1 May 2013 ... Christopher Cappelli - Georgia Tech. Ezra Cates - Georgia Tech. Drago Cepar -
King & Spalding. Ritwik Chatterjee - Sutherland. Grace ChenĀ ...
May 2013 Midtown Bike / Walk Incentive Winners Earn a $10 Barnes & Noble gift card code for logging 20 or more bike or 20 or more walk trips per month Daniel Alhadeff - Georgia Tech Hommood Alrowais - Georgia Tech Mark Andersen - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Sean Anthony - Fragomen Del Rey Bernsen & Loewy LLP Evren Arkan - Georgia Tech Jaya Arya - Georgia Tech Vinod Babu - Georgia Tech Charles Barbour - Turner Broadcasting System Phillip Barlow - Turner Broadcasting System Brent Baur - Norfolk Southern Samuel Berry - Nagravision Suzanne Bertolett - Sutherland Joe Blount - Georgia Tech Ken Boff - Turner Broadcasting System Candace Brakewood - Georgia Tech Victor Breedveld - Georgia Tech Paul Brett - Georgia Tech Dennis Bryant - Norfolk Southern Andrew Burch - Georgia Tech Martin Cacan - Georgia Tech Marco Camacho - Vocalocity Christopher Cappelli - Georgia Tech Ezra Cates - Georgia Tech Drago Cepar - King & Spalding Ritwik Chatterjee - Sutherland Grace Chen - Georgia Tech Stephanie Chinnapongse - Georgia Tech M Chvasta - AID Atlanta Matthew Clark - Turner Broadcasting System Andrew Clarke - Synaptic Knowledge Base Colby Cleavenger - PNC Bank Tyler Coffee - PNC Bank Mark Cogan - Norfolk Southern Mark Conlin - Digital Assent Sharon Cost - Robins Kaplan Miller & Ciresi Andrew Crenshaw - Perkins+Will Brian Danin - Georgia Tech Tobey Davis - Alston & Bird Tiffany Davis - Georgia Tech Taylor Davis - Robins Kaplan Miller & Ciresi Zachary Devault - Triage Consulting Group Jessica Dill - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Nick Diluzio - Newfields Lynn Donoghue - Woodruff Arts Center Toral Doshi - Alston & Bird Anne Du Toit - Drew Eckl & Farnham Nicolas Dudebout - Georgia Tech Derek Dunagan - Unified Arts Ana Eisenman - Kimley Horn
Charles Elmore - Alston & Bird Kelly Eppinger - AECOM Adam Fisher - Pindrop Security Anne Flinn - The Nature Conservancy in Georgia Andrew Flowers - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Stacy Fredrich - Sutherland Adam Gajadharsingh - Troutman Sanders Leigh Gardner - Norfolk Southern Lindsey Garner - Triage Consulting Group Conor Garvin - Fragomen Del Rey Bernsen & Loewy LLP James Gibson - Damballa Kelsey Glisson - Triage Consulting Group Camille Goble - King & Spalding Clare Gollnick - Georgia Tech Sara Gomez - State Farm Insurance Sara Gottlieb - The Nature Conservancy in Georgia Mike Grable - Turner Broadcasting System Laurel Graefe - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Deborah Greene - Georgia Tech Sabrina Grossman - Georgia Tech Alice Grossman - Georgia Tech Gordon Gyor - Turner Broadcasting System Madeline Hagaman - EBSCO Research Gregory Hanthorn - Jones Day Evans Harrell - Georgia Tech Ryan Harwell - Turner Broadcasting System Bridget Hayes - Ansley Animal Clinic Theodore Hecker - Nagravision Chris Heller - Turner Broadcasting System Sean Hilden - Bank of America Federico Holgado - Rocket Science Group LLC Nicholas Holliday - 22squared Sarah Holliday - VeenendaalCave Heather Holmes - Georgia Tech Ai-Ping Hu - Georgia Tech Guido Inoa Alvarez - Greenberg Farrow Neda Jabbari - Georgia Tech Marsha Jenkins - Kimley Horn Alex Jones - NCR Corporation Gerald Kaselak - Norfolk Southern Carolan Kawa - Four Seasons Hotel Elyse Kelly - Triage Consulting Group Anita King - Counsel On Call Kathlin Kleem - Cantor Colburn
Midtown Bike / Walk Incentive Winners (continued) Earn a $10 Barnes & Noble gift card code for logging 20 or more bike or 20 or more walk trips per month Joe Knoerle - ATT-Midtown Josie Kressner - Georgia Tech Abbie Kressner - Georgia Tech Reema Kundu - Georgia Tech Nazeer Kutty - Perkins+Will Nathan Lawrence - Midtown Alliance Rob Lawrence - Turner Broadcasting System Astrid Layton - Georgia Tech Jenna Lee - AECOM Joslin Lee - Georgia Tech Christopher Leerssen - Tunnell Spangler Walsh & Associates Bethany Legg - Perkins+Will Tim Lenz - Georgia Tech Laura Levy - Georgia Tech Lester Li - Georgia Tech Adrienne Little - Georgia Tech Allie Long - Triage Consulting Group Kristin Loomis - Georgia Tech Jeff Lott - Norfolk Southern Carol Madrigal - Giant Studios James Malcolm - Accelereyes Daniel Manning - Kurt Salmon Associates Jett Marks - Norfolk Southern Lilya Matyunina - Georgia Tech Greg Mayer - Georgia Tech John McDonald - Georgia Tech Sean McLaughlin - King & Spalding Rory McNaughton - Turner Broadcasting System John McNicholas - Turner Broadcasting System Susan Mello - Cherry Bekaert & Holland Rachel Meltzer - Georgia Tech Mackenzie Messmer - Loews Atlanta Hotel Daniel Millard - Georgia Tech Eric Miller - Alston & Bird Susan Miller - Turner Broadcasting System Elizabeth Minne - Georgia Tech Terrance Monpas - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Kyle Moor - Georgia Tech Nathaniel Morgan - Fragomen Del Rey Bernsen & Loewy LLP Soeren Olesen - Logicblox Douglas Ollerenshaw - Georgia Tech Alex Ortiz - Georgia Tech Drew Owen - Georgia Tech Adrian Pandev - Fragomen Del Rey Bernsen & Loewy LLP Trevor Parssinen - Equifax Grace Paul - Perkins+Will Ashley Pendas - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Jonathan Peterson - Turner Broadcasting System Daniel Pickem - Georgia Tech Teresa Piersol - Emory Hospital Larry Pike - Holland & Knight Brian Plattenburg - NCR Corporation Alex Poznanski - Georgia Tech Alan Prestigiacomo - HDR Architecture Inc Eliot Quon - Georgia Tech James Ragsdale - Norfolk Southern Savanna Ramsey - 22squared
Dan Rauzi - Boys & Girls Clubs Of America Saira Raza - King & Spalding Erin Redmond - Georgia Tech David Reece - Georgia Tech Chris Riggins - Norfolk Southern Brian Rooney - Georgia Tech Jason Ross - Gensler Brendan Russell - Fragomen Del Rey Bernsen & Loewy LLP Elissa Ryan - Heery International Dennis Sadowski - Georgia Tech Norma Sanchez - Sutherland Margot Sandrowitz - VeenendaalCave Tiffani Santagati - Brandt Information Services Thomas Sapp - High Museum Of Art Abigail Sarbeck - PricewaterhouseCoopers Morris Satin - Georgia Tech Brigid Scarbrough - Impact Consulting Services Frederick Schaudies - Leonis Partners Thomas Schneider - Gensler Mary Ann Schneider - Mazursky Constantine Diane Schultheiss - Norfolk Southern Chris Schwartz - Msoftworks Clarissa Shephard - Georgia Tech Terry Shikano - Norfolk Southern Brian Siegmann - Alluvia Restaurant Saujan Sivaram - Georgia Tech Julie Stephens - Turner Broadcasting System John Stinson - Perkins+Will Nicholas Stratz - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Brandon Strellis - Georgia Tech Teri Sulmers - Sutherland Chris Sumsky - Turner Broadcasting System Jordan Surmeier - Georgias Own Credit Union Susanne Susheelan - Perkins+Will Bradford Taylor - Georgia Tech Andrea Timpeiro - Talentquest Kathleen Tokuda - Georgia Tech David Torello - Georgia Tech Alex Trachtenberg - Southface Energy Institute Jackie Tucker - ATT-Midtown Stephan Turano - Georgia Tech John Turgeson - Georgia Tech Angela Tyre - Resurgens Stephanie Uelmen - McGladrey Asher Vilensky - Vocalocity Lila Walker - Georgia Tech Bryan Ward - Sutherland Kari Watkins - Georgia Tech Jared Welsh - Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP Adam West - Southface Energy Institute Sam Wetherill - ATT-Midtown Wayne Whiteman - Georgia Tech Theresa Wilks - Georgia Tech Michael Will - Norfolk Southern Peter Williams - Turner Broadcasting System Jill Willoughby - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Aika Yano - Georgia Tech Mengchen Zhu - Georgia Tech
Monthly Georgia Commute Options $25 Prize Winners Randomly selected to receive $25 Visa gift card based on # of logs submitted AGL Resources Paul Hailstone Ronald Lee Mark Namirr Alston & Bird Rufus Addison Tobey Davis Eric Hovdesven Nan Stallings AT&T - Midtown Carla Canington Lorie Coats Sharon Green Jean Phillips Michael Albert Rita Andrews Constance Barnett Ruhi Bedi Linda Bruce Gail Collier Douglas Cox Barbara Grimes Faisal Khan Kim Langdon Linda Moore Joseph Murdock Gregory Norton Jill Overton Doug Owen Vimal Patel Connie Reed Terry Singleton Jeffrey Young Bank of America Robert Day Djuana Johnson Bryan Cave Julie Johns Drew Eckl & Farnham Pamela Hamilton Emory University Hospital Midtown Jacqueline Hedgepeth Timothy Stewart Federal Home Loan Bank Trey Thomas
Federal Reserve Bank of ATL Mark Andersen Craig Griffin Carlene Guest Jon Mikolajczak Eulalia Roel Fragomen, Del Ray, Bernsen, & Loewy Conor Garvin Georgia Tech Dong Ding Ameet Doshi Dana Foster Dane Freeman Mariel Friberg Sheryl George Xuefei Han Janet Hatt Sherry Hill Heartense Hodges-Lawson Ayla Holthaus Jim Kirk Jason Kulpe Susan Lehman Gregory Macfarlane Brian Railing Kerry-Gaye Rainford-Creary Dennis Sadowski David Santa Ana Efstrateos Strates Bradford Taylor Stephan Turano Brent Uhrig Zhihong Wang Shucheng Xu Cara Young IDI Mona Hand Tiffany Rashad Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton Rebecca Griffis King & Spalding Nell Brimmer Frankie Evans Mildred Jones Midtown General (Listed on next page)
Norfolk Southern Corp Jenny Borders Minnie Brown Dan Callahan Patricia Earwood Julie Farmer Greg Graham Brenda Holmes Ernest Jackson William John Beth Letchford Anthony Machalette Ann Mack James Mayes Anthony Miller Janet Moise Sonja Parr Mark Pierce Edward Pugh Jeremy Roper Michael Terrill Smith Gambrell & Russell Dawna Baker Diane Blackwell SouthStar Energy Aditya Malladi Sutherland Asbill & Brennan Anne Aderhold Pam Chiles Terri Hendley Teri Sulmers Troutman Sanders LLP Kathy Krystek Turner Broadcasting Alex Chen Andrea Cuartas Rory Mcnaughton Susan Miller Robert Protzman Hai Tran Janet Wade Woodruff Arts Center Jessica Lewis
Monthly Commuter Prize Winners Randomly selected to receive $25 Visa gift card based on # of logs submitted
Winners logging as part of Midtown General are listed below.
Midtown General Vincent Alfieri - Crestline Hotels Syretha Andrews - Seebaby, LLC Sabrina Bernstein - Southface Energy Institute Carol Boston - Leo A Daly Anna Branscomb - Gateway Development Services Linda Camp - Atlanta Center For Medical Research Andrew Clarke - Synaptic Knowledge Base Donna Coe - Oxford Industries Venkataramana Collooru - Accenture Malinda Daniel - Tim Roark Jay Denney - Earthlink Nick Diluzio - Newfields Anne Flinn - TalentQuest Avis Francis - Holland & Knight Carrie Gable - Stokes Lazarus & Carmichael Lindsey Garner - Triage Consulting Group Jenna Grygier - Southface Energy Institute George Harkness - Heery International Rick Jaegle - Regions Financial Corporation Spencer Jones - Nagravision Teah Jones - Robins Kaplan Miller & Ciresi Katina Jones-Gatewood - Ebix Inc Kathlin Kleem - Cantor Colburn Bradley Mason - Novare Group Shannon McGuire - ADAM Jacqueline Murdock - The Private Client Law Group Dustin Norton - Southface Energy Institute Soeren Olesen - Logicblox Vickie Raulin - Doffermyre Shields Justina Richards - Invesco Meryl Rose - Jewish Federation Of Greater Atlanta Scott Schade - Equifax Bruce Sheffer - Arthritis Foundation Gary Shepherd - GE Healthcare Ricky Thomas - Invesco Andrea Timpeiro - Talentuest Abigail Valdez - Georgias Own Credit Union Will Whatley - Working Buildings LLC