May 20, 2013 ... Plumbing Merit Badge program, we are making great strides in promoting
Plumbing. Just because it is summer doesn't mean we are.
“CONNEX-IT” The Northern Ohio Chapter of ASSE
May 20, 2013
June 29, 2013
Lake County Captains Game ASPE/ASSE Fun Night See Page 10 for Details
Another year of meetings has wrapped up for the Northern Ohio Chapter. It has been a very busy year and I am sure we are all looking forward to some fun in the sun with family and friends. Thank you all for your help and time making this Jason Shank President Of the Northern Ohio Chapter move forward the last two Chapter of ASSE years. I really think we are making some head way in promoting ASSE and the importance of Plumbing in the Northeastern Ohio area. Through our efforts, with the interest we have stirred up during the course of our Boy Scouts of America certified Plumbing Merit Badge program, we are making great strides in promoting Plumbing. Just because it is summer doesn’t mean we are completely done! Within in this newsletter we have some future events, both social and fun related that we would love to see you at. Please take a moment to check out what is happening over the summer, by reading through this newsletter and making a note of where you could possibly help spread the word and enjoy your summer a little better.
August 1, 2013 ASSE/ASPE Golf Outing Fowlers Mill Golf Course Chesterland, OH See Page 11 for details September 2013 Annual ASSE/ASPE Clambake Details and Date to Follow September 14th / October 12th Plumbing Merit Badge Training Sessions for BSA Troops - UA Local 55 JATC - NOH Chapter Brooklyn Hts., OH - 8:30 AM l
Joint meetings with ASPE are held at Harry’s Steak House, 5654 Brecksville Road (Route 21), in Independence, just north of Rockside Road and I-77.
Each Training Session starts with a Product Show at 5:00 PM. NOH Chapter Board Meetings convene at 5:00 PM also, and dinner follows at 6:00 PM.
Each Training Session/Joint Meeting and dinner will cost $24.00 per person (subject to change) payable at the door.
Attendance at these State Certified Training Sessions will earn you Continuing Education Units (CEU’s) for each session attended.
A Message from your Northern Ohio President . . .
Lastly, I would like to say, on behalf of the Chapter, thank you to all of the ASSE staff, past and present, at the ASSE International Headquarters for all of their help over all of the years. The International Offices will be moving at the end of this month, out of the greater Cleveland area. I know the Northern Ohio Chapter will greatly miss having the offices nearby, but most importantly the staff’s membership in the Chapter. We wish them all well and look forward to working with them in Mokena, IL, all be it over the phone more so than we are used to, rather than “face to face.” Jason Shank - President Northern Ohio Chapter of ASSE
The Northern Ohio Chapter of ASSE Newsletter MAY 2013 • VOLUME NO. 22 - ISSUE NO. 5 “Prevention Rather than Cure”
PRESIDENT: Mr. Jason Shank Plumbers Local 55/UA 980 Keynote Circle Brooklyn Hts., Ohio 44131 (216) 459-2900 E-mail:
[email protected] FIRST VICE PRESIDENT: Mr. Dan Sugrue EPS Supply Co. 6605 Clark Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44102 (216) 961-1400 E-mail:
[email protected] SECOND VICE PRESIDENT: Mr. Joe Hallman All-City Backflow Prevention 14231 Pease Rd. Cleveland, Ohio 44137
Northern Ohio Chapter of ASSE Meeting Minutes April 30th, 2013 l
Members in Attendance - Bob Tesar, Ed Lyczko, Jason Shank, Rich Prospal Meeting Starting Time: – 4:00 P.M.
Review/Approval of Minutes of April 10th, 2013 meeting – Motion made by Bob and seconded by Rich for approval – Motion approved
Chapter Financial Statements – Current totals – April 25th, 2013 – $4,259.59 l List of expenses since March 2013 – $297.20 l Income since March 2013 - $1,300.00 l Money coming from Moen Training - $1,000.00 l
(216)-581-3575 E-mail:
[email protected] THIRD VICE PRESIDENT: Mr. Robert D. Tesar – FASSE (Editor of “Connex-It”) 6973 Carol Drive Independence, Ohio 44131 (216) 524-6541 Cell: (440) 669-7254 l E-mail:
[email protected] SECRETARY/TREASURER: Mr. Terrill L. Tahsler (Retired- Cleveland Plbg Supply) 5302 Albertly Ave. Parma, Ohio 44129 Cell: (440) 785-2168 E-mail:
[email protected] BOARD OF DIRECTORS: • Kenneth J. Kerr, IPP/FASSE – Kerr Marketing Agency • Edward J. Lyczko, IPP/FASSE (Retired)Cleveland Clinic l Foundation • Richard Prospal IPP/FASSE Prospal Consulting Services (Region 6 Director) • Patrick Sugrue IPP/FASSE EPS Supply - Retired Immediate Past President • Thomas Wanner – Cleveland Plumbing Industry Fund
Reimbursements l No reimbursements brought to the table
Committee Reports l PQ series12000 - Ed reported on the meeting he chaired for the PQ series12000. Waiting to schedule next meeting after ASSE move to Mokena, IL l Golf Committee – Jason reported that Dan Sugrue and Jason have been working on getting a mailing with the info out to everyone. l Standards Committee – Ed reported that many of the current standards need to be updated to the new Federally mandated Lead content regulations coming up in Jan. of 2014 l Tri-harmonization Task Force – It was reported by Ed and Bob that some new members were recruited to replace members that have left the committee. l Code Committee – Jason reported that most of the changes in the ICC Residential Plumbing Section that ASSE was for or against went through in ASSE’s favor. Paul Baker and Sara Marxen represented ASSE at this meeting.
The Northern Ohio Chapter of ASSE Newsletter MAY 2013 • VOLUME NO. 22 - ISSUE NO. 5 “Prevention Rather than Cure”
April 30th Meeting Minutes Continued from Page 2
. 6.
Old Business – l BSA Plumbing Merit Badge 5/11/13 – Reviewed Chapter members who can participate in training the scouts. l Strawberry Festival – June 9th – Bob, Jason and maybe Rich can make the event. Need more details such as times. Discussed how to relate to the public the importance of ASSE and what we do. Decided to have more hands on products that are in every home. Rich working on getting some more ideas and possible materials. l Reviewed the CPI Marketing Mid-Year Dinner for ASSE on April 18th. All thought it went well and heard many great comments. It was a great evening. (See Page 7.) l Reviewed some of the meeting happenings from the Mid-Year ASSE Meeting in Cleveland. New Business l Decided on 2 dates for the Fall of 2013 for the BSA Plumbing Merit Badge l
Sept. 14th and Oct. 12th 2013: Jason reported that he should have these dates filled up soon due to the amount of requests coming in.
Decided to try the Cub Scout “Importance of Plumbing” event again on Oct. 26th, 2013 and a possible 2nd date in late February or early March 2014. Make some changes – promote better – Email Boy Scout Troops we worked with and others we can find. Use CPI marketing to help get the word out also. This will be less about World Plumbing day and more on the Importance of Plumbing and this area. Jason to work up the info and content and get it to the membership for approval.
Tabled voting on sending a Chapter member to the ASSE Annual Meeting in Nov. 2013 due to lack of quorum. This needs to be voted on over the summer once the info from International Chapter is released.
Meeting Adjourned at 5:30 P.M. – Bob motioned the issue and Ed seconded it.
Northern Ohio Chapter of ASSE and Plumbers Local 55 UA JATC Conducts another Boy Scouts of America Plumbing Merit Badge Training Session
On May 11, 2013, 1 Boy Scout from Troop 882 (Macedonia, OH), 2 from Troop 213 (Twinsburg, OH), 6 from Troop 137 (Garfield Hts, OH), 1 from Troop 309 (Pepper Pike, OH), 1 Scout from Troop 361 (Garfield Hts., OH) along with 5 Scouts from Troop 228 (Berea, OH) were trained and received their “Plumbing Merit Badge” certificates. All training was in accordance with BSA standard procedures and was conducted by Plumbers Local 55 UA JATC and the Northern Ohio Chapter of ASSE on that Saturday morning. This group was the 6th group of BSA troops that have been trained through this program taken on by the Chapter. Jason Shank is President of the NOH Chapter and the current Training Director of Plumbers Local 55 UA JATC. The first troop was trained in June of 2012 and the next groups followed in October and November of 2012. This is the second group in 2013 with 2 more groups scheduled for September 14th and October 12, 2013 Training started at 8:30 AM after a breakfast of donuts, coffee and refreshments. Lunch of pizza was served at 12:00 noon after their classroom session in the morning. Lunch was followed by an afternoon of “hands-on” pipe cutting and threading, soldering copper joints and a session on “service repair work on faucets, water heaters and toilets.” Troop 882: Macedonia Ryan Walsh Troop 213: Twinsburg Eric Mulcahy, Zade Kleckner Troop 309: Pepper Pike Nathan Warren Troop 361: Paul Moeller Troop 137: Garfield Hts. Paul Newrones,Owen Rasmusen, Cole Rasmusen, Andrew Pawelecki, Larry Patteron Troop 228: Berea Morgan Tarantowski, David Weaver, George Hinton, Henry Hinton, Nate French Trainers from Plumbers Local 55 and the NOH Chapter of ASSE were: Jason Shank, Rich Prospal, Ed yczko, Jim Sherman, Doreen Cannon, Bob Tesar(Photographer) and help from a few Apprentices. Photos from the training session follow below on page 5.
Northern Ohio Chapter of ASSE and Plumbers Local 55UA JATC Conducts another Boy Scouts of America Plumbing Merit Badge Training Session
Photos from the NOH Chapter of ASSE - Plumber’s Local 55 UA JATC - Boy Scouts of America - Plumbing Merit Badge Training Session - Continued
ASSE Northern Ohio Chapter - Plumbers Local 55 UA CPI - Mid-Year Meeting Appreciation Night April 18, 2013
On April 18, 2013, The Cleveland Plumbing Industry (CPI) and UA Local 55 Plumbers Union hosted an Appreciation Dinner and Reception on behalf of the NOH Chapter during the Annual Mid-Year Meeting of the International ASSE Chapter of IAPMO at the Local 55 Hall. Invited guest were transported by van to the facility in Brooklyn Hts., Ohio. Approximately 60 guests were treated to a buffet dinner and a tour of the JATC Training Center and a brief presentation of the benefits provided by the Cleveland Plumbing Industry Fund,the UA Plumbers Local 55 and the NOH Chapter.
NOH Chapter of ASSE / Cleveland Chapter of ASPE May 8th, 2013 Joint Training Session/Meeting
On May 8th, 2013, approximately 30 members and guests from the Northern Ohio Chapter of ASSE and the Cleveland Chapter of ASPE were present for the last training session of the 2012 -2013 Meeting year. The session presented by Jeff Deal, CEO from Hamilton Engineering, Inc. of Livonia, MI, was entitled “ Condensing Boilers - Maximizing their value in Application.” Jeff displayed a comprehensive Power Point Presentation, see link below for NOH web site for details. His program covered the following topics and Issues: The evolution of combustion in commercial hot water appliance in North America l 35 Brands of condensing appliances in the market-place in North America l Explained Product efficiencies range - a variance between brands l 99.8 % - 90% effective range still considered a condensing appliance l Heat Exchanger surface areas l Heat Transfer maximization l Turbulent water flow l Combustion efficiencies l Controls He went on to explain various methods of converting existing Hot Water Boilers and Systems to utilize modern compact condensing boilers to supplement or stand-by use for large demand areas commercially. He showed retro-fitting a modern packaged unit into an existing system to gain more efficiencies. l
For those who were unable to attend, this complete Power Point Presentation is available in PDF format on the NOH Web site listed below for you to download and keep. Thank you Jeff for a very informative presentation and cost saving scenario.
Check out the NOH Website at Additional details and Training aids are available at the site.
Upcoming Events at the Northern Ohio Chapter of ASSE and ASPE
Schedule of Joint Events l
June 29, 2013 - 7:00 PM - East Lake Ball Park - Lake County Captains versus the Fort Wayne Tin Caps. See page 10 for Tickets & info details - Family fun - Ladies Night - Drink Specials - Fireworks after the game - May 31st deadline for reservations
August 1, 2013 - Annual Golf Outing at Fowlers Mill Golf Club - Chesterland, Ohio Arrive 10:30 AM - Lunch - Shotgun Start at Noon - see reservation form and details on page 11 - 50/50 Raffle - Lunch and Dinner provided - Door Prizes -Golf Carts On-Course Beverages available. Reservation Deadline - July 4, 2013
September 2013 - Annual Clam Bake & First Social Meeting of the 2013 -2014 Joint ASSE /ASPE Training Meetings - Place and Time TBA later.
September 14, 2013 - Boy Scouts of America Plumbing Merit Badge Training Session UA Plumbers Local 55 - NOH Chapter of ASSE - JATC Training Center
October 12, 2013 - Boy Scouts of America Plumbing Merit Badge Training Session UA Plumbers Local 55 - NOH Chapter of ASSE - JATC Training Center
Join in with us and Have Some Fun!
Check out the NOH Website at Additional details and Training aids are available at the site.
Cleveland Chapter of ASPE
Northern Ohio Chapter of ASSE
ASSE / ASPE GOLF OUTING August 1st, 2013 Fowlers Mill Golf Course 13095 Rockhaven Road, Chesterland Ohio l
Highlights: l l l l
50/50 Raffle Lunch and Dinner Provided Over $1,000 in Door Prizes On Course Beverages
l l l l
Arrive by 10:30 AM - Shotgun Start - 12:00 PM $125 per Golfer - Dinner only - $50 $140 per Golfer for late registration Hole Sponsorship - $140 per Hole Event and Lunch Sponsors also available Contact Greg Trombold at 216-663-8700
Sign up on the Entry Form below no later than July 4, 2013 and return the form to: ASSE/ASPE 4892 Johnston Pkwy, Cleveland, OH 44128 Phone: 216-663-8700 l Fax: 216-663-8702 l E-mail:
[email protected] ENTRY FORM Company Name: __________________________________________________________________ Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Fax Number: _____________________________Phone: _________________________________ List Foursomes Below: 1st foursome
2nd foursome
Fowlers Mill Golf Club
The cost for hole sponsorship is $140.00 per hole. If you have two manufactures that would like to sponsor a hole, make a copy of the form and send in both copies. Please call Greg Trombold if you have any questions 216-663-8700.
1. Company Name: 2. Phone Number: 3. Contact Name: WORDING FOR SIGN (40 LETTER LIMIT)
The hole in one sponsorship is also available. The company that contacts me first to take advantage of this will receive the following: l Mention in the ASPE/ASSE Newsletters l A banner at the Club with their name on it l Recognition at the dinner for their support l The cost for this is $550.00
Lunch sponsorship is also available for $350.00 with the same recognition as above, however, the sign will be on the putting green with the companies listed that provide lunch sponsorship. I will only be accepting the first three companies that contact me on this. Please send your check to: Trombold Equipment 4892 Johnston Parkway Cleveland, OH 44128
Deadline for registering for the golf outing or hole sponsorship is July 4th.
Advertisers and Sponsors of the Northern Ohio Chapter of ASSE
Kathleen D. Heidt Sam Heidt Dan Sugrue
Industrial & Commercial Plumbing & Heating Supplies Tools & Parts 6605 Clark Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44102 216-961-1400 l FAX 216-961-8133
Notice! Memberships Available - Please Read Carefully: The Northern Ohio Chapter of ASSE is seeking new candidates for membership in the Chapter. If interested, please request an application from any member of the Chapter. Qualifications are as follow: 1.) Candidate must be a qualified member of some phase of the Plumbing Industry (Plumber-Contractor-Inspector-Plumbing Design Engineer-Manufacturer- JourneymanApprentice-Manufacturer’s Representative) or any other interested parties who believe in our motto “Prevention Rather Than Cure” 2.) Must be willing to actively participate in Chapter functions, organizational duties, and assignments given them by the Chapter or International ASSE. 3.) Must be willing to give freely of their talents to promote the American Society of Sanitary Engineering and its principles.
Applications are available from any Officer listed in the Directory within this “Connex-It” Newsletter or from the International Office of ASSE - 901 Canterbury Rd., Westlake, Ohio 44145-1480, Attn: Elaine Mathieson, Membership Coordinator, or e-mail to
[email protected]
Joe Hallman - Master Plumber State Lic. # OH PL29771
All City Backflow Prevention Plumbing & Fire Protection Services Certified Backflow Device Tests Sales l Service l Installations
Phone: 216-581-3575 Fax: 216-581-2339 Email:
[email protected]
“Working to protect safe drinking water for all” ,
The Northern Ohio Chapter of ASSE Advertising Rates
The Connex-It Electronic Newsletter is published 10 times a year as the Official Publication of the Northern Ohio Chapter of ASSE, and is archived for 12 rotating months at our website:
Ad size and Rates:
Full Page $350.00 / 10 Issues Half Page $185.00 / 10 Issues Business Card Size $85.00 / 10 Issues
Come and join the advertisers that enjoy the exposure of their products through the International ASSE, a ANSI accredited Standards Writing Organization known throughout the world.
The “Connex-It” Newsletter is the Official Publication of the Northern Ohio Chapter of ASSE which is responsible for its content. Any expressions contained within are those of the Northern Ohio Chapter of the ASSE and do not necessarily reflect those of the International Society. For information concerning furnishing articles of interest or inquiring about advertising rates, contact: Robert D. Tesar, Editor - 216-524-6541 or e-mail to
[email protected].