COURSE DESCRIPTION: Basic concepts in computer systems including
computer structure, ... TEXTBOOK: Assembly Language for Intel-Based
Computers, 4 th.
Mathematics, Statistics & Computer Science
University of Wisconsin-Stout Jarvis Hall Science Wing 231 Menomonie, WI 54751-0790
CS-245 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER ORGANIZATION (Previously CS-241 [354-241] Assembly Language Programming)
Basic concepts in computer systems including computer structure, machine language, assembly languages, addressing techniques, macros, file I/O, program segmentation and linkage. Prerequisite: CS-145 Computer Science II
Assembly Language for x96 Processors, 6th Ed., by Irvine (adopted Spring 12) Guide to Assembly Language Programming in Linux, 1st Ed., by Dandamudi (adopted Spring 08) Previous: Assembly Language for Intel-Based Computers, 4th Ed., by Irvine (adopted S05) Introduction to 80x86 Assembly Language, 1st Ed., by Detmer (adopted S03) Assembly Language for Intel-Based Computers, 3rd Ed., by Irvine (adopted F99) Assembly Language Programming, 2nd Ed., by Lemone (previously used)
COURSE OBJECTIVES: 1. The student shall acquire an understanding of the basic structure of computer systems at the conventional machine level. 2. The student will become fluent in assembly language programming of a modern computer system. 3. The student will gain insight into some of the elementary concepts of computer architecture. COURSE OUTLINE: 1. Computer Structure and Machine Language: Memory, control, processing and I/O units. Resisters, principal machine instruction types and their formats. Character representation, program control and program status word. Fetch-execute cycle, timing, I/O operations. 2. Assembly Language: Mnemonic operations, symbolic addressing, assembler concepts and instruction format, literals, location counter, error flags and messages, implementation of high level language constructs. 3. Addressing Techniques: Indexing, indirect addressing, absolute and relative addressing. 4. Macros: Definition, call, parameters, expansion, nesting, conditional assembly. 5. File I/O: basic characteristics of I/O and auxiliary storage devices, file control system, I/O specification statements and device handlers, data handling, including buffering and blocking. 6. Program Segmentation and Linkage: subroutines, co-routines, recursive and reentrant routines.
Updated 8/2015 Revised 7/2004 Revised 3/1984 Revised 10/1980 Revised 3/1971 9/1967