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everywhere-defined continuous functional, there has arisen the freed of the investigation of the maximal functionals of the spaces C a , which for ~ = (010) give ...


Yu. L. E r s h o v

UDC 517.11

The author [1, 2, 3] has defined and investigated the class ~ = {C~ l~eT} of continuous partial functionals of the finite type over /V • In connection with the different possibilities of defining the concept of an everywhere-defined continuous functional, there has arisen the freed of the investigation of the maximal functionals of the spaces Ca , which for ~ = (010) give also the set of all everywhere-defined functions from /~ into ,¥ . In the present paper we investigate further properties of everywhere-defined functionals and the relations between maximal and everywhere-defined functionals. I, On each of the spaces Ca , 6 e T there exists a natural partial order which will be denoted simply by --~ (we note that for Co=h / the order ~ is trivial (coincides with = ) and is different from the natural ordering on /V ). The functional f e C~ is said to be maximal if it is a maximal element of the partially ordered set . The subset of all maximal functionals in Ca will be denoted by C ~ COROLLARY. For each ~ e ~ d there exists a maximal functional

Indeed, this follows from Zorn's lemma since the partially ordered set Given the functional f ~ ¢

we consider the set ~ { ~ ' ] f ~ C

such that



6 7P~]=>fl~]



is inductive.

forany ]eC}.


note that this set is nonempty since it contains the functional ~ . Let us show that ~'~ is directed. Indeed, if f l, file ~ ~I_~ ~ and any ] e C

while ] e C ~ 7till

is such that ( _ ~ ]

(according to the corollary such a ] always exists), then

;therefore f ' and 7plr are compatible and ? ¢ ' V f 1 I ~ ] o

suchthat~ ~ ]


, we have f d {II£ ~--. Thus, ~ is directed and, consequently, there exists

s,,p.p Without difficulty one can prove the following properties of the operation. :

1. f-


2. 6,4 {, ==::>f; ~ 7£; ; A functional ?C satisfying the condition ( ~


is said to be closed, white the operation ~rt.,.?e*

i s called closure. The following proposition gives another characterization of f * . PROPOSITION 1. If ~ , 5 e ~ - then we have that ~ tblewith f , f, compatible with ~0 )"

/c ~ >

Proof. Necessity. It is sufficient to verify the condition for , then there exists ~,t/f and ] e C ~ suchthat ~1~]

f, o f ~

for any fo= f *

• Since

~ £ ~

( f7


If ~ is compatible with

{-~7 , w e h a v e



; therefore ~ and Tp* are compatible.

Sufficie.ncy. If ~ 0 ~ ' then there exists ~ e C ~ such that f ~ and f o ~ ] " Since ~ is maximal, from ~ 0 ¢ ] it follows that fo and ] are not compatible while ?e and J7 are compatible. Translated from Algebra i Logika, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 374-397, July-August, 1974. Original article submitted September 13, 1974. © 19 75 Plenum Publishing Corporation, 227 West 17th Street, New York, N. Y. 10011. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. A copy of this article is available from the publisher for $15.00.


The p r o p o s i t i o n is p r o v e d . Thus, ~ i s

the l a r g e s t e x t e n s i o n of 7~ which is c o m p a t i b l e with any o t h e r e x t e n s i o n of 7~ .

P R O P O S I T I O N 2. E v e r y

~ - e l e m e n t of the s p a c e

C~ is a c l o s e d functional.

In o r d e r to p r o v e this p r o p o s i t i o n we need the following: L E M M A . Let ~/i , [ ~ n , a nonempty b a s i s neighborhood Proof.

A u~

x Vj


._• -

and let h / ¢


V~ , ~ < n

, thenthere exists

We note that if the l e m m a holds f o r the ~ - s p a c e s X and y , then it holds a l s o f o r X x )/ .

Indeed, let V i ' ~ V / : ,


be a b a s i s n e i g h b o r h o o d in bo • If \~] s u c h that ~/ ~ '~ \ U V~

~ 1L,

. . . .


We a l s o s e t

] ~n

then t h e r e is nothing e l s e t o d o . If, h o w e v e r , 6e = (0; . . . . . a]'_,lo)

~= ~t'd,~/~ ": T

(or a z = o d-

g ' = ~(a,j)< ~z such that



In order

to prove the theorem it remains to verify that ~ / is an everywhere-definedfunctional, i.e. ~u£ G~ If


so that

, then for any



such that de=~ O,

Ae~GGc-~]e.Consequentl A D ~ u J y',~aC7 = ~


is defined and y y e ~ 6 .

The theorem is proved. In order to formulate important consequences of the theorem it is n e c e s s a r y to introduce a new coneept {whieh soon turas out to be old). We define for eaeh for 6= 0 the relation ..... ¢ _ , 1 o )



f~ ~

V~, i =

Indeed, if f i ~ ~

--'6 on G~ by:

coincides with equality;


COROLLARY l. If /"o'~ E ~ 6 ' s u c h that

~ e S T the equivalence relation

/"o "~6 /"7' then there exist n o n o n i n t e r s e e t i n g open sets V0 and ~/#

o, 4 ,


Von ~

= ~






and ~ = n t~ 5 ,

x U ~ } ¢" ~

n-t , ~ i.~ ; t h e n t h e r.e exist ~o ] ~-~ S} , where ~ is a basis neighborhood in 0~ : ~


u~- and the following conditions

hold: 1) V~ V/ , ~ , j < s ,

is either empty or it has the form


~45 ;


~eC~ is defined by:

3) the value of the function qa at



/,' =~i ] ¢{b~s


ff e U 17/ , then there exists a smallest neighborhood

, then


is the smallest element of ~o ' io < S , containing ~ and then


According ~co the lemma of See. 1, we can find a nonempty basis neighborhood v



ha vingthe form


for the f - e l e m e n t

the system of pairs t< ~ , ,~i> ] _~ ) r e


and ] ;

i , s } U t} ; then

(]z} .


is not compatible with


such t h a t ~ , ~ 4 a ; . ~ , - - ~ ,' ,


c ;J

We consider now the ease

de'ined functional from



, ~,E~'

is an ~ -element and

and ] ~ (]/(~q;))=a~

]z~q, '


~o = ( o / o ) , ~ , , ~ z = 0


Since ~

. Thus, ~-.- "-'

~" , i.e.,

and ~ ~£~

: let ~. be any noneonstant, maximal, e v e r y w h e r e :

O , then, obviously, ~ E

7~ ~(om)

F r o m h e r e ]1--


(such functionals, obviously, exist). Then

This is a partial mapping from

coincides with . ~ , ~, ~


Applying t w i c e t h e p r e v i o u s lemma, we find ?t _


tion from N into 5/ equal identically to

r", (f, ~)


and the lemma is proved.

]~-~ -~ (~to,~)(~z) ~ ]o (],(]2) ; ]j

are compatible and this contradiets the ehoiee of ] j


~?o' ( ~ / 1 = £

~; and

Then, according to the lemma of Sec. 1, there exists an ?e -element ] ; such that

elements ~7;,]/,]I /

We define now an ~ - e l e m e n t

~,~=~f , then there exist 7e -elements % E ~


such that .~, (~o ~ ) ( ~ ~ < )r ( ~ , ] , )

]~< Z(]o,~,)(£) .



is the func-


We consider

~(o/o) into ~ , equal to 0 on the domain of definition which obviously we have , ~ (~,~) 4 qow,/o) " Thus the system

gives the desired example•

We proceed now to the problem of the correlations between the operations ~ , ~ and the classes Go of everywhere-defined functionals. Since ~

is closed under extensions, it is clear that

is closed

also with respect to the operations + , ~ , i.e., 3E The inverse implication for the operation ~ does not hold, as shown by the following example. Example 4. If and i.e.

f~tozo) ~ e G6

/ e ~)((o,o),o) is the functional from Example 1, then ~

' while ]~ is aneverywhere-defined mapping of :/=:>

ff((ow~/o), since / ~ / _ ~

~(om) into 0 , so that ~ ÷ a

~ffow)zo) '


For the operation ~ of deductive closure the situation is different. PROPOSITION8. ff

]e~ 6


]£~0~]'~e~ e

Proof. One needs only to prove that 5 ¢e G-6 ~ ~e~T e Cg of ]o

First we prove that such that



~e ~v

. It is sufficient to consider the case

If ~e.P~?,/3~ff

and either ] is defined on £

, then there exists an


or ~ is defined on all the proper extensions

(and such extensions exist). Thus, in all cases, except possibly the case

]= ]o, ~7 is

defined on ] .

If ~7= in, then ] is an everywhere-defined f -element. From Proposition 6 and Remark 3 given after the


t h e o r e m it follows that ] is a maximal element, i.e., ] d o e s not have p r o p e r extensions. Consequently, also in this case ] e_P~? , and thus ] is an e v e r y w h e r e - d e f i n e d functional. The previous arguments show that _~] (?G~- = ~ ] ' n G K even for an a r b i t r a r y 9 e ~ . F r o m here, by a transfinite induction we obtain for all ordinals ~c that _D] ~ 2 ~ - - . D ~ : f} ~ff • Consequently, _py n ~ g = D 9 8 ~/Seg O ,then /_~]Sglgj=gff _P]O'~ff=Gff , i . e . , ] ~ G ~ .

n Gg,

and if

The proposition is proved. Remark.

F o r the operation

~ x



one can easily verify that if

III. This section is devoted to the elucidation of the relations and ~ . The class _~ and its e m b e d d m g ( S - m o r p h i s m ) M are of T h e o r e m 1 [1, See. 5] it follows easily that Fo (~o) ~ 0~ f o r ent p a p e r shows that ~'~ c~ /l (/_7~o~0)/o)) ' i.e., /2 ( ~ t o w ) m ) ) ~ ((o/0)]0) ~ definitions it follows that ~ (D((o~o)/o~)= Gc'o~o)'o) /~ Cm



~ - ~ X , then

whieh exist between the L -models .~ defined in [1], See. 5. F r o m the proof 6 ~ S T , while Example 2 of the p r e s t'R ~(to/o~o) since f r o m the corresponding

F r o m all the r e m a r k s made it follows that

(under the natural identific ations): .Do= go , ~ ~mo) = ~ (ore) ' /-ff((o,o),o)= ~(to,o),o) and ~¢om),o~m) ~ ~ (tw, o),o),o) " Let us prove now that the last inclusion is p r o p e r . Example 5. If 6 " = (((o/o)/o)/o),


F, ~(~ . In Co

6= ((oto)~o)

, then t h e r e exists a functional

t h e r e exist f - e l e m e n t s which are maximal functionals.

defined by: ~o(]) --~ 0

for all ] e C(o,oI , in p a r t i c u l a r ,


is the unique element of the neighborhood

C (0/o)

, and


F e / z ~ . (/_06,) such

For example, F o ; C(o,o) ~ A /

F o (~') = 0 , where


0" is the s m a l l e s t element

. We construct

F, in the fol-

lowing manner: f o r H e C 6

5 OH} ~



o, if Y = 5 ; ¢ , if /-/and 5 a r e not compatible; not defined, otherwise. /r/

~ e C6..

F, e C~# • It can be verified without difficulty that

o r d e r to prove that

F, ¢ ~ f

we construct the functional

Fo'e ~


F,, e/z (_~6~).



{ O, if ]¢-0"; _ not defined if ]=@. Clearly, ~1eff~

, but F is no, defined on F : .


F7 e/u (/_76 ~ ) \ C~ ~ and ~ is the desired

functional. IV. In this section we will show that the class K l e e n e - K r e i s e l funetionals [6, 7]° THEOREM 2. The class ~ of K l e e n e - K r e i s e l functionals.

$ of e v e r y w h e r e - d e f i n e d f u n c t i o n s coincides with the

can be identified in a natural m a n n e r with the class I ( = ~K~ I o E T}

Proof. Let P ~ 7 be defined by: p is the s m a t l e s t subset T s u c h t h a t OeP,~eP~(6zo)~P We r e c a l l the definition of the class ~ p = { / ( I o ~ P} , given by Kreisel [7], in a slightly changed f o r m in o r d e r to c o m p a r e it m o r e conveniently with paper.

~ . We make use of the density t h e o r e m found in the same

We define the s y s t e m of f o r m a l neighborhoods c4b={ % 16 C P} ation: 0 : c,b o - ~ { { n ] ] n e N } U { ~ } ;


~ ~

f o r any


together with the intersection o p e r -

{ m } r J { r / } ~ ( "t{; }

if if


rn ~ n ,




. . . . .




n % ¢~


Uq~°) ~ ~ ~ ¢J By q~+$ we denote



Ut¢~o~ c~(e;to).

for any

q ~ \ l ¢ } • /~0 ~ A/ : the relation



for n • /~o , U ° e c~ 0 is the

usual membership relation E .

K(~,o;..~ {~ [ f is a partial mapping from gb; into N such that: 1) from t h e f a c t that U~n U ~ ¢~ and f(U ~) is defined it follows that ~ ( U ~ and ~ ( U ~ ) = ] c ( U ~ n 5 ~) ; 2) f o r a n y

If that




there exists

f(vto)' Ut'm'



t ¢'v/' zzz > I ~--I ..... K} e ~ f ,6,o,

is defined and

equivalence relation ~-~






L/6E ~ :

Then, for

is such that


{ ( U ~) i s d e f i n e d ~


f e cato~


F o r e a c h ¢ one defines on /~s an

coincides with the relation =, while for ~o, ~l • Kc~/o)

We note that from the density theorem it follows easily that if 7PE6U 6



~=4, .... K

~o"(,w,~ ~-~ VUeqb; [~o (U)and f.l(U)



U~) is defined

7e£ K"-(6,o, and

~e/~ 6

defined U6~

~----')~(U)=~(U)J. , then there exists f • / ~

w e d e f i n e 7e(~) to be equal to

~ e U ~ • This definition is independent of the choice of

f e d ~)



. where

It is easy to

verify that

Setting /(6--~


, we obtain the required mode]

We define now the mapping


~ " q~



" ~o

~'p , a class of K l e e n e - K r e i s e l functionals.

in a natural manner: each nonempty formal neighbor-

hood Lr of type 6 defines a nonempty basis neighborhood in C~ ; the { -element which determines the

gg~ (U) . We denote the image of "~a (gb;) by "~6

neighborhood will be denoted by Remark. Unfortunately, smallest element < ~,/Tb


does not coincide with the set of all f -elements (for example, the

ff~ in g'6 for o?g0 and all the elements corresponding to neighborhoods of the form

and so on), which generates specific difficulties in the proof.

We note that the family of are compatible in C6

{ -elements

, then ~ u ~

e ~6

LEMMA. Let X be an 7g -space,

2~6 has the following property: if ~eo , x r e 56 and ~ o ' ~ . Let us prove now the following lemma.

X ! a subspaee of X consisting only of { -elements (X/--~ X0)

and such that if Xo,X, EX I are compatible in X , then they are compatible also in X / . T h e n f o r a complete


-space Y and an a r b i t r a r y continuous mapping

tinuous extension


] * : X ---,-Y.

~ : X C--- Y there exists a smallest con-


For the space

](:c o) ~ ( ~ )


X I the continuity of ~ means simply only monotonicity (:~o~zc,

). We extend ~ t o t h e monotone mapping ]o: Xo-~-Y by:

~=oe Xo


. We note that the definition is c o r r e c t since the set

~lo[:Z'o)=~ Y ) o r it is directed (since

empty (andthen

i~ lexl

{x'] :c'eX',z'~xo}

, ~: I

--~ ~ o t is e i t h e r

is e i t h e r empty o r d i -

rected, while ~ is monotone). It is c l e a r f r o m the definition that ]o is monotone and extends ~ . But for

X o monotonicity and continuity are equivalent and e v e r y continuous mapping

the basis subspace

the basis subspace X o into a complete of the entire space X and

~/0 of

~o - s p a c e ~/ can be extended uniquely to a continuous mapping

Y . Obviously, the continuous mapping ~ ~- obtained in this m a n n e r extends

~/ and is the s m a l l e s t of all such mappings. The l e m m a is proved. Remark.


Under the conditions of the lemma, the mapping

f e/((61o~





5 (ff)

mapping ; ~




"/=o(N) . In other words, ~ e



X~,o )

According to the lemma,

E v e r y mapping of the f o r m

: if




By induction on d e P

and h a s t h e f o r m

: p~"





~(~/o) onto ~'v


d e t e r m i n e s in a natural

which satisfies condition 1) in the definition of the class K(~,o)-

we will prove the following a s s e r t i o n s :

1. The image of


under the mapping

2. The image of

/~(~,o~ under the mapping

5(~,o ~ , i.e., f o r each


" Thus, the mapping / 2 .

This follows f r o m the r e m a r k made a f t e r the l e m m a and f r o m this p r o p e r t y

m a n n e r some partial function /~* on g~+


can be extended to a continuous

~ e £7r~,o) can be r e p r e s e n t e d in the f o r m C--

Conversely, the r e s t r i c t i o n of each functional /e f r o m



~(6~o~ is defined.

sup { ~o J~o= '~,o) (d), ~e U} of

can be written immediately as:

, then ~g induces (correctly, as can be easily verified) some continuous (monotone)


f r o m /~/~o)


/ z - - ~ ÷ is contained in /~(~w~ f~-~*

/~ e b---(~o) t h e r e exists

is contained in ~(~,o~


such that


and is co-initial in


these a s s e r t i o n s can be verified in a straightforward m a n n e r (moreover, ~(wo)

are identified by the inverse mappings We a s s u m e now that for some

V~o e P


, 2"~



the mappings and

p o s s e s s the p r o p e r t i e s 1 and 2 (with ~ instead of (6to~) Let us prove p r o p e r t y 1. Let h a G(olo) inition of K ( 6 / o )

As mentioned above, ~ satisfies p r o p e r t y 1) of the def-

We prove that /z satisfies also p r o p e r t y 2) of this definition. Let We have to find a neighborhood inductive hypothesis, *


U¢ ~

such that


G6 ; therefore]zis definedon ~



~ ~ ]~

be an a r b i t r a r y element.

are defined. According to the

. Then, according to the r e m a r k made above,

can be r e p r e s e n t e d in the f o r m of the limit of a directed family of elements f r o m


. Therefore


is defined on s o m e


such that ] a ~

such that '~6 U) = ~?~ , while


. But then there exists a neighborhood

U6c-P +

] e 6 i/ . According to the definition of /t+, it follows f r o m these proper-

ties that ,/i~ is defined on ~ , Property i is proved. W e prove now property 2. W e note that for all / 6 K(6m),

~@~'], e


is situated in

; consequently, (~" e G(6m) " Thus, we have proved that the image of


Let us p r o v e that it is co-initial in

k* e/