May 16, 2013 ... ERB NU. US / NEWS. In the interest of those who need a reminder of some of the
important things of being an amateur, I want to concentrate on ...
ERB Gest./Est. 2012
Uitgawe/Issue 15
SARL ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING – 27 APRIL 2013 PROJECTS FOR NEXT YEAR ANNOUNCED BY SARL PRESIDENT The SARL President, Rassie Erasmus, ZS1YT, in his address at the annual dinner held last night, focused on the year ahead. He said that with the granting of two pilot licenses for propagation research, radio amateurs can make a valuable contribution on two fronts: to influence the South African delegation to support the World Radio Conference 15 agenda item 1.4 for a permanent secondary allocation on 5 MHz and to show the world that amateur radio is the most exciting of all technical hobbies. He said:"we have for the next 8 months two frequencies on 5 MHz to experiment with. We should grab this opportunity and show the world what we can achieve. What is particularly attractive about this 5 MHz pilot project is that just about everyone can become involved whether it is by just monitoring and reporting on reception of signals from various parts of the country, or becoming actively involved in designing and building antennas or even a small transmitter." In preparation for WRC15, the South African Government sets up an industry preparatory group of which the SARL will be part. This group reviews the position South Africa should take on the various agenda items at WRC15. Furthermore this group also interacts with the SADC countries and ultimately with the African Telecommunications Union. Our input can be very valuable in getting support at WRC15.
"We also have acquired a pilot license for 472 MHz ahead of the frequency being made available through publication of the National Table of frequencies later this year. Here there are many challenging opportunities for antenna projects." "Coupled with all these activities there is a growing interest in digital communication with many new developments in digital voice, weak signal communications by digital means, specialised software for amateurs radio, and cellphone applications for amateur radio, to mention a few of the interest areas. At our recently held strategy indaba councilors brain stormed various themes for the coming year and decided on "Amateur Radio embraces digital". This means that during the coming year we will look at what impact the digital world has on amateur radio and how this will attract the younger generation to or hobby. This however will not detract our focus from traditional amateur radio which will always remain our core activity but simply adding a further dimension". "I am sure that you will agree with me that the SARL is living up to its slogan "Amateur Radio the greatest of all scientific hobbies". It is our diversity that makes it the greatest. Don't stay behind. Come on board and enjoy the SARL journey".
The AGM accepted the financial report, approved the budget and agreed on a 7.5% increase in membership fees for the new financial year.
There was a fair amount of discussion on the motions. Motion 1 was amended to include that the clubs should have at least 10 SARL Members. The motion as amended as carried. Motion 2 was carried unanimously. Motion 3 was carried. In future council will consist of 10 members. Motion 4 was carried. As only 13 members were proposed for council, no election was held. The following were declared as councilors for the ensuing year: Rassie Erasmus, ZS1YT, Geoff Levey, ZS6GRL, Fritz Sutherland ZS6SF, Riaan Greeff ZS4PR, Hans van de Groenendaal, ZS6AKV, Laurie Devereux, ZS5DL, Fred Scheepers, ZS1FCS, Frik Wolff, ZS6FZ, Johann Marais, ZS1JM, Gideon Jannasch, ZS44GJA. After discussion it was decided to keep the SARL badge. The discussion to move the SARL News transmission to mid-week was discussed with mixed feelings. No change is currently contemplated. Johann Marais, ZS1JM, updated the meeting on the status of the SARL Antenna Defence initiative. He reported on the progress made. His presentation will be made available on the SARL Web during next week. ZS6AKV gave an update on the 5 MHz and 472 kHz project, The website giving all the details will be available from 1 May at or click on the link on
AWARD CEREMONY AT THE AGM. The ERB was awarded “The Club Participation Award (Branch Participant Trophy).” This award is annually given to the Club who achieves the highest participation in both annual HF CW and Phone Contests. Francois Reynecke ZS6FDX, the club’s QSL manager received the award on behalf of the club. Well done Francois and your DX team and thank you for making sure the ERB stays on top! Three members of the ERB also have won awards. Rohan Schreuder has won the ZS4BS Digital Trophy for the highest score on any one band, during the annual HF Digital Contest. Unfortunately he did not attend the ceremony and a photo could not be taken. Mitchel Mynhardt ZS6YH has won the Fred Mills Trophy. This trophy is for the highest score during the annual HF Phone/CW Contest and who has never won a SARL HF Contest Trophy before. Hampie Findt ZS6HJF has won the Hamnet Shield. The Hamnet Shield rewards an individual or group for excellent service in a particular area to the community, the authorities and to Hamnet in particular. Criteria include cooperation with disaster relief organisations and enthusiastic provision of emergency communications. The Shield is awarded by the National Director of Hamnet, normally based on nominations by the provincial directors. Congratulations to you all.
Rohan Schreuder ZS6RJS was awarded the ZS4BS Digital Trophy for the highest score on any one band during the annual HF Digital Contest.
From left to right: Francois ZS6FDX ; Hampie Findt ZS6HJF and Mitchel Mynhardt ZS6YH with the awards.
In the interest of those who need a reminder of some of the important things of being an amateur, I want to concentrate on the Radio Regulations in this edition as promised last month. Those of you who attended the RAE classes may still remember it, but for those who did not, the following may be helpful.
Conditions for issuing an amateur radio licence
Callsign Divisions
Only ICASA can issue licences. – Class A (ZS) and Class B (ZU). ZS requirements: – HAREC Certificate – Completed HF assessment – Complied with upgrade requirements – one of the following: • Qualifications • Completed a construction project • Gathered enough QSL cards • Completed the morse code test • Completed community service in Amateur Radio ZU requirements: – ZU RAE certificate – Completed HF assessment
Log Book Use of Amateur Radio stations Only to be used by the licence holder. licence holder may supervise exercises on the air for the purpose of training to nonlicenced students. May use other stations with permission. May be in possession of amateur radio equipment.
You must keep a logbook for all activities on HF. Details included: – Date. – Time (start and end). – Nature of each transmission. – Full name and address of the person making the transmission. – Callsign. – Transmit power used. – Frequency band used. – Address from where the transmission is made.
Communication by Amateur Radio stations May talk to other radio amateurs. Talk about: – Technical stuff. – Personal. – General interest. May not talk: – Business / commerce (financial gain). – Insulting, improper, obscene, blasphemous or threatening language. [G.5] Only in an emergency, may talk to any station necessary: – To prevent loss of life or limb. – Render assistance or call for assistance. – Convey health and welfare messages of the emergency. May practice emergency communications May provide communications at: – Sporting events. – General community service (in times of national interest). – Have to be a member of the SARL. – Use ordinary language. – Send signals related to the event.
You may not advertise on amateur radio. You may – Send messages during events that are in the public interest. – Transmit information bulletins of direct interest to amateurs. – Send morse code for reception by persons learning morse code. – Broadcast news bulletins and programs of general interest which relate to amateur radio, radio science and electronics. – Operate educational stations which demonstrate amateur radio to unlicenced people, and allow them to operate under supervision during special events and with other educational stations.
You may not advertise on amateur radio
Terms and Conditions The maximum power you can use is 26 dBW PEP (400 Watts PEP). – Refer to Regulations Under 50 MHz – maximum bandwidth = 10 KHz. TV Transmissions not broader than 6 MHz above 1 GHz. On shared bands you must not interfere with other stations. 50 – 430 MHz uses 25 KHz maximum deviation. Voice modulation below 30 MHz must not exceed 3 KHz.
Music Transmissions No entertainment may be transmitted on amateur radio. Maximum transmit time = 3 minutes. 5 minutes must elapse before you transmit music again. No names or titles of music may be mentioned. Music can only transmitted on: – 80 M – 6M – 2M – 70 CM – 23 CM
Spread Spectrum Communications You may employ Spread Spectrum communication only if granted special permission by ICASA.
Emergency Communications Where safety of life or limb is at stake. Communicate with any other stations. To prevent loss of life. To render assistance. To call for assistance. To convey health and welfare messages directly connected with the emergency. May practice emergency and event related communications. – Community Service
Television Transmissions On application you may be permitted to transmit TV if you hold a licence for more than 12 months. You must give your station callsign in morse or phone at the beginning and end of the transmission and once every 15 minutes during the transmission.
Teleprinter Working Teleprinter working employs an old digital mode. Data rates: – HF = 300 Baud. – VHF = 9600 Baud. The callsign must be given at the beginning and end of each transmission, and at least once every 15 minutes in between.
What you May Not do! An amateur radio station shall not transmit political, derogatory, racist, sexual, irreligious, improper, blasphemous, insulting, obscene or threatening remarks. An amateur radio station shall not advertise any goods, services or anything else, or transmit any news or messages on behalf of a third person.
What you May do! Reports on behalf of or by a third person during events that are in the opinion of the Authority in the public interest. Information bulletins that are of direct interest to amateurs; and morse code for reception by persons learning morse code operation or for improving their competence in morse code. Appointed and licenced amateur radio stations in the Republic of South Africa are permitted to broadcast news bulletins and programs of general interest which are of a general nature to further the amateur radio service, radio science and electronics generally. The Authority may allow stations registered as educational stations to demonstrate amateur radio to persons who do not hold an amateur radio licence by allowing them to speak and operate the station under the supervision of a licenced amateur participating in a special educational event or at educational institutions.
Restrictions with regards to transmissions An amateur station may not transmit damped wave emissions. A damped wave is an electromagnetic wave whose amplitude of oscillation decreases with time, eventually going to zero. This term also refers to an early method of radio transmission from spark gap transmitters, or other types of transmitters having characteristic decrement similar to spark transmitters, in which a carrier wave is switched on and off. This is generally referred to as "Class B" emission. Information is carried in the rhythm and spacing with which the signal is sent. Damped waves were used for a form of on-off keying (OOK). However, such transmitters were noisy and generated a wide emission bandwidth.
Frequency Measuring Equipment Every amateur or experimental radio station shall have frequency measuring equipment: – With an accuracy of a least 0,1 percent . – Unless the frequencies of all transmitters of the station are crystal controlled and are accurate to at least 0,1 percent.
Mobile Amateur Radio Station An amateur holding a Class A1, A2 or B licence may use a mobile amateur radio station within the boundaries of the Republic of South Africa. Use callsign followed by letter M, or say “Mobile”. When operating in another division, add the number of the division. EG: “ZS6XYZ Mobile Division 5”.
Miscellaneous Provisions The callsign shall be conspicuously displayed on the relevant radio set by the licencee. The callsign must be transmitted at least once during each separate transmission. Radio apparatus shall satisfy ICASA’s requirements at all times. Transmitters may not be capable of being tuned to frequencies other than those laid down for use by licencees. ICASA may require certain modifications to a station – At your own cost! The licencee shall be obliged to maintain all radio apparatus at a station technically in a good condition. The antenna system shall comply with the requirements of the relevant local authority. Indecent language and fraudulent transmissions over stations are prohibited.
Use of station for any purpose other than that of licence prohibited No person shall use radio apparatus for a purpose other than that for which the licence was issued, and neither shall radio apparatus be used in circumstances where ordinary telephone facilities can serve the purpose. No licencee shall make transmissions from a place outside the area for which he is licenced.
Use of station Only the licencee may use the station. No person shall transmit without sound reason the distress signal – “SOS” in morse code, or “Mayday” in voice. Licence not transferable. Period of validity of licence – 1 January - 31 December. Radio-communication between two or more fixed points prohibited. Connection with the public telephone system prohibited. May carry out the routine tests necessary for proper maintenance of the station. Notify ICASA of changed address within 14 Days. No person shall use or have in his possession any radio receiving apparatus with continuous tuning that can be tuned to bands above 30 MHz. On board ship: – Equipment may not be used for radiocommunication while the ship is berthed or anchored in a harbour. – Exception: VHF in maritime mobile band (not amateur radio)
May 2013 03 10 11 14 16 21 29
Francois Reyneke Glynn Chamberlain Priscilla Prinsloo Carel Venter Danny de Bont Hampie Findt Jan Hanekom
Mobile antenna world record?
As you all know, we are moving to a new clubhouse at Arrowe Park. We decided to have another raffle towards generating more funds for the building fund project and to give something back to the people at the club. So here is a chance to win a brand new WOUXUN UV-920P, This radio is Wouxon's first dual band rig, operating both 2 meters and 70 cm (440 MHz). Power output is selectable in 3 steps (2m: 5/25/50W, 70cm: 5/20/40W) and modulation can be switched between narrow-FM and regular-FM. It also has a detachable front panel and DTMFmicrophone. The tickets for the raffle is available from Marc – tel No: 083 454 2328. A ticket will cost you only R50 and it will give you a chance to win a radio that’s worth R3685-00. Tickets will only be sold to licensed radio hams and those who already wrote and passed the RAE recently in October 2012. Make sure you don’t miss out on this one.
EVERY SUNDAY MORNING AT 08:45 ON 7074 Mhz PLEASE JOIN US. Photo submitted by Francois ZS6FDX
ERB REPEATERS 145-675Mhz – (2m) 26° 15.9720'S / 28° 22.3560'E Permanent Linked
438.975Mhz – (70cm) 26° 29.333'S / 28° 20.848'E
RADIO AMATEUR EXAM 16 MAY 2013 To all our candidates who are writing the coming RAE, we want to wish you the best of luck. You are all going to do well and we hope to hear you on the air soon. Good luck!
Ham operator illustrating a variation of the technique. He is taking a few practice shots before attempting to lob a rope over a tree to install his dipole.
Rare illustration of the first man who perfected the Technique for lobbing a string over a tree. Ham radio operators are deeply indebted to him for his technological innovation ;-)
ERB News editor resigned I am sad to announce that this issue will be my last as editor of the ERB News/Nuus. I want to thank each and everyone who made this newsletter a huge success because without your contributions I would not have been able to put together this newsletter. Elize Findt ZS6ECF