codling moth Laspe)'resia pomo"ello L. (Lepidoptera: TorlricidaeJ in the northern and southern hemispheres. Entomal. Rev. 46: 349-361. Steiner, L. F. 1940.
Mating Disruption of Codling Moth (Lepidoptera:
Tortricidael with Polyethylene Tube Dispensers:
Determining Emission Rates and the
Distribution of Fruit Injuries'
Alan L. Knight, J. F. Howell, Leslie M. McDonough, and Mark Weiss Yakima Al:,'1'icultural Research Laboratory
AgriculLur-aJ Research Service. USDA
3706 W. Nob Hill Blvd.
Yakima. Washington 98902 USA
J. Ab'Tic. I~ntomol. 12(2-3): 85·100 (April I July 1995)
ABSTRACT Emission characteristics of three sex pheromone components of codling moth. Cydia pomoflella (L.), from a polyethylene lube dispenser lIsed for mating disruption were determined and regression models predicting the emission rate of' each componeni as a function of temperature and accumulated degree hours above DoC were developed. Field experiments were conducted in small plots of apple during 1989-90 t.o measure intraseasonal changes in the distribution of fruit injury within pheromone· treated blocks. Fruit injury was < 0.5% in 0.4 ha plots treated with 1,000 4,000 dispensers per ha in 1989 except in plots situated along the border of the orchard adjacent to a non-pheromone-treated orchard with high levels of fTuit injury. In a separate orchard in 1990, the differential application of pheromone dispensers (2,000 per hal and insecticides was used to create four I-ha plots with moderate to high population densities of codling moth larvae during the first generation (50-fold range in densities of injured fruits per tree). Subsequently, all plots were treaLed with pheromone prior to the second generution. Fruit injury at harvest was < 1.0% for 'Delicious' in all plots except the highest density (HD) plot (4.0%), but was ca. 1.0% or higher for "Golden Delicious' in all plots (14% in the liD plot). The mean number of injured fruits per tree for 'Delicious' and 'Golden Delicious' illcr'eased 10 and 25 fold between generations in the plot adjacent to and within tOO m of the HD plot, respectively. Results from bot.h years demonstrated the effectiveness of disruption in suppressing t.he populat.ion buildup of codling mot.h in plots of apple not exposed to immigration of mot.hs. KEY WORDS EIO-12:0H
]nsccla, codling moth, mating disruption, sex pheromone, EB,
Codling moth, Cydia pomollclla (L.) is a major pest of pome fruits and walnuts in most temperate regions of the world (Shel'deshova 1967). Codling moth resistance to organophosphate insecticides in the United States has been reported in populations in pear (Varela et al. 1993) and apple (Bush et al. 1993, Knight et al. 1994).
Accepted for publication 7 April 1995.
J. Agrie. Entomol. Vol. 12, No. 2-3 (1995)
Combined with increasingly stringent. regulations for pesticide use and soaring costs for registration of new compounds, the development of alternative management tactics for codling moth is urgently needed (Beers 1990). Following the identification of codlemone, (E,E)-8,IO-dodecadien-l-01, as the major sex pheromone component of codling moth (Roelofs et al. 1971), mating disruption of codling moth using codlemone has been explored for nearly 20 years (see Vickers & Rothschild 1991 for a review). Studies by Am et al. (1985), Einhorn et al. (1986), and Bartell et al. (1988) found that secondary compounds improved the attractiveness and a commercial patent of a three component blend for mating disruption was obtained (Rothschild et .1. 1988). Several authors (Howell et al. 1992, Barnes et al. 1992, Pfeiffer et al. 1993) have recently reported on the use of this multicomponent blend in two different types of polyethylene dispensers for control of cod.ling moth (Brown et aJ. 1992, McDonough et aJ. 1992). Studies with the multicomponent dispenser system have shown that mating disruption of codling moth can be effective when the moth population density is low and orchards are isolated either physically (Barnes et aJ. 1992) or by use of sprayed-buffer zones (Howell et aJ. 1992). Yet control failures of codling motb with pheromones have been reported (Pfeiffer et aJ. 1993). More fruit injury has occurred along the borders than in the center of blocks in many pheromone-treated orchards (A.L.K., unpubJ. data). Whether this "edge effect" is due to poor pheromone coverage, immigration of mated females, or both remains largely hypothetical (Pfeiffer et aJ. 1993). Milli & Dick!er (1993) using a portable electroantennogram showed that pheromone concentration was lower along the edge than in the center of treated orchards. Dispersal of female codling moth has been reported by numerous authors using catches in bait pans (Steiner 1940) 01' light traps (Worthley & Nicholas 1937), or the distribution of fruit injury (Wildbolz & Mani 1959, White et aJ. 1973). However, the effect of sex pheromones on the behavior and specifically the movement patterns of females into or between pheromone·treated orchards is unknown. Herein we report several studies that were conducted in 1989-90 to provide data on the emission characteristics of three components of codling moth's sex pheromone from a sealed polyethylene tube dispenser, and to provide data on the extent and distance of female dispersal (based on the incidence of fruit injury) into and between pheromone-treated plots.
Materials and Methods Dispenser Characteristics. Translucent polyethylene tube dispensers manufactured by Shin·Etsu Chemical (Tokyo, Japan) were obtained from Pacific Biocantrol Limited (Davis, Calif,), Each dispenser contained an average of 87% active ingredient (AI) (63:31:6 blend of 0 injuries, and the equation with the maximum R2, In (y) = -0.083 + 23.6181distance (R2 = 0.97) for trees with more than 4 injuries are shown in Fig. 3. Fifty percent of the trees with >0 and >4 injuries were positioned < 225
J. Agric. Entomol. Vol. 12, No. 2-3 1995)
a. '--"
E Q)
20 10 0
Dispenser placement - - Julian dale 120 30
0 ,--.... D:::: L.
Q) (II
::t '--"
0 Q)
0 100
Julian Date 40
0,--.... U
L. Q)
a. '--"
E Q)
30 20 10 0
Dispenser placement
D:::: Q) (II
0 Q) Q)
Julian dale141 .............. Julian dole 206
o 140
Julian Date
Fig. 2. Air temperatures and calculated emission rates (Ilglh) ofE8, E10-12:0H from a sealed polyethylene tube dispenser at dusk (2100-2200 hrs), for 1989 (A); 1990 (B).
KNlGHT et al.: Mating Disruption orCodJing Moth
Table 4. Fruit injury by codling moth in 0.4 ha plots treated with various densities of a sealed polyethylene tube dispenser in 1989 in an apple orchard near Zillah, WA. Percent fruit injury Plot 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 a
# dispensers
2000" 0" 2000" 0 4000 2000 1000 4000 1000 2000 2000 2000
1st gen.
2nd gen.
0.21 0.05 0.02 0.23 0.09 0.06 0.02 0.00 0.31 0.09 0.04 0.04
1.06 0.21 0.08 0.41 0.68 0.27 0.06 0.05 1.44 0.15 0.04 0.03
1.27 0.26 0.11 0.64 0.77 0.33 0.08 0.05 1.75 0.25 0.09 0.07
Plots were sprayed wiLh 9 applications of 8.96 kglha ryanio and 3 applications of 0.56 kgn,a DipeL
and 75 0' from the SW corner of block AI, respectively (Fig. 3). Measured from the center of block At this was renect a mean dispersal distance of 275 - 425 0' (assuming a uniform distribution of emergence sites of moths in block A J and an insignificant moth population density developing within these plots). Field Trial 1990. Sampling efficiency for counting codling moth injuries with persons on t"..·o mobile ladders and a single person on the ground was low, especially for 'Delicious.' The percentage of all codling moth injuries found on trees in July and September samples were only 31% a.nd 40% for 'Delicious' and 55% and 63% for 'Golden Delicious,' respectively. Sampling efficiency was significantly. and negatively correlated with crop load (r 2 = 0.11, P = 0.03). A 50-fold range in the mean number of injured fruit per tree during first generation was established among the four plots (Table 5). The delayed application of pheromone combined with the lack of any insecticides in plot D contributed to this plot having the highest population density_ The population density during the first generation in the untreated plot A was also high (Table 5). The relatively higher population in plot D versus A was likely due to its proximity to a wood pile from a recently cui orchard that may have harbored overwintering codling moth larvae. The higher population density in the eastern versus the western plots was supported by relatively higher catches of males in pheromone-baited traps prior to the placement of pheromone dispensers (14.8 versus 8.3 moths per trap per wk).
Fig. 3. Proportion of trees within 30 m distance classes from the SW corner of block A] with> 0 and> 4 injured fruits at harvest, 1989.
The use of mating disruption during second generation in all four plots was not sufficient to maintain commercially acceptable levels of fruit injury «0.1%) (Table 5). The percentage of fruit injured at harvest was less than 1% for 'Delicious' in all plots except plot D (4.0%). In contrast, levels of injury for 'Golden Delicious' were greater than 1% in all plots except plot B (0.9%) (Table 5). This preference by codling moth for 'Golden Delicious' versus 'Delicious' was also found by Howell et al. (1992). Increases in fruit injury in plots 8 and C which occurred between generations in 1990 (ca. 250% increase in plot B for both cultivars and ca. 850% and 2400% increase in 'Delicious' and 'Golden Delicious' in plot C. respectively [Table 5]) were affected by the movement of females out of plot D. The area of high codling moth density (>20 or >40 injuries per tree for 'Delicious' and 'Golden Delicious', respectively) increased from 50 m to 200 m in width from first to second generation (Fig. 4). Our data from 1989-90 on the spread of codling moth infestation in pheromone-treated orchards are consistent with previous studies of the distribution of oviposition by females immigrating into uninfested, nonpheromone-treated orchards, i.e., > 90% of eggs oviposited on trees 10: C :Jlot 0 200 . . , - - - - , - - - - - , . - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - ,
.D () t~
-0 '_
..- =>
. •••. •,.,. •
·l·I.,.· .....
· "t:.
Plot .A.
200 150
Pic. B
:J) C ::).
u ''
· ~ o1 -!tI':". - •
:0. _.-
• ••
o 'Q) Q) .DQ)
--- - --_.-.-. . - .. -.# .... •• 1.!IlJ .,-'
.'1..;.:..',-:: ~~~•. -. 250
· C s: nee l.m) I
Fig. 4. Adjusted number of injured fruit per tree during first (A) and second (B) generation of codling moth as a function of distance from the western edge of the Tieton orchard, 1990.
Acknow ledgmen t
We would like to thank J. Krysan, T. Unruh, D. Brown, W. Aller, L. Lydin, R. Grigg, and numer'OUS summer field assistants at the USDA, ARS Laboratory, Yakima, WA. who collected these data and participated in planning certain aspects of the study. We would also like to offer our gratitude to John Hardman, Agricultural Canada, Jocelyn Millar, Univ. of Cali f.-River ide, and Ron Prokopy, Univ. of Mass. for their helpful comments on an earlier ver ion of this manu cript. Funds for this work were provided by a USDA Pilot Project grant.
KNlGHT et al.: Mating Disruption of Codling Moth
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