... the U.S. Department of Transportation in cooperation with the Michigan Department of. Transportation and contributio
NOTICE OF MEETING TECHNICAL COMMITTEE DATE: May 7, 2014 TIME: 9:30 am PLACE: Patrick Barrie Conference Room, 705 N. Zeeb Road, Scio Township
Call to Order/Introductions
Approval of the Agenda
Approval of Minutes – March 5, 2014 Technical Committee Meeting (attached) – Action
Public Participation
5. 6.
Communications and Announcements Old Business
8. New Business A. WATS Future Land Use Analysis ‐ Information and Action
7. Agency/Interests Reports Ann Arbor DDA City of Ypsilanti Ypsilanti Township Washtenaw County City of Chelsea SEMCOG EMU FHWA Freight
Ann Arbor Township The Ride Ann Arbor Township City of Ann Arbor City of Saline Dexter Township WCRC Senior Non‐motorized
Pittsfield Township City of Milan MDOT Planning MDOT Region/TSC Village of Dexter U of M Environmental People with Disabilities
The Washtenaw Area Transportation Study (WATS) financed the preparation of this document through grants from the U.S. Department of Transportation in cooperation with the Michigan Department of Transportation and contributions from local government, public transit, and educational unit members of the Washtenaw Area Transportation Study. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the U. S. Department of Transportation.
TECHNICAL ADVISORY SUBCOMMITTEE MINUTES DATE: March 5, 2014 TIME: 9:30 a.m. PLACE: Patrick Barrie Conference Center, 705 N. Zeeb Rd. Members Present:
City of Chelsea ‐ Christine Linfield, Vice‐Chair TheRide – Chris White Dexter Township – Zach Michels MDOT University Region –Lynne Kirby FHWA Andy Pickard Ola Williams ‐ MDOT Planning City of Ann Arbor Engineering – Nick Hutchinson Non‐Motorized Representative – John Waterman Senior Representative – Ruth Ann Jamnick Washtenaw County Economic Development– Nathan Voght City of Saline – Gary Roubal Ypsilanti Township – Joe Lawson, 2nd Vice‐Chair Village of Dexter – Pat Droze City of Ypsilanti – Stan Kirton Eastern Michigan University – Dieter Otto Environmental Representative ‐ Heather Seyfarth University of Michigan – Steve Dolen Washtenaw County Road Commission – Sheryl Siddall Nonmotorized Representative‐ Norm Cox People with Disabilities ‐ Kathy Homan
Members Absent:
Ann Arbor DDA – Susan Pollay City of Milan – Robert Grostick Pittsfield Township – Vacant
Minutes of the Meeting Technical Advisory Committee March 5, 2014 Page 2 Senior Representative – Michealene Pawlak City of Ann Arbor Planning – Eli Cooper MDOT Planning – Chris Gulock Others Present:
WATS – Ryan Buck, Nick Sapkiewicz, John Mihaly, Mark Ferrall Environmental Alternate ‐ Dan Sommerville Chris Welch ‐ MDOT Planning
1. Call to Order/Introductions Vice Chair Linfield called the meeting to order at 9:32 am. 2. Public Participation No members of the public provided comment. 3. Approval of Minutes Mr. White made a motion to approve the minutes of the February 5, 2014 Technical Committee meeting. Mr. Williams supported the motion and the minutes were approved. 4. Communications and Announcements Mr. Buck reported that MDOT is making changes to accommodate the 2016 work on US‐23 that is being analyzed under the EA. He added that FHWA will deobligate the US‐23SB ramp acceleration projects at 6 Mile, Barker Road and M‐36 that were scheduled for 2014. He also said that the US‐23 NB ramp acceleration project at North Territorial, 6 Mile, 8, Mile and M‐36 will be moved from 2015 to 2016. Mr. Buck announced that the types of projects triggering ADA improvements are changing. He said that more project types will require ADA improvements, and an updated list will be available on MDOT’s website soon. 5. Old Business There was no old business. 6. New Business A. 2nd FY 2014‐2017 TIP Amendment Mr. Sapkiewicz reported that the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is the short range project programing document used to track project details and allocate funding. Mr. Sapkiewicz explained that amendments were submitted by TheRide, the City of Ann Arbor, MDOT, the City of Ypsilanti, WCRC and People’s Express. Of the 27 project amendments submitted, 18 amendments are project are additions, four are deletions, two are changes of scope and two are cost changes. Mr. Sapkiewicz explained that the TIP remains fiscally constrained and the the portion of projects benefiting the Environmental Justice population remain in balance. Mr. White noted that amendments submitted by TheRide include additional operating funds for maintenance, purchase of new buses spread over several years and improvements to paratransit service capital. Mr. White also explained that the changes only impact TheRide’s 4
Minutes of the Meeting Technical Advisory Committee March 5, 2014 Page 3 current level of service. Mr. Cox questioned the deletion of the Border to Border trail project from the TIP. Ms. Siddall explained that the amount that was in the TIP wouldn’t fund the project. Mr. Dolen asked if there was any updates to signal priority projects. Mr. White indicated there were none at this time. Mr. Williams made a motion to recommend the Policy Committee approve the amendments to the FY 2014 ‐ 2017 TIP. Mr. Otto supported and the motion passed. B. 2nd 2040 Long Range Plan Amendment Mr. Sapkiewicz reported that there was one new project submitted for amendment into the 2040 LRP from TheRide. Mr. Sapkiewicz explained that the the 2040 LRP remains fiscally constrained and that the benefits to Environmental Justice area remains in balance with the addition of the new project. Ms. Jamnick made a motion to recommend the Policy Committee approve the amendment to the 2040 LRP. Mr. Kirton supported and the motion passed. C. 2040 Long Range Plan and FY 2014‐2017 Transportation Improvement Program Modifications Mr. Sapkiewicz explained that Administrative Modifications to the TIP and 2040 LRP include small changes to cost, project limits and year and that such changes are administrative and provided to the Committee as information. Mr. Sapkiewicz noted that 41 Administrative Modifications were included in the Committee’s packet as information. 7. Agency Reports A. People with Disabilities Ms. Homan had nothing to report. B. WCRC Ms. Siddall reported that the construction began and that Feldkamp is closed for construction. Ms. Siddall explained that a preconstruction meeting for the Ann Arbor Saline project would be held on March 25 and that construction would begin on March 31. Ms. Siddall also reported that the Road Commission would be beginning work on the CMAQ signal timing project. Ms. Siddall reported that the Road Commission held a preconstruction meeting for Jackson and that the Austin project in Manchester is moving forward. Ms. Siddall added that the Safety project at Cherry Hill and Prospect is moving forward and that Grade Inspection is scheduled for the Road Commission’s Preventive Maintenance program. Lastly, she said the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) projects in Pittsfield and Ypsilanti Townships for the Grove path and Lohr‐Textile Greenway are moving forward. C. Environmental Representative Ms. Seyfarth reported that the bike‐share program is moving forward. 5
Minutes of the Meeting Technical Advisory Committee March 5, 2014 Page 4 D. Senior Representative Ms. Jamnick had nothing to report. E. Non‐Motorized Mr. Cox noted he was filling in for John Waterman as the non‐motorized representative. Mr. Cox reported that the Greenways Collaborative is working with MDOT to examine crash data regarding the percent of fatal crashes involving non‐motorized traffic, including societal costs and policy targets for non‐motorized investment in the transportation network. Mr. Cox also reported that the winter snow removal was a challenge and in some instances a barrier to non‐ motorized travel and the options are being explored to engage citizen reporting of non‐ compliance with snow removal ordinances. F. City of Ann Arbor Planning Mr. Hutchison reported, on behalf of Mr. Cooper, that a meeting for the Ann Arbor Station, Environmental Review is scheduled for April 2 from 4:30 ‐ 8:30 pm. G. City of Ann Arbor Engineering Mr. Hutchison reported that Ann Arbor’s construction season is slated to begin in April. H. Dexter Township Mr. Michels reported that the Carriage Hills subdivision is circulating a petition to fund a Special Assessment District. I. University of Michigan Mr. Dolen reported that many of the University contracts necessary for the bike‐share program have been signed and the project is moving forward. J. TheRide Mr. White reported that TheRide Board voted to put a millage on the May ballot for service improvements in Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, and Ypsilanti Township and continues to work with Pittsfield Township on a long term purchase of service agreement. Mr. White also reported that the Blake Transit Center will open to riders in March while concrete work for bus movements will continue into spring. K. MDOT Planning Mr. Williams reported that Long Range Plan training for Traffic Management Areas is coming up end of March. Ms. Welch reported that reimbursement requests for planning activities being processed currently. L. Chelsea Ms. Linfield reported that Chelsea is looking at opportunities for local road improvements and that more details would be available next month. M. Dexter 6
Minutes of the Meeting Technical Advisory Committee March 5, 2014 Page 5 Mr. Droze reported that the lettings for the Ann Arbor and Central Street reconstruction are in spring. N. EMU Mr. Otto had nothing to report. O. Federal Highway Mr. Picard reported that the current authorization is ending this year and that the legislature is discussing the matter presently. P. MDOT Region Ms. Kirby reported that MDOT is waiting for a start date for I‐94 BL/Huron and will be holding a public open house on the project in the near future. Ms. Kirby also noted that MDOT will soon begin the US‐23 Environmental Assessment process. Q. Saline Mr. Roubal reported that Saline will let its North Ann Arbor project in the April and that the Harris Street design process is moving forward. R. SEMCOG Mr. Tumidanski reported that SEMCOG has trainings coming up this month including TAP and placemaking. S. Ypsilanti Mr. Kirton reported the Ypsilanti is waiting for the Prospect Bridge project to be obligated. T. Ypsilanti Township Mr. Lawson had nothing to report. U. Office of Community and Economic Development Mr. Voght reported that the HUD grant for Reimagine Washtenaw is running out this year. Currently, ReImagine Washtenaw is is wrapping up the right‐of‐way study and working on planning and zoning updates with the four communities involved. Mr. Voght added the a CDBG grant will fund sidewalk gap filling along the corridor. V. Freight Ms. Burnside had nothing to report. 9. Adjournment Mr. Otto made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Jamnic supported the motion and the meeting adjourned at 10:05 am.
Technical Committee
Ryan Buck, Director
April 28
WATS Land Use Analysis
Background Through the development of the 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRP), WATS created three scenarios that reallocated growth between the urban, suburban and rural areas. WATS and its Policy Committee weighed these scenarios against the adopted goals of the Long Range Plan: ● ● ● ● ● ●
Safety and Security Accessibility and Mobility Invest Strategically Protect the Environment Engage the Public Link Transportation and Land Use
Along with the public and its committee members, WATS determined that the goals of the LRP were best served by a concentrated allocation of growth. However, the LRP itself is not sufficient to understand the relationships between the County’s land use and the transportation system. Future recommendations from WATS require a robust analysis of the current land uses of Washtenaw County’s communities, as well as an analysis of those communities’ long term vision for themselves.
Further, the 2040 Long Range Plan for Washtenaw County states: “WATS will continue to investigate the potential impacts of different land use patterns to help in identifying and refining regional priorities.” WATS is addressing this through a countywide inventory and analysis of current and future land use. To facilitate analysis, WATS created universal land use categories, which condensed 227 unique land use categories into 14 generalized land use categories. Condensing the land use categories creates a more manageable set of data to review with the public and will allow WATS to allocate forecasted growth to planned growth areas for a model run. This will allow WATS to compare the current trajectory, based on master plans, and the Urban Growth Scenario. The results of that analysis will be included in a larger performance measure evaluation that will provide feedback on how well the county is achieving the regional goals identified in the LRP. This evaluation will dovetail into an expanded data dashboard on the WATS website, fit into the USDOT performance based planning scheme and provide a basis for recurring analysis as part of future Long Range Plan developments. The proposed condensed land use categories are included below: ● Agricultural ● Commercial ● High Density Residential ● Medium Density Residential ● Low Density Residential ● Manufactured ● Industrial ● Institutional ● Mixed Use ● Office ● Open Space ● Preservation ● Recreation ● Special Use
Action Staff requests that the Technical Committee review the proposed generalized land use categories and recommend Policy Committee approve the categories for use in the WATS land use analysis. Staff also requests the Technical Committee review the future land use parcel based information for accuracy. To facilitate review, WATS will provide the parcel based information on the WATS website and will distribute community shapefiles upon requests.