Daniel D. Numerical methods and fortran programming with application in engineering and science / Daniel D. McCracken and William S. Dorn.-New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1964. xiii,457p (Wiley international edition) 1.Mathematics I. Dorn, William S. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 54088 511.7 NIE

Nielson, Kaj L. Methods in numerical analysis / Kaj L. Nielson.--2nd ed-- New York: The Macmillan Co, 1964. xiv,408p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Accn Nos : 71 511.7 OPE

Open University Numerical computation: Practical unit II / Open University.-- Great Britain: Open University Press, 1982. 20p. (Mathematics third level course) (8) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 105490 511.7 SAS

Sastry, S.S. Introductory methods of numerical analysis / S.S. Sastry.-- New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 1984. 200p ISBN 0-87692-026-1 1.Mathematics 2.Numerical analysis I. Title. Accn Nos : 98462

511.7 SCA

Scaborough, James B. Numerical mathematical analysis / James B. Scaborough.-- London: Oxford University Press, 1958. xix,576p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 5760 511.7 SEL

Selby, Peter H. Logarithms self-taught / Peter H. Selby.-New York: McGraw Hill, 1964. x,122p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42955

511.7 SHA

Shanti Narayan Elements of real analysis for undergraduate / Shanti Narayan.-- New Delhi: S. Chand, 1964. 96p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 15325 511.7 SMI

Smith, James A. Arithmetic of the whole numbers: A programmed unit / James A. Smith.-- [s.l.]: Encyclopaedia Britannica Press, 1962. 140-248p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 17048 511.7 SMI

Smith, James A. Arithmetic of the whole numbers: A programmed / James A. Smith.-- [s.l.]: Encyclopaedia Britannica Press, 1962. ii,159p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 17047 511.8 ADA

Adams, L.J. Modern business mathematics / L.J. Adams.-New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. x,345p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53324 511.8 AND

Mathematical modeling / ed. by J.G. Andress and R.R. McLone.-- London: Butterworths, 1980. xvii,259p

1.Mathematics 2.Problem solving 3.Mathematical model I. Andress, J.G. II. McLone, R.R. Accn Nos : 101766 511.8 BER

Berry, J.S. Mathematical modelling methodology models and micro / J.S. Berry...[et al.]-- New York: John Wiley, 1986. 301p. 1.Mathematics I. Burghes, D.N. II. Huntley, I.D. III. James, D.J.G. IV. Title. Accn Nos : 106115

511.8 BOY

Cose studies in mathematical modeling / ed. by William E. Boyee.-- Boston: Pitman Advanced Publishing Programme, 1981. xiii,385p 1.Mathematics I. Boyee, William E. Accn Nos : 93491 511.8 CHR

Christman, John M. Shop mathematics / John M. Christman.-- New York: Macmillan, 1922. x,317p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42991 511.8 CUN

Cundy, H. Martyn Mathematical models / H. Martyn Cundy and A.P. Rollett.--2nd ed-- Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1961. 286p 1.Mathematics I. Rollett, A.P. II. Title. Accn Nos : 79512 511.8 CUN

Cundy, H. Martyn Mathematical models / H. Martyn Cundy and A.P. Rollett.--2nd ed-- Oxford: Clarendon, 1961. 286p 1.Mathematics I. Rollett, A.P. II. Title. Accn Nos : F5639 511.8 CUN

Cundy, H. Martyn Mathematical models / H. Martyn Cundy and A.P. Rollett.--2nd ed-- Oxford: Clarendon, 1961. 286p 1.Mathematics I. Rollett, A.P. II. Title.

Accn Nos : 7277 511.8 DAV

Davis, Nettie Stewart Applied mathematics for girls / Nettie Stewart Davis.-- Milwaukee: The Bruce, 1949. xii,273p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 5750 511.8 GUP

Gupta, R. Commercial mathematics including statistics / R. Gupta.-- Calcutta: Academic Publishers, 1961. xi,525p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 67360 511.8 GUP

Gupta, R. Commercial mathematics including statistics / R. Gupta.--Rev. Ed.-- Calcutta: Academic Publishers, 1961. xi,525p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 63487 511.8 HAR

Harvey, J.H. Teach yourself commercial arithmetic / J.H. Harvey.-- London: English University Press, 1963. 203p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 86562 511.8 HOD

Hodges, Wilfard Building models by games / Wilfard Hodges. -- New York: Cambridge University Press, 1985. v,303p (London mathematical society student texts) (2) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 104846 511.8 HOG

Hogben, Lancelot Man must measure / Lancelot Hogben.-London: Rathbone Books, 1955. 69p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 48327 511.8 HOG

Hogben, Lancelot Man must measure / Lancelot Hogben.-London: Rathbone Books and Print House, 1955.

69p (The wonderful world of mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 6033 511.8 JOH

Johnson, Donnovan A. World of measurement / Donovan A. Johnson and William A. Glenn.-- London: John Murray, 1964. 63p 1.Mathematics I. Glenn, William A. II. Title. Accn Nos : 19401

511.8 JOH

Johnson, Donovan A. World of measurement / Donovan A. Johnson and William H. Glenn.-- St. Louis: Webster, 1961. 63p (Exploring mathematics on your own) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics measurement I. Glenn, William H. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 16781 511.8 KAN

Kanzer, Edward M. Essentials of business arithmetic / Edward M. Kanzer and William L. Schaaf.--3rd ed-Boston: D.C. Heath, 1950. viii,476p 1.Mathematics I. Schaaf, William L. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42996 511.8 KNU

511.8 KNU

Knuth, Donald E. The art of computer programming / Donald E. Knuth.-- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1968. xxi,634p. (Addison-Wesley series in computer science and information processing) (consul. editors Richard S. Varga, Michael A. Harrison). Includes index Vol.1 - Fundamental Algorithms 1.Data processing and computer programming I. Varga, Richard S. II. Harrison, Michael A. III. Title (Series).

Knuth, Donald E. The art of computer programming / Donald E. Knuth.-- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1968. xxi,634p. (Addison-Wesley series in computer science and information processing) (consul. editors Richard S. Varga, Michael A.

Harrison). Includes index Vol.1 - Fundamental Algorithms 1.Data processing and computer programming I. Varga, Richard S. II. Harrison, Michael A. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 64302 511.8 KNU

511.8 KNU

Knuth, Donald E. Fundamental algorithms: Art of computer programming / Donald E. Knuth.-- California, London: Addison wesley, 1968. xxi,634p.(Vol. 1) (Series in computer science & information processing) 1.Mathematics I. Varga and Harrison. II. Title (Series).

Knuth, Donald E. Fundamental algorithms: Art of computer programming / Donald E. Knuth.-- California, London: Addison wesley, 1968. xxi,634p.(Vol. 1) (Series in computer science & information processing) 1.Mathematics I. Varga and Harrison. II. Title (Series).

511.8 KRI

Krishnamurthy, E V Numerical algorithms: computations in science and engineering / E V Krishnamurthy and S K Sen.--2nd ed (reprint 1991)-- New Delhi: Affiliated East-West Press, 1986. xxii,629p ISBN 81-85336-00-8 1.Mathematics 2.Algorithms I. Sen, S K. II. Title. Accn Nos : 113682 511.8 KRI

Krishnamurthy, E V Numerical algorithms: computations in science and engineering / E V Krishnamurthy and S K Sen.--2nd ed-- New Delhi: Affiliated East-West Press, 1986. xxiv,629p. Includes bibliographical references ISBN 81-85336-00-8 1.Mathematics 2.Algorithms I. Sen, S K. II. Title. Accn Nos : 114408 511.8 LAS

Lasley, Sidney J. New applied mathematics / Sidney J. Lasley and Myrte F. Mudd.--3rd ed-- New York: Prentice Hall, 1945.

xii,421p 1.Mathematics I. Mudd, Myrte F. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42994 511.8 OSB

Osborn, Roger Mathematics of investment / Roger Osborn.-New York: Harper, 1957. viii,116p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 34481

511.8 PAL

Pal, Srimanta Numerical methods: principles, analyses and algorithms / Srimanta Pal.-- New Delhi: Oxford univertity press, 2009. 812p. ISBN 0-19-569375-2 1.Numerical analyses 2.Algorithms I. Title. Accn Nos : 128569 511.8 RAJ

Vajaraman, V. Analog computation and simulation / Y. Vajaraman.-- New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India, 1993. 192p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 113692 511.8 RAJ

Rajaraman, V. Analog computation and simulation / V. Rajaraman.-- New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India, 1993. 192p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 113691 511.8 RAJ

Rajaraman, V. Analog computation and simulation / V. Rajaraman.-- New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India, 1993. 192p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 113690 511.8 RAS

Rassweiler, Merrill Fundamental procedures of financial

mathematics / Merrill Rassweiler and Irene Rassweiler.-- New York: Macmillan, 1958. vi,257p. 1.Mathematics I. Rassweiler, Irene. II. Title. Accn Nos : 53298 511.8 RAS

Rassweiler, Merrill Mathematics and measurements / Merrill Rassweiler.-- New York: Row Peterson, 1955. ix, 347p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45138

511.8 ROB

Robertson, Jack Cake-cutting algorithms: be fair if you can / Jack Robertson and William Webb.-Hyderabad: University Press, 1998. x,181p ISBN 81-7371-448-7 1.Algorithms I. Webb, William. II. Title. Accn Nos : 123002 511.8 ROU

Roucche, Nelda W. Business mathematics: collegiate approach / Nelda W. Roucche.-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1969. xii,493p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 75700 511.8 SIM

Mathematics of finance / Thomas Marshall Simpso...[et al.]--4th ed-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1969. xvii,572p 1.Mathematics I. Simpso, Thomas Marshall. II. Pirenian, Zereh M. III. Crenshaw, Bolling H. IV. Riner, John. Accn Nos : 74836 511.8 TAB

Tabor, Osborne B. Mathematics of finance / Osborne B. Tabor. -- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publishing Compahy, Inc, 1956. xiii,157p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42983 511.8 TAB

Tabor, Osborne B.

Mathematics of finance / Osborne B. Tabor. -- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc, 1956. xiii,157p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42984 511.9 CLA

Clark, John B. Mathematical tables / John B. Clark.-Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, n.d. 32p. 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Accn Nos : 430

511.9 GRY

Grytz , Engelbert Technical fundamentals :technical tables / Engelbert Grytz.-- Bombay: Asia publishing, 1964. 296p. 1.Mathematics I. Tr. by Herbert liebscher. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3379 511.9 HOD

Mathematical tables: From handbook of chemistry and physics / comp. by Charles D. Hodgman.-- Ohio: Chemical Rubber Publishing Company, 1941. vi,326p 1.Mathematics I. Hodgman, Charles D. Accn Nos : 5541 511.9 HOD

Mathematical tables from handbook of chemistry and physics / ed. by Charles D. Hodgman.--11th ed-- Ohio: Chemical Rubber Pub Co, 1961. ix,445p. 1.Mathematics I. Hodgman, Charles D.

511.9 HOD

Mathematical tables from handbook of chemistry and physics / ed. by Charles D. Hodgman.--11th ed-- Ohio: Chemical Rubber Pub Co, 1961. ix,445p. 1.Mathematics I. Hodgman, Charles D. Accn Nos : 3381 511.9 PRY

Chamber's seven-figure mathematical tables / ed. by James Pryde.--College edition-London: W & R Chamber, [n.d.]

xxv,311p 1.Mathematics I. Pryde, James. 511.9 PRY

Pryde Chembers's seven-figure mathematical tables / Compiled by James Pryde.-- London: W.& R.chembers, n.d. xxv,312p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3374

511.9 SUS

Shklarsky, D O USSR olympiad problem book: Selected problems and theorems of elemetary mathematics / D.O. Shklarsky, N.N. Chentzov and I.M. Yaglom, ed. by Irving Sussman and tr. by John Maykovich.-- San Francisco: W. H. Freeman, 1962. xvi,452p (A series of undergraduate books in mathematics) (ed. by R.A. Rosenbaum) 1.MathematicsShklarsky, D I. Chentzov, N.N. II. Yaglom I.M. III. Sussman, Irving. IV. Maykovich, John. V. Rosenbaum, R.A. VI. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 54671 511 ADV

Teacher's Manual for Airplane Aces / Adventure with number.-- Atlanta: K.Publishing. 23p. Accn Nos : 36522 511 AGG

Aggarwal, B.K. Bright arithmetic for higher mathematics students / B.K. Aggarwal and S.N. Gupta.-New Delhi: Young Friends, [n.d.] 42p 1.Mathematics I. Gupta, S.N. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3359 511 ALL

Allen, John W. Longman's junior school arithmetic mental and practical / John W. Allen.-- London: Longmans, 1963. iv,245p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 20202

511 ALL

Allen, John W. Longman's junior school arithmetic mental and practical / John W. Allen.-- London: Longmans, 1959. iv,245p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3355 511 ASI

Asimov, Isaac Realm of numbers / Isaac Asimov.-- Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1959. 202p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F2372 511 BAR

Bartoo, G.C. Count 5 adventure with numbers / G.C. Bartoo.-- St.Louis: Webster Publications, 1953. 96p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45292 511/BAR Bartoo,G.C Stories the numbers tell / G.C.Bartoo;Bess stinson,jesse osborn.-- Great britain: Webster publishing co., 1948. 96p. 1.Mathematic 2.(ch) I. Stinson,bess. II. Osborn,jesse. III. Title. Accn Nos : 45291 511 BEL

Bell, Clifford Fundamentals of arithmetic for teachers / Clifford Bell, Cledo D. Hammond and Robert B. Herrea.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1962. x,383p 1.Mathematics I. Hammond, Cledo D. II. Herrea, Robert B. III. Title. Accn Nos : 45075 511 BRA

Bradbury, H.D. Approach arithmetics / H.D. Bradbury.-London: University of London Press, n.d various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45072 511 BRI

Brideoake, E. Arithmetic in action / E. Brideoake and I.D. Groves.-- London: University of London

Press, 1960. 128p 1.Mathematics I. Groves, I.D. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3337 511 BRO

Brownell, William A. Numbers we need / William A. Brownell and J. Fred Weaver.-- Boston: Ginn and Company, 1963. 176p 1.Mathematics I. Weaver, J. Fred. II. Title. Accn Nos : 38530

511 BRO

Brownell, William A. Numbers we need / William A. Brownell and J Fred Weaver.-- Boston: Ginn and Company, 1963. B176p 1.Mathematics I. Weaver, J. Fred. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45287 511.BRU Brueckner, Leo J. Arithmetic we use grade 5 / Leo J. Brueckner, Foster E. Grossnickle and Elda L. Merton, illus. by C.B. Falls.-- Topeka: The State of Kansas, 1947. 308p 1.Mathematics I. Grossnickle, Foster E. II. Merton, Elda L. III. Falls, C.B. IV. Title. Accn Nos : 3367 511 BRU

Brueckner, Leo J. Moving a head in arithmetic / Leo J. Brueckner, Elda L. Merton and Foster E. Grossnickle.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. xxx,409p. Vol. 3 1.Mathematics I. Merton, Elda L. II. Grossnickle, Foster F. III. Title. Accn Nos : 45067 511 BRU

Brueckner, Leo J. Moving ahead in arithmetic / Leo J.Brueckner, Elda L. Merton and Foster E. Grossnickle.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, [n.d.]

378p. Vol.5 1.Mathematics I. Merton, Elda L. II. Grossnickle, Foster E. III. Title. Accn Nos : 36603 511 BRU

Brueckner, Leo J. Moving ahead in arithmetic / Leo J. Brueckner, Elda L. Merton and Foster E. Grossnickle.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, [n.d.] 344p. Vol. 3 1.Mathematics I. Merton, Elda L. II. Grossnickle, Foster E. III. Title. Accn Nos : 45076 511 BRU

Brueckner, Leo J. Moving ahead in arithmetic / Leo J. Brueckner, Elda L. Merton and Foster E. Grossnickle.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1963. 378p. Vol. 6 1.Mathematics I. Merton, Elda L. II. Grossnickle, Foster E. III. Title. Accn Nos : 36602 511 BRU

Brueckner, Leo J. Moving ahead in arithmetic / Leo J. Brueckner, Elda L. Merton and Foster E. Grossnickle.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. xxii,386p (Teacher's edition) (ed. by John Reckzeh and Ernest R. Duncan). Vol. 6 1.Mathematics I. Merton, Elda L. II. Grossnickle, Foster E. III. Reckzeh, John. IV. Duncan, Ernest R. V. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 86897 511 BRU

Brueckner, Leo J. Moving ahead in arithmetic / Leo J. Brueckner, Elda L. Merton and Foster E. Grossnickle.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. xxii,393p (Teacher's edition) (ed. by John Reckzeh and Ernest R. Duncan). Vol. 5 1.Mathematics I. Merton, Elda L. II. Grossnickle, Foster E. III. Reckzeh, John. IV. Duncan, Ernest R. V. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45078

511 BRU

Brueckner, Leo J. Moving ahead in arithmetic / Leo J. Brueckner, Elda L. Merton and Foster E. Grossnickle.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. xxii,386p (Teacher's edition) (ed. by John Reckzeh and Ernest R. Duncan). Vol. 6 1.Mathematics I. Merton, Elda L. II. Grossnickle, Foster E. III. Reckzeh, John. IV. Duncan, Ernest R. V. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 9407

511 BRU

Bruckne, Leo J. Moving arithmetic / Leo J. Bruckne and Elda L. Merton.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. 374p 1.Mathematics I. Merton, Elda L. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45068 511 BRU

Bruekoner, Leo J. New discovering numbers / Leo J. Bruekoner, Elda L. Merton and Foster E. Grossnickle.-Chicago: John W. Winston, 1959. 343p 1.Mathematics I. Merton, Elda L. II. Grossnickle, Foster E. III. Title. Accn Nos : 21549 511 BRU

Bruechner, Leo J. New thinking with numbers / Leo J. Bruechner, Foster E. Grossnickle and Elda L. Merton.-- Philadelphia: John C. Winston Co, 1959. iii,394p (Winston arithmetics) (7) 1.Mathematics I. Grossnickle, Foster E. II. Merton, Elda L. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 21550 511 BUC

Buckingham, Burdette R. Elementary arithmetic / Burdette R. Buckingham.-- New York: Ginn and Company, 1953. 742p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3343 511 BUS

Living arithmetic grade 6 / Guy T. Buswell...[et al.]--rev. ed-- Boston: Ginn

and Co, 1949. vi,516p 1.Mathematics I. Buswell, Guy T. II. Brownell, William A. III. John, Leonore. IV. Paus, Herbert. Accn Nos : 3330 511 BUS

Buswell, Guy T. Review arithmetic whole numbers and fractions: Based on daily life arithmetics / Guy T. Buswell, William A. Brownell and Lenore John.-- Boston: Ginn and Co, 1943. v,173p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Brownell, William A. II. John, Lenore. III. Title. Accn Nos : 46721 511 CAL

Arithmetic for today's children and youth / San Bernandio.-- California: San Bernandino, [n.d.] 136p 1.Mathematics I. California, San Bernandio. Accn Nos : 47615 511 CAR

Carpenter, Dale Applying arithmetic / Dale Carpenter and George E. Drake.-- New York: Macmillan, 1957. 232p 1.Mathematics I. Drake, George E. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45063 511 CAR

Carpenter, Dale How many?: A number readiness book / Dale Carpenter and Mae Knight Clark.-- New York: The Macmillan, 1960. 102p (The world of numbers) 1.Mathematics I. Clark, Mae Knight. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 13697 511 CAR

Carpenter How to use arithmetic 2 / Carpenter and Swenson.-- New York: Macmillan, 1957. 212p 1.Mathematics I. Swenson. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45059 511 CAR

Carpenter, Dale How to use arithmetic / Dale Carpenter and Esther J. Swenson.-- New York: Macmillan, 1957. 325p (World of numbers)

1.Mathematics I. Swenson, Esther J. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 12752 511 CAR

Carpenter Making arithmetic clear / Carpenter and Pepper.-- New York: Macmillan, [n.d.] 199p (World of numbers) 1.Mathematics I. Pepper. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45061

511 CAR

Carpenter, Dale Step by step in arithmetic / Dale Carpenter and Gibster Anderson.-- New York: Macmillan, 1957. 185p (World of numbers) 1.Mathematics I. Anderson, Gibster. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45060 511 CAR

Carpenter, Dale World of number / Dale Carpenter, Edith H. Sauer and G. Lester Anderson.-- New York: Macmillan, [n.d.] 40p (Answer for arithmetic) (5) 1.Mathematics I. Sauer, Edith H. II. Anderson, G. Lester. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 42909 511 CHA

Charles F. Introduction to the theory of arithmetic / F. Charles and Krause.-- London: AddisonWesley, 1970. 347p. 1.Mathematics I. Krause. II. Title. Accn Nos : 72711 511 CHA

Chatelet, A. J'appends a rai sonner / A. Chatelet and C. Condexaux.-- Paris: Editions Brourrelier, [n.d.] 350p 1.Mathematics I. Condexaux, C. II. Title. Accn Nos : F3269 511 CLA


In number land / Clark and Cushman.--2nd ed -- [s.l.]: Macmillan, [n.d.] 98p 1.Mathematics I. Cushman. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45293 511 CLA

Clark, Mae Knight Numbers at work / Mae Knight Clark and Laura Cushman.--2nd ed-- New York: Macmillan, 1960. 128p (Self helf number series) 1.Mathematics I. Cushman, Laura. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45285

511 CON

Bright, Emma Lewis Work book in arithmetic / Emma Lewis Bright, illustrated by Frank Nicholas and revised by Ella Washington Griffin.-- New London: Arthur C. Croft Pub, 1959. 66p 1.Mathematics I. Nicholas, Frank. II. Griffin, Ella Washington. III. Title. Accn Nos : F2171 511 COU

Coursey, R.C. Arithmetic: a new self-instruction program in basic arithmetic using effective controlled-learning techniques / R.C. Coursey.-- California: George Vincent McMohan, 1962. 98p. V. 4 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 69427 511 COU

Coursey, R.C. Arithmetic: a new self-instructional program in basic arithmetic using effective controlled-learning techniques / R.C. Coursey.-- California: George Vincent McMahon, 1961. 107p. V. 3 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 69426 511 COU

Coursey, R.C. Controlled programme learning arithmetic / R.C. Coursey.-- U.S.A.: George Vincent Mcmohal, n.d

vi,103p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 69425 511 COU

Coux, U. Pour compter comme les grands: Premier livre de calcul pour le cours preparatoire / U. Coux and M.M. Deyres.-- Paris: Charles Lavauzelle, 1950. 64p. 1.Mathematics I. Deyres, M.M. II. Title. Accn Nos : F3279

511 DAV

Davenport, H. Higher arithmetic: An introduction of numbers / H. Davenport.-- New York: Harper & Brothers, 1952. viii,172p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 15530 511 DON

Dannelly, F.T. Australian activity arithmetic / F.T. Dannelly.-- Sydney: Angus and Roberton, 1954. 28p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42910 511 DOU

Douglass, Harl R. Everyday arithmetic / Harl R. Douglass, Lucien B. Kinney and Donald W. Lentz.-- New York: Henry Holt, 1950. ix,488p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Kinney, Lucien B. II. Lentz, Donald W. III. Title. Accn Nos : 3393 511 DUE

Durell, Thomas J. Practice work book of arithmetic / Thomas J. Durell.-- New York: Treasure Books, 1966. 64p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45057 511 DUR

Durell, Clemente V. General arithmetic for schools / Clement V. Durell.-- London: G. Bell, 1959.

572p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3326 511 DUR

Durell, Thomas J. Practice work book of arithmetic / Thomas J. Durell.-- New York: Treasure Books, 1966. 64p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 35612

511 FLE

Fleming, C.M. Beacon arithmetic / C.M. Fleming and illus. by Harry Perry.-- London: Ginn and Co, 1960. 128p. Vol. 2: Part I 1.Mathematics I. Perry, Harry. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45010 511 FLE

Fleming, C.M. Beacon arithmetic / C.M. Fleming and illus. by Harry Perry.-- London: Ginn and Co, 1960. 120p. Vol. 2: Part I 1.Mathematics I. Perry, Harry. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45012 511 FLE

Fleming, C.M. Beacon arithmetic / C.M. Fleming and illus. by Harry Perry.-- London: Ginn and Company, 1960. 120p. Vol. 2: Part I 1.Mathematics I. Perry, Harry. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45008 511 FLE

Fleming, C.M. Beacon arithmetic / C.M. Fleming and illus. by Harry Perry.-- London: Ginn and Co, 1960. 120p. Vol. 2: Part I 1.Mathematics I. Perry, Harry. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45011 511 FLE

Fleming, C.M. Beacon arithmetics / C.M. Fleming, illus. by Harry Perry.-- London: Ginn, [n.d.]

127p. Book one: Part one 1.Mathematics I. Perry, Harry. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45009 511 FUJ

Fujii, John N. Numbers and arithmetic / John N. Fujii.-New York: Blaisdell, 1965. xi,559p (Blaisdell book in pure and applied mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series).

511 FUJ

Fujii,John N. Numbers and arithmetic / John N. Fujii.-New York: Blaisdell publishing, 1965. xi,559 1.Mathematics-Arithmetics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3368 511 GEC

Gechtman, Murray Arithmetic: Concepts and skills / Murray Gechtman and James Hardesty.-- New York: The Macmillan, 1968. viii,312p 1.Mathematics I. Hardesty, James. II. Title. Accn Nos : 63302 511 GEC

Gechtman, Murray Arithmetic: Concepts and skills / Murray Gechtman and James Hardesty.-- New York: The Macmillan, 1968. viii,312p 1.Mathematics I. Hardesty, James. II. Title. Accn Nos : 63281 511 GRI

Griffin , Ella Washington Manual of instructions for workbook in arithmetic / Ella Washington Griffin.-- New London: Arthur C. Croft publication, 1950. 28p. (Home and family life series) 1.Mathematics 2.arithmetics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F2173 511 GRO

Grossnickle, Foster E.

Discovering meanings in arithmetic / Foster E. Grossnickle and Leo J. Brueckner.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1959. v,442p 1.Mathematics I. Brueckner, Leo J. II. Title. Accn Nos : 53290 511 GUN

Gunderson, Agnes G. Learning to use arithmetic / Agnes G. Gunderson and George E. Holister.--Teacher ed.-- America: D.C. Heath, 1958. 65p. 1.Mathematics I. Holister, Geogre E. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45126

511 HAL

Hall, H.S. School arithmetic / H.S. Hall and F.H. Stevens.-- London: Macmillan, 1963. xiii,489p 1.Mathematics I. Stevens, F.H. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3327 511 HAL

Hall, Beatrice E. Sum for little people / Beatrice E. Hall.-London: W. & R. Chambers, 1953. 32p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45149 511 HAL (CH)

Hall, P. E. Sums For Little People / B.E. Hall.-London: W.&R. Chambers, n.d 32p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 17480 511 HAR

Harvey, J.H. Practical arithmetic with trigonometry for school / J.H. Harvey and F.H. Carrington.-London: Cassele and Co, 1955. v,294p 1.Mathematics I. Carrington, F.H. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45107 511 HAR

Hartung, Seeing Hartung, Chicago:

Maurine L. through arithmetic / Maurine L. Henry Van Engen and Lais Knowles.-Scott Foresman and Company, 1955.

256p 1.Mathematics I. Engen, Henry Van. II. Knowles, Lais. III. Title. Accn Nos : 45127 511 HAR

Seeing through arithmetic: Practice tablet / Maurice L. Hartung...[et al.]-- New Jersey: Scott, 1963. 75p 1.Mathematics I. Hartung, Maurice L. II. Engen, Henry Van. III. Gibb, E. Glendine. IV. Stoch, James E. V. Knowles, Lois. Accn Nos : F5338

511 HAR

Seeing through arithmetic: Temporary teaching guide / Maurice L. Hartung...[et al.]-New Jersey: Scott, Foresman and Co, 1963. 75p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Hartung, Maurice L. II. Engen, Henry Van. III. Gibb, E. Glenadine. IV. Stoch, James E. V. Knowles, Lois. Accn Nos : F5445 511 HEN

Henderson, Thomas Arithmetic for first grade : new syllabus / Thomas Henderson and others.-- Sydney: William Brooks, 1950. 88p. 1.Arithmetic I. Title. Accn Nos : 42904 511 HEN

New syllabus arithmetic for first grade / Thomas Henderson...[et al.]-- Brisbane: William Brooks & Co, 1950. 88p 1.Mathematics I. Henderson, Thomas. II. Irish, C.A. III. Bowden, L.T. IV. Watkin, H.G.

511 HUM

Hume, E.C. My first book of sums / E.C. Hume and E.C. Wheeler.-- London: Morrison & Gibbs, [n.d.] various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Wheeler, E.C. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42906 511 HUM

Hume, E.G. My first book of sums / E.G. Hume and E.C.

Wheeler.-- London: Horrison and Gibbs, [n.d.] various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Wheeler, E.C. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42907 511 HUN

Hunt, A.E. Arithmetic of everyday affairs / A.E. Hunt. --4th ed-- Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1956. 111p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45119

511 JIE

Stern, Catherine Children discover arithmetic: an introduction to structural arithmetic / Catherine Stern, forw. by Marguerite Lettr.-London: George G. Harrap & Co, n.d xxiv,295p 1.Mathematics I. Lettr, Marguerite. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3400 511 JOL

Jolly, Rene L'arithmetique nouvelle / Rene Jolly.-[S.N.]: Fernand Nathan, [n.d.] 368p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F3318 511 JON

Jonas, Harry H. Pre - algebra / Harry H. Jonas.-- New York: John Wiley, 1972. xi, 299p. ISBN 0-471-44702-1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 76590 511 KEL

Kellaway, F. W. Examples in applied mathematics / F. W. Kellaway.--2nd ed.-- London: Blackie & Son, 1959. vi,127p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45687 511 KIN

Kinney, Lucien B. Holt arithmetic / Lucien B. Kinney, Gerald W. Brown and M. Russell Blythe.-- New York:

Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1961. 518p. Book 2 1.Mathematics I. Brown, Gerald W. II. Blythe, M. Russell. III. Title. Accn Nos : 45121 511 KIN

Kinney, Lucien B. Holt arithmetic / Lucien B. Kinney, Gerald W. Brown and M. Russell Blythe.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1961. v,429p 1.Mathematics I. Brown, Gerald W. II. Blythe, M. Russell. III. Title. Accn Nos : 3375

511 KOL

Kolman, Bernard Discrete mathematical structures / Bernard Kolman, Robert C. Busby and Sharon Ross.--3rd ed.-- New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India, 1996. xvii,524p. Includes index ISBN 81-203-1147-7 1.Mathematics I. Busby, Robert C. II. Ross, Sharon. III. Title. Accn Nos : 120417 511 LAN

Land, Brenda Arithmetic for beginners / Brenda Land.-New York: Grasset & Danlap, 1959. 69p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45129 511 LAR

Larsen, Harold D. Arithmetic for college / Harold D. Larsen. -- New York: Macmillan, 1958. xiii, 286p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Colleges I. Title. Accn Nos : 45002 511 LAY

Lay, L. Clark Arithmatic: An introduction to mathematics / L. Clark Lay.-- New York: The Macmillan, 1961. xiii,323p (Undergraduate mathematics texts) (ed. by Carl B. Allendoerfer) 1.Mathematics I. Allendoerfer, Carl B. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 53296

511 LAY

Lay, L. Clark Arithmetic: an introduction to mathematics / L. Clark Lay.-- New York: Macmillan, 1961. xiii, 323p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45128 511 LAY

Lay, E.J.S. Pupils' class-book of arithmetic / E.J.S. Lay.-- London: Macmillan, 1950. 64p (Pupils' class-book). Book 1 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45120 511 LAY

Lay, L. Clark Study of arithmetic / L. Clark Lay.-- New York: The Macmillan Company, 1966. xv,590p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53211 511 LAY

Lay, L. Clark Study of arithmetic / L. Clark Lay.-- New York: Macmillan, 1966. xv, 590p. 1.Arithmetic - Study and teaching I. Title. Accn Nos : 45122 511 LEA

Leaf, Munro Arithmetic can be fun / Munro Leaf.-Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1949. 64p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45171 511 LEA

Leaf, Munro Arithmetic can be fun / Munro Leaf.-London: Ward, Lock, 1949. 64p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45130 511 LEN

Lennes, N.J. Economic mathematics: Business arithmetic for the consumer / N.J. Lennes and C.W. Sutton.-- Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1950. vi,538p 1.Mathematics I. Sutton, C.W. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45101

511 LIP

Lipschutz, Seymour Schaum's outline of theory and problems of discrete Mathematics / Seymour Lipschutz and Marc Lars Lipson.--2nd ed.-- New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing, 2000. ix,528p (Schaum's outlines series). Includes index ISBN 0-07-463710-X 1.Mathematics I. Lipson, Marc Lars. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 120416

511 LIU

Liu, Chung Laung Elements of discrete Mathematics / Chung Laung Liu.--2nd ed-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1985. xiv,433p (Computer science series) ISBN 0-07-038133-X 1.Mathematics 2.Combinatorial analysis 3.Algebra I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 113088 511 MAL

Mallory, Virgil S. Higher arithmetic / Virgil S. Mallory.-Chicago: Benj H. Sanborn, 1955. iv,418p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3350 511 MAR

Marks, John L. Enlarging Mathematical Ideas / John L. Marks, James R. Smart and Irene Sauble.-Boston: Ginn and Company, 1961. 95p 1.Mathematical I. Smart, James R. II. Sauble, Irene. III. Title. Accn Nos : F2386 511 MAR

Marks, John L. Extending mathematical ideas / John L. Marks, James R. Smart and Irene Sauble.-Boston: Ginn and Company, 1961. 95p (Ginn arithmetic enrichment program) 1.Mathematics I. Smart, James R. II. Sauble, Irene. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F2387 511


Marcus, Marvin Modern university algebra / Marvin Marcus and Henryk Minc.-- New York: Macmillan, 1966. xi, 244p. 1.Mathematics I. Minc, Henryk. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45173 511 MAS

Arithmetic in newton grade 3 / Newton Public School.-- Massachusetts: Harold B. Gracs, 1950. 203p 1.Mathematics I. New Public School, Massachusetts. Accn Nos : 45441

511 MCM

McMackin, Frank J. Arithmetic of better business / Frank J. McMackin, John A. Marsh and Charles E. Baten. -- Boston: Ginn and Company, 1959. viii,389p 1.Mathematics I. Marsh, John A. II. Baten, Charles E. III. Title. Accn Nos : 45139 511 MCS

McSwain, E.T. Arithmetic / E.T. McSwain, Kenneth E. Brown, Bernard H. Gundlach and Ralph J. Cooke.-- Illinois: Laidlaw Brothers Publishers, 1965. various pagination. Vol. 5 1.Mathematics I. Brown, Kenneth E. II. Gundlach, Bernard H. III. Cooke, Ralph J. IV. Title. Accn Nos : F5858 511 MCS

Arithmetic / E. T. Mcswain...[et al.]-Illinois: Laidlow Brothers, 1965. 336p. Vol. 3 1.Mathematics I. Brown, Kenneth E. II. Gundlach, Bornard H. III. Cooke Ralph J. Accn Nos : F5856 511 MCS

Arithmetic 4 / E.T. McSwain...[et al.]-Teachers ed-- Illinois: Laidlaw, 1965. 336p 1.Mathematics I. McSwain, E.T. II. Brown, Kenneth E. III. Gundlach, Bernard H. IV. Cooke, Ralph J. Accn Nos : F5857

511 MCS

Arithmetics / E.T. Mcswain...[et al.]-Illions: Laidlaw, 1965. 333p. Vol. 6 1.Mathematics I. Mcswain, E.T. II. Brown, Kenneth. III. Gundlach, Bernard H. IV. Cooke, Ralph J. Accn Nos : F5859 511 MER

Merton, Elda L. Moving ahead in arithmetic / Elda L. Merton and Leo J. Bruckner.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. 176p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Brueckner, Leo J. II. Title. Accn Nos : F5446 511 MER

Merton, Elda L. Moving ahead in arithmetic / Elda L. Merton and Leo J. Brueckner.--Teacher's ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. xxi,192p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Brueckner, Leo J. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45124 511 MER

Merton, Elda Moving ahead in arithmetic / Elda Merton and Leo J. Brueckne.-- America: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. 176p 1.Mathematics I. Brueckne, Leo J. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45125 511 MER

Merton, elda L. Moving ahead in arithmetic / Elda Merton and Leo J. Brueckne.-- America: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. 176p 1.Mathematics I. Brueckne, Leo J. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45123 511 MER

Brueckner, Leo J. Moving ahead in arithmetic / Leo J. Brueckner, Elda L. Merton and Foster E. Grossnickle.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. 378p. Book 5 1.Mathematics I. Merton, Elda L. II. Grossnickle, Foster E. III. Title.

Accn Nos : 14614 511 MER

Brueckner, Leo J. Moving ahead in arithmetic / Leo J. Brueckner, Elda L. Merton and Foster E. Grossnickle.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. 378p. Book 6 1.Mathematics I. Merton, Elda L. II. Grossnickle, Foster E. III. Title. Accn Nos : 33666

511 MER

Brueckner, Leo J. Moving ahead in arithmetic / Leo J. Brueckner, Elda L. Merton and Foster E. Grossnickle.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. 344p. Vol. 3 1.Mathematics I. Merton, Elda L. II. Grossnickle, Foster E. III. Title. Accn Nos : 3358 511 MER

Merton, Elda L. Moving ahead in arithmetic / Elda L. Merton and Leo J. Brueckner.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. 176p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Brueckner, Leo J. II. Title. Accn Nos : 39997 511 MER

Merton, Elda L. Moving ahead in arithmetic book 2 / Elda L. Merton and Leo J. Brueckner.-- USA: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. 176p. 1.Maths - Arithmetic I. Brueckner, Leo J. II. Title. Accn Nos : 47760 511 MIC

Developing efficiency in the basic communications and arithmetic skills in the elementary schools, report / The publisher.-- Michigan: Flint Public Schools, 1950. 40+xviiip

1.Mathematics I. Flint Public School, Michigan. Accn Nos : 49813 511 MIN

Guide for insturction in arithmetic / The publisher.-- Minnesota: Dapartment of Education, 1948. 132p 1.Mathematics I. Department of Education, Minnesota State. Accn Nos : 44903

511 MIN

Minick, John H. Structure of arithmetic / John H. Minick and Raymond C. Strauss.-- New York: Harper and Row, 1966. 521p 1.Mathematics I. Strauss, Raymond C. II. Title. Accn Nos : 63176 511 MOR

Les etapes: Du cours moyen / H. Morgenthaler...[et al.]-- Paris: Librairie Istra, 1961. 229p 1.Mathematics I. Morgenthaler, H. II. Huntzinger, Ch. III. Bouteiller, L. IV. Fenger, J. Accn Nos : F3342 511 MOR

Morton, Robert Lee Making sure of arithmetic: A complete program for grade 1-8 / Robert Lee Morton, Marle, Gray, Elizabeth Springstun and William L. Schaaf.-- New York: Silver Burdett, [n.d.] various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Gray, Marle. II. Springstun, Elizabeth. III. Schaaf, William L. IV. Title. Accn Nos : 45174 511 MOR

Morton, Robert Lee Making sure of arithmetic / Robert Lee Morton and Graj.-- New York: Silver Brudett, [n.d.] 317p 1.Mathematics I. Graj. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45170 511


Making sure of arithmetic, grade eith / Robert Lee Morton...[et al.]-- New York: Silver Burdett, 1946. iii,348p 1.Mathematics I. Morton, Robert Lee. II. Gray, Merle. III. Springstun, Elizabeth. IV. Schaaf, William L. Accn Nos : 45102 511 MOR

Making sure of arithmetic, teachers' guide for grade six / Robert Lee Morton...[et al.]-- New York: Silver Burdett, 1952. 221+30p 1.Mathematics I. Morton, Robert Lee. II. Gray, Merle. III. Springstun, Elizabeth. IV. Schaaf, William L. Accn Nos : 3372 511 MOR

Morton, Robert Lee Making sure of arithmetic / Robert Lee Morton...[et al.]-- New York: Silver Burdett, 1952. 380p 1.Mathematics I. Morton, Robert Lee. II. Gray, Merle. III. Springstun, Elizabeth. IV. Schaaf, William. V. Title. Accn Nos : 45007 511 MOR

Making sure of arithmetic / Robert Lee Morton...[et al.]-- New Jersey: Silver Burdett, 1953. 128p 1.Mathematics I. Morton, Robert Lee. II. Gray, Merle. III. Springstun, Elizabeth. IV. Schaaf, William L. Accn Nos : 18812 511 MOR

Making sure of arithmetic / Robert Lee Morton...[et al.]-- New York: Silver, 1952. 144p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Morton, Robert Lee. II. Gray, Merle. III. Winter, Milo. IV. Collins, Fred. V. Wenck, Paul. Accn Nos : 45286 511 MOR

Morton, Robert Lee...[et al.] Making sure of arithmetic / Robert Lee Morton.-- New York: Silver Burdett, 1952. 348p. 1.Mathematics I. Merton, Robert Lee. II. Gray, Merley. III. Springstun, Elizaheth. IV. Schaat, William L. V. Title. Accn Nos : 45004

511 MOR

Making sure of arithmetic / Robert Lee Marton...[et al.]-- New York: Silver Burdett, 1952. iii,228p 1.Mathematics I. Marton, Robert Lee. II. Springstun, Elizabeth. III. Gray, Merle. IV. Schaaf, William L. Accn Nos : 42929

511 MOR

Making sure of arithmetic: teacher's guide for grade five / Robert Lee Morton...[et al.]-- New York: Silver Burdett, [n.d.] 209p 1.Arithmetic - study and teachingMaking sure o I. Morton, Robert Lee. II. Gray, Marle. III. Springstun, Elizabeth. IV. Schaaf, William L. Accn Nos : 3373 511 MOR

Morton, Robert Lee Making sure of arithmetic / Robert Lee Morton...[et al.]-- New York: Silver Burdett Company, 1952. 346p 1.Arithmetic - Study and teaching I. Gray, Marle. II. Springstun, Elizabeth. III. Schaaf, William L. IV. Korach, Mioni. V. Title. Accn Nos : 45005 511 MOR

Morton, Robert Lee Making sure of arithmetic / Robert Lee Morton...[et al.]-- New York: Silver Burdett, 1952. 346p. 1.Arithmetic - study and teaching I. Gray, Marle. II. Springstun, Elizabeth. III. Schaaf, William L. IV. Coffin, Winifred. V. Forte, Alfred. VI. Kinkade, Orin. VII. Schawarz, Frank. VIII. Title. Accn Nos : 45003 511 MOR

Making sure of arithmetic in the classroom / Robert Lee Morton...[et al.]-- New York: Silver Burdett Company, [n.d.] 48p

1.Arithmetic - study and teachingMaking sure o I. Morton, Robert Lee. II. Gray, Marle. III. Springstun, Elizabeth. IV. Schaaf, William L. Accn Nos : 19192 511 MOR

Morton, Robert Lee Making sure of arithmetic / Robert Lee Morton...[et al.]-- New York: Silver Burdett Company, 1952. 348p 1.Arithmetic - study and teaching I. Morton, Robert Lee. II. Gray, Marle. III. Springstun, Elizabeth. IV. Schaaf, William L. V. Busch, Paul. VI. Lee, Harry H. VII. Title. Accn Nos : 45006

511 MOR

Making sure of arithmetic: Teacher's guide for grade four / Robert Lee Morton...[et al.]-- New York: Silver Burdett, 1953. 217+17p 1.Arithmetic - study and teachingMaking sure o I. Morton, Robert Lee. II. Gray, Marle. III. Springstun, Elizabeth. IV. Schaaf, William L. Accn Nos : 45148 511 MOR

Making sure of arithmetic / Robert Lee Morton...[et al.]-- New York: Silver Burdett, 1958. 426p. 1.Arithmetic - study and teaching Making sure I. Morton, Robert Lee. II. Gray, Marle. III. Springstun, Elizabeth. IV. Schaaf, William L. V. Rosskope, Myron F. Accn Nos : 3365 511 MUE

Mueller, Francis J. Arithmetic: Its structure and concepts / Francis J. Mueller.-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1959. xv,279p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 17710 511 NAR

Narayanan, K. Surya Our model arithmetic / K. Surya Narayanan and T. Rajgopalan.-- New Delhi: Cambridge, 1963. 216p 1.Mathematics I. Rajgopalan, T. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45111

511 NAT

Arithmetic algebra / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1969. 255p. Part III 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F7370

511 NAT

Arithmetic-algebra / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1968. viii,216p. Part II 1.Mathematics-Algebra I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F6954 511 NAT

Arithmetic algebra: Mathematics for middle school / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1967. v,163p. Part I 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F8222 511 NAT

Arithmetic algebra: Teachers guide / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1967. 47p. Part 1 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F8221 511 NEW

Arithmetic in our schools / Newark Board of Education.-- New Jersey: Board of Education, 1949. 134p 1.Mathematics I. Nework Board of Education, New Jersey.

Accn Nos : 49774 511 NEW

Course of study: Arithmetic grade 1-4 / The publisher.-- New Jersey: Hamilton Township Schools, 1956. 20p 1.Mathematics I. Hamilton Township Schools, New Jersey. Accn Nos : 47623

511 ORR

Orr, G.E. Exercises in arithmetic: With test / G.E. Orr.-- Perth: Carroll, 1955. 88p. Vol. 5 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42902 511 OSB

Osborn, J. Cage champions / J. Osborn, Adeline Riefling, illus. by Sally Camana.-- Sanit Louis: Webster, 1953. 344p (Adventure with numbers) 1.Mathematics I. Reifling, Adeline. II. Camana, Sally. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 42931 511 OWE

Owen, L.G. Indian primary arithmetics / L.G. Owen, rev. by D.C. Pavate.-- Bombay: Macmillan, 1962. 108p. Book II 1.Mathematics I. Pavate, D.C. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45112 511 PAG

Page, A. Algebra / A. Page.-- London: University of London Press, 1962. vii,346p 1.Mathematics I. Title. DLDI

511 PAG

Page, A. Algebra / A. Page.-- London: University of

London Press, 1962. vii,346p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3394 511 PAR

Parish, Charles R. Structural approach to arithmetic / Charles R. Parish and Roy L. McCormick.-- New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1970. ix,421p 1.Mathematics I. McCormick, Roy L. II. Title. Accn Nos : 78108

511 PEN

Pendlebury, Charles New school arithmetic / Charles Pandlebury and F.E. Robinson.-- London: G. Bell, [n.d.] various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Robinson, F.E. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45103 511 PEN

Pendleburg, Charles New school arithmetic / Charles Pendleburg and F.E. Robinson.-- Bombay: Orient Longmans, 1961. xiv,468p 1.Mathematics I. Robinson, F.E. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45104 511 PET

Peterson, John A. Theory of arithmetic / John A. Peterson and Joseph Hashisaki.--2nd ed-- New York: John Wiley, 1967. xiv,337p 1.Mathematics I. Hashisaki, Joseph. II. Title. Accn Nos : 54677 511 PUG

Pugibet, Ch. Arithmetique / Ch. Pugibet, A. Adam and P. Gason.--12th ed-- Paris: Librairie Armand Colin, 1954. 443p 1.Mathematics I. Adam, A. II. Gason, P. III. Title. Accn Nos : 36373 511 RAJ

Rajagopalan, T.S. New method pupil's arithmetic / T.S.

Rajagopalan.-- Calcutta: Orient Longman, 1957. 182p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3328 511 RAY

Rayen, A.J. Mechanical arithmetic / A.J. Rayen.-London: William Heinemann, 1958. 97p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3398

511 SAX

Saxena, C.P. Golden arithmetic for higher secondary classes domestic science and Secondary technical school / C.P. Saxena and M.K. Garg. -- Delhi: Bharat Prakashan, 1966. ii,66p 1.Mathematics I. Garg, M.K. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45115 511 SAX

Saxena, C.P. Golden arithmetic for higher secondary classes domestic science and Secondary technical school / C.P. Saxena and M.K. Garg. -- Delhi: Bharat Prakashan, 1966. various paginations 1.Mathematics I. Garg, M.K. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45131 511 SCO

Studies in arithmatic / Scottish Council.-London: University of London Press, 1939. xi,143p 1.Mathematics I. Scottish Council. Accn Nos : 3323 511 SCO

Scottish Council Studies in arithmetic / Scottish Council.-Edinburgh: Lowe & Brydone, 1941. xiii,183p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 35175 511 SHA

Sharma, C. Sawhney arithmetic for higher secondary school / C. Sharma and I.S. Khosla.-- Delhi:

Suraj Balram Sawhney, 1960. xvi,591p 1.Mathematics I. Khosla, I.S. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3352 DLDI 511 SHA

Sharma, R.C. Sawhney's lower arithmetic for arts and domestic science group with objective type questions / R.C. Sharma & I.C. khosla.-Delhi: Suraj Balram Sawhney & Sons, N.D. xviii,242p. 1.Mathematics I. khosla, I.C. II. Title. Accn Nos : 50238

511 SHU

Shukla, Anil K. Mathematics of aesthetics / Anil K. Shukla. -- New Delhi: Enkay, 1987. x,131p. ISBN 81-85148-15-5 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 105140 511 SIN

Singal, M.K. Arithmetic for girls / M.K. Singal and Asha Rani Singal.-- Allahabad: Kitab Mahal, 1966. ii,376p 1.Mathematics I. Singal, Asha Rani. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3360 511 SIN

Singal, M.K. Olympiad mathematics - for students appearing at RMO, INMO & other mathematical contests / M.K. Singal and Asha Rani Singal. --2nd ed.-- New Delhi: Pitambar publishing, 2001. xiv,406p ISBN 81-209-0815-5 1.Mathematic - Olympiad I. Singal, Asha Rani. II. Title. Accn Nos : 120604 511 STA

Staynor, E.V. Modern school arithmetic 4 / E.V. Staynor. -- New Delhi: Orient Longmans, 1962. 208p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45113 511


Staynor, E.V. Modern school arithmatic / E.V. Staynor.-Bombay: Orient Longmans, 1962. 188p. Vol. 6 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45117 511 STA

Staynor, E.V. Modern school arithmetic: Revised desimal money edition / E.V. Staynor.-- Bomaby: Orient Longmans, 1958. 98p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42903

511 STA

Staynor, E.V. Modern school arithmetic / E.V. Staynor.-Bombay: Orient Longmans, 1958. vi,116p. Vol. III 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45109 511 STA

Staynor, E.V. Modern school arithmatic / E.V. Staynor.-Bombay: Orient Longmans, 1962. 188p. Vol. 6 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 23923 511 STE

Stein, Edwin J. Refresher arithmetic with practical applications / Edwin J. Stein.-- Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1952. v,388p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45100 511 SWA

Swain, Robert L. Understanding arithmetic / Robert L. Swain. -- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. xi,268p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 7400 511 SWA

Swain, Robert L. Understanding arithmetic / Robert L. Swain. -- New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1963.

xi,268p 1.Mathematics I. Title. 511 SWA

Swain, Robert L. Understanding arithmetic / Robert L. Swain; edited by Eugene D. Nichols.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965. xiii,364p 1.Mathematics I. Nichols, Eugene D. II. Title. Accn Nos : 21553

511 SWA

Swain, Robert L. Understanding arithmetic / Robert L. Swain. -- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. xxi,268p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F6723 511 SWA

Swain, Robert L. Understanding arithmetic / Robert L. Swain. -- London: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. 268p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3363 511 SWA

Swain, Robert L. Understanding arithmetic / Robert L. Swain. -- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965. 364p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53913 511 SWA

Swain, Robert L. Understanding Arthmetic / Robert L.Swain.-New york: Holt, Rinehart, 1963. xi,268p. I. Title. Accn Nos : F6722 511 TAY

Taylor, A. New nation arithmetics: Teacher's book / A. Taylor.-- London: Thomas Nelson and Sons, n.d 91p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45108

511 TAY

Taylor A. New nation arithmetics / A. Taylor, illus. by Barbara Gray.-- London: Nelson, 1953. 95p. Vol.2 1.Mathematics I. Gary, Barbara. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45110 511 TEJ

Tej Ram New M.S.L.C. arithmetic / Tej Ram and Pitamber Lal.-- Delhi: Pitamber Book Depot, ]n.d.] various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Pitamber Lal. II. Title. Accn Nos : F3191 511 TEJ

Tej Ram New M.S.L.C. arithmetic for high and higher secondary education / Tej Ram and Pitamber Lal.-- Delhi: Pitamber Book Depot, ]n.d.] various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Pitamber Lal. II. Title. Accn Nos : 35219 511 TEJ

Tej Ram New MSLC arithmetic for high and higher secondary classes / Tej Ram and Pitambar Lal. -- Delhi: Pitamber, [n.d.] 594p 1.Mathematics I. Pitembar Lal. II. Title. Accn Nos : 34414 511 TRE

Trevelyan, John Here and there / John Trevelyan and John Morley.-- London: Longmans, [n.d.] 112p (Everyone's arithmetic series) 1.Mathematics I. Morley, John. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 42928 511 TRE

Trevelyan, John Here and there / John Trevelyan and John Morley.-- London: Longmans Green, 1960. viii,112p (Everyone's arithmetic) (2) 1.Mathematics 2.Arithmetic I. Morley, John. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 7539 511 TRE

Trevelyan, John Teachers book to here and there / John Trevelyan and John Morley.-- London: Longmans, 1955.

39p (Everyone's arithmetic series) 1.Mathematics I. Morley, John. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 6928 511 TRE

Trevelyan, John Ways and means / John Trevelyan and John Morley.-- London: Longmans, [n.d.] 104p (Everyone's arithmetic series) 1.Mathematics I. Morley, John. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 7545

511 TRE

Trevelyan, John Ways and means / John Trevelyan and John Morley.-- London: Longmans Green, 1958. vii,104p (Everyone's arithmetic) (3) 1.Mathematics 2.Arithmetic I. Morley, John. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3336 511 TRG

Trevelyan, John Teachers book to four walls / John Trevelyan and John Morley.-- London: Longmans, Green and Co, 1948. 40p (Everyman's arithmetic) 1.Mathematics I. Morley, John. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 6926 511 TRG

Trevelyan, John Teachers book to ways and means / John Trevelyan and John Morley.-- London: Longmans Green and Co, 1955. v,33p (Everyman's arithmetics) 1.Mathematics I. Morley, John. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 19568 511 TUR

Turner, I.S. Your arithmetic book: Stories about its names and symbols / I.S. Turner.-- Sydney: Angus and Robertson, 1952. 74p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42905

NCERT, New Delhi

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511 UPT

Upton, Clifford B. Learning about numbers / Clifford B. Upton, Kenneth G. Fuller and George H. Mcmeen, illus. by Anne Blanid, Ruth Riley and Ruth Ruhman.--2nd ed-- Philippines: American, 1963. 58p 1.Mathematics I. Fuller, Kenneth G. II. Mcmeen, George H. III. Blanid, Anne. IV. Riley, Ruth. V. Ruhman, Ruth. VI. Title. Accn Nos : F6833 511 UPT

Upton, Clifford B. Learning about numbers / Clifford B. Upton, Kenneth G. Fuller and George H. Mcmeen, illus. by Anne Blanid, Ruth Riley and Ruth Ruhman.--2nd ed-- Philippines: American, 1963. 58p 1.Mathematics I. Fuller, Kenneth G. II. Mcmeen, George H. III. Blanid, Anne. IV. Riley, Ruth. V. Ruhman, Ruth. VI. Title. Accn Nos : F683 511 UPT

Upton, Clifford B. Learning about numbers / Clifford B. Upton, Kenneth G. Fuller and George H. Mcmeen, illus. by Anne Blanid, Ruth Riley and Ruth Ruhman.--2nd ed-- Philippines: American, 1963. 58p 1.Mathematics I. Fuller, Kenneth G. II. Mcmeen, George H. III. Blanid, Anne. IV. Riley, Ruth. V. Ruhman, Ruth. VI. Title. Accn Nos : F6830 511 UPT

Upton, Clifford B. Learning about numbers / Clifford B. Upton, Kenneth G. Fuller and George H. Mcmeen, illus. by Anne Blanid, Ruth Riley and Ruth Ruhman.--2nd ed-- Philippines: American, 1963. 58p 1.Mathematics I. Fuller, Kenneth G. II. Mcmeen, George H. III. Blanid, Anne. IV. Riley, Ruth. V. Ruhman, Ruth. VI. Title. Accn Nos : F6832 511 UPT

Upton, Clifford B.

Page : 640 Date :

Learning about numbers / Clifford B. Upton, Kenneth G. Fuller and George H. Mcmeen, illus. by Anne Blanid, Ruth Riley and Ruth Ruhman.--2nd ed-- Philippines: American, 1963. 58p 1.Mathematics I. Fuller, Kenneth G. II. Mcmeen, George H. III. Blanid, Anne. IV. Riley, Ruth. V. Ruhman, Ruth. VI. Title. Accn Nos : F6828

511 UPT

Upton, Clifford B. Learning about numbers:American arithmetic / Clifford B. Upton , Kenneth G. Fuller & George H. McMeen.--2nd ed-- New York: American Book, 1963. various pagination 1.Mathematics 2.arithmetics I. Fuller, Kenneth G. II. McMeen, George H. McMeen. III. Title. Accn Nos : 6829 ; F6829 511 UPT

Upton, Clifford B. Learning about numbers:American arithmetic / Clifford B. Upton , Kenneth G. Fuller & George H. McMeen.--2nd ed-- New York: American Book, 1963. various pagination 1.Mathematics 2.arithmetics I. Fuller, Kenneth G. II. McMeen, George H. McMeen. III. Title. Accn Nos : F6831 511 UPT

Upton, Clifford B. Learning about numbers:American arithmetic / Clifford B. Upton , Kenneth G. Fuller & George H. McMeen.--2nd ed-- New York: American Book, 1963. various pagination 1.Mathematics 2.arithmetics I. Fuller, Kenneth G. II. McMeen, George H. McMeen. III. Title. Accn Nos : F6826 511 URB

Urbancek, Joseph J. Learning to use Arithmetic book 8 / Josheph J. Urbancek, F. Lynwood Wren and Joseph H.

Randall, illus. by Lauren Cook and Tom Cooke. -- Boston: D.C. Heath, 1959. 378p 1.Mathematics I. Wren, F. Lynwood. II. Randall, Joseph H. III. Cook, Lauren. IV. Cooke, Tom. V. Title. Accn Nos : 45094 511 URB

Learning to use arithmetic / Joseph L. Urbancek...[et al.]--Teachers' ed-Boston: D.C. Heath, 1959. xi,378p. Book 8 1.Mathematics I. Urbancek, Joseph J. II. Wren, F. Lynwood. III. Randall, Joseph H. IV. Wrightstone, J. Wayne. V. Gunderson, Agnes G. Accn Nos : 45093 511 VIS

Vishwanath New era arithmetic / Vishwanath.-- Delhi: Bharti Niketan, 1963. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45114 511 WHE

Wheat Copp clark arithmetics / Wheat, Kauffman, Douglass.-- Toronto: Copp Clark Co, 1952. 336p. Vol. 6 1.Mathematics I. Kauffman. II. Douglass. III. Title. Accn Nos : 3399 511 WHE

Wheat Copp clark arithmetics / Wheat, Kauffman, Douglass.-- Toronto: Copp Clark Co, 1952. 312p. Vol. 3 1.Mathematics I. Kauffman. II. Douglass. III. Title. Accn Nos : 17495 511 WHE

Wheat Copp clark arithmetics / Wheat, Kauffman and Douglass.-- Toronto: Row, Peter, 1952. 336p. Book 5 1.Mathematics I. Kauffman. II. Douglass. III. Title. Accn Nos : 3377 511 WIG

Wigg table book / The publisher.-- London: E.S. Wigg, [n.d.]

62p 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : 42908 511 WIN

Winters, Mary K. Teach me numbers / Mary K. Winters, illus. by Evelyn Urbanowich.-- London: Chatto and Windus, 1956. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Urbanowich, Evelyn. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45295

511 WOR

Worley, R. Target practice in arithmetic / R. Worley. -- London: W. & R. Chambers, 1956. 192p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3392 511 WRE

Wren, F. Lynwood Learning to use arithmetic book-7 / F. Lynwood Wren, J. Wayne Wrightstone and Joseph H. Randall, Illus. by Richard C. Bartlett, Tom Cooke, Lee Dummer.-- Boston: D.C. Heath, 1959. 378p. Book 7 1.Mathematics I. Wrightstone, J. Wayne. II. Randall, Joseph H. III. Bartlett, Richard C. IV. Cooke, Tom. V. Dummer, Lee. VI. Title. Accn Nos : 45092 511 WRE

Learning to use arithmetic / F. Lynwood Wren. -- Boston: D.C. Heath, 1959. vi,378p. Vol. 7 1.Mathematics I. Wrightstone, J. Wayne. II. Randall, Joseph H. III. Urbancek, Joseph J. IV. Gunderson, Agnes G. Accn Nos : 45091 511 WRI

Wrightstone, J. Wayne Learning to use arithmetic / J. Wayne Wrightstone, illus. by Lee Ames and Lynwood F. Wren.-- Boston, D.C. Heath, 1958. 330p (Teacher guide) (5) 1.Mathematics I. Ames, Lee. II. Wren, Lynwood F. III. Title (Series).

Accn Nos : 45087 511 WRI

Learning to use arithmetic / J. Wayne Wrightstone...[et al.]-- Boston: D.C. Heath, 1958. 330p. Vol. 5 1.Mathematics I. Wrightstone, J. Wayne. II. Wren, F. Lynwood. III. Randall, Joseph H. IV. Urbancek, Joseph J. V. Gunderson, Agnes G. VI. Ames, Lee. Accn Nos : 45088

511 WRI

Learning to use arithmetic / J. Wayne Wrightstone...[et al.]-- Boston: D.C. Heath and Company, 1958. xi,330p. Book 6 1.Mathematics I. Wrightstone, J. Wayne. II. Wren, F. Lynwood. III. Randall, Joseph H. IV. Urbancek, Joseph J. V. Gunderson, Agnes G. VI. Kidder, Harvey. Accn Nos : 45089 511 WRI

Learning to use arithmetic / J. Wayne Wrightstone...[et al.]-- Boston: D.C. Heath and Company, 1958. 330p. Book 6 1.Mathematics I. Wrightstone, J. Wayne. II. Randall, Joseph H. III. Urbancek, Joseph J. IV. Gunderson, Agnes G. V. Kidder, Harvey. Accn Nos : 45090 511 WRI

Wright, G.G. Neill Writing of arabic numerals / G.G. Neill Wright.-- London: University of London Press, 1952. 424p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3322 511 YOU

Young, D.A. Arithmetic / D.A. Young.-- St. Albans: Donnington Press, [n.d.] 429p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3331

511 YOU

Youse, Bevan K. Arithmetic: A modern approach / Bevan K. Youse.-- Englewood: Prentice-Hall, 1963. 160p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53636


Heimer Program in contemporary algebra book-2 / Heimer, Kocher and Lottes.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc, 1963. Various Pagination. Book 2 Equations and Inequalities in One Variable 1.Mathematics I. Kocher. II. Lottes. III. Title. Accn Nos : 15740 512.007 HEI

Heimer Program in contemporary algebra: Polynomial expression relations and functions / Heimer, Lottes and Kocher.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. various paging 1.Mathematics I. Kocher. II. Lottes. III. Title. Accn Nos : 15738 512.007 HEI

Heimer Program in contemporary algebra: Exponets, radicals and quadric equations / Heimer, Lotter and Kocher.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. various pages. Vol. 5 1.Mathematics I. Kocher. II. Lotter. III. Title. Accn Nos : 15739 512.007 LAZ

Lazar, Nathan

Introduction to verbal problems in algebra / Nathan, Lazar.-- Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1962. iii,174p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 17314 512.007 MOR

Morton, Robert Lee Teaching arithmetic in the elementary school: primary grade / Robert Lee Morton.-New York: Silver Burdett, 1937. x,409p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 35085

512.007 REI

Reigh, Mildred Algebra review manual: A program for self instruction / Mildred Reigh and William Havck.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967. xvi,656p 1.Mathematics I. Havck, William. II. Title. Accn Nos : 54333 512.0071 DRO

Drooyan, Irving Programmed beginning algebra unit-III-IV / Irving Drooyan and William Wooton.-- New York: John Wiley, 1963. xv,76p 1.Mathematics I. Wooton, William. II. Title. Accn Nos : F11545 512.0077 DRO

Drooyan, Irving Programmed beginning algebra unit VII-VIII / Irving Drooyan and William Wooton.-- New York: John Wiley, 1963. Various paginations 1.Mathematics I. Wooton, William. II. Title. Accn Nos : F11546 512.0184 HOE

Hoernes, Gerhard E. Introduction to boolean algebra and logic design / Gerhard E. Hoernes and Melvin F. Heilweil.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1964. xi,306p. (Program for self- introduction) 1.Mathematics I. Heilweil, Melvin F. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 85527

512.02 AND

Anderson, Marlow First Course in Abstract Algebra: Rings,Groups,and Fields / Marlow Anderson and Todd Feil.--2nd ed.-- Boca Raton: Chapman & Hall, 2005. xiii,673p. ISBN 1-58488-515-7 1.Algebra, Absrract I. Feil, Todd. II. Title. Accn Nos : 125519

512.02 AND

Anderson, Kenneth W. Sets, sequences, and mappings: The basic concepts of analysis / Kenneth W. Anderson and Dick Wick Hall.-- New York: John Wiley and Sons Inc, 1963. x,191p 1.Mathematics I. Hall, Dick Wick. II. Title. Accn Nos : F4690 512.02 BLO

Bloch, Norman J Abstract algebra with applications / Norman J Bloch.-- Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1987. xv,430p. Includes bibliographical references ISBN 0-13-000985-7 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra, abstract I. Title. Accn Nos : 114417 512.02 FRA

Fraleigh, John B. First course in abstract algebra / John B. Fraleigh.--2nd ed-- Massachusetts: AddisonWesley Publishing Co., 1977. xvi,455p (World student series edition) 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra abstract I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 85029 512.02 LAA

Laatsch, Richard Basic algebraic systems; an introduction to abstract algebra / Richard Laatsch.-- New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1968. xii,224p 1.Mathematics 2.Abstract algebra I. Title. Accn Nos : 64325

512.02 LAA

Laatsch, Richard Basic algebraic systems: an introduction to abstract algebra / Richard Laatsch.-- New York: McGraw-Hill Book, 1968. xii,224p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 68771

512.02 MAC

Maclane, Saunders Algebra / Saunders Maclane and Garrett Birkhoff.-- New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1979. 586p ISBN 0-02-374310-7 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra abstract I. Birkhoff, Garrett. II. Title. Accn Nos : 84170 512.02 SAN

Sandler, Ravben Modern algebra / Ravben Sandler and L. Sheila Foster.-- New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1978. vi,217p 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra, abstract I. Foster, L. Sheila. II. Title. Accn Nos : 84985 512.02 SEN

Sen, M.K. Topics in abstract algebra / M.K. Sen, Shamik Ghosh and Parthasarathi Mukhopadhyay. -- Hyderabad: University Press, 2004. ix,423p ISBN 81-7371-462-2 1.Algebra I. Ghosh, Shamik. II. Mukhopadhyay, Parthasarathi. III. Title. Accn Nos : 123007 512.02 SHA

Shanti Narayan Text book of modern abstract algebra / Shanti Narayan and Satpal.--6th rev ed.-- New Delhi: S. Chand & Company, 1979. xii,355p. 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra abstract I. Satpal. II. Title.

Accn Nos : 85015 512.02 SHA

Shanti Narayan Textbook of modern abstract algebra / Shanti Narayan.-- New Delhi: S. Chand & Co, 1967. xvi,376p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 59684

512.02 WHI

Whitehead, Carol Guide to abstract algebra / Carol Whitehead.--2nd ed.-- New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. xii,205p. Includes index ISBN 978-0-230-574 1.Algebra 2.Abstract algebra 3.Abstract algebra-guide I. Title. Accn Nos : 127423 512.07 CHA

Chauhan, C.P.S. Achievement in algebra and structure of intellect / C.P.S. Chauhan.-- Varanasi: Vishwavidyalaya Prakashan, 1985. x127p 1.Algebra - study and teaching 2.Ability testing 3.Achievement I. Title. Accn Nos : F16174 512.07 HOW

Howes, Verson E. Self teaching intermediate algebra / Verson E. Howes and Roy Dubisch.-- New York: John Wiley, 1963. x,446p 1.Mathematics I. Dubisch, Roy. II. Title. Accn Nos : 34424 512.071 ALG

Algebra for everyone / ed. by Edgar L. Edwards.-- Reston: NCTM, 2000. v,89p ISBN 0-87353-297-X 1.Algebra-Study and teaching 2.Mathematics education Trust I. Edwards, Edgar L. Accn Nos : 125264

512.0711 RID

Rider, Paul R. College algebra / Paul R. Rider.--rev. ed-New York: The Macmillan Company, 1955. xiv,397p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 43037

512.0712 NAV

Bright, George W., Frierson, Dargan Dot Navigating through probability in grades 68 / George W. Bright...[et al].-- Reston: NCTM, 2004. vi,90p(Inclues one CD-ROM) (Principles and standards for school mathematics navigations series) ISBN 0-87353-523-5 1.Mathematics study and teaching I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 125262 512.076 SLO

Sloyer, Clifford W. Algebra and its applications: a problem solving approach / Clifford W. Sloyer.-Massachusetts: Addison - Wesley, 1970. 189p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 74476 512.077 HOR

Horton, Loetta Programmed course in algebra II: Suggested tests / Loetta Horton.-- Chicago: Encylopaedia Britannica Press, 1961. Various pagination (Temac programmed learning materials) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45431 512.1 BAR

Barbasso, Salvatore Pre-calculus: A functional approach with applications / Salvatore Barbasso and John Impagliazzo.-- New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanouich, 1977. xiv,413p 1.Mathematics I. Impagliazzo, John.

II. Title. Accn Nos : 82526 512.1 HAL

Hal, H. S. Uchhtar beejganit (HIN) / H. S. Hal & S. R. Knight.-- Madras: Mc Millan & Company, 1960. 337p. 1.Mathematics I. Knight, S. R. II. Title. Accn Nos : 27243

512.13 AMB

Ambrose, William G. College algebra and trigonometry / William G. Ambrose.-- New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1977. ix,547p ISBN 0-02-302501-8 1.Mathematics 2.Trigonometry and algebra I. Title. Accn Nos : 80883 512.13 DEM

Precalculus: functions and graphs / Franklin Demana...[et al.]--3rd ed.-- New York: Addison wesley publishing co., 1938. xxi,688+ various pagination. Include Index ISBN 0 201 82297 0 1.Algebra 2.Trigonometry I. Waits, Bert K. II. Clemens, stanley R. III. Foley, Gregory D. Accn Nos : 121381 512.13 JAM

Jamison, Ronald D. Modern college algebra and trigonometry with application / Ronald D. Jamison.-- New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Inc., 1976. xi,628p 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra 3.Trigonometry I. Title. Accn Nos : 82527 512.13 SWO

Swokowski, Earl W. Algebra and trigonometry with analytic geometry / Earl W. Swokowski and Jeffery A. Cole.-- New York: Brooks/Cole Publication, 1997. xviii,847p. Includes index ISBN 0-534-95308-5

1.Mathematics 2.Algebra 3.Trigonometry 4.Geometry 5.Analytic Geometry I. Cole,Jeffery A. II. Title. Accn Nos : 120127 512.15 FIN

Finley, Ross L. Elementary differential equations with linear algebra / Ross L. Finley, Donald R. Ostberg and Robert G. Kuller.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1976. xii,477p. ISBN 0-201-05515-5 1.Mathematics 2.Equations 3.Differential equations 4.Linear algebra I. Ostberg, Donald R. II. Kuller, Robert G. III. Title. Accn Nos : 82517 512.15 SIV

Sivasubramaniam, K. Modern algebra / K. Sivasubramaniam, A.S. Kumaraswamy and K. Sitaraman.-- New Delhi: S. Chand & Company, 1979. 610p 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra - text books advanced level I. Kumaraswamy, A.S. II. Sitaraman, K. III. Title. Accn Nos : 85014 512.2 ASC

Aschbacher, Michael Finite group theory / Michael Aschbacher.-London: Cambridge University Press, 1986. ix,274p. (Cambridge studies in advanced mathematics; ed by J.H.Gorling) ISBN 0-521-30341-9 1.Mathematics 2.Finite groups 3.Cambridge studies in advanced mathematics I. Gorling, J.H. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 103410 512.2 HAM

Hamermesh, Morton Group theory and its applications to physical problems / Morton Hamermesh.-Massachusstts: Addison-wesley, 1964. xv,507p (Addison-wesley series in physics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 58791 512.2 NIC

Nichols, Eugene D. Equation and inequalities: a programmed unit / Eugene D. Nichols, Robert Kolin and Henry Garland.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Kolin, Robert. II. Garland, Henry. III. Title.

Accn Nos : 87805 512.2 NIC

Nichols, Eugene D. Equations and inequalities: a programmed unit / Eugene D. Nichols, Robert Kolin, Henry Garland.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Kolin, Robert. II. Garland, Henry. III. Title. Accn Nos : 87797

512.2 NIC

Nichols, Eugene D. Equations and inequalities: A programmed unit / Eugene D. Nicholas, Robert Kolin, Henry Garland.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc, 1963. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Kolin, Robert. II. Garland, Henry. III. Title. Accn Nos : 63402 512.2 NIC

Nichols, Eugene D. Equations and inequalities: a programmed unit / Eugene D. Nichols, Robert Kolin, Henry Garland.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Kolin, Robert. II. Garland, Henry. III. Title. Accn Nos : 87806 512.2 VIL

Vilenkin, N. Ya Successive approximation / N. Ya Vilenkin. -- Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1964. ix,70p (Popular lectures in mathematics series) (I.N. Sneddon) 1.Mathematics I. Sneddon, I.N. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45249 512.21 AUS

Austwick, K. Equations and graph: A handbook of algebraic techniques / K. Austwick.-Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1963. vii,213p (Modern mathematics for everyman) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 43013

512.21 AUS

Austwick, K. Equations and graphs: A handbook of algebraic techniques / K. Austwick.-Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1963. vii,213p (Modern mathematics for everyman) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 43011 512.21 AUS

Austwick, K. Equations and graphs: A handbook of algebraic techniques / K. Austwick.-Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1963. vii,213p (Modern mathematics for everyman) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 43012 512.21 AUS

Austwick, Kenneth Mathematics: Simultaneous equations / Kenneth Austwick.-- London: Methuen, 1965. 39p (Clearway programmed books) (ed. by Patrick Thornhill) 1.Mathematics I. Thornhill, Patrick. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 42893 512.21 BRA

Brahmanand Theory of equations / Brahmanand.--2nd ed-Meerut: Kedar Nath Ram Nath, n.d 586p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3476 512.21 ELS

El'sgol'ts, L.E. Differential equations / L.E. El'sgol'ts.-Low-price textbook ed-- Delhi: Hindustan Publishing Corporation (India), n.d 360p (International monographs on advanced mathematics and physics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 54820 512.21 FLE

512.21 LEV

Flexer, Roberta J. Linear and literal equations / Roberta J. Flexer and Abraham S. Flexer.-- New York: Harper & Row, [n.d.] 138p (Programmed reviews of mathematics) (2) 1.Mathematics I. Flexer, Abraham S. II. Title (Series).

Levi, Howard Polynomials, power series and calculus /

Howard Levi; John l. Kelley and Paul R. Holmes.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1968. various pagination (University series in under graduate mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Kelley, John L. II. Holmes, Paul R. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 64945 512.21 MAR

Margulis, B.E. System of linear equations / B.E. Margulis. -- Delhi: Hindustan Publishing Corporation (India), 1963. v,105p (International monograph on advanced mathematics and physics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3466 512.21 MAR

Margulis, B.E. System of linear equations / B.E. Margulis. -- Delhi: Hindustan Publishing Corporation (India), 1963. v,105p (International monograph on advanced mathematics and physics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45228 512.21 MAR

Margulis, B.E. System of linear equations / B.E. Margulis. -- Delhi: Hindustan Publishing Corporation (India), 1963. v,105p (International monograph on advanced mathematics and physics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 54895 512.21 MAR

Margulis, B.E. System of linear equations / B.E. Margulis. -- Delhi: Hindustan Publishing Corporation (India), 1963. v,105p (International monograph on advanced mathematics and physics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45226 512.21 MAR

Margulis, B.E. Systems of linear equations / B.E. Margulis.-- Delhi: Hindustan Publishing Corporation (India), 1963. v,105p (International monograph on advanced mathematics and physics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45227 512.21


Margulis, B.E. Systems of linear equations / B.E. Margulis.-- Delhi: Hindustan, 1963. 105p (International monographs on advanced mathematics and physics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3465 512.21 NOB

Noble, Ben Numerical methods: Iteration, programming and algebraic equations / Ben Noble.-Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1964. xii,156p (University mathematical texts). Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3480 512.22 ASC

Asche, David Introduction to groups: computer illustrated text / David Asche.-- Bristol: Adam Hilger, 1989. viii,89p. ISBN 0-85274-377-7 1.Mathematics 2.Group theory I. Title. Accn Nos : 107840 512.22 CAM

Camina, A.R. Linear groups and permutations / A.R. Camina and E.A. Whelan.-- Boston: Pitman Advanced Publishing Program, 1985. 148p (Research notes in mathematics) ( 118) 1.Mathematics I. Whelan, E.A. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 101529 512.22 HAN

Handscomb, D.C. Methods of numerical approximation / D.C. Handscomb.-- Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1966. ix,218p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 65182 512.22 HOC

Hochstrasser, Robin M. Molecular aspects of symmetry / Robin M. Hochstrasser.-- New York: W.A. Benjamin, 1966. xiii,355p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 62366 512.22 KLI

Kline, Stephen J. Similitude and approximation theory /

Stephen J. Kline.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1965. xiii,229p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3460 512.22 LYN

Lyndon, Roger C. Groups and geometry / Roger C. Lyndon.-Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987. 217p (London mathematical society lecture note series) (101) 1.Mathematics 2.Groups, theory of 3.Combinatorial analysis 4.Boidin I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 104848

512.22 MAG

Magnus, Wilhelm Combinational group theory / Wilhelm Magnus, Abraham Karrass and Donald Solitar.-New York: Interscience, 1966. 444p. (Pure and applied mathematics a series of texts and monographs / ed. by R. Courant, L. Bers and J.J. Stoker; no.13) 1.Mathematics I. Karrass, Abraham. II. Solitar, Donald. III. Courant, R. IV. Bers, L. V. Stoker, J.J. VI. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 69604 512.22 MIK

Mikhlin, S.G. Approximate methods for solution of differential and integral equations / S.G. Mikhlin, K.L. Smolitskiy and ed. by Robert E. Kalaba.-- New York: Elsevier Publishing Company, 1967. xi,358p (Modern analytic and computational methods in science and mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Smolitskiy, K.L. II. Kalaba, Robert E. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66568 512.23 RAO

Rao, D. Rameswar Diophantine equations / D. Rameswar Rao.-New Delhi: S. Chand, 1970. xx,196p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 75174 512.3 BRA

Bradley, Keith Equations and formulae / Keith Bradley.-London: Methuen & Co, 1967. 96p (Clearway programmed books) (Owen

Wills) 1.Mathematics I. Wills, Owen. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 54232 512.4 ART

Artin, Emil Rings with minimum condition / Emil Artin, Cecil J. Nesbitt and Robert M. Thrall.-- Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 1946. 123p 1.Mathematics I. Nesbitt, Cecil J. II. Thrall, Robert M. III. Title. Accn Nos : 3459

512.5 ANT

Anton, Howard Elementary linear algebra / Howard Anton.-New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1987. xv,475+A-48 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra, Linear I. Title. Accn Nos : 111775 512.5 ART

Artzy, Rafael Linear geometry / Rafael Artzy.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1965. ix,273p (Addison-wesley series in mathematics) (ed. by Lynn H. Loomis) 1.Mathematics I. Loomis, Lynn H. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 18920 512.5 ART

Artzy, Rafael Linear geometry / Rafael Artzy.-Massachusetts: Addision-Wesley, 1965. ix,273p (Addison-wesley series in mathematics) (ed. by Lynn H. Looms) 1.Mathematics I. Looms, Lynn H. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 68823 512.5 CIA

Introduction to numerical linear algebra and optimisation / Philippe G. Ciarlet...[et al.]-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988. viii,436p ISBN 0-521-33984-7 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra, linear 3.Numerical calculations 4.Mathematical optimization I. Ciarlet, Philippe G. II. Miara, Bernadette. III. Thomas, Jean-Marie.

IV. Buttigieg, A. Accn Nos : 109807 512.5 COL

Cole, R.J. Vector methods / R.J. Cole.-- New York: Van Nostrand, 1974. 122p ISBN 0-442-30010-7 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 79513

512.5 CUL

Cullen, Charles G. Linear algebra and differential equations: an integrated approach / Charles G. Cullen.-Massachusetts: Prindle, Webers, 1979. ix,414p. ISBN 0-87150-262-3 1.Mathematics 2.Algebras, linear 3.Differential equations I. Title. Accn Nos : 84266 512.5 HAL

Hall, Marshall Combinational theory / Marshall Hall.-Massachusetts: Blaisdell, 1967. x,310p. (Blaisdell book in pure and applied mathematics / edited by Garrett Birkhoff) 1.Mathematics I. Birkhoff, Garrett. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66671 512.5 HOF

Haffman, Kenneth Linear algebra / Kenneth Hoffman and Ray Kunze.--2nd ed-- New Delhi: Prentice-Hall, 1978. viii,406p 1.Mathematics I. Kunze, Ray. II. Title. Accn Nos : 99575 512.5 HUM

Accn Nos : 260

Hummel, James A. Vectors / James A. Hummel.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1965. xvi,108p (Addison-Wesley series in introductory mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series).

512.5 KRI

Krishnamurthy, V. Introduction to linear algebra / V. Krishnamurthy, V.P. Mainra and J.L. Arora.-New Delhi: Affiliated East-West Press, 1976. xii,329p 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra, linear 3.Vector spaces I. Mainra, V.P. II. Arora, J.L. III. Title. Accn Nos : 84995 512.5 LAN

Lang, Serge Linear algebra / Serge Lang.--2nd ed-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1970. xi,400p (World student series edition) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 95880 512.5 LAS

Lass, Harry Vector and tensor analysis / Harry Lass.-New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1950. xi,341p (International series in pure and applied mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series).

Accn Nos : 304 512.5 LEO

Leon, Steven J. Linear algebra with applications / Steven J. Leon.-- New York: Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc., 1980. xii,338p. ISBN 0-02-369870-5 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra, linear I. Title. Accn Nos : 90708 512.5 LIP

Lipschutz, Seymour Schaum's Outline and theory and Problems of Linear Algebra / Seymour Lipschutz.-- New York: McGraw- Hill, 1987. 334p. 1.Mathmatics I. Title. Accn Nos : 125447 512.5 LIP

Lipschutz, Seymour Schaum's outline of theory and problems of linear algebra / Seymour Lipschutz.-- New York: McGraw Hill, [n.d.] 331p (Schaum's outline series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66836 512.5 MAR

Marcus, Marvin Introduction to linear algebra / Marvin Marcus and Henryk Minc.-- New York: The Macmillan, 1965.

x,261p (Advanced mathematics texts) (ed. by Carl B. Allendoerfer) 1.Mathematics I. Minc, Henryk. II. Allendoerfer, Carl B. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 10396 512.5 MOR

Morris, A.O. Linear algebra: an introduction / A.O. Morris and J.V. Armitage.-- New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1978. viii,180p (VNR new mathematics library) (ed. by J.V. Armitage) (9) ISBN 0-442-30203-7 1.Mathematics 2.Algebras, linear I. Armitage, J.V. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 90719 512.5 PAI

Paige, Lowell J. Elements of linear algebra / Lowell J. Paige and J. Dean Swift.-- Boston: Ginn and Company, 1961. xvi,347p 1.Mathematics I. Swift, J. Dean. II. Title. Accn Nos : F4692 512.5 PAS

Passman, Donald Permutation groups / Donald Passman.-- New York: W.A. Benjamin, 1968. ix,310p. (Mathematics lecture note series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 72505 512.5 PER

Perry, William L. Elementary linear algebra / William L. Perry.-- New York: McGraw Hill Book Company, 1988. 505p 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra I. Title. Accn Nos : 107837 512.5 SHA

Shanti Narayan Text book of vector algebra: With applications to geometry and statics / Shanti Narayan.-- New Delhi: S. Chand & Company, 1980. x,219p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 92927 512.502462 SAW

Sawyer, W.W. Engineering approach to linear algebra / W.W. Sawyer.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1972.

304p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 78246 512:516.24 FIS

Fisher, Robert C. Integrated algebra and trigonometry with analytic geometry / Robert C. Fisher and Allen D. Ziebur.-- New Jersey: PrenticeHall, 1967. xi,465p (Prentice-Hall mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Ziebur, Allen D. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F11030

512:516.24 PET

Peters, Max Algebra and trigonometry: A modern approach / Max, Peters and William L. Schaaf.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1965. vii,696p. Book 2 1.Mathematics I. Schaaf, William L. II. Title. Accn Nos : 7639 512.523 HAL

Halmos, Paul R. Finite-dimensional vector spaces / Paul R. Halmos.--2nd ed.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1965. viii,200p. (University series in mathematics/ ed. by John L. Kelley) 1.Mathematics I. Kelley, John L. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 67135 512.523 OPE

Open University Vector spaces - matrices / Open University. -- Bletchley: The Open University Press, 1972. various pagination (Elementery mathematics for science and technoloty) (13) 1.Mathematics I. Open University. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 77088 512.523 THR

Thrall, Robert M. Vector spaces and matrices / Robert M. Thrall and Leonard Tornheim.-- New York: John Wiley, 1957. xii,318p

1.Mathematics I. Tornheim, Leonard. II. Title. Accn Nos : F10479 512.55 DIE

Dienes, Zeltan Introduction to modern algebra: part 1 states and operaters (ENG) / Zeltan P. Dienes.-- New York: Adolaide Mathematics Project, Teachers College Columbia, 1966. 79p. 1.Mathematics- Algebra I. Title. Accn Nos : F12458

512.7 AND

Andrews, George E. Number theory / George E. Andrews.-Delhi: Hindustan Publishing Corporation (India), 1984. x,259p 1.Mathematics 2.Numbers, theory of I. Title. Accn Nos : 101319 512.7 AND

Andrews, George E. Number theory / George E. Andrews.-Delhi: Hindustan Publishing Corp. Ltd, 1971. x,259p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 101169 512.7 AND

Andrews, George E. Number theory / George E. Andrews.-Delhi: Hindustan publishing, 1984. 259p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 101320 512.7 BEN

Bendick, Jeanne Take a number new ideas + imagination = morefun / Jeanne Bendick and Marcia Levin.-New York: Whittlesey House, 1961. 63p 1.Mathematics I. Leviln, Marcia. II. Title. Accn Nos : F11297 512.7 BRU

Brueckner, Leo J. Gaining to number power / Leo J. Brueckner, Elda L. Merton and Foster E. Grossnickle.-New York: John C Winston Co, [n.d.]

410p 1.Mathematics I. Merton, Elda L. II. Grossnickle, Foster E. III. Title. Accn Nos : F11346 512.7 CAM

Cambridge Conference on school mathematics: Number theory project for Junior High School / Cambridge Conference on school Mathematics.-- n.s.: n.p., 1964. Various Pagination 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : F12456

512.7 CON

Connected at infinity: a selection of mathematics by Indians / ed. by Rajendra Bhatia.-- New Delhi: Hindustan Book Agency, 2003. viii,263p ISBN 81-85931-40-2 1.Mathematics I. Bhatia, Rajendra. Accn Nos : 123004 512.7 DAN

Dantzig, Tabias Number the language of science: A critical survey written for the cultured non mathematics / Tabias Dantzig.--Ed. 4th Rev.-London: George Allen and Unwin, 1962. ix,340p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 30158 512.7 DAV

Davis, Philip J. Lore of large numbers / Philip J. Davis.-Canada: L.W. Singer, 1961. 165p (New mathematical library) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F11088 512.7 DAV

Davis, Philip J. Lore of large numbers / Philip J. Davis.-Canada: L.W. Singer Company, 1961. 165p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3406 512.7 DAV

Davis, Philip J. Lore of large numbers / Philip J. Davis, illus. by Carl Bass.-- Toronto: Random

House, 1961. x,165p (New mathematics library) (ed. by Mark Kac) (6) 1.Mathematics I. Bass, Carl. II. Kac, Mark. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3407 512.7 DAV

Davis, Philip J. Lore of large numbers / Philip J. Davis.-Canada: L.W. Singer Company, 1961. x,165p (New mathematical library) (6) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F11077

512.7 DAV

Davis, Philip J. Lore of large numbers / Philip J. Davis.-Canada: L.W. Singer Company, 1961. x,165p (New Mathematical library) (6) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F11078 512.7 DAV

Davis, Philip J. Lore of large numbers / Philip J. Davis, illustrations by Carl Bass.-- Toronto: Random House, 1961. x,165p. (New mathematical library/ed. by Mark Kac; no.6) 1.Mathematics I. Bass, Carl. II. Kac, Mark. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F10626 512.7 ELL

Elliptic curves,s modular forms and cryptography / ed. by A.K . Bhandari...[et al.].-- New Delhi: Hindustan Book Agency, 2003. viii,345p ISBN 81-85931-42-9 1.Mathematics I. Bhandari, A.K. Accn Nos : 123001 512.7 FRA

Fraenkel, Abraham A. Integers and theory of numbers / Abraham A. Fraenkel.-- New York: Scripta Mathematica, 1955. 97p (The scripta mathematica studies) (5) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 67470 512.7 GLE

Glenn, William H.

Numbers patterns / William H. Glenn and Donovan A. Johnson.-- London: John Murray, 1964. 47p (Exploring mathematics on your own) 1.Mathematics I. Johnson, Donovan A. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 23282 512.7 HAR

Hartley, James aLogarithms / James Hartley.-- London: Methuen and Company, 1964. 272p (Clarway programmed books) (Patrick Thronhill) 1.Mathematics I. Thronhill, Patrick. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 6212 512.7 HAR

Hartley, James aLogarithms / James Hartley.-- London: Methuen and Company, 1964. 272p (Clarway programmed books) (Patrick Thronhill) 1.Mathematics I. Thronhill, Patrick. II. Title (Series).

512.7 HAR

Hardy, G.H. Introduction to the theory of numbers / G.H. Hardy and E.M. Wright.--5th ed-- New York: English Language Book Society, 1981. xvi,423p 1.Mathematics 2.Theory of numbers I. Wright, E.M. II. Title. Accn Nos : 101148 512.7 HAR

Hartley, James Logarithms / James Hartley.-- London: Ethuen, 1964. 272p. (Clarway programmed books; Patrick Thronhill) 1.Mathematics I. Thronhill, Patrick. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 85552 512.7 LON

Long, Calvin T. Elementary introduction to number theory / Calvin T. Long.--3rd ed-- Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1987. xii,292p. Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 0-13-257502-7 1.Mathematics 2.Number theory I. Title. Accn Nos : 114415

512.7 NIV

Niven, Ivan Numbers: Rational and irrational / Ivan Niven.-- Toronto: Random House, 1961. viii,136p (New mathematics library) (ed. by Mark Kac) (1) 1.Mathematics I. Kac, Mark. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3412 512.7 NIV

Niven, Ivan Numbers: Rational and irrational / Ivan Niven.-- Toronto: Random House, 1961. viii,136p (New mathematics library) (ed. by Mark Kac) (1) 1.Mathematics I. Kac, Mark. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45161 512.7 ODO

Odom, Mary Margaret Introduction to exponents: a programmed unit / Mary Margaret Odom.-- New York: Holt Rinehart and Winston, 1964. vi,263p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3426 512.7 SCH

Essays on number theory.-- New Haven: Yale University Press, 1960. 57p. Vol.2 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. Accn Nos : F11826 512.7 SHA

Shahane Logarithm and steam tables / Shahane.-Poona: Allies Bookstall, [n.d.] 64p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 69837 512.7 SHI

Shirali, Shailesh First steps in number theory: a primer on divisibility / Shailesh Shirali.-Hyderabad: Universities Press, 2001. ix,161p ISBN 81-7371-368-5 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 123181 512.7 SHI

Shirali, Shailesh Primer on number sequences / Shailesh Shirali.-- Hyderabad: Universities Press, 2001.

xi,240p ISBN 81-7371-369-3 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 123177 512.7 SME

Smeltzer, Donald Man and number / Donald Smeltzer.-- New York: Collier Books, 1958. 114p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 7503

512.7 STA

Stark, Harold M. Introduction to number theory / Harold M. Stark.-- Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1978. x,347p ISBN 0-262-69060-8 1.Mathematics 2.Numbers, theory of I. Title. Accn Nos : 94628 512.7 ZAN

Zangwill, Willard I. Nonlinear programming: a unified approach / Willard I. Zangwill.-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1969. xvi,356p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 70702 512.7 ZIP

Zippin, Leo Uses of infinity / Leo Zippin, illus. by Carl Bass.-- Toronto: L.W. Singer Company, 1962. vii,151p (New mathematical library) (ed. by Mark Kac) (7) 1.Mathematics I. Bass, Carl. II. Kac, Mark. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3445 512.7 ZIP

Zippin, Leo Uses of infinity / Leo Zippin.-- Canada: L.W. Singer Company, 1962. vii,150p (New mathematical library) (7) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45387 512.7


Zippin, Leo Uses of infinity / Leo Zippin.-- Canada: L.W. Singer, 1962. viii,15p (New mathematical library) (7) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 19966 512.7077 HAR

Hartley, James Logarithms revisited: A programmed revision course / James hartley.-- London: Methuen, [n.d.] 48p (Methuen's clearway programmed books) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 54229

512.72 RAO

Rao, D. Rameswar Congruences and quadratic residues / D. Rameswar Rao.-- Hyderabad: Boopk Links Corporation, 1973. 24p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

512.72 RAO

Rao, D. Rameswar Congruences and quadratic residues / D. Rameswar Rao.-- Hyderabad: Book Links Corporation, 1973. 24p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 78497 512.72076 MER

Merrill, Charles E. Understanding number combinations / Charles E. Merrill.-- New York: Treasure Books, 1966. 64p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3452 512.73 LI

Li, Ching Chun Numbers from experiments: A basic analysis of variation / Ching Chun Li.-Pennsylvania: The Boxwood Press, 1959. ix,105p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F3638 512.73 LI

Li, Ching Chun Numbers from experiments: A basic analysis of variation / Ching Chun Li.-- Pittsburgh: Boxwood, 1959.

106p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 32160 512.73 LI

Li, Ching Chun Numbers from experiments: A basic analysis of variation / Ching Chun Li.-- Pittsburgh: Boxwood, 1959. 106p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F3556

512.73 OLD

Olds, C.D. Continued fractions / C.D. Olds, illus. by Carl Bass.-- New York: The L.W. Singer Company, 1963. viii,162p (New mathematical library) 1.Mathematics I. Bass, Carl. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 10083 512.73 OLD

Olds, C.D. Continued fractions / C.D. Olds.-- Canada: L.W. Singer Company, 1963. viii,161p (New mathematical library) (9) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 10867 512.73 VAU

Vaughan, R.C. Hardy - littlewood method / R.C. Vaughan.-Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, n.d xi,169p (Cambridge tracts in mathematics) (80) 1.Mathematics 2.Numbers, theory of I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 91871 512.74 RAO

Rao, D. Rameswar Diophantine equations / D. Rameswar Rao.-New Delhi: S. Chand, 1970. xx,196p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 78494 512.74 RAO

Rao, D. Rameswar Diophantive equations / D. Rameswar Rao.-New Delhi: S. Chand & Company, n.d

viii,184p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 78495 512.77 DRO

Drooyan, Irving Programmed beginning algebra: unit v fractions and fractional equations / Irving Drooyan and William Wooton.-- New York: John Wiley, 1963. 62p. 1.Mathematics I. Wooton, William. II. Title. Accn Nos : F11622

512.8 AND

Andree, Richard V. Selections from modern abstract algebra / Richard V. Andree.-- New York: Henry Holt, 1965. xii,212p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3408 512.8 BEL

Bell, A.W. Algebraic structures / A.W. Bell.-London: George Allen and Unwin, 1966. 142p (Mathematical studies) (ed. by David Wheeler) 1.Mathematics I. Wheeler, David. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 56416 512.8 BEN

Benner, Charles P. Topic in modern algebra / Charles P. Benner.-- New York: Harper and Row, 1964. x,143p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53428 512.8 BEN

Benner, Charles P. Topics in modern algebra / Charles P. Benner.-- New York: Harper & Row Publishers, 1964. x,144p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53429 512.8 BUR

Burton, David M. Introduction to abstracts mathematical system / David M. Burton.-- Massachusetts:

Addison Wesley, 1965. vii,118p (Addison-wesley series in interoductory mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 65073 512.8 BUR

Burton, David M. Introduction to abstract mathematical systems / David M. Burton.-- Massachusetts: Addison Wesley, 1965. vii,118p (Addison Wesley series in introductory mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3418

512.8 BUS

Advances in mathematics / ed. by Herbert Busemann.-- New York: Academic Press, 1965. xi,449p. Vol.1 1.Mathematics I. Busemann, Herbert. Accn Nos : 53984 512.8 DED

Dedekind, Richard Theory of numbers / Richard Dedekind, tr. by Wooster Woodruff, Bemon.-- New York: Dover, 1963. 115p 1.Number theory I. Bemon, Wooster Woodruff. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3403 512.8 FAN

Fang, J. Schaum's outline of theory and problems of abstract algebra / J. Fang.-- New York: Schaum Publishing Company, 1962. 339p (Schaum's outline series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 53649 512.8 FAN

Fang, Joong Theory and problems of abstract algebra / Joong Fang.-- New York: Schaum Publishing Co, 1963. 339p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 43010 512.8 FRA

Fraleigh, John B. First course in abstract algebra / John B.

Fraleigh.-- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1967. xvi,447p (Addison-wesley series in mathematics) (ed. by Lynn H. Loomis) 1.Mathematics I. Loomis, Lynn H. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 54937 512.8 HAF

Hafstrom, John E. Introduction to analysis and abstract algebra / John E. Hafstrom.-- Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1967. 344p (Saunders' international student edition) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66817 512.8 HOE

Hohn, Franz E. Elementary matrix algebra / Franz E. Hohn. -- New York: The Macmillan, 1959. xi,305p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3430 512.8 HU

Hu, Sze-Tsen Elements of modern algebra / Sze-Tsen Hu.-San Francisco: Holden-day, Inc, 1965. x,208p (Holden-day series in mathematics) (ed. by Earl A. Coddington) 1.Mathematics I. Coddington, Earl A. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 53793 512.8 JAC

Jacobson, Nathan Leactures in abstract algebra: Basic concepts / Nathan Jacobson.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1965. xii,217p (University series in higher mathematics). Vol.1 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 53685 512.8 JAC

Jacobson, Nathan Lectures in abstract algebra: linear algebra / Nathan Jacobson.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1965. xii,280p. (University series in higher mathematics). V. 2 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66563 512.8


Jacobson, Nathan Lectures in abstract algebra: basic concepts / Nathan Jacobson.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1965. xii,217p. (University of series in higher mathematics). V. 1 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66562

512.8 JAC

Jacobson, Nathan Lectures in abstract algebra: Linear algebra.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1965. xii,280p (University series in higher mathematics). Vol.2 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 54221 512.8 JAC

Jacobson, Nathan Lectures in abstract algebra: Theory of fields and galois theory / Nathan Jacobson.-New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1966. xi,323p (University series in higher mathematics). Vol.3 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 53687 512.8 JAC

Jacobson, Nathan Lectures in abstract algebra: Linear algebra / Nathan Jacobson.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1965. xii,280p (University series in higher mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 53686 512.8 JOH

Johnson, Richard E. First course in abstract algebra / Richard E. Johnson.-- New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1963. viii,257p (Prentice-Hall mathematics series) (ed. by Albert A. Bennett) 1.Mathematics I. Bennett, Albert A. II. Title Accn Nos : F4539 512.8



Jones, Burton W. Theory of numbers / Burton W. Jones.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1961. xi,139p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45074 512.8 KAR

Karlin, Samuel Mathematical methods and theory in games, programming and economics / Samuel Karlin.-Massachusetts: Addison-wesley Publishing Company, 1959. x,433p (Addison-wesley series in statistics) (ed. by Z.W. Birnbaum). Vol.1 1.Mathematics I. Brinbaum, Z.W. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45242 512.8 KEL

Kelley, John L. Introduction to modern algebra: Official text book for continental classroom / John L. Kelley.-- New York: D. Van Nostrand, 1960. x,333p (University series in undergraduate mathematics) (ed. by John L. Kelley) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F4446 512.8 KUH

Contributions to the theory of games / ed. by H.W. Kuhn and A.W. Tucker.-- New Jersey: Princeton, 1953. viii,395p (Annals of mathematics studies) (ed. by Emil Artin). Vol.2 1.Mathematics I. Kuhn, H.W. II. Tucker, A.W. III. Artin, Emil. IV. Series. Accn Nos : 45239 512.8 LID

Lidl, Rudolf Applied abstract algebra / Rudolf Lidl and Gunter Pilz.--2nd ed.-- New Delhi: Springer, 2004. xvi,486p ISBN 81-8128-149-7 1.Mathematics I. Pilz, Gunter. II. Title. Accn Nos : 123792 512.8 LIG

Lightstone, A.H. Symbolic logic and the real number system: an introduction to the foundations of number system / A.H. Lightstone.-- New York: Harper & Row, 1966. ix,225p. 1.Mathematics - Number theory I. Title. Accn Nos : 66809

512.8 LUC

Luce, R. Duncan Games and decisions: Introduction and critical survey / R. Duncan Luce and Howard Raiffa.-- New York: John Wiley, 1957. xix,509p 1.Mathematics I. Raiffa, Howard. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3428 512.8 MCK

Mckinsey, J.C.C. Introduction to the theory of games / J.C.C. Mckinsey.-- New York: The Rand Corporation, 1952. x,371p (The Rand series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 43008 512.8 MIL

Miller, Kenneth S. Elements of modern abstract algebra / Kenneth S. Miller.-- New York: Harper and Row, 1964. vii,188p (Harper international student reprint) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3419 512.8 MIS

Mishina, A.P. Higher algebra, linear algebra polynomials, general algebra / A.P. Mishina, I.V. Proskuryakov; translated by Ann Swinfen.-Oxford: Pergaman, 1965. xii,277p 1.Mathematics I. Proskuryakov, I.V. II. Swinfen, Ann. III. Title. Accn Nos : 36062 512.8 MOO

Moore, John T. Elements of abstract algebra / John T. Moore.--2nd ed-- New Jersey: The Macmillan, 1967. xvi,349p (Mathematics text) (ed. by Carl B. Allendoerfer) 1.Mathematics I. Allendoerfer, Carl B. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 61810 512.8 MOO

Moore, John T. Elements of abstract algebra / John T. Moore.-- New York: The Macmillan, 1962. Various pagination (A series of advanced mathematics texts) (Car B. Allendoerfer) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 53349

512.8 MOO

Moore, John T. Elements of abstract algebra / John T. Moore.-- New York: Macmillan, 1962. xiii,201p (A series of advanced mathematics texts) (Carl B. Allendoerfer) 1.Mathematics I. Allendoerfer, Carl B. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F4060 512.8 OTT

Otto, Edward Nomography / Edward Otto, tr. by Janina Smolska.-- Oxford: Pergamon, 1963. 313p 1.Mathematics I. Smolska, Janina. II. Title. Accn Nos : 54163 512.8 SAH

Sah, Chih-Han Abstract algebra / Chih-Han Sah.-- New York: Academic Press, 1967. xiii,342p (Academic press text books in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66108 512.8 SAH

Sah, Chih - Han Abstract algebra / Chih-Han Sah.-- New York: Academic Press, 1967. xiii,339p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53305 512.8 SHA

Narayan, Shanti Text book of modern abstract algebra / Shanti Narayan.--2nd-- New Delhi: S. Chand & Company Ltd., 1961. xvi,344p. 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra abstract I. Title.

512.8 SHA

Shanti Narayan Textbooks of modern abstract algebra / Shanti Narayan.--2nd ed-- Delhi: S. Chand & Co., 1961. xvi,344p 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra I. Title. Accn Nos : 24505 512.8 SIN

Singer, James Elements of numerical analysis / James Singer.-- New York: Academic Press, 1964. x,395p (Academic press textbooks in mathematics)

1.Mathematics I. Title


Accn Nos : 1680 512.8 STE

Stewart, B.M. Theory of numbers / B.M. Stewart.--2nd ed-New York: The Macmillan Company, 1964. xiv,383p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3424

512.8 STO

Stoll, Robert R. Sets, Logic, and Axiomatic Theories / Robert R. Stoll.-- San Francisco: W.H. Freeman and Co., 1961. x,206p. (Series of books in Mathematics edited by R.A. Rosenbaum). Includes Index 1.Mathematics-Logic I. Rosenbaum, R. A.,ed. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 54673 512.8 VAJ

Vajda, S Theory of games and linear programming / S. Vajda.-- London: Science Paperbacks and Methuen, 1967. 106p (Methuen's monographs on physical subjects) ( B.L. Worshop) 1.Mathematics I. Worshop, B.L. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 62363 512.8 WEI

Weiss, Marie J. Higher algebra for the undergraduate / Marie J. Weiss.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1960. 165p 1.Science I. Title. Accn Nos : 3469 512.8 WEI

Weiss, Marie J. Higher algebra for the undergraduate / Marie J. Weiss and Roy Dublsch.--2nd ed-- New York: John Wiley, 1962. xi,171p 1.Mathematics I. Dublsch, Roy. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3411

512.8 WEI

Weliss, Marie J. Higher algebra for the undergraduate / Marie J. Wiliss and Roy Dubisch.--Ed. 2nd-New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1962. ix,171p (Wiley International edition) 1.Mathematics I. Dubisch, Roy. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 54174 512.8 WHI

Whitesitt, J. Eldon Principles of modern algebra / J. Eldon Whitesitt.-- Massachusetts: Addision-Wesley, 1965. viii,262p (Addison-wesley series in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66814 512.8 WHI

Whitesitt, J. Eldon Principles of modern algebra / J. Eldon Whitesitt.-- Massachusetts: Addision-Wesley, 1965. viii,262p (Addison-wesley series in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 53436 512.8077 DRO

Drooyan, Irving Programmed introduction to number system / Irving Drooyan and Walter Hadel.-- New York: John Wiley, 1964. 261p 1.Mathematics I. Hadel, Walter. II. Title. Accn Nos : 54683 512.81 ADA

Adamson, Iain T. Introduction to field theory / Iain T. Adamson.-- Edinburgh: Boliver and Boyd, 1964. 180p (University mathematical texts) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 43020 512.81 BAR

Barnett, I.A. Some ideas about number theory / I.A. Barnett.-- Washington: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1961. vi70p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45549 512.81 BUR

Burrill, Claude W. Foundation of real numbers / Claude W. Burrill.-- San Francisco: McGraw Hill, 1967. 163p

1.Mathematics 2.Number, real I. Title. Accn Nos : 63710 512.81 CAS

Algebraic number theory / ed. by J.W.S. Cassels and A. Frohlich.-- London: Academic Press, 1967. xviii,366p 1.Mathematics I. Cassels, J.W.S. II. Frohlich, A. Accn Nos : 70009 512.81 CHO

Chowla, S. Riemann hypothesis and Hilbert's tenth problem / S. Chowla.-- London: Blackie, 1965. 117p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 67484 512.81 COH

Cohen, Leon W. Structure of the real number system / Leon W. Cohen and Gertruds Ehrlich.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand Co Inc, 1963. 116p (University series) (ed. by John L. Kelly and Paul R. Halmos) I. Ehrlich, Gertruds. II. Kelly, John L. III. Halmos, Paul R. IV. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45223 512.81 COH

Cohen, Leon W. Structure of the real number system / Leon W. Cohen and Gertrude Ehrlich.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand Co Inc, 1963. 116p (University series) (ed. by John L. Kelley and Paul R. Halmos) 1.Mathematics I. Ehrlich, Gertrude. II. Kelley, John L. III. Halmos, Paul R. IV. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3413 512.81 COH

Cohen, Leon W. Structure of the real number system / Leon W. Cohen and Gertrude Ehrlich.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand Co Inc, 1963. 116p (University series) (John L. Kelley and Paul R. Halmos) 1.Mathematics I. Ehrlich, Gertrude. II. Kelley, John L. III. Halmos, Paul R. IV. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45333 512.81 DAN

Dantzig, Tobias Number, the language of science / Tobias Dantzig.--4th rev ed-- New York: The Macmillan, 1959.

ix,340p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3457 512.81 DAN

Dantzig, Tobias Number the language of science / Tobias Dantzig.--4th ed-- New York: Macmillan, 1959. 340p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3458

512.81 DRO

Drooyan, Irving Programmed introduction to number systems / Irving Drooyan and Walter Hadel.-- New York: John Wiley, 1964. xii,261p 1.Mathematics I. Hadel, Walter. II. Title. Accn Nos : 86890 512.81 DRO

Drooyan, Irving Programmed introduction to number system / Irving Drooyan and Walter Hadel.-- New York: John Wiley, 1964. 261p 1.Mathematics I. Hadel, Walter. II. Title. Accn Nos : 73917 512.81 DRO

Drobot, Stefan Real numbers / Stefan Drobot.-- London: Prentice Hall, 1964. v,101p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 43021 512.81 DUD

Dudley, Underwood Elementary number theory / Underwood Dudley.-- San Francisco: W.H. Freeman, 1969. vi,258p (A series of book in mathematics) (ed. by R.A. Roenbaum) 1.Mathematics I. Roenbaum, R.A. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 75165 512.81 EAM

Eames, W.P. Elementary theory of numbers, polynomials, and rational functions / W.P. Eames.--

London: Oldbourne, 1967. viii,143p (Oldbourne mathematical series) (ed. by G.T. Kneebone) 1.Mathematics I. Kneebone, G.T. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 53777 512.81 FEF

Feferman, Solomon Number systems foundation of algebra and analysis / Solomon Feferman.-Massachussetts: Addison-Wesley, 1964. 418p (Addison-wesley series in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3420

512.81 GRI

Griffin, Harriet Elementary theory of numbers / Harriet Griffin.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1954. ix,203p (International series in pure and applied mathematics) (ed. by William Ted Martin) 1.Mathematics 2.Number theory I. Martin, William Ted. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 54672 512.81 HAN

Hancock, Harris Foundations of the theory of algebraic numbers / Harris Hancock.-- New York: Dover, 1931. 602p. Vol. I 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3462 512.81 HAN

Hancock, Harris Foundations of the theory of algebraic numbers / Harris Hancock.-- New York: Dover, 1932. 654p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F12307 512.81 JON

Jones, Burton W. Theory of numbers / Burton W. Jones.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1955. 138p 1.Mathematics 2.Number theory I. Title. Accn Nos : 3421 512.81


Jones, Burton W. Theory of numbers / Burton W. Jones.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1955. 143p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3422 512.81 LAM

Lambek, Joachim Lectures on rings and modules / Joachim Lambek.-- Massachusetts: Blaisdell, 1966. 183p (Pure and applied mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 53338

512.81 LEV

Studies in number theory / ed. by W.J. LeVeque.-- U.S.A.: The Mathematical Association of America, 1969. vii,212p (Studies in mathematics). Vol. 6 1.Mathematics I. LeVeque, W.J. II. Series. Accn Nos : 70470 512.81 LIG

Lightstone, A.H. Symbolic logic and the real number system: An introduction to the foundations of number systems / A.H. Lightstone.-- New York: Harper & Row, 1966. ix,225p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 52762 512.81 LIG

Lightstone, A.H. Symbolic logic and the real number system : an Introduction to the foundations of Number Systems / A.H. Lightstone.-- New York: Harper and Row, 1966. ix,225p. 1.Mathematics 2.Numbers, real I. Title. Accn Nos : 3463 512.81 LUC

Lucas, James S. Developing pre-number ideas / James S. Lucas and Evelyn Neufeld.--Teacher's ed-California: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965. 108p 1.Mathematics I. Neufeld, Evelyn. II. Title. Accn Nos : 17712 512.81


Maccoy, Neal H. Theory of numbers / Neal H. Mccoy.-- New York: Macmillan, 1965. 150p (Allendoerfer advanced series) 1.Mathematics 2.Number theory I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 54485 512.81 NIV

Niven, Ivan Introduction to the theory of numbers / Ivan Niven and Herbert S. Zuckerman.-- New York: John Wiley, 1966. 288p. ISBN 0-471-64154-5 1.Mathematics 2.Number theory I. Zuckerman, Herbert S. II. Title. Accn Nos : 77508 512.81 PHI

Phillips, E.G. Functions of a complex variable with applications / E.G. Phillips.-- Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1963. xi,144p, 17 figures (University mathematical text) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3472 512.81 PLA

Plackett, R.L. Principles of regression analysis / R.L. Plackett.-- Oxford: Clarendon, 1960. 173p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3427 512.81 REV

Revesz, Pal Laws of large numbers / Pal Revesz.-- New York: Academic Press, 1968. 176p (Probability and mathematical statistics) (ed. by Z.W. Birnboym and E. Lukacs) 1.Mathematics I. Birnboym, Z.W. II. Lukacs, E. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 67041 512.81 ROB

Robinson, Abraham Numbers and ideals / Abraham Robinson.-Sanfrancisco: Holden-day, 1965. 106p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53333 512.81 ROB

Ribonson, Abraham Numbers and ideals: An introduction to some basic concepts of algebra and number theory

/ Abraham Robinson.-- San Francisco: HoldenDay, 1965. ix,102p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 43026 512.81 SCH

Essays on number theory / School Mathematics Study Group.-- New Haven: Yale University Press, 1960. 57p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. Accn Nos : F6711

512.81 SHA

Shanti Narayan Number systems / Shanti Narayan.-- Delhi: S. Chand & Co, 1966. viii,123p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 60238 512.81 SHO

Shockly, James E. Introduction to number theory / James E. Shockly.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1967. viii,245p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53214 512.81 SHO

Shockley, James E. Introduction to number theory / James E. Shockley.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1967. viii,245p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53917 512.81 SHO

Shockley, James E. Introduction to number theory / James E. Shockley.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1967. viii,245p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 57930 512.81 SHO

Shockeley, James E. Introduction to number theory / James E. Shockeley.-- New York: Holt Rinehart and Winston, 1967.

viii,247p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 63019 512.81 SHO

Shockeley, James E. Introduction to number theory / James E. Shockeley.-- New York: Holt Rinehart and Winston, 1967. viii,247p. Includes Index 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53776

512.81 SIN

Singal, M.K. Approach to numbers: Axiomatic development of various number systems / M.K. Singal and J.D. Gupta.-- Delhi: R. Chand & Co, 1968. xi,219p 1.Mathematics I. Gupta, J.D. II. Title. Accn Nos : 56528 512.81 STE

Stewart, B.M. Theory of numbers / B.M. Stewart.--Ed. 2nd -- New York: The Macmillan, 1964. xiv,383p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3409 512.81 VIN

Vinogradov, I.M. Introduction to the theory of numbers / I.M. Vinogradov, tr. by Helen Popova.-Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1961. vi,155p 1.Mathematics I. Popova, Helen. II. Title. Accn Nos : 43050 512.81 VIN

Vinogradov, I.M. Introduction to the theory of numbers / I.M. Vinogradov, tr. by Helen Popova.-Oxford: Pergamon, 1961. vi,154p 1.Mathematics I. Popova, Helen. II. Title. Accn Nos : 52038 512.81 VOR

Vorob'ev N.N. Fibonacci numbers / N.N. Vorob'ev, tr. by Halina Moss and Ian N. Sneddon.-- New York: Blaisdell, 1961.

vii,65p (Popular lectures in mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Moss, Halina. II. Sneddon, Ian N. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 53303 512.81077 BEA

Beale, T. Introduction to complex numbers for technical students: Programmed text / T. Beale.-- London: George Allen and Unwin, 1966. 423p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 59215

512.812 HAL

Halmos, Paul R. Measure theory / Paul R. Halmos.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1964. xi,299p (University series in higher mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 41131 512.812 HAL

Halmos, Paul R. Measure theory / Paul R. Halmos.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1962. 304p (University series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 69803 512.82 BOR

Borofsky, Samuel Elementary theory of equations / Samuel Borofsky.-- New York: Macmillan, 1950. x, 302p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45225 512.86 BAU

Baumslag, B. Theory and problems of group theory / B. Baumslag and B. Chandler.-- New York: Macgrawhill Book Co., 1968. viii,277p (Schaum's outline series) 1.Mathematics I. Chandler, B. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 67977 512.86 BOE

Boerner, Hermann Representations of groups with special consideration for the needs of modern physics

/ Hermann Boerner.-- Amsterdam: North Holland Publishing Co, 1970. xiii,337p ISBN 0444-10002-4 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 74218 512.86 CRA

Cracknell, Arthur P. Applied group theory / Arthur P. Cracknell. -- Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1968. ix,413p (The commonwealth and international library) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 65193

512.86 EAR

Earl, Boyd Groups and fields: A programmed in modern mathematics / Boyd Earl, ed. by J. William Moore and Wendell I. Smith.-- New York: McGraw Hill Book Co, 1963. xii,321p 1.Mathematics I. Moore, J. William. II. Smith,Wendell I. III. Title. Accn Nos : F85471 512.86 EAR

Earl, Boyd Groups and fields: a programmed unit in modern mathematics / Boyd Earl, J. William Moore and Wendell I Smith.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1963. xii,322p. 1.Mathematics I. Moore, J. William. II. Smith, Wendell I. III. Title. Accn Nos : 87809 512.86 EAR

Moore, J. William Groups and Fields: A Programmed Unit in Modrn Mathematics / J. William Moore and Wendell I. Smith.-- New York: Mcgraw-hill book Co., 1963. xii,322p. 1.Mathematics I. Smith, Wendell I. II. Title. Accn Nos : 85471 512.86 GOR

Gerenstein, Daniel Finite groups / Daniel Gerenstein.-- New York: Harper & Row Publishers, 1968. xi,523p (Harper's series in modern mathematics) (ed. by I.N. Herstein) 1.Mathematics I. Herstein, I.N. II. Title

(Series). Accn Nos : 64311 512.86 HAL

Hall, Marshall Theory of groups / Marshall Hall.-- New York: The Macmillan, 1959. xiii,434p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3425

512.86 HAM

Hamermesh, Morton Group theory and its application to physical problems / Morton Hamermesh.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co, 1962. xv,509p. (Addison-wesley series in physics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3414 512.86 HAM

Hamermesh, Morton Group theory and its application to physical problems / Morton Hamermesh.-Massachusetts: Addison Wesley, 1962. xv,505p (Addison Wesley series in physics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 68418 512.86 KOC

Kochendorfeer, Rudolf Group theory / Rudolf Kochendorfeer.-London: McGraw-Hill, 1970. vii,297p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 72859 512.86 PAP

Papy, Georges Groups / Georges Papy, tr. by Marry Warner. -- London: Macmillan, 1964. xvii,219p 1.Mathematics I. Warner, Marry. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3461 512.86 SCH

Schenkman, Eugene Group theory / Eugene Schenkman.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand Company Inc, 1965.

xiv,289p (The University series in higher mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3416 512.86 SMI

Smith, M.G. Laplace transform theory / M.G. Smith.-London: D. Van Nostrand Company, 1966. x,123p. (New mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 53782

512.86077 EAR

Earl, Boyd Groups and fields: A programmed unit in modern mathematics / Boyd Earl, J. William Moore, Wendell I. Smith.-- New York: McGrawHill, 1963. 322p 1.Mathematics I. Moore, J. William. II. Smith, Wendell I. III. Title. Accn Nos : 62368 512.865 DON

Donnellan, Thomas Lattice theory / Thomas Donnellan.-Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1968. xii,283p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 64916 512.865 GRA

Gratzer, George Lattice theory: first concepts and distributive lattices / George Gratzer.-- San Francisco: W.H. Freeman and Company, 1971. xv,212p, 58 illus. (A series of books in mathematics) (ed. by R.A. Rosenbaum and G. Philip Johnson) 1.Mathematics I. Rosenbaum, R.A. II. Johnson, G. Philip. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 75167 512.87 JON

Jones, Burton W. Modular arithmetic / Burton W. Jones.-- New York: Blaisdell Publishing Company, 1964. vi,91p (A Blaisdell scientific paperback in the school mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 53747

512.88 GRA

Grace, J.H. Algebra of invariants / J.H. Grace and A. Young.-- New York: Chelsia Publishing Company, 1903. vi,384p 1.Mathematics I. Young, A. II. Title. Accn Nos : 68723 512.89 CUL

Cullen, Charles G. Matrices and linear transformations / Charles G. Cullen.-- London: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1966. 225p (Adiwes international series in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3493 512.89 DOR

Dorf, Richard C. Matrix algebra: a programmed introduction / Richard C. Dorf.-- New York: John Wilsey & Sons, 1969. vii,260p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 70389 512.89 FLE

Flegg, H. Graham Boolean algebra and its application: Including boolian matrix algebra / H. Graham Flegg.-- London: Blackie, 1964. xiii,259p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 43025 512.89 FLE

Flegg, H. Graham Boolean algebra and its application: including Boolean matrix algebra / H. Graham, Flegg.-- London: Blackie, 1964. xv,261p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3415 512.89 GIL

Gillie, Angelo C. Binary arithmetic and Boolean algebra / Angelo C. Gillie.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1965. viii,248p 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra, Boolean I. Title. Accn Nos : 67251 512.89 GOO

Goodstein, R.L. Boolean algebra / R.L. Goodstein.-Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1963. vi,136p

1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 43018 512.89 GOO

Goodstein, R.L. Boolean algebra / R.L. Goodstein.-Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1963. vi,140p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 43019 512.89 GOO

Goodstein, R.L. Boolean algebra / R.L. Goodstein.-Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1963. vi,140p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 43017 512.89 GOO

Goodstein, R.L. Boolean algebra / R.L. Goodstein.-Oxford: Pergamon, 1963. 136p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 43016 512.89 HAL

Halmos, Paul R. Lectures on boolean algebra / Paul R. Halmos.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand Company Inc, 1963. 147p (Van Nostrand mathematical studies) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3471 512.89 HAL

Halmos, Paul R. Lectures on Boolean algebras / Paul R. Halmos.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1967. 147p (Van Nostrand mathematical studies) (Paul R. Halmos and Frederick W. Gehring) 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra, boolean I. Gehring, Frederick W. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66428 512.89 HAL

Halmos, Paul R. Naive set theory / Paul R. Halmos.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand Company Inc, 1967. vii,104p (The University series in undergraduate mathematics) (ed. by John L. Kelley and Paul R. Halmos) 1.Mathematics I. Kelley, John L. II. Halmos, Paul R. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 52035 512.89 HOF

Hoffman, Kenneth

Linear algebra / Kenneth Hoffman and Ray Kunze.-- New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India, 1967. ix,329p (This book is in the addisonwesley science and mathematics education series) 1.Mathematics I. Kunze, Ray. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 53727 512.89 KAH

Kahn, Peter J. Introduction to linear algebra / Peter J. Kahn.-- New York: Harper & Row, 1967. viii,447p (This book is in the addisonwesley world student series edition) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66815 512.89 LIC

Lichnerowicz, Andre Linear algebra and analysis / Andre Lichnerowicz.-- London: Holden-day, 1967. xi,304p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 63011 512.89 LYT

Lytel, Allan ABC's of boolean algebra / Allan Lytel.-Bucks: W. Foulsham, 1964. 112p 1.Algebra, booleanABC's of bool I. Title. Accn Nos : 3470 512.89 MAR

Marcus, Marvin Introduction to linear algebra / Marvin Marcus and Henry K. Minc.-- New York: Macmillan, 1965. x,257p (Blaisdell book in the pure and applied mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Minc, Henry K. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 57979 512.89 MOO

Moore, John T. Elements of linear algebra and matrix theory / John T. Moore.-- New York: McGraw Hill Book Company, 1968. xii,363p (International series in pure and applied mathematics) (ed. by William Ted Martien) 1.Mathematics I. Martien, William Ted. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 67485 512.89 NOB

Noble, Ben

Applied linear algebra / Ben Noble.-- New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1969. xvi,517p (Blaisdell book in the pure and applied mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 70539 512.89 NOM

Nomizu, Katsumi Fundamentals of linear algebra / Katsumi Nomizu.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1966. x,315p (Blaisdell book in the pure and applied mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 56377

512.89 NOM

Nomizu, Katsumi Fundamentals of linear algebra / Katsumi Nomizu.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, [n.d.] x,215p (Blaisdell book in the pure and applied mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66336 512.89 PAI

Paige, Lowell J. Elements of linear algebra / Lowell J. Paige and J. Dean Swift.-- New York: Blaisdell Publishing Company, 1965. xiii,345p (Blaisdell book in the pure and applied mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Swift, J. Dean. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3492 512.89 SMI

Smirnov, V.I. Course of higher mathematics / V.I. Smirnov, tr. by D.E. Brown.-- London: Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 1964. 324p (Adiwes international series in mathematics). Vol. 3 1.Mathematics I. Brown, D.E. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3496 512.89 WOL

Wolf, Oswald Boolean algebra: a self-instructional programmed manual / Oswald Wolf.-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc, 1966. ix,246p 1.Mathematics I. Federal Electric Corporation. II. Title.

Accn Nos : 3417 512.891 FRA

Frankel, Abraham A. Set theory and logic / Abraham A. Frankel. -- Massachusetts: Addison-wesley Publishing Company, 1966. vii,102p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53626 512.891 GRA

Gray, James F. Sets, relations, and functions / James F. Gray.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1962. viii,143p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53342 512.891 GRA

Gray, James F. Sets, relations, and functions / James F. Gray.-- New York: Holt Rinehart and Winston, 1965. 143p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53309 512.891 GUN

Gundlach, Bernard H. Set numbers numerals: Teacher's edition / Bernard H. Gundlach, Ronald C. Welch and Edward G. Buffic.--2nd ed-- Illinois: Laidlaw Brother's Publishers, 1965. (The Laidlaw mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Welch, Ronald C. II. Buffic, Edward G. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F5870 512.891 GUN

Gundlach, Bernard H. Sets, numbers numerals / Bernard H. Gundlach, Ronald C. Welch and Edward G. Buffie.--2nd ed-- Illinois: Laidlaw, 1965. viii,160p 1.Mathematics I. Welch, Ronald C. II. Buffie, Edward G. III. Title. Accn Nos : F5869 512.891 HAL

Halmos, Paul R. Navie set theory / Paul R. Halmos.-- New Delhi: Affiliated East-West Press, 1960. vii,104p (The university series in undergraduate mathematics) (ed. by John L. Kelley, Paul R. Halmos) 1.Mathematics I. Kelley, John L. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 75134 512.891


Hayden, Seymour Zermelo - fraenkel set theory / Seymour Hayden and John F. Kennison.-- Ohio: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company, 1968. xi,164p (Merrill mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Kennison, John F. II. Title Accn Nos : 73920 512.891 KUR


Kuratowski, Kazimierz Introduction to set theory and topology / Kazimierz Kuratowski, tr. by Leo F. Boron.-Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1961. 283p (Series on pure and applied mathematics). Vol 13 1.Mathematics I. Boron, Leo F. II. Sneddon, I.N.,ed. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 53916 512.891 LEU

Leung, Kam-Tim Elementary set theory, part 1 / Kam-Tim Leung and Doris Lai-Chue Chen, forword by Yung-Chow Wong.-- Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1964. x,116p 1.Mathematics I. Chen, Doris Lai-Chue. II. Wong, Yung-Chow. III. Title. Accn Nos : 42881 512.891 LIP

Lipschutz, Seymour Theory and problems of set theory and related topics / Seymour Lipschutz.-- New York: Schaum Publishing Co, 1964. 233p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53650 512.891 LIP

Lipschutz, Seymour Theory and problems of set theory and related topics / Seymour Lipschutz.-- New York: Schaum Publishing Co, 1964. 233p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 62076 512.891 NAH

Nahikian, Howard M. Topics in modern mathematics / Howard M. Nahikian.-- New York: The Macmillan Company, 1966. viii,262p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 56810 512.891 NEL

Nelson, Eileen Sets, numbers numericals: Primer / Eileen

Nelson and Bernard H. Gundlach.--Teachers ed -- Illinois: Laidlaw Brothers Publishers, 1965. 128p (The laidlaw mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Gundlach, Bernard H. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F5868 512.891 SEL

Selby, Samuel Sets relations functions an introduction / Samuel Selby and Leonard Sweet.-- New York: McGraw Hill Book Company, 1963. x,233p 1.Mathematics I. Sweet, Leonard. II. Title. Accn Nos : F5833

512.891 ZEH

Zehna, Peter W. Sets with applications / Peter W. Zehna.-Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc, 1966. 153p (Allyn and Bacon series: Topics in contemporary mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 63181 512.891077 BAS

Language of sets / Basic System Program.-New York: Lyons and Carnahan, 1963. xii,218p 1.Mathematics I. Basic System Program. Accn Nos : 6666 512.891077 BAS

Mechner, Francis Language of sets :A basic systems program / Francis Mechner and Donald A. cook.-New York: Basic systems,inc., 1963. 246p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F6443 512.894 SCH

Linear operators in Hilbert space / Werner Schmeidler...[et al.]-- New York: Academic Press, 1965. ix,122p 1.Mathematics I. Schmeidler, Werner. II. Strum, Jay. III. Shenitzer, A. IV. Solitar, D. Accn Nos : 67466 512.895 ARM

Armit, A.P. Advanced level vectors / A.P. Armit.-London: Heinemann Education Book, 1968. viii,151p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 71336

512.895 CAR

Carman, Robert A. Programmed introduction to vectors / Robert A. Carman.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1963. xi,120p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45414 512.895 CAR

Carman, Robert A. Programmed introduction to vectors / Robert A. Carman.-- New York: Johnwiley and Sons, 1965. xi,120p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 85512 512.895 COP

Copeland, Arthur H. Geometry, algebra and trigonometry by vector methods / Arthur H. Copeland.-- New York: The Macmillan Company, 1962. x,298p (Series of undergraduate mathematics text) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 63025 512.895 EIS

Eisenman, Richard L. Matrix vector analysis / Richard L. Eisenman.-- New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1963. ix,314p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 67148 512.895 EIS

Eisenman, Richard L. Matrix vector analysis / Richard L. Eisenman.-- New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc, 1963. ix,314p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 62344 512.895 FAD

Fadnis, B.S. Vector algebra and vector calculus: An elementary course from mathematics, physics and engineering students / B.S. Fadnis.-Bombay: Asia Publishing House, 1967. 192p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 57931 512.895 HAG

Hague, B. Introduction to vector analysis: for

physicists and engineers / B. Hague.-London: Methuen, 1967. viii,122p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 62359 512.895 HAL

Halmos, Paul R. Finite-dimensional vector spaces / Paul R. Halmos.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand Company, 1965. viii,200p (The university series in undergraduate mathematics) (ed. by John L. Kelley and Paul R. Halmos) 1.Mathematics I. Kelley, John L. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45416 512.895 MOO

Moon, Parry Vectors / Parry Moon and Domina Eberle Spencer.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand Company, 1965. vii,334p 1.Mathematics I. Spencer, Domina Eberle. II. Title. Accn Nos : 72336 512.895 MOO

Moon, Parry Vectors / Parry Moon, and Domina Eberle Spencer.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1965. vii,334p 1.Mathematics I. Spencer, Domina Eberle. II. Title. Accn Nos : 66669 512.895 NOR

Norton, M. Scott Basic concepts of vectors / M. Scott Norton.-- St Louis: Webster Publishing Company, 1963. 64p (Exploring mathematics on your own) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3519 512.895 PER

Peressini, Anthony L. Ordered topological vector spaces / Anthony L. Peressini.-- New York: Harper & Row, n.d x,228p (harper's series in modern mathematics) (ed. by I.N. Herstein, GianCarlo Rota) 1.Mathematics I. Herstein, I.N. II. Rota, Gian-Carlo. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 56035 512.895 POR

Porter, R.I.

School course in vectors / R.I. Porter.-London: G. BJell & Sons, 1970. viii,119p ISBN 0-7135-1585-6 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 75730 512.895 SCH

Schwartz, Manuel Vector analysis with applications to geometry and physics / Manuel Schwartz, Simon Green and W.A. Routledge.-- New York: Harper & Row, 1964. xii,556p 1.Mathematics I. Green, Simon. II. Rutledge, W.A. III. Title. Accn Nos : 66810 512.895 SHA

Shanti Narayan Textbook of vector algebra (with applications to geometry and statics / Shanti Narayan.--6th ed-- New Delhi: S. Chand & Co, 1968. vii,237p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 60240 512.895 SPA

Spain, Barry Vector analysis / Barry Spain.-- London: D. Van Nostrand Company, 1965. ix,114p (The new university mathematics series) (ed. by E.T. Davies) 1.Mathematics I. Davies, E.T. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 65184 512.895 TAL

Tallack, J.C. Introduction to elementary vector analysis / J.C. Tallack.-- Cambridge: The University Press, 1966. vii,140p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 5559 512.895 WEA

Weatherburn, C.E. Advanced vector analysis with application to mathematical physics / C.E. Weatherburn.-London: G. Bell and Sons, 1966. xvi,222p (Bell's mathematical series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 68850 512.895 WOL

Wolstenholme, E.E. Elementary vectors / E.E. Wolstenholme.--

Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1964. vi,95p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45280 512.895 WOL

Wolstenholme, E.E. Elementary vectors / E.E. Wolstenholme.-Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1964. vi,95p. (Commonwealth and international library) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 68125

512.895077 CAR

Carman, Robert A. Programmed introduction to vectors / Robert A. Carman.-- New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1963. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 56418 512.896 AIT

Aitken, A.C. Determinants and matrices / A.C. Aitken.-Ed. 9th-- Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, [n.d.] vii,144p (University mathematical texts) (Allexander Caitken) 1.Mathematics I. Chitken, Allexander. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45276 512.896 AYE

Ayres, Frank Theory and problems of matrices / Frank Ayres.-- New York: Schaum Publishing Co, 1962. 219p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 86239 512.896 BEL

Bellman, Richard Introduction to matrix analysis / Richard Bellman.-- New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1960. xx,328p (McGraw-Hill Series in matrix theory) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3523 512.896 DAV

Davis, Philip J. Mathematics of matrices: A first book of

matrix theory and linear algebra / Philip J. Davis.-- New York: Blaisdell Publishing Company, 1965. xiii,348p (A Blaisdell book in the pure and applied sciences) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 23497 512.896 EIS

Eisenman, Richard L. Matrix vector analysis / Richard L. Eisenman.-- New York: McGraw Hill Book Company, 1963. ix,314p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45268

512.896 FIN

Finkbeiner, Daniel T. Introduction to matrices and linear transformations / Daniel T. Finkbeiner.--2nd ed-- Bombay: Taraporewala Sons & Sons, 1968. viii,297p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 67136 512.896 FUL

Fuller, Leonard E. Basic matrix theory / Leonard E. Fuller.-New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc, 1962. ix,245p (Prentice-Hall mathematics series) (ed. by Albert A. Bennett) 1.Mathematics I. Bennett, Albert A. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 73919 512.896 GAN

Gantmacher, F.R. Applications of the theory of matrices / F.R. Gantmacher.-- New York: Interscience Publishers, 1959. vii,317p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53827 512.896 GER

Gere, James M. Matrix algebra for engineers / James M. Gere and William Weaver.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand Company, 1965. viii,168p 1.Mathematics I. Weaver, William. II. Title. Accn Nos : 37895 512.896 GRA

Graybill, Franklin A.

Introduction to matrices with applications in statistics / Franklin A. Graybill.-California: Wadsworth Publishing, 1969. 372p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 70707 512.896 HOH

Hohn, Franz E. Elementary matrix algebra / Franz E. Hohn. --Ed. 2nd-- New York: Macmillan Company, 1964. xiv,395p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 23480

512.896 HOH

Hohn, Franz E. Elementary matrix algebra / Franz E. Hohn. --Ed. 2nd-- New York: Macmillan Company, 1964. xiv,395p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 37308 512.896 HOR

Horst, Paul Matrix algebra for social scientists / Paul Horst.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc, 1963. xxi,515p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 9533 512.896 HOR

Horst, Paul Matrix algebra for social scientist / Paul Horst.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. xxi,517p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 74197 512.896 HOR

Horst, Paul Matrix algebra for social scientist / Paul Horst.-- New York: Rinehart and Winston, 1963. xi,217p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 74352 512.896 HOR

Horst, Paul Matrix algebra for social scientists / Paul Horst.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston

Inc, 1963. xxi,517p. Includes Index 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45263 512.896 JOH

Johnston, John B. Linear equations and matrices / John B. Johnston, G. Baley Price and Fred S. Van Vleck.-- Massachusetts: Addison Wesley, 1966. viii,308p (Addison-wesley series in behavioral science) 1.Mathematics I. Price, G. Baley. II. Vleck, Fred S. Van. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3455 512.896 MAX

Maxwell, E.A. Algebraic structure and matrices / E.A. Maxwell.-- Cambridge: The University Press, 1965. xvi,316p. Part II 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 86926 512.896 NER

Nering, Evar D. Linear algebra and matrix theory / Evar D. Nering.-- New York: John Wiley, 1963. xii,289p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 18368 512.896 SAX

Saxena, H.C. Theory of matrices (for honours and post graduate students of Indian universities) / H.C. Saxena and K.L. Sharma.-- Agra: Ram Prasad & Sons, 1967. vii,244p 1.Mathematics I. Sharma, K.L. II. Title. Accn Nos : 53678 512.896 SCH

Recent advances in matrix theory / ed. by Hans Schneider.-- Wisconsin: MAdison and Milwaukee, 1964. ix,142p 1.Mathematics I. Schneider, Hans. Accn Nos : 45267 512.896 SHA

Shanti Narayan Text book of matrices / Shanti Narayan.-5th ed-- Delhi: S. Chand, 1967. x,262p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Accn Nos : 60937 512.896 SHA

Shanti Narayan Text books of matrices / Shanti Narayan.-5th ed-- Delhi: S. Chand & Co, 1966. x,262p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 38236 512.896 STE

Stephenson, G. Introduction to matrices sets and groups for science student / G. Stephenson.-London: Longmans, Green and Company, 1965. ix,164p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 15451 512.896 SUP

Suprunenko, D.A. Commutative matrices / D.A. Suprunenko and R.I. Tyshkevich; translated by Scripta Technica.-- New York: Academic Press, 1968. viii,158p. (Academic paperbacks/ edited by Henry Booker) 1.Mathematics I. Tyshkevich, R.I. II. Scripta Technica. III. Booker, Henry. IV. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66107 512.896 VAR

Varga, Richard S. Matrix lterative analysis / Richard S. Varga.-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1962. xiii,322p (Printice Hall series in automatic computation) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3495 512.897 ABR

Abraham, Ralph Linear and multilinear algebra / Ralph Abraham.-- New York: W.A. Benjamin, 1966. x,103p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 72263 512.897 AMI

Amir-Moez, A.R. Elements of linear spaces / A. R. Amir-Moez and A.L. Fass.-- Michigan: Edward and Brothers, 1961. vii,149p 1.Mathematics I. Fass, A.L. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3521 512.897 BHE

Baer, Reinhold Linear algebra and projective geometry /

Reinhold Baer.-- New York: Academic Press, 1952. viii,315p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 66104 512.897 FAD

Foddeeva, V.N. Computational methods of linear algebra / V.N. Foddeeva.-- New York: Dover Publications Inc, 1959. x,247p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 37179

512.897 FIC

Ficken, F.A. Linear transformations and matrices / F.A. Ficken.-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1964. Various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 54059 512.897 GIL

Gill, Arthur Linear Sequential Circuits: analysis, synthesis, and applications / Arthur Gill.-New York: Mcgraw hill book Co., 1966. xii,215p. Include Index 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 71201 512.897 HAD

Hadley, G. Linear algebra / G. Hadley.-Massachuselts: Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 1965. ix,290p (Addison-wesley series in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series).

512.897 HAD

Hadley, G. Linear algebra / G. Hadley.-Massachuselts: Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 1965. ix,290p (Addison-wesley series in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3497 512.897 HAL

Hall, Marshall Combinational theory / Marshall Hall.--

London: Blaisdell Publishing Company, 1967. x,308p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 61372 512.897 HAL

Hadley, G. Linear algebra / G. Hadley.-Massachusetts: Addison Wesley, 1961. ix,269p (Addison wesley series in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3494

512.897 KRE

Introduction to linear analysis / Donald L. Kreider [et al.]-- London: Addison-Wesley Company Inc, 1966. xv,773p (This book is in the addisonwesley world student series edition). Include Index 1.Mathematics I. Kuller, Robert G. II. Ostberg, Donald R. III. Perkins, Fred W. IV. Series. Accn Nos : 66497 512.897 KRE

Donald L. Kreider [et al.] Introduction to linear analysis / Donald L. Kreider, Robert G. Kuller, Donald R. OstberG and Fred W. Perkins.-- London: Addison Wesley Company Inc, 1966. xv,773p 1.Mathematics I. Kuller, Robert G. II. Ostberg, Donald R. III. Perkins, Fred W. IV. Title. Accn Nos : 56813 512.897 MAR

Marcus, Marvin Elementary linear algebra / Marvin Marcus and Henryk Minc.-- New York: The Macmillan Company, 1968. xv,267p 1.Mathematics I. Minc, Henryk. II. Title. Accn Nos : 68554 512.897 NAI

Naimark, M.A. Linear representations of the lorentz group / M.A. Naimark, tr. by Ann Swinfen, D.J. Marstrand and H.K. Farahat.-- Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1964. xiv,450p (International series of monograph in pure and applied mathematics)

(I. N. Sneddon) 1.Mathematics I. Swinfen, Ann. II. Marstrand, D.J. III. Farahat, H.K. IV. Sneddon, I.N. V. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3498 512.897 NEF

Nef, Walter Linear algebra / Walter Nef; tr. by J.C. Ault.-- London: McGraw-Hill Publishing, 1966. vii,305p. (European mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Ault, J.C. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 65171

512.897 PAI

Paige, Lowell J. Elements of linear algebra / Lowell J. Paige and J. Dean Swift.-- Massachusetts: Blaisdell, [n.d.] xvi,348p (Blaisdell book in pure and applied mathemtics) 1.Mathematics I. Swift, J. Dean. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66334 512.897 PAI

Paige, Lowell J. Elements of linear algebra / Lowell J. Paige and J. Dean Swift.-- Massachusetts: Blaisdell Publishing, 1961. xvi,348p. (Blaisdell book in pure and applied mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Swift, J. Dean. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 57981 512.897 TAY

Taylor, Angus E. Introduction to functional analysis / Angus E. Taylor.-- London: Johnwildy and Sons, 1958. xvi,423p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 56374 512.9 ANG

Angel, Allen R Intermediate algebra for college students / Allen R Angel.--3rd ed-- Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1992. xvi,639p ISBN 0-13-478736-6 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra I. Bozik, Tim. II. McGeehon, Priscilla. III. Title.

Accn Nos : 114418 512.9 BAR

Barnett, Raymond A. College algebra / Raymond A. Barnett and Michael R. Ziegler.--5th ed-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1993. xix,660,A-1 to A-54,I-1 to I-7. Includes appendices and index ISBN 0-07-004995-5 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra I. Ziegler, Michael R. II. Title. Accn Nos : 114863

512.9 LEW

Lewis, Larry Basic algebra / Larry Lewis and Vera Goetz Smyth.-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1982. viii,536p 1.Mathematics I. Smyth, Vera Goetz. II. Title. Accn Nos : 93411 512.9 RIC

Rich, Barnett Schaum's principles and problems of elementary algebra / Barnett Rich.-- New York: Schaum Publishing Company, 1960. vi,295p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45432 512.9 SIL

Silver, Howard A. Elementary algebra / Howard A. Silver.-New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1982. xii,340p ISBN 0-13-252817-7 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra I. Title. Accn Nos : 93420 512.9 SIN

Sinha, H.C. Worked problems on theory of equations / H.C. Sinha and J.C. Sharma.-- Agra: Ram Prasad, 1967. 184p 1.Mathematics I. Sharma, J.C. II. Title. Accn Nos : 53676 512.9 SPA

Spanier, Edwin H. Algebraic topology / Edwin H. Spanier.-New York: McGraw Hill Book Company, 1966. xiv,521p (McGraw-Hill series in higher

education) 1.Mathematics I. Title Accn Nos : 65302


512.9 WAL

Wallace, Andrew Introduction algebraic topology / Andrew Wallace.--Ed. 4th-- Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1967. v,198p (International series of monograph pure and applied mathematics) (I.N. Suneddon) 1.Mathematics I. Sneddon, I.N. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66171

512.9 WRI

Wright, D. Franklin Introductory algebra / D. Franklin Wright. -- Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc., 1981. xiv,366p ISBN 0-205-07310-7 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra I. Title. Accn Nos : 93424 512.9042 HER

Herstein, I.N. Topics in algebra / I.N. Herstein.--2nd ed -- Ghaziabad: Vikas Publishing House, 1981. xi,388p 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra - text books I. Title. Accn Nos : 92926 512.922 SHI

Shirali, Shailesh Primer on logarithms / Shailesh Shirali.-Hyderabad: Universities Press, 2002. ix,189p ISBN 81-7371-414-2 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 123220 512.94 BUR

Burnside, William Snow Theory of Equations with an introduction to the theory of Binary Algebraic Forms / William Snow Burnside and Arthur William Panton.--13 ed.-- New Delhi: S. Chand, 1979. viii,232p. Vol.1 1.Mathematics I. Panton, Arthur William. II. Title. Accn Nos : 85018 512.94 DAU

Dausch, Vernon C Number sentences: An introduction to

equation solving / Vernon C. Dausch and Martin F. Hubley.-- New York: Macmillan Company, [n.d.] iv,137p (Understanding modern mathematics A Series of programmed texts) 1.Mathematics I. Hubley, Martin F. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 15745 512.94 LEW

Lewis, David W. Matrix theory / David W. Lewis.-- London: World Scientific, 1991. ix,295p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 112571

512.94 SIN

Sinha, Shriram Samikaran siddhant (HIN) / Shriram Sinha.-Delhi: Kendriya Hindi Nideshalay, 1963. 99p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 29749 512.94 SIN

Sinha, Shriram Samikaran - siddhant (HIN) / Shriram Sinha. -- Delhi: Kendriya Hindi Nideshalay Shiksha Mantralay, 1963. 99p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F9565 512.94 STE

Stewart, G.W. Introduction to matrix computations / G.W. Stewart.-- London: Academic Press, 1973. xi,440p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 82522 512.943 AYR

Ayres, Frank Schaum's outline of theory and problems of matrices / Frank Ayres.-- New York: Schaum, 1962. 219p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 15730 512.943 BOD

Bodewig, E. Matrix calculus / E. Bodewig.--Ed. 2nd Rev. -- Amsterdam: North Holland Publishing Company, 1959. xii,452p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 23493

512.943 BRO

Bronson, Richard Schaum's outline of theory and problems of matrix operations / Richard Bronson.-- New York: McGraw Hill Book Company, 1989. v,223p (Schaum's outline series) 1.Mathematics 2.Matrix I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 112342 512.943 HOR

Horst, Paul Factor analysis of date matrices, Part III / paul Horst.-- Washington: University of Washington, 1963. 147p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 15729 512.943 HOR

Horst, Paul Factor analysis of date matrics / Paul Horst.-- Washington: University of Washington, 1963. 147p. Part I 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 15728 512.943 KAP

Kapur,J.N. Matrices / J.N. Kapur and M. K. Singal.-Kapur, J.N.-- New Delhi: R. Chand, 1980. 308p 1.Mathematics I. Singal,M.K. II. Title. Accn Nos : 96323 512.943 SCH

Introduction to matrix algebra / School Mathematics Study Group.-- New Haven: Yale University Press, 1960. xi,276p (Teachers commentry : Unit No.24) 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : 33264 512.943 SCH

Introduction to motrix algebra (Student Text unit no. 23) / School Mathematics Study Group.-- Landon: Yale University Press, 1961. 231p 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. Accn Nos : F5492 512.943 SCH

Mathematics for high school / School Mathematics Study Group.--rev ed-- New Haven: Yale University Press, 1961. 231p (Student text) 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : F11269

512.943 SCH

Schneider, Hans Matrices and linear algebra / Hans Schneider and George Phillip Barker.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1968. ix385p 1.Mathematics I. Barker, George Phillip. II. Title. Accn Nos : 64481 512.97 BEC

Beckenbanch, Edwin Introduction to in qualities / Edwin Beckenbanch and Richard Bellman.-- London: L.W. Singer Company, 196. vi,133p 1.Mathematics 2.Inequalities mathematics I. Bellman, Richard. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42943 512.97 BEC

Beckenbach, Edwin Introduction to inequalities / Edwin Beckenbach and Richard Bellman.-- Toronto: Random House, 1961. 133p (New mathematical library) (3) 1.Mathematics 2.Inequalities - mathematics I. Bellman, Richard. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45176 512 ABB

Abbott, P. Teach yourself algebra / P. Abbott.-London: The English Language Book Society, 1965. 303p (E.L.B.S. `Practical Books' series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 65166 512 ABB

Abbott, P. Teach yourself algebra / P. Abbott.-London: The English University Press, 1959. 307p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3382; 3383 512 ABB

512 ADE

Abbott, P. Teach yourself algebra / P. Abbott.-London: The English University Press, 1959. 307p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Adelfio, Salvatore A. Principles and application sof Boolean Algebra for elctronic engineers / Salvatore A. Adelfio and Christine F. Nolan.-- London: Iliffe Books Ltd, 1964. ix,319p. 1.Mathematics I. Nolan, Christine F. II. Title. Accn Nos : 42959

512 ADV

Advances in algebra and geometry / ed. by C. Musili.-- Delhi: Hindustan Book Agency, 2003. x,309p - ISBN 81-85931-36-4 1.Mathematics I. Musili, C. Accn Nos : 123005 512 AIK

Aiken, Daymond J. Algebra: Its big ideas and basic skills / Daymond J. Aiken, Kenneth B. Henderson, Robert E. Pingry, illus. by Ramon Gordon.-Modern mathematics edition-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1960. xiv,434p (Big ideas and basic skills series).Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Henderson, Kenneth B. II. Pingry, Robert E. III. Gordon, Ramon. IV. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 43043 512 AIK

Aiken, Daymond J. Algebra: Its big ideas and basic skills / Daymond J. Aiken, Kenneth B. Henderson, Robert E. Pingry, illus. by Ramon Gordon.-2nd ed-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1957. xiv,434p (Big ideas and basic skills series). Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Henderson, Kenneth B. II. Pingry, Robert E. III. Gordon, Ramon. IV. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 43001 512 AIK

Aiken, Daymond J. Algebra: Its big ideas and basic skills / Daymond J. Aiken, Kenneth B. Henderson, Robert E. Pingry, illus. by Ramon Gordon.-2nd ed-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1957. xiv,434p (Big ideas and basic skills series).Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Henderson, Kenneth B. II. Pingray, Robert E. III. Gordon, Ramon. IV. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45232 512 AIK

Aiken, Daymond J. Algebra its big ideas and basic skills / Daymond J. Aiken, Kenneth R. Henderson and Robert E. Pingry.-- Chicago: McGraw Hill, 1960. xiv,428p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Henderson, Kenneth R. II. Pingry, Robert E. III. Title. Accn Nos : 3423 512 AJM

Ajmer, Madhyamik Shiksha Board Beejganit: kaksha - 11 (HIN) / Madhyamik Shiksha Board, Ajmer.-- Ajmer: Madhyamik Shiksha Board, 2005.

234p. Includes index 1.Algebra - Text I. Title. Accn Nos : 125596 512 AJM

Ajmer, Madhyamik Shiksha Board Ganit-1: algebra & 3D Co-ordinate geometry Kaksha - XII (HIN) / Madhyamik Shiksha Board, Ajmer.-- Ajmer: Madhyamik Shiksha Board, 2005. 315p. 1.Algebra I. Title. Accn Nos : 125852

512 ALL

Allendoerfer, Carl B. Fundamentals of college algebra / Carl B. Allendoerfer and Cletus O. Oakley.-- New York: McGraw-Hill Book, 1967. xiv,446p 1.Mathematics I. Oakley, Cletus O. II. Title. Accn Nos : 73913 512 ALL

Allendoerfer, Carl B. Fundamentals of college algebra / Carl B. Allendoerfer and Cletus O. Oakley.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967. xiv,446p 1.Mathematics I. Oakley, Cletus O.II. Title. Accn Nos : 54896 512 APP

Approaches to algebra: perspectives for research and teaching / ed by Nadine Bednarz, Carolyn Kieran and Lesley Lee.-Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers,1996. xv,345p (Mathematics education library/ A.J. Bishop, Managing ed; no.V.18). Includes bibliographical references ISBN 0-7923-4168-6 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra I. Bednarz, Nadine. II. Kieran, Carolyn. III. Lee, Lesley. IV. Bishop, A.J. V. Series. Accn Nos : 118845 512 ARO

Arora, Prem Nath Topics in algebra (for under-graduates) / Prem Nath Arora.-- New Delhi: Sultan Chand & Sons, 1980. xvi,544p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 96104 512 AUF

Aufmann, Richard N

Essentials of college algebra / Richard N. Aufmann and Richard D. Nation.-- Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2006. xx,458p. Includes Index ISBN 0-618-48096-x 1.Algebra I. Nation, Richard D. II. Title. Accn Nos : 126499 512 BAD

Baderia, G. S. Adhunik beejganit (HIN) / G. S. Baderia.-Bhopal: Sanchi Prakashan, 1983. 352p. Part 1 1.Mathematics 2.Beejganit - Pathya Pustak I. Title. Accn Nos : F16149 512 BAD

Baderia, G. S. Adhunik beejganit (HIN) / G. S. Baderia.-Bhopal: Sanchi Prakashan, 1983. 1951. Part 2 1.Mathematics 2.Beejganit Pathya Pustak I. Title. Accn Nos : F16150 512 BAD

Baderia, G. S. Adhunik beejganit (HIN) / G. S. Baderia.-Delhi: Frank Brothers & Company, 1972. 324p. Part 2 1.Mathematics 2.Beejganit Pathya Pustak I. Title. Accn Nos : F16152 512 BAD

Baderia, G. S. Adhunik beejganit (HIN) / G. S. Baderia.-5th ed.-- Delhi: Frank Brothers & Company, 1973. 379p. Part 1 1.Mathematics 2.Beejganit pathya - Pustak I. Title. Accn Nos : F16151 512 BAD

Baderia, G.S. Modern algebra for higher secondary / G.S. Baderia.-- Delhi: Frank Bros. & Company, 1969. 648p 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra - text books I. Title. Accn Nos : F16147 512


Banks, J. Houston Algebra: Its elements and structure / J. Houston Banks, Max A. Sobel and William Walsh.-- St. Louis: Webster, 1965. xiii,594p 1.Mathematics I. Sobel, Max A. II. Walsh William. III. Title.

Accn Nos : 4 512 BAN

Banks, J. Houston Algebra: its elements and structure book / J. Houston Banks, Max A. Sobel and William Walsh.-- St. Louis: McGraw-Hill, 1965. xiii,546p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Sobel, Max A. II. Walsh, William. III. Title. Accn Nos : 3378 512 BAR

Bardell, Ross H. College algebra / Ross H. Bardell and Abraham Spitzbart.-- Massachusetts: AddisonWesley, 1968. ix,228p (Addison-wesley mathematics series). With supplementary exercises 1.Mathematics I. Spitzbart, Abraham. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F6767 512 BAR

Bardell, Ross H. College algebra / Ross H. Bardell and Abraham Spitzbart.-- Massachusetts: AddisonWesley, 1953. 228p 1.Mathematics I. Spitzbart, Abraham. II. Title. Accn Nos : F6768 512 BAR

Bardell, Ross H. College algebra / Ross H. Bardell and Abraham Spitzbart.-- Massachusetts: AddisonWesley, 1953. 228p 1.Mathematics I. Spitzbart, Abraham. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45159 512 BAR

Bardell,Ross H. College algebra / Ross H. Bardell and Spitzbart Abraham.-- Cambridge: AddisonWesley, 1953. 228p 1.Mathematics I. Spitzbart, Abraham. II. Title. Accn Nos : 43007 512 BAR

Bardell, Ross H.

College algebra / Ross H. Bardell and Abraham Spitzbart.--2nd ed-- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1966. ix,285p (Addison-wesley series in introductory mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Spitzbart, Abraham. II. Title Accn Nos : 64939

512 BAR

Barnett, Raymond A. Elementary algebra / Raymond A. Barnett.-New York: McGraw-Hill, [n.d.] 402p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 64336

512 BAS

Basu, Kalipada Algebra made easy / Kalipada Basu.-Calcutta: K.P. Basu Publishing Co, 1988. viii+426,xxxvip. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F3195 512 BAS

Basu, Kalipada Algebra made easy: Matriculation algebra / Kalipada Basu, rev. by Manoranjan Dasgupta.-Calcutta: K.P. Basu Publishing Co, n.d xvi,576p 1.Mathematics I. Dasgupta, Manoranjan. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45137 512 BAS

Basu, Kalipad Saral beejganit (HIN) / Kalipad Basu.-Calcatta: K. P. Vasu Publishing, N. D. 484p. 1.Mathematics 2.Beejganit I. Title. Accn Nos : 27817 512 BEA

Beardon, Alan F. Algebra and geometry / Alan F. Beardon.-Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005. xii,326p ISBN 0-521-89049-7 1.Methematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 125422 512 BEA

Beaumont, Ross A. Algebraic foundations of mathematics / Ross A. Beaumont and Richard S. Pierce.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1963. 486p. (Addison-wesley series in


introductory college mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Pierce, Richard S. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 65074 512 BEA

Beaumont, Ross A. Algebric foundations of mathematics / Ross A. Beaumont, Richard S. Pierce, ed. by Richard S. Pieters.-- Massachusets: AddisonWesley, 1963. 486p (Addison-wesley series in introduction college mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Pierce, Richard S. II. Pieters, Richard S. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 54172

512 BEA

Bear, H.S. Elementary algebra for college students / H.S. Bear and N.G. Mouck.-- California: Addison-Wesley, 1968. 405p 1.Mathematics I. Mouck, N.G. II. Title. Accn Nos : 65075 512 BEA

Beaumont, Ross A. Introduction to modern algebra and matrix theory / Ross A. Beaumont and Richard W. Ball.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart Winston, 1954. 331p 1.Mathematics I. Ball, Richard W. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45200 512 BEC

Beckenbach, Edwin F. College algebra / Edwin F. Beckenbach, Irving Drooyan and William Wooton.-Californiya: Wadsworth, 1964. 438p 1.Mathematics I. Drooyan, Irving. II. Wooton, William. III. Title. Accn Nos : 70008 512 BEC

Beckenbach, Edwin F. Essentials of college algebra / Edwin F. Beckenbach, Irving Drooyan and William Wooton.-- California: Wadsworth, 1965. ix,278p 1.Mathematics I. Drooyan, Irving. II. Wooton, William. III. Title. Accn Nos : 43029 512 BEH

Ram Behari Theory of equations / Ram Behari and Hansraj Gupta.--3rd rev ed-- Delhi: S. Chand & Co, 1959. 180p

1.Mathematics I. Gupta, Hansraj. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3475 512 BEL

Bell, A.W. Algebra structures: some aspects of group structure / A.W. Bell.-- London: George Allen and Unwin, 1966. 143p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 66154 512 BEL

Bell, A.W. Algebraic structures / A.W. Bell.-London: George Allen and Unwin, 1966. 144p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 52760 512 BHA

Bhaskaracharya Beejganitam (HIN) / Bhaskaracharya; Edited by Dev Chandra Jha.-- Varanasi: Krishnadas Academy, 1983. 408p. (Krishandas Sanskrit Series: 40) 1.Mathematics I. Jha, Dev Chandra. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 95969 512 BHA

Bhattacharya, P.B. First course in rings, fields and veetor spaces / P.B. Bhattacharya and S.K. Jain.-New Delhi: Wiley Eastern, 1977. ix,238p ISBN 0-85226-064-4 1.Mathematics I. Jain, S.K. II. Title. Accn Nos : 80323 512 BIR

Birkhoff, Garrett Brief survey of modern algebra / Garrett Birkhoff and Saunders Mac Lane.--2nd ed-- New York: The Macmillan, 1965. vii,279p 1.Mathematics I. Mac Lane, Saunders. II. Title. Accn Nos : 68381 512 BIR

Birkhoff, Garrett Brief survey of modern algebra / Garrett Birkhoff and Saunders Mac Lane.--2nd ed-- New York: The Macmillan, 1965. vii,279p 1.Mathematics I. Mac Lane, Saunders.II. Title. Accn Nos : 63824 512 BIR

Birkhoff, Garrett

Brief survey of modern algebra / Garrett Birkhoff and Saunders Mac Lane.--2nd ed.-New York: Macmillan, 1965. vii, 279p. Includes with Index 1.Mathematics I. Mac Lane, Saunders.II. Title. Accn Nos : 45189 512 BIR

Birkhoff, Garrett Survey of modern algebra / ed. by Garrett Birkhoff and Saunders Maclane.--rev. ed-- New York: Macmillan, 1953. 469p 1.Mathematics I. Maclane, Saunders. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45156

512 BIR

Birkhoff, Garrett Survey of modern algebra / Garrett Birkhoff and Saunders Maclane.--rev. ed-- New York: Macmillan, 1953. 469p 1.Mathematics I. Maclane, Saunders. II. Title. Accn Nos : 86761 512 BIR

Birkhoff, Garrett Survey of modern algebra / Garrett Birkhoff and Saunders Maclane.--3rd ed-- New York: Macmillan, 1967. 437p. 1.Mathematics I. Maclane, Saunders. II. Title. Accn Nos : 71339 512 BIR

Birkhoff, Garrett Survey of modern algebra / Garrett Birkhoff and Saunders Maclane.--3rd ed-- New York: Macmillan, 1965. 437p 1.Mathematics I. Maclane, Saunders. II. Title. Accn Nos : 53914 512 BIR

Brikhoff, Garrett Survey of modern algebra / Garrett Brikhoff and Saunders Maclane.--3rd ed-- New York: Macmillan, 1965. 437p 1.Mathematics I. Maclane, Saunders. II. Title. Accn Nos : 63026 512 BIR

Garrett, Birkhoff Survey of modern algebra / Garrett Birkhoff and Saunders Maclane.--rev. ed-- New York: Macmillan, 1953. 472p 1.Mathematics I. Saunders, Maclane. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45157

512 BIS

Bishop, Errett Foundations of constructive analysis / Errett Bishop.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967. xiii,370p (McGraw-Hill series in higher mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 64935 512 BLA

Blanton, Floyd Lamar Modern college algebra / Floyd Lamar Blanton and James earl Perry.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967. xiii,269p 1.Mathematics I. Perry, James Earl. II. Title. Accn Nos : 52039

512 BOC

Bocher, Maxime Introduction to higher algebra / Maxime Bocher.-- New York: Dover, 1964. 315p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 43028 512 BRI

Britannica, Encyclopaedia Teacher's manual: programmed course in Algebra II / Encyclopaedia Britannica.-U.S.A: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1961. 43p. 1.Encyclopaedia I. Title. Accn Nos : 17130 512 BRO

Brown, Kenneth E. Algebra second course / Kenneth E. Brown, Gyalord Montgomery and Annie John Williams.-New Jersey: Laid Law Brothers, [n.d.] 43p 1.Mathematics I. Montgomery, Gaylord. II. Williams, Annie John. III. Title. Accn Nos : F5865 512 BRO

Brown, Kenneth E. Algebra second course / Kenneth E. Brown and Gaylord C. Montgomery.-- New Jersey: Laid Law, 1963. 505p 1.Mathematics I. Montgomery, Gaylord C. II. Title. Accn Nos : F5853 512 BRO

Brown, Kenneth E. Manual tests answers algebra first course / Kenneth E. Brown, Gaylord C. Montgomery and Annie John Williams.-- Ilinois: Laidlaw Brothers, [n.d.] Various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Montgomery, Gaylord C. II. Williams, Annie John. III. Title. Accn Nos : F5864

512 BRU

Brumfiel, Charles F. Algebra and geometry for teachers / Charles F. Brumfiel and Irvin E. Vance.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1970. vii,376p 1.Mathematics I. Vance, Irvin E. II. Title. Accn Nos : 73345 512 BRU

Brumfiel, Charles F. Algebra I / Charles F. Brumfiel, Robert E. Eicholz and Merrill F. Shanks.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1961. xi,371p 1.Mathematics I. Eicholz, Robert E. II. Shanks, Merrill F. III. Title. Accn Nos : F10596 512 BYR

Byrkit, Donald R. Calculus for business and economics / Donald R. Byrkit and Shawky E. Shamma.-- New York: D. Van Nostrand Company, 1981. xi,372p ISBN 0-442-21302-0 1.Mathematics I. Shamma, Showky E. II. Title. Accn Nos : 93452 512 CAM

Cameron, Edward A. Algebra and trigonometry / Edward A. Cameron.--rev ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965. x,338p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 18586 512 CAM

Cameron, Edward A. Algebra and trigonometry / Edward A. Cameron.--rev. ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965. 338p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 18585 512 CAR

Caris, V.B. Elements of algebra for colleges / V.B. Caris.-- Boston: Ginn and Company, 1953. vi,307p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 6007 512 CHA

Chappellet, R. L' Algebre dans les classes economiques : Bibliotheque de L'Enseignement technique / R.

Chappellet.--2nd-- Paris: Dunod, 1962. 198p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F3294 512 CHA

Channon, J.B. School algebra / J.B. Channon and A. Mcleish Smith.-- London: Longmans, 1961. vii,448p. Part I 1.Mathematics I. Smith, A. Mcleish. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45235

512 CHA

Channon, J.B. School algebra / J.B. Channon and A. Mcleish Smith.-- London: Longmans, 1960. vii,448p. Part II 1.Mathematics I. Smith, A. Mcleish. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45238 512 CHR

Chrystal, G. Algebra: An elementary text-book for the higher classes of secondary schools and for colleges, part 1 / G. Chrystal.--7th ed-- New York: Chelsea, 1964. xxii,584p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 54143 512 CHR

Chrystal, G. Algebra: an elementary text-book / G. Chrystal.--7th ed.-- New York: Chelsea, 1964. 628p. V. 1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 68725 512 CLA

Clark, Colin Starvation or plenty? / Colin Clark.-London: Secker and Warburg, 1970. 180p. (World realifies series / Brain Crozier) 1.Mathematics I. Crozier, Brain. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 70523 512


Cohn, P.M. Universal algebra / P.M. Cohn.-- New York: Harper and Row, 1965. Various pagination (Harper international student reprint) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45179 512 COH

Cohn, P.M. University algebra / P.M. Cohn.-- New York: Harper and Row, 1965. xv,333p (A Harper international student reprint) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66813

512 COM

Combellack, Wilfred J. Introduction to elementary functions / Wilfred J. Combellack.-- New York: John Wiley, 1962. xiv,343p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53643 512 COR

Connell, Jan Modern algebra: a constructive introduction / Jan Connell.-- London: Edward Arnold, 1982. x, 451p. ISBN 0-7131-3463-1 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra - text book I. Title. Accn Nos : 93453 512 CRO

Crowder, Norman A. Adventures in algebra / Norman A. Crowder and Grace C. Martin.-- London: The English Universies Press, 1960. viii,350p (Tutor text) 1.Mathematics I. Martin, Grace C. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3370 512 CRO

Crouch, Ralph Introduction to modern algebra and analysis / Ralph Crouch and Elbert Walker.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, [n.d.] viii,152p 1.Mathematics I. Walker, Elbert. II. Title. Accn Nos : 57929 512 CRO

Crouch, Ralph Introduction to modern algebra and analysis / Ralph Crouch and Elbert Walker.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and winston, 1962. viii,152p 1.Mathematics I. Walker, Elbert. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45158 512


Daus, Paul H. Algebra with applications to business and economics / Paul H. Daus and William M. Whyburn.-- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1961. 354p 1.Mathematics I. Whyburn, William M. II. Title. Accn Nos : 53434 512 DES

Deskins, W.E. Abstract algebra / W.E. Deskins.-- New York: Macmillan, 1964. 624p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45199

512 DHA

Dharmadhikari, S.K. Logical approach to algebra and calculus / S.K. Dharmadhikari and N.M. Palekar.-Bombay: Kitab Mahal, 1975. 310p. 1.Mathematics I. Palekar, N.M. II. Title. Accn Nos : 81624 512 DIE

Dieudonne, J. Foundations of modern analysis / J. Dieudonne.-- New York: Acedemic Press, 1960. xiv,361p (Academic press international edition) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 67143 512 DOL

Dolciani, Mary P. Modern algebra / Mary P. Dolciani, Simon L. Berman and Julius Freilich.-- Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1962. 552p. Book 1 1.Mathematics I. Berman, Simon L. II. Freilich, Julius. III. Title. Accn Nos : F2322 512 DOL

Dolciani, Mary P. Modern algebra / Mary P. Dolciani, Simon L. Berman and William Wooton.-- Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1963. 628p 1.Mathematics I. Berman, Simon L. II. Wooton, William. III. Title. Accn Nos : F2324 512 DOL

Dolciani, Mary P. Modern algebra and trigonometry: Structure and method / Mary P. Dolciani, Simon L. Berman and William Wooten, ed. by Albert E. Meder.--Teacher edition-- Boston: Houghton

Miffin, 1963. various pagination. Vol.2 1.Mathematics I. Berman, Simon L. II. Wooten, William. III. Meder, Albert E. IV. Title. Accn Nos : F2325 512 DOL

Modern algebra and trigonometry: Structure and method book 2 / Mary P. Dolciani...[et al.]-- New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1965. xi,658p 1.Mathematics I. Dolciani, Mary P. II. Berman, Simon L. III. Wooton, William. IV. Meder, Albert F. Accn Nos : F5799

512 DOL

Dolciani, Mary P. Modern algebra:structure and method / Mary P.Dolciani and others.-- New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1965. 588p. 1.Mathematics-algebra I. Simon L.Berman,Julius Freilich. II. Title. Accn Nos : F5798 512 DRO

Drooyan, Irving Elementary algebra for college students / Irving Drooyan and William Wooton.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1961. x,272p 1.Mathematics I. Wooton, William. II. Title. Accn Nos : F4440 512 DRO

Drooyan, Irving Programmed beginning algebra, unit 4: Graphs and linear systems / Irving Drooyan and William Wooton.-- New York: John Wiley, 1963. 61p 1.Mathematics I. Wooton, William. II. Title. Accn Nos : F11614 512 DRO

Drooyan, Irving Programmed beginning algebra unit-I - II / Irving Drooyan and William Wooton.-- New York: John Wiley, 1963. xiii,54p.+iii,14p. 1.Mathematics I. Wooton, William. II. Title. Accn Nos : F11708

512 DUB

Dubreil P. Lectures on modern algebra / P. Dubrell, M.L. Dubreil-Jacotin, tr. by A. Geddes.-Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, [n.d.] 364p 1.Mathematics I. Dubreil-Jacotin, M.L. II. Geddes, A. III. Title. Accn Nos : 60088 512 DUP

Dupree, Daniel E. Modern College algebra / Daniel E. Dupree and Frank L. Harmon.-- Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1965. 250p 1.Mathematics I. Harmon, Frank L. II. Title. Accn Nos : 53640 512 DUR

Durell, Clement V. New algebra for schools / Clement V. Durell.-- London: G. Bell and Sons, 1955. 328p. Vol. 1 & 2 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42966 512 DUR

Durell, Clement V. School certificate algebra: An alternative verson of "a new algebra for schools" / Clement V. Durell.-- London: G. Bell and Sons, 1962. xv,399p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F3196 512 EIC

Elementary school mathematics / Eichalz...[et al.]-- London: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Inc, n.d 450p. Vol. 6 1.Mathematics I. Eichalz. II. Doffer, O. III. Shan K.S. IV. Burumfiel.

512 EUL

Eulenberg, Milton D. Intermediate algebra: a college approach / Milton D. Eulenberg, Theodore S. Sunko and Howard A. James.-- New York: John Wiley, 1972. ix, 379p. ISBN 0-471-24720-0 1.Mathematics I. Sunko, Theodore S. II. James, Howard A. III. Title. Accn Nos : 76591 512 FEH

Fehr, Howard Algebra: First course / Howard Fehr, Walter H. Carnahan and Max Beberman.--2nd ed-Boston: D.C. Heath, 1962.

501p 1.Mathematics I. Carnahan, Walter H. II. Beberman, Max. III. Title. Accn Nos : F10585 512 FIS

Fisher, Robert C. Integrated algebra and trigonometry with analytic geometry / Robert C. Fisher and Allen Ziebur.--2nd ed-- Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1967. 465p (Prentice-Hall mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Ziebur, Allen. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 53128

512 FRE

Freilich, Julius Algebra for problem solving / Julius Freilich, Simon L. Besman and Elsie Parker Johnson.-- Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1957. 527p 1.Mathematics I. Besman, Simon L. II. Johnson, Elsie Parker. III. Title. Accn Nos : 8844 512 FRE

Freilich, Julius Algebra for problem solving book one / Julius Freilich, Simon L. Berman and Elsie Parker Johnson.-- Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1957. 568p. Book 1 1.Mathematics I. Berman, Simon L. II. Johnson, Elsie Parker. III. Title. Accn Nos : 7605 512 FUL

Fuller, Gordon Algebra and trigonometry / Gordon Fuller.-New York: McGraw-Hill, 1971. xiv,530p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 74519 512 FUL

Fuller, Gordon Intermediate algebra for colleges / Gordon Fuller.-- New Jersey: D.Van Nostrand, 1965. vii,258p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 17761 512 FUL

Fuller, Gordon Intermediate algebra for colleges, Gordon Fuller.-- New Jersey: D.Van Nostrand, 1965. vii,258p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53684

512 GOD

Godfrey, C. Woide School algebra / C. Woide Godfrey and C.R.B. Tait.-- London: Blackie, 1956. viii,352p 1.Mathematics I. Tait, R.C.B. II. Title. Accn Nos : F377 512 GON

Gondin, William R. Advanced algebra and calculus / William R. Gondin and Bernard Sohmer, ed. by Patrick Murphy.-- London: W.H. Allen, 1959. 160p 1.Mathematics I. Sohmer, Bernard. II. Murphy, Patrick. III. Title. Accn Nos : 65426 512 GON

Gondin, William R. Intermediate algebra and analytic geometry made simple / William R. Gondin and Bernard Sohmer.-- London: W.H. Allen, 1959. x,277p 1.Mathematics I. Sohmer, Bernard. II. Title. Accn Nos : 56660 512 GON

Gondin, William R. Intermediate algebra and analytic geometry made simple / William R. Gondin and Bernard Sohmer.-- London: W.H. Allen, 1967. x,277p 1.Mathematics I. Sohmer, Bernard. II. Title. Accn Nos : 52175 512 GRI

Griswold, Alice L. Contemparary algebra and trigonometry / Alice L. Griswold, Mervin L. Keedy and John E. Schacht.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1961. ix,498p (Secondary school mathematics program) 1.Mathematics I. Keedy, Mervin L. II. Schacht, John E. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F2376 512 GRI

Grisold, Alice L. Contemporary algebra and trigonometry / Alice L. Grisold, Mervin C. Keedy and John F. Schacht.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. ix,498p 1.Mathematics I. Keedy, Mervin C. II. Schacht, John F. III. Title.

Accn Nos : 37306 512 GRO

Grossnickle, Foster E. Dicovering structure in algebra / Foster E. Grossnickle, John Reckzeh and Herbert Bernhardt.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1962. Various pagination (Teachers edition) 1.Mathematics I. Reckzeh, John. II. Bernhardt, Herbert. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 42974

512 GRO

Grossnickle, Foster E. Discovering structure in algebra / Foster E. Grossnickle, John Reckzeh and Herbert Bernhardt.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1962. Various paginations (Teachers edition) 1.Mathematics I. Reckzeh, John. II. Bernhardt, Herbert. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 57926 512 GRO

Grossnickle, Foster, E. Discovering structure in algebra / Foster E. Grossnickle, John Reckzeh and Herbert Bernhardt.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1962. vii,533p 1.Mathematics I. Reckzeh, John. II. Bernhardt, Herbert. III. Title. Accn Nos : 8635 512 GRO

Grossnickle, Foster E. Discovering structure in algebra / Foster E. Grossnickle, John Reckzeh and Herbert Bernhardt.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1962. vii,533p 1.Mathematics I. Reckzeh, John. II. Bernhardt, Herbert. III. Title. Accn Nos : 42975 512 GRO

Grossnickle, Foster E. Discovering structure in algebra / Foster E. Grossnickel, John Reckzeh and Herbert Bernhardt.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1962. 532p 1.Mathematics I. Reckzeh, John. II. Bernhardt, Herbert. III. Title. Accn Nos : F4694 512


Grossnickle, Foster E. Discovering structure in algebra / Foster E. Grossnickle, John Reckzeh and Herbert Bernhardt.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, [n.d.] Various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Reckzeh, John. II. Bernhardt, Herbert. III. Title.

512 GRO

Grossnickle, Foster E. Discovering structure in algebra / Foster E. Grossnickle, John Reckzeh and Herbert Bernhardt.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1962. vii,533p 1.Mathematics I. Reckzeh, John. II. Bernhardt, Herbert. III. Title. Accn Nos : 42973 512 GRO

Grossnickle, Foster E. Discovering structure in algebra / Foster E. Grossnickle, John Reckzeh and Herbert Bernhardt.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1962. vii,533p 1.Mathematics I. Reckzeh, John. II. Bernhardt, Herbert. III. Title. Accn Nos : 53291 512 GUP

Gupta, S.N. Das Academic algebra / S.N. Das Gupta.-Delhi: S. Chand, 1962. 550p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 17735 512 GUP

Gupta, S.N. Das Academic algebra / S.N. Das Gupta.-Delhi: S. Chand, 1962. 550p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 43005 512 GUP

Gupta, K. Sree Rama Algebra / K. Sree Rama Gupta.--2nd ed-Chittoor: Bharat Book Depot, 1954. 122p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 4112 512 GUP

Gupta, B.P. Algebra and trigonometry for engineering students / B.P. Gupta.-- Bombay: Asia Publishing House, 1967. xiv,382p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 63513 512


Gupta, K. Sree Rama Algebra (for the intermediate course) / K Sree Rama Gupta and fore. by T.S. Sankaranarayana Pillai.-- Chittoor: Bharat Book Depot, 1954. 122p 1.Mathematics I. Pillai, T. S. Sankaranarayana. II. Title. Accn Nos : 19998 512 HAA

Introduction to algebra:Teacher's commentary / School Mathematics Study Group.--rev. ed -- New Haven: Yale University Press, 1962. 340p (Teacher's commentary) (45). Part I 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : F5498 512 HAA

Haag, Vincent H. Introduction to college mathematics / Vincent H. Haag and Donald W. Western.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1968. x,675p 1.Mathematics I. Western, Donald W. II. Title. Accn Nos : 64128 512 HAA

Haag, Vincent H. Structure of algebra / Vincent H. Haag.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1966. vi,154p (Addison-Wesley series in science and mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45198 512 HAA

Haag, Vincent H. Structure of algebra / Vincent H. Haag.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1966. vi,154p (Addison-wesley series in science and mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 5619 512 HAA

Haag, Vincent H. Structure of algebra / Vincent H. Haag.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1966. vi,154p (Addition-wesley series in science and mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66330 512 HAA

Haag, Vincent H. Structure of algebra / Vincent H. Haag.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1966. vi,154p (Addison-wesley series in science and mathematics education)

1.Mathematics I. Title


Accn Nos : 60077 512 HAA

Haag, Vincent H. Structure of algebra / Vincent H. Haag.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1964. vi,154p. (Addison-wesley series in science and mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 68384

512 HAA

Haag, Vincent H. Structure of algebra / Vincent H. Haag.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1964. vi,154p (Addison-wesley series in science and mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 65076 512 HAL

Hall, H.S. Algebra for Beginners / H.S. Hall.-[n.d.]: NIE, [n.d.] 64p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F3189 512 HAL

512 HAL

512 HAL

Hall, H.S. Higher algebra : A Sequel to Elementary Algebra for schools / H.S. Hall and S.R. Knight.--Metric ed-- New York: Macmillan & Co., 1964. xxii,557p. 1.Mathematics I. Knight, S.R. II. Title.

Hall, H.S. Higher algebra : A Sequel to Elementary Algebra for schools / H.S. Hall and S.R. Knight.--Metric ed-- New York: Macmillan & Co., 1964. xxii,557p. 1.Mathematics I. Knight, S.R. II. Title.

Hall, H.S. Higher algebra: a sequel to elementary algebra for schools / H.S. Hall and S.R. Knight.--Metric ed.-- New York: Macmillan, 1964. xxii,557p. 1.Mathematics I. Knight, S.R. II. Title. Accn Nos : 87622

512 HAL

Hall, H. S. Higher algebra: a Sequel to elementary algebra for schools / H. S. Hall and S. R. Knight.--Mertic Ed-- New York: S.Chand, 1992. xxii,557p. 1.Mathematics I. Knight, S.R. II. Title. Accn Nos : 112012 512 HAR

Hart, William L. College algebra and trigonometry / William L. Hart.-- Boston: D.C. Heath, 1959. ix,466p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F2370

512 HAR

Hart, Walter W. First year algebra / W. Walter Hart, Veryl Schult and Henry Swain.-- Boston: D.C. Heath, 1957. ix,390+62p 1.Mathematics I. Schult, Veryl. II. Swain, Henry. III. Title. Accn Nos : 45211 512 HAR

Hart, Walter W. First year algebra / Walter W. Hart, Veryl Schult and Henry Swain.-- Boston: D.C. Heath, 1957. ix,390p 1.Mathematics I. Schult, Veryl. II. Swain, Henry. III. Title. Accn Nos : 45188 512 HAR

Hart, Walter W. First you algebra: Teacher's manual / W. Walter Hart, Veryl Schult and Henry Swain.-Boston: D.C. Heath, 1958. 46p 1.Mathematics I. Schult, Veryl. II. Swain, Henry. III. Title. Accn Nos : 44956 512 HAR

Hart, Walter W. Progressive high school algebra / Walter W. Hart.-- Van Courer: The Copp Clark, 1940. v,103p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F10393 512 HAR

Hart, Walter W. Second course in algebra / Walter W. Hart. --2nd ed-- Boston: D.C.Heath, 1951. viii,488p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Accn Nos : 45197 512 HAY

Hayden, Dunstan Algebra one / Dunstan Hayden and E.J. Finan.-- Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1962. viii,440p 1.Mathematics I. Finan, E.J. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45178 512 HEA

Heading, J Algebra and complex numbers: mathematics problem / J. Heading.-- Oxford: Pergamon, 1964. viii,184p. Book 1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45317

512 HEI

Heineman, E. Richard College algebra / E. Richard Heineman.-New York: Macmillan, 1957. ix,259p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45160 512 HEI

Heimer Program in contemporary algebra: Equation and inequalities in two various / Heimer, Kocher, Lottes.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. various pagination. Vol. 3 1.Mathematics I. Kocher. II. Lottes. III. The Learing Research Centre. IV. Title. Accn Nos : 42986 512 HEI

Heimer Program in contemporary algebra: Equations and inequalities in one variable / Heimer, Kocher, Lottes.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Kocher, ottes. II. The Learning Research Centre. III. Title. Accn Nos : 42987 512 HEI

Heimer Program in contemporary algebra: Polynomial expressions, relations, and functions / Heimer, Kocher, Lottes.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc, 1963. various pagination. Vol. 4 1.Mathematics I. Kocher. II. Lottes. III. Title.

Accn Nos : 42988 512 HEI

Heimer Program in contemporary algebra: Sets, numbers, and language of algebra / Heimer, Kocher, Lottes.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc, 1963. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Kocher. II. Lottes. III. The Learning Research Centre. IV. Title. Accn Nos : 18946

512 HEI

Heimer, Ralph T. Program in contemporary algebra: Exponents radiculs and quadratic equations / Ralph T. Heimer, Frank Kocher and John J. Lottes.-New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. various pagination. Vol.5 1.Mathematics I. Kocher, Frank. II. Lottes, John J. III. Title. Accn Nos : 42989 512 HEI

Heimer Program in contemporary algebra: polynomial, expressions, relations and functions / Heimer, Kocher and Lottes.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. 44p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Kocher. II. Lottes. III. Title. Accn Nos : 87811 512 HEI

Heimer Program in contemporary algebra: polynomial, expressions, relations and functions / Heimer, Kocher and Lottes.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. 44p. Vol. 4 1.Mathematics I. Kocher. II. Lottes. III. Title. Accn Nos : 87813 512 HEI

Heimer, Ralph T. Program in contemporary algebra: Equations and inequatities in two variables / Falph T. Heimer, Frank Kocher and John J. Lotter.-New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. Various Pagination 1.Mathematics I. Kocher, Frank. II. Lotter John J. III. Title. Accn Nos : 19212

512 HEI

Heimer, Kocher Program in contemporary algebra: Sets, numbers and the language of algebra / Kocher Heimer.-- New York: Rinehart and Winston, 1963.Various Paginations. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F12363 512 HEI

Heider, Lester J. Theoretical analysis / Lester J. Heider and James E. Simpson.--Sounder's international student ed-- Philadelphia: W.B. Sounders,1967. xii,379p (Sounders mathematics books) 1.Mathematics I. Simpson, James E.II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66808 512 HER

Herstein, I.N. Topics and algebra / I.N. Herstein.-- New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 1988. xii,371p ISBN 0-85226-354-6 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra I. Title. Accn Nos : 106679 512 HER

Herstein, I.N. Topics in algebra / I.N. Herstein.--2nd ed -- New Delhi: Vikas, 1983. 388p. Algebra ISBN 0-7069-2222-0 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 94597 512 HIE

Hiemer Program in contemporary algebra: Polynomial expression, relations and functions / Hiemer, Kocher and Lottes.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. 44p (Teachers manual) 1.Mathematics I. Kocher. II. Lottes. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 87812 512 HIE

Hiemer Program in contemporary algebra: Polynomial expression, relations and functions / Hiemer, Kocher and Lottes.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. 44p (Teachers manual) 1.Mathematics I. Kocher. II. Lottes. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 87810

512 HOH

Hohn, Franz E. Elementary matrix algebra / Franz E. Hohn. --2nd ed-- New York: The Macmillan, 1964. xiv,395p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42925 512 HU

Hu, Sze-Tsen Elements of modern algebra / Sze-Tsen Hu.-San Francisco: Holden Day, 1965. x,208p (Holden-day series in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 42957

512 HUN

Hungerford, Thomas W. Algebra / Thomas W. Hungerford.-- New Delhi: Springer, 2004. xxiii,502p ISBN 81-8128-140-3 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 123790 512 HUS

Hu, Sze-Tsen Elements of modern algebra / Sze-Tsen Hu.-San Francisco: Holden Day, 1965. ix,208p (Holden day series in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 42956 512 IND

Buck, L.T. Outline of the course of study for first year algebra / L.T. Buck.-- Indiana: Euansville Public Schools, 1951. iii,40p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 44969 512 IND

Gragg, Donald B. Using mark-sence cards for collecting occupational information: Technical documentory report PRL-TDR-64-11 / Donald B. Gragg.-- Texas: Personnel Research Laboratory, 1964. 15p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 46717 DLDI 512 JAC

Jacobson, Nathan Lectures in abstract algebra: theory of

field and galois theory / Nathan Jacobson.-New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1965. xi,323p. (University series in higher mathematics). V. 3 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66564 512 JOH

Intermediate algebra / Richard E. Johnson...[et al.]-- Massachusetts: Addison Wesley, 1965. viii,342p 1.Mathematics I. Johnson, Richard E. II. Londsey, Lona Lee. III. Slesnick, William E. IV. Bates, Grace E. Accn Nos : 66495 512 JOH

Johnson, Richard E. Modern algebra: First course / Richard E. Johnson, Lona Lee Lendsey and William A. Slenick.--Johnson, Richard E.-- London: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1961. ix,621p 1.Mathematics I. Lendsey, Lona Lee. II. Slenick, William A. III. Title. Accn Nos : 10621 512 JOH

Johnson, Richard E. Modern algebra: First course / Richard E. Johnson, Lona Lee Lendsey and William E. Slesnick.-- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1964. ix,628p (Addison-wesley science and mathematics education series) 1.Mathematics I. Lendsey, Lona Lee. II. Slesnick, William E. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3481 512 JOH

Modern algebra, second course / Richard E. Johnson...[et al.]-- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1962. xii,594p (Addison-Wesley science education series) (ed. by Richard S. Pieters) 1.Mathematics I. Johnson, Richard E. II. Lendsey, Lona Lee. III. Slesnick, Wiliam E. IV. Bates, Grace E. V. Pieters, Richard S. VI. Series. Accn Nos : F2378 512 JOH

Modern algebra second course / Richard E. Johnson...[et al.]-- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1962. xii,594p (Addison-wesley world student series edition) 1.Mathematics I. Johnson, Richard E. II. Lendsey, Lona Lee. III. Seesnick, William E. IV. Bates, Grace E. V. Series. Accn Nos : 42968

512 JOH

Modern algebra: Second course / Richard E. Johnson...[et al.]-- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1962. xii,594p (Addison-Wesley science education series) 1.Mathematics I. Johnson, Richard E. II. Lendsey, Lona Lee. III. Slesnick, William. IV. Bates, Grace E. V. Series. Accn Nos : 42969 512 JOH

Johnson, Richard E. University algebra / Richard E. Johnson.-New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1966. ix,271p (Prentice Hall mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 43024 512 KAN Kant, V.D. College mathematics: Algebra / V.D. Kant...[et al.]-- Bombay: Himalaya Publishing House, 1977. v,252p. 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra I. Deshpande, V.D. II. Dharmadhikari, S.K. III. Kamat, S.V. IV. Title. Accn Nos : 81323 512 KEE

Algebra and trigonometry / Mervin L. Keedy...[et al.]-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1967. ix,690p 1.Mathematics I. Keedy, Mervin L. II. Griswold, Alice L. III. Schacht, John E. IV. Momary, Albert. Accn Nos : 57928 512 KEL

Algebra: A modern introduction / John L. Kelley...[et al.]-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1965. viii,335p (The University series in undergraduate mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Kelley, John L. II. Dubsch, Roy. III. Taylor, Scott. IV. Friend, Jamesine. V. Series. Accn Nos : 53633 512 KEL

Algebra: A modern introduction / John L. Kelley...[et al.]-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1965. viii,335p (The university series in undergraduate mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Kelley, John L. II. Dubsch, Roy. III. Taylor, Scott. IV. Friend, Tamesine. V. Series. Accn Nos : 42960 512 KEL

Kelley, John L. Introduction to modern algebra / John L.

Kelley, Roy Dubisch and Scott Taylor.-- New Jersey: D Van Nostrand, 1960. x,338p (The university series in undergraduate mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Dubisch, Roy. II. Taylor, Scott. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 42962 512 KEL

Kelley, John L. Introduction to modern algebra / John L. Kelley, Roy Dubisch and Scott Taylor.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1960. x,338p (The university series in undergraduate mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Dubisch, Roy. II. Taylor, Scott. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 42964 512 KEL

Kelley, John L. Introduction to modern algebra / John L. Kelley, Roy Dubisch and Scott Taylor.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1960. x,338p (The university series in undergraduate mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Dubisch, Roy. II. Tayler, Scott. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 20285 512 KEL

Kelley, John L. Introduction to modern algebra / John L. Kelley, Roy Dubisch and Scott Taylor.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1960. x,338p (The university series in undergraduate mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Dubisch, Roy. II. Taylor, Scott. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 42963 512 KEL

Kelley, John L. Introduction to modern algebra / John L. Kelley, Roy Dubisch and Scott Taylor.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1960. x,338p (The university series in undergraduate mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Dubisch, Roy. II. Taylor, Scott. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 42961 512 KEN

Kendell, Maurice G. Advance theory of statistics: Inference and relationship / Maurice G. Kendell and Alan Stuart.-- London: Charles Griffin, 1961. ix,676p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Stuart, Alan. II. Title.

Accn Nos : 45510 512 KHO

Khosla, I.S. Higher algebra / I.S. Khosla and A.P. Chowdhry.-- Delhi: Suraj Balram Sawhney, 1962. ii,190p 1.Mathematics I. Chowdhry, A.P. II. Title. Accn Nos : 43006 512 KUR

Kurosh, A. Higher algebra / A. Kurosh.-- Moscow: MIR Publishers, 1972. 428p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 79502 512 KUR

Kurosh, A.G. Lectures in general algebra / A.G. Kurosh, tr. by Ann Swinfen, P.M. Cohn.-- Oxford: Pergamon, 1965. x,364p 1.Mathematics I. Swinfen, Ann. II. Cohn, P.M. III. Title. Accn Nos : 53395 512 LAM

Lambacher- Schweizer Algebra 2 (ENG) / Lambacher- Schweizer.-Hamburg: Ernst Klett Verlag Stuttgart, [n.d.] 1.Mathematics- algebra I. Title. Accn Nos : 18447 512 LAN

Lang, Serge Algebra / Serge Lang.-- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1965. 526p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 85628 512 LAN

Lang, Serge Algebra / Serge Lang.-- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1965. xvii,526p. Includes Index 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 85028 512 LAN

Lancaster, Joe J. Foundations of algebra / Joe J. Lancaster and Josse F. Cardwell.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1965. xiv,447p (Big idea and basic skills

series). Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Cardwell, Josse F. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 86892 512 LAR

Larson, Roland E. College algebra / Roland E. Larson and Robert P. Hostetler.-- Lexington: D. C. Health and Company, 1985. xvi,431p. Exercises prepared by David E. Heyd ISBN 0-669-08613-4 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra I. Hostetler, Robert P. II. Heyd, David E. III. Title. Accn Nos : 102316

512 LAW

Lawvere, F. William Language of algebra: Fields and ordered fields / F. William Lawvere.-- Great Britain: Encyclopaedia Britannica Films Inc, 1961. 326p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F9826 512 LAW

Lawvere, F. William Language of algebra: fields and ordered fields.-- Chicago: Encyclopaedie Britannica, 1961. iv,342p (TEMAC - programmed learning materials) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3451 512 LAW

Lawvere, F. William Language of algebra: Fields and ordered fields / F. William Lawvere.-- Chicago: Encylcopacdia Britannica, 1961. ii,21p (TEMAC - Programmed learning materials) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 17117 512 LAW

512 LEN

Lawvere, F. William William F. Lawvere.-- Chicago: Encyclopaedie Britannica, 1961. iv,342p (TEMAC - programmed learning materials) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series).

Lewis, Donald J. Introduction to algebra / Donald J. Lewis. -- New York: Harper and Row, 1965. xi,318p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42958

512 LEO

Leonhardy, Adele College algebra / Adele Leonhardy.-- New York: John Wiley, 1961. vi,440p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45423 512 LEO

Leonhardy, Adele College algebra / Adele Leonhardy.-- New York: John Wiley, 1961. xvi,440p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53439

512 LEO

Leonhardy, Adele College algebra / Adele Leonhardy.-- New York: John Wiley, 1961. xvi,440p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53438 512 LEO

Leonhardy, Avle College algebra / Avle Leonhardy.-- New York: John Wiley, 1961. xvi,440p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 66832 512 LEW

Lewis Harry Intermediate algebra for college / Harry Lewis.-- New York: D. Van Nostrand Company, 1979. x,407p ISBN 0-442-24783-4 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra I. Title. Accn Nos : 90780 512 LIE

Liebeck, Hans Algebra for scientists and engineers / Hans Liebeck.-- London: John Wiley, 1969. xiii,405p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 72654 512 LIT

Littlewood, D.E. University algebra / D.E. Littlewood.--2nd ed-- London: William Heinemann, 1961. viii,324p (ELBS series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series).

Accn Nos : 42977 512 LOS

Instructional guide for algebra 1 and 2 / Los Angeles City School.-- Los Angeles: City Board of Education, 1961. xi,295p 1.Mathematics I. Los Angeles City School. Accn Nos : 47626 512 LOW

Lowenstein, Lloyd L. Beginning algebra for college students / Lloyd L. Lowenstein.--2nd ed-- New York: John Wiley, 1961. xiii,279p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45216 512 LOW

Llyod L. Lowenstein Beginning algebra for college students / Lloyd L. Lowenstein.--2nd ed-- New York: John Wiley, 1961. xii,279p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45177 512 LOW

Lloyd L. Lowenstein Beginning algebra for college students / Llyod L. Lowenstein.--2nd ed-- New York John Wiley, 1961. xiii,279p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42976 512 MAC

Maclane, Saunders Algebra / Saunders Maclane and Garrett Birkhoff.-- New York: Macmillan Company, 1967. xv,577p 1.Mathematics I. Birkhoff, Garrett. II. Title. Accn Nos : 63016 512 MAC

Maclane, Saunders Algebra / Saunders Maclane and Garrett Birkhoff.-- New York: The Macmillan, 1967. xix,598p 1.Mathematics I. Birkhoff, Garrett. II. Title. Accn Nos : 53212 512 MAT

Teaching of algebra in schools ( Report ) / Mathematical association.-- London: G.Bell

& sons, 1957. 114p. Report - prepared for the Mathematical association ( An association of teachers and students of elementary mathematics ) 1.Mathematics: Algebra Accn Nos : 43042 512 MAY

Mayor, John R. Algebra: First course / John R. Mayor and Marie S. Wilcox.--2nd ed-- America: Prentice Hall Inc, 1961. 435p 1.Mathematics I. Wilcox, Marie S. II. Title. Accn Nos : F4520 512 MAY

Mayashankar Lal Saral beej ganit rekhaganit (HIN) / Mayashankar Lal.-- Lucknow: Hindustani Book Depot, 1958. 144p. Part 3 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 25721 512 MCC

McCoy, Neal H. Introduction to modern algebra / Neal H. McCoy.-- Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc, 1963. xi,304p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F4449 512 MCC

McCoy, Neal H. Introduction to modern algebra / Neal H. McCoy.-- Boston: Allyn and Bacon Inc, 1960. xi,301p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F4684 512 MCC

McCoy, Neal H. Introduction to modern algebra / Neal H. McCoy.-- Boston: Allyn and Bacon Inc, 1960. xi,301p (College mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F4807 512 MCC

McCoy, Neal H. Introduction to modern algebra / Neal H. McCoy.-- Boston: Allyn and Bacon Inc, 1960. xi,301p (College mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F4686

512 MCC

McCoy, Neal H. Introduction to modern algebra / Neal H. McCoy.-- Boston: Allyn and Bacon Inc, 1960. xi,301p (College mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F4682 512 MCC

McCoy, Neal H. Introduction to modern algebra / Neal H. McCoy.-- Boston: Allyn and Bacon Inc, 1960. xi,301p (College mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F4450

512 MCC

McCoy, Neal H. Introduction to modern algebra / Neal H. McCoy.-- Boston: Allyn and Bacon Inc, 1960. xi,301p (College mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F4683 512 MCC

McCoy, Neal H. Introduction to modern algebra / Neal H. McCoy.-- Boston: Allyn and Bacon Inc, 1960. xi,301p (College mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 43000 512 MCC

McCoy, Neal H. Introduction to modern mathematics / Neal H. McCoy.-- Boston: Allyn and Bacon Inc, 1960. xi,301p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F4460 512 MCC

McCoy, Neal H. Introduction to modern algebra / Neal H. McCoy.-- Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1963. xi,304p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F4685 512 MCF

McFadden, Myra Sets relations and functions: a programmed unit in modern mathematics / Myra McFadden.-McFadden, Myra-- New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1963. 298p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3447 512.MCK

McKeague, Charles Elementary algebra / Charles McKeague.-New York: Academic Press, 1978. xiv,312p ISBN 0-12-484750-1 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra I. Title. Accn Nos : 84273

512 MER

Meredith, G. Patrick Algebra by visual aids / G. Patrick Meredith and Lancelot Hogben.-- London: George Allen & Unwin, 1948. xi,166p 1.Mathematics I. Hogben, Lancelot. II. Title. Accn Nos : 43031

512 MER

Meredith, G. Patrick Algebra by visual aids / G. Patrick Meredith and Lancelot Hogben.-- London: George Allen and Unwin, 1948. 282p. V. 2 1.Mathematics I. Hogben, Lancelot. II. Title. Accn Nos : 43033 512 MER

Meredith, G. Patrick Algebra by visual aids / G. Patrick Meredith and Lancelot Hogben.-- London: George Allen & Unwin, 1948. 291-402p. Vol. 3 1.Mathematics I. Hogben, Lancelot. II. Title. Accn Nos : 43034 512 MER

Meredith, G. Patrick Algebra by visual aids / G. Patrick Meredith and Lancelot Hogben.-- London: George Allen & Unwin, 1948. 421-522p. Vol. 4 1.Mathematics I. Hogben, Lancelot. II. Title. Accn Nos : 18717 512 MER

Meredith, G. Patrick Algebra by visual aids: The polynomials / G. Patrick Meredith, ed. by Lancelot Hogben. -- London: George Allen and Unwin, 1948. various pagination (Visual aid series) (ed. by Lancelot Hogben). Book 1 1.Mathematics I. Hogben, Lancelot. II. Title Accn Nos : 43032 512 MEY

Meyer, Herman Precalcutes mathematics / Herman Meyer.-New York: D. Van Nostrand Company Inc, 1964.


xi,361p (University series in undergraduate mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 63438 512 MIN

Minnick, John H. Beginning algebra / John H. Minnick and Raymond C. Strauss.-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1969. xi,378p 1.Mathematics I. Strauss, Raymond C. II. Title. Accn Nos : 70453

512 MOM

Secondary C one algebra, teacher's guide.-Preliminary ed-- Chicago: Science Research Associates, 1965. 246p (Entebbe Mathematics series). Mombasa Mathematics Workshop 1.Mathematics I. Series. Accn Nos : F11887 512 MOM

Secondary four algebra: Teachers' / Education Service Inc.--Preliminary ed-- Chicago: Science Research Association, 1966. xiv,146p (Entabbe mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Education Services Inc, Newton. II. Series. Accn Nos : F10524 512 MOR

Morgan, Frank M. Algebra 1 / Frank M. Morgan and Burnham L. Paige.--rev. ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc, 1963. xi,549p 1.Mathematics I. Paige, Burnham L. II. Title. Accn Nos : 15599 512 MOR

Morgan, Frank M. Algebra 1 / Frank M. Morgan and Burnham L. Paige.--rev. ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. xi,660p 1.Mathematics I. Paige, Burnham L. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45243 512 MOR

Morgan, Frank M. Algebra 1 / Frank M. Morgan and Burnham L. Paige.--rev. ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. xi,559p 1.Mathematics I. Paige, Burnham L. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45190

512 MOS

Mostow, George D. Fundamental structures of algebra / George D. Mostow, Joseph H. Sampson and Jean-Pierre Meyer.-- New York: McGraw Hill Book Company Inc, 1963. 514p 1.Mathematics I. Sampson, Joseph H. II. Meyer, Jean-Pierre. III. Title. Accn Nos : 20299 512 MUR

Murphy, Daniel P. First year algebra / Daniel P. Murphy.-[s.l.]: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1961. 128p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 17118 512 MUR

Murphy, Daniel P. First year algebra sec 5 / Daniel P. Murphy.-- [s.l.]: Encyclopaedia Britannica Press, 1961. 862-1045p (Temac programmical materials) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 17041 512 MUR

Murphy, Daniel P. First year algebra sec 4 / Daniel P. Murphy.-- [s.l.]: Encyclopaedia Britannica Press, 1961. 670-861p (Temac programmed materials) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 17049 512 MUR

Murphy, Daniel P. First year algebra sec. 3 / Daniel P. Murphy.-- [s.l.]: Encyclopaedia Britannica Press, 1961. 446-669p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 17042 512 MUR

Murphy, Daniel P. First year algebra sect. 2 / Daniel P. Murphy.-- [s.l.]: Encyclopaedia Britannica Press, 1961. 222-445p (Temac programmed materials) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 17040 512 MUR

Murphy, Daniel P. First year algebra sec. 1 / Daniel P. Murphy.-- [s.l.]: Encyclopaedia Britannica Press, 1961.

221p (Temac programmed materials) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 17043 512 NAH

Nahikian, Howard M. Modern algebra for biologists / Howard M. Nahikian.-- Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1964. xii,236p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45240

512 NAT

Algebra class V / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1971. 270p 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F8299 512 NAT

Algebra class V / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1971. 65-269p 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F8260 512 NAT

Algebra class V / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1971. 270p 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F8932 512 NAT

Algebra for middle schools class VI / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1971. 148p 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. III. National Council of Educational Research and Training, New Delhi. Accn Nos : F9880 512 NAT

Algebra: Teachers guide for class V / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training,

1971. v,94p. Vol.1 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F9002 512 NAT

Natarajan, T. Algebra (three-year degree course) / T. Natarajan, T.K. Manicavachagom Pillay and K.S. Ganapathy.-- Madras: Viswanthan, 1967. 499p 1.Mathematics I. Pillay, T.K. Manicavachagom. II. Ganapathy, K.S. III. Title. Accn Nos : 87967 512 NAT

First course in algebra part II / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: NCERT, [n.d.] vii,247-445p (Student's text) (10) 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. III. National Council of Educational Research and Training, School Mathematics Group New Delhi. IV. Series. Accn Nos : 45172 512 NAT

First course in algebra unit 9 / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1961. viii,225p 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. III. National Council of Educational Research and Training, New Delhi. Accn Nos : 3453 512 NAT

First course in algebra Part II / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1961. vii,247-545p (Teachers commentry) (11) 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. III. National Council of Educational Research and Training, School Mathematics Group New Delhi. IV. Series. Accn Nos : 17194 512 NAT

First course in algebra Part II / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: NCERT, [n.d.] (Studentst text). (10). vii,247-545p 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. III. National Council of Educational Research

and Training, School Mathematics Group New Delhi. IV. Series. Accn Nos : 3437 512 NAT

First course in algebra / The Publisher.-New Delhi: NCERT, [n.d.] xvi,269p (Teachers commentry) (11). Part 1 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. III. National Council of Educational Research and Training, School Mathematics Group New Delhi. IV. Series. Accn Nos : 3439

512 NAT

First course in algebra / The Publisher.-New Delhi: NCERT, [n.d.] (Teachers commentry). (11). Part II :pp. 271-614p 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. III. National Council of Educational Research and Training, School Mathematics Study Group New Delhi. IV. Series. Accn Nos : 3438 512 NAT

First course in algebra / The Publisher.-New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1961. 271-614p (School mathematics study group) (12) 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. III. Series. Accn Nos : 3440 512 NAT

First course in algebra Part II / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1961. vii,247-545p (Teachers commentry) (12) 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. III. National Council of Educational Research and Training, School Mathematics Group New Delhi. IV. Series. Accn Nos : 3441 512 NAT

School mathematics study group first course in algebra / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: NCERT, [n.d.] 246p. Vol.9 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. III. National Council of Educational Research and Training, New Delhi. Accn Nos : 3436 512


Narayan, Shanti Textbook of algebra for secondary schools, part 1 / Shanti Narayan and Mohan Lal.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1966. xi,312 1.Mathematics I. Lal, Mohan. II. NCERT. III. National Council of Educational Research and Training. IV. Title. Accn Nos : 36150 512 NAT

Textbook of Algebra for secondary schools / ed. by Shanti Narayan and Mohan Lal.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1966. xi,312p. Part I 1.Mathematics I. Shanti Narayan. II. Mohan Lal. III. NCERT. IV. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : 15720 512 NAT

Textbook of Algebra for secondary schools / ed. by Shanti Narayan and Mohan Lal.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1966. xi,312p. Part I 1.Mathematics I. Shanti Narayan. II. Mohan Lal. III. NCERT. IV. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : 18801 512 NAT

Textbook of Algebra for secondary schools / ed. by Shanti Narayan and Mohan Lal.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1966. xi,312p. Part I 1.Mathematics I. Shanti Narayan. II. Mohan Lal. III. NCERT. IV. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : 15721 512 NIC

Nichols, Eugene D. Elementary algebra / Eugene D. Nichols.-New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1966. x,466p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 43035 512 NIC

Elementary mathematics: Patterns and structure / Eugene D. Nichols...[et al.]-Teachers' 5th ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc, [n.d.] 442p 1.Mathematics I. Nichols, Eugene D. II. Flournoy, Frances. III. Kolin, Robert. IV. Simon, Leonard. Accn Nos : 45233 512 NIC

Elementary mathematics: Patterns and structure / Eugene D. Nichols...[et al.]-Teachers' 4th ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1966. 442p 1.Mathematics I. Nichols, Eugene D.

II. Flournoy, Frances. III. Kolin, Robert. IV. Simon, Leonard. Accn Nos : 9406 512 NIC

Elementary mathematics: Patterns and structure / Eugene D. Nichols...[et al.]-London: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1966. xxxviii,442p. Vol. 5 1.Mathematics I. Nichols, Eugene D. II. Flournoy, Frances. III. Kolin, Robert. IV. Simon, Leonard. Accn Nos : 9405

512 NIC

Nichols, Eugene D. Modern elementary algebra / Eugene D. Nichols.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc, 1965. ix,457p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 32088 512 NIC

Nichols, Eugene D. Modern elementary algebra / Eugene D. Nichols.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1961. vi,393p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 34422 512 NIC

Nichols, Eugene D. Modern elementary algebra / Eugene D. Nichols.--rev ed.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965. xx,495p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 43049 512 NIC

Nichols, Eugene D. Modern elementary algebra / Eugene D. Nichols.--rev. ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965. x,466p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 15807 512 NIC

Nichols, Eugene D. Modern elementary algebra / Eugene D. Nichols and Wagner G. Collins.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1961. ix,402p 1.Mathematics I. Collins, Wagner G. II. Title. Accn Nos : F4546

512 NIC

Nichols, Eugene D. Modern elementary algebra / Eugene D. Nichols and Wagner G. Collins.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1961. ix,402p 1.Mathematics I. Collins, Wagner G. II. Title. Accn Nos : 53299 512 NIC

Nichols, Eugene D. Modern elementary algebra / Eugene D. Nichols.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Wionston, 1965. xx,494p (Teachers edition) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 57924

512 NIC

Nichols, Eugene D. Modern elementary algebra / Eugene D. Nichols and Wagner G. Collins.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965. ix,402p 1.Mathematics I. Collins, Wagner G. II. Title. Accn Nos : F2405 512 NIC

Nichols, Eugene D. Modern intermediate algebra / Eugene D. Nichols, Ralph T. Heimer and E. Henry Garland.--Teacher's ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Heimer, Ralph T. II. Garland, E. Henry. III. Title. Accn Nos : 43048 512 NIC

Nichols, Eugene D. Modern intermediate algebra / Eugene D. Nichols, Ralph T. Heimer and E. Henry Garland.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965. T75+582p 1.Mathematics I. Heimer, Ralph. II. Garland, E. Henry. III. Title. Accn Nos : 43047 512 NIC

Nichols, Eugene D. Modern intermediate algebra Ralph T. Heimer, E. JHenry Garland / Eugene D. Nichols.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965. T75-582p 1.Mathematics I. Heimer, Ralph T. II. Garland, E. Henry. III. Title. Accn Nos : 57923 512 NIC

Nichols, Eugene D.

Modern intermediate algebra / Eugene D. Nichols, Ralph T. Heimer and E. Henry Garland.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965. ix,582p 1.Mathematics I. Heimer, Ralph T. II. Garland, E. Henry. III. Title. Accn Nos : 34421 512 NIC

Nichols, Eugene D. Pre-algebra mathematics / Eugene D. Nichols.--Teachers ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965. xvi,536p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 32240

512 NIC

Nichols, Eugene D. Ralph T. Heimer, E. JHenry Garland / Eugene D. Nichols.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965. T75-582p 1.Mathematics I. Heimer, Ralph T. II. Garland, E. Henry. III. Title.

512 NIC

Nichols, Eugene D. Teachers manual for modern elementary algebra / Eugene D. Nichols and Wagner G. Collins.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1961. 144p 1.Mathematics I. Collins, Wagner G. II. Title. Accn Nos : F2406 512 NOR

North, Roger Art of algebra / Roger North.-- New York: Pergamon Press, 1965. x,211p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45310 512 NUF

Nuffield Foundation Graphs leading to algebra / Nuffield Foundation.-- London: The Nuffield Foundation, 1969. 55p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 73927 512 OAK

Oakland, Public Algebra teacher's guide / Public Oakland.-[s.n.]: [s.l], [n.d]. 24p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 36242 512 OHM

Ohmer, Merlin M.

College algebra.-- Massachusetts: Blaisdell, 1966. 320p (Blaisdell book in pure and applied mathematics) (ed. by Seymour Schuster) 1.Mathematics I. Aucoin, Clayton V. II. Schuster, Seymour. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 67981 512 OHM

Ohmer, Merlin M. Elementary contemporary algebra / Merlin M. Ohmer, Clayton V. Aucoin and Marion J. Cortez.-- New York: Blaisdell, 1965. ix,240p (A blaisdell book in the pure and applied sciences) (ed. by John Kemeny) 1.Mathematics I. Aucoin, Clayton V. II. Cortez, Marion J. III. Kemeny, John.IV. Title Accn Nos : 68148 512 OHM

Ohmer, Merlin M. Merlin M. Ohmer and Clayton V. Aucoin.-Massachusetts: Blaisdell, 1966. 320p (Blaisdell book in pure and applied mathematics) (ed. by Seymour Schuster) 1.Mathematics I. Aucoin, Clayton V. II. Schuster, Seymour. III. Title (Series).

512 OKE

Oke, K.H. Fundamental modern algebra for A-level / K.H. Oke.-- Oxford: Pergamon, 1967. x,214p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 63447 512 PAL

Paley, Hiram First course in modern algebra / Hiram Paley and Paul M. Weichsel.--Preliminary ed-New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1964. 327p 1.Mathematics I. Weichsel, Paul M. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3454 DLDI 512 PAS

Pasadena City Schools Using the language of algebra: in the 7th and 8th grade arithmetic / Pasadena City Schools.-- {n.d.}: Pasadena City Schools, 1958. iii,58p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F11786 512 PEA

Pearson, Helen R. Modern Algebra: a logical approach / Helen R. Pearson and Frank B. Allen.-- Boston: Ginn and Company, 1964. 621p. Book 1 1.Mathematics I. Allen, Frank B. II. Title. Accn Nos : F5809


512 PER

Perlis, Sam Introduction to algebra / Sam Perlis.-Massachusetts: Blaisdell, 1966. xx,440p (A blaisdell book in pure and applied mathematics) (ed. by George Springer) 1.Mathematics I. Springer, George. II. Title Accn Nos : 43027


512 PER

Perelman, Y. E. Pramudit beejganit (HIN) / Y. E. Perelman. -- Delhi: Yugbodh, 1992. 270p. 1.Mathematics 2.Beejganit I. Title. Accn Nos : F19672

512 PER

Perfect, Hazel Topics in algebra: a selection for sixth forms / Hazel Perfect.-- New York: Pergamon Press, 1966. 203p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 67157 512 PET

Peter, Max Algebra: A modern approach / Max Peter and William L. Scheaf.--2nd ed-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc, 1968. viii,641p (DVN program in modern mathematics). Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Scheaf, William L. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 64322 512 PET

Peters, Max Algebra: A modern approach / Max Peters and William L. Schoof.-- London: D. Van Nostrand Company Inc, 1963. viii,562p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Schoof, William L. II. Title. Accn Nos : 54202 512 PET

Peters, Max Algebra and trignometry: modern approach / Max Peters and William L. Schoof.-- London: D. Van Nostrand Company, 1963. viii,562p. V. 1 1.Mathematics I. Schoof, William L. II. Title. Accn Nos : 65178 512 PET

Peters, Max Algebra and trigonometry: A modern approach / Max Peters and William L. Schaaf.-London: D. Van Nostrand Company Inc, 1963. vii,696p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Schaaf, William L. II. Title. Accn Nos : 65179

512 PET

Peters, Max Algebra and trigonometry: A modern approach / Max Peters and William L. Schaaf.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1965. viii,696p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Schaaf, William L. II. Title. Accn Nos : 54203

512 PET

Peters, Max Algebra modern approach / Max Peters and William L. Schaaf.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand Company, 1963. viii,562p 1.Mathematics I. Schaaf, William L. II. Title. Accn Nos : 6045

512 PHI

First year algebra: A guide for teachers' / The publisher.-- Philadelphia: School District of Philadelphia, 1958. 132p 1.Mathematics I. School District of Philadelphia. Accn Nos : F10704 512 PHI

Second year algebra: a guide to teacher / Board of Public School Education.-Philadelphia: Board of Public School Education, 1954. vii,80p 1.Mathematics I. Board of Public School Education, Philadelphia.

Accn Nos : 458 512 PRA

Prasad, Parmanand Madhyamik beejganit (HIN) / Parmanand Prasad & Durgakant Jha.-- Patna: Scientific Book Company, N. D. 444p. 1.Mathematics I. Jha, Durgakant. II. Title. Accn Nos : 28499 512 PRI

Price, E.A. Introduction to algebra / E.A. Price.-London: Newnes, 1965. vii,207p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 52540 512 PRI

Price, E.A. Introduction to algebra / E.A. Price.-London: Newnes, 1965. vii,217p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 58143 512 PRO

Drooyan, Irving

Elementary algebra for college students / Irving Drooyan and William Wooton.-- New York: John Wiley and Sons Inc, 1961. x,269p 1.Mathematics I. Wooton, William. II. Title. Accn Nos : 54687 512 RAV

Ravinder Kumar Text book of algebra / Ravinder Kumar and Shrikrishan Wasan.--2nd ed-- New Delhi: Pitamber, 1985. viii,328p 1.Mathematics I. Wasan, Shrikrishan. II. Title. Accn Nos : F18891

512 RED

Redei, L. Algebra / L. Redei.-- New York: Pergamon Press, 1967. xvii,821p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 65080 512 REE

Rees, Paul K. Algebra, trigonometry, and analytic geometry / Paul K. Rees and Fred W. Sparks.-New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967. vi,484p 1.Mathematics I. Sparks, Fred W. II. Title. Accn Nos : 60230 512 REE

Rees, Paul College algebra / Paul Rees and Fred W. Sparks.--5th ed-- New York: McGraw-Hill Book, 1967. 500p 1.Mathematics I. Sparks, Fred W. II. Title. Accn Nos : 60231 512 REE

Rees, Paul K. College algebra / Paul K. Rees and Fred W. Sparks.--3rd ed-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1954. xiii,460p 1.Mathematics I. Sparks, Fred W. II. Title. Accn Nos : 43491 512 REN

Renner, B. Current algebras and their applications / B. Renner.-- New York: Pergaman Press, 1968. xiii,178p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 67477 512


Richardson, M. College algebra / M. Richardson.-- New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc, 1956. xvi,472p (Prentice Hall mathematics series) (Albert A. Bennett) 1.Mathematics I. Bennett, Albert A. II. Title Accn Nos : 3429


512 RIC

Richardson, M. College algebra / M. Richardson.-- New York: Prentice-Hall, 1947. xvi,472p (Prentice-Hall mathematics series) (Albert A. Bennett) 1.Mathematics I. Bennett, Albert A. II. Title Accn Nos : 21445


512 RIC

Rich, Barnett Elementary algebra / Barnett Rich.-- New York: Schaum Publishing Company, 1960. 293p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53599 512 RID

Rider, Paul R. College algebra / Paul R. Rider.--rev. ed-New York: Macmillan, 1958. xv,397p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 21446 512 ROS

Rose, Israel H. Algebra: An introduction to finite mathematics / Israel H. Rose.-- New York: John Wiley, 1963. xvi,489p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 6528 512 ROS

Rose, Israel H. Algebra: Introduction to finite mathematics / Israel H. Rose.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1965. viii,481p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 63177 512 ROS

Ross, P. Elementary algebra, part 1 with answer / P. Ross.-- Bombay: Orient Longmans, 1961. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45250 512 RUS

Russell, Donald S. Algebra problem / Donald S. Russell.-- New

York: Barnes & Noble Inc, 1960. viii,133p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 58862 512 RUS

Russell, Donald S. Algebra problems / Donald S. Russell.-- New York: Barnes & Noble, 1960. vii,133p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 57922 512 RUS

Russell, Donald S. Algebra problems / Donald S. Russell.-- New York: Barnes & Noble, 1960. vii,133p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 7657 512 RUT

Rutledge, William A. Introduction to algebra for college students / William A. Rutledge and Simon Green.--2nd ed-- New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc, 1968. x,306p 1.Mathematics I. Green, Simon. II. Title. Accn Nos : 66675 512 SAL

Salmon, George Modern higher algebra / George Salmon.--5th ed-- New York: Chelsea Publishing Co, n.d xv,376p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 68149 512 SCH

First course in algebra: Teacher's commentary, part 1 / School Mathematics Study Group.-- New Haven: Yale University Press, 1960. xvi,269p (Teacher's commentary) (Unit 11) 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : 34444 512 SCH

First course in algebra / School Mathematics Study Group.-- New Haven: Yale University Press, 1961. 272-614p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. Accn Nos : F5493 512 SCH

First course in algebra, part-1 / School Mathematics Study Group.-- New Haven: Yale University Press, 1960. 245p (Student's text) (9) 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : 31951

512 SCH

First course in algebra: Student text / School Mathematics Study Grouyp.-- New Haven: Yale University, 1961. 247-545p (Student text) (10). Part II 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : F5494 512 SCH

Introduction to algebra, part-II / School Mathematics Study Group.-- New Haven: Yale University Press, 1962. 455-886p (Student's text) (44) 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : F8593 512 SCH

Introduction to algebra, part II / School Mathematics Study Group.-- New Haven: Yale University Press, 1962. 455-886p (Student text) (44) 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : F5497 512 SCH

Introduction to algebra / School Mathematics Study Group.-- Leland Stanford: Junior University of Leland Stanford, 1962. 195-454p. Vol.2 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. Accn Nos : F10937 512 SCH

Introduction to algebra / School Mathematics Study Group.--IInd rev. ed-- Leland Stanford: Junior University of Leland Stanford, 1962. 455-710p. Vol.3 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. Accn Nos : F11592 512 SCH

Introduction to algebra / School Mathematics Study Group.-- New Haven: Yale University Press, 1964. 272-614p (Teacher's commentary) Part II 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : 3444 512 SCH

Introduction to algebra / School Mathematics Study Group.-- New Haven: Yale University Press, 1962. 341-685p (Teacher's commentary) (46). Part II 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study


Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : 32099 512 SCH

Introduction to algebra.-- New Haven: Yale University Press, [n.d.] x,454p (Student text) 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : 32082 512 SCH

(43). Part II

Mathematics for high school; first course in algebra: Teacher's commentary / School Mathematics Study Group.-- New Haven: Yale University Press, 1961. Various pagination. Part II 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. Accn Nos : F11829 512 SCH

Schweizer W. Mathematics unterrichtswerk: algebra 1 / W. Schweizer and Th. Lambacher.-- [s.n.]: Errist Klettverlag Stuttgart, [n.d.] 128p 1.Mathematics I. Lambacher, Th. II. Title. Accn Nos : 35456 512 SCH

Programed first course in algebra / School Mathematics Study Group.-- New Haven: Yale University Press, 1965. 896p. Part II 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. Accn Nos : 32191 512 SCH

Programed first course in algebra / School Mathematics Study Group.-- New Haven: Yale University Press, 1965. 400p (Student text) (60). Part 1 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : 33298 512 SCH

Studies in mathematics / School Mathematics Study Group.-- New Haven: Yale University Press, 1961. 465p. Vol. 8: Concept of algebra 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. Accn Nos : F11824 512 SCH

Study in mathematics / School Mathematics Study Group.-- New Haven: Yale University Press, 1961. 448p. Vol.4 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. Accn Nos : F11823 512


Shanti Narayan Algebra: A textbook for secondary schools / Shanti Narayan and Mohan Lal.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1966. xi,304p. Part I 1.Mathematics I. Mohan Lal. II. NCERT. III. National Council of Educational Research and Training. IV. Title. Accn Nos : F6714 512 SHA

Shanti Narayan Algebra: A textbook for secondary schools / Shanti Narayan and Mohan Lal.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1967. xi,304p. Part I 1.Mathematics I. Mohan Lal. II. NCERT. III. National Council of Educational Research and Training. IV. Title. Accn Nos : F7119 512 SHA

Shanti Narayan Algebra: a textbook for secondary schools / Shanti Narayan and Mohan Lal.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1968. xi,304p. Part I 1.Mathematics I. Mohan Lal. II. NCERT. III. National Council of Educational Research and Training. IV. Title. Accn Nos : 89745 512 SHA

Shanti, Narayan Algebra: A textbook for secondary schools part-ll / Shanti Narayan and Mohan Lal.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1968. 368p. Part ll 1.Mathematics-Algebra I. Mohan Lal. II. NCERT. III. National Council of Educational Research and Training. IV. Title. Accn Nos : F24385 512 SHA

Shanti Narayan Algebra for secondary schools / Shanti Narayan and Mohan Lal.-- New Delhi: NCERT, n.d 312p. Part I 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Mohan Lal. II. NCERT. III. National Council of Educational Research and Training. IV. Title. Accn Nos : 3446 512 SHA

Shanti Narayan Modern abstract algebra / Shanti Narayan.-New Delhi: S. Chand, 1967. 376p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 63932 512 SHA

Sharma, J.N. Modern algebra for honours and post

graduate students / J.N. Sharma and S.N. Goel.-- Meerut: Kedar Nath Ram Nath, n.d various pagination (Our mathematics publications) 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra I. Goel, S.N. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 90500 DLDI 512 SHA

Shanti Narayan Text book of modern abstract agebra / Shanti Narayan.--4th ed.-- Delhi: S.Chand & Co., 1967. 376p. 1.Mathematis 2.Algebra I. Title. Accn Nos : 63832

512 SHA

Shanti Narayan Textbook of algebra for secondary school, part-1 / Shanti Narayan and Mohan Lal.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1966. xi,312p 1.Mathematics I. Mohan Lal. II. NCERT. III. National Council of Educational Research and Training. IV. Title. Accn Nos : 86800 512 SHR(S)

Sribhaskaracharya Bijaganitam(SAN) / Sribhaskaracharya.-Varanasi: Chaukhamba vidyabhavan, 2001. 382p. (Vidyabhavan prachyavidya granthamala no; 56) 1.Bijaganita I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 124819 512 SID

Siddons, A.W. Elementary algebra / A.W. Siddons and C.T. Daltory.-- Great Britain: Cambridge University Press, 1958. vii,133-141p 1.Mathematics I. Daltory, C.T. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3474 512 SID (R-E)

Siddons, A.W. Elementary algebra / A.W. Siddons and C.T.Daltry.-- Cambridge: University press, 1958. 370p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F3474 512 SIN

Singal, M.K. Algebra / M.K. Singal and Asha Rani Singal. -- Delhi: R. Chand, 1980. xvii,644p 1.Mathematics I. Singal, Asha Rani. II. Title.

Accn Nos : 90498 512 SIN

Singal, M.K. Algebra / M.K. Singal and Asha Rani Singal. -- Delhi: R. Chand, 1980. xvii,644p 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra I. Singal, Asha Rani. II. Title. Accn Nos : 96090

512 SIN

Singal, N.C. New school algebra / N.C. Singal.-- New Delhi: Asha Prakashan Girah, 1958. ii,499+i-lxi+6p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 17258 512 SMI

Smith, Rolland R. Contemporary algebra / Rolland R. Smith, Francis G. Lankford and Joseph N. Payne.-New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc, 1963. viii,536p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Lankford, Francis G. II. Payne, Joseph N. III. Title. Accn Nos : F5816 512 SMI

Smith, Rolland R. Contemporary algebra / Rolland R. Smith, Francis G. Lankford and Joseph N. Payne.-New York: HarCourt, Brace & World, 1962. viii,504p. Book 1 1.Mathematics I. Lankford, Francis G. II. Payne, Joseph N. III. Title. Accn Nos : F6503 512 SMI

Smith, Rolland R. Contemporary algebra / Rolland R. Smith, Francis G. Lankford and Joseph N. Payne.-New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1962. viii,504p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Lankford, Francis G. II. Payne, Joseph N. III. Title. Accn Nos : F5815 512 SMI

Smith, Rolland R. Teacher's manual and testing program for contemporary algebra / Rolland R. Smith, Francis G. Lankford and Joseph N. Payne.-New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, [n.d.] 123p. Book 1 1.Mathematics I. Lankford, Francis G. II. Payne, Joseph N. III. Title. Accn Nos : F11818

512 SMI

Smith, Rolland R. Teacher's manual for contemporary algebra / Rolland R. Smith, Francis G. Lankford and Joseph N. Payne.-- New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1963. iii,148p. Book 2 1.Mathematics I. Lankford, Francis G. II. Payne, Joseph N. III. Title. Accn Nos : F11862

512 SPI

Spitzbart, Abraham College algebra and plane trigonometry / Abraham Spitzbart and Ross H. Bardell.--2nd ed-- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Pub Co, 1964. 436p (Addison-wesley series in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Bardell, Ross H. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 53446 512 SPI

Spiegel, Murray R. Schaum's outline of theory and problems of college algebra / Murray R. Spiegel.-- New York: Schaum, 1956. 312p (Schaum's outline series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 20277 512 SPI

Spiegel, Murray R. Schaum's outline of theory and problems of college algebra / Murray R. Spiegel.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1956. 312p (Schaum's outline series) - ISBN 07-060226-3 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 97051 512 SPI

Spiegel, Murray R. Theory and problems of college algebra / Murray R. Spiegel.-- New Delhi: Schaum Publishing Co, 1956. 312p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 34423 512 STE

Stein, Edwin I. Algebra in easy steps / Edwin I. Stein.-3rd ed-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1956. vi,297p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Accn Nos : F50 512 STE

Stein, Edwin I Algebra in easy steps with modern units /

Edwin I. Stein.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1961. vi,745p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 67337 512 STE

Stephen, William Entry to algebra / William Stephen.-London: Methuen & Co, 1966. 64p. Methuen's clearway programmed books 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 6081 512 STE

Steinhaus Mathematical snapshots / Steinhaus.--rev ed -- New York: Oxford University, 1969. 311p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 75187 512 SUR

Singh, Surjeet Modern algebra / Surjeet Singh and Qazi Zameeruddin.-- New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House, 1983. viii,531p ISBN 0-7069-1810-X 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra I. Zameeruddin, Qazi. II. Title. Accn Nos : 98083 512 SUR

Surjeet Singh Modern algebra / Surjeet Singh and Qazi Zameeruddin.--3rd rev. ed-- New Delhi: Vikas, [n.d.] 504p 1.Mathematics I. Zameeruddin, Qazi. II. Title. Accn Nos : 92930 512 SUR

Suryanarayan, K. Our model algebra / K. Suryanarayan and T. Rajagopalan.-- New Delhi: Cambridge Publishing, 1964. 164p 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra, mathematics study and teaching I. Rajagopalan, T. II. Title. Accn Nos : 17250 512 TAB

Tabak, John History of Mathematics / John Tabak.-- New Delhi: Viva Books, 2006. V.5. (Viva-Facts on file Maths Factory). Vol.1. Algebra: Sets of symbols & The language of thought.Vol.2.- Geometry:The language of space and form.Vol.3.-Developing the language fo science.Vol.4.-Probability & Statistics: The Science of uncertainty.Vol.5. Numbers: Computers. Philosophers & the search for meaning -

ISBN 81-309-0091-2 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 126300; 126301; 126302;126303; 126304 512 THO

Thompson, J.E. Algebra fo the practical man / J.E. Thompson.--2nd ed-- Toronto: D. Van Nostrand Company Inc, 1946. xx,300p (Mathematics for self-study)(J.E. Thompson) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3449 512 THO

Thompson, J.E. Algebra for the practical man / J.E. Thompson.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand Company Inc, 1946. xv,300p (Mathematics for self-study) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 43002 512 THO

Thompson, J.E. Algebra for the practical man / J.E. Thompson.--3rd ed., Max Peters-- Princeton: D. Van Nostrand, 1962. xvii,277p (Mathematics for self-study) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 6298 512 TIT

Titiev, Robert J. Second year algebra / Robert J. Titiev.-Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, 1961. iii,117p (TEMAC-programmed learning materials) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 17120 512 TIT

Titiev, Robert J. Second year algebra: Temac programmed learning material, sec. 4 / Robert J. Titiev. -- [s.l.]: Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, 1961. 669-844p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 17054 512 TIT

Titiev, Robert J. Second year algebra: Temac programmed learning material, sec. 1 / Robert J. Titiev. -- [s.l.]: Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, 1961. 220p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 17051 512 TIT

Titiev, Robert J. Second year algebra: Temac programmed learning material, sec. 2 / Robert J. Titiv.

-- [S.l.]: Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, 1961. 221-444p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 17052 512 TIT

Titiev, Robert J. Second year algebra: Temac programmed learning material, sec. 3 / Robert J. Titiv. -- [S.l.]: Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, 1961. 445-668p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 17053 512 TIT

Titiev, Robert J. Second year algebra: Temac programmed learning material, sec. 5 / Robert J. Titiev. -- [S.l.]: Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, 1961. 845-1036p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 17055 512 TOM

Tomber, Marvin L. Introduction to contemporary algebra / Marvin L. Tomber.-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc, 1967. xi,429p (Prentice-Hall mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 53792 512 TUC

C.O. Tuckey Algebra / Tuckey C.O. and W. Armistead.-London: Longmans, Greens, 1960. ix,402p 1.Mathematics I. Armistead, W. II. Title. Accn Nos : 43036 512 UND

Underwood, Ralph S. Intermediate algebra / Ralph S. Underwood and Thom R. Nelson.-- New York: Macmillan, 1958. viii,281p 1.Mathematics I. Nelson, Thom R. II. Title. Accn Nos : 43044 512 UNE

First course in algebra, part-1 / School Mathematics Study Group.-- New Haven: Yale University Press, 1961. 245p (Student text) (9) 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : 3442 512 UNE

First course in algebra / School Mathematics Study Group.-- New Haven: Yale University, 1961.

248-545p (Student text) (10). Part II 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : 3443

512 VAN

Van der Waerden, B. L. Algebra (based in part on lectures by E. Artin and E. Noether) / B. L. Van der Waerden ; tr. by Fred Blum and John R. Schulenberger. -- New York: Springer-Verlag, 1991. V.I. (Tr. from the German Algebra 1, 7th ed, Springer-Verlag Berlin, 1966) V.II. (Tr. from the German Algebra II, 5th ed, Springer-Verlag Berlin, 1967) Originally published in 1970 by Frederick Ungar Publishing ISBN 3-540-97424-5 / ISBN 3-540-97425-3 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra I. Artin, E. II. Noether, E. III. Schulenberger R. IV. Blum, Fred. V. Title. Accn Nos : 114606 ; 114607 512 VAN

Vance, Elbridge P Modern algebra and trigonometry / Elbridge P. Vance.-- Massachusetts: Addison-wesley Publishing Company, 1965. x,374p (Addison-wesley series in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66818 512 VAN

Vance, Elbridge P. Modern algebra and trigonometry / Elbridge P. Vance.-- Massachusetts: Addison-wesley Publishing Company, 1962. x,374p (Addison-wesley series in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3448 512 VAN

Vance, Elbridge P. Modern algebra and trigonometry / Elbridge P. Vance.-- Massachusetts: Addison-wesley Publishing Company, 1965. x,374p (Addison-wesley series in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 53435

512 VAN

Vance, Elbridge P. Modern algebra and trigonometry / Elbridge P. Vance.-- Massachusetts: Addison-wesley Publishing Company, 1962. x,374p (Addison-wesley series in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 10462

512 VAN

Vance, Elbridge P. Modern college algebra / Elbridge P. Vance. -- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Inc, 1962. viii,260p (Addison-wesley series in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3479 512 VAS

Vasishtha,A.R. Modern algebra (Abstract algebra) / A.R.Vasishtha.-- Meerut(U.P.): Krishna prakashan, 1988. 562p. 1.Mathematics-algebra I. Title. Accn Nos : 106680 512 VER

Verma, R.V. Text book in modern algebra / R.V. Verma.-New Delhi: S. Chand & Company, 1980. x,160p 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra - advanced level text book I. Title. Accn Nos : 85016 512 VIR

Virendra Kumar Vaidik beejganit (HIN) / Virendra Kumar & Shailendra Bhushan.-- New Delhi: Granth Academy, 2002. 180p. ISBN 81-85826-51-X 1.Mathematics 2.Beejganit I. Shailendra Bhushan. II. Title. Accn Nos : 122476 512 WAL

Walmsley, Charles Introductory course of mathematical analysis / Charles Walmsley.-- Cambridge: The University Press, 1926. x,293p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45244 512 WAL

Walker, A. New course in algebra (Complete edition with answer) / A. Walker and J. Millar.--2nd

ed-- London: Longomans, Green, 1961. ix,565+i-lxxxp 1.Mathematics I. Millar, J. II. Title. Accn Nos : 15626 512 WAR

Warner, Seth Modern algebra / Seth Warner.-- New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1965. x,806p (Prentice-Hall mathematics series) (Albert A. Bennett). Vol.2 1.Mathematics I. Bennett, Albert A. II. Title Accn Nos : 3410 512 WEI

Weiss, Marie J. Higher algebra for the undergraduate / Marie J. Weiss and Roy Dubisch.--2nd ed-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 1962. ix,171p 1.Mathematics I. Dubisch, Roy. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45246 512 WEI

Weiss, Marie J. Higher algebra for the undergraduate / Marie J. Weiss and Roy Dubisch.--2nd ed-- New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1962. ix,171p 1.Mathematics I. Dubisch, Roy. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3467 512 WEI

Weiss, Marie J. Higher algebra for the undergraduate / Marie J. Weiss and Roy Dubisch.--2nd ed-- New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1962. ix,171p 1.Mathematics I. Dubisch, Roy. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45229 512 WEI

Weiss, Marie J. Higher algebra for the undergraduate / Marie J. Weiss.-- New York: John Wiley, 1960. viii,165p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3402 512 WEI

Weiss, Marie J. Higher algebra for the undergraduate / Marie J. Weiss and Roy Dubisch.--2nd ed-- New York: John Wiley, 1962. ix,171p 1.Mathematics I. Dubisch, Roy. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3468 512 WEL

Welchons, A.M. Algebra: elementary course / A. M. Welchons and W.R. Krickenberger.-- Boston: Ginn and Company, 1953. x,582p. Vol. 1


1.Mathematics I. Krickenberger, W.R. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3478 512 WEL

Wells, Webster Modern first year algebra / Webster Wells and Walter W. Hart.--Rev. ed-- Boston: D.C. Heath and Company, 1928. x,340p 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra I. Hart, Walter W. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45248

512 WHI

Whitesitt, J. Eldon Principles of modern algebra / J. Eldon Whitesitt.-- Massachusetts: Addison-wesley Publishing Company, Inc, 1964. viii,261p (Addison-wesley series in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3456 512 WHY

Whyburn, William M. Algebra for college students / William M. Whyburn and Paul H. Daus.-- New York: Prentice Hall Inc, 1955. xi,290p (Prentice-Hall mathematics series) (ed. by Albert A. Bennett) 1.Mathematics I. Daus, Paul H. II. Bennett, Albert A. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45245 512 WIL

Willerding, Margaret F. College algebra and trigonometry / Margaret F. Willerding and Stephen Hoffman.-- New York: John Wiley, 1971. x,500p ISBN 0-471-94658-3 1.Mathematics I. Hoffman, Stephen. II. Title. Accn Nos : 76015 512 YAR

Yarnelle, John E. Algebra: under the editorial direction of Roydubish and Isabetle P. Rucker / John E. Yarnelle, Ronald J. Clark and Richardson S. Presser.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1969. vii, 470p. 1.Mathematics I. Clark, Ronald J. II. Presser, Richardson S. III. Title. Accn Nos : 74676 512 YOU

Youse, Bevan K. Algebra and the elementary functions / Bevan K. Youse.-- California: Dickinson, 1966. ix,292p

1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 63186 512 YOU

Algebra for qualifying, higher secondary, pre university and other equivalent examinations / The publisher.-- Delhi: Young Man and Company, 1959. vi,310p. 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : 3450

512 YOU

Young, Frederick H. Essentials of algebra and trignometry / Frederick H. Young.-- Massachusetts: AddisonWesley, 1965. ix,148p. (Addison series in introductory mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66472 512 YOU

Young, Frederick H. Essentials of algebra and trigonometry / Frederick H. Young.-- Massachusetts: AddisonWesley, 1964. ix,148p (Addison-wesley series in introductory mathematics) (ed. by Gail S.Young) 1.Mathematics I. Young, Gail S. II. Title(Series). Accn Nos : 15526


Hacker, Sidney G. Fundamental concepts of arithmetic / Sidney G. Hacker, Wilfred E. Barnes and Calvin T. Long.-- New Jersey: Printice Hall, 1963.xiv,271p 1.Mathematics I. Barnes, Wilfred E. II. Long, Calvin T. III. Title. Accn Nos : F5617 513.06 NAT

Instruction in arithmetic: Yearbook / The Publisher.-- Washington: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1960. viii,366p. Vol. 25 1.Mathematics I. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Washington. Accn Nos : F4547 513.07:372 NEB

Greer, Edith S. Arithmetic for Nebraska elementary school children / Edith S. Greer, Alton C. Wagner and Leo P. Black.-- Lincoln: Nebraska

Department of Public, 1948. 67p 1.Mathematics I. Wagner, Alton C. II. Black, Leo P. III. Title. Accn Nos : 90124 513.07 ALL

Arithmetic program for the elementry grades / School District.-- Allentown: School District, 1957. 60p 1.Mathematics I. School District, Allentown. Accn Nos : 36192

513.07 BAL

Ballard, Philip Boswood Teaching the essentials of arithmetics / Philip Boswood Ballard.-- London: University of London Press, 1952. xxiv,260p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 21679 513.07 BAL

Ballard, Philip Boswood Teaching the essentials of arithmetics / Philip Boswood Ballard.-- London: University of London Press, 1952. xxiv,260p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 35007 513.07 BRO

Brownell, William A. Arithmetic in grades I and II / William A. Brownell, Roy A. Doty and William C. Rein.-Durham: Duke University Press, 1941. xi,175p. 1.Mathematics I. Doty, Roy A. II. Rein, William C. III. Title. Accn Nos : 35359 513.07 BUD

Budden, F.J. Mathematics through geometry / F.J. Budden and C.P. Wormell.-- New York: Macmillan Company, 1964. ix,230p (Commonwealth and international library) 1.Mathematics I. Wormell, C.P. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 54923 513.07 BUR

Burn, E.W. Arithmetic itself / E.W. Burn and D.V. Tamblin.-- London: The English Universities Press Limited, [n.d.] 116p (A junior teach yourself book) 1.Mathematics I. Tamblin, D.V. II. Title(Series). Accn Nos : 15598

513.07 DUT

Dutton, Wilbur H. Evaluating pupils understanding of arithmetic / Wilbur H. Dutton.-- New Jersey: Printice Hall, 1964. v,153p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 19207

513.07 FRA

Francis, E. Carey Highway arithmetic: teachers companion and answer book / E. Carey Francis.-- London: Lognmans Green and Company, 1954. 39p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 35023 513.07 GUN

Gunderson, Agnes G. Learning to use arithmetic / Agnes G. Gunderson.-- London: D.C. Heath, 1958. 96p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 19776 513.07 HEM

Hemmerling, Edwin R. Fundamentals of college geometry / Edwin R. Hemmerling.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1964. vi,397p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 54680 513.07 JOH

Johnson, Paul B. Geometry for teachers / Paul B. Johnson and Carol Herdina Kipps.-- California: Cole Publishing Co., 1970. xv, 261p. 1.Mathematics I. Kipps, Carol Herdina. II. Title. Accn Nos : 73265 513.07 LEW

Lewis, Harry Geometry / Harry Lewis.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1964. 634p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 54669 513.07 MAR

Developmental sequence for teaching arithmetic / Board of Education.-Maryland: Board of Education, 1966. 172p 1.Mathematics I. Board of Education, Maryland. Accn Nos : F10837

513.07 MAR

Marks, John L. Teaching arithmetic for understanding / John L. Marks, C. Richard Purdy and Lucien B. Kinney.-- New York: McGraw Hill Book Co, 1958. (McGraw Hill series in education). (ed. by Harold Benjamin) 1.Mathematics I. Purdy, C. Richard. II. Kinney, Lucien B. III. Benjamin, Harold. IV. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 9271

513.07 MAT

Teaching of geometry in schools / Mathematical Association.-- London: G. Bell and Sons, 1956. 73p (This book is in the addison-wesley series in the mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Mathematical Association. II. Series. Accn Nos : 8651 513.07 MER

Merrill, Charles E. Using number problems / Charles E. Merrill. -- New York: Treasure Book, [n.d.] 64p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 19404 513.07 MER

Merton, Elda L. Using numbers: Teachers Edition / Elda L. Merton, Leo J. Brueckner.-- New York: Holt,Rinehart and Winston, 1961. viii,158p. 1.Mathematics I. Brueckner, Leo J. II. Title. Accn Nos : F11299 513.07 MIR

Mira, Julio A. Geometry / Julio A. Mira.-- New York: Barnes & Noble, 1961. 280p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 87166 513.07 MIR

Mira, Julio A. Geometry: Through practical applications / Julio A. Mira.-- New York: Barnes & Noble, 1873. vi,254p (This book is in the addisonwesley series in the mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F7162 513.07 MOR

Morton, Robert Lee Helping children learn arithmetic / Robert Lee Morton.-- New Jersey: Silver Burdett, 1960. 116p

1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 8060 513.07 OHI

Ohio, Department of Education Some resources for developing a curriculum guide arithmetics grade 1-6 / Department of Education, Ohio.-- Ohio: Department of Education, [n.d]. 34p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 36578

513.07 RIN

Rimgenberg, Lawrence A. Informal geometry / Lawrence A. Rimgenberg. -- New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1967. xi,147p (This book is in the addisonwesley series in the mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 54681 513.07 ROA

Roantree, William F. Arithmetic for teachers / William F. Roantree and Mary S. Taylor.-- New York: Macmillan, 1955. x,517p 1.Mathematics I. Taylor, Mary S. II. Title. Accn Nos : 19780 513.07 SON

Sondhi, Vimla Study of the existing practices of teaching arithmetic in classes I to III / Vimla Sondhi.-- New Delhi: NCERT, [n.d.] 56+ixp 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. III. Title. Accn Nos : F9665 513.07 SPI

Spitzer, Herbert F. Teaching arithmetic / Herbert F. Spitzer.-Washington, DC: National Education Association, 1967. 32p (What research says to the teacher series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series).

513.07 TRE

Trevelyan, John Teachers book to ways and means / John Trevelyan.-- London: Longmans Green & Co Ltd, 1955. 33p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 8397 513.07 WHE

Wheat Copp clark arithmetics / Wheat, Kauffman and Douglass.-- Toranto: The Copp Clark Co,

1952. 320p 1.Mathematics I. Kauffman. II. Douglass. III. Title. Accn Nos : 17802 513.07 WHE

Wheat, Harry Grove How to teach arithmetic / Harry Grove Wheat.-- New York: Row, Peterson and Company, 1961. vii,438p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 17205

513.07 WIS

Arithmetic learning sequence for elementary school / The Publisher.-- Wisconsin: Cooperative Educational Planning Program, 1958. 51p (Bulletin) (17) 1.Mathematics I. Cooperative Educational Planning Program, Winconsin. II. Series. Accn Nos : 36485 513.07 WRI

Wrightstone, J. Wayne Learning to use arithmetic / J. Wayne Wrightstone and Lillian Fishbein.--Teachers edition-- America: D.C. Heath, 1958. 144p 1.Mathematics I. Fishbein, Lillian. II. Title. Accn Nos : 18855 513.07 XAV

Primary arithmetic / The Publisher.-Jaipur: St. Xavier High School, 1959. 66p (Xavier series). Part 1 1.Mathematics I. Series. Accn Nos : F939 513.076 MUS

Musgrove, Richard Core skills in numeracy / Richard Musgrove. -- London: Macmillan Education, 1986. 117p (The Macmillan prevocational series) (ed. by Douglas Pride) - ISBN -0333-39599-9 1.Mathematics 2.Arithmatic - problem, exercise, etc. 3.Numerical calculations problem, exercise, etc. I. Pride, Douglas. II. Title Accn Nos : F16449 513.08 HAR

Seeing through arithmetic / Maurice L. Hatung...[et al.]-- New Jersey: Scott, Foresman & Co, [n.d.] 160p. Vol. I 1.Mathematics I. Hatung, Maurice L. II. Engen, Henry Van. III. Gibb, E. Glenadine. IV. Stochl, James E. V. Knowles, Lois. Accn Nos : F2354 513.1 FOR

Forder, Henry George


Foundations of euclidean geometry / Henry George Forder.-- New York: Dover Publications, n.d xii,347p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3506 513.1 GUG

Guggenheimer, Heinrich W. Plane geometry and its groups / Heinrich W. Guggenheimer.-- San Francisco: Holden-Day, 1967. xii,285p (This book is in the AddisonWesley series in the mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 63012 513.1 HEA

Heath, Thomas L. Thirteen book of Euclid's elements / Thomas L. Heath.--2nd ed-- New York: Dover, 1956. x,432p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 35000 513.1 JOH

Johnson, Donovan A. Curves in space / Donovan A. Johnson.-Atlkanta: Webster Publishing Company, n.d 63p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3518 513.1 NOR

Norton, M. Scott Geometric constructions / M. Scott Norton. -- Atlanta: Webster Publishing Company, n.d 64p (This book is in the addison-wesley series in the mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45318 513.1 PHI

Guide to the study of plane geometry / School District.-- Philadelphia: School District, 1951. viii,101p 1.Mathematics I. School District, Philadelphia. Accn Nos : 44934 513.1 RIC

Rich, Barnett Schaum's outline of principles and problems of plane geometry with coordinate geometry / Barnett Rich.-- New York: Schaum Publishing Company, 1963. 231p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 86643 513.1 SEY

Semour, F. Eugene Plane geometry / F. Eugene Semour and Paul James Smith.--Ed. Rev.-- New York: The Macmillan Company, 1956. xi,452p

1.Mathematics I. Smith, Paul James. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3512 513.1 SIN

Singal, M.K. Plane trigonometry / M.K. Singal and Asha Rani Singal.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1972. 296p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Singal, Asha Rani. II. NCERT. III. National Council of Educational Research and Training. IV. Title. Accn Nos : F8894

513.1 SIN

Singal, M.K. Plane trigonometry / M.K. Singal and Asha Rani Singal.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1972. 296p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Singal, Asha Rani. II. Title. Accn Nos : F8896 513.1 STO

Stone, William C. Plane geometry / William C. Stone.-Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1959. x,498p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45436 513.1 WEL

Welchons, A.M. Descriptive geometry / A.M. Welchons and W.R. Kriekenberger.-- Boston: Ginn and Company, 1952. v,570p 1.Mathematics I. Kriekenberger, W.R. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3514 513.1 WEL

Welchons, A.M. New plane geometry / A.M. Welchons and W.R. Krickenberger.-- Boston: Ginn and Company, 1952. 567p (This book is in the Addison Wesley series in the mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Krickenberger, W.R. II. Title Accn Nos : 3517 513.14 SEC

Secondary three student text mathematics: geometry (ENG).-- Massachusetts: African Education Program, 1965. 192p. 1.Mathematics- geometry Accn Nos : F4425 513.2 AHM

Ahmad, Abu al-Hasan Arithmatic of Al-Uqlidisi / Abu al-Hasan Ahmad and Ibrahim al Uqlidisi.-- Boston: D Riedel Publishing Company, 1978. ix,492p 1.Mathematics 2.Arithmatic 3.Mathematics I. Uqlidisi, Ibrahim al. II. Title. Accn Nos : 83862


513.2 FUS

Fuson, Karen C. Children's counting and concepts of number / Karen C. Fuson and Charles J. Brainerd.-New York: Springer-Verlag, 1988. xiiv,446p. (Springer series in cognitive development) ISBN 0-387-96566-1 1.Mathematics 2.Counting 3.Number concepts I. Brainerd, Charles J. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 105461

513.2 GLE

Glean, William H. Calculating devices / William H. Glein and Donovan A. Johnson.-- London: John Murray, n.d 55p 1.Mathematics I. Johnson, Donovan A. II. Title. Accn Nos : 9703 513.2 HAU

Hauck, William Decimals and percentage II: Percentage / William Hauck, J. William Moore,Wendell I. Smith.-- St. Louis: McGraw-Hill, 1966. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Moore, J. William. II. Smith, Wendell I. III. Title. Accn Nos : 54326 513.2 HAU

Hauck, William Decimals and percentage I: Decimals / William Hauck, J. William Moore and Wendell I. Smith.-- St. Louis: McGra-Hill, 1966. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Moore, J. William. II. Smith, Wendell I. III. Title. Accn Nos : 54325 513.2 HAU

Hauck, William Decimals and percentage I: Decimals / William Hauck, ed. by J. William Moore and Wendell I. Smith.-- St. Louis: McGraw Hill, 1966. 14p 1.Mathematics I. Moore, J. William. II. Smith, Wendell I. III. Title. Accn Nos : 54327 513.2 LEV

Levin, Marcia New mathematics practice workbook sets and addition / Marcia Levin and Jeanne Bendick.-New York: Treasure Books, n.d 63p 1.Mathematics I. Bendick, Jeanne. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45301 513.2 LEV

Levin, Marcia New mathematics sets and division practice

work-book / Marcia Levin and Jeanne Bendick. -- New York: Treasure Books, [n.d]. 63p. 1.Mathematics I. Bendick, Jeanne. II. Title. Accn Nos : 18200 513.2 POW

Powers, Earle Exercise and drills in drills in rapid calculation / Earle Powers and Harald W. Loker.-- Boston: Ginn and Company, 1939. 199p 1.Mathematics I. Loker, Harald W. II. Title. Accn Nos : 35366

513.2 SRI

Srinivasan, P.K. Romping in numberland / P.K. Srinivasan.-New Delhi: National book trust, 2002. 56p. (Creative learning series) ISBN 81-237-3648-7 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 121639 513.22 HUN

Logarithmic trigonometric and other tables / comp. by John Gale Hun.-- New York: Macmillan, 1943. 104-192p 1.Mathematics I. Hun, John Gale. Accn Nos : 15815 513.24 TEM

Temag Ratios and proportions / Temag.-- New York: Encyclopaedia Britannica Press, [n.d.] 84p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 17050 513.26 CLA

Clarke, John First book of fractions / John Clarke.-London: Longmans & Company, 1967. 226p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F10888 513.26 CLA

Clark, John Second book of fractions / John Clark.-London: Longman Green and Company, 1968. 163p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F10889 513.26 HAU

Hauck, William Fractions II: Basic operations with fractions / William Hauck.-- St. Louis: McGraw-Hill, 1966.

Various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 54329 513.26 HAU

Houck, William Fractions-III: Extended operations with fractions / William Houck.-- London: McGraw Hill Book Company, 1966. various pagination (Blaisdell book is in the pure and applied mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 54330 513.26 RUC

Schemata for the analysis of drill in fractions / G.M. Ruch...[et al.]-- Iowa: University of Iowa, 1936. 58p (Education psychology series) (3) 1.Mathematics I. Ruch, G.M. II. Knight, F.B. III. Olander, E.A. IV. Russell, G.E. V. Series. Accn Nos : 11524 513.2607 HAU

Hauck, William Fractions: understanding fractions / William Hauck.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1966. 311p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 54328 513.3 AGA

Agashe, D.S. Pure solid geometry / D.S. Agashe and N.H. Phadke.--3rd ed-- Delhi: S. Chand, 1962.138p 1.Mathematics I. Phadke, N.H. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3501 513.3 ALT

Altshiller Court, Nathan Modern pure solid geometry / Nathan Altshiller Court.-- New York: Chelsea Publishing Company, 1964.xiv,355p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 72271 513.3 BRA

Brahmanand Integral calculus / Brahmanand, B.S. Tyagi and Bhu Dev Sharma.--4th rev ed-- Meerut: Kedar Nath, Ram Nath, 1965. 160+26p 1.Mathematics I. Tyagi, B.S. II. Sharma, Bhu Dev. III. Title. Accn Nos : 45516 513.3 KER

Kern, Willis F. Sold mensuration with proofs / Willis F. Kern and James R. Bland.--2nd ed-- New York: John Wiley, 1938. 172p

1.Mathematics I. Bland, James R. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3502 513.3 LIN

Lines, L. Solid geometry / L. Lines.-- New York: Dover Publications, [n.d.]292p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 54688

513.3 LYU

Lyusternik, L.A. Convex figures and polyhedra / L.A. Lyusternik; translated by T. Jefferson Smith. -- New York: Dover, 1963. 176p. 1.Mathematics I. Smith, T. Jefferson. II. Title. Accn Nos : 66161 513.38 MAR

Martin, William Ted Elementary differential equations / William Ted Martin and Eric Reissner.-- London: Addison-Wesley Publishing Book Company Inc, 1961. xiii,329p 1.Mathematics I. Reissner, Eric. II. Title. Accn Nos : 66801 513.5 ADL

Adler, Clairefisher Modern geometry: an integrated first course / Clairefisher Adler.-- New York: McGraw Hill Book Company, 1958. xiv,211p (This book is in the addisonwesley series in the mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3503 513.5 ADL

Adler, Claire Fisher Modern geometry: An integrated first course / Claire Fishes Adler.-- New York: McGrawHill, 1958. 215p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 52037 513.5 CRO

Crowdes, Norman A. Arithmetic of computers / Norman A. Crowdes.-- California: Western Design, 1960. 211p. Vol. 2

1.Mathematics 2.Binary system I. Title. Accn Nos : F12038 513.5 CRO

Crowder, Norman A. Arithmetic of computers / Norman A. Crowder.-- California: Western Design, 1960. 269p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F11537

513.5 EUG

Modern geometry / Eugene D. Nichols...[et al.]-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1968. 502p 1.Mathematics I. Nichols, Eugene D. II. Palmer, William F. III. Schacht, John F. IV. Spencer, Eleanor R. Accn Nos : 60407 513.5 FAS

Tenneti, Vedwan Fascinating square numbers / Vidwan Tenneti Foreward by T.Ram Reddy.-- New Delhi: Neelkamal Publications, 2006. xvi,206p. ISBN 81-8316-098-0 1.Numeration Systems 2.Square Numbers I. Reddy, T. Ram. II. Title. Accn Nos : 126426 513.5 HEN

Henderson, Kenneth B. Modern geometry: Its structure and function / Kenneth B. Henderson, Robert E. Pingry and George A. Robinson.-- St. Louis: McGrawHill, [n.d.] xiv,561p (Big ideas and basic skill series) 1.Mathematics I. Pingry, Robert E. II. Robinson, George A. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F5826 513.5 MAL

Malvino, Albert Paul Digital principles and applications / Albert Paul Malvino and Donald P. Leach.--3rd ed.-- New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing, 1981. vi,490p. Includes index 1.Digital Electronics 2. Binary system (Mathematics) I. Leach, Donald P. II. Title. Accn Nos : 92118 513.5 MOI

Moise, Edwin E. Elementary geometry from an advanced standpoint / Edwin E. Moise.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1963.

419p (Addison-wesley science and mathematics education series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 53679 513.5 MOS

Moser, James Modern elementary geometry / James Moser.-Englewood: Prentice Hall, 1971. 333p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 74692

513.5 RAO

Rao, Devineni Jagan Mohan Fascinating triangular numbers their History & Mystery / Devineni Jagan Mohan Rao. -- New Delhi: Neelkamal Publications, 2003. viii,135p. ISBN 81-86804-90-9 1.Triangular Numbers 2.Numeration Systems I. Title. Accn Nos : 126427 513.5 SCH

Schacht, John F. Contemporary geometry / John F. Schacht, Roderick C. McLennan and Alice L. Grisworld. -- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1962. 532p 1.Mathematics I. McLeannan, Rodrick C. II. Grisworld, Alice L. III. Title. Accn Nos : 53293 513.5 SKO

Skolnik, David Dynamic solid geometry / David Skolnik and Miles C. Hartley.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1952. 231p 1.Mathematics I. Hartley, Miles C. II. Title.

513.5 TRY

Tryon, Charles W. Elementary geometry for college / Charles W. Tryon.-- New York: HArcourt, Brace and World, 1967. xv,215p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 75184 513.507 WRI

Wright, G.G. Neill Teaching of Arabic numerals / G.G. Neill Wright.-- London: University Press, 1954. 45p (Publication of the scottish council for research in education) (26) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F6494 513.620


Clapham, Charles Arithmetic for engineers / Charles Clapham. -- London: Chapman & Hall, 1947. 491p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 7385 513.63 BAR

Barrett, Leonard L. Engineering applications of vector analysis / Leonard L. Barrett.-- California: National Press, 1956.114p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45356 513.7 MAS

Academic in newton / Newton Public School.-Massachusetts: Newton Public School, 1951. iv,151p 1.Mathematics I. Newton Public School,Massachusetts. Accn Nos : 35730 513.8 KUL

Kulczycki, Stefan Non-Euclidean geometry / Stefan Kulczycki,tr. by Stanislaw Knapowski.-Oxford: Pergamon, 1961. 208p (Pure and applied mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Knapowski, Stanislaw. II. Title Accn Nos : 68120


513.8 RED

Redei, L. Foundation of euclidean and non-euclidean geometries / L. Redei.-- Oxford: Pergamon, 1968. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 65081 513.81 ORE

Ore, Oystein Four-color problem / Oystein Ore.-- New York: Academic Press, 1967. 253p. (Pure and applied mathematics/ edited by Paul A. Smith and Samuel Eienberg) 1.Mathematics I. Smith, Paul A. II. Eienberg, Samuel. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66106 513.81 RAN

Ranucci, Ernest R. Points, lines, and planes: Understanding modern mathematics / Ernest R. Ranucci.-- New York: Macmillan, [n.d.] 53p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 16780 513.81077 RAN

Ranucci, Ernest R. Points lines and planes: An introduction to geometry into dimensions / Ernest R. Ranucci. -- New York: The Macmillan, 1963.


various pagination (Understanding modern mathemtics: A series of programmed texts) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45763 513. 82 KEN

Kendall, M.G. Course in the geometry of n dimensions / M.G. Kendell.-- London: Charles Griffin and Company, 1961. viii,63p. Being number eight of griffins statistical monographs & courses 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3516 513.82 NAG

Nagata, Jun-Hti Modern dimension theory / Jun-Iti Jagata.-Groningen: P. Noordhoff N.V., 1965. 259p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 60091 513.83 ARM

Armstrong, M.A. Basic topology / M.A. Armstrong.-- New Delhi: Springer, 2004. xii,251p ISBN 81-8128-135-7 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 123791 513.83 ARN

Arnold, B.H. Intuitive concepts in elementary topology / B.H. Arnold.-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc, 1962. xi,177p (This book is in the addisonwesley series in the mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F4516 513.83 BLA

Blackett, Donald W. Elementary topology / Donald W. Blackett.-New York: Academic Press, 1967. 224p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53337 513.83 BOU

Bourbaki, Nicolas Elements of mathematics: General topology / Nicolas Bourbaki.-- Massachusetts: AddisonWesley, 1966. 363p (Adiwes international series in mathematics) (ed. by A.J. Lohwater). Part 2 1.Mathematics I. Lohwater, A.J. II. Title(Series). Accn Nos : 56084 513.83 BOU

Bourbaki, Nicolas Elements of mathematics: General topology

/ Nicolas Bourbaki.-- Massachusetts: AddisonWesley Pub Co, 1966. 363p (Adiwes international series in mathematics) (ed. by A.J. Lohwater). Part 2 1.Mathematics I. Lohwater, A.J. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 60380

513.83 BOU

Bourbaki, Nicolas Elements of mathematics: General topology / Nicolas Bourbaki.-- Massachusetts: AddisonWesley Pub Co, 1966. 463p (Adiwes international series in mathematics) (ed. by A.J. Lohwater). Part 1 1.Mathematics I. Lohwater, A.J. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 56083 513.83 BOU

Bourbaki, Nicolas Elements of mathematics: General topology / Nicolas Bourbaki.-- Massachusetts: AddisonWesley Pub Co, 1966. 463p (Adiwes international series in mathematics) (ed. by A.J. Lohwater). Part 1 1.Mathematics I. Lohwater, A.J. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 60379 513.83 BOU

Bourbaki, Nicolas Elements of mathematics: General topology / Nicolas Bourbaki.-- Massachusetts: AddisonWesley Pub Co, 1966. 363p (Adiwes international series in mathematics) (ed. by A.J. Lohwater). Part 2 1.Mathematics I. Lohwater, A.J. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45308 513.83 BOU

Bourbaki, Nicolas Elements of mathematics: General topology / Nicolas Bourbaki.-- Massachusetts: AddisonWesley, 1966. 363p (Adiwes international series in mathematics) (ed. by A.J. Lohwater). Part 2 1.Mathematics I. Lohwater, A.J. II. Title (Series).

Accn Nos : 43185 513.83 CAR

Carty, George Topology an introduction with application to topological groups / George Carty.-- New York: McGraw-hill Book Company, 1967. Various paginations (International series in pure and applied mathematics) (William Ted Martin) 1.Mathematics I. Martin, William Ted. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 64347

513.83 CHO

Choquet, Gustave Topology / Gustave Choquet, tr. by Amiel Feinstein.-- New York: Academic Press, 1966. 337p (Pure and applied mathematics series) (ed. by Paul A. Smith and Samuel Eilenberg) 1.Mathematics I. Feinstein, Amiel. II. Smith, Paul A. III. Eilenberg, Samuel. IV. Title Accn Nos : 63038


513.83 CHO

Choquet, Gustave Topology / Gustave Choquet; translated by Amiel Feinstein.-- New York: Academic Press, 1966. 337p. (Pure and applied mathematics series / ed. by Paul A. Smith and Samuel Eilenberg) 1.Mathematics I. Feinstein, Amiel. II. Smith, Paul A. III. Eilenberg, Samuel. IV. Title Accn Nos : 70937


513.83 CHO

Choquet, Gustave Topology / Gustave Choquet; translated by Amiel Feinstein.-- New York: Academic Press, 1966. 337p. (Pure and applied mathematics series / edited by Paul A. Smith and Samuel Eilenberg) 1.Mathematics I. Feinstein, Amiel. II. Smith, Paul A. III. Eilenberg, Samuel. IV. Title Accn Nos : 66172


513.83 CHO

Choquet, Gustave Topology / Gustave Choquet; translated by Amiel Feinstein.-- New York: Academic Press, 1966. 337p (Pure and applied mathematics series) (ed. by Paul A. Smith and Samuel Eilenberg) 1.Mathematics I. Feinstein, Amiel. II. Smith, Paul A. III. Eilenberg, Samuel. IV. Title Accn Nos : 73854 513.83 HAD

Debrunner, Hans Combinatorial geometry in the plane / Hans Debrunner, Hugo Hodwiger and tr. by Victor Klee.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1964.


vii,113p (Athena series selected topics in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Hodwiger, Hugo. II. Klee, Victor. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 63020 513.83 HAR

Harry, Frank Seminar on graph theory / Frank Harry and Lowell Beineke; ed. by Edwin Hewitt.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winstone, 1967. vii,116p. (Athema series selected topics in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Beineke, Lowell. II. Hewitt, Edwin. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 63295 513.83 HU

Hu, Sze-Tsen Elements of general topology / Sze-Tsen Hu. -- San Francisco: Holden-day Inc, 1965. x,214p (Holden-day series in mathematics) (ed. by Earl A. Coddington) 1.Mathematics I. Coddington, Earl A. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3404 513.83 HU

Hu, Sze-Tsen Elements of general topology / Sze-Tsen Hu. -- San Francisco: Holden-Day, 1964. 214p (Holden-day series in mathematics) (ed. by Earl A. Coddington and Andrew M. Gleason) 1.Mathematics I. Coddington, Earl A. II. Gleason, Andrew M. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 53918 513.83 HUS

Hu, Sze-Tsen Elements of general topology / Sze-Tsen Hu. -- San Francisco: Holden-day Inc, 1965. x,214p (Holden-day series in mathematics) (ed. by Earl A. Coddington) 1.Mathematics I. Coddington, Earl A. II. Title Accn Nos : 3504


513.83 HUS

Husain, Taqdir Introduction to topology groups / Taqdir Husain.-- Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company, 1966. xi,218p (Saunders international student edition) (ed. by Bernard R. Gelbaum) 1.Mathematics I. Gelbaum, Bernard R. II. Title Accn Nos : 71484 513.83 KEL

Kelley, John L. General topology / John L. Kelley.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand Company Inc, 1967.


xiv,298p (University series in higher mathematics) (ed. by M.H. Stone) 1.Mathematics I. Stone, M.H. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 64348 513.83 KEL

Kelley, John L. General topology / John L. Kelley.-- New Jersey: D.Van Nostrand Company, 1967. xiv,297p. (The university series in higher mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 71477 513.83 KEL

Kelley, John L. General topology / John L. Kelley.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1955. 298p (University series in higher mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 60130 513.83 KEL

Kelley, J.L. Linear topological spaces / J.L. Kelley and Isaac Namioka.-- New York: Affiliated EastWestern, 1963. xv,256p. 1.Mathematics I. Namioka, Isaac. II. Title. Accn Nos : 71476 513.83 KEL

Kelley, J.L. Linear topological spaces / J.L. Kelley and Isaac Namioka.-- New Delhi: Affiliated EastWest Press, 1963. xv,251p 1.Mathematics I. Namioka, Isaac. II. Title. Accn Nos : 68385 513.83 KUR

Kuratowski, K. Topology / K. Kuratowski, tr. by J. Jaworowski.-- New York: Academic Press, 1966. xx,560p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Jaworowski, J. II. Title. Accn Nos : 63035 513.83 LIE

Lietzmann, W. Visual topology / W. Lietzmann.-- London: Chotto & Windos, 1965. xi,169p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 86924 513.83 LIP

Lipschutz, Seymour

Theory and problems of general topology / Seymour Lipschutz.-- New York: Schaum Publishing Co, 1965. 239p (Schaum's outline series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 86920 513.83 MOO

Moore, Theronal O. Elementary general topology / Theronal O. Moore.-- London: Prentice Hall Inc, 1964. 174p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 66327 513.83 NEV

Nevanlinna, Rolf Space time and relativity / Rolf Nevanlinna.-- London: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1968. xii,158p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 64942 513.83 SCH

Schubert, Horst Topology / Horst Schubert, tr. by Siegfried Moran.-- London: Macdonald, 1968. 358p 1.Mathematics I. Moran, Siegfried. II. Title. Accn Nos : 68128 513.83 SCH

Schubert, Horst Topology / Horst Schubert, tr. by Siegfried Moran.-- London: Macdonald Technical & Scientific, 1968. 358p 1.Mathematics I. Moran, Siegfried. II. Title. Accn Nos : 67387 513.83 SIM

Simmons, George F. Introduction to Topology and modern analysis / George F. Simmons.-- New York: Mcgraw hill, 1963. xv,372p. Includes Index 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 87357 513.83 VAL

Valentine, Frederick A. Convex sets / Frederick A. Valentine.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1964. 238p (McGraw-Hill series in higher mathematics) (E.H. Spanier) 1.Mathematics I. Spanier, E.H. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 58042 513.840 SHI

Shirokov, P.A. Sketch of the fundamentals of lobachevs kian geometry / P.A. Shirokov.-- Groningen:

P. Noordhoff, 1964. 87p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45381 513.9 RIC

Rich, Barnett Schaum's outline of principles and problems of plane geometry / Barnett Rich.-- New York: Schaum Publishing Company, 1963. 230p (Schaum's outline series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45429

513.92 KAP

Kapoor, H.L. H P J Kapoor's exchange tables / H.L. Kapoor and J.L. Kapoor.-- Delhi: H P J Kapoor, 1967. 104p 1.Mathematics 2.Calculation study I. Kapoor, J.L. II. Title. Accn Nos : 56712 513.92 LIN

Lindgreen, Harry Geometric dissections / Harry Lindgreen.-New Jersey: D.Van Nostrant Company, 1964. ix,164p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45326 513.93:371.271 MCM McMackin, Frank J. Diagnostic test in business arithmetic / Frank J. McMackin, John A. Marsh and Charles E. Baten.-- New York: Ginn and Company, 1951. 63p (Arithmetic of better business) 1.Mathematics I. Marsh, John A. II. Baten, Charles E. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 17741 513.93 AYR

Ayres, Frank Schaum's outline of theory and problems of mathematics of finance / Frank Ayres.-- New York: Schaum Publishing Company, 1963. 230p (Schaum's outline series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 19399 513.93 AYR

Ayres, Frank Theory and problems of mathematics of finance / Frank Ayres.-- New York: Schaum Pub. Co., 1963. 230p (Schaum's outline series) 1.Mathematics 2.Business arithmetic I. Title (Series).

Accn Nos : 53350 513.93 AYR

Ayres, Frank Theory and problems of mathematics of finance / Frank Ayres.-- New York: Schaum Publishing Company, 1963. 230p (Schaum's outline series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 19398

513.93 BEL

Bello, Ignacio Contemporary business mathematics / Ignacio Bello.-- Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1975. 572p - ISBN 0-7216-1693-3 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 79491 513.93 BRO

Bronson, Gray J. Mathematics for management / Gary J. Bronson and Richard Bronson.-- New York: A Dun -Donnelley Publishers, 1977. xiii, 490p. 1.Mathematics 2.Management, mathematics for I. Bronson, Richard. II. Title. Accn Nos : 80881 513.93 CUR

Curts, Alan R. Practical math for business / Alan R. Curts.--2nd ed-- Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1978. ix,333p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 83471 513.93 DHA

Dharmadhikari, S K First course in mathematical techniques ( for F. Y. B. Com.) / S K Dharmadhikari.-Bombay: Himalaya Publishing House, n.d. 443p. 1.Mathmatics I. Title. Accn Nos : 81356 513.93 DHA

Dharmadhikari, S.K. First course in mathematical techniques ( for F. Y. B. Com.) / S.K. Dharmadhikari.-Bombay: Himalaya Publishing House, 1977. 308p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 81355 513.93 GUP

Gupta, S.P. Elementary mathematics & statistics for cost accounts / S.P. Gupta and Vishwa Nath.--

4th ed.-- New Delhi: Sultan Chand & Sons, 1981. xii,437p 1.Mathematics 2.Statistics 3.Business arithmetic I. Vishwa Nath. II. Title. Accn Nos : 96124 513.93 IYE

Iyer, B.G. Commercial arithematic / B.G. Iyer and S.A. Bari.--Ed. 10th-- New Delhi: Sultan Chand and Sons, 1984. 361p 1.Mathematics I. Bari, S.A. II. Title. Accn Nos : 96102 513.93 IYE

Iyer, B.G. Commercial arithmetic / B.G. Iyer and S.A. Bari.--10th rev. ed-- New Delhi: Sultan Chand, 1984. 361p 1.Mathematics I. Bari, S.A. II. Title. Accn Nos : 96101 513.93 KAP

Kapoor, Hari Dass H P J Kapoors interest calculator / Hari Dass Kapoor.-- Delhi: H.P.J. Kapoor, [n.d.] 216p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 56709 513.93 KAP

Kapoor, V.K. Problems and solutions in business mathematics / V.K. Kapoor.-- New Delhi: Sultan Chand, 1988. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 107909 513.93 MCM

McMackin, Frank J. Exercises in business and consumer arithmetic / Frank J. McMackin, John A. Marsh and Charles E. Baten.-- Boston: Ginn and Company, [n.d.] 110p 1.Mathematics I. Marsh, John A. II. Baten, Charles E. III. Title. Accn Nos : 35077 513.93 MCN

Mcnelly, A.E. Business arithmetic: A revision of Thompson business arithemetic / A.E. Mcnelly and L.J. Adams.--Ed. 3rd-- New York: Prentice-Hall, 1954. xiii,344p 1.Mathematics I. Adams, L.J. II. Title. Accn Nos : F10718 513.93 MEH

Mehta, B.C. Mathematics for economists / B.C. Mehta and

G.M.K. Madnani.-- New Delhi: Sultan Chand and Sons, 1983. xii,554p 1.Mathematics I. Madnani, G.M.K. II. Title. Accn Nos : 96109 513.93 MEH

Mehta, B.C. Mathematics for economics / B.C. Mehta and G.M.K. Madnani.-- New Delhi: Sultan Chand and Sons, 1979. xii,554p 1.Mathematics I. MAdnani, G.M.K. II. Title. Accn Nos : 96110

513.93 RED

Reddy, R. Jaya Prakash Text book of business mathematics / R. Jaya Prakash Reddy, Y. Mallikarjuna Reddy.-- New Delhi: Ashish Publishing, 1994. xvi,540p ISBN 81-7024-633-4 1.Mathematics 2.Business mathematics I. Reddy, Y. Mallikarjuna. II. Title. Accn Nos : 115053 513.93 ROS

Rosenberg, R. Robert Essentials of business mathematics / R. Robert Rosenberg and Harry Lewis.--Ed. 5th Rev.-- New York: Gregg Publishing Division, 1958. xiii,370p 1.Mathematics I. Lewis, Harry. II. Title. Accn Nos : F11445 513.93 SAN

Sancheti Business mathematics for I.C.W.A. B.Com. / Sancheti and V. K. Kapoor.--10th Enlarged-New Delhi: Sultan Chand, 1983. Various Pagination 1.Mathematics I. Kapoor, V. K. II. Title. Accn Nos : 96123 513.93 SAN

Sancheti, D.C. Elementary business mathematics (for C.A. entrance examination) / D.C. Sancheti, A.M. Malhotra and V.K. Kapoor.-- New Delhi: Sultan Chand & Sons, 1983. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Malhotra, A.M. II. Kapoor, V.K. III. Title. Accn Nos : 96100 513.93 SAN

Sancheti, D.C. Elementary business mathematics (for C.A. entrance examination) / D.C. Sancheti, A.M. Malhotra and V.K. Kapoor.-- New Delhi: Sultan Chand & Sons, 1983.

various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Malhotra, A.M. II. Kapoor, V.K. III. Title. Accn Nos : 96099 513.93 SON

Soni, R.S. Elementary business mathematics / R.S. Soni.-- New Delhi: Pitambar, 1986. 429p (Business mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F18894

513.93 SON

Soni, R. S. Elements of Business Mathematics / R.S. Soni, A.K. Sharma and R.K. Saxena.--3rd Rev. ed-- New Delhi: Pitambar Publishing Company, 1984. Various Pagination 1.Mathematics I. Sharma, A.K. II. Saxena, R.K. III. Title. Accn Nos : F18890 513.93 SON

Soni, R.S. Elements of business mathematics / R.S. Soni, A.K. Sharma and R.K. Saxena.--3rd rev ed-- New Delhi: Pitambar, [n.d.] iv,C-11 1.Science I. Sharma, A.K. II. Saxena, R.K. III. Title.

513.93 SOU

Applied business arithmetic curry, piper.-Ed. 5th-- New York: South-Western Publishing Company, 1948. 158p 1.Mathematics I. South-Western Publishing Company. Accn Nos : 42275 513.93 STA

Stafford, L.W.T. Business mathematics / L.W.T. Stafford.-London: Engilsh Longuage Book Society, 1975. xii,353p (M. & E. handbook series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 81088 513 ADL

Adler, Irving New look at arithmetic / Irving Adler.-London: Dennis Dobson, 1965. 309p. With Diagrams by Ruth Adler 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 9623 513 AGA

Agashe, V.S. New school geometry / V.S. Agashe.-Bombay: Macmillan and Company, 1955.

188p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F1034 513 AIY

Aiyer, R.A. Ramchandra Rajaganitham or Osmani Hisab / R.A. Ramchandra Aiyer.-- Hyderabad: Optimum Traders, 1958. 265p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F10607

513 ALD

Adler, Irving New look at geometry with diagrams; The author of the new mathematics / Irving Adler. -- New York: The New American Library, 1967. 414p. (Signet science library books) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 64140 513 BAK

Bakst, Aaron Arithmetic for the modern age / Aaron Bakst.-- New Jersey: D.Van Nostrand Company, 1960. vii,341p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 7598 513 BAW

Bawa, J.S. Royal matriculation geometry / J.S. Bawa.-23rd ed-- Delhi: Gurdas Kapur, 1957. 468p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F529 513 BEL

Bello, Ignacio Contemporary basic mathematical skills / Ignacio Bello.-- New York: Harper & Row, 1978. 434p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 83521 513 BEN

Bentley, W.H.E. Geometry: Discovery by drawing and measurement / W.H.E. Bentley and E.W. Maynard Potts.-- London: Ginn and Company, 1960. x,112p. Part I 1.Mathematics I. Potts, E.W. Maynard. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45415 513 BLU

Blumenthal, Leonard M. Modern view of geometry / Leonard M. Blumenthal.-- San Francisco: W.H. Freeman and

Co, 1961. xii,192p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F4445 513 BLU

Blumenthal, Leonard M. Modern view of geometry / Leonard M. Blumenthal.-- San Francisco: W.H. Freeman and Company, 1961. xii,191p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 66156

513 BLU

Blumenthal, Leonard M. Studies in geometry / Leonard M. Blumenthal and Karl Menger.-- San Francisco: J.H. Freeman and Company, 1970. Various pagination (Series of books in mathematics) (R.A. Rosenbaum and G. Philip Johnson) 1.Mathematics I. Menger, karl. II. Rosenbaum, R.A. III. Johnson, Philip G. IV. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 75166 513 BOR

Borsuk, Karol Foundations of geometry / Karol Borsuk, Wanda Szmielew, tr. by Erwin Marquit.-Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co, 1960. xiv,444p 1.Mathematics I. Szmielew, Wanda. II. Marquit, Erwin. III. Title. Accn Nos : 45266 513 BOZ

Bozman, A.M. School arithmetic: With answers / A.M. Bozman.-- London: J.M. Dent, 1938. 215-406p. Vol.2 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F10617 513 BOZ

Bozman, A.M. School arithmetic: With answers / A.M. Bozman.-- London: J.M. Dent and Sons, 1936. vii,250p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F10553 513 BRO

Brown, Kenneth E. Geometry: plane and solid / Kenneth E. Brown and Gaylord C. Montgomery.-- Illinois: Laidlaw Brothers, [n.d.] 80p.

1.Mathematics I. Montgomery, Gaylord C. II. Title. Accn Nos : F5863 513 BRU

Brueckner, Leo J. Moving ahead in arithmetic / Leo J. Brueckner, Elda L. Merton and Foster E. Grossnickle.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. 378p 1.Mathematics I. Merton, Elda L. II. Grossnickle, Foster E. III. Title. Accn Nos : 16523 513 BUD

Budden, F.J. Mathematics through gemoetry / F.J. Budden and C.P. Wormell.-- Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1964. ix,230p 1.Mathematics I. Wormell, C.P. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45413 513 BUD

Budden, F.J. Mathematics through geometry / F.J. Budden and C.P. Wormell.-- Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1964. ix,230p 1.Mathematics I. Wormell, C.P. II. Title. Accn Nos : 65576 513 BUS

Buswell, Guy T. Review arithmetic: decimals, percents, and applications of arithmetic / Guy T. Buswell, William Brownell and Lenore John.-- Boston: Ginn and Company, 1943. iv, 214p. Textbook 2 1.Mathematics I. Brownell, William A. II. John, Lenore. III. Title. Accn Nos : 35803 513 BUS

Buswell, Guy T. Workbook for arithmetic we need / Guy T. Buswell, William A. Brownell and Irene Sauble.-- Berkeley: Ginn and Company, 1967. Various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Brownell, William A. II. Sauble, Irene. III. Title. Accn Nos : 19263 513 CAG

Teacher's manual for cage champions: Adventures with numbers.-- sl: sn, n.d; 24p 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : 35487 513 CHA

Chatelet, A.

Course D'arithmetique / A. Chatelet and C. Condevaux.-- Paris: Editions Bourrelier,[n.d.]; 190p 1.Mathematics I. Condevaux, G. II. Title. Accn Nos : F3268 513 CLE

Cleveland, Gerald A. Arithmetic 5: curriculum bulletin no.1 nov. 1956 / Gerald A. Cleveland and Edward H. Lang.-- New York: Board Of Education, 1956. 19p. 1.Arithmetics I. Lang, Edward H. II. Title. Accn Nos : 20621 513 COL

Keeping arithmetic meaningful: Functional problem units and functional problems in arithmetic / Colorado State Department of Education.-- Denver: Colorado State Department of Education, 1953. A-2 (Instructional service bulletin) 1.Mathematics I. Colorado State Department of Education, Denver. II. Series. Accn Nos : 36284 513 COL

Recreational arithmetic / ed. by Gene N. Powell.-- Coloraro: Coloraro State College of Education, n.d 20p 1.Mathematics I. Powell, Gene N. II. Colorado State College of Education. Accn Nos : 36327 513 COU

Court, Nathan Altshiller College geometry / Nathan Altshiller Court. --2nd rev ed-- New York: Barnes & Noble, Inc, 1960. xix,313p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45411 513 COX

Coxeter, H.S.M. Introduction to geometry / H.S.M. Coxeter. -- New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1962. xv,443p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 56427 513 COX

Coxeter, H.S.M. Introduction to geometry / H.S.M. Coxeter. -- New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1962. xv,443p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 86702 513 COX

Coxeter, H.S.M.

Introduction to geometry / H.S.M. Coxeter. --Ed. 4th-- New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1965. xiv,443p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 23495 513 CRA

Cracknell, A.G. School certificate geometry / A.C. Cracknell and G.F. Perrot.-- London: University Turorial Press, [n.d.]; viii,344p 1.Mathematics I. Perrot, G.F. II. Title. Accn Nos : 12296 513 DAV

Davis, Philip J. Lore of large numbers / Philip J. Davis.-Canada: L.W. Singer, 1961. 165p (New mathematical library). Includes bibliography 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F1731 513 DAV

Davis, David R. Modern college geometry / David R. Davis.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1949. ix,238p (Addison-wesley mathematical series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 65079 513 DAW

Dawson, Dan T. Arithmetic / Dan T. Dawson and Lovelle C. Downing.-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc, 1963. 160p. Vol. 1-2 1.Mathematics I. Downing, Lovelle C. II. Title. Accn Nos : F5602 513 DOW

Downs, Floyd L. Geometry / Floyd L. Downs and Edwin E. Moise.-- New York: Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 1964. xiii,577p (This book is in the addisonwesley series in the mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Moise, Edwin E. II. Title(Series).

513 DRE

Dresner, Simon Collier Quick and Easy Guide to Arithmetic / Simon Dresner.-- New York: Collier Books, 1962. 123p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 7654 513 DUR

Durell, Clement V. New geometry for schools / Clement V.

Durell.-- London: G. Bell and Sons, 1960. xv,84p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45408 513 DUR

Durell, Clement V. New geometry for schools, stage B, 1, 2 & 3 / Clement V. Durell.-- London: G. Bell, 1960. xv,571p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45400

513 EAV

Eaves, J.C. Introduction to euclidean geometry / J.C. Eaves and A.J. Robinson.-- London: AddisonWesley, 1957. vi,325p 1.Mathematics I. Robinson, A.J. II. Title.

Accn Nos : 437 513 FIS

Fishback, W.T. Projective and euclidean geometry / W.T. Fishback.-- New York: John Wiley and Sons Inc, 1966. ix,244p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 54684 513 FOR

Forder, Henry George Foundations of euclidean geometry / Henry George Forder.-- New York: Dover Publications, Inc, 1958. xii,349p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 66175 513 FRA

Francis, E. Carey Highway arithmetics books 3: teachers companion and answer book / E. Carey Francis. -- London: Longmans Green, [n.d.] 34p. 1.Astronomy I. Title. Accn Nos : 90159 513 FRE

Mae Fun with figures / Mae and Ira Freeman.-New York: Random House, n.d; 60p 1.Mathematics I. Freeman, Ira. II. Title. Accn Nos : 39499 513 FRE

Freeman, Ira

Fun with figures / Ira Freeman and Mae.-New York: Randon House, 1946. 58p 1.Mathematics I. Mae. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3491 513 FRE

Freeman, IRA Fun with figures / MAE and IRA Freeman.-New York: Random House, 1946. 60p 1.Mathematics I. MAE. II. Title. Accn Nos : F3491 513 FUJ

Fujii, John N. Geometry and its methods / John N. Fujii.-New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1969. viii,371p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 76205 513 GLE

Gleen, William H. Pythagorean thearem / William H. Gleen and Donovan A. Johnson.-- Atlanta: Webster Publishing Company, 1960. 48p 1.Mathematics I. Johnson, Donovan A. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45304 513 GOD

Godfrey, C. Woide School geometry / C. Woide Godfrey, R.C.B. Tait.-- London: Blackie & Sons Limited, 1954. vi,208p 1.Mathematics I. Tait, R.C.B. II. Title. Accn Nos : F376 513 GOD

Godfrey, C. Woide School geometry / C. Woide Godfrey and R.C.B. Tait.-- London: Blackie and Son Ltd., 1962. vii,208p 1.Mathematics I. Tait, R.C.B. II. Title. Accn Nos : 12285 513 GOD

Godfrey, C. Woide School geometry / C. Woide Godfrey and R.C.B. Tait.-- London: Blacckie and Son, 1962. vii,208p 1.Mathematics I. Tait, R.C.B. II. Title. Accn Nos : F3192 513 GUP

Gupta, K. Sree Rama Coordinate geometry / K. Sree Rama Gupta.-3rd ed-- Chittoor: Barat Book Depot, 1952. 32p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Accn Nos : 20567 513 GUP

Gupta, Sree Rama Plane geometry / Sree Rama Gupta.-Madras: Bhart Book Depot, 1954. 84p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45409

513 HAA

Haag, Vincent H. Elementary geometry / Vincent H. Haag, Clarence E. Hardgrove and Shirley A. Hill.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co, 1970. xi,255p (Addison-wesley series in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Hardgrover, Clarence E. II. Hill, Shirley A. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 72904 513 HAL

Hall, H.S. School geometry / H.S. Hall and F.H. Stevens.-- Bombay: Macmillan and Company, 1964. Various pagination. Vol. 1 & 2 1.Mathematics I. Stevens, F.H. II. Title. Accn Nos : F3193 513 HAL

Hall, H.S. School geometry part 1-4 / H.S. Hall and F.H. Stevens.-- S.N.: S.L., 1955. xix,246Jp 1.Mathematics I. Stevens, F.H. II. Title. Accn Nos : 17687 513 HAM

Hamilton, Norman Set theory and the structure of arithmetic / Norman Hamilton and Joseph Landin.-Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc, 1962. xi,264p 1.Mathematics I. Landin, Joseph. II. Title. Accn Nos : F4533 513 HAM

Hamilton, Norman Set theory and the structure of arithmetic / Norman Hamilton and Joseph Landin.-Boston: Allyn and Bacon Inc, 1962.

xi,264p 1.Mathematics I. Landin, Joseph. II. Title. Accn Nos : F4704 513 HAR

Hastung, Maurice L. Seeing through arithmetic / Maurice L. Hartung, Henry Van Engen and Lois Knowles.-Chicago: Scott, Foresman and Company, n.d 320p 1.Mathematics I. Engen, Henry Van. II. Knowles, Lois. III. Title. Accn Nos : F2353 513 HAR (CH)

Hartung, Maurice L. Seeing through airthmatics2 / Maurice L. Hartung.-- Chicago: Scott , foresman, 1963. 216p. 1.Mathmatics I. Title. Accn Nos : F4518 513 HEN

Henderson, Kenneth B. Modern geometry its structure and function / Kenneth B. Henderson, Robert E. Pingry and George A. Robinson.-- New York: McGraw Hill Book Co, 1962. xiv,552p 1.Mathematics I. Pingry, Robert E. II. Robinson, George A. III. Title. Accn Nos : F2281 513 JAI

Jain, Salig Ram New standard geometry / Salig Ram Jain.-Delhi: Imperial, 1962. 380p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3524 513 JOL

Jolly, Renu L'arithmetique nouvelle / Renu Jolly.-Paris: Fernand nathan Editeur, 1961. 319p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F3319 513 JOL

Jolly, Renu L'arithmetique nouvelle / Renu Jolly.-Paris: Fernand Nathan Edideur, n.d 190p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F3317 513 JOL

Jolly, R.F. Synthetic geometry / R.F. Jolly.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1969. xiv,140p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Accn Nos : 73850 513 KAZ

Kazarinoff, Nicholas D. Geometric inequalities / Nicholas D. Kazarinoff; illustrated by Florence W.Conchrane.-- New York: L.W. Singer Company, 1961. 132p (New mathematical library) 1.Mathematics I. Cochrane, Florence W. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45269

513 KEE

Keedy, Mervin L. Geometry: a modern introduction / Mervin L. Keedy and Charles W. Nelson.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Pub, 1965. ix,324p. (Addison-Wesley series in science and mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Nelson, Charles W. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 70760 513 KEE

Solutions for exploring geometry / L. Keedy Marvin...[et al.]-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc., 1982. 139p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Keedy Marvin L. II. Jameson, Richards. III. Smith, Standy A. IV. Mould, Eugene. Accn Nos : 60409 513 KIN

Kinney, Lucien B. Holt arithmetic / Lucien B. Kinney, Gerald W. Brown and M. Russell Blythe.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston Inc, 1961. x,518p 1.Mathematics I. Brown, Gerald W. II. Blythe, M. Russell. III. Title. Accn Nos : 8553 513 KIN

Kinney, Lucien B. Holt arithmetic / Lucien B. Kinney, Gerald W. Brown and M. Russell Blythe.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc, 1961. ix, 433p. Includes index 1.Mathematics I. Brown, Gerald W. II. Blythe, M. Russell. III. Title. Accn Nos : 9225 513 LAC

Lachhman Singh New school geometry for higher secondary

classes / Lachhman, Dhani Ram Gaur and R.C. Dass.-- Delhi: Sumer Books & Co, 1964. 344p 1.Mathematics I. Gaur, Dhani Ram. II. Dass, R.C. III. Title. Accn Nos : 34438 513 LAM

Lambacher, Schweizer Geometric, part-1 / Schweizer Lambacher.-Hamburg: Ernst Klett Verlag Stuttgart, n.d iv,92p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 43015 513 LAM

Lambacher, Schweizer Geometric, Part-2 / Schweizer Lambacher.-Hamburg: Ernst Klett Verlag Stuttgart, n.d iv,109-254p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 19801 513 LAR

Larsen, Harold D. Arithmetic for colleges / Harold D. Larsen. -- New York: The Macmillan Company, 1956. xi,275p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 10450 513 LAY

Lay, L. Clark Arithmetic: An introduction to mathematics / L. Clark Lay.-- New York: The Macmillan Company, 1962. xiii,323p (A series of undergraduates mathematics texts) (CArl B. Allen Doerfer) 1.Mathematics I. Doerfer, B. Allen. II. Title Accn Nos : 9257 513 LEW

Lewis, Harry Geometry: A contemporary course / Harry Lewis.-- London: D. Van Nostrand Compay Inc, n.d; xii,626p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 6658 513 LEW

Lewis, Harry Geometry: A contemporary course / Harry Lewis.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand Company Inc, 1968. xi,665p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 64035 513 LIN

Lindgren, Harry


Geometric dissections / Harry Lindgren.-New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand Comp Inc, 1964. ix,165p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53632 513 LOS

Arithmetic in the elementary schools.-- Los Angeles: Los Angeles City Schools, 1958. 438p 1.Mathematics I. Los Angeles City Schools. Accn Nos : 36259

513 LUE

Lueck, William R. Arithmetical and algebraic disabilities of students pursuing first year college physics / William R. Lueck.-- Lowa: University of Lowa, [n.d.] 43p (University of lowa: Studies in education). V1ol.3 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 11516 513 MAM

Mamelak, Joseph S. Textbook on analytical geometry / Joseph S. Mamelak.-- New York: Pergamon Press, 1964. viii,247p. Include index 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 65579 513 MAX

Maxewell, E.A. Deductive geometry / E.A. Maxewell.-- New York: Pergamon Press, 1962. 176p (This book is in the addison-wesley world student series edition) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 65582 513 MAX

Maxwell, E.A. Deductive geometry / E.A. Maxwell.-Paris: Pergamon Press, 1962. ix,175p (This book is in the addisonwesley series in the mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45410 513 MAX

Maxewell, E.A. Deductive geometry / E.A. Maxewell.-- New York: Pergamon Press, 1962. x,175p (This book is in the addison-wesley series in the mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45277

513 MCJ

McNally, J. Everyday words for numbers / J. McNally and W. Murray.-- London: Wills & Hepwerth, 1967. 46p 1.Mathematics I. Murray, W. II. Title. Accn Nos : 79735 513 MCM (CH)

Mcmillan, J More words for numbers / J Mcmillan.-England: Ladybirds books, 1966. 52p. 1.Astronomy I. Title. Accn Nos : 79734 513 MCN(C-H)

McNally, J. Words we needs for numbers / J. McNally.-Germany: Ladybirds books, 1966. 52p. (2). Index 1.Children Litrature I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 79733 513 MER

Merfoon, Elda L. Moving ahead in arithmetic: Teacher edition / Elda L. Merfoon and Leo J. Bruckner.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. 192p 1.Mathematics I. Bruckner, Leo J. II. Title. Accn Nos : 20484 513 MES

Meserve, Bruce E. Fundamentals of geometry / Bruce E. Meserve and Joseph A. Izzo.-- London: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1969. vii,239p (This book is in the addisonwesley series in the mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Izzo, Joseph A. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 72906 513 MOI

Moise, Edwin E. Elementary geometry from on advanced stand point / Edwin E. Moise.-- Delhi: B.I. Publications, 1963. x,415p (This book is in the addison-wesley science and mathematics education series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 86939 513 MOI

Moise, Edwin E. Elementary geometry from an advanced standpoint / Edwin E. Moise.-- Delhi: BIT Publications, 1963. x,415p (This book is in the addison-wesley series in the mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 54224

513 MOI

Moise, Edwin E. Elementary geometry from an advanced standpoint / Edwin E. Moise.-Massachusetts: Addison Wesley, 1963. x,412p (Addison-wesley science and mathematics education series) (ed. by Richard S. Pieters) 1.Mathematics I. Pieters, Richard S. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F4453

513 MOI

Moise, Edwin E. Elementary geometry from an advanced standpoint / Edwin E. Moise.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1963. x,419p (Addison-wesley science and mathematics education series) (ed. by Richard S. Pieters) 1.Mathematics I. Pieters, Richard S. II. Title Accn Nos : F4663


513 MOI

Moise, Edwin E. Elementary geometry from an advanced standpoint / Edwin E. Moise.-Massachusetts: Addsion-wesley Publishing Company, 1963. x,419p (Addision-wesley science and mathematics education series) (ed. by Richard S. Pieters) 1.Mathematics I. Pieters, Richard S. II. Title Accn Nos : F7414


513 MOI

Moise, Edwin E. Elementary geometry from an advanced standpoint / Edwin E. Moise.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1963. x,419p (Addision-wesley science and mathematics education series) (ed. by Richard S. Pieters) 1.Mathematics I. Pieters, Richard S. II. Title Accn Nos : 43154


513 MOI

Moise, Edwin E. Elementary geometry from an advanced standpoint / Edwin E. Moise.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1963. x,419p (Addision-wesley science and mathematics education series) (ed. by Richard S. Pieters) 1.Mathematics I. Pieters, Richard S. II. Title Accn Nos : F4454


513 MOI

Moise, Edwin E. Elementary geometry from an advanced standpoint / Edwin E. Moise.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1963. x,419p (Addison-wesley science and mathematics education series). Include Index 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45271

513 MOI

Moise, Edwin E. Geometry / Edwin E. Moise and Floyd L. Downs.-- London: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc, 1965. xiii,575p. (Series in Science and Mathematics Education). Includes Index 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics (Geometry) I. Downs, Floyd L. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F5704 513 MOI

Moise, Edwin Geometry / Edwin E. Moise and Floyd L. Downs.-- New York: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1964. xiii,578p (This book is in the addisonwesley world student series edition) 1.Mathematics I. Downs Floyd L. E. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 57198 513 MOI

Moise, Edwin E. Geometry / Edwin E. Moise and Floyd L. Downs.-- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publshing Company, 1967. various pagination (Teacher's editions) (ed. by Gerhard Wichurd) 1.Mathematics I. Downs, Floyd L. II. Wichurd, Gerhard. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 65186 513 MOI

Moise, Edwin E. Geometry / Edwin E. Moise and Floyd L. Downs.-- Massachuselts: Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 1964. xiii,578p (Addison-wesley series in science and mathematics education) (Richards S. Pieters) 1.Mathematics I. Downs, Floyd L. II. Pieters Richards S. III. Title (Series).

Accn Nos : 86940 513 MOI

Moise, Edwin A. Geometry / Edwin A. Moise.-- London: Addison Wesley, 1964. xii,577p (Addison-Wesley world student series) 1.Mathematics I. Downs, Floyd L. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 53432

513 MOR

Morris, I.H. Geometrical drawing / I.H. Morris.-Bombay: Orient Longmans, 1960. 132p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3525 513 MOR

Morgenthaler, M. La der niere, etape / M. Morgenthaler and J. Ehrhard.-- S.N.: Libraria Istra, n.d; 322p 1.Mathematics I. Ehrhard, J. II. Title. Accn Nos : F3343 513 MUR

Murray, W. Addition made easy / W. Murray.-Loughborough: Ladybird books ltd., 1967. 52p. (The ladybird basic arithmatic series no1) 1.Mathematics 2.(ch) literature I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 79736 513 NAT

Geometry / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1969. iii,143+9p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F8298 513 NAT

Geometry / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, [n.d.]; xiii,25-608p 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : 3490 513 NAT

Geometry / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1960. 31-633vp.; Part 2 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : 17705

513 NAT

Geometry / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1961. 315p (School mathematics study group)(13) 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. III. Series. Accn Nos : 3483

513 NAT

Geometry / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1961. 315p (School of mathematics study group)(13) 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. III. Series. Accn Nos : 3482 513 NAT

Geometry / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1961. xxi,253p (School of mathematics study group)(15) 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. III. Series. Accn Nos : 3487 513 NAT

Geometry / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1961. 318-633p (School of mathematics study group)(14) 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. III. Series. Accn Nos : 3484 513 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Geometry / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1961. 315p (School of mathematics study group)(13) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 36143 513 NAT

Geometry book / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1969. 144p.Vol.2 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Education Research and Training. III. NCERT Mathematics Groups, New Delhi. Accn Nos : F8297


National Council of Educaional Research and Training Geometry book-2 for class - 6 / National Council of Educational Research and Training. -- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1969. iii, 144p. Vol. 2. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F8261

513 NAT

Geometry book I / NCERT 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : F7685 513 NAT

Geometry: Mathematics for middle schools / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1967. v,114p. Part I 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F8633 513 NAT

National Scientific Foundation Geometry: teacher's commentery, part 1 / National Scientific Foundation.-- London: Yale University Press, 1960. xxi, 235p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 35601 513 NAT

Geometry: Teacher's commentary / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1961. xiii,255-608p (School Mathematics study group). Part 2 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. III. Series. Accn Nos : 3488 513 NAT

Geometry unit-15 / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1961. xxi,253p (School mathematics study group) 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. III. Series. Accn Nos : 3485

513 NAT

Textbook of algebra for secondary schools / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, [n.d.] Various paginations (Students text) (14). Part 2 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. III. Series. Accn Nos : 3489

513 NEW

Arithmetic book / The Publisher.-- New Zealand: School Publication Branch, 1954. 205p. Vol.1 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics Accn Nos : 15558 513 NEW

New Jersey, Board of Education Arithmetic in our school: a guide to inprovement of instruction for grades 7 and 8 / Board of Education, New Jersey.-- New Jersey: Board of Education, 1957. vii, 54p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 36231 513 NIC

Nichols, Eugene D. Arithmetic of directed numbers: A programmed unit / Eugene D. Nicholks, Robert Kalin and Hanary Garland.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1962. 409p 1.Mathematics I. Kalin, Robert. II. Garland, Hanary. III. Title. Accn Nos : 18773 513 NIC

Nichols, Eugene D. Introduction to coordinate geometry: a programed unit / Eugene D. Nichols, Robert Kalin and Henry Garland.-- Boston: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. iv,470p 1.Mathematics I. Kalin, Robert. II. Garland, Henry. III. Title. Accn Nos : 3522 513 NUF

Nuffield Mathematics Project Environmental geometry / Nuffield Mathematics Projects.-- London: Nuffield Foundations, 1969.

vii,55p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 73930 513 NUF

Nuffield Mathematics Projects Shape and size / Nuffield Mathematics Projects.-- New York: John Murray, n.d 101p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 73928

513 ORI

Oriol, R. Arithmetique et algebra / R. Oriol.-Paris: Dunod, 1958. 246p (Bibliotheque de Leniseignement technique) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F3302 513 OWE

Owen, L.G. Indian primary arithmetics / L.G. Owen.-Calcutta: Macmillan and Company, 1959. viii,101p. Vol.3 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 8812 513 OWE(CH)

Owen, L. G. Indian primary arithmetics / L.G. Owen.-Bombay: Macmillan and Company, 1962. Vo..1.(89p). Vol. 1 1.CH)Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 19896 513 PER

Perfect, Hazel Topics in geometry / Hazel Perfect.-Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1963. viii,153p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45404 513 PUG

Pugibet, C.H. Arithmetique / C.H. Pugibet.--15th ed-Paris: Librairie Arm and Colin, 1954. iv,348p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 35209 513 RAN

Ransom, William R. Geometry growing / William R. Ransom.--

Washington: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1957. iv,34p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45265 513 RAS

Rastogi, J. P. Ank ganit darpan (HIN) / J. P. Rastogi & K. L. Agarwal., N. D. 490p. 1.Mathematics I. Agarwal, K. L. II. Title. Accn Nos : 25978 513 RIC

Richards, Haydn Testing junior arithmetic second year age 8, 9 / Haydn Richards.-- London: Cassell, 1958. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 8701 513 RIN

Ringenberg, Lawrence Informal geometry / Lawrence Ringenberg.-New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1967. xi,151p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53794 513 ROS

Rosskopf, Myron F. Modern mathematics: Geometry solution key / Myron F. Rosskopf, Harry Sitomer and George Lenchner.-- New Jersey: Silver Burdentt Company, 1966. 299p. 1.Mathematics I. Sitomer, Harry. II. Lenchner, George. III. Title. Accn Nos : 45272 513 ROW

Geometric exercises in paper folding / ed. by T. Sundara Rows, Wooster Woodruff Beman and David Eugene Smith.-- Ilinois: The Open Court Publishing Company, 1958. xiv,148p 1.Mathematics I. Rows, T. Sundara. II. Beman, Wooster Woodruff. III. Smith, David Eugene. Accn Nos : 43156 513 RUS

Russell, Bertrand A.W. Foundations of geometry / Bertrand A.W. Russell.-- New York: Dover, 1956. 201p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 66163 513 RUS

Rusinoff, S.E. Shop geometry and trigonometry / S.E.

Rusinoff.-- Chicago: American Technical Society, 1949. viii,210p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3655 513 RYD

Ryden, Frank Norgren Bjurulf Folk skolan's rakne bok sjatte klassens kurs / Frank Norgren Bjurulf Ryden.-Norstedt: Stockolm, 1953. 117p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 35457 513 SAC

Sachdeva, S.S. Foundations of modern geometry / S.S. Sachdeva.-- New Delhi: Arya Book Deport, 1968. viii,472p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 67188 513 SAN

Arithmetic grades one through of study san diego country California: Superintendent Diego Country, 1959. 88p 1.Mathematics I. San Diego, Accn Nos : F11894

eight: Course schools.-of Schools, San

Country Board of Education.

513 SCH

Schacht, John F. Contemporary geometry / John F. Schacht, Roderick Melennan and Alice L. Griswold.-New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc, 1962. xii,532p 1.Mathematics I. Melennan, Roderick. II. Griswold, Alice L. III. Title. Accn Nos : 34480 513 SCH

Geometry.-- New Haven: Yale University, 1961. 318 to 633p (Student text) (14). Part II 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : F5502 513 SCH

Geometry.-- New Haven: Yale University, 1961. xxi,253p (eachers comentary) (15). Part I 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : 34442 513 SCH

Geometry.-- New Haven: Yale University, 1961. xiii,256+607p (Teacher's commentary) (16) Part II

1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : 34443 513 SCH

Geometry.-- New Haven: Yale University Press, 1961. 315p (Student's text) (13). Part I 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : 37819

513 SCH

Geometry.-- New Haven: Yale University, 1961. 315p (Student text) (13). Part I 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : F5501 513 SCH

Geometry student text / School Mathematics Study Group.-- New Haven: Yale University, 1961. Various pagination (Student text) (14). Part II 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : 18095 513 SEE

Seeing through arithmetic: 1 workbook edition(ENG) / Maurice L. Hartung... [at.all].-- Chicago: Scott, Foresman, 1964. 256p. 1.Mathematics- Arithmetic I. Hartung, Maurice. Accn Nos : 31984 513 SEN

Sengenhorst, Paul Geometrie I / Paul Sengenhorst.-- Hamburg: Ernst Klett Verlag Stutgart, [n.d.] iv,108p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 42842 513 SEY

Seymour, F. Eugene Geometry for high schools / F. Eugene Seymour, Paul James Smith and Edwin Douglas. -- New York: The Macmillan Company, 1949. xi,484p 1.Mathematics I. Smith, Paul James. II. Douglas, Edwin. III. Title. Accn Nos : 45275 513 SHE

Shea, James T. Working with number: self- instruction in

arithmetic book 4(ENG) / James T. Shea.-Austin: Steck Company, 1957. 128p. 1.Mathematics- Arithmetic I. Title. Accn Nos : 41671 513 SID

Siddons, A.W. New geometry / A.W. Siddons and K.S. Snell. --Ed. 2nd-- Cambridge: Cambridge University, 1959. xvi,325p 1.Mathematics I. Snell, K.S. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3499 513 SKO

Skolnik, David Dynamic plane geometry / David Skolnik and Miles C. Hortley.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1950. x,289p 1.Mathematics I. Hortley, Miles C. II. Title.

Accn Nos : F52 513 SKO

Skolnik, David Dynamic plane geometry / David Skolnik and Miles C. Hortley.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand Co., 1950. xii,289p 1.Mathematics I. Hortley, Miles C. II. Title.

Accn Nos : F51 513 SMI

Smith, James A. Arithmetic of the whole numbers: supplement / James A. Smith.-- [s.l.]: Encyclopaedia Britannica Press, 1962. ii,50p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 17123 513 STE

Stern, Catherine Children discover arithmetic: An introduction to structural arithmetic / Catherine Stern, foreword by Marguerite Lehr. -- New York: Harper and Brothers, 1949. xxiv,295p 1.Mathematics I. Lehr, Marguerite. II. Title. Accn Nos : 8265 513 STO

Stokes, C. Newton Arithmetic in my world / C. Newton Stokes, Belle Adams, Arthur R. DeLong.-- Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc, 1958. 336p. Vol. 6 1.Mathematics I. Adams, Belle. II. DeLong, Arthur R. III. Title. Accn Nos : F15652 513 STO

Stocks, E. Newton Arithmetic in my world / E. Newton Stocks, Belle Adams, Ruth H. Tuttle.-- Boston: Allyn

and Bacon, Inc, 1958. 272p 1.Mathematics I. Adams, Belle. II. Tuttle, Ruth H. III. Title. Accn Nos : F18649 513 STO

Stokes, C. Newton Arithmetic in my world / C. Newton Stokes, Belle Adams and Esther R. Unkel.-- Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1958. 336p. Vol. 5 1.Mathematics I. Adams, Belle. II. Unkel, Esther R. III. Title. Accn Nos : F15651 513 STO

Stokes, C. Newton Arithmetic in my World / C. Newton Stokes, Belle Adams and Esther R. Unkel.-- Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1958. 312p. Vol. 4 1.Mathematics I. Adams, Belle. II. Unkel Esther R. III. Title. Accn Nos : F15650 513 STO

Stokes, C. Newton Arithmetic in my world 7 / C. Newton Stokes, Paul J. Whiteley and Humphrey C. Jackson.-- Boston: Allyn And Bacon, 1958. 384p. Vol. 7 1.Mathematics I. Whiteley, Paul J. II. Jackson, Humphrey C. III. Title. Accn Nos : F15653 513 STO

Stockes, C. Newton Arithmetic in my world / C. Newton, Paul J. Whiteley and Anne Bealtie.-- Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1958. 383p. Vol.8 1.Mathematics I. Whiteley, Paul J. II. Bealtie, Anne. III. Title. Accn Nos : F15654 513 STO

Stokes, C. Newton Arithmetic in my world / C. Newton Stokes, Belle Adams and Dorothy F. Kendall.-Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1958. 168p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Adams, Belle. II. Kendall, Dorothy F. III. Title. Accn Nos : F15648 513 STO

Stokes, C. Newton Arithmetic in my world / C. Newton Stokes, Belle Adams and Marg B. Bauer.-- Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1958. 140p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Adams, Belle. II. Bauer, Marg B. III. Title.

Accn Nos : F15647 513 STO

Stokes, C. Newton Arithmetic in my world / C. Newton Stokes, Anne Beattie and Ruth I Hoffman.-- Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1959. 480p. Vol. 9 1.Mathematics I. Beattie, Anne. II. Hoffman, Ruth I. III. Title. Accn Nos : F15655

513 STO

Stokes, C. Newton Arithmetic in my world 3 / C. Newton Stokes, Belle Adams and Ruth H. Tuttle.-Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1958. 312p. Vol. 3 1.Mathematics I. Adams, Belle. II. Tuttle, Ruth H. III. Title. Accn Nos : F15649 513 STO

Stone, Georg Norton How to boost your marks in geometry / Georg Norton Stone.-- New York: Macfadden Booster Book, 1963. 157p (A Macfadelen Booster Book) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45278 513 SUL

Sullivan, Marjorie Doyle Programmed math for adults / Marjorie Doyle Sullivan.-- New York: McGraw-Hill Book, 1966. various pages. V. 6 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 54334 513 SUR

Suryanarayanan, K. Our model arithmetic book / K. Suryanarayanan and T. Rajagopalan.--2nd ed.-New Delhi: Cambridge, 1964. 223p. V. 1 1.Mathematics I. Rajagopalan, T. II. Title. Accn Nos : 18432 513 SUR

Narayanan, K. Surya Our model arithmetic / K. Surya Narayanan and T. Rajagopalan.-- New Delhi: Cambridge Publishing House, 1963. vi,128p. Vol. 7 1.Mathematics I. Rajagopalan, T. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45402 513 TAY(CH)

Taylor Golden mean airthmatics / Taylor and

Burley.-- Exter: Wheaton, 1953. Junior book 2 1.Mathmatics I. Burley. II. Title. Accn Nos : 35439 513 THO

Thompson, J.E. Geometry for the practical man / J.E. Thompson.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand Co, [n.d.]; xvi,316p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45273 513 TUL

Tuller, Annita Modern introduction to geometries / Annita Tuller.-- New Jersey: D.Van Nostrand Company, 1967. xiii,201p (The University series in undergraduate mathematics) (John L Kelley) 1.Mathematics I. Kelley, John L. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 69595 513 TUL

Tuller, Annita Modern introduction to geometries / Annita Tuller.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand Co, 1967. xii,201p (The university series in undergraduate mathematics) (John L. Kelley) 1.Mathematics I. Kelley, John L. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 56430 513 TUL

Tuller, Annita Modern introduction to geometries / Annita Tuller.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand Co, 1967. xiii,201p (The university series in undergraduate mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 73922 513 UNI

Arithmetic with frams / The Publisher.-Illinois: University of Illinois, 1960. various pagination (Arithmetic teacher)(3) 1.Mathematics I. Series. Accn Nos : F12463 513 URB

Urbancek, Joseph J. Learning to use arithmetic / Joseph J. Urbancek, Francesca Urbancek; illustrated by Betsy Van Heest.-- Boston: D.C. Heath and Company, 1959. 144p (Work book teachers edition). Vol. 8 1.Mathematics I. Urbancek, Francesca. II. Heest, Betsy Van. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 35785

513 VIR

Virendra Kumar Vedic ankganit (HIN) / Virendra Kumar and Shailendra Bhushan.-- New Delhi: Granth Akademi, 2002. 154p. ISBN 81-85826-50-1 1.Ankganit I. Shailendra Bhushan. II. Title. Accn Nos : 122475

513 WAL

Walters, G.W. Deductive geometry for schools / G.W. Walters.-- London: Macmillan & Co, 1961. xii,356p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45274 513 WAL

Walker, A. New course in geometry / A. Walker and J. Millar.-- London: Longmans & Company, 1961. various pagination (This book is in the addison-wesley series in the mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Millar, J. II. Title(Series). Accn Nos : 3509 513 WAL

Walker, A. New course in geometry / A. Walker and J. Millar.-- London: Longmans, Green, 1959. ix,479p. Part II 1.Mathematics I. Millar, J. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45401 513 WAL

Walker, W.J. Shorter school geometry / W.J. Walker.-London: Mills & Boon Limited, 1948. viii,272p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3508 513 WIL

Williamson, R. S. Vital primary arithmetic / R. S. Williamson.-- London: Macmillan, 1949. 47p. Tacher's book -1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 17420 513 WIN

Winston arithmetic practice 4 (ENG).-Philadelphia: The John C. Winston, 1957. 144p.

1.Mathematics- arithmetic Accn Nos : 17721 513 WYL

Wylie, C.R. Foundations of geometry / C.R. Wylie.-- New York: Mc Graw Hill, 1964. viii,338p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 52759

513 WYO

Wyoming course of study for arithmetic grade 1-8.-- [s.l.]: State Department of Education, 1951. 135p. 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : 90168 513 YAL

Yale, Paul B. Geometry and symmetry / Paul B. Yale.-- San Francisco: Holden Day, 1968. xi,288p (Holden day series in mathematics) (Earl A. Coddington) 1.Mathematics I. Coddington, Earl A. II. Title Accn Nos : 63285


513 YOU

Youse, Bevan K. Arithmetic a modern approach / Bevan K. Youse.-- New Jersey: Printice Hall, 1963. xiv,160p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 15624 513 YOU

Youse, Bevan K. Arithmetic a modern approach / Bevan K. Youse.-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1963. xiv,160p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F5619


Howes, Vernon E. Self teaching intermediate algebra / Vernon E. Howes and Roy Dubisch.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1966. ix,446p 1.Mathematics I. Dubisch, Roy. II. Title. Accn Nos : 66157 514.2 BOU

Bourgin, D.G. Modern algebraic topology / D.G. Bourgin.--

New York: Macmillan, 1963. 544p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45212 514.2 DEO

Deo, Satya Algebraic topology: a primer / Satya Deo.-New Delhi: Hindustan Book Agency, 2003. xi,373p ISBN 81-85931-44-5 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 123003 514.2 HIL

Studies in modern topology / ed. by P.J. Hilton.-- New York: Mathematical Association of America, Inc, 1968. 212p (Studies in mathematics). Vol. 5 1.Mathematics I. Hilton, P.J. II. Series. Accn Nos : 72264 514.322 MAN

Manheim, Jerome H. Genesis of point set topology / Jerome H. Manheim.-- Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1964. xiii,165p (Mathematical division) (ed. by W.J. Langford) 1.Mathematics 2.Topology I. Langford, W.J. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 10616 514.4 BRA

Brahmanand Theory of aggregates of real numbers / Brahmanand.-- Meerut: Kedar Nath Ram Nath, 1964. viii,347p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45314 514.4 BRA

Brahma Nand Theory of functions of a real variable and uniform convergence / Brahma Nand.-- Meerut: Kedar Nath, 1964. 578p. Part II 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45311 514.4 NIR

Nirvikar, Saran Theory of functions of a real variable / Saran Nirvikar.-- Allahabad: Pothishala, 1959. 248p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45388 514.46 STA

Stanaitis, O.E. Introduction to sequences, series and improper integrals / O.E. Stanaitis.-- San

Francisco: Holden Day, 1967. vii,210p (Mathesis series) (Kenneth O May) 1.Mathematics I. May, Kenneth O. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 64136 514.5 BAN

Bansi Lal New elementary plane trigonometry / Bansi Lal.--8th ed-- Delhi: Atma Ram, 1960. xv,250p 1.Mathematics 2.Trigonometry I. Title. Accn Nos : 3464

514.5 BRI

Brink, Raymond W. Plane trigonometry / Raymond W. Brink.--Ed. Rev.-- New York: Appleton-century company, [n.d.]; xii,226p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45376 514.5 GOF

Goff, Robert R. Work and test book in plane trigonometry / Robert R. Goff, Gordon R. Mirick and George Walker Mullins.-- New York: Row, Peterson, [n.d.]; various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Mirick, Gordon R. II. Mullins, George Walker. III. Title. Accn Nos : 45355 514.5 GRA

Granville, William Anthony Plane trigonometry and four-place tables / William Anthony Gronville, rev. by Percey F. Smith, James S. Mikesh.-- Calcutta: Oxford & IBH Publishing Co, 1965. various pagination (Mathematical texts for colleges) 1.Mathematics I. Smith, Percey F. II. Mikesh, James S. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 53682 514.5 GRE

Grewal, B.S. Textbook on trigonometry / B.S. Grewal.-4th ed-- Ludhiana: Sharda Brothers, n.d; 183p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 64605 514.5 JOH

Johnston, C.L. Plane trigonometry: a new approach / C.L. Johnston.-- New York: Appleton-CenturyCrofts, 1970. x,112p. (The appleton-century mathematics series) (Raymond W Brink) 1.Mathematics I. Brink, Raymond W. II. Title Accn Nos : 72851


514.5 KEL

Kells, Lyman M. Plane trigonometry / Lyman M. Kells, Willis F. Kern and James R. Bland.--3rd ed.-- New York: Mcgraw Hill Books Company, 1951. xi,118p 1.Mathematics - trigonometry I. Kern, Willes F. II. Bland, James R. III. Title. Accn Nos : 11063

514.5 KEL

Kells, Lyman M. Plane trigonometry / Lyman M. Kells, Willis F. Kern and James R. Bland.--3rd ed-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1951. 118p 1.Mathematics I. Kern, Willis F. II. Bland, James R. III. Title. Accn Nos : 45336 514.5 MAT

Mathur, S.M. New textbook of higher plane trigonometry / S.M. Mathur.-- Bombay: Asia Publishing House, 1967. 234p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45327 514.5 NIL

Niles, Nathan O. Plane trigonometry / Nathan O. Niles.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1959. xi,234p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53426 514.5 SPA

Sparks, Fred W. Plane trigonometry / Fred W. Sparks and Paul Rees.--Ed. 5th-- Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1965. ix,225p (Prentice-Hall Mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Rees, Paul. II. Title (Series).

514.5 SPA

Sparks, Fred W. Plane trigonometry / Fred W. Sparks and Paul K. Rees.--Ed. 5th-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1965. ix,225p (Prentice-Hall Mathematics series) With Table and Index 1.Mathematics I. Rees, Paul K. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 53639 514.7 WAL

Wallace, Andrew H. Differential topology first steps / Andrew H. Wallace.-- New York: W.A. Benjamin, 1968. xi129p

1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 67449 DLDI 514.742 ADD

Addison, Paul S Fractals and chaos: An illustrated course / Paul S Addison.-- Overseas Press: New Delhi, 2005. xi,256p. Includes index ISBN 81-88689-10-6 1.Fractals I. Title. Accn Nos : 126686 514.9 AYR

Ayres, Frank Theory and problems of plane and spherical trigonometry / Frank Ayres.-- New York: Schaum, 1954. 207p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 34992 514 BAN

Lal, Bansi New elementary plane trigonometry / Bansi Lal.--Ed. 9th-- Delhi: Atma Ram and Sons, 1962. xvi,376p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45315 514 BRE

Brewster, G.W. Trigonometry / G.W. Brewster.-- S.L.: S.N., 1933. viii,304p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 68127 514 BRI

Brixey, John C. Modern trigonometry: An analytical aproach / John C. Brixey and Richard V. Andree.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1955. xii,209p 1.Mathematics I. Andree, Richard V. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45398 514 BRO

Brown, Ronald Topology: a geometric account of general topology, homotopy types and the fundamental graepold / Ronald Brown.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1988. 460p (Ellis Horwood series in mathematics and its applications/ ed. by G.M. Bell) 1.Mathematics 2.Topology I. Bell, G.M. II. Title Accn Nos : 108739 514 BRU

Bruce, William J.


Analytic trigonometry / William J. Bruce.-Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1968. xi,343p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 55622 514 BRU

Bruce, William J. Analytic trigonometry / William J. Bruce.-Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1968. xi,434p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 68122

514 BRU

Bruce, William J. Analytic trigonometry / William J. Bruce.-Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1963. xi,343p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 64858 514 CRA

Crathorne, Arthur R. Brief trigonometry: A text in twenty assignments / Arthur R. Crathorne and Gerald E. Moore.-- New Delhi: Henry Holt and Company, 1955. iv,124p 1.Mathematics I. Moore, Gerald E. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45377 514 CRO

Crown, A.W. Language of triangles: A secondary school trigonometry / A.W. Crown.-- Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1964. x,115p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53421 514 CRO

Crown, A.W. Language of triangles: A secondary school trigonometry / A.W. Crown.-- Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1964. vii,156p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53422 514 CRO

Crown, A.W. Language of triangles: A secondary school trigonometry / A.W. Crown.-- Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1964. x,115p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45360 514 CRO

Crown, A.W. Language of triangles: A secondary school trigonometry / A.W. Crown.-- Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1964. vii,156p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Accn Nos : 45363 514 CRO

Crowder, Norman A. Trigonometry: A first course / Norman A. Crowder and Grace C. Martin.-- London: The English University Press, 1962. ix,250p 1.Mathematics I. Martin, Grace C. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45353

514 CRO

Crowdis, David G. Trigonometry: a functional approach / David G. Crowdis and Brandon W. Wheeler.-- New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1971. viii, 320p. 1.Mathematics I. Wheeler, Brandon W. II. Title. Accn Nos : 74474 514 DAD

Dadourian, H.M. Plane trigonometry: With table / H.M. Dadourian.-- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1955. ix,109+84p (Addison-Wesley mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45341 514 DOD

Dodge, Clayton W. Circular functions / Clayton W. Dodge.-New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc, 1966. 170p (Prentice-Hall mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45339 DLDI 514 DRO

Drooyan, Irving Trigonometry: an Drooyan and Walter Macmillan Company, 1.Mathematics I. Accn Nos : 68382

analytic approach / Irving Hadel.-- New York: 1967. x,358p. Hadel, Walter. II. Title.

514 DUR

Durell, C.V. Advanced trigonometry / C.V. Durell and A. Robson.-- London: G. Bell and Sons, 1959. viii,236p 1.Mathematics I. Robson, A. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45393 514 FOM

Fomenko, A.T. Variational problems in topology: the geometry of length, area and volume / A.T.

Fomenko.-- New York: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1990. x,225p ISBN 2-88124-740-7 1.Mathematics 2.Topology I. Title. Accn Nos : 112400 514 FOR

Fort, Tomlinson Trigonometry and the elementary transcendental functions / Tomlinson Fort.-New York: The Macmillan Company, 1963. viii,216p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45303 514 HAL

Hall, H.S. Elementary trigonometry / H.S. Hall and S.R. Knight.-- London: Macmillan and Company, 1960. xv,443p 1.Mathematics I. Knight, S.R. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45397 514 HAL

Hall, Dick Wick Modern trigonometry / Dick Wick Hall and L.O. Kattsoff.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1961. x,236p 1.Mathematics I. Kattsoff, L.O. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45319 514 HAR

Harding, Arthur M. Plane trigonometry / Arthur M. Harding and George W. Mullins.-- New York: The Macmillan Company, 1937. Various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Mullins, George W. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45390 514 HOR

Horner, Donald R. Trigonometry: A study of certain real functions / Donald R. Horner.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1968. xiii,303p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 60403 514 HOR

Horner, Donald R. Trigonometry: a study of certain real functions / Donald R. Horner.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1968. xiii,303p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 71681 514 HU

Hu, Sze-Tsen Elements of general topology / Sze-Tsen Hu. -- San Francisco: Holden-day, 1964. x,214p (Holden-day series in mathematics)

(Ear A. Coddington) 1.Mathematics I. Coddington, Ear A. II. Title Accn Nos : 58932


514 KEL

Kelly, John L. Algebra: a modern introduction / John L. Kelly.--3rd ed.-- Princeton: D. Van Nostrand, 1965. viii,335p. (University series in undergraduate mathematics / edited by John L. Kelly) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66170

514 LEW

Lewis, Donald J. Introduction to algebra / Donald J. Lewis. -- New York: Harper and Row, [n.d.] xi,318p (A Harper international student reprint) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66816 514 LON

Loney, S. L. Plane trigonometry Part 1 / S. L. Loney.-London: Cambridge university press, 1955. xiii,327p. Part 1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 113636 514 LOV

Lovaglia, Anthony R. Foundations of algebra and analysis: An elementary approach / Anthony r. Lovaglia and Gerald C. Preston.-- New York: Harper & Row Publishers, 1966. xi,516p 1.Mathematics I. Preston, Gerald C. II. Title. Accn Nos : 63182 514 MAN

Mancill, Julian D. Modern analytical trigonometry / Julian D. Mancill.-- New York: Dodd, Meacd and Company, 1964. 329p (A Feffer and Simons international university edition) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45340 514 MCF

Me Fadden Modern trignometry / Me Fadden, J. William Moore and Wendell I. Smith.-- New York: McGraw Hill Book Company, 1965. xii,671p 1.Mathematics I. Moore, J. William. II. Smith, Wendell I. III. Title. Accn Nos : 22494 514 MCF

McFadden, Myra Modern trigonometry: A program for self

instruction / Myra McFadden.-- New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co, 1965. xiii,672p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45366 514 MEN

Mendelson, Bert Introduction to topology / Bert Mendelson. --3rd ed-- Delhi: CBS Publishers & Distributors, 1985. ix,206p 1.Mathematics 2.Topology I. Title. Accn Nos : 102330 514 MIL

Miller, Kenneth S. Elementary and advanced trigonometry / Kenneth S. Miller and John B. Walsh.-- New York: Harper and Brothers Publishers, 1962. xi349p (Harper's mathematics series) (Charles A Hutchinson) 1.Mathematics I. Walsh, John B. II. Hutchinson, Charles. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 63183 514 MUK

Mukhi, Sunil Introduction to topology, differential geometry and group theory for physicists / Sunil Mukhi, N. Mukunda.-- New Delhi: Wiley Eastern, 1990. xii,210p (SERC School Series) ISBN 81-224-0263-1 1.Mathematics 2.Topology 3.Homotopy theory 4.Group theory 5.Geometry,Differential I. Mukunda, N. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 114962 514 NIC

Nichols, Eugene D. Modern trigonometry / Eugene D. Nichols and E. Henry Garland.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1968. vi,328p 1.Mathematics I. Garland, E. Henry. II. Title. Accn Nos : 63294 514 PAL

Palaniappan, N. Fuzzy topology / N. Palaniappan.-- New Delhi: Narosa Publishing, 2002. xv,179p ISBN 81-7319-443-2 1.Mathematics 2.Topology I. Title. Accn Nos : 123153 514 PER

Petlis, Sam Introduction to algebra, Sam Perlis.-Massachusetts: Blaisdell Publishing Company, 1966. xx440p (A Blaisdell book in pure and applied mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series).

Accn Nos : 66335 514 PHI

Philadelphia public school Plane trigonometry:A guide for teachers / Philadelphia public school.-- Philadelphia: Curriculam office, 1957. xi,69p. School district of philadelphia 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 44966

514 PIE

Pierce, Richard S. Introduction to the theory of abstract algebras / Richard S. Pierce.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1968. Various pagination (Athema series selected topics in mathematics) (Edwin Hewitt) 1.Mathematics I. Hewitt, Edwin. II. Title (Series).

514 PIE

Pierce, Richard S. Introduction to the theory of abstract algebras / Richard S. Pierce.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1968. viii,148p. (Athena series selected topics in mathematics) (Edwin Hewitt) 1.Mathematics I. Hewitt, Edwin. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 67150 514 RAM

Ram Behari Plane trigonometry / Ram Behari, and P.D. Gupta.--Ed. Rev.-- Allahabad: Indian Pres s, 1963.v,258p 1.Mathematics I. Gupta, P.D. II. Title. Accn Nos : 50107 514 RAY

Ray, M. Higher algebra / M. Ray and Har Swarup Sharma.-- Delhi: S. Chand & Co, 1967. 316p 1.Mathematics I. Sharma, Har Swarup. II. Title. Accn Nos : 60232 514 ROB

Robinson, Thomas J. Analytical trigonometry / Thomas J. Robinson.-- New York: Harper & Row, 1967. 182p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53822 514 SCH

Schuvle, Arlo W. Topics in topology / Arlo W. Schuvle.-North Holland: Elsevier, 1979. x,266p -

ISBN 0-444-00285-5 1.Mathematics 2.Topology I. Title. Accn Nos : 85181 514 THO

Thompson, J.E. Trigonometry for the practical man / J.E. Thompson.-- New Jersey: D.Van Nostrand Company, 1946. xv,224p (Mathematics for self-study) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45379

514 THO

Thompson, J. E. Trogonometry : For the Practical Man / J.E. Thompson.-- New Jersey: D Van Nostrand Co., 1946. xv,223p. Mathematics for self-study 2nd edition 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45325 514 THR

Thron, Wolfgang J. Topological structures / Wolfgang J Thron. -- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1966. x,239p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 64133 514 TOM

Tomber, Marvin L. Introduction to contemporary algebra / Marvin L. Tomber.-- London: Prentice Hall, 1967. xi,429p. (Prentice-Hall mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66328 514 WEI

Hall, H. S. Higher algebra : A Sequel to Elementary Algebra for schools / H. S. Hall and S. R. Knight.--Mertic Ed-- New York: Macmillan and Co.John Wiley and Sons, 1964. xxii,557p. 1.Mathematics I. Knight, S.R. II. Title.

514 WEI

Weiss, Marie J. Higher algebra for the undergraduate / Marie J. Weiss and Roy Dubisch.--2nd ed.-New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1962. ix,171p. (Wiley international edition) 1.Mathematics I. Dubisch, Roy. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 67482 514 WEN

Wentworth, George Plane trigonometry and tables / George

Wentworth and David Eugene Smith.-- Boston: Ginn and Company, 1943. Various pagination (Wentworth-Smith mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Smith, David Eugene. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45403 514 WIL

Wilson, Louis L. Trigonometry / Louis L. Wilson and Bill D. New.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 1972. 321p 1.Mathematics I. New, Bill D. II. Title. Accn Nos : 76589 514 WOO

Wooton, William Modern trigonometry / William Wooton, Edwin E. Beckenbach and Mary P. Dolciani.-Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1966. vii,415+12p 1.TrigonometryModern trigon I. Beckenbach, Edwin E. II. Dolciani, Mary P. III. Title. Accn Nos : 64709

ANALYSIS 515.02453 POT

Potter, Merle C. Mathematical methods in the physical sciences / Merle C. Potter.-- Englewood: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1978. 466p 1.Mathematics 2.Engineering mathematics 3.Science - methodology I. Title. Accn Nos : 83504 515.07 LAR

Larson, Roland E. Brief calculus with applications / Roland E. Larson, Robert P. Hostetler and Bruce H. Edwards.-- Massachusetts: D.C. Heath, 1991. 107p (Calculus-study and teaching) 1.Mathematics I. Hostetler, Robert P. II. Edwards, Bruce H. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 112090 515.07 WEL

Wellman, B. Leighton Technical descriptive geometry / B. Leighton Wellman.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1957. 628p 1.Business mathematicsTechnical des I. Title. Accn Nos : 68380 515.078 MCN

Mcneary, Samuel S. Introduction to computational methods for students of calculus / Samuel S. Mcneary.-Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1973. 197p 1.CalculusIntroduction I. Title. Accn Nos : 78270

515.1 ARD

Ardiot, R. Calcul / R. Ardiot, A. Wanauld, B. Budin.-Paris: Classiques Hotchette, 1962. 187p 1.Mathematics I. Wanauld, A. II. Budin, B. III. Title. Accn Nos : F3309

515.123 SPI

Spiegel, Murry R Schaum's outline of theory and problems of laplace transforms / Murry R. Spiegel.-McGraw-Hill: New York, 1965. 261p. (Schaum's outline Series) 1.Laplace transforms I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 80895 515.15 BEL

Introductory calculus with algebra and trigonometry / Stoughton Bell...[et al.]-San Francisco: Holden-Day, 1966. 309p 1.CalculusIntroductory I. Stoughton, Bell. II. Blum, J.R. III. Lewis, J. Vernon. IV. Rosenblatt, Judah. Accn Nos : 70011 515.15 EDW

Edwards, C.H. Calculus and analytic geometry / C.H. Edwards and David E. Penney.--2nd ed.-- New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1985. xiii,1000+A 86p. ISBN 0-13-111675-4 1.Mathematics 2.Calculus 3.Geometry, analytic I. Penney, David E. II. Title. Accn Nos : 103411 515.15 GOO

Goodman, A.W. Analytical geometry and the calculus / A.W. Goodman.--4th ed-- New York: Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc., 1980. xxiii,993p 1.Mathematics 2.Calculus 3.Geometry I. Title. Accn Nos : 90707 515.15 SIM

Simmons, George F. Calculus with analytic geometry / George F. Simmons.-- New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1985. xiii,939p (Blaisdell book in the pure and applied mathematics education) ISBN 0-07-057419-7

1.Mathematics I. Title Accn Nos : 102320


515.15 STE

Stein, Sherman K. Calculus and analytic geometry / Sherman K. Stein.--2nd ed-- New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1977. xiv,994p ISBN 0-07-061008-8 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 81095

515.15 THO

Thomas, George B. Calculus and analytic geometry / George B.Thomas and Ross L. Finney.--6th ed.-- New Delhi: Narosa Publishing, 1998. xii,1041p. Includes index ISBN 81-85015-52-X 1.Mathematics 2.Analysis (mathematics) 3.Mathematical analysis I. Finney, Ross L. II. Title. Accn Nos : 119332 515.16 LON

Loney, S.L. Elements of coordinatic geometry / S.L. Loney.-- Delhi: Mcmillan India Company, 1983. xx,407p 1.Mathematics 2.Geometry I. Title. Accn Nos : 94870 515.2 MAL

Malik, S.C. Mathematical analysis / S.C. Malik and Savita Arora.--2nd ed-- New Delhi: Wiley Eastern, 1992. xii, 903p ISBN 81-224-0323-9 1.Mathematical analysis 2.Calculus I. Arora, Savita. II. Title. Accn Nos : 115088 515.222 KEL

Keller, H.B. Lectures on numerical methods in bifurcation problems / H.B. Keller, notes by A.K. Nandakumaran and Mythily Ramaswamy.-New Delhi: Narosa Publishing House, 1982. iv,155p 1.Mathematics 2.Numerical analysis I. Nandakumaran, A.K. II. Ramaswamy, Mythily. III. Title. Accn Nos : 106389 515.24 HAL

Hall, Peter Rates of convergence in the central limit theorem / Peter Hall.-- Boston: Pitman Advanced Pub. Program, 1982. 250p ISBN 0-273-08565-4 1.Mathematics 2.Central limit theorem

3.Convergence I. Title. Accn Nos : 93442 515.24 RAI

Rainville, Earl D. Infinite series / Earl D. Rainville.-- New York: The Macmillan Company, 1967. xii,265p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 56818

515.24 ZIP

Zippin, Leo Uses of infinity / Leo Zippin, illustrated by Carl Bass.-- Toronto: L.W. Singer Company, 1962. vii,151p. (New mathematical library) 1.Mathematics I. Bass, Carl. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F12346 515.242 KUL

Kulkarni, S.S. Sequential tests of achievement in mathematics / S.S. Kulkarni, M.L. Arya and C.A.S. Naidu.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1969. 57p 1.Mathematics I. Arya, M.L. II. Naidu, C.A.S. III. NCERT. IV. National Council of Educational Research and Training. V. Title. Accn Nos : F7922 515.243 HIR

Hirschman, I.I. Infinite series / I.I. Hirschman.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1962. x,172p (Athena series selected topics in mathematics) (Edwin Hewitt) 1.Mathematics I. Hewitt, Edwin. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 64129 515.2433 BLA

Blatter, Christian Wavelets: a primer / Christian Blatter.-Hyderabad: Universities Press, 1998. x,202p ISBN 81-7371-449-5 1.Analysis 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 123221 515.2433 SCH

Schemeisser, Hans-Jurgen Topics in fourier analysis and function spaces / Hans-Jurgen Schemeisser.-Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 1987. 300p 1.Mathematics 2.Fourier analysis 3.Function spaces I. Title. Accn Nos : 106262

515.2433 WAV

Wavelets and allied topics / edited by P. K. Jain [et al...]-- New Delhi: Narosa Publishing House, 2001. 365 p.1 ISBN 81-7319-411-4 1.Mathematics I. Jain, P. K. Accn Nos : F25957

515.25 AUS

Austwick, K. Equations and graphs: A handbook of algebraic techniques / K. Austwick.-Oxford: Pergamon, 1963. 213p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 64849 515.25 PIA

Piaggio, H.T.H. Elementary treatise on differential equations and their applications / H.T.H. Piaggio.-- Bombay: Orient Longmans, 1966. Various Pagination 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 68673 515.25 SIN

Sinha, Shriram Samikaran siddhant (HIN) / Shriram Sinha.-Delhi: Kendriya Hindi Nideshalay, 1963. 99p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 89597 515.252 OPE

Open University Linear equations complex numbers / Open University.-- Bucks: Open University, 1972. 37p. 1.Calculus Elementary ma I. Title. Accn Nos : 77094 515.253 HAR

Hardikar, T.B. Interminate analysis / T.B. Hardikar.-Pune: Prabhakar Trimbalc Hardikar, 1991. 200p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics analysis I. Title. Accn Nos : 112598 515.26 MAR

Marshall, Albert Inequalities: theory of majorization and its applications / Albert Marshall and Ingram Ollcin.-- New York: Academic Press, 1979. 569p (Mathematics in science and engineering) (ed. Richard Bellman) ISBN 0-12-473750-1

1.Mathematics 2.Inequalities I. Ollcin, Ingram. II. Bellman, Richard. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 95795 515.3 BUG

Bugrov, Ya S. Differential and integral calculus / Ya S. Bugrov, S.M. Nikolsky and tr. by Leonid Levant.-- Moscow: Mir Publishers, 1982. 484p (Higher mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Nikolsky, S.M. II. Levant, Leonid. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 105721 515.3 CHA Chatelet, Cours A,. J. apprends a calculer: Arithmetique etable pour le cours elementaire 1 et 2 annee et les classes de 10 et 9 des lycees / Cours A. Chatelet and G. Condevaux.-- Paris: Editions Bourrelier, n.d. 208p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F3335 515.3 CHU

Churchill, Reul V. Fourier and boundary value problems / Ruel V. Churchill.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1941. 206p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 15278 515.3 KEL

Kells, Lyman M. Differential equations: a brief course with applications / Lyman M. Kells.-- New York: McGraw-Hill Book, 1968. x,252p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 69993 515.3 OST

Ostrowski, A. Differential and integral calculus: With problems hents for solutions, and solutions / A. Ostrowski, tr. by Scripta Technica.-Glenview: Scott, Foreman, 1968. 627p 1.Mathematics I. Technica, Scripta. II. Title. Accn Nos : 69646 515.3 PIA

Piaggio, H.T.H. Elementary treatise an differential equations / H.T.H. Piaggio.-- Delhi: CBS, 1985. xvi,232p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 102331 515.3 PIS

Piskunov, N. Differential and integral calculus / N. Piskunov, tr. by George Yankovsky.-- Moscow: Mir Publishers, 1974. 471p. Vol. 1

1.Mathematics 2.Calculus, differential 3.Calculus, integral I. Yankovsky, George. II. Title. Accn Nos : 92686 515.3 PIS

Piskunov, N. Differential and integral calculus / N. Piskunov; translated by George Yankovsky.-Moscow: Mir Publishers, 1974. 576p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics 2.Calculus, differential 3.Calculus, integral I. Yankovsky, George. II. Title. Accn Nos : 92687 515.3 PRA

Prabhakar, T.R. Differential calculus / T.R. Prabhakar and J.D. Gupta.-- New Delhi: Sultan Chand & Sons, 1980. xiv,350p 1.Mathematics 2.Calculus, differential I. Gupta, J.D. II. Title. Accn Nos : 96118 515.3 PRA

Prabhakar, T.R. Differential calculus / T.R. Prabhakar and J.D. Gupta.-- New Delhi: Sultan Chand, 1980. 349p 1.Mathematics I. Gupta, J.D. II. Title. Accn Nos : 96117 515.3 SHA

Shanti Narayan Differential calculus for B.A. and B.Sc students / Shanti Narayan.--13th ed-- New Delhi: Shyamlal Charitable Trust, 1983. xi, 270p. 1.Mathematics 2.Calculus, differential I. Title. Accn Nos : 94603 515.3 SPI

Spiegel, Murray R. Schaum's outline of theory and problems of calculus of finite differences and difference equations / Murray R. Spiegel.-- New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1971. 259p (Schaum's outline series) 1.Mathematics 2.Calculus, differential 3.Differential equations I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 96781 515,35 AYR

Ayrer, Frank Schaum's outline of theory and practice of differential equations in metric units / Frank Ayrer and J.C. Ault.-- Singapore: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1952. iii,295p (Schaum's outline series) ISBN 0-07-099006-9 1.Mathematics 2.Algebra, differential I. Ault, J.C. II. Title (Series).

Accn Nos : 112341 515.35 BRO

Bronson, Richard Modern introductory differential equations with laplace transforms, numerical methods, matrix methods, eigen value problems / Richard Bronson.-- New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1978. 306p (Schaum's outline series) 1.Mathematics 2.Differential equations I. Title Accn Nos : 80898


515.35 BUC

Buck, R. Creighton Introduction to differential equations / R. Creighton Buck and Ellen F. Buck.-- Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1976. x,356+A1-A62p 1.Mathematics 2.Differential equations I. Buck, Ellen F. II. Title. Accn Nos : 82523 515.35 CLE

Clements, David L. Boundary value problems governed by second order eliptic system / David L. Clements.-Boston: Pitman Advanced Publishing Program, 1981. viii,162p (Monographs and studies in mathematics) (12); ISBN 0-273-08502-6 1.Mathematics 2.Boundary value problems 3.Differential equations, elliptic I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 93829 515.35 GOU

Goursat, Edward Differential equations / Edouard Goursat, ed. by Earle Raymond Hedrick and Otto Dunkel. -- New York: Dower Publications Inc, 1959. (A course in mathematical analysis).; (Vol.II, Part 2) 1.Mathematics I. Hedrick, Earle Raymond. II. Dunkel, Otto. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 15056 515.35 KAP

Kapur, N.M. Text book of differential equations (for degree and post-graduate courses) / N.M. Kapur.--6th ed.-- New Delhi: Pitman Publishing Company, 1987.; xii,616p. 1.Mathematics 2.Differential equations I. Title. Accn Nos : 106900 515.35 KAP

Kapur, N.M. Text book of differential equations (for degree and post-graduate courses) / N.M. Kapur.--6th Rev. ed-- New Delhi: Pitman Publishing Company, 1987. 616p

1.Mathematics 2.Differential equations I. Title. Accn Nos : F18888 515.35 KAP

Kapur, N.M. Textbook of differential equations / N.M. Kapur.--Ed. 6th Rev.-- New Delhi: Pitambar Publishing Company, 1987. 616p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 18888

515.35 MAR

Differential equations and numerical mathematics: Selected papers / ed. by G.I. Marchuk.-- Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1982. viii,156p. National conference on differential equations and numerical mathematics, Novosibirsk September 1978 ISBN 0-08-026491-3 1.Mathematics 2.Differential equations I. Marchuk, G.I. Accn Nos : 93413 515.35 MIK

Mikhailov, V.P. Partial differential equations / V.P. Mikhailov; translated by P.C. Sinha.-Moscow: Mir Publisers, 1978. 396p 1.Mathematics 2.Differential equations, partial I. Sinha, P.C. II. Title. Accn Nos : 92835 515.35 ORT

Ortega, James M. Introduction to numerical methods for differential equations / James M. Ortega and William G. Poole.-- Massachusetts: Pitman Publishing Inc., 1981. ix,329p ISBN 0-273-01637-7 1.Mathematics 2.Differential equations numerical solution - data processing I. Poole, William G. II. Title. Accn Nos : 93492 515.35 RAI

Rainville, Earl D. Elementary differential equations / Earl D. Rainville.--3rd ed-- New York: Macmillan Company, 1965. xvi,521p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Accn Nos : 374 515.35 SHA

Sharma, Bhu Dev Differential equations / Bhu Dev Sharma.-7th ed-- Meerut: Kedar Nath Ram Nath, 1981. 124p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Accn Nos : 90496 515.35 SHA

Shankar, Asha G. Numerical integration of differential equations / Asha G. Shankar.-- New Delhi: Deep and Deep, 1994. xii,181p. Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 81-7100-597-7 1.Mathematics 2.Differential equations Numerical solutions I. Title. Accn Nos : 115667 515.35 SIM

Simmons, George F. Differential equations with applications and historical / George F. Simmons.-- New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 1972. xvii,465p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 79516 515.35 SYM

Nonlinear evolution equations / ed. by Michael G. Crandall.-- New York: Academic Press, 1978. Symposium on nonlinear evolution equations, University of Wisconsin-Madison 1977; ISBN 0-12-195250-9 1.Mathematics 2.Differential equations, nonlinear - congresses 3.Differential equations, partial - congressses I. Crandall, Michael G. Accn Nos : 91366 515.35 WAT

Watonabe, S. Lectures on stochastic differential equations and malliavin calculus / S. Watonabe, notes by M. Gopalan Nair and B. Rajeev.-- New Delhi: Narosa Publishing House, 1984. 111p 1.Mathematics 2.Stochastic differential equations I. Nair, M. Gopalan. II. Rajeev B. III. Title. Accn Nos : 106390 515.352 BIR

Birkhoff, Garrett Ordinary differential equations / Garrett Birkhoff and Gian-Carlo Rota.--4th-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1989. 399p - ISBN 0-471-86003-4 1.Mathematics 2.Differential equations I. Rota, Gian-Carlo. II. Title. Accn Nos : 108738 515.352 DRI

Driver, Rodney D. Introduction to ordinary differential equations / Rodney D. Driver.-- New York: Harper & Row Publishers, 1978. xi,340p - ISBN 0-06-041738-2

1.Mathematics 2.Differential equations 3.Differential equations - delay equations I. Title. Accn Nos : 83514 515.352 IND

Indurkar, V.N. Ordinary differential equations with applications / V.N. Indurkar and A.S. Muktibodh.-- Nagpur: Dattsons, 2003. ix,264p ISBN 81-7192-050-0 1.Mathematics 2.Differential equations I. Title. Accn Nos : 123213 515.352 RAO

Rao, M. Ramamohana Ordinary differential equations: theory and applications / M. Ramamohana Rao.-- New Delhi: Affiliated East-West Press, 1980. xii, 266p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 90501 515.352 ROB

Roberts, Charles E. Ordinary differential equations: a computational approach / Charles E. Roberts. -- New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1979. xiii, 400p. ISBN 0-13-639757-3 1.Mathematics 2.Differential equations numerical solutions I. Title. Accn Nos : 90725 515.353 BRE

Nonlinear partial differential equations and their applications / ed. by H. Brezis and J.L. Lions.-- Boston: Pitman Advanced Publishing Program, 1980. 388p (Research notes in mathematics ;53) ISBN 0-273-08491-7 1.Differential equations I. Brezis, H. II. Lions, J.L. III. Cioranescu, Mme D.,Coordi. IV. Series. Accn Nos : 93428 515.353 BRE

Nonlinear partial differential equation and their applications / ed. by H. Brezis and J.L. Lions, Mme D. Cioranescu.-- Boston: Pitman Advanced Publishing Program, 1982. 398p (Research notes in mathematics) (60) Seminar on partial differential equation, College de France, Paris 1976 1.Mathematics I. Brezis, H. II. Lions, J.L. III. Mme D. Cioranescu. IV. Series. Accn Nos : 93429 515.353 CON

Constantin, Peter Navier-stokes equations / Peter Constantin and Ciprian Foias.-- London: University of

Chicago Press, 1989. xi,190p. (Chicago lectures in mathematics series) - ISBN 0-226-11549-6 1.Mathematics I. Foias, Ciprian. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 107925 515.353 COP

Copson, E.T. Partial differential equations / E.T. Copson.-- New Delhi: S. Chand & Co., 1976. vii,280p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 85019 515.353 HAB

Haberman, Richard Elementary applied partial differential equations with fourier series and boundary value problems / Richard Haberman.-- New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1983. x,533p - ISBN 0-13-252 833-9 1.Mathematics 2.Differential equations, partial 3.Fourier series 4.Boundary value problems I. Title. Accn Nos : 95398 515.353 HAB

Haberman, Richard Elementary applied partial differential equations: with fourier series and boundary value problems / Richard Haberman.-- London: Prentice Hall International, 1983. xii,547p - ISBN 0-13-252891-6 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 112093 515.353 KAP

Kappel, F. Abstract cauchy problems and functional differential equations / F. Kappel and W. Schappacher.-- Boston: Pitman Advanced Publishing Program, 1981. 238p (Research notes in mathematics) (48) ISBN 0-273-08494-1 1.Mathematics 2.Cauchy problem 3.Functional differential equations I. Schappacher, W. II. Title Accn Nos : 93440 515.353 OPE

Open University Wave equation othogonal and symmetric transformations / Open University.-- [s.n.]: Open University Press, 1972. 51p. Unit 23 The wave equation. Unit 24 Orthogonal and symmetric transformations 1.MATHEMATICS I. Title. Accn Nos : 77090 515.358 SAK

Sakamoto, Rieko


Hyperbolic boundary value problems / Reiko Sakamoto; translated by Katsumi Miyahara.-Cambridge: Cambridge University Pres, 1982. viii,210p ISBN 0-521-23568-5 1.Mathematics 2.Boundary value problems 3.Differential equations, hyperbolic I. Miyahara, Katsumi. II. Title. Accn Nos : 94616

515.4 MAT

Mathur, S.M. New text book on intregral caculus and diffrential equations / S.M. Mathur.-Allahabad: Kitab Mahal, 1965. 276p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 81623 515.4 SAM

Samakalan ganit evam avkal samikaran class XII (HIN) / R.K. Kumbhat...[].-Ajmer: Madhyamik Siksha Board, 2005. 272p. 1.Samakalan ganit- textbook I. Kumbhat, R.K. Accn Nos : 125854 515.4 SAX

Saxena, H.C. Integral calculus and differential equations / H.C. Saxena and K.C. Gupta.-- New Delhi: R Chand & Co., 1981. 226p 1.Mathematics 2.Calculus, integral I. Gupta, K.C. II. Title. Accn Nos : 94600 515.4 SHA

Shanti Narayan Integral calculus / Shanti Narayan.-Delhi: S. Chand & Company, 1956. x,314p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 15723 515.4207 LIF

515.4207 LIF


Lieberman, Joseph Measurement / Joseph Lieberman.-- St. Louis: Webster Publishing, 1963. Various pagination (Programmed unit in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series).

Lieberman, Joseph Measurement / Joseph Lieberman.-- St. Louis: Wesbster Publishing, 1963. Various pagination (Programmed unit in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series).


515.4207 LIF

515.4207 LIF

515.4207 LIF

515.4207 LIF

515.4207 LIF

515.4207 LIF

515.43 JAI

Lieberman, Joseph Measurement / Joseph Lieberman.-- St. Louis: Webster Publishing, 1963. Various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Lieberman, Joseph Measurement / Joseph Lieberman.-- St. Louis: Webster Publishing, 1963. Various pagination (A Programmed unit in 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series).

Lieberman, Joseph Measurement / Joseph Lieberman.-- St. Louis: Webster Publishing, 1963. Various pagination (A Programmed unit in 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series).



Lieberman, Joseph Measurement / Joseph Lieberman.-- St. Louis: Webster Publishing, 1963. Various pagination (A Programmed unit in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series).

Lieberman, Joseph Measurement / Joseph Lieberman.-- St. Louis: Webster Publishing, 1963. Various pagination (A Programmed unit in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series).

Lieberman, Joseph Measurement / Joseph Lieberman.-- St. Louis: Webster Publishing, 1963. Various pagination (A Programmed unit in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series).

Lieberman, Joseph Measurement / Joseph Lieberman.-- St. Louis: Webster Publishing, 1963. Various pagination (A Programmed unit in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series).

Jain, P.K. Lebesgue measure and integration / P.K. Jain and V.P. Gupta.-- New Delhi: Wiley Eastern Ltd., 1986. viii,260p ISBN 0-85226-419-4 1.Mathematics 2.Calculus, integral I. Gupta, V.P. II. Title. Accn Nos : 103720

515.43 PRU

Prudnikov, A.P. Integrals and series: more special functions / A.P. Prudnikov, Yu A Brychkow and O.I. Marichev; tr. by G.G. Gould.-- New York: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1986. 800p 1.Mathematics 2.Integrals I. Brychkow, Yu A. II. Marichev, O.I. III. Gould, G.G. IV. Title. Accn Nos : 109727

515.45 PET

Petrovsky, I.G. Lectures on the theory of integral equations / I.G. Petrovsky; translated by George Yankovsky.-- Moscow: Mir Publishers, 1971. 135p 1.Mathematics 2.Integral equations I. Yankovsky, George. II. Title. Accn Nos : 92831 515.5 KAP

Kapur, J.N. Mathematical statistics / J.N. Kapur and H.C. Saxena.-- Delhi: S. Chand, 1967. xvi,490p 1.Mathematics I. Saxena, H.C. II. Title. Accn Nos : 59686 515.521 VIL

Vilenkin, N. Ya Stories about sets / N. Ya Vilenkin.-- New York: Academic Press, 1968. xiii,152p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 66110 515.535 INT

Constantin, P. Integral manifolds and inertial maifolds for dissipative partial differential equations / P. Constantin, C. Foias, B.Hicolaenko and R. Teman.-- New York: Springer-Verlag, 1989. 121p (Applied mathematical science) (ed. by F. John, J.E. Morsden and L. Sirovich)(70) 1.Mathematics 2.Differential equations, partial 3.Manifolds (Mathematics) I. Foias, C. II. Hicolaenko, B. III. Teman, R. IV. John, J.E. V. Morsden, J.E. VI. Sirovich, L. VII. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 107688 515.55 EXT

Exton, Harold Multiple hypergeometric functions and applications / Harold Exton.-- Chichester: Ellis Horwood Ltd., 1976. 312p (Mathemtics and its applications)(ed. G.M. Bell)

1.Mathematics 2.Functions, hypergeometric I. Bell, G.M. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 95796 515.6 THU

Thurstone, L.L. Multiple factor analysis: A development and expansion of the vectors of mind / L.L. Thurstone.-- Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1947. xx,535p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Accn Nos : 55 515.6 THU

Thurstone, L.L. Multiple factor analysis: A development and expansion of the vectors of mind / L.L. Thurstone.-- Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1947. xx,535p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 30374 515.62 BUR

Burrow, Martin Representation theory of finite groups / Martin Burrow.-- New York: Academic Press, 1965. ix,185p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 35139 515.62 HEO

Hoel, paul G. Finite mathematics and calculus with applications to business / paul G. Hoel.-New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1974. ix,446p - ISBN 0-471-40431-4 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 79525 515.624 OPE

Open University Numerical computation: integration / Open University.-- Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1985. 44p. (Mathematics third level course)(11) ISBN 0-335-05660-1 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 105492 515.63 GUP

Gupta, J.D. First course in vector analysis / J.D. Gupta and T.R. Prabhakar.-- New Delhi: R. Chand & Co., 1977. vi,144p 1.Mathematics 2.Vector analysis I. Prabhakar, T.R. II. Title. Accn Nos : 96092 515.63


Karamcheti, Krishnamurty Vector analysis and cartesian tensors with selected applications / Krishnamurty Karamcheti.-- San Francisco: Holden-Day, 1967. xiii,255p. (Holden-Day series in mathematical physics / Julius J. Brandstatter) 1.Mathematics I. Brandstatter, Julius J. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 69603

515.63 PRA

Prasad, Parmanand Elementary vector analysis / Parmanand Prasad.-- Patna: Scientific Book Company, 1960. 113p. 1.Mathematics 2.Vector analysis I. Title. Accn Nos : 87984 515.63 SCH

Schey, H.M. Div, grad, curl, and all that:an informal text on vector calculus / H.M. Schey.--4th ed.-- London: W.W. Norton & Company, 2005. viii,163p ISBN 0-393-92516-1 1.Vector Analysis I. Title. Accn Nos : 125424 515.63 SIM

Simons, S. Victor analysis for mathematicians scientist and engineers / S. Simons.-Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1964. vii,186p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45328 515.63 SPI

Spiegel, Murray R. Schaum's outline of theory and problems and vector analysis and an introduction to tensor analysis SI (Metric) edition / Murray R. Spiegel.-- New York: Mcgraw-Hill Book Company, 1974. 225p ISBN 0-07-099009-3 1.Mathematics 2.Analysis - Calculus I. Title. Accn Nos : 112582 515.63 SPI

Spiegel, Murray R. Theory and problems of vector analysis and an introduction to tensor analysis / Murray R. Spiegel.-- Singapore: McGraw Hill, 1981. 224p (Schaum's outline series) -

ISBN 0-07-099009-3 1.Mathematics I. Title


Accn Nos : 92931 515.7 ARO

Arora, Prem Nath First course in real analysis / Prem Nath Arora and Ranjit Singh.-- New Delhi: Sultan chand & Sons, 1981. 350p. 1.Mathematics I. Singh, Ranjit. II. Title. Accn Nos : 96119

515.7 BRO

Browder, Andrew Mathematical analysis: an introduction / Anrew Browder; edited by S. Axler; F. W. Gehring and K. A. Ribet.-- U.S.A.: Springer, 1996. 333p. (Undergraduate texts in Mathematics) Includes Index - ISBN 81-8489-520-9 1.Mathematical analysis I. Axler, S. II. Gehring, F. W. III. Ribet, K. A. IV. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 128555 515.7 GOF

Goffman, Casper First course in functional analysis / Casper Goffman and George Pedrick.-- New York: Prentice Hall, 1979. (Prentice hall series in modern analysis) 1.Mathematics 2.Functional analysis I. Pedrick, George. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 79521 515.7 RUD

Rudin, Walter Functional analysis / Walter Rudin.-- New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill, 1974. xiii,397p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 99576 515.7 SIN

Singal, M.K. First course in real analysis / M.K. Singal and Asha Rani Singal.-- New Delhi: S. Chand, 1982. 282p. 1.Mathematics I. Singal, Asha Rani. II. Title. Accn Nos : 92929 515.72 MIK

MiKusinski, Ian Operational calculus / Ian MiKusinski and Thomas K. Boehme.--2nd ed-- Oxford, Pergamon Press, 1987. 263p (Internatioal series of monographs in pure and applied mathematics) (ed. by I.N. Sneddon) (10). Vol. 2 ISBN 0-08-026479-4 1.Mathematics 2.Calculus, operational

I. Boehme, Thomas K. II. Sneddon, I.N. III. Title Accn Nos : 106260


515.723 KRY

Krylov, V.I. Handbook of methods of appoximate fourier transformation and inversion of the laplace transformation / V.I. krylov and N.S. Skoblya.-- Moscow: MIR publishers, 1977. 271p. 1.Mathematics:calculus,operational I. George Yandovsky. II. Title. Accn Nos : 92828

515.723 OPE

Open University Laplace transforms / Open University.-Bletchley Bucks: The Open University, 1972. 53p (Linear Mathematics) (29) 1.Mathematics I. Linear Mathematics Course Team. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 77089 515.724 BEA

Beauzamy, B. Introduction to operator theory and invariant subspaces / B. Beauzamy.-Amsterdam: North Holland, 1988. 385p (North Holland mathematicsl library; no.42) ISBN 0-444-70521-X 1.Mathematics 2.Operator theory 3.Invariant subspaces I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 108062 515.7246 SPE

Speck, F.O. General wiener-hopf factorization methods / F.O. Speck.-- Boston: Pitman Advanced Publishing Program, 1985. 156p (Research notes in mathematics)(119) ISBN 0-273-06682-0 1.Mathematics 2.Wiener-hopf operators 3.Factorization I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 101528 515.73 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Multilevel analysis of baseline data from Uttar Pradesh / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- Ajmer: Nationat Council of Educational Research and Training, 1998. 32p. 1.Analysis data I. Title. Accn Nos : F21275 515.782 BEL

Belson, Chris Normal distribution: the school Mathematics

Project / Chris Belson and Robert Black.-Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994. ISBN 0-521-40890-3 1.Mathematics I. Black, Robert. II. Title. Accn Nos : 120999

96p -

515.8 BIN

Bingham, N.H. Regular variation / N.H. Bingham, C.M. Goldlil and J.L. Teugels.-- London: Cambridge University Press, 1987. xix,491p. (Encyclopaedia of mathematics and its application) - ISBN 0-521-30787-2 1.Mathematics 2.Functions and real variable 3.Calculus I. Goldil, C.M. II. Teugels, J.L. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 106542 515.8 BOA

Boas, Ralph P. Primer of real functions / Ralph P. Boas.-4th ed-- New Jersey: Quinne Boden, 1966. xiii,190p (The carus mathematical monograph) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 56412


515.8 DEP

Depree, John D. Introduction to real analysis / John D. Depree and Charles Swartz.-- New York: John Wiley, 1988. xi,355p. 1.Mathematics 2.Function of real variables 3.Mathematical analysis I. Swartz, Charles. II. Title. Accn Nos : 107692 515.8 GRO

Grossman, Stanley I. Calculus of one variable / Stanley I. Grossman.--2nd ed-- London: Academic Press, 1986. Various pagination - ISBN 0-12-304390-5 1.Mathematics 2.Calculus of variations I. Title. Accn Nos : 103408 515.8 SAX

Saxena, Subhash Chandra Introduction to real variable theory / Subhash Chandra Saxena and S.M. Shah.-- New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Private Ltd., 1980. xiv,334p - ISBN 0-87692-151-9 1.Mathematics 2.Functions of real variables I. Shah, S.M. II. Title.

Accn Nos : 90723 515.8 VUL

Vulikh, B.Z. Brief course in the theory of functions of a real variable: an introduction to the theory of the integral / B.Z. Vulikh; translated by I.G. Volosova.-- Moscow: MIR Publisher, 1976. 356p 1.Mathematics 2.Functions of real variables I. Volosova, I.G. II. Title. Accn Nos : 92684

515.83 OPE

Open University Chebyshev approximation / Open University. -- Bletchley Bucks: Open University Press, 1972. 56p (Linear mathematics) (27) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 77092 515.84 CRA

Craven, B.D. Functions of several variables / B.D. Craven.-- London: Chapman and Hall, 1981. viii,136p ISBN 0-412-23340-1 1.Mathematics 2.Variables (Mathematics) I. Title. Accn Nos : 98370 515.9 COP

Copson, E.T. Introduction to the theory of functions of a complex variable / E.T. Copson.-- Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1974. 448p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 79510 515.9 HAU

Hauser, Arthur A. Complex variables with physical applications / Arthur A. Hauser.-- New York: Simon and Schuster, n.d. 418p (Simon and schuster tech outline) (ed. by Raj Mehra) 1.Mathematics 2.Functions of complete variable I. Mehra, Raj. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 90592 515.9 JUN

Juneja, O.P. Analytic functions growth aspect / O.P. Juneja and G.P. Kapoor.-- Boston: Pitman Advanced Publishing Program, 1985. x,296p (Research notes in mathematics)(104) ISBN 0-273-08630-8 1.Mathematics 2.Analytic function I. Kapoor, G.P. II. Title (Series).

Accn Nos : 101526 515.9 LIP

Lipschulz, Seymour Schaum outline of theory and problems of complex variables with an introduction to conformal mapping and its application SI (metric) education / Seymour Lipschulz.-- New York: McGraw Hill Book Company, 1974. 313p 1.Mathematics 2.Complex variable I. Title. Accn Nos : 80888

515.9 MAR

Markushevich, A.I. Theory of functions of a complex variable / A.I. Markushevich, tr. Richard A. Silverman.-- New York: Chelsea Publishing Company, 1977. xxiii,367p. Vol. 3 ISBN 0-8284-0296-5 1.Mathematics 2.Analytic function I. Silverman, Richard A. II. Title. Accn Nos : 90594 515.9 PON

Ponnusamy, S. Foundations of complex analysis / S. Ponnusamy.-- New Delhi: Narosa Publishing House, 2002. xii,464p ISBN 81-7319-040-2 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 123154 515.9 SMI

Smirnov, V.I. Functions of a complex variable: constructive theory / V.I. Smirnov and N.A. Lebedev.-- London: Iliffe Books, 1968. 488p. 1.Mathematics I. Lebedev, N.A. II. Title. Accn Nos : 69994 515.9 VEE

Veech, William A. Second course in complex analysis / William A. Veech.-- New York: W.A. Benjamin, 1967. ix,246p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 70005 515.93 MAR

Maron, I.A. Problems in calculus of one variable: with elements of theory / I.A. Maron; translated by Leonid R. Levant.--Rev. edition-- Moscow: MIR Publishers, 1973. 453p. 1.Mathematics I. Levant, Leonid R. II. Title. Accn Nos : 79504

515.94 FOR

Recent development in several complex variables / ed. by John E. Fornaess.-- New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1981. ix,452p (Annals of mathematics studies)(100) 1.Mathematics 2.Functions of complex variable I. Fornaess, John E. II. Series. Accn Nos : 93443

515 ABB

Sbbadie, M. Initiation au calcul / M. Abbadie and P. Brossat.--Ed. 1st-- n.s.: Librairie Armand Colin, n.d. 20p. 1.Mathematics I. Brossat, P. II. Title. Accn Nos : F3326 515 ANT

Anton, Howard Calculus / Howard Anton [].--7th ed.-- New Delhi: Wiley India, 2007. 1166p. With CD. Including Appendix ISBN 81-265-1259-8 1.Mathematics I. Bivens, IRL. II. Davis, Stephen. III. Title. Accn Nos : 128169 515 ARD

Ardiot, R. Calcul: Livre unique / R. Ardiot, A. Wanauld and B. Budin.-- Paris: Classiques Hachette. 283p. 1.Calculious I. Wanauld, A. II. Budin, B. III. Title. Accn Nos : F3308 515 ARO

Arora, Prem Nath Elements of calculus / Prem Nath Arora.-New Delhi: Sultan Chand & Sons, 1981. 468p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 96106 515 ARO

Arora, Prem Nath Elements of calculus / Prem Narh Arora.-New Delhi: Sultan Chand & Sons, 1981. 468p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 96105 515 ARO

Arora, S.C. Textbook of calculus / S.C. Arora and Ramesh Kumar.-- Delhi: Pitambar Publishing, 1985. 25-25p

1.Mathematics I. Kumar, Ramesh. II. Title. Accn Nos : F18887 515 AYR

Ayres, Frank Theory and problems of differential and integral calculus in si metric units / Frank Ayres.-- New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1972. 346p (Schaum's outline series) 1.Mathematics 2.Calculus I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 90598

515 AYR

Ayres, Frank Theory and problems of differential and integral calculus / Frank Ayres.--2nd ed-New York: Schaum, 1950. 345p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 5511 515 BAD

Badhwar, F.C. Fundamentals of calculus / F.C. Badhwar.-New Delhi: R. Chand & Company, 1983. iii,364p 1.Mathematics 2.Calculus I. Title. Accn Nos : 96087 515 BER

Berry, John Introductory mathematics through science applications / John Berry, Allen Norcliffe and Stephen Humble.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989. xii,547p 1.Mathematics I. Norcliffe, Allen. II. Humble, Stephen. III. Title. Accn Nos : 112212 515 BIN

Binmore, K.G. Calculus / K.G. Binmore.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983. viii,488p (LSE mathematical series) ISBN 0-521-244771-3 1.Mathematics 2.LSE mathematical series I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 97283 515 BIT

Bittinger, Marvin L. Calculus: A modeling approach / Marvin L. Bittinger.-- Massachusetts: Addison-wesley Pub Co, 1976. various pagination (Addison-wesley series in mathematics) ISBN 0-201-00829-7

1.Mathematics I. Title


Accn Nos : 82516 515 BOD

Bodard, G. Collection bodard / G. Bodard and H. Brejaud.-- paris: Fernand Nathan, n.d 223p 1.Mathematics I. Brejaud, H. II. Title. Accn Nos : F3311

515 CHO

Chover, Joshva Green book of calculus / Joshva Chover.-California: W.A. Benjamin Inc, 1972. xiii,737p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 78271 515 DES

Deshpande, V.D. College mathmatical differential calculas / V.D. Deshpande.-- Bombay: Himalaya Publishing House, 1977. 252p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 81324 515 DES

Deshpande, Diwakar Gopal Elements of calculus / Diwaka Gopal Deshpande and Digamber Bhaskar Muley.--2nd ed -- Bombay: Kitab Mahal, 1977. 273p 1.Mathematics I. Muley, Digamber Bhaskar. II. Title. Accn Nos : 81626 515 DOL

Dolan, Stan Introductory calculus: the school Mathematics project / Stan Dolan.-Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. 120p ISBN 0-521-38843-0 1.Calculus 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 120982 515 DOU

Douglass, Clarence E. Descriptive geometry / Clarence E. Douglass and Albert L. Hoag.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1962. 197p 1.Mathematics I. Hoag, Albert L. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3505

515 DUM

Dumarque, J. Le calcul au cours superieur et dans la classe de fin D'etudes: exercices et problemes en nouveaux francs / J. Dumarque and L.Renaud.-- paris: Librairie Delagrave, 1961. 352p. 1.Mathematics I. Ray Lambert. II. Title. Accn Nos : F3287 515 EAR

Design and descriptive geometry problems-1 / James H. Earle...[et al.]-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1967. 60p 1.Mathematics I. Earle, James H. II. Cleland, Samuel M. III. Oliver, John P. IV. Stark, Lawrence E. Stark. V. Mason, Paul M. VI. Bardell, North B. Accn Nos : 54932 515 ELL

Ellis, Robert Calculus with analytic geometry / Robert Ellis and Denny Gulick.-- New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1978. xiv,993+A1-A80p - ISBN 0-15-505728-6 1.Mathematics 2.Geometry, analytic I. Gulick, Denny. II. Title. Accn Nos : 84639 515 ETG

Etgen, Salas Hille Calculus: several variables / Salas Hille Etgen.--9th ed.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2003. 1140p ISBN 0-471-44970-9 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 123631 515 GEL

Gelbaum, Bernard R. Counter examples in analysis / Bernard R. Gelbaum and John M.H. Olmsted.-- San Francisco: Holden-Day, Inc, 1966. xxiii,194p (The mathesis series) 1.Mathematics I. Olmsted, John M.H. II. Title Accn Nos : 63704 515 GEN

Gentry, Rodney D. Introduction to calculus for the biological and health science / Rodney D. Gentry.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1978. xiv,686p ISBN 0-201-02477-2 1.Mathematics 2.Calculus I. Title.


Accn Nos : 91362 515 GIB

Gibson, C.G. Singular points of smooth mappings / C.G. Gibson.-- London: Pitman Publishing Ltd., 1979. 239p (Research notes in mathematics) (25) ISBN 0-273-08410-0 1.Mathematics 2.Series - Research notes in mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 93831 515 GOL

Goldstein, Larry J. Calculus and its applications / Larry J. Goldstein, David C. Lay and David I. Schneider.--5th ed-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1990. xix,667p - ISBN 0-13-110537-X 1.Mathematics I. Lay, David C. II. Schneider, David I. III. Title. Accn Nos : 112091 515 GOL

Goldstein, Larry J. Calculus and its applications / Larry J. Goldstein, David C. Lay and David I. Schneider.-- Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1980. xx,557p 1.Mathematics I. Lay, David C. II. Schneider, David I. III. Title. Accn Nos : 93430 515 GOO

Goodman, A.W. Univalent functions / A.W. Goodman.-Florida: Mariner Publishing Company, 1983. xxi,311p. Vol. II - ISBN 0-936166-11-8 1.Mathematics 2.Analysis 3.Function of complex variables I. Title. Accn Nos : 99821 515 GOO

Goodman, A.W. Univalent functions / A.W. Goodman.-Florida: Mariner Publishing Co., Inc., 1983. xvii,246p. Vol. 1; ISBN 0-936166-10-X 1.Mathematics 2.Analysis 3.Functions of complex variables I. Title. Accn Nos : 99820 515 GOR

Goreux Introduction to tensor calculus / Goreux.-Calcutta: New Central Book Agency, 1992. 115p. 1.Calculus I. Title. Accn Nos : 128604 515 GRO

Grossman, Stanley I.

Calculus / Stanley I. Grossman.-- New York: Academic Press, 1977. xviii,136p 1.Mathematics 2.Calculus I. Title. Accn Nos : 82519

ISBN 0-12-304350-6

515 HAW

Hawk, Minor Clyde Schaum's outline of theory and problems of descriptive geometry / Minor Clyde Hawk.-New York: Schaum Publishing Co, 1962. 212p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45433 515 HAW

Hawk, Minor Clyde Schaum's outline of theory and problems of descriptive geometry / Minor Clyde Hawk.-New York: Schaum Publishing Co, 1962. 212p (Schaum's outline series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 34437 515 HAW

Hawk, Minor Clyde Schaum's outline of theory and problems of descriptive geometry / Minor Clyde Hawk.-New York: Schaum Publishing Co, 1962. 212p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53741 515 KEN

Kenison, Ervin Descriptive geometry / Ervin Kenison and Harry Cyrus Bradley.--Enlarged ed.-- New York: Macmillan, 1956. xviii,407p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45309 515 KOL

Kolman, Bernard Calculus for the management, life and social sciences / Bernard Kolman.-- New York: Academic Press, 1981. xiii,514p - ISBN 0-12-417890-1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 98570 515 KOR

Korn, Henry R. Elementary approach to functions / Henry R. Korn and Albert W. Liberi.-- New York: McGraw Hill Book Comp., 1974. x,498p ISBN 0-07-035339-5 1.Mathematics 2.Functions, mathematical I. Liberi, Albert W. II. Title. Accn Nos : 79509

515 KRE

Kreyszig, Erwin Advanced engineering mathematics / Erwin Kreyszig.--5th ed.-- New Delhi: New Age International Publishers, 1997. xvii,988p. Includes bibliographical references and index : A-1 toI-17pp ISBN 81-224-0016-7 1.Mathematics 2.Engineering - Mathematics 3.Engineering analysis I. Title. Accn Nos : 119329

515 LAK

Applied nonlinear analysis / ed. by V. Lakshmikantham.-- New York: Academic Press, 1979. 721p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics analysis 3.Nonlinear I. Lakshikantham, V. Accn Nos : 91365 515 LAN

Lang, Serge First course in calculus / Serge Lang.--4th ed-- Masschusetts: Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 1981. xv,526p (Addison-Wesley series in mathematics) (ed. by Lynn H. Loomis) ISBN 0-201-04149-9 1.Mathematics 2.Calculus - text books I. Loomis, Lynn H. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 92778 DLDI 515 LAR

Larson, Ron Calculus:with analytic geometry / Ron Larson, Robert P. Hostetler and Bruce H. Edwards.--8th ed.-- New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2006. xxiii,1138p ISBN 0-618-50298-X 1.Mathematics I. Hostetler, Robert P. II. Edwards, Bruce H. III. Title. Accn Nos : 125419 515 LAY

Lay, David C. Study guide with selected solutions / David C. Lay and David I. Schneinder.-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc, n.d Various pagination (Blaisdell book in the pure and applied mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Schneinder, David I. II. Title Accn Nos : 112092 515 LEI

Leithold, Louis Essential of calculus of business and economics / Louis Leithold.-- New York: Harper & Row Publishers, n.d. xiv,442p -


ISBN 0-06-043947-5 1.Mathematics 2.Calculus 3.Business mathematics 4.Economics, mathematical I. Title. Accn Nos : 83528 515 MAL

Malik, S. C. Mathematical analysis / S.C. Malik.-- New Delhi: Wiley Eastern, 1987. vi,698p. ISBN 0 85226 575 1 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical analysis 3.Calculus I. Title. Accn Nos : 106678 515 MCB

McBrien, V.O. Introductory analysis / V.O. McBrien.-- New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc, 1961. x,185p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 88194 515 MCL

McLeod, Roy H. Precalculus: algebra, trigonometry, and geometry / Roy H. McLeod and Charles H. Stolze.-- New York: Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc., 1981. x,352p ISBN 0-02-39440-2 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - 1961 I. Stolze, Charles H. II. Title. Accn Nos : 91879 515 MEH

Mehta, S. Calculus for beginners: incorporating latest changes at undergraduate level / S. Mehta.--2nd ed-- Delhi: R. Chand, 1971. vi,302p 1.Mathematics 2.Analysis I. Title. Accn Nos : 96086 515 MOR

Morgenthaler, H. Par etapes / H. Morgenthaler.-- Paris: Librairie Istra, n.d; 98p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F3346 515 MOR

Morgenthaler, H. Par etapes de 100 a 100000 / H. Morgenthaler.-- Paris: Librairie Istra, n.d; 102p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F3345 515 MOR

Morgenthaler, H. Pas a pas de 1 a 1000 / H. Morgenthaler.-Paris: Librairie Istra, n.d; 23p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Accn Nos : F3331 515 NAR

Narayanan, S. Calculus / S. Narayanan and T.K. Manicavachagom Pillay.--9th ed-- Madras: S. Viswanathan, 1968. 477p 1.Mathematics 2.Analysis I. Pillay, T.K. Manicavachagom. II. Title. Accn Nos : 89070

515 NEW

Newmar K., Joseph Usefulness of calculus / Joseph Newmar K.-San Francisco: Canfield Press, 1978. xvi,455p 1.Mathematics 2.Calculus I. Title. Accn Nos : 83517 515 NIK

Nikolsky, S.M. Course of mathematical analysis / S.M. Nikolsky.-- Moscow: Mir Publishers, 1977. 455p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical analysis I. Title. Accn Nos : 92836 515 NIK

Nikolsky, S.M. Course of mathematical analysis / S.M. Nikolsky.-- Moscow: Mir Publishers, 1977. 438p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical analysis I. Title. Accn Nos : 92837 515 PAR

Pore, E.G. Descriptive geometry / E.G. Pare, R.O. Loving and I.L. Hill.-- New York: Macmillan Company, 1965. vii,375p (This book is in the addisonwesley series in the mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Loving, R.O. II. Hill, I.L. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 63014 515 PAR

Pare, E.G. Descriptive geometry / E.G. Pare, R.O. Loving and I.L. Hill.--2nd ed-- New York: MacMillan Company, 1959. vii,343p (This book is in the addisonwesley series in the mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Loving, R.O. II. Hill, I.L. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3513 515


Pare, E.G. Descriptive geometry / E.G. Pare, R.O. Loving and I.L. Hill.-- New York: Macmillan Company, 1965. 375p (This book is in the addison-wesley series in the mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Loving, R.O. II. Hill, I.L. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 64126

515 PIN

Pine, Eli S How to enjoy calculus / Eli S Pine.-Hyderabad: Universities Press, 2002. iv,130p ISBN 81-7371-406-1 1.Mathematics 2.Analysis I. Title. Accn Nos : 123219 515 POL

Polites, George W. Pre-calculus mathematics: a study of functions / George W. Polites.-- San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1979. xii,497p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 90706 515 RAH

Rahi, Vikas Concepts of functions and calculus / Vikas Rahi.-- New Delhi: Tata Mcgraw Hill, 2009. various pagination (Tata Mcgraw- Hill's WE series) ISBN 0-07-008080-1 1.Calculus I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 128601 515 ROS

Rosenbaum, R.A. Calculus: basic concepts and applications / R.A. Rosenbaum and G. Philip Johnson.-Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984. xvi,422p. ISBN 0-521-25012-9 1.Mathematics 2.Calculus 3.Johnson I. Johnson, G. Philip. II. Title. Accn Nos : 99854 515 ROS

Ross, Kenneth A. Elementary analysis: the theory of calculus / Kenneth A. Ross.-- New Delhi: Springer, 2004. x,351p ISBN 81-8128-142-X

1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 123783 515 ROW

Rowe, Charles Elmer Engineering descriptive geometry / Charles Elmer Rowe.--3rd ed-- New York: D. Van Nostrand Company Inc, 1961. vii,371p (This book is in the addisonwesley series in the mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 67045 515 SAS

Sastry, S S Introductory methods of numerical analysis / S S Sastry.--2nd ed-- New Delhi: PrenticeHall of India, 1994. xvi,296p. Includes bibliography and index : pp 283296 ISBN 81-203-0611-2 1.Mathematics 2.Numerical analysis I. Title. Accn Nos : 115478 515 SHA

Shanti Narayan Course of mathematical analysis / Shanti Narayan.-- Delhi: S. Chand & Co, 1966. 436p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics 3.Mathematical analysis I. Title. Accn Nos : 59685 515 SHA

Shanti Narayan Course of mathematical analysis / Shanti Narayan.-- Delhi: S. Chand & Co, 1966. 436p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics 3.Mathematical analysis I. Title. Accn Nos : 63833 515 SHA

Shanti Narayan Elements of real analysis for undergraduate / Shanti Narayan.--2nd-- New Delhi: S. Chand, 1966. 162p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 59681 515 SHE

Sherlock, A.J. Calculus: pure and applied / A.J. Sherlock, E.M. Roebuck and M.G.Godfrey.-- London: British Library cataloguing, 1982. x, 534p. I. Title. Accn Nos : 93426

515 SMO

Smogorzhevsku Ruler in geometrical constructions / Smogorzhevsku, tr. by Halina Moss.-- New York: Blaisdell, 1961. 86p (Titles in the popular lectures in mathematical series) 1.Mathematics I. Moss, Halina. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 43160

515 SPI

Spiegel, Murray R. Schaum's outline of theory and problems of complex variables with an introduction to conformal mapping and its applications / Murray R. Spiegel.--SI (Metric) ed-Singapore: McGraw-Hill Book, 1974. 313p (Schaum's Outline series) ISBN 0-07-099010-7 1.Mathematics 2.Complex variables I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 115089 515 STE

Stein, Sherman K. Calculus in the first three dimensions / Sherman K. Stein.-- New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1967. xiv,613p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 60076 515 STR

Strauss , Monty J. Calculus / Monty J. Strauss [].--3rd ed.-- New Delhi: Pearson Education, Inc., 2007. 877p. with CD ROM ISBN 81-7758-559-2 1.Mathematics I. Bradley, Gerald L. II. Smith, Karl J. III. Title. Accn Nos : 128168 515 TRE

Trench, William F. Advanced calculus / William F. Trench.-New York: Harper & Row Publishers, 1978. 754p ISBN 0-06-046665-0 1.Mathematics 2.Calculus I. Title. Accn Nos : 83518 515 TRE

Trench, William F. Advanced calculus / William F. Trench.-New York: Harper & Row Publishers, 1978. xi,754p ISBN 0-06-046665-0 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 84988

515 ZAK

Zakon, Elias Mathematical analysis / Elias Zakon.-- New Delhi: Overseas Press, 2006. Vol.1.(xi,355p.) Includes index ISBN 81-88689-46-7 1.Mathematical analysis 2.Analysis Mathematical I. Title. Accn Nos : 126687

515 ZAR

Zaring, Wilson M. Introduction to analysis / Wilson M. Zaring.-- New York: Macmillan Company, 1967. xi,364p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 56366 515 ZEL

Zeldovich, Ya B. Higher mathematics for beginners and its application to physics / Ya B. Zeldovich and George Yankovsky.-- Moscow: Mir Publishers, 1973. 494p 1.Mathematics 2.George Yankovskey 3.Culculus I. Yankovsky, George. II. Title. Accn Nos : 92830 515 ZEM

Zemanian, A.H. Realizability theory for continuous linear system / A.H. Zemanian.-- New York: Academic Press, 1972. xv,231p (Mathematics in science and engineering). Vol. 97 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 77845


French, Doug Teaching and leaning geomety: issues and methods in mathematical education / Doug French.-- London: Continuum, 2004. vi,169p. including index - ISBN 0-8264-7362-8 1.Mathematics(Geometry) I. Title. Accn Nos : 125036 516.007 MAT

Second report on the teaching of geometry in schools / Mathematical Association.-London: G. Bell & Sons, 1937. 190p 1.Mathematics I. Mathematical Association. Accn Nos : 6317 516.007


Second report on the teaching of geometry in schools / Mathematical Association.-London: G. Bell and Sons, 1954. 190p 1.Mathematics I. Mathematical Association. Accn Nos : 9522 516.007 MAT

Teaching of geometry in schools / Mathematical Association.--4th ed-London: G. Bell & Sons Ltd, 1944. iii,74p 1.Mathematics I. Mathematical Association. Accn Nos : 9333 516.007 TEA

Teaching of geometry in school: Report / The Publisher.--4th ed-- London: G. Bell & Sons, 1954. iii,74p 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : 8142 516.0076 MEN

Mendonza, E. Introduction work book of practical geometry / E. Mendonza.-- New Delhi: Cambridge, 1963. 72p. Part II 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 35610 516.0076 MEN

Mendonza, E. Introductory work book of practical geometry / E. Mendonza.-- New Delhi: Cambridge, 1963. 64p. Part III 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45417 516.0076 MEN

Mendonza, E. Introductory work book of practical geometry / E. Mendonza.-- New Delhi: Cambridge, 1963. 44p. Part 1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 35334 516.00954 SAR

Amma, T.A. Sarasvati Geometry in ancient and medieval India / T.A. Sarasvati Amma.-- Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1999. xi,277p. Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 81-208-1344-8 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 120078

516.00954 SAR

Sarasvati, Svami Satya Prakash Geometry in ancient India / Svami Satya Prakash Sarasvati.-- Delhi: Govindram Hasanand, 1987. 230p ISBN 81-7077-012-2 1.Mathematics 2.Geometry 3.Mathematics, ancient 4.Mathematics, Greek I. Title. Accn Nos : 109733

516.00954 SAR

Amma, T.A. Geometry in ancient and medieval India / T.A. Amma.-- Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1979. xi,280p - ISBN 0-89684-020-4 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics, India 3.Geometry, India 4.Mathematics - history I. Title. Accn Nos : 92255 516.04 SAC

Sachdeva, S.S. Foundations of modern geometry / S.S. Sachdeva.-- New Delhi: Arya Book Depot, 1989. viii,472p 1.GeometryFoundations o I. Title. Accn Nos : F19007 516.05 CUR

Curtis, Edward B. Plane geometry / Edward B. Curtis.-Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica Press, 1961. 896-1151p. Sect. 5 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 17060 516.05 CUR

Curtis, Edward B. Plane geometry / Edward B. Curtis.-Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica Press, 1961. iii,220p (Temac programmed learning). Sect. 1 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 17056 516.05 CUR

Curtis, Edward B. Plane geometry / Edward B. Curtis.-Chicago: Encyclopaedia Press, 1961. 446-669p (Temac programmed learning). Sect 3 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 17058 516.05 CUR

Curtis, Edward B. Plane geometry (Section 2) / Edward B. Curtis.-- Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica Press, 1961. 222-334p (Temac programmed learning

materials). Section. 2 1.Mathematics I. Title Accn Nos : 17057


516.05 CUR

Curtis, Edward B. Plane geometry : Temac programmed learning materials / Edward B. Curtis.-- Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica Press, 1961. 670-895p (Temac programmed learning). Sect. 4 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 17059 516.05 LEA

Leary, Arthur F. Scribner plane geometry / Arthur F. Leary and Carl N. Shuster.-- New York: Charles Scribners, 1955. ix,510p 1.Mathematics I. Shuster, Carl N. II. Title. Accn Nos : 6128 516.05 PIE

Pierpoint, A.E. Mensuration for Indian schools and colleges / A.E. Pierpoint.-- Bombay: Orient Longmans, 1965. 160p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 15093 516.06 SHA

Shanti Narayan Analytical solid geometry / Shanti Narayan. --15th ed-- New Delhi: S. Chand, 1983. x, 310p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 94602 516.0712 Malhotra, O.P. Final step in traditional geometry with trigonometry in 51 units / O.P. Malhotra and S.K. Gupta.-- New Delhi: S. Chand & Company,n.d. 696p 1.Mathematics 2.Geometry 3.Trigonometry I. Gupta, S.K. II. Title. Accn Nos : 83071 516.08 SPO

Spooner, George Mathematics enrichment program A: Sets, geometry numeration / George Spooner.-- New York: Harcourt, Brace World, 1962. x,177p (Growth in arithmetic discovery edition) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F10841 516.093402 KAP

Kapoor, S.K. Vedic geometry / S.K. Kapoor.-- New Delhi: Arya Book Depot, 1994. xii,523p 1.Mathematics 2.Geometry - India - 1500 BC I. Title.

Accn Nos : 117303 516.1 GLE

Glenn, William H. Theorem of Pythagoras / William H. Glenn and Donavan A. Johnson.-- London: John Murray, 1960. 48p (Exploring mathematics on your own) 1.Mathematics I. Johnson, Donavan A. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 17522

516.1 KAP

Kapur, J.N. Transformation geometry / J.N. Kapur.-- New Delhi: Affiliated East West Press, 1976. ix,257p 1.GeometryTransformatio I. Title. Accn Nos : 84991 516.1 MAX

Maxwell, E.A. Geometry by transformations / E.A. Maxwell. -- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1975. xii,276p (SMP hand books) ISBN 0-521-20405-4 1.Mathematics 2.Transformation - geometry I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 79500 516.1 POG

Pogorelov, Aleksei Vasilevich Hilbert's fourth problem / Aleksei Vasilevich Pogorelov, translated by Richard Silverman, edited by Irwin Kra.-- Washington, DC: V.H. Winston & Sons, 1971. vi,97p (Scripta series in mathematics) 1.Mathematics 2.Geometry - foundations 3.Translations I. Silverman, Richard. II. Kra, Irwin. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 90721 516.1 YAG

Yaglom, I.M. Geometric transformation / I.M. Yaglom.-Canada: L.W. Singer, 1962. vii,154p (New mathematical library) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 10454 516.1 YAG

Yaglom, I.M. Geometric transformations / I.M. Yaglom, tr. by Allen Shields.-- Canada: C.W. Singer, 1962. vii,134p (New mathematical library) (8) 1.Mathematics I. Shields, Allen. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F1733

516.1 YAG

Yaglom, I.M. Geometric transformation / I.M. Yaglom, tr. by Allen Shields.-- Canada: C.W. Singer, 1962. xii,134p (New mathematical library) (8) 1.Mathematics I. Shields, Allen. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45361

516.1 YAG

Yaglom, I.M. Geometric transformations / I.M. Yaglom, tr. by Allen Shields.-- Canada: C.W. Singer, 1962. vii,134p 1.Mathematics I. Shields, Allen. II. Title. Accn Nos : F11007 516.1 YAG

Yaglom, I.M. Geometric transformations / I.M. Yaglom.-Canada: C.W. Singer, 1962. vii,134p (New mathematical library) (8) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F11006 516.1 YAG

Yaglom, I.M. Geometric transformations / I.M. Yaglom, tr. by Allen Shields.-- Canada: C.W. Singer, 1962. vii,134p (New mathematical library) (8) 1.Mathematics I. Shields, Allen. II. Title(Series). Accn Nos : F11008 516.1 YAG

Yaglom, I.M. Geometric transformations / I.M. Yaglom.-Canada: L.W. Singer, 1962. vii,133p (New mathematical library) (8) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45347 516.15 ATT

Attwood,C. Squares and square roots / C. Attwood.--1st ed.-- Oxford: Pergamon press, 1965. 127p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 10617 516.15 NAV

Navigating through measurement in grades 6-8 / George W. Bright...[et al].-- Reston: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2005. ix,146p (Principles and standards for school Maths. Navig.series) -

ISBN 0-875353-545 1.Geometry- Study and teaching(Elementry) 2.Estimation theory-Study and teaching(Elementry) I. Bright, George W. II. Jordan, Patricia Lamphere. III. Malloy, Carol. IV. Series. Accn Nos : 125254

516.16 ARO

Arora, P.N. Text book of Coordinate Geometry [fordegree courses of Indian Universities] / P.N. Arora and P.C. Bagga.--2nd-- New Delhi: Pitambar Publishing Co., 1985. 248p. 1.Mathematics-Geometry I. Bagga, P.C. II. Title. Accn Nos : F18892 516.16 GOR

Gorakh Prasad Textbook on coordinate geometry / Gorakh Prasad and H.C. Gupta.--6th ed.-- Allahabad: Pothishala, 1965. 316p. 1.Mathematics I. Gupta, H.C. II. Title. Accn Nos : 64777 516.17 KAZ

Kazarinoff, Nicholas D. Geometric inequalities / Nicholas D. Kazarinoff.-- New York: L.W. Singer Company, 1961. 132p (New mathematical library) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F1729 516.182 HUM

Hummel, James A. Vector geometry / James A. Hummel.-Massachusetts: Addison-wesley Publishing Company, 1965. viii,263p (Addison-wesley series in introductory mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Pieters, Richard S. , ed. II. Young, Gail S., ed. III. Title (Series).

Accn Nos : 254 516.2 CUR

Curtis, Charles W. Studies in mathematics: Euclidean geometry based on ruler and protractor asioms / Charles W. Curtis, Paul H. Daus and Robert J. Walkar: School mathematics study group., 1961. vii,178 (School mathematics study group) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Daus, Paul H. II. Walkar, Robert

J. III. Title Accn Nos : F11825


516.2 RED

Redei, L Foundation of Education and Non-Euclidean geometries: According to F. Klein / L.Redei. -- London: Pergamon Press, 1968. x,400p. (International series of Monographs in Pure and Applied Mathe). Series Edited by I.N. Sneddon and M. Stark 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 64918 516.22 BAR

Bartoo, Grover C. Plane geometry : A text-work book / Grover C. Bartoo and Jesse Osborn.-- Washington: Webster, 1946. iv,251p 1.Mathematics I. Osborn, Jesse. II. Title.

Accn Nos : 442 516.22 BRO

Brown, Kenneth E. Geometry: Plane and solid / Kenneth E. Brown and Gaylord C. Montgomery.-- Illinois: Laidlaw Brothers Publishers, 1963. 576p (Laidlaw mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Montgomery, Gaylord C. II. Title Accn Nos : F5862 516.22 KEN

Keniston, Rachel P. Plane geometry / Rachel P. Keniston and Jean Tully.-- Boston: Ginn and Company, 1953. v,392p 1.Mathematics I. Tully, Jean. II. Title. Accn Nos : 5834 516.22 RIC

Rich, Barnett Schaum's outline of principles and problems of plane geometry with coordinate geometry / Barnett Rich.-- New York: McGraw Hill Book Company, 1963. v,231p (Schaum's outline series) 1.Mathematics 2.Plane geometry 3.Coordinate geometry I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 80894 516.23 BAR

Bartoo, Grover C. Solid geometry / Grover C. Bartoo and Jesse Osborn.-- St. Louis: Webster Publishing Company, 1953. ix,298p 1.Mathematics I. Osborn, Jesse. II. Title. Accn Nos : 54682 516.23 SIG

Sigley, Daniel T. Solid geometry / Daniel T. Sigley and


William T. Stratton.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1956. x,198p 1.Mathematics I. Stratton, William T. II. Title. Accn Nos : 5960 516.24 ABB

Abbott, P. Teach yourself trignometry / P. Abbott.-London: English University Press, 1959. 204p (Mathematics and applications) 1.Mathematics 2.Trignometry I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 107014 516.24 AUS

Austwick, K. Trigonometry: The right-angled triangle / K. Austwick.-- London: Iliffe Book Ltd, 1967. 79p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F10584 516.24 DRO

Drooyan, Irving Essentials of trigonometry / Irving Drooyan, Walter Hadel and Charles C. Carico. -- New York: Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc., 1977. viii,328p - ISBN 0-02-330220-8 1.Mathematics 2.Trigonometry I. Hadel, Walter. II. Carico, Charles C. III. Title. Accn Nos : 80886 516.24 ENC

Encyclopaedia Britannica Programmed course in trigonometry: TEMAC programmed learning meterials / Encyclopaedia Britannica.-- Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica press, 1961. various pages. suggested tests 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 18323 516.24 ENC

Encyclopaedia Britannica Teacher's manual: progammed course in analytic Trigonometry / Encyclopaedia Britannica.-- chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica Press, 1962; 31p. TEMAC programmed learning materials 1.Encyclopaedia I. Title. Accn Nos : 17122 516.24 GOV

Goverdhan Lal New style plane trigonometry for intermediate classes / Goverdhan Lal and Rajan Singh.-- Ambala: Uttar Chand Kapoor & Sons, 1952. v,376p 1.Mathematics 2.Trigonometry - text books I. Singh, Arjan. II. Title. Accn Nos : 87986

516.24 GUP

Gupta, K. Shree Rama Trigonometry for the intermediate course / K. Shree Rama Gupta; foreword by T.S. Sankaranarayana Pillai.--3rd ed-- Chittor: Barat Book Depot, 1954. 122p 1.Mathematics I. Pillai, T.S. Sankaranarayana. II. Title. Accn Nos : 35893

516.24 HOR

Horner, Donald R. Trigonometry: A study of certain real functions / Donald R. Horner.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1968. xiii,303p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 64130 516.24 LAR

Larson, Roland E. Trigonometry / Roland E. Larson and Robert P. Hostetler.-- Massachusells: D.C. Heath and Company, 1985. xvi,322p 1.Mathematics I. Hostetler, Robert P. II. Title. Accn Nos : 102317 516.24 LUC

Luckham, David C. Trigonometry sect. 1 / David C. Luckham.-Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica Press, 1961. 141p. (Temac programmed learning material) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 17044 516.24 LUC

Luckham, David C. Trigonometry sect. 2 / David C. Luckham.-Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1961. 286-573p (Temac programmed learning material) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 17045 516.24 LUC

Luckham, David C. Trigonometry sect. 3 / David C. Luckham.-Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica Press, 1961. 574-834p (Temac programmed learning material). Vol. 3 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series).

Accn Nos : 17046 516.24 LUC

Luckham, David C. Trigonometry supplement / David C. Luckham. -- Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica Press, 1961. ii,18p (Temac programmed learning materials) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 36483

516.24 MAO

Maor, Eli Trigonometric delights / Eli Maor.-Hyderabad: Universities Press, 2000. xiv,236p - ISBN 81-7371-206-9 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 123180 516.24 NAR

Narayanan, Shanti Trigonometry / Shanti Narayanan.-- Madras: S. Viswanathan, 1967. 309p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 88701 516.242 SWO

Swokowski, Earl W Fundamentals of trigonometry / Earl W Swokowski and Jeffery A Cole.--8th ed-Boston: PWS Publishing, 1993. xviii,424,A1-A81p - ISBN 0-534-93211-8 1.Mathematics 2.Trigonometry I. Cole, Jeffery A. II. Title. Accn Nos : 116319 516.3 AYR

Ayre, H. Glenn Analytical geometry: two and three dimensions / H. Glenn Ayre, Rothwell Stephens and Gordon D. Mock.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1967. xiv,332p. 1.Mathematics I. Stephens, Rothwell. II. Mock, Gordon D. III. Title. Accn Nos : 67349 516.3 CAR

Carico, Charles C. Analytic geometry / Charles C. Carico and Irving Drooyan.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1980. ix,305p 1.Mathematics 2.Geometry, analytic I. Drooyan, Irving. II. Title. Accn Nos : 93425 516.3 HAL

Hall, Dick Wick Plane geometry: an approach through

isometrics / Dick Wick Hall and Steven Szabo. -- New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1971. ix,209p 1.Mathematics I. Szabo, Steven. II. Title. Accn Nos : 75922 516.3 KEL

Kelly, Paul J. Elements of analytic geometry and transformations / Paul J. Kelly and Straus.-- Illinois: Scott, Foresman Company, 1970. 445p 1.Mathematics I. Straus, Ernst G. Accn Nos : 78193

linear Ernst G. and II. Title.

516.3 MAR

Analytical geometry / Baltimore Country Public School.-- Maryland: Towson, 1967. Various pagination 1.Mathematics 2.Analytic geometry I. Baltimore Country Public Schools. Accn Nos : F12462 516.3 POG

Pogerelov, A.V. Analytical geometry / A.V. Pogorelov; translated by Leonid Levant.-- Moscow: Mir Publishers, 1980. 240p 1.Mathematics 2.Geometry, analytic I. Levant, Leonid. II. Title. Accn Nos : 92232 516.3 RAY

Ayre, H. Glenn Analytic geometry: Two and three dimensions / H. Glenn Ayre, Rothwell Stephens and Gordon D. Mock.--Ed. 2nd-- Princeton: D. Van Nostrand Company, 1967. xiv,332p 1.Mathematics I. Stephens, ROthwell. II. Mock, Gordon D. III. Title. Accn Nos : 63668 516.3 YEF

Yefimov, N. Brief course in analytic geometry / N. Yefimov and tr. by O. Soroka.-- Moscow: Peace Publishers, [n.d.]; 251p 1.Mathematics I. Soroka, O. II. Title. Accn Nos : F11259 516.303 PAN (R-E)

Pandey, Rakesh Kumar Encyclopaedia of analytical geometry / Rakesh Kumar Pandey.-- New Delhi: Anmol publications, 2009. 2v. V.1. 313p. & V.2. 310p. Set of 2 vol's - ISBN 81-261-4111-1 1.Geometry, analytical I. Title. Accn Nos : 128291; 128292 516.32


Programmed course in plane geometry / Temac Programmed.-- Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica Press, 1961. various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Temac Programmed. Accn Nos : 18111 516.33 NAR

Narayan, Shanti Analytical solid geometry / Shanti Narayan. --15th ed-- New Delhi: S. Chand, 1966. x,270p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 59682 516.33 PIR

Pirzada, S. analytical solid geometry / S. Pirzada and T.A. Chishti.-- Hyderabad: Universities Press, 2007. v,326p. Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 81-7371-580-7 1.Solid analytical geometry I. Chishti, T.A. II. Title. Accn Nos : 127645 516.35 ART

Artz, Rafel Linear geometry / Rafael Artz.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1965. Various pagination (Addison-wesley series in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series).

Accn Nos : 147 516.36 BUR

Burke, William L. Applied differential geometry / William L. Burke.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985. xvii, 414p ISBN 0-521-26929-6 1.Mathematics 2.Geometry, differential 3.Mathematical physics I. Title. Accn Nos : 104845 516.36 COX

Coxeter, H S M Regular complex polytopes / H S M Coxeter. --2nd ed-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991. xiv,210p. Includes bibliographical references and index : PP 203-210 - ISBN 0-521-39490-2 1.Mathematics 2.Topology I. Title. Accn Nos : 114608 516.36 JAI

Jain, S.K. Differential geometry / S.K. Jain.-Delhi: Sarup & Sons, 2002. iii,101p ISBN 81-7890-037-8 1.Geometry I. Title. Accn Nos : 121380

516.36 NIR

Nirmala, Prakash Differential geometry: an integrated approach / Nirmala Prakash.-- New Delhi: McGraw-Hill Publishing Co, 1981. xvi,414p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 96777

516.36 NIR

Nirmala, Prakash Differential geometry: an integrated approach / Prakash Nirmala.-- New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill, 1981. xiii,414p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 96776 516.36 PRE

Pressley, Andrew Elementary differential geometry / Andrew Pressley.-- New Delhi: Springer, 2004. ix,332p ISBN 81-8128-143-8 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 123789 516.3604 MIL

Millman, Richard S. Elements of differential geometry / Richard S. Millman and George D. Parker.-- Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1977. xiv,265p. Bibliographical references and index ISBN 0-13-264143-7 1.Mathematics 2.Geometry differential I. Parker, George D. II. Title. Accn Nos : 114414 516.373 KLI

Klingenberg, Wilhelm Riemanniam geometry / Wilhelm Klingenberg. -- Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1982. (De Gruyter studies in mathematics).(1) ISBN 3-11-008673-5 1.Mathematics 2.Geometry, Riemanniam I. Title Accn Nos : 94692


516.5 JEG

Jeger, Max Transforamtion geometry / Max Jeger, A.W. Deicke and A.G. Howson.-- London: George Allen and Unwin, 1966. 143p (Methematical studies) (David Wheeler) 1.Mathematics I. Deicke, A.W. II. Howson, A.G. III. Wheeler, David. IV. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66150


516.5 MAY

May, Peter J. Simplicial objects in algebraic topology / Peter J. May.-- New Jersey: D.Van Hostrand Company, [n.d.] vii,161p (Van Nostrant mathematical series) (Paul R Halmos and Frederick W.Gebring) 1.Mathematics I. Halmos, Paul R. II. Gebring, Frederick W. III. Title(Series). Accn Nos : 64111

516.5 SCH

Schilling , O.F.G. Arithmetical Algebraic Geometry : Proceedings of a Conference Held at Purdue University, December 5-7, 1963 / O.F.G. Schilling.-- New York: Harper & Row, 1963. vii,200p. (Harper's Series in Modern Mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Herstein, I.N. II. Rota, Gian-Carlo. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66906 516.55 MES

Meschkowski, Herbert Unsolved and unsolvable problems in geometry / Herbert Meschkowski, tr. by Jane A.C. Burlak.-- Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1966. viii,168p 1.Mathematics I. Burlak, Jane A.C. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45385 516.55 MOD

Modenov, P.S. Geometric transformations: Euclidean and affine transformations / P.S. Modenov, A.S. Parkhomenko and tr. by Michael B.P. Slater.-New York: Academic Press, 1965. x,160p. Vol.1 1.Mathematics I. Parkhomenko, A.S. II. Slater, Michael B.P. III. Title. Accn Nos : 63033 516.55 MOD

Modenov, P.S. Geometric transformations: Projective transformations / P.S. Modenov, A.S. Parkhomenko and tr. by Michael B.P. Slater.-New York: Academic Press, 1965. xi,136p. Vol.2 1.Mathematics I. Parkhomenko, A.S. II. Slater, Michael B.P. III. Title. Accn Nos : 63034


516.57 ALB

Albert, A. Adrian Introduction to finite projective planes / A. Adrian Albert and Reuben Sandler.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, [n.d.] Viii,98p (Athena series selected topics in methematics) (Edwin Hewitt) 1.Mathematics I. Sandler, Reuben. II. Hewitt, Edwin. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 68379

516.57 AYR

Ayres, Frank Schaum's outline of theory and problems of projective geometry / Frank Ayres.-- New York: Schaum's Publishing, 1967, 1967. 243 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 58253 516.57 BUM

Bumcort, Robert J. Modern projective geometry / Robert J. Bumcort.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1969. vii,149p. (Book is in the Addison-Wesley series in the mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 70938 516.57 BUS

Busemann, Herbert Projective geometry and projective metrics / Herbert Busemann and Paul J. Kelly.-- New York: Academic press, 1953. vii,338 (Pure and applied mathematics series of monograph and text books) (Paul A. Smith and Samuel Eilenberg) 1.Mathematics I. Kelly, paul J. II. Smith, Paul A. III. Eilenberg, Samuel. IV. Title (Series).

516.57 BUS

Busemann, Herbert Prospective geometry and projective metrics / Herbert Busemann and Paul J. Kelly.-- New York: Academic press inc., 1953. viii,332p. Including Index 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 63039 516.57 COX

Coxeter, H.S.M. Projective geometry / H.S.M. Coxeter.-London: Blaisdell Publishing Company, 1964. 159p (This book is in the addison-wesley series in the mathematics education)

1.Mathematics I. Title


Accn Nos : 53301 516.57 DOR

Dorwart, Harold L. Geometry of incidence / Harold L. Dorwart. -- New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc, 1966. vii,155p (This book is in the addisonwesley series in the mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45346

516.57 FAU

Foulkner, T. Ewin Projective geometry / T. Ewin Foulkner.-London: Oliver and Boyd, 1960. vii,126p (This book is in the addisonwesley series in the mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45395 516.57 LAK

Lakshminarayanan, V. Text book on practical geometry or geometrical drawing / V. Lakshminarayanan and R.S. Vaishwanar.--Ed. Rev.-- Pilani: Jain Brothers, 1966. 448p 1.Mathematics I. Vaishwanar, R.S. II. Title. Accn Nos : 60127 516.57 ROS

Rosenbaum, Robert A. Introduction to projective geometry and modern algebra / Rabert A. Rosenbaum.-Masschusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1963. various pagination (Addison-Wesley series in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45370 516.57 SPR

Springer, C.E. Geometry and analysis of projective spaces / C.E. Springer.-- London: W.H. Freeman and Company, 1964. xi,297p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 66167 516.57 VEB

Veblen, Oswold Projective geometry / Oswold Veblen and John Wesley Young.-- New York: Blaisdell Publishing Company, 1946. 501p (This book is in the addison-wesley series in the mathematics education). Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Young, John Wesley. II. Title Accn Nos : 66674


516.57 VEB

Veblen, Oswold Projective geometry / Oswold Veblen and John Wesley Young.-- New York: Blaisdell,[n.d.] x,345.p (This book is in the AddisonWesley series in the mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Young, John Wesley. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66673

516.574 SEI

Seidenberg, A. Lectures in projective geometry / A. Seidenberg.-- New York: D. Van Nostrond, 1965. x,229p (This book is in the Addison Wesley series in the mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 53974 516.6 ARU

Arustamov, Kh.A. Problems in descriptive geometry / Kh. A. Arustamov.-- Moscow: Mir Publication, 1974. 384p (This book is in the Addison-Wesley series in the mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 79507 516.6 PAR

Pare, E.G. Descriptive geometry: metrix / E.G. Pare, R.O. Loving and I.L. Hill.--6th ed-- New York: Macmillan Publishing Co. Ltd., 1982. x, 411p. 1.Mathematics 2.Geometry 3.Descriptive I. Loving, R.O. II. Hill, I.L. III. Title. Accn Nos : 93822 516.6 SEI

Seidenberg, A. Lectures in projective geometry / A. Seidenberg.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand Company, [n.d.] x,230p (University series in undergraduate mathematics) (ed. by John L. Kelley and Paul R. Halmos) 1.Mathematics I. Kelley, John L. II. Halmos, Paul R. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 70006 516.67 SMO

Smogorzhevskii, A.S. Ruler in geometrical constructions / A.S. Smogorzhevskii.-- London: Pergamon Press, 1961. vii,83p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Accn Nos : 45324 516.7 GUG

Guggenheimer, Heinrich W. Differential geometry / Guggenheimer.-- New York: Inc, 1963. x,369p (Blaisdell book applied mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title Accn Nos : 60285

Heinrich W. McGraw Hill Company in the pure and (Series).

516.7 LAO

Lougwitz, Detlef Differential and riemannian geometry / Detlef Lougwitz, tr. by Fritz Stein Haradt.-New York: Academic Press, 1966. xii,233p 1.Mathematics I. Stein Haradt, Fritz. II. Title. Accn Nos : 63040 516.74 BUM

Bumcrot,, Robert J. Modern projective geometry / Robert J. Bumcrot.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc, 1969. viii, 149p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 73855 516.74 BUS

Busemann, Herbert Projective geometry and projective metrics / Herbert Busemann and Paul J. Kelly.-- New York: Academic Press, 1953. 332p 1.Mathematics I. Kelly, Paul J. II. Title. Accn Nos : 66105 516.74 HAR

Hartshorne, Robin Foundations of projective geometry / Robin Hartshorne.-- America: Harvard University, 1967. xii,166p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 62367 516.74 HEY

Heyting, A. Axiomatic projective geometry / A. Heyting. -- Amsterdam: North-Holland and Publishing Company, n.d x,147p (This book is in the addison-wesley series in the mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 60084 516.8 LON

Loney, S.L. Statics and dynamics / S.L. Loney.--5th ed -- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,

1959. 332p. Part I: Statics 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45392 516.83 BRA

Brand, Louis Vector analysis / Louis Brand.-- New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1957. 282p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 54173

516.83 HAU

Houser, Melvin Vector-space approach to geometry / Melvin Houser.-- London: Prentice Hall Inc, 1965. x,393p (This book is in the addison-wesley series in the mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66326 516.83 HAU

Hausner, Melvin Vector space approach to geometry / Melvin Hausner.-- London: Prentice Hall Inc, 1965. x,397p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 71194 516.83 HUM

Hummel, James A. Vector geometry / James A. Hummel.-London: Addison-wesley Publishing Company Inc, 1965. vii,261p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 66668 516.83 JEG

Jeger, M. Vector geometry and linear algebra for engineers and scientists / M. Jeger and B. EcKmann.-- London: John Wiley, 1967. vi,254p 1.Mathematics I. EcKmann, B. II. Title. Accn Nos : 69593 516.83 MOO

Moon, Parry Vectors / Parry Moon.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand Company Inc, 1965. vii,331p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45332 516.83 MOO

Moon, Parry Vectors / Parry Moon and Domina Eberle Spencer.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1965. vii,334p

1.Mathematics I. Spencer, Domina Eberle. II. Title. Accn Nos : 52757 516.83 SCH

Schuster, Seymour Elementary vector geometry / Seymour Schuster.-- New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1962. xii,211p (This book is in the addisonwesley series in the mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 86947 516.83 SCH

Schwartz, Manuel Vector analysis with applications to geometry and physics / Manuel Schwartz, Simon Green and W.A. Rutledge.-- Tokyo: John Weather Hill, 1964. ix,551p 1.Mathematics I. Green, Simon. II. Rutledge, W.A. III. Title. Accn Nos : 54219 516.83 SPI

Spiegel, Murray R. Vector analysis and an introduction to tensor analysis / Murray R. Spiegel.-- New York: Schaum, 1959. 225p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 49949 516.83 WEX

Wexler, Charles Analytic geometry a vector approach / Charles Wexler.-- London: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Inc, 1961. x,289p (This book is in the addison-wesley series in the mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45380 516.9 BER

Berman, G.N. Problem book in mathematical analysis / G.N. Berman, tr. by Leonid Levant.-- Moscow: Mir Publishers, 1977. 462p - ISBN 81-239-0297-2 1.Mathematics I. Levant, Leonid. II. Title. Accn Nos : 53394 516.9 BON

Bonola, Roberto Non euclidean geometry: a critical study of its development / Roberto Bonola and H.S. Carslaw.-- New York: Dover, [n.d.] various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Carslaw, H.S. II. Title. Accn Nos : 79515

516.9 GRE

Green, D. Plane and solid geometry with technical graphics / D. Green.-- Cheltenham: Stenley Thomos Ltd., 1984. vii,392p ISBN 0-85950-136-1 1.Mathematics 2.Geometry, descriptive I. Title. Accn Nos : 102321

516.9 JAE

Jaeger, Arno Introduction to analytic geometry and linear algebra / Arno Jaeger.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1964. xii,299p (Blaisdell book in the pure and applied mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45342 516 ABH

Abhyankar, Shreeram Shankar Local analytical geometry / Shreeram Shankar Abhyankar.-- New York: Academic Press, 1964. xv,484p. (Pure and applied mathematics/ edited by Paul A. Smith) 1.Mathematics I. Smith, Paul A. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66103 516 ANJ

Anjaneyulu, M.S.R. Elements of pure geometry / M.S.R. Anjaneyulu.-- Bombay: Asia Publishing House, 1964. x,167p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53688 516 AUD

Audin, Michele Geometry / Michele Audin.-- New York: Springer, 2003. vi,357p ISBN 3-540-43498-4 1.Geometry I. Title. Accn Nos : 121879 516 AUD

Audin, Michele Geometry / Michele Audin.-- New Delhi: Springer, 2004. vi, 357p. Includes index ISBN 81-8128-016-4 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Geometry I. Title. Accn Nos : 128597

516 AYR

Ayre, H. Glenn First course in analytic geometry: two and three dimensions treated simultaneously / Glenn Ayre H. and Rothwell Stephens.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1965. viii,224p. 1.Mathematics I. Stephens, Rothwell. II. Title. Accn Nos : 67044

516 BAD

Baderia, G. S. Adhunik geometry and mensuration (HIN) / G. S. Baderia.-- Bhopal: Sanchi Prakashan, 1983. 230p. Part 1 1.Mathematics 2.Geometry - Pathyapustak I. Title. Accn Nos : F16153 516 BAD

Baderia, G. S. Adhunik geometry tatha mensuration (HIN) / G. S. Baderia.-- Bhopal: Sanchi Prakashan, 1983. 144p. Part 2 1.Mathematics 2.Geometry Pathyapustak 3.Mensuration I. Title. Accn Nos : F16154 516 BAD

G.S. Baderia Text book of modern geometry, Part I&II / G.S. Baderia, R.S. Lugani and M.M. Sharma.-Rev. ed-- Delhi: Frank Bors & Co., 1974. iv,446p 1.Mathematics 2.Geometry - text book I. Ligani, R.S. II. Sharma, M.M. III. Title. Accn Nos : F16148 516 BAL

Ballabh, Ram Textbook of coordinate geometry / Ram Ballabh., n.d; 353p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45321 516 BAN

Bansi Lal Analytical plane geometry / Bansi Lal.--3rd ed-- Delhi: Ram Chand, 1967. 325p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 43152 516 BHA

Dharmadhikari, S.K. Logical approach to geometry trigonometry and statistics / S.K. Dharmadhikari, N.M. Palekar and M.G. Natu.-- Allahabad: Kitab

Mahal, 1976. v,304p 1.Mathematics I. Palekar, N.M. II. Natu, M.G. III. Title. Accn Nos : 81627 516 BOH

Bohuslov, Ronald Analytic geometry: a precalculus approach / Ronald Bohuslov.-- London: The Macmillan Company, 1970. xi, 393p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 73349

516 BON

Bonola, Roberto Non-Euclidean geometry / Roberto Bonola.-New York: Dover Publications, 1955. xiv,268p - ISBN 0-486-60027-0 1.Geometry I. Title. Accn Nos : 127745 516 BOW

Bowyer, Adrfan Programmer's geometry / Adrfan Bowyer and John Woodwark.-- London: Butterworths, 1983. xi,140p 1.Mathematics 2.Geometry I. Woodwark, John. II. Title. Accn Nos : 99870 516 BRU

Brumfiel, Charles F. Geometry / Charles F. Brumfiel, Eicholz Robert E., Merrill E. Shanks.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Inc, 1961. xi,288p (Addison-wesley science education series) 1.Mathematics I. Eicholz, Robert E. II. Shanks, Merrill E. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F4515 516 BUR

Burdette, A.C. Introduction to analytic geometry and calculus / A.C. Burdette.-- New York: Academic Press, 1968. xii,412p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 63031 516 CEL

Cell, John W. Analytic geometry / John W. Cell.-- Tokyo: Toppan Company, 1960. xii,330p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53430 516 CEL

Cell, John W. Analytic geometry / John W. Cell.-- Tokyo: Toppan Company, 1960. xii,330p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Accn Nos : 18663 516 CHO

Choquet, Gustave L'enseignement de la geometrie / Gustave Choquet.-- Paris: Herman, 1964. 168p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 69468

516 DUR

Durell, C.V. Simplified geometry / C.V. Durell and C.O. Tuckey.-- London: G Bell and Sons, 1958. viii,280p 1.Mathematics I. Tuckey, C.O. II. Title. Accn Nos : 9806 516 EFI

Efimov, N. V. Higher geometry / N.V. Efimov; translated by P.C. Sinha.-- Moscow: Mir Publishers, 1978. 560p. Translated from the Russian 1.Mathematics-Mathematics Geometry I. Sinha, P.C. II. Title. Accn Nos : 92829 516 EFI

Efimov, N.V. Higher geometry / N.V. Efimov, tr. by P.C. Sinha.-- Moscow: Mir Publishers, 1980. 560p 1.Mathematics 2.Geometry I. Sinha, P.C. II. Title.

516 ENT

Geometry: Teacher's guide / Education Services Incorporated.--Preliminary ed-New Jersey: Silver Burdett Company. (Entebbe mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Education Services Incorporated, Massachusetts. II. Series. Accn Nos : F4427 516 FUL

Fuller, Gordon Analytic geometry / Gordon Fuller.--2nd ed -- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc, 1965. ix,229p (Addison-wesley series in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66468 516 FUL

Fuller, Gordon Analytic geometry / Gordon Fuller.--2nd ed -- Massachusetts: Addison-wesley Publishing

Company, 1965. ix,230p (Addison-wesley series in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66812 516 FUL

Fuller, Gordon Analytic geometry / Gordon Fuller.--3rd ed -- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co, 1967. ix,237p (Addison-Wesley series in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45357 516 FUL

Fuller, Gordon Analytic geometry / Gordon Fuller.--3rd ed -- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Pub Co, 1967. ix,243p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 67347 516 FUL

Gordon, Fuller Analytic geometry and calculus / Gordon Fuller and Robert M. Parker.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand Co Inc, 1964. xv,616p 1.Mathematics I. Parker, Robert M. II. Title. Accn Nos : 67342 516 FUL

Fuller, Gordon Analytical geometry / Gordon Fuller.-Massachusetts: Addison-wesley Publishing Company, Inc, 1965. ix,229p (Addison-wesley series in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 67138 516 GEO

Geometry and topology / ed. by G. Stratopoulos and G.M. Rassias.-Singapore: World Scientific, 1989. viii,331p ISBN 9971-50-678-5 1.Mathematics 2.Topology I. Stratopoulos G. II. Rassias, G.M. Accn Nos : 108761 516 GOL

Golovina, L.I. Introduction in geometry / L.I. Golovina and I.M. Yaglom; translated by Leonid Levant. -- Moscow: Mir Publishers, 1979. 133p (Little mathematics library) 1.Mathematics 2.Geometry - problems, exercises, etc. I. Yaglom, I.M. II. Levant, Leonid. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 92230 516


Gorakh Prasad Text-book on coordinate geometry / Gorakh Prasad and H.C. Gupta.-- Allahabad: Pothishala (Private) Ltd., 1962. 316p 1.Mathematics 2.Geometry, coordinate I. Gupta, H.C. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45412

516 GRA

Gray, John New sequence geometry for school / John Gray and Francis J. Smith.-- London: House of Grant, 1956. xi,500p. Part 1 1.Mathematics I. Smith, Francis J. II. Title. Accn Nos : F10370 516 GRU

Weir, A.J. Linear geometry / K.W. Gruenberg and A.J. Weir.--Student's paperback ed-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc, 1967. viii,186p (The University series in undergraduate mathematics) (ed. by John L. Kelley, Paul R. Halmos) 1.Mathematics I. Kelley, John L. II. Halmos, Paul R. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66332 516 GRU

Gruenberg, K.W. Linear geometry / K.W. Gruenberg and A.J. Weir.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand Company,Inc, 1967. viii,186p (The University series in undergraduate mathematics) (ed. by John L. Kelley, Paul R. Halmos) 1.Mathematics I. Weir, A.J. II. Kelley, John L. III. Halmos, Paul R. IV. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 52410 516 GRU

Gruenberg, K.W. Linear geometry / K.W. Gruenberg and A.J. Weir.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand Company,Inc, 1967. viii,186p (The University series in undergraduate mathematics) (ed. by John L. Kelley, Paul R. Halmos) 1.Mathematics I. Weir, A.J. II. Kelley, John L. III. Halmos, Paul R. IV. Title(Series). Accn Nos : 52605 516 GRU

Gruenberg, K.W. Linear geometry / K.W. Gruenberg and A.J.

Weir.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand Company Inc, 1967. viii,186p (University series in undergraduate mathematics) (ed. by John L. Kelly) 1.Mathematics I. Weir, A.J. II. Kelly, John L. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 64036

516 GUP

Gupta, S.R. Plan analytical geometry (for intermediate students) / S.R. Gupta and Shanti Narayan.-Delhi: Premier Book Company, 1953. 248p 1.Mathematics 2.Geometry, analytical I. Shanti Narayan. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3515 516 HAA

Haaser, Norman B. Introduction to analysis / Norman B. Haaser, Joseph La Salle and Joseph A. Sullivan.-- New York: Blaisdell Publishing Company, 1964. xiv,688+i-xxxip (Course in mathematical analysis) 1.Mathematics I. La Salle, Joseph. II. Sullivan, Joseph A. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45418 516 HAL

Hall, H.S. School geometry / H.S. Hall and F.H. Stevens.-- London: Macmillan, 1964. xiv,246p (Ashorter school geometry). Part 1 & 2 1.Mathematics I. Stevens, F.H. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F3194 516 HAL

Hall, H.S. School geometry parts I-V / H.S. Hall and F.H. Stevens.-- Calcutta: Macmillan and Co Ltd, 1961. xxii,346+ixp 1.Mathematics I. Stevens, F.H. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3511 516 HAR

Hart, William L. Analytic geometry and calculus / William L. Hart.-- Boston: D.C. Heath and Company, 1957. x,716p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45365 516 HAR

Harries, Cyril

Geometry of the point and line / Cyril Harries, illus. by Kay Young.-- London: Longmans, Green & Co, 1977. various pagination (Discovery programmes) (ed. by John Leedham) 1.Mathematics I. Young, Kay. II. Leedham, John. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F10890

516 HIL

Hill, M.A. Brief course in analytics / M.A. Hill and J.B. Linker.--Ed. 3rd-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1960. viii,232p 1.Mathematics I. Linker, J.B. II. Title. Accn Nos : 20291 516 JHI

Jhitomiskri, V. G. Khel khel mein jyometry (HIN) / V. G. Jhitomiskri & L. Shevrin; Translated by Sanjeev Sharma.-- Delhi: Star Track Publishers, 1994. 132p. 1.Mathematics 2.Jyometry I. Shervin, L. II. Sharma, Sanjeev. III. Title. Accn Nos : 117560 516 JYA

Jyamiti box ka prayog: Kyon aur kaise (HIN). --2nd ed.-- Haryana: Rashtriya Shaikshik Anusandhan Evam Prashikshan Parishad, 2006. 50p. 1.Mathematics 2.Jyamiti Box Accn Nos : F25341 516 KEE

Keedy, Mervin L. Geometry: A modern introduction / Mervin L. Keedy and Charles W. Nelson.-- Massahusetts: Addison-Wesley Pub Co Inc, 1965. ix,324p 1.Mathematics I. Nelson, Charles W. II. Title. Accn Nos : 5604 516 KOS

Mostovski, A.N. Geometry constructions using compasses only / A.N. Kostovski, tr. by Halina Moss, Ian N. Sneddon.-- New York: Blaisdell Publishing Company, 1961. xi,78p (Popular lectures in mathematics series). Vol. 4 1.Mathematics I. Moss, Halina. II. Sneddon, Ian N. III. Title (Series).

Accn Nos : 16916 516 KUT

Kutuzov, B.V. Studies in mathematics / B.V. Kutuzov, tr. by Louis I. Gordon and Edward S. Shater.-Chicago: University of Chicago, 1960. 576p. Vol. IV: Geometry 1.Mathematics I. Gordon, Louis I. II. Shater, Edward S. III. Title. Accn Nos : F11822

516 LEV

Levi, Howard Foundation of geometry and trigonometry / Howard Levi.-- New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc, 1960. xiv,347p (Prentice Hall Mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F11210 516 LEV

Levenson, Morris E. Maxima and minima / Morris E. Levenson.-New York: The Macmillan, 1967. xiv,145p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 56695 516 LON

Loney, S.L. Elements of coordinate geometry: cartesian coordinates / S.L. Loney.-- New Delhi: S. Chand & Company Ltd., 1992. ix,416+i-xiiip. Part-1 1.Mathematics 2.Geometry I. Title. Accn Nos : 112032 516 LOS

Instructional guide geometry 2 / Los Angeles City Schools.-- Los Angeles: City School, 1965. vi,37p 1.Mathematics I. Los Angeles City Schools. Accn Nos : F11956 516 MAH

Mahaniani, Gehesh Sakharam Shudh dhan jyamitra pravaishika (HIN) / Gehesh Sakharam Mahajani.-- Delhi: Kendra Hindi Nideshalay, 1963. 102p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F9567 516 MAM

Mamelak, Joseph S. Textbook on analytical geometry / Joseph S. Mamelak.-- Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1965. viii,247p

1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 54928 516 MAT

Mathur, S.M. New text book of analytical solid geometry / S.M. Mathur.-- New Delhi: Oxford & IBH Publishing Co, 1969. xi,303p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 73853

516 MAT

Mathur, S.M. New textbook of analytical solid geometry / S.M. Mathur.-- Calcutta: Oxford & IBH Publishing Co, 1969. xi,303p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 70934 516 MAX

Maxwell, E.A. Deductive geometry / E.A. Maxwell.-Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1962. ix,176p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45389 516 MOI

Moise, Edwin E. Geometry / Edwin E. Moise and Floyd L. Dowos.-- London: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1965. xiii,577p (This book is in the addisonwesley series in the mathematics education) 1.Mathematics I. Dowos, Floyd L. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 53433 516 NAH

Nahin, Paul J Imaginary tale: the story of v -1 / Paul J Nahin.-- Hyderabad: Universities Press, 2002. xvi,257p - ISBN 81-7371 399-5 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 123176 516 NAT

Geometry / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1969. ii,88+8p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F7686 516 NAT

Geometry / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1969. ii,88+8p. Vol.1

1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F8046 516 NAT

Geometry / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1969. ii,88+8p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F8044

516 NAT

Geometry class 7 / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1969. 131+16p. Vol.3 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F8627 516 NAT

Geometry: Mathematics for middle schools / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1969. 91p 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F8931 516 NAT

Geometry: Teachers guide for class V / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1970. viii,55p. Vol.1 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F8031 516 NAT

Geometry: Teachers guide for class V / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 1970. vii,55p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. NCERT. II. National Council of Educational Research and Training. Accn Nos : F8029 516 NIC

Nichols, Eugene D. Introduction to coordinate geometry / Eugene D. Nichols, Robert Kolin and Henry Garland.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. iv,475p 1.Mathematics I. Kolin, Robert. II. Garland, Henry. III. Title. Accn Nos : 45430

516 NIC

Nichols, Eugene D. Modern geometry / Eugene D. Nichols, William F. Palmer and John F. Schacht.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1968. x,502p 1.Mathematics I. Palmer, William F. II. Schacht, John F. III. Title. Accn Nos : 60406

516 PET

Pettit, H.P. Essential of analytic geometry / H.P. Pettit and P. Luteyn.-- New York: The Dryden Press, 1946. x,208p 1.Mathematics I. Luteyn, P. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45323 516 PIL

Pillay, T.K. Manicavaehagom Text book analytical geometry / T.K. Manicavaehagom Pillay and T. Natarajan.-Madras: S. Vihswanathan Publishers, 1968. 616p 1.Mathematics 2.Geometry, analytical - text books I. Natarajan, T. II. Title. Accn Nos : 89124 516 PRA

Prasad, Gorakh Text book on coordinate geometry / Gorakh Prasad and H.C.Gupta.--6th ed.-- Allahabad: Pothishala, 1965. 316p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 63856 516 PRE

Prenowitz, Walter Basic concepts of geometry / Walter Prenowitz and Meyer Jordan.-- Waltham: Blaisdell, 1965. xix,350p. 1.Mathematics I. Jordan, Meyer. II. Title. Accn Nos : 66333 516 PRO

Protter, Murray H. Modern mathematical analysis / Murray H. Protter and Charles B. Morrey.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1964. x,790p. (Addison-wesley series in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Morrey, Charles B. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 67140 516 REE

Rees, Paul K. Analytic geometry / Paul K. Rees.--2nd ed--

New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1963. xi,275p (Prentice-hall mathematics series) (ed. by Bennett Albert A.) 1.Mathematics I. Albert A., Bennett. II. Title Accn Nos : 53637


516 RIC

Rickey, Frank A. Plane trigonometry / Frank A. Rickey and J.P. Cole.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc, 1964. ix,226p 1.Mathematics I. Cole, J.P. II. Title. Accn Nos : 30369 516 ROB

Robinson, Gilbert De B. Foundations of geometry / Gilbert De B. Robinson.--4th ed-- Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1963. xi,172p (Mathematical expositions) (ed. by H.S.M. Coxeter) (1) 1.Mathematics I. Coxeter, H.S.M. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F4688 516 ROS

Rosenbloom, Paul C. Prelude to analysis / Paul C. Rosenbloom and Seymour Shuster.-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc, 1966. xix,473p (Prentice-Hall mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Shuster, Seymour. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45364 516 SAX

Saxena, H.C. Elementary coordinate geometry / H.C. Saxena.-- Delhi: S. Chand, [n.d.]; 76p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45396 516 SCH

Analytic geometry / School Mathematics Study Group.-- London: Yale University Press, 1965. 485p (Teachers commentary) (65) 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : 34440 516 SCH

Schwartz, Abraham Analytic geometry and calculus / Abraham Schwartz.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1960. xi,864p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - calculus geometry I. Title. Accn Nos : F6773 516 SCH

Schwartz, Abraham Analytic geometry and calculus / Abraham

Schwartz.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1960. xi,864p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F6774 516 SCH

Schwartiz, Abraham Analytic geometry and calculus / Abraham Schwartiz.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1960. xi,864p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F6775 516 SCH

Geometry with coordinaters / School Mathematics Study Group.-- London: Yale University Press, 1962. 255p 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. Accn Nos : 31985 516 SCH

Geometry with coordinates / School Mathematics Study Group.-- New Heaven: Yale University Press, 1962. x,503p (Student's text) (47p). Part 1 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : F5499 516 SCH

Geometry with coordinates / School Mathematics Study Group.-- New Heaven: Yale University Press, 1962. 441-753p (Teachers commentary) (50). Part II 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : 34441 516 SCH

Geometry with coordinates / School Mathematics Study Group.-- New Heaven: Yale University Press, 1962. v,505-1007p. Part II 1.Mathematics I. School Mathematics Study Group. Accn Nos : F5500 516 SCO

Scott, Charlotte Angas Projective methods in plane analytical geometry / Charlotte Angas Scott.--3rd ed-New York: Chelsea Publishing Co, n.d; xii,290p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 68150 516 SHR

Shrivastava, P. L. High school geometry and mensuration (HIN) / P. L. Shrivastava.-- Allahabad: National

Press, 1959. Various Pagination 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 48208 516 SIN

Sinha, Anand Swaroop Navin secondary geometry (HIN) / Anand Swaroop Sinha.-- Agra: Gayaprasad & Sons, 1963. 326p. 1.Mathematics 2.Geometry I. Title. Accn Nos : 88668

516 SPA

Spain, Barry Analytical quadrics / Barry Spain.-Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1960. ix, 135p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 65578

516 SPA

Spain, Barry Analytical quadrics / Barry Spain.-Oxford: Pergamon, 1960. ix,135p (The series on pure and applied mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series).

516 THI

Thiruvenkatacharya, V. Elements of pure geometry / V. Thiruvenkatacharya and K.S.V.S. Narasimhan.-Madras: S. Vishwanathan Publishers, 1968. 114p 1.Mathematics 2.Geometry I. Narasimhan, K.S.V.S. II. Title. Accn Nos : 88966

516 TIK

Tikhomirov, V. M. Stories about maxima and minima / V.M. Tikhomirov.-- Hyderabad: Universities Press, 2007. 185p. Includes bibliographical references ISBN 81-7371-121-6 1.Geometry I. Title. Accn Nos : 127640 516 VAN

Van, Cleave's Janice Geometry for every kid: easy activities that make learning geometry fun / Janice Van Cleave's.-- Delhi: Pustak Mahal, (?) 220p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Accn Nos : 120126 516 Wal

Wallace, Edward C Roads to geometry / Edward C Wallace and Stephen F West.-- Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1992. xi,388p. Includes index ISBN 0-13-781725-8 1.Mathematics 2.Geometry I. West, Stephen F. II. Title. Accn Nos : 114420

516 WER

Wernick, William Analytic geometry.-- New Jersey: Silver Burdett, 1968. x,278p 1.Mathematics I. Vogeli, Bruce R. II. Title. Accn Nos : C5787 516 WER

Wernick, William Analytic geometry: Solution key / William Wernick, ed. by Bruche R. Vogeli.-- New Jersey: Silver Burdett, 1968. 185p 1.Mathematics I. Vogeli, Bruche R. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45320


Mathematical Association of America Programmed course in calculus / Mathematical Association of America.-- New York: W.A. Benjamin Inc, 1968. xiii,291p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 64031 517.2 BAC

Bacon, Harold Maile Differential and integral calculus / Harold Maile Bacon.--Ed. 2nd-- New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1955. vii,547p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 63666 517.2 CEL

Clegg, J.C.

Calculus of variations / J.C. Clegg.-Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd Ltd, 1968. ix,189p (Recent University mathematical tests) (ed. by Alan Jeffrey) (38) 1.Mathematics I. Jeffrey, Alan. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 68126

517.2 CUN

Cunningham, John Complex variable methods in science and technology / John Cunningham.-- London: D. Van Nostrand, 1965. viii,178p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53781 517.2 ERW

Erwe, Friedhelm Differential and integral calculus / Friedhelm Erwe.-- London: Oliver and Boyd, 1967. x,485p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53798 517.2 ERW

Erwe, Friedhelm Differential and integral calculus / Friedhelm Erwe.-- London: Oliver and Boyd, 1962. x,485p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 67159 517.2 FAD

Fadnis, B.S. Elements of differential calculus / B.S. Fadnis.-- Bombay: Asia, 1965. 296p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 54841 517.2 FAD

Fadell, Albert G. Vector calculus and differential equations / Albert G. Fadell.-- London: D. Van Nostrand Company Inc, 1968. xi,533p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 67330 517.2 FRA

Franclin, Philip Differential and integral calculus / Philip Franclin.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1953. xi,641p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Accn Nos : 45369

517.2 GRA

Granville, William Anthony Elements of the differential and integral calculus / William Anthony, Percey F. Smith and William Raymond Longley.--Rev. ed-Calcutta: Oxford and IBH, 1965. xi,556p 1.Mathematics I. Smith, Percey F. II. Longley, Wiliam Raymond. III. Title. Accn Nos : 63043 517.2 HAR

Unites States-Japan seminar on differential and functional equations / ed. by William A. Harris and Yasutaka Sibuya.-- New York: W.A. Benjamin, Inc, 967. xvi,583p 1.Mathematics I. Harris, William A. II. Sibuya, Yasutaka. Accn Nos : 62380 517.2 HOF

Hoffman, Stephen P. Basic analysis / Stephen P. Hoffman.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1961. xii,959p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F6789 517.2 KEN

Kent, James R.F. Differential and integral calculus / James R.F. Kent.-- Boston: Houghton Miffin, 1960. xv,511p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 86793 517.2 LAN

Langer, Rudolph E. First course in ordinary equations / Rudolph E. Langer.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1954. xii,249p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 66802

517.2 LOV

Love, Glyde E. Differential and integral calculus / Glyde E. Love and Earl D. Rainville.--5th ed-- New York: Macmillan Company, 1957. xiv,523p 1.Mathematics I. Rainville, Earl D. II. Title. Accn Nos : 36723

517.2 MAR

Margenau, Henry Mathematics of physics and chemistry / Henry Margenau and George Moseley Murphy.-2nd ed-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand Company Inc, 1956. xiv,604p 1.Mathematics I. Murphy, George Moseley. II. Title. Accn Nos : 54897

517.2 PRA

Prasad, Gorakh Textbook on differential calculus / Gorakh Prasad.--10th ed-- Allahabad: Pathishala Private Company, 1962. 294p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 37100 517.2 SHA

Shanti Narayan Differential calculus / Shanti Narayan.-12th ed-- New Delhi: Syam Lal Charitable Trust, 1968. 398p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 63852 517.2 SOM

Sommerfeld, Arnold Partial differential equations in physics / Arnold Sommerfeld, tr. by Ernst G. Straus. -- New York: Academic Press, 1949. xi,335p (Pure and applied mathematics) (ed. by Paul A. Smith). Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Straus, Ernst G. II. Smith, Paul A. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45371

517.21 NOR

Norton, M. Scott Finite mathematical systems / M. Scott Norton: Webster Publishing Company., 1963. 64p (Exploring mathematics on hyour own) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3615 517.3 BAT

Bateman, Harry Higher transcendental functions / Harry Bateman.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1953. xvii,396p (Batman manuscript project) (ed. by A. Erdelyi). Vol. 2

1.Mathematics I. Erdelyi, A. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 73946 DLDI 517.3 PRA

Prasad, Gorakh Text - book on integral calculus / Gorakh Prasad.-- Allahabad: Pothishala Private Limited, N.D. 320p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 43186 517.3 PRA

Prasad, Gorakh Textbook on integral calculus and elementary differential equations / Gorakh Prasad.-- Allahabad: Pothishala Privated Company, 1964. iv,292p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45500 517.3 ROG

Rogsinski, Werner W. Volume and integral / Werner W. Rogosinski. --Ed. 2nd-- Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1962. xi,159p (University mathematical texts) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 67341

517.3 SEG

Segal, Irving E. Integrals and operators / Irving E. Segal and Ray A. Kunze.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1968. xi,308p (McGraw-Hill series in higher mathematics) (ed. by E.H. Spanier) 1.Mathematics I. Kunze, Ray A. II. Spanier, E.H. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 60083 517.3 ZAA

Zaanen, Adriaan Integration / ed-- Amsterdam: xiii,604p 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : 71330 517.31 BER

Cornelis Adriaan Cornelis Zaanem.--2nd North-Holland, 1967. I. Title.

Berberian, Sterling K. Measure and integration / Sterling K. Berberian.-- New York: The Macmillan, 1967. xviii,312p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 63030

517.31 GIL

Gillespil, R.P. Integration / R.P. Gillespil.--6th ed-- New York: Oliver and Boyd, 1959. viii,132p (University mathematical texts) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3540 DLDI 517.32 MAC

Macrobert, T.M. Spherical harmonics : an elementary treatise on harmonic functions with applications / T.M. Macrobert.--3rd rev. ed. -- Oxford: Pergamon, 1967. xviii,349p. (International series of monographs in pure and applied mathematics / edited by I.N. Sneddon). V. 98 1.Mathematics I. Sneddon, I.N. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66877 517.355 EDW

Edwards, R.E. Fourier series: A modern intoruction / R.E. Edwards.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1967. x,208p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 60526 517.355 EDW

Edwards, R.E. Fourier series: A modern introduction / R.E. Edwards.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1967. 318p. Vol. II 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 60527 517.355 RUD

Rudin, Walter Fourier analysis on groups / Walter Rudin. -- New York: Interscience, 1967. ix,285p (Interscience tracts in pure and applied mathematics) (ed. by L. Bers) 1.Mathematics I. Bers, L. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 67304 517.37 BER

Berg, Paul W. Elementary partial differential equations / Paul W. Berg and James L. Mcgregor.-- San Francisco: Holden Day, 1966.

xv,430p (Holden-day series in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Mcgregor, James L. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 43090 517.37 GOU

Goursat, Edouard Course in mathematical analysis: Variation of solutions, part 1 / Goursat, Edouard, tr. by Howard G. Bergmann.-- New York: Dover, 1964. x,329p. Vol. 3 1.Mathematics I. Bergmann, Howard G. II. Title. Accn Nos : 43081

517.37 GOU

Goursat, Edouard Integral equations calculus of variations part II / Edouard Goursat, tr. by Howard G. Bergmann.-- New York: Dover Publications, 1964. xi,389p (A course in mathematical analysis) 1.Mathematics I. Bergmann, Howard G. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 44909 517.37 MIK

Mikhlin, S.G. Approximate methods for solution of differential and integral equations / S.G. Mikhlin, K.L. Smolitsky, tr. by Robert E. Kalaba.-- New York: American Elsevier, 1967. xi,308 (Modern analytical and computational methods in science and mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Smolitsky, K.L. II. Kalaba, Robert E. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 64312 517.38 AYR

517.38 BRA

Ayres, Frank Theory and problems of differential equations / Frank Ayres.-- New York: Schaun Publishing Co, 1952. 296p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Brauer, Fred Ordinary differential equations: A first course / Fred Brauer and John A. Nohel.-- New York: W.A. Benjamin, 1967. 457p (University mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Nohel, John A. II. Title (Series).

Accn Nos : 63450 517.38 CHO

Chorlton, Frank Boundary value problems in physics and engineering / Frank Chorlton.-- London: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1969. 250p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 70928

517.38 CON

Conkwright, Nelson Bush Differential equations / Nelson Bush Conkwright.-- New York: The Macmillan Company, 1934. xii,236p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 86655 517.38 FAD

Fadell, Albert G. Vector calculus and differential equations / Albert G. Fadell, illus. by Don Kurtis.-New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1968. xii,558p (The university series in undergraduate mathematics) (ed. by John L.Kelley) 1.Mathematics I. Kurtis, Don. II. Kelley, John L. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 72480 517.38 FOR

Forsyth, A.R. Treatise of differential educations / A.R. Forsyth.-- London: Mcmillan, 1956. ix,581p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 43067 517.38 GEL

Gel'Fand, I.M. Generalized functions: Theory of differential equations / I.M. Gel'Fand, G.E. Shilov, tr. by Meinhard E. Mayer.-- New York: Academic Press, 1967. x,222p 1.Mathematics I. Shilov, G.E. II. Mayer, Meinhard E. III. Title. Accn Nos : 63032 517.38 GRE

Greenspan, Donald Lectures on the numerical solution of linear regular and nonlinear, differential equations / Donald Greenspan.-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1968.

vi,185p (Prentice Hall series in automatic computation) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 69111 517.38 KAP

Kaplan, Wilfred Ordinary differential equations / Wilfred Kaplan.-- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1958. xv,534p (Addison-wesley series in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66561 517.38 KRE

Kreider, Donald L. Elementary differential equations / Donald L. Kreider, Robert G. Kuller and Donald R. Ostberg.-- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1968. xiv,492p 1.Mathematics I. Kuller, Robert G. II. Ostberg, Donald R. III. Title. Accn Nos : 65185 517.38 MIL

Miller, Kenneth S. Introduction to the calculus of finite difference and difference equations / Kenneth S. Miller.-- New York: Henry Holt, 1960. viii,167p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 43082 517.38 PET

Petrovski, I.G. Ordinary differential equations / I.G. Petrovski and Richard A. Silverman.-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1966. x,232p (Select Russian publication the mathematical science) (ed. by Richard A. Silverman) 1.Mathematics I. Silverman, Richard A. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3541 517.38 PET

Petrovski, I.G. Ordinary differential equations / I.G. Petrovski and Richard A. Silverman.-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1966. xi,232p (Selected russian publication in the mathematical sciences) (ed. by Richard A. Silverman) 1.Mathematics I. Silverman, Richard A. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 60081

517.38 PON

Pontriagin, L.S. Course in ordinary differential equations / L.S. Pontriagin.-- Delhi: Hindustan Publishing Corporation, 1967. x,330p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 57408

517.38 RAB

Rabenstein, Albert L. Introduction to ordinary differential equations / Albert L. Rabenstein.-- New York: Academic Press, 1966. xii,431p. 1.Mathematics 2.Differential equations I. Title. Accn Nos : 67144 517.38 SMI

Smith, M.G. Introduction to the theory of partial differential equations / M.G. Smith.-London: D. Van Nostrand, 1967. 213p (New University mathematics series) (ed. by E.T. Davies) 1.Mathematics I. Davies, E.T. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 58090 517.38 YAT

Yates, Robert C. Differential equations / Robert C. Yates.-New York: McGraw Hill, 1952. vii,225p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45538 517.382 BIR

Birkhoff, Garrett Ordinary differential equations / Garrett Birkhoff and Gian-Carlo Rota.-- Boston: Ginn and Company, 1962. vii,318p (Introduction to higher mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Rota, Gian-Carlo. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 43095

517.382 LEI

Leighton, Walter Ordinary differential equations / Walter Leighton.-- California: Woodworth, 1963. viii,264p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3545

517.382 LEI

Leighton, Walter Ordinary differential equations / Walter Leighton.-- California: Woodsworth, 1964. viii,264p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F12296 517.382 MIL

Miller, Kenneth S. Linear difference equations / Kenneth S. Miller.-- New York: W.A. Benjamin, 1968. x,105p (Mathematics monograph series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 67158

517.382 PON

Pontriagin, L.S. Course in ordinary differential equations / L.S. Pontriagin.-- Delhi: Hindustan Publishing Corporation, 1967. x,333p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 56692 517.4 CLE

Clegg, J.C. Calculus of variations / J.C. Clegg.-Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1968. ix,190p (Recent University mathematical texts) (ed. by bAlan Jeffrey) (38) 1.Mathematics I. Jeffrey, Alan. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 67691 517.4 GOF

Goffman, Casper Calculus of several variables / Casper Goffman.-- New York: Harper & Row, 1965. ix,182p (A Harper international student) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66824

517.4 GUE

Guenther, William C. Analysis of variance / William C. Guenther. -- New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1964. viii,199p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45482

517.4 RUN

Rund, Hanno Hamilton Jacobi theory in the calculus of variations: its role in mathematics and physics / Hanno Rund.-- London: D. Van

Nostrand, 1966. ix,404p. (New university mathematics series / ed. by E.T. Davis) 1.Mathematics I. Davis, E.T. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 70004 517.5 BEC

Beckenbach, Edwin Introduction to inequalities / Edwin Beckenbach and Richard Bellman.-- London: L.W. Singer, 1961. vii,133p (New mathematical library) 1.Mathematics I. Bellman, Richard. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 43153 517.5 CAL

Bateman, Herry Higher transcendental functions: Based in part on notes left / Herry Bateman.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1955. xviii,292p (Bateman manuscript project). Vol. 3 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 59781 517.5 CAL

Bateman, Herry Higher transcendental functions: Base in part on notes left / Herry Bateman.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1955. xvii,292p (Bateman manuscript project) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F11020

517.5 FLE

Fleenor, Charles Elementary functions / Charles Fleenor, Merrill E. Shanks and Charles F. Brumfiel.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1968. 292p (Addision-wesley series in introductory mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Shanks, Merrill E. II. Brumfiel, Charles F. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 67331 517.5 HU

Hu, Sze-Tsen Element of real analysis / Sze-Tsen Hu.-San Francisco: Holden Day, 1967. xii,365p (Holden day series in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 64134 517.5


Jacobson, Florence D. Elementary functions / Florence O. Jacobson and William G. Chinn.-- New Jersey: Silver Burdett, [n.d.] viii,248p 1.Mathematics I. Chinn, William G. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3559 517.5 KRI

Multivariate analysis: Proceedings / ed. by Paruchuri R. Krishnaiah.-- New York: Academic Press, 1969. xx,696p. International symposium on multivariate analysis, Ohio 1968 2nd 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical statistics 3.Statistics I. Krishnaiah, Paruchuri R. Accn Nos : 92531 517.5 MAD

Maddox, Thomas K. Elementary functions / Thomas K. Maddox and Lawrence H. Davis.-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1969. x,270p 1.Mathematics I. Davis, Lawrence H. II. Title. Accn Nos : 70475 517.5 MCB

McBrien, V.O. Introductory analysis / V.O. McBrien.-- New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1961. 188p (Appleton-century mathematics series) (ed. by Raymond W. Brink) 1.Mathematics I. Brink, Raymond W. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45331 517.5 MCC

McCoart, Richard F. Elementary analysis / Richard F. McCoart, Malcolm Oliphant and Anne E. Scheerer.-- San Francisco: Holden Day, 1964. vi,250p (Holden-day series in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Oliphant, Malcolm. II. Scheerer, Anne E. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 43117

517.5 MOH

Mohat, John T. Elementary functions: an introduction / John T. Mohat.-- London: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1970. viii,312p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 72712

517.5 OSG

Osgood, William Fogg Functions of real variables / William Fogg Osgood.-- New York: Chelsea, [n.d.] 262p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 72272 517.5 RUD

Rudin, Walter Real and complex analysis / Walter Rudin.-Bombay: Tata McGraw Hill, 1966. xi,412p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 75178

517.5 SHA

Sharp, Henry Finite functions: introduction to combinatorial mathematics / Henry Sharp.-New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1965. vii,97p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 63179 517.5 SHI

Shilov, G. Ye Mathematical analysis: A special course / G. Ye Shilov, tr. by J.D. Davis and D.A.R. Wallage.-- Oxford: Pergamon, 1965. xii,485p (International series of monographs in pure and applied mathematics) (ed. by I.N. Sneddon). Vol. 77 1.Mathematics I. Davis, J.D. II. Wallage, D.A.R. III. Sneddon, I.N. IV. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 60078 517.5 TAY

Taylor, Angus E. Introduction to functional analysis / Angus E. Taylor.-- London: John Wiley, 1958. xvi,423p (Wiley international edition) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 60129 517.5 TIM

Timan, A.F. Theory of approximation of functions of a real variable / A.F. Timan.-- Delhi: Hindustan Publishing Corporation, 1966. xii,627p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 43147 517.5


Titchmarsh, E.C. Theory of functions / E.C. Titchmarsh.--2nd ed-- London: Oxford, 1939. x,454p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 40600

517.5 YAN

Yanol, Andre L. Non algebraic elementary functions: a rigorous approach / Andre L. Yanol.-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1964. xiv,266p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3567 517.50212 DAV

Davis, Harold T. Table of the mathematical functions / Harold T. Davis.-- Texas: The Principia Press, 1963. xiii,401p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45483

517.52 COO

Cooper, R. Functions of real variable: a course of advanced calculus / R. Cooper.-- London: D. Van Nostrand, 1966. xii,228p. (New university mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 67674 517.52 FLE

Flett, T.M. Mathematical analysis / T.M. Flett.-London: McGraw Hill Publishing Company, 1966. ix,433p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 60082 517.52 JOH

Johnson, Dono Van A. Sets sentences and operations / Dono Van A. Johnson and William H. Glenn.-- London: John Murray, 1960. 59p 1.Mathematics I. Glenn, William H. II. Title. Accn Nos : 35184

517.52 NAT

Natanson, I.P. Theory of functions of a real variable /

I.P. Natanson, tr. by Leo F. Boron.-- New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Company, 1964. 275p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Boron, Leo F. II. Title. Accn Nos : 667975 517.52 NAT

Natanson, I.P. Theory of functions of a real variable / I.P. Natanson, tr. by Leo F. Boron.--Rev. Ed. -- New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Company, 1964. 277p. Vol. 1 Includes Index 1.Mathematics I. Boron, Leo F. II. Title. Accn Nos : 67978 517.52 NIC

Nichols, Eugene D. Introduction to sets: A Eugene D. Nichols, Robert Garland.-- America: Holt, Winston Inc, 1962. 253p 1.Mathematics I. Kalin, II. Garland, Henry. III. Accn Nos : 17073

programmed unit / Kalin and Henry Rinehart and

Robert. Title.

517.521 FRA

Fraenkel, Abraham A. Set theory and logic / Abraham A. Fraenkel. -- London: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1966. vii,102p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 43053 517.521 JOH

Johnson, Donovan A. Sets, sentences and operations / Donovan A. Johnson and William H. Glenn.-- St.Louis: Webster, 1960. 63p (Exploring mathematics on your own) 1.Mathematics I. Glenn, William H. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 43054

517.521 LIP

Lipschute, Seymour Theory and problems of set theory and related topics / Seymour Lipschute.-- New York: Schaum Publication Company, 1964. 233p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 30581

517.521 NIC

Nichols, Eugene D. Introduction to sets: a programed unit / Eugene D. Nichols, Robert Kalin & Henry Garland.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston,Inc., 1962. iv,65p. 1.Mathematics I. Kalin, Robert. II. Garland, Henry. III. Title. Accn Nos : 85856

517.6 FEI

Feit, Walter Characters of finite groups / Walter Feit. -- New York: W.A. Benjamin Inc, 1967. viii,185p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 59320 517.6 FRO

Froberg, Carl-Erik Introduction to numerical analysis / CarlErik Froberg.-- Massachusetts: AddisonWesley, 1965. x,340p (Adiwes international series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 43089 517.6 GOL

Goldberg, Samuel Introduction to difference equations / Samuel Goldberg.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 1958. x,255p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 86787 517.6 HOU

Householder, Alston S. Principles of numerical analysis / Alston S. Householder.-- New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc, 1953. x,269p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3530 517.6 JOH

John, Fritz Lectures on advanced numerical analysis / Fritz John.-- Great Britain: Gordon and Breach, 1967. xiv,177p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 67151 517.6 KEM

Kemeny, John G.

Introduction to finite mathematics / John G. Kemeny, J. Lauric Snell and Gerald L. Thompson.-- London: Prentice Hall Inc, 1957. xi,369p 1.Mathematics I. Snell, J. Lauric. II. Thompson, Gerald L. III. Title. Accn Nos : F4441 517.6 LIE

Lieberstein, H. Melvin Course in numerical analysis / H. Melvin Leiberstein.-- New York: Harper & Row Publishers, 1968. xiv,258p (Harper's series in modern mathematics) (ed. by I.N. Herstein and GianCarlo Rota) 1.Mathematics I. Herstein, I.N. II. Rota, Gian-Carlo. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 67141 517.6 LIE

Lieberstein, H. Melvin Course in numerical analysis / H. Melvin Lieberstein.-- New York: Harper and Row, 1968. (Harper's series in modern mathematics). (ed. by I.N. Herstein and Gian-Carlo Rota) 1.Mathematics I. Herstein, I.N. II. Rota, Gian-Carlo. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 64482

517.6 MAC

Macon, Nathaniel Numerical analysis / Nathaniel Macon.-London: John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1963. xiii,161p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 43052 517.6 MIL

Miller, Kenneth S. Introduction to the calculus of finite differences and difference equations / Kenneth S. Miller.-- New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1960. vii,165p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3547 517.6 MIL

Milne, William Edmund Numerical calculus / William Edmund Milne. -- New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1949. x,385p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 59996

517.6 NIE

Nielsen, Kaj L. Methods in numerical analysis / Kaj L. Nielsen.--Ed. 2nd-- New York: The Macmillan Company, 1964. xiv,408p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 86788 517.6 SAL

Salvadori, Mario G. Numerical methods in engineering / Mario G. Salvadori and Melvin L. Baron.-- New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India, 1963. xv,302p (Prentice Hall civil engineering and engineering mechanics series) (ed. by N.M. Newmark) 1.Mathematics I. Baron, Melvin L. II. Newmark, N.M. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 43094

517.6 SCA

Scarborough, James B. Numerical mathematical analysis / James B. Scarborough.-- New Delhi: Oxford Book Company, 1930. xxi,589p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 86238 DLDI 517.6 SCH

Scheid, Francis Numerical analysis: theory and problems / Francis Scheid.-- New York: Schaum Publishing, 1968. 422p. (Schaum's outline series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66835 517.6 WHI

Whittaker, Edmund Calculus of observations: A treatise on numerical mathematics / Edmund Whittaker and G. Robinson.--4th ed-- London: Blackie, 1960. xvi,397p 1.Mathematics I. Robinson, G. II. Title. Accn Nos : 43060

517.62 NAT

Natanson, I.P. Theory of functions of real variable / I.P. Natanson; translated by Leo F. Boron.-- New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Company, 1964. 265p. V. 2

1.Mathematics I. Boron, Leo F. II. Title. Accn Nos : 67979 517.7 CHU

Churchill, Ruel V. Operational mathematics / Ruel V. Churchill.--2nd ed-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1958. ix,337p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 67146

517.7 ERD

Erdelyi, Arthur Operational calculus and generalized functions / Arthur Erdelyi.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1962. viii,103p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45475 517.72 GRA

Graves, Lawrence M. Theory of functions of real variables / Lawrence M. Graves.-- New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill Publishers Company, 1956. xii,371p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 75177 517.8 CAR

Carrier, George F. Functions of a complex variable: theory and technique / George F. Carrier, Max Krook and Carl E. Pearson.-- New York: MeGrraw-Hill, 1966. xi,438p 1.Mathematics I. Krook, Max. II. Pearson, Carl E. III. Title. Accn Nos : 3602 517.8 CHU

Churchill, Ruel V. Complex variable and application / Ruel V. Churchill.--2nd ed-- New York: McGrow Hill, 1960. ix,297p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 66822 517.8 COP

Copson, E.T. Introduction to the theory of functions of a complex variable / E.T. Copson.-- London: English Language Book Society, 1962. 448p (E.L.B.S. Loe priced textbook series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 22975

517.8 FUC

Fuchs, W.H.J. Topics in the theory of functions of the complex variable / W.H.J. Fuchs.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1967. vi,193p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 64109 517.8 HAM

Hamilton, Hugh J. Primer of complex variables with an introduction to advanced techniques / Hugh J. Hamilton.-- Books: Cole, 1966. xii,227p (Contemporary undergraduate mathematics series) (ed. by Robert J. Wisner) 1.Mathematics I. Wisner, J Robert. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 72265 517.8 JAC

Jacobson, Florence D. Solution key elementary functions / Florence D. Jacobson and William G. Chinn.-New Jersey: Silver Burdett, 1968. 131p 1.Mathematics I. Chinn, William G. II. Title. Accn Nos : 43065 517.8 KAP

Kaplan, Wilfred First course in functions of a complex variable / Wilfred Kaplan.-- Cambridge: Addison-Wesley, 1953. vii,485-618p (Addison-wesley mathematics series) (ed. by Eric Reissner) 1.Mathematics I. Reissner, Eric. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 43118 517.8 LYU

Lyusternik, L.A. Convex figures and polyhedra / L.A. Lyusternik, tr. by T. Jefferson Smith.-- New York: Dover, 1963. x,176p 1.Mathematics I. Smith, T. Jefferson. II. Title. Accn Nos : 43132

517.8 MAC

Mackey, George W. Lectures on the theory of functions of a complex variable / George W. Mackey.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1967.

iv,265p (Van Nostrand mathematical studies) (ed. by Paul R. Halmos and Fredrick W. Gehring) 1.Mathematics I. Halmos, Paul R. II. Gehring, Fredrick W. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 64110 517.8 PEN

Pennisi, Louis L. Elements of complex variables / Louis L. Pennisi, Louis I. Gordon and Sim Lasher.-New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. x,459p 1.Mathematics I. Gordon, Louis I. II. Lasher, Sim. III. Title. Accn Nos : 64131 517.8 PHI

Phillips, E.G. Functions of a complex variable with application / E.G. Phillips.-- London: Oliver and Boyd Company, 1965. xi,143p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 59237 517.8 SCH

Elementary functions / Shcool Mathematics Study Group.-- New Haven: Yale University Press, 1961. 286p (Teacher's Commentary) (22) 1.Mathematics I. Shcool Mathematics Study Group. II. Series. Accn Nos : F5491 517.8 SHA

Shanti Narayan Theory of functions of a complex variable / Shanti Narayan.--4th ed: S. Chand, 1966. vi,379p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 60239

517.8 SIL

Silverman, Richard A. Introductory complex analysis / Richard A. Silverman.-- New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1967. xi,372p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 63695

517.8 SMI

Smirnov, V.I. Functions of a complex variable: constructive theory / V.I. Smirnov and N.A. Lebedev.-- London: Iliffe Books, 1968.

488p. 1.Mathematics I. Lebedev, N.A. II. Title. Accn Nos : 69093 517.9 BRA

Brandicourt, Par Rene Problems of calculus: Arithmetique course moyen / Par Rene Brandicourt, Suzanne Brondicourt and Robert Pennecot.-- Paris: Edition Brourreber, n.d 217p 1.Mathematics I. Brandicourt, Suzanne. II. Pennecot, Robert. III. Title. Accn Nos : F3267 517 AGN

Agneue, Ralph Palmer Calculus: Analytic geometry and calculus / Ralph Palmer Agneue.-- New York: McGrowHill, 1962. 738p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45354 517 AGN

Agnew, Ralph Palmer Calculus: Analytic geometry and calculus with vector / Ralph Palmer Agnew.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1962. xii,738p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 59738

517 APO

Apostol, Tom M. Mathematical analysis: A modern approach to advanced calculus / Tom M. Apostol.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1958. xii,553p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 18197 517 BEG

Begle, Edward G. Introductory calculus with analytic geometry / Edward G. Begle.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. x,304p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 62396 517 BEG

Begle, Edward G. Introductory calculus with analytic geometry / Edward G. Begle.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. x,804p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Accn Nos : 45384 517 BEG

Begle, Edward G. Introductory calculus with analytic geometry / Edward G. Begle.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. x,304p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F11060 517 BEL

Bell, D.J. Applied calculus / D.J. Bell.-- Oxford: Pergamon, 1966. 285p. Vol.1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 63705

517 BEL

Introductory calculus with algebra and trigonometry / ed. by Stoughton al.]-- San Francisco: Holden Day, 1966. xiv,307p (Holden day series in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Bell, Stoughton. II. Blam, J.R. III. Lewis, Jvernon. IV. Rosenblatt, Judah. V. Series. Accn Nos : 45337 517 BRA

Brand, Louis Advanced calculus: An introudction to classical analysis / Louis Band.--rev ed-London: John Wiley, 1955. xii,579p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45383 517 BRA

Brauer, Fred Ordinary differential equations: A first course / Fred Brauer and John A. Nohel.-- New York: W.A. Benjamin, 1967. xvi,457p 1.Mathematics I. Nohel, John A. II. Title. Accn Nos : 62384 517 COO

Cooley, Hollis R. First course in calculus / Hollis R. Cooley.-- New York: John Wiley, 1954. xii,643p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45335 517


Lectures on calculus / A.H. Lopeland...[et al.]-- San Francisco: Holden Day, 1967. vii,180p (The mathesis series) (Kenneth O. May) 1.Mathematics I. Lopeland, A.H. II. Fort, M.K. III. Guggenheimer, H.W. IV. Mancill, J.D. V. May, Kenneth O. VI. Series. Accn Nos : 64137

517 COU

Caurant, R. Differential and integral calculus / R. Caurant, tr. by E.J. McShane.-- London: Blackie & Sons, 1967. x,682p. Vol.II 1.Mathematics I. MsSchane, E.J. II. Title. Accn Nos : 60090 517 COU

Courant, Richard Introduction to calculus and analysis / Richard Courant and Fritz John.-- New York: Interscience Publishers, 1965. xxiii,661p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. John, Fritz. II. Title. Accn Nos : 66566 517 COU

Courant, Richard Introduction to calculus and analysis / Richard Courant and Fritz John.-- New York: Interscience Publishers, 1965. xxiii,661p. Vol.1 1.Mathematics I. John, Fritz. II. Title. Accn Nos : 71366 517 DAK

Dakin, A. Elementary analysis / A. Dakin and R.I. Porter.--rev. ed-- Bombay: Orient Longmans, 1964. 378p 1.Mathematics I. Porter, R.I. II. Title. Accn Nos : 56400

517 DAN

Danese, Arthur E. Advanced calculus: an introduction to applied mathematics / Arthur E. Danese.-Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1965. xxix,558p. V. 1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 70010

517 DEB

DeBaggis, Henry F. Foundations of the calculus / Henry F. DeBaggis and Kenneth S. Miller.--Sounder's International student ed-- Philadelphia: W.B. Sounders Company, 1966. xiii,232p (Saunders mathematics books) 1.Mathematics I. Miller, Kenneth S. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 68383 517 DEV

Devinatz, Allen Advanced calculus / Allen Devinatz.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, n.d vii,482p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 64483 517 DEV

Devinatz, Allen Advanced calculus / Allen Devinatz.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1968. vii,488p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 64377 517 FAD

Fadell, Albert G. Calculus with analytic geometry / Albert G. Fadell, illus. by Don Kurts.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1964. xxviii,705p (The university series in undergraduate mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Kurts, Don. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 67345 517 FIS

Fisher, Robert C. Calculus and analytic geometry / Robert C. Fisher and Aleen D. Zeibur.-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1960. xiv,766p 1.Mathematics 2.Calculus, geometry I. Ziebus, Aleen D. II. Title. Accn Nos : 58204

517 FIS

Fisher, Robert C. Calculus and analytic geometry / Robert C. Fisher and Allen D. Ziebur.--2nd ed-Englewood: Prentice Hall, 1965. 768p (Prentice Hall mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Ziebur, Allen D. II. Title (Series).

Accn Nos : 53635 517 FOB

Fobes, Melcher P. Calculus and analytic geometry / Melcher P. Fobes and Ruth B. Smyth.-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1963. xi,450p (Prentice Hall mathematics series) . Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Smyth, Ruth B. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 67333 517 FOB

Fobes, Melcher P. Calculus and analytic geometry / Melcher P. Fobes and Ruth B. Smyth.-- Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1963. 660p (Prentice-Hall mathematics series). Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Smyth, Ruth B. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 62332 DLDI 517 FOB

Fobes, Melcher P. Calculus and analytic geometry / Melcher P. Fobes and Ruth B. Smyth.-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1963. xv,660p. (Prentice Hall mathematics series). Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Smyth, Ruth B. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 67332 517 FOR

Ford, Lester R. Calculus / Lester R. Ford.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1963. 468p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45334 517 GIB

Gibson, George A. Advanced calculus: A sequel to an elementary treatise on the calculus / George A. Gibson.-- London: Macmillan, 1958. 510p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45374 517 GOO

Goodman, A.W. Modern calculus with analytic geometry / A.W. Goodman.-- New York: The Macmillan,

1967. xxiii,808p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 63027 517 GOU

Goursat, Edouard Course in mathematical analysis / Edouard Goursat, tr. by Earle Raymond Hedrick.-Boston: Ginn and Company, 1904. viii,548p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Hedrick, Earle Raymond. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45359 517 GOU

Goursat, Edward Differential equations part 2 / Edward Goursat, tr. by Earle Raymond Hedrick and Otto Dunkel.-- Boston: Ginn and Company, 1917. viii,300p (A course in mathematical analysis) 1.Mathematics I. Hedrick, Earle Raymond. II. Dunkel, Otto. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 44955 517 GOU

Goursat, Edouard Functions of a complex variable part 1: A course in mathematical analysis / Edouard Goursat, tr. by Earle Raymond Hedrick and Otto Dunkle.-- Boston: Ginn and Company, 1916. x,259p. Vol. II 1.Mathematics I. Hedrick, Earle Raymond. II. Dunkle, Otto. III. Title. Accn Nos : 45438 517 GRA

Granville, William Anthony Elements of the differential and integral calculus / William Anthony Granville, Rercey F. Smith and William Raymond Longley.--rev. ed-- Calcutta: Oxford & IBH, 1957. xi,556p 1.Mathematics I. Smith, Rercey F. II. Longley, William Raymond. III. Title. Accn Nos : 20741 517 GRE

Greenspan, Donald Introduction to calculus / Donald Greenspan.-- New York: Harper and Row, 1968. xi,439p (Harpers series in modern mathematics) (ed. by I.N. Herstein)

1.Mathematics I. Herstein, I.N. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 64313 517 GRE

Greenberg, Daniel A. Mathematics for introductory science courses: Calculus and vectors / Daniel A. Greenberg.-- New York: W.A. Benjamin, 1965. xiv,214p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 62375 517 HAA

Haaser, Norman B. Introduction to analysis / Norman B. Haaser, Joseph P Lasalle and Joseph A. Sullivan.-- Massachusetts: Blaisdell, 1959. xiv,688p 1.Mathematics I. Lasalle, Joseph P. II. Sullivan, Joseph A. III. Title. Accn Nos : 67152 517 HAD

Hadley, G. Elementary calculus / G. Hadlay.-- San Francisco: Holden Day, 1968. ix,421p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 64480 517 HAD

Hadley, G. Elementary calculus / G. Hadley.-- San Francisco: Holden Day, 1968. ix,421p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 63287 517 HOM

Holmes, Cecil Thomas Calculus and analytic geometry / Cecil Thomas Holmes.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1950. 416p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45362 517 KEM

Kemeny, John G. Finite mathematics / John G. Kemeny, J.Laurie Snell and Gerald L. Thompson.-Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1957. 372p (Addison-wesley mathematics series) (ed. by Albert A. Bernett) 1.Mathematics I. Snell, J. Laurie. II. Thompson, Gerald L. III. Bernett, Albert A. IV. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45350

517 KUR

Kuratowski, Kazimierz Introduction to calculus / Kazimeirz Kuratowski, tr. by Julian Musielak.-Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1961. 315p (Series on pure and applied mathematics) (Vol. 17) 1.Mathematics I. Musielak, Julian. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 56702

517 LAB

Labarre, Anthony E. Intermediate mathematical analysis / Anthony E. Labarre.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1968. 253p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 64376 517 LAN

Lang, Serge First course in calculus / Serge Lang.-Massachusetts: Addision-Wesley, 1964. 260p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 66823 DLDI 517 LAN

Lang, Serge Second course in calculus / Serge Lang.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1964. 242p. (Addison-wesley series in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 56605 517 LEA

Leavitt, Teddy C.J. Limits and continuity / Teddy C.J. Leavitt. -- New York: McGraw Hill, 1967. vii,177p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 52825 517 LEI

Leithold, Louis Calculus with analytic geometry / Louis Leithold.-- New York: Harper and Row, 1968. 976p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 65427 517 LEV

Levi, Howard Polynomials, power series, and calculus / Howard Levi.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand,

1968. 158p. (University series in under graduate mathematics / ed. by John L. Kelley and Paul R. Halmos) 1.Mathematics I. Kelley, John L. II. Halmos, Paul R. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 69601 517 LIG

Lightstone, A.H. Conceps of calculus II / A.H. Lightstone.-New York: Harper and Row, 1966. 502p (Harper's modern mathematics series) (I.N. Herstein and Gian-Carlo Rota) 1.Mathematics I. Herstein, I.N. II. Rota, Gian-Carlo. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45343 517 LIG

Lightstone, A.H. Concepts of calculus I / A.H. Lightstone.-New York: Harper and Row, 1965. 489p (Harper's modern mathematics series) (ed. by I.N. Herstein and Gian-Carlo Rota) 1.Mathematics I. Herstein, I.N. II. Rota, Gian-Carlo. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45425 517 LIG

Lightstone, A.H. Concepts of calculus II / A.H. Lightstone. -- New York: Harper & Row, 1966. x,502p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 66827 517 LIG

Lightstone, A.H. Concepts of calculus / A.H. Lightstone.-New York: Harper and Row, 1965. xv,479p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 66826

517 LOO

Loomis, Lynn H. Advanced calculus / Lynn H. Loomis and Shlomo Sternberg.-- Massachusetts: AddisonWesley, 1968. 580p (Addison-wesley series in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Sternberg, Shlomo. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 67483 517 MAR

Maak, Wilhelm Introduction to modern calculus / Wilhelm

Maak.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. x,390p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45330 517 MAT

Programmed course in calculus 1: Functions limits and the derivative / Mathematical Association of America.-- New York: W.A. Benjamin, 1968. xii,295p 1.Mathematics I. Mathematical Association of America. Accn Nos : 68812 517 MER

Merriman, Gaylord M. Calculus: An introduction to analysis and a tool for the sciences / Gaylord M. Merriman. -- New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1954. xii, 625p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 21525 517 MER

Merriman, Gaylord M. Calculus: An introduction to analysis and a tool for the science / Gaylard M. Merriman.-New York: Henry Holt, 1954. 625p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45426

517 MOI

Moise, Edwin E. Calculus / Edwin E. Moise.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1967. 788p (Addision-wesley series in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 54934 517 MUN

Munroe, M.E. Modern multidimensional calculus / M.E. Munroe.-- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1963. 302p (Addision-wesley series in mathemtics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 65078 517 NEV

Neveu, Jacques Mathematical foundations of the calculus of probability / Jacques Neveu, tr. by Feinstein.-- London: Holden-day, 1965.

223p (Holden-day series in probability and statistics) 1.Mathematics I. Feinstein. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 64135 517 NIC

Nickerson, H.K. Advanced calculus / H.K. Nickerson, D.C. Spencer and N.E. Steenrod.-- Princenton: D. Van Nostrand, 1959. 540p 1.Mathematics I. Spencer, D.C. II. Steenrod, N.E. III. Title. Accn Nos : 52412

517 NIV

Niven, Ivan Calculus: an introductory approach / Ivan Niven.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1962. viii,172p. (University series in undergraduate mathematics/ ed. by John L. Kelley and Paul R. Halmos) 1.Mathematics I. Kelley, John L. II. Halmos, Paul R. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 67344

517 PET

Peterson, Thurman S. Calculus with analytic geometry / Thurman S. Peterson.-- New York: Harper and Row, 1964. 586p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53427 517 PHI

Phillips, E.G. Course of analysis.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1956. 361p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 40571 517 PHI

517 POW

Phillips, E.G. E.G. Phillips.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1956. 361p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Pownall, Malcolm W. Aprelude to the calculus / Malcolm W. Pownall.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967. 315p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Accn Nos : 53975 517 POW

Pownall, Malcolm W. Prelude to the calculus / Malcolm W. Pownall.-- New York: McGraw Hill Book Company, 1967. 315p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 63697 517 POW

Pownall, Malcoln W. Prelude to the calculus / Malcoln W. Pownall.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1967. viii,315p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 60089

517 PRO

Protter, Murray H. Calculus with analytic geometry: a first course / Murray H. Protter and Charles B. Morrey.-- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1964. 572p. (Addision-Wesley series in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Morrey, Charles B. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66811 517 PRO

Protter, Murray H. Calculus with analytic geometry: A first course / Murray H. Protter and Charles B. Morrey.-- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1963. 572p (Addision-wesley series in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Morrey, Charles B. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 67139 517 PRO

Protter, Murray H. College calculus with analytic geometry / Murray H. Protter and Charles B. Morrey.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1964. 897p (Addision-wesley series in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Morrey, Charles B. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66825 517 PRO

Protter, Murray H. College calculus with analytic geometry / Murray H. Protter and Charles B. Morrey.--

Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1964. 897p (Addison-Wesley series in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Morrey, Charles B. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 54212 517 QUA

Quadling, D.A. Mathematical analysis / D.A. Quadling.-Oxford: Clarendon, 1955. 204p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45351 517 ROB

Roberts, A. Woyne Introductory calculus / A. Woyne Roberts.-New York: Academic Press, 1968. xiii,523p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 59735 517 ROS

Rosenbloom, Paul C. Prelude to analysis / Paul C. Rosenbloom and Seymour Schuster.-- New Jersey: PrenticeHall, 1966. xix,473p (Prentice-Hall mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Schuster, Seymour. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66323 517 ROY

Royden, H.L. Real analysis / H.L. Royden.--3rd ed-- New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1988. xvii,439p ISBN 0-02-404151-3 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 64779 517 RUD

Rudin, Walter Principle of mathematical analysis / Walter Rudin.--2nd ed-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1964. ix,270p (International series in pure and applied mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 86948

517 RUD

Rudin, Walter Real and complex analysis / Walter Rudin.-New York: McGraw-Hill, 1966. xi,412p. 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Accn Nos : 67149

517 RUD

Rudin, Walter Real and complex analysis / Walter Rudin.-New York: McGraw Hill, n.d xi,412p (McGraw Hill series in higher mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45367

517 SAW

Sawyer, W.W. What is calculus about / W.W. Sawyer.-London: L.W. Singer, 1961. v,118p (New mathematical library) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45344 517 SAW

Sawyer, W.W. What is calculus about? / W.W. Sawyer.-New York: Random House, 1961. vi,118p (New mathematical library) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45302 517 SCA

Scarborough, James B. Numerical mathematical analysis / James R. Scarborough.-- Calcutta: Oxford, 1962. xxi,594p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - numerals I. Title. Accn Nos : 45386 517 SCH

Schwartz, Abraham Calculus and analytic geometry / Abraham Schwartz.--2nd ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1967. xiv,1008p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 63022 517 SCH

Schwartz, Abraham Calculus and analytic geometry / Abraham Schwartz.--Ed. 2nd-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1967. xiv,1008p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 64132

517 SCH

Schwartz, Abraham

Calculus and analytic geometry / Abraham Schwartz.--2nd ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1967. xiv,1008p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 73858 517 SCR

Scraton, R.E. Elementary numerical methods / R.E. Scraton.-- London: Heinemann, 1965. 80p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 43088 517 SHA

Shanti Narayan Taxt book of calculus, part-II / Narayan Shanti.-- New Delhi: Shyam Lal Charitable Trust, 1967. x,270p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 60234 DLDI 517 SHA

Shanti Narayan Text-book of calculus / Shanti Narayan.-New Delhi: Shyam Lal Charitable Trust, 1967. ix,270p. Part I 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 60233 517 SHA

Shanti Narayan Text-book of calculus past-III / Shanti Narayan.-- New Delhi: Shyam Lal Charitable Trust, 1967. 127p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 60235 517. SHA

Shanti Narayan Text book of vector calculus: with applications / Shanti Narayan and J.N. Kapur. --4th ed.-- New Delhi: S. Chand & Company, 1966. x,317p. 1.Mathematics I. Kapur, J.N. II. Title. Accn Nos : 63831 517 SIL

Silverman, Richard A. Modern calculus and analytic geometry / Richard A. Silverman.-- New York: The Macmillan Company, 1969. xv,1034p

1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 70932 517 SIM

Simon, Arthur B. First-year calculus / Arthur B. Simon.-New York: Macmillan, 1967. 465p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 63015 517 SMI

Smirnov, V.I. Course of higher mathematics / V.I. Smirnov, tr. by D.E. Brown and ed. by I.N. Seneddon.-- Oxford: Pergamon, 1964. xiii,456p. Vol.1 1.Mathematics I. Brown, D.E. II. Seneddon, I.N. III. Title. Accn Nos : 45375 517 SPI

Spivak, Michael Calculus / Michael Spivak.-- New York: W.A. Benjamin Inc, 1967. x,575p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 62348

517 SPI

Spivak, Michael Calculus on manifolds: A modern approach to classical theorems of advanced calculus / Michael Spivak.-- New York: W.A. Benjamin, 1965. xii,144p (Mathematics monograph series) (Robert Gunning) 1.Mathematics I. Gunning, Robert. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 62365 DLDI 517 SPI

Spiegel, Murray R. Theory and problems of advanced calculus / Murray R. Spiegel.-- New York: schaum Publishing Co., 1963. 384p. Includes Index 1.Mathematics-Calculus I. Title. Accn Nos : 50285 517 STA

Staib, John H. Calculus with analytic geometry / John H. Staib.-- Ohio: Charles E. Merrill, 1966. xvi,671p (Merrill mathematics series)

(Erwin Kleinfeld) 1.Mathematics I. Kleinfeld, Erwin. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 63702 517 STE

Stein, Sherman K. Calculus for the natural and social sciences / Sherman K. Stein.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1968. 322p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 66324 517 THO

Thomas, George B. Calculus / George B. Thomas.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1953. 692p (Addison-Wesley mathematics series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45368 517 THO

Thomas, George B. Calculus and analytic geometry: Supplementary problems an danswers / George B. Thomas.-- Cambridge: Addison-Wesley, [n.d.] 88p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45378 517 THO

Thompson, J.E. Calculus: For the practical man / J.E. Thompson.-- New Jersey: D.Van Nostrand, 1946. xvi,342p (Mathematics for self-study) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45348 517 THO

Thompson, Silvanus P. Calculus mad easy: Differential calculus and the integral calculus / Silvanus P. Thompson.--d. 3rd-- London: Macmillan and Company, 1957. vi,250p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45391 517 THO

Thomas, George B. Elementary calculus from an advanced viewpoint / George B. Thomas, John K. Moulton and Martha Zelinka.-- massachusells: Addisonwesley Publishing Company, 1967. ix,338p 1.Mathematics I. Moulton, John K. II. Zelinka, Martha. III. Title.

Accn Nos : 54938 517 THU

Thurston, Hugh Calculus for students of engineering and the exact science / Hugh Thurston.-- Great Britain: Prentice Hall Inc, 1963. ix,165p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 66571

517 TOR

Toralballa, Leopaldo Calculus with analytic and linear algebra / Leopaldo Toralballa.-- New York: Academic Press, 1967. xv,917p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 63290 517 TOR

Toralballa, Leopaldo Calculus with analytic geometry and liner algebra / Leopaldo Toralballa.-- New York: Academic Press, 1967. xv,917p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 63037 517 UNI

Programed course in calculus / Committee on Educational Media of the Mathematical Association of America.-- New York: W.A. Benjamin, 1968. 121p (Infinite sequences) (5) 1.Mathematics I. Committee an Educational Media of the Mathematical Association of America, United States. II. Series. Accn Nos : 64032 517 UNI

Programmed course in calculus / Committee on Educational Media of the Mathematical Association of America.-- New York: W.A. Benjamin, 1968. 121p 1.Mathematics I. Committee on Educational Media of the Mathematical Association of America, United States. Accn Nos : 68813 517 URW

Urwin, Kathleen M. Advanced calculus and vector field theory / Kathleen M. Urwin.-- New York: Pergamon Press, 1966.

ix,263p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 63700

517 WAS

Washington, Allyn J. Basic technical mathematics with calculus / Allyn J. Washington.-- London: Addisonwesley Publishing Company, Inc, 1965. xii,590p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 66466 517 WAY

Wayland, Harold Differential equations applied in science and engineering / Harold Wayland.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1957. xiii,353p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 56376 517 WHI

White, A.J. Real analysis: An introduction / A.J. WHite.-- London: Addison-wesley Publishing Company, 1968. Various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 64943 517 WID

Widder, David V. Advanced calculus / David V. Widder.-- New York: Prentice Hall Inc, 1947. xvi,427p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45358 518.86 RUT

Rutherford, D.E. Introduction to lattice theory / D.E. Rutherford.-- Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1966. x,117p (University mathematical monographs) (ed. by D.E. Rutherford) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 60087


Romig, Harry G. 50-100 binomial tables / Harry G. Romig.-New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1947. xxvii,172p

1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F4575

519.02 WEI

Weintraub, Sal Tables of the cumulative binomial probability distribution for small values of p / Sol Weintraub.-- London: Free Press of Glencoe, 1963. 709p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 62075 519.076 KAP

Kapoor, V.K. Problems and solutions in statistics / V.K. Kapoor.--Ed. 3rd-- New Delhi: Sultan Chand, 1990. Various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 107910 519.1 ADL

Adler, Irving Probability and statistics for everyman / Irving Adler.-- London: Dennis Dobson, 1963. 256p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53641 519.1 ALB

Albert, Atrhur E. Stochastic approximation and nonlinear regression / Arthur E. Albert and Leland A. Gardner.-- Cambridge: MIT Press, 1967. xv,203p (Research monograph) (42) 1.Mathematics I. Gardner, Leland A. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 71213 519.1 ALD

Alder, Henry L. Introduction to probability and statistics / Henry L. Alder and Edward B. Roessler.-San Francisco: W.H. Frleeman and Co, 1960. xi,249p (Series of undergraduate books in mathematics) (ed. by R.A. Rosenbaum) 1.Mathematics I. Roessler, Edward B. II. Rosenbaum, R.A. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45481

519.1 ALD

Alder, Henry L. Introduction to probability and statistics / Henry L. Alder and Edward B. Roessler.-San Francisco: W.H. Freeman and Co, 1960. xi,249p (Series of undergraduate books in

mathematics) (ed. by R.A. Rosenbaum) 1.Mathematics I. Roessler, Edward B. II. Rosenbaum, R.A. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 43119 519.1 ALD

Alder, Henry L. Introduction to probability and statistics / Henry L. Alder and Edward B. Roessler.--Ed. 2nd-- San Francisco: W.H. Freeman, 1962. Various pagination (A series of undergraduate books in mathematics) (R.A. Rosenbaum) 1.Mathematics I. Roessler, Edward B. II. Rosenbaum, R.A. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3614 519.1 ALD

Alder, Henry L. Introduction to probability and statistics / Henry L. Alder, Edward B. Rosessler and Evan L. Gillespie.-- San Francisco: W.H. Freeman, 1960. xi252p (A series of undergraduate book in mathematics) (R.A. Rosenboum) 1.Mathematics I. Rosessler, Edward B. II. Gillespie, Evan L. III. Rosenbaum, R.A. IV. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3531 519.1 AND

Anderson, J.L. Actuarial statistics: Construction of mortality and other tables / J.L. Anderson and J.B. Dow.-- Cambridge: The University Press, 1952. xii,279p 1.Mathematics I. Dow, J.B. II. Title. Accn Nos : 43108 519.1 BAR

Bartlett, M.S. Essays on probability and statistics / M.S. Bartlett.-- London: Methuen & Co, 1964. vi,125p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 14612

519.1 BAR

Bartlett, M.S. Essays on probability and statistics / M.S. Bartlett.-- London: Methuen & Co, 1964. viii,125p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F5900 519.1 BAR

Bartholomew, David J.

Stochastic models for social processes / David J. Bartholomew.-- London: John Wiley & Sons, 1967. xii,269p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 67731 519.1 BIR

Birnbaum Introduction to probability and mathematical statistics / Birnbaum.-- New York: Harper and Row, 1962. viii,323p (A Harper international student reprint) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 43077 519.1 BIR

Birnbaum, Z.W. Introduction to probability and mathematical statistics / Z.W. Birnbaum.-New York: Harper, 1962. viii,325p 1.Mathematics 2.Probabilities I. Title. Accn Nos : 3529 519.1 BLA

Blackwell, David Theory of games and statistical decisions / David Blackwell and M.A. Girshick.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1964. xi,347p (Wiley publications in statistics) 1.Mathematics I. Girshick, M.A. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 53841

519.1 BLA

Blakcwell, David Theory of games and statistical decisions / David Blackwell and M.A. Girshick.-- New York: John Wiley, 1961. xi,355p (Wiley publications in statistics) (ed. by Walter A. Shewhart) 1.Mathematics 2.Game theory I. Girshick, M.A. II. Shewhart, Walter A. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 22829 519.1 BOS

Essay in probability and statistics / ed. by R.C. Bose...[et al.]-- Chapel Hill: North Carolina Press, 1970. xviii,739p (The university of north Carolina monograph series) 1.Mathematics I. Bose, R.C. II. Chakravarti, I.M. III. Rao, C.R. IV. Smith, K.J.C. V. Series. Accn Nos : 75095

519.1 BUR

Burington, Richard Stevens Handbook of probability and statistics with tables / Richard Stevens Burington and Donald Curtis May.-- Ohio: Handbook Publishers, 1958. ix,332p 1.ProbabilitiesHandbook of p I. May, Donald Curtis. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3537

519.1 BUS

Bush, Robert R. Stochastic models for learning / Robert R. Bush and Frederick Mosteller.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1955. xvi,365p. (Wiley publications in statistics). Include Index 1.Mathematics I. Mosteller, Frederick. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45480 519.1 BUS

Bush, Robert R. Stochastic models for learning / Robert R. Bush and Frederick Mosteller.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1955. xvi,365p. (Wiley publications in statistics). With Index 1.Mathematics I. Mosteller, Frederick. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45467 519.1 CHA

Chapman, Douglas Elementary probability models and statistical inference / Douglas Chapman and Ronald A. Schaufele.-- Massachusetts: Xerox College Publishing Co, 1970. xix,355p 1.Mathematics I. Schaufele, Ronald A. II. Title. Accn Nos : 75836 519.1 COX

Cox, Richard T. Algebra of probable inference / Richard T. Cox.-- Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins, 1961. x,114p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45466 519.1 COX

Cox, D.R. Renewal theory / D.R. Cox.-- London:

Methuen & Co, 1962. ix,139p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F3496 519.1 COX

Cox, D.R. Renewal theory / D.R. Cox.-- London: Methuen & Co, 1962. ix,139p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3539

519.1 CRA

Cramer, Harold Elements of probability theory and some of its applications / Harold Cramer.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1955. 281p (A Wiley publications in mathematical statistics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 11804 DLDI 519.1 DAV

David, F.N. Probability theory for statistical methods / F.N. David.-- Cambridge: The University Press, 1951. ix,230P. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 43072 519.1 DIA

Diamond, Soloman World of probability statistics in science / Soloman Diamond.-- New York: Basic Books Publishers, n.d v,189p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3532 519.1 DIX

Dixon, John R. Programmed introduction to probability / John R. Dixon.-- New York: John Wiley, 1964. Various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 49881 519.1 DUB

Dubes, Richard C. Theory of applied probability / Richard C. Dubes.-- Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1968. xv,506p (Information theory series) (Thomas Kailath) 1.Mathematics I. Kailath, Thomas. II. Title

(Series). Accn Nos : 69347

519.1 DUB

Dubes, Richard C. Theory of applied probability / Richard C. Dubes.-- Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1968. xv,506p (Information theory series) (Thomas Kailath) 1.Mathematics I. Kailath, Thomas. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 67742 DLDI 519.1 DWA

Dwass, Meyer First steps in probability / Meyer, Dwass. -- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967. 282p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53921 519.1 DWA

Dwass, Meyer First steps in probability / Meyer Dwass.-New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967. 281p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 63708 519.1 DYN

Dynkin, E.B. Theory of Markov processes / E.B. Dynkin, trans. by D.E. Brown, ed. by T. Kovary.-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1961. viii,209p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Brown, D.E. II. Kovary, T. III. Title. Accn Nos : 3534 519.1 EAR

Earl, Boyd Introduction to probability / Boyd Earl, J. William Moore and Wendell I. Smith.-- New York: McGraw Hill Book Co, 1963. xii,260p (A programmed unit in modern mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Moore, J. William. II. Smith, Wendell I. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 85531

519.1 EAR

Earl, Boyd Introduction to probability: A programmed unit in modern mathematics / boyd Earl.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1963.

xii,255p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 43114 519.1 EAR

Earl, Boyd Introduction to probability: A programmed unit in modern mathematics / Boyd Earl.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1963. xii,259p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 49882 519.1 FEL

Feller, William Introduction to probability theory and its application / William Feller.--2nd ed-- New York: John Wiley, 1957. xv,461p (Wiley publications in mathematical statistics). Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 43075 519.1 FEL

Feller, William Introduction to probability theory and its applications / William Feller.--2nd ed-Bombay: Asia Publishing House, 1957. 461p (A Wiley publication in mathematics statistics). Vol. I 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 43051 DLDI 519.1 FEL

519.1 FEL


Feller, William Introduction to probability theory and its applications / William Feller.--2nd ed-Bombay: Asia Publishing House, 1957. 461p (A Wiley publication in mathematics statistics). Vol. I 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series).

Feller, William Introduction to probability theory and its applications / William Feller.--2nd ed-Bombay: Asia Publishing House, 1957. 461p (A Wiley publication in mathematics statistics). Vol. I 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series).


Feller, William Introduction to probability theory and its applications / William Feller.--2nd ed-Bombay: Asia Publishing House, 1957. 461p (A Wiley publication in mathematics statistics). Vol. I 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 18233

519.1 FEL

Feller, William Introduction to probability theory and its applications / William Feller.--2nd ed-Bombay: Asia Publishing House, 1957. 461p (A Wiley publication in mathematics statistics). Vol. I 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 86233

519.1 HAI

Haight, Frank A. Handbook of the poisson distribution / Frank A. Haight.-- New York: John Wiley, 1967. xi,168p (Publication in operations research) (11) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 67736

519.1 HOD

Hodger, J.L. Basic concepts of probability and statistics / J.L. Hodger and E.L. Lehmann.-San Francisco: Holday Day, 1964. xiii,373p (Holden day series in probability and statistics) 1.Mathematics I. Lehmann, E.L. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45503 519.1 HOD

Hodges, J.L. Basic concepts of probability and statistics / J.L. Hodges and E.L. Lehmann.-San Francisco: Holden-day, 1964. xiii,369p (Holden-day series in probability and statistics) 1.Mathematics I. Lehmann, E.L. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 62077 519.1 HOD

Hodges, J.L. Elements of finite probability / J.L.

Hodges and E.L. Lehmann.-- San Francisco: Holden-Day, 1968. vi,230p (Holden-day series in probability and statistics) (E.L. Lehmann) 1.Mathematics I. Lehmann, E.L. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3528 519.1 HOD

Hodges, J.L. Elements of finite probability / J.L. Hodges and E.L. Lehmann.-- San Francisco: Holden-Day, 1965. vi,230p (Holden-day series in probability and statistics) (E.L. Lehmann) 1.Mathematics I. Lehmann, E.L. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 62078 519.1 JOH

Johnson, Donovan A. Probability and chance / Donovan A. Johnson.-- Atlanta: Webster Publishing Company, 1963. 64p (Exploring mathematics on your own) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 43113

519.1 KAL

Kac, Mark Statistical independence in probability analysis and number theory / Mark Kac.-- New York: The Mathematical Association of America, 1959. xiv,93p (The Carus Mathematical Monographs) (12) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 43111 519.1 KAR

Karlin, Samuel First course in stochastic processes / Samuel Karlin.-- New York: Academic Press, 1966. xi,502p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 60006 519.1 KIN

King, Army C. Pathways to probability history of the mathematics of certainly and chance / Army C. King and Cecil B. Read.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. 139p (Holt library of science series) (1) 1.Mathematics I. Read, Cecil B. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 53343

519.1 KIN

King, Amy C. Pathways to probablity: history of the mathematics of certainty and chance / Amy C. King and Cecil B. Read.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. 139p. (Holt, library of sciene series) ( 1) 1.Mathematics I. Read, Cecil B. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 76734 519.1 LAP

Laplace, Pierresimon Marques de Philosophical essay on probability / Pierresimon Marques de Laplace; tr. by Frederick Wilson Truscott and Frederick Lincoln Emory.-- New York: Dover Publications, 1951. viii,185p. (Dover books on advanced science) 1.Mathematics I. Truscott, Frederick Wilson. II. Emory, Frederick Lincoln. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 61225 519.1 LIN

Lindgren, B.W. Introduction to probability and statistics / B.W. Lindgren and G.W. McElrath.-- New York: Macmillan Company, 1959. xiii,275p 1.Mathematics I. McElrath, G.W. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3526 519.1 LOE

Loeve, Michel Probability theory / Michel Loeve.--3rd ed -- New Jersey: D.Van Nostrand, 1963. xvi,685p (The University series in higher mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 86789 519.1 MCC

McCord, James R. Probability theory / James R. McCord and Richard M. Moroney.-- New York: Macmillan, 1965. xv,232p 1.Mathematics I. Moroney, Richard M. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45505 519.1 MIS

Mises, Richard Von Probability, statistics and truth / Richard

Von Mises.-- London: George Allen and Unwin, 1957. ix,244p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3535 519.1 MOS

Mosteller, Frederick Probability and statistics / Frederick Mosteller, Robert E.K Rourke and George B. Thomas.-- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1961. xiii,395p 1.Mathematics I. Rourke, Robert E.K. II. Thomas, George B. III. Title. Accn Nos : 45469 519.1 MOS

Mosteller, Frederick Probability with statistical applications / Frederick Mosteller, Robert E.K. Rourke and George B. Thomas.-- Massachusetts: AddisonWesley, 1961. xv,478p (Addison-wesley series in statistics) (Z.W. Birnbaum) 1.Mathematics I. Rourke, Robert E.K. II. Thomas, George B. III. Birnbaum, Z.W. IV. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45462 519.1 MOS

Moskowitz, Martin M. What are the chances: An introduction to probability / Martin M. Moskowitz.-- New York: Macmillan Company, 1963. vii,105p (Understanding modern mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F12013 519.1 MUN

Munroe, M.E. Theory of probability / M.E. Munroe.-- New York: McGraw Hil Book Co, 1951. viii,2111p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 43071 519.1 MUN

Munroe, M.E. Theory of probability / M.E. Munroe.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1951. viii,213p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 43064

519.1 PAR

Parzen, Emanuel

Modern probability theory and its applications / Emanuel Parzen.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1964. xv,459p (Wiley publications in mathematical statistics) (ed. by Walter A. Shewhart) 1.Mathematics I. Shewhart, Walter A. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 86087 519.1 PAR

Parzen, Emanuel Stochastic processes / Emanuel Parzen.-San Francisco: Holden Day, 1965. xi,316p (Holden day series in probability and statistics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 62080 519.1 PFE

Pfeiffer, Paul E. Concepts of probability theory / Paul E. Pfeiffer.-- New York: McGraw Hill Book Co, 1965. xiii,393p (McGraw Hill series in probability and statistics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 58048 519.1 PFE

Pfeiffer, Paul E. Concepts of probability theory / Paul E. Pfeiffer.-- New York: Mcgraw Hill, 1968. xiii,399p (Macgraw Hill series in probability and statistics) 1.Mathematics 2.Probabilities I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 58029 519.1 PRA

Prabhu, N.V. Queues and inventories: A study of their basic stochastic processes / N.V. Prabhu.-New York: John Wiley & Sons, n.d xi,273p (Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45486

519.1 PRA

Prabhu, M.U. Stochastic processes: basic theory and its applications / M.U. Prabhu.-- New York: Macmillan Company, 1965. xii,229p (A series of advanced mathematics texts) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3527

519.1 ROZ

Rozeboom, William W. Foundation of the theory of prediction / William W. Rozeboom.-- Homewood: The Dorsey Press, 1966. viii,619p (The Dorsey series in psychology) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 54077 519.1 SUP

Suppes, Patrick Markov learning models for multi person interactions / Patrick Suppes and Richard C. Atkinson.-- Standord: Stanford University Press, 1960. 296p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Atkinson, Richard C. II. Title. Accn Nos : 43285 519.1 THO

Thomsian, Aram J. Structure of probability theory with applications, part 1 / Aram J. Thomsian.-New York: McGraw Hill Book Co, 1964. vi,326p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 86791 519.1 THR

Decision processes / ed. by R.M. Thrall, C.H. Coombs and R.L. Davis.-- New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1960. viii,331p 1.Mathematics I. Thrall, R.M. II. Coombs, C.H. III. Davis, R.L. Accn Nos : 3533 519.1 THR

Decision processes / ed. by R.M. Thrall, C.H. Coombs and R.L. Davis: John Wiley., 1954. viii,332p 1.Mathematics I. Thrall, R.M. II. Coombs, C.H. III. Davis, R.L. Accn Nos : 30672 519.1 TUC

Tucker, Howard G. Graduate course in probability / Howard G. Tucker.-- New York: Academic Press, 1967. xiii,273p (Probability and mathematics statistics: A series of monographs and textbooks) (Z.W. Birnbaum) 1.Mathematics I. Birnbaum, Z.W. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 65906

519.1 TUC

Tucker, Howard G. Introduction to probability and mathematical statistics / Howard G. Tucker.-London: Academic Press, 1965. xii,225p (Academic press textbooks in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 60105 519.1 TUC

Tucker, Howard G. Introduction to probability and mathematical statistics / Horward G. Tucker. -- New York: Academic Press, 1963. xii,228p (Academic press text books in mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45477 DLDI 519.1 USP

Uspensky, J.V. Introduction to mathematical probability / J.V. Uspensky.-- New York: McGraw Hill Book, 1937. iv,409p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 86792 519.1 USP

Uspensky, J.V. Introduction to mathematics probability / J.V. Uspensky.-- New York: McGraw Hill Book Co, 1937. 519.1 USP 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3564 519.1 USP

Uspensky, J.V. Introduction to mathematical probability / J.V. Uspensky.-- Bombay: Tata McGraw-Hill, 1965. ix,411p 1.ProbabilitiesIntroduction I. Title. Accn Nos : 37900 519.1 WAD

Wadsworth, George P. Introduction to probability and random variables / George P. Wadsworth and Joseph G. Bryan.-- New York: McGraw Hill Co, 1960. vii,207p (McGraw Hill series in probability and statistics) 1.Mathematics I. Bryan, Joseph G. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 43110

519.1 YAG

Yaglom, A.M. Challenging mathematical problems with elementary solutions: Combinational analysis and probability theory / A.M. Yaglom and I.M. Yaglom.-- San Francisco: Holden Days, 1964. viii,231p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Yaglom, I.M. II. Title. Accn Nos : 43116

519.10212 HAR

Harter, H. Leon Probability integrals of the range and of the studentized range: Probability integral and percentage points of the studentized range; critical values for duncans new multiple rang / H. Leon Harter, Donald S. Clemm and Eugene H. Guthrie.-- Ohio: United States Air Force, 1959. xxi,293p (Wadc technical report). Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Clemm, Donald S. II. Gunthrie, Eugene H. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 24285 519.10212 HAR

Table of the cumulative binomial probability distribution / Computation Laboratory.-Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1955. xi,503p (Annals of the computation laboratory of harvard university) 1.Mathematics I. Computation Laboratory. II. Series. Accn Nos : 11956 519.1076 YAG

Yaglom, A.M. Challenging mathematical problems with elementary solutions: Combinational analysis and probability theory / A.M. Yaglom and I.M. Yaglom.-- San Francisco: Holden Days, 1964. viii,231p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Yaglom, I.M. II. Title. DLDI

519.1076 YAG

Yaglom, A. M.. Challenging mathematical problems with elementary solutions / A.M. Yaglomand I.M. Yaglom.-- San Francisco: Holden-day, 1964. viii,231p. Vol. 1(Combinatorial Analysis and Probability theory) 1.Mathematics I. Yaglom, I.M. II. Macawley,

James,Tr. III. Gordon, Basil, Ed. IV. Title. Accn Nos : 53345

519.15 EDW

Edwards, Allen L. Statistical methods for the behavioural sciences / Allen L. Edwards.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1961. xvii,542p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 9810 519.2 AGG

Aggarwal, Y.P. Better sampling: concepts, techniques evaluation / Y.P. Aggarwal.-- New Delhi: Sterling Publishers Private Ltd., 1988. 130p 1.Mathematics 2.Sampling (statistics) I. Title.

519.2 AGG

Aggarwal, Y.P. Better sampling : concepts, techniques and evaluation / Y.P. Aggarwal.-- New Delhi: Sterling Publishers, 1988. 130p. 1.Mathematics 2.Sampling (Statistics) 3.Mathematical Statistics I. Title. Accn Nos : 107787 ; 107788

519.2 ALD

Alder, Henry L. Introduction to probability and statistics / Henry L. Alder and Edward B. Rossler.-Sanfrancisco: W.H. Freeman, 1977. xii, 426p. ISBN 0-7167-0467-6 1.Mathematics 2.Probabilities 3.Statistics I. Rossler, Edward B. II. Title. Accn Nos : 81100 519.2 BAR

Barlow Richard E. Statistical theory of reliability and life testing / Richard E. Barlow and Frank Proschan.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1975. xiii,290p 1.Mathematics I. Proschan, Frank. II. Title. Accn Nos : 79489 519.2 BHA

Bhat, U. Narayan Elements of applied stochastic processes /

U. Narayan Bhat.--2nd ed-- New York: John Wiley Sons, 1984. xvi,685p. (Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics) ISBN 0-971-87828-X 1.Mathematics 2.Stochastic processes I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 103107 519.2 BHA

Bhat, B. Ramdas Modern probability theory: an introductory text book / B. Ramdas Bhat.-- New Delhi: Weley Eastern Limited, 1981. xi, 253p. ISBN 0-85226-061-x 1.Mathematics 2.Probability I. Title. Accn Nos : 92354 519.2 BIS

Biswas, Suddhendu Stochastic processes in demography and applications / Suddhendu Biswas and Vijay Kumar Sehgal.-- New Delhi: Wiley Eastern Limited, n.d xiii,355p ISBN 81-224-0061-2 1.Mathematics 2.Demography - Statistical methods I. Sehgal, Vijay Kumar. II. Title. Accn Nos : 111779 519.2 BLA

Blake, Ian F. Introduction to applied probability / Ian F. Blake.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1979. xi,525p ISBN 0-471-03210-7 1.Mathematics 2.Probability I. Title. Accn Nos : 90595

519.2 BUR

Burford, Roger L. Introduction to finite probability / Roger L. Burford.-- Columbus: Charles E. Merrill Book, 1967. xiii,143p (Merrill's mathematics and quantitative methods series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 63707

519.2 CHU

Chung, Kai Lai Elementary probability theory / Kai Lai Chung and Farid AitSahlia.--4th ed.-- New York: Springer, 2004. xiii,402p.

Includes index ISBN 81-8128-013-x 1.Probabilitiesl 2.Informatiion theory I. AitSahlia, Farid. II. Title. Accn Nos : 127757 519.2 COX

Cox, D.R. Theory of stochastic processes / D.R. Cox and H.D. Miller.-- London: Chapman and Hall, 1965. ix,389p 1.Mathematics 2.Stochastic process I. Miller, H.D. II. Title. Accn Nos : 80322 519.2 DAV

David, H.A. Method of paired comparisons / H.A. David. --Second impression-- London: Charles Griffin, 1969. 164p (Griffin's statistical monographs & courses) (ed. by Stuart Alan) (12) 1.Mathematics 2.Probabilities 3.Paired comparisons I. Alan, Stuart. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 83972

519.2 DOO

Doob, J.L. Stochastic processes / J.L. Doob.-- New York: John Wiley, 1953. vii,651p. (Wiley publications in statistics) ISBN 0-471-21813-8 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 83884

519.2 FAL

Falk, Ruma Understanding probability and Statistics / Ruma Falk.-- Hyderabad: Universities Press, 1993. xiii,239p. Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 81-7371-440-1 1.Statistics I. Title. Accn Nos : 127644

519.2 FEL

Feller, William Introduction to probability theory and its applications Vol. II / William Feller.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1966. xviii,626p (Wiley series in probability

and mathematical statistics). Include Index 1.Mathematics 2.probability I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 54162 519.2 FEL

Feller, William Introduction to probability theory and its application / William Feller.--3rd ed-- New Delhi: Wiley Eastern House, 1972. xviii,509p (Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics). Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 80113

519.2 FIS

Kisz, Mare K. Probability and mathematical statistics / Mare K. Kisz, tr. by P.K. Kulshrestha.-- New Delhi: S. Chand & Co, 1961. iv,497p 1.Mathematics I. Kulshrestha, P.K. II. Title. Accn Nos : 43055 519.2 FIS

Fisz, Marek Probability mathematical statistics / Marek Fisz, tr. by P.K. Kulshrestha.-- Delhi: S. Chand & Sons, 1961. iv,497p 1.Mathematics I. Kulshrestha, P.K. II. Title. Accn Nos : 51645 519.2 FUL

Fuller, Wayne A. Measurements error models / Wayne A. Fuller.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1987. xiii,435p (Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics) ISBN 0-471-86187-1 1.Mathematics 2.Error analysis (mathematics) 3.Regression analysis I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 106117 519.2 GNE

Gnedenko, B.V. Theory of probability / B.V. Gnedenko.-Moscow: Mir Publishers, 1976. 392p 1.Mathematics 2.Probabilities I. Title. Accn Nos : 92689 519.2


Kahane, Jean-Pierre Some random series of function / JeanPierre Kahane.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1968. xiii,301p ISBN 0-521-24966-X 1.Mathematics 2.Stochastic processes I. Title. Accn Nos : 104852

519.2 KIN

Probability, statistics and analysis / ed. J.F.C. Kingman, G.E.H. Reuter.-Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983. viii,285p (London mathematical society lecture note series) (9) 1.Mathematics 2.Probability - addresses, essays, lectures I. Kingman, J.F.C. II. Reuter G.E.H. III. Series. Accn Nos : 94690 519.2 LAR

Larsen, Richard J. Introduction to mathematics statistics and its applications / Richard J. Larsen and Morris L. Marx.-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1981. xii,536p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical statistics I. Marx, Morris L. II. Title. Accn Nos : 91886 519.2 LAR

Larsen, Richard J. Introduction to probability and its applications / Richard J. Larsen and Morris L. Marr.-- New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc., 1985. ix,404p ISBN 0-13-493453-9 1.Mathematics 2.Probabilities I. Marr, Morris L. II. Title. Accn Nos : 114419 519.2 MAT

Mathai, M.M. Characterization of the normal probability law / M.M. Mathai and G. Pederzoli.-- New Delhi: Wiley Eastern Limited, 1977. vi, 148p. ISBN 0-85226-558-1 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical statistics 3.Probability I. Pederzoli, G. II. Title. Accn Nos : 90359



Mathai, A.M. Probability and statistics / A.M. Mathai and P.M. Rathie.-- Delhi: Macmillan Press Ltd., 1977. xiv,404p ISBN 0-333-19056-4 1.Mathematics 2.Statistics I. Rathie, P.M. II. Title. Accn Nos : 95884 519.2 MED

Medhi, J. Stochastic process / J. Medhi.-- New Delhi: Wiley Eastern Limited, 1982. xi,385p ISBN 0-85226-564-6 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 92355 519.2 MOH

Mohanty, Shrigopal Lattice path counting and applications / Shrigopal Mohanty and Z.M. Bimbaum.-- New York: Academic Press, 1979. x,183p (A series of monograph text) (ed. by Z.M. Bimbaum) ISBN 0-12-504050-4 1.Mathematics 2.Combinatorial probability 3.Lattice paths I. Bimbaum, Z.M. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 93035 519.2 MOS

Mosteller, Frederick Probability and statistics / Frederick Mosteller, Robert E.K. Rourke, George B. Thomas: Massachusetts, Addison Wesley Pub. Company., 1961. xiii,391p 1.Mathematics 2.Probability 3.Statistical mathematics I. Rourke, Robert E.K. II. Thomas, George B. III. Title. Accn Nos : F5962 519.2 NOV

Novick, Mevin R. Statistical methods for educational and psychological research / Mevin R. Novick and Paul H. Jackson.-- London: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1974. xvii, 453p. 1.Mathematics I. Jackson, Paul H. II. Title. Accn Nos : 80622 519.2 OLK

Olkin, Ingram Probability models and applications / Ingram Olkin, Leon J. Gleser and Cyrus

Derman.-- New York: Macmillan, 1980. xiii,576p ISBN 0-02-389230-7 1.Mathematics 2.Probabilities I. Glesser, Leon J. II. Derman, Cyrus. III. Title. Accn Nos : 91688 519.2 PAR

Parzen, Emanuel Stochastic processes / Emanuel Parzen.-San Francisco: Holden Day, 1964. xi,324p (Holden day series in probability and statistics) (ed. by Erich L. Lehmann) 1.Mathematics I. Lehmann, Erich L. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 58865

519.2 PRO

Probability and statistics / edited by Mohan Delampady, T. Krishnan and S. Ramasubramania.-- Hyderabad: Universities Press, 2001. x,201p. Includes index ISBN 81-7371-289-1 1.Statistics I. Delampady, Mohan. II. Krishnan, T. III. Ramasubramanian, S. Accn Nos : 127642

519.2 PRO

Probability theory: collection of problems / A. Ya. Dorogovtsev...[et al.], translated by O.I. Klesov and V.A. Kotov.-- Rhode Island: American Mathematical Society, 1997. xi,347p (Translations of mathematical monographs; no.v.163) ISBN 0-8218-0372-7 1.Mathematics 2.Probabilities I. Silvestrov, D.S. II. Skorokhod, A.V. III. Yadrenko, M.I. IV. Klesov, O.I. V. Kotov, V.A. VI. Series. Accn Nos : 118346 519.2 QUI

Quirin, William L. Probability and statistics / William L. Quirin.-- New York: Harper & Row Publishers, 1978. ix,485p ISBN 0-06-045293-5 1.Mathematics 2.Probability 3.Mathematical statistics 4.Statistics I. Title. Accn Nos : 83516



Renyi, A. Probability theory / A. Renyi.-- New York: Dover Publications, 2007. 666p. Including bibliographical refefences and index ISBN 0-486-45867-9 1.Probabilities 2.Information theory I. Title. Accn Nos : 127753 519.2 ROH

Rohatgi, V.K. Introduction to probability theory and mathematical statistics / V.K. Rohatgi.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1976. xiv,684p (Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics) 1.Mathematics 2.Probability 3.Mathematical statistics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 92655

519.2 ROS

Ross, Sheldon First course in probability / Sheldon Ross. -- New York: Macmillan Publishing Co Inc, 1976. 305p 1.Mathematics 2.Probabilities I. Title. Accn Nos : 85046 519.2 SCH

Schuss, Zeev Theory and applications of stochastic differential equations / Zeev Schuss.-- New York: John Wiley, 1980. xiii,321p (Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics) ISBN 0-471-04394-X 1.Mathematics 2.Stochastic differential equations I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 93441 519.2 SRI

Srinath, L.S. Concepts in reliability: With on introduction to maintainability and availability / L.S. Srinath.-- New Delhi: Affiliated East West, 1975. vii,96p 1.Mathematics 2.Probability 3.Reliability I. Title. Accn Nos : 82109 519.2 SRI

Srinivasan, S. K. Stochastic processes / S. K. Srinivasan and K.M. Mehata.-- New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill,

1976. x,381p 1.Mathematics I. Mehata, K.M. II. Title. Accn Nos : 81587

519.2 STI

Stirzaker, David Elementary probability / David Stirzaker.-Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. x,373p ISBN 0-521-56694-0 1.Probabilities I. Title. Accn Nos : 120993

519.2 STI

Stilson, Donald W. Probability and statistics in psycological research and theory / Donald W. Stilson.-San Francisco: Holden Day, 1966. xii,501p (Halden series in psychology) (Robert R. Bush) 1.Mathematics I. Bush, Robert R. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 59997

519.2 TAK

Takacs, L. Stochastic processes: Problems and solutions / L. Takacs; tr. by P. Zador.-London: Methuen, 1966. xi,135p. 1.Mathematics 2.Probabilities I. Zador, P. II. Title. Accn Nos : 82968 519.2 THO

Thomosian, Aram J. Structure of probability theory with applications / Aram J. Thomosian.-preliminary ed-- New York: Mcgraw Hill, 1964. 371p 1.Mathematics 2.Probabilities I. Title. Accn Nos : 66166 519.2 WEA

Weaver, Warren Lady luck: The theory of probability / Warren Weaver.-- London: Heinemann, 1963. 392p (The science study series) (24) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 7460 519.2 WOL

Wolf, Frank L. Elements of probability and statistics / Frank L. Wolf.-- New York: MaGraw-Hill, 1962.

xv,322p (MaGraw-Hill Series in probability and statistics) (ed. by David Black Well) 1.Mathematics 2.Probabilities I. Black Well, David. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 43073

519.23 BIS

Biswas, Suddhendu Statistical techniques of manpower planning and forecasting / Suddhendu Biswas.-- New Delhi: New Age International Publishers, 1996. xii,160p ISBN 81-224-0827-3 1.Statisics I. Title. Accn Nos : 121434

519.23 MAH

Mahajani, Ganesh Sakha Ram Shuddh ghan - geometry praveshika (HIN) / Ganesh Sakha Ram Mahajani.-- Delhi: Kendriya Hindi Nideshalay, 1963. 102p. 1.Mathematics 2.Geometry Ghan I. Title. Accn Nos : 89595 519.232 BRI

Brillinger, David R. Time series data analysis and theory / David R. Brillinger.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1975. xii,496p (International series in decision processes) ISBN 0-03-076975-2 1.Mathematics 2.Stationary process, Probability I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 79488 519.233 ADK

Adke, S.R. Introduction to finite markov processes / S.R. Adke and S.M. Manjunath.-- New Delhi: Wiley Eastern, 1984. viii,307p ISBN 0-85226-007-5 1.Mathematics I. Manjunath, S.M II. Title. Accn Nos : 103112

519.233 KEM

Kemeny, John G. Finite markov chains / John G. Kemeny and J. Laurie Snell.-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1960. viii,210p (The university series in

undergraduates mathematics) (John L. Keley) 1.Mathematics I. Snell, J. Laurie. II. Keley, John L. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F9507 519.282 SPI

Spitzer, Frank Principles of random walk / Frank Spitzer. --2nd ed-- New York: Springer-verlag, 1976. xiii,403p (Graduate texts in mathematics) (34) ISBN 0-387-90150-7 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 82762 519.287 HOR

Horst, Paul Current problems in linear and configural prediction / Paul Horst.-- Washington: University of Washington, 1964. 32p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 18982 519.287 MAN

Mann, Nancy R. Methods for statistical analysis of reliability and life data / Nancy R. Mann, Ray E. Schafer and Nozer D. Singpurwalla.-New York: John Wiley, 1974. ix,564p (Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics) ISBN 0-471-56737-X 1.Mathematics 2.Reliability (Engineering) 3.Statistical method I. Schafer, Ray E. II. Singpurwalla, Nozer D. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 81454

519.287 ROZ

Rozeboom, William W. Foundations of the theory of prediction / William W. Rozeboom.-- Homewood: The Dorsey, 1966. viii,628p (The dorsey series in pschology) (Howard F. Hunt) 1.Mathematics I. Hunt, Howard F. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 61858

519.3 OPE

Open University Theory of games / Open University.-Bletchley Buks: Open University Press, 1972. 41p (Linear mathematics) (28) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 77091

519.3 WAL

Walker, Helen M. Statistical inference / Helen M. Walker and Joseph Lev.-- Calcutta: Oxford and IBH, 1953. xi,510p 1.Mathematics I. Lev, Joseph. II. Title. Accn Nos : 90125

519.3 WAT

Watson, Joel Strategy: an introduction to game theory / Joel Watson.-- New York: W.W. Norton, 2004. xv,334p ISBN 0-393-97648-3 I. Title. Accn Nos : 123784 519.38 LEI

Leighton, Walter Introduction to the theory of differential equations / Walter Leighton.-- New York: McGraw Hill Book, 1952. viii,174p (International series in pure and applied mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45548

519.38 PRO

Protter, Murray H. Maximum principles in differential equations / Murray H. Protter and Hans F. Weinberger.-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1967. x,261p (Prentice partial differential equations series) 1.Mathematics I. Weinberger, Hans F. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 59310 519.38 ROS

Ross, Shepley L. Differential equations / Shepley L. Ross.-Massachusetts: Blaisdell, 1964. xi,594p (Blaisdell book in pure and applied mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66672 519.4 ABN

Abney, Darrell H. Computer mathematics for programmers / Darrell H. Abney, Laurence Rubin and Donald W. Sibrel.-- Orlando: Academic Press, 1985. xi,336p ISBN 0-12-042150-X 1.Mathematics 2.Electronic data processing

I. Rubin, Laurence. II. Sibrel, Donnald W. III. Title. Accn Nos : 103937 519.4 BAJ

Bajaj, C.P. Elements of statistics / C.P. Bajaj and P.N. Gupta.-- New Delhi: R. Chand & Co., 1984. x,317p 1.Mathematics 2.Statistics 3.Mathematical statistics I. Gupta, P.N. II. Title. Accn Nos : 96085 519.4 BAK

Bakhvalove, N.S. Numerical methods: analysis, algebra, ordinary differential equations / N.S. Bakhvalove and George Gamkovsky.-- Moscow: Mir Publishers, 1977. 663p. 1.Mathematics 2.Numerical analysis I. Gamkovsky, George. II. Title. Accn Nos : 92834

519.4 BHA

Bhat, R.B. Numerical analysis in engineering / R.B. Bhat and S. Chakraverty.--rev. ed.-- New Delhi: Narosa publishing, 2008. 320p. ISBN 81-7319-821-2 1.Mathematics 2.Numerical analysis I. Chakraverty, S. II. Title. Accn Nos : 128584 519.4 CON

Conte, S D Elementary numerical analysis: an algorithmic approach / S D Conte and de Boor, Carl.--3rd ed-- London: McGraw-Hill, 1980. xii,432p (International series in pure and applied mathamatics). Includes appendix, bibliographical references and index ISBN 0-07-012447-7 1.Mathematics 2.Numerical analysis I. De Boor, Carl. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 113712 ; 113713 ; 113714 519.4 DYA

Dyachenko, V.K. Basic computational mathematics / V.K. Dyachenko.-- Moscow: Mir Publishers, 1979. 124p 1.Alogrithms 2.Programming (mathematics)Basic computa I. Title. Accn Nos : 92839

519.4 GRO

Grogono, Peter Problem solving and computer programming / Peter Grogono and Sharon H. Nelson.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1982. xvi,283p 1.Mathematics 2.Electronic digital computers - Programming 3.Mathematics Problems, exercise, etc. 4.Data processing 5.Problem solving - data processing I. Nelson, Sharon H. II. Title. Accn Nos : 100700

519.4 GRO

Groetsch, C.W. Theory of Tikhonov regularization for fredholm equations of the first kind / C.W. Groetsch.-- Boston: Pitman Advanced Publishing Program, 1984. 103p (Research notes in mathematics) ( 105) ISBN 0-273-08642-1 1.Mathematics 2.Fredholm equations numerical solutions I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 101527 519.4 HAR

Hartwig, Frederick Exploratory data analysis / Frederick Hartwig, Brain E. Dearing, John L. Sullivan. -- London: Sage Publications, 1979. 80p (Sage University papers series) (ed. by John L. Sullivan) ISBN 0-8039-1370-2 1.Mathematics 2.Numerical analysis 3.Data processing I. Dearing, Brian E. II. Sullivan, John L. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 104141 519.4 HAR

Harding, R.D. Simple introduction to numerical analysis: interpolation and approximation / R.D. Harding and D.A. Quinnrey.--Vol. 2-Cambridge: Adam Hilger, 1989. ix,171p 1.Mathematics 2.Numerical analysis I. Quinnrey, D.A. II. Title. Accn Nos : 107841 519.4 HOR

Horowity, Ellis Fundamentals of computer algorithm / Ellis Horowity., [n.d.] xiv,626p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Accn Nos : 103905

519.4 JAI

Jain, M.K. Numerical methods for scientific and engineering computation / M.K. Jain, S.R.K. Iyengar and R.K. Jain.--3rd ed-- New Delhi: New Age International, 1993. xi,454p. Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 81-224-0540-1 1.Mathematics 2.Numerical analysis I. Iyengar, S.R.K. II. Jain, R.K. III. Title. Accn Nos : 117982 519.4 JAM

James, M.L. Applied numerical methods for digital computation with fortran and CSMP / M.L. James, G.M. Smith and J.C. Wolford.-- New York: Harper and Row, 1977. x,587p ISBN 0-7002-2499-8 1.Mathematics 2.Numerican analysis - data processing 3.Fortran (computer program language)CSMP (computer programm) I. Smith, G.M. II. Wolford, J.C. III. Title. Accn Nos : 90360 519.4 JAM

Jamieson, M.J. Elementary numerical methods / M.J. Jamieson.-- London: Pitman Books Limited, 1983. 113p ISBN 0-273-01835-3 1.Mathematics 2.Numerical calculations I. Title. Accn Nos : 96952

519.4 LIP

Lipschutz, Seymour Schaum's outline of theory and problems of essential computer mathematics / Seymour Lipschutz.-- New York: McGraw- Hill, 1987. 357p. (Schaum's outline series) ISBN 0-07-099132-4 1.Mathematics 2.Electronic data processing - Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 112343

519.4 MIT

Mital, K.V. Understanding mathematics and computers: a popular introduction / K.V. Mital.-- New

Delhi: New Age International, 1997. vii,231p ISBN 81-224-0387-5 1.Mathematics 2.Computer science Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 118298

519.4 OPE

Open University Numerical computation: Simulation / Open University.-- Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1982. 54p. (Mathematics third level course) ( 14) ISBN 0-335-05663-6 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical statistics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 105494

519.4 OPE

Open University Numerical computation: practical unit IV / Open University.-- Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1984. 37p. (Mathematics thrid level course) ( 15) ISBN 0-335-05664-4 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 105495

519.4 OPE

Open University Numerical computation: Practical unit III / Open University.-- Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1976. 25p. (Mathematics third level course) ( 12) ISBN 0-335-05661-X 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 105493 519.4 OPE

Open University Numerical computation: practical unit II / Open University.-- Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1976. 25p. (Mathematics third level course) ( 10) ISBN 0-335-05659-8 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 105491

519.4 OPE

Open University Numerical computation: practical Unit I /

Open University.-- Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1976. 25p. (Mathematics third level course) ISBN 0-335-05653-9 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 105487


519.4 OPE

Open University Numerical computation: Practical unit III / Open University.-- Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1982. 66p. (Mathematics third level course) (3) ISBN 0 335 05652 0 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 105486 519.4 RAJ

Rajaraman, V. Computer oriented numerical methods / V. Rajaraman.--2nd ed-- New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India, 1990. xi,164p 1.Mathematics 2.Numerical calculation Computer programms I. Title. Accn Nos : 109710

519.4 RAL

Mathematical methods for digital computers / ed. by Anthony Ralston and Herbert S. Wilf.-- New York: John Wiley, 1967. x,287p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Ralston, Anthony. II. Wilf, Herbert S. Accn Nos : 62617 519.4 ROC

Rock-Evans, Rosemary Simple introduction to data and activity analysis / Rosemary Rock-Evans.-- Surrey: Computer Weekly Publications, 1989. ix,259p ISBN 1-85384-001-7 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics statistics I. Title. Accn Nos : 111980 519.4 SCH

Schwartz, H.R. Numerical analysis: a comprehensive introduction / H.R. Schwartz and J. Waldvogel.-- Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 1989. xiii,517p -

ISBN 0-471-92064-9 1.Mathematics 2.Numerical analysis I. Waldvogel, J. II. Title. Accn Nos : 108771

519.4 SCR

Scraton, R.E. Basic numerical method: an introduction to numerical mathematics on a microcomputer / R.E. Scraton.-- Baltimore: Edward Arnold, 1984. viii,92p. ISBN 0-7131-3521-2 1.Mathematics 2.Numerical analysis - Data processing 3.Basic (Computer program language) I. Title. Accn Nos : 99855

519.5 Developments in statistics / ed. by Paruchuri R. Krishnaiah.-- New York: Academic Press, 1978. xii,339p ISBN 0-12-426601-0 1.Mathematics 2.Statistical mathematics 3.Statistics I. Krishnaiah, Paruchuri R. Accn Nos : 90789 519.5:150 Bloomers, Paul Elementary statistical methods in psychology and education / Paul Blommers and E.F. Lindquist.-- Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1960. xv,528p 1.Mathematics I. Lindquist, E.F. II. Title. Accn Nos : 35295 519.5:150 ARM

Armore, Sidney J. Introduction to statistical analysis and inference for psychologe and education / Sidney J. Armore.-- New York: John Wiley, 1966. xx,546p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 56536 519.5:150 ARM

Armore, Sidney J. Introduction to statistical analysis and inference for psychology and education / Sidney J. Armore.-- New York: John Wiley, 1966. xx,546p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 58670

519.5:150 ARM

Armore, Sidney J. Introduction to statistical analysis and inference for psychology and education / Sidney J. Armore.-- New York: John Wiley, 1966. xx,546p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 54299

519.5:150 ARM

Armore, Sidney J. Introduction to statistical analysis and inference for psychology and education / Sidney J. Armore.-- New York: John Wiley, 1966. xx,546p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 56006 519.5:150 ARM

Armore, Sidney J. Introduction to statistical analysis and inference for psychology and education / Sidney J. Armore.-- New York: John Wiley, 1966. xx,546p 1.Statistics I. Title. Accn Nos : 10778 519.5:150 BER

Bernstein, Allen L. Handbook of solution for the behavioral science / Allen L. Bernstein.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1966. xii,145p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 60001

519.5:150 BER

Bernstein, Allen L. Handbook of statistics solutions for the behavioral science / Allen L. Bernstein.-New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1966. xii,145p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 74193

519.5:150 BER

Bernstein, Allen L. Handbook of statistics solution for the behavioral sciences / Allen L. Bernstein.-New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1966. xii,145p

1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 74194

519.5:150 BLO

Blommers, Paul Elementary statistical methods in psychology and education / Paul Blommers and E.F. Lindguist.-- Calcutta: Oxford Book Company, 1960. xv,519p 1.Mathematics I. Lindguist, E.F. II. Title. Accn Nos : 52644 519.5:150 BLO

Blommers, Paul Elementary statistical methods in psychology and education / Paul Blommers and E.F. Lindquest.-- Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co, 1960. xv,519p 1.Mathematics I. Lindquest, E.F. II. Title. Accn Nos : 10696 519.5:150 BLO

Blommers, Paul Elementary statistical methods: Psycology and education / Paul Blommers and E.F. Lindquist.-- Calcutta: Oxford Book, 1960. xv,528p 1.Mathematics I. Lindquist, E.F II. Title. Accn Nos : 35299 519.5:150 BLO

Blommers, Paul Elementary statistical methods in psychology and education / Paul Blommers and E.F. Lindquist.-- Calcutta: Oxford, 1960. xv,528p 1.Mathematics 2.Psychology - statistical methods 3.Education - statistical methods I. Lindquist, E.F. II. Title. Accn Nos : 10697 519.5:150 BLO

Blommers, Paul Elementary statistical methods in psychology and education / Paul Blommers and E.F. Lindquist.-- Calcutta: Oxford, 1960. xv,528p 1.Mathematics I. Landquist, E.F. II. Title. Accn Nos : 35298

519.5:150 BLO

Blommers, Paul Elementary statistical methods in psychology and education / Paul Blommers and E.F. Lindquist.-- London: University of

London Press, 1960. xv,528p 1.Mathematics I. Lindquist, E.F. II. Title. Accn Nos : 35297 519.5:150 BLO

Blommers, Paul Elementary statistical methods in psychology and education / Paul Blommers and E.F. Lindquist.-- Calcutta: Oxford, 1960. xv,528p 1.Mathematics I. Lindquist, E.F. II. Title. Accn Nos : 35230 519.5:150 BLO

Blommers, Paul Elementary statistical methods in psychology and education / Paul Blommers and E.F. Lindquist.-- Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1960. xv,528p 1.Mathematics I. Lindquist, E.F. II. Title. Accn Nos : 35296 519.5:150 BLO

Blommers, Paul Elementary statistical methods in psychology and education / Paul Blommers and E.F. Lindquist.-- Calcutta: Oxford, 1960. xv,528p 1.Mathematics I. Lindquist, E.F. II. Title. Accn Nos : 14590 519.5:150 BLO

Blommers, Paul Elementary statistical methods in psychology and education / Paul Blommers and E.F. Lindquist.-- Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1960. xv,528p 1.Mathematics I. Lindquist, E.F. II. Title. Accn Nos : 16823

519.5:150 BLO

Blommers, Paul Elementary statistical methods in psychology and education / Paul Blommers and E.F. Lindquist.-- Calcutta: Oxford, 1960. xv,528p 1.Mathematics I. Lindquist, E.F. II. Title. Accn Nos : 52645 519.5:150 BLO

Blommers, Paul elementary statistical methods / Paul Blommers and E.P. Lindquist.-- Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1960. xvi,528p

1.Mathematics I. Lindquist, E.F. II. Title. Accn Nos : 22869 519.5:150 BLO

Blommers, Paul Study for elementary statistical methods in psychology and education / Paul Blommers and E.F. Lindquist.-- Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1960. 242p 1.Mathematics I. Lindquist, E.F II. Title. Accn Nos : 10777 519.5:150 EDW

Edwards, Allen L. Statistical methods for the behavioral sciences / Allen L. Edwards.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. 542p 1.Astronomy 2.Statistical mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 15068 519.5:150 EDW

Edwards, Allen L. Statistical methods for the behavioral sciences / Allen L. Edwards.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. xvii,542p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 37002 519.5:150 EDW

Edwards, Allen L. Statistical methods for the behavioral sciences / Allen L. Edwards.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1956. xvii,542p 1.Astronomy 2.Statistical mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 16125 519.5:150 GAR

Garrett, Henry E. Statistics in psychology and education / Henry E. Garrett.--5th ed-- New York: Longmans, Green & Co, n.d xii,478p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 12520 519.5:150 GAR

Garrett, Henry F Statistics in psychology and education / Henry F. Garrett.--Indian ed-- Bombay: Allied, 1958. xii,471p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 9109

519.5:150 GAR

Garrett, Henry E. Statistics in psychology and education / Henry E. Garrett.--Indian ed-- Bombay: Allied, 1953. xii,478p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 36722

519.5:150 GAR

Garrett, Henry E. Statistics in psychology and education / Henry E. Garrett.--5th ed-- New York: Longmans, Green & Co, 1958. xii,478p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F5278

519.5:150 GUI

Guilford, J.P. Fundamental statistics in psychology and education / J.P. Guilford.--3rd ed-- New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1956. 565p 1.Mathematics 2.Educational statistics, psychometrics I. Title. Accn Nos : F3800 519.5:150 GUI

Guilford Fundamental statistics in psychology and education / Guilford.--3rd ed-- New York: McGraw Hill Book Co, 1956. xi,555p (McGraw Hill series in psychology) (ed. by Harry F. Harlow) 1.Statistics I. Harlow, Harry F. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 11399 519.5:150 GUI

Guilford, J.P. Fundamental statistics in psychology and education / J.P. Guilford.--3rd ed-- New York: McGraw Hill Book Co, 1956. xi,555p (McGraw-Hill series in psychology) (ed. by Clifford T. Morgan) 1.Mathematics I. Morgan, Clifford T. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 11466 519.5:150 GUI

Guilford, J.P. Fundamental statistics in psychology and education / J.P. Guilford.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1965. 605p

1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 71131 519.5:150 GUI

Guilford, J.P. Fundamental statistics in psychology and education / J.P. Guilford.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1956. xi,565p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 11681

519.5:150 GUI

Guilford, J.P. Fundamental statistics in physhology and education / J.P. Guilford.--4th ed-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1965. 605p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 90109 519.5:150 GUI

Guilford, J.P. Fundamental statistics in psychology and education / J.P. Guilford.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1956. xi,565p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 11647 519.5:150 GUI

Guilford, J.P. Fundamental statistics in psychology and education / J.P. Guilford.--3rd ed-- New York: MaGraw Hill, 1956. xi,565p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 10882 519.5:150 GUI

Guilford, J.P. Fundamental statistics in psychology and education / J.P. Guilford.--3rd ed-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1956. xi,565p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 6797 519.5:150 GUI

Guilford, J.P. Fundamental statistics in psychology and education / J.P. Guilford.--3rd ed-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1956. xi,565p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 6091

519.5:150 GUI

Guilford, J.P. Fundamental statistics in psychology and education / J.P. Guilford.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1965. 605p (McGraw Hill series in psychology) (ed. by Harry F. Harlow) 1.Mathematics I. Harlow, Harry F. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 52658

519.5:150 GUI

Guilford, J.P. Fundamental statistics in psychology and educations / J.P. Guilford.--4th ed-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1965. 605p (McGraw-Hill Series in psychology) (Harry F. Harlow) 1.Mathematics I. Harlow, Harry F. II. Title (Series).

Accn Nos : 530

519.5:150 GUI

Guilford, J.P. Fundamental statistics in psychology and education / J.P. Guilford and Benjamin Fruchter.--6th ed.-- Auckland: McGraw-Hill International Book Company, 1978. x,545p (McGraw-Hill Series in Psychology)

ISBN 0-07-025150-9 1.Statistics 2.Educational statistics 3.Psychometrics 4 I. Benjamin, Fruchter. II. Garmezy, Norman. III. Jones, Lyle V. IV. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 14632

519.5:150 GUI

Guilford, J.P. Fundamental statistics in psychology and education / J.P. Guilford.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1965. 605p (McGraw Hill series in psychology) (ed. by Harry F. Harlow) 1.Mathematics I. Harlow, Harry F. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 14628 519.5:150 GUI

Guilford, J.P. Fundamental statistics in psychology and education / J.P. Guilford.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1965. 605p (McGraw Hill series in psychology) (ed. by Harry F. Harlow).

Include Index 1.Mathematics I. Harlow, Harry F. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 52462 519.5:150 LOR

Lorenz, Konard Evolution and modification of behavior / Konard Lorenz.-- Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1965. 117p ISBN 0-226-49334-2 1.Mathematics 2.Animal, habits and behaviours of I. Title. Accn Nos : 107714 519.5:150 NOV

Novick, Melvin R. Statistical methods for educational and psychological research / Melvin R. Novick and Paul H. Jackson.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1974. xviii,456p ISBN 0-07-047550-4 1.Mathematics I. Jackson, Paul H. II. Title. Accn Nos : 80702 519.5:150 SIE

Siegel, Sidney Nonparametric statistics for the behavioral sciences / Sidney Siegel.-- New York: McGrawHill, 1956. xvii,312p (McGraw-hill series in phychology) (Harry F. Harlow) 1.Mathematics 2.Probability theory I. Harlow, Harry F. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 14721

519.5:301.2 WAL

Walker, Helen M. Statistical inference / Helen M. Walker and Joseph Lev.-- Calcutta: Oxford and IBH, 1965. xi,510p 1.Mathematics I. Lev, Joseph. II. Title. Accn Nos : 2354 519.5:301.32 WAL

Walker, Helen M. Statistical inference / Helen M. Walker and Joseph Lev.-- Calcutta: Oxford & IBH Publishers Co, 1965. xi,509p 1.Mathematics I. Lev, Joseph. II. Title. Accn Nos : 20791 519.5:301.32 WAL

Walker, Helen M.

Statistical inference / Helen M. Walker and Joseph Lev.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1953. xi,509p 1.Mathematics I. Lev, Joseph. II. Title. Accn Nos : 32503 519.5:301.32 WAL

Walker, Helen M. Statistical inference / Helen M. Walker and Joseph Lev.-- Calcutta: Oxford & IBH, 1965. xi,508p 1.Mathematics I. Lev, Joseph. II. Title. Accn Nos : 61479 519.5:301.32 WAL

Walker, Helen M. Statistical inference / Helen M. Walker and Joseph Lev.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1953. xi,510p 1.Mathematics I. Lev, Joseph. II. Title. Accn Nos : 14683 519.5:301.32 WAL

Walker, Helen M. Statistical inference / Helen M. Walker.-[s.l.]: [s.n.], 1953. xi,510p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Accn Nos : 555

519.5:301.32 WAL

Walker, Helen M. Statistical inference / Helen M. Walker and Joseph Lev.-- Calcutta: Oxford, 1965. xi,510p 1.Mathematics I. Lev, Joseph. II. Title. Accn Nos : 37028 519.5:301.32 WAL

519.5:301.32 WAL

519.5:301.32 WAL

Walker, Helen M. Statistical inference / Helen M. Walker and Joseph Lev.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1953. xi,510p 1.Mathematics I. Lev, Joseph. II. Title.

Walker, Helen M. Statistical inference / Helen M. Walker.-New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1953. xi,510p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Walker, Helen M. Statistical influence / Helen M. Walker and

Joseph Lev.-- Calcutta: Oxford and IBH, 1965. xi,510p 1.Mathematics I. Lev, Joseph. II. Title. Accn Nos : 21397 519.5:301.32 WAL

Walker, Helen M. Statistical infrence / Helen M. Walker and Joseph Lev.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1953. xi,510p 1.Mathematics I. Lev, Joseph. II. Title. Accn Nos : 14730 519.5:370.78 WER

Wert, James E. Statistical methods in educational and psychological research / James E. Wert, Charles O. Neidt and J. Stanley Ahmann.-- New York: Appleton-Century Crofts, 1954. vii,435p 1.Mathematics I. Neidt, Charles O. II. Ahmann, J. Stanley. III. Title. Accn Nos : 14671

519.5:370.78 WER

Wert, James E. Statistical methods in educational and psychological research / James E. Wert, Charles O. Neidt and J. Stanley Ahmann.-- New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1954. vii,435p 1.Mathematics I. Neidt, Charles O. II. Ahmann, J. Stanley. III. Title. Accn Nos : F5965 519.5:370 TAT

Tate, Merle W. Statistics in education / Merle W. Tate.-New York: The Macmillan Company, 1955. x,583p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 20049 519.5:370 TAT

Tate, Merle W. Statistics in education / Merle W. Tate.-New York: Macmillan, 1955. x,597p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 22801 519.5:370 TAT

Tate, Merle W. Statistics in educations / Merle W. Tate.-New York: Macmillan, 1955. x,597p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Accn Nos : 1490 519.5:370 TAT

Tate, Marle W. Statistics in education / Merle W. Tate.-New York: The Macmillan, 1962. x,597p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 32459 519.5:574 BLI

Bliss, C.I. Statistics in biology / C.I. Bliss.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1967. xiv,558p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 52404 519.5 AGA

Agarwal, B.L. Basic statistics / B.L. Agarwal.--2nd ed.-Delhi: Wiley Eastern Limited, 1991. xvii,758p. Includes Index ISBN 81 224 0316 6 1.Mathematical statistics I. Title. Accn Nos : 111778 519.5 AGG

Aggrawal, Y.P. Statistical methods: concepts, applications and computation / Y.P. Aggrawal.-- New Delhi: Sterling Publishers, 1988. xxiv,375p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 107789

519.5 ALH

Alhans, Devki Nandan Sankhyiki ke siddhant (HIN) / Devki Nandan Alhans.-- Allahabad: Kitab Mahal, 1970. 880p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F12413 519.5 AND

Anderson, R.L. Statistical theory in research: Basic statistical theory analysis by least squares / R.L. Anderson and T.A. Bancroft.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1952. xvi,398p 1.Mathematics I. Bancroft, T.A. II. Title. Accn Nos : 6780 519.5 AND

Anderson, R.L.

Statistical theory in research: (I) Basic statistical theory (II)Analysis of experiment models by least squares / R.L. Anderson and T.A. Bancroft.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1952. Various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Bancroft, T.A. II. Title. Accn Nos : F4020

519.5 AND

Anderson, C.W. Teaching of practical statistics / C.W. Anderson and R.M. Loynes.-- Chichester: John Wiley, 1987. xi,199p (Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics) ISBN 0-471-91572-6 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical statistics I. Loynes, R.M. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 106215 519.5 ARM

Armore, Sidney J. Introduction to statistical analysis and inference for psychology and education / Sidney J. Armore.-- New York: John Wiley, 1966. xx,546p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 54491 519.5 ASL

Mahmood, Aslam Statistical methods in geographical studies / Aslam Mahmood.-- New Delhi: Rajesh Publications, 1977. xvi,167p 1.Mathematics 2.Geography - statistical methods 3.Statistics I. Title. Accn Nos : 98230

519.5 AUE

Auerbach, Carl Psychological statistics: a case approach / Carl Auerbach and Joseph L. Zinnes.-- New York: J.B. Lippincott Company, 1978. xvii,427p. ISBN 0-397-47376-1 1.Mathematics 2.Statistics, psychological 3.Psychometics - case studies 4.Psychological research - case studies I. Zinnes, Joseph L. II. Title. Accn Nos : 84302

519.5 BAS

Basic Statistics / Michael S. LewisBeck.-- Singapore: Toppan, 1993.

x,413p (Handbooks of quantitative applications in the social sciences; no.1). Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 0-8039-5427-1 1.Mathematics 2.Statistics I. Lewis-Beck, Michael S. II. International handbooks of quantitative applications in the social sciences. III. Series. Accn Nos : 116316

519.5 BEL

Belsom, Chris Statistics: the school mathematics project / Chris Belsom.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997. v,406p ISBN 0-521-56616-9 1.Statistical mathematics I. Black, Robert. II. McGill, Fiona. III. Title. Accn Nos : 121389 519.5 BES

Besag, Frank P. Statistics for the helping professions / Frank P. Besag and Peter L. Besag.-- London: Sage Publication, 1985. 375p ISBN 0-8039-2340-6 1.Mathematics 2.Social sciences statistical methods 3.Social service statistical methods I. Besag, Peter L. II. Title. Accn Nos : 101461 519.5 BIS

Biswas, Suddhendu Topics in statistical methodology / Suddhendu Biswas.-- New Delhi: Wiley Eastern Limited, 1991. xvi,630p ISBN 81-224-0247-X 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical statistics I. Title. Accn Nos : 111621

519.5 BLO

Blommers, Poul Elementary statistical methods / Poul Blommers and E.F. Lindquist.-- Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 960. xv,528p 1.Mathematics 2.Statistical medhods psychological 3.Education - psychological I. Lindquist, E.F. II. Title. Accn Nos : 14554

519.5 BLO

Blommers, Poul Elementary statistical methods / Poul Blommers and E.F. Lindquist.-- Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1960. xv,528p 1.Mathematics 2.Statistical methods psychological 3.Education - psychological I. Lindquist, E.F. II. Title. Accn Nos : 10695 519.5 BLO

Blommers, Paul Elementary statistical methods / Paul Blommers and E.F. Lindquist.-- Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1960. xv,528p 1.Statistical methodsElementary st I. Lindquist, E.F. II. Title. Accn Nos : 21796 519.5 BLO

Blommers, Paul Elementary statistical methods / Paul Blommers and E.F. Lindquist.-- Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1960. xv,528p 1.Mathematics I. Lindquist, E.F. II. Title. Accn Nos : 61362 519.5 BLO

Blommers, Paul Elementary statistical methods / Paul Blommers and E.F. Lindquist.-- Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1960. xv,528p 1.Mathematics I. Lindquist, E.F. II. Title. Accn Nos : 10693

519.5 BLO

Blommers, Paul Elementary statistical methods / Paul Blommers and E.F. Lindquist.-- Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1960. xvi,524p 1.Mathematics I. Lindquist, E.F. II. Title. Accn Nos : 22818 519.5 BLO

Blommers, Paul Study manual for elementary statistical methods in psychology and education / Paul Blommers and E.F. Lindquist.-- Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1960. 246p 1.Psychology - statistical methods 2.Education - statistical methods I. Lindquist, E.F. II. Title.

Accn Nos : 10776 519.5 BLO

Blommers, Paul Study manual for elementary statistical methods / Paul Blommers and E.F. Lindquist.-Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1961. 247p 1.Mathematics I. Lindquist, E.F. II. Title. Accn Nos : 22868 519.5 BRA

Brandt, Siegmund Statistical and computational methods in data analysis / Siegmund Brandt.--2nd rev. ed -- Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company, 1970. xviii,414p ISBN 0-444-10893-9 1.Mathematics 2.Probabilities 3.Mathematical statistics I. Title. Accn Nos : 91426 519.5 BRA

Brauerman, Jerome D. Statistics for business and economics / Jerome D. Brauerman and William C. Stewart.-New York: The Ronald Press, 1973. ix,482p 1.Mathematics I. Stewart, William C. II. Title. Accn Nos : 83009

519.5 BRY

Bryant, Edward C. Statistical analysis / Edward C. Bryant.-New York: McGraw-Hill, 1960. viii,303p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 7343 519.5 BRY

Bryant, Edward C. Statistical analysis / Edward C. Bryant.-New York: McGraw-Hill, 1960. ix,303p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 10710 519.5 BRY

Bryant, Edward C. Statistical analysis / Edward C. Bryant.-New York: McGraw-Hill, 1960. ix,303p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 10709 519.5


Bryant, Edward Statistical analysis / Edward Bryant.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1960. ix,303p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 10711 519.5 BRY

Bryant, Edward Statistical analysis / Edward Bryant.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1960. ix,303p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 10708 519.5 BYR

Byrkit, Donald R. Elements of statistics: an introduction to probability and statistical inference / Donald R. Byrkit.--3rd ed.-- New York: D. Van Nostrand Company, 1980. xii, 482p. ISBN 0-442-25771-6 1.Mathematics 2.Probabilities 3.Mathematical statistics 4.Statistical inference I. Title. Accn Nos : 91680

519.5 CHA

Chakravorti, S.R. Basic statistics / S.R. Chakravorti, N. Giri.-- New Delhi, 1997. xii,271p. Includes index ISBN 81-7003-109-5 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical statistics I. Giri, N. II. Title. Accn Nos : 118052

519.5 CHA

Chase, Warren General Statistics / Warren Chase.--4th ed. -- New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2000. xiv,528p ISBN 0-471-28310-x 1.Statistics 2.Mathematical statistics I. Bown, Fred. II. Title. Accn Nos : 121360 519.5 CHA

Chakrabarti, M.C. Mathematics of design and analysis of experiments / M.C. Chakrabarti.-- Bombay: Asia Publishing House, 1962. v,120p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical statistics I. Title.

Accn Nos : 20493

519.5 CHA

Charlton, Julie Practical exercises in applied statistics / Julie Charlton and Roger Williamson.-Oxford: Oxford press, 1996. vi,137p. ISBN 0 19 914310 2 1.Mathematics I. Williamson, Roger. II. Title. Accn Nos : 124519

519.5 CLA

Clayton, Keith N. Introduction to statistics for psychology and education / Keith N. Clayton.-Columbus: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company, 1984. xvii,382p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical statistics I. Title. Accn Nos : 97712 519.5 CRO

Croxton, Frederick E. Applied general statistics / Frederick E. Croxton, Dudley J. Cowden and Sidney Klein.-New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India, 1969. xviii,743p 1.Mathematics I. Cowden, Dudley J. II. Klein, Sidney. III. Title. Accn Nos : F11135 519.5 CRO

Croxton, Frederick E. Applied general statistics / Frederick E. Croxton and Dudley J. Cowden.--2nd ed-- New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India, 1964. xvi,843p 1.Mathematics 2.Probabilities I. Cowden, Dudley J. II. Title. Accn Nos : 20723 519.5 CRO

Croxton, Frederick E. Applied general statistics / Frederick E. Croxton and Dudley J. Cowden.--2nd ed-- New Delhi: Prentice Hall, 1964. xvi,843p 1.Mathematics I. Cowden, Dudley J. II. Title. Accn Nos : 37003 519.5 CRO

Croxton, Frederick E. Applied general statistics / Frederick E.

Croxton and Dudley J. Cowden.--2nd ed-- New Delhi: Prentice Hall, 1964. xvi,843p 1.Mathematics I. Cowden, Dudley J. II. Title. Accn Nos : 34850

519.5 CRO

Croxton, Frederick E. Applied general statistics / Frederick E. Croxton and Dudley J. Cowden.-- London: Sir Isaac Pitaman, 1962. xvi,843p 1.Mathematics I. Cowden, Dudley J. II. Title. Accn Nos : 18772 519.5 CRO

Croxton, Frederick E. Applied general statistics / Frederick E. Croxton and Dudley J. Cowden.--Ed. 2nd-- New Delhi: Prentice-Hall, 1964. Nxvi,831p 1.Mathematics I. Cowden, Dudley J. II. Title. Accn Nos : 9668 519.5 CRO

Croxton, Frederick E. Applied general statistics / Frederick E. Croxton and Dudley J. Cowden.--2nd ed-Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1955. xvi,843p 1.Mathematics I. Cowden, Dudley J. II. Title. Accn Nos : F11134

519.5 CRO

Croxton, Frederick E. Applied general statistics / Frederick E. Croxton, Dudley J. Cowden and Sidney Klein.-3rd ed-- New Delhi: Prentice Hall, 1969. xvii,754. With Index 1.Mathematics I. Cowden, Dudley J. II. Klein, Sidney. III. Title. Accn Nos : 71062 519.5 CRO

Croxton, Fredrick E. Practical business statistics / Fredrick E. Croxton and Dudley J. Cowden.--3rd ed-Bombay: Asia Publishing House, 1962. xx,701p 1.Mathematics I. Cowden, Dudley J. II. Title. Accn Nos : 15780

519.5 DAS

Das, M.N. Design and analysis of experiments / M.N. Das and N.L. Giri.-- New Delhi: Wiley Eastern Ltd, 1979. 295p ISBN 0-85226-158-6 1.Mathematics 2.Statistical design 3.Analysis of variance I. Giri, N.L. II. Title. Accn Nos : 90342 519.5 DAV

David, H.A. Method of paired comparisons / H.A. David. --2nd ed-- London: Charles Griffin & Company, 1988. 188p ISBN 0-19-520616-9 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical statistics I. Title. Accn Nos : 106265 519.5 DUD

Dudewicz, Edward J. Introduction to statistics and probability / Edward J. Dudewicz.-- New York: Holt Rinehart and Winston, 1976. xi,512p (International series in decision processes) ISBN 0-03-08-6688-X 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical statistics 3.Probabilities I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 81599

519.5 DUD

Dudewicz, Edward J. Modern mathematical statistics / Edward J. Dudewicz and Satya N. Mishra.-- New York: John Wiley, 1988. xix,838p. (Wiley series in probability and mathematical studies) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical statistics I. Mishra, Satya N. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 107821

519.5 EDM

Edwards, Allen L. Statistical methods / Allen L. Edwards.-2nd ed-- New York: Holt Rinehart and Winston, 1967. xvi,462p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 60007

519.5 EDW

Edwards, Allen L. Statistical analysis for students in psychology and education / Allen L. Edwards. -- New York: Holt, Rinehart, 1957. xviii,360p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 14703 519.5 EDW

Edwards, Allen C. Statistical analysis for student in psychology and education / Allen C. Edwards. -- New York: Rinehart, 1951. xviii,360p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 14727 519.5 EDW

Edwards, Allen L. Statistical analysis / Allen L. Edwards.-Rev. ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. xii,234p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 10648 519.5 EDW

Edwards, Allen L. Statistical analysis / Allen L. Edwards.-Rev. ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. xii,234p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 5822 519.5 EDW

Edwards, Allen L. Statistical analysis / Allen L. Edwards.-Rev. ed-- New York: Rinehart, 1959. xii,234p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 30324 519.5 EDW

Edwards, Allen L. Statistical analysis / Allen L. Edwards.-Rev. ed-- New York: Holt Rinehart and winston, 1960. xii,234p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 10646 519.5 EDW

Edwards, Allen L. Statistical analysis / Allen L. Edwards.-Rev. ed-- New York: Rinehart, 1960. xii,234p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Accn Nos : 10645 519.5 EDW

Edwards, Allen L. Statistical analysis for student in psychology and education / Allen L. Edwards. -- New York: Rinehart, 1948. xvii,360p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Accn Nos : 620 519.5 EDW

Edwards, Allen L. Statistical analysis / Allen L. Edwards.-Rev. ed-- New York: Rinehart, 1958. xii,234p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 10649 519.5 EDW

Edwards, Allen L. Statistical methods / Allen L. Edwards.-New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1967. xvi,457p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 63395 519.5 EDW

Edwards, Allen L. Statistical methods for the behavioural sciences / Allen L. Edwards.-- New York: Rinehart, 1964. xvii,542p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 16301

519.5 EDW

Edwards, Allen L. Statistical methods for the behavioural sciences / Allen L. Edwards.-- New York: Rinehart, 1956. xvii,542p 1.Psychology - statistical methodsStatistical m I. Title. Accn Nos : 16305 519.5 EDW

Edwards, Allen L. Statistical methods for the behavioural sciences / Allen L. Edwards.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. xvii,542p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 89748 519.5 ELH

Elhance, D.N. Fundamentals of statistics / D.N. Elhance.

--9th ed-- Allahabad: Kitab Mahal, 1968. xvi,1008p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 64288

519.5 ELH

Elhance, D.N. Fundamentals of statistics / D.N. Elhance. -- Allahabad: Kitab Mahal, 1958. xvi,1006p. 1.STATISTICS I. Title. Accn Nos : 67194 519.5 ELH

Elhance, D.N. Practical problems in statistics / D.N. Elhance.-- Allahabad: Kitab Mahal, 1966. 752p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 67198 519.5 FIS

Fisher, Ronald A. Statistical methods and scientific inference / Ronald A. Fisher.-- London: Oliver and Boyd, 1959. viii,178p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 10725

519.5 FIS

Fisher, Ronald A. Statistical methods and scientific inference / Ronald A. Fisher.-- London: Oliver and Boyd, 1959. viii,175p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 10724 DLDI 519.5 GER (HIN)

Geret, Henery E. Shiksha evam manovigyan mein sankhyiki (HIN) / Henery E. Geret.-- Ludhyana: Kalyani Publishers, 1982. 576p. 1.Mathematics 2.Manovigyan - Sankhyiki Vidhi 3.Shiksha - Sankhyiki Vidhi I. Title. Accn Nos : 100216

519.5 GRA

Graphing statistics and data / Anders Wallgren...[et al.]-- California: SAGE Publications, 1996. 94p (Creating Better Charts). Includes index -

ISBN 0-7619-0598-7 1.Mathematics 2.Charts, Diagrams Statistics data I. Wallgren, Anders. II. Wallgren, Britt. III. Persson, Rolf. IV. Jorner, ULF. V. Haaland, Jan-Aage. VI. Series. Accn Nos : 119434 519.5 GRO

Groxton, Frederick E. Applied general statistics / Frederick E. Groxton and Dudley J. Cowden.-- New Delhi: Prentice Hall, 1966. xvi,843p 1.Mathematical 2.Mathematical statistics I. Cowden, Dudley J. II. Title. Accn Nos : F18497

519.5 GUP

Gupta, S.P Business Statistics / S.P. Gupta and M.K. Gupta.--12th ed.-- New Delhi: Sultan Chand and Sons, 2001. 802p ISBN 81-7014-876-6 1.Statistics I. Gupta M.K. II. Title. Accn Nos : 121035 519.5 GUP

Gupta, S.P. Elementary statistical methods / S.P. Gupta.-- New Delhi: Sultan Chand & Sons, 1985. 564p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical statistics (Elementary) I. Title. Accn Nos : 103619 519.5 GUP

Gupta, S.P. Elementary statistical methods / S.P. Gupta.--11th ed-- New Delhi: Sultan Chand & Sons, 1995. 748p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical statistics 3.Statistics I. Title. Accn Nos : 116599 519.5 GUP

Gupta, S.P. Elements of statistics / S.P. Gupta.--2nd rev. ed-- New Delhi: Sultan Chand & Sons, 1983. Various paginagion 1.Mathematics 2.Statistics 3.Mathematical statistics I. Title. Accn Nos : 96114

519.5 GUP

Gupta, S.P. Elements of statistics / S.P. Gupta.--2nd rev. ed-- New Delhi: Sultan Chand & Sons, 1983. Various paginagion 1.Mathematics 2.Statistics 3.Mathematical statistics I. Title. Accn Nos : 96113

519.5 GUP

Gupta, C.B. Introduction to statistical methods / C.B. Gupta.-- New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 1982. xiii,119+xviip ISBN 0-7069-2041-4 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical statistics I. Title. Accn Nos : 93422 519.5 GUP

Gupta, S.P. Statistical methods / S.P. Gupta.--16th rev ed-- New Delhi: Sultan Chand & Sons, 1982. various pagination 1.Astronomy 2.Statistics 3.Mathematical statistics I. Title. Accn Nos : 92502

519.5 GUP

Gupta, S.P. Statistical methods / S.P. Gupta.--26th rev ed-- New Delhi: Sultan Chand & Sons, 1991. various pagination 1.Statistics 2.Mathematical statistics I. Title. Accn Nos : 113960 519.5 HAB

Haberman, Shelby J. Analysis of qualitative data: introductory topics / Shelby J. Haberman.-- New York: Academic Press, 1978. ix, 363p. Vol. 1 ISBN 0-12-312501-4 1.Mathematics 2.Log-linear models 3.Countingency table I. Title. Accn Nos : 90246 519.5 HAN

Hannagan, T.J. Mastering statistics / T.J. Hannagan.-London: Macmillan Press Ltd., 1982. xiii,244p ISBN 0-333-310675

1.Statistics0-333-310675M I. Title. Accn Nos : 95900 519.5 HAR

Harshbarger, Thad R. Introductory statistics: a decision map / Thad R. Harshbarger.--2nd ed-- New York: Macmillan Co. Ltd, 1977. ix, 587p. ISBN 0-02-350650-4 1.Mathematics 2.Statistics I. Title. Accn Nos : 80885 519.5 HAW

Hawkins, Clark A. Statistical analysis: applications to business and economics / Clark A. Hawkins and Jean E. Weber.-- New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1980. ix,626p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical statistics I. Weber, Jean E. II. Title. Accn Nos : 92335

519.5 HEA

Healey, Joseph F. Statistics: a tool for social research / Joseph F. Healey.--6th ed.-- Belmont: Wadsworth, 2002. xxi,521p ISBN 0-534-55785-6 1.Social sciences - Statistical methods I. Title. Accn Nos : 121749 519.5 HOE

Hoel, Paul G. Introduction to mathematical statistics / Paul G. Hoel.--2nd ed-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1954. xi,327p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical statistics I. Title. Accn Nos : 16165

519.5 HOE

Hoel, Paul G. Introduction to mathematical statistics / Paul G. Hoel.--4th ed-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1971. x,409p (Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical statistics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 80882

519.5 IBT (U)

Bhalla, G.S. Ibtedaai Shumariyat (Giyarve jamat ke liye mashiyat ki nisabi kitab) / G.S.Bhalla, D.D.Narula and Aslam Khan.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 1988. 193p. 1.Elementary- Statistics I. Narula, D.D. II. Khan, Aaslam. III. Title. Accn Nos : F17697 519.5 INT

Glim 82: Proceedings of the international conference on generalised linear models / ed. by Robert Gilchrist and D. Brillinger. -- New York: Springer Verlag, 1982. 164p (Lectures notes in statistics) (D. Brillinger) (14) ISBN 0-387-90777-7 1.Mathematics 2.Linear models (statistics) - congress I. Gilchrist, Robert. II. Brillinger, D. III. Series. Accn Nos : 95005 519.5 INT

Optimizing methods in statistics / ed. by Jagdish S. Rustage.-- New York: Academic Press, 1979. xix,551p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics statistics congress 3.Mathematical optimization congress I. Rustage, Jagdish S. Accn Nos : 90791 519.5 JAC

Jacobson, Perry E. Introduction to statistical measures for the social and behavioral sciences / Perry E. Jacobson.-- Illinois: The Dryden, 1976. xix,651p ISBN 0-03-112966-4 1.Mathematics 2.Social sciences statistical methods 3.Behavioral sciences statistical methods I. Title. Accn Nos : 100426 519.5 JAE

Jaeger, Richard M. Statistics: A spectator sport / Richard M. Jaeger.-- Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, 1982. 350p ISBN 0-8032-2171-3 1.Mathematics 2.Statistics I. Title. Accn Nos : 97701 519.5 JOH

Johnson, Norman L. Continuous univariate distributions /

Norman L. Johnson and Samuel Kolz.-- New York: John Wiley, 1970. xiv,299p (Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics). Vol. 1 ISBN 0-471-44626-2 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical statistics I. Kolz, Samuel. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 81458 519.5 JOH

Johnson, Norman L. Distributions in statistics: Discreate distribution / Norman L. Johnson and Samuel Kolz.-- Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1969. xvi,327p 1.Mathematics I. Kolz, Samuel. II. Title. Accn Nos : 81456 519.5 JOH

Johnson, Palmer O. Modern sampling methods / Palmer O. Johnson and Munamarty S. Rao.-- Minneapolis: The University of Minnesota Press, 1959. 87p 1.Mathematics I. Rao, Munamarty S. II. Title. Accn Nos : 56734

519.5 JOH

Johnson, Palmer O. Modern sampling methods: theory experimentation, application / Palmer O. Johnson and Munamarty S. Rao.-- Minneapolis: The University of Minnesota Press, 1959. 87p 1.Mathematics I. Rao, Munamarty S. II. Title. Accn Nos : 37104 519.5 KAN

Kanji, Gopal K. 100 statistical tests / Gopal K. kanji.-New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1999. viii,215p. Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 0-7619-6151-8 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 119789 519.5 KAP

Kapoor, N.M. Textbook of statistics / N.M. Kapoor.-- New Delhi: Pitamber, 1988. Various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F18893

DLDI 519.5 KEL

Keller, Dana K Tao of statistics: A path to understanding ( With no math) / Dana K. Keller; Illustrated by Helen Cardiff.-- New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2006. xi,153p. ISBN 1-4129-2471-1 1.Statistics I. Cardiff, Helen. II. Title. Accn Nos : 126431 519.5 KRI

Developments in statistics / ed. by Paruchuri R. Krishnaiah.-- New York: Academic Press, 1979. xiii,322p. Vol. 2 ISBN 0-12-426602-9 1.Mathematics 2.Statistics 3.Mathematical statistics I. Krishnaiah, Paruchuri R. Accn Nos : 90790

519.5 KUR

Kurtz, Albert K. Statistical methods in education and psychology / Albert K. Kurtz and Samuel T. Mayo.-- New York: Springer Verlag, n.d xiv,538p ISBN 0-387-90265-1 1.Mathematics 2.Educational statistics 3.Educational tests and measurements I. Mayo, Samuel T. II. Title. Accn Nos : 84272 519.5 LAC

Lacey, Oliver L. Statistical methods in experimentation: An Introduction / Oliver L. Lacey.-- New York: Macmillan, 1953. xii,249p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 10651 519.5 LAC

Lacey, Oliver L. Statistical methods in experimentation: An introduction / Oliver L. Lacey.-- New York: Macmillan, 1953. xii,249p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 10654 519.5 LAC

Lacey, Oliver L. Statistical methods in experimentation: An introduction / Oliver L. Lacey.-- New York:

Macmillan, 1953. xiii,249p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 10652 519.5 LAC

Oliver L. Lacey Statistical methods in experimentation: An introduction / Oliver L. Lacey.-- New York: The Macmillan, 1953. xi,249p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

519.5 LAL

Lal, J. N. Manovigyan aur shiksha mein sankhyiki (HIN) / J. N. Lal.-- New Delhi: Radha Publications, 1996. 288p. 1.Mathematics 2.Shaikshik Manovigyan 3.Shaikshik Sankhyiki 4.Manomiti I. Title. Accn Nos : 117981 519.5 LAW

Lawless, J.F. Statistical models and methods for life time data / J.F. Lawless.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1982. xi,580p (Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics) ISBN 0-471-08544-8 1.Mathematics 2.Failure time data analysis 3.Reliability (Engineering) I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 92253 519.5 LEV

Levin, Richard I Statistics for management / Richard I. Levin and David S. Rubin.--6th ed.-- New Delhi: Prentice-Hall India, 1995. xvi,918+various pagination. Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 81-203-0893-x 1.Mathematical statistics I. Rubin, David S. II. Title. Accn Nos : 116396 519.5 LI

Li, C.C. Introduction to experimental statistics / C.C. Li.-- New York: McGraw Hill Book Co, 1964. xii,457p (McGraw Hill series in probability and statistics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 72494

519.5 LI

Li, C.C. Introduction to experimental statistics / C.C. Li.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1964. xi,457p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 72496 519.5 LIN

Lindgren, Bernard W. Basic ideas of statistics / Bernard W. Lindgren.-- New York: Macmillan, 1975. x,352p ISBN 0-02-370750-X 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 79289 519.5 LIN

Lindgren, Bernard W. Elementary statistics / Bernard W. Lindgren and Donald A. Berry.-- New York: Macmillan Pub. Co, 1981. x,530p ISBN 0-02-370790-9 1.Mathematics 2.Statistics I. Berry, Donald A. II. Title. Accn Nos : 91885 519.5 LIP

Lipschutz, Seymour Theory and problems of probability SI edition / Seymour Lipschutz.-- Singapore: McGraw-Hill International Book Co, 1982. 151p (Schaum's outline series) 1.Mathematics 2.Probabilities I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 96778

519.5 LOM

Lomax, Richard G. Statistical concepts: a second course (ENG) / Richard G. Lomax.--3rd ed.-- London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers, 2007. 266p. Include One CD ISBN 0-8058-5850-4 1.Mathamatics I. Title. Accn Nos : 127960

519.5 MAC

Mack, C. Essentials of statistics for scientists and technologist / C. Mack.-- New York: Plenum, 1966. vii,174p ISBN 0-306-20014-7

1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 80015

519.5 MCC

McCullagh, P. Generalized linear models / P. McCullagh and J.A. Nelder.-- New York: Chapman and Hall, 1983. xiii,261p. ISBN 0-412-23850-0 1.Mathematics 2.Linear models (Statistics) I. Nelder, J.A. II. Title. Accn Nos : 104777 519.5 MCI

Fitting linear models: an application of conjugate gradient algorithms / The Publisher.-- New York: Springer-Verlag, 1982. vi,200p (Lecture notes in statistics) (ed. by D. Brillinger). Vol. 10 ISBN 0-387-90746-7 1.Mathematics 2.Experimental design - data processing 3.Linear models (statistics) data processing 4.Conjugate gradient method data processing I. Brillinger, D. II. Series. Accn Nos : 95003 519.5 MCI

McIntosh, Douglas M. Statistics for the teacher / Douglas M. McIntosh.-- Oxford: Pergamon, 1967. 132p (Pergamon International library of science technology engineering and social studies) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 83095

519.5 MCI

Mcintosh, Douglas M. Statistics for the teacher / Douglas M. Mcintosh.--Ed. 2nd-- Oxford: Pergamon, 1963. 132p ISBN 0-08-012254-x 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 80476 519.5 MIL

Milton, J.S. Applied statistics with probability / J.S. Milton and J.J. Corbet.-- New York: D. Van Nostrand Company, 1979. xi,487p ISBN 0-442-21709-9 1.Mathematics 2.Statistical inference

3.Decision making 4.Probabilities I. Corbet, J.J. II. Title. Accn Nos : 85125

519.5 MIL

Miller, Rupert G. Beyond anova, basics of applied statistics / Rupert G. Miller.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1986. 317p. (Wiley series in probability and mathematics statistics) ISBN 0-471-81922-0 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical statistics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 106120 519.5 MIL

Miller, Steve Experimental design and statistics / Steve Miller.--2nd ed-- London: Metheun & Co Ltd, 1984. 185p (New essential psychology) (ed. by Peter Herriot) ISBN 0-416-34090-4 1.Mathematics 2.Psychology, experimental 3.Experimental design 4.Psychometrics I. Herriot, Peter. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 97703

519.5 MOO

Moore, David S. Statistics concepts and controversies / David S. Moore.-- San Francisco: W.H. Freeman, 1979. xv,313p ISBN 0-7167-1022-6 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 90596 519.5 MOR

Moroney, M.J. Facts from figures / M.J. Moroney.-Hemondsworth: Penguin Books Ltd., 1971. viii,470p 1.Mathematics 2.Statistics I. Title. Accn Nos : 89728 519.5 MOR

Moroney, M.J. Facts from figures / M.J. Moroney.-Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1951. 472p 1.Mathematics 2.Statistics I. Title. Accn Nos : 61309 519.5 MOR

Moroney, M.J.

Facts from figures / M.J. Moroney.-Middlesex: Penguin Books, 1957. 472p (A Pelican Book) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 36820 519.5 MOR

Moroney, M.J. Facts from figures / M.J. Moroney.-Middlesex: Penguin Books, 1957. 472p (A Pelican Book) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 37050 519.5 MOR

Moroney, M.J. Facts from figures / M.J. Moroney.-London: Penguin Book, 1968. 471p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 73495

519.5 MOR

Moroney, M.J. Facts from figures / M.J. Moroney.-Middlexex: Penguin Book, 1967. 472p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 71368

519.5 MOS

Mosteller, Frederick Probability with statistical applications / Frederick Mosteller, Robert E.K. Rourke and George B. Thomas.-- Massachusets: AddisonWesley, 1965. xv,478p. (Addison-Wesley series in statistics) 1.Mathematics - Probability theory I. Rourke, Robert E.K. II. Thomas, George B. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66828 519.5 MOS

Moskowitz, Martin M. What are the chances: Introduction to probability / Martin M. Moskowitz.-- London: Macmillan, 1963. v,53p (Understanding modern mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 24191

519.5 MUK

Mukhopadhyay, Parimal International problems in survey sampling / Parimal Mukhopadhyay.-- New Delhi: New Age

International Publishers, 1996. xi,242p ISBN 81-224-0754-4 1.Statistical mathematics 2.Survey I. Title. Accn Nos : 121433 519.5 MUS

Mustafi, Chandan Kumar Statistical methods is managerial decisions / Chandan Kumar Mustafi.-- New Delhi: S.G. Wasani for Macmillan India Ltd, 1981. xi,344p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical statistics 3.Management - statistical methods I. Title. Accn Nos : 95885

519.5 NAG

Nagar, A.L. Basic statistics --2nd ed.-- Delhi: 1992. x,424p. ISBN 0 19 561554 1.Mathematics I. Accn Nos : 94365

/ A.L. Nagar and R.K. Das. Oxford university press,

9 Title.

519.5 NAG

Nagar. Kailash Nath Sankhyaki ke mool tatwa (HIN) / Kailash Nath Nagar.-- Meerut: Meenakshi Prakashan, N. D. 942p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F12414

519.5 NAG (NAT)

Nagar, A.L. Introduction to statistics : textbook for class XI / A.L. Nagar.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 2002. v,119p ISBN 81-7450-062-6 1.Statistics I. Kushwaha,G.S. II. Title. Accn Nos : F22544 ; F23065 ; F23066 519.5 NET

Neter, John Applied statistics / John Neter, William Wasserman and G.A. Whitmore.--International student ed-- Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1978. xix,743p ISBN 0-205-06591-0 1.Mathematics 2.Statistics I. Wasserman, William. II. Whitmore, G.A. III. Title. Accn Nos : 84274

519.5 NOR

Norris, Richard Graded exercises in Statistics / Richard Norris.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. iv,268p ISBN 0-521-65399-1 1.Statistics 2.Mathematical statistics I. Title. Accn Nos : 121391

519.5 OLI

Some recent advances in statistics / ed. by J. Tiago de Oliveirq and Benjamin Epstein. -- London: Academic Pres, 1982. ix,248p. Symposium on some recent advances in statistics under the sponsorship of the Lisbon Academy of science in their series frontiers, 1980 ISBN 0-12-691580-6 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical statistics congresses I. Oliveirq, J. Tiago de. II. Epstein, Benjamin. Accn Nos : 94691 519.5 PAN

Revesz, Pal Mathematical statistics / Pal Revesz, Leopold Schmetterer and V.M. Zadotarev.-- New York: Springer-Verlag, 1979. vi,308p (Lecture notes in statistics) (ed. by D. Brillinger). Vol. 8 Pannonian symposium on mathematical statistics, Ist ISBN 0-387-9058-9 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical statistics congresses I. Schmetterer, Leopold. II. Zdotarev, V.M. III. Brillinger, D. IV. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 95002 519.5 PEE

Peers, Ian S. Statistical analysis for education and psychology researchers / Ian S. Peers.-London: The Falmer Press, 1996. xxi,411p. Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 0-7507-0506-X 1.Mathematics 2.Education - Research Statistical methods 3.Psychology - Research Statistical methods I. Title. Accn Nos : 117870

519.5 PFA

Pflanzagl, J. Contributions to a general asymptotic statistical theory / J. Pflanzagl, asst. by W. Wefelmeyer.-- New York: Springer-Verlag, 1982. viii,310p (Lecture notes in statistics) (ed. by D. Brillinger). Vol. 13 ISBN 0-387-90776-9 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical statistics Asymptotic theory I. Wefelmeyer, W. II. Brillinger, D. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 95004 519.5 PLA

Plackett, R.L. Analysis of categorical data / R.L. Plackett.-- London: Charles Griffin & Company Ltd, 1981. xi,270p (Griffin's statistical monograph series) (ed. by Alan Stuart) (35) ISBN 0-85264-265-2 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical statistics I. Stuart, Alan. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 93036 519.5 PUR

New perspectives in theoretical and applied statistics / ed. by Madan Lal Puri, Jose Perez Vilaplana and Wolfgang Wertz.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1987. xxiii,544p (Wiley series in probability and mathematics statistics) ISBN 0-471-84800-X 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical statistics congresses I. Puri, Madan Lal. II. Vilaplana, Jose Perez. III. Wertz, Wolfgang. IV. Series. Accn Nos : 106122 519.5 PUR

Puri, Madan Lal Nonparametric methods in general linear models / Madan Lal Puri and Pranab Kumar Sen. -- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1985. ix,399p ISBN 0-471-70227-7 1.Mathematics 2.Linear models (Statistics) 3.Nonparametric statistics I. Sen, Pranab Kumar. II. Title. Accn Nos : 103109 519.5 RAJ

Rajamanickam, M. Statistical methods in psychological and educational research / M. Rajamanickam.-- New Delhi: Concept Publishing, 2001.

310p. Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 81-7022-802-6 1.Mathematics 2.Statistical mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 120631 519.5 RAM

Ramaswami, K.S. Elements of statistical methods for economic and commerce students / K.S. Ramaswami.-- Madras: Rochouse & Sons, n.d. viii,295p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical statistics I. Title. Accn Nos : 89122 519.5 REE

Rees, D.G. Foundation of statistics / D.G. Rees.-London: Chapman and Hall, 1987. xi,543p ISBN 0-412-28560-6 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical statistics I. Title. Accn Nos : 105886 519.5 REG

Regression analysis / Michael S. LewisBeck.-- Singapore: Toppan, 1993. xii,433p (International handbooks of quantitative applications in the social sciences) (2). Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 0-8039-5428-x, 1.Mathematics 2.Statistics I. Lewis-Beck, Michael S. II. International handbooks of quantitative applications in the social sciences. III. Series. Accn Nos : 116317

519.5 REG


Regression analysis / Michael S. LewisBeck.-- Singapore: Toppan, 1993. xii,433p (International handbooks of quantitative applications in the social sciences) (2). Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 0-8039-5428-x, Hb 1.Mathematics I. Lewis-Beck, Michael S. II. International handbooks of quantitative applications in the social sciences. III. Series.


Rohatgi, Vijay K. Statistical inference / Vijay K. Rohatgi.-New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1984. xiv,940p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical statistics I. Title. Accn Nos : 103113

519.5 SAL

Salkind, Neil J. Statistics for people who (Think they) hate statistics / Neil J. Salkind.--2nd ed.-- Los Angeles: Sage, 2010. 399p. ISBN 1-4129-7102-7 1.Statistics I. Title. Accn Nos : 128192 519.5 SAW

Sawaragi, Yoshikazu Statistical decision theory in adaptive control system / Yoshikazu Sawaragi, Yoshifumi, Sundhra and Tokayoshi Nakamizo.-New York: Academic Press, 1967. xiii,216p 1.Mathematics I. Sundhra, Yoshifumi. II. Nakamizo, Takayoshi. III. Title. Accn Nos : 71334 519.5 SEA

Searle, S.R. Linear Models / S.R. Searle.-- New York: John Wiley, 1971. xxi,532p ISBN 0-471-76950-9 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 81459 519.5 SER

Serfling, Robert J. Approximation theorems of mathematical statistics / Robert J. Serfling.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1980. xiv,371p (Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics/ ed. by Ralph A. Bradley) ISBN 0-471-02403-1 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical statistics 3.Limit theorems (Probability theory) I. Bradley, Ralph A. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 107007 519.5 SHA

Sharma, N.K. Statistical techniques / N.K. Sharma.-Jaipur: Mangal Deep Publications, 1996. 261p 1.Mathematics 2.Statistics I. Title.

Accn Nos : 117239

519.5 SHE

Shenoy, G.V. Business statistics / G.V. Shenoy and U.K. Srivastava.-- New Delhi: New Age International Publishers, 2001. xii,608p ISBN 81-224-0011-6 1.Statistics I. Srivastava, U.K. II. Title. Accn Nos : 121436

519. 5 SIN

Singh, Daryab Sankhyiki ke siddhant (HIN) / Daryab Singh. -- New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers, 2001. Various Pagination ISBN 91-11-3285873 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 121707

519.5 SIN

Singh, Daryab Sankhyiki siddhant (HIN) / Daryab Singh.-New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers, 2001. 388p. Part 1 ISBN 91-11-3285873 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 121706 519.5 SIR

Sirkin, R.Mark Statistics for the social sciences / R.Mark Sirkin.--3rd-- New Delhi: Sage Publication, 2006. xxi,610p. Includes bibliography and index ISBN 1-4129-0546-x 1.Social science-Statistical method 2.Statistics I. Title. Accn Nos : 126088

519.5 SPI

Spicer, John Making sense of multivariate data analysis / John Spicer.-- New Delhi: Sage publication, 2005. xi,233p. ISBN 1-4129-0401-3 1.Social science-Statistical methods 2.Multivariate analysis I. Title. Accn Nos : 126089

519.5 SPI

Speigel, Murray R. Theory and problems of Statistics / Murray R. Speigel and Larry J. Stephens.--3rd ed.-New Delhi: Tata MacGrow- Hill, 2000. xvii,538p. (Schaum's Out lines) ISBN 0-07-060281-6 1.Statistics I. Stephens, Larry J. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 124730 519.5 SPR

Sprent, Peter Statistics in action / Peter Sprent.-Middlesex: Penguin Book, 1977. 239p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 81093 519.5 SRI

Srivastava, A.B.L. Elementary statistics in psychology and education / A.B.L. Srivastava and K.K. Sharma.-- New Delhi: Sterling Publishing Private Ltd, 1985. xi,239p. 1.Mathematics 2.Education - statistics 3.Psychometrics I. Sharma, K.K. II. Title. Accn Nos : 101907 519.5 STE

Stevenson, William J. Business statistics' concepts and applications / William J. Stevenson.-- New York: Harper & Row Publications, 1978. xviii,518p ISBN 0-06-046445-3 1.Mathematics 2.Statistics I. Title. Accn Nos : 90355 519.5 STE

Steel, Robert G.D. Principles and procedures of statistics: a biometrical approach / Robert G.D. Steel and Johnes H. Torrie.-- New York: Macgraw Hill, 1980. xxi,633p ISBN 0-07-060926-8 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical statistics 3.Biomathematics I. Torrie, Johnes H. II. Title. Accn Nos : 90593 519.5 TAT

Tate, Merle W. Statistics in education / Merle W. Tate.-New York: Macmillan, 1955. x,597p 1.Mathematics I. Title.

Accn Nos : 10670 519.5 TOP

Topping, J. Errors of observation and their treatment / J. Topping.--4th ed-- London: Chapman and Hall, 1972. 119p (Science paperbacks series) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 80317

519.5 UKE

Ukena, Ann Seymour Statistics today / Ann Seymour Ukena.-- New York: Harper & Row, 1978. xii,455p ISBN 0-06-385800-2 1.Mathematics 2.Statistics I. Title. Accn Nos : 83523 519.5 WAL

Walker, Helen M. Elementary statistical methods / Helen M. Walker and Joseph Lev.--rev ed-- Calcutta: Oxford & IBH Publishing Co, 1965. xv,297p 1.Mathematics I. Lev, Joseph. II. Title. Accn Nos : 18569

519.5 WAL

Walpole, Ronald E. Elementary statistical concepts / Ronald E. Walpole.-- New York: Macmillan Publishing, 1983. xi,442p. ISBN 0-02-424020-6 1.Mathematics 2.Statistics I. Title. Accn Nos : 103230 519.5 WAL

Walker, Helen M. Elementary statistical methods / Helen M. Walker and Joseph Lev.-- Calcutta: Oxford and IBH, 1958. xvi,302p 1.Mathematics I. Lev, Joseph. II. Title. Accn Nos : 11315 519.5 WAL

Walker, Helen M. Elementary statistical methods / Helen M. Walker and Joseph Lev.--rev. ed-- Calcutta: Oxford and IBH, 1965. xvi,302p 1.Mathematics I. Lev, Joseph. II. Title. Accn Nos : 11314

519.5 WAL

Walker, Helen M. Elementary statistical methods / Helen M. Walker and Joseph Lev.--rev. ed-- Calcutta: Oxford & IBH, 1958. xvi,297p 1.Mathematics I. Lev, Joseph. II. Title. Accn Nos : 52642 519.5 WAL

Walker, Helen M. Elementary statistical methods / Helen M. Walker and Joseph Lev.--rev. ed-- Calcutta: Oxford, 1965. xv,302p 1.Mathematics I. Lev, Joseph. II. Title. Accn Nos : 52460 519.5 WAL

Walker, Helen M. Elementary statistical methods / Helen M. Walker and Joseph Lev.-- New York: Oxford, 1965. xv,302p 1.Mathematics I. Lev, Joseph. II. Title. Accn Nos : 18563 519.5 WAL

Walker, Helen M. Elementary statistical methods / Helen M. Walker and Joseph Lev.--Ed. Rev.-- New York: Holt, Rinehar and Winston, 1958. xvi,302p, 15-4 Figures 1.Mathematics I. Lev, Joseph. II. Title. Accn Nos : 18561 519.5 WAL

Walker, Helen M. Elementary statistical methods / Helen M. Walker and Joseph Lev.--Ed. Rev.-- Calcutta: Oxford and IBH, 1965. xvi,302p, 15-4 Figures 1.Mathematics I. Lev, Joseph. II. Title. Accn Nos : 52459 519.5 WAL

Walker, Helen M. Elementary statistical methods / Helen M. Walker and Joseph Lev.--Ed. Rev.-- Calcutta: Oxford and IBH, 1965. xvi,302p, 15-4 Figures 1.Mathematics I. Lev, Joseph. II. Title. Accn Nos : 52643

519.5 WAL

Walker, Helen M. Elementary statistical methods / Helen M.

Walker and Joseph Lev.--Ed. Rev.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1958. xvi,302p, 15-4 Figures 1.Mathematics I. Lev, Joseph. II. Title. Accn Nos : 18562 519.5 WAL

Walker, Helen M. Elementary statistical methods / Helen M. Walker and Joseph Lev.--Ed. Rev.-- Calcutta: Oxford and IBH, 1965. xvi,302p, 15-4 Figures 1.Mathematics I. Lev, Joseph. II. Title. Accn Nos : 43080 519.5 WAL

Walker, Helen M. Elementary statistical methods / Helen M. Walker and Joseph Lev.--Ed. Rev.-- New York: Rinehart and Winston, 1958. xvi,302p 1.Mathematics I. Lev, Joseph. II. Title. Accn Nos : 18560 DLDI 519.5 WAL

Walker, Helen M. Elementary statistical methods / Helen M. Walker and Joseph Lev.--Ed. Rev.-- New Delhi: Oxford and IBH, 1958. xvi,301p 1.Mathematics I. Lev, Joseph. II. Title. Accn Nos : 6260 519.5 WAL

Walker, Helen M. Elementary statistical methods / Helen M. Walker and Joseph Lev.--Rev. ed.-- Calcutta: Oxford and IBH, 1958. xvi,302p 1.Mathematics I. Lev, Joseph. II. Title. Accn Nos : 32163 519.5 WAL

Walker, Helen M. Statistical inference / Helen M. Walker and Joseph Lev.-- Calcutta: Oxford and IBH, 1953. xi,510p 1.Mathematics I. Lev, Joseph. II. Title. Accn Nos : 37110

519.5 WAL

Walker, Helem M. Statistical inference / Helem M. Walker and Joseph Lev.-- New York: Halt, Rinehart and Winston, 1953. xi,509p 1.Mathematics I. Lev, Joseph. II. Title.

Accn Nos : 14744 519.5 WAL

Walker, Helen M. Statistical inference / Helen M. Walker and Joseph Lev.--Rev. ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1958. xvi,302p, 15-4 Fig. 1.Mathematics I. Lev, Joseph. II. Title. Accn Nos : 6683 519.5 WEI

Weinberg, Sharon L. Basic statistics for education and the behavioral sciences / Sharon L. Weinberg and Kenneth P. Goldberg.-- Boston: Houthton Mifflin, 1979. xiv,54p ISBN 0-395-26853-2 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical statistics 3.Statistics I. Goldberg, Kenneth P. II. Title. Accn Nos : 84625 519.5 WIL

Wilks, Sammuel S. Mathematical statistics / Sammuel S. Wilks. -- New York: John Wiley, [n.d.] xvi,644p (Wiley publications in statistics) (ed. by Walter A. Shewhart) 1.Mathematics I. Shewhart, Walter A. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 88121 519.5 WIL

Wilks, Samuel S. Mathematical statistics / Samuel S. Wilks. -- New York: John Wiley, 1962. xvi,644p (Wiley publication in mathematics statistics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 39557

519.5 WIN

Wine, R. Lowell Beginning statistics / R.Lowell Wine.-Cambridge: Winthrop Publishers, 1976. vi,432p ISBN 0-87626-062-8 1.Mathematics 2.Statistics 3.Mathematical statistics I. Title. Accn Nos : 93421

519.5 WOO

Woods, Anthony Statistics in language studies / Anthony Woods, Paul Fletcher and Arthur Hughes.--

London: Cambridge University, 1986. xii,322p. (Cambridge text books in linguistion) ISBN 0-521-25326-8 1.Mathematics 2.Linguistics - Statistical methods I. Fletcher, Paul. II. Hughes, Authur. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 103319 519.5 ZWI

Zwick, Rebecca Describing and categorizing DIF in polytomous items / Rebecca Zwick, Dorothy T. Thayer and John Mazzeo.-- New Jersy: Educational Testing Service, v,52p. Includes bibliographical references (GRE Board Report No.93-10P) 1.Mathematics I. Thayer, Dorothy T. II. Mazzeo, John. III. GRE. IV. Graduate Record Examinations. V. ETS. VI. Educational Testing Service. VII. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F21437

519.50 ARA

Aragon, Y. Introduction to statistics for social sciences / Y. Aragon and Trinquier-Alcouffe. -- New Delhi: Sterling Publishers, 1987. xiv,230p ISBN 81-207-0157-7 1.Mathematics 2.Statistics I. TrinquierAlcouffe. II. Title. Accn Nos : 105174 519.5023 IND

Statistics for a career / The publisher.-New Delhi: Ministry of Labour, 1974. iii,22p (Careers information series) (25) 1.Mathematics 2.Vocational guidance I. Ministry of Labour, India. II. Series. Accn Nos : 81954 519.502415 NEW

New developments in statistics for psychology and the social sciences / ed. by A.D. Lovie.-- New York: The Birtish Psychological Society and Methuen, 1986. xi,177p. Vol. 1 ISBN 0-901715-48-8 1.Mathematics 2.Social sciences statistical methods - Addresses, essays, lectures 3.Psychology - statistical methods addresses, essays, lectures I. Lovie, A.D. Accn Nos : 106234 519.502416 NEW

New developments in statistics for psychology

and the social sciences / ed. by P.I. Lovie and A.D. Lovie.-- London: British Psychological Society, 1991. xv,256p ISBN 1-85433-017-9 1.Mathematics 2.Statistical mathematics I. Lovie, P.I. II. Lovie A.D. Accn Nos : 113004

519.5024301 CLF

Cleg, Frances Simple statistics: A course book for the social science / Frances Cleg.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982. vi,200p ISBN 0-521-28802-9 1.Mathematics 2.Social science statistical methods I. Title. Accn Nos : 102329 519.5024301 LEA

Leach, Chris Introduction to statistics: a nonparametric approach for the social sciences / Chris Leach.-- Chichester: John Wiley, [n.d.] xv, 339p. ISBN 0-471-99742-0 1.Mathematics 2.Statistics 3.Nonparametric statistics 4.School science - statistical methods I. Title. Accn Nos : 93038 519.5024301 LEV

Levin, Jack Elementary statistics in social research / Jack Levin.--3rd ed-- New York: Harper and Row, 1983. xii,318p 1.Mathematics 2.Social research statistical methods I. Title. Accn Nos : 94943 519.502433 HEB

Hebden, Julia Statistics for economics / Julia Hebden.-Oxford: Philp Allan Ltd, 1981. vi,201p ISBN 0-86003-036-9 1.Mathematics 2.Economics - statistical method I. Title. Accn Nos : 94419 519.502433 HEY

Hey, John D. Statistics in economics / John D. Hey: Marwah Publisher., 1979. x,422p ISBN 0-85520-056-1

1.Mathematics 2.Econometrics 3.Economics statistics I. Title. Accn Nos : F648 519.502433 HEY

Hey, John D. Statistics in economics / John D. Hey.-New Delhi: Marwah publications, 1979. x,422p. ISBN 0 85520 057 1.Mathematics 2.Econometrics 3.Economicsstatistics I. Title. Accn Nos : 84648

519.502433 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Arthshashtra main sankhiyaki: kaksha 11 ke liye padyapustak (HIN) / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- NEw Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2006. 136 p. ISBN 81-7450-521-0 1.Economics-statistical method 2.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F26156

519.502433 NAT

National Council of Educational Research and Training Statistics for economics:Textbook for class XI / National Council of Educational Research and Training.-- New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2006. iv,135p. ISBN 81-7450-497-4 1.Mathematics 2.Economics-Statistical method I. Title. Accn Nos : F26129

519.502433 STA (NAT) Statistics for economics:Textbook for class XI / NCERT.-- New Delhi: NCERT, 2006. iv,135p. ISBN 81-7450-497-4 1.Mathematics 2.Economics-Statistical method Accn Nos : F25328

519.502491 GRE

Gregory, S. Statistical methods and the geographer / S. Gregory.--4th ed-- London: Longman Group Ltd, 1983.

xv,240p ISBN 0-582-48186-4 1.Mathematics 2.Geography - statistical methods I. Title. Accn Nos : 102970 519.502491 MAN

Mandal, R.B. Statistics for geographers and social scientists / R. B. Mandal.-- New Delhi: Concept, 1982. xvi,555p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 94043 519.50285 WES

West, Robert Computing for psychologists: statistical analysis using SPSS and MINITAB.-- London: Harwood Academic Publishing, 1990. ix,232p ISBN 3-7186-5085-1 1.Mathematics 2.Psychology - Statistical method I. Title. Accn Nos : 112239 519.50285 WES

West, Robert Robert West.-- London: Harwood Academic Publishing, 1990. ix,232p ISBN 3-7186-5085-1 1.Mathematics 2.Psychology - statistical method - data processing 3.SPSS (computer program) 4.Minilab (computer system) 5.Psychology I. Title.

519.502854 MAI

Maindonald, J.H. Statistical computation / J.H. Maindonald. -- New York: John Wiley, 1984. xviii,370p ISBN 0-471-86452-8 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical statistics data procesing I. Title. Accn Nos : 103719

519.503 KEN

Kendall, Maurine G. Dictionary of statistical terms / Maurine G. Kendall and William R. Buckland.--4th ed-New York: Longman Group, 1982. xi,213p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Buckland, William R. II. Title. Accn Nos : 97904

519.503 KEN

Kendall, Maurice G. Dictionary of statistical terms / Maurice G. Kendall and William R. Bukland.--3rd rev & enl ed-- London: Longman Group, 1971. 166p. ISBN 0-582-46304-1 1.Mathetics 2.Mathmatical statistic dictionaries I. Buckland, William R. II. Title. Accn Nos : 80887

519.503 KEN

Kendall, Maurine G. Dictionary of statistical terms / Maurine G. Kendall and William R. Buckland.--4th ed-New York: Longman Group, 1982. xi,213p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Buckland, William R. II. Title.

519.503 KEN (R-D)

Kendall, Maurine G. Dictionary of statistical terms / Maurine G. Kendall and William R. Buckland.--2nd ed. -- London: Oliver & Boyd, 1960. vii,575p. 1.Statistics - Dictionary I. Buckland, William R. II. Title. Accn Nos : 64478

519.503 TIE

Tietjen, Gary L. Topical dictionary of statistics / Gary L. Tietjen.-- New York: Chapman and Hall, 1986. ix,171p. Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 0-412-01201-4 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical statistics Terminology I. Title. Accn Nos : 106228

519.5030 GUP

Gupta, Shaligram Sankhya parak shabdkosh (HIN) / Shaligram Gupta.-- Allahabad: Sahitya Bhawan, 2002. 474p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 122579 519.50723 IND

Directory of sample surveys in India - annual report / The Publisher.-- New Delhi: Central Statistical Organisation, 1999.

iv,41p. forty nineth - 1998 ISBN 0971-9253 1.Mathematics I. India, Ministry of Planning and Programme Implementation, Central Statistical Organisation New Delhi. Accn Nos : F21907

519.50723 IND(R-R)

India, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Central Statistical Organisation Directory of sample surveys in India fifty fifth annual report, 2004 / India, Ministry of statistics and programme implementation, Central Statistical Organisation.-- New Delhi: Central Statistical Organisation, 2004. v,44p. 1.Mathematics 2.Sample survey - India I. Title. Accn Nos : F25926

519.5076 ELH

Elhance, D.N. Practical problems for statistics / D.N. Elhance.-- Allahabad: Kitab Mahal, 1982. viii,623p 1.Mathematics 2.Statistics - examination questions etc. 3.Mathematical statistics I. Title. Accn Nos : 93116

519.5076 GUP

Gupta, S.P. Statistical methods:Containing,besides theory,800 fully illustrations and about 1350 problems with answers / S.P. Gupta.-- New Delhi: Sultan Chand & Sons, 1988. various pagination 1.Statistics- Problems, exercises I. Title. Accn Nos : 105661

519.50954 UNI

Statics in Indian universities: Report of the university grant commission review committee / The publisher.-- New Delhi: University Grants Commission, 1970. 140p. 1.Mathematics I. University Grants Commission. Accn Nos : F10240



Cassel, Claes-Magnus Foundation of inference in survey sampling / Claes-Magnus Cassel, Carl-Erik Sarndal and Jan Hokan Wretman.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1977. xi,192p (Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistical) ISBN 0-471-02563-1 1.Mathematics 2.Sampling (Statistics) 3.Estimation theory I. Sarndal, Carl-Erik. II. Wretman, Jan Hokan. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 81457

519.52 CHA

Chauduri, A. Unified theory and strategies of survey sampling / A. Chouduri, J We Voo and P.R. Krishnaiah.-- New York: North Holland, 1988. xvii,414p (North Holland series in statistics and probability/ P.R. Krishnaiah). V.4. ISBN 0-444-70357 1.Mathematics 2.Sampling (statistics) I. Voo, J We. II. Krishnaiah, P.R. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 108782

519.52 COC

Cochran, William G. Sampling techniques / William G. Cochran.-2nd ed.-- New Delhi: Wiley Eastern, 1963. xvii,413p (A Wiley publications in applied statistics) ISBN 0-85226-122-5 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 80693

519.52 DES

Des Raj Sample survey theory / Des Raj and Promod Chandhok.-- New Delhi: Narosa Publishing House, 1999. xv,346p ISBN 81-7319-136-0 1.Statistical mathematics I. Chandhok, Promod. II. Title. Accn Nos : 121338 519.52 DES

Des Raj Sampling theory / Des Raj.-- New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill, 1968. ix,302p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 80692

519.52 KAL

Kalton, Graham Introduction to survey sampling / Graham Kalton.-- Newbury: Sage Publications, 1983. 96p (Quantitative applications in the social sciences/ Michael S. Lewis-Beck; no.07 035). Includes bibliographical references ISBN 0-8039-2126-8 1.Sampling 2.Statistics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 119112 519.52 NEI

Neimark, E.D. Stimulus sampling theory / E.D. Neimark and W.K. Estes.-- San Francisco: Holdey Day, 1967. xvi,681p (Holden day series in psychology) (ed. by Robert R. Bush) 1.Mathematics I. Estes, W.K. II. Bush, Robert R. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 68584 519.52 SAM

Sampling / ed. by P.R. Krishnaiah and C.R. Rao.-- Amsterdam: North Holland, 1988. xii,594p (Handbook of statistics; no. 6) ISBN 0-444-70289-X 1.Mathematical statistics I. Krishnaiah, P.R. II. Rao, C.R. III. Series. Accn Nos : 108783

519.52 SAM

Sampath, S. Sampling theory and methods / S. Sampath.-New Delhi: Narosa Publishing House, 2001. x,184p ISBN 81-7319-370-3 1.Statistical Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 121337

519.52 SIN

Singh, Daroga Theory and analysis of sample survey designs / Daroga Singh and F.S. Chaudhary.-New York: John Wiley, 1986. xi,380p. ISBN 0-85226-910-2 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - Analysis I. Chaudhary, F.S. II. Title. Accn Nos : 107702 519.52 STE

Stephen, Fraderick F. Sampling opinions: An analysis of survey procedure / Fraderick F. Stephen and Philip J. McCarthy.-- New York: John Wiley, 1963.

Various pagination (Wiley publications of related interest to statisticians) 1.Mathematics I. McCarthy, Philip J. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 9709 519.52 SUK

Sukhatme, Pandurang V. Sampling theory of surveys with applications / Pandurang V. Sukhatme and Balkrishna V. Sakhatme.-- Bombay: Asia Publishing House, 1970. xvi,452p 1.Mathematics 2.Surveys - sampling theory I. Sakhatme, Balkrishna V. II. Title. Accn Nos : 81388 519.52 WIL

Williams, Bill Sampler on sampling / Bill Williams.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons. xv,254p (Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics) ISBN 0-471-03036-8 1.Mathematics 2.Sampling (statistics) I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 90354 519.52 ZAR

Zarkovich, S.S. Quality of statistical data / S.S. Zarkovich.-- Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations, 1975. xi,395p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical statistics I. Title. Accn Nos : 94139 519.52 ZAR

Zarkovich, S.S. Sampling method and censuses / S.S. Zarkovich.-- Rome: Food and Agriculture Organisation, 1975. viii,213p 1.Mathematics 2.Sampling (Statistics) I. Title. Accn Nos : 94140 519.5202462 GRA

Grant, Eugene L. Statistical quality control / Eugene L. Grant and Richard S. Leavenworth.--4th ed-Tokyo: McGraw-Hill Kogakusha, Ltd, 1972. xv,694p 1.Mathematics 2.Quality control statistical sampling I. Leavenworth, Richard S. II. Title. Accn Nos : 82596

519.53 Bartlett, M.S. Statistical analysis of spatial pattern / M.S. Bartlett.-- London: Chapman and Hall, 1975. ix,90p. (Monographs on applied probability and statistics) (ed. by M.S. Bartlett and D.R. Cox) ISBN 0-412-14290-2 1.Mathematics 2.Spatial analysis (Statistics) I. Bartlett, M.S. II. Cox, D.R.i III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 90717 519.53 AFI

Azizi, A.A. Statistical analysis: A computer oriented approach / A.A. Azizi and S.P. Azen.-- New York: Academic Press, Inc., 1979. xi,442p ISBN 0-12-044460-7 1.Mathematics 2.Analysis of variance - data processing I. Azen, S.P. II. Title. Accn Nos : 85105 519.53 CHA

Chatfield, Christopher Introduction to multivariate analysis / Christopher Chatfield and Alexander J. Collins.-- London: Champman and Hall, 1983. xi,245p ISBN 0-412-160307 1.Mathematics 2.Multivariate analysis I. Collins, Alexander J. II. Title. Accn Nos : 105776

519.53 GIB

Gibbons, Jean Dickinson Nonparametric methods for quantitative analysis / Jean Dickinson Gibbons.-- New York: Holt Rinehart and Wiston, 1976. 463p (International series in decision processes) (Ingram Olkin) ISBN 0-03-007811-3 1.Mathematical Statistics0-03-007811-3 I. Olkin, Ingram. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 81601

519.53 GUT

Guttman, Irwin Linear models: an introduction / Irwin Guttman.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1982. x,358p. (Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics) ISBN 0-471-09915-5 1.Mathematics 2.Linear models (Statistics)

I. Title Accn Nos : 103717


519.53 HAR

Harman, Harry H. Modern factor analysis / Harry H. Harman.-3rd rev ed-- London: University of Chicago Press, 1976. xx,487p (Library of congress cataloguing in publication data) ISBN 0-226-31632-1 1.Mathematics 2.Factor analysis 3.Modern factor analysis I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 101826 519.53 HAR

Harman, Herry H. Modern factor analysis / Harry H. Harman.-3rd rev. ed-- London: University of Chicago Press, 1976. xx,487p (Library of congress cataloguing in publication data) ISBN 0-226-31682-1 1.Mathematics 2.Factor analysis I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 101827 519.53 HOC

Hochberg, Yosef Multiple comparison procedures / Yosef Hochberg and Ajit C. Tamhane.-- New York: John Wiley, 1987. xxii,450p ISBN 0271-6356 1.Mathematics 2.Tamhane 3.Multiple comparison I. Tamhane, Ajit C. II. Title. Accn Nos : 106114 519.53 HOL

Hollander, Myles Non parametric statistical methods / Myles Hollander and Douglas A. Wolfe.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1973. xviii,503p (Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics) ISBN 0-471-40635-X 1.Mathematics 2.Non parametric statistics I. Wolfe, Douglas A. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 81452 519.53 INT

International Federation of Classification Societies (IFCS)K Amsterdam Classification and related methods of daa analysis / ed. by Hans H. Boek 3C: Elsevier Science Publishing Company., 1988. xv,749p (Library of congress cataloguing in publication data). International Federation of Classification

Societies (IFCS), Technical University of Arachen, F.R.G. 29 June - 1 July 1987 ISBN 0-444-70404-3 1.Mathematics 2.Cluster analysis I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 108784 519.53 JOH

Johnson, Norman L. Distributions of statistics: Continuous multivariate distribution / Norman L. Johnson, Samuel Kotz: New York, John Wiley & Sons., 1972. xiv,333p (Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics) ISBN 0-471-44370-0 1.Mathematics 2.Distribution (probability theory) 3.Multivariate analysis I. Kotz, Samuel. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 81453

519.530724 JOH

Johnson, Mark E. Multivariate statistical simulation / Mark E. Johnson.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1987. xi,230p (Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics) (ed. by Vic Barnett) ISBN 0-471-82290-6 1.Mathematics 2.Multivariate analysis data processing I. Barnett, Vic. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 106906

519.532 TIT

Titterington, D.M. Statistical analysis of finite mixture distributions / D.M. Titterington, A.F.M. Smith and U.E. MaKov.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1985. 243p (Wiley series in probability and mathemtical statistics) ISBN 0-471-90763-4 1.Mathematics 2.Mixture distributions (probability theory) I. Smith, A.F.M. II. MaKov, U.E. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 106112

519.535 AIT

Aitchison, J. Statistical analysis of compositional data / J. Aitchison; edited by D.R. Cox.-London: Chapman and Hall, 1986. xv,416p. (Monographs on statistics and applied probability) -

ISBN 0-412-28060-4 1.Mathematics 2.Muktivariate analysis 3.Correlation (Statistics) I. Cox, D.R. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 106229 519.535 AMI

Introductory multivariate analysis for education psychological and social research / ed. by Daniel J. Amick and Herbert J. Welberg.-- Chicago: University of Illnois, 1975. xiv,301p 1.Multivariatic analysisIntroductory I. Amick, Daniel J. II. Welberg, Herbert J. Accn Nos : 82532 519.535 AND

Anderson, T.W. Introduction to multivariate statistical analysis / T.W. Anderson.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1984. xvii,675p (The statistical analysis of series/ ed. by T.W. Anderson) ISBN 0-471-88987-3 1.Mathematics 2.Multivariate analysis I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 107011 519.535 ARN

Arnold, Steven F. Theory of linear models and multivariate analysis / Steven F. Arnold; ed. by Ralph A. Bradley.-- New York, 1981. xv,475p (Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics/ ed. by Ralph A. Bradley) ISBN 0-471-05065-2 1.Mathematics 2.Multivariate analysis 3.Linear models I. Bradley, Ralph A. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 107010 519.535 CHA

Chatfield, Chritofer Introduction to multivariate analysis / Chritofer Chatfield and Alexander J. Collins. -- London: Chapman and Hall, 1980. viii,246p 1.Mathematics 2.Multivariate analysis I. Collins, Alexander J. II. Title. Accn Nos : 93445 519.535 COM

Comerey, Andrew L. First course in factor analysis / Andrew L. Comerey.-- New York: Academic Press, Inc. Ltd., 1973. xii,316p

1.Mathematics 2.Factor analysis I. Title. Accn Nos : 82518

519.535 COX

Coxon, A.P.M. User's guide to multidimensional scaling with special reference to the MDS (X) library of computer programs / A.P.M. Coxon.-London: Heinemann Education Books, 1982. xii,271p, 82 fig. ISBN 0-435-82251-9 1.Mathematics 2.Multidimensional scaling 3.Computers programs I. Title. Accn Nos : 93779 519.535 DAV

Key texts in multidimensional scaling / ed. by P.M. Davies and A.P.M. Coyon.-London: Heinemann Educational Books, 1982. xx,349p ISBN 0-435-82254-3 1.Mathematics 2.Multidimensional scaling I. Davies, P.M. II. Coyon, A.P.M. Accn Nos : 93414 519.535 DIL

Dillon, William R. Multivariate analysis methods and applications / William R. Dillon and Mathew Goldstein.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1984. xii,587p (Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics) (ed. by Vic. Barnet) ISBN 0-471-08317-8 1.Mathematics 2.Multivariate analysis I. Goldstein, Mathew. II. Barnet Vic. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 104258 519.535 DUN

Dunn, Olive Jean Applied statistics: analysis of variance and regression / Olive Jean Dunn and Virginia A. Clark.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1987. xii,445p (Wiley series for probability and mathematical statistics) (ed. by Vic Barnet) ISBN 0-471-81269-2 1.Mathematics 2.Analysis of variance 3.Regression analysis I. Clark, Virginia A. II. Barnett, Vic. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 107698

519.535 GOR

Gardon, A.D.

Classification: methods for the exploratory analysis of multivariate data / A.D. Gardon. -- London: Chapman and Hall, 1981. xii,193p (Monographs on applied probability and statistics) (ed. by D.R. Cox) ISBN 0-412-22850-5 1.Mathematics 2.Multivariate analysis I. Cox, D.R. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 93037 519.535 GOU

Goulden, Cyril H. Methods of statistical analysis / Cyril H. Goulden.--2nd ed-- Bombay: Asia Publishing House, 1952. vi,467p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 37118 519.535 GUT

Cornell, John A. Experiments with mixtures: Designs, models and the analysis of mixture data / John A. Cornell.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1981. xvii,305p (Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics) ISBN 0-471-07916-2 1.Mathematics 2.Experimental design 3.Mixtures - statistics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 93034

519.535 HAN

Hand, D.J. Discrimination and classification / D.J. Hand.-- Chichester: John Wiley, 1986. x,218p. ISBN 0-471-28048-8 1.Mathematics 2.Discrimination analysis I. Title. Accn Nos : 107697 519.535 HOC

Hochberg, Yosef Multiple comparison procedures / Yosef Hochberg and Ajit C. Tamhane.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1987. xxii,450p (Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics) (ed. by Vic Barnett) 1.Mathematics 2.Multiple comparison (Statistical) I. Tamhane, Ajit C. II. Barnett, Vic. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 106216 519.535 KEL

Kelloway, E. Kevin Using lisrel for structural equation

modeling: a researcher's guide / E. Kevin Kelloway.-- London: Sage Publications, 1998. ix,147p. Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 0-7619-0625-8 1.Mathematics 2.Lisrel 3.Path analysis Data processing 4.Social sciences Statistical methods I. Title. Accn Nos : 119963

519.535 LEB

Lebart, Ludovic Multivariate descriptive statistical analysis: correspondence analysis and related techniques for large matrics / Ludovic Lebart, Alain Moriheav and Kenneth M. Warwick tr. by Elisabeth Morcillon Berry.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1984. xvi,231p. (Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics; ed. by Vic Barnett)

ISBN 0-471-86743-8 1.Mathematics 2.Multivariate analysis data processing 3.Matrics - data processing I. Moriheav, Alain. II. Warwick, Kenneth M. III. Berry, Elisabeth Morcillon. IV. Barnett, Vic. V. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 103715

519.535 MAN

Manly, Bryan F.J. Multivariate statistical methods: a primer / Bryan F.J. Manly.-- London: Chapman and Hall, 1986. x,159p (A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step) (ed. by Leo Tsu)

ISBN 0-412-28610-6 1.Mathematics 2.Multivariate analysis I. Tsu, Leo. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 106227

519.535 MUI

Muirhead, Robb J. Aspects of multivariate statistical theory / Robb J. Muirhead.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1982. xix,673p. (Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistical) ISBN 0-471-09442-0 1.Mathematics 2.Multivariate analysis I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 104259 519.535


Puri, Madan Lal Nonparametric methods in multivariate analysis / Madan Lal Puri and Pranab Kumar Sen.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 1971. xii,440p (Wiley publication in mathematical statistics) ISBN 0-471-70240-4 1.Mathematics 2.Multivariate analysis 3.Analysis of variances I. Sen, Pranab Kumar. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 82763 519.535 SEA

Searle, Shayle R. Linear models for unbalanced data / Shayle R. Searle.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1987. xxii, 536p (Library of congress cataloguing in publication data) 1.Mathematics 2.Analysis of varience 3.Unbalanced data I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 106116

519.535 SEB

Seber, G.A.F. Multivariate observations / G.A.F. Seber.-New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1984. xx,686p (Library of congress cataloguing in publication data) ISBN 0-471-88104-X 1.Mathematics 2.Multivariate analysis I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 106121

519.535 SIM

Simonoff, Jeffrey S. Analyzing categorical data / Jeffrey S. Simonoff.-- New York: Springer, 2003. xv,496p (Springer Texts in Statistics) ISBN 0-387-00749-0 1.Multivariate analysis I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 123552

519.535 TAT

Tatsuoka, Maurice M. Multivariate analysis: techniques for educational and psychological research / Maurice M. Tatsuoka.-- New York: John Wiley, 1971. xiii, 310p. ISBN 0-471-84590-6 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 78268 519.535


Toothaker, larry E. Multiple comparison procedures / Larry E. Toothaker.-- Newbury Park: Sage Publications, 1993. viii,96 (Quantitative applications in the social sciences/ Michael s. Lewis-Beck; no.89). Includes bibliographical references ISBN 0-8039-4177-3 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 119110

519.5350724 JOH

Johnson, Mark E. Multivariate statistical simulation / Mark E. Johnson.-- New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1987. ix,230p (Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics) (ed. by Vic Barnett) ISBN 0-471-82290-6 1.Mathematics 2.Multivariate analysis data processing I. Barnett, Vic. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 106330

519.536 ATK

Atkinson, Anthony Robust diagnostic regression analysis / Anthony Atkinson and Marco Riani.-- London: Springer, 2000. xvi,327p (Springer texts in statistics) ISBN 0-387-95017-6 1.Regression analysis I. Riani, Marco. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 121500

519.536 CHA

Chatterjee, Samprit Regression analysis by example / Samprit Chatterjee and Bertram Price.-- New York: John Wiley, 1977. xiv,228p. 1.Mathematics 2.Regression analysis I. Price, Bertram. II. Title. Accn Nos : 107699 519.536 COO

Cooks, R. Dennis Residuals and influence in regression / R. Dennis Cooks and Sanford Weisberg.-- New York: Chapman and Hall, 1986. x,230p (Monographs on statistics and applied probability) (ed. by D.R. Cox) ISBN 0-412-24280-X 1.Mathematics 2.Regression analysis

I. Weisberg, Sanford. II. Cox, D.R. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 104776

519.536 DRA

Draper, N.R. Applied regression analysis / N.R. Draper and H. Smith.--2nd ed-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1981. xiv,709p (Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics) (ed. by A. Bradley) ISBN 0-471-02995-5 1.Mathematics 2.Regression analysis I. Smith, H. II. Bradley, A. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 103718 519.536 LON

Long, J. Scott Regression models for categorical and limited dependent variables / J. Scott Long. -- New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1997. xxx,297p (Advanced quantitative techniques in the social sciences series; no.7). Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 0-8039-7374-8 1.Mathematics 2.Regression analysis I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 119964 519.536 SEB

Seber, G.A.F. Linear regression analysis / G.A.F. Seber. -- New York: John Wiley, 1977. xvii,465p 1.Mathematics 2.Regression analysis I. Title. Accn Nos : 90327 519.536 WEI

Weisberg, Sanford Applied linear regression / Sanford Weisberg.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1985. xiv,324p (Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics) (ed. by Vic Barnett) ISBN 0-471-87957-6 1.Mathematics 2.Regression analysis I. Barnett, Vic. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 103926 519.54 BAR

Barnett, VIC Comparative statistical inference / VIC Barnett.--2nd ed.-- New York: John Wiley &

Sons, 1982. xvi,325p. ISBN 0 471 10076 5 1.Mathematical statistics I. Title. Accn Nos : 104257 519.54 BAR

Barlaw, R.E. Statistical infrence under order restrictions / R.E. Barlaw and D.J. Bartholomew.-- New York: John Wiley, 1972. ix,338p ISBN 0-471-049700 1.Mathematics I. Bartholomew, D.J. II. Title. Accn Nos : 81451 519.54 CHU

Churchman, C. West Theory of experimental infrences / C. West Churchman.-- New York: Macmillan, 1948. ix,292p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 58545

519.54 GAL

Gallant, A. Ronald Non-linear statistical models / A. Ronald Gallant.-- New York: John Wiley, 1987. xii,610p. (Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics) ISBN 0-471-80260-3 1.Mathematics 2.Regression analysis 3.Multivariate analysis 4.Nonlinear theories I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 106908

519.54 GEO

Bayesian inference and decision techniques: Essays in honor of Bruno D Finelti / ed. by Prem Goel and Arnold Zellner.-Amsterdam: North Holland Pub. Company, 1986. x,496p (Studies in Bayesian econometrics and statistics) (ed. by Arnold Zellner) ISBN 0-444-87712-6 1.Mathematics 2.Economics, mathematical 3.Decision making 4.Bayesian statistical decision theory I. Goel, Prem. II. Zellner, Arnols. III. Series. Accn Nos : 104624

519.54 GIB

Gibbons, Dickinson Jean Non parametric statistical inference / Dickinson Jean Gibbons.-- Tokyo: Mcgraw-

Hill, 1971. xiv,306p. (Mcgrawhill series in probability and statistics) 1.Mathematics 2.Statistical inference I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 82764

519.54 GIB

Gibbsons, Jean Dickinson Selecting and ordering populations: a new statistical methodology / Jean Dickinson Gibbsons, Ingram Olkin and Milton Sobel.-New York: John Wiley, 1977. xxi,569p. (Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics) ISBN 0-471-02670-0 1.Mathematics 2.Order statistics 3.Statistical inference I. Olkin, Ingram. II. Sobel Milton. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 83970

519.54 GRE

Greene, Judith Learning to use statistical tests in psychology: a student's guide / Judith Greene and Manuela d' Oliveira.-- England: Open University Press, 1982. xi, 179p. 1.Mathematical Statistics 2. Psychology I. d' Oliveira, Manuela. II. Title. Accn Nos : 94497

519.54 GUP

Gupta, Shanti S. Multiple decision procedures: iheory and methodology of selecting and ranking populations / Shanti S. Gupta and S. Ponchapakesan.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1979. xxiii, 573p. (Wiley publication in applied statistics) ISBN 0-471-05177-2 1.Mathematics 2.Statistical inference 3.Order statistics I. Ponchapakesan, S. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 91855

519.54 JOS

Joshi, D.D. Linear estimation and design of experiments / D.D. Joshi.-- New Delhi: John Wiley, 1987. xv,287p. ISBN 0-85226-517-4 1.Mathematics 2.Estimation theory 3.Experimental design 4.Statistical decision

I. Title. Accn Nos : 107703 519.54 LEH

Lehmann, E.L. Theory of point estimation / E.L. Lehmann. -- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1983. xii,506p (A wiley publication in mathematical statistics) 1.Mathematics 2.Fix-point estimation I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 103716

519.54 PAR

Parsons, Robert Statistical analysis: a decision-making approach / Robert Parsons.--2nd ed.-- New York: Harper & Row, 1978. xvi,791p. ISBN 0-06-045016-9 1.Statistics 2.Statistical decision I. Title. Accn Nos : 84947

519.54 PRA

Prakasa Rao, B.L.S. Symptotic theory of statistical inference / B.L.S. Prakasa Rao and Vic Barnet.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1987. xiv,438p. (Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics) ISBN 0-471-84335-0 1.Mathematics I. Barnet, Vic. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 106123 519.54 PUR

Nonparametric techniques in statistical inference / ed. by Madan Lal Puri.-Cambridge: The University Press, 1970. 623p 1.Mathematics I. Puri, Madan Lal. Accn Nos : 83971 519.54 WAL

Walker, Helen M. Statistical inference / Helen M. Walker and Joseph Lev.-- Calcutta: Oxford and IBH, 1965. xi,510p 1.Mathematics I. Lev, Joseph. II. Title.

Accn Nos : 139

519.544 MUK

Mukhopadhyay, Parimal Small area estimation in survey sampling / Parimal Mukhopadhyay.-- New Delhi: Narosa

Publishing House, 1998. xi,230p ISBN 81-7319-220-0 1.Statistical mathematics 2.Sample survey I. Title. Accn Nos : 121339

519.56 SAN

Santhakumaran, A. Fundamentals of testing statistical hypotheses / A. Santhakumaran.-- New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 2001. x,140p 1.Statistical mathematics 2.Hypothesis I. Title. Accn Nos : 121723

519:574 BAI

Bailey, Norman T.J. Statistical methods in biology / Norman T.J. Bailey.-- London: English University Press, 1961. ix,200p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 14573 519.574 BAI

Bailey, Norman T. J. Statistical methods in biology / Norman T. J. Bailey.-- London: The English Universities, 1959. ix,200p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 22814 519.6 BIR

Birnbaum, Z.M. Introduction to probability and mathematical statistics / Z.M. Birnboum.-New York: Harper and Row, 1962. Various pagination 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 43076 519.6 MEY

Meyer, Herman Teachniques of differentiation and integrations: A program for self-instruction / Herman Meyer and Robert Y. Mendenhall.-New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1966. x,168p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics - study and teaching I. Mendenhall, Robert Y. II. Title. Accn Nos : 54332 519.6 WIL

Wilks, S.B.

Elementary statistical analysis / S.S. Wilks.-- Calcutta: Oxford and IBH, 1964. xi,284p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 43138

519.60212 UNI

Tables of the error function and its derivative / United State.-- New York: United States Deparment of Commerce, 1954. xi, 302p 1.Mathematics Accn Nos : 45459 519.7:620 RAO

Rao, S.S. Optimization: Theory and applications / S.S. Rao.-- New Delhi: Wiley Eastern Limited, 1978. xiv,711p ISBN 0-85226-756-8 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical optimization 3.Programming (Mathematics) 4.Subject phase relation I. Title. Accn Nos : 82514

519.7 ATT

Attneave, Fred Applications of information theory to psychololgy: a summary of basic concepts, methods,and results / Fred Attneave.-- New York: Holt,Rinehart and winston, 1959. vii,120p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F3611 519.7 CZE

Information theory, statistical decision fuctions random processes.-- New York: Academic Press, 1964. 846p (Czechoslovak Academy of Science) (ed. by Jaroslav Kozesnik). Conference on Information theory, Statistical decision fuctions, random processes, Prague 1962 3rd 1.ProgrammingInformation t I. Kozesnik, Jaroslav. II. Series. Accn Nos : F3618 519.7 CZE

Information theory satistical decision fuctions random processes.-- New York: Academic Press, 1960. 843p (Czechoslovak Academy of science) (Jaroslav Kozesnik). Conference on Information theory, statistical decision fuctions, random

process, Prague 1959 2nd 1.Mathematics I. Kozesnik, Jaroslav. II. Series. Accn Nos : F3617

519.7 JEL

Jelinek, Frederick Probabilistics information theory: discrete and memoryless models / Frederick Jelinek.-New York: McGraw-Hill, 1968. xiv, 609p. (McGraw-Hill series in system science) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 75033

519.7 KAM

Kambo ,N.S. Mathematical programming techniques / N.S. Kambo.-- New Delhi: East-West press, 1984. 719p. 1.Programming (Mathematics ) I. Title. Accn Nos : 99776 519.7 KIN

King, Amy C. Pathways to probability: History of the mathematics of certainty and chance / Amy C. King and Cecil B. Read.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. 137p 1.Mathematics I. Read, Cecil B. II. Title. Accn Nos : 43063 519.7 KUL

Kullback, Solomon Information theory and statistics / Solomon Kullback.-- New York: John Wiley, 1959. Various pagination (Wiley publications in statistics) (ed. by Walter A Shewhart and Samuel S. Wilks) 1.Mathematics I. Shewhart, Walter A. II. Wilks, Samuel S. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 37051 519.7 MAC

Information and decision processes / ed. by Rober E. Machol.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1960. xi,185p 1.Mathematics I. Machol, Robert E. Accn Nos : 45496

519.7 REC

Recent developments in mathematical programming / edited by Santosh Kumar.-Philadelphia,Penn.: Gordon and Breach

Science Publishers, 1991. xii,457p ISBN 2-88124-820-9 1.Mathematics 2.Programming (Mathematics) I. Santosh Kumar. II. Australian Society for Operations Research. Accn Nos : 113058 519.7 STE

Steuer, Ralph E. Multiple criteria optimization: theory, computation and application / Ralph E. Steuer.-- New York: Wiley & Sons, 1986. (Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical optimization 3.Programming (Mathematics) I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 106111

519.7 STE

Steuer, Ralph E. Multiple criteria optimization: theory, computation and application / Ralph E. Steuer.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1985. xx,546p (Library of congress cataloguing in publication data) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical optimization 3.Programming I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 106328

519.7 WAT

Watanabe, Satosi Knowing and guessing: a quantitative study of inference and information / Satosi Watanabe: John Wiley., 1969. xv, 592p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 77456 519.702462 RAO

Rao, S.S. Optimization: theory and applications / S.S. Rao.-- New Delhi: Wiley Eastern Limited, 1978. xiv,711p. 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical optimization I. Title. Accn Nos : 99577

519.703 KAP

Kapur, J.N. Text book of dynamics for the undergraduate / J.N. Kapur and J.D. Gupta.-- New Delhi: R.Chand & Co., 1982. iv,302p

1.Dynamics-Mathematics I. Gupta, J.D. II. Title. Accn Nos : 96095

519.72 AIC

Aickin, Mikel Linear statistical analysis of discrete data / Mikel Aickin.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1983. 358p. (Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistic) ISBN 0271-6356 1.Mathematics 2.Contingency tables I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 107701 519.72 FRY

Fryer, M.J. Introduction to linear programming and matrix game theory / M.J. Fryer.-- London: Edward Arnold (Publishers) Ltd., 1978. vi,120p ISBN 0-7131-2661-2 1.Mathematics 2.Linear programming 3.Game theory 4.Matrix game theory I. Title. Accn Nos : 80893

519.72 GUP

Gupta, P.K. Linear programme and theory of games / P.K. Gupta and Man Mohan.-- New Delhi: Sultan Chand & Sons, 1984. xiv,460p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics 2.Game theory I. Man Mohan. II. Title. Accn Nos : 96112 519.72 GUP

Gupta, P.K. Linear programming and theory of games / P.K. Gupta and Man Mohan.--3rd rev. ed-- New Delhi: Sultan Chand, 1984. xiv,460p 1.Mathematics I. Man Mohan. II. Title. Accn Nos : 96111

519.72 HAN

Hannan, E.J. Statistical theory of linear systems / E.J. Hannan and Manfred Deistler.-- New York: John Wiley, 1988. xiii,380p. 1.Mathematics 2.System identification 3.Linear systems 4.Dicrete - Time system I. Deistler, Manfred. II. Title.

Accn Nos : 107700

519.72 LOO

Loomba, N. Paul Linear programming: an introductory analysis / N. Paul Loomba.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1964. xvi,284p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 70003 519.72 LOO

Numerical methods for non-linear optimization / ed. by F.A. Lootsma.-- London: Academic Press, 1972. xiv,440p ISBN 0-12-455650-7 1.Mathematics I. Lootsma, F.A. Accn Nos : 77831

519.72 OPE

Open University Numerical computation: Linear programming II / Open University.-- Great Britain: Open University Press, 1979. 58p. (Mathematics third level course) (6) ISBN 0-335-05666-0 1.Linear programming I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 105488 519.72 SRI

Srinath, L.S. Linear programming: principle and applications / L.S. Srinath.--2nd ed-- New Delhi: Affiliated East-West Press, 1982. v, 202p. 1.Mathematics 2.Programming (Statistics) I. Title. Accn Nos : 93541 519.72 SRI

Srinath, L.S. Linear programming: Principles and cases / L.S. Srinath.-- New Delhi: Affiliated EastWest, 1975. xii,159p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 82107 519.72 VAJ

Vajda, S. Linear programming: algorithms and applications / S. Vajda.-- London: Chapman and Hall, 1981. 150p ISBN 0-412-16430-2

1.Mathematics 2.Linear programming I. Title. Accn Nos : 93446 519.720285424 BUN

Bunday, Brian D. Basic linear programming / Brian D. Bunday. -- London: Edward Arnold (Publishers) Ltd., 1984. iv,163p ISBN 0-7131-3509-3 1.Mathematics 2.Basic (Computer program language) 3.Linear programming I. Title. Accn Nos : 99858

519.77 OPE

Open University Numerical computation: integer programming / Open University.-- Great Britain: Open University Press, 1986. 51p. (Mathematics third level course) (7) ISBN 0-335-05656-3 1.Linear programming I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 105489 519.8 BLA

Blackman, R.B. Linear data-smoothing and prediction in theory and practice / R.B. Blackman.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1965. xiii,182p (Addison-wesley series in electrical engineering) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 59579 519.8 CHE

Cheney, E.W. Introduction to approximation theory / E.W. Cheney.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1966. xii,259p (International series in pure applied mathematics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45479 519.82 KAS

Kashyap, B R K Introduction to queueing theory / Kashyap, B R K and M L Chaudhry.-- New Delhi: Aarkay Publications, 1988. xi,162p. Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 81-900036-0-7 1.Mathematics 2.Queueing theory 3.Operations management I. Chaudhry, M L. II. Title. Accn Nos : 114152

519.9 BIR

Birbaum, Z.W. Introduction to probability and mathematics statistics / Z.W. Birbaum.-- New York: Harper and Row, 1964. viii,325p (A Harper International student reprint) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 34482 519.9 BRU

Brunk, H.D. Introduction to mathematical statistics / H.D. Brunk.--2nd ed-- New York: Blaisdell, 1965. (Blaisdell book in the pure and applied sciences) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 86697 519.9 DAV

David, F.N. Probability theory for statistical methods / F.N. David.-- Cambridge: The University Press, 1951. ix,230p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 43591 519.9 MOO

Moore, P.G. Standard statistical calculation / P.G. Moore and D.E. Edward.-- London: Sir Isaac Pitman, 1965. xi,115p 1.Mathematics I. Edward, D.E. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3558 519.9 WAL

Wald, Abraham Sequential analysis / Abraham Wald.-- New York: John Wiley, 1959. xii,212p (A Willey publication in mathematical statistics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45497

519.9 WIN

Winer, B.J. Statistical principles in experimental design / B.J. Winer.-- New York: McGrawHill, 1962. x,672p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45501

519.92 DWY

Dwyer, Paul S. Linear computations / Paul S. Dwyer.-- New York: John Wiley, 1960. xi,344p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 43115 519.92 FIC

Ficken, F.A. Simplex method of linear programming / F.A. Ficken.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1961. 58p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 64127 519.92 FIC

Ficken, F.A. Simplex method of linear programming / F.A. Ficken.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1961. 58p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 53341 519.92 FIC

Ficken, F.A. Simplex method of linear programming / F.A. Ficken.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1961. iv,58p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F12291 519.92 FIC

Ficken, F.A. Smplex method of linear programming / F.A. Ficken.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1961. 58p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 43062

519.92 FOU

Foure, James P. Understanding linear programming / James P. Foure.-- U.S.A.: American Management Association, 1967. 23p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 63387 519.92 GAR

Gravin, Walter W. Introduction to linear programming / Walter W. Garvin.-- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1960. xiv,281p

1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3543 519.92 GAS

Gass, Saul I. Illustrated guide to linear programming / Saul I. Gass.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1970. x,173p 1.Linear programmingIllustrated g I. Title. Accn Nos : 73795

519.92 GLI

Glicksman, A.M. Introduction to linear programming and the theory of games / A.M. Glicksman.-- New York: John Wiley, 1963. x,131p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 86786

519.92 GLI

Glicksman, A.M. Introduction to linear programming and the theory of games / A.M. Glocksman.-- New York: John Wiley, 1963. viii,131p. Include Index 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F3571

519.92 GUP

Gupta, Someshwar C. Transform and state variable methods in linear / Someshwar C. Gupta.-- New York: John Wiley, 1966. xvi,,426p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 59784 519.92 HAD

Hadley, G. Linear programming / G. Hadley.-- London: Addison-Wesley, 1967. xii,520p (This book is an addison-wesley world student series edition) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66819 519.92 HAD

Hadley, G. Linear programming / G. Hadley.-- London: Addison-Wesley, 1965. xii,520p (This book is in the addisonwesley industrial management) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 56612

519.92 HAD

Hadley, G. Nonlinear and dynamic programming / G. Hadley.-- London: Addison-Wesley, 1964. xi,484p (Addison-wesley series in management science and economics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 72503 519.92 HAP

Hadley, G. Linear programing / G. Hadley.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1962. xii,520p (Addison-wesley, series in industrial management) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 55909

519.92 KAU

Kufmann, A. Dynamic programming sequential scientific management / A. Kufmann and R. Cruon.-- New York: Academic Press, 1967. xv,278p 1.Mathematics I. Cruon, R. II. Title. Accn Nos : 59291 DLDI 519.92 LLE

Llewellyn, Robert W. Linear programming / Robert W. Llewellyn.-New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1966. ix,371p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 69129 519.92 NAY

Naylor, Thomas H. Linear programming method and cases / Thomas H. Naylor and Eugene T. Bryne.-California: Woodsworth, 1963. vii,183p 1.Mathematics I. Bryne, Eugene T. II. Title. Accn Nos : 45502 519.92 RAO

Rao, C. Radhakrishna Linear statistical inference and its applications / C. Radhakrishna Rao.-- New York: John Wiley, 1965. xviii,522p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F11084 519.92 RAO

Rao, C. Radhakrishna

Linear statistical inference, and its applications / C. Radhakrishna Rao.-- New York: John Wiley, 1965. xviii,522p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 20733

519.92 RAO

Rao, C. Radhakrishna Linear statistical inference, and its applications / C. Radhakrishna Rao.-- New York: John Wiley, 1965. xviii,522p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 59780 519.92 RAO

Rao, C. Radhakrishna Linear statistical inference, and its applications / C. Radhakrishna Rao.-- New York: John Wiley, 1965. xviii,522p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F11085

519.92 REI

Reinfeld, Nyles V. Mathematical programming / Nyles V. Reinfeld and William R.Vogal.-- New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India, 1964. viii,274p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 34446 519.92 SAA

Saaty, Thomas L. Mathematical methods of operations research / Thomas L. Saaty.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1959. xi,421p (International student edition) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 63837 519.92 VAJ

Vajda, S. Mathematical programming / S. Vajda.-- New York: Addison-Wesley, [n.d.] ix,310p (This book is in the AddisonWesley series in statistics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 54513 519.93 HEN

Hendriks, Walter A. Mathematical theory of sampling / Walter A. Hendriks.-- New Jersey: Scarecrow, 1956. vii,364p

1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 43594

519.93 HEN

Hendriks, Walter A. Mathematical theory of sampling / Walter A. Hendriks.-- New Jersey: Scarecrow, 1956. vii,364p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 86073 519 AID

Alder, Henry L. Introduction to probability and statistics / Henry L. Alder and Edward B. Roessler.--3rd ed-- London: W.H. Freeman, 1964. xiv,313p (Freeman international edition) 1.Mathematics I. Roessler, Edward B. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : F11034 519 AIT

Aitken, A.C. Statistical mathematics / A.C. Aitken.--8th ed-- London: Oliver and Boyd, 1957. vii,153p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 17781 519 AIT

Aitken, A.C. Statistical mathematics / A.C. Aitken.--8th ed-- London: Oliver and Boyed, 1962. vii,153p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 17780 519 ALD

Alder, Henry L. Introduction to probability and statistics / Henry L. Alder and Edward B. Rossler.-London: W.H. Freeman, 1960. xi,252p (Series of Under-graduate book in mathematics) (ed. by R.A. Rosenbaum) 1.Mathematics I. Rossler, Edward B. II. Rosenbaum, R.A. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 41981 519 BAI

Bailey, Norman T.J. Elements of stochastic processes, with applications to the natural science / Norman T.J. Bailey.-- New York: John Wiley, 1964. xi,249p (Wiley publication in applied statistics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 53886

519 BHA

Bhat, U. Narayan Element of applied stochastic processes / U. Narayan Bhat.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1977. xvi,410p (Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 80363 519 BOR

Borel, Emile Elements of the theory of probability / Emile Borel, tr. by John E. Freud.-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1965. x,179p 1.Mathematics I. Freud, John E. II. Title. Accn Nos : 43121 519 BOS

Bostock, L. Applied mathematics / L. Bostock and S. Chandler.-- London: Stanley Thones Ltd, 1975. ix,551p. Vol. 1 ISBN 0-85950-019-5 1.Mathematics I. Chandler, S. II. Title. Accn Nos : 102327 519 BOS

Bostock, L. Applied mathematics / L. Bostock and S. Chandler.-- Chelteriham: Stanley Thornes (Publishers) Ltd, 1984. xii,379p. Vol. 2 ISBN 0-85950-024-1 1.Mathematics I. Chandler, S. II. Title. Accn Nos : 102326

519 BRA

Brahma Nand Convergence of infinite series and infinite products for post- graduates classes / Brahma Nand and B.S. Tyagi.--2nd Rev. ed-- Meerut: Kedar Nath Ram Nath, 1965. 468p. 1.Mathematics I. Tyagi, B.S. II. Title. Accn Nos : 86388 DLDI 519 BRA

Brahmanand Dynamics of a rigid bodies / Brahmanand.-3rd ed.-- Meerut: Kedar Nath Ram Nath, [n.d]. 404p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 86696

519 BRU

Brunk, H.D. Introduction to mathematical statistics / H.D. Brunk.--2nd ed-- Masschusetts: Blaisdell, 1965. xv,429p (Blaisdell book in the pure and applied science) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 60107 519 BUR

Burford, Roger L. Introduction to finite probability / Roger L. Burford.-- Columbus: Charles E. Merrill, 1967. xiv,145p (Merrill's mathematics and quantitative methods) (ed. by Vincent E. Cangelosi) 1.Mathematics I. Cangelosi, Vincent E. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 72273 519 CRA

Cramer, Harald Elements of probability theory / Harald Cramer.-- New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1958. 281p (Wiley publications in mathematical statistics) (ed. by Walter A. Shewhart) 1.Mathematics I. Shewhart, Walter A. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45472

519 CRA

Cramer, Harold Mathematical methods of statistics / Harold Cramer.-- United States: Princeton University Press, 1961. xvi,575p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : F4548 519 DAR

D'arcy, J.A. Chance and Choice / J.A. D'arcy.-- London: Thames and Hudson, 1968. 111p (The general studies library) (Percy Wilson C.B.) 1.Mathematics I. Wilson C.B., Percy. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 67310 519.DAR D'arcy, J.A. Chance and choice, practical probability and statistics / J.A. D'arcy.-- London: Thames and Hudson, 1968. 111p (The general studies library) (Percy

Wilson C.B.) 1.Mathematics I. Wilson C.B., Percy. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 72252 519 DOW

Downie, N.M. Basic statistical methods / N.M. Downie and R.W. Heath.-- New York: Harper and Row, 1959. xii,289p (Education for living series) (ed. by H.H. Remmers) 1.Mathematics I. Heath, R.W. II. Remmers, H.H. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 35317 519 DOW

Downie, N.M. Basic statistical methods / N.M. Downie and R.W. Heath.-- New York: Harper, 1959. xii,289p 1.Mathematics I. Heath, R.W. II. Title. Accn Nos : 35300

519 DOW

Downie, N.M. Basic statistical methods / N.M. Downie and R.W. Heath.--2nd ed-- New York: Harper and Row, 1965. xv,325p (Education for living series) (H.H. Remmers) 1.Mathematics I. Heath, R.W. II. Remmers, H.H. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 35318 519 EIS

Eisen, Martin Introduction to mathematical probability theory / Martin Eisen.-- New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1969. xxi,536p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 70556 519 FIS

Fisz, Marek Probability and mathematical statistics / Marek Fisz, tr. by P.K. Kulshrashtha.-Delhi: S. Chand & Co, 1961. iv,502p 1.Mathematics I. Kulshrashtha, P.K. II. Title. Accn Nos : 67196 519 FRA

Fraser, D.A.S. Structure of inference / D.A.S. Fraser.-New York: John Wiley, 1968. x,344p

1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 71317 519 GLA

Glass, Gene V Statistical methods in education and psychology / Gene V Glass and Kenneth D Hopkins.--3rd ed.-- Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1996. xiv,674p, Floppy disc. Includes one floppy disk ISBN 0-205-14212-5 1.Mathematics 2.Educational statistics 3.Psychometrics I. Hopkins, Kenneth D. II. Title. Accn Nos : 117757

519 GMU

Gmurman, V.E. Fundamentals of probability theory and mathematical statistics / V.E. Gmurman, ed. by I.I. Berenblut.-- London: Iliffe Books, 1968. 249p 1.Mathematics I. Berenblut, I.I. II. Title. Accn Nos : 72266 519 GOL

Goldman, Malcolm Introduction to probability and statistics / Malcolm Goldman.-- New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1970. xv,546p ISBN 0-15-543595-7 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 73841 519 GUE

Guenther, William C. Concepts of probability / William C. Guenther.-- New York: McGraw Hill, 1968. 384p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 64926 519 HAD

Hadley, G. Introduction to probability and statistical decision theory / G. Hadley.-- San Francisco: Holden-day, 1967. x,580p (Holden-day series in industrial engineering and management science) (Gerald J. Lieberman) 1.Mathematics I. Lieberman, Gerald J. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 64181 519


Harter, H. Leon Probability integrals of the range and of the studentized range / H. Leon Harter and Donald S. Clemm.-- Ohio: Wright Air Development Center, 1959. xii,139p (Wade technical report) (58-484) 1.Mathematics 2.Series - Wade technical report 3.Donald S. Clemm I. Clemm, Donald S. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 86797

519 HOD

Hodges, J.L. Elements of finite probability / J.L. Hodges and E.L. Lehmann.-- London: Holdenday, 1965. 230p (Holden-day series in probability and statistics) (E.L. Lehmann) 1.Mathematics I. Lehmann, E.L. II. Lehmann, E.L. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 5339

519 HOD

Hodges, J. L. Elements of Finite Probability / J. L. Hodges and E. L. Lehmann.-- San Francisco: Holden- Day, 1965. vi,230p. (Holden-Day Series in Probability and Statistics Edited by E.) 1.Mathematics I. Lehmann, E. L. II. Lehmann, E.L.,ed. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 53339 519 HOG

Hogg, Robert V. Introduction to mathematical statistics / Robert V. Hogg and Allen T. Craig.-- New York: The Macmillan, 1965. x,383p 1.Mathematics I. Craig, Allen T. II. Title. Accn Nos : 66907 519 JOH

Johnson, John B. Sets, functions and probability / John B. Johnson, G. Baley Price and Fred S. Van Veleck.-- Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1968. viii,376p (Addison-Wesley series in behavioral science quantitative methods) 1.Mathematics I. Price, G. Baley. II. Veleck, Fred S. Van. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 64940 519 KAR

Karlin, Samuel

First course in stochastic processes / Samuel Karlin.-- New York: Academic Press, 1968. xi,502p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 68758

519 KEN

Kendall, Maurice G. Advanced theory of statistics: distribution theory / Maurice G. Kendall and Alan Stuart. -- London: Charles Griffin, 1958. xii,433p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Stuart, Alan. II. Title. Accn Nos : 3571 519 KIN

King, Amy C. Pathways to probability / Amy C. King and Cecil B. Read.-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. 139p (History of the mathematics of certainty and chance) 1.Mathematics I. Read, Cecil B. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3599 519 KRE

Kreyszing, Erwin Introductory mathematical statistics: principles and methods / Erwin Kreyszing.-New York: John Wiley, 1970. 470p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 73945 519 KUR

Kurtz, Thomas E. Basic statistics / Thomas E. Kurtz.-- New Delhi: Prentice Hall, 1964. xiii,328p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 3542 519 LIG

Newer uses of mathematics / ed. by James Lighthill.-- Middlesex: Penguin Books Ltd., 1978. 431p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics I. Lighthill, James. Accn Nos : 92288

519 LOE

Loeve, Michel Probability theory / Michel Loeve.--3rd ed

-- New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, 1963. (The University series in higher mathematics). (ed. by M.H. Stone) 1.Mathematics I. Stone, M.H. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 45464 519 LON

Loney, S.L. Element of statistics and dynamics, part 2 / S.L. Loney.--31st ed-- Cambridge: The University Press, 1961. viii,230p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 85279 519 LON

Loney, S.L. Elementary treatise on statics / S.L. Loney.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1963. vii,393p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 68674 519 MCC

McCollough, Celeste Statistical concepts: A program for selfinstruction / Celeste McCollough and Loche Van Atta.-- New York: McGraw-Hill Company Inc, 1963. xv,366p 1.Mathematics I. Atta, Loche Van. II. Title. Accn Nos : 19345 519 MCC

Mc Callough, Cesleste Statistical concepts / Cesleste Mc Callough and Loche Van Atta.-- New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc, 1963. xv,367p 1.Mathematics I. Van Atta, Loche. II. Title. Accn Nos : 19344

519 MCC

Mccdlough, Celeste Statistical concepts: A program for self instruction / Celeste Mccdlough and Loche Van Atta.-- New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1963. xv,367p 1.Mathematics I. Atta, Loche Van. II. Title. Accn Nos : 62450

519 MCI

McIntosh, Douglas M. Statistics for the teacher / Douglas M. McIntosh.-- Oxford: Pergamon, 1963. 130p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 43061 519 MEY

Meyer, Paul L. Introductory probability and statistical applications / Paul L. Meyer.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, n.d x,336p (Addison-wesley series in statistics) 1.Mathematics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3544 519 MEY

Meyer, Paul L. Introductory probability and statistical applications / Paul L. Meyer.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1965. x,340p 1.Mathematics 2.Probabilities I. Title. Accn Nos : 66820 519 MEY

Meyer, Paul L. Introductory probability and statistical applications / Paul L. Meyer.-Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1965. x,339p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 56809

519 MOD

Elmer B., Mode Elements of probability and statistics / Elmer B. Mode.-- London: Prentice Hall Inc, 1966. xii,351p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 57224 519 MOS

Mosteller, Frederick Probability with statistical applications / Frederick Mosteller, Robert E.K. Rourke and George B. Thomas.-- Massachusetts: AddisonWesley Publishing Company, 1965. xv,478p (Addison-Wesley series in statistics) 1.Mathematics 2.Basic education I. Rourke, Robert E.K. II. Thomas, George B. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 43074

519 MOS

Mosteller, Frederick Probability with statistical applications / Frederick Mosteller, Robert E.K. Rourke and Grorge B. Thomas.-- Massachusetts: AddisonWesley, 1961. xv,478p 1.Mathematics I. Rourke, Robert E.K. II. Thomas, George B. III. Title. Accn Nos : 6690

519 MOS

Mosteller, Frederick Probability with statistical applications / Frederick Mosteller, Robert E.K. Rourke and George B. Thomas.-- Massachusetts: AddisonWesley Publishing Company, 1965. xv,478p (Addison-Wesley series in statistics). With Index 1.Mathematics 2.Basic education I. Rourke, Robert E.K. II. Thomas, George B. III. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 66901

519 NEY

Neyman, J. First course in probability and statistics / J. Neyman.-- New York: Henry Holt and Co, 1950. ix,351p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 43231 519 NUF

Probability and statistics / Nuffield Foundation.-- London: Nuffield Mathematics Project, 1969. 54p 1.Mathematics I. Nuffield Foundation, Mathematics Project. Accn Nos : 73931 519 NUF

Probability and statistics / The Publisher.-London: Nuffield Foundation, 1969. 53p 1.Mathematics I. Nuffield Mathematics Project, London. Accn Nos : F8543 519 PAL

Pal, Saroj K. Statistical techniques: a basic approach to geography / Saroj K. Pal.-- New Delhi: McGraw Hill Publishing Co., 1982. xii,296p

1.Mathematics 2.Geography - statistical analysis I. Title. Accn Nos : 95859 519 PAR

Parzen, Emanuel Modern probability theory and its applications / Emanuel Parzen.-- New York: John Wiley, 1960. 464p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45473 519 PRO

Probability statistics and design of experiments / ed. by R.R. Bahadur.-- New Delhi: Wiley Eastern Limited, 1990. 730p ISBN 81-224-0335-2 1.Mathematics I. Bahadur, R.R. Accn Nos : 111622 519 RAM

Ramsey, A.S. Dynamics, pt-2 / A.S. Ramsey.-- London: Cambridge University Press, 1962. xi,342p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 68871

519 RAM

Ramsey, A.S. Statistics / A.S. Ramsey.-- Delhi: C.B.S. Publishers, 1985. 293p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 106899 519 RAM

Ramsey, A.S. Statistics / A.S. Ramsey.-- Great Britain: University Printing House, 1965. xi,291p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 86694 519 RAM

Ramsey, A.S. Statistics / A.S. Ramsey.-- Great Britain: University Printing House, 1965. xi,291p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 68852 519 RAY

Ray, M. Text book of dynamics of a rigid body / M. Ray and Harswarup Sharma.-- Agra: Student

Friends and Company, 1963. 401p 1.Mathematics I. Sharma, Harswarup. II. Title. Accn Nos : 86695 519 ROW

Rowntree, Derek Statistics without tears: a primer for nonmathematicians / Derek, Rowntree.-Middlesex: Penguin Book Ltd., 1984. 199p 1.Mathematics 2.Statistical mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 101598

519 RUN

Runyon, Richard P. Nonparametric statistics: a contemporary approach / Richard P. Runyon.-- Reading: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1977. 215p. (Addison-Wesley series in statistics) ISBN 0-201-06547-9 1.Mathematics 2.Statistics, nonparametric I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 80985 519 SCH

Schlaifer, Robert Probability and statistics for business decisions / Robert Schlaifer.-- New York: McGraw Hill Book Company, Inc, 1959. xii,723p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 22611 519 SPI

Spiegel, Murray R. Theory and problems of probability and statistics / Murray R. Spiegel.-- Singapore: McGraw-Hill International Book Co, 1982. 372p (Schaum's outline series) 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematical statistics 3.Statistics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 96472

519 SRI

Srivastava, D.N. Sankhyiki evam maapan (HIN) / D.N. Srivastava.-- Agra: Vinod Pustak Mandir, n.d. 296p. ISBN 81-7457-306-2 1.Statistics I. Title. Accn Nos : 128715 519


Sverdrup, Erling Basic concepts of statistical inference / Erling Sverdrup.-- Chicago: Rand McNally & Company, 1967. vi,308p. Vol. 2 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 60086

519 SVE

Sverdrup, Erling Basic concepts of statistical inference / Erling Sverdrup.-- Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company, 1967. xvi,308p. Vol. 1 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 60085 519 USP

Uspensky, J.V. Introduction to mathematical probability / J.V. Uspensky.-- New York: McGraw Hill Book Company Inc, 1937. ix,409p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 58054 519 WEA

Weatherburn, C.E. First course in mathematical statistics / C.E. Weatheburn.-- London: Cambridge University Press, 1961. xii,201p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 45488 519 WEA

Weaver, Warren Lady luck: The theory of problems / Warren Weaver.-- London: Heimann, 1963. 392p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 43083

519 WEI

Weiss, Lionel Statistical decision theory / Lionel Weiss. -- New York: McGraw-Hill, 1961. viii,195p (McGraw-Hill series in probability and statistics) (David Blackwell). Including Index 1.Statistics I. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 3565

519 WIN

Winkler, Robert L. Statistics: probability, inference and decision / Robert L. Winkler and William L. Hays.--2nd ed-- New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1975. xviii,890p (Series in quantitative methods for decision making) (ed. by Robert L. Winkler) 1.Mathematics I. Hays, William L. II. Title (Series). Accn Nos : 79490 519 WOL

Wolf, Fran K.L. Elements of probability and statistics / Fran K.L. Wolf.-- New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc, 1967. xv,319p 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 43091

519 YAM

Yamane, Taro Elementary sampling theory / Taro Yamane.-New York: Pentice-Hall, 1967. x,405p. 1.Mathematics I. Title. Accn Nos : 66904 519 ZEL

Zeldovich, Ya.B. Elements of applied mathematics / Ya.B. Zeldovich and V.D. Myskis.-- Moscow: Mir Publishers, 1976. 656p 1.Mathematics 2.Mathematics 3.Ya.B. Zeldovidh 4.George Yankovsky I. Myskis, V.D. II. Title. Accn Nos : 92688