May 20, 2016 - change, read directions for a trip, write ... Initiate a writing project. ... FREE NEW MOBILE APP which w
CW Friday eNews
We Stand Up. We Think Visibly. We are CW!
May 20, 2016
Dear CW Families, It’s that time of year where we are getting really bust at CW! We had choir and band concerts with our orchestra playing on Monday night! Our students shined at the Talent Show this past week and our 6th grade students were able to see some amazing science explosions at Calvin College! This coming week we are going to have 4th grade students from our 3 feeder elementary schools visit to meet their 5th grade pen pal and tour our school. We can’t wait to welcome a new group of CW thinkers to our school! David
CW News Box Tops & Labels for Education: Do you have Box Tops and Labels for Education laying around? The &inal collection will be Thursday, June 2nd. Please turn in all Box Tops especially the ones that expire by June 1st of 2016. You can &ind the expiration date on the bottom of the label under the word "education." Many of the expiring ones can be found on kleenex boxes & cereal. Don't forget to also turn in the Campbell soup labels. The Labels for Education program is changing as of August. Please continue helping CW "Turn Trash Into Cash!" Summer Collection--- If your child is a 5th grader, he or she will be receiving plastic bag with a Box Top poem in it to use for summer collection. 5th to 6th Grade Learning Environment Forms: Today, all 5th grade students took home a Learning Environment Form. These forms need to be returned to the main of&ice by Friday, May 27th. Please take the time to &ill these out as they are very important in placing your child in 6th grade. An electronic copy is found on page 2 in case your child loses their copy. Splash Bash Forms: Please remember to have your child bring back their Splash Bash Permission forms and payment. These are due back next Thursday! If you
need a form, they can be found on our website!
CW's PTO Dining Night Out @ Qdoba Date: 5/25/2016 from 5-8pm at 5595 28th St Se, Grand Rapids, MI 49512 Tweet of the Week Central Woodlands @cwthinkers Some of our #cwthinkers shared their thinking at Groundswell Showcase event! Great job! Getting Smart @Getting_Smart Our #students are headed for a project-based world. Isn't #PBL the best preparation for them? @BIEpbl @johnlBIE
End of the Year Dates: May 30th - No School Memorial Day June 1 - CMS Connect Day for 6th grade students June 3 - Millionaire Reading Party June 7 - Splash Bash at Kroc Center: 5th grade in AM; 6th grade in PM June 8 - CW BBQ during Lunch June 9 and 10 - 1/2 day 11:55 a.m. dismissal
Exercise Kids’ Minds During the Summer
f students laze away the days of summer without using their minds, they can lose up to a month of learning—especially in reading and math. Stem the summer slide and keep your child engaged with these fun, brain-friendly activities. Devise a plan. Tell your child that reading and learning activities will be an important part of their summer. Assure them that they’ll still have lots of time for play. Teach mini-lessons. Transform everyday activities into learning opportunities. Children can count change, read directions for a trip, write a shopping list, or calculate a recipe’s measurements. Gather activity books. Give children their own activity book with crossword puzzles or number games customized for their specific age group. Set a “due date” to keep them on track, but let them work at their own pace. Initiate a writing project. Have your child keep a summer journal, write letters to family members or friends, or craft a play to perform with siblings or neighbors. Or, start a family cookbook with your favorite recipes, instructions, and shopping lists. Strategize screen time. Educational computer games or apps can engage students’ minds, but make sure your child is spending enough time away from the screen. Assign a daily block of time for family members to turn off phones, computers, and the TV, and instead play a board game or read together. Designate daily reading blocks. Set aside at least 15 minutes a day for your entire family to read. (That means parents, too!) Find reading recommendations by grade level on the American Library Association’s book lists (see Web Resources). Organize a summer read-a-thon with goals for each family member, or sign your child up for your library’s summer book club.
Go global. Set aside several nights during the summer to have an international evening. Together, cook a meal with recipes from a different nation. Learn basic words in that country’s language. Find the country on a map, and together examine a book or article with information on what life is like there. Sneak learning into family trips. If your family is able to take a vacation during the summer, include stops at zoos, children’s museums, or historic sites. Have your child help you plot out the journey using maps and keep a journal along the way. Older children can tally up miles, keep track of expenses, or compute gas mileage. Get moving. Build physical activity into your child’s summer days. Even if he or she can’t participate in a local sports league or community-based team, encourage activities such as jumping rope, playing catch, and taking family walks. For more resources, look to your child’s school and your local library or community center for ideas to keep kids’ brains buzzing during the dog days of summer.
Web Resources The American Library Association compiles grade-level book lists. The National Summer Learning Association offers activities, tools, and links.
Report to Parents, written to serve elementary and middle-level principals, may be reproduced by National Association of Elementary School Principals members without permission. It can be posted to school websites, blogs, or sent via email. Back issues are available to members at
RP 29:9
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You do the math: 2016
Book now + 2017 Book in September = 2 books for the price of 1 and LOTS of $$$ saved!!
YES! I’ll help ODYSSEY OF THE MIND and save myself a bunch of $$ at the same time! ADULT NAME: __________________________________________________________________________________ STUDENT NAME/School/Teacher: __________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Please send now _____________# of 2016 Entertainment Books $_______Total enclosed ($30 per set of 2016& 2017 Books), checks payable to FHPS (Forest Hills Public Schools) Want a Book or have questions? Call Marti at 970-3844
Delivery Date____
CENTRAL WOODLANDS WEEKLY CALENDAR May 23 - 27, 2016 Monday, May 23 -Track, Gym (M & W’s: 4/20-5/25) 3:45-5:00 PM -CW/CMS Orchestra Concert, CHS Auditorium, 7:00 PM Tuesday, May 24 -Tutor Club, FHC NaMonal Honor Society Volunteers, Media Center, 3:45-4:30 PM -CHS GraduaMon, Sunshine Church, 8:00 PM Wednesday, May 25 -Thornapple Pen Pal Visit with: Bush/Gillies/Rundquist, 10:00-11:00 AM -Track, Gym (M & W’s: 4/20-5/25) 3:45-5:00 PM -PTO Dining Night Out at Qdoba, 28th/KraZ locaMon, 5:00-8:00 PM Thursday, May 26 -Ada Pen Pal Visitors with: Gootjes/Klomparens & Lanning, 10:00-11:00 AM Friday, May 27 HIT Team Spirit Day – Wacky Hair Day -Pine Ridge Pen Pal Visitors with: Lillie/Turco]e & Smith/Ten Eyck, 10:00-11:00 AM