Maturity and source-rock potential of Palaeozoic sediments in the NW European Northern Permian Basin Jon H. Pedersen1, Dag A. Karlsen1, Jan E. Lie2, Harald Brunstad2 and Rolando di Primio3 1
Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, PO Box 1047 Blindern, N-0316 Oslo, Norway (e-mail:
[email protected]) 2 RWE Dea Norge AS, PO Box 243 Skøyen, N-0213 Oslo, Norway 3 GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Telegrafenberg, D-14473 Potsdam, Germany ABSTRACT: The Northern Permian Basin is located in the offshore area SSW of Norway, NNW of Denmark and east of Scotland. This basin is filled mainly by Lower Permian aeolian desert sediments and volcanics, plus Upper Permian evaporitic sediments. The aeolian sandstone is an excellent reservoir rock and is generally capped by thick layers of salt that potentially form a tight cap rock. The highest risk in the petroleum exploration of the Palaeozoic Northern Permian Basin is linked to the presence of source rocks. Palaeozoic source-rock candidates in the Northern Permian Basin area may be present among Lower Palaeozoic marine sediments, within Devonian–Carboniferous lacustrine/deltaic pre- and syn-rift sediments and as Permian marine shales. This study investigates Lower Palaeozoic marine shales, lacustrine Devonian mudstones, Carboniferous mudstones and coals and marine Permian shales in order to assess the thermal maturity, source-rock potential and distribution of Palaeozoic sediments in the Northern Permian Basin region. The majority of the investigated samples were within the oil window in terms of thermal maturity. Lower Palaeozoic marine sediments may have generated both oil and gas, while Upper Palaeozoic coals and mudstones are dominantly gas-prone source rocks. Middle Permian marine shales (Kupferschiefer) are a good oil-prone source rock. Generation and expulsion of hydrocarbons from Lower Palaeozoic source rocks in the eastern parts of the Northern Permian Basin probably began in the Upper Silurian, with peak oil generation in Carboniferous times. Upper Palaeozoic rocks in the same area matured rapidly in Early Triassic times. The likely presence of multiple Palaeozoic source rocks suggests that hydrocarbons were generated in the Northern Permian Basin. KEYWORDS: Palaeozoic, source rocks, Northern Permian Basin, new play, petroleum exploration
INTRODUCTION The offshore areas of Norway have been extensively explored for petroleum resources since the first major oil discovery (the Balder Field) in 1967. In the North Sea, exploration activities have been focused on the Mesozoic Moray Firth Basin and the Central Graben and Viking Graben systems, proving the existence of an excellent marine Upper Jurassic shale as source rock for the many petroleum discoveries made in the North Sea region (Field 1985; Northam 1985; Chung et al. 1992; Cornford 1998). In contrast to this, Upper Palaeozoic source and reservoir rocks dominate in the southern parts of the North Sea covering the Southern Permian Basin. Here, Upper Carboniferous (Westphalian) coals are the main source for gas trapped in Permian reservoirs (Maynard et al. 1997). In the Baltic Sea region, east of the North Sea, Lower Palaeozoic petroleum systems are documented, from which commercial quantities of petroleum are produced (Brangulis et al. 1993; Zdanaviciute & Lazauskiene 2004). In the northern North Sea region, only one Petroleum Geoscience, Vol. 12 2006, pp. 13–28
occurrence of commercial quantities of oil is related to Palaeozoic source rocks, namely the Beatrice Field offshore Scotland. Most of the oil in this field is sourced from Devonian lacustrine source rocks (Peters et al. 1989). Palaeozoic plays and possible source-rock occurrences in the North Sea and on the margins of the north Atlantic Ocean have been discussed previously, for example by Stemmerik et al. (1990), Gérard et al. (1993), Christiansen et al. (1993), Karlsen et al. (1995), Sørensen & Tangen (1995), Bugge et al. (2002) and Pedersen (2002). The work of these authors suggests that Palaeozoic source rocks are likely to exist in the Northern North Sea and the Norwegian Sea. Occurrences of insoluble bitumen (residual oil) in Upper Palaeozoic reservoir rocks in the Norwegian Embla Field (Bharati 1997) and findings of possible pre-Jurassic oils in inclusions in authigenic minerals from the Ula Field (Karlsen et al. 1993) indicate that Palaeozoic petroleum may have saturated migration paths in the Northern North Sea, before Mesozoic source rocks became mature. Oil staining and 1354-0793/06/$15.00 2006 EAGE/Geological Society of London
J. H. Pedersen et al.
Fig. 1. (a) Study area and well database. Main structural elements and sample locations are indicated. Dashed lines are offshore national borders. (b) Pre-Zechstein depth map of the Northern Permian Basin (NPB) and North Sea region. Warm colours indicate highs, cold colours indicate basins. The black line defines the outline of the NPB referred to in this study.
bitumen in Palaeozoic rocks in southern parts of Norway and Sweden strongly indicate that oil has been generated and expelled from Lower Palaeozoic marine shales in these areas (Dons 1956; Eakin 1989; Olaussen et al. 1994; Buchardt & Hansen 2000).
STUDY OBJECTIVES Petroleum exploration focusing on Palaeozoic sections in the Northern Permian Basin area has been limited to date, and little has been done to investigate the possible Palaeozoic petroleum system(s) of the Northern Permian Basin. This study aims to improve understanding of the thermal maturity and petroleum potential of the Palaeozoic marine and continental sediments believed to be present in the Northern Permian Basin. To do this, analyses are made of Lower and Upper Palaeozoic source-rock samples from wells and outcrops which may represent sediments present in the Northern Permian Basin. An attempt is also made to give a generalized picture of subsidence and source-rock maturation in the eastern parts of the study area and a tentative petroleum system is proposed, with Palaeozoic source, reservoir and cap rocks.
REGIONAL GEOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK OF THE STUDY AREA The Northern Permian Basin (NPB) is bordered in the north by the Norwegian mainland, in the south by the prominent Danish Ringkøbing–Fyn High, in the east by the Swedish mainland and in the west by the offshore shelf of Scotland and the Mid North Sea High (Figs 1a, b). The Caledonian Deformation Front (CDF) is considered to be an important structural element in the NPB (Fig. 1a). Note that the Palaeozoic structural elements are heavily overprinted by Mesozoic rifting and graben formation in the central parts of the North Sea. In Late Cambrian to Early Ordovician times the black, organic-rich marine mud known as the Alum Shale was deposited in a marine anoxic shallow shelf environment that covered much of Scandinavia and the Baltics (Andersson et al. 1985; Thickpenny & Leggett 1987). In Ordovician to Silurian times, the depositional environment became more oxic, and marine clays and carbonates were deposited in southern Scandinavia (Möller 1987). During the Late Silurian, the collision between the continental plates of Laurentia and Baltica closed the Iapetus Ocean and resulted in the formation of Laurussia. In the collision zone between the two continents, the Caledonian mountain range
Palaeozoic source rocks, Permian Basin was formed and the sedimentary environment in southern Norway changed from marine to continental. The denudation of the Caledonian mountain range continued into the Devonian and led to a collapse of the mountain range. This, in turn, led to an extensional regime, with reactivation of Caledonian thrusts and formation of half-graben in which continental sediments were deposited (Coward 1995; Marshall & Hewett 2003). During the Devonian vast amounts of sand, eroded from the remains of the Caledonian mountain range, were deposited over the North Sea region, forming the Old Red and the Buchan sandstones. The extensional regime in a continental setting probably lasted into the Carboniferous. During the Early Carboniferous, the sedimentary environment changed from dominantly continental to a more diverse facies with marine, deltaic and fluvial sedimentation (Bruce & Stemmerik 2003). A narrow seaway advanced from the southern parts of the UK into the eastern parts of the North Sea, through the NPB and into the Oslo Graben area (Olaussen 1981). During Late Carboniferous to Early Permian time rifting and extrusive volcanism were common in the NPB region (Glennie et al. 2003). The rifting resulted in the formation of the Skagerrak Graben and the Oslo Graben (Husebye et al. 1988; Ro et al. 1990). In the NPB offshore SW Norway, N–S-trending rift graben, such as the Krabbe and Kreps fault zones were formed, possibly due to rifting and reactivation of old weakness zones in the crust (see Fig. 1 for location). By the onset of the Permian, the climate became drier as a response to the formation of the supercontinent Pangaea (Glennie 1997) and this led to desert formation in the Southern Permian Basin (SPB) and the NPB during the Early Permian. Permian aeolian sands (the Auk Formation in the Rotliegend Group) are present in the NPB, as evidenced by Norwegian wells 2/1-7 and 3/5-1 and Danish wells D-1 and Elna-1. In the distal parts of the NPB sedimentation was probably dominated more by flash floods and ephemeral lakes, while desert lake and sabkha deposits may have been the prevailing sediment types in the central parts of the NPB (Sørensen & Martinsen 1987). In mid-Permian times sea water transgressed rapidly from the north and quickly flooded the NPB and the SPB. In the marine environment that followed, an organic-rich mud (Kupferschiefer) was deposited over most of the North Sea and NPB areas (Glennie et al. 2003). Subsequently, following episodic marine flooding of the NPB and SPB, the sea water evaporated and carbonates and large amounts of salts were precipitated and accumulated on the seafloor. The thick layers of evaporitic sediments include halite, dolomite and anhydrite (Glennie et al. 2003). The salts, with their capabilities for plastic deformation, are excellent cap rocks for gas accumulations in the SPB and are known from a number of wells in the North Sea area, such as in Norwegian wells 2/1-7, 3/7-2 and 7/3-1 and Danish wells D-1 and Felicia-1A. At the end of the Permian the continental landmasses of today’s NW Europe had migrated northwards and this changed the environment from desert to semi-arid conditions. During the Triassic thick layers of continental sediments accumulated in the eastern part of the NPB due to thermal post-rift subsidence. In Danish well Felicia-1A, 3190 m of Triassic sediments overlay Upper Permian Zechstein deposits. For a more detailed description of the formation of Palaeozoic basins of NW Europe, see Coward (1995). THE SAMPLE SET The samples in this study were selected in order to get the best possible understanding of the distribution, thermal maturity and petroleum potential of Palaeozoic sediments in the NPB area. The samples are listed in Table 1. Cuttings and core
samples of Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian rocks were collected from 31 wells in the Norwegian, Danish and UK parts of the North Sea. Core samples from two onshore Swedish wells penetrating Upper Cambrian–Lower Ordovician marine shales were also collected, together with Lower Carboniferous lacustrine shale samples from outcrops in the Midland Valley, Scotland. Samples from onshore locations may represent Palaeozoic sediments offshore, although this is not proven by wells. In all, 189 samples made up the initial database for this study, but some samples were subsequently discarded due to contamination or uncertain age. Finally, only samples with total organic carbon (TOC) contents exceeding 1 wt% were regarded as source-rock candidates and included in this study. The final sample set was made up of seven coal samples, 27 mudstone samples and 24 shale samples, ranging in age from Cambrian to Permian (Fig. 2).
ANALYSIS The rock samples were cleaned with water, dried at room temperature and crushed in a steel mill. Aliquots of the powdered rocks were analysed using a Rock-Eval II unit with TOC module at the University of Bergen, Norway. Source-rock extracts were obtained by extracting the crushed samples with dichlormethane: methanol (97: 3 v/v) for three hours in a Soxtec extraction unit. The solution was thereafter concentrated by evaporation of the solvent to a total volume of 3 ml. Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) analysis of the whole extracted organic matter was performed using a Fisons GC800 gas chromatograph with a Fisons A200 S autosampler (10 µl syringe), connected to a Fisons Instruments MD800 quadrupole mass spectrometer. The chromatographic column was a Chromapack CP-SIL 5CB-MS FS WCOT fused silica type column (50 m 0.32 mm i.d., 0.40 µm film thickness). Temperature programme: 80 C–10 C min1–180 C– 1.7 C min1–316 C (30 min) for 80 minutes (180–316 C). MS details: EI ionization method, SIR collection mode, ions collected were (m/z) 191, 217, 218, 231, 256, 178, 192 and 198. Only results from m/z 178, 192 and 198 are presented in this study. The NSO-1 (North Sea Oil) was used as a reference sample (Dahlgren et al. 1998). No quantitative standard was used. Peak heights were used for calculating peak ratios. In order to assess what type of petroleum products the collected source-rock samples might generate under thermal stress (maturation), an open pyrolysis–gas chromatography (PY–GC) analysis was performed on selected samples of low maturity at the GeoForschungsZentrum in Potsdam, Germany. The samples not extracted with solvent were treated with HF and HCl in order to concentrate the kerogen in the source rocks. The kerogen concentrates were pyrolysed in an open pyrolysis unit connected to a nitrogen cold trap and an Agilent GC 6890A chromatograph equipped with a Flame Ionization Detector (FID). The chromatographic column was a HP-Ultra 1 dimethyl-polysiloxane-coated column (50 m 0.32 mm i.d., 0.52 µm film thickness). The kerogen concentrate was first purged at 300 C for four minutes in order to vent volatile products prior to pyrolysis, then heated to 600 C in ten minutes under a helium atmosphere. The petroleum compounds released during the pyrolysis were trapped in a cryogenic nitrogen cold trap. The trap was subsequently heated to 300 C and the mobilized compounds run through the GC– FID for detection and characterization of the pyrolysate. Flow was regulated at 30 ml min1, with a split ratio of 1: 15. Peak areas were used for estimating the relative abundance of compounds in the pyrolysate.
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Table 1. Sample set and analyses performed Sample 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58
Depth (mRKB)
Devonian Devonian Devonian Devonian Devonian L. Carboniferous L. Carboniferous L. Carboniferous L. Carboniferous L. Carboniferous L. Carboniferous L. Carboniferous Permian Permian Permian Permian Permian Permian L. Carboniferous L. Carboniferous L. Carboniferous L. Carboniferous L. Carboniferous Cambr./Ordovic. Cambr./Ordovic. Cambr./Ordovic. Cambr./Ordovic. L. Carboniferous L. Carboniferous L. Carboniferous L. Carboniferous L. Carboniferous L. Carboniferous L. Carboniferous L. Carboniferous L. Carboniferous L. Carboniferous L. Carboniferous L. Carboniferous L. Carboniferous L. Carboniferous L. Carboniferous L. Carboniferous L. Carboniferous L. Carboniferous L. Carboniferous L. Carboniferous L. Carboniferous L. Carboniferous L. Carboniferous L. Carboniferous L. Carboniferous Cambr./Ordovic. Cambr./Ordovic. Cambr./Ordovic. Cambr./Ordovic. Cambr./Ordovic. Cambr./Ordovic.
NO 2/7-21 S NO 2/7-23 S NO 2/7-23 S NO 2/7-26 S NO 2/7-26 S NO 2/11-9 NO 2/11-9 NO 2/11-9 NO 2/11-9 NO 2/11-9 NO 2/11-9 NO 2/11-9 NO 25/10-2 R NO 25/10-2 R NO 25/10-2 R DK Felicia-1A DK Felicia-1A DK Felicia-1A DK Gert-3 DK Gert-3 DK P-1 DK P-1 DK P-1 DK Terne-1 DK Terne-1 DK Terne-1 DK Terne-1 UK Midland Valley UK Midland Valley UK Midland Valley UK 14/19-1 UK 14/19-1 UK 14/19-1 UK 14/19-1 UK 14/19-1 UK 15/19-2 UK 15/19-2 UK 15/19-2 UK 15/19-2 UK 20/10a-3 UK 20/10a-3 UK 20/10a-3 UK 20/10a-3 UK 26/7-1 UK 38/16-1 UK 38/16-1 UK 39/7-1 UK 39/7-1 UK 39/7-1 UK 43/2-1 UK 43/2-1 UK 44/2-1 S Närke S Närke S Närke S Öland S Öland S Öland
4341.5 4433 4434 4310.5 4396 4213 4214.4 4215.4 4217.4 4220.8 4224 4224.5 3006.6 3008.3 3008.4 5143 5224 5242 4718 4810 3389 3389–3398.5 3398.5 3143–3146 3161–3164 3185–3188 3296–3299 0 0 0 2374.4–2380.5 2441.5–2444.5 2487.2 2487.2 2871.2 2252.5–2264.7 2484.1–2487.2 2578.6–2584.7 2578.6–2584.7 3624.1 3910.6 3956.3 3956.3 1557.9 2002.5 2003.1 3547.9–3550.9 3547.9–3550.9 3560–3563.1 3008.4–3011.4 3063.2–3066.3 2786.2 13.1 18.1 19.3 25 34.5 37.6
Sample type Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Cuttings Cuttings Cuttings Cuttings Cuttings Cuttings Cuttings Cuttings Cuttings Cuttings Cuttings Cuttings Outcrop Outcrop Outcrop Cuttings Cuttings Cuttings Cuttings Cuttings Cuttings Cuttings Cuttings Cuttings Cuttings Cuttings Cuttings Cuttings Core Core Core Cuttings Cuttings Cuttings Cuttings Cuttings Core Core Core Core Core Core Core
Lithology Mudstone Mudstone Mudstone Mudstone Mudstone Mudstone Coal Mudstone Mudstone Mudstone Mudstone Mudstone Shale (Kupferschiefer) Shale (Kupferschiefer) Shale (Kupferschiefer) Mudstone Mudstone Mudstone Mudstone Mudstone Mudstone Mudstone Mudstone Shale (Dictyonema Sh.) Shale (Dictyonema Sh.) Shale (Dictyonema Sh.) Shale (Alum Shale) Shale (torbanite) Shale (torbanite) Shale (torbanite) Mudstone Mudstone Mudstone Coal Shale Shale Coal Shale Coal Shale Shale Shale Shale Mudstone Mudstone Coal Mudstone Coal Coal Carbonaceous shale Mudstone Mudstone Shale (Alum Shale) Shale (Alum Shale) Shale (Alum Shale) Shale (Alum Shale) Shale (Alum Shale) Shale (Alum Shale)
Analysis Rock-Eval, Rock-Eval, Rock-Eval, Rock-Eval, Rock-Eval, Rock-Eval Rock-Eval, Rock-Eval Rock-Eval, Rock-Eval Rock-Eval, Rock-Eval Rock-Eval, Rock-Eval Rock-Eval, Rock-Eval, Rock-Eval Rock-Eval, Rock-Eval Rock-Eval, Rock-Eval Rock-Eval, Rock-Eval Rock-Eval Rock-Eval Rock-Eval, Rock-Eval, Rock-Eval, Rock-Eval, Rock-Eval, Rock-Eval Rock-Eval Rock-Eval Rock-Eval, Rock-Eval Rock-Eval Rock-Eval, Rock-Eval Rock-Eval, Rock-Eval Rock-Eval, Rock-Eval Rock-Eval Rock-Eval, Rock-Eval, Rock-Eval, Rock-Eval Rock-Eval Rock-Eval, Rock-Eval Rock-Eval, Rock-Eval, Rock-Eval Rock-Eval, Rock-Eval, Rock-Eval, Rock-Eval, Rock-Eval
GC–MS, gas chromatography–mass spectrometry; PY–GC, open pyrolysis–gas chromatography; VR, vitrinite reflectance.
To estimate thermal maturity in addition to Rock-Eval Tmax and isomerization ratios of methylphenantrene, selected samples were analysed for vitrinite reflectance at Applied Petroleum Technology at Kjeller, Norway. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results discussed below are listed in Tables 2 and 3. Table 2 contains Rock-Eval and maturity data for all 58
samples, while Table 3 indicates the petroleum potential of samples with S2 values above 4 mgHC g1 rock. Figures 3, 4, 5 and 6a, b show the kerogen type, petroleum potential and maturity of the samples. The maturity parameters referred to in the discussion are Tmax values (the temperature at the maximum yield on the S2 peak during Rock-Eval analysis), vitrinite reflectance measurements on selected samples (%Ro), and calculated ‘vitrinite reflectance’ (%Rc) based on the
Palaeozoic source rocks, Permian Basin
Fig. 2. Tentative Palaeozoic and Mesozoic stratigraphy in the Norwegian–Danish Basin and the eastern part of the Northern Permian Basin, with possible source, reservoir and cap rocks indicated. The stratigraphic position of the analysed samples (sample numbers refer to Table 1) is marked in the column to the far right.
isomerization ratios derived from aromatic hydrocarbons (methylphenantrenes) identified by GC–MS analysis of rock extracts (Kvalheim et al. 1987). Lower Palaeozoic source rocks Rock-Eval Tmax values and calculated ‘vitrinite’ reflectance values indicate that the samples of Upper Cambrian–Lower Ordovician marine Alum Shale (samples 53–58) are of low thermal maturity. The Tmax values for the samples from Närke (samples 53–55) range from 414 C to 417 C, corresponding to the shallowest part of the oil window. The samples from Öland (samples 56–58) appear slightly more mature, with Tmax values ranging from 425 C to 430 C. The opposite picture emerges when looking at the calculated ‘vitrinite reflectance’ (%Rc). The values are lowest for the Öland samples (0.43%Rc and 0.53%Rc), while the Närke samples have values of 0.74%Rc and 0.79%Rc. No real vitrinite reflectance methodology were used on the Lower Palaeozoic samples in this study, but Bharati et al. (1995) found the maturity of six Alum Shale samples from southern Sweden to be immature to early mature (0.25%Ro to 0.45%Ro) based on bituminite reflectance. The Upper
Cambrian–Lower Ordovician Alum Shale and Dictyonema Shale from the Danish well Terne-1 (samples 24–27) are in a much more advanced state of maturity, with calculated ‘vitrinite reflectance’ values of 1.12%Ro and 1.20%Rc. Note that the Tmax values for samples 24–27 are very low (356 C to 407 C) and are not believed to give a correct maturity estimate for these samples. The Cambrian samples from Swedish onshore wells were found to have high TOC levels of 5.9 wt% to 16.9 wt% (average TOC value 11.3 wt%) and HI values from 331 mgHC g1 TOC to 1000 mgHC g1 TOC (average HI value 490.6 mgHC g1 TOC). Note that the HI value of 1000 mgHC g1 TOC for sample 54 is an extremely high value. The range in HI values for the five other Swedish Alum Shale samples in this study is 332 mgHC g1 TOC to 431 mgHC g1 TOC (average HI value 363 mgHC g1 TOC) and are considered more representative for the Alum Shale. The TOC values of Alum Shale and Dictyonema Shale from Terne-1 range from 1.08 wt% to 6.1 wt% (average TOC value 3.1 wt%). The HI values are very low, from 5 mgHC g1 TOC to 88 mgHC g1 TOC (average HI value 28 mgHC g1 TOC),
J. H. Pedersen et al.
Table 2. Results from Rock-Eval and maturity analysis Sample
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58
Depth (mRKB)
NO 2/7-21 S NO 2/7-23 S NO 2/7-23 S NO 2/7-26 S NO 2/7-26 S NO 2/11-9 NO 2/11-9 NO 2/11-9 NO 2/11-9 NO 2/11-9 NO 2/11-9 NO 2/11-9 NO 25/10-2 R NO 25/10-2 R NO 25/10-2 R DK Felicia-1A DK Felicia-1A DK Felicia-1A DK Gert-3 DK Gert-3 DK P-1 DK P-1 DK P-1 DK Terne-1 DK Terne-1 DK Terne-1 DK Terne-1 UK Midland Valley UK Midland Valley UK Midland Valley UK 14/19-1 UK 14/19-1 UK 14/19-1 UK 14/19-1 UK 14/19-1 UK 15/19-2 UK 15/19-2 UK 15/19-2 UK 15/19-2 UK 20/10a-3 UK 20/10a-3 UK 20/10a-3 UK 20/10a-3 UK 26/7-1 UK 38/16-1 UK 38/16-1 UK 39/7-1 UK 39/7-1 UK 39/7-1 UK 43/2-1 UK 43/2-1 UK 44/2-1 S Närke S Närke S Närke S Öland S Öland S Öland
4341.5 4433 4434 4310.5 4396 4213 4214.4 4215.4 4217.4 4220.8 4224 4224.5 3006.6 3008.3 3008.4 5143 5224 5242 4718 4810 3389 3389–3398.5 3398.5 3143–3146 3161–3164 3185–3188 3296–3299 0 0 0 2374.4–2380.5 2441.5–2444.5 2487.2 2487.2 2871.2 2252.5–2264.7 2484.1–2487.2 2578.6–2584.7 2578.6–2584.7 3624.1 3910.6 3956.3 3956.3 1557.9 2002.5 2003.1 3547.9–3550.9 3547.9–3550.9 3560–3563.1 3008.4–3011.4 3063.2–3066.3 2786.2 13.1 18.1 19.3 25 34.5 37.6
TOC S1 S2 S1+S2 HI Tmax %Ro %Rc (wt%) (mgHC g1 rock) (mgHC g1 rock) (Petroleum potential, (mgHC g1 TOC) (C) mgHC g1 rock) 1.57 1.53 2.12 2.01 1.35 1.39 64.5 1.86 2.76 1.66 2.3 2.74 5.28 5.87 4.25 1.47 1.47 2.17 1.17 2.01 2.5 1.58 1.83 1.08 1.7 6.1 3.53 60.4 23.9 8.32 1.93 1.92 3.07 17.6 8.83 5.59 80.3 6.84 57.6 7.12 4.02 4.55 4.13 2.91 2.02 73.2 1.68 38.7 67.5 14.4 4.43 3.31 12.9 5.98 16.9 11.1 9.8 —
2.4 8.02 17.3 18.9 10.7 0.16 14.9 0.33 0.36 0.31 0.36 0.56 2.93 2.43 2.19 1.86 2.88 3.56 0.41 2.63 0.95 1.56 1.5 0.3 1.73 0.48 0.28 5 1.05 0.71 1.16 1.57 1.37 1.08 1.52 1.25 32.8 1.3 3.75 7.01 6.52 5.83 5.94 0.57 0.28 9.23 0.72 4 2.41 7.77 4.62 0.42 0.84 1.3 1.38 1.38 1.12 0.83
1.81 2.9 4.05 1.96 0.87 0.64 111 0.79 1.09 0.63 1.45 2.08 19.2 29.2 22.2 2.57 5.1 4.8 1.01 4.46 0.94 0.36 0.5 0.16 1.49 0.33 0.16 176 119 29 0.68 1.21 2.02 87.3 8.62 9.86 145 15.4 142 10.4 9.49 8.45 5.62 1.38 0.9 83.3 1 54.8 21 26.6 5.55 1.51 42.7 70.6 73.1 36 35.9 25.1
4.21 10.92 21.38 20.81 11.57 0.8 126.4 1.12 1.45 0.94 1.81 2.64 22.14 31.6 24.43 4.43 7.98 8.36 1.42 7.09 1.89 1.92 2 0.46 3.22 0.81 0.44 180.8 120 29.67 1.84 2.78 3.39 88.37 10.14 11.11 177.8 16.7 145.6 17.41 16.01 14.28 11.56 1.95 1.18 92.56 1.72 58.8 23.44 34.34 10.17 1.93 43.54 71.94 74.43 37.41 36.97 25.9
115 190 191 98 64 46 173 42 39 38 63 76 364 497 523 175 347 221 86 222 38 23 27 15 88 5 5 291 498 348 35 63 66 497 98 176 181 225 246 146 236 185 136 47 44 113 60 142 31 184 125 46 332 c. 1000 431 324 366 —
461 345 344 337 350 437 446 494 504 447 441 438 427 424 421 437 433 421 444 436 443 395 441 361 407 356 366 451 446 426 425 435 452 443 439 432 432 435 434 449 449 433 426 435 431 427 431 441 443 418 430 439 414 414 417 430 430 425
0.93 1.04 1.05 1.08 0.98
0.96 1.09 0.98
0.61 1.06 0.92
1.20 1.12 0.30 0.42 0.45
0.77 0.98 1.09
0.92 0.82 0.82
1.03 0.79 0.74 0.53 0.43
%Ro is measured vitrinite reflectance; %Rc is calculated ‘vitrinite reflectance’, calculated from the four isomers of the aromatic compound methylphenantrene (%Rc=2.242(F10.166), where F1=(2-MP+3-MP)/(2-MP+3-MP+1-MP+9-MP) (Kvalheim et al. 1987)).
indicating that the Terne-1 samples contains only ‘dead’ carbon unable to generate any petroleum. The S1 value indicates the quantity of free hydrocarbons in the sample. The S1 values are low for all the Lower Palaeozoic samples (range 0.28– 1.73 mgHC g1 rock). This fits well for the low-mature samples from Öland, but one would expect higher S1 values for
the Terne-1 samples of higher maturity. The observed S1 values for the Terne-1 samples could, however, reflect a post-mature source rock which has expelled all free hydrocarbons. The remaining petroleum potential (S2, mgHC g1 rock) indicates how much petroleum a source rock is capable of generating at the present time. The low-mature Swedish Alum Shale samples
Palaeozoic source rocks, Permian Basin Table 3. Samples with remaining petroleum potential (S2>4 mgHC g1 rock) sorted by their S2 values Sample
Depth (mRKB)
3 20 18 17 51 43 42 35 41 36 40 38 13 15 58 50 30 14 57 56 53 54 55 29 28 49 48 46 34 7 39 37
Norway 2/7-23 S 4434 Devonian Denmark Gert-3 4810 Lower Carboniferous Denmark Felicia-1A 5242 Permian Denmark Felicia-1A 5224 Permian UK 43/2-1 3063.2–3066.3 Lower Carboniferous UK 20/10a-3 3956.3 Lower Carboniferous UK 20/10a-3 3956.3 Lower Carboniferous UK 14/19-1 2871.2 Lower Carboniferous UK 20/10a-3 3910.6 Lower Carboniferous UK 15/19-2 2252.5–2264.7 Lower Carboniferous UK 20/10a-3 3624.1 Lower Carboniferous UK 15/19-2 2578.6–2584.7 Lower Carboniferous Norway 25/10-2 R 3006.6 Permian Norway 25/10-2 R 3008.4 Permian Sweden Öland 37.6 Cambrian/Ordovician UK 43/2-1 3008.4–3011.4 Lower Carboniferous Scotland Midland Valley 0 Lower Carboniferous Norway 25/10-2 R 3008.3 Permian Sweden Öland 34.5 Cambrian/Ordovician Sweden Öland 25 Cambrian/Ordovician Sweden Närke 13.1 Cambrian/Ordovician Sweden Närke 18.1 Cambrian/Ordovician Sweden Närke 19.3 Cambrian/Ordovician Scotland Midland Valley 0 Lower Carboniferous Scotland Midland Valley 0 Lower Carboniferous UK 39/7-1 3560–3563.1 Lower Carboniferous UK 39/7-1 3547.9–3550.9 Lower Carboniferous UK 38/16-1 2003.1 Lower Carboniferous UK 14/19-1 2487.2 Lower Carboniferous Norway 2/11-9 4214.4 Lower Carboniferous UK 15/19-2 2578.6–2584.7 Lower Carboniferous UK 15/19-2 2484.1–2487.2 Lower Carboniferous
TOC S1 S2 HI Potential (wt%) (mgHC g1 rock) (mgHC g1 rock) (mgHC g1 TOC) 2.12 2.01 2.5 1.47 4.43 4.13 4.55 8.83 4.02 5.59 7.12 6.84 5.28 4.25 — 14.42 8.32 5.87 9.8 11.11 12.88 5.98 16.94 23.87 60.36 67.48 38.74 73.21 17.57 64.46 57.58 80.29
17.33 2.63 5.09 2.88 4.62 5.94 5.83 1.52 6.52 1.25 7.01 1.3 2.93 2.19 0.83 7.77 0.71 2.43 1.12 1.38 0.84 1.3 1.38 1.05 5 2.41 4 9.23 1.08 14.89 3.75 32.81
4.05 4.46 4.85 5.1 5.55 5.62 8.45 8.62 9.49 9.86 10.4 15.4 19.21 22.24 25.07 26.57 28.96 29.17 35.85 36.03 42.7 70.64 73.05 118.94 175.8 21.03 54.8 83.33 87.29 111.48 141.87 145
191 222 194 347 125 136 186 98 236 176 146 225 364 523 — 184 348 497 366 324 332 c. 1000 431 498 291 31 142 114 497 173 246 180
The indicated potential is based on the S2 values. The S2 values approximately reflect the depth of burial for the samples, as more mature, deeply buried samples have less remaining potential. The coals all have high S2 values.
have very high S2 values, 25.9–74.43 mgHC g1 rock (average S2 value 47.2 mgHC g1 rock). The samples from Närke have higher S2 values than the sample from Öland, which could indicate a lower thermal maturity for the Närke samples. Figure 6a shows the very high petroleum potential of the Swedish low-mature Alum Shales. The Alum Shale of high maturity from the Terne-1 well has, in contrast, no remaining petroleum potential, with S2 values from 0.16 mgHC g1 rock to 1.49 mgHC g1 rock (average S2 value 0.54 mgHC g1 rock). The Alum Shale is widely distributed on- and offshore Scandinavia (Andersson et al. 1985) and is one of the Lower Palaeozoic source rocks of commercial oil and gas fields onand offshore Latvia, Lithuania and Poland (Brangulis et al. 1993; Schleicher et al. 1998). There are many strong indications that oil has been generated and expelled from Lower Palaeozioc source rocks onshore Scandinavia. Oil has been produced from wells penetrating Upper Ordovician carbonate mounds on Gotland, Sweden (Sivhed et al. 2004) and live, non-biodegraded oil is found in fossils in an Ordovician limestone in Österplana, near lake Vänern in Sweden (Buchardt & Hansen 2000; Pedersen 2002). Biodegraded oil seeps are present in an Ordovician carbonate mound in Solberga, close to the Siljan meteoric impact crater in Sweden (Vlierboom et al. 1986; Pedersen 2002) and oil staining of Lower Cambrian sandstone is reported from the Danish island Bornholm (Møller & Friis 1999). In the Oslo Graben, insoluble pyrobitumen is common in fossils and fractures in Lower Palaeozoic sediments (Dons 1956; N. Spjeldnæs, pers. comm.) and locations of oil stains and
oil remains are also known from this area (S. Dahlgren, pers. comm., Hanken & Owen 1982; Olaussen et al. 1994). Figure 7 shows solid pyrobitumen in Upper Ordovician rocks from the Oslo Graben. Condensate-like petroleum is described from inclusions in hydrothermal quartz veins from the Modum and Kongsberg area west of Oslo (Karlsen et al. 1993; Munz et al. 1993) and both oil and gas occurs in vesicles in Permian volcanic intrusions at the south coast of Norway (Dons 1956, 1975). Karlsen et al. (1993) found the maturity of a condensate from inclusions in hydrothermal quartz at Modum to be equivalent to 2.5%Ro using the methylphenanthrene index of Radke (1988). Petroleum from a Permian intrusive close to the small town of Tvedestrand, southern Norway, was most likely generated from a marine Type II source rock, based on a biomarker study of petroleum extracted from the intrusion (Pedersen 2004, unpublished data). The intrusion may extend offshore into the Skagerrak Graben, and accordingly cut through Lower Palaeozoic marine sediments thought to be present in the NPB area. The numerous occurrences of petroleum mentioned here strongly suggest that Lower Palaeozoic marine shales have generated and expelled oil in onshore locations in regions of Scandinavia, and indicate that this also has occurred offshore southern Norway. Shallow cores and seismic lines from offshore southern Norway show that Lower Palaeozoic sediments are present in the Skagerrak area (Smelror et al. 1997; Rise et al. 1999, fig. 2). In this study, the Alum Shale stands out as the best Lower Palaeozoic source-rock candidate. Silurian marine mudstones collected from Danish wells Slagelse-1 and Pernille-1 had no petroleum potential (TOC
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Fig. 4. Mean (measured) vitrinite reflectance (%Ro) of selected rock samples vs. present burial depth. Numbers refer to sample numbers in Table 1. Points X and Y represent unpublished data from the Carboniferous section in Norwegian well 2/10-1 S. Sample Z (Devonian) is from Norwegian well 2/7-21 S. The majority of samples fall within the oil window in terms of thermal maturity.
Fig. 3. Hydrogen index (HI) vs. Tmax plot, indicating kerogen type and maturity of the samples in Table 1. Broken lines indicate approximate corresponding mean vitrinite reflectance for Type III kerogen. Type I kerogen (oil-prone) is represented by samples 28 and 29, while Type II kerogen (oil- and gas-prone) is abundant in, for example, samples 14, 15 and 53. Type III kerogen (gas-prone) is represented here by the majority of the samples. The Tmax value is an approximate measure of thermal maturity, but is also influenced by the kerogen type. Most of the samples are thought to have thermal maturities corresponding with the upper half of the oil window.
contents 0.15 wt% and 0.43 wt%), but Silurian source rocks are known from the Baltic Sea and Baltic onshore areas (Brangulis et al. 1993). Bjørlykke (1974) studied Lower Palaeozoic sediments from the Oslo Graben and found the average contents of organic carbon to be around 2–5% in Middle Cambrian Paradoxides Shale, 10% in Alum Shale, 5–10% in the Dictyonema Shale and 1–3 % in the Lower Ordovician Didymograptus Shale. The Upper Ordovician Trestaspis Shale from the Oslo Graben had generally low carbon contents below 0.5%. Note that the TOC contents in the Dictyonema Shale appear to be higher in the samples from the Oslo Graben than in the samples from the Terne-1 well, despite the post-mature nature of the Lower Palaeozoic sediments in the Oslo Graben (bituminite reflectance up to 4.8%Ro, Bharati et al. 1995). The analysis made by Bjørlykke (1974) indicates that the best source-rock facies was developed in the Upper Cambrian Alum Shale, but also that source rocks may have developed in Middle Cambrian marine sediments. Based on the aforementioned earlier observations and the analysis presented here, there is no reason why Lower Palaeozoic marine shales underlying the offshore NPB did not generate and expel oil and gas.
Fig. 5. Thermal maturity of rock extracts and oils derived from aromatic compounds expressed as calculated ‘vitrinite reflectance’ (%Rc) (Kvalheim et al. 1987) vs. present sample depth. Numbers refer to sample numbers in Table 1. Samples A and B are Lower Palaeozoic oils from two locations onshore Sweden – (A) Siljan and (B) Österplana. Sample C is the Upper Jurassic-sourced NSO-1 oil from the Oseberg Field. The NSO-1 oil is used here as a reference oil. The maturity parameter F1 is derived from the four methylphenantrene isomers: F1=(2-MP+3-MP)/(2-MP+3-MP+1-MP+9-MP). The calculated reflectance values correspond approximately with the measured vitrinite reflectance values shown in Figure 4.
Devonian source rocks The Devonian mudstone samples from wells in the Norwegian Embla Field (samples 1–5) have very low Tmax values (337 C
Palaeozoic source rocks, Permian Basin
Fig. 6. Rock-Eval S2 value vs. TOC content. Numbers refer to sample numbers in Table 1. (a) All the samples with TOC exceeding 1 wt%, i.e. all samples in Table 1. Coals have the highest TOC and S2 values, but note that samples 28, 29, 30, 50, 53, 54 and 55 are lacustrine and marine shales with very high remaining petroleum potential. (b) Expanded view of the bottom left-hand corner of (a). The majority of samples have no remaining petroleum potential, but a range of source rock candidates have fair to rich potential. See Table 1 for sample identification.
to 350 C), indicating an immature state of these samples. This is not coherent with the present-day burial depth (4310.5– 4434 mRKB). Sample 1 is the exception, with a more reasonable Tmax value of 461 C, suggesting a maturity corresponding to the middle-deepest part of the oil window. Samples 2 to 5 appear to be oil stained (very low Tmax values, high S1 values). The oil staining may origin from Upper Jurassic marine shales sourcing the reservoirs of the Embla Field (Bharati 1997) or from oil-based mud used when drilling the wells. The NPD well data summary sheet for well 2/7-23 S states that oil-based mud was used when drilling this well ( Therefore, the Tmax values of samples 2–5 cannot be interpreted and sample 1 is believed to best represent the maturity of the Devonian samples. Vitrinite reflectance measurements on sample 1 (0.69%Ro) indicate a slightly lower maturity than the
Fig. 7. Scanning electron micrograph (backscattered electrons, unpolished section) of an Upper Ordovician limestone from the Oslo Graben (Ringerike). Pyrobitumen (C) appears dark, while calcite (CaCO3) is light. Quartz (SiO2) is also identified in the rock section. The cracks in the pyrobitumen are filled with calcite.
Tmax value, but the Tmax maturity is backed up by the maturity indicated by the calculated ‘vitrinite reflectance’ (0.93%Rc). The medium-high maturities indicated by the calculated ‘vitrinite reflectance’ values for samples 2–5 (0.98%Rc to 1.08%Rc) may be related to mature, migrated oil sourced from deeply buried Upper Jurassic source rocks, or in the case of well 2/7-23 S, oil additives in the drilling mud. Bharati (1997) calculated ‘vitrinite reflectance’ values ranging from 0.93%Rc to 1.13%Rc for oils from the Embla Field, using methylphenantrene isomers as described by Radke (1988). Even though samples 2–5 may be contaminated with migrated oil, they still give some information on TOC and HI. These data should, however, be used with caution. The TOC values for the Devonian samples range from 1.35 wt% to 2.12 wt% (average TOC value 1.7 wt%). The HI values range from 64 mgHC g1 TOC to 191 mgHC g1 TOC (average HI value 132 mgHC g1 TOC). The observed TOC and HI values classify the Devonian samples as Type III gas-prone source rocks, at best. As mentioned, samples 2–5 have high S1 values (8.02–18.9 mgHC g1 rock, average S1 value 11 mgHC g1 rock). It is unlikely that the S1 values observed for samples 2–5 are derived from indigenous oil in the Devonian mudstones, due to the gas-prone appearance of the Devonian samples. The S1 value for the assumed uncontaminated sample 1 is perhaps more representative for the Devonian mudstones, and indicates a small amount of hydrocarbons (2.4 mgHC g1 rock). There is very little remaining petroleum potential in the Devonian samples, with S2 values ranging from 0.81 mgHC g1 rock to 4.05 mgHC g1 rock (average S2 value 2.32 mgHC g1 rock). The distribution of Devonian sediments in the Norwegian North Sea is not validated by a statistically relevant number of wells, but the study of seismic lines (Marshall & Hewett 2003) indicates that Devonian sediments may exist in many parts of the North Sea, especially where accommodation space became available by post-orogenic reactivation of Caledonian thrusts. Half-graben formed in this way may fringe the CDF (see Fig. 1). Such graben are known from East Greenland (Surlyk et al. 1986), the Utsira High in the Northern North Sea (Brekke et al. 2001;
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Fig. 8. Simplified geosection across the western margin of the Utsira High. Pre-Permian sediments are interpreted to fill a half-graben probably formed by extensional reactivation of a Caledonian structure. Oil staining in Permian dolomites and pre-Permian sandstone is reported from well 25/10-4, situated in an updip position of possible pre-Permian shales. Adopted from Brekke et al. (2001).
Marshall & Hewett 2003) and from SE Denmark (Krawczyk et al. 2002). Brekke et al. (2001) described seismic reflectors in possible pre-Permian shales on the Utsira High that might represent coals or, contrastingly, volcanic intrusions (Fig. 8). It is, in this respect, interesting to note that Norwegian well 25/10-4, located updip of these reflectors, was reported to penetrate oil-stained Upper Permian dolomite and pre-Permian sandstones (unpublished data). NW of the NPB, lacustrine sediments with oil-prone source-rock quality were deposited in Devonian time in the Orcadian Basin (Duncan & Buxton 1995; Marshall & Hewett 2003). This lacustrine-evaporitic system stretched from the north of Scotland in the south to the west coast of Norway in the north (see Fig. 1 for location). A potential connection from the Orcadian Basin to the assumed series of half-graben related to the CDF is indicated by Norwegian well 15/5-3, which contains Devonian mudstones and minor sandstones. Although highly speculative, it is possible that Devonian lacustrine source rocks may have been developed in favourable places in the NW and central parts of the NPB. Carboniferous source rocks The Lower Carboniferous (Viséan) samples include shales, mudstones and coals from Norwegian and Danish wells and UK wells and outcrops. The Tmax values of the Norwegian samples from well 2/11-9 (samples 6–12) indicate a maturity span from early mature to post-mature (437 C to 504 C, average Tmax value 458 C). This wide range in maturity is unrealistic, as the samples are from the interval 4213– 4224.5 mRKB. However, more reliable vitrinite measurements on a coal sample (sample 7, 0.76%Ro), together with calculated ‘vitrinite reflectance’ from samples 7, 9 and 11 (0.96%Rc, 1.09%Rc and 0.98%Rc) suggest that the Norwegian samples are medium- to late-mature. Two Carboniferous samples from Norwegian well 2/10-1 S (unpublished data) have vitrinite reflectance values of 1.23%Ro and 1.02%Ro at depths of 4538 mRKB and 4596 mRKB (samples X and Y, in Fig. 4). The Danish shale and mudstone samples from wells Gert-3 and P-1 (samples 19–23) have Tmax values from 395 C to 444 C (average Tmax value 432 C). The Tmax values appear rather low for the Gert-3 samples (444 C and 436 C), considering the
present burial depth of 4718 mRKB and 4810 mRKB. The samples (cuttings) could represent low-mature shales from shallower depths, which have caved into the well. On the other hand, the measured vitrinite reflectance (0.84%Ro) and calculated ‘vitrinite reflectance’ (0.79%Rc) indicate a higher, and more plausible, maturity for the Gert-3 samples (medium mature). The P-1 mudstones have maturities corresponding to the upper half of the oil window (0.61%Ro and 0.90%Rc). The measured vitrinite reflectance value of 0.61%Ro is probably most correct, as the measured sample (sample 22) was collected from the interval 3389.5–3398.5 mRKB. The samples from the UK wells (samples 31–52) have Tmax values placing them in the upper half of the oil window in terms of maturity. The Tmax values range from 418 C to 452 C, with an average Tmax value of 435 C. Sample 50 has an unrealistically low Tmax value of 418 C. Vitrinite reflectance measured on coals from the UK wells in this study (samples 34, 37, 46 and 49) span from 0.51%Ro to 0.82%Ro, with an average value of 0.69%Ro. Some of the calculated ‘vitrinite reflectance’ values were somewhat higher, with values ranging from 0.82%Rc to 1.03%Rc (average value 0.94%Rc). There is, for example, poor correlation between the measured (0.51%Ro) and calculated (0.82%Rc) vitrinite reflectance for sample 46 (coal). In this particular case it is believed that the measured value is the most correct. Overall, the offshore UK samples appear less mature than the Norwegian and Danish samples. Three samples of Lower Carboniferous lacustrine shale from onshore Scotland (Edinburgh, Midland Valley) are immature, with Tmax values from 426 C to 451 C, and measured and calculated ‘vitrinite reflectance’ of 0.30%Ro, 0.42%Rc and 0.45%Rc. The mudstones from Norwegian well 2/11-9 (samples 6 and 8–12) have TOC values in the range of 1.39 wt% to 2.76 wt% (average TOC value 2.12 wt%), and HI values ranging from 38 mgHC g1 TOC to 63 mgHC g1 TOC (average HI value 51 mgHC g1 TOC). The Danish shales and mudstones have TOC values from 1.17 wt% to 2.5 wt% (average TOC value 1.8 wt%), and HI values from 21 mgHC g1 TOC to 222 mgHC g1 TOC (average HI is 79 mgHC g1 TOC). The Carboniferous offshore UK shale and mudstone samples have TOC values between 1.92 wt% and 14.4 wt% (average TOC value 4.80 wt%), and HI values from 31 mgHC g1 TOC to
Palaeozoic source rocks, Permian Basin 236 mgHC g1 TOC (average HI is 143 mgHC g1 TOC). The lacustrine shales from the onshore Midland Valley of Scotland have very high TOC values spanning from 8.3 wt% to 60.3 wt%, and HI values from 291 mgHC g1 TOC to 498 mgHC g1 TOC. The Lower Carboniferous coals from Norwegian well 2/11-9 and the UK wells have TOC contents ranging from 17.6 wt% to 80.3 wt% (average TOC is 57.1 wt%) and HI values in the range of 31 mgHC g1 TOC to 497 mgHC g1 TOC (average HI is 198 mgHC g1 TOC). The variation in TOC and HI observed for the coal samples is probably due to varying content of clastic material and variations in the maceral composition and thermal maturity. In general, the samples from Carboniferous mudstones and Carboniferous coals are gas-prone Type III source rocks. However, samples 38 and 41 (HI of 225 mgHC g1 TOC and 236 mgHC g1 TOC) suggest that oil-prone Type II/III Carboniferous shales may be developed in the western parts (UK) of the NPB. The coals have very high remaining petroleum potential, with average S2 values of 92.1 mgHC g1 rock. The shale and mudstone samples from the offshore UK wells have the highest remaining petroleum potential of the non-coaly samples, with average S1 value 2.99 mgHC g1 rock and average S2 values of 6.79 mgHC g1 rock. Among the shale and mudstone samples from Norway and Denmark, only sample 20, from DK well Gert-3, has any significant remaining petroleum potential (S2 is 4.46 mgHC g1 rock). The observed S2 values may reflect the higher maturity of the samples from Norwegian and Danish areas, but could also indicate a richer Carboniferous source-rock facies on the UK side of the NPB. The Lower Carboniferous lacustrine shales from the Midland Valley of Scotland (samples 28–30) are oil-prone Type I source rocks, with very high petroleum potential (average S2 values 108 mgHC g1 rock). Bruce & Stemmerik (2003) suggested a correlation of coals and mudstones from UK well 20/10a-3 (see Fig. 1 for location) to the oil shales of Midland Valley, onshore Scotland, represented here by samples 28–30. Upper Carboniferous marine sediments occur in the Oslo Graben (Olaussen 1981) and Carboniferous shallow-marine, bioturbated claystones are found in Danish well Ørslev-1. Furthermore, Carboniferous shales, mudstones, siltstones and sandstones are present in Danish wells Borg-1, Gert-3, Hans-1 and P-1. These occurrences suggest that Carboniferous sediments may have been deposited over most of the eastern part of the NPB. The analysed shales in Gert-3 suggest that gas-prone source rocks may exist locally, where conditions were favourable for deposition and preservation of organic matter. Carboniferous mudstones and coal seams in Norwegian wells 2/10-1 S and 2/11-9 indicate a deltaic depositional environment. Volcanoclastic material of assumed Carboniferous age in well 2/10-1 S indicates that the Carboniferous sediments at this location were deposited after rifting and volcanism had begun in the NPB. The Carboniferous rifting probably allowed continental syn-rift sediments to be deposited in small rift valleys in the NPB. Volcanic material is not observed in cores from Norwegian well 2/11-9, suggesting that these sediments are older than the oldest sediments found in the 2/10-1 S well, i.e. they may be of pre-rift Lower Carboniferous age. Note that a gas kick was reported from 2/10-1 S when the drill bit penetrated Upper Permian Zechstein evaporites and entered Lower Permian Rotliegend sandstones (2/10-1S Well Data Summary Sheet, Because this well terminated in Carboniferous mudstones, coal seams and volcanic material, the gas detected in the Rotliegend sandstones in well 2/10-1 S was most likely generated from Carboniferous sediments. Close to the UK side of the NPB, the onshore D’Arcy oil field in Scotland, among others, is charged by the organic-rich lacus-
trine shales represented in this study by samples 28-30 (Hallett et al. 1985). These Midland Valley oil shales were deposited as organic-rich sediments in a Carboniferous rift basin that extended into the offshore Firth of Forth. Lower Carboniferous shales of the Firth Coal Fm., possibly related to the Midland Valley lacustrine system, are found in UK wells 20/10a-3 (Bruce & Stemmerik 2003), 14/19-1 and 15/19-2. Nevertheless, it is not known if the Midland Valley rift graben continues eastwards into the Norwegian sector of the NPB. There are no occurrences of Upper Carboniferous (Westphalian) coals in the NPB known to the authors. The Ringkøbing–Fyn High, which was probably uplifted in response to the Carboniferous Variscan orogeny, acted as a barrier between the SPB and the NPB in Late Carboniferous times (Glennie et al. 2003). This may have hindered development of the Westphalian delta facies of the SPB type into the NPB. However, this does not exclude lacustrine, organic-rich sediments from being deposited in parts of the NPB during Late Carboniferous times, provided that enough accommodation space existed for lakes or swamps to develop. Much of the area was, however, affected by uplift and erosion in Late Carboniferous to Early Permian times (Sørensen & Martinsen 1987). Although not proven, it seems likely, by inference, that both marine sediments and continental pre- and syn-rift sediments, some of which are of source-rock quality, were deposited in the NPB during the Carboniferous. Permian source rocks The Permian samples consist of marine shale (the Kupferschiefer, also known as Marl Slate or Copper Shale) from Norwegian well 25/10-2 and mudstones from Danish well Felicia-1A. The Tmax values of the Norwegian samples (sample 13–15, Tmax 427 C, 424 C and 421 C) indicate that these samples are in an immature to early-mature state. The low maturity is supported by the measured and calculated vitrinite reflectance (0.38%Ro, 0.75%Rc and 0.61%Rc). The Rotliegend mudstones from Felicia-1A have remarkably low Tmax values (sample 16–18 in Table 2, Tmax 437 C, 433 C and 421 C), considering that the samples came from a depth of 5143– 5242 mRKB. These samples may have reached depths of up to 6 km, before Neogene uplift of around 800 m (Japsen et al. 2002). The calculated ‘vitrinite reflectance’ (0.92%Rc and 1.06%Rc) indicates a lower maturity, corresponding with the middle part of the oil window. The measured vitrinite reflectance gives a more reliable maturity estimate of 1.24%Ro (late mature). The Kupferschiefer samples from the 25/10-2 well have high TOC and HI values, typical of an oil-prone Type II source rock (average TOC value 5.1 wt%, average HI value 461 mgHC g1 TOC). The mudstone samples from Felicia-1A have an average TOC value of 1.7 wt% and an average HI value of 247 mgHC g1 TOC, which means that these samples are dominantly gas-prone. The early-mature Kupferschiefer samples have a very high petroleum potential (average S2 value 23.5 mgHC g1 rock) while the late-mature Felicia-1A samples having, at best, a fair remaining petroleum potential (average S2 value 4.16 mgHC g1 rock). Permian sediments in the NPB with source-rock potential were most likely deposited in Middle Permian times, when marine conditions were rapidly established in the NPB and SPB (Glennie & Buller 1983). The Kupferschiefer is usually thin (1 m) in most known places. However, from gamma-ray logs from Norwegian 2/10-1 S well, a thickness of 9 m is inferred, and Kupferschiefer thicknesses of up to 15 m and 20 m are reported from Norwegian North Sea and UK North Sea wells (Glennie et al. 2003, fig. 8.21). A 20 m thick Kupferschiefer interval in central parts of the NPB would certainly be able to charge structures in the potentially
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Fig. 9. Classification of petroleum and organic facies based on molecular composition of pyrolysate (PY–GC; peak area percent; UCM excluded; P–N–A, paraffinic–napthenic–aromatic; diagram adopted from Horsfield et al. 1989) Numbers refer to sample numbers in Table 1 (samples 7, 9, 14, 18, 28, 29, 44, 45, 46, 51, 55 and 56). Devonian and Carboniferous mudstones generate gas and condensates and are related to a deltaic/terrigenous-dominated facies. Sample 46 (a Carboniferous coal) may represent a transitional, paralic environment. Samples 14, 18 (Permian) and 56 (U. Cambrian–L. Ordovician) generate both gas and oil products during pyrolysis and represent a marine facies. Samples 28 and 29 are organic super-rich Carboniferous lacustrine shales, capable of generating high-wax oils.
overlying Rotliegend sandstones with commercial volumes of black oil. Using the Rock-Eval data from the low-mature sample 14 from Norwegian well 25/10-2 (Table 2), and assuming a source-rock density of 2.2 g cm3 and a transformation ratio of 0.7, 1 km2 of 10 m thick Kupferschiefer would generate at least 106 BBL black oil. However, the existence of generously developed Kupferschiefer in the NPB remains speculative. Glennie et al. (2003) reported that the Kupferschiefer is thin or even absent on the northern flank of the Ringkøbing–Fyn High. Indeed, the Kupferschiefer appears to be missing in Danish well Felicia-1A. Instead, about 200 m of Rotliegend mudstone interbedded with grey sandstones are found underlying the Upper Permian evaporites (Corbett et al. 2001). The mudstones and sandstones are interpreted as marine (Fig. 9, sample 18) and the sandstones are possibly turbiditic. The Felicia-1A mudstones are presently gas-prone (Fig. 3, samples 16, 17 and 18). The initial petroleum potential of these mudstones was presumably higher than the limited potential of today, but there are no observations of oil shows in the Permian sandstones in the Felicia-1 well. This indicates that the Permian mudstones in the Felicia-1A well locality never generated any oil, leaving the Kupferschiefer as the best Permian source-rock candidate in the NPB. OPEN PYROLYSIS OF PALAEOZOIC SOURCE ROCKS Open pyrolysis of kerogen concentrates made from samples 7, 9, 14, 18, 28, 29, 44, 45, 46, 51, 55 and 56 produced results which correspond quite well with the observations made from the Rock-Eval analysis described above. The amount of n-alkanes separated into boiling point cuts (i.e. %C1–C5, %C6–C14, %C15–C32) detected by GC–FID analysis of the pyrolysis products is used here to classify the source rocks (Horsfield et al. 1989). Bharati et al. (1992) demonstrated that the Alum Shale has a tendency to generate mostly gas and only a limited amount of aromatic-rich fluid petroleum under
Fig. 10. Pyrolysis-gas chromatograms (PY–GC–FID, open-system pyrolysis) of two Alum Shale samples from Sweden. C6 etc. refers to n-alkene/alkane doublets. (a) Närke (sample 55 in Table 1) – the pyrolysate contains predominantly gas and some aromatic compounds. Note the near absence of alkene/alkane doublets. (b) Öland (sample 56 in Table 1) – this sample generates the typical alkene/ alkane doublets up to C21 and may represent a richer, more distal source facies of the Alum Shale than the ‘on-craton’ Närke sample. Note that both samples have thermal maturity corresponding to the uppermost part of the oil window.
pyrolysis, despite the oil-prone appearance of this organic-rich source rock. This was also observed under open pyrolysis in this study of a low-mature sample from Närke, onshore Sweden (sample 55, TOC 16.9 wt%, HI 431 mgHC g1 TOC). The main products generated were gas and aromatic compounds such as benzene, toluene and 2,5-dimethylthiophene (Fig. 10a). However, a low-mature sample of Alum Shale from Öland (sample 56, TOC 11.1 wt%, HI 324 mgHC g1 TOC) yielded alkene–alkane doublets up to C21 during the same analysis (Fig. 10b), suggesting that regional differences in petroleum potential may occur within the Alum Shale lithology. The sample from Öland may be related to the distal Alum Shale of the Baltic Basin, while the Närke sample may represent a more proximal ‘on-craton’ environment, perhaps with more oxygenated palaeo-seafloor conditions. Sediments deposited west of the Swedish mainland are more likely to have been deposited in a basinal setting such as in the Baltic Basin, and may have had better source-rock potential than the ‘on-craton’ sediments. However, a larger number of representative Alum Shale samples have to be analysed before any conclusions can be drawn on this. The Devonian and Lower Carboniferous coals and mudstones generate only gas under open pyrolysis, while the Middle Permian Kupferschiefer samples generate oil and gas products under the same conditions (Fig. 9). The Permian mudstone from the Felicia-1A well generates mainly gas, but also a minor oil fraction (Fig. 9, sample 18). Two samples of the
Palaeozoic source rocks, Permian Basin
Fig. 11. Classification of open pyrolysis products from a subset of samples (7, 9, 14, 18, 28, 29, 44, 45, 46, 51, 55 and 56 in Table 1) based on their content of an aromatic compound (toluene), an aromatic sulphur compound (2,5-dimenthylthiophene) and two saturated compounds combined (n-C9+n-C25) (after Horsfield et al. 1989). Carboniferous deltaic mudstones and coals yield aromatic-rich pyrolysates, while marine U. Cambrian–L. Ordovician and Permian shales are ‘intermediates’. Note sample 7, a Carboniferous coal from Norwegian well 2/11-9, whose pyrolysis product appears more enriched in n-alkanes than the pyrolysates from the other coals in this study. Pyrolysates from samples 28 and 29 (Carboniferous lacustrine shales) are dominated by saturated hydrocarbons (n-alkanes).
Lower Carboniferous lacustrine shale from the Midland Valley generate a high-wax oil, which reflects the excellent source-rock properties of these lacustrine shales (Fig. 9, samples 28 and 29). Open pyrolysis experiments also provide information on the amounts of aromatic (toluene), saturated (n-C9+n-C25) and sulphuric components (2,5-dimethylthiophene) in petroleum generated from the investigated kerogen (Horsfield et al. 1989). Pyrolysis products from organic lean Devonian and Lower Carboniferous mudstones are seen here to contain high percentages of aromatic compounds, while the majority of samples, both coals and shales, classify as intermediate, but biased towards the aromatic corner of Figure 11. None of the samples classify as sulphur-rich, according to Figure 11. Pyrolysates from the two Midland Valley lacustrine Type I samples grade as paraffinic, due to the high content of saturated hydrocarbons in the pyrolysates. POTENTIAL PALAEOZOIC PETROLEUM SYSTEMS IN THE NORTHERN PERMIAN BASIN Figure 12 shows two possible petroleum systems in the NPB, with (A) marine Lower Palaeozoic pre-rift and (B) continental Upper Palaeozoic syn-rift source rocks, post-rift Permian reservoir and cap rocks, plus the Mesozoic overburden. The organic-rich Lower Palaeozoic pre-rift shales in the NPB may have realized much of their petroleum potential already in Late Silurian–Early Devonian times, especially in areas close to the CDF (Fig. 1). Much of the NPB area was in a general sense part of the Silurian foredeep for the Caledonian mountain range. Today the exposed Alum Shale in the Oslo Graben is postmature in terms of oil and gas generation (Buchardt et al. 1986), and it certainly is post-mature in the central parts of NPB, in particular close to the CDF and in the areas underlying the Central Graben and Viking Graben. However, in areas of the NPB east of the CDF, the subsidence associated with Caledonian overthrusting and deposition of erosional products
Fig. 12. Conceptual Palaeozoic play model for the Northern Permian Basin. The source rocks may be pre-rift Lower Palaeozoic marine sediments (Source A) or syn-rift Upper Palaeozoic lacustrine sediments (Source B). The reservoir rocks are thought to consist of Lower Permian aeolian sediments, the seal of Upper Permian evaporites. Mesozoic sediments make up most of the overburden in the Northern Permian Basin today.
from the Caledonian mountain range may have been less pronounced, preserving the petroleum potential of Lower Palaeozoic shales in this area. Alum Shale from Danish wells Terne-1 and Slagelse-1 are late-mature to post-mature, but it is believed that this is related to tectonic subsidence in the tectonically active Sorgenfrei-Tornquist fault zone, rather than sensu stricto to deposition of large volumes of clastics derived from the Caledonian mountain range. Based on this assumption, a ‘tectonically quiet window’ may have existed in the eastern NPB in Silurian–Devonian times, with limited burial and subsidence, allowing the Lower Palaeozoic sediments in this window to mature and expel their petroleum products at a later stage, perhaps as late as in the Late Carboniferous (Fig. 13). Pyrobitumen found in fractures in Permian extrusive lavas in the Oslo Graben (Dons 1956; N. Spjeldnæs, pers. comm.) suggests that petroleum migration occurred in the Oslo Graben even in Permian times. Alternatively, the pyrobitumen may represent re-migration of oil from small Ordovician or Silurian traps disturbed by tectonic activity in the Early Permian, or petroleum mobilized by hydrothermal systems related to Permian volcanism. Upper Palaeozoic source-rock candidates in the NPB began to generate and expel hydrocarbons in Lower Triassic times, in response to post-rift thermal subsidence of up to six kilometres (Fig. 13). Subsidence continued until the Neogene, when a period of uplift began (600–1000 m in the eastern NPB, Japsen et al. 2002). The uplift may have caused re-migration of trapped petroleum, caused by tilting of reservoirs or phase fractionation due to de-pressurization of the fluids in the reservoirs. A Gussow/Silverman (Gussow 1954; Silverman 1965) model of re-migration and sequential trap filling may apply in this region as in the uplifted Hammerfest Basin in the Norwegian Barents Sea, for example. It is considered possible that the tight cap rocks formed by the Upper Permian evaporites were probably able to retain petroleum in place during the Neogene uplift, and that petroleum existing before the Neogene uplift is present still in traps below the salt in the NPB, at least in the form of gas. Re-migrated liquid petroleum may, furthermore, exist in updip traps. Longchained hydrocarbons are known to have survived in reservoirs at surprisingly high temperatures (Price 1983), a fact most likely related to the low degree of catalytic influence of oil which exists in water-wetted reservoir pore space, and not in contact with catalytic minerals such as in a source rock. In potential cases with thin or partly eroded cap rocks, diffusion of methane through the cap rock may prevent pressure-induced failing of
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Fig. 13. Tentative and general burial curves for the NPB (Skagerrak area), based on a basin modelling study including the Felicia-1A well in the Skagerrak. Palaeozoic source-rock candidates are indicated by dotted lines. Stippled lines designate the depth of oil- and gas-generative zones, while the arrow indicates relative hydrocarbon (HC) generation. Peak oil generation from Lower Palaeozoic source rocks is believed to have occurred in the Carboniferous, while peak oil generation for Upper Palaeozoic source rocks was reached in Early Triassic time.
the cap rock, or underspill of oil due to expansion of gas in the trap during uplift. This diffusion of methane allows oil to be held back selectively in the trap (Karlsen et al. 2004, fig. 7). CONCLUSIONS This study of 58 Palaeozoic marine, deltaic and lacustrine sediment samples collected from outcrops in Scotland and from on- and offshore wells in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and the UK indicates that Palaeozoic sediments with source-rock qualities are likely to exist in the Northern Permian Basin. The maturity of the studied samples vary from immature to late mature with respect to the oil window (vitrinite reflectance from 0.3%Ro to 1.3%Ro). Upper Cambrian-Lower Ordovician marine shales from onshore Sweden are immature to low mature, while samples of the same age from the offshore Danish well Terne-1 appear to be high- to post-mature. Devonian mudstones from wells in the Norwegian Embla Field are in a mid-mature state, while Lower Carboniferous sediments from Norwegian and Danish wells have maturities corresponding with the middle to late stages of oil generation. The Norwegian and Danish samples seem to be more mature than Lower Carboniferous sediments collected from UK wells, which in general appear mid-mature. Lower Carbonifeorus lacustrine shales from onshore Scotland (Midland Valley) are immature. Permian Kupferschiefer collected from Norwegian well 25/10-2 is in the earliest stage of oil-generating maturity, while Permian mudstones from Danish Felicia-1A well have high levels of maturity. In the sample set, kerogen Types I, II and III were recognized, with Type III kerogen being the most frequent. Cambrian/Ordovician samples of the marine Alum Shale have a high petroleum potential and appear to be both oil- and gas-prone (Type II). Devonian mudstones and Lower Carboniferous mudstones and coals from Norwegian, Danish and UK offshore wells were classified as gas-prone, Type III source rocks, with limited or no remaining petroleum potential. Two Lower Carboniferous shales from offshore UK wells 15/19-2 and 20/10-a3 have oil-prone source-rock characteristics and Lower Carboniferous lacustrine shales from onshore Scotland (Midland Valley) were classified as super-rich, oilprone Type I source rocks. The Permian marine Kupferschiefer from Norwegian offshore well 25/10-2 is an oil-prone Type II source rock, with a high petroleum potential, while Permian gas-prone mudstones from Danish Felicia-1A well have only a fair remaining petroleum potential. Cambrian–Ordovician and Permian marine shales generated both gas and oil products
when heated and artificially matured (open pyrolysis), while Lower Carboniferous deltaic coals and mudstones generated mainly gas. Lower Carboniferous lacustrine shales produced a high-wax oil during open pyrolysis. The properties of the analysed samples, together with several known occurrences of oil stains and pyrobitumen in Palaeozoic rocks from southern Sweden and the Norwegian Oslo Graben, suggest that petroleum generation, expulsion and migration have taken place in Palaeozoic times in the Northern Permian Basin. In a conceptual Palaeozoic petroleum system in the eastern part of the NPB (Skagerrak) it is proposed that Cambrian/Ordovician marine oil-prone shales and/or lacustrine Devonian/ Carboniferous gas-prone mudstones and coals make up the source rocks. Permian sandstones and evaporites may form the reservoir and cap rocks. Potential Lower Palaeozoic source rocks in the Skagerrak area may have reached peak oil generation during the Carboniferous, while any Upper Palaeozoic source rocks became mature during rapid post-rift subsidence in Early Triassic times. The authors thank RWE Dea Norge for financial support and permission to publish data. The efforts of NPD (Stavanger, Norway), GEUS (Copenhagen, Denmark), DTI (Edinburgh, Scotland) and SGU (Uppsala, Sweden) are gratefully appreciated for supplying rock samples used in this study. Birger Dahl and the University in Bergen (Norway) are thanked for providing essential analytical help. The authors also acknowledge the assistance of the archive office at RWE Dea Norge. Two anonymous reviewers are thanked for helpful and constructive comments on an earlier manuscript, which significantly improved this paper.
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Received 28 April 2005; revised typescript accepted 19 October 2005.