Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering
Mathematical Model for the Home Health Care Routing and Scheduling Problem with Multiple Treatments and Time Windows Andrés Felipe Torres-Ramos, Edgar Hernán Alfonso-Lizarazo, Lorena Silvana Reyes-Rubiano, Carlos Leonardo Quintero-Araújo
highlighted areas of study are Home Health Care Routing and Scheduling Problem (HHCRSP), which covers aspects of programming and planning of routes for the medical staff are the Rostering Problem (RP), e.g. Nurse Rostering Problem (NRP), and the planning of routes for visits to patients is considered a Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP). These problems are considered as NP-Hard [1], [2]. In this paper personnel scheduling aims to allocate medical staff members to patients; this scheduling must be performed according to the type of pathology of each patient and the availability of time for patients and staff. In this paper the main treatments studied are related with pathologies of palliative type, chronic care, blood anticoagulation and domiciles for wound care. Depending on the treatment there are three types of specialists who can provides these treatments: doctors, nurses, and therapists. Each patient requires a level of personalized medical care, given that some patients are in severe condition and require fewer intervals between treatments, as opposed to patients presenting better health. This generates a periodic planning of each specialist according to the type of treatment and health conditions of each patient. In order to schedule and plan the routes of patient visits it is necessary to consider each patient' time windows, which is a time slot in the day which the patient defines or requires the medical care. Another important aspect in the planning of routes is the starting and end point of each staff member’s daily, for this paper a multi-depot problem is considered, in which case the home of each specialist (doctors, nurses, and therapists) is the beginning and end of each route, this aspect increase the complexity of the model depending on the number of staff members. The outline of the article is as follows. Section II presents a literature review for the HHCRSP. The characteristics on staff and patients for home care are presented in section III. A mathematical model for the HHCRSP is presented in section IV. The results of the mathematical model are shown in section V. Conclusions and recommendations for future research are presented in section VI.
Abstract—Home health care is provided to patients with special conditions in which the assistance is required in their homes. Depending on the pathology, each patient receives specific home care services from specialists, mainly doctors, therapists and nurses. In this context the Home Health Care Routing and Scheduling Problem (HHCRSP) is related with routing and scheduling of the qualified personnel. It integrates the Nurse Rostering Problem (NRP) and the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP). The HHCRSP considers constraints related with time windows, workload and attention capacity among other limitations associated with patients and staff. Due the cost and quality implications that this kind of services generates in health care companies, this article presents a mixed integer linear programming model for planning the periodic schedule of medical staff and the route planning for to patient visits.
Keywords—Home health care, mixed integer programming, qualified staff scheduling, staff routing.
I. INTRODUCTION OME health care is a service that medical institutions provide to patients who, due to their health conditions, can be treated in their homes, in other cases it's an strategy to increasing the capacity of rooms in hospitals. Taking into account the availability of qualified personnel (doctors, nurses, and therapists), the health sector companies offer a variety of treatments required by patients in which time, cost and quality of the service are crucial; therefore personnel scheduling and the routing of visits has great importance. The optimization of home health care has long been a field of interest for the operations research, in this context the
This work was supported by the Master in Operations Management and the International School of Economics and Management Sciences (EICEA) of the Universidad de La Sabana, Chía, Colombia. Andrés Felipe Torres-Ramos is with the International School of Economics and Management Science (EICEA), Universidad de La Sabana, Chía, Colombia (corresponding author to provide phone: 571-8615555 ext.: 25109; e-mail:
[email protected]). Edgar Hernán Alfonso-Lizarazo is with the Engineering Department, Universidad de La Sabana, Chía, Colombia (e-mail:
[email protected]). Lorena Silvana Reyes-Rubiano is with the International School of Economics and Management Sciences (EICEA), Universidad de La Sabana, Chía, Colombia (e-mail:
[email protected]). Carlos Leonardo Quintero-Araújo is with the International School of Economics and Management Sciences (EICEA), Universidad de La Sabana, Chía, Colombia (e-mail:
[email protected]). ISBN: 978-1-61804-256-9
II. LITERATURE REVIEW The home health care routing and scheduling problem (HHCRSP), as mentioned above, make up two problems 140
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associated with each operation involved. In terms of staff planning or the allocation of medical staff to patients referred to the Nurse Rostering Problem (NRP) [3], and routes of visits to patients have been considered under different variations of the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) [2], [4]. The most studied VRP variation in the HHCRSP is the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (VRPTW) [1], [5]–[8], which includes the daily time slot that the patient has to receive medical attention. Other variations of the VRP applied to the HHCRSP have been studied independently are the Multi Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows (MTSPTW), the Vehicle Routing Problem with Multi-Depot (VRPMD) and the Vehicle Routing Problem with Multi-Period (VRPMP), which intend to characterize multiple staff and multiple points in which the staff start and end each route respectively. [9]–[11]. Different methodologies have been used to solve the HHCRSP within operations research. Within the exact methods is the study of Y. Kergosien, C. Lenté and J-C Billaut [9], which seeks to determine the routes of the medical staff visiting patient's home. In order to do so they determine a whole linear programming model. Another exact method used is the Branch-and-Price algorithm, in the paper [6] the authors use this algorithm to assign staff and determine routes by considering visits per groups of patients. Similarly heuristic methods have been used to solve the HHCRSP, as in the article of D. Mankowska, F. Meisel y C. Bierwirth [10], in which the authors develop a heuristic that determines visits to patients through services interconnected by heterogeneous staff. A. Coppi, P. Detti and J. Raffaelli [12] develop a heuristic based on a local search to determine the personnel planning and routing of visits. Despite the good results that generate the exact and heuristic methods, different authors have used metaheuristics, which allow the problem to be development with more data in a reasonably short time. In the paper [8] the authors present the application of the metaheuristics called Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) in the programming of the house medical staff. In the paper [13] the authors apply Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Tabu Search (TS) metaheuristics to the delivery of drugs and the collection of biological samples. Simulated Annealing (SA) and Tabu Search (TS) metaheuristics are proposals in the paper [14] to determine the schedule of therapists within the medical treatments of patients home. On the other hand, the authors have focused their research on various objective functions, the most common is the minimization of the costs of operation, where assignment, overtime and reassignment of staff costs are considered [7], [15], [16], and costs associate to staff and transport [3], [6], [11], [13], [17]. Another objective mainly associated with the routing of the staff is the minimization of time and distance traveled from the operation [8], [10], [18]–[20], which includes minimizing the total journey undertaken by staff to make visits to the patients. This article focuses on minimizing the total time of operation, as a component of the level of patient satisfaction.
ISBN: 978-1-61804-256-9
Additionally, the study of the scheduling of personal and the planning of routes of patient visits integrating the MTSPTW, the VRPMD and the VRPMP in a single problem: MultiTraveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows, MultiDepot and Multi-Period (MTSPTWMDMP). III. CHARACTERISTICS OF STAFF AND PATIENTS IN HOME HEALTH CARE In the most of the revised articles only one type of staff is considered. The home care system studied in this paper, the services can be provided by nurses, doctors and therapists. On the other hand the HHCRSP considers the attention of different services or pathologies of the patients. In this article four types of services are considered (domicile, blood anticoagulation, chronic care, palliative care), and according to the treatment of these pathologies patients require more than one type of staff. The legal and economic aspects related with the working time of the medical staff are considered [5]. A summary of the aspects considered in our model are shown in Figure 1, adapted from Bertels and Fahle [18].
Fig. 1 Characteristics for the HHCRSP
Patients have characteristics that, in addition to the characteristics of the medical staff, delimit the operation; one of the most important is the time window, which represents the time slot that each patient defines or requires for the home visit. There are also features associated with the pathology of each patient. One of them is the demand for personnel, as mentioned above, the type of pathology determines the type of staff required and the frequency between visits, which is dependent on the condition of each patient's health. IV. MATHEMATICAL FORMULATION FOR THE HHCRSP This article proposes a mathematical model for the HHCRSP with different types of specialized personnel (doctors, nurses and therapists), which starts and ends every route in their own homes (multi-depot), and is performed in a 141
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horizon of time (multi-period). The problem is defined as a directed graph G=(V,A) with a set V = CM ∪ CE ∪ CT ∪ PM of nodes, which refer to the sets of nodes corresponding to the depot represented by the homes of doctors (CM), homes of nurses (CE) and homes of therapists (CT), and nodes of patients (PM). And the set of arcs A = {(i, j): i, j ϵ V, i ≠ j}. Every patient i ϵ PM suffers from a unique pathology, which is classified into four services: domicile, blood anticoagulation, chronic care and palliative care. Each service s ϵ S is served by the type of personal p ϵ P required according to the matrix. Additionally, each patient has a demand for visits according to the type of staff and service ( DM is , DEis , DTi s ), these visits are performed within a time
The proposed mixed integer linear programming model below is to solve the HHCRSP. Objective function
iV j V p P d D sS
s p
TM d i
lid M N KM i KEi
Yi pd Ui
X jipd , i PM , p P, d D
j PM
X ijpd 0, i V , p P, d D
(5) (6)
X ijpd 1, i V / PM , p P, d D
X ijpd 1, j V / PM , p P , d D
j PM
i PM
X ijpd 0, i V , d D
j V / PM , j p pP , p j d KM i
j V , j i pM
X ijpf 1, i PM , d H KM i
X ijpf 1, i PM , d H KEi
X ijpf 1, i PM , d H KTi
f d
d KEi
j V , j i p E
f d
d KTi
j V , j i pT
Travel time of personal p from the patient i to the patient j. Time of treatment requiring the patient i of the personal p in service s. Number of visits required by the patient i of doctors in service s. Number of visits required by the patient i of nurses in service s. Number of visits required by the patient i of therapists in service s. Personal p attending the service s. Maximum working time of the day of the staff. Start time of the time window of patient i on the day d. Closing time of the time window of patient i on the day d. Large number. Index i size. Period of time between doctors’ visits required by the patient i. Period of time between nurses visits required by the patient i. Period of time between therapists visits required by the patient i. Planning horizon.
f d
pd ij
SPps DM is , i PM , s S
pd ij
SPps DEis , i PM , s S
pd ij
SPps DTi s , i PM , s S
pd ij
1, i PM , d D
pd ij
1, i PM , d D
pd ij
1, i PM , d D
jV d D pM
jV d D p E
jV d D pT
j V pM
jV p E
jV pT
U i U j X ijpd N N 1, i , j PM , p P , d D
X ijpd 0,1 , i, j V , i j , p P, d D
Yi pd 0, i V , p P, d D
U i 0, i V
The model presents the routing and scheduling of the home medical staff, minimizing the total time of operation (transportation and service) (1). Constraints (2) determines the maximum working load per day for each staff. Constraints (3)
Binary: 1. If the personal p visit the patient i and then the patient j on the day d. 0. On the contrary. Time of arrival of the personal p visit the patient i on the day d. Auxiliary variable to avoid subtours to visit each patient i. ISBN: 978-1-61804-256-9
X ijpd
j V , j i
Decision variables X ijpd
DTi s
Yi pd TSips TVijp Y jpd M 1 X ijpd , i, j V , i j , p P, d D
Table I Notation used from modelling the HHCRSP
(2) (3)
j PM
according to the type of personnel, since doctors are mobilized by means of private transport that is faster than public transport by which nurses and therapists are mobilized. The parameters and decision variables used from modelling the HHCRSP are shown below in Table I.
eid Yi pd lid , i PM , p P, d D
house of the patient in eid minimum and maximum in lid . As mentioned earlier, each staff member starts and ends its route in their respective home and they have a maximum working time per day TM. In addition the travel times (TVijp ) differ
DM is
ps TSi TM , i V , p P , d D s S
pd ij
other hand each patient's time window is framed within a length of time per day (eid , lid ), in which staff must reach the
Subject to
horizon in days (d ϵ D) with a periodicity according to the patient and the type of personnel ( KM i , KEi , KTi ). On the
Minimize Z X ijpd TVijp TS ips * SPps
Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering
and (4) impose the time window per each patient each day according to the staff. Constraints (5) ensures the flow of staff patients every day. Constraints (6) avoid fictitious routes of the staff. Constraints (7), (8) and (9) determine the medical staff every day goes out and returns to their respective home. Constraints (10), (11) and (12) determine the period of time between visits to each patient according to the type of staff and planning horizon. Constraints (13), (14) and (15) guarantee the fulfillment of the demand for visits of each patient according to the type of staff required. Constraints (16), (17) and (18) impose maximum one service with every visit to medical personnel for each patient per day. Constraints (19) eliminates the subtours generated in the programming model. Finally, constraint (20) define the variable X ijpd and constraints (21)
information from a company's industry in Colombia, test has 16 patients of services: 1. Domicile, 2. Blood anticoagulation, 3. Chronic care and 4. Palliative care. Each service requires attention of different types of staff (doctors, nurses and therapists), according to the service required of one or another personal type as shown in the matrix SPps (see Table II). In addition, Table II shows the number of people for each type of staff, where a total of 19 staff members is determined. The 16 patients require a total of 101 visits of all medical staff in a two weeks' time horizon, in addition to a periodicity between visits as shown in Table III.
Table II Services handled by each type of personal
and (22) determine non-negativity Yi pd and U i variables.
Number of specialists 3 8 8
Type of staff Doctors Nurses Therapists
V. RESULTS As mentioned in section II the model proposed in this article is complex, and is based on a Multi-Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows, Multi-Depot and Multi-Period (MTSPTWMDMP). For HHCRSP model validation tests with
Type of service 1 2 3 4 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1
Table III Type of service, demand and periodicity of visits required by patients Type of service Patient i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
Periodicity between visits
Doctors Nurses Therapists Doctors Nurses Therapists KM i
DM is
DTi s
3 4 4 3 5 4 4 3 3 4 2 4 2 3
1 2 1 3 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 3 1 3 1 3
4 2 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 1 2
1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 3 1 3 2
3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 2
2 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 2
The model was implemented using GAMS commercial software version 24.1.3, with a time limit of 4000 seconds in a personal computer Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4200U CPU with 1.6 GHz with 8 GB of RAM. The solution of the model determines the routes per day needed to meet the demand of visits that patients require. Each route is carried out by a member of the medical staff who begins and ends at home. Table IV shows the routes to perform on day 1, which identifies 3 routes that are performed by the nurse 6, nurse 8 and therapist 5 respectively. For example, the nurse 6 route starts in her home, then visit the patients 6, 5, 8 and 13 in that ISBN: 978-1-61804-256-9
Demand of visits
respective order, and finally part of the last patient (13) to her home as the end point of the route. The model gives total of 27 routes divided into 11 days (Appendix: Results of the Model of the HHCRSP), routes are carried out by a total of 12 staff members (doctor 1, doctor 2, doctor 3, nurse 2, nurse 6, nurse 8, therapist 1, therapist 3, therapist 4, therapist 5, therapist 6 and therapist 7), as the total number of staff members mentioned above are 19, therefore compliance is evidence with the route with 7 members less, proving the optimization of human resources and the capacity to serve a greater number of patients. 143
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Table IV Routs for day 1 Nurse 6 From To NH6 6 6 5 5 8 8 13 13 NH6
Day 1 Nurse 8 From To NH8 11 11 15 15 3 3 2 2 NH8
Doctor 3 From To DH3 10 10 6 6 15 15 13 13 12 12 DH3
Therapist 5 From To TH5 4 4 13 13 12 12 TH5
The total operation time of the staff in all the time horizon is 8346 minutes, for which the 64.1% of the time corresponds to the time of travel, and the remaining 35.9% of time corresponds to the time of service.
Day 4 Nurse 2 Therapist 4 Therapist 6 From To From To From To NH2 10 TH4 8 TH6 16 10 6 8 9 16 14 6 9 9 13 14 15 9 15 13 12 15 TH6 15 1 12 TH4 1 NH2
Day 5 Doctor 1 Nurse 8 From To From To DH1 11 NH8 11 11 8 11 5 8 16 5 8 16 7 8 7 7 DH1 7 13 13 12 12 NH8
I. CONCLUSION This article proposes a model for the problem of routing and scheduling of medical staff in the home health care systems, which considers characteristics as different types of staff, different services, multi-depot, time windows and multiperiod. These features facilitates the application of this model in real conditions related with the home health care services. The study of the HHCRSP can lead in many directions. First implement heuristics and metaheuristics, which allow the analysis of the problem with more data in less time. On the other hand the integration of other types of services as delivery and pick-up of medicines and biological samples and the emergency services, which involve new constraints and considerations associated with uncertainty in the demand and the availability of staff.
Day 6 Nurse 2 From To NH2 10 10 9 9 16 16 14 14 4 4 NH2
APPENDIX: RESULTS OF THE MODEL OF THE HHCRSP The results of the model of the HHCRSP determine a total of 27 routes in 12 days (two weeks) of operation.
Day 7 Doctor 1 Therapist 1 Therapist 5 Therapist 7 From To From To From To From To DH1 5 TH1 7 TH5 11 TH7 10 5 3 7 TH1 11 14 10 6 3 13 14 13 6 5 13 DH1 13 12 5 8 12 TH5 8 9 9 TH7
Day 1 Nurse 6 Nurse 8 Therapist 5 From To From To From To NH6 6 NH8 11 TH5 4 6 5 11 15 4 13 5 8 15 3 13 12 8 13 3 2 12 TH5 13 NH6 2 NH8
Day 8 Doctor 1 Nurse 2 From To From To DH1 10 NH2 7 10 9 7 3 9 DH1 3 2 2 1 1 NH2
Day 3 Therapist 3 From To TH3 5 5 TH3
ISBN: 978-1-61804-256-9
Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering
Day 9 Doctor 3 From To DH3 11 11 6 6 15 15 DH3
Day 10 Nurse 2 Therapist 6 Therapist 7 From To From To From To NH2 10 TH6 8 TH7 10 10 6 8 7 10 6 6 9 7 TH6 6 9 9 15 9 15 15 1 15 TH7 1 NH2
Day 11 Nurse 8 Therapist 6 From To From To NH8 3 TH6 11 3 2 11 5 2 NH8 5 16 16 14 14 4 4 TH6
Day 12 Doctor 1 Doctor 2 Nurse 2 Nurse 8 From To From To From To From To DH1 5 DH2 4 NH2 16 NH8 11 5 8 4 12 16 14 11 5 8 16 12 DH2 14 4 5 8 16 14 4 NH2 8 7 14 15 7 13 15 13 13 12 13 DH1 12 NH8
ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors thank the sponsorship of this project to the Master in Operations Management and the International School of Economics and Management Sciences (EICEA) of the Universidad de La Sabana. REFERENCES [1]
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