Nov 1, 2018 - 96 of. Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, New York, second ed., 1990. D. S. Dummit and R. M. Foote, Abstract algebra, John.
Algebraic Case Analytic Case References
Matricial Banach Spaces Will Grilliette Texas State University Department of Mathematics
1 November 2018
W. Grilliette
Matricial Banach Spaces
Algebraic Case Analytic Case References
Left Adjoint Functors Free Module/Vector Space
Definition (Reflection along a functor, [2, Definition 3.1.1]) Let D
/ C and C ∈ Ob(C). A reflection of C along F consists η
of an object R ∈ Ob(D) and a morphism C
/ F (R) ∈ C such
/ F (D) ∈ C, there is a unique that for any D ∈ Ob(D) and C φˆ / D ∈ D such that F φ ˆ ◦ η = φ. R
D ?D
/ F (D) ;
F (φˆ)
F (R) W. Grilliette
Matricial Banach Spaces
Algebraic Case Analytic Case References
Left Adjoint Functors Free Module/Vector Space
Definition (Left adjoint functor, [2, Definition 3.1.4]) Let D
/ C . A left adjoint functor to F consists of a functor
η / D and a natural transformation idC / F ◦ L such C that L(C ) and ηC form a reflection along F for all C ∈ Ob(C). L
Example (Some adjoint pairs) Left Discrete top. space ˇ Stone-Cech compactification Free semigroup Independent set of vertices Independent set of directed edges
W. Grilliette
Right Forgetful Top → Set Forgetful Comp → Top Forgetful Sgr → Set Vertex Q → Set Edge Q → Set
Matricial Banach Spaces
Algebraic Case Analytic Case References
Left Adjoint Functors Free Module/Vector Space
How does one construct a free module or vector space? Definition (Free module, [4, p. 335]) Fix a unital ring R and let F : R ModR → Set be the forgetful functor. Given a set S, define L(S) := {f ∈ Set(S, R) : f has finite support} to have pointwise arithmetic: • (f + g )(s) := f (s) + g (s), • (r · f )(s) := r · f (s).
1, t = s, 0, t = 6 s. Also, define ηS : S → FL(S) by ηS (s) := δs . The family (δs )s∈S is the standard basis. For s ∈ S, define the Kronecker delta by δs (t) :=
W. Grilliette
Matricial Banach Spaces
Algebraic Case Analytic Case References
Left Adjoint Functors Free Module/Vector Space
Theorem (Universal property, [4, Theorem 10.6]) Given S L(S)
/ F (M) ∈ Set, there is a unique
/ M ∈ R ModR such that F φ ˆ ◦ ηS = φ.
Proof. Define φˆ on the standard basis by φˆ (δs ) := φ(s). Theorem (Vector spaces are free, [10, Theorem III.5.1]) If R is a field, then every module is isomorphic to a free module.
W. Grilliette
Matricial Banach Spaces
Algebraic Case Analytic Case References
Banach Spaces Weighted Sets Matricially Normed Spaces Array-Weighted Sets
What about normed vector spaces? Definition (Normed vector space, [3, Definitions III.1.1-2]) Let F ∈ {R, C}. Given a vector space V over F, a norm on V is a function k · k : V → [0, ∞) satisfying the following conditions: • kv k = 0 if and only if v = 0, • kλ · v k = |λ| · kv k, • kv + w k ≤ kv k + kw k. A normed vector space is a vector space equipped with a norm. A Banach space is a normed vector space that is complete in the induced metric. d(v , w ) := kv − w k.
W. Grilliette
Matricial Banach Spaces
Algebraic Case Analytic Case References
Banach Spaces Weighted Sets Matricially Normed Spaces Array-Weighted Sets
Example (`p -spaces, [3, Exercise III.1.3]) Given n ∈ N and p ≥ 1, then k~v kp :=
n X
!1/p |~v (k)|
, k~v k∞ := max {|~v (k)| : 1 ≤ k ≤ n}
are norms on Fn . Definition (Equivalent norms, [3, p. 64]) Two norms on V are equivalent if they induce the same metric topology on V . Theorem (Finite-dimensional normed spaces, [3, Theorem III.3.1]) If V is finite-dimensional, then all norms on V are equivalent. W. Grilliette
Matricial Banach Spaces
Algebraic Case Analytic Case References
Banach Spaces Weighted Sets Matricially Normed Spaces Array-Weighted Sets
Example (Lp -spaces, [6, Theorem 6.6]) Given a measure space (X , Σ, µ) and p ≥ 1, then Z kf k :=
|f (x)| dµ X
is a norm on Lp (X , Σ, µ). Example (L∞ -spaces, [6, Theorem 6.8]) Given a measure space (X , Σ, µ), then kf k := inf {a ∈ R : µ ({x : |f (x)| > a}) = 0} is a norm on L∞ (X , Σ, µ). W. Grilliette
Matricial Banach Spaces
Algebraic Case Analytic Case References
Banach Spaces Weighted Sets Matricially Normed Spaces Array-Weighted Sets
Definition (Categories, [2, Examples 1.2.5.f & 1.2.5.h]) Let Ban∞ be the category of Banach spaces with continuous linear maps, and Ban1 be the category of Banach spaces with contractive linear maps. Proposition (Continuous linear operators, [3, Proposition III.2.1]) Given normed vector spaces V and W , let φ : V → W be linear. The following are equivalent: 1
φ is uniformly continuous;
φ is continuous;
φ is continuous at 0;
φ is continuous at some point in V ;
there is some L ≥ 0 such that kφ(v )kW ≤ Lkv kV for all v ∈ V. W. Grilliette
Matricial Banach Spaces
Algebraic Case Analytic Case References
Banach Spaces Weighted Sets Matricially Normed Spaces Array-Weighted Sets
Corollary (Internal hom, [3, Exercise III.2.1]) If V , W are Banach spaces, then [V , W ] = Ban∞ (V , W ) is a Banach space under pointwise operations and the operator norm defined below. kφk[V ,W ] := inf {L ∈ R : kφ(v )kW ≤ Lkv kV ∀v ∈ V } Is there a free Banach space? NO! Proposition (Folklore) Let S 6= ∅ and C be a subcategory of Ban1 . If Ob(C) contains V ∼ 6 O, then S has no associated free object in C. = Proposition (Bounded version) Let S be an infinite set and C be a subcategory of Ban∞ . If Ob(C) contains V ∼ 6 O, then S has no associated free object in C. = W. Grilliette
Matricial Banach Spaces
Algebraic Case Analytic Case References
Banach Spaces Weighted Sets Matricially Normed Spaces Array-Weighted Sets
Proof of bounded case. Let FC : C → Set be the forgetful functor. For purposes of η
/ FC (W ) ∈ Set contradiction, say that there is W ∈ C and S satisfy the free mapping property. Let ws := η(s). Fix a unit vector u ∈ V and define φ : S → V by φ(s) := u. There is a φˆ / V ∈ Ban∞ such that FC φˆ ◦ η = φ. For s ∈ S, unique W
1 = kukV = kφ(s)kV = FC φˆ ◦ η (s) V
= φˆ (ws ) ≤ φˆ · kws kW , V
[W ,V ]
so kws kW 6= 0. Let (sn )n∈N ⊆ S be distinct and define ψ : S → V n kwsn kW · u, t = sn , by ψ(t) := 0, otherwise. W. Grilliette
Matricial Banach Spaces
Algebraic Case Analytic Case References
Banach Spaces Weighted Sets Matricially Normed Spaces Array-Weighted Sets
Proof of bounded case, continued. There is a unique W For n ∈ N, n kwsn kW
/ V ∈ Ban∞ such that FC ψˆ ◦ η = ψ.
= kn kwsn kW · ukV = kψ (sn )kV
= FC ψˆ ◦ η (sn ) = ψˆ (wsn ) V V
ˆ ≤ ψ · kwsn kW , [W ,V ]
so n ≤ ψˆ
[W ,V ]
. Hence, ψˆ
[W ,V ]
= ∞, contradicting that ψˆ
was continuous. W. Grilliette
Matricial Banach Spaces
Algebraic Case Analytic Case References
Banach Spaces Weighted Sets Matricially Normed Spaces Array-Weighted Sets
Can one replace Set? YES! Definition (Weighted sets, [7]) A weighted set is a set S equipped with a weight function wS : S → [0, ∞). Given two weighted sets S and T , a function φ : S → T is bounded if there is L ≥ 0 such that for all s ∈ S, wT (φ(s)) ≤ L · wS (s). Let bnd(φ) := inf {L ∈ R : wT (φ(s)) ≤ L · wS (s)∀s ∈ S} , the bound constant of φ. If bnd(φ) ≤ 1, φ is contractive. Let WSet1 denote the category of weighted sets with contractive maps, and WSet∞ denote the category of weighted sets with WSet∞ bounded maps. Let FBan : Ban∞ → WSet∞ the forgetful ∞ functor stripping all linear structure. W. Grilliette
Matricial Banach Spaces
Algebraic Case Analytic Case References
Banach Spaces Weighted Sets Matricially Normed Spaces Array-Weighted Sets
The failure of freeness arises in weighted sets as well. Proposition (Contractive map failure, [9, Proposition 2.2.13]) Let S 6= ∅ and C be a subcategory of WSet1 . Assume that for each n ∈ N, there is a weighted set Tn ∈ Ob(C) with an element tn ∈ Tn satisfying that wTn (tn ) ≥ n. Then, S has no associated free object in C. Proposition (Bounded map failure, [9, Proposition 2.3.12]) Let S be an infinite set and C be a subcategory of WSet∞ . Assume there is a weighted set T ∈ Ob(C) with elements (tn )n∈N ⊆ T satisfying that wT (tn ) ≥ n for all n ∈ N. Then, S has no associated free object in C.
W. Grilliette
Matricial Banach Spaces
Algebraic Case Analytic Case References
Banach Spaces Weighted Sets Matricially Normed Spaces Array-Weighted Sets
Definition (Scaled-free Banach space, [7, p. 281]) −1 ˆ For a weighted set the discrete S, let S := S \ wS (0). Define X ˆ measure µS : P S → [0, ∞] by µS (T ) := wS (s). The s∈T
scaled-free Banach space of S is ˆ P Sˆ , µS , BanSp(S) := L1 S, a weighted `1 -space over C. Define ζS : S → BanSp(S) by ζS (s) :=
ˆ 0, s 6∈ S, ˆ δs , s ∈ S,
ˆ where δs is the point mass at s ∈ S. W. Grilliette
Matricial Banach Spaces
Algebraic Case Analytic Case References
Banach Spaces Weighted Sets Matricially Normed Spaces Array-Weighted Sets
Theorem (Universal property, [7, Theorem 3.1.1]) If S
/ F WSet∞ (W ) ∈ WSet∞ . Then, there is a unique Ban∞
/ W ∈ Ban∞ such that F WSet∞ φ ˆ ◦ ζS = φ. Ban∞
Moreover, bnd(φ) = φˆ
[BanSp(S),W ]
Proof. Define φˆ on the standard basis by φˆ (δs ) := φ(s). Observe that
λs δs ≤ |λs | · kφ(s)kW
s∈E s∈E W
≤ |λs | · bnd(φ)wS (s) = bnd(φ) λs δ s .
W. Grilliette
Matricial Banach Spaces
Algebraic Case Analytic Case References
Banach Spaces Weighted Sets Matricially Normed Spaces Array-Weighted Sets
Definition (Matrix-normed spaces, [1, p. 264]) For n ∈ N, equip Cn with the Euclidean norm. For m, n ∈ N, let Mm,n be equipped with the operator norm from Cn to Cm . For a vector space V , a matrix-norm on V is a net (k · kV ,m,n )m,n∈N such that 1
k · kV ,m,n is a norm on Mm,n (V ),
kABC kV ,k,l ≤ kAkMk,m kBkV ,m,n kC kMn,l
for all k, m, n, l ∈ N, A ∈ Mk,m , B ∈ Mm,n (V ), C ∈ Mn,l . A vector space V equipped with such a matrix-norm is a matrix-normed space.
W. Grilliette
Matricial Banach Spaces
Algebraic Case Analytic Case References
Banach Spaces Weighted Sets Matricially Normed Spaces Array-Weighted Sets
Definition (Completely bounded maps, [8, Definition 2.2.4]) Given matrix-normed spaces V and W , a linear map φ : V → W is completely bounded if 1 2
Mm,n (φ) is continuous for all m, n ∈ N, n o kφk[V ,W ]cb := sup kMm,n (φ)k[Mm,n (V ),Mm,n (W )] : m, n ∈ N < ∞.
The map φ is completely contractive if kφk[V ,W ]cb ≤ 1. The standard definition given in [1, 5, 11, 12] uses square matrices, but was referenced in [5, p. 246].
W. Grilliette
Matricial Banach Spaces
Algebraic Case Analytic Case References
Banach Spaces Weighted Sets Matricially Normed Spaces Array-Weighted Sets
Definition (Matricial Banach space, [8, Definition 2.2.5]) A complete matrix-normed space is a matricial Banach space. Let MBan∞ be the category of matricial Banach spaces with completely bounded linear maps, and MBan1 be the category of matricial Banach spaces with completely contractive linear maps. Ban∞ : MBan∞ → Ban∞ be the forgetful functor stripping Let FMBan ∞ all matrix-norm structure except the underlying norm.
W. Grilliette
Matricial Banach Spaces
Algebraic Case Analytic Case References
Banach Spaces Weighted Sets Matricially Normed Spaces Array-Weighted Sets
Definition (Minimal operator space structure, [5, Theorem 2.1]) Given a Banach space V , let MIN(V ) be V equipped with o n kAkMIN(V ),m,n := sup kMm,n (φ)(A)kMm,n : φ ∈ V ∗ , kφkV ∗ ≤ 1 , the injective tensor norm on V ⊗ Mm,n . Definition (Abs. max. matrix-norm structure, [5, Theorem 2.1]) Recall that M∗n,m can be identified as Mm,n equipped with the trace norm. Given a Banach space V , let AMAX(V ) be V equipped with ( p ) p X X kAkAMAX(V ),m,n := inf kvl kV kCl kM∗n,m : A = vl ⊗ Cl , l=1
the projective tensor norm on V ⊗ M∗n,m W. Grilliette
Matricial Banach Spaces
Algebraic Case Analytic Case References
Banach Spaces Weighted Sets Matricially Normed Spaces Array-Weighted Sets
Theorem (Universal property of MIN) Ban∞ If FMBan (W ) ∞
/ V ∈ Ban∞ , then there is a unique
ϕ ˆ
/ MIN(V ) ∈ MBan∞ such that F Ban∞ (ϕ) W MBan∞ ˆ = ϕ. Moreover, kϕk ˆ [W ,MIN(V )]cb = kϕk[F Ban∞ (W ),V ] . MBan∞
Theorem (Universal property of AMAX) If V
/ F Ban∞ (W ) ∈ Ban∞ . Then, there is a unique MBan∞ φˆ
Moreover, φˆ
/ W ∈ MBan∞ such that F Ban∞ ˆ MBan∞ φ = φ.
[AMAX(V ),W ]cb
= kφk[V ,F Ban∞
W. Grilliette
MBan∞ (W )
Matricial Banach Spaces
Algebraic Case Analytic Case References
Banach Spaces Weighted Sets Matricially Normed Spaces Array-Weighted Sets
How should one build a matricial Banach space? MBan∞
/ Ban∞
/ Vec
/ Set
W. Grilliette
Matricial Banach Spaces
Algebraic Case Analytic Case References
Banach Spaces Weighted Sets Matricially Normed Spaces Array-Weighted Sets
Definition (Array-weighted set, [8, Definition 3.1.2]) An array-weight on a set X is a net (wX ,m,n )m,n∈N such that 1
wX ,m,n is a weight function for all m, n ∈ N;
wX ,j,k (A ◦ (α × β)) ≤ wX ,m,n (A) for all 1 ≤ j ≤ m, 1 ≤ k ≤ n, A ∈ Mm,n (X ), and one-to-one functions α : [j] → [m] and β : [k] → [n];
wX ,m,n (A) ≤ wX ,j,n A ◦ α × id[n] + wX ,m−j,n A ◦ γ × id[n] for all 1 ≤ j < m and one-to-one functions α : [j] → [m] and γ : [m − j] → [m] satisfying ran(α) ∩ ran(γ) = ∅;
wX ,m,n (A) ≤ wX ,m,k A ◦ id[m] × β + wX ,m,n−k A ◦ id[m] × δ for all 1 ≤ k < n and one-to-one functions β : [k] → [n] and δ : [n − k] → [n] satisfying ran(β) ∩ ran(δ) = ∅.
A set equipped with such an array-weight is an array-weighted set. W. Grilliette
Matricial Banach Spaces
Algebraic Case Analytic Case References
Banach Spaces Weighted Sets Matricially Normed Spaces Array-Weighted Sets
Definition (Completely bounded function, [8, Definition 3.1.3]) Given two array-weighted sets X and Y , a function φ : X → Y is completely bounded if there is L ≥ 0 such that for all m, n ∈ N and A ∈ Mm,n (X ), wY ,m,n (Mm,n (φ)(A)) ≤ L · wX ,m,n (A). Let wY ,m,n (Mm,n (φ)(A)) ≤ L · wX ,m,n (A) cbnd(φ) := inf L ∈ R : , ∀m, n ∈ N, A ∈ Mm,n (X ) the complete bound constant of φ. If cbnd(φ) ≤ 1, φ is completely contractive. Let AWSet1 denote the category of array-weighted sets with completely contractive maps, and AWSet∞ denote the category of array-weighted sets with completely bounded maps. WSet∞ Let FAWSet : AWSet∞ → WSet∞ be the forgetful functor ∞ stripping all weight functions except the underlying weight AWSet∞ function, and let FMBan : MBan∞ → AWSet∞ be the forgetful ∞ functor stripping all linear structure. W. Grilliette
Matricial Banach Spaces
Algebraic Case Analytic Case References
Banach Spaces Weighted Sets Matricially Normed Spaces Array-Weighted Sets
/ Ban∞
/ Vec
/ WSet∞
/ Set
W. Grilliette
Matricial Banach Spaces
Algebraic Case Analytic Case References
Banach Spaces Weighted Sets Matricially Normed Spaces Array-Weighted Sets
Definition (Minimum array-weight structure, [8, Definition 3.2.1]) Given a weighted set S, let mA(S) be S equipped with the weight functions wmA(S),m,n (A) := max {wS (A(j, k)) : 1 ≤ j ≤ m, 1 ≤ k ≤ n} , the maximum weight of an entry in A. Definition (Maximum array-weight structure, [8, Definition 3.2.2]) Given a weighted set S, let MA(S) be S equipped with the weight functions m X n X wMA(S),m,n (A) := wS (A(j, k)) , j=1 k=1
the sum of the weights of the entries in A. W. Grilliette
Matricial Banach Spaces
Algebraic Case Analytic Case References
Banach Spaces Weighted Sets Matricially Normed Spaces Array-Weighted Sets
Theorem (Universal property of mA, [8, Theorem 3.2.3]) WSet∞ If FAWSet (Y ) ∞
/ S ∈ WSet∞ , then there is a unique
/ mA(S) ∈ AWSet∞ such that F WSet∞ φ ˆ = φ. AWSet∞
Moreover, cbnd φˆ = bnd(φ). Theorem (Universal property of MA, [8, Theorem 3.2.4]) If S
/ F WSet∞ (Y ) ∈ WSet∞ . Then, there is a unique AWSet∞ ϕ ˆ
/ Y ∈ AWSet∞ such that F WSet∞ φ ˆ = φ. AWSet∞
Moreover, cbnd φˆ = bnd(φ).
W. Grilliette
Matricial Banach Spaces
Algebraic Case Analytic Case References
Banach Spaces Weighted Sets Matricially Normed Spaces Array-Weighted Sets
Definition (Array-free, [8, Definition 3.5.1]) For an array-weighted set X , an element x ∈ X is array-free in X if the characteristic function of x is completely bounded when regarded as a map from X to MIN(C). Example Let V be a matrix-normed space and X ⊂ V a finite, linearly independent subset equipped with the inherited array-weight from V . For x ∈ X , consider the characteristic function χ : X → C of x. Letting W := span(X ), define a linear map φ : W → C on the basis X by φ(y ) := χ(y ) for all y ∈ X . As W is finite-dimensional, φ is bounded. Letting ι : W → V be the inclusion map, there is a bounded linear map ϕ : V → C such that ϕ ◦ ι = φ by the Hahn-Banach Theorem. Then, ϕ is completely bounded from V to MIN(C). Letting : X → W be the inclusion of generators, then ϕ ◦ ι ◦ = χ is completely bounded. Thus, x is array-free in X . W. Grilliette
Matricial Banach Spaces
Algebraic Case Analytic Case References
Banach Spaces Weighted Sets Matricially Normed Spaces Array-Weighted Sets
Proposition (Array-free & finite support, [8, Proposition 3.5.3]) Given an array-weighted set X , let Y be a subset of X . All functions from X to MIN(C) with finite support contained in Y are completely bounded if and only if x is array-free in X for all x ∈ Y .
W. Grilliette
Matricial Banach Spaces
Algebraic Case Analytic Case References
Banach Spaces Weighted Sets Matricially Normed Spaces Array-Weighted Sets
Definition (Bounded range number, [8, Definition 3.5.4]) Given an array-weighted set X , the bounded range number of X is wX ,m,n (A) √ brn(X ) := inf : m, n ∈ N, A ∈ Mm,n (X ) . mn Theorem (Bounded range maps & brn, [8, Theorem 3.5.5]) Given an array-weighted set X , the following are equivalent: 1
all bounded range maps from X to MIN(C) are completely bounded;
the constant map to 1 regarded as a map from X to MIN(C) is completely bounded;
brn(X ) > 0.
In this case, x is array-free in X for all x ∈ X . W. Grilliette
Matricial Banach Spaces
Algebraic Case Analytic Case References
Banach Spaces Weighted Sets Matricially Normed Spaces Array-Weighted Sets
Corollary (Array-free & finite sets, [8, Corollary 3.5.6]) Given a finite array-weighted set X , the following are equivalent: 1
all maps from X to MIN(C) are completely bounded;
the constant map to 1 regarded as a map from X to MIN(C) is completely bounded;
brn(X ) > 0;
x is array-free in X for all x ∈ X .
W. Grilliette
Matricial Banach Spaces
Algebraic Case Analytic Case References
Banach Spaces Weighted Sets Matricially Normed Spaces Array-Weighted Sets
Example Let V be `∞ with any matrix-norm. Letting (~ ej )j∈N ⊂ V be the 1 standard basis, define xj := e~j and X := {xj : j ∈ N} ⊂ V with j the inherited array-weight from V . Then, brn(X ) = 0, and xj is array-free in X for all j ∈ N. Example Let S be a weighted set and s ∈ S. • s is array-free in MA(S) if and only if wS (s) 6= 0. • s is not array-free in mA(S).
W. Grilliette
Matricial Banach Spaces
Algebraic Case Analytic Case References
Banach Spaces Weighted Sets Matricially Normed Spaces Array-Weighted Sets
Example Consider X := {1, −1} with the inherited array-weight from MIN(C). Let Jm,n be the m × n-matrix with all entries 1. Inductively construct the following sequence of matrices. A0 := 1 , J1,2m −J1,2m Am+1 := ∀m ∈ W. Am Am Computing directly, wX ,m+1,2m (Am ) = 2m/2 and wX ,m+1,2m (Am ) 2m/2 1 = m/2 √ =√ brn(X ) ≤ p m 2 m+1 m+1 (m + 1)2 for all m ∈ W. Consequently, brn(X ) = 0. As the inclusion ι = χ1 − χ−1 is completely bounded, neither 1 nor −1 is array free. W. Grilliette
Matricial Banach Spaces
Algebraic Case Analytic Case References
Banach Spaces Weighted Sets Matricially Normed Spaces Array-Weighted Sets
Let X be an array-weighted set. 1 Construct the free vector space VX over C on X and let θX : X → VX be the map x 7→ δx . 2 Quotient by the subspace φ(v ) = 0∀φ : VX → MIN(C) linear, NX := v : φ ◦ θX completely contractive 3
to form QX := VX /NX with quotient map qX : VX → QX . Equip QX with the matrix-norm below. n o kAkQX ,m,n := sup kMm,n (φ)(A)kW ,m,n , where the supremum is over all linear φ : QX → W such that φ ◦ qX ◦ θX is completely contractive. Complete QX into a matricial Banach space MBanSp(X ). Let κQX : QX → MBanSp(X ) be the inclusion into the completion, and ηX := κQX ◦ qX ◦ θX . W. Grilliette
Matricial Banach Spaces
Algebraic Case Analytic Case References
Banach Spaces Weighted Sets Matricially Normed Spaces Array-Weighted Sets
Proposition (Array-free & nullspace, [8, Proposition 4.8]) If all x ∈ X are array-free in X , then NX = {0}. Theorem (Finite array-free & nullspace, Part II, [8, Theorem 4.9]) Given a finite array-weighted set X , then NX = {0} if and only if brn(X ) > 0.
W. Grilliette
Matricial Banach Spaces
Banach Spaces Weighted Sets Matricially Normed Spaces Array-Weighted Sets
Algebraic Case Analytic Case References
Theorem (Universal property of MBanSp, [8, Theorem 4.4]) If X
/ F AWSet∞ (W ) ∈ AWSet∞ , there is a unique MBan∞
completely bounded linear map MBanSp(X ) AWSet∞ ˆ such that FMBan φ ◦ ηX = φ. Moreover, ∞
cbnd(φ) ≥ φˆ
[MBanSp(X ),W ]cb
W. Grilliette
Matricial Banach Spaces
/ W ∈ MBan∞
Algebraic Case Analytic Case References
Banach Spaces Weighted Sets Matricially Normed Spaces Array-Weighted Sets
Corollary (Maximal array-weight, [8, Corollary 4.6]) Given a weighted set S, then MBanSp(MA(S)) ∼ =MBan1 ∼ =MBan1
AMAX(BanSp(S)) AMAX `1 ({s : wS (s) 6= 0}) .
Proposition (Failure of mA, [8, Proposition 4.7]) Given a weighted set S, then MBanSp(mA(S)) ∼ = 0. Theorem (Characterization of singletons, [8, Theorem 4.10]) Let X be a singleton array-weighted set. Then, AMAX(C), brn(X ) > 0, ∼ MBanSp(X ) =MBan1 0, brn(X ) = 0. W. Grilliette
Matricial Banach Spaces
Algebraic Case Analytic Case References
Banach Spaces Weighted Sets Matricially Normed Spaces Array-Weighted Sets
Example Consider X := {1, −1} with the inherited array-weight from MIN(C). Then, MBanSp(X ) ∼ = MIN(C). Proof. Let wx := θX (x) for x ∈ X . Given a linear map φ : VX → MIN(C), φ ◦ θX = φ (w1 ) ι + (φ (w1 ) + φ (w−1 )) χ−1 , so φ ◦ θX is completely bounded if and only if φ (w1 ) = −φ (w−1 ). Thus, φ (λw1 + µw−1 ) = (λ − µ)φ (w1 ) , which is 0 if and only if λ = µ. Hence, NX = span {w1 + w−1 }. / MIN(C) ∈ MBan1 arising from the Then, MBanSp(X ) inclusion ι is shown to be completely contractive. ˆ ι
W. Grilliette
Matricial Banach Spaces
Algebraic Case Analytic Case References
D. P. Blecher and V. I. Paulsen, Tensor products of operator spaces, J. Funct. Anal., 99 (1991), pp. 262–292. F. Borceux, Handbook of categorical algebra. 1, vol. 50 of Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1994. Basic category theory. J. B. Conway, A course in functional analysis, vol. 96 of Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, New York, second ed., 1990. D. S. Dummit and R. M. Foote, Abstract algebra, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, third ed., 2004. E. G. Effros and Z.-J. Ruan, On matricially normed spaces, Pacific J. Math., 132 (1988), pp. 243–264. W. Grilliette
Matricial Banach Spaces
Algebraic Case Analytic Case References
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Matricial Banach Spaces
Algebraic Case Analytic Case References
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W. Grilliette
Matricial Banach Spaces