Witry MJ, Wesely PM, Goedken AM, Ernst EJ, Sorofman BA, Doucette WR. ... Witry MJ, Doucette WR, Zhang Y, Farris KB. ....
MATTHEW J. WITRY BACKGROUND EMPLOYMENT____________________________________________ Jan. 2014-
Assistant Professor Health Services Research University of Iowa College of Pharmacy Iowa City, Iowa
EDUCATION______________________________________________ 2013
Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Socioeconomics Graduate College University of Iowa Dissertation: Investigation of Community Pharmacist Medication Monitoring Attitudes and Decision Making
Graduate Certificate in College Teaching College of Education, University of Iowa
Doctor of Pharmacy with Distinction College of Pharmacy, University of Iowa
LICENSURES_AND CERTIFICATES_____________________________ 2008-Present
Iowa Pharmacists License #20831
Iowa Immunization Training Certificate
CURRICULUM VITAE: MATTHEW J. WITRY PUBLICATIONS ___________________________________________ 17. Kennelty KA, Witry MJ, Gehring M, Dattalo M, Pulia N. A Four-Phase Approach for Systematically Collecting Data and Measuring Medication. Res Social Admin Pharm. 2015 Accepted 16. Feller T, Doucette WR, Witry MJ. Assessing the Opportunities for Student Pharmacist Leadership Development at Schools and Colleges of Pharmacy in the United States. Am J Pharm Educ. 20115 Accepted 15. Witry MJ. Medication synchronization, magic bullet, or piece of a puzzle? J Manag Care Phar. 2015;21(8):714 14. Witry MJ, Wesely PM, Goedken AM, Ernst EJ, Sorofman BA, Doucette WR. Development of a medication monitoring attitude measure using a mixed methods item development process. Int J Phar Pract. 2015. E-pub ahead of print 13.) Witry MJ, Doucette WR. Factors influencing community pharmacists’ likelihood to ask medication monitoring questions: A factorial survey. Res Social Admin Pharm 2015:11(5):639-50. 12.) Witry MJ, Doucette WR. Community pharmacists, medication monitoring, and the routine nature of refills: A qualitative study. J Am Pharm Assoc. 2014;54:594-603. 11.) Losey CS, Hoehns JD, Schlobohm C, Witry MJ. Investigation of simulated pharmacist decision making involving prescriptions with a high probability of causing patient harm. J Pharm Tech. 2014;30(6):207-15. 10.) Witry MJ, Doucette WR, Zhang Y, Farris KB. Multiple adherence tool evaluation study (MATES). J Manag Care Phar. 2014;20(7);734-40a. 9.) Patterson BJ, Garza OW, Witry MJ, Chang EH, Letendre DE, Trewet CB. A leadership elective course developed and taught by graduate students. Am J Pharm Educ. 2013;77(10);Article 223. 8.) Witry MJ, Patterson BJ, Sorofman BA. A qualitative investigation of protégé expectations and proposition of an evaluation model for formal mentoring in pharmacy education. Res Soc Adin Pharm. 2013;9:654-65. 7.) Patterson BJ, Chang EH, Witry MJ, Garza OW, Trewet CB. Pilot evaluation of a continuing professional development tool for developing leadership skills. Res Soc Admin Pharm. 2013;9:222-9. 6.) Witry MJ, Doucette WR, Gainer K. Evaluation of the pharmaceutical case management program implemented in a private sector health plan. J Am Pharm Assoc. 2011;51:631-5.
CURRICULUM VITAE: MATTHEW J. WITRY 5.) Witry MJ, Chang EH, Mormann MM, Doucette WR, Newland BA. Older adult perceptions of a self-reported medication risk questionnaire: A focus group study. Innov Pharm. 2011;2(3): Article 50. 4.) Witry MJ, Doucette WR, Daily JM, Levy BT, Chrischilles EA. Family Physician Perceptions of Personal Health Records. Perspect Health Inf Manag 2010. Winter 3.) Doucette WR, Witry MJ, Farris KB, McDonnough RP. Community pharmacistprovided extended diabetes care. Ann Pharmacother 2009;43:882-9. 2.) Witry MJ, Doucette WR. Obtaining patient test results from clinical laboratories: A survey of state law for pharmacists. J Am Pharm Assoc 2009;49:423-6. 1.) Doucette WR, Witry MJ, Alkhateeb F, et al. Attitudes of Medicare beneficiaries toward pharmacist provided medication management activities as part of the Medicare Part D benefit. J Am Pharm Assoc 2007; 47:758-762. BOOK CHAPTERS 2.) Witry, M. Reist J. Refill Counseling Dialogue Exercise. Active Learning Exercises [Internet]. Washington DC: American Pharmacists Association (US); 2014 December. Available from: http://pharmacylibrary.com/ 1.) Reist J. Doucette W. Witry M. Adherence Counseling Using the Drug Awareness Work-up (DRAW) Tool. Active Learning Exercises [Internet]. Washington DC: American Pharmacists Association (US); 2013 July. Available from: http://pharmacylibrary.com/ POSTERS AND PRESENTATIONS______________________________ Comellas A, Polgreen P, Witry M. Technology use and comfort in a COPD cohort. Annual meeting of the American Thoracic Society. Abstract in Am J Respir Crit Care Med 191;2015:A6182. Witry MJ, Klein D, Pham K, Turvey C. Medication list discrepancies and therapeutic duplications among veterans using both VA and NonVA clinics. Annual meeting of the American Pharmacists Association, San Diego, CA, March, 2015. Rivera A, Veach S, Shen R, Witry M, Catney C. Assessment of workflow modifications of the medication synchronization program in a community pharmacy. Annual meeting of the American Pharmacists Association, San Diego, CA, March, 2015. Witry MJ, Doucette WR. Factors influencing community pharmacists’ likelihood to ask medication monitoring questions: A factorial survey. Presented as podium. International Social Pharmacy Workshop, Boston, MA. Abstract in Res Social Admin Phar 2014;10(5):e31
CURRICULUM VITAE: MATTHEW J. WITRY Witry MJ, Doucette WR. Community pharmacist medication monitoring experiences, attitudes, and barriers. Presented as talking poster. Annual Meeting of the American Pharmacists Association, Orlando, FL. Abstract in J Am Pharm Assoc 2014;54:e176. Witry MJ, Doucette WR. Community pharmacist question asking at the time of refill: Results of a factorial survey. Presented as talking poster. Annual Meeting of the American Pharmacists Association, Orlando, FL. Abstract in J Am Pharm Assoc 2014;54:e177. Witry MJ, Nguyen E, Patterson BJ, Sorofman BA. Faculty mentor responses to results of a student experiences in formal mentoring survey. Presented July 15, 2013 as poster. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Chicago IL. Abstract in Am J Pharm Educ 2013;77(5), Article 109. Witry MJ, Doucette WR, Zhang Y, Farris KB. MATES: Multiple Adherence Tool Evaluation Study. Presented March 2. 2013 as podium. Annual Meeting of the American Pharmacists Association, Los Angeles, CA. Patterson B, Witry M, Chang E, Urick B, Sorofman B. Describing scholarship of teaching and learning through exemplary pharmacy faculty members’ perspectives, experiences, and projects. Presented July 14-18, 2012 as poster. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Kissimmee, FL. Jones B. Burr M, Currie J, Doucette W, McDonough R, Witry M. Interventions by Community Pharmacists Serving as Consultants for a Hospice Organization and the Acceptance Rate by Physicians. Presented March 9-12, 2012 as poster. Annual Meeting of the American Pharmacists Association, New Orleans, LA. Witry M, Patterson B, Doucette W, Chang E. Beyond lectures: Management and marketing using team-based learning. Presented July 10, 2011 as poster. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, San Antonio, TX. Patterson B, Witry M, Chang E, Garza O, Trewet C, Letendre D. Evaluation of a continuing professional development experience in a leadership development elective. Presented July 10, 2011 as poster. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, San Antonio, TX. Witry M, Patterson B. Medication therapy management and the U.S. health care system. Invited presentation, May 26, 2011, to visiting students and faculty from Kitasato University, Japan. Witry M, Mormann M, Chang E, Doucette W, Newland B. Older adult perceptions of a self-reported medication risk questionnaire. Presented March 28, 2011 as podium. Annual Meeting of the American Pharmacists Association, Seattle, WA. Abstract in J Am Pharm Assoc 2011; 51:274. Witry M, Patterson B. Student pharmacist views on a college sponsored formal mentoring program. Presented July 12, 2010. Annual Meeting of the American
CURRICULUM VITAE: MATTHEW J. WITRY Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Seattle, WA. Abstract in Am J Pharm Educ 2010; 74:s96. Patterson B, Witry M, Doucette W, Starry M, Reist J, Fravel M. Development of a pharmacy practice laboratory module focused on doing Research as pharmacists. Presented July 12, 2010. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Seattle, WA. Abstract in Am J Pharm Educ 2010; 74:s96. Doucette W, Newland B, Witry M, Farris K, Chrischilles E, Pendergast J, Chang E. Demonstration of quality improvement in MTM. Presented June 12, 2010. Annual Meeting of the Iowa Pharmacy Association, Des Moines, IA. Witry M, Doucette W, Gainer K. Implementation of the pharmaceutical case management program in a private sector health plan. Presented March 14, 2010. Annual Meeting of the American Pharmacists Association, Washington, D.C. Abstract in J Am Pharm Assoc 2010; 50:280. Patterson BJ, Witry MJ, Doucette WR. PROfessionalism Assessment of Community pharmacists using Telephonic InterViEws: PROACTIVE. Presented July 19, 2009. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. Boston, Massachusetts. Witry M, Doucette W, Gainer, K. Implementation of the pharmaceutical case management program in a private sector health plan. Presented June 20, 2009. Annual Meeting of the Iowa Pharmacists Association. Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Patterson BJ, Witry MJ, Doucette WR, Kittisopee T. Comparison of extraversion and openness dimensions of personality between innovative and general pharmacist populations. J Am Pharm Assoc 2009;49(2):262. Presented April 4, 2009. Annual Meeting of the American Pharmacists Association, San Antonio, Texas. Ungerman AS, Johnson S, Witry MJ. The “Black box warning effect” on prescribing patterns following orthopedic surgery. Presented April 20, 2009. Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy Research Day, Iowa City, Iowa. Chrischilles E, Daly J, Doucette W, Eichmann D, Farris,K, Gryzlak B, Pablo J, Levy B, Pendergast J, Witry M. Health Records for Medication Use: Views from Elders and their Physicians. Presented September, 2008. AHRQ 2008 Annual Meeting: Patient– Clinician Communication through Consumer Health IT. Bethesda, Maryland. Witry MJ, Doucette WR. Pharmacist Requests for Patient Laboratory Test Results from Clinical Laboratories: A Survey of State Law. Podium presentation April, 2008: Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy Research Day, Iowa City, Iowa. Witry MJ, Doucette WR. Pharmacist Requests for Patient Laboratory Test Results from Clinical Laboratories: A Survey of State Law. Presented March, 2008. Annual Meeting of the American Pharmacists Association. San Diego, California.
Witry MJ, Doucette WR, Alkhateeb F, et al. Attitudes of Medicare Beneficiaries toward Pharmacist Provided Medication Management Activities. Poster originally presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Pharmacists Association, Atlanta, Georgia. March 2007.
Pharmacy Management and Marketing (46:139) Leadership, strategic planning, satisfaction (7 lectures)
2014 Fall
Pharmaceutical Socioeconomics Graduate Seminar 1 s.h.
2014 Fall
Pharmacy Practice Laboratory (PPL 1) Refill counseling dialogue exercise
2014 Spring
Pharmacy Management and Marketing (46:139) Leadership, strategic planning, satisfaction (6 lectures)
2013 Spring 2012 Spring
Pharmacy Management and Marketing (46:139) Managing change, Quality Improvement (2 lectures)
2012 Fall 2011 Fall
Dean’s Pharmacy Forum (46:006) Writing Instructor 2 s.h.
2011 Spring
Pharmacy Management and Marketing (46:139) Co-developer and instructor 2 s.h. (All lectures)
2011 Spring
Contemporary Issues and Leadership (46:195) Co-developer and instructor 1-3 s.h.
2011, Spring 2010, Spring
Practice based research laboratory Activity facilitator Pharmacy Practice Laboratory VI (46:119) College of Pharmacy University of Iowa
2011, Spring
Adherence and motivational interviewing laboratory Activity facilitator Pharmacy Practice Laboratory II (46:051)
CURRICULUM VITAE: MATTHEW J. WITRY College of Pharmacy University of Iowa INVITED PRESENTATIONS___________________________________ April, 2014
“Mixed Methods Research in Practice” 07S:310 Mixed Methods Research, Dr. Wesely
April, 2014
“Mixed Methods Research in Practice” 07S:310 Mixed Methods Research, Dr. Wesely
April. 2013
“Mixed Methods Research in Practice” 07S:310 Mixed Methods Research, Dr. Wesely
July, 2013 July, 2012
“Medication Therapy Management in the US” Keio University (Japan) Visiting Students and Faculty Delivered at the University of Iowa College of Pharmacy
July, 2013 July, 2012
“Medication Therapy Management in the US” Kitasato University (Japan) Visiting Students and Faculty Delivered at the University of Iowa College of Pharmacy
October, 2011
“Email Etiquette and Skilled Composition” University of Iowa APhA-ASP Delivered at the University of Iowa College Pharmacy
July, 2011
“Medication Therapy Management in the US” Keio University (Japan) Exchange Delivered at the University of Iowa College of Pharmacy
Assessment Committee University of Iowa College of Pharmacy
Hospice Faculty Search Committee Member University of Iowa College of Pharmacy
APRS Postgraduate Advisory Committee Chair American Pharmacists Association (Includes participation on education and policy committees)
2011, 2012
APhA House of Delegates – APRS representative American Pharmacists Association
APRS Postgraduate Advisory Committee Member American Pharmacists Association
Policy Committee Member Iowa Pharmacists Association
Annual Meeting Delegate Iowa Pharmacy Association Annual Meeting
PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP____________________ 2009-Present
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
American Pharmacists Association
Iowa Pharmacists Association
Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity
PEER REVIEW____________________________________________ 2015
Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy – Editorial Board
Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy
AACP Walmart Scholars Application Reviewer
Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning
Journal of Managed Care Pharmacy
OTHER COLLEGE SERVICE__________________________________ 2014
Residency Project Science Advisor – Ana Rivera
Residency Project Science Advisor – Brett Jones University of Iowa College of Pharmacy
2009 – Present
Student pharmacist supervisor Various health fairs and screenings for UICOP
2008, 2010, 2012
PharmD admissions interviewer University of Iowa College of Pharmacy
HONORS and AWARDS_____________________ 2010-2012
Pre-Doctoral Fellow American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education
Presidential Graduate Fellowship Graduate College University of Iowa
2006 – Present
Rho Chi Honors Society Member