30 Apr 2013 ... Geriatric Residency Acceptance Committee based on the following criteria: ... 3)
Clinical experience specific to geriatric physical therapy.
Mayo Clinic Hospital Geriatric Physical Therapy Residency Program Application Process Application Deadline: April 30, 2013 All applicants are evaluated by the Mayo Clinic Hospital Physical Therapy Geriatric Residency Acceptance Committee based on the following criteria: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)
Academic education, degrees obtained. Clinical education and mentoring experiences. Clinical experience specific to geriatric physical therapy. Research experience Community service. Letters of Reference.
Minimum Eligibility Requirements: 1) Current licensure as a Physical Therapist by the State of Arizona Board of Physical Therapy Examiners. 2) Compliance with Mayo Clinic’s Physical Therapy’s general employment requirements which may include a criminal background check and pre/post employment drug testing. 3) Member of APTA and member of the Section on Geriatrics.
Factors that weigh in to the committee’s decision: 1) Completion of an extended internship or externship under the direct clinical supervision of a Clinical Specialist in Geriatric Physical Therapy. 2) Demonstration of superior verbal and written communication skills. 3) Experience in data collection, analysis and publication. 4) Possess strong fundamentals in the principles of clinical reasoning and the application of age appropriate examination and treatment procedures.
Your cover letter should provide responses to the following questions: 1) Why are you pursuing a geriatric residency program? 2) What unique educational experience do you wish to gain through participation in this clinical residency program? 3) What do you see yourself doing after obtaining your geriatric residency? 4) What areas of expertise do you possess that you feel would contribute to the growth in clinical skills of the other participants in the residency? 5) Describe evidence of participation in research from your academic or clinical experience thus far. 6) Describe community service activities related to your professional development.
Please ensure that your Curriculum Vitae includes the following information: 1) Personal Information (name, address, e-mail, phone) 2) Academic Education (undergraduate/graduate institutions, degrees earned, dates of attendance, awards earned) 3) Clinical Education (clinical affiliations, continuing professional education) 4) Description of Clinical Experience: Please include the following information for each organization in which you have performed direct patient care: a) Name, address and phone number of the facility. b) Name of your clinical/direct supervisor. c) Type of facility, job title/description and dates of employment. d) Description of patient load and of any clinical supervision or mentoring. e) Amount of time involved in direct patient care using the following formula. Total hours = (# hrs/week) x (# of weeks/yr) x (# of full time years) 5) Professional presentations, posters and/or publications (peer reviewed and non peer reviewed) including citation (if applicable), dates, locations and events 6) Other relevant information such as APTA membership number and length of membership, research, teaching and/or community service experience.
Letters of Recommendation: Please give the attached letter of recommendation form to two individuals who would be willing to comment on your abilities. We strongly suggest that you include individuals who are able to comment on your academic and clinical abilities. Please list the names and address of the individuals to whom you have sent the request for letter of recommendation. 1. 2.
REQUEST FOR LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION 13400 E. Shea Blvd. Scottsdale, AZ 85259 Attention: Judy Cimochowski Education Coordinator
Applicant’s Name: To the Applicant: I understand that under provisions of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, I have access to my letters of recommendation. I expressly Do or Do Not (circle one) wish to waive my access to this letter. I understand that a waiver of access to my file is NOT required as condition for admission, receipt of financial aid or any other services or benefits. / Date
Applicant’s Signature
To the Evaluator: Please write a letter on your Professional Letterhead evaluating the applicant in comparison with his/her clinical and/or academic peers. Your letter should be an evaluation of the candidate’s overall potential for the Physical Therapy Profession or research community. If possible, include your knowledge of the applicant’s academic abilities, (e.g., comprehension, retention, abstract reasoning, perseverance, independence) communication skills, (e.g., written, verbal, interpersonal); and personal and professional development (e.g., self-concept, integrity, peer relationship, empathy). Please identify your relationship with the applicant Professor Research Advisor Clinical Supervisor Relative Friend/Colleague Other (please describe)_______________________________ Evaluator’s Name and Title Evaluators Signature
Facility/University (Area code) Telephone No./ Extension Please return this form and letter of recommendation in a sealed envelope to Mayo Clinic Hospital Physical Therapy Geriatric Residency Program. Please send to the mailing address above.