May 5, 2017 - Through the support of families at the Forest Hills Public Schools Foundation Annual. Gala, we were able t
Friday eNews
We think. We design. We create. We innovate.
We are #cwthinkers
May 5, 2017
Dear CW Families, Wow! Our 5th grade students had an incredible Thursday and Friday as they were able to experience a deeper learning of the body systems! Through the support of families at the Forest Hills Public Schools Foundation Annual Gala, we were able to once again have students learn about the body system through a shark dissection. Students were fascinated in seeing and touching organs they had been learning about in class. A special thanks to our volunteers who took part!
CW News • Our open PTO Board positions: Vice President - serve as PTO president during the 2018-2019 school year Co-Treasurer - responsible for outgoing financials Committee chair positions: Book Fair, Fall Party, School Store, Variety Show Contact Jessica Decker
[email protected] with questions
• 5th Grade Families: There is an Instrumental Music Meeting at 6:00 PM on Wednesday, May 17 in the CW Cafeteria. Fifth grade band and orchestra parent/guardians are highly recommended to attend the meeting. You will learn about obtaining an instrument and what to expect in 6th grade instrumental music. Choir families need not attend the meeting. Letters containing student's 6th grade music choice will be sent home with students at the beginning of May.
• 5th Grade Musical Info: The day of your 5th graders musical, they should come to school in long blue jeans and tennis shoes. Musical t shirts will be handed out that morning. They should return to the FAC at 6:40 that night in blue jeans, tennis shoes, and their musical t- shirts.
Tuesday: Smith, Black, Ten Eyck, Gillies Wednesday: Gootjes, Klomparens, Turcotte, Lillie, Bush, Lanning Families of 5th Grade Musical students: you're welcome to video the performance. CW will not be videoing either performance or selling dvds afterward.
Tweets of the Week Dr. Kaleb Rashad @kalebrashad CULTURE: Why Culture Is The Heart Of Organizational Innovation via @forbes http:// … #innovation #startup cc @drchagala#leadupchat
REMINDER: 6th GRADE FULL REHEARSAL IS SCHEDULED FOR THURSDAY, MAY 11 6th Grade students have a full music rehearsal with their ensemble on Thursday, May 11 from 2:30- 3:30 PM. Students are to bring their instruments, method book, and wire music stand from home to school. Cello and bass students are to bring their home instrument to school on Thursday, May 11. __________________ HALF DAY ON MAY 12TH! DISMISSAL AT 11:55 AM _____________________ 5th to 6th grade learning environment forms went home today! An electronic version is attached! Please complete and return to CW by May 15th!
CENTRAL WOODLANDS WEEKLY CALENDAR May 8 - 12, 2017 Monday, May 8 Tuesday, May 9 -Musical prac,ce: Black/Smith & Gillies/Ten Eyck, board buses @ 9:00 and return by 12:20, 6th lunch -View Musical @ FAC: Koenigsknecht/Maloney Homrich/Peneycad, board bus @ 10:30 and return by 11:45, 5th lunch -HIT Mtg, Cafeteria, 3:45 pm -Musical Performance, 7:00 pm, FAC, students arrive by 6:40 pm. Black/Smith & Gillies/Ten Eyck Wednesday, May 10 -Musical prac,ce: Bush/Lanning, Gootjes/Klomparens & Lillie/TurcoYe, board buses @ 9:00 and return by 12:20, 6th lunch -View Musical @ FAC: Elsholz/Jasperse, board bus @ 10:30 and return by 11:45, 5th lunch -Musical Performance, 7:00 pm, FAC, students arrive by 6:40 pm. Bush/Lanning, Gootjes/ Klomparens & Lill/TurcoYe Thursday, May 11 -Full Music Rehearsal, students need: instruments, music stand & music, 2:30-3:30 pm -6th Choir Concert, FAC, 7:00 pm Friday, May 12 Half-Day K-12 Students; CW on AM schedule/Teacher CollaboraLon in PM -PTO Execu,ve Board Mtg, 9:00 am
CENTRAL WOODLANDS LEARNING ENVIRONMENT REQUEST FOR (For families of this year’s 5th grade students)
When developing class rosters for the coming school year, we follow a well-defined process and consider many things, including a child’s learning style, academic needs, work habits, and personality. We also must address the heterogeneous make-up of classes, boy/girl ratios, and group dynamics. Our goal is to provide the best placement for every student. Your input is important in this process as you know your child the best. Please do not request specific teachers. However, if you want us to consider a specific learning environment for your child, please answer the questions below. This form should be submitted to the Central Woodlands Counseling office by Monday, May 15, 2017. Final placement decisions are made by the principal and counselors and will be shared in the team placement letter sent prior to the start of school. —————————————————————————————————————————— CENTRAL WOODLANDS LEARNING ENVIRONMENT REQUEST PLEASE RETURN BY MONDAY, MAY 15, 2017 Child’s Name_________________________________________________________________________ Current Teacher______________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name(s)_______________________________________________________________ Phone________________________________ Email__________________________________________ My child works best in a classroom that is: _________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ My child is motivated by: ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ My child’s strength is: _________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ My child needs the most help with: _______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ In the past, my child has done his/her best when: ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Other comments or concerns:_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE RETURN TO THE CENTRAL WOODLANDS COUNSELING OFFICE BY MONDAY, MAY 15, 2017
Kids have lots of great ideas. And we love ideas. That's why we have created this twoday day camp experience where students will solve real-world problems by developing empathy, working in teams, building solutions, and reflecting. They will learn how to give their ideas shape, voice and wings.
Light breakfast & lunch provided each day!
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Discover. Design. Collaborate. Create.
Problem Solving by Design Led by at team of local K -12 educators, students will work in small groups to collaboratively tackle problems that connect to both their lives and the world around them, answering questions like: How might we redesign our recess experience? How might we repurpose scrap material from a local manufacturer? How might we re-engineer a classroom to better meet our needs as students?