If you have questions please see your child's teacher. Character Trait. Award
Winners. Truth. Brenna Bair. Ella Bilbia. Makayla Bilbia. Evan Berry. Lauren
Volunteer Breakfast – May 19!
Patterson Page
3231 Grange Hall Road Holly, MI 48842 248-328-3700 www.has-k12.org Attendance: 248-328-3714
May 6, 2011 Issue 30
From Mr. I… It’s our turn to honor our many Volunteers! The students and staff at Patterson are very fortunate to have so many dedicated volunteers. Patterson would not be what it is today without you! IF we could mathematically count up the number of hours of service provided for our students if would be worth millions! But that’s not the nature of our volunteers. They are silent heroes! But now is the time for us to recognize you. If you volunteer for us at Patterson please, if you are able, attend a breakfast in your honor on May 19th, 7:45 am. Invitations will go out soon. __________________________________________________________________
Have a great weekend!
Mr. Inhulsen, Principal
[email protected]
Please limit microwave lunches to warm-ups! We can only warm up food for students up to one minute. There simply is not enough time for fully cooked meals during lunch.
M rs. M cDowell’s Class W ins ! Mrs. McDowell’s class won the Popsicle Contest for having the most members to Metro-Zone
Applause to: Volunteers of TEAM Patterson for hosting so many wonderful meals and goodies for the Patterson staff. We very much appreciate your generosity! You’re great!
Character Trait Award Winners
Volunteers Needed! We need volunteers for the Grade 3-5 Field Day at the Richter Campus. We need help running events and supervising water stations & restrooms. Plus we could use canopies to help shield students from the sun! Thank you!
Truth Brenna Bair Ella Bilbia Makayla Bilbia Evan Berry Lauren Burke Aiden Campbell Alek Carlson Nick Frost Josh Hockin Trevor Hoose Megan Longrie Jenae Martinnen Mason Masters Jack McIntosh Nevaeh Morgan Nick Parker Isabel Varela Dylan Wenstrand Anne Widdis Maggie Wilkerson
Please contact Mrs. Martin – PE Teacher!
Pizza Kits On sale now!
Mrs. Dannecker’s class is selling Little Caesar’s pizza, breadsticks, pretzels, cookie dough and more to support their “Hugs for Horses” therapeutic riding program. See Mrs. Dannecker or her students to order yours. Sale ends May 9th. Delivery is on May 17th from 2-5 pm.
Did you know… that progress reports and MEAP letters were sent home? If you have questions please see your child’s teacher.
Looking Ahead… 9 D is t r ic t
Art Show - KRC
Spanish Enrichment
Chip Sales
School Board Meeting
Holly Wears Hope Bracelets For Sale to support the American Red Cross SCAPE students are contributing to the American Red Cross by selling “Holly Wears Hope” bracelets before school and during lunch. Students brainstormed ways to help and coined the phrase. Bracelets cost $1.00 with profits going to the earthquake and tsunami victims of Japan.
TEAM Patterson meets on May 12th. 11
School Store
TEAM Patterson
4:00 – Here!
Reproductive Health 5 t h Grade
All Welcomed!
7 :0 0 – H ig h S c h o o l Last day for pizza kit orders.
Chip Sales
School Store
Patterson Night at DQ
indivisible W.O.W. - Wonderful Outstanding Words
4th Grade – Parent Meeting
Volunteer Breakfast 7:45
Lansing Trip – 6:00 pm.
Character Traits – Patriotism
20 Kindergarten at Upland Hills